17 THE MOIWIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JTJLY Z7, LUST PRICES HOLD Local Wheat Buyers Have Not Reduced Their Bids. BUT MARKET IS WEAK It Offerings Were Better, Prices Would Probably Be Forced to a, lower Basis Bullish New in the Hop Trade. The whut market was decidedly weak yesterday, aa was to be expected lfl view of the- slump at Chicago and the lowar mar ket at Liverpool. Local buyers, however, mada no alteration In their quotation and vera stJli offering- the prices eurrent the latter part of last week. A little business was accomplished at these rates, but not much- It was evident that had offering's been at all free these prices could not have been maintained. There Is no gen ' eral selling movement and will be none . VCTtl the aarvest la completed, yet In some -Quarters these as mora disposition to sell B0W than thee eras last week. This Is the ! consequence of (be tin for the worse r taken by moat of the big grain markets. The wweklr grain statistics of the lfss cbanta Exchange tollowt Amaicu vlalbla supply Hushete. Xnci l-July 2 19".. M . 6 0:18.000 1.1S5.O00 i July 27. tjuly iv. July no. July 81 July 2(1. July 27. Ju;y 2S. Jaly Dk. July SI. July 81. 19OS..........14.::i.0'X 1 W7 . . . . . 4'V -:v0"O 1. 020.000 103.000 Z.4H6.000 1S,3C4.000 1.471I.OOO llo4. .... lo3..... li"i..... loi IvOO... .. 1 M4.00O .12,950.000 .21.5P1.0O0 .2a.2rt4.0O0 .4.Al!.000 .34.182.000 117.VO0 1.1T8.000 1.0S3.OOO SoS.ono 144.000 'Decrease. Quantities on peeaagi Weak ending July 24 TTk Week ending ending July 17 July 25. '09 Fcr C. X ... -Continent Rnehels .17.rtw.ooo .13. So". 00 Bushels Bushels 18 SSO.OOrt 1S.82O.0O0 13.SSO.000 .600.000 T"tal . .81.040.000 S2.6eO.OOO 23.120,000 World's shipments, flour Included Week Week ending ending July 17 July 2.1. 'OS From C. B. ran.. Argentina Australia Dan. ports Hus .la . Inula ....... Bushels Bushels 1.48.000 1.2C6.000 3,10.000 NO. POO !... OOO .ao4.ooo 8. fl 30.000 1.7.1A000 34.0O0 12S.0O0 144.0OO 104.000 Totals 7.OS1.0O0 T.S4.000 4.870.000 Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange, as follows: Old Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay July 14-26 2 4 4 2 9 Total last week. 16 22 30 12 27 HOP CONTRACTU IX POLK OOCXTT IJK Agreements Made to Data ft the Leading; Hop Section. Top contracts filed la Polk County ag gregate 1.703. 000 pounds. The Dallas Ob server prints the following list of contracts HIM to date, all being for the 1809 crop, un.eas otherwise sepclfled: By Klar-er. Wolf AY Netter R. B. Arnold and L. Rltner. 00 pounds. ISO crop. 10 cents: C. M. Bailey and Henry Fern. 10.000 pounds, 10 cents; 8. A Ball. 15,000 pounds. 10 cents; J. Byers and R. U- vTooper. 2o.0oo pounds. 11 cents; Clay. Bush et al, 10,000 pounds. 11 cents; L. Damon. 10.000 pounds. 10 oents; D. L, Hedges. 80.000 pounds. 10 cents; James Helmlek et al. lO.OW) 3oundA 11 cents; J. M. Jones and E. M. Young, 199 crop to be sold on commis sion. By T. A. Ltveeley a Co. C A. Ball. 1B. "00 pounds. 10 cents; E. F. Craven, 10,000 pounds, lo cents; J. L Hana, 80,000 pounds 10 cents; H. 8. Harris, 20.000 pounds. 10 centsj EV Hartley, 30.000 pounds, 10 centa By T. Rosanwald A- Co. C. W. Beckett. ! 30.000 pounds. 18. 1910. 1011 crops. 11 rents; M. 8. A W. P. Sevens, 10,000 pounds. 1809. 1910, 1U crops. 11 cents: D. Davidson 'and Pearl Hedges, 1S.O00 pounds, 10. 1P10. crops. 11 cents; D. Dsvldson and Pearl Hedgee. 10.000 pounds, 1900. 1010. 1011 crops, 11 oents; Ed Loose, 10.000 pounds. ; three years, 11 cents; ti H. ill torn a. 40.000 l?oundA three years. 11 cents; R. L. I MMrpbr. BO.ooo pounds, s years, 11 cents; A. j fjrf. McLaughlin. 20,000- pound, ft cents. I By C E. Msy A Co. J. D. A Lien, 20,000 tpounds, 10 cents; O. H. Harris. 10.000 I rounds, leoft, 1910 crops. 10H cents L. R. 'Hill. 20,000 pounds, ll-OB. 1910 crops, 10 I rents: L. R. Hill. iO,000 pounds, 1911 crop, ( 10H cents; TV A. Sloper A Co.. OO.OtM) f pound 3 years, lO cents; J. N. A H- Wood, ! JS.OOO pounds, 1908, 1910 crops. cents. By Itorst Ctmpmr Richard Bridges. :,40o pounds. 10 cents; John Slmklns, 8000 ; pounds, 10 cents. By Kola Nls Oeorge Ball. 18.000 pounds, ' gooo. lllo crops, 10 cents. By LTllenthal Bros. R. O. TJodson, 18.000 pounds, lO cents; W. T. Foster and L. ' filchola, 1S.0OO poondA 10 cents; A O. f Jones and J W. Myer, 18,000 pounds. 10 cents. By Catlln A Linn J. W. A W. J. Dawson. ' OS. 000 pounds. V cents; X. M. Dickey, vi8.000 pounrts, 1PO0 crop. 10 cents: A. Helse ' wt ux. 0.00 pounda 10 cents; W. L. A C. R- PhllMps, HHV pounds. 94 cents. Py I. Plncus A Sons Harry L. Hart, 18.O00 poundA 10 cents; C- L. Fisher and R. C. Craven. 13.000 pounds. 19O0 crop. 10 ' centsi McNeff Bros . 41.010 pounds. 10 r cents; R. H. and Fannie McCarter, 10.000 ' pounds. 10 cents; Walker Broa, 8000 pounds, ' 10V4 cents Bv X. T. A Pacific Hop Company C M Jtalley and L. C. H11L 1O.000 pounds, centa By McNef Bros. A. Buhler and J. H. ' Foster. 10.000 poundA 10 cents; Dallas City Bank, lfl.ooo pounds. lOVi cents; Gates A Campbell. 18.000 pounds. 0 cents; E. E. Hart, OOOO poundA centA By Joseph Hsrrls N F. Gregg. 15,000 pounds. 9 cents: J. T. A J. M. Jamea 10. V00 pounds, IX 1910. 1911 crops. 10 centa By H. L. Hart A. firoea ls.ooo pounds. 10 cents; E M. Hendricks. 15.000 pounda 10V cents By J. Plncus William and Mary Hol elr.ston. l.T "n0 pounds. lO cents. Ity A. Marnus A Son L. R. Hill. 28.000 pounds. lO rente: B. F. and M. H. Jonea 10 Ou pounila. lO renta By Elsas A Vrlts A. Llndstrora. 10.000 pounds, three years. 10 cents. By L. P. Ja"ks W. A. Patton snd O. X. f leper. 2OOO0 pounds, loo. l;09. li10 crorA 10S rents Fy Kalk. Wormier A Co. J. D. Walling. lOtMHi poun.ls. 9 4 conts; John Walling. SO 'Wio pounds. 9 4 cents By Hugo V. l.owle A. M. Mcljiuglln. 15 v,i p.Miml.-i. three years. 12 cents. ry P. s. Pt:n,r Joseph Meyers A Co. Mrs Kate Vct'orkle and W. T. Trent. 15, 000 rounds. IS cents. rVERVIENT F.N PERT FtC.rKEH CROP rlacee Wheat Held of Pacific North wee at 33.0n0.O0O to 40.000.000 Baahels. LFWITOX. Maho, July 28. (Special.) A general report on crop conditions In Oregon, washinxton and Idaho is being pre-par-i py A. F Hlit. r.eld representative of trie rmred States .Agricultural Department for the three northwestern statea Mr. Hltt ia In I.em-lston the latter part of this week, having recently visited the big wheat t.elt of Kas:rn iWron. -entral Idaho and Asotin Couniv. Waehlngton. was covered from here, and while the data for the com plete report Is not svallnble. Mr. Hltt has practice, iy completed the work on the Fall crop The eeilmate of .mvooo.ooo bushels for the wheal crop of Oregon. Washington and Idaho he believes too large. The Fall grain In I'matilla County, Orecon. will give a yield of about three bushels to the acre above last year's production and while weather conditions may reduce the Spring crop, he sals the yield will not be in ex rtCa of last year. He plaoes the entire wheat vleld off Vmaulla County at about 4.000.toO bushels and states the Vmatllla crop represents approximately two-fifths of the entire Oregon production. Commissioner Hltt says the production of Oregon will tot exceed 10,000.000 bushels. Tna work In Idaho and Washington has Week endlr c July 24 IlushelN u.lS.OitO ,oru.O" Sn.i"" 4H.0OI 1.7'JO.OOO 1.20.000 not sufficiently advanced for a comprehen sive estimate of the wheat production to be made but from the data already collected and the outcome of the late Spring crop entirely In doubt, he believes the shortage In these states will about equsl that In Oregon and the aggregate production of the three states will range from 85.000,000 to 40,000.000 bush el a ' Up to this time, Xe Perce and Idaho Counties hold the record for high average production of Fall wheat, according to the reports. The data collected shows the av erage production to be 87 is bushels per acre while the conservative grain companies place the average yield for the two counties at from 30 to 35 bushels to the acre. On the prairie entire sections are scheduled to make an Average yield of 60 bushels to the acre and In no section of the upper country . . ... h1n. 43 IIS tne average rajirvim w '" bushela The general average will be held down by the early crops on the lowlands , - .v. n l- .h.iinw Rnil where the precipitation le lesa The particular value of th lowland crop Is the early maturity, the wheat now being delivered at 1 per bushel. GOOD DEMAND FOR WATERMELON'S, fantalotrpee Plentiful and Weak Car of Ktberta pewebea Received Most varieties of fruits were In good supply yesterday and the market was ac tive. The dernimd for watermelons was the feature. Cantaloupes were , very plentiful and weak at 12.25 32.78. Among the Southern receipts was a oar of Blberta neaohas. Jtne Oregon plums are coming along and bring flffl.M. Rasp berries are becoming scarce and are now quoted at $1.80. The loganberry season Is also drawing to an end. Blackberries are more plentiful, but still bring 82, There Is still a fair supply of cherrleA especially Lamberts, which are held at 1011 cents: Royal Anns move at T cents and Black Re publicans at B centa The market la heavily stocked with new potatoes, which are weak. Sweet potatoes are offering at T centA Butter Firm at Sew FHoe, At the new price of SOS, cents, the butter market was Arm yesterday, as supplies were .r reoulrements. Cheese was steady and unchanged. There were no new developments hi the err trade. The demand was moderate and stocks ample. Poultry moved fairly well, erpeolally hen a AdTSDon Ib Sugar Expected. The sugar market Is strong and jobbers look for an advance In Coasl prices today or tomorrow. The Eastern market advanced 10 cents yesterday. Clearing. Clearings of the Xorthwestern cities yes terday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland 11.084.814 I 54.228 1.04J. Sit 264. Taooroa 31.Mi 44.248 Knokane 1.16S.4U7 117,330 PORTLAND MARKETS. Feed. Etc Grain. Flour, WHEAT Track prices: New crop, blue- stem, 11.02; club, SSc; Russian, vac; vai ley. 7c: Turkey red. 81: 40-fold. 81. CORN Whole, (35 per ton cracked, $38 per ton. FLOUR Patent $ IS per barrel; traighta 18 80; exports. 84.70; Valley, 85.80: graham. I3.su; tera I.ri.NtV whole wheat, quar BARLEY New, 129; September. 8ZT0 827 60. OATS Spot, 818: September. 8Zjrs.o M I LLSTU FFS Bran. 32 fcer ton: mid- annua 8m: shorts, 8-9Q3Z; chop, rnlked harlav. 834 to So. 824 9 30 HAT New crop: Tlmotny, Willamette Valley, ill'&li per ton; Eastern Orogon, 817 ei; mixed. 115 80 9 16 SO. airaira. 812 clover. 8114712. GRAIN BAGS 040 eacn. Vegetables and Fruit a FRESH FRUITS Apples, new California. 31.7SS2.28 ser box: pears. II., on J per doi cherries. 6 alio per pound; neacliea 90c 0 1.19 oer box: apricots. 31.281.80 per box csntaloupes. 81 2632.75 per crate; currants. 82 per box; plums. 81V1.Z Per dox; nec tarines. 3150: loganberries, im per crate: raspberries. S1.6U per crate blackcaps. $2.15 crate: watermelons, 31 "9 140 per pound; grapes. SLtfl-bu; oiacxoerries. 12 ; wua DiBCKOerries, luc per iwuuu grspeA ll.Tovi 2 5 per box. fOTATUhN .New, iliiv i.du per nun- dred; sweet potatoeA 7c per lb. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. Illl.i: per esck; carrots. !l.&01.7o; beetA $l-o0 THOl ICAL FHVllb uranges, naveia 81f0ai.78: valenclaa 3303.50; lemons, fancy. $6.5097; choice. Id-O: grape fruit, 98 per Dox; nananas, ssso per io.j pineapples. 3'2fl4 per doxsn. .New, ll.Z6Vl.DU per saca. VEGETABLES Ueana 3c: cabbage. 1 t4l 14c per pound; celery, 90cfl per dosen; oucumbera 25tr6uo per dosen; egg-plant. 12 4 cr 15o per pound; lettuce, head. 2S3V 3ae per dozen; onlone, lts315o per dosn: parsley. 8o per dosen; peas, 7xy8c per pound; peppers, loo per pound; radishes. lfte per doten: spinach, bo per pound squash, 8c; tomatoes, ?6c0SL5. Dairy and Country Produce. BTJTTER City creamery, extras, 80Hci fancy outside creamery. 87H03O4O pet pound: store. 80c (Butter fat prices aver age lso per pound under regular butter prices. xltiun ursgon rancn. canaieo, ztqr2sa per doxen. yuui-Tltl rtens. isc: springs, io-a 16c; roortors, 9tfl0e; duckA young;. 18 14o: geese, young, llo; turkeyA 18c; equabA S3 ,3 1.25 per doxen. cheese run cream twina 1041x170 per pound; young AmerlcaA HHlflo. ruittt rancy, iiBiit)c per pound. VEAL Extras, 94 10o per pound; ordi nary, 7 01c; heavy, id. Groceries, Dried Fruits. Bte. DRIED FRUIT Apples. 9c per Ib.j peacheA 7tfSc; pruneA Italians. 6OBc: pruneA French, iy 6c; currants, unwashed. cascA 94c; currantA washed, caseA 10ct figs, whlts fancy, &0-1D. Boxes, 84o; dataa b 074c. tAl.aiu. 01um01a rtiyer. 1-10., tans. 11 psr-doxen; z-lb. taliA 2.95; l-pound flatA 8lv4; Aiasaa pina, i-pouna taiiA vooi red. 1 -pound tails. 31.45; socksysA 1- pour.d tails, 82. rur r i'. r. jaocna. f u - . Java. oral nary, iltt.Oe: Costa Kica, rancy, 18O20O; good. 16u"lSc; ordinary, 12V(S16o per lb. NUTS wamuiA 1291BC per pound by sack; Eraxll nuts, 16c; fllbertA 15c; pea nuts. 7c; almonds, 13014c; cheetnuta, Ital ian. 11c; peanuts, raw, 5o; nlnenuts, 109 12c; nicaory nutA 10c; cocoanutA tfoe psr aoren. SI OAR Granulated. 35.75: extra C. 35 85: golden C 35. fa; fruit and berry sugar, 85.85; Honolulu plantation, line grain, 4b. ?; cuoca (barrel). 86.40: powdered (barrel), 88.10: Terms, on remittances within 15 days, de duct 4a per pound; if later than 15 days snd within 30 days, deduct 4o per pound, staple sugsr. 15 41 ISO per pound. ALT Granulated. 813 per ton. $1.90 per bale: half ground. 100s. $7 50 per ton; 50a $S rer ton. BKANS Small white, 74c; large whltA 6),c; Lima. 84c; bayou, 64c; red kidney, 4lc; pink. 4Uc Hope. Wool. Hides. Ftc HOP? 19U8 contracts, 18tfl9c per pound; 1!" crop. 12 $ 13c; 1907 crop. u'3c; 1904 crop, 5c WOOL Eastern Oregon. 16ff23o pel: po'jnl: Valley. 23 325c. MOHAIR Choloe, 24 C 25c per pound. H1LS Dry hides, lotflu: pound; dry kip, l."-tf'16c pound; dry calfskin. 189190 skin, 14 (i 15c pound; green, lc less, pound: salted hldeA 4&10c: salted calf- Fl'RS No. 1 skins: Angora goat. $1 to $1 25: badger. 25trO: bear. $6t?20; beaver. 86.50SS.5u; cat, wild. 75ciu1.50; cougar, uerteit head and claws, $3 4i0; fisher, dark, 7 30tll: pale. 34.90 7; fox. cross, 33 to 55- fox. gray. 604S0c; fox. red. 33?5; fox. silver. $15 to $100; lynx. JS315; marten, dark $12: mlr.k. $3.5085.50; muskrat. 151125c; otter. $2 5094; raccoon, 00 9 75c; sea otter, $1005250. as to slxe and color; skunks. 536S0c; civet, cat. 10918c; aolf. $2tf3; coyo:e. 75c3$l--": wolvtrlnA dark, $3j5; wolverine. palA $232.50. Provisions. BACON Fancy, 25o per pound; standard. 21c; choice, 20c; English. IStflfc DRT SALT CURED Regular short dean, dry salt. 14c; smoked, asc: short clear blacka heavy dry salted. 16c; short clear backs, heavy dry salted. 14c; smoked. 15o; Oregon exports dry salted, 15o; smoked, 16c. HAMS 8 to 10 lbs., 17c: 14 to 16 Iba, 17c; 18 to 30 lbs., 17c; html, skinned. 17c; picnics. 12c; cottage roll. 13c; boiled hama, Z34&-44C; boiled picnics, 20c. LARD Kettle rendered, 10a 18 He; 8A like; standard pure: 10a 154o; sa lS ; choice, los. 144c; $A 14 4c Compound. 10s. c; 5a 94c SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each. 80c; dried beef seta 19c; dried beef out sideA 17c; dried beef Insldea 21c; dried beef knurkleA 20c FICICI.ED GOODS Barrel a: Pigs feet, $13. tcfrular trips. $10: honeycomb trlpA $12; pics' tongues, $19.50. BARRELED MEATS Mess beef. $13 per barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family, $14. per b'.rrel; mess pork, $20 per barrel; tns. ket $2'$ per barrel. NO LIFE TO TRADE Stock Operators 'Await Steel Trust Meeting. LOOK FOR A COMPROMISE Improvement In the Industrial Sltu gtlop as Yet Haa No Effect on the Price of the Stock. NEW YORK,' July 28. The stock market was stagnant today. There was a period of slight activity after the. opening and some stirring towards the close. The speculative contingent seemed determined to await th outcome of the United States Steel dividend meeting, which Is not expected to begin until after the market has closed tomorrow. The Indications of further delay In the adjust ment of the tariff controversy at Washing ton seemed to have some effeot In dlscourag lnr any aotlvltv In the market More Interest from a speculative stand- point oenters at present In the oorn orop than In any other, and the helpful weather was a beneficial factor for value. Trade news of Steel was good and In cluded an announcement that the content plated advance In prices of wire would be enforced In August Instead of at the be ginning of the year, as at first contemplated. The raising of prices of bars and fhapes by the United States Steel Corporation Is expected to occur at the same time. United States Steel failed to benefit from this trad newe or from a suggestion, which found cur rency In a limited speculative circle, that to morrow's dividend might be made at per cent, as a compromise between the present rate and the 4 per cent which some speculative buyers had hoped for. The price wss run down to 08, but met support at about 70. Amalgamated copper was unfavorably af fected by the renewed decline In copper metal In the London market and the fear thus aroused that the reoent recovery In the prloe had been manipulative In Its origin. There Is some growth in the supply of mercantile paper as the season advances It Is expected that large lines of Eastern paper, held by Western banks, on account of scanty supplies In their own localities. will run to maturity as the demand for crory funds develops and renewals of these notes wilt come to the Eastern banks for application. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, $2,018,000. United States bonds were un changed on- call. CLOSING STOCK" QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. Pf 21 K High. 83 84 Low. Bid. Allls Chslmera Amal Copper A3 B2'4 Am AgrlculturaL.. 44 48 82 Am Beet Sugar .. Am Can pf . . . . . Am Car A Foun. Am Cotton Oil .. Am Hd A Lt pf. Am Ice rlecurl... Am Linseed Oil.. 1,800 40 fau 624 74 41 40 !' 111', 1274 1404 1014 '49" 116VS is2"i 120 lj 95 2!) 78T1 1864 834 46 2-; 61 a, T4 40 87 16 62 14 94 1114 127 104 'lOlfc "48 11014 182 120 95 29 77 dS3t4 82 2 o mo B i0 400 3,2o loO 1.400 14.4' 4' 900 ' 400 14 74 4 404 3 14 Am Lloomotlve ... Am Smelt A Ref. . do preferred . . . 94 1114 1264 1404 Am Sugar Ref. .. Am Tel & Tel.... Am Tobacco pf.... Am Woolen 101 84 Anaconda aim Co. Atchison 1.100 8,800 ""ioo 8,700 100 100 f.lOO too $.900 48 11614 104 do preferred All Coast Line ... 11 Bait ft Ohio do preferred ... 120 04 Bethlehem Steel ... Brook Rao Tran. 77 IR84 82 Canadian Pacific . . Central Leather... do preferred ... l(f 28 Central of N J.... Ches & Ohio. A... Chicago A AHon. . Chleano Clt West. Chicago A N W. . C. M A St Paul.. 2,200 r,uo 1,400 l.f10 6,000 7SIH 69 1 1-5'i 78 4 6S4 l!i 1554 '814 80 14 192 4" 7 'S7 M 84 43 189 V 1504 754 108 - "iiii 14 "4 46ti 724 141 86 V 144 72"4 41 7 684 T4 184'., J0O4 C. C 4V St L... 74 Colo Fuel A Iron.. 1,100 44 Colo A Southern 4.1 do 1st preferred, do 2d preferred. 400 400 200 SCO 200 100 "'266 8,400 100 20O 300 1,000 200 800 .600 1.400 ""'06 200 '"abb 8,000 200 1.6"0 200 800 200 1,000 2 SOtf 140 2.1 102', 47 , "8714 30 4, 84 t 16T 181 76 15614 1. 44 9, 'iiii 14 'ioi 484 724 142 85 i 148 724 42 '4 Si 80 'Sit Consolidated Gas.. Corn Product ... Del A Hndaon.... D A R Grande ... IK 47 do preferred ... 84 37 g Distillery Seeurl... Erie an do 1st preferred, do 2d preferred. 68 General Electric... Gt Northern pf... Gt Northern Ore. Illinois Central .. Interborough Met.. 16 imi lf.44 144 44 do preferred ... Inter Harvester .. Inter-Marine pf -Int Paper ....... Int Pump Iowa Central .... so 21 16 89 26 44 72(4 142V4 K C Southern ... do preferred ... Louis A Nashville Minn A St L 54 142 72 41 72 108 M. St P ft B S M. Missouri Paotflo .. Mo, Kan A Texas).. do preferred . National Blecutt National Lead ... Mex Nat Ry 1st pf N T Central N T. Ont A West. Norfolk A West. . North American. S'orrhem Paclflo... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ..... People's Gas .... 100 1.BO0 8.4O0 1.000 3.6O0 100 2.10O 800 4.900 100 S64 524 1S4 834 P5t? 15.14 80 4 187 new 85 62 13o M 94 saw 15214 30 . 1S7 1154 85 02 185 94 83 15214 30 137 115 91 46 1R8 46 154 84 IO84 87 78 64 28 6414 83 1324 snj 60 88 84 49 69 19S 104 82 8 704 124 AO 4 624 20 65 8 844 771 VI vj 65 P, C C ft St L... Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Pal Car. 1.1000 464 4614 Ry Steel Spring Reading 3aor 1(18 .144 109 88 86 28i 64 si S3i 1S24 314 fi 8S 8414 60 (! 116 Ts 108 82 85 714 124 80 a4 82 214 65 -i 6 84 784 184 88 10S', S-d T5li 54 4 26 64 83 1,12 81 69 38 34 SO R 197-4 104 82 4 8S4 6 126 SO 4 824 Z 55 4 6 72 Republic Steel ... 4.7O0 do preferred ... 1.0000 Rock Isisnd Co.. 80.800 do preferred ... 6,600 St L A S F 2 pf. 1,100 St L Southwestern 400 do preferred ... 5"0 Sloss-Sherrield .... (too Southern Pacific .. 26.100 Southern Railway. 600 do preferred ... Its) Tenn Copper 100 Texas A Paelflo.. 2O0 To. St L A West. 200 do preferred ... 200 fnlon Pacific ... 27.2oo do preferred ... 300 U 8 Realty Joo U S Rubber 300 U S Steel 81,700 do preferred ... 1.900 rtah Copper 900 Va-Caro Chemical. TOO Wabash 4"0 do preferred ... 1.1O0 Western Md 4.6O0 Westlnrhouse Eleo 200 Western Union .... 1,200 Wheel a L Erie Wisconsin Central. . Total sales) for the day, 823,000 hares. BONDS. NEW YORK, July 26. Closing Quotations: U. S. ref. lreglOOlN YC O 84s... 92 do coupon. ... 100 Norrh pacific 3s. 74 TJ. a 8s peg. ...101 North Paclflo 4s. 103 do coupon. .. .101 r nlon pacific 4s. 104 TJ S new 4m reg.HT Wlscon Cent 4s. 954 do coupon. .. .llT 4 'Japanese 4s 864 D A R G 4s 9741 Stocks at London. LONDON, July 29. Consols for 84: do for account. 84. Amal Copper. 88 'Mo. K. T. 48 Anaconda ... . 10 X. Y. Central. .139 4 Atchison .119 .1074 .1234 Norfolk ft West. 96 do pref do nref. 90 Bait A Ohio. . Caa Pacific... Ches A Ohio.. Chi Ort West. Ont A West. . , .. 54 .. T0 .. 10 .. 79 .. 82 ..714 . .13.1 . .203 . .108 .. 72 ..129 .. 21 .. 6T .. 97 190'PennsylvanJa , 80-Rand Mines... Reading C M. A 8. P.. De Beers .160 . 15 . 49 . 87 . 37 . 50 4 . 45 . 25 Southern Ry. do pref South Pacific. Union Paclflo. do pref , T7. B. Steel.... do pref Wabash D A R G do pref..... Erie do 1st pf... do 2d pf . . . Grand Trunk. Ill Central L ft N .159 do pref. .. .. . . . 148 (Spanish 4s. . Money, Exehaatrre, Cta, LONDON. July 26. Bar silver, steady at 2S4d per ounce. Money, per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 1 per cent; for three months' blllA 1 1-18 per cent. NEW YORK. July 26. Money on call, easy at l-2 per cent: ruling rate, and closing bid, 1 per cent: offered at 2 per cent. Stoae loans, dull ana eomewbAX firmer; 60. daye, 22 per cent; 90 dlaya, 2 -Per cent; six month a 8 per cent.' - Prime mercantile naper: 8 94 per cent; sterling exchange, easy, with actual business In' bankers bills at 34.S530W 4.8590 for BO day bills) and at $4.8735 for demand. Commercial blllA $4.8534.86. Bar silver, 61c Mexican doltane, 44c; Government bonds and railroad bond steady. .1 - BAN FRANCISCO. July 28. Sterling on London, 60 days. $4.86; eight, $4.87. Silver bars, 51a. Mexican dollars. 45c y ' Drafts Sight, 2c; telegraph, 80. Daily Treasury (statement. WASHINGTON, July 26. The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust fund Gold coin, $848,803,869. Sliver dollara $487,528,000. Silver dollars f 1890, $4,188,000. Silver certificates outstanding, $487,528,000 General fund Standard j silver .dollars In general fund. $4,616,227. Current liabilities, $85,894,946. Working balance In Treasury offices, $34. 074,886. In banks to credit of Treasurer of United BtateA $43,862,726. ' Subsidiary rilver ooin, $28,688,878. Minor coin, $2,486,878. Total balance tn general fund, $107,899,100. HAY CROP A SHORT ONE LITTLE WILL BE SHIPPED FROM EIXENSBTJRG VAIXEY. Market la Firmer svt Seattle Butter Not Affected by the Port land Advance. 6 BATTLE, Wash., July 2t). (Special.) Advices received here today state that the hay crop In the Ellensburg Valley will be almost a failure this year, and that small dependence can be placed upon shippers In that locality. . There has been a big de crease In the acreage and owing to the breaking of an Irrigation dltca. mucM damage was done the crop. Alfalfa buying prices have been raised to $11911.80. There Is a good demand for alfalfa, but hay Is moving slowly. Wheat was unchanged today. The senti ment Is Inollned toward lower prlceA but growers show no disposition to yield to the collapse of Eastern and European markets. Eggs were firm today, but no higher prices are expected Oils week, as the trade on the fresh stock has awltohed in a large degree to Eastern. Butter was steady. The advance at Port land Is not expected to change the situation here, as the supply Is ample, poultry scarce. ls QUOTATIONS AT BAN FRANCISCO. Prloea Paid for Produce- In the Bay City , Markets. SAN PRANCISCO. July 28. The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce mar- keMl'ns tuffs Bran. $28.50S0; middling $30 5037.B0. V-egetables Hothouse cucumbers, 25tr4oc: garlic. 345c: green peas. 50c 0 31; string beans. 143c; tomatoes, 20(40c; egfrplant. 75c31; asparagus, 76c$1.50. Butter Fancy creamery, 274; creamery seconds, 87c; fancy dairy, J64c; dairy sec onds. 88 4c Poultry KOOSterA Ola, e.ootffo; young, tt-10: broilers, small, $2.503.50; broilers. large. $8.6004; fryers, $s10: hens, 81.00 J 10- ducks, old, fovo: young, eu-e-o. Eggs Store, 29c; fancy ranch, 83c. Cheese New, 14&16o; young America, 144l4o. . . . , , , Wool rjoutn Plains ana oao juimiuiii, cw 17c: Nevada. 1820c: Mountain, 812c. Hay Wheat, $12W1X: wneat ana obis, sis 17; alfalfa, $10(912 50; stock. $7010; bar ley, $10914; straw, per bale,- 5Ulti.'c. f FrUltS APPieS, CnO!W3, l.ou, wiijuuuh, 80c; bananas. 75eftl2.aO; limes. ss.,ouob. lemons, cholcs. 35; commonA $1.60; pine apples, $154j2.!6. Receipts Flour, 2158 sacks; wheat, 2147 ( centals; barley, 6208 centals; oatA S4S cen- tala: beans. 500 sacks: corn, 78 centals; po tatoes, 5348 sacks; middlings. 96 sacks; hay, 1287 tons; wool, 41 bales; hides, 897. " Athena Wheat of Good Quality ATHENA. Or., July 28. (Special.) The ... wheat tnat nas peon dtoubih Athena easily tests No. 1 In quality. The average test Is about 60 pounds, the re o niren test for No. 1 wheat being 68 pounds to the bushel. Many combines are already work but harvest win not oe in run blast until next week, tnererore, tne exact mA naniiat be determined, but the present results indicate tnat tne ym iov mw v. oinitv will average 40 nuxnei per aure. The tirice at wnioh tne new wneai crop will he sold Is the principal toplo of con- Milnn. Bluest em advanced cento m ih. last week. The local market is now w cohm, out ost of the big grain men are holding their wheat for higher prices. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Livestock receipts yesterday were con fined principally to cattle, add trading was, therefore, not particularly lively. HogA by reason of the strong oemana ana tne great scarcity, were loroeu up notch. Cattle and sheep moved another at last Sunday week's prtoes. The receipts over were 711 cattle and 21 hogs. Local prices quoted yesterday were as follow: cattle Steers, top. 34.60: fair to gooa. 8414.85: common, 13.76134; cows, top, $3.60; fair to good. $38.25; common to medium. 82.6092.76; calves, top, 8S&5.o; neavy, 3.50: bulls and stage. I2.75SS.26; common. 2g7.50. HOGS Best, $8.75I.J; lair to goou. $7.7588.15; stackers, $6t; .unina gats. 86.76 3 7. SHEEP Top wethers, 34; zair to goou. $$.6093.761 eweA o less on all grades; yearlings, best 14; fair to good, 33x1x01 $.76; Spring lambs. b.JO'ffo.aa. Eastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO. July 26. Cattle Receipts, 17.- 000; market steady to higher. Beeves, 34.50 7.00; Texas steers, $45.75; Western steers $45.75: stoekors and feeders, $3 5 lO: 'cows and heifers. $2.25 6.20: calves. $5,500 8.50. Hogs neceipte esumsiea ax a.i'w, mai ket strom. 6c higher. Light. $7.658.20; mixed, $7.508 25; heavy, $7.456' S.80; rough, ? 7.45 7.65: good to choice heavy, $7.65 SO; plgA $74i 8; bulk of sales, $7.70 8.15. Sheep Receipts estimated at ".uw; mar ket steady. Native, 838-6 35; Western, $3W 8.50: vearllnus. $4.606 6 10: native lambs, $4.7538.10; western, 84. 75 8.10. KANSAS CITT? July 26. Cattle Re ceipts. 10.OO0; market 10c higher. Native steers. $4.50(5 7.15; native cows and helfere. $2.25tf7; Blockers and feeders, $3,504$ :5; bulls, Sdri.o; cmves. -uq i ao. Western iteers. $430 25; Western cowa $2.75 fl 4-70. Hogs Receipts, oow; mara-ei sieaay to strong. Bulk of salsa $7.50 7 85; heavy, $7.8S3,7.95: packers and butchers, $7,709 I.eo; light. $7 40'ri7.75: pigs. 86.25jp7.25 Sheep l-tecelpts, ouw; marxet steady. Muttons $4.25 g 5.25: lambs, $63 7 75; range wethers, $45.60; range eweA $3.50 5. SOUTH OMAHA. July 28 Cattle Re ceipts, 4600; market steady. Western steers, $3. 50&5. 50-, Texas steers, $3Q5; range cows and heifers, J2.75-o4.SD: canners. $23325; stockers and feeders, sj. (avo.jo; calveA $3.757; bulls. $3 a-5. Hogs xteceiptA iW.vvu, maraec ueaay 10 strong. Heavy. $7.5037.70; mixed. $7.55 7.60; light. $7.507 .70; pigs. $6-25 2 7.23; bulk of sales. $7.55l3'7.60. Sheep Receipts 06C0; msrket strong. Yearlings. $5fi 0: wethers. $4 252 5.25: eweA $3.7534.75; lambs. $6.2507.26. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, July 26. Closing quotations: Adventure 6!Mohawk 2 33 23 65 4 136 31 88 15 68 12 4 50 33 48 4 Alloues ... 424Mont C8C. 82iNevad& Amalgamated Aria Com.. . 424;01d Dominion.. Atlantic . 84 Osceola Bingham .... 21Parrot Butte Coal Cal ft Arts 25 Qulncy a. . 104 Shannon'....... 34 Tamarack ...... 82 4 Trinity 73 U. S. Mining 17jU. S. OH 101 Utah Centennial Copper Range.. Daly West Franklin Granby Greene Canapes. 9IVlctor:a , 25i Winona ........ Isle Royale.... 6 'Mass Minlnr. 8 Wolverine ......150 Michigan, 19 I North Sutta.. 46 RECEIPTS ARE BIG L New Wheat Pouring Into the Eastern Markets. SELLING PRESSURE HEAVY Prices Almost Demoralized in the Car Chicago Pit Over 1000 - loads , Expected " Today. Coarse Grains - Weak. CHICAGO, July 28. Weaknesses bordering on demoralisation prevailed In the wheat pit during the greater part of the day and the market was subjected to a great amount of stop-loss selling and renewed profit-tak ing by minor holder. There was a fair bulge following an open tnr decline of 0-c ttt a owing to cov ering by aborts, prompted by an official fore cast for unsettled weather In sections of the Winter wheat belt for tomorrow, but the advance only served- to bring out dlttonal sales, resulting In still greater weaknesa The primary cause of the aell-lns- pressure was the extremely liberal re ceipts of new wheat hero and at St. Lout and Kansas City. Arrivals here today ware 550 carloads, nearly 200 In excess of the of ficial estimate, while at the two South western centers more than 1,000,000 bushels were received. Talk of receipts tomorrow of more than 1000 oarloada was one of the depressing factors during the last halt of the day. During the day, July sold between $1.08 l- and $1.09 and September between $1.08 and $1.06. Final quotations on July were at $1,064 and on September, $L04. Rains In Iowa -Missouri, Kansas and other sections of the oorn belt removed anxiety concerning the new crop and In spired general selling, which resulted in de clines from 1 to 2c. compared with Sat urday's close. The market closed extremely weak and near the low point of the day, at net declines of 14140 to 140. - The slump in wheat and corn, a deoltne of 4 to 14e in the Drlce of the cash grain and predictions of greatly tnareared receipts within a raw days caused weakness in oata The market closed weak. Ho to 14c under Saturday a Close. Provisions closed T to 80o lower. Th leading futures ranged as follow: WJTEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. July $1.07 $1.59 31.05 3L0 Sept. 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.04 Deo 1.04 1.044 1.02 1.08 May 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.06 CORN. .70 - .71 .66 .67 .66 .66 .56 .57 OATS. July.... Sept. ... Dec. ... , May. ... July.... Sept Deo...., May. July Sept. .. . July. ... Sept ... .78 . .66 .65 .66 -48 .56 .66 .44 .40 .40 .42 44 .404 .40 43 .48 .$ .40 .43 .48 .40 MESS PORK. 11-4T 11.75 LARD. 11.66 11.70 1L6TH 11.70 11.76 11.68 SHORT RIBS. 11.70 July.. Sept. . 11.37 11.87 11.86 11.37 11.83 Cash quotations were as follows: J our jLa&v. Barley Feed or mixing, 658670; fair to choice malting. 6S78c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1.80; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.42. , Timothy seed 83.80. Clover $10.85. Pork Mess, per barrel, $10.SSGI.$Ttt. Lard Per 100 pounds. 311.674. Short ribs 6lds (loose), I1LI4 OH.S5. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $11.87 11. Grain statistics: . Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 163,000 bushela Primary receipts were 1.S4Q.UUV ousneis, compared wltn 1, 7 3 3,00 0 bushels the corresponding day 1 year afro. The visible supply of wheat tn the L'nited States decreased 1,186,000 bush els for the week. The amount of bread stuff on ocean passage decreased 862,000 bushels, intimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 681 carB; corn. 281 cars; oats, 108 cars; nogA 14.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. 13,100 8.500 Flour, barrels... Wheat, buehels. . Corn, bushels. . . , Oats, bushels. . . . Rye, bushels. . . . Barley, bushels.. 20,500 .843.200 .310.600 .125.400 . 8.000 . 86,000 . 63.100 818,400 'ii.'too Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. July 26. Flour Receipts, 24, 100 barrels; exports, 4400 barrels. Dull and easier. Winter straights, $5.666.e0; Winter extras, $1. 753-6 85; Winter patentA $5,909 8.40: Winter low grades. $4.65-g.26; Kansas Straights, $4.804.78. Wheat Reoelpts, 7200 buehels; exports, 16,- 000 bushels. Spot weak. No. 2 red old, nominal; new. $1.16 .end August, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, old, $1.86 f. o .b. afloat; No. S hard Winter. $1.16 f. o. b. afloat. Big receipts again precipitated heavy selling movement today and a violent break In prices, the close showing lc net loss and 8 cents down from the season's blgh point. July, $1.25, September, $1.12; De cember, $1.10; May, $1-12. HopA wool and petroleum Steady. Hides Firm. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, July It. Wheat and barley eteady. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping. $1.06gl.O7; milling, $2.10. Barley Feed, $1.48OL46; brewing, $1.47. . Oats Red. $1.8531.65; white, nominal; black, nominal. Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley Deoember, $1.441.46; May, $1.50. , Corn Large yellow, $1.80$1.88. European Grain Markets. LONDON, July 16. Car fro es, quiet. Walla Walla, for shipment, nominal, 42s 8d- English country markets, easy; French country markets, elow. LIVERPOOL. July 4d; September, 8s ld. Weather, rain. 86. Wheat July, 4 d ; December, Wnet at Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash., July 26. No milling quotations. Export wheat: Blueatem, $L05; club, SI; red, 98c Receipts Wheat, one car; corn, two cars: oats, three can. Wheat at Tacoma. ' TACOMA. Wash., July 16. Export wheat weaker. Bluestem. September delivery, $1.04; club, 89c; red, 98c. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, July 16. Butter Steady. Creameries. J34a6c; dairies. 309 23 4c. Eggs Stsady. Receipts, 9817 oases at mark, cases Included, 18o; firsts, lis; prime flnrta, 22c Cheese Strong. Daisies, lBo; twnu, 14c; Young Americas, 15e. NEW YORK, July 28. Butter Barely steady. Creamery speelalA 87&37a; of ficial, 97c; third to extraA 2S927e; West ern faotory first to finest, 2131a Ch eese Steady. aew state full cream specials. 14 4ltc; skims, full to spe cials. 2llc ' Eggs Firm. Western firsts ts extra firsts, 3124c; seconds. !021e. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. July 28. The London tin market wss Irregular, with spot higher at f 132 los and futures lower at 134. The local mar ket was easy at 29. 124629.300. Copper was lower at 50 10s for spot and 60 6s" for futures In London. Locally the mar ket was quiet and unchanged. Spelter was unchanged at home and abroad. Iron was also unchanged In both markets. Lead was lower at 12 8s Od In the London market- The local market was quiet and un changed. Hew Tork Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 88. Spot cotton closed LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS LAND Made in any amounts for long periods of time., SecuredfbyFirst.M TlmlwLanda, Releases of timber from theTrnortgage of any time may be arTaredito suitjtbe needs of the borrower. LYON, GARY & COMPANY 408. Marqwette Building CHICAGO, ILLINOIS! frl 1 1 THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street- It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR, Downing-Hopkins Co. ESTABLISHED 1893. :BROKERS: STOCKS-BONDS GRAIN Bought and Mid for cash and cm margin. Rooms 201 to 204, Couch Building PRIVATE WIRES quiet, 8 points lower. Middling- uplands. 18.450; do. Gulf, 18.70c. Sales 300 bales. V.. . MlnuH ntanriV JulV. 11.9401 AU just, 11.82c; September, 11.85c: October, 11.98c; November. ll.4c; Deoember, 18.00c; Januarr, W.87o; March, 11.8o; May, W.OOo. Dried Frnlt at ?fow Tork. m in,, vtTs-Er T.I OS TOvnnra.tel aoDlSS. unchanged. Fancy, 88Sc; oholce, 8So; prlmA 707c; common to fair, BSc Prunes are said to be held higher for Octo 1 .kinn.An emn, , rvuist- but xto ohanKe is report! In epot. California.. ttlHo; Oregon, Sow). Apricots, dull. Cholcs, IO8IOI40: extra choice. lOisiSOOXe; fancy, ll13c Peaches, dull. Choice. &KS6c; eatra choice. 4o: fancy, 77e. ...1, T ....n ,,.,-nt 1 lUfiic: choice to 'fancy seeded, 4i6c; seedless. 3 6 Ho; London layer s1.iB411.4v. Wool at St. Louis, cr Trfvrrrn Tn 1 w s Wool Steady. Ter- rltorv and Western mediums, 8S87o; fine mediums. Jl2c; fine, ltitflSHc Sua-ar Advances at New York. www, -KrrTV Tl , S A I .rild of rS- flned sugar wene advanced 10 cents a hun dred pounda today. Elgin Butter Market, BLQIN. 111.. July 2. Butter Firm at 26Vc 6alea for the week, 1,014,800 pounds. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL. July 88. Hops In London, Pacific Coast, steady, 82 SsStJ 16a Slaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. July 28. Flax. 1.453 1-46. NEW'THEORY OF BALDNESS Caused by Tight-Fitting Hats Which the Men Wear. Columbia Btate. Why do men have bald heads? Sur geon J. O. Cobo, or trie unnea oiaies Public Health and Marine Hospital Ser vice, says that the sole reason for bald heads Is found In the constricting bands of men's, hats. Baldnesa, Bays this ex pert on the pate, la not. caused by dan druff, by parasites, or oy anyxningr ex cept lack of circulation caused by tight hatbands. In the New York Medical Journal, Dr. Cobb ays: 'If a man s head is very wiae, or 11 he is very prominent fore and aft, that man will become bald in time, because such a person, to make his hat fit snug ly, invariably pulls lt down tight. The man with low Drow ana tniCK. neavy nair rarely Is bald. It one wears tne nair long and thick, lt acts as a cushion and prevents. In a large measure, the con striction oaused by the hat band." The moral is plain: Either wear your hair long, so as to give your head breath- Ina- snaee. or If your hair is scant or short, discard your hat and give the air, and sunlight a chance. The savages wno go bareheaded do not go baldheaded. They seem to bear out Dr. Cobb's theory. The men who sro around all day with their hats tightly clapped on their heads have few hairs to show when they reach 85 or 40. Keen your hat off whenever you can. and keep your hair. In the North the number of hatless young men is con stantly Increasing, and the custom, es pecially during the hot Summer season. LOANS Telephone M 323, A 2SS7 of going about bareheaded la rapidly increasing. In the South during this same heated season lt Is even more im perative that hats be discarded as much as possible, or entirely. With fewer hats we shall soon have fewer bald heads. And bald heads are not popular oven among those who possess them. Fruit Gardens in Russia. Baltimore American. Many Russian housewives are expert in preparing fruit. For preserving, cherries probably occupy first place, followed by jam made from black plums, which are produced in large quantities in Southern Bessarabia. Apri cots grow readily and sometimes give great yields, when the fruit at the Oarden Gate can be had for little more than the cost of sratherlne; lt. TRAVELERS' GUIDE, HONOLULU Beats Them AH for sailing, surf- and back $1 10, First Class boetfngr.surf -board naing, seaoatntng. swimming and aquatic sports; fishing, base ball, tennis, golf, autoraobiling. Most at tractive spot ob entire round the we rid tour. Five and one-half days from San Francisco by 8.S. Alameda (wireless), sailing June S. 26, July 17th. Aug. 7, etc. BOOK K0W and secure the best berthA Line to Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia S. S. Mariposa sailing July 1, Aug. 6. etc. Tahiti back 812S. Wellington back 1260. O. S. S. Co.. 673 Market St, Saa Fraacisce jxamburg-Jrmerican. All Modern Safety Devices Wireless, Eta.) London- Paris Hamburg. Cleveland(new)July31jp. Llnco!n(new)Augln P. Grant (new) Aug. 4 Clnc!nnatl(n0wAus 21 Kalserln A. V. Aug 7;Bluecher ....Aug. 25 Pennsylvania Aug. llAmeiika ....Aug. 2S Kits Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. IT1 A V via Gibraltar, Maples X M, " - JL and Genoa.'Calls Asores S. S. HAMBURG, 'Aug. 7. Sept. 80 B. S. MOLTKB, Sept. 8, Oct. 21 Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. Hamburg-American Line, 100 Powell St., ban s-'raocieco. and Local Agents, Portland. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct. The steamships Roa noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at i P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314. H. YOUNG, Agent. SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Only direct steamer and daylight sailing. From Alnsworth Lock. Portland. 8 A. M. 8. 8. Rose City, July 81, Aug. 14, etc S. a State of California, Aug. 7. From Lombard St.. San Francisco, 11 A A. S. 8. State of California, July 81. a a ram rltv. A us-. 7. 21. etc. J. W. Ransom. Dock Agent Main 2B8 Alnsworth Doct M. J. ROCHE. City Ticket Agent, XK Id Ba Phons Main 404. A l0a. ' w COOS BAY LINE Tne steamsr BHIUKWallR leaves Pert land every Wednesday. ?, M., from Alas worth dock, for 2orl Bead. Max.un.eld and Ceos Bay solnta Freight received till 4 P K on day ef sailing. Passenger fare, Urst 810; second-class. 87. including berth andmeala Inquire city ticket elce. Third hd Washington streets, r Alaswerth daas. Pawns Mala 844. .