Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 23, 1909, Page 17, Image 17

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Coast Market Now on an 18
Cent Basis.
Foreign Crop Reports Are Worse
and Bnyer Make tor the Conn
try Districts Demand Is
Jfow General.
The hop market bu taken another up
ward spurt. It is now firmly established at
the 18-cent mark and wagers havs been
made that It will touch SO cents by August
, T,m. bti nvr world are
ateadllr climbing as a result of the poor
crop outlook In Europe. Foreign eablea re
lvmA vtitirdaT were extremely bullish and
aa a result there was a general exodus of
borers from tula city. Most or lam ousineas
done latelr baa been In spot hops, though
a few 1909 Oregon contracts hs-vs changed
band between dealers. There have been
Aaals ef thks character at 17 and 1T cents,
wtaDw It oenta bu been offered and re
fused. In California, there liavs beea
actual esses ef Bonomaa at IS oenta
At no time this season hss the Oregon
hop market been aa strong aa It la today.
Vp to the present time the buying baa been
largely speculative for local account, but
It Is stated that Eastern and foreign orders
are now coming In.
English trade circulars dated Jury to-D
ley In part:
exchange and Hop Warehouse London
The market shews a alight Increase In prlcea
due to the shortage of samples an ofter of
any quality, also to the unfavorable weather,
which la causing damage to the growing
crop, sunshine being badly wanted.
Managsr Henley. London A firm tcne
rreralla. crop prospects showing little or no
Improvement. Mould Is reported to hare
made Its appearance In some dlstrlota Sun
shine Is sorely needed Immediately to bring
about any change for the better.
Adolf Heller, of Prague, Bohemia, writes
under date of June 2S:
In the Bohemian hop districts those gar
dens with stronger bine made further prog
rees In growth. whereas the weaker ernes
show no hope of a material recovery. The
heavy rains have washed away the honey
dew but did not diminish the vermin, which
Is very persistent, and as thick as before.
The reports from the o'her Austrian hop
districts are more favorable, although some
speak of the ap-pearance of fly In some parts.
Those growers who washed their gardens
once, seeing that fly reappeared aa plenti
ful as before, are not Inclined to undergo
more cost and trouble with further wash
ing Those growers who did not wash aa
they are by far the majority say they will
miner take the chance of getting a crop
of none than try to save, so Insure tow
prices and further heavy loss once more,
la niosr of the German hop districts, that
Is In the Market hop districts, the Alsch.
grunii. Wurtembersj. and Baden, the state
of plantations la much the same aa the
above described In Bohemia, perhaps In
some parts even worsa. aa the bine la said
to be very backward and heavily attacked
by vermin. Only In the Holledau district
do the plntatlona seem to be better grown,
although uneven, and look healthier as they
are said to be lean Infested with vermin.
In Almfcca the blna has made fair progress
In growth, but being still Infested with ver
min. Is also In a critical state. Saaa 1908
are In good demand, prlcea having again
advanced several kronen and the market
as the tendency of further Improvement.
The Nuremberg market Is flrza at the lata
Oealen Ready to Osersta, But Belleew Are)
The opening of the weat market awaits
thm pleasure of the farmers. The disposition
' shown by dealers to operate te not met by
sUere and but little business has been ac-
ac-ropBsned so far. ' When the fanners one
snsJcs tip their mind to accept the offers
: fhssv will be a lively market, but rust now
tha Mass of psoduoeis are) conatderwbly above)
what deafen win pay. There la a good
steady decoand for old flour and aa stocks
win tret salt beyond the time that new
floor sqil'snrs. there Is reason to betlev
that uieeent values will be maintained.
The feature of the feed market ss the
arsons; toootry fraa California.
boosd reoerpta, la care, were reported by
. tha Meroheuit Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barter Feotrr Oats Hay
,focdar T 6
(Tuesday . 8 S 3 0
: Wednesday ...... a o
Thursday ....... 8 t
Last week
Jim flnll Fear Shipments Are Now the FTes
tura of the Trade.
The shipping movement of California de
rldsoos fruits Is reported by the California
I S"nr!t Distributors ss follows:
PToms and prunes. 1M care The heavy
vement of rdurae Is now ever, belt eon-
. elderable quantities will continue to go for
ward for the next two or three weeks. IVe
ure still shipping Purple Duane. Bradshaw.
Washington. Yellow Eirg. Suitar. Splendor.
. Imperials and Diamond. Grand Duke. Giant
and Hungarian, or Gros Prune are not yet
irolnr forward rn any considerable amount,
but they will be In good shape to move In
about one vrek more.
Peaches. 174 care Early Crawfords, Teck
srs and Tuscan Clings are now being shipped
In liberal quantities. They will be followed
by late Crawfords, E'.bertas and Susque
hanna. We have plenty of peaches and the
quality Is first-class.
p-nre. 3P-0 cars The Bartlett pear move
ment thl last week was probably somewhat
heavier than It will be at any time again
during the season. Quality cf the fruit coo.
tlnues satisfactory In every respect.
Grapes There Is no particular change to
report in the condition of this fruit. A few
Thompson Seedless have ar-p'ared. but they
will not go forward In any quantity for at
least another weeky Early Tokays are show
ing some slffns of color and will begin mov
ing in a limited way before our next letter.
Effect of the Grocers' Picnic oa Front Street
Front street yesterday showed the effect
f the grocers picnic, but In spite of this
a very fair smount of business was dona
Stocks of fruit were not excessive, except
In the case of watermelons, and the warmer
weather has caused these to move more
freely. The express was late and no fresh
Southern shipments were offered.
Apricots and peaches have cleaned up
well and the cantaloupe market Is also In
good shape. Blackberries axe beginning to
come In. but are still high. Cherries held
their own. Lambert selling at 10 3 11 cents
and Koyai Anns at centa
Xew potatoes were easier, California stock
retl'iK at IHOIH cents and local wonders
at 1". cents.
But One Rancher Has Snceefnlly Solved
the Problem.
ECHO. Or. July Z2 (Special.) Short
straw is taa ng ti-.e InKenuity of the farmers
here. The grenter portion of the wheat and
borlev s:raw In this vicinity l so short that
the heatlers and combines seem unable to
pKk up biit a rortton of the grain.
W. W. Penry Is a local rancher whose
Ingenuity has solved the problem, at least
to his own satisfaction. Taking an ordi
nary mowing machine, he attached a reel
and an aoron. on l:te principle of a lawn
mower, and he game- every spear. The
i-arrvlng capacity u suif'.cient to make one
round of the r"d. wh--n l'.-.e praip is trans
ferred to a wagon, 'f course, this is s'.ow
as compared to tit rcmhine or the heati. r.
l.ut he gets every 'ntr.g. down to w;th1n thn-e
Inches ef the ground
Another feature of this device Is that It
catches every st'aw that Is cut. something
the combines do not do. The writer travel
ing over a field a short distance from this
place Just behind a combine found great
quantities of wheat heads that had been
cut. but subsequently dropped upon the
ground. It Is possible that In one field at
least as much grain had been left as was
originally sown With the present price of
the wheat It would seem the slower method
of Mr. Penry would be the wiser.
Production la Steadily Decreasing Eggs and
Poultry Slow. .
A general advance In butter prlcea Is
probable before the week Is over. A few
of the city creameries are reported to have
raised their quotations, but the majority of
them remain at 2 cents. Tho make la
steadily decreasing and In the trade an
other advance Is believed to be Justified.
Egg receipts are large for the midsummer
season and with a restricted consumption
the tone of the market Is easy. Only fresh
ranch stock Is in demand.
The poultry market was not brisk yester
day, but most of the receipts were moved
at former prlcea
Short Output of Yakima Vlnrcar.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. July 22.
(Special.) W. D. Smith, engaged In the
vinegar business here and In Toppenlsh,
estimates that not more than 500 barrels of
vinegar will be manufactured In the Yaki
ma Valley this year, lees than half the nor
mal output. Apples of the Ben Davis and
similar varieties have suffered this year
and these are the ones that usually find their
way to the cider mills.
Bank Clearings.
Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes
terday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland B14.&19 130.89d
Seattle 2,048.628 841. 8o8
Tuoms 1.087,1)27 144.854
Spokans 9SU.57I 93,340
Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc.
WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem nom
inal; club, (LIS; Valley. ,1.15; new crop:
bluestem, 11.05; club, $1; Russian, 93c;
Valley. 97c
CORN Whole, SS per ton; cracked, 3
per ton.
FLOUR Patenta $6.20 per barrel;
straights, (5.30; exports. (1.70; Valley.
15.60; graham. (5.60; whole wheat, quar
ters, 5.S0-
BAKIET New, 2930; September.
OATS No. 1 white. (42 per ton.
MILLS Tuffs Bran. (z per ton: mia
dllngs. (:i.V. shorts, (29832; chop. (2130;
rolled barley, 134 V 36.
HAT Timothy, Willamette Valley, (20
22 per ton; Eastern Oregon, (21&23; mixed.
118820; alfalfa. (14.
GRAIN BAGS 8c each.
Veretable and Fruits.
FRESH FRUITS Apple, new California,
tl.7fiq-0.24 per box; pears, f per box.
cherrlos. QQllo per pound: g-oosber-rl.
6c per pound; poach, $11.25
per box; aprlcota, $1.251.M per box; ranta
loupes. $3 pr crate; currants, 8c per
pound; plums, $1.25 tp 1.B0 P" box; nec
tarine!, $1.60; losanberrif... $1.601 75 crate;
raspberries. $1 1-25 per crate; blackcaps,
$l.&0 crate; watermelons, llo per pound;
8-ra.pes. $1 rit 1.60; blackberries. $2.23 tp at. 40;
wild blackberries, i 10c per pound; celery.
$1.20 per dozen.
POTATOES New, $1.23(31.60 per hun
dred. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, $101.15
per sack; carrots, $1.60 Q 1. 76.
TROPICAL. FRUITS Oranres. n are Is.
$l.ro3 1.75; valenclos, $tS.50; lemons,
fancy. $6-.ri0'97; choice, $5'.J0; grape fruit,
$3 per box ; Banana. GiiftSo per lb. ;
pineapples. $24 per dozen.
ONIONS New, $1,254? l. per sack.
VEOETABI-F.S Beam, 6c; catobar, 1 0
1 H c per pound ; celery. $ 1 25 per d oxen ;
cucumbers, $1 per doxen; egir-pJant,
12SS15o per pound; lettuce, hot
bouse, 75c $1.00 per box; lettuce, head.
25c per dozen; onions. 12 16a per dozen;
parsley, 3o Pr dozen; peas, 67c per
pound; peppers. 8510c per pound; rad
ishes, 15c per dozen; spinach, 6o per pound;
quash. 5c; tomatoes. 60c jj $100; hothouse
tomatoes, 696c
Dairy and Country Prod nee.
BUTTER City creamery. extras. 29c ;
fancy outside creamery. 27 & 28c per pound;
tore, 20c (Butter fat prices arsrag-e 1 Ho
Xer pound under regular butter prices.)
EQGS Ore on ranch, candled. 3C28o
per dozen.
POULTRY Hen 14c; Bprtnrs. 19
I7c; roosters, 8310o; ducks, young:, IVtf
12c; g-eese, young-. 910c; turkeys, 18c;
squabs, $2,22.25 per dozen.
CHEESE Foil cream twins. lH17o
per pound: young" Americas. 17H18c
PORK Fancy. 10-& 11c per pound.
VEAL Extras. So per pound; ordinary,
8c; heavy. 7c.
G root lies. Dried Fruits. Ete,
DRIED FRUIT Apples, 9o per lb.;
peaches, TaCSc; prunes, Italians. &H 6614c;
prunes, French, tic; currants, unwashed,
ca5u, 64c; currants, wished, cases, 10c;
figs, whits fancy, 50-lb. boxes, 64c; dates,
7 W 4? 7 He
BALMOX Co him Ma Rrrer, 1-lb., tails. $3
pr dozen; 1-lb. tails, $2.(15; 1-pound flats,
$a-10fe; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails. 90c;
red, 1-pound tails, $1.45; sockeyss, 1
pound ta'.Ls, $2.
COFFEE Mocha, 24 926c; Java, ordi
nary, 17 0 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18020c;
g-ood. 16& 18c; ordinary. 12 & Idc por lb.
NUTS Walnuts. 12 0 13c per pound by
sack; Brazil nuts, lCc; filberts. 15c; pea
nuts. To; almonds, 13014c; chestnuts, Ital
ian, 11c; psauuia. raw, 5c; tiinenuts. 100
12c; talckory nuts, 10c; cocoa nuts, 90c per
SUGAR Oranulared, J3.TB; extra C, $5 85;
g-olden C, $5.26; fruit and berry sugar, $5.85;
Honolulu plantation, line grain. $6.25; cubes,
( barrel , $6.40 ; powdered (.barrel), $6.10;
Terms, on remittances within 15 days, de
duct Ha Pr pound; If later than 15 days
and within $0 days, deduct Ho per pound,
staple sugar. 15 0 18c per pound.
SALT Granulated. $15 per ton, $1.90 pef
bale; half ground, 100a, 17-60 per ton; 60s,
$S per ton.
BEANS Small whtte, 7V4e; lara;s white,
14c; Lima, sc; bayou, 6c; red kidney,
4fec; pink. 414c.
Hops, Wool. ITJdes, TTtc
HOPS 1909 contracts, 1T018O per pound;
lOoS crop, life 3 12c; 1907 crop. To; 1906
crop, 6c.
W OOL .eastern urciwa, ivMg por
pound; Valley. 23 02SC.
MOHAIR Choice, 2425c per pound.
HIDES Dry hides, 18 017c pound ; dry
kip. 160 lftc pound ; dry calfskin. 16 0 1 90
pound; salted hides, 90 10c; salted calf
skin, 14$ 16a pound; green, 1c less
FUT No. 1 skins: Angora goat, $1 to
$126: badger, 25050c; bear, $GtP'J0; beaver,
$CoOS-30; cat, wild. 75c01.5O; cougar,
perfect head and claws, $3 10; nsher. dark.
$7 50611; pale. $4.PO07; fox, cross. $3 to
0- fox, gray. 60S0c; fox, red, $35; fox,
illver ?:.: to $tOO; lynx. $S015; marten,
dark. $3 12; mink. $ii.50'af 5.50; muskrat.
13025c; otter. $25004; raccoon, 60075c;
tea otter, $100&200. as to size and color;
skunks. 55 0 80c; civet, cat, 100 15c; wolf,
$203; covote. 73c091.25; wolverine, dark,
$30 5; wolverine, pale. $202.50.
BACON Fancy. 25c per pound; standard,
lr- choice, 20c; English, 180 19c.
nnv cii.T fURED ReKUlar short clears.
dry salt, 14a; smoked. 10c: short clear
b'acks. heavy dry salted, lc; short clear
backs, heavy dry salted, 14c; smoked, loc;
Ure son sxports dry salted. 15c; smoked,
lbHAMS 8 to 10 lbs.. 17c; 14 to 16 Iba,
17c- IS to 20 lbs.. 17c; hams, skinned. 17c;
picnics. 13c; cottag-e roll. 13c; .polled hams,
"3 H ' -4 c; boiled picnics. liOc.
" LRD Kettle rendered. 10s. l,c: Bs,
lfite standsrd pure: 10s. lafec; s. lac;
choice. 10s. 14 4c; 5s. 14c Compound,
los. 9c; 6s. $Tc.
SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues. each.
COc- drl"d beef sets. 19c; dried beef out
sides. 17c; dried beef inside. 21c; dried
beef knuckles. 20c
TICKLED GOODS Barrels.: Pigs feet.
$13: regulsr tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe,
sl2 t1fr' tongues, $1950.
BARRELED MEATS Mess beef. $13 per
bsrrel: plate. $14 per barrel; family. $14
per barrel: mess pork. $20 per barrel; bris
ket $22 per barrel
Coffe and Sugsr.
NEW YORK. July 22- Coffee futures
closed barely steady, net unchanged to 10
points lower. Sales, C500 bags; July. $7.05??
7.10; r?cember, $5.30; March. $5.85; April,
$ :. 3 5. Spot quiet ; No. 7 Rio. 7 ' 7 c ;
Santos No 4. Sc.
Sugar. Raw steady, fair refining. S3. 45;
centrifugal .36 test. $3.95; molasses supar.
$3.l7ffS.:0: refined steady: crushed, $5.55;
powdered. $4 95: granulated, $4.85.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. July 22- Cotton futures
closed stead . July and August, 11.75c;
September. 11. 74c; October and November.
1177c: December. 11. Sic; March. ll.SOc;
May. 11 P2v. Spot closed quiet, in points
low er. M idillinn: uplands. 12 2c; do. Gulf,
1J 4.c. alc. .".'"o liales.
Flsvneed at Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS. Juijr 35. Flax, $1.55.
Wall Street Awaits Stee! Divi
dend Announcement.
Union Pacific Strengthened by News
of Improvement In Haxriman'B
. Health Rally In Prices Oc
curs Late In the Pay.
XEW YORK, July 22. Tb. principal In
fluence In th. stock market today was the
rroalnj feeling; that speculative hopes of an
increase In the dividend on United States
Steel next Tusday ware destined to disap
pointment. Believers In the stock maintain,
however, that the earnings for th. last quar
ter, to be shown by next Tuesday's report,
and the excellent prospects for future busi
ness will safeguard the market value of the
stock. Reports continued to be recelvedof
the expansion of the steel Industry.
The laooolo explanatlo offered by J. P.
Morgan that 'there are more sellers than
buyers" of the stock at present failed to re
umn seatlxnent. Tne spculative reduc
tion la the level of the support Uvea a sug
gestion of syxtematlo liquidation that disturbs
speculative confidence.
The market started strong by reason of
bear covering of shorts put out yesterday In
fear that the Texas storm might develop Into
the pro port tone of another - disaster at Gal
veston. The passing of the danger today
prompted considerable rebuylng of stocks. The
market bad another rally late In the day.
Union Pacific showed some strength and was
helped by news of the Improvement In E. H.
Hani man's health. One explanation of the
strength of various stocks, which Is expected
now to come forward frequently. Is the as
sumption that Union Pacific la reinvesting the
proceeds of the sale of. Its Atchison preferred.
A contrasting rumor which was also heard
today with regard to some stocks was that
Union Paclflo is liquidating Its holding of
other stocks than Atchison preferred. A
higher price for copper helped that group of
Bonds were easy. -Total sales, par value,
$3,116,000. United States 2s, registered, de
clined ' and the as registered ft per cent
on call.
Sales. High. Low. HI 1.
Allls Ch-Umera pf 62Vi
Amal Copper 34.TO0 SS4 82 K34
Am Agricultural... 800 447. 44H 41
Am Beet Sugar.. 10.700 iS 4Bs 40 '4
Am Can pf 82V4
Am Car 4 TVjun. IRoO 62H1 61 62
Am Cotton Oil... 1.500 76 74 744
Am Hd & Lt pf. 800 40'. 40 40
Am Ice Securl... 8,600 41", 401 40
Am Lluseed Oil.. 400 14 13 1J'I
Am Ixmot!ve.... 1.400 61 62
Am Smelt & Kef.. 14.400 9.1s W 94
do preferred ... 100 112 112 lllii
Am Sugar Kef 127
Am Tel Tel 4,600 140 140 140
Am Tobacco pf.. 2"0 101 101 101
Am Woolen 40 S.1T. 344 l-
Anaconda Mln Co. 200 48 48 48
Atchison 14.400 116 110 116
do preferred ... 700 106 104 104U
Atl Coast Line ... , : 130 Vi
Bait Ohio 12.400 129 119 120
do preferred ... BOO 95 94 94
Bethlehem Steel - 29
Brook Rap Tran.
Ca na d lan Pacific
Central Leather...
do preferred . . .
Central of N J..
Chea & Ohio ....
Chlcaro & Alton..
2O0 78 78 78
4,200 1SS 185 180
1.600 32. 31 32
100 105 100 105
6.500 78 TS 78
Chicago Gt West. 4,800 1
Chicago ft N W 181
C, M & St Paul.. 8.S00 153 154 133
C. C, C 4 St L 73
Colo Fuel 4t Iron.. 3.70O 44 43 43
Colo & Southern... f.oo 56 53 E.
do 1st preferred. i"0 81 81 81
do 2d preferred. 100 80 80 81
Consolidated Gas .. 4"0 14o 139 139
Corn Products ... 600 22 2J 22
Del Hudson ... Wl
D & R Grands ... 200 48 47 47
do preferred 84
D'jrtlllers Securl... 1O0 38 38 37
Erie Stl 36 3
do let preferred. 1,000 54 '3 53 63
do 2d preferred. 200 44 43 48
General Electrte. 1,2.10 167 10tl 187
Gt Northern pf... 2.700 loO 150 150
Gt Northern Ore.. 1.300 75 75 75
Illinois C.atraJ 90O 155 164 154
Interboroush Met.. 2.6O0 15 16 15
do preferred ... 8.2O0 47 4 47
Inter Harvester 85
Inter-Marine pf.. 700 21 20 21
Int Paper .'.. 100 16 16 16
Int Pump 800 40 39 39
Iowa Central l.ioo 29 29 29
K C Southern . 400 46 43 45
do proferred ... 2"0 72 72 TJ
Ixul Nashville 400 141 140 141
Minn & St L, 800 6 56 65
M. St P ft S S M. 1,100 144 142 143
Missouri Paclflo... 200 73 73 72
Mo. Kan Texas 1.400 41 41 41
do preferred 73
National Biscuit .. TOO lf 106 105
National Lead ... 1.100 86 86 8rt
Mex Nat Ry 1st pf 6"0 64 53 63
N Y Central 86.3O0 133 134 136
N Y. Ont & West. TOO 64 63 53
Norfolk & West... 1.100 94 93 93
North American... 100 83 83 S3
Northern Pacific. 5.3O0 163 162 162
Paclflo Mall 200 El 31 SO
Pennsylvania 4,3. 137 137 137U.
People's Gas 9'K) 115 116 115
P. C C St L 91
Pressed Steel Csr. 8,900 . 46 45 46
Pullman Pal Car 1SS
Ry Steel Spring 100 46 46 46
Reading 9T.700 165 153 154
Republic Steel ... 8.400 33 S3 33
do preferred ... 4.100 108 107 107
Rock Icland Co... 26.SOO 36 S5 80
do preferred ... S.4O0 74 7334 74
St L S F 2 pf. 0OO 65 64 64
St L Southwestern S0 26 26 26
do preferred ... 200 65 64 64
Sloes-Sheffield .... 700 S3 f-2 82
Southern Paclflo .. 85 loo 133 132 133
Southern Railway. 2.O00 31 31 31
do preferred ... 100 r!t 69 CO 14
Tenn Copper 400 37 36 87
Texas & Pacific. 900 34 34 34
Tol, St L & West.
200 49
do preferred ... 600 69 !
Union Paclflo ... 83.600 ! 197 197
do preferred ... 800 106 1M 104
U S Realty 81
U S Rubber 200 38 38 38
U S Steel 123.600 72 69 70
do preferred ... 3.000 126 126 126
Utah Copper 400 40 49 49
Va-Caro Chemical. 1.400 2 51 52
Wabseh 700 21 20 21
do preferred ... 4.6.H) 66 64 55--;
Western Md 1,000 T 7 6
Wejtlnghouse Blec 1.000 S3 84 84
Western Union ... 1.6O0 72 72 71
Wheel & L Erie.. 200 6 6 6
Wisconsin Central 66
Total sales for the day, 634,600 shares.
NEW YORK, July 22. Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.l01N. Y. C. gen Ss 92
do coupon .... 101 North. Pae. Ss.. 74
U. S. 8s reg 101l do 4s loa
do coupon ...117 (Union Pac. 4s. .104
U. S. new 4s reg.119 Wis. Cent. 4s...P5
D. 4 R. G. 4s.. 97 Japanese 4s .... 87
Stocks at Ijondon.
LONDON. Jnly 22. Consols for money,
84; for account, 84.
Amal. Copper... 85M., K. ft T 41
Anaconda 9 IN. Y. Central.
Atchison 119;Nor. West..
do pfd 107l do pfd
Bait. & Ohio. . .122 Ont. ft Wost.
Canad. Pac 190
Pennsylvania. .
Ches. ft Ohio... St
Chi. Gt. West . .. 1
Rand Mines .
3 0
South. Railway. 82
do pfd 71
South. Pacific. . .1S714
C. M. ft St. P. 160
De Beers
D. & R. G
do pfd ....
do 1st pfd.
do 2d ptd. .
Grand Trunk.
Illinois Cent. .
Louis, ft Nash
. 49jUnlon Pacific ..203j,
. S7 do pfd 108
. 37S lu. s. steel. .
. 55 j do pfd ...
. 43 IWabanh ....
. 23' do pfd . . .
.13f (Spanish 4s .
. 21
. 57
. 97
Money Fx cfa enure, Ftr.
NEW YORK, July 22. Prime mercantile
paper. SJ,!g'4 per cent: sterling exchange
firm with actual business In bankers' bills
at 4.S64f 4.8610 for 60-day bills and at
S4.S740 for demand. Commercial bills.
14.85 4 85.
Bar silver 50 e.
Mexican dollars 14c .
Government bonds easy; railroad bonds
Money on call easy at 10S per cent;
ruling rate. 1 per cent: closing bid. 1
per cent: offered at 2. per cent. Time loans
firm m lAikv Uas aa4 fairl Active; 60 days,
12 per cent; 90 days. 22 per cent;
six months, 33 per cent.
IXNDON July 22. Bar silver, dull.
23 7-16d per ounce.
Money per cent,
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 1 per cent; for three
months bills, 1 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 22. Silver bars
50 c.
Mexican dollars 4fi"e.
Drafts Sight. 2c; telegraph. Sc.
Sterling on London. 60 days, $4.86 I
sight, 4.8T.
Dairy Treasnrr Statement.
WASHINGTON, July 23. The condition
of the Treasury at the beginning of business
today was as follows;
Gold coin 1350.117,369
Sliver dollars 4SS.06S.000
Silver dollars of 1890 4,187,000
Silver certificates outstanding... 4SS,0GS,0OO
Standard silver dollars In general
fund 4.007.233
Current liabilities S,771.6'J7
Working balance In Treasury
offices : 36.543.23S
In banks to credit of Treasurer of
the United States 411.617.1S0
Subsidiary silver coin 28.017.7SS
Minor coin 2.490.0-35
Total balance In general fund.. 111.81.934
Eastern Mining Stocks.
BOSTON, July 22. Closing quotations:
Adventure 6 I Mont. C. and C. 25
lloues 44 Nevada Z.Ji
Amalgamated... 6801d Dora
Aria. Com 43 usceoia
Atlantic RParrot
Butte Coalition. 25 Qulncy .
11 H
CaL & Ariz 104 (Shannon
Cal. Heel. ..630
United Copper.
Copper Range. ..
Daly West
Greene Cananea.
Isle Royale
Mass. M3nlnw
U. S. Mining
U. S. Oil...
. 81
. 43
Victoria 4
Winona ........ 5
Wolverine 14S
North Butte ... 65
Market Badly Overstocked With
Xew Potatoe! Eggs Are tower
and Butter Is Firm.
SEATTLE), t Wash., July 22. (Special)
Wheat, oats and barley are higher locally.
California buyers bid S30 for new oats today
for delivery In August and September. Barley
sold as high as 28 today, while S27 was Mon
day's price. Wheat was quoted as high as
SI. 06 for bluestem on the Merchants' Ex
change and good milling wheat will command
a price even higher than quoted on the ex
change. Local cherries are eomlng oo the market In
large quantities and Royal Anns were quoted
lower today. The market was cleaned up on
loganberries and blackberries this afternoon.
Sweetwater grapes ars still offered, but are
moving very slowly.
The feature on the market is the great
supply of potatoes offered. The market Is
overstocked and they are selling at 1 o per
Freeh Eastern eggs have dropped to
cents per dozen. Oregon eggs are quoted on
the exchange at 82 cents. Butter and cheese
are firm. Poultry Is still scares.
Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City
SAN FftANCISCO. July 22. The follow
lng prices evere quoted in the produce mar
ket today:
Millstuffs Bran, t28.5030; middlings,
Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, 25fl?50e;
garlic, 35c; green peas, 75c4f$1.25;
string beans, 24c; tomatoes, 251f40c; egg
plant. S101.2.1; asparagus, 80c1.25.
Butter Fancy creamery, 28c ;, creamery,
seconds, 27c.
Poultry Roosters, old, $4.305; young, 17
10; broilers, small, J2.303.50; broilers,
large. S3.SO04; fryers, 8SBU0; hens, 34.309
10: ducks, old, $56: young. S68.
Eggs Storo, 29c; fancy ranch. 30 c.
Cheese New. 1314c; young America,
14ftfl3c; old, 14c.
Wool South Plains and San Joaquin, 9
17c; Nevada. 18 20c; Mountain, 6 12c.
Hay Wheat, 812"? 18: wheat and oats. H
17; alfalfa. 109 12.50; stock. $7910; bar
ley. S10i314; straw, per bale, eO-UwOo.
Fruits Apples. choice, SI 1.65; com
mon, 3085c; bananas, 75c$fS2.25; limes,
$606: lemons, choice, $45; commons,
S1.603; pineapples. $1.602.25.
Hops Contracts, 1908. 18c.
Receipts Flour, 1207 quarter sacks;
wheat, 57 centals; barley. 4388 centals; oatB,
1667 centals; beans, 67S sacks; corn, 600
centals; potatoes, 5074 sacks: bran, 830
sacks; middlings. 60 sacks; hay, 1047 tons;
wool. 21 bales;, hides, 720.
Best Barley Record So Far Reported Is SS
Bushels Per Acre.
WESTON. Or.. July 22. (Special.) The
Price brothers. James end Marvin, have
finished threshing 1200 sacks of barley with
their combine at their farm on Dry Creek.
They had a good yield, averaging about 65
bushels per acre. They are now In wheat,
which Is running between 83 and 40 bushels
per acre, and Is quite free from smut.
A. J. Mclntyre had 150 acres Jn wheat
at his place north of town which yielded
about 40 bushels per acre.
The largest barley yield so far reported
WAa secured by James Rltchey at his placet
north of town, where 18 acres averaged 85
bushels per acre.
A OO.bushel barley yield was obtained
from 25 acres of the L. T. McBride farm
and 30 acres of the T. J. Price estate near
Wbeat on the O. M. Richmond place ad
Joining town, farmed by A. L. Douglas. Is
yielding 40 bushels per acre, as nearly as
can be estimated.
In the Dry Creek district. J. H. Coffman
cropped 1033 sacks of SpTlng barley from
70 acres, an average of 35 bushels per acre.
George W. Staggs had 1050 sacks of Spring
barley from 90 acres, an average of 27
bushels. A noteworthy fact in connection
with both these crops is that no rain fell
after the grain was sown, and the yield
was much better than the farmers expected.
Eastern Multnomah Growers Will Ixso Two
Thirds of Their Crop.
GRESHAM. Or.. July 22. (Special.) To-mato-growera
along the Columbia Slough
and elsewhere throughout the eastern part
of the county report a serious blight upon
tomato plants, which will destroy fully two
thirds of the crop' this season. Tomatoes
usually attain rare perfection along the
Columbia River lowlands and the expected
loss will be a hard blow to the growers,
who have several nundred acres set out,
but which are seen to be withering away
before the blossoms are formed.
The blight resembles frost killing and no
remedy has yet been found that will stop It.
Record Tleld ot Wheat Hay.
COLFAX. July 22. (Special). lu Strevey,
living two miles east of Colfax, today sold
Colfax liverymen what Is thought to be the
record acre tonnage for wheat hay in Whit
man County. Mr. Strewey's wheat was dam
aged for harvesting In heavy winds laying
the grain too low for the header, and from
seven acres 44 tons of wheat hay were
mowed and sold at 810 a ton In the field.
At this prioa the hay paid better than the
yield of wheat would have done.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. July 22. The London tin
market was higher today with spot quoted
at 132 12s 6d. and futures- at 1S4 2s 6d.
The local market was firm and higher also
at 29. 20 S 29.50c.
Copper advanced to 59 5s for spot and
60 for futures in the London market. Lo
cally the market was firm and a shade
higher with lake quoted at 13.37 8 13.50c;
electrolytic. 12.87 13.12 c. and casting,
12.738 13.00c
Lead was lower at 12 10s in London,
but remained steady at 4.3034.35c locally.
Spelter declined to 21 17s 6d in London.
The local market was steady and unchanged
at 3.3535.40.
Iron advanced to 48s 7d for Cleveland
warrants in the London market. The local
market was unchanged. i
Options and Cash Grain
Prices Break Badly.
Foreign Crop Xews Is Bearish.
Record-Break lng Yield in Aus
tralasia Russia Shipping
New-Crop Wheat.
CHICAGO, July 22. A aevere slump In
the price ot the Jnly delivery occurred dur
ing the first few minutes of trading while
the wheat market was In an almost jde
moralised condition, owing to the general
i selling inspired by the unloading yesterday
by a leading bull of a. line of wneat aggre
gating 4,000.000 bushels. Weather condi
tions in this country and crop news from
abroad also furnished an additional In
centive to sell. The market opened ex
tremely weak with prices c to 23o
lower than the previous doss. July started
at L12 to 1. 14 and September at
$1.08 01.08. Within a few minutes July
had dropped to 91.12 and September to $1.08.
On the break several leading bulls gave the
market fair support, which caused a rally.
Demand for September was a feature. The
market continued nervous all day, espe
cially for July, but the tone was weak.
The movement of the new crop la still on
ths Increase. Arrivals here today were 199
cars and 132 were estimated for tomorrow.
There was also some export business done
on ths break. Cash prices In the South
west were from lo to 8c lower. Advices
from Australia indicate a record-breaking
crop In prospect for all of Australasia and
reports from Russia claimed that the first
consignments of new wheat had been
shipped from Crimea.
Buying of September com by several lead
ing commission houses was the feature of
the corn market, as a result of which senti
ment was quite bullish. At the close prices
were o to o higher.
Oats were Arm all day. The market
closed firm, unchanged to o higher.
Provisions olosed with prices unchanged to
T0 higher.
Open. Hhrh. Low. Close.
July . 11.14 1-14 $1.11 $1.13
Sept..":. 1-08 1.08 1.08 1.08
Dec. 1.0 1.07 1 06 1.06
May 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08
Jury Tl .7! .70 .71
Sept S .67 .16 .67
Dec 66 .56 .66 .66
May 66 .67 .66 .67
July 45 .48 .46 .45
Sept 40 .40 .40 .40
Dec 40 .41 .40 .40
May 433 .48 .42 .43
July 20.95 20.96 90.88 20.90
Sept. 21-00 21.17 21.00 21.10
July..!... 11.70 11.72 11.67 11.72
Sept. 11.67 11.75 ll-47ii 11.75
July -11.45
Sept 11.86 11.4 11.95 11.42
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour steady.
Barleys Feed or mixed, 667o; fair to
choice malting, 687Sc
Flax Seed No. 1 Southwestern. $1.40; No.
1 Northwestern, $1.60.
Timothy Seed, 83.80.
Clover Per hundred. 110.85.
Mess Pork Per barrel. 820.86 10.90.
I.ard Per 100 lbs., 811.72.
Short Ribs Sides (loose), $114511.6B;
short clear sides (boxed), $11.87 l 12.00.
Grain statistics
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 41,000 bushels.. Primary receipts
were 774,000 bushels, compared with 912,
000 bushels the corresponding day a year
ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat, 312 cars; corn, 196 cars; oats, 61
cars; hogs, 18,000 iead.
Dally movement of produce
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 24.100 24.200
Wheat, bushels 86.400 82,700
Corn, bushels 176.000 281,600
Oats, bushels 1&9.800 169,100
Rye. bushels 2,000 1,000
Barley, bushels 18,600 18,800
Grain sad Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. July 22. Flour Receipts.
13.676; exports. 9881. Market barely steady,
with best sales in Kansas grades. Minne
sota patents, $6.156.20. .
Wheat Reoelpts 38.900. Spot barley
steady; No. t old, $1.42 nominal elevator
and f. o. b. afloat; No. 1. Northern Duluth.
$1.41 nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard
Winter. $1.38 nominal t. o. b. afloat. Early
liquidation, based on bearish crop advices,
lower cables, heavier Southwest nacelpts and
rumors that bulls had sold their wheat
weakened ths market about a cent today.
Rallies followed In the afternoon, however,
and last prices were a to o lower. July
closed $1.80; September $1.16; December,
$1.87; May. $1-16.
Hops, wool and petroleum steady.
Hides firm.
Grain at San lTlsuiclsoOw
SAN FRANCISCO, July 22i Wheat and
barley, steady.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, $2.05 2. 0T; milling.
Barter Feed, $1.4501.47; brewing,
Oats Red, $1.65Of.90; white, nominal;
black, nominal.
Call board sales:
Wheat No trading.
Barleys May, $1.60; December. $1.4fc
Corn Large. yellow. $ 1.80 Q 1.82
European Grain Markets.
LONDON, July 22. Wheat cargoes easier,
owing to American advices. Buyers reserved
Walla Walla, 42s 3d for shipment. Eng
lish country markets firm. French country
markets quiet.
LIVERPOOL. July 23. Wheat July, s
6d; September. 8s T-d; December, 8s
8d. Weather flne.
Wheat at Taooma.
TACOM A. Wash.. July 22. Wheat Mill
ing bluestem, $1.80; club, $1.14; export.
Autumn delivery, bluestem, $L04; club. $1;
red, 98c.
Wheat at Seattle.
SEATTLE, Wash-, July 22. No milling
quotations Export wheat, bluestem. $1.04;
club, $1; red, 98c. Receipts Barley, four
cars; oats, one car.
Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle. Sheep and
Ths lovestock market is inclined to be
weak under the pressure of heavy offerings
of stock of inferior quality, and If this
movement oontinues, there may be lower
prices in some lines, particularly in sheep
and cattle. Hogs continue scarce and as
firm as sver. The top quotation on the
general run is $8.50, though one small lot
of fancy grade was sold this week at $8.75.
The receipts at the yards yesterday were
261 cattle, 1138 sheep and 94 hogs.
Late Bales at the yards Included 17 cows,
average weight 988 pounds, $8; 9 steers,
average 1030 pounds, $4.25 : 65 lambs, aver
age 82 pounds, $3.50; 31 hogs, average 236
pounds, $8.75; 173 lambs, average 67 pounds,
$5.25; 61 sheep, average 124 pounds, $3.50.
Local prices quoted yesterday were as
CATTLE Steers, top, $4.60; fair 'to good,
$44x4.25; common, $3.75 04: cows, top. $8.50;
fair to good, $3 3.25; common to medium,
$2.60'5'2.75; calves, top. $605.60; heavy, $3
3 50: bulls and stags, $2.753.25; common,
HOGS Best. $8.258.50; fair to good,
$7.758; stockers, $66.50; China fats,
$6.75 7.
SHEEP Top wethers, $4; fair to good,
$3.5g3.75; ewes. c less on all rrades: year
lings, best. 4: fair to good, $3.&o3.5; Spring
lambs, $5.2585.35.
Eastern Livestock Markets.
CHICAGO. July 22. Cattle Receipts esti
mated at 4000; market steady. Beeves. $4.80
y7-60; Texas steers $4.50''g.6: Western
steers, $4 7-50; stockers and fetders. 3
"National Bank
It insures against dust, mud and street noises. f
It Insures against slipperiness and falling horses.
It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs, j
It assures a sanitary and durable street.
It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. r
It assures perfect satisfaction. f
Downing-Hopkins Co.
Bought arid sold for cash and on margin.
Rooms 201 to 204, Coach Bunding mT.,7
B.70: cows ana heifers. $2.40 20; cartes.
5os!lBecelpts estimated at 16.000: mar
ket VenTrally 10c lower. Light. $7.4r.S.08;
mixed! 763.15; heavy. $T.50& X20; rough.
$7 60 7 70; good, to nholoe Heavy. 7-J'
8 2oT Digs. a.757.65: bulk ol sales. $7.60
lneep Becelpts estimated at 12,000: mar
ket, steady to strong. Native S 5.20.
Western, S35.15: yearlings. S4.60S6.10.
natrveamba. 4.IW(S8.20: Western. 4.7a
KANSAS CITY, July 22. Cattle eWs.
B0O0: market steady to wek Native
steers. 4.507.25: natlvs cows "a,r1'r":
&'2 26(27: stockers and feeders, .
bulTi 754.B0: calve 3.7; Western
steers, $4.25 6.80; Western cows, $2.. 5
' Hogs Becelpts. 8000; market Be
Bulk of sales. $7.507.8O: heavy tl .859
7 05- packers and butcherB. 7.657.90. Ugnt,
$7.407.75; piss. 6.507.85. .
Sheep Beceirts. 2000: market steady.
Muttons, $4.255.25: lambs. $6.50 7 75.
range wethers, $4C.50 range ewes, $3.25
SOUTH OMAHA, Jnly 22. Cattle Be
celpts, 2100; market steady. We""?
steers $8.505.6(): Texas steers (S.9,
rang"' cows ind heifers. JT5 5; cannery
$2Cr3.25: stockers and feeders. $3 5. 25.
calves. $37; bulls and stags. $35.
Hogs Receipts. 6400: market 6c tolOo
lower Heavy. $7.507.75; mixed, $7.55
7 6 "'light $7.457.75: pigs. $6 7.26: bulk
of sales. $7.50 7.65 .
Sheep Receipts. 6500: market stronger.
Yearlings. $56: wethers 4.606; ewes,
S.S 7ftfi.4.B0: lambs. $7.25 8.25.
All Canneries Ready to Operate and
Big Pack Is Looked For
by All Concerned.
SEATTLE, Jnly 22. The sockeye salmon
run. which has been so tmee-tlsfactoTTreoeTttly
that cannera were beginning to fool alarm,
has set In with a vigor that encourages belief
that the experts who predicted a prodigious
run will be Justified. The Paclflo American
Fisheries cannery st Belllngham caught and
packed yesterday 15,000 salmon, and today's
pack will be larger. Nelt week this plant
will probably put 100,000 flsh a day into tins.
The big runs oome at four-year Intervals
and tugs scouting la the Strait of Puca re
port the flsh sre oormng up from the ocean
in millions.
Every cannery on rhe Bonn an oa Fraeer
Blver is ready to operate.
Dairy Produce) In ths East.
NEW YORK, July 221 Butter Firm;
creamery specials, 27 c.
Cheese Steady, unchanged.
Eggs Irregular, Pennsylvania and nearby
fancy selected white. 232c; do fair to
choice, 24929o.
CHICAGO, July 22 Butter Steady:
creameries, 22tt26c; dairies, 2023Vic-
Eggs Steady; receipts, 9448; at mark,
cases included. 18c; firsts, 21c; prime firsts,
22Cheese Strong; Daisies. 16o; Twins,
14,c; young America, 1515e; long
horns. 16161c
Dried Fruit st New York.
NEW TOBK. July 22. Evaporated apples
unchanged; fancy, 8sttc; choice. 8j;
prtm-a, 77c; common to fair. E614c.
Prunes dull. California, 2llttc; Ore
gon, 6 (39c. -
Apricots quiet: choice. 1010o; extra
choice, 1010c; fancy, ll13c.
Peaches unchanged; choice, 5o; ex
tra choice, 646ic; fancy. 7S8V4C
Balstns Arm; loose muscatel, 144o;
choice to fancy seeded, 46c; seedless,
SEc; London layers, $1.1601.20.
Wool st St- Louis.
ST LOTJIS, July 22. Wool Steady Ter
ritory and Western mediums, 23 27c; flne
mediums, 2124c; flne. 12ia,tt-
Hednctlons Will Benefit Mills in
Mountain States.
'SEATTLE, Wash., July 22. Sweeping
reductions In the rates on forest products
from points in Montana to the consuming
markets in North and South Dakota,
Western Minnesota, Nebraska and Mid
dle Western States, with no correspond
ing reductions from Coast shipping
points, axe contained In the new trans
continental freight bureau lumber and
shinsle tariff, which will become effec
tive August 15. The new tariff was rec
eived here yesterday.
The tariff also shows that the Great
Northern and the Northern Pacific have
made sharp reductions on rates to points
In the Middle West to which the Chicago,
Milwaukee & 9t. Paul cut the transcon
tinental bureau rates on lumber and
shingles. Lumbermen who have already
learned that the rates to the great Middle j
Wost consumlns; markets from points In
Montana, have ben reduced, while Coast
rates have been unchanged djoclare that
the new schedules -will be disastrous to
Coast mills.
Prtvat Company Seeks Business.
VICTORIA, B. C, July 22. (Special.)
Overtures have been, made to the Domin
ion Government by the United Wireless
Telegraphs, looking- to the taking over
of the stations and service In wireless
established and maintained by the gov
ernment (for the protection of shipping
primarily) alone; the British Columbia
Coast. A similar proposal was put for
ward by the De Forrest Company a year
or more ego, and failed; despite support
accorded it by British Columbia's Minis
ter and several of the members. In the
present case It Is reported that these are
again advocating the transfer suggested
by ttie private company.
Executive Board Increased.
Or July 22. (Special.) Tho executive
committee of the Board of Regents of
the University of Oregon has been In
creased from three to five members and
will hold regular monthly meetings here
after. The former executive committee,
consisting of Regents Alnsworth, Friend
ly and Dolph, has been re-elected, and to
these added RegentB Bean and Miller.
.T11H.C-A W B "Renri. rtmslHent nt the Rrtftril
of Regents, has been elected chairman of
the executive committee.
Many Seek Carson's Place.
Or., July 22. ( SpeolalO Applications for
the position of head of the Department of
Rhetoric and American Literature, left
vacant by the resignation of Professor
Luella Clay Carson to accept the presi
dency of Mills College, in California, are
being received by President Campbell In
large numbers from all parts of the
United States. The selection will prob
ably be made In August.
Fire Startles Prisoners.
VANCOUVER, B. C. July 22. Ten
thousand dollars damage In the burning-
of a carpenter shop was occasioned
by a blaze at the British Columbia peni
tentiary at Westminister last night,
caused by sponatenous combustion.
Scores of prisoners who feared death
In the flames raised a great outcry,
(beg-ging- plteously to be allowed their
liberty. No one was injured.
Less Than Four Days at Sea
Two days on th beautiful SC Uwnnc
River anil th ahortMt ocean rout to 2u
rop. Nothing bttr on tl Atlantic than our
Emprease. Wlrelew on alt teamorn.
First-da $90 1 oond fM. na clmal
cabin S46.
Axk any ticket agent, or writ for alllnsa,
rates and booklet.
T. R- Johnson. P. A.. 149 8d at., Portland. Of
toMadeira5Dain.Mclitrranean , Orient
Costing only400and uofor 73days.
Cruise PcpT.WhiTt 3tarLmg.ri.ToragenTS!
For Eureka, San Francisco and Los
Angeles direct. The steamships Roa
noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at
3 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near
AJder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314,
H. YOUNG, Agent.
Only direct steamer and dayiisbt sailing.
From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. A. ii.
S.S. State of California. July 24.
8.8. Rose City. July 31, Auut 14, etc.
From Lombard St.. ban Francisco. 11 A M.
S.S. Rose City. July 24, Aug. 7.
S.S. fetale of California. July 21.
J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent.
. Main 2tfS Alnsworth Dock.
M. X ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 3d 8t
Phone Main 402. A 1402.
Ths steamer BREAKWATER leaves Fort
land every Wedoesuuy, 8 V. M., from Alas
vortb dock, or Kortb Head, Marsbiield asa
Coos Bay points. Freight received tlU 4 P.
M on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first
class 110: second-class. ST. including bsrt
and miala Inquire city ticket oBlcs Thlr
and Washington etresu. or AiaJWorla .
rrf&e Hals Hi
W 1-