1 r.vn, WR SALE. WAr-n f BO AfRES In Clatsop County. 52 acres In cul:lvatlon. good even-nOTn house tnd barn. 5 bad of cows. 2 horsrs. 100 chicK ns. hors and all farm Implmfnu. good orchard, ninning urcam. Price joo. will trad for city property. Room 200 Chamber of Commerce EXCHANGE. 1 aerea. S acree of baverdam In cultl vat'on ajood 5-room houje, barn and out bulldinn. Price 1S00. To exchange lor city property. Room 20O Chamber of Commerce. ITNE 60 acrea of fruit land. 80 acre eoltl vated. acrea choice Winter apples: sola 1200 boxes last year: trade for property: IttuOO; snap- Louis BechteU Salem. Or. " . rOR SALE-Moving picture theater In Port land nnely equipped and maki ng big money: will brar full Investigation. Par ticulars 5'Jb1, Washington at. 1 HAVE 10 acrea good land In Hood Hirer Valley to exchange for automobile not over 1 year old W. S. Nourse. Pianola ; Department. Ellera Piano House. HOOMI.NG-HOU3E3 and real estate for emle and exchange everywhere; California ex Sang" a"'eclalty. Pacific Realty Co.. 30 Ewetiand blcig. ' MODERN 7-room house on East Belmont ,tr,,t. Price gTOO. To exchange lor farm property. 1 - Kr- nr Commerce. J WILL exchange 30 acres One land on Copia ; Creok. Walla Walla, for a business or , housp and lot in Portland. Owner. 615 1 - Hoard of Trade bldg: this la good. ! TArT lot to exchange for good team and wagon: will ie two lot. and take good cows also Ad a.-T. Oregonian .-ROOMED house: will take lot in St. John as part payment. iouos, ol. Gerllnger b'.Cg. ; VACANT lots to exchange for small -! proved farm or acreage. AO -. 0- goniao ,5 A.-RKS. near Hosier. Or to trad, for i small nous n i... -------- ference. Young. H2 Gerllnger bldg. EX-HANT,5-Hans or Rldpath-s hIBt. ' world f ir shotgun or typewriter. Hender- son. AMngtun. ! HARDWARE and launch supply stors to ' trade for ano-.her business or lots. Owner. I 13 Board of Trade bldg. I 6-ROOM coTtasc. full lot. exchange for .' rooming-house. N -2. Oregonian. I exi'H SfiE Equity city home for Omaha Tel. boada ; 2.Si. Oregonian. LOTS, Flrlar.il etalton. for two small bouses: pay casn u-.imx. r YOU can trade any kma of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. I i. A HES tide land to trade for Portland ' WII L trade new Smith Premier typewriter . -11r -HI fla lr t. lor tcnirui ,.. - 1 WE BUY or will trade 0 acres for Omaha Telephone bond?. 2"5 Weila-Kargo bldg. WANTED BF.AL ESTATE. WANTED Modern residence. Nob H1U dls trict, walking distance; or rooms; give full description, with lowest cash price. J CsS. Oregonian. VE have many people waiting to buy resl-ilen- e property; If yours l for sale, let us nell it f.T vwu; we can do it better and quicker than yourself. Poubn-RatclllTe Realty Co.. 320 Lumbermen's blag., 0th and 1? tar It. LIST your bargain In house and lota for auick results with rouu ft jones. Main 7"y. & Ablngu . Bids. WE pav cash for equltj. What property have you to offer T Sell your contract to ua; we have buyers. National Realty Trust Co.. 326 h Washington at. Vai'WT LOT E. 15th. 24th. Everett to Mnrrlson: 40 to 50x100; might use frac tional corner; must be bargain. R 28". Oregonian. WHAT have yru for snle In a residence for to $3C0? Cash buyers are waiting for to nult them. PouU u-Ratrlifte ReaJty Co.. 3 LumlJtrmen's bldg.. 3th and Stark. CHOIi'K homes and building lota our great est need; we can sell them. Columbia Trust Co. Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Two or thre acrea or bunch of vacant lots near car. Lang-Hill Land Co.. 41 Abington bldg.. 106H d st. Wl L.L pav rash for equity In one or two lots or Ave or six-room house, on East Side; must be cheap. H -67. Oregonian. 1 WANTED An east front lot In Holladay i Park or Irvlngton at a bargain. R 26. 1 Oregonian. WANTED Good house on Broadway, west of 24th; must be cheap. AO 83. Orego nian. WANT to buy one or two lota, have 130 cash; pay balance quarterly. N 23. Ore gonian. WANTED To buy 8 of -roora Tiouse. close In. E. Burwide. Addreae M Ore gonian. or phone E. 2;WO. GOOD vacant lot. close to Alberta earline. If cheao. H 2f. Oregonian FOR HALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREOOV. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACET CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. Chamber of Commerce. Portland. MaHALKM timber for eale; choice locaUoas, nar R. R. and logging stream; can aell single claim or bunch of 14, or I can lo cate you j homestead near earne R, R. Phone Main 3127. J. AI. Rader. -430 Couch street. JOHN DAT AND DEPCHCTES. Tellw pine; good bargaina ZIMMERMAN. 619-621 Board of Trade Bldg. WE are headquaxtera for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 3."1-S2 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6QU VTTER'S relinquishment In timber fe ale. Inquire at room 21 Russell bldg TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquish ments. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. I WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL buy from owner timber land In East ern tTetrnn. Pir-nie K 2S3, Orrgontaiii TIMBER lands wanted. C J. Mc Crack sn, so4 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Honr, Yefcldee and Ha ' 10 HEAD of horse weighing from 800 to 14S0 lbs., ages from 4 to 10 years; these horses must be sold at once; com and make us an offer. Madison -street Sale Stabtae. Front and Madison. t 10 TROTTER Beautiful bey mare, 6 yeara , 13 3 banL. 1 1. ,f n eate; safe for a lady to drive. Ha nee n. Country Club, ; How City Park. BAT MARE. 7 years old. weight IS 00, In fine condition, perfectly gentle for any one to handle; wUl aell very clwap. lSSta Madison. FOR SALE Livery and aale barn; 2 years' lease; In right location; on account of sick ness. 3X Albina ave. WANTED 10 work teams on grading work. t6 day team and driver; pay Saturdays. Phone Wood lawn 1021. 8 E. 2fith St., N. HORSES and mares tnr sale. Rose City Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M. 300- HORSEd. marea, rigs and harneas of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. LAR'5E TE AM, sound and true, weight 2S0. price JlftO. li.'- MadUon. HUBERT A HALL, SSO Front, bay, sell, rent harec-s. Tehiclea; low ratea on buslnesa rigai O'E driving or saddle pony- Phone Tabor 76X or East 1431. HANDSOME dark bay driving and saddle mare, phone A and Main 1223. ' WANTED Team for grading work. $9 per day 45 Lumbermen's bl'lijr. r w.N'TEL' Gentle horse, light work, good f rare and feed. Sandstrom. Hillsdale. Or. f fON'T. absolutely safe tor cblidren. 23. f l-ona 1 in. 36a Horsesi. Vehicle mod Harn esa. WHY buy a second-band vehicle when you can get a new one from an old established wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at almost the same cost 1 We are located outside the high rent district, own our building and can make the price. Exclu sive agents for the old reliable line or Michigan Buggy Company fine Tehiclea. delivery wagons, top bu galea, runabouts and farm wagona. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. Wade A Co.. 322 Hawthorne ave. be tween E. 1st and 2d sts. FOR SALE Strictly' high-grade driving team of bay geldings, weight about 1100 lbs. each; Just in their prime; also ball bearing surrey and light driving buggy. Call week days from 12 to 4 o'clock. Room 324 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 12 head of well-broke horses, age from 4 to 10 years; must be sold before next Tuesday; come and see them; no reasonable offer refused; these horses are all subject to trial. Call opposite Fulton postofnee. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams wltn goose neck furniture wagona to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purpose", day, week, or month, phonea East 72; B 1369. Haw thorne Stable. 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR 8 ALB or trade, fine young registered atallion. bet bred atalllon In Oregon; also fast trotting registered mare; prize winners wherever ahown; the- are ciassy individuals; I have no use for them. 6u3 Commercial block. TEAM wagon and harness 22b: horse weigh 2300. sound and true; good 3-in. wagon and heavy harness; Wheeler' out fit at 24S Front st. FOR SLK Sorrel horse, sound and gent.e. can step a-minute clip; top buggy and harness; any reasonable offer accepted Call atable. 5th and Montgomery. MRS. L. E. JUSTON offers for sale her team, carriage and harness, on account of leaving the city. For particulars call 115 N. L'r-lon ave. PAIR big bay mares, weight 240O lbs.; good pullers every way; set breaching harness, all complete; price 135. 606 Washington sireet. BEAUTIFUL bay gelding 4 years, 16 hands 1 Ibe. very fa-t trotter; safe for lady to drive, to' clow an eate. Hansen. Country Club, Rase City Park. SNAP $160 buys bay horse, weight 10V0 lbs.; rides or drives; new Studebaker rubber-tire runabout and harness, all com plete. Call t6 Washington street. FOR SALE Two span of draft horses. l.V0 and ltfuo lbs. ; young and sound, at 5v5 Albina. ave. KING RED colt. 3 years, atallion standard bred and registered; sale or exchange for real estate. 50 a Albina ave. FOR SALE l.'rOO-pound Clyde mare. 7 year o'd. sound: also 4-year-old bay filly, thor oughly broke; bargain. 214 Montgomery. 1S5 TAKES pair bay geldings, weight 2600. age S and 9. work single or double; will sell separate. 185 Madison. $i:!3 BUYS team and harness, team weighs lioo each; names is new. Stable llth and Washington st. $730 TAKES lady' or boy's stock saddle and bridle, good as new. 204 Montgomery st. Automobile. FREE GARAGE We have a number of customers for 5 paasengr. 4-cyl. cars at prices from $6O0 to $1"U0; list your car with us for quick sales; we have a Brtih runabout for $260. also a Ford. 3 tourists. 1 Bulck. 1 Pack ard, 1 Knox. 3 steamers. 1 Thomas 40, 1 Thomas 60 and 2 Franklins; al. bargaina Randall. 315 Oregonian bldg. ELECTRIC auto, cost $1S00; first-class con ditien; will sell for $1U00 cash or terms, or trade for real estate. Inquire Seng stake A Lyman, 90 Fifth st. Piano. BEAUTIFUL new $300 Burl, walnut piano at nearly half; owner leaving city. Ionian Court, 18th and Couch. Miscellaneous. PATENT for sale; I have a patent for the purpoee of navigating swift water; my in vention work from the bottom of the stream; it is attached to the bow of the -vewel; It save the time of running a line or cable to pull up over a rapid- For fur ther particular write to F. W. Ha ye a Cal pella. Mendocino Co.. Cal. BARGAIN HUNTERS. Here' your chance, 33 standard make sewing machines, al) In good order, from ?10 up; they must go quickly. White Sew -n Machine Store, 420 Washington st. FO R SALE In perfect condition. 1 Bab cock Stanhope; practically new. for lea than half it original price; can be seen at Portland Riding Academy, 22d and Johnson. TYPEWRITERS, all maksi, $20 to $60. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month, paciuc Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 203 2d st. FOR SALE today only, quantity shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting. 2-H. P. D.-C. motor. 7x11 Pearl rotary' printing press. 1414 First st. STEVENS MOVING PICTURE" EXCHANGE Film for rent, complete equipment for theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st. 6 A FES Fir and burglar proof, all size; second-hand safes and vault door cheap. Davis Safe it Lock Co.. 66 3d at. COME and ee the Hurley ratchet wrench, the greatest time-saving -device ever In troduced. 309 Board of Trade bldg. NEWMAN Moving Picture Exchange, rents moving picture machine. Alms, supplies, lowest price. 526 h Wash., near 17th. ERIE tandem steam road roller, ten-ton; flrt cUu condition: cost $3000; will eell for $2230. P S7. Oregonian, 60 GRADE Shropshire ewes, one cneap work horse and one Jersey bull. H. G. Stark weather. R. F. P.. MUwaukle. Or. FOR SALES Bert dry 4-ft. Or and oak wood ut lowest market prlcea Hoover, 813 Water St. Phone Main 7431. A 5445- FOR SALE Two good fresh cow a 1609. FOR SALE Cheap, almost new Trt Theeler A Wilson machine. Phone Main 5T92. HARDWARE tock. below Invoice. Address 632 First or phone Main 62:13. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and hoe; we also buy household furnishings; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 3d t North. Phone Main D27 TO buy or rent a donkey rraper for grading mad on side hills; send name of make and price to Vesper Lumber Company, Vesper, Or. MOTORS Bought, repaired and exchanged. WEI DENTH AL-GOLINICR ELEC. WKS-, 623 Mission St.. San Francisco. Cal. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get lea Phones A 2443, Main S931. EAST SIDE AUCTION JOBBERS. Wanted Id-hand furniture; pay high-eat prlca. 94 Grand ave. Eat 1061. B 3044. HIGHEST price paid for metals and rub ber. J. Lev. 1&6 Columbia st. M. 6199. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention alway given, phone East 1067. HELP W ANTED MALE. WANTED Flrst-claas window - trimmer, card-writer and advertiser; good alary. J. Hecht, Oregon HoteL NICHT CLERK wanted; must have refer encea Apply SI N. 6th. room i. WANTED Solicitor for Sin ta tori urn Dye Works. 634 Mlssiasippl ave. HIGH-CLASS salesman, big wage, perma nent. 216 Commercial Block. WANTED Advertising; and subscription man. People' Pre, 4 Grand ave. MEN'S coat maker; steady work. Apply J. M. Acheson, Acheson bldg. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Win Depot. P. Loratl. 164 2d. Main 5500. COOK wanted at Dolph Hotel; good wages. Call or write B. B. Barthrok. Dolph, Or. JEN oat of steady employment can earn 2.(M to $4 dally. Output Co., 11H 4th t. PHOTOGRAPH coupon agenta. beat winning offer; good money. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. BUTCHER to drive, take order or cut meat, AC One m lan. WE secure position Tor our member. Special membership, T. M- C. A WANTED Flrst-claas barber at Troutdale; none other need axuHy. J S Hudson. THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIA THTJKSDAT, 1 I ptt.p W.VTK-mlAlJ. I KEXF WiSIEO-reMAlB. WANTED AGEXTS. j TOR REST. A.V EXCELLENT OPPORTTJNITT for good salesman, experience not necessary; Rose burg Home Orchard tract. . . The demand for really good orcnara land was never so good as at present. Near Roseburg. in the wonderful Lmpqu Valley, we have some of the finest trim land in the world, with a truly ideal cli mate. Although tried and proven this section Is Just coming Into public notice and for a short time land may be had at exceptionally low prices and on very easy terms. . , . If you are willing to rustle we will do the rest. Please call In forenoon. W. C, HARDING LAND CO.. INC. Department B. Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED 4 millwrights. J3.50; 2 band re sawyers. $2.75 ; 2 cutoff sawyers. $2.o0 ana $-'.75 ; carriage riders. $2.25; 4 lumber pliers, $2.50; 3 boys to work In box fac tory, $1.75; 6 men to work In box. fac tory. $2.25 to $2.30; planer feeders and lumber graders, $2.25 up. Upright shinirle sawyer and 4 knot saw yers, union wages. Four sash and door stock cutters, $3; wood turner. $4; other sash and door fac tory work. Raftmen, $3; river men, $2.50 and board. Man and wife on stock ranch In Cen tral Oregon. $60; man and wife on fruit ranch. $."0 up. Six brickmasons. out of city, good wages. Large list of other work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 North Second St. SUBDIVISION SALESMEN If you can sell lots with graded, curbed and gravelled streets, cement sidewalks, sewer and water piped to the property line, gas and elec'ric light, telephone, streetcar line to the center of the tract, come and see me this morning. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. See L. M. Hickok- WANTED If lurk la against you and you want employment with reasonable pay and no heavy work, no agency, no rail road fare for you to pay; only those look ing for work need to answer this ad. Address J. H. Hawthorn, P. O. Box 343, San Francisco, CaL 10.000 POSITIONS for graduate last year; men and women to learn barber trade la eight weeks, help to secure positions; graduate earn from $15 to $23 weekly; expert Instructor; took free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of College. S3 North 4th t., Portland, Or. WANTED Porch post-turners for two new 3 and 4 lathe mills; either piece work or contract by thousand to run mill; machin ery and power furnished; state experience and price wanted. Address M. K. Bartlett, 534 Provident bldg.. Tacon a. Wash. LIBERAL salary with rent offered man with good reference acquainted in city and vi cinity, with $.100 caah as- part security for about $1003 stock, manage our branch in Portland. Dept. N. 414 Hartford bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED.. 300 men to attend my clearance sale; $22.50 suits on sale for $10; $35 suits on sale for $15. Come early. TRULY WARREN, the Sample Suit Man. Room 315. Oregonian Bldg. MEN for railway mail clerks, postofflce clerk, carriers. Internal revenue, etc. ; good salary and promotion with each po sition; we prepare you; examinations soon. Write Pacific States School. McKay bldg. REAL ESTATE man will take young man as partner to show land ; no experience necessary and verv little cash required; good chance for bright fellow. Particu lars National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 M Washington St., room 518. TEAMSTERS and wheelertmldera on railroad work; teamsters 52.25 a day. wheelerholders $2.75 a day. board ?3.25 a week; good stock and good board. Havden Bros.. Little Rock, Wash., 12 mile south of Olympia. WANTED House demonstritors to take orders for easy selling article; every woman wants It; big money for hustlers. Apply 204 Wells-Fargo bldg., 10 to U and 2 to 4. GROUND-FLOOR real estate man wants energetic young man to help him; ex perience unnecessary; small capital re quired. Call 242 Fifth and Main sts. Hurry. MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless telegraphy and engineering. R. R. and sta tion work; practical Instruction; largest pri vate station in the world. Send stamp for circular. Wireless Institute. San Fran claco. INSURANCE CANVASSING Four good hustling men for steady employment; you can earn ?3 to $5 daily; no books; this is an opportunity seldom advertised. Call 194 4th st. PLAVSRMAN edgerman. 2 tallymen, city, all good wages; 2 sets of fallers, 4 puck ers, rigging man and hundreds of other Jobs of all kinds. See our list. Canadian Employment Co.. 21 North Second st. WANTED Railway mall clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, examinations in Port land November IT; preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 238 D., Roches ter. N. Y. . ASSISTANT credit man and office manager for wholesale house; must be thorough accountant; state references. Address O 2S5, Oregonian. OFFICE BOY wanted for railroad general office; prefer boy about 17 with at least two years in high school. R 2&0. Orego nian. WANTED Neat young man with little money to show property and work In of fice; must be willing to learn. 122 Fifth St.. room G10. WANTED Men to learn watchmaking, en graving and optics; few months to learn; positions secured. S.. F. Watchmaking school, 325 Kearney St., San Francisco: LICENSED PHYSICIAN WANTED. In advertising office; permanent; good sal ary. N 2S7, Oregonian. SALESMEN Will pay 10 per cent commis sion to a few good salesmen to sell lots on new car f tine. Room 423 Lumber Ex change. LEARN to operate moving-pictures; oper ators make $30 weekly; learn business In short time: terms reasonable. Newman, 56i Wash. OFFICE WORK Young man; rauit ba quick at figures and good penman; state age. also phone number. N 281. Ore gonian. LIVE man to take Interest in wetl-estab-liphed business; experience not necessary. 802 Swell and bldg. WANTED Pick and shovel men. Sell wood sewer, lSth and Spokane, $2.60, 9 hours. Pacific Contracting Co. SALESMAN for wholesale grocery house; full of energy and hard worker. Address N 2S0, Oregonian. t energetic salesmen, city and country work, with book or specialty experience preferred. Call after 0 A. M. 331 Filed er bldg. REX3ISTERED drug clerk for 1 week's re lief, starting Aug. 6. Phone A 1159, Main 4557. WANTED A-l salesman at once with refer ence, best investment In Oregon and easy to sell. Apply 2fc North 6th st. SALESMEN Experienced, to handle on commission, staple easy selling line. F. W. Main. 78, low a City. Iowa. FIRST-CLASS pants maker wanted. Nlcoll, the Tailor. 108 3d. GOOD subscription man: good wages. Call ft to 10. Cook, $73 Yamhill. MATTRE4?SMAKETRS wanted. Apply Carman's Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur sts. FIRE insurance solicitor; good proposition. Equity Investment Co., 508 Gerllnger bldg. STICK ERM AN, flrst-claas man at 1230 Macadam street. HELP WANTD MALE OB FK MAUL HOW to make and apply gold and silver plating without a battery. Agents make big money, $1 each. Send money order. Mrs. Margerette Adams. Portland. Or., general delivery- W ANTED Performers, comedians, singers, musicians and all kinds of vaudeville and dramatic acta Call 526 Washington at. CH TROPODIST demonstrators and other demonstrators wanted. Address 431 75th st., Portland. Or. STUDIO Music. German. French. English literature. 452 Morrison. Main. 20W7. MONEY made by talking. See Rose at 325 Abington bldg. PANTRY work, experienced person. Beck er' Grill. 10th and Alder sta DISHWASHER wanted, room and board free. 347 Everett, Golden West Annex. FISK Teachers Agency belpj good teachers to better positions. Ma wetland bids. WE have a large list of work today for cooks, cook's helpers, waitresses, chamber maids, housekeepers, girls for general housework, etc, etc; good wages. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles Dept. 12 N. Second St. WANTED An Intelligent woman over -1 years for permanent office position; must be positively accurate at figures; no ea ographic work; city references re!red. Ap ply own hand, give references. Box .00, Gen. Delivery. LADY to take charge of very large altera tion department for ladies suits and gowns: must have first-class experience Snd understand the work thoroughly ; none other need apply. Answer G 270, Orego nian. COOKS, waitresses for city and Summer r aort. kitchen help; camp. $30: general housework, city and farm. $10 to-$3o, nurse girls, second girls, waitresses- tor confectionery. $30, wanted today at 336 Washington St.. room AX EXPERIENCED stenographer, familiar with billing and general office work; re ply In own handwriting, stating experience and salary expected; none but experienced stenographers need- reply. J 2S3, Orego nian. WORK FOR SALESWOMEN. 4 Saleslady in every town to takeraers for made-to-order petticoats; outfit free, write for particulars. Denver Skirt Suit Co., Denver. Colo WANTED House demonstrators to take orders for easy selling article; every woman wants it; big money for bust lers. Apply 204 Wells-Fargo bldg.. 10 to 11 and 2 to 4. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of two; good wages. Call afternoon. S:t2 Raleigh St.. cor. 25th. Phone Main S305. - HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $48 Washington st.. cor. 7tb. upstalra phone Main 2692. LADY can secure half Interest In established offlre on easy terms, experience not ne cessary. 302 Swetland bldg. WANTED Housekeeper for coJuntr3r' widower with family- Call S2 Wash ington -, room SOJ. SALESMEN, all linos, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, for citv and country. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted immediate ly for hotel at beach. Inquire Y. W . C. A., hours lO to 4 GIRL to do housework, small family, plain cooking; pleasant home. 174 East 15th. near Belmont, MRS. HOWE'S LADIE8 AGENCY. 226 Washington St.. Room SOT. Main 8836, or A 8266. HOUSEWORK and cooking, young lady to assist in general; good home, good wages; 2 in family; 5-room flat. 284 Park st. WANTED Refined, capable on-; t'lT sponsible position. Vlavf Co.. 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. MANICURING, halrdresslng and dermatol ogv. Ladies. I teach. Mr. M. H. Holmes, Specialist. 687 Wash. St. WANTKD A Ptrong. energetic woman as Janitres in office building; only clean sweep ers need apply. Address- Box 708. Gen. Del. HOUSEWORK Experienced gitl for general housework in apartment; good wages Mrs Overbeck, 6U North 23d st. Main 6157. 10 LADIES, at home, steady or evenings to stamp transfers; $1.50 dozen upward. Call room 224 Marquam bldg. EXPERIENCED woman to work In private boarding-house. For particular phone Tabor 411. BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly competent, for 60 to 00 days, with possible permanent employment. Apply Wadhams & Kerr Bros. WANTED Experienced finishers on custom pants; also hand button-hole makers on vesta. S3 5th St.. room 40l. YOUNG ladv stenographer, accustomed to tabulator. Smith Premier machine, to sub stitute for two weeks. Main or A 4440. WANTED Girl who 1 employed to ass tat In light housework, family two , for home. J 285. Oregonian. APPRENTICE girl for tailoring and dress making. 415 Alder St.; paid while learning. LIGHT work for second girl; good wages. Ap ply mornings, 7ttl Overton st. SOLICITOR wanted in dyeing and cleaning parlor. 565 i Williams ave. HOUSEWORK Girl; general; good wages. 691 E. Ash St. EXPERIENCED nurse girl. Call at Port land Hotel, room 350, morning. WAITRESS wanted. Stein's Restaurant, jtiGhi Stark. No Sunday work. SOLICITORS at $2 per day and commission. Call 9 to 5. 302 Commercial block. HAIRDRESSERS and wlgmakers. Grand Leader, 6th st. KITCHEN HELP Good girl to help in the kitchen. 386 East Burn side. EXPERIENCED girl, telephone order work. Andy Barnes" Market. HOUSEWORK Girl for general; no chil it IU' Innlv Tllfl knrnpv. aren, email - j HOUSEWORK girl for general; no children. 1S6 North 18th st. HOUSEWORK Girl; small family. 7S04 Kearney st. FARMER of 44 want housekeeper Imme diately. T 286, Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave and East Taylor. EXPERIENCED nurseglrl, care of two chil dren; references required. 742 Hoyt. COMPETENT lady stenographer wanted. 609 Lumber Exchange. WANTED First-class sleeve taker and helper girls. Teesdals. 606 Marquam bldg. BUTTON-HOLE makers; steady work. Ap ply Cloak & Suit Co.. Acheson bldg. GIRL for second work and assist with care of child. 674 Everett at. TAILORESS, as a helper. 401 Tourney bldg., 2d and Taylor. GIRL for small family at beach. Call 7ft4 Water st. FAMILY cooks, $35; second girls, $30. St. Louis, 245 H Wash. Main 2039. HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework in private family. Apply 229 Cherry st. WANTED Waitress at once; short hours, good pay. 227 Alder st, GIRL wanted to sew mattress ticks. Carmaa Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur sta COMPETE XT girl for general housework ; family of two; call mornings. 8 N. 2 1st st. WANTED Lady solicitor. "4 Grand ave. People's Press, COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 186 East 16th St., phone East 2007. HAIRDRESSER and manicure. Rosenthal Sis ter. 90 7th St.. Elks' Bldg. HOUSEWORK Girl for general; good cook; small family; good wages. 651 Hoyt. WAIST sales lady, experienced. Leader. JOURNEYMAN !ather. Phone East 6323. FATE? Never. Don 't you be lieve it. May be lack of oppor tunity, but even at that it s your own fault. If you read Oregonian "want" ads every morn ing you 11 soon find the opportunity. Failure to read them cannot be attributed to Fate, but to gross carelessness. AUGUST 5, 19Q9. GIRLS. 16 years of age And over, to work la bag factory- Apply at once. AME6 HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. 5th and Davis Sts. COOK for camp, man and wife. $T0; cook, boarding-house. $45: 2 waitresses out of city), $35; 2 waitress (coast). $25; pantry woman. $36; laundry girls, $2 day; second girl. $30. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 3434 Wash. St. SKIRT and waist helpers at 403 Jefferson st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk POSITION wanted by unregistered drug clerk; have had five years experience in wholesale and retail drug business; can furnish good recommendations. P -S'2, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED attorney want a position with some legal firm or a corporation. Address C. Johnston. 1159 Hawthorne ave. WA NTED Position as office clerk or as sistant in credit work by man of 35, ex perienced and with good references. H S1, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT High-grade office man, open for proposition, best references, in tegrity unquestioned. J 280. Oregonian. M iscellaneou. SOBER, hardworking young man, wants clerical position; good education and some experience; best references. Q 283. Ore gonian. TOUNG man wants position; can do house work, take care of horses, cows, garden, etc. ; understands English. French and German. K 286, Oregonian. I AM looking for work and must get it. as collector or driver, or anything else; know the city; no soliciting wanted. M 286, Oregonian. EASTERN young man wants position; can do housework, take care of horses, cows, garden, etc. Apply J. Melton, 329 Gllsan street. FIRST-CLASS chef cook wants position In town or out of town; Just arrived from East: will take position as man and wife; first-class references. G 28. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED CARPENTER AND builder, plumbing and heating; day or contract. A 1927. 684 Third st. TOUNG msn would like a position on a fruit ranch with a reliable party to leara the business. K 288, Oregonian. A TOUNG, Intelligent man wishes to get any light Job. six or seven hours daily, before or after noon. D 281. Oregonian. I DESIRE a situation as Janitor or any kind of work as porter. James Thomas, 335 Couch st. Phone Main 5669 WANTED Position as engineer; experi enced; 30 years as a machinist. Address T. L., 402 Clay st. Japanese Employment Co. Help uPP" 268 Everett st. Phone Main 4659. A 403. PORTER First-class In good barber shop J 387, Oregonien. OPERATOR, moving pictures, wants posi tion. E 280, Oregonlar.. WINDOW or house cleaning by experienced man; references. Main 3903. BAKER'S HELPER (Experienced) wants position. Donaldson, 21 V4 North Third. HOUSEWORK Good Japanese boy wishes position. K 2S0. Oregonian. BAKER all-around, wants situation. P 284. Oregonian. WANTED Drafting or calculations by ex perienced engineer. N 285, Oregonian. PAPERHANGER and painter wants work. Main 7101. SITUATION WANTED FEMALX. Bookkeeper and Stenographer. YOUNG lady wants clerical work from 9 to 4; experienced cashier, typewriter and of fice assistant; references. H 286, Ore gonian. YOUNG lady stenographer familiar with law work; high school education; moderate sal ary. N 286, Oregonian. LADY desires position, private exchange; ex perienced; best of reference. AG 280, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion. Phone Sellwood 725- YOUNG lady wishes position as stenographer or office girl. Phone Main 8446. STENOGRAPHER with some experience de sires position. Phone B 1705. CASHIER Young lady wants position in restaurant or theater. Phone Main 2451. Dressy sfcera. DRESSMAKING by day or at home. Miss Chisboim. vnone aiain., .-. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prlcea Mrs Angeles. 826 Wash. t.. room 216- DRESSMAK1NG and plain sewing by the NURSE with best references wants care of invalid at moderate terms. 104 East 68th St.. or AB 20, Oregonian. GRADUATE and practical nurses, city, country. St. Louis, 245 hi Wash. Main 2039. HOUSEWORK Japanese girt wants place. R 289, Oregonian. HOME for in val id. best care ; reasonable. Tabor 951. Miscellaneous. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, cham bermaids, nurses, second girls, laundresses. St. Louis, 245H Wash. Main 2039. A 4775. WOMAN wants work Friday and Satur dav; no half days; references. Woodiawn 161 1. LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered; fine sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities, P hone Tabor 1 S-'iO. W ANTED Position as housekeeper for small family, city or country. P 261. Ore " gonlan. NJ2AT girl want general housework or sec ond work, on Portland Heights. 658 Vaughn st. LADY want work by day or hour. Phone Q 6840. DAY WORK wanted by woman from the East. Main 4698. HOUSEKEEPER Swedish woman, boy 7. St. Louis. 245 Wash. Main 2039. COOK wants position; competent; no wash ing. $50. Phone B 2S46. WOMAN wants washing to take-heme. Mrs. Nelson. 554 Marshall St.. cor, of 17th. SCANDINAVIAN glr! want work by the day. Phone Main 8252. WANTED AGENTS, AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life A Trust Company; high -class men to sell life insur ance in Portland and in other cltle and towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho; former experience not necessary : splendid opportunities; first -class reference a to character required. Address the company home office, Lumber Exchange bldg., Port land, Or. WANTED Successful nursery aalearaen ; choice territory, big commission; good repu tation behind our good make sales easy. Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem. Oregon. MAKE $10 A DAY Agenta wanted every where to sell Hart well mail box. Write for branch office in your territory. Cres cent Mfg. Co., 712 L st., Sacramento. Cal. SALESMEN calling on the furnishing goods trade to carry a side line of popular priced men' neckwear. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 291 Stark at. PHOTO COUPON agents, splendid new offer. Rembrandt Studio, fr-S Abington bide. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursery stock; cash weekly; outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. CAREFUL couple, no family, want small, neat, furnished cottage, modern, close in. .-t std. for Summer. Phcne A 344- today or write 304- Montgomery at. MODERN HOUSE or flat of about rooms between 21st and 26th and Hoyt and Overton. Address, stating rent and loca tion, O 272, Oregonian. - WANTED Board and small room on ground floor, in private family, for an old gen tleman. Main 8607. TWO adults want well furnished, modern cottage, near earline, reasonable rent. R 288. Oregonian. WANTED at once on West Side. 6 to 8 -room fiat or houao; good place. Phone Main 4657s WANTED By October 1, house of 6 or rooms on West Side; must be modern; 2 in family. M 287. Oregonian. BY refined young lady, room and board with private family; must be quiet; Portland Heights preferred. B 289, Oregonian. LARGE room with alcove and board for man. wife and child of 10; price location and terms. O 270, Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL gentleman wishes to rent unfurnished room in private family. AN 270. Oregonian. FOUR or five-room cottage, also 2 or 8 roora, adjacent or on same lot, near Union ave. carlines. E 285, Oregonian. WANTED A house. 9 or 10 rooms, un furnished, between Park and 14th st., south of Yamhill. Phone Main 1840. A YOUNG married couple would like furnished housekeeping room in private family; state price and particulars. P 280, Oregonian. WANTED -Four or five furnished flat apart ments; state price. O 273. Oregonian. FURNISHED house or flat for couple; no children. O 271. Oregonian. WANTED By Aug. 18 4 or 5-room furnished house, close in. East Side. 85 X. 17th St. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnside. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS THE BARTON, 18th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $2.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and batns free. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington and 13th; beautiful rooms, single or en suite, or adjoining; free phone In each room, elegant parlor and lobby; weekly rates $3 up. Main 7196. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647- THE MERTARPER, 126 13th, cor. Wash ington, brand new handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water In all rooms; very reasonable terms. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main eta, fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the Plaza. PACIFIC HOTEL. 214 Columbia st; Summer rates; run ning water in all rooms; transient DOc to $1 day; one call means another. HOTEL IRVING. 812 OAK ST., COR. 6TH. -Just opened; new and elegantly fur nished; ail conveniences; rates reasonable. THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington sts., elegantly furnished single rooms, with all modern conveniences; only $10 and up. LOVELY front bay-window room, and others at $1.50 to 16 ; free phone, bath, lights, etc. 2 North 14th st. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2; $2 to $4 per week; nice yard and surround ings. Aster House, 7th and Madison. WILL rent reasonable, dining-room, with some boarders. Phone at once. East 4257. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th- Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE BRAE-SIDE 42tt Alder Modern, cen tral, $3, $4, $5 per week; transient. HOTEL MONARCH Modern convenience; transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. Furnished Booms In Private Family. FURNISHED ROOMS. A couple large, cheerful front rooms In a beautiful private home with every con venience; one 'block WTashington; one block "Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 69 N. 21st st. COZY furnished rooms, gas telephone, bath free; one complete housekeeping suite; raws exceptionally reasonable; 2 blocks from earline; 8 minutes' walk to Post office. 391 7th st. Telephone Main 1145. TWO elegantly furnished rooms, single or en suite, bath, phone, splendid view of river, walking distance. 294 Margin st., near Steel bridge. East 5110. FURNISHED front room suitable for one or two gentlemen in private family. In quire flat A, 549 Taylor st., or phone A 5504. 411 EAST PINE, near Grand ave., two neatly furnished rooms, $6 and $8 a month. Including bath and phone. 258 H 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; new house, every convenience; gentle men only. LARGE front alcove room, choice location, house modern, suitable for gentleman. 388 Salmon, bet. West Park and Tenth. FURNISHED room for gentleman: bath, five minutes walk of Portland Hotel; no other roomers; $20; reference-. Tel. M. 7329. ONE swell front room, refined family, suit able for one or two gentlemen. 304 16th. Main 6703. NEW and elegantly furnished rooms, price reasonable. Call after 10 o'clock. 264 2d st. ONE large housekeeping room, ground floor; $3 week: also nice suite, $4.50 week. 411 Fourth t. TWO large, unfurnished rooms for rent, $6 a month. 834 Mississippi ave. SMALL furnished rooms for boys or men, S3 month. Phone M. 3536. 406 Stark. 228 10TH ST. Newly furnished room with bath adjoining. $8 MONTH, fine large elean room, bath, nice location. 452 5th st. PLEASANT front room; every convenience; reasonable; walking distance. 861 10th. NEWLY furnished. modern conveniences, reasonable. Phone Main 7815. 624 Flanders. 309 5TH ST., large room, all conveniences. In private family, within 7 blocks of P. O. NEWLY furnished room in private family, close in, reasonable. Telephone Main 1576. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE nice, clean, unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, reasonable; no children. 287 Grant at., bet. 4th and 5th. Booms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing room and 11 brary, 510 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange. 133 10th at Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt. THE COLONIAL, 166 and 167 10th st. cor. ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason, able rates for transient guests. W car to and from depot passes the door. THE MANSION, central, beautiful grounds, elegantly furnished rooms, modern, board. Fifth and Jefferson. THE LINDELL, 269 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod ern, reasonable; nne wanting aisiance. ELEGANT rooms with excellent board; 1 - lr nnvariix 2fil 13th W. THE CALVARD Take W. ear at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097. THE MORRISON, 53$ Morrison; American giant room $10; -hoi an4 cold water. HOTEL SARGENT. Modem in every respect: steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water In every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meal a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. THE WEAVER, 710 Washington st., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, call and inspect ; dining-room In connection. HOTEL SARGENT. 1 very large light and airy llvi room. with alcove bedroom, partially furnished, or will furnish to suit parties; private tele phone, hot and cold water, electric lights, steam heat. Boom With Board in Private Family. LARGE, newly furnished front room with board, in private family, for one or two people; pleasant location: modern conven iences. Phone Main S280. NEWLY furnished room with board, bath, phone, use of piano. 191 11th. Phone Main 5963. LARGO, pleasant room and board very rea sonable; two or three permanent people, also table board. Phone Main 5564. FRONT room with board for two gentlemen, modern, close in. reasonable. 89 East bth. North. East 722. ROOMS with board. 149 15th St.. between Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 3412. WANTED Two young (tantieme to room and board. 821 West Park. FRONT room with board for 2; modern. 194 N. 17th. Main 4294. LARGE room, suitable for two. 368 12th W. THE RB-U-KAN. 624 Marshall Street. h -nt exclusive furnished apart ments in the city; 8 -room suite. PRI VATE BATHS and reception ball; both phones FREE In each apartment; electric elevator ; nice large verandas both front and back; large lawn and beautiful shade trees; low Summer ratea Take W oar to Marshall, go i diock HE1NZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Colombia. 4 blocks from Morrison at., nw brick building, completely first -clasa, furnished in 2. 3 nd 4-room family apartment; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, Cwn-pressed-eir cleaning. Janitor service, from $35 up month ; some unfurnished t oom look and be surprised. MADISON PARK apartments, Park and Madison Unfurnished apartments; hot and cold water, electrio elevator and Jani tor service; 5 minutes' walk from Portland Hotel. Phone Main 6566. STEPHENSON COTJRT. Northeast cor. 16th and Mill st-. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartment; hot water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main 0110. THE HANOVER, 166 King, near Washing ton modern 8 -room apartment t wall bed's, private porch; beet location In city. THE SOUTHAMPTON, 10th and Hall, one unfurnished new brio, heat, phone. Ap ply No. 6. Janitor THE MARLBOROUGH 8 and -room apart ment; 21t and Flandera, Nob Hill dis trict; every convenience. Main 7518. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders sts, 4-room. modern apartments. Inquire the janitor. NEW 6-room, steam-heated flat, modera conveniences; reasonable rent. W L. Mor gan, 603 Abington bldg. JEFFERSON IAN, modern 2 and 8 -room fur nished apartments, $20 up. 16th-Jefferson. Flat. $30 FOR rent to desirable tenant. 2 new. large, 6-room upper fiat. thoroughly modern, basement, attic, fireplace, gas stove and water heater, laundry tray, fine neighborhood, walking distance, 8 min ute car service, 94 H East 16th, Inquire 896 E. Yamhill. Phone B 2230. FOR RENT Elegant new flat. 6 large, light rooms, fancy finish, sleeping porch, large lawn (owner takes care), two fireplaces and furnace. Phone Main 3749. MODERN. 6-room. upper and lower fiat, near West Side High School, large at tin and sleeping porches. Inquire 175 16th. corner Yamhill. 657 TAYLOR, near 17th, six-room flat nice ly furnished, gas, electricity, instantan eous bath heat; no dogs; $45. Apply 655 Taylor st, NEW flat for rent. cor. 6th and Wasco, 8 blocks north of Holladay ave. Call Main 1505. W. Reidt, 401 Rothchlld bldg. 6 ROOMS, hot water, steam heat, handsome building, east front, walking distance. 805 11th. Main 1911. A 2720. TWO new 4-room flats. E- 22d and Stars Inquire 127 East 16th st, bet. Morrison and Alder; reasonable. THREE-ROOM modern unfurnished flat, all conveniences. Inquire 223 Market, Main 516. NEW 5-room flats, upper and lower, porch, fireplace, etc Call 441 lth st. BE .TJTIFULU 6-room modern flat. West Side. C. S. Wood. 411 Corbett bid-. 7 FOUR-ROOM flat. Apply HaversUo 4 oaiieger, -- -uuww - ""6 NEW 9 and 7-room flats, 10 minute walk from Postoffice. Call 434 Mill t- FLAT for rent. Inquire Graves & Co.. Ill 4th. Phone Main 1433. MODERN B-room flat; gas stove, water heater. 8 E. 12th North. East 5088. MODERN live-room flat. 23d and East Sal mon. Main 17 or A 1813. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733H Hoyt St. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278. MODERN 6-room flat; tint to suit tenants. 778 Kearney st; Key 712 Kearney. ATTRACTIVE, modern, three or four-room flat. Inquire afternoons, 233 Hall st. Housekeeping Booms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts Newly furnished for housekeeping, in cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up- slngla housekeeping rooms $250 week up- best In city for money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or ldth-st- cars north, get off at Marshall st. NICELY furnished and also unfurnished suites of housekeeping rooms, two, three or four rooms each ; very cheap ; $6 to $20 per month; baths, phones, light, airy, clean and new. "The Fairmont," 28th and Upshur streets. ONEONTA. 187 17th. near Yamhill; take W car at depot; furnished 2, 8 and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week $5.50, by month $20 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phones tree. Main 469 1. A 4. 89. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 631 H Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms ; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up- THE MERCEDES, corner of 20th and Wash ington sts.. 1 nicely furnished .2 -room housekeeping apartment; all modern con veniences, only $20. BEAUTIFUL place, newly furnished rooms with privilege of cooking; bath and phone. 624 Marshall st. Main 3851. 461 EAST MORISON, cor. East 8th. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms rea sonable. W VYNEWOOD, 109 N. 18th. nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms; modern con veniences. $1 25 week, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton St., U. car. THE MILNER. 350v Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all convenience. $1.50 week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 184 Sherman. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, com pletely furnished, bath, phone. 191 4th st. Housekeeping Room in Private Family. SUITE of 4 rooms, first floor; single rooms 6 up. 292 10th. LARGE, we 11 -furnished housekeeping- rooms, very reasonable. 01 Vx First, near Stark. THREE nice unfurnished rooms; rent $16. Main 3787. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, within walking dis tance. 34 East 13th St.. North. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping; n room. o-o rui. ""i uu. TWO furnished housekeeping room; od ra; no children. 242 14th,