Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 30, 1909, Page 20, Image 20

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Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today and Tomorrow Go on August Account Bobbykins and Dollykins Toy Dept. Fourth Floor
The Meier Frank Store's IQlfth Friday Surprise Sale
Today The Meier Frank Store's Expansion Sale in A
11 Depts.
$3.50 Drawers $1.39
For today's 1017th Fridav Surprise Sale. 500 pairs of women's fine cambric and nain
sook Drawers, trimmed in lace, embroidery and tucks; very pretty styles, in CI
large variety; 'values ranging from $2.00 to $3.50 pair, at this low price, pr.S'
Great Expansion Sale bargains in Infants' Wear, in endless variety Second Floor.
Great Expansion Sale bargains in Night Gowns, all sizes and prices Second Floor.
800 Pairs Lace Curtains
$ 3 5.00 Values $8.35 Pr
In the Curtain Depart
ment we offer for today's
1017th Friday Surprise, a
great offering of high
grade Lace
Ltcet Arabians, Irish
Points and novelty Onr
tains; heavy, wide bor
ders, lacet Arabian, made
on heavy cable nets; Irish
Points in white, ivory or
beige, on good nets; also
novelty Curtains in great
variety; an advantageous
par-chase from a large
New York importing
house enables us to offer
$15.00 values at this mar-
velou&ly low
price, per pair
1 000$ 1 .50 Table Covers 89c
In the Upholsterv Department. Third Floor, for today's 1017th Friday Surprise, a
great special lot of mercerized Table Covers; 2-tone green and red colorings OQ
and combinations with fringe all around best $1.50 values, on sale at only, eaeh.'
See our Lace Curtain window display. Mail orders carefully and promptly filled.
Friday Sale
of Fine Dr ess
$3.75 Values 98c
$1.75 Values 49c
Great clean-up in the Trimming De
partment today; beautiful new Trim
mings at prices below actual values:
Lot 1 Fancy Net Bands, in immense
variety of pretty styles: widths up
to 4 inches: values to $3.75 Q Q
yard, at the low price of, yard.'O'
Lot 2 Fancy Xet Bands, all new
irtyles and effects; values up A Q
to $1.75 yard, at this low price
10c Buttons at 4c
35c Stationery
At 21c a Box
In the Stationery Department, for today's
1017th Friday Surprise, 1000 boxes of Sta
tionery; extra good linen paper; best Ol
35c values; buy all you want of it, box.
Friday Specials
For today, 10,000 cards of best qual
ity pearl Buttons, all sizes; best 10c
values; buy all you want of A
them at this very low price, card."
Women's Un
dervests at 12c
In the Knit Underwear Department
for today's 1017th Friday Surprise
Sale, 5000 women's Richelieu ribbed
white cotton Undervests ; low neck
and sleeveless; taped neck and arms;
all sizes: best 20c values; buy 10.
all you want of them at, each.'-
Drug Sundries
Pond's Extract Soap, 25c size, on sale at.l9
Pond's Talcum Powder, 25c size, at only.l9
Pond's Ointment, 50c size, on sale at...39J
Pint bottles of Witch Hazel, 30c value, Of
on sale at the very low price of, bottle.''
Bathing Suits at $3.85
For today's 1017th Friday Surprise Sale, spe
cial lot of women's Bathing Suits, in alpaca
material; blue and black; some have Dutch
neck, others, have square necks; trimmed in
white braid; all have full skirts; (to DC
sizes 34 to 44; best $5.00 values, at.P-'
1 000 Foot Stools
Covered with rich carpeting; four lots on sale
for today at very low prices take advantage.
Wilton Carpet Covering at only, each. $1.95
Axminster Carpet Covering at, each... 97
Body Brussels, 07 Tapestry at, each. 87
$ 1 2.00 Porch Swings for $7.95
$9.00 Go-Carts for $4.95 Each
For today, in the Outing Goods Department
Swines and Couch Hammocks, in the very
and $13.00 values, on sale today only at this remarkably low price, each
-fourth floor1 a final clean-up of Porch
best , st vies; regular $12.00 C7 QP
For todav. 100 folding leatherette Go-Carts, with hood; -inch rubber-tired CfA QCC
wheels; reclining back; best $9.00 values, on sale at the very low price of P"
$1.50 Framed Pictures 55c
ilblS( -4H Mi I 1 III
In the Picture Dept., Fourth Floor, today
the season's greatest bargain in framed
pictures All beautiful etchings of famous
pictures, framed in one-inch oak frames
White and wood finished mats, immense
variety to choose from Framed pictnres
the exclusive art store ask you $ 1 .50 for
Your choice for today only C C
this unusually low price, each J Jw
See Fifth-Street Window Display Artistic
picture framing to your order at the very
lowest prices 4th floor Trunks and
Traveling Bags The largest and most
complete stock on the Coast All sizes, all styles All grades 4th FL
5000 Sq. Creamery Butter 63c Sq,
For today, in the Basement Grocery Store, our weekly offering of Creamery Butter
at a price far below the market value; full 2-pound squares; buy all you want CO-
of this excellent butter at the exceptionally low price of, per 2-lb. square vJJC
No phone orders: no delivery except with other goods., All lines of Groceries and Pro
visions are sold here at the very lowest prices. Basement Entrance on Alder street.
1 0,000 Yards Embroideries
Reg. $2.25 Values 79c Strip
For today's 1017th Friday Surprise Sale, 10,000 yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric
bmbroidenes and Insertions; 1 to 9 inches wide ; eyelet, filet and Japanese "TQ
effects: 4V to 5-v&rd lp.ncrthn immru; x-Rript v - vnlnaa tin to .$2 25 a strin. at.
Reg. $50.00 Values $27.00
In the Oriental Rng Dept.
3d Floor for today's big
1017th Friday Surprise, we
announce a sale extraordinary
of 300 magnificent Oriental
Rugs Genuine antique Belu
chistans the finest specimen
of Turkoman rugs Exquisite
designs and colorings Large
sizes Regular $45.00 and
$50.00 values on sale at this
low price, ea.
See 5th St. Window Display-
Great Expansion Sale bargains.
in both Oriental and Domestic
Rugs Best values in the city
'Vt.r it-. ; jii ii . i tom . ..-v
500 Fine Taffeta Silk Petticoats
Our Regular $7,00 Values at $3.78 Each
For today, 500 fine taffeta silk Petticoats, made with deep flounce and clusters of
rows of stitching, also flounce, ruffle and pin tucks and flounce of tailored bands;
ight blue, rose, navy, green, tan, pink, purple, canary and black; bestfl0 7Q
$7.00 values, on' sale at .this remarkably low price, each take advantage 'r-'
$2.50 Petticoats $ 1.3 9
In the Muslin Underwear Department second floor, for today, a special lot of 500
white cambric Petticoats; wide flounces and hemstitched; very pretty 1 Ck
styles, in large assortment; $2 and $2.50 vals. ; your choice at this low price V
Great Expansion Sale of 'all lines of women's Undermuslins and Corsets, second floor.
Embroidered SilkGloves
$3.50-$4 Values $ 1 .79
For today's big 1017th Friday Surprise a
marvelous offering of women's high-class
novelty Silk Gloves in 1 6-button length
styles Mousquetaire style Beautifully em
broidered, black, white, tans, light blues,
pink, etc. A broken line of sires Gloves
selling regularly at $3.50 and 1 9 Q
$4 pair Your choice at, pair P 1 Zf'
35c Ribbons 17c Yd.
Today 25,000 yards of superior qual
ity Silk Taffeta Ribbon 5-inches wide
Black, white, red, navy, brown, tans, greens,
etc. Best 35c value Buy all you
want of it at this low price, yard
35c Women's Neckwear 1 2c
200 Doz. Women's 50c Fine 'Kerchiefs 21c
Silk Princess, Empire Gowns
$58.00 Values for $ 1 8.45
$35.00 Values for $ 9.45
For today, a great Friday Surprise Sale of women's fine lace trimmed Dutch Col
lars; a special lot of 50 dozen for yojr selection; the best regular 25c and 10
35c values, on sale at the phenomenally low price of. each take advantage. 1C
For today, 200 dozen women's fine Handkerchiefs, lace trimmed, embroidered and
hemstitched effects; all linen; very sheer and dainty; very best regular 50c O "I
values, on sale today only at the very low price of each take advantage. C
White Mountain
For today's 1017th Friday Surprise,
a sale extraordinary of our entire
stock of "White Mountain" Re
frigerators; all the newest and most
improved .models ; all sizes and grades
at a big saving take advantage:
$10.00 Refrigerators for $7.95
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store announces for today's big 1017th Fri
day Surprise two wonderful values in women's high-class dress apparel two big
lots 1 50 exclusive garments at prices never before known on apparel of equal
style and quality Princess and Empire gowns in rajah silks, pongee silks, messa-
line satins, taffeta silks, foulards, bengaline silks and serges made with yokes
of net over gold and Persian bands, tucked net yokes, Irish crochet, val. laces,
allover laces full length sleeves of tucked net Many are elaborately trimmed
in hand embroidery of silk, etc. The color assortment includes light blue, pink,
rose, tan, mode, champagne, navy, black, white, wistaria, gray and catawba
New, magnificent gowns for street and dress wear Values never before known
See our big Fifth-street window display Plan to be here early if you want the best
Values to $58 for $1 8.45 Each
Values to $35 for $ 9.45 Each
Ladies' $3.50 Oxfords $ 2 .48 Pair
In the Shoe Section, for today's 1017th Friday Surprise Sale, 1000 pairs of women's tan and dull
calf, brown kid and black patent colt oxfords; hand turn and Goodyear welt soles; lace and blucher
styles; plain or tipped toes; high, Cuban and military heels; ill sizes, in this season's CO AQ
standard $3.50 footwear; all sizes and widths; great values at,' pair -.take advantage. P "0
15 c Lmen Suitings 10c
$1.75 Satin Bed Spreads $1.50
For- today, 2000 yards of linen finish Suitings, in bine, brown and black "I f
st-rinesr r-erv nrettv Rtvlpn: haat 1fw rulrais on sale at this verv low nriee. vd.
' ' '- , - l T . 1 ' .
For today, special lot of fine Satin Bedspreads; best - patterns ; regular I1 C
$1.75 values, on sale Friday only at the low price of , each take advantage P 'J"
For today, a great odd lot of fine linen Doylies, will be placed on sale at HALF PRICE.
Men's Outing Suits
$20-530 Values $10
Today a big sensational cleanup of Men's 2-
Piece Outing Suits all sizes for men and young
men all this season's suits in fancy worsteds,
fancy tweeds, fancy cheviots and fancy flan
nels coats made 1-4 and 1-2 lined trousers
with cuff bottoms and belt loops all the very
latest patterns and colorings High-grade
Summer apparel selling regularly at $20, $25
and $30 a suit sires 32 to 46 Your choice
while they last, today only, at this
exceptionally low 'price, per suit
Plan to be here early if you want best bargains
Boys' Play Suits at 79c
Todav, in the Bovs' Clothing Section, a great special lot
of boys' Play Suits; Norfolk jacket, military cut. long
trousers; dark gray and tan coverts; best suits for Q
acation wear; great values at this low price, suit.
$16.00 Befrigerators for. -..$10.95
$24.00 Refrigerators for. ..$19.20
$27.60 Refrigerators for.. .$21.95
$36.00 Refrigerators for... $27.95
$45.00 Refrigerators for. ..$35.00
$70.00 Refrigerators for... $54.00
$90.00 Refrigerators for...$72.0Q
$100.00 Refrigerators for. . ,$75.o6
5000 pieces of English Bone China
ware Tea Cups and Saucers; 1 C
25c values, on sale at, ehoioe.
7-inch Plates, 25c values, each. 15
50c Veilings at 20c
In the Veiling Section, for today's
1017th Friday Surprise, 3000 yards
of chiffon, mousselaine and sewing
silk Veiling, in plain and dotted ef
fects; 18 and 24 inches wide; white,
pink, light blue, lavender, etc.; ar
great clean-up of 35c and 50o yfg
values, at this low price, yard.''
$1 Linens 47c Ea.
For today, a great Surprise Sale of
50 dozen 18-inch, round and square,
all-linen Battenberg Centers, A 'J
pretty pieces; 85o and Sl.vals.r
Men's 50c-75c Four-in-Hands 25c
Men's $1-$1.50 Golf Shirts 55c
In the Men's Section, for today's 1017th Friday Surprise Sale, 300 dozen fine Four-in-Hands
and Bat bows; all new silks, patterns and colorings; plain colors, fancy dots,
stripes and figures; a great special purchase from a leading "New York manu- OC.
facturer enables us to offer regular 50c and 75c values at the very low price of.
For today, 500 dozen men's fine Golf Shirts, in plain chambrays and madras elotha;
fancy stripes and figured effects; light and dark colorings; immense variety in CC.
all sizes; regular $1.00 and' $1.50 values, on sale at the very low price of, ?achVv'
2000 Pairs Women's Fine Hosiery
75c Values 32c Pair
For today's big 1017th Friday Surprise
Sale the Hosiery Section offers a great spe
cial lot of 2000 pairs of women's high
grade hosiery at a low price per pair Im
ported fancy lisles in black, white and all
colors plain gauze lisles, lace boots, em
broidered boots, allover laces an endless
assortment for your selection styles to
please every individual taste Regular 65c
and 75c values Buy all you want 7
at this exceptionally low price, pair OC
See our big Morrison-street window display -
Sale of $1.50-g2.00 Silk Hosiery 75c Pair
For today, great Surprise Sale of women's Silk Hosiery, in plain colors and embroid
ered boots; double soles; some are slightly soiled from handling; white, pink, ii7Cp
light blue, tans, etc.; all sizes; regular $1.50 to $2.00 values, on sale at, per pair V
Great Expansion Sale bargains in women's Hosiery and Underwear1 take advantage.