THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1909. PORTERS KEEP f TACTICS TO DELAY FIRST PHOTOGRAPHS OF RAILROAD ACTIVITIES ON ROUTE TO CENTRAL OREGON. MEN Wy- v"' " 18 GORED .t Merely Hold Options on Lands Secured, and Place Men at Disputed Points. LEGAL AGENT IS ON SCENE ' Harriman Contractors Fear to Force Way Through Locked Gate Lest Injunctions Be Sought. Rival Crews Peaceful. (Continued From Flint Pag-e.) are trying to capture the line of survey between mile post 20 and mile post 30. Indicated on the line located by the O. R. & N". engineers. At mile post 20 the first conflict th! eide of the mouth of the Deschutes occurs In the two surveys. The O. R. & X. contractors can get Into the canyon from this aide of the river to a, point as high as mile ?pot 17 by -wagon road, but not farther. On the T. J. Hill ranch, opposite mile post 27, the Porter Bros, have established camp. For about one-fourth mile at the Hill ranch the usually turbulent Des chutes runs deep and silent, and It la possible to use a rowboat. Porter Bros have taken in a 24-foot rowboat for use In crossing the river. This gives the wagon trains access to the Sherman County side of the stream. On up the river, at mile post 32. the Harriman wagon road comes down the 2000-foot bluff, but between these two points the tunnel intervenes over which the two construction forces are now contending. By capturing both ends of a disputed stretch of 12 miles. Porter Bros, appar ently hope to gain exclusive control In that portion of the canyon. The Harri- man forces. It Is understood, have been aware of the Porter invasion from the Hill ranch, but have made no attempts to get on the ground ahead. Harriman May Have to Shift Line. This disputed stretch is practically all on Government land. The understanding here Is that the Government once ap proved the Oregon Trunk surveys, but owing to the long Inactivity of the com pany approved the Harriman surveys over the same route giving the Oregon Trunk 30 days in which to protest and make a showing that It meant business. The Oregon Trunk, whether controlled by Porter Brothers or the Hill interests, is now trying to convince the Interior Department that It means to build a railroad in the canyon. If the Interior Department can be so convinced, the O. R. & X. may have to seek a route across the rier for a portion of the route or buy out the Oregon Trunk. The Indifference of the Harriman forces to Porter's activity on this stretch of territory can be readily accounted for if a statement made here Is correct. From an outside scource It Is learned that while Porter Brothers are claiming that their survey is on the Sherman County side of the river and their plats so indicate, an actual checking up of the description by section, township and range discloses that in the vicinity where It is supposed to conflict with the Harriman survey the Oregon Trunk line is located on the other side of the Deschutes. The Oregon Trunk survey, it is reported, realty follows the bottom of the cliff part way around Horseshoe Bend, on the west side of the river, then crosses and tunnels through the toneue of the horseshoe, fully one third mile distant from the Harriman tunnel, then recrosses the river to the west side again. Harriman Has Advantage. On up the river where the next sup posed conflict occurs In the surveys, the Harriman road seems to have a distinct advantage. Hre between mile post 75 and mile post SO. where the conflicts oc cur, the route rune principally over pri vate lands. Harriman right-of-way men have succeeded in closing up practically all gaps. A carload of workmen passed through here today bound for Shaniko, where they will be transported to the scene of action on the river, reaching there early tomor row. With the Harriman rights distinctly defined by right-of-way deeds, men are to be put on the upper disputed section covering the entire works. Twohy Bros, are preparing to use pack hrse trains for getting supplies to Horse shoe Bend, pending the enforcement of a road through the Gtirtz ranch by legal procedure. A pack train of six or eight horses has already been assembled by a local man. who has taken a contract for getting food supplies into the canyon, and other horses are soon to be here. There are several trail routes to the Deschutes, by means of which Horseshoe Bend may be attained. Twohy Bros. Avoid Trap. Porter Bros. attitude In respect to the blockade at the Gurtz ranch Is causing some speculation here. The fact that only one man Is at the gate and that light rigs and horsemen are permitted to pass through has given cause for the belief the Porter Bros, are Inviting Twohy Bros, to try to force freight wagons through the gate. Once this were attempted, it Is said. Porter Bros, would have legal ground for obtaining a restraining order from the courts which Twohy Bros, would not dare violate, and the rival contractors could then go about their business without further worry. Until some overt move is made to force a way across the ranch an Injunction, it is said, would not lie. Iegal opinion here Is that the Harriman forces can condemn a road across the Gurtz ranch. This may take some time, but it is predicted that such a suit will be started in the near future. FARMERS TO HANDLE GRAIN Washington Warehouses May Be Bought by Growers in Year. PULLMAN. Wash.. July 19. (Spe cial.) 1. W. Lannlng. representing the Kerr. Giffrd Company, and Ira Nye and J. M. Roed. representing the Farm ers' Union organization of Pullman and vicinity, which Is affiliated with the Pacific Farmers' Union, have closed a deal by which the Pullman branch of the Farmers' Union will hold under a lease' for one year the large grain ware houses owned by the Kerr. Gifford Com pany at Johnson. Busbln. Pullman, Kitz. Miller Siding and Whelan. The total capacity of thse ware houses Is in close to 400.P00 bushels. According to the terms which, were agreed upon Thursday afternoon the Farmers' Union will pay the Kerr. Gif ford Company J2000 for the use of the houses for one year, at the end of which time the union will buy the houses outright If the outcome of the experiment in warehouse management by the union la a success. - i J ! ; 8 f - - I f I, t j I I SCENE AT GRASS VALLEY, MUCH ROCK DELIVERED 3200 TOXS ARE FURNISHED DAILY AT FORT STEVENS. Assistant Engineer Gerald Bagnall Returns From Work at Mouth of Columbia Sand In Canal. Gerald Bagnall. Assistant United States Engineer, In direct charge of the works at the mouth of the Columbia Elver, spent yesterday in Portland. Mr. Bagnall re ports work on the Jetty as progressing rapidly. Rock deliveries amount to about 3200 tons daily and all of this Is promptly taken care of. Train crews on the work at Fort Stevens are keeping up with the contractors and by the end of the Sum mer months there will be a noticeable improvement In the Jetty construction. V eather conditions have been most fa vorable for the Jetty work during the past few weeks and the dumping of rock has been rushed as rapidly as possible. It the intention of the engineers to rush the work during the good weather. Assistant Engineer Polhemus, in charge of the work at Celllo, returned yesterday from the works at that place. Captain Polhemus went to Celilo for the purpose of making soundings and to ascertain, if possible, how great Is the deposit of Band as a result of the June flood. The water Is yet at a stage which made it Impossible to secure accurate data, but it was an nounced the deposits are such a large amount of dredging will be necessary before work can be resumed to any ex tent. The annual rise in the Columbia brings deposits of sand and mud which fill In the upper works at the Celllo Canal. The mud Is easily flushed out. however, and Is not a serious menace to construction work. BRODICK CASTLE OVERDUE British Ship Now Out 235 Days From Astoria for Ipswich. Outward bound 236 days from Portland for Ipswich, the British Bhlp Brodick Castle, Captain Taylor, has been posted as overdue. In the opinion of shipping men the craft is lost. She carried a full cargo of barley and it is feared she has turned turtle. The Brodick Castle was an old-timer and had always enjoyed the reputation of being a fast sailer. She was built at Glasgow in 1875 and regis tered 1770 net tons. Early In 190S the Brodick Castle ar rived in port with a cargo of coal from Newcastle. N. S, W. The bunkers were full and for months she lay at anchor with the cargo on board, the consignees paying warehouse toll on. the craft. She loaded in November with 119.06S bushels of barley for Ipswich. She left down from Portland December 4, and the following day was towed out over the bar. From that day to this nothing has been heard of the craft. Fisherman Run Down by Boat Sues. W. E. Lindfors, a fisherman, wants the Columbia Contract Company to pay hm $10,500 because he was run down by one of the company's tugs. He has brought suit for this amount In the Circuit Court. Lindfors was fishing; with a gillnet about 5 P. M May I, on the south side of the Co lumbia river between Fort Stevena and Astoria, when he saw a tug and three scows going- up the river. He thought they were about to pass him, but later discovered that they were bearing down upon him. He says no lookout was being; kept, and that his fishing boat was capsized and his glllnet lost. His head, thigh and legs were wrenched and crushed, he says. Astoria Marine Xews. ASTORIA. Or., July 29. (Special) The launch La Boheme. of Portland, crossed out this evening for Seattle with a crowd of pleasure seekers on board. The little craft will probably stop at Grays Harbor on the way up the coast. Captain Nolan, of the bar tug Wal lula, is taking a vacation of a few days and during his absence. Captain John Reed is in charge of the tug. The quartermaster's department steamer James Fornance went into commission this morning under the command of Captain Frank T. War riner. Tacoma Shipping; News. TACOMA. July 29. The Admiral Samp son Is due tonight from San Francisco, via Seattle, with general freight. The Norwegian steamer Homelen is in port loading for the West Coast. She also received the bunker coal from the Nor wegian steamer Eir. which goes to Quar termasteg Harbor to drydock tomorrow. The) Blue) Funnel liner Teucer is due In port tonight from Seattle. The steamer Victoria has returned to Seattle after taking cargo for Nome. - Jessie Harklns on New Route. Harry Young, managing owner of the steamer Jessie Harklns, has placed that craft In daily service between Rainier and Skamokawa as a general trader. The Harklns will carry freight and passengers POINT OF DEPARTURE FOR DESCHUTES CANYON, SHOWING OUTFITTING I 5. CAMP OF H. S. RAVEN, ASSISTANT ENGINEER, IN CANYON OF DESCHUTES, NEAR HORSESHOE BEND. between points on the 'Washington shore and stations along the Astoria & Colum bia River Railroad on the Washington side. The route selected by the owners of the Jessie Harklns Is a new one and without doubt will be a money-maker. Potter on Run to Megler. For the accommodation of travel to the beach resorts, the O. R. & N. Company has placed the steamer Potter on the run between this city and Megler. for which a special round trip rate of $3 is an nounced. The Potter will leave Portland STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Name. From. Date. Henrlk Ibsen.. .Hongkong In port Rose City Ban Francisco In port Alliance Coo. Bay Jn port Argo Tillamook In port Eureka Eureka July J Breakwater Coos Bay Aug. 1 Pue H. Elmore. Tillamook Aug. 1 S:at of Cal. . . San Francisco. Aub. j Ttoanoks San Pedro... Aug. a Falcon San Francisco. Aug. 10 Eelja Hongkong. . . .Oct. 1 Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Pts. Alliance Coos Bay July 81 Rose City Pan Francisco July 31 Eureka Eureka Aug. 1 Argo Tillamook Aug. 2 6ue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . ..Aug. Henrlk Ibsen. . Hongkong. ... Aug. Breakwater Coos Bay Aug. J State of Cal. . .San FrancLco Aug. . 7 Roanoke .Sail Pedro Aug. 30 Falcon iian Francisco Aug. 13 Selja Hongkong Oct. 10 Entered Thursday. Alliance, Am. steamship (Parsons), with general cargo, from Coos Bay. Cleared Thnrsday. Alliance, Am. steamship (Parsons), with general cargo, for Coos Bay. daily at 8:30 A. M., and, returning, leave Megler at 3 P. M. Tickets on sale every day, except Saturday and Sunday, good on date of purchase only. This furnishes tourists an exceptional opportunity for making a daylight trip by steamer to the mouth of the Columbia- Telephone Leaves for South Monday In tow of the steam schooner Tosemlte, the steamer Telephone, recently sold to the "Western Pacific Railway Company, of San Francisco, will start for the South Monday. The Tosemlte arrived up late last night and will ba ready to leave down the river Monday morning. The Telephone will proceed to Astoria under her own steam. It Is expected the voy age will be completed in four days. Marine Notes. For San Francisco! direct, the steamship Rose City will sail tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. With passengers and freight from Coos Bay ports, the steamship Alliance arrived up yesterday morning. The steam schooner J. Marhoff er left down for Rainier yesterday morning, where she will load lumber for San Fran cisco. Prentiss N. Gray, secretary of the Gray & Holt Steamship Company, is due to ar rive today in Portland. He will leavs for Coos Bay on the Alliance tomorrow night. Arrivals and Departures. PORTIAXD. July 29. Arrived Steamship' Alliance. from Coos Bay: steamship Yosemlte. from San Francisco. Astoria. Or.. July 20. i!-peclaj.) Con dition at the mouth of the river at S P. M., smooth; wind, southwest. 8 miles: weather, cloudy. Sailed at 7 A. M. Steamer Break water for Coos Bay. Sailed at 7:10 A. M Steamer Claremont, for Aberdeen. Arrived at 10:30 A. M. and left up at 1:30 P. M. Steamer Tosemlte. from San Franc.sco. Sailed at 11 10 A. M. Steamer Geo. R Vosburg. for Tillamook. San Francisco. July 29. Arrived at 8 A. M. and sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer Geo. Elder, from San Pedro, for Portland. Eureka. Julv 29. Arrived Steamer Roan oke, from Portland, for San Pedro. Westport. July 29. Arrived Steamer Claremont. from Portland. San Pedro July 2. Arrived yesterday Steamer Cascade, from Columbia River. Honolulu. July 29. Sailed yesterday Trench bark Montcalm, for Portland. San Diego. Julv 29. Sailed yesterday German bark Llsbeth. for Portland. Steamer Geo. W. Fenwlck. with log raft In tow. from Columbia River, for San Fran cisco, reported 53 miles north of Cape Mendocino, at S P. M. yesterday. Saa Francisco, July 28. Balled Steamer rh' ' " !- : r. ' Geo. W. Elder, for Portland: Charles Nel lon. for Seattle and Tacoma; schooner Robert R Hind, for Puiret Sound. Tides at Astoria Friday. High. Ixjw. 11:42 A. M 6 fet'B:13 A. M 0.4 foot 10:62 P. M 9.0 feef5:00 P. M 4.0 feat ROSS CASE. IS ARGUED ABLE ATTORNEYS REPRESENT APPELLANT. Lord Argues That Only Public Offi cial Can Be Convicted on Charge Against Ross. SALE If, Or., July 29. (Special.) Just a year ago today an appeal was filed In the office rt the Clerk of the Supreme Court In the case of the state vs. J. Thorburn Ross, and today a half dozen of the leading lawyers of the state are arrayed In the highest court of Oregon, arguing the question whether or not the nOO.000 fine and the sentence of five years in the penitentiary, meted out by the trial court, shall stand. Tho case was opened by the appellant. Ross, this morning at 10 o'clock, when Attorney William M. Kaiser spoke for two hours. He was followed by ex-Governor Lord, also for the appellant ' In addition to Lord and Kaiser, Wallace McCamant appears for the appellant. Roes. For the state the attorneys are George J. Cameron, Martin L. Pipes and Thad W. Vreeland. Ross was convicted on April 23, 1908, while president of the now defunct Title Guarantee & Trust Co., of converting to his own use J28:426.87 of the common school fund of the state, deposited In the bank by State Treasurer Steel. He was indicted under section 1807 of the B. & C. code. The argument advanced by William P. Lord is that no person can be indicted or charged with the crime named in the indictment except a public officer having; in custody funds belonging to a Btate, county or municipality. On the Bowery a dope sun Is called a eewlnjr machine. EAT WHAT YOU LIKE If Your Digestion Is Good You 11 Enjoy It. If You Don't Enjoy It, Take a Little Kodol. It Digests All Food You Eat. We mean any kind of food. It makes no difference what you may eat no matter how difficult of digestion your food may be for the stomach, a little of Kodol will digest it- A tablespoontul will digest 2 pounds of food easily and naturally. Just as a healthy stomach does. That is why Kodol is so sure to prevent dyspepsia and the many other serious ailments which result from un digested food remaining in the stomach. Indigestion and dyspepsia are always caused by food not properly digesting, in your stomach. When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of Itself, It needs a little assistance and this assistance is readily supplied by Kodol. Kodol assists the stomach, by tempor arily digesting all of the food in the stomach, so that the stomaoh may rest and recuperate. Kodol Is really a very excellent preparation for any digestive disorder. Our guarantee Get a dollar bottle of Kodol. If you are not bene fited the druggist will at once return your money. Don't hesitate: any drug gist will sell you Koaoi on rnese terms. The dollar bottle contains 2hk times as much as the 50c bottle. Kodol is pre pared in the laboratories of E. C De Witt & Co, Chicago. TRAIN READY TO SI' ART. HAY CROP IS SHORT GRESHAM FARMERS FIND SALE AT GOOD PRICES. Grain Fields Are Looking Fine and Give Promise of Heavy Yield. GRESHAM, Or., July 29. (Special.) The return of clear weather has been wel come to the farmers, who had not fin ished their haying. While the rains of the past few days have not been heavy enough to spoil any hay, yet there are many tons In the shock which will be slightly oft color; and that which Is yet uncut Is getting very ripe, hence of less value as feed. Not over one-half the acreage of Eastern Multnomah has been harvested, and it will require two weeks to put It all safely under cover. It is estimated that the crop this year will be several thousand tons short of the average in this vicinity. It is of shorter length than usual and thinner, but of ex cellent quality. The annual surplus here tofore has been about 10,000 tons, which was usually stacked in the fields and baled before the Fall rains set In. This year there will be no such surplus, as the farmers are selling all excess as fast as they can haul It away at prices ranging from tl2 to J16 a ton. Very little of this year's hay crop will be held over and it is predicted that hay will be selling for $25 a ton before Spring. The grain crops are looking well, the rains having been of a decided benefit. Oats and wheat will be ready to harvest by the time all haying is done, and at least four threshing crews will be in the field for about six weeks thereafter. The yield of all kinds will be about as usual, something like 350,000 bushels. ' Grain prices are going to soar, too, as buyers have already been over the coun try offering $32 a ton for oats at the thresher. No sales have been reported at that figure,' as the farmers are able to hold their surplus over. The recent rains have been the mak ing of the potato crop and all the fields promise an Immense yield, and all indi cations point to a good demand and high prices. Many Swedes Go to Fair. Special cars were attached to the C. Gee Wo THE CHINESE. DOCTOR This crest Chinos doctor la well knows throuf boat the Northwest because of his wonderful tnfl marvelous cures, and Is today her alded - by all nia patients aa the createat of bis kind. He treats any and all dlseaaea with powerful Chinese roota. herbs and barks that are entirely unknown to the medical science of thla country. With theae harmless remedies he guarantees to cure catnrrh, asthma, lunar troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney troubles, also private diseases of men and women. CONSULTATION FREB. Patients outside of city write for blanks and circulars. Inclose 4c stamp. The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. First St.. Near Morrison Portland, Or. Women a Specialty The well-known S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Company, with wonderful herbs and roots, has cured many suffer ers when all other remedies sikJU' have failed. Sure cure female. b-Vsj chronic private diseases, nerv- IrfffC 0 If PUIW ousness. blood poison, rheuma a.4tnfl tism. asthma. throat. luna; troubles, consumption. stomach. bladder, kidney and diseases of ail kinds. Remedies harmless. No operation. Honest treatment. Examination for ladles by Mrs. 8- K. Chan THE CHINESE MEDICINE CO., 2t6 Morrison St., bet. Jlrst and Secend. STOMACH CURED. I have been suffering with stomach trouble. Other doctors Insisted on me hav ing; an operation. Finally I came to Yosnf Mine; Medicine Co.. 247 Taylor at.. Portland, Or. After having; taken four doses of t heir remedies I am well. Mrs. Emma Enyart, Fossil. Wheeler County, Oregon, sLiss.s -jf I 1 DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! DON'T GIVE UP HOPE! .THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU! ACT TODAY! In my very extensive practlve I have learned a few truths that are undeniably of interest to every man. First of all, I find that the very serious and so-called "Incur able" cases are due usually to NEGLECT and DELAY. A pain, I know that many men suffer FOR TEAHS and practically RUIN" THEIR HEALTH FOREVER trying to dose themselves with some patent nostrum that never could cure. NO TREATMENT AT ALL is what "cheap" treatment means In nine cases out of ten.' The last state of the man Is worse than the first- Just before you go a line further in this announcement, stop and ask yourself as to whether YOU are following In the foolish footsteps of the man. who NEGLKCTS himself? Are you trying to cure yourself with . nostrums? Are YOU looking for treatment that will not cure? If rou are, it Is certain that you will'regret it. t is NEVER TOO LATE to. get on the right path hut at tho same time remember that voti cannot get there too soon. The best help jn the world Is none too good for you; you cannot get It too quickly. I offer it to you at the lowest fee possible. I CURE PERMANENTLY Weakness, Varicose Veins, Organic1 "Weakness, Debility, Losses. Hydrocele, Contracted Diseases, Specific Blood Poison and all reflex ailments. . EXAMINATION FREE I offer not only FREE Consultation and AdVloe, but of every case that comes to me I will moke Careful Examination and Diagnosis with out charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get ex pert opinion about his trouble. 1 If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open all day from 9 A. M. to P. M, and Sundays from 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Go. 2S4 MOR.RISO!f STREET, f CORNER SBCOirn STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Northern Pacific train yesterday for the accommodation of over 100 members of the Swedish Singing Society, who left for the Seattle fair. Of that number, about 60 came from California. Repudiate Mr. Boise as Manager. PORTLAND, Or., July 29. (To the Editor.) We desire to correct the Im pression made before the Water Board and City, Council of the city of Port land, at a recent hearing, In connec tion with the laying of a water pipe on qawthorne avenue, from Water ..l fcJ Not only Its proven ability to cure, but Its absolute safety as a remedy, has made S. S. a the most extensively used of all medicines in the treat ment of Contagious Blood Poison, Unlike the strong mineral mixtures, which temporarily remove the outward symptoms and shut the disease up in the system, there to carry on its destructive work on the delicate and vital organs, S. S. S. strikes directly at the root, and by purifying the blood of every trace of the virus, completely and permanently cures the trouble. S. S. 8. is Nature's blood purifier, harmless in its action and certain in its good results. It is made from a combination of roots and herbs, each of jwhich has a definite and specifio action in purifying the blood. Years were spent in selecting and proportioning the different ingredients, but when S. 8. S. was perfected it soon demonstrated its superiority over all other blood medicines, and now, after 40 years, it is still the one and only certain cure for Contagious Blood Poison. While driving out the poison from the circulation S. S. S. builds up and strengthens the system by its fine vegetable tonic effects. If you are suffering with Contagious Blood Poison S. 8. S. is your most certain reliance, and because of its freedom from mercury potash or any other mineral, it is absolutely safe for every one. Home treatment book with valuable suggestions and any medical advice sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Cure Your People who have stomach disor ders are never In good health. They are continually suffering from one thing1 or another. As long as your rooa digests properly the ma chinery of the body works in harmony, but put the stomach out of commission and ' the whole machinery goes to smash. You know that if you are a suf ferer from weak stom ach or dyspepsia. "When your food falls to digest, it ter ments and cre ates poisons which are ab sorbed by the blood. Then the organs dependant upon the stomach for nourishment receive poisonous matter instead. Disease is the result. Tou can't cure it until you cure the stomach, and you can't cure the stomach until you restore its. vitality. The stomach fails be cause Its vitality is over taxed too much work and not enough motive rjower to do It. Renew this power and the stom ach will work as nature intended. Drugs won't restore it because they tear down vitality. Tou can force the stomach with strong stimulants, but that won't cure it. Electricity is the power that cre ates vitality and energy. If you want to restore the activity of a MUSEUM OF MEN! 291 Morrison Street (Upstairs) Bet. Fourth and Fifth Sta. A great collection of lifelike subjects demon strating perfect and diseaaed conditions of men. WE CURE Quickly, safely and thoroughly, Nervous De bility, Blood and Skin Diseases, Sores, Ulcers, Swollen Glands, Kidney, Bladder and Rectal Diseases, Prostate Gland Disorders and all Con tracted Special Diseases of Men. Consultation and examination free. If you cannot call, write for question list and free book. MEN: IF IN TROUBLE, CONSULT US TODAY. Hours: From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 12. The Oregon Medical Institute 291 Morrison St., bet, Fourth and Fifth, Portland, Oregon. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED DR. TAYLOR, The Leading Specialist. street to East Twelfth street, that Mr. Whitney L. Boise represented the Haw thorne Estate at these hearings, and to state that said Whitney L. Boise has no business connections with the Haw thorne estate, and Is not authorized to represent it anywhere or in any manner whatsoever. THE HAWTHORNE ESTATE. By Rachel L. Hawthorne, President. Folson from potatoes or potato salads sometimes catches German soldiers. It Is caused by Proteus bacillus. Potatoes should be eaten as eoon 89 cooked. 'MAKES- Stomach weak organ you must restore elec tricity where it is needed. Electro-Vigor is a device for sat urating the body with a powerful stream 01 electric me for hours at a time. It fills the nerves and vi tals with new energy, and gives new strength to every part of the body. "Electro-Vigor cured me in two months. I gained fifteen pounds. "J. H. HISE." "Larson, Idaho." It made a dif ferent man of me. I gained sixteen pounds from us ing it. "D. H. STEGMAN. "Centervllle." Get This Free Cut out this coupon right now and bring or mail it to me for my free 100-page lllustratea dook, which tells all about my methods of treatment. This book explains many thing you snould know re garding the cause end cure of disease. If you can't call, mall the coupon at once. Free test of Electro-Vigor to those who call. Consultation free. Office hours 9 A. M.-to 8 P. M. ; Sunday, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. DR. S. G. HALL CO. 1S14 Second Ave.. Seattle. Wash. Please send me, prepaid, your free 100-page Illustrated book. 7-30-09 Address WHEN IN PORTLAND VISIT OUR FREE ANATOMY 3