FOR RENT. H.-mse leplJg Room Thw E3U- VlCR. 12th and Marshall aca- Vew'.y fuxDuthed tor boueitepln. in cluding ge range. lctric Ugnta, hot -Aler. baths, laundry, reception-room, a.l f-e- furnlahed apextmenta 1 15 per monrh up; e-'ngU hou-Mkwfping rooma ?t.30 weit op- beat la city tor money; abort d;s uoc from Union Depot. Tata "B" or lOtb-et. oars north, got off at MaraaaU st. OF-ONTJL. 1ST 17th. near YamhlU; take VC car at depot: luraiehed 'A. 8 and 4 roora tujuaekeepinc auitea. by week 5.50. by month 20 and up: hot ana cold water. baXha and phone free, .-lain 6&7, A 47Ctf. XHB HOWIAXD APAftTME-S'TB, WlVi Wib;njU)n. cor. ioth Nicely fumiahed housekeeping rooma; ga riEdM, hot water, free path, free pheoe, both, floors; nice a tea from. $ op. BAUTIFTT. plaee. newly furnlhed rooma with privilege o cooking; bat and phone. 24 Marshall ex. MaifliUl. r NT - JOM-IR T B OTEL. cor. E aat St h and Morrlat. oontstta7 furnished Housekeep ing room-v, ' Huu-il lci:ccrtT,- Bocmi km rH"-- Biamlly. NICKLT furnished housekeeping suite, w 1th free lelsphona a-id bath; close In to cen ter of to married couple without children, for 114 per month. U21 7tn e PbCD Main 1109- jrOCP. rooma. nicely burnished for h8 a-r1;B i v iv ohl-iLrsn. 6-0 E, Mor- rlaaxu B liv-. rwo front eults of hotaJcepln iwnna, qbvIt furnia--wl, and 60 P o.t. 421 7th W- 413 8 NICE furnished housekeepg rooms. down stairs, no children- d near HawtiiOTne avo. IHRES nicely furnished Housekeeping rooms, sewing raaoaina, cardan; rant 169 Portor st. THREE nlea lunar fn ml abed booeeksepiag rooma. modern. BiG Sd. TROUT a-cc-a snrta, seoond floor. I. tWO fumlhed housekeeping rooma; gas, link and water. Ml Everett at. TWO furn!hed houseskeepmir ground floor. 210 Lth at. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma; xnod am; no children. 202 leth. TXJRNIFHED housekeeping rooms also leeplDg room. 4.V Yamhill. CALL todar for 2 flna. i&rge rooma. fur nished. C2 lorrl on. vtrrr furnished Kain &A4S. 3S3 IStb. at. lJK?jniSD bouaakepln4f 696 Front at- WaJn 4L Boowt. IvETW f-reom oqm. oloaa n; aooeaalbka to 4 cltffaraat oaxhnej, rent $37. CO; In good ra- eir. Inquire 834 E-t Taj lor , oornar :h. Pbou Tabor l&ua BOWES and Summer ottajrea g mrded A r. Lest Are; "better be tnaured tbao aor-r7- Columbia, Truat Company. Board of Trade bldg. ' GOOD e'.ght-room booaa and large barn. 194 B. lO-.h at., cor. Paclflc ; rent $23. Inqulra Wakelleid, Frtea Co.. 229 8 tark at. BOUSE of I rooma, recaptkm hall and bathroom. 710 LotoJoj at. Inqulra 1S1 atb. iL Main S27S. -ROOM house. 7 ST EL ItSth aX. 6outh. mod em convenient e, $12 month. Apply N. 7th at. Main 430. jpOR REST Largo barn and 8-room bouse, on low rent. I. tie-urLx. 173-6 First at. 5-ROOM modern cottage, with yard. T4 T ag gart at., oor. 19th; real $1&. Fbona Main 4.12 or SeUwood ooX, BIX rooma. bath, furnaoa yard; $26. 97 Everett, bet. Zlat and 22A. Open for In pACtlon, FOR RENT 4-room hooaa with bath, hot a-ad cold water, baaomant, larg yard. Foot A. Co.. X- 9 2d. MODERN m-toom bme. Eat 8da $12 per month. CU 4 North 6th a- NkTW houaa of 4 rooma and bath. 69 ICaat lyth. near Jvvarett. inquire 132 th at. jjEW modem $-rcotn boua, clooa in; $18. 8eU ood Wr. 724 B. 18th. $25 T-room howai walking dlatanoa. M0 West Cly MODEHN 6-room houae, $04 . Couch. Rant $24. Phona Main Ut25. FOR RENT A ten-room houM. 741 Oltaan at., near 23d at. l-ROOM modern houae. Nob Hin. Inqulra 721 Johnson at., morninga. $.0 -ROOM nous, gag. bath, thada aad fruit treea; caxpata for aala. 1S6 Curry at. T-ROOM eottoga, N. E. Cor. 15th and Til lamook sta. ; adnlta. t-ROOM houaa for rant, modern. $44 Or- bam arm. . Fttrn-abod Boae GOOD T-room cottajro, furnlahad. : tra furnlshad. $20. 4-room lower flat, lur Eished, $10; nnfurnlahed, $12. Both west aide rWer. App.y SkH N. 2dta, loth-at. car to Wth. aouth half bloclu ROOMS, furnlahed Tt. West Bid, close In, f..r $ montrua. In -chanK for fumtahlng owner brkf--t and suppr and a:tendir.g ' rwm: llKhu water and fuel Included. C 274, Oregonliu.. $JUXM cotraga, 409 Btartt at.; furnlahed oomplete; $36; references recilred. W sat am 6-dvage Co. tClCELT furnhe 4-room kw-r flut. modera. VIC EL T furnished I. -room lower flat, all znodarn. ill1 Market at near 7th. BB A.UTIFUI.I.Y faixlahed modern 5-room Cat. walking dlstuioa. West 8da. A $390. 4o Elegant!- rurntslied B-room aaodarm flat for rent. Fhoco Main HooM for R-t. Fa ml tore far Sala. MOIF. Ft 8-room flat on 11th St; awIl neitfhborhpod; 4 rooms are routed xac $.0; will sell 'urnitura for half caah. balance xr.onthiy; furniture la new and up to da e; onr mum teave the city. GxiCSI ZADOW. 81T Be wru of '1'rado, Ui and Oak Bta. ROOMING-HOVSSS Oood furntture 1 room t.-aa:a: houaa. np, $-'00. furniture 11 houseeffp!,nsrooTru. t-arfrain, $tS0. Mrs, KoclU, 227 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 771. COMPLETE furniture of 8-roern modern bouae on Sunnyaid canine for half cot; electricity, fuxnaca, cement ba-wunent ncor. house rent $12. 431 Lumber Ex change. Fhone Main 272ti. Fl'KXTT.'KE rf 4-room apartment fcr sa'e at bary-un. wtth or -Kitliout pJio; parties av Jag city. loaian Court, ISth and MOPERN nine-room dwelling. Nob Hill, one block Whlngton. walking d-sixnco; bar gain In furniture; fins home; owner leav ing city. I 26i. Oregon tan. F V K N m" KB of 12 roo ir.a, jr. ode ra b ouee ; co:r.pieuly furnished for 4 farrilliea; rent $40 Sta owner. t-2 Front. FOH SALE $200 housekeeping uttlt for ST F 4 or B rooms for rent. Inquire 1M N 17th sC between Johasou and Xearney. Ft R P AJ N ear: y new f urni t ur of nine rHirs; moirc; rent reaacnaoie, f 67 $d s. FOR SALE F'mished 11-room rooming house; viic $:'mKK KS West Fark. Sunrmrr Rrsorts. - DO you waat to go camping? If you do, In- vca;..i: th a-.trecnns offered at Colum b L''.i. known as tho lona::oa c;j:m. 3s ml!a down the Colum b .-. River ;crt.and; fre wood and w:;r, . - ei.T.t trout and cat fishing, p-.niy cjb?rr.-a and grand view of river ar.-i nT.'.ta.r.s; re t.-.n:ortatlon from h-jt. u2liiz ; c.--.p grounds; rates $S per A-urt-TS Jack Wer.:, or ahip good to Hack us LanU:i:g. Box 161 IUiomt, Or. BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach, the capital of the Northwest. Columbia Trust Company. F.card of Trade bidg. NEW -room f-trr-9v.ed house at Gear hart, mor.'.h or season; reasonable price. Vtooulawn 5ii ft-KOOM cottage. 3 blocks north Long Beach Ip.:; i'.;"iful lo atlon; ocean front. E-: 'Ci 6 E- Oak Mount Hood Stac L!ne. connects O. W p. rr leaving l 5:43 A. M. for Bor lng. FOv'Tl-RO-OM furnisfcd - cottacc xmu Ctaurv.a Fh.oae cwood -. FOB REXT. Bammrr Rreorta. SEVEN furnished rooms, cottage fronting ocean., opposKe Necanlcum Inn; city water. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co. NICELY famished housekeeping apartments, every convenience, very reasonable; near Mocllpa. L. Bog 114, Paxiflc Beach. Wash. FOR RENT Four-story brick store building, with cement basement 40x100; SI Front at-. N.. lately occupied by American Chicle Co. Arply to Fred BickeL 7&1 Park ava. Main 2'J55. 6TORB, No. 3:0 Davis st. bet. 0th and 6th sta 24x70, brick, room In rear, with ce ment floor; suitable for automobile repair shop, Russell 4i Biyth. Commonwealth bidg. STALI-S and space in large stable In Ex position building, corner Washington and 19th sta. Russell A Blyth. Commonweaith bidg. SMALL store tn new brick building, sult ab;o for fruit stand atid ire cream parlor or any small buslnesa. Inquire room 44S, B her lock b!dg. FOR RENT Stre and be-ement. 20x60, f'et; mcdern front, rear corner 17th, on Washington at. Apply I. Gevurtx, 173-6 First U FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building. 100x185, 6. E. oor. Front and Pine sta. Apply C A. Dolph, Mohawk bld. OLD established business corner at Mississippi ava., cor. Fremont, after Sep tember 1; stable for 4 horses; a Lao living rooms If dealred. Inquire upstairs. DOUBLE brick stores wtth full basement for warehouse or store; S. W. corner Pine and Union ave. Inquire 227 Davis FOR RENT Modern warehouse, 40, COO eq. ft. floor apace, trackage facilities, central location. AG STO. Oregonlan. BTORJE, No. pine st. bet. 0th and th Bts.. with loft 2SxW. Russell A Blyth, Commonwealth bidg. 8TORE for rent at lOT First St.. opposite Waahlngton st- market. Apply to Da Laval Dairy Supply Co, STORE 23x94 on prominent street. West Side; new building. $25- 824 Worcester bidg. FOR RENT Store, SSO Washington aC C B. Puffer. Tolepnona Main 829. ET ORE-ROOM, 90 1st st SCaclOO feet, R Rogees. 90 1st St. 4V 2 CTTORES for rent tn new ooncrete building-. Mala 1 SO 6. W. Reidt. 401 Rothchlid bidg. STORE, 7H Union ave. Apply Rodger, Bart, Gibson. 140 2d at. Office. OFFICES, $18.00 and up. Desk room; furnished offleeej. Quite for dentist and physio Ian. All night elevator service. Best Location. 80S Swatlasd Bidg. DESK room, use of both phones. Inquire 619 Board of Trade bklg. OFFICES or commercial sample rooma. Phoenix bidg.. 6. W. cor. 5th and Oak. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bidg. Apply Room 60L FOR RENT Desk room, $5; phone, heat and light. 223'Abington bidg. OUTSIDE office room for rent. Inquire 410 Commercial Club bidg. Halls For Rent. NEW hall for rent, 87 feet by 60 feet, exclusive of anteroom; good floor. Howe, Favls Co.. Ill 2d sL SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for gymnasium building. Pa cific University, Forest Grove Sealed pro posals plainly marked on the outside of the envelope "Proposals for the Frame Gymnasium Building for pacinc Univers ity, Forest Grove, Or." and addressed to Pres. W. N. Ferrin at the college office. Forest Grove, Or., are hereby Invited. Separate bids are desired on the heating, wiring, plumbing and general carpentry, and they shall be filed not later than 2 P. M. August 11, 1909, at the address above given. Plans and sp educations may be ' obtained at the office of the president. Forest Grove, or at the office of the arch Itecta. MacNaughton. Raymond Law rence, 60G Concord bidg- Portiand, Or. OFFICE OF C Q. M., Vancouver Barracks. Waah.. July 8. 109 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. August 81909, for furnish ing a supply of forage and bedding for posts in Department Columbia embraced within boundaries of the United States, for period commencing Oct. 1. 1909. De liveries of supplies to commence Oct. 1. 1909. Information furnished here or by Quartermasters at posts. United States re serves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. En velopes containing prouosala should be marked : "Proposals for at " addressed John E- Baxter. C. Q M. SI 0.000. CONDON. OREGON, SCHOOL BONDS. Fealed bids will be received by the School Board of School District No. 23 Condon. Oregon, up to 6 o'clock P. M. Sat urday. August 14. li)09, and publicly opened for the purchase of $10,000 2o-year school bonds, optional after 10 years. Bonds to be In denominations of $1000 and bear interest at the rate of fi per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. - Assessed valuation of the district. $?ot(. 207 Address Inquiries and bids to the undersigned. C. O. Fort wood. District Clerk. Condon, Oregon. Portland. Or.. July 81. 1909. Sealed bids will be received at the School Clerke office. City Hall, up o 12 o'clock boos on Thursday, August o. 1909. for ex cavating and concrete foundation walls for the Giencoe school buiidlng. Plans and specifications for awme can be seen at the architect's office. 334 E. Third at., and the School Clerk's- office. A certified check for 10 per cent of amount of bid must accom pany each proposl. The Board of Directors rervea the right to reject any and all bids. T. J. JONES, Architect. SEALED proposals) will be recMved at office of chief engineer, Portland Railway, Light A Power Companv, First and -Alder, until August 6. 10 A. M.. for all brick work nec essary In the construction of a car barn to b located at 18th and Linn avenue, in ac cordance with the plans and rpeciflcatlons on file at said office; no bid will be consid ered unless accompanied by a certified check equal to 10 per cent of the agsregate. pro posa:. The right to reject any and all bids Im hereby reserved. A. II. RICHMOND. Chief Enginer. Portland Railway, Light A Power Company. OFF7CTE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS TER, 4S2 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Wash-, August 2. ltk)9. Sealed proposals for the construction of an addition to water sup ply system at Fort Casey, Washington, will ba received here until H A. M-, August 81. 1909. and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Capt. E- C. Long. Constructing Q. M. MlsoellaB TsJE- D. ALEXANDER ABSTRACT OFFICE. Having recently purchased the D. Alex ander abstract plant and having an ex perience of 25 years In this kind of busi ness, we are now devoting our time and attention exclusively to abstracting titles In Multnomah County, and are prepared to flil promptly all orders In our line. J. M. & E. H. SMITH. Abstracters and Searchers of Records. 412-413 Corbett Bidg. Phone Main 66- 1 WILL sell at public auction Wednesday. Auaruat 4, at 10 A- M-. big team, weight pounds; pair bay mrea, 1100 pounds each: black horse, weight 1090 pounds; delivery wagon and harness; business rig. horse, buggy and harness. Can be In spected at 0 Washington at. NOTICE. To whom It may concern I will not be resr-on?iolo for dehta contracted by my wife, Irene btockder. (Signed) GEO. A. STOCKDER. Architects, contractors, engineers, get Pacifl-3 Builder A Engineer. 4il Beard of Trade. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 7 DO WITH services, al, year round and be your own boss; mut be sober. Call 320 Lumber Exchange bidg. (X)NFKCTIONERT, cigar, bakery, loe cream parlor, for aala cheap. -7 Larraboo. H RDWARS Partner wanted; the beat opening in th c!ty. 272 Stark St. 5 ACRES carline. -Or. Oregon City line; close to 272 Stark st. FOR SALE C'.gar and confectionery store r close in. Phone Main 6424. MAKE ST.OO to $1000 per month on Invest- j Ins $ AH 270, Oregonian j RESTAURANT Good proposition; s:nan amount ot mox.a- bus it. 22 Suu at. j I 11 THE MORXIXG OREGOIAy, MONDAY, ATJGTJST v 2, 1909. . ' . I P, vsn,.IA I BC SEVESS DIBJECTOBX. BUSINESS OPPORTTTNTTTES. IF YOU WANT A PAYING Business, see this SO-room hotel witn ground floor office, furnished oomplete, long established, well known and doing the business in location to get the busi ness, both permanent and transient; r-ont a snap; long lease: pays over $4O0 a month proflu Price $5S0G. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO. 826 fr Washington st- Rooms 201-20l2- NICE SMALL FACTORY. A good manufacturing business without competition, clearing ol0 per month; w will give vou a trial before buying; trie price Is $3000; you can pay $10OO casn and pay balance out of the business after you make it; seeing is believing; let us show you. GRUFSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak Sta WANTED Experienced, energetic, broad guaged business man with $20,000 as gen eral sales manager in manufacturing con cern, only one of Its kind west of the Mississippi, producing staple business ne cessity under superior process costing $30, lowest retail price $100; associates bank ers and men of financial standing and In tegrity. A. T. Emory, Corona, CaL 22-ROOM BARGAIN. Clone In West Side location, furnish ea new and fine few months ago. all In nice condition, clean and neat, all housekeep ing, clearing $:0o'a month, lease 2 years. This will suit you. Price $-000 O. C. R. ELLli CO.. 8264 Washington st. Rooms 201-203. MERCANTILE BUSINESS. Will bear the fullest Investigation; will, on acoouftt of poor health, sell at Invoice; good lease and on main street; will take a good farm In exchange; will Invoice about $20,000. H. A- CHAPMAN. 408 Gerlinger Bidg. A SUMMER BARGAIN. 24-room modern apaxtment-house, rn Ifob Hill district, well and completely fnr Dlahed. filled with nice class of roomers and clearing $100 every month. Frio 41500. $900 cash required. OCR- ELUS A CO.. 826 H Washington st. Rooms 201-208. GENERAL merchandise business for sale tn good growing town of 8000 inhabitants; No. 1 trade, best location In the place; satisfactory reasons for selling; a money maker from the start; a good proposition for a party with about I5OO0 cash. Ad dress Lock Box 9, New berg. Or. EXCLUSIVE control of the hardware, ltrm ber, coal and 1m pieman t business in one of the best towns In the richest section of Umatilla County Is what we have to offer you. Da not write unless you mean buslnesa T. H. Beverly, Athena. Or. BUSINESS MEN. If you have a good legitimate business for sale, or want a parui-or, call and see ma All business strictly coniidenUal. H. A- CHAPMAN, 408 Gerlinger Bidg. ROOMING-HOUSE to trade for city prop erty or farm, also some good bays 10 rooms, close in, $So0; 11-room private house, 4 years' lease, $1000. This Is a beauty. Come and see us before you buy. Young, 612 Gerlinger bidg. BARBER wanted, to Investigate the leasinif or buying of a 2-chair barber shop, with complete equipment; living rooms in rear; good neighborhood, good location for business. Apply L Gevurts A Sons, 173 173 First St PARTNERSHIP In a first-class cash busi ness; will clear over 200 per month; doing over $100 cash dally; satisfaction guaranteed before you Invest a cent. Call Room 315, Lumber Exchange bidg. 2d and Stark. HIGH-CLASS sales manager to handle branch In Spokane for manufacturer; good salary and commission; $!000 cash re quired to cover balance on invoices. For interview, call at manager's office, 202 Marquam bidg. Phonee M 4446, A 2312. FOR RENT Store and basement. 18x48 feet, . living room in rear, shelving and counter, suitable for confectionery, branch bakery, etc.. low rent, long lease; located at Frcnl and Gibbs ata I. Gevurtx, 173-6 First St. IF you want to buy, sell or trade any kind of property or business chance It will pay you to see OHIO INVESTMENT CO.. 421 Ablngton Bidg. ROOMING-HOUSES Swell furniture 13 room house, snap. $760. Fine furniture modern 8-room flat, rent $35 j bargain, $."50. Mrs. Koontx, 227 Ablngton bidg. Phone Main 7701. PARTNER wanted In light manufacturing business; a good salary and large re turns and profits; very little money re quired. Particulars Room 815 . Lumber Exchange bidg.. 2d and Stark sta, FOR SALE New and second-hand store, good location, prosperous business; will sell at Invoice ; part cash, balance on terms ; call at once, Conrad DIUman, Salem. Or. DAYLIGHT basfment for rent. 85x50; cor. Qth and Alder; good proposition to right party. Worrel's Sample Cloaks A Suits, 13 Oth at., cor. Alder. FOR SALE Moving picture theater in Port land ; finely equipped and making big money; will bear full Investigation. Par ticulars 626 H Washington at. ANYONE can run this 20-room lodging house and mako big money; price $1000. Coll Angeles Trust Co., 326 , Washington St., room 417. GENERAL MERCHANDISE store; a good , thing for a live man; $25,000 a year busi ' jissa; can be handled for $5000 cash. M 241, Oregonian LEASE on 5 acres, all In crop, good boose, barn, outbuildings, chickens. furniture, all goes with lease; paid till March; $150. Young. 612 Gerlinger bidg. IMPERIAL HOTEL furniture, lease and pay ing business for sale; modern brick build ing, reasonable rent. P. M. Skinner. New berg, Or. WE want groceries, dry goods, clothing and shoe stocks in exchange for land, OHIO INVESTMENT CO., 41 Ablngton Bidg. RESTAURANT for sale cheap on account of other business Interests; good loca tion, iong lease, easy rent. AE 264, Ore gonlan. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? "We are independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchlid bidg., l ortland. Or. CASH grocery, well located, valley town of 2(M0. doinp good business; will invoice around $lu0, act quick. Box 172 Browns ville, Or. GENERAL store in country town near Port Innd on S. P.: old established business, $15,000: full, clean stock; easy terms. L 48, Oregonian. GENERAL merchandise store in suburban town; owner retiring; Invoice about $3000. Terms: This is a money-maker. A. D. Christianson, 12 & Front at. DRUGSTORE Old established, good payrag; in w rent, excellent opportunity. S 276, Oregonian. ON account of sickness will sell or trade for town lots, my cigar and confectionery and poolroom. 2S7H First a$- Phone Main 812S SALOONS for sale In good localities and do ing good business. Apply Columbia Brew ing Co.. Tacoma. Wah. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 125 Ablngton. FOR SALE Lease on laboring man's hotek all furnished, doing good buslnesa, 1054 Macadam st, Portland. SALOON MEN Bargain m saloon doing large buslnesa; party leavlnsj city. 7 Board of Trade. COUNTRY store near Portland cheap for cash. Address B 270. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE ' for sale, good location. 215 v asi inn w t 11 -- vio, LATE report on United Wireless, free. Send stamp for postage. Fostofflce Box 4052. REAL ESTATE Partner wanted; good chance for hustler. 272 Stark st. FOR SALE or trade, O K Coffee House; Paj s $300 month; terms. 251 Burnaide eC MEAT MARKET Killing 4 beeves a day; no competition. 272 Stark st. ' $2 FOR 1000 business cards; 100, 60c, Rose City prlntery, 192 3d St., near Taylor. BUTCHER SHOP for sale at Troutdale, Ap ply 370 E. 34th st. Phone Tabor 862. WANTED PaTtner for prekling buslne 271. Oregonian. POOLROOM, clears, confectionery. t In voice. r N. 6th. ROOMING-HOUSE for. sale by owner. 129 14th st. TF.K ND COFFEE Doing $250 a week; long le-se. 272 Stark st. vrr, STORE for sale at right price tf taken by August 6th. S74 Water U BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPENING which will pay $3000 a year to an energetic salesman with head " quarters in one or the following towns; Roseburg. Salem. Pendleton, Dallas, Baker City Boise, Lewlston. iellinfiham. North Yakima Everett. Aberdeen. This line is manufactured In Portland under an ex clusive patent are is being specified by all architects, where known; it ell11a well in all homes. A sample la Installed In each town under the salesman s con trol and orders follow eteadily. v e want men who desire a permanent business. It will require from $100 to $1000 to handle the account, according to the territory covered. Write, telephone or call. M 4446. A 2512. R. B. I. Mfg. Co.. Mar Quam bidg. , MERCHANTS, READ THIS. I have a client who wants a small store, on or near the Columbia River, or would consider a partnership with a good nun. Call or write at once. H. A. CHAPMAN. 408 Gerlinger Bidg. WORK FOR YOURSELF. H Irate rest In old-established real estate office: noo much for one: good proposition to right party; investigate; can furnish reference and expect same; terms to suit. If agreeable, call today. T21 Board of Trade PARTNER WANTED Reliable man wants partner in a good paying office business. Experience not necessary. Contract sal ary of not less than $20 per week; very little money required. Call Room 813, Lumber Exchange bidg., 2d and Stark eta GROCERY, confectionery, tobaccos, fine business at a bargain; owner must leave; sales $35 daily; come and see It; district rapidly Increasing and business will soon double. 1780 Belmont su Phone Tabor 93. TRY "IT" before you buy "It," guarantee - profits $250 to $300 per month, cigar, con fectionery, pool and barber shop ; bona fide proposition; half interest $750. Par ticulars National Realty & Trust Co 826 Washington st, room 616. REAL ESTATE man wanta partner; excel lent chance for young man to get tn real aetata business; no experience neoeee ary and very little money required. Particulars Na tional Realty A Trust Co.. 326 & Washington c, room 616. WIT.L sell all or harf interest la well-established mercantile business, located In Eastern Oregon; reason for selling, hava other business requiring time and atten tion. For particulars address W 206, Ore gonlan. $1500 Confectionery and Ice cream parlor on Washington st., with 3 living rooms; big stock, fat profit... big money-maker. See my exclusive agent. Merchants & Traders .Exchange, 620 Lumber Exchange bidg. - 800 Restaurant and lunch counter; $50 dally sales; center of city; never has changed proprietors; owner called away. Merchants' & Tradere Exchange, 620 Lumber Exchange bidg. GROUND-FLOOR real estate man wants energetic young man to help him; ex perience unnecessary; small capital re- . quired. Call 242 Fifth and Main sta. Hurry. PARTNER wanted to put In his full time and help manage one of my many old-established offices; It's a man I want, not his money. Austin, room 6, 862 Washing ton. WANTED Oregon-Gold Hill Mining Co.'s stock ; bring in your certificates If you mean business, but I have no time for curiosity hunters. Call at 608 Lumber Exchange bidg. WORK FOR YOURSELF, t Reliable real estate man, alone, would take a good live man as partner, for a little money; must hawe help. Call 40S Gerlinger bidg. PARTNER WANTED Very little money will buy half interest in established busi ness; experience not necessary; duties easily learned. Call Room 315 Lumber Exchange bidg.. 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE: General merchandise store do ing a yearly business of $23,000. with trade increasing; stock $4500 to $5000; good proposition for live man ; terms cash. H 271, Oregonian. 3000 cash, country store, few miles from Portland; established for 20 years; $75 daily buslnesa; 5 years' lease. See owner. Merchants A Traders Exchange, 620 Lumber Exchange bidg. WE can locate you in paying business. Be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinn.ey A Stampher, 631-532 Lumber Exchange bidg. Phone A 4881. FOR SALE One of the leading produce commission businesses of the city; will sell 1-3 Interest, -3 Interest, or the- en tire business. Call 429 Lumbermens bidg. MOTION-PICTURE show for sale; well equipped. Call or address Midway Elec tric Theater, Carson, Wash. Davis, man ager. FOR SALE First-class bushellng shop; store work, cleaning and pressing In con nection ; best opportunity. J. L. Winter mute, Walla Walla, Wash. A SPLENDID opportunity for industrious man with $200 cash to engage In perma nent and profitable buslnesa Call in per son. 690 Union ave. North. FOR SALE On account of death, an old well-established business, furniture, hard ware, and lease; no agents; see the owner at 87-89-91-B3 Russell st. ' FOR SALE An established delicatessen, confectionery and ice cream business; new building, cheap rent, living-rooms, .everything first-class. D 2S7, Oregonian. FOR SALE Hotel on North Bank road, 23 rooms, all furnished: dining-room to seat 40 people. 812 Washington su, Vancou ver, Wash. ' 18-ROOM housVkeeping house; rent -0; snap, 5300. Angeles Trust Co.. 326 is Washington St., rooms 417-416-415. 20-ROOM. working man's house; rent $35; bargain. $1000. Angeles Trust Co.. 826 Washington St., room 417. $10 000 TO $20,000 to Invest in Oregon bank by banker. M 277. Oregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery with UvinAr rooma good location. 211 Morris st. ROOMING-HOUPE 28 rooms; close In; long lease. 272 Stark st. GENERAL STORE Grand location; frne opening for Fall trade. 2T2 Stark st. POOLROOM S tables; down town; long lease. 272 Stark st. BARBERSHOP First-class, cheap. must sell, have other business. 26 N. 3d st FINANCIAL, Money to Losun, State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent. Multnomah Co., 400 C C. LOW rates we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 Sd et. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts, w. ri. nucn, Dim MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. , ,-f.Tf. cunx.nv fii fiTiRV RT. LUUiO onwiuw.', ' MONEY to loan on timber lnnds; private party, easy terms. Room 6. 221 Morrison. MONEY to loan on improved city property. Wm. MacMaater. 302 Worcester blk. MONEY to loan on real estate, mortgages boughL EL Pierce, 816 Allsky bidg. TO LOAN, $iT00, real estate security, Far rlngton. 416 Commercial Club bidg. QUICK loans on all securities S. W. King. 45 Washington bidg. Phone Main 6100. REGISTER a vow today not to over look the many fine oppor tunities offered in Port land each and every day. No city in the country is offering the, induce ments for bright hustling young men that Portland is. Those who are doubt ful will readily change -their minds if they will spend a few minutes each morning reading Orego- man want ads. 1 . I Monty to Laa. tttttt ' MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. . If you want to borrow privately Kn out delay. . HERE IS THE PLACB For a loau oa rour piano and p"" (irithout removal), .torag. recelpta. lit. lnsuranc policiea. Jewelry and diamond. and all valuable collateral. ' AT LOWEST RATES IN CITY. On easy weekly or monthly Installment., All business Btrlctly confidential. U. K. REAL. ESTATE & BROKER AU B CO, Boom 12 Hamilton Bids . 131 Tnird St. Phono Main 208. t t FURNITURE LOANS, SALARY LOANS. ARE YOU IN NEED OF MONL1T If bo. you can have the money today. Loan, mad. privately on lurniture. pianos, eto-. also aalary loans at the lowest rates, pay ments can be made to suit your Income. Liberal rebates If paid before due. Call and see us. as our payments are sucn as honest people needing money can afford to pay. You mar like us. others da. HOURS. 8 A. M. to 0 P. M, WED'S AND SAT-S UNTIL 8 P. 2a. STATE SlfiCVRITY CO.. SUA FAILING BLDG. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loan, on plane rnnjirnre. warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance poli cies ealaries and all kinds of securities; REAL ESTATE LOANS from 30u up. IfEW ERA LOAN & MTQ. CO., 41S Anlngtoa Bids. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth er, upon their own names without secur- . Ity; cheapest rates, eaelnst payments; of fices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by g-ettlns: my terms Brst. TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange Bidg- MONEY to loan on Improved property. If for building purposes. Interest does not commence until actual disbursement ol funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Lit & Trust Company, 214 Lum ber Exchange bidg. OS improved' olty property or for building purpose.; 8 to 8 years' time; llboral re payment privileges; money adyaaoed a. building progresses. Th. Bdultabl.. id and Stark sta TO LOAN. Plenty ef money to loan at arl i per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL CO.. 809-310 Ablngton Bidg. MORTGAGES, eontaacts for deed, or other real estate securities, bought on city property or lands any whore in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble. 818-817 Lum bermen's bidg, 6th and Stark sts. 8BO0.OO0 OW improved city or farm prop erty, building or small loans at lowest rates; It -go loans a specially. J. H. Mc Ulnal. Co, 514-15-16 Gerlinger bidg. EMPLOYES LOAN CO, 821 Ablngton bidg. Money on Installment plan. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry ... l . in,...F fn. Inrr nr Short time. A. M. Delovage, Jewelers, 69 Washington st. BUSINESS MAN will loan small sums to a few honorable employes, confidentially; give business address; I will call. Ad dress AL 207. Oregonian. 1200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 12 Falling bidg. SALARY loans, stflctly confidential, ea"T'? get and easy to pay. F. A. Newton, 011 Buchanan bidg, 2Sd Washington st. PRIVATE party would roan 81000 to $25,000 on nrst-ctass bl:llillj, - - . Oregonian. IMMEDIATE loans on real estate, chattels or personal security. w. a. naiu.j. room 10 Washington bidg. Phone Main 302. S1200 TO LOAN for 7 months at 8 per cent on real wwio " bklg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co, 414 Dekum bidg. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign xnoney: loans. Lewis & Co.. 251 Wash, at Money to loan, first and second mortgages j c Tc-BrAaKv Vpntnn hlri. pUrCJJLBLL. JU. , t - MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Frary & benx, aiu l. MONEY to loan on any security: Btrlctly eon LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater al security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Feuton bidg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages, n. .uiuey, l,vi .v., MORTGAGE LOANS; REASONABLE RATES. LEY, la AC CO, ZOl nACiiwuiufl e. tara Wan tea. S5000 MORTGAGE on Weet Side Income property, on Park at., comer sold for $10,500; drawing 6 per cent interest since May this year; will sell for face value and discount interest. SENGSTAKE & Li' MAN, 90 5th St. 11500 TWO years, 7 per cent on Irvington house and lot, value $3500. Laldlaw In vestment Co, 605 Commercial blk. M 6120, A B05o. WE can place first mortgage and building loans. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bidg. $600 LOAN wanted on Peninsula borne, new mooern o-room nouse. a aiv, vj,e" I.OST AND FOUND. FOUND -Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same uaj. -j x-il-ul. Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. , - LOST From Portland Heights, tan and white Scotch collie pup, 5 months old. Phone Main 8983 or return to 849 Alder st. Reward. LOST Dog. medium size, bob tall, shaggy yellow, black and white, has new collar. Notify 84 Vancouver ave. and receive re- . ward. LOST or stolen, white and black spotted Spitz dog, five months old; liberal reward for return. juargiu bl. LOST A white female fox terrior dog, with yellow ears and tail. Finder phone Wood i..... ojx onrl re,tv. reward. LOST Bay mare, with halter. 1100 lbs. 260 jast otn at-. uu. riunw ward. - c- . . lkf Hmrcirr, -ml, wntf-h ! liberal reward. W. J. Zimmerman, 43 21 st. WILL. the party who found alligator purse at the Oaks. Saturday, leave eame at 308 Oreeonlan bide and receive reward? PERSONAL. ' DRESS suits for reat, all sizes, $1.60 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons eewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. LADIES, take notice; Mme. Hudson gives the only sclentlnc facial massage In the city. Manicuring. 25a. 2&U Washington st., room 207. DESIRABLE company found for lonely peo ple either sex; fiOO to select from; gents J.'ladles free; circular 10c. Portland In troducing Bureau. Slti Aliaky bidg. PRIVATE) hospital for women; any" physician vou choose; office, 300 E. 50th et.; - Mt. Sott or Hawthorne ava cara. Phone Tabor 8i. Dr. Isabella Mackle. ' DR WALKER, specialist, quickly cures diseases of men. blood and skin diseases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kidney, blad der and pile. 181 1st su, Portland. SEXOID A marvelous cure for weakness in men; money returned if it fails; price $1. T. J- Pierce. 816 Allsky bidg. MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual Scientist, 312 Allsky bidg. M. 2835. Dally A. M. to 8 P. M- Wed. meeting at 8. USE Bassetfs the Original Native Herbs for rheumatism, constipation ; 60 tablets for 25c in black boxes, at all druggists. Mme. Courtright, skin and scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected, plas Sc surgery. 2-5 Flledner abldg. M 50-.2. LOST vitality restored by Dr. Lorens Nerve Tonio Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy, 289 Morrison at., bet. 4th and 5th. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr Ketch urn, prompt relief, confidential. 170 8d st. Main 8770. WOMEN use Femolda when others fall. Sold arid guaranteed by Ausplund Drug Co. 105 N 6th st. Phone Main 8106. MOLK3 wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 FHedner bidg. M. 8473. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560 Giisan at. Main 9215. Agents wanted. . MISS VERA SOMMERS, electrio face and scalp treatment 3fil Morrison, suite la. PACIFIC Introducing Club for those matrl-znonla-Uy inclined; circular 10c. ii-iS 1st 1H0 WILETS, great hair specialists, will Joc,ate at 823 Washington st., ru Raleigh blk.; office hours 8-12. 2-; gt the benefit of our secret; your hair has been our life study; free consultation at your home by appointment; lady hair dreaser In attndance. Phone A 3914. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE, reliable akin specialist; oiemisnes, wrinaieat ana pox pits removed; bairdrealng. manicur- T. j J . oii.Vi. larvna, strvlc 1 of hair goods in the West "at cut price. Parlors, urana Jjeaaer, um miu. aiuw. SWEDISH trained nurse, Helstagfors gradu- - .k.,,maritm sal n;H.-h trOUbifiS and nervous d-soroers- by hand rubbing; i earn, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 Eaat 11th st., one door from East Ankeny car. Phone E-A 260, Home B 1S03. DR LEW 19 Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; Pyate hospital accommodations; examinations tree. Main 4047; A 2411. 60tf Common wealth bidg.. Cth and Ankeny. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chic heater Diamond. Brand Pllla For 26 years known as the best, safest- Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Fills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children. No charge for consultation. Room 10. Grand Theater bidg.. Washington and Park sts. Main 3928, A &607. LADIES When everything else falle try Sanderson's cotton Root Pills; Quick ana sure reiief. Price $2 per box. T. J. Pierce, 816 Allsky bidg. CHIROPODY, pedicuring, manicuring, scalp specialist by young lady. 8 Raleigh bidg. flth and Washington. Main 8100. BUb-LNESS DliiECTOKY. Accountants. B. H COLLI3 & CO... ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and by sterna t in! n$. 824 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6507. Accordion plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 83o Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking Assay ers and Analysts. Wells fc Proebstel. mining eaglneere, chem ists and assayera. 2u4H Washington st. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 622 Worcester bidg., Sd and Oak. M. 59S0. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 196 Morrison et. Attorneys at Law. EMMONS At EMMONS have removed law offices to VOV-Uld tfoaru ox xraue oit-g. CLARENCE) H, GILBERT, 206-20T Chamber of Commerce. Main 4tf a 40. H. H. RIDDELL, attorney-at-law, 735- Cham bar of Commerce. Main 4704, A 8531. Commission Mercnauta. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., e-hlp brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bidg., Portland. Collections. We collect everywhere ; general law. Inter- Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial rag rugs woven. wormwesi j-' 163 Union ave. East 3580, B l-o. Chiropody. DR rv n FT. ETCH EH. the people's favor ite chiropodist and foot speeluiiat; treats all His or the loot wunoui oaager v- in fection. See him and take no chancea 8u Alisky bidg. Main b.03. CORNS, bunions, callouses, ingrown .nails removed, pedicuring, manicuring, by young lady. Main 31 uu. o Jrwaieigu. uiufi., wi and Washington. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific -jhlropodiots In the city. Parlors u2 Gerll.ieer bide. S. W. car. 2d and A lrfr i'honft Main 1301. ALICE HAMOT, corn specialist; painless method. Suite 15. Uo0 Morrieon, Mliner bidg Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Fliedner bidg. Phone Main 84. a. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mra Dunton, Tllford bidg., R. 204, 10th and Mor. MISS ETHEL WARD, chiropodist and mani cure parlora 16-4 "West Park st. A 4vo5. Coal and Wood. DRY block wood, $2.60 per load, delivered reaaonaoie distance. NICOLAI-NEPPACH CO.. Phones A 1495. Main 7900. BOX, planer and cord wood in any quanti ty, btanaara wooa uo. cm. oi, x iu" SUN SOON HUIB CO. 611 ka, mattings, ruga, fancy goods. 70 6th. Prof. Rlngler, dancing master, 8 dances guaranteed, so. otuj tn. aiornson. ruune. Dog and Morse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S-. D. C. M. Office 113 JN. tttn. Aiain uco, a, uoo. Educational. LAUE'S Preparatory School of Pharmacy. 146 2d su, Portland;, ur. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or saie. m wu Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ment, shingle-.. 94 Grand ave. E. 482. Harness and Saddlery. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO., 831 Ankeny st. Phone Main Leather and Flndinga. CHAS. U MAS TICK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mir. miams-t. J. A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished ibi- v ltty Tont Mesaemrers. . HASTY MESSENGER CO., 123 Cth st. Main 63, A XloZ. jonnme on uio syou Musical. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher. pupil n. A HOik Pin- Main SfUK OI DCVUA. -aw. - c Smith, teacher of piano. 452 Salmon et. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty. Osteopathic Phyalciana. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 416-16-17 Dekum bidg.. Third and Washington sta. Phone, office. Main 349; ree. East or B 1028. Faints. Oils and OlabS. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash aad doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. patent and Pension Attorneys. R, C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. j J H1RSHEIMER. pensloa and patent at " torney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bidg. Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland. Office 4o2-3-4 Worcester block. WARKEN Construction Co., street paving, aide walks and crossings. 217 Beck bidg. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO., office 301 Beck bidg. Main 8489. Factory 24th and York. Kooiliig. OLYMPIC ROOFING CO.. 820 Cham, of Com. ; damp -proofing and repairing. M. 8010, A 4220. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checke and all office goods. P. D. C Co.. 231 Stark St. Both phones 1407. Showcase. Bank and Store llxtorea, THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, Mgr. TH-B Jaa. I- Marshall" Manufacturing Co., manufacturers show cases, cabinets, store, office fixture. &S9 Couoh at. Main 2703. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 106 2d St. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Signs. FOSTER A KLE1SER, SIGNS. The largest sign-makers in . th North west. 6th and Everett sta Phone Private exchange 65. Home A 1165. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Mala 1110. 614 Front. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co.. office ana commoaious iour-iary pntK wurpnuu--', separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables. X. W. cor. 1M and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main A 16. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General tr&neferrlng and storage; safes, ptaaoa and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2o Oak t.. bet. Front and lei. Telephone Main 641 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO Storage. Free Truckage. Heavy Hauling. Phones Main 69. A 1160. VAN" HORN TRANSFER CO. FMrnlture and piano moving a specialty. "4o-42 2d at. Phone A 1084. Main 1618 Taxidermist and Furrier. OREGON'S beft tnxtdermts!,- rxprrt in all Typewriters. WB ARE the exchaDge for the largest type writer conoern on this uoa: investigate; all makes, all The Typewriter Ex change. 2X7 Si Washington st. 6PECIAL prices; all makes rented, eoid, re paired. P. 1j. C. l:o., UU siarx. nm iwi. Veterinary $v.hoo4e. SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College. Cata log malred free. Dr. Keane. iai Aiarnet sc. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st. Wall pa per llncrustra, room moulding, etc UANKS. OTIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND 6URPLUS f 1400,000. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASaXNOTOX STS, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PEP. CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacilio. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Co t tags G ro ve Paarse nger ...... Shasta Limited California Express ... San Fra nclsco Express ........ West Side Corvallla Passenger .......... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. ...... Foreat Grove Passenger. .. Forest Grove Passenger. Arriving' Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger..... Rostburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limned Wet 6iue Corvallia Passenger. ..... Sheridan Pa&ser.ser Forest Grove Passenger....... Forest Grove Paswnirer...... Forest Grove passenger....... ,,i 8:15 a na. 4;1S p. m. 6:00 p. m. 7:43 p. m. 1:30 a, m 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:60 a. m, 1 :00 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:80 a. m. 10:40 a. m. 1 6 ;o0 p. m. ll :tu a iu- 9:30 p. m. 5:35 p. m. I0:ii0 a. ra. 6:00 a. m, 11:M a. m. 4 :40 p. m. Northern Pacific. 1 ,ivi n it Portland - Portland and Seattle Express.... 1 8:15 Portiand, Vancouver Special Jluiuu Puget Sound Limited .1 3:U0 Express, for North Coast Points! and Chicago 12:15 Arriving Portiand 1 Express from Chicago and Northl Coast points 7:00 Seattle and Portland Express.... i 4:00 Puget Sound Limited .. b.'M Portland-Vancouver Special 10:30 a m. p. m. p. m. p. m. Oregon Ilnllroad Jb Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Atlantic Express Chicago-Purtiajjd Special Soo-Spokane-Portland Eastern Express Arriving Portland Soc-Spokane-Portland Oregon Exprtes Chicago-Portland Special Pacific Express 8:10 lU;UO 7 :'J0 6:0u 8:00 7:20 8:00 6.00 m. a. ra. a. m. p. m. p. m. Astoria Columbia Biver; Leaving Portiand Astoria and Seaside Express Astoria and Seaside Passenger.. Rainier passenger Viainicr P.iatentier . 8:00 a. m. .1 6:00 p. m. .1 1:15 p. m. . I fi :'20 v. rn. Seaside Special, Saturday oniy. 2:a0 p. m- Arriving Portianu Portland Express 1 1 1 1t n. m Seaside and Portland passenger 10:00 p. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. Seaside Special, Sunday only... :i5 a. ra. 5:20 p. m. 10:15 p. m. Canadian Pacilio Bntlway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane. Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line, via Spokane. Via Seattle 7:00 p. m. 12:15 a. m. 9:00 a. m, 7:00 a. m. JElFF EJt5 ON -STItELT STATION. Southern Pacinc Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallaa Paasenger Arriving Portland Dallas Pajusengar .... Daiias Passenger 7:40 a. tn. 4:15 p. m. 10:15 a. 3i. 8:50 p. m. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PASSEX- BDoluuie, Portland & btattle Itallwar Co, leaving 1-ortmnd jjuana iiuiyn e i.xpre 8.46 m. lor CMC-Hsu. u 1-a.ul, Omaha, KausiLS City, il Louis .buiiii.s, bpukane, cne-o. LAnMM, ahiucu, Kaulotua. Koosevrnt, Grandaaile Itfie, "'18 bwveimoa, Vmuver ana miermedlat. .i.tlolis. Columbia Kivsr L.oc.1 4.1S P- Ts..iri.ti Bank ljmileu .40 y. m. iN?ir cZU. V- Ka"" C'IJl.' St lx.uis. JJiUlii. P"Kai-, u.l.) wunoui, vi-cSuver ana iutorm.aiat. .tauons. Arrivins 1-ortlaaa Kortn Bank uuu4. ........... m. From cnicatlL,, SL faul, Omaha. Ivas Cllv St. L)Ui. BUlinJ. apokaiie. Cnciiy, Sunt Wsoiucd, KalilotiL.. l-a;o. KOL,.e u "ranaaa.lL, lle. Wniw baliuuB. lv- Columbia Klver Loml a-if? bilrnon. Vancouver and iauu mediate stations. Xlm. Card Ore.n Electric BaUwy Co.- Leavlng Portland lor Salem atd Lot. .titiona- 0:30. I:", B.uo. ll:Jt A. M., li.uu, stauona, u.ol. , uniiied lor Tualatin Ld0'bfm-:W A. M. l Wll- vui. and mu stauons 6:lo f. Lealn. Portland lor Forest Orov. and Inata"ns-o.4U,,S;au lU:lu A. M.S X Arriving Portland irom Balem and lnu stations :UU. Vi:W A ii.i 1:U,.-H station. , limited irom balem and-luaiatm-oi 1-.. U. Ixical Irom WU tonvllie and Int. stalious 7 .-U A. il. I Arriving: Portland from Forest Grov. and Tnt stafitns J:6u. b:ao. ll:i A. Ji.. liailwuy, lljilt tf.wex Conipauj, 1 Un lave. Ticket OHic and Waltltui Kooiu. i lrat and a.ldor and iMut VVatar and luast streets. r-.Ri L.lAV'li; liIAbl' VVAl'ili AJvD . M'JliitlliO.S' BliUii.'i'b. Oreson City :". H:ii A. Al. and v.ry M to Tand inclualnil P. al., tli.n !:,, iini P iL. lat car uildnnsht. "rresham and Intermediate points :0S, it 446 6:4. :. I'M. 11:15 P. M. tLnriew and Iroutdai. .05. T:4o. 8:45. 8:iK:45 A. M. l:4a. i:44. :15, 4:4o. 6.45, :Laadero aad Intermedial. points t:ti, giatl'S A. K.. l.:45, 2:46. ..45, .44 P. For Vancouvsr Ticket citlc and Waitlns; Room, Beoond iiSio?"T:25. .:00. 8:8o. :lu, a M 10 30. 11:10, 11:60. "v" M 12 30 1:10. 1:50. 2:80. 8:10. :60. 4:0, 6:10. 6:50. 6:30. 1:05, 7:40. 8:16, :25, iq. ."11:46 On Third Monday In every month th. last leaves at 7:05 P. sf. Dally except bunday. Dally except Monday. ........