5 VOL. XLIX. XO. 15,186. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDA1, JULY 1909. FIVE CENTS. PORTERS KEEP UP EARLE WOULD TAKE BALM FROM TRUST CONFEREES YIELD OLGA MENN LOVED IMITATION BARON REBELS HERDED IN SEAMSTRESSES BUY IDAHO FRUIT LAND TACTICS TO DELAY TOTAFT'S E T WITH ODD PUZZLES CHICAGO WOMEN SOOX WILL TURN TO RAXCHIXG. RECEIVER OF ROXED SUGAR CRUEL FRAUD PERPETRATED UPOX CHICAGO GIRL. COMPAXY LIKES OFFER. Hold Only Options on Thinks $750,000 Settlement Pro posed by Trust Is Sufficient and so Tells Court. Tariff Report Adopted as He Dictates. Barcelona Streets Run Red With Blood. JeromeProducesQueer Note of Prison Days. Land Secured. 30, 1AW CONFRONTED DEMAND SOU S BLOCKING DISPUTED POINTS Twohy Bros. Put Men at Work All Along Line. LEGAL AGENT IS ON SCENE Hani man Contractors Fear to Force Way Through Locked Gate Lest ' Injunctions Be Sought. Rival Crews Peaceful. BT R. O. CALLVERT. GRASS VALLEY. Or., July 29 (Staff Correspondence.) The boasted $30,000 purchase of three farms by Porter Brothers to gain control of the moun tain road built at a cost of $10,000 by the Harrlman contractors to gain wagon entrance to the Deschutes canyon from their point turns out to be In the form if an option on which a total of $450 has been paid down. This Information comes from the bounty Clerk of Sherman County at Moro. One of the options runs for an Indefinite period, another expires in 10 days, and the third Is on public lands :o which the rights of the entryraen who gave the option have been decided adversely to them by the Government. Legal Agent Investigates. A legal representative of the Harrf- man roads arrived In Grass Valley to night and copies of the contracts will be secured from Moro tomorrow. After the terms have been fplly Investigated a decision will be reached as to what action shall be taken. It is declared in the Harlman con struction headquarters here that no matter what the rights of Porter Broth ers to the tracts that He between Grass Valley and the summit of the mountain road, proceedings will be carried on In an orderly manner. There will be no heads broken or bloodshed In order to get through the guarded gate and the courts will probably be resorted to. It is confidently predicted that the wagon road will be opened within a short time. Porter Camps on Disputed Ground, For the time being, at least, it ap pears that Porter Brothers are devot ing their energies to blocking tactics. The three camps established by the Porter Brothers are all on territory where the surveys are supposed to "I . D.. .1 I . -1 .1 I l.tA ,hr A ;r.on, the oumt tht originally left The Dalles, Porter Brothers have not a large camp at any of the points at which they are at work, yet Superin tendent Griffin, who is in charge at this place, declares they will soon have 1000 men employed. The Harrlman construction is going on at points all along the line, disputed or not. Twohy Bros, are letting sub-con tracts nearly every day and within a very short time the entire works will- be cov ered by the Harrlman line. Every In dication here is that the Harrlman people are acting In good faith. Italians Stay With Porters. Porter Bros force in the canyon of the Deschutes at Horseshoe Bend will be augmented by 42 Italians tomorrow. A small number of others went in today, and with those heretofore on the ground, the Oregon Trunk will have So men, against several hundred in the employ of the HarTiman contractors. Several of the Italians who arrived In Srass Valley on the evening train tonight had rifles. Attempts were made by rep resentatives of Twohy Bros, to entice the Italians away from the Porter camp and take the train to Shaniko, where the O. R. & X. is rushing In men for the work above mile post 76. The 42 Italians could not be induced to remain In the train, however. Porter Bros, have in their employ in the canyon one of the best known Italian railroad bosses In the Vest. Tony Searpelll. Hi word is law to hie fellow-countrymen, and when he or dered several Italians working for Twohy Bros. In the canyon to quit and Join the other camp, they did so. Most of Twohy Bros.' forces are composed of Scandina vians and Hungarians, however. Thirty seven railroad laborers and teamsters who drifted Into Grass Valley looking for work were snapped up by Twohy Bros, today and sent on up the lir.e to Shaniko. J. E. Twohy, who re turned from Portland today, brought out 60 other laborers with him. These also were sent on to Shaniko. Porters' Crew Cross River. Pending some disposition of the dis puted -roadway to the Horseshoe Bend country, the Harriman contractors are not attemepting to increase their forces In that vlcintty. A courier returning from the river op posite the Hill ranch, west of Grass Val ley, reports that 37 Porter men are work ing on the grade at mile post 27, on this side of the river. The river was crossed by means of the rowboat mentioned in yesterday's dispatches, the wagon trains gaining the other side from The Dalles. This Indicates that the Porter Brother (Concluded on Put 1S-J PHILADELPHIA, July 29. Declaring that the largest verdict ,he ever heard of for a violation of the Sherman anti trust law was 1700,000, George H. Earle, receiver for the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Company, today asked the Common Pleas Court here to decide the advisability of accepting the offer of $750,000 made by the American Su gar Refining Company as a settlement of litigation brought against it by the Pennsylvania Company. Mr. Earle, as receiver for the Penn sylvania Sugar Refining Company, sued the American Sugar Refining Company for $30,000,000 damages, alleging that the latter company prevented the former concern from operating its re finery. FIRE THREATENS FORESTS Aid Called for From Kootenai Region to Fight Flames. SPOKANE. Wash., Ju!y 29. (Spe cial.) Reports have been received at the forestry headquarters at Missoula, Mont., of disastrous forest fires which have broken out near Bonners Ferry, and which are seriously threatening ' the Kootenai forests. The full extent of the conflagration is not known, but It is so serious as to demand unlimited assistance in fighting. The Great Northern Railroad Com pany has been requisitioned for all the force possible to help control the rag ing flames. Smaller fires are also re ported along Clarks Fork and Gold Creek, JUBt across the Idaho mountain line. The Idaho Forestry Department has called for assistance from the Montana side and an army of flre-flghters has been rushed to the burning district. CHEATED ROAD; REPENTS Man Who Lied About Child's Age, Sends Money to Ticket Agent. HOOD RIVER, Or.. July 29. (Special.) After having been in the railroad busi ness a quarter of a century, J. H. Fred ricy, O. R. A N". agent here, exhibited a document today which he says is unique in his experience. It is as follows: "Sir: sometime ago I got a half fare ticket to Troutdale for a girl some months over 12 years old I told a Lie, said she was under 12. have asked God to, forgive me. I send you 75c in stamps for the R. R. Co hopeing that will make it right." The letter will be forwarded to William McMurray, general passenger agent of the Harrlman lines in Oregon, where it is believed it will be received with more than usual interest. Mr. Fredricy says that he is unable to recall the purchaser of the ticket. TAFT'S VOYAGE DOWN RIVER Flotilla of Steamers Will Make Mis sissippi Look Busy. 'WASHINGTON', July 29. Represen tative Bartholdt. of Missouri, took up with President Taft today some of the details of his trip down the Mississippi river from St. Louis to New Orleans. The Presdent will reach St. Louis from Houston, Tex., October 25, and will leave there for the river trip on October 26. Mr. Bartholdt said the flotilla of boats that would accompany the President would make one of the most spectacular cruises ever seen on the river. One boat especially assigned to them, there will be the governors of 30 states. On another boat there will be Vice-President Sherman and more than 100 congressmen. CHICAGO WOMAN HONORED Mrs. Ella F. Young Chosen as Su perintendent of City Schools. CHICAGO, July 29. Mrs. Ella Flag Toung, principal of the Chicago Normal School since 1906 and an educator of Na tional reputaitno was chosen tonight superintendent of the Chicago schools. Mrs. Toung is 64 years of age, and has been engaged in teaching since 1862. This Is the first time a woman has been elected head of the school system of this city. TWO VESSELS LOST AT SEA Storm Off German Coast Causes Great Damage. CUXHAVEN'. July 29. A heavy storm is raging in the North Sea. The Hamburg schooner Hans, and a Dutch sailing vessel, name unknown, have been wrecked near Neuwerk. The German schooner Margarete was towed Into this port In a sinking con dition. RAIN DROWNS 3 CHILDREN Cloudburst at Lagos, Mexico, Does Tremendous Damage. EL PASO. Tex.. July 29. Three chil dren were drowned, and 22 houses were washed away by a cloudburst at Lagos, Mexico, according to advices received here tonight. A terrific hall storm killed hundreds of goats and destroyed crops. Four Inches f hail felt SURRENDER AT LAST MOMENT Plain Hint at Veto Brings Down Lumber Duty. ALSO GLOVE SCHEDULE Bill as Adopted by Conferees Meets His Approval President Says This Xo Time to Give New Protection. PROGRESS OF TARIFF BIIX. v Tariff bill Introduced In House March 17. Chairman Payne opened debate March 22. Passed House April 9: vote, 317 to 161. . 1' !. Passed Senate July S; vote. 45 to si. Went to conference committee July 9. President demanded important rhantrea July 1G. President's demands met July 29. Now goes back to House. WASHINGTON, July is). (Special.) Bowing to President Taft's ultimatum as to gloves and lumber, the Republican tariff conferees brought their work to a conclusion this afternoon, signed the re port and tomorrow will submit it to the House. ' Two tentative agreements one reached yesterday and the other the day before the President repudiated. The bill as it now stands will have the Presi dent's hearty approval. President Taft gets the two things upon which he Insisted In addition to free hides and radical reductions in the duties on manufactured leather the existing rates on gloves and lumber at $1.25 a thousand. Print paper, which was one of the prob lems left for solution at the last, carries a duty of S3. To a ton, which Is 25 cents under the Senate rate and $1.75 above the House rate. In addition, the retaliatory features recommended as a result of the Mann investigation of the paper industry are to apply. Taft's Ultimatum to Aldrich. President Taft sent a letter to Senator Aldrich this morning which brought mat ters to a focus. It was Intended for the conference committee as a whole, and it was a formal statement of what the Executive thought ought to be done with respect to gloves and lumber. No threat of a veto or of calling another special session was put on paper, but, from what had been said verbally during the pre ceding 24 hours and from the general un derstanding of the President's determina tion, the note was regarded as an ulti matum. Xo Time for Xew Protection. The President gave succinctly his rea son for believing that lumber should not carry a duty in excess of $1.25, and he explained his belief as to gloves that this Is not a propitious time to start new pro tection for any Industry. He stated that with lumber at the rate suggested and the .Senate rates on gloves, leaving the duties as in the Dingley act. a re port embodying the other features sub mitted to him would meet with his hearty approval and that he would use his ln- (Concluded on Pass 3.) 4 . ........ ........... PEOPLE ONE SOMETIMES MEETS. Jhfte Iff f,jKtJ I I fU S u W N & fair's ifi? Wi KEE PR. GjREEM BROWN. j t t . While Impostor Posed as Austrian Nobleman. Baron Rothschild Was In Vienna. CHICAGO, July 29. (Special.) Chicago society folks, including the exclusive Ger manla Club, after all the 'furore that has been raised over the alleged romance of Olga Menn and Baron Oscar Rothschild, will be surprised to learn that Baron Rothschild was never In Chicago, that he never met he young woman with whom his name has been linked, and that the girl was imposed on by an impostor. The man thought to have been Baron Rothchlld was in Chicago on July 5. This man, it has been learned, Is named Wolf. The real Baron Rothschild was in Vienna July 10, and committed suicide July 13. This shows conclusively that young Rothschild could not have been In Chicago at the time the supposed Baron was paying ardent court to Mies Menn. Her father went so far as to say that his daughter was going to Germany, where she would form a matrimonial alliance. Tonight Dr. Menn said: "I do not want to discuss" this man now called Wolf. My daughter was deceived. Of course her heart is broken; she was disappointed. I now know that we never entertained the Baron Rothschild; that is the reason I state that we were never ac quainted with any member of the famous Austrian family." Wolf made a remark to the clerk In a hotel that he was being royally enter tained by the society people of Chicago. TWO ARE MISSING IN CITY Man and Girl Seem Mysteriously to Have Disappeared. Yesterday's records of the police show two people have mysteriously disappeared from their homes in Portlanu this week. H. F. Johnson, of 419 Hawthorne avenue, reports his brother, Julius Johnson, has been missing since Tuesday. Johnson left the house, saying he would return shortly and has not been seen since. He was dressed when last seen in a brown suit with a dark stripe, a light soft hat and tan shoes. He is 39 years old, weighs about 150 pounds and has a sandy mus tache. Lena Schrake, a 16-year-old girl who lived with the -family of G-'H. Fee, at U10 East Lincoln street, has been missing for three days. She left the house to at tend the Lyric Theater, and was last seen there in company with a young man. She has a dark coipplextqn, dark hair and weighs about 115 pounds. COUNTY UNIT IN VIRGINIA Republicans Xominate Kent for Governor and Favor Local Option. NEWPORT NEWS, Va., July 29. Virginia Republicans in convention here today decided in favor of local option, and will make it the leading issue of the campaign. "We favor the general principle of local option," says the platform, "and would Jiave the counties and cities a unit in all elections on the liquor question, with rigid enforcement of the law." William P. Kent, American Consul-General to Guatemala, was nominated for Governor. POPE SEES OREGON BISHOP Baker City Prelate Takes Americans to the Vatican. ROME, July 29. Pope Plus today re ceived In audience the Right Rev. Charles J. O'Reilly, bishop of Baker City, Or., who presented John J. McGrane, of Brooklyn, and a pilgrimage of 75 per sons. The Pontiff gave a special audience, to Bishop O'Reilly and the priests who ac companied him, imparting in the warm est terms the apostolic benediction to the party and to the numerous American Catholics they represented. ARTILLERY TURNED ON CROWD Revolt Literally Blown Pieces in City Proper. to OUTER DISTRICTS UNTAMED In Spite . of" Reassuring Statement From Capital. Civil War Rages and New Outbreaks Are Reported. PRETENDER SEES OPPORTUNITY'. LONDON, July 29. A special dis patch from Madrid says there are perlsltent rumors In Carllst Quarters that Don Jaime, the pretender. Is about to Issue an address to the powers and a manifesto "to the Spanish people maintaining his claim to the Spanish throne. MADRID, 'July . It was officially an nounced tonight that the cavalry at Barcelona succeeded today in driving Into St. Martin's Square the principal bands of revolutionists, against whom the artillery opened Are, causing great losses. The survH'ors surrendered. The official statement further says that it now remains only to overcome small groups of revolutionists in the villages near Barcelona. Premier Maura an nounced . tonight this favorable report from Barcelona: Maura Is Confident. "The arrival of reinforcements will en able us to quell the outbreaks." Thus, according to official advices, the insurreotion has been checked, but at a heavy loss of life. After fighting des perately and successfully for a lone time behind barricades, the principal mobs were gradually driven to St.. Martin Square where they found themselves en trapped. Heavy detachments of artillery and cavalry . came up and surrounded them. The artillery Immediately opened fire, mowing down the revolutionists, who sought to escape, but were met at every point with shot and shell. Those of the Insurgents who were not killed or seri ously wonnded threw down their arms and surrendered. The Insurrection continues In the neigh boring villages, whither the troops are proceeding. The commanders .of .the sol diers are under orders to spare none who attempt to resist. Throughout the day, however, advices indicated that the disturbances in Cata lonia were as serious as ever, although the government has succeeded in getting troops through to certain of the disaf fected points. The lines of communica tion, which have been cut everywhere in Catalonia, are In part repaired. In many cities there have long been loud mutterlngs, and the serious situa tion in Morocco gave the opportunity for a rising of the revolutionists in Catalonia in protest against the send ing of other troops. Only Poor In Army. The recruiting system has served to Increase the dissension of the people. All Spaniards 20 years old must report for military duty, but the rich usually manage to be excused. If, in subsequent drawings by lot, however, they are un- ( Concluded on Page 7.) Pooled Earnings for Tear and Pur chased 160 Acres From Gov ernment for Xew Home. CHICAGO. July 29. (Special.) A group of Chicago seamtresses today deputized Miss Glenna Lynch to Wen dell, Idaho, Monday to perform the final formalities in the purchase of a 160 acre fruit farm which they have bought with their pooled earnings. If all goes-well they propose to leave their work here and go out to Wendell, where they will form a little fruit raising colony. The young women "call themselves "The Idaho Guild." They banded to gether a year ago with the agricultural project in view. They secured 160 acres of Government irrigated land, have now made their last payment, and Miss Lynch will go through the final formalities necessary to acquire title to the land. Among the prospective farmers, in addition to Miss Lynch, are the Misses Adelaide Jackson, Marie Miller, Helen Miller, Laura Hunt and Maud Lynch. Most of them became enthusiastic over the idea of investing In irrigated land at meetings of the Dressmakers Art Club. The Idaho Guild was launched with eight members, but a few others have since become Imbued with agri cultural enthusiasm and have contrib uted from their earnings to the land fund. OVERCOMES EATING HABIT Fresno Fast Expert Does Not Care for Food After SO Days. FRESNO. Cal., July 29. R. D. KInch eloe, a farmer, 61 years of age, today completed a fast of 30 days. This is the fifth and longest fast that Kincheloe has taken. Thirty days ago he weighed 300 pounds; today he weighs 218. He says he does not feel hungry, and believes he has overcome the habit or eating. He says that he has no desire for food and until he does he will not eat. DESERTS-WIFE; PUT IN JAIL Edward Lowe, Son of Michigan Capitalist, Feels Law's Terrors. HOQUIAM, Wash., I July 29. 'Edward Lowe, Jr., son of Edward Lowe, a rail road capitalist of Grand Rapids, Mich. was arrested at Aberdeen tonight by Sheriff Payette end taken to- Montesano, where he was lodged in the County Jail. Toung . Lowe was arrested on a charge of wife-desertion. Mrs. Lowe alleges that he has given her just 60 cents in the last 60 days and that he has left her destitute. PUBLIC LAND FOR STATES Californian Would Have Govern ment Aid in Betterments. I WASHINGTON, July 29. To turn over to the various states In which they are situated the unappropriated public lands not Included In National 'parks, Indian or military reservations, for the construc tion and maintenance of water works, reservoirs, etc., for irrigation, mining, manufacturing and the generation of power is provided in a bill introduced by Representative Smith of California today. BANKER TANGLED IN FAKE Cashed Checks for Swindlers In Sporting Events. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ia., July 29. Three additional suits in which men seek to recover the amounts of their losses by means of fake footraces, prizefights, horseraces and wrestling matches were filed today. The defendants include Er nest E. Hart, president of the First Na tional Bank. The allegation against him is based on the fact that his bank cashed the checks of victims. STRIKERS MOB WORKERS Maddened by Failing Supplies, Men at Car Works Riot. PTTTSBURG-. July 29. Three thousand strikers, maddened by seeing their food supply running low, with no immediate prospect of a settlement of the strike, pursued workmen from the Pressed Steel Car plant tonight. Before state troops arrived three per sons were injured. ROOSEVELTS SEE RACING Kermit Rides in Fire Races In Brit ish East Africa. NAIROBI, British East Africa, July 29. Theodore Roosevelt today attended a race meeting of the East African Turf Club here. Kermit Roosevelt had a mount in five of the races. MORAL CRUSADE AT WORK Twenty Indictments for Chicago's , Tenderloin Dive-Keepers. CHICAGO, July 29. In furtherance of State's Attorney Wayman's attack on the West Side "tenderloin," 20 keepers of alleged illegal establishments war in dicted todaj SENT TO OELMAS, SAYS THAW Former Counsel Summoned to Tell of Hush Money. MRS. MERRILL IS RECALLED Jerome's Tactics More Mrs. Thaw to Declare Again That Conspir acy Existed Against Son at First Trial. WHITE PLAINS. N. T.. July 29. District Attorney Jerome finished hia examination of Harry K. Thaw, this afternoon In the Supreme Court hear ing of Thaw's application for release from Matteawan. All told, yesterday and today, Harry Thaw answered Mr. Jerome's lightning thrusts for 10 hours, yet he held his own, and tomorrow he will he in the hands of friends. His attorney, Charles Morschauser, expects to call him in the morning. Mrs. Thaw Repeats Charges. Notwithstanding the mental strain of his examination. Thaw labored late to night with his attorney in Justice Mills' ante-room, going over the exhibits used by Mr. Jerome in his rapid-fire of cross-, questions. These consisted of various papers containing notes and drawings found in Thaw's cell In the Tombs after he was sent to Mattewan. What use Mr. Jerome will make of them will develop later. But their ap pearance seems to bother the Thaws somewhat, and after court adjourned Mrs. William C. Thaw, the prisoner's mother, gave out an Interview In which she said the production of these papers by the state proved the charges she made in a printed, pamphlet, that her son had been hurried away to the asylum without being allowed to get his clothes or other effects in his cell. Thaw Well Satisfied. On the whole, however. Thaw and his attorney are well satisfied with the day's work. Yesterday Mr. Jerome de voted himself to the prisoner's life his tory. Today he based his questions chiefly on the various documents, let ters and memoranda, which he pro duced in surprising numbers. The one (Concluded on Page 6.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 80 degrees; minimum, 58 degrees. TODAY'S Probably fair; cooler; westerly winds. Foreign. Spanish government claims victory over Insurgents at Barcelona after drawing .them into square and massacring them. Page 1. Crushing defeat Inflicted on Spaniards at Melilla, Page-7. Prodigies of valor performed by Spaniards at Melilla. Page 7. National. Taft sends ultimatum to tariff conferees and they yield. Page 1. Tariff bill finally adopted In conference and will pass House Saturday. Page 3. Northwestern Senators make last effort to secure higher lumber tariff. Page 3. Government report ' on Oregon fisheries. Page 5. Domestic. Extensions to be built by Great Northern in Coast States. Page 5. Sugar trust may have to pay $730,000 for gobbling Pennsylvania refinery. Page 1. Pulliam dies of wound and Heydler will suc ceed him. Page 8. Heat in Chicago causes five deaths and many prostrations. Pace d. Wright again postpones airship flight on ac count of bad weather. Page o. Blerlot willing to have airship race with Wright at Seattle fair. Page tt. Mrs. Merrill again testifies against Thaw and Thaw denies her charges. Page 1. Policeman Conboy fights dismissal for shoot ing1 man when drunk. Page 4. Chicago seamstresses buy Idaho fruit land. page i. Sports. Coast League scores. Portland 1. Oakland 3; bacramento 4, ban rrancisco o; LiQB Angeles 4. Vernon 3. Page ft. Northwestern League scores : Portland 7. Vancouver 2; bpokana o. Aberdeen , Tsv coma 3. Seattle 4. Page 8. Pacific Northwest. Porter Bros, continue blocking tactics; hold only options on iana over which they forbid trespass. Page 1. Large force of men hurry construction work; on iiuamooic. road, fane v. Woman who sees husband drown In Clacka mas River keeps lonely vigil on bank all night. Page 4. , Attorney-General hears complaint ox settlers at Bend. Paae 9. Ontario sends delegation to meet Ballirfger here la Interest of Malheur project Pate 9. Commercial and Marine. New wheat coming; In to local market. Page 19. Wide fluctuations In wheat at Chicago. Page ID. Activity In minor stocks feature of New York market. Page 19. Work on Columbia River jetty progresses at rapid rate; big -rock deliveries. Page IS. Portland and Vicinity. Lafayette Grover and wife allege Hawthorne estate defrauds them of valuable prop erty, page 12. Inmate of Crystal Sanitarium commits sui clde most horribly. Page 11. Many excursion parties stop off to see port land. Page 14. Reclamation engineers will confer with Bal linger here on apportionment of $7,000,000 fund. Page 13. City officials will allow Heillg Theater to be reopened If it is repaired. Page 14. Citizen soldiers leave Clackamas training grounds for homes today. Page 14. Mayor and party inspect tracts offered city for parka in Sell wood district. Page 13. Pacific Jurisdiction, Women of Woodcraft begins convention here. Pago IX