T THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 2. 1909. m X XI JuJ XA -F A. , X VJ v.m..w"-'--j'T - " - ' li ' " " Portland Asents for "Nemo" Corsets, Bntterick Patterns. Mme. Irene Corsets, Gossard Lace Front Corsets, EsteBe Corsets, Etc., Etc. & 1 " ' 1 "' iii i j The" Meier (Sb Frank Store's Sale of Women's G .asust '(Lieanu aftd Misses' Suits $8.50 Values'at $4.85 $16.50 Suits at $6.45 Great clean-up of women's and misses' linen and rep Suits plain tailored styles, with long coats and plain gored skirts come in tan, white, green, rose, light and dark blue; OC all sizes; regular $8.50 values, on sale at, the suit V Special line of misses' and junior Suits in linen and cotton rep plain tailored styles, also fancy coats, norfolk styles and fancy collars; pleated and gored skirts; all the ?g AC best colors; values up to $16.50 each, on sale JtV"' ' $20 Tailored Suits at $ 9.85 $30 Tailored Suits at$13.65 $50 Tailored Suits at $24.50 Final reductions on women's and misses' Tailored Suits, in serges, panama cloths, tweeds and fancy worsteds; long and medium length coats ; plain and fancy tailored styles ; -two and three-button cutaway coats, trimmed in buttons, fancy braid and lace; navy blue, black, rose, tans, greens and fancy mixtures and checks, in splendid variety. The greatest suit values you ever shared in, on sale at the following special low prices: $20.00 Snita at, ea.. $9.85 $45.00 Suits, at, ea., $22.45 $30.00 Suits, at, ea., 13.65 $50.00 Suits, at, ea., $24.50 $38.00 Suits, at, e., $17.45 Cloak Department, 2d floor. Our entire stock of Summer Coats and Separate Skirts on sale at very low prices. All our Wash Apparel at Veduced prices. Expansion Sale in All Depts. reat Aran 60c Table Damask at 39c Yard 75c Table Damask at 60c Yard i . Thousands and thousands of yards" Table Damasks in all grades on sale at extraordinary low prices. Best patterns in large as sortment. Take advantage. On sale at the following prices: 66-inch silver bleached Damask, regular 60c value, yard..39 63-inch mercerized satin Damask, regular 75c value, yard. .60 72-inch double satin Damask, regular $1.50 value, yard.. $1.29 72-inch double satin Damask, regular $1.75 value, yard. .$1.39 Sale of Napkins at Low Prices Satin damask Kapkins of superior quality and best pattern, on sale at the following very special prices let us show you: 200 dozen 24-inch Xapkins. best patterns; best regu- ffO lar $4.50 values, on sale at this low price, per dozen PJ 300 dozen 22-inch Napkins, in the best patterns; reg- flJO Cf) ular $3.00 values, on sale at, special, the dozen V""-'" 5-8 Napkins, regular-$7.00 values, on sale at, the dozen. .$5.00 3-4 Napkins, regular $10 values, on sale at, the dozen. .$7. UU Women's 3-Piece Suits $55 Values at $24.50 $65 Values at $38.50 Sweeping reductions on our entire stock of fine silk and wool three-piece Suits. The dresses have net yokes and self material or net sleeves; long coats, trimmed in fancy braid, lace and but-, tons to match the dress; lavender, rose, green, tan, wistaria, brown, navy and black. All new, exclusive styles, in pleasing assortment; two lots, all sizes; matchless values. See them. Three-piece Silk Suits, values to $65.00, on sale for $38.50 Three-piece Wool Suits, values to $55.00, on sale for $24.50 Great August Sale "E. & W." "Manhattan," "Cluett," "Star" Shirts at Greatly Reduced Prices Commencing today, and continuing through the month, our great annual midsummer clearance-sale of men's high-grade Shirts. The sale includes our entire stock of the celebrated E. & W. Shirts, Manhattan Shirts, Cluett Shirts, Star Shirts all in addition to our own high-grade lines. Plain and pleated bosoms, cuffs attached or detached. The season's best patterns and colorings; all sizes and sleeve lengths; marvelous, values: $1.50 Shirts, at, each!$lj.5r:L$3:00Shirts, at, each, $1.95 $2i00Shirts, at, each, $1.35 $3.50 Shirts, at, each, $1.95 $2.50 Shirts, at, each, $1.75 $5.00 Shirts, at, each, $3.25 See the big Morrison-street window display of these Shirts. $12.50 Dress Waists at $4.55 Great August clean-up of women's fine Dress AVaists in lace, net, chiffon and messaline satins ; fancy yokes of fine and coarse laces, medallions, silk braid, satin-trimmed, narrow and wide i-ir. nwhpt unrl Kilk buttons: white, cream, ecru, rose. green, brown, gray, wistaria, black, etc.; regular vfel- l CC ues up to $12.50 each, on sale, at this low price, each $5.00 "Nemo". Corsets $3.39 S3.50 Petticoats at $1.98 Each - Great August clean-up of "Nemo" and "Estelle" Corsets self-reducing and other desirable long, medium and Qk short- hip models; all sizes; regular $5 values, pair V'' Special lot of 500 women's white cambric Petticoats, trimmed in lace, embroidery, tucks, insertion; some are slightly " QQ soiled from handling; $3.00 and $3.50 values, each Women's short white cambric Underskirts, trimmed in lace and tueks, also with plain hemstitched ruffles; the best reg- CQC ular $1.00 values, on sale at this special low price, each v $3.50 Curtains at $2.45 a Pair $4.50 Curtains at $2.95 a Pair $7.50 Curtains at $4.85 a Pair 1000 pairs of Cable Net Lace Curtains, white or ecru; inserting or flush- edge effects ; borders and insertings woven into very heavy cable nets; 3 yards long, 50 inches wide; .fcO 45 regular $3.50 values, on sale at this low price, pair Three great values in linen Scrim Curtains, with colored borders and insertings; exceptional values, at the following low prices: Lot 1 Ecru linen Scrim Curtains with tambour border, in red, green, brown, blue, yellow; 3 yards long and 40 ins. CJO 35 wide; regular $3.50 values, on sale at, special, pair Lot 2 $4.50 quality linen Scrim Curtains, with CO 95 heavy borders; full size; great values, on sale at, pr. Lot 3 Extra quality Scrim Curtains, with drawnwork borde re and colored empire wreaths; regular $7.50 values, pair. .$4.fcp Ecru linen Scrim Curtains, with borders, hand-tinted in oil; exquisite styles; great special values, at the following low prices: $10.00 values, at, pair, $625II$14.50 valnes, at, pair, $8.25 $13.50 values, at, pair, $7.35 $18.00 values, at, pair. $9.85 25c Handkerchiefs at 15c Each 300 dozen women's colored border Handkerchiefs hemstitched, crossbar and colored embroidery Handkerchiefs; the 1 C, best 25c values buy all you want of them at, special, ea. Broken lots ot colored, nemsutcnea sou luium jq kerchiefs; 35c and 40c values, at this low price, each' $2.00 Embroideries 69c Yard 45c Embroideries at 15c Yard $2.50 Allovers at 98c Per Yard 3000 yards of swiss Embroidery Edges, Flouncing, Galoons and Insertions; English evelet, imitation baby Irish and blindwork designs; iy2 to 18 inches wide; values up to $2.00 the fQ. yard buy all you want of it at this low price, the yard vy 5000 yards Swiss, nainsook and cambric Edges and Insertion, -inch to 9 inches wide; suitable for undermuslins and 1C. children's wear; values to 45c a yard, on sale at, yard"' 900 yards of swiss and nainsook Allover Embroideries, English eyelet designs, for yokes and sleeves; regular values up Qgc to 25c a yard, on sale at this special low nce, the yard 50c Hosiery; 3 Pairs for $1.00 35c Hosiery at 20c Per Pair Children's 25c Hosiery 15c Pr. 3000 pairs of women's imported black Lisle Hose, in lace boot effects; large assortment of patterns; full-fash- QQ ioned; Hermsdorf dye; all sizes; 50c val., 3 pairs 7 2000 pairs of women's plain and fancy lisle Hose, great variety of styles for your selection; lace effects, colored boots OQp and embroidered novelties; all sizes; 35c values, at, pair Misses' fine lisle Hose, extra elastic garter top; tans 92c and black, all sizes; best regular 35c values, at, the pair."' 3000 pairs of infants' and children's fine lisle Sox, in white, black, pink, light blue, tan, etc.; 25o values, special, pair..l5 40c to 50c Ribbons at 19c Yard 75c to 85c Ribbons at 43c Yard 10 000 vards of fancy satin and taffeta Ribbons, striped and brocaded effects; all desirable colorings and combina-IQ-tions; regular values up to 50c the yard, on sale at, yd. '' 10,000 yards of fancy Ribbons, in plaids, stripes, print 19. warps, checks, dots; regular 75c and 85c ribbons, .yard "w Great Expansion Sale of Knit Underwear Let us show you. G al August Liiien SaSe "Now Table Sets, Tablecloths Towels and Toweling 50 handsome linen Table Sets,' cloths and napkins to match; beautiful patterns, fine quality values up tol JjQfo Off $20.00 set, on sale at this special reduction, setW All our hand-embroidered Table Linens at decided reductions. 8-4 Tablecloths, regular $ 7.00 values, on sale at. .$ 5.00 8-10 Tablecloths, regular $ 9.00 values, on sale at..$ 6.00 8-12 Tablecloths, regular $10.00 values, on sale at..$ 7.00 8-14 Tablecloths, regular $11.00 values, on sale at..$ 8.00 10-12 Tablecloths, regular $12.00 values, on sale at..$ 9.00 10-16 Tablecloths, regular $15.00 values, on sale at.. $10.00 500 pieces of 'all-linen Crash Toweling, best regular 12V2t Qc value buy all Vou want of it at this low price, the yard . 300 dozen linen Huck Towels, the best 25e values, at, each..l9 300 dozen Bath Towels, good size; best 20c values, at, ea..l4 200 Bath Slats, regular $1.0 values, on saie at, eacn..uo. Scalloped and Embr'd'ry Cloths Great sale of scalloped and embroidered Cloths, very pretty pieces; three sizes; extraordinary values, at these low prices: 36x36-in., each, $5 45x45-inV each, $6-T54xD4-m., each, $7 Hemstitched Linen Table Sets, beautiful styles and quality: 8-10 Cloths, with Napkins to match, regular $o values. .4.UO 8-12 Cloths, with Napkins to match,, regular $6 values. .$o.OO Great values in Towels and Toweling. Great values n Sheets and Pillow Slips. Great values in Blankets and Comforters. Great values in Bedspreads, in all grades. Let us show you. $2.50 Battenberg Scarfs $1.39 Special sale of Battenberg Scarfs, with drawnwork medallions, -11 1: -to,. laro-o varietv of Datterns; $2.o0 C1 vQ values in the Art Department, Third Floor, at, each Hemstitched Tablecloths 100 8-4 size, great value, on sale at this low price, ea. .$1.35 100 8-10 size, great value, on sale at this low price, ea..gX.&U ion 8-12 size, trreat value, on sale at this low price, ea..$1.7D SalejOOO Bed Spreads at Interesting Low Prices 1000 Hemmed Crochet Spreads, regular $1.40 values ...$1.0 5 1000 Hemmed Crochet Spreads, regular $1.50 values. .$1.25 1000 Hemmed Crochet Spreads, regular $1.75 values. .$1.50 500 Hemmed C-ochet Spreads, regular $2.00 values.. $1.75 1000 Hemmed Crochet Spreads, regular $2.25 values. .$2.00 .500 Satin Bedspreads, regular $2.75 values, at, each.. $2.25 5000 Pillow Slips 1 2 V2C 2000 Bed Sheets at 75c Each 5000 good heavy Cotton Pillow Cases, sizes 42x36 and 45x36; best 15c values, buy all you want at, ea. -2000 good heavy cotton Bed Sheets, size 81x90 inches; yCf. ' great special value, on sale at this very low price, each ' 5000 yards of good quality Cambric, exceptional value, yd. . XOC . ' 1 - . ; i - . i HIGH CHINESE- HERE Consul-General Hsu Pays His Countrymen Visit. TRIP OUT OF . ORDINARY Never Before Has Diplomat of His Rank Left City Where Stationed. Distinguished Oriental Will Visit Seattle Fair. Hsu Ping-Chen, Chinese Consul-General at San Francisco, and second in diplo matic rank among the Chinese official In this country only to Wu Ting Fang, the minister at Washington, arrived in Portland from San Francisco last night for an informal visit ofnhree days with his countrymen in this city. The visit of the Consul-General is memorable In a wy and highly significant of the pro gressive spirit of Hsu Ping-Chen, for local Chinese eaid last night that this is the first time m their knowledge that an official of his rank has ever left the city In which he is stationed, during his term ThTconsul-General reached the city at : o clock on the Shasta Limited and l,e was warmly welcomed at the Lnion Dopot hy Consul Moy Back Hin and a delation of more than of the prin cipal local merchants and members of the Chinese Six Companies He was ac companied by Ms son. Chi T. Hbu. a bHgnt young man of IS years who though he ha-, only been In America U months, dres in the most up-to-dat. American fashion. "'"""'"nuVKe speaks Ergllsh fluently, and by his wife. Sladame Hsu is as comely and dainO a little Chinese woman as one could wisn to see A suite had already been re served for the party at the Oregon Hotel. Madame Hsu was driven there at (p but Consul-General Hsu Ping Chen and his son were driven to the headquarters of Jung Wah Company, commonly known as the Chinese Six Companies, at 6K, Second street, where they" were entertained with tea and cigars in the most hospitable fashion.' , He Is a Mandarin. Hsu Ping-Chen is a Chinese of high rank, with the title of mandarin, and he is one of the most distinguished members of. the Chinese Progressive party, of wnlch the present regent of the Chinese throne. Prince Chlng. is the highest rep resentative. Hsu Ping-Chen is a per sonal friend of both Prince Chlng and Minister Va. and his appointment to the high position of Consul-General at San Francisco 13 months ago was in recogni tion of the distinguished services he had rendered his country In various political and diplomatic lines. Hsu Ping-Chen readily consented to be Interviewed by a reporter from The Ore gonlan. As the distinguished visitor, however, ia unable to talk English, his son acted as Interpreter for him. turning the questions asked into Chinese and then rendering his father's answers in perfect English. "I am on my way to the' Seattle Ex position, where I shall remain three or four days." said the Consul-General through his son. "I am very glad of the opportunity to be able to visit the Port land Chlneser and this city, which I like ery much. The scenery coming up from San Francisco was lovely. It was fhe first time 1 had seen the cpuntry. I en Joyed it very much." When he was asked how he liked the American people. Hsu Ping-Chen waited until his son had translated the question to him. then he answered instantly in broad English and with a smile to show that he was pleased. "Very much!" "The Chinese people consider the United States as China's best friend." lie added through the Interpreter. "The United States haj done much for China." "China." he continued, "is Just begin ning to be developed. It will become on3 of the greatest nations of the eaTth." Sees Cnion ot Nations. Askeoi what he thought of the future of trade relations between the United States and China. Hsu Ping-Chen replied: "China and America will always be great friends. The time Is coming when all the people of the world will be like brothers. China and America especially." Hsu Ptng-Chen is about 40 'years -of age. Although his son affects the Ameri can style of dress; without a queue, he himself wears the clothes and cap and neatly taocred queue of the Chinese gentleman of rank. Madame Hsu dresses in the dainty attire of the Chi nese woman. Hsu Ping-Chen is keenly Interested in everything connected with industrial de velopment, and his progressive tenden cies cannot be better illustrated than by the fact that he follows closely every new step in electrical engineering. At his own request, he will be taken tomor row on a trip to Oregon City or Caia dcro to view the big power plants of the Portland. Railway. Light & Power Com pany at those places. He is such a close student of American conditions, and especially those in Portland and on the Pacific Coast, that he had planned this side trip even before he left San Fran cisco. It Is his close attention to details such as this, which he can make use of in the development of his own country, that has bad much to do with raising him to his present high poIltTca! position. The American youth of IS who could discus political questions and topics of the hour as Interestingly and as undei standingly as can Chi T. Hsu. his son. would be regarded as a prodigy, indeed. Fifteen months ago when he landed in San Francisco, young Hsu did not know a word of English, and American man ners and customs were strange to him. Now he dresses with taste, his manners are polished, and he can talk knowingly : on almost any subject. He attends the University of California regularly, and ha- just come from at private Summer school where he hae been supplementing the regular university training during vacation. ' ' i OLD SPAN WRECKED Madison Bridge in Six Weeks Will Be Only Memory. TIMBERS ARE VERY WEAK Contractor Expresses AVonder That Structure Did Xot Crash Down With Heavy Load Begin on New Viaduct Soon. In another six weeks the old wooden structure ot the pioneer Madison-street bridge will be reduced to cordwood and memories. The memories are likely to , unnh mnm than the cordwood Is, for Rohert Wakefield, of the contracting firm of Wakefield & Jacobson. which in tearing down fhe superstructure, said that his men have struck some pretty rotten timbers in the process of dis mantling the ancient pile. "It's Just as well that they decided to tear down the bridge when they did," said Mr. Wakefield yesterday. "Some of those sticks we have pulled out of it are rotten and punk clear through. Is it a wonder the bridge didn't tumble down with a lot of people? Well I should say so." The contractors have progressed bo rap idly in their work that the span at the east end of the bridge Is already down, and the last timber on the span next to H on the west will be torn out today. By the middle of next week the workmen will be ready to tackle the draw pier, andthey will make the splinters fly. False work has been placed under each, of the six spans, and with the aid of a derrick scow and a donkey engine on the bridge deck, the timbers are lifted out of the framework of the spans by piece meal and lowered into the river, where they are gathered in rafts. Twenty-five rmn are now on the Job, and more are being added every day. This part of the dismantling will be completed in a month, and then the con tractors wll get busy on the draw rest and the piers Each piling in the draw rest has to be pulled out with a derrick or sawed off far enough below the sur face so that it will . never become a menace to shipping This part of the work will not be an easy task by any means. Wakefield ' & Jacobsen will also remove the old piers, and they have the contract for putting In the piers for the new bridge They expect to be ready to begin on the constructive end of their contract within two months. The United Engineering & Contractus Comoany. of which Drake C. O'Reilly is the local head, has the contract for fur nishing and erecting the Structural steel for the new bridge. The spans will be built on a different principle than has been used in any of the other bridges here. Each span will oe execiea conipieio on shore and then carrlSi on bcows to Its position in the bridge. In this way it is believed much time can be saved. HANGS HIMSELF IN JAIL Charles Ashley Is Rescued and Put In Padded Cell. Despondent over his confinement, Charles Ashley, 49 years old. a prisoner In the County Jail, awaiting trial for for gery, attempted suicide last night by hanging. He was discovered by other prisoners, who rescued him and caikd Jailer Hunter, who removed the man to a padded oell. Ashley was confined in corridor 2. For the past two or three days he had re fused to eat anything and became very morose. The Jailer thought he, was ill and Saturday called in the County Phy sician. An examination of the man, how ever, failed to reveal illness. Last night Ashley had not been seen by the others in this corridor for five or ten minutes prior to his rash deed, and one of them went to look for him. He was found behind a steel door at the end of the cor ridor hanging by a rope improvised from pieces of blanket which he had torn from his bunk. Several ugly bruises and gashes on his head indicated that, before trying to hang himself, he had butted his head against the sfeel bars in an unsuc cessful attempt to end his life. Ashley was arrested on July 1 by De tectives Tichnor and Howell for forging a small check on Mrs. E. E. Hummell. RIOT. CALL ENDS PICNIC V - Steamer Kellogg, Bearing Eagles, Is Scene) of Rumpus Upon Return. Fighting and general disorder said to have prevailed ' aboard the steamer Joseph Kellogg carrying alt excursion of the Portland Aerie of Eagles caused a -riot call to be sounded for the police last night as the steamer pulled into her dock at the foot of Salmon street. Ser geant Riley and several policemen with the patrol wagon were sent to the scene. H. Hansen, one of the committee in charge of the picnic, who had been previously taken into custody by Mate James Thompson, for assaulting him was arrested. As the steamer passed through the draw of the Morrison-street bridge the tumult of a fight and the screams of women alarmed the police within hearing distance. Sergeant-Keller, who was on the bridge 'heard the rumpus and telephoned the alarm to the police station. When the police arrived no one semed willing to identify the alleged belligerents and the patrolmen arrested only Hansen of whom Mate Thompson complained. Han sen is said to be the driver of a brewery wagon. He was released on $25 cash bail. Business Streets All Paved. AliLBANT, Or., Aug. ,1. (Special.) The etreet-pavlng crew last night completed the paving of Second -street from Lyon to Ferry streets and practically all of the thoroughfares through the leading busi ness section of the city are now paved. STUDY PAVING LIS City Officials Seek Means of Breaking Up Combine. . VOTE MAY BE NECESSARY If Competitive Bids Are Impossible Under Charter, Mayor Will Cafl Special Election to Enact Amendment. Every prooerty-ownei' in Portland Is keenly interested in Mayor Simon s de termination to disorganiZe the paving trust, which, for many years has had this city so securely in its grasp. Whether this monopoly can be effectively combated without resorting to extreme measures, viz.: Amending the city char ter or establishing a municipal plant, is a problem which is receiving the considera tion of Mayor Simon and the members of his cabinet.- ... The subject has been referred for care ful examination by the Mayor to Henry Ladd Corbett and Robert Treat Piatt, members ot his Executive Board. Mr. Piatt said yesterday that he had not com pleted an inquiry into the provisions of . , . . i . fnr thai reason had I me ciiy i im. v-.- - . i-not reached a decision as to what would be- necessary to intercept ;unU. operations .of the combine. Vhile he would not say so, Mr. Piatt intimated that he might be able to submit a report of his Investigations at the next meeting of the Executive Board. Mr. Piatt said he had not gone far enough into the question' to satisfy himself that the city could modify the present procedure for making street improvements without changing the charter., City's Hands Perhaps Tied. It is the contention of the representa tive of the paving trust that the city is powerless to proceed otherwise in mak ing street improvements until the char ter requires that when a street is ordered Improved the specification on which bids are invited shall specify the character of the improvement to be made. In the operation of this section of the charter, the companies representing the. different kinds of paving get in their work. These interests are alleged to have an understanding by which the territory of the city is quite equally divided and are fortified further by the fact that com petitive bidding on these improvements is eliminated. All'of these circumstances work out in the interest of those in on the combination, with the result that the people of OPortland are paying excessiv-s prices for street paving when the cost for the same work In other Pacific Coast cities is compared Mayor Simon is inclined to the opinion that the charter contains a provision un der wnicn open Diaaing iur ewucv im provements may be conducted. It Is for a determination of this question that the matter has been referred to Messrs. Cor bett and Piatt, of the Executive Board. Election May Be Necessary. The Mayor has repeatedly declared that he will obtain for the property-owners of this city cheaper street improvements. Ha is ready to accomplish that result even if it becomes necessary to hold a special election to amend the charter if It is found that the ordinances on the subject have- to be revised. In addition to calling a special election, however, he has two alternatives. As the city's ex ecutive officer he can, through his ad visory board, suspend all street Improve ment work when the bids are regarded excessive, or he can install a municipal plant by which these improvements can be made at actual cost to property-owners. The Mayor is satmfled that in the operation of a municipal plant a savins In the charge for asphalt paving, for which the property-owners are now re quired to pay 2-2S a square yard, can be effected. The installation of a municipal plant, however, will be only entertained as a final resort. Mayor Simon Insists that street-paving in Portland should not cost more than in Seattle, and it is on .that theory he is demanding relief at the hands of the pavmg companies. Repre sentatives of some of these companies have assured the Mayor that they will reduce their Mils for future contracts. If the representatives of the combine make good and reduce their charges to the satisfaction of Mayor Simon, the re sult will have been acccomplished. If. on the ' other hand, those in on the com bination fail to make good, the Mayor gives- every assurance that he will tako such stop as may be necessary to bring these contractors to time. NEW CHURCH IS BLESSED Dedication" Services Are Held at Jennings Lodge Campground. Religious cervices and the dedication of the new Evangelical Church occupied yesterday, at the Jennings Lodge crimp ground, where the conventions of the Evangelical Association are being held. Dedication of the church was held in the afternoon. Rev. Theodore Shauer, Rev. N. Shupp, Rev. F. B. Culver, Rev. E. D. Hornfchuch, Dr. F. B. Berger and other ministers at the campground par ticipating in the services. The church was built under the super vision of Rev. N. Shupp and is th first 3acred edifice erected at Jennings LoJge. It is situated near the Oregon City elec tric railway. Today there will be general services and tomorrow the Women's Home Mission Society will convene. Mrs. N. Shupp will preside at that gathering. The general meetings will continue untir Thursday night. Dr. Homau Fills Pulpit, Dr.'Fletcher Homah. president of Wil lamette University, 'preached at Grace Methodist Church, yesterday morning, taking for his subject, "Interacting with God," and his text Acts xvii:28 and I Cor. lii:. "In him we live and , move and have our being." and "We are laborers together with God." The speaker pointed out that God works through his laws, and that man must work in harmony with them to make a success of his phys ical, mental and spiritual life. Rev. S. H. Dewart preached at Grace Church last night. STEAMER TRIP TO MOUTH OF COLUMBIA. . Only $2 round trip, Portland to Meg ler, at the mouth of the'Columbla. The O. R. & N. seaside steamer T. J. Porter leaves Portland 8:30 A. M. dally except Saturday and Sunday, arriving 10 P. M. For tickets and particulars apply at Clty Ticket Office, Third and Washing ton streets. Harris Trunk Co. for trunks and baga. 231 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND . OREGON MAKER or MENS CLOTHES Smith's New Prices . Ship your producev to us. We will pay you the following prices. We do not charge commission: Dressed Veal up to 140 lbs 9 (Large veal less.) Dressed Pork 11 Spring Chickens 15d to 160 Hens 140 Eggs, candled 260 FRANK L.. SMITH MEAT CO, "Fighting the Beef Trust." ' Portland, Oregon.