Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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w n - '' - " I I . .
Attrsctlre. strictly modem, lilich-rrafl.
well-built. 10-room residence, designed tor
beauty, convenience and comfort: located
oa Ti::amook street at end of Cast 36th
street, very near carllce. In taih-clsa
residence district, with Bull Bon water
and Improved streets: house has full base
ment, furnace, oak floors, beamed ceiling,
large Sreplare. bullt-ln bullet, bookcases,
seat. etc.. clothes chute to basement,
woodllft. lavatorlea on both floors, extra
toilet In basement. Built- by architect for
home for a client who could not take
eme for financial reason. If taken jm
ir.ed ately may be had at the very low
price of K0; small cash payment ana
balance monthly. Information from v.. l
Horn, architect, room 11 Madison bld,
20 Vi M St.
"LOT? " "LOTS." "LOTS."
BTTT NOW! Just 10 per cent payment
down, balance 5 or 10 per month.
Portland Heights lot, on carllne e1?
Alameda Park lot. on carllne lot. on carllne ouo
Waverleig h. Height! lot, on carllne.. 5ix
University Park lot. on carllne
Cedar Park Station '
rairport jf"
Hyde Park f."
I-enti 'i
Tremont Jr
Kosary . .........----
Don't "de'lav" In buying lots like these
at such prices and terms. Call today.
3H5V4 Washington St.
We have a house with garage on a 100x100
corner, completed In May of this year; It has
every modern convenience and Is well worth
lte h'-P. PALMER -JONES CO..
212-213 Commercial Club BiJg.
Main e0. A ti&3-
2ft ACRES In Willamette Valley; near.y half
in bearing orchard : email building ck
to K K. ; nr." of land; will take good
improved Port '.and property In exchange.
HO Second St.
WILL exchange my equity In a house and
lot 50x100. near 'i'ld and Lovejoy sts., lor
a first-class automobile touring car; no
Junk wanted. State make of machine and
year. AN 255. Oregonian.
FINE 0U acres of fruit land, 80 acrea culti
vated. acres choice Winter apples; aoid
31! ( tt boxes ia-t year; iraae ir roruna
property; -GoOU; snap. Louis BechteL
s-alem, Or.
WILL exchtirpo my equity In a house and
lot. 50x100. Love Joy st.. near 2:Su, for a
nrt-class automobile, 0 - passe n go r touring
car; no Junk wanted; state car and make.
T 2!i), uregon tan.
WILL exchange timber tends near trans
portat'on for city or su Durban realty,
assuming mortgage or diUereaces. P. O.
Box 740.
WE have a fine residence to exchange lor
Improved farm.
421 Abington Bidg.
FOR SALE Moving picture theater in Port
land linely equipped and making big
money: will bear full investigation. Par
ticulars 52b1 Washington st.
FOR SALE or trade, equity ir. 12-acre
fruit ranch. 2 miles from Hood River,
for Portland or Valley property. J 244.
BUSINESS property valued at $ lti.OOO to
exchange for farm or acreage.
421 Abington Bldg.
ft ACRES of land on Copia Creek, nejr
Walla Walla, to trade for grocery, dry
goods or hardware store, or good lodging
house. Owner. 615 Board of Trade bldg.
10 ACRES of Hood River land to exchange
for small bime in city. Will pay or as
sume some difference. Young, 012 Ger
linger bldg.
HOUSE and lot to exchange for a rooming
house; no Insurance.
21 Abington Bldg.
IIO AOREtS of as good land ever sold; It's
in Lake County; will trade it for good
ldgtng-house or business proposition in
Portland. Owner, ttlft Board of Trade bldg.
VACANT lots to exchange for automobile,
a:eage to exchange for house and lot.
421 Abington Bldg.
5 MALL rooming-house to exchange for a
larger one.
421 Abington Bid.
1 acres close to citv limits for city
property. Call at 308 Mill st.
TO EXCHANGE Grocery store, centrally
located, on West Side, for city property;
value of store. (loOO. 42S Mohawk bldg.
F"R EXCHANGE S-sa ted automobile. In
god condition for acreage. 107 Idaho su
Take Fulton car.
lt ACRES yellow fir for residence or acre
age near Portland. B 276. Oregonian.
YOU can trade any krnd of property at
room 1029 Board of Trade.
TAKE fine auto or lot firM payment on city
property. Henderson. 227 Abington.
$900 STEIN W A Y mahogany piano for lots,
close in; part cash. AL 271, Oregonian.
I HAVE friend comfng Tie re from the East
end he has written me to get hold of
some good investments for him. Property
on West Side of river will have prefer
ence. We prefer to deal direct with
owner. Owners giving details will re
ceive first consideration. O 2tJ0, Oregonian.
WE pay cash fur equiij. What property
have you to orter? Sell your contract to
us: we have buyers. National Realty A
Trust Co.. 326 V Washington st.
WANT to buy 3 to 7 acres Improved, with
small orchard, near carline.
421 Abington Bldg.
CHOICE homes and building lota our great
est need; we can sell them. Columbia
Trust Co . Board of Trade bldg.
WANT some good lots and houses. In good
location; have customers. Zimmerman.
(19-6.1 Board or Trade bldg.
WANTED Pest lot that can be handled for
jtio.000: rive location and terms. S 2S3,
I WANT to buy from owner T or 8 -room
house: give location and price In first
letter; no agents. AH 273. Oregonian.
WANTED 10. Investment, vacant lot;
state street number. S 2M, Oregonian.
IF you want a good homertaad In a fine cli
mate, wbere apples pear, plums, peaches
ex;e' ar.d at the ssire time yiefd big crop
of wheat, oats, grass and alfalfa ruts two
orx5 without irrsati ?n; no alkali, no
s-ump? and no rooks cr stones, where you
gT irtr. a- re all gvd tillable land. 5 t" 12
rrilfp of a good town; deep soil. jrwd water
. and lots of It. If yon can g within 10
cay. r:i at once.
SPENCER CO.. K2 2d St.
I LEAVE on fr my homestead In Cen
tral Oregon. Can locate several people
near me on .".20-acre tracts; excellent
crain land, near new Deschutes railroad;
best of soil and water; no rock, no alkali;
2 daily rraM. 2 stores; near sawmill and
forest reserve. Call 11 to 5 P. M., 1 C
Rich. 374 Washington st.
ONLY 4 horresteads left, rear Portland: come
n -w or never. 14 Muikey bldg.. 2d and
M"-rr.v-n .
Chicago. w Orleans. Seattle.
$29 chamber of Commerce.
WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of a'.l kinds. Kinney A
Stampher, ?.'U-"2 Lumber Exchange bldg.
TI MPER claim. 10 acres yellow Dins In
Vh.-e!er County. Or., cheap for cash. AM
2 7 i. Oregonian.
JAO .VRES fine tlmberlan. Wheeler County,
2. VV "-: f.'lOO. M I' 7 3. Oregonian.
TIMBER lands wanted, C. J.
04 Melt bldg.
ralrr. Hog or Stock Ranch.
Over 600 acres. 24 miles from Portland;
half cultivated, half pasture. '
Inventory Low estimate.
Implements, (50 per cent basis)..! 525
Livestock 4.3iK
Buildings '(2-S cost) 6'.M
Crops 6W
Fencing (1-8 cost) o0
I am offering this ranch of fine bottom
land and level upland, producing 100
bushels grain per acre, at about 60 per
cent of what it cost to clear the land.
It has been owned and worked by one man
for 54 years. This place, properly ban
died will pay from $7000 to $10,000 annu
ally. Photographs and full description
at my office. I am the owner and I can
show you something that will warrant the
closest possible Invalidation. Finest soil
In the world and no rocks; every -inch a
617 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Phone Main 1677.
Within 15 miles of Portland, rail and
river transportation, a trolley line, sur
veyed and assurod. passing the door; 20
acres full bearing prunes (crop contracted
at highest price and conservatively esti
mated at 4 acres bearing apples,
2 acres (grafted) English walnuts. 3
acres young walnut trees. 3 acres bearing
filberts ( In terse t with almonds. 3 acres
pears, peaches, quinces, cherries, graphs,
currants and small fruita, 4 acres grass, au
up-to-date jaiOO prune dryer. 50 cords
of wood for dryer; a good duelling, a
$500 barn. 3 cisterns of 5000 gallons ca
pacity each, a windmill with tank, school
house at corner of place cuts out one
acre ; price, including this year's crop
of prunes and other fruits. $20,000; terms,
half cash, balance 3-5 years at 7 per
Properly handled, this orchard will pay
good interest on a valuation of $30,000.
4U1-4C2 Board of Trade Bldg.
Lying about 25 miles from Portland, this
side of Mount Hood; shot loam soil; Ideal
air. drainage, proper elevation, free from
east winds, late and early frosts; a num
ber of orchards being planted; prices are
right; raw land from $10 to $60 p-ir acre;
cleared land from $60 to $100 per acre;
near the O. W. P. Ry. and on Mount
Hood Electric survey; go with us and buy
a piece of the best fruit land in the Pa
cific Northwest.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
An average income of $000 per year
(farm accounts shown), for $7000; half
cash, balance terms; 3 acres good bearing
orchard. 4 3 acres in cultivation. 10 acres
lough pasture, bu lance all tillable; a total
of ltil acres of the richest soli in tlca
Boring section ; good 6-room house, large
new barn, granary, prune dryer, con
crete milk cellar, root house, etc. ; spe
cial reasons lmjl owner to sell; every
thing tiptop, nothing "shoddy;" 7 miles
from electric R. R.. 25 miles to Portland,
1 mile to school and church and P. O.
40 1-401 Board of Trade Bldg.
WE are ter for l"ark County,
Wash., farms; our list is too long to ad
vertise thc-m separately; we have them
large and small, improved and partly Im
proved, unimproved and stump land ; we
will take you out to see any of th-m; buy
now and get benefit of increased values
when electric line Is built rit;ht to some of
them and . lose to others within tiO days.
220 Stark St
Vancouver Office. 7J2 Main St.
SO ACRES, all in cultivation. 2." miles from
Portland; square and level; fenced into 10-
acre neuis. hog-tight; good water. fln
buildings; alt kinds of fruit: every imple
ment : in nne condition ; 1 team. 2 cows.
3n head sheep. 3 hops, chickens, good
crops; everything in shlp-snape; JSUOO;
ivau casn.
517 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 1677.
OREGON for profitable home; get in on the
ground floor; we are in a position to fur
nlfh Oregon farms, improved, high state of
cultivation, any size ira is to suit, I to
2o,kx acres; choice grain, fruit or dairy
land at lowest market price, emsy terms;
do your own colonizing. Write tor prices
ana reiiao;? lniormation.
tt22 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or.
Consider: S-S-75 per acne for rich level
land, with good Improvements. 2 miles
to R. . R.. 35 miles to Portland (West
Side. This Is oiTered! by owner for quick
sale. A bona fide bargain, fully verified
by tnis otnee.
401-402 Board of Trade Bldg.
WHAT Walla Walla Wants Is vou. Presl
dent Roosevelt said : "Walla Walla made
the pleasantest Impression on my mind of
any city 1 visited in the Northwest." The
surrounding valley is an agricultural para
dise. It Is making good. Send for book
let S. A?k questions. Commercial Club,
Walla Walla, Wash.
21 acres, all in cultivation, good 7-room
house, outdoor buildings, tone fruit treea;
place all fenced; must be sold in next few
days. If you are looking for a nap look
this up.
618 Board of Trade Bldg.
80 ACRES. 43 In crp. 8 grass; good barn; In
Camas Prairie; $0200; ail level land and
good soil; terms.
40 acres, near White Salmon, all In culti
vation; $;000. terms.
312 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash.
12 ACRES of fine land. In high state of
cultivation, SO minutes ride on electric
from heart of city; station and store with
in 100 feet of tract; root houses and barn
on place; bargain if taken at once.
CHISM. 615 Couch Bldg.
SO ACRES; 25 cultivated, some good timber,
fir and cedar; living stream water; all un
der fcne; house, large barn, orchard. 2
miles Ridgefield boat landing and railroad;
S.MtoO. terms; will take small place to value
of giwo in trade. Fred Broetje. Mt. Tabor.
Government bulletin on irrigation In the
Willamette Valley and beautifully Illustrated
booklet. 'The Call of the Soil" (copyright)
sent to any addree free. Address Canby
Canaf Company, Canby, Or.
BARGAINS Improved and unimproved
Cowlitz County farm lands. Barnard A
Co.. Kalama. Wash.
BEST stock ranch In State of Wash.; nearly
4000 acres; easy terms. Olympic View
Hotel. 2019 1st ave.. Seattle.
SEND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying ; lands shown free.
Olmstead Land Co.. Salem, Or.
ALL good ones; tee us. Columbia Trust Co.,
Board of Trade bldg.
11 4-10 ACRES. 150 DOWN.
4 mile from R. R. station. In Yamhill
County alt level, cleared and ready for the
plow; $1425.
84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg.
"WHAT Walla Walla wants Is you," and
perhaps, if you investigate, you will want
Walla Walla. Our valley is an agricultural
paradise; our orchards are making good.
Send for booklet S, Commercial Club,
Walla Walla. Wash.
FINE platting acreage on Peninsula at a bar
gain If taken Immediately. Call it inter
110 Second St.
TWO acres to five acres, with seven-room
bungaion; one blo-k ea-st Mann Station, on
W v.. carline. Main 2? or call at prem
ises, or 5.0-61O Medical bldg.
$,4f0 THIRTY acres tn city limits at $1400
per acre: already platted; speculator can
double his money In short time; half cash.
Y 24Z. Oregonian.
ACREAGE 12-i of fine gardon and onion
land; fine water. good improvements,
near carllne. 4750, term. 7 Board ot
1100 ACRES. 25 miles from Portland. 3
miles to railroad ; no stbna or gravel,
running water. $15 per acre. Hoban. 405
Buchanan blk.
WE have some attractive buys In Portland
acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board of
Trade bldg.
10 and 20 acres on Section Line: small pay
ment down, balance easy terms. Call see
ua. Bog g ess. 221 Morrison. Room 6.
10 ACRES Hood River;
term. 272 Stark at.
grajid jjoperty;
Horses. Vehicles mod Harness,
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old established
wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at
almcst the same cost ? We are located
outside the high rent district, own our
building and can, make the pTice. Exclu
sive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Company tine vehicles,
delivery wagons, top buggies, runaboutfi
snd farm wagons. Be sure and see us
before you buy. It may save you money.
i-i. m. v aae to., a-z tiawmornt ave. o
tween E. 1st and 2d sis.
FOR SALE Strictly high-grade driving
team of bay geldings, weight about 1100
lbs. each; just In their prime; also ball
bearing surrey and light driving buggy.
Call week days from 12 to 4 o'clock. Room
3.4 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
cr year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day, week, or
month, i- nones cast TIT. is laoa. naw
tUorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE or trade, fine young registered
stallion, best bred stallion in Oregon; also
fast trotting registered mare; prize winners
wherever shown: these are classy individuals
I have no use for them, oV5 Commarclal
HORSE, buggy and harness, snap; horse Is
a pacing mare, gentle and kind, lady can
drive cer any place, wen orea, can pace
a 40 clip any time you ask her. Inquire
at 149 First. Home phone A 1489, or Main
vb), or iu&si itJi. ti. i... earner.
FOR SALE Bay mare, well bred, thor
oughly city broke, weighs 1100; 7 years
old; cheap. At Fashion Stables, 20th and
ashing to a sts.
VICTOR WILKES, the prixe winner. Jet
black elding, o years. n nanus, niu ids.
very fast trotter, safe for lady to drive; to
close estate. Hansen. Roe City Park.
FOR SALE A vouhk team' of dark grays,
weight 2S00 lbs, 1 3 Vs-inch new wagon
and harness ana one team or young
grays. 1100 each. 144 E. 2d st. N.
KINO bred colt. 3 years, stallion standard
bred and registered; sale or exchange for
real estate. c'o Albina ave.
FOR SALE Livery and sale bam; 2 years
lease; in right location; on account or sick
neea. AN 2t3. Oregonian.
WILL cell at a bargain, 1 light double set of
harness and 1 heavy set of Boston backers
harness. 1 road cart, ooa Ainina ave.
FOR SALE Good 5-year-old gelding, city
broke; will drive double or single. Call at
270 12th st.
HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City
Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M. auu.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 29 Montffomery.
HUBERT & HALL, 8S0 Front, buy, sell, rent
nurses, vehicles; low rates on Dullness rig.
ONE driving or saddle pony, phone Tabor
TtCJ. or East 1431.
WANTED Gentle horse, light work, - good
care and feed. Sandstrom. Hillsdale, or.
Fr.irr"rrtTC auto, cost SISOO: first-class con
ditlou; will sell for 100G casl or terms,
or trade for real estate. Inquire Seng-
stake & Lyman, uu rum su
FOR SALE or exchange, electric auto In
first-class condition ; very low price. In
quire 110 Third st.
WANTED to rent month of August, auto
mobile; small car preferred. T SiSS, Ore
BARGAINS In second-hand automobiles; free
garage. Randall, 315 Oregonian Dlcg.
FIXE upright piano for sale or trade at C
O. Pick's warehouse, d and Plna sta.
AN 134. Oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL new burl walnut piano for
sale at sacrifice. Ionian court.
$75 MAJESTIC range In fine condition. $40;
Jewel gas range, 10; Reliable gas water
heater. Stj.TW): solid oak princess dresser.
f lil.flO; hotel dresser, $5 ; good sewing
machines. $3 to $lo; iron beds, $2 to $i;
refrigerator. $7. SO; -extension table, $4 ;
dining chairs, TTic; kitchen chairs, 4c;
rockers. 75c to $!; folding beds, $5; car
pwts, rugs, mattings, linoleum, all sizes.
vo rurnisn nouses on me installment pmn
with first-class second-hand furnishings.
or you can furnish with entirely new
goods. What we haven't got you can go
to the wholesale house ana picK out wnai
you want, or we can give you partly new
and partly second-hand at way-down
prices: our terms are i, down ami small
v.eckly or monthly payments. Iarget va
riety to select from In the Northwest. Get
our prices first.
H27-C20-0:tl-:..'l-6::5 Washington Street.
Corner of 20th St. Main 11 OS. or A 3793-
Here's jour chance, 35 standard makes
sewing machines, an in gooa oraer. iroro
$10 up; they must go quickly. White Sew-in-c
Machine Store, 420 Washington st.
ONE knife-rack and knives, combined; 1
babv-rack. with baskets and balls: 1
electric organ; 1 cash register, nearly new.
Everything must go. regardless of cost.
Apply F. Oliver. 42 N. 4th st.
FO R SALE In perfect con -J i 1 1 on. 1 Bab
cock Stanhope; practically new, for less
than half its original prn:c: can be seen
at Portland Riding Academy, 22d and
FOR SALE In nerfect condition, 1 Bab-
cock Stanhope; practically new, for less
than halt its original price: can ne seen
at Portland Riding Academy, 22d and
FRESH Jersey cow and calf; registered,
highly bred; gives 22 quarts per day;
tests 6 per cent. Mr. Levy, Council
Crest. 2 blocks west of Mr. Yerex.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed, ea-sy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co.,
203 2d st.
Films for rent, complete equipment for
theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st.
SAFES Fire and burglar proof, all sizes;
second-hand safes and vault doors cheap.
Davis Safe A Lock Co., 66 3d St.
50 GRADE Shropshire ewes, one cheap work
horse and one Jersey bull. H. G. Stark
weather. R. F. D., Milwaukle. Or.
ONE 4Vs H. P.'Olds stationary gasoline en
gine, nearlv new. price $150. Phone N.
4164. Call 330 14th at.
FOR SALS Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood il lowest market prices. Hoover,
813 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5445.
PICTURE machine In good condition and
cheap. 517-518 Swetland bldg.-
- '
WANTED, Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes: we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 0272.
Bought, repaired and exchanged.
623 Mission St., San Francisco. Cal.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less.
Phones A 2445. Main 8951.
Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highst
price. 94 Grand ave. East 1051, B 2044.
WANTED Reasonable, multigraph, office
cupboard, stenographers chair, etc; casn.
B 281. Oregonian.
LADY wants care one or two young chil
dren; good home; price reasonable. 24 S
:th et.
C.otMng wanted; fcighew prices paid. Phone
square ieai, Al. 1M1. rruiii mi icmmu.
HIGHEST price paid for metals and rub
ber. J. Leve, 186 Columbia st. M. M98.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
FIRST-CLASS pantsraaker wanted.
the Tailor. IOS 3a.
HIGH-CLASS salesman, big wages, perma
nent. 215 Commercial Block.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
n t . 1 f. . A Main .fCl
COOK wanted at Dolph Hotel; good wages.
as. ET T Rarthrnb DnlTih. Or.
MAN for poolroom, must take half Interest.
e did su
CARPENTERS wanted at Ockley Green
chool building.
MEN out of steady employment can earn
WANTED If luck la against you and you
want employment wun rcBuuun.
and no heavy work, no agency, no rail
road fare for you to pay; only those look
ing for work need to answer this ad.
Address J. H- Hawthorn, P. O- Box 343,
San Francisco, Cal.
iaaaa phqittdvo foe graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight week; help to secure pc; wo,
a-i-UH..Bt.. .rn from Sifi to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; tool free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35
lorth 4th t., ruruaxhi, or.
3 and 4 lathe mills; either piece work
contract DJ muasa'iu iu u" ' -
ery ana power turnisneu; enic
and price wanted. Address M- K. Bartlett
fo proviaent oiag.. lacum,
REAL ESTATE man will take young man
as partner to show land ; no experience
necessary ana verv mii m"1
rnnri ihn( for hrlsrht fellow. PartlCU
lars National Realty & Trust Co., 326 ft
Washington St., room 16.
M AN o fccod appearance, neat dresser,
nrefemhiv an. and well educated: pref
erably a college man: must be a hustler.
x capable of earning $50 a week. Apply 625
Cnamber of Commerce bldg. today 5 to 6
P. M. only.
MEN for railway mall clerks, postoffice
clerks, carriers, internal revenue, en;. ;
good salary and promotion with each po
aition: we nreoiire vou i examinations soon
Write pacific States School, McKay bldg.
STi.'Mnr.RtPHir.n. who itt not afraid to
work; has had experience in mercantile
line and wants a permanent Position wna
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless
telegrapny and engineering. K. h. ace sta
tion work: nractical instruction: largest pri
vate station In the world. Send stamp for
circular Wireless Institute, ban rancisco.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postoffice
clerks, carriers, examinations in mu
land November 17; preparation free.
Franklin Institute. Dept. v., itocues-
ter. N. Y.
T H R M pier A Frank store can place sev
eial bright young men who desire to
learn the business. Apply to superin
tendent early Monaay morning.
WANTED An experienced Japanese roan
that speaks good English for housekeeper
at the Hotel Seward. Call for manager
between 8 and 12 A M-. Monday.
WANTED Two good bench men. one door
machine man. one door stock cutter. Ap
ply at Oregon Lumber & Manufacturing
Co.. Oregon city.
WANTED Men to learn watchmaking, en
o-r.-vvinc and ootics: few month, to learn
positions secured'. S. F. Watchmaking
school. 325 Kearney St., ban Francisco.
TWO general farm hands, not over 22 years
of age; good milkers only need apply. 2V4
McKay bldg.
WANTED Salesman to sell Industrial
stock on commission. Inquire room 427
Cornelius Hotel.
FIRST-CLASS porter for first-class hotel, in
this city; one who knows his business.
Hotel Seward. 10th and Aider.
ENERGETIC salesman wanted for Spo
kane territory. Se Business Chance col
uiiins for particulars.
YOUNG man for light work at college for
tuition in tel-agraphy. Oregon college, sj
otii st.
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
ranhe: s. t'.r city and country. Commer
cici Abstract Co., 4US Commercial Club.
WANTED Pick and shovel men, Sellwood
sewer. i:;th and fapoKane,, a nours.
Pacific Contracting Co.
wivTF.n A tood all round machine man
principally framing. Address Medford Sash
& Doer co.
bookkeeper wanted for lumber office;
state age and experience. Chehalis River
Lumber Co., cenirana. wasn.
o nnrvottp m imen citv and country work.
with book or specialty exjerience preferred.
Call after O A. M. wx .meaner Diag.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; no be
ginners; commission, :ai oaiij . jjeueaic
tine Press. Goodnough bldg.
piRST.n.AfiS Mtahlemen. Eastern men. used
to trotters, preferred. Apply between 10
and 11 at 341 Morrison.
RELIABLE man to take interest and assist
In prontable business ; insures more inuu
salary; money securea. ..'m swubhu uiub.
SALESMEN. all lines. bookkeepers and
stenographers. 32.1 v. asmngton
room 2Ii-
tx- & vrrn v..nnir man to carry dishes at
Peerless Cafeteria. 104 5th St.; $10 per
ELDERLY gentleman with first-class ref
erences to fill position as night cashier
Jersey Lunch Room, Gth and Stark.
WANTED Photo coupon agents, new offer.
Call Davis-Hayes muaio, o-i- w uu.
WANTED Barber for steady Job In good
location. as- 1 -
PHOTOGRAPH coupon agents, best winning
oner; goou mwucj . t, -
WE secure positions for our members.
Special memDer3nip, x. in. -- a.
FIRST-CLASS coatmaker. Apply Monday
morning. 31.. Macieay Ding.
STABLEMAN, experienced. Halladaj
stables. 3a ana faciric sis.
MEN wanted to shovel dirt at 21st and Bel
mont sts.
HOW to make and apply gold and silver
plating without a battery. Agemu mam
big money. l eacn. sena money uiu'
Mrs. Margerette Adams. Portland, Or.,
general delivery.
WANTED Immediately, amateur actors.
singers, 'dancers, etc.. tor vauueviue ana
dramatic stage; fine opportunity for po
sition on theatrical circuit. Call 526Vi
Wash. st.
SHORTHAND SCHOOL, any system, day and
nig lit C!ilJ4S:. r v luao Ruai " '-
competent. E. B. U., 629 Worcester block.
CHIROPODIST demonstrators and other
aemor.straiors waniea. auuics
st.. Portland. Or.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms
reasonable, v.-ajKing ai stance; gas, Dam
and phone. East 2570.
STUDIO Music, German, French. English
literature. 452 Morrison. Main j'jwi .
WANTED First-class marker. Apply at
once Elite Launory, Vancouver, wasn.
FISK Teachers' Agency helps good teachers
to neiter positions. i , cuauu
LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert, a montn. mn. mum
FIP ST-CLASS experienced chambermaid.
Apply houeeiceeper notei ocv mu, wiun
10th and Alder sts.
HOl'SEWORK Girl to assist with general:
t ail 20- Ci. an i-
SHIRTWAIST Ironers. experienced, wanted
East Side Laundry, Asn ana oin si.
HOl'SEWORK Capable girl for general; good
wage. Kaet 10 1.
Business News
boiled down and put in
shape that makes it very
convenient for the busy
man is Oregonian
1 'want" ads. They're
mighty interesting: read
ing. So much so, in fact,
that, after reading them a
few mornings, you 11 be
lost without them. Not
only interesting, but prof
itable reading, too.
i.adt to take charge of very large altera
tion department for ladies suits and
gowns; must have first-class experience
and understand the work thoroughly; none
other need apply. Answer G 270, -Orego
A number of first-class saleswomen
wanted in several of our departments.
wnT? r jrnrt saleswomen.
Salesladv In every town to take orders
for made-to-order petticoats; outfit free;
write for particulars. Denver Skirt &
Suit Co., Denver, coio.
THE Moler ft Frank store has a number of
vacancies for competent sales cierKS, in
cluding one for corsets, also one for mus
lin underwear. Apply to superintendent
early Monday morning.
WANTED A first-class lady pastry cook
at Peerless Cafeteria 2l'7 Morrison; must
be first-class; good wages and steady po
AMBITIOUS lady secures an Interest in
business of her own by small investment
and taking charge of ortice. aua bwet
land bldg
848 ft Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED A girl for general housework In a
family of three adults; sleep at home. 560
Elizabeth St., Portland Heignts. a ibi.
GIRL to do housework, small family, plain
cooking; pleasant home. 1 4 .bast lotn,
near Belmont.
B2614 Washington st.. Room 301.
Main 8&i6, or A 32tid.
WANTED Kefmec. caparHtt womn for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth
child bidg., 4th and Washington,
HOl'SEWORK Girl to do cooking and gen
eral housework, small family, good wages,
call mornings. ;i52 Clifton at., cor. par:.
WOMAN of brains as well as tact; capable
of making good. Position offering unusual
opportunities. A -.J, sjrtgonian.
MANICURING, halrdressing and dermatol
ogy. Ladies, I teach. Mrs. M. it. Holmes,
Specialist, 5S7 Wash. Bt.
GIRL for general housework; must be good
HOl'SEWORK Good cirl wanted for gen
eral housework. 2IT7 N. 22d, corner North-
10 LADIES, at horn?, steady or evenings to
stamp transfers; dozen upwara.
Call room 2-4 .narquam oiag.
A COMPETENT girl for general house
work, family of 4; good wages; German
preferred. Apply mornings. S21 Overton.
COMPETENT girl- for general housework in
apartment; good-wages. Mrs. Overbeck. 6U
N. 23d. M. b2.iT.
WANTED Girl for general housework; tu
children, email family. Apply .jv jvear-
WANTED A strong woman for dish-wash
ing and chamber work in boarding-nouse.
M N. 14th st.
V.' ANTED Housekeeper for country; one
with small cliild preferred. Call or phone
J. c. tiote! Hoy:, aionaay. x i to j.
LAXrlES. I 'teach manicuring, hairdvessing
and dermatology. Mrs. M. ti. tioimes,
Specialist. nSt Wash. st.
GIRL to assist in general housework. 696
THOROUGH course of millinery taught In
6 weeks; terms reasonble. 41o Alder st.
DINING-ROOM girl for work at the Nor
ton, lt.2 12th st.
GIRL to assist with housework. Apply 700
WAITRESS, experienced, $3 and board.
Becker s Grin. ioth ana Aiaer.
GOOD housekeeper to go to the beach.
Mair 3033.
FIRST-CLAtiS waitress to go to the beach.
Main 3933.
SALESLADY for cloak and suit department,
Eugene, Or. AE 277. Oregonian.
HEAD ekirtmakers; also waist-trimmers.
Teesdale. 506 Marquam bldg.
FA RMER of 44 wants housekeeper imme
diately. T 286. Oregonian.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave ana iast layior.
SHIRTMAKERS wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co.,
20l Stark st.
WANTED Girl. confectionery and Ice
cream store; gooa wages. coucn st.
GOOD girl fn boarding-house, as kitchen
helper. Call 386 East Burnslde.
WAITRESS, Simpson's restaurant. Seventh
and fine sts.
FIVE operators on pants. Expeilenced. 109
2d st. Room 2.
GIRL to do housework, small family. 78014
Kearney st-
YOUNG girl to look after small rooming-
house. Call an coiumDia si. .
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 1N6 fc;ast itn st., pnone nasi zuui.
Bookkeepers and Clerks
A FIRST-CLASS traveling man familiar
with stoves and hardware, capable of
handling any line; eight years- experience
in Washington and Oregon territory; best
references. Is open for position. T 2if0,
YOUNG man, experienced bookkeeper, sten
ographer ana casnier, goou penman, ue-
sires position either In or out of city. G
272. Oregonian.
A-l ACCOUNTANT wants set of books to
keep evenings; DUSiness connaennai. An
2"'. Orronian.
WORKING interest where secured, or posi
tion wanted by trusiwortny man oi acu
ity, best of references. AB 276, Orego
nian. WANTED-1 By experienced lawyer a posi
tion with seme reputable legal arm ui
corporation; references furnished. N 268,
bUllaer. piumnins huu "eauus, ..
contract. A 1027. 584 Third st.
YOUNG man of good "education and good
habits desires position oi some nmu.. au
260. Oregonian. .
YOUNG MAN would like position nights;
part or an niguii oi- w ..
271. Oregonian.
JANITOR, first-class, colored, wants posi
tion : references iumisnea. x-noue au.
YOUNG married man, fair education, good
worker, wishes position. s ira, ureumiu
MAN and wife wish to take charge of
ranch, u wo, ureSuuwu.
JAPANESE cook wants position at private
family. Main i-
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Permanent position by compe
tent DOORKeepcr, "i. , v;
fice and correspondence. Thorough busi
ness woman. Best of references. H 273.
STENOGRAPHER Reliable. 7 years ex
perience, SUOSllIUIO or jicrmauciii. x-uuua
Main 1714.
YOUNG lady wishes position In office until
3 P. M. i uregonma.
STENOGRAPHER Young lady wishes po
sition, best reierences. a itsi. ureftonian.
POSITION for office work; young lady; can
FOR good etenographer. permanent oV sub
stitute worn, pnone Lieni wiliw, a utir.
YOUNG lady stenographer desires position.
Phone a ltvo.
HOUSEKEEPER wants position for widower
or bacne.or; Deer oi ioikcowb. je
WIDOW, as housekeeper for refined wldow-
tx1! family, in city, au vreiooisB,
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mra Angeles. 326 Wash, st.. room 210.
LACE CURTAINS beautifully launderel;
fine sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities.
Phone labor
STnn npt-mnn iriri wants day work
washing. Ironing preferred. Phone Main
GERMAN woman goes out to do laundry
worn. juain -ion-
DAY WORK. German lady, washing and
ironing. Phone Main 'a-iZi, room v.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40c
pair, juain ooya. -tutf..
HOUSEKEEPERS. cooks, chambermaids.
nurses. St. Louis, :i4o V ash. Mam
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40c
a pair, f none iasi oaoi, c aujo.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for
p.nd delivered, 40c pair, 'labor iou..
LAUNDRY wanted to do at home by
woman. Phone Main lltjy. '
4.GKNTS wanted bv Columbia Life & Trust
Company; high-class men to sell life Insur
ance in f rtiami ana in oiner cuiw 'u
t.-Lwris. rtf orfu.-.n Vt'Hjfhinton and Idaho;
former experience not neieesary ; splendid
opportunities; first-class reterences as to
character required. Address the company'
home office. Lumber Lxchange Diag., Port
land. Or.
iv a vrrn RiLTPssful nursery salesmen
choice territory, big commission; good repu-
ta'ion behind our gooos maKes saieo ojr.
Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem,
MAKE $10 A DAY Agents wanted every
where to sell HartwcU mail box. Writs
for branch office in your territory, cres
cent Mfg. Co., 712 L st., Sacramento. taL
AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of
nursery 3IOCK.;- USU wewvi . vuns.
Capital City nursery v-o.. amciu. w.
VA.MK.I' f3l wue, an oui v-i.s -
n I shed roonw, with modern conveniences, by
young civil engineer, ieriiiaiicin..jf
in city; please ctate location and price. Ad
dress S 22. Oregonian.
WANTED at once, furnished house for
short time only, by couple without chil
dren. Will give beat of care; rent must
in- reasonable. Give full particulars. B
283, Oregonian.
WANTED Ey two joung gentlemen, room
in private family, wun or wunuu. UUo.u
walking distance. B 274, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent small cottage or 3
rooms, unfurnished; aescription ana privs.
Address Carpenter, 772 Montana ave.
WANTED A vacant house of 16 or more
rooms, centrally located, pnone a la ( z.
189 W. Park st.
MODERN bungalow, East Side, good neigh
borhood, state run particulars, a
Furnished Rooms.
rn-nt- mth aiirl Washlnerton Sts.
New management; THOROUGHLY
BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month : tourist trade solicited.
Seventh, Ankeny and Buruside.
Everything brand new, homelike and
rnm ffiifahln - rate reasonable. Free bus.
thr barton. 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam neat, eieci-ric uk u lb.
etc.; rooms 510 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones ana Dams tree.
THE KING. 309 Jefferson St. Nicely fur
nlshed rooms, modern conveniences, close
to business center; 50c to $1 per day 2
persons, or $2.50 and up per week. Take
uth-st. car from Depot.
THE KING. o09 Jefferson st. Nicely fur
nlshed rooms, modern conveniences, close
to business center; buc to i per aay z per
son, or $2.50 and up per week. Take 5th-et.
car from depot. .
Washington and 13th: beautiful rooms,
single or en suite, or adjoining; free phone
in each room, eiegant parior anu iuuoj
weekly rates $3 up. Main 7195.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; ail modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2ti47, M. 5047.
THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington
sts., elegantly furnished single rooms, with
all modern conveniences ; only $10 and
NEWLY furnished rooms, light, heat and
bath, choice location, $10 per month. The
Russel. Flat C.-549 Washington, bet. 16th
and 17th.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason
able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite
the Plaza.
214 Columbia st; Summer rates; run
t ning water in all rooms; transients 50c to
$1 day; one call means another.
Just opened ; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2; $2
to J4 per week; nice yard and surround
ings. Aster House, 7th and Madison.
LOVELY front bay window room and others
at $1.50 to $o; free phone, bath, lights,
etc. 2 North 14th st.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327V4
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 42o Alder Modern, cen
tral, $3, $4, $5 per week; transient.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. 2 to $4 week.
I-'imiished Rooms in Private Family.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, each suitable
for two gentlemen or two girls employed
through day; also two comfortable single
rooms; terms reasonable; private family;
will give breakfast; nice locality, 1 block
from either 23d or W- carllne. Phone
Main 2071. No sign.
A couple large, cheerful front rooms In
a beautiful private home with every con
venience; one block Washington: one
block "Alexander Court; walking distance.
Call 60 N. 21st st.
FOR RENT Four furnished rooms, with
bath, in best residence section, for 30 or
t0 davs. Call TeL Mam 64S4 from & to
12 A. M.
NICELY furnished front room for 2 or 3
gentlemen; also furnished front perlor.
Phone A 3S75, call 549 Yamhill.
ELEGANT room In refined home; every
comfort; sleeping porch; $12.0 to gen
tlemen. 656 Glisan st.
LARGE front alcove room, choice location.
house modern, suitable tor gentleman.
388 Salmon, bet. West Park and Tenth.
NEWLY cozy furnished front roome, $2 and
$3; all conveniences; waiKing aistance. rnone
A 1027. 5S4 od st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, all conveniences.
$2 and $2.&u. Jztn st.
FURNISHED rooms, 131 W- 12th st., Port
land, Or.
NEWLY furnished rooms for rent, reasonable.
265 13th.
SUITE of 2 or 3 rooms; also single rooms.
$6 up. 202 loth st.
NEAT and economical room; 10-mlnute car
service; reterences. uov ueimuiH.
22S 10TH ST. Newly furnished room with
bath adjoining.
SINGLE room for young man, $2; electric
light, bath. 4l Kaat aiorrison
TWO newly furnished rooms. J6 per month
each. 420 .llia SL., near umuu
PLEASANT front room; every convenience;
reasonable; warning aieianue. odl ium.
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
2. 252 Snerldan-
Rooms With Board.
Modern in every respect ; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
710 Washington St., near King, brand new,
elegantly furnished ; .every room Jias a
private bath, telephone; the maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum
of expense. If you want the best in the
city for the money, call and Inspect;
dining-room In connection.
1 very large light and airy ltvlng-room,
with alcove bedroom, partially furnished, cr
will furnie-h to suit parties; private tele
phone, hot and cold water, electric lights,
steam heat.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary, 510 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th
St. Mrs. M. E. Bret herton, supt.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th st. cor.
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason,
able rates for 4ransient guests. W car to
and from depot passes the door.
THE. LINDELL, 269 Market Nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonable; fine walking distance.
FURNISHED room for two, with board; man
and wife or 2 gentlemen; 5 mln. walk; mod
ern. 230 loth st.
THE CALVARD Take w. car at depot to
door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 209T.
TKB MORRISON, 533 Morrison; American
plan; rooms $10; hot and cold water.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
LARGE, pleasant room for two, good loca
tion, near 23d-st. car; home cooking. 7ii0
Hoyt st.
LARGE, pleasant room and good home board,
very reasonable to two or three permanent
people. 549 Johnson. A 4681.
FURNISHED bedroom and board, suitable
for two and one ; walking distance. .229
NEWLY furnished front room with board for
two; walking distance; everything modern.
Main 4294. 194 N. 17lh st.
PLEASANT newly furnished front room, with
board; modern conveniences. Phone East
ROOM and board in private family for two.
653 Washington st. .
624 Marshall Street.
The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart
ments in the city; 3-room suites, PRI
VATE BATHS and reception halls; both
phones FREE In each apartment; electric
elevator; nice large verandas both front
and back; large lawn and beautiful shade
trees ; low Summer rates. Take W car
to Marshall, go 1 .block east.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St., new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
1c 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning, janitor service, from
$25 up month ; some unfurnished ; come
look and be surprised.
THE BERYL 695 Love joy St.. near Slit,
just opened; the largest rooms, the largest
closets and the best equipped apartments
In the citv; don't take anyone's word for
it, come and see for yourself.
MADISON PARK apartments. Park and
Madison Unfurnished apartments ; hot
and cold water, electric elevator and jani
tor service; 5 minutes' walk from Portland
Hotel. Phone Main 6556.
THE HARTFORD, corner 21st and Flanders;
furnished three-room apartment; large out
side rooms, private bath and reception hall;
everything' first-class and strictly modern,
Northeast cor. 16th .'ind Mill sta., 2, 3. 4
and 5-room unfurnished apartments; hot
water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main 5110.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.,
unfurnished apartment, with bath ; every
convenience; desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2506.
THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts., one 4
and one 5-room unfurnished apartment,
all modern conveniences, reasonable rent;
NEWLY ' furnished three room apartment,
private bath. Call at apartment 2, Helm
Apartments, 14th and Columbia.
THE HANOVER, 165 King, near Washing
ton, modern 3-room apartments; wall
beds, private porch; best location in city.
THE MORTON, N. E. cor. King and Wash
ington 3 outside rooms suite, first floor,
with every convenience, for rent cheap.
THE MARLBOROUGH 6 and 6-room apart
ments; I' 1st and t'Janders. Nob Hill dis
trict; every convenience. Main 7516.
THE CHETOPA, lSth and Flanders sts.
4-room, modern apartments. Inquire the
NEW 5-room, steam-heated flat, modern
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor
gan, 503 Abington bldg.
COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished,
all cool outside suite, private phone free,
11th and Columbia. Main 1911. A 2720.
JEFFERSONIAN, modern 2 and 3-room fur
nished apartments. $20 up. 16th-Jeff erson.
$30 FOR rent to desirable tenant, 2 new,
large, 5-room upper flats, thoroughly
modern, basement, attic, fireplace, gas
stove and water heater, laundry tray, fine
neighborhood, walking distance, 3 min
ute car service, 94 H East 15th. Inquire
S96 E. Yamhill. Phone B 2230.
MODERN. 6-room, upper and lower flat,
near West Side High School, large attic
and sleeping porches. Inquire 175 16th,
corner Yamhill.
MODERN 7-room upper outside .flat, cor.
5th and Grant, $27.50 to good tenant.
29 Stark.
NEW fiat for rent, cor. 6th and Wasco, S
blocks north of Holladay ave. Call Main
1505. W. Reidt,,401 Rothchild bldg.
4-ROOM furnished flat, modern, close In,
$22.50 per month. 442 Rodney ave. Phons
East 4 866.
WEST SIDE 584 hi 7th St. cor. of Grant,
4-room modern fiat. $14; 586, 4-room mod
ern lower fiat, $16; open; no children.
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and finished attic.
-H5Ms Glisan st. Phone Main 3225.
6 ROOMS, hot water, steam heat, handsome
building, east front, walking distance. 303
31th. Main 1011, A 2720.
TWO new 4-room flats. E. 22d and Stark.
Inquire 127 East 16th St.. bet. Morrison
and Aider; reasonable.
THREE-ROOM modern unfurnished flat, all
conveniences. Inquire 225 Market. Main
MODERN 5-room flat: gas stove, water
heater. 8 E. 12th North. East 5088.
CHOICE Mob Hill flat, six rooms; 10th and
Davis. App;y or im pi.
2 NEW 5-room flats, large porch, modern.
471-473H ; key 4fi8 Park.
MODERN five -room flat. 23d and East Sal
mon. Main ii or A isia.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st.
Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278.
JEW 9 and 7-room flats. 10 minutes' walk
from Postoffice. Call 434 MU1 St.
$7 FOUR-ROOM flat. Apply Haverstlc A
3alieger, l-umuei
MODERN 6-room flat; tint to suit tenants.
T7S.1 Kearney st. Key 712 Kearney.
ATTRACTIVE, modern, three or fonr-room
. e,nnnnc .!. li Wall t
5-ROOM flat, inquire 230 Hall st.
Hou-aekeeping Rooms.
532 WILL. AM a A v Ji. urnisneo House
keeping rooms, aiao single i winn. ruuuo
C 1523.
6-ROOM furnished flat. West Side, 3 rooms
rented lor ngut jiouHt!nc-yin . o muitio
rorth Wash. st. Wood lawn 2128.
BEAUTIFULLY located two and three-room-unfurnished
bay-window suites. 3o5& Jef
ferson and Fifth.
$1 5 week, clean, fum. housekeeping rooms,
laundry, bath. 203 Stanton St., U. car.
THE MILNER; 350. Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all convenience.
$1 50 week, large, clean, furn. housekeeping
rooms, laundry, bath, parlor. 184 Sherman.