THE MORXJXG OKEGOXIAX, THCRSDAT, AUGUST 5, 1900. 17 i SUPPLY FALLS OFF Butter Market Shows creased Firmness. Irv DEMAND IS IMPROVING Neit Cliange in Prices Will Be an Advance More Active Trading in Grain Mar kel Foreign Hop Reports. The local butter market Is showing in creased firmness and It te evident that the rrent prices will not hold Ion The de mand for the past few daya haa been bet than at any time since the late advance, while nroduction la ateadllr diminishing. August la the Ubt month for butter out put, and while the aeaaon thla year la late, atlll a, alum Aecreeee In the make can be looked for. The course of local TaJoea la governed to a Urge extant at thla period by conditlona In other market and aa price on the Bound and ta California are advancing, the tenden er here must alao be upward. The Eaatern hnirt.r market, on the whole, haa been eteady thla week. The cheeae market continues firm. The swmW hare and en the Coast la moderate and the demand la fairly a-ctlre, E7TGUSH HOP CROP 110,00 CTTT. Low Estimate Gives ta Cable Becrtved by McClcllaa. SALEM. Or, Aug. 4. (Special.) Oscar O. McClellan. a local hop buyer, today re celved the following cablegram from a prom Inent London hop concern: ' 'Crop prospect a an f avora hi e. E n c 1 1 sh crop estimated 210.000 hundred weight." A woek ago yesterday. McClellan received a message from the same concern, to the . effect that the eroo would be 20.000. Last Friday a cable waa received atatlng pros pects were worse, but giving no est Ira at ea. Aa showing how the English grower are r"lng out of the hop business, the Hop (Jrowera Defense Association eatimatea the ai reare of hop land grubbed In the county of Kent Is the past two year a follows; In B132 acres; In lf09. 4026 acres. The association fljrurs thla reduction en tails a loea of $1,375,000. which would have l.een spent In tabor, picking and drying. London hop trade circulars, bearing datea of Jutv 19 10 23. say In part: Wild. Neame Co. There Is no Improve ment In the plantations, frequent fresh at-ia-k of fly, vermin atlll very troublesome and at this late period the situation U be- tominr critical and appearances point to a shnrt crop. There is no great demand at present, consumers are fairly well stocked and re not vet convinced of the probable ararcity. Continental reporte are no better and values have risen rapidly. Pacific Coast estimate about the same as last year. Manger Henley. The report! from moat districts continue gloomy, fresh fly In various quantities appears almost every ilsv and washing Is continuous. The Con tinental reports are the same as ours. Mar ket very firm but not many eager buyers. Exchange and Hop Warehouse There Is onstderably more business passing, several lta having been cleared off the market during the last few days, at prices slightly in excess of those realized last month, plan tation reports are very unfavorable, the much needed sunshine not having put In an appearance yet. Unless considerable Im provement in weather conditions takea place at once, prospects of even a moderate crop will be remote. Vermin U causing consid erable trouble. W H. and H- L May. There has) been some business done during the past week and prices have again hardened. All rousjd the reports from the plantations speak of the continuous attack of aphis blight. Mould is also troblhag In many gardens. OOLDE.VDALX WHEAT IS MOVING. Crop m That Sertlon Is Larger Thaa Was Estimated. OOLPENTALE. Wash., Aug. 8 (Spe cial.) Reports coming la from the harvest fields Indicate that the average yield of wheat In this section Is going to be above what had been estimated In the Center vine and Number Six districts the grain Is all harvested and as most of the fields were handled with a combined machine, the grain Is sacked and btng hauled to the warehouse. Most of the Pprlng Creek grain is cut with a header, and threshing will be be run there at once. Everyone 1 hoping that the handling of the crop by the railroad between here and Ly'.e will not Interfere with the twice-art ay train service which has pleased the peo ple ef Goldendale. but It would seem im possible for the train crew to handle freight on either run and keep up their schedule. The new engine with an oil burner has been a great Improvement in the road's equipment and the efforts of the trainmen to come up the canyon on time hare been successful. FAIR TRADE IX WHEAT MARKET. Not Much Doing la Oata or Barley. Re- cripts Are Llg-tit. Reports from the Interior wheat sections are of a fair amount of trading for this time of year. Offerings are getting better and the buyers find it easier to do busi ness. There waa no change In the prices quoted yesterday. There was not very much trading In either barley or oats and prices were steady. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows; Wheat Barley Floar Oate Hay Monday 7 11 Tuesday It Wednsday S 13 Wed da v year ago 1 1 Total last week. . 7 ALL RIVPQ OF EGGS ARE OFFERED. Bot Demand I Only for Freh Oregon Ranch Stock. There Is a very good demand for fresh ranch eggs now, but so many Eastern eggs and poor Oregon egfrs, probably taken from storage, are being offered that It keeps the market In a weakened condition. Brokers and others are trying hard to sell fresh Eastern eggs on this market, but the trade d"es not take readily to Eastern Summer stock. While poultry Is coming In frely now, the supply Is not 'excessive and prices hold to a steady bssis. A good supply of poul try Is looked for throughout the month. FBI' IT STOCKS CLEAN VP WELL. Good Peaches. Cantaloupes and Melons Are Firm. Receipts of fruit and vegetables were not heavy during business hours and good pro gress waa made in cleaning up supplies on hand. There were no material changes In prices. There was an active demand for good peaches, and cantaloupes and melons were quoted firm. Small fruits were In light supply. Most of the recent accumulation of tomatoes hss been worked off. Tbe potato market continues weak be cause of the large receipts of stock that Is not yet matured. Onions are steady. Decline in Unseed Oil. There was a T to 8-cent decline tn linseed air prices yesterday. The new list of the Portland Linseed Oil Works quotes raw. In barrel. at 3 rent and in caws at 6 centa; ; boiied. in barrels, at 65 tenta and in casea at 7. cents. . - ' j Bank Clearing- Clearing of The Northwestern cities yea- terday were as follows: Clear! rigs. Balances. Portland Srattle . Tacoma Spokane I.--.vj.:..-,5 .. . l.J7.lV4 " R-'il!. ;43." T.'.&ttl-OO iM.oiCOO ly.TlW.yO PORTLAT MARKETS. Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apples, new, $1 2 25 per box; pears. $1.75 per box; cherries, i 1:1c per pound; peaches, 4.c'T$l per box; : cantaloupes. $:iai0 per crate; plums, Sc 1 $1.22 per box; raspberries. S1V per crate: watermelons. 1 1 per pour.d; grapes. $1 to 1.75; blackberries, Sl.L'5j 1. wild black- j perries, b t 10c per pound; casabas. $2.6u per dozen. POTATOES Oregon. SI. 23 per sack; sweet potatoes, 4t413c per pound. SACK VfMETAHLES Turnips. $1 Q 1.25 per enck; carrots. H "1'j 1 .'-O; beets, ?1 00. TROPICAL FRUITS Vaienclas. $Z&& M; lemon, fancy, $$.011 7: choice. t.1S; grape fruit. $3 per box; bananHS, StfoVjC per lb.; pineapples. $2 ft 4 per dozen. ONIONS .New. $1 ZOtj 1.50 per sack. VEGETABLES HfJii?. 3-jS; cabbuue, 11 JUr p.r pound ; cauliflower, 7."c per dozen ; celery. l)f i- i 1 per dozen ; cucumbers. l"-ip 25c per dozen ; p(tpiant. 15SSMSC per lb ; onions. lli "u 15c pr d"zen; parsley, 3oC per dozen; peas, 7c per pound; peppers. lT.c per pound ; radishes, iric per dozen ; spinach. 5c per pound; squash, 6c; tomatoes, 60c a $125. Grain, Flour; Feed. Etc WHEAT Track prices: New crop, blue stem, $1; club; D.V; red Russian. l1c; Valley, 97c; Turkey red, i5c; 40-fold. 90c- FLOI K Patents. . $i 25 per barrel; straights. $5 30; exports, $4.70; Valley, $5 50; graham, $5.tJ0; whole wheat, quar ters, $5.50. BARLEY $2727 50 per ton. OATS Spot, $S0; September. $28.5029.50 per on. CORN Whole, $S; cracked. $2T per ton. MILLSTVFKS Bran, $-G per ton; mid dlings, $3S; shorts. 29'SZX; chop, 222; rolled bariev. $H2.&0 S.."0. HAT New crop: Timothy, Willamette Valley, $11! if 16 per ton; Eastern Onegon, $17 (filS; mixed. $15.50'(i lfi alfalfa, $13.60; clover, $11 n 13; cheat, $131. 50. GRAIN BAGS Oc each. Dairy and Conn try Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras, 30fec; fancy ou:slde creamery, 7S4l30I:c pr lb.; store, 21 5 22c; (Butter fat prices aver ago l?o per pound uuder regular butter prices. ) EGGS Oregon ranch, candled, 27 25c per dozen. POULTRY Herat. 14iSnftc. Springs, 14 8 I5c; roosters, 10c; ducks, young, 2fc fft lil'c; gee$e. young, 9tf 10c; turkeys, 20c; stilts Its, $ 1.75 n J per dozen. CHEESE Full cream twins. lH17o per pound: young Americas, 37HlSc. PORK Fancy. 1 1 tft 11 per pound. VEAL Extras, 9H10c per pound; ordi nary, 7 4f8c; heavy, 7c. Groceries, Dried Frnlls, Ete. DRIED FKU1T Apples, ac per lb.; peaches, 7"4Sc; prunes, Italians, 6i6l4c; prunes, French. 4 & 6c; currants, unwashed, cases, 9c; currants, washed, cases, 10c; tigs, white fancy, 60-lb. boxes, 6 fee; dates. SALMON Columbia Bivr, l-lb.. talis, $2 per dozen; 3-lb. tans, $..9j; 1-pound flats. $J.10H: Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, 90c; red, 1 -pouna tans, $1..; socKejrea, l- pound tails, $2. COFFE ii Mocha, 24 Q 29c; Java. ordi nary, 17 ii 20c; Costa k:ca, fancy, IS 3 20c; good, 16& 18c; ordinary, I2:y I91(lc par lb. NUTS Walnuts. 12t 13c per pound by sack; Frazil nuts, i,r ; ruber Is, 15c; pea nuts, 7c; almonds, 13&14c; chestnuts, Ital ian, lie: peanuts, raw, Bic: olnenuts, 10fl 12c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuts, 90c per aozrfl. SUGAR Granulated, S5.76; extra C, $5.35; golden O, $o.2o; fruit and berry sugar, $5.85-; Honolulu plantation, line grain. $6.i'i; cubes, (barrel. $ti.40; powdered (barrel), $6.10; Terms, on remittances within 15 days, de duct per pound ; if later than 15 days and within $0 days, deduct io per pound, Maple sueiar, 151c pcr pound. SALT Granulated. $13 per too, $1.90 per bale; half ground. 100s, $7-50 per ton; 60s, $8 per ton. BEANS Small white. 7Hc; larg-e white, OWc; Lima, 5c; bayou, 6c; red kidney, 4c; pink. ,Uc Hops. W00L Hides. Etc. HOPS 1909 contracts, 21ff22c per pound; 1908 crop, 16c; 10 7 crop, 12c; 1906 crop, 8c r,OOL Eastern ore con. mozao pe po'nJ; Valley, 2:i2oc. jlUhAin .wvmID per pound. CASCAKa BARK New, 60; old, 5c per pound. HiJJt-s ury nioea, mvnc pouna; ary kip, 15 d 16c pound; dry calfskin. lSQlbe skin, 14 d lac pound; green, 1c lens, pound; salted hides. 9ti 10c; salted calf- FLita ro. I sit ins ; Ansura goaL, i te $1.25: badger. 2ot00c; bear, $i&2U; bearer. ltl.oOi0a.OU; cue, wiiu, ucitf i.jy, cougar. rien neau u 11 u i:iun, ovju, uaner, ur. $7.50 11; pale. $4.t07; fox, cross. $0 to $5; fox, gray, OOifSOc; fox, red. $3tf5; fox. Silver, . 10 9 ivu , i.wia, a xivio, mtuiou, dark, $S12; mink. $3.30 if 5. AO; mukrat. 15 2.c; otter. uvvi; raccoon, 00 if 75c; ea otter, S:Uuo.iUt as 10 sue ana coior; skunks, 33w80c; civet, cat, 1015c; wolf. 3; coyote, 75c $1.2.; wolverine, dark. $35; wolverine, pais, $2 2. 60. Provisions, BACON Fancy, 25c per pound; standard. 21c; choice, 20c; English, ibfciac DRY SALT tURe-U Keguiar snort clears. dry salt. 14c; smoked, 10c; short clear DiacKS, neay urj, a-u. wuvl v v.vm backs, heavy dry salted. He; smoked, lac; Oregon exports dry sailed, lc; smoked, . .. HAMS 3 to iv ids., lie; 1 10 in iob.. 17c id to 2 lbs., l.c; hams, skinned, 17c; picnics, lc; cottage roll, 13c; boied hams. -V 6 - ac; boiled picnics, sue. LARD Kettle rendered, 10s, 16 c, 6a, lgc; standard pure: 10s. 16c; bs. ISHn; choice, 10s, 14 Vc; 6s, Hc compound, 10a. 9c, 5s, 9-ec. SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each. 60c : dried beef sets. 19c; dried beef out sides, 17c; dried beef lnsldes. 21c; dried beef knuckles. 20c. PICKLED GOODS Barrels.: Pigs feet, $13; :?gular tripe, $10: honeycomb tripe, $12; pigs' tongues, $19.50. PORTLAND IJVESTOTK MARKET. Price Quoted Locally on Cuttle, Sheep and Hogs. Livestock receipts were U?ht yesterday. The market was unchanged, so far as prices go. The better class of offerings moved well. Commission men look for only moderate offerings during the remainder of the sea son, as the havy shipments of cattle and sheep are about closed. Hog stocks in the country arc known to be light. Yesterday's receipts were 117 cattle. 254 sheep and 177 hogs. Local prices quoted yesterday were as fol lows: CATTLE Steers, top. $40; fair to good, $4 3 4.25; common. $3. 75 '4; cows, top, $3.50; fair to good, $33.5; common to me dium, $2.50 Oi 2-75 ; calves. tup, $5 & 5.50 ; heavy, $r.oOff 4; bulls and stags, $2-75 3.75; Spring lambs, $5.25 q 5.50. SHEEP Top wethers. $4.25; fair to good. $3.60(jj 3.75; ewes, c less oh all grades; yearlings, best. $4; fair to good, $3.50 $.75; Spring Iambs, $5.25 f? 5.50. HOG. Best. $9 'j. fair to good, $89 $.60; stockers, $ ii ; China fats, $5.75i7. Eastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO. Aug. 4 Cattle Receipts, es timated at 14.000. marker strong to shade higher; beve.s, $4.4Oy7.70; Texas steers. $4i 5 00; Wrs'.ern steers. tl 'iR; st.n kers and fee ders. $2 40 n 6 3i; cvam and heifers, $2'ip 0. 1 .; calves, $ .Y ,iO -vr 5 7.. Hogs Relpts esLimatrd at 13.000. mar ket T.c higher: lipht. $ 7. " 71'0; mixed. $7.00 'a 7.05; heavy. $7.20yS.'M; rough. S 7 20 ii 7.40; good tn choice heavy, f 7.40'i; pips. $A.70f 7.7."; bulk of sale. 57.."o 7.85. Sheep Receipts estimated at 12.000, mar ket stead v: native. $;;.0o'tf 6.0O; Western. $ tr 5.25: yearlings. $4,707); lambs, native. $4.50 ; 7.50; Western, 70 j 7.00. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 4. Cattle Receipts "loo; market. strong to 10c higher; native steers, $4. 507.25; native eoVs and heifers. $2.25fT7: sloikers and ff-eders. SS'tf 5 25; hulls. $34-2.: calves. $3. 50 6.75; Western steers, $4 25 & 6-25; Western cows, $2 75 4. 50. Hogs Receipts 6000 head, market strong; bulk of sales, $7.50'a 7.75; heavy. $7 70'-J S 10; packers and butchers. S7. 55'? 7.80; light. $7.3.". f 7.70; p'gs. $6.kV(j 7.25.- jn(.tpKceipts 5-.-10 head, market steady; muttons. $45; lambs, $5,506""; range weth ers. $350 3 25; range ewes. $3.253. OMAHA. Aug. 4 Cattle Receipts 8200 head; market string to 10c higher; Western steers, $3 50 5.50; Texas steers. $3 5? 5; mniTA row s and heifers, $2.751i 4. 55: c;n- ners. $2:iS; stockers ard feeders, $2.75 5 10; buils ana stags, s-j 4.1a; $: a T. Ho; Receipts 550 head : :roncer: hcavv. $7 407.65; mtxd, 7.53: light. $7.45;j7tU; pigs. $7.2o; calves. market 7.45if bulk of stiles. $7 6. s;beep Receipts 9SO0 h-ad. market 10c lower: lambs steady; yea rM 11 as. 4 75 5 35; wethers, $44 75; ewes. $37544.30; lambs, $66.40. Wool at St. Loplft. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 4- Wool Steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums. i3 Z6c; fin mil sua. 2125c; fine, 12 if 18c FEAR I REACT 10 Investors Warned of . Danger of High Stock Prices. BY COMMISSION HOUSES In Spite of This the Market Contin ues to Adrance Financial Showing by the Harrl man Lines. NEW TORK. Aujt. 4. The stock market has to contend with the growing conserva tism of stork commission bouses, which Is voiced In the warnings to customers of the high level of the market and the danger of reaction. The professional element acted on this prospect by putting out short sales and attempting to force the reaction. The success of this effort wae moderate and was counteracted by a rise at various new points. The immunity of the loan market from any Influence of the shifting tide of the currency movement makes a bulwark for the speculative position and encourages the holding of securities, many of which still pay materially higher Investment return than can be secured In the money market. The publication of the net earnings for June and for the fiscal year of the Harrl man lines was signalized by an advance in the price of Union Pacific. Union Pacific's revenue over expenses and taxes of $38,234, 914 for the year takes no account of the In come from Investments, which amounted to $10,019,002 for the preceding fiscal year, an atrgrecrate implying a safe margin over the S10.M8.TO0 required to pay last year's 10 per cent dividend. The Industrial specialties were the favor ites In today's show of strength. Reports of Increasing purchases of equipment by the railroads Imply Increased value for stocks In that group Their advance is a corollary also or tne long rise in 1 mtea tstates Bteei, the market price of which usually bears an approximate ratio to that of companies which use stenl In their production. A num ber of these have now risen to record prices In emulation of -the rise In United States Steel. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. .022.000. United States 4a. regis tered, declined per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. CIo,lng Low, Bid. 66 66 85 85 , 4 48 48 ik 84 Slt'J, 69 V. 60 "i 75 75 49 6O 36 87 16 16 67 6H-i I 98 99 116 115 130-i 130 142 142 101 101 37 38 411 49 118 118 104. 105 133 133 119 119 93 S3 32 80 Roi; 186 187 ,37 87 109 109 SOI 326 78 66 66 1 2 1H8! 189 ine 159 76 74 47 47 66 65 82 81 SO 80 142 143 24 24 194 185 60 60 85 85 ' 40 40 ST 38 66 66 44 46 171 171 153 163 78 80 155 165 16 16 49 49 89 SS 21 21 17 17 40 40 31 31 48 48 72 72 146 146 56 66 143 143 7.-. J.1 42 42 74 74 107 107 89 89 52 62 141 140 51 51 96 95 84 84 155 156 33 33 141 141 115 116 3 94 56 55 189 62 16o 162 35 35 IOC. 106 37 38 V, T5 76 54 64 27 28 j 66 C7 85 87, 135 135 32 82S 72 72T 381. ast, 35 35 61 81 70 70 2ol 2"1 103 IO.I 82 82 46 46 74 74 128 128 51 61 63 53 22 22 ' 67H 57H 4 5ii 85 75 fiti 04 7A4 57 Salee. High. Allls Chalmers pf 1.3"0 Amal Onpper .. 19,0oo fi.V, Am Agricultural... 8,4o0 484 Am Am Am 1 Am Am Am Am Am Am do Am Beet Sugar .. 8.&0O 4J4 Can pf 1.400 84 Car & Foun. 13.800 70 Cotton Oil.... 1.500 70 Hd & Lt pf. 6.7O0 M Ire Securt.... S.900 37 Linseed OHM 900 17 Locomotive 14,700 69 i Smelt A Ref.. 18.300 1O0 preferred ... 1,900 110 Suxar Ref..., 7X 131 Am Tel & Tel.... 8.60O 14.14 H Am Tobacco pf... Am Woolen Anaconda Mln Co. Atchison do preferred ... Atl Coae Line ... Bait A Ohio .. . do preferred . . . Bethlehem Steel ., Brook Rap Tran. Canadian Pacific... Central leather. .. do preferred , . . Central of N J. ... Ches & Ohio Chicago ft Alton. . Chicago Gt West. Chicago A N" W.. C, M & St Paul.. C. C, C 4 6t L... Colo Fuel A Iron.. Colo or Fouthera. . do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. Consolida ted Gaa . . Corn Product . . , Del c Hudeon.... D A R Grande ... do preferred . . ." Distillers' Securl.. Erie do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. General Biectric. .. Gt Northern pf. Gt Northern Ore.. Illinois Central .. Interborougb Met.. do preferred ... Inter Harvewtr .. Inter-Marine pt- . Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central K C Southern ... do preferred . . . Louie & Nashville Minn A St Louis.. M, 6t P 8 8 M. Missouri Pacific... Mo, Kan A Texaa do preferred ... 101 i 1.300 X 18.600 1,100 2f0 4.600 Veoo 3.400 S.800 10,700 BOO 400 50 11014 106 134 U9 fi I89H 37 , 110 308 600 200 1.200 l,MO 400 500 1. 100 100 200 14.500 2.S00 .100 6.500 9o0 S.800 14,400 2,300 900 1.900 6,000 81,000 7.000 7,700 16.700 60f 4 00 1.600 8.4O0 300 7.000 100 900 600 000 1.200 4.700 300 .300 3.400 67 2 19 7i 160 75-14 48 82 80 1454 254 61 1 81 M B K 172 1M4 SI i 156 4 sri 22 '4 1714 41 31 7i 4s; 72 14R Brt 144 76 4,1 74 lt-S S2 141 52 f.v. 85 IX. sax 142 110 04 K National Biscuit .. National Lead . . . Mcx Nat Ry 1st pf 100 X T Central 190,000 .V Y. Ont A Wt. 2.300 Norfolk A West., 1.600 6O0 6.400 900 IOO 1.900 600 6,000 North American... Northern Paclflo... Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's (ir .... P, C C St L. . .. Pressed Stpel Car. Pullman Pal Car. Ry htee! Spring.. Reading 13 TOO 12 36 107 3, 33 76 55 , 2PH 67 135 32 73 38 36 62 70 2ir 103 83 47 76 12 52 64 22 668- Republic Steel 3.300 3o preferred ... RfK-k Island Co. . do preferred St n s r J jt. St It Soutlhwsrtern do preferred ... Sto.iShefrield Southf-rn Pacific .. Southern Rallw.7. do preferred ... Tenn Copper .... Texa A Pacific... Tol. Bt L A West. do preferred ... Union Pacific .... do preferred ... t S Realty U S Rubber ..... U S Steel do preferred . . . Utah Copper Va-Cero Chnrtcal. "Wabsah do preferred ... We. 'em Md ..... 'etinehouM Eleo N'etern Union .... Wheel A L Erie.. 2.900 8.R0 2.300 000 6.700 1,(100 fiOO 81.RO0 2,600 600 5O0 1.700 2.S00 2,300 SB. 600 1,000 200 8.6I.O 88.700 6.400 4. POO 4.000 1,30 1.400 S.100 1O0 800 Wlsconeln Central. 57 Total sale, for the day. 625.700 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK, Aug. 4. Closing; quotations: U. S. ref. 2s rer.lO0M. T. 0. G. 3s. 92 do coupon. .. .100 N'orth Pacific 8s. 74 U. S. 3 reg 101 North Pacific 4s.l02 do coupon. ... 101 Union Pacific 4S.103 U. S. new 4s ref.116 Wis. Central a. 95 do coupon. ... 1191 Japanese 4s.... 86 D. R. a. 4s. 971 Bteek mt London, LONDON, Aug. 4. Consols for money, S4; do for account. 84 1-16. Amal Copper... 87, M., K. Tex. Anaconda 101;N. T. Central.. Atchison 121iNor. A Western do preferred. ,107j do preferred. Bait Ohio. .. 122 ,Ont. & western . 44 ,144 . 9S . 95 . 53 . 72 , 10 . 83 . 33 139 .a8 .107 . T6 .132 . 22 . 59 95 Can. raciflc. . . Ches 4 Ohio.. Chi. Gt. We.t. C. . M. 4 St. P. De Beers D. & R. G .193 Pennsylvania 80H Rand Mines Reading Southern Ry . . do preferred. 163 16-- 52. Southern Pac. 88 i Union Pacific do preferred Erie 38 do preferred. do 1st pref.. 57 U. S. Steel..., do 2d pref... 47 I do preferred. Grand Trunk .. 24 (Wabash 111. Central 1591 do preferred. Louis. 4 Nash. .150 iSpanlsh 4s . Money, Exehang-e. Etc. NEW TORK, Aug. 4. Prime mercantile paper closed at S4 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual busi ness in bankers- bHIs at J4 85 4.8520 for GO-riav bills, and at S4.87 for demand. Commercial bills. 4.S4 4.84 . Bar silver 60c. Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds weak, railroad bonds Irregular. V Money on call, easy, 102 per cent; rat ing rate. 1 per cent; closing bid and of fered at 1 per cent. Tims loans, strong; 60 days, 2 per cent; 90 days. 8 per cent: six month,, 8iff4 per cent. LONDON. Aug. 4. Bar silver steady at ISHd per ounce. Money 4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for hort bills Is ll,i per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three months- bills Is 1 T-16S lh per cent. 8 AN' FRANCISCO, Aug. 4. Sterling on London. 0 dam, S4.8rm : sterling on Lon don.' sight, 4. ST. Silver bars 53c; Mexican dollars. 45c; drafts, sight, 5c; drafts, tele graph, Hie. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON', Aug. 4. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds Gold coin, $S31, 726.869; sil ver dollars of 1;0, $4,162,000; silver dol lars, $4S7.325.0"0; silver certificates out standing. $487,325,000. General fund Standard silver dollars in general - fund, $4,878.02"; current liabilities. flS.U2.S27; working balance in treasury of fices. $:(7.912.t:i5; in banks to credit of treas ury of the United States. $41,170,492; minor coins, $2,410,818. Total balance in general fund, $108,611,918. Eastern Mining; Stocks. BOSTON, Aug. 4. Closing quotations: Adventure Allouez Amalgamated Arix. Commer. Atlantic Butte Coalition CrL & Aria. . . Cat. A Hecla. . Centennial Copper Range. Daly West .... Franklin (Montana C. A C. 20 . 4ti Nevada 24 . S.i :OM Dominion., r.7 . 50 Osceola 143 9 V Parrot 33 hi 251,Quincr f9 .105 tSha-nnon . . 164 .675 Tamarack 70 . 35 H United Copper... 9 . 8!i U. S. Mining... 54 . Sfc.U. S. Oil 84 . IS Utah 44 .103 v victoria, Ay, Granby Greene Cnana 104 Winona 6 Isle Rovale 20 j Wolverine lST. Mass Mining ... 8 North Butte 67H Michic an 10 CAXXEHS EXPECT FtXli OUTPUT OP RED FISH. California Cantaloupes Still Take the Place of Locals in the 6eattle Market. SEATTLE. Wsh.. Aui. 4. (Special.) In splta of the fact that Eastern Washington and Oregon cantaloupes are arriving here freely, the trade still sticks to the California stock, which Is quoted at 1 a crate lower than the state supply. Washington and Ore- gon fancy cantaloupes are quoted at $3 to 93.50. and California at 12.50. Watermelons moT. freely at 1 cents. Complaint ha, been made here by a Hon olulu shipping concern that Hawaiian pine apple, are Inspected too closely on the Coast and that fumigation, resorted to at receiv ing points while the packages are wet, dam ages much fruit. Washington potatoes have Just about driven California stocks from the market. Locals are going at 11 cents. Peaches were in moderate supply today at $1. Late shipments of cherries are heavy. Butter, eggs and cheese are all firm. At 31 cents, butter moved freely. The advance, however, had no noticeable effect on the demand for fresh local stock. Poultry was In much heavier supply to day, due to heavy shipments from Oregon. The demand was active, however, and the supply was quite well cleaned up tonight. Reports received from Alaska, are to the effeot that a maximum pack of red Alas ka aalmon will be packed this year. Pack era expect to fill all their cans. QUOTATIONS AT 8 AN FRANCISCO. Price Paid for Produce in the Bay City Markets. RAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. The following prices were quoted In the produce market to day: M.. Mlllstuffs ttran. ?B.0Vfff.v; miuuiinis f38.303T.50. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, 40f?85ci string beans. l03c; tomatoes, :oc; garlic, 315c; green peas. 7uc1.50; egg plant. tug ioc. Butter Firm. Fancy creamery, 23c; creamery seconds, 27c; fancy dairy, 26 o; dairy seconds, 24c. Poultry Roosters, old, 94.0030; young, 10; broilers, small, I2.50O3.5O; broilers. large, S3.50IS4; fryers, $S10; hens, 4 iOJr 10; ducks, old. sr.iyu: young, .uio. Eggs Store, 29c; fancy ranch, 32a. Cheese New, 1315c; young Amer icas, 16 16c. . Wool South Plains and ban joaquin, xzv 17c; Nevada, 1820c; Mountain, 63yl2c. Hay Wheat, X12'ali.oo; wneat ana oaie, .14 18.30; alfalfa, $K18; stock, $810; bar ley. $1013.5O; straw, per bale, 50oc. Fruits Apples, choloe, $1.50; common, 30c; bananas, ?6ciy $2.b0; limes, $5(5.6; lemons, choice, $4; commons, fl.So; pineapples, Il.5Ofi2.60. Hupa Contract. 19f8. 20c. Onlonji Yellow, 75'&90e. RecelptB Flour. 10,110 sacks; wheat, 660 centals; barley, 1355 centals; oats, 110 cen tals; beans, 68 sacks: potatoes, 5340 sacks; bran, 351 sacks; middlings, & sacks; hay, 586 tons; wool, 16 bales; hides, 1005. Metal Markets. NEW TORK, Aug. 4. The market for standard copper is active, sales 275 tona, October at 12.87 12.97c; 23 tons De cember, 13.10c. Standard spot closed 12.70 12T2c: August, 12.70l2.80c; September, 12.8612.87c; October, 12.92 12.97c: November, 1313.10c; December, 13.079 13.25c. The London market was lower, spot 58 13s 9d and futures at f59 12s 6d. Local dealers quote lake copper'at 13.12 13. 50c; electrolytic, 12.7513.12c; casting, 12.62 8 12.0c. The London tin market declined to 133 Ts 6d for spot and 134 17s 6d for futures. Locally the market was steady at 4.22 4.30c. Spelter was unchanged at 22 In London; firm and higher locally at 5.505.62c. The English Iron market was a shade lower at 4Us for Cleveland warrants. No change was reported In th. local market. Dairy Produce In th. East. CHICAGO, Aug. 4. Butter Easy; cream, cries, 2225c: dairies, 20iS2Jc Eggs Steady. Receipts, 92,600 case. Firsts, J2c: prime firsts, 23c. Cheese Strong. Daisies, 1516C! twins, 1414c: young Americas, 16 15c; long horns, I615c NEW TORK, Aug. 4." Butter Unsettled. Prooess firsts to specials, 21fe24c Cheese Steady. Eggs Firm. Western extra firsts, 24 15c; firsts, 2223c; seconds, l23c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK, Aug. 4. Evaporated apples quiet; spot unchanged at 89c; choice, 8to8o; prime, 77c; common to falr,5 c. Prunes In limited demand; range from 2 to lle for California and from 6c to 80 for Oregon fruit. Apricots quiet. Choice 10'?tl0c: extra choice. 104i10c; fancy. 11 13c. Peaches steady; choice. 66c; extra choice, 64&6c; fancy, 78c Raisins unchanged; looso Muscatel 3 4c; choice to fancy seeded. 4if?6c; seed less, 85c; London layers $1.16(1.20. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK, Aug. 4. Coffee futures dosed dull, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Bales 825.0 bags; August. 6.00c; October. 6.35c; May 5.35c. Spot coffee quiet; No. 7 Rio 77c: No. 4 Santos. 8 Sc. Mild coffee quiet: Cordova 912c. Sugar Raw firm; fair refining, 3.55c; cen trifugal, 96 test. 4.05c; molasses sugar. 8.27 6 3.30c. Refined steady; crushed,- o.65c; powdered, 5.55c; granulated, 4.93c. New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 4. Cotton closed quiat, two points lower. Middling uplands. 12.60c: do. Gulf, 12.65c. No sales. Cotton futures closed steady. August and September, 12.10c; October. 12.12c; Novem ber. 12.13c; December, 12.19o; January and February, 12.18c; March and April, 12.19c; May, 12.23c. Flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 4. Flax closed at $1.37. $89 00 Loaned on Land. " SALEM, Or.. Aug-. 4. (Special.) The State Land Board today approved loans aggregating fS9W. E Decline in Wheat Prices Is Unchecked. DECEMBER DROPS TO 99 1-8 Selling Is Heavy at Chicago on Pros pects of a Big Wheat Crop In the Northwest Buying for Export. CHICAGO, Aug. 4. Wheat sold below the dollar mark today for the first time in sev eral months, when December dropped to 99e on prospects of a big crop in the Northwest. Th. selling at first came main ly from bears who were backing their Judg ment of a bumper crop. At the decline, more wheat came out on exhausted margin, or from disgusted longs. Rosy prospects for the crou were recorded in messsges. Prob ably 1.000.000 bushels wer.. sold abroad and the cash demand from the seaboard was said tn he hrlsk. The story of the corn market was that of wheat over again with, the net losses greater, western house, were sellers of th. cash article here. Considerable tecemoer and May corn went to exporters against sales for shipment in December and later the East was said to be in need of corn for feeding purposes and a disposition to ouy at the decline was evinced. What buying in oats there was was chief ly on orders from snorts, wno nau mur cated todays level as the proper place to secure, their profits. The shortage in the hog run West steadied t. nrnvl.lnn market. Pork closed 2 12c lower; lard. 210 op. and ribs, 2c lower to 10c higher. The leadlnr futures ranged at follows: WHEAT. Open. $1.02 1.00 1.03 High. $1.02 1.00 1.015. Low. $1.00 .99 1.0S Close Sept Dec ilay... $1.01 1.00 1.03 CORN. .61 .62 Sept.., Dec. .. May... Sept. ., Dec. .. May.., .64 .53 .64 .63 .64 .61 .52 .64 .0. OATS. .36 .36 .37 .37 .39 .39 MESS PORK 20.35 20.40 16.45 16.45 LARD. .53 .85 .36 ,36 .37 .39 20.37 16.27 Sept. . Jan. . , 20.80 i6.:5 11.26 Sept. . Oct. .. 11.20 11.17 11.25 1L22 11.50 11.17 11.22 SHORT RIBS. 10.90 10.95 10.87 Sept. 10.95 Oct. . 10.62 10.62 10.55 10.62 Cash Quotations w3re as follows: Flour Steady. .--A Barley Fair to choice malting. 65(ff60c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1.3S; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.43181.45. Timothy seed $3.80. Clover $11.60. Pork Mess, per barrel, $20.37 e20.40. Lard Per 100 pounds, $11.25. Short ribs Sides tloosej. $10.S11.M. CiraXn t a tlst ICS : Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 136.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1. 155.000 busttels. compared with 1.- 1A4OO0 bushels the corresponding day year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 241 cars: corn. 128 cars; oats, 141 cars; hogs, 17,000 bead. Reeelnts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 29,600 86, i00 Wheat, bushels 611, 40 892.660 Corn, bushels 226.500 95,400 Oats, bushels 176.600 127,300 Rye. bushels 2,600 1.000 Barley, bushels 89,000 ,60 Grain and Produce at Mew Tork. NEW TORK. Aur. 4. Flour Receipts 19.463 barrels; exports, 6336 barrels. Mar ket dull and weak; Minnesota patents. $5.90 ?6.40: Winter straignts, fa.izKfoao new; Minnesota baker. $S.156.60 old; Winter extras. $4.505 new; Winter patents, $5.40 $5.76 new; Winter low grades, $4.404.90 new; Kansas straights, $6.166.26 new. Wheat Receipts. 14.400 bushels. Spot easy. No. 2 red new, $1.14 elevator; No. il red new $L14 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth old, $1.40 nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter new, $1.13 nominal f. o. b. afloat. Affected by excel lent Northwestern crop reports and a large Interior movement, wheat was more or less demoralized today and off fully c per bushel at one time, with heavy liquidation feature. It finally rallied on export ru mors of 112 loads and closed firm at to e net loss. September closed $1.10; De cember 1.08; May, $1.10. Hops Firm. Hides Firm: Bogota 22Q23o. Wool and petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 4. Wheat- Easy. Barley Weak. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $282.05; milling, $2.05. Barley Feed, $1.4081.42; fl.4S91.4TH. Oats Red, $1,806-1.90; white, bnewlng. nominal; black, nominal. Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.43. Corn Large yellow, $1.7&(31. 85. European Grain Market. LONDON, Aug. 4. Cargoes Dull and de pressed; no buyers. Walla Walla for ship ment at 41s 6d. English country markets were reported as quiet; French country markets slow. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 4. Wbeat Septem ber. 8s 4d; December. 7s 10 d. Weatrcer, On. Wheat at Seattle. SEATTLE, Aug. 4. Wheat No mllllng quotations. Export, bluestem, September, $1.01; club. 7c red, 7c. Receipts Wheat, 1 car; oats, 1 cars. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash., Aug 4. Wheat Blua sbem, September. $1.01; club, 97c; red, 97. FATE PURSUES ONE FAMILY Third Violent Death Occurs bjr Sui cide Near Castle Rock. CASTLE ROCK. Wash., Aug-. 4. (Special.) Jo Manna, a weli-known character in this community, com mitted suicide In a carghed of the Rea LogsTineT Company, near this city, last night. W. Warner, who Is running an engine at the camp, went out early this morning to fire up and made the grewaome find. Manna had taken a piece of small rope, which he had around his blan kets, climbed up on the cab of the engine, tied the rope to a beam over head and around his neck, and stepped off. He was hanging so close to the cab that he could have pulled himself back had he so desired. The dead man has a father, brother and other relatives in this vicinity. This is said to be the third violent death in the family within a few years. One was drowned in the Old England camp up .the Cowlitz, one killed in the England camp now Rea) while logging, and now the third has died by his own hand In the same vi cinity. To add to the sorrow of the aged father, a daughter died a. few months ago of consumption. Marriage license. . SCHALL-JONES Louis Schall, Jr, 42, Echo; Mrs. M. S. Jones. 34, city. GARDINER-HALL George F. Gardiner, 22, city; Eva Hill, 20, city. STARR-CLOE J. Lee Starr. 19, city; Goldlfl E. floe. IS. city. M'DONOUGH-NOBLE Louis C. McDon- i RDOLLARMAHK LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $500,000 OFFICERS. W. M. LADD, President. EDW. COOKINGHAM. V.-Prealdent W. H. DCNCKLET. Cashier. B. S. HOWARD, JR.. Asst Cashier. L. W. LADD, Ass't. Cashier. WALTER M. COOK, Ass't Cashier. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit We Issue Letters of Credit. Foreign Drafts, and Travelers Checks THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITUUTHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. i It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. t It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. I It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials, f It assures perfect satisfaction. r f BITULITHI0 INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. ;" WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. LOANS ON For Long Periods of Time Repayment may be arranged in instalments to best suit the operations of the borrower. LYON, GARY & COMPANY 408 Marquette Building CHICAGO, . ILLINOIS ough. 27. Seattle; Lellah B. Noble. 80, city. GJEDSTED-BROOKS Charles E. Gjeo- sted., over 21, city; Eva F. S. Brooks, over 18. city. TJT MATTEO-BUBGEIXI Dionlslo Matteo. -JS. city; Maria Bugselll. 26. city. CLEMENS-SMITH G. Clemens, over 21. Mllwaukle: Vera Smith, over 18, city. HODGES-CROW W. H. Hodees. 39. Spo kane, Wash.; Dorothea C. Crow. 34. city. RHENDE-JONES Joseph B. Rhende. 22, city; Elizabeth Pearl Jones. 21. city. VINCENT-WE 3TENHOITSE John Vin cent, 22, city: Adeline Westenhouse, 20. city. COOK-W1NTON Floyd B. Cook. 25. city; Bertha M. Winton. 25, city. l.TCHF.XS-WILBER Prank E. Lichens. over 21, Oak Bay, Colo.; Maude F. Wilber, over 13, city. DEEDON-THOKNTON Edwin Deedon. HARTMAJV & THOMPSON BANKERS CHAMBER OP COMMERCE issue travellers' checks, payable everywhere. For eign exchange bought and sold at attractive rates at all times. VnHmitti Persenol TRAVELERS' GUIDE. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BRIiAKWATEB leaves Peru land every Wediiesuuy. a . M., trom Alas worth dock. lor Nurin Head. Manbneid sad Coos Bay nolnts. Freight received till 4 P. M. en day of sailing. Passenger fare, flrst elass. 910: second-class. ST. Including berta and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Taira and Washington streets, er Alnjworth eleosL R)U .Main 24. DIRECTORS. EDWARD COOKINGHAM. HENRY L. CORBETT. WILLIAM M. LADD. CHARLES E. LADD, J. WESLET LADD, S. B. LINTHICUM. FREDERICK B. PRATT. THEODORE B. WILCOX. 24. St. , John: Genevieve Thornton, over IS, city. M' DANIEL-THOMAS F. A. McDantel, 24, city; Addle Thomas. 28, city. Wedding and visiting cards W. O. Smith Co.. Washington hldj?.. 4th and Waslv TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Jiamburg-Jkmerican. All Modern Safety Devices (Wireless. Kte.H London Paris Hamburg;. P. Gran (new) Aug. 4IClnclnnatUnew)Aug. 21 Kaleerln A. V..Aug. 7 Bluecher ......Aug. 25 Pennsylvania, Aug. llAmerlka Aug. 2ft P. Llneln(new) Aug. 18 Waldersee ' Sept. 1 "Kits Carlton a la carte Restaurant. ITALY via (Gibraltar, Naples and (jenoa.Calls Azores 8. S. HAMBVRG, 'Aug. 14, Kept. 30 8. S. MOLTKE. Sept. 8, Oct. 21 Tourist Debt, for Trips everywhere. Hamburg-American Line, 160 Powell St., tsan 1 ranciscu. and Local Agents, Portland. HONOLULU Beats Them All for sailing. urf- nd back $1 10, Firrt CIbm I boatinir. surf-board - i ' " - rioing. Keaoatninjf. swimming and aquatic sports; fish.nft. base ball, tennis, golf, automobiling. Most at tractive ipot on entire round the world tour. Five and one-half days from San Francisco by S.S. Alameda (wireless), sailing June 5. 26, July 17th. Aug. 7. etc. BOOK NOW and secure the best berths. Line to Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia S. S. Mariposa sailing: July l, Aujf. 6. etc. Tahiti & back $125. Wellington A back 260. O. S. S. Co.. 673 Market St., San Francisco NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct. The steamships Roa noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at i P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314. II. YOUNG, Agent SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. 8. CO, direct steamer and daylight sailing. Only From 8.S. From H.8. Atnswortb Dock, portlana, a. 4&, , State of California. Aug. 7. Kox City. Aug. II. 28, etc. Pier 40. San Francisco, 11 A It Ro City, Auc 7. I, eta , State of California, Aug. 14. J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent. Main I!8 Alnsworth Dock. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent, 141 Sd 84, Phone Mala 402. A 1402. M. J. V i