THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOMAX, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1909. J FOB SALE FARMS. LET THE CROF3 PAT FOR TOUR HOME IV SOUTHERN ALBERTA. NO CROP. XO PAY We want intelligent home-makers. If ynx cannot ecmc at on, we will plow an r-iant and cultivate jvur crops for you, so tnat your lann win practical :y oe reacy fr you lo take your cash profit from the x t crop n. PRICES ARE NOW THE LOWEST. II PER ACRE AND UPWARD; ONLY 1-10 CASH. BI T VOW AND T4KB TOUR PROFIT. HOUTHERN" ALBERT A harves:-d the I incest cron on the continent la yi f 'imttt rtd. s? transportation, good n'ads, quick cash markets, good schools and church? and tine water: tf you want to be Independent and own a clear title to a good farm eaji.y and quickly, write or call at once for literature and run particulars. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY. Exclusive Agents Canadian Pacific Railway Lunds. 425-6 Lumbermen' Building, Portland, Oregon. CLARK COUNTY FARMS. The extension of the electric carllne at Vancouver la now under was-. We hav options on some of the finest farms close to carllne ana if not sold before our op tions expire owners will double presen pru-ea Buy NOW and YOU will make money. MURPHY CASWELL. 2:J0 Stark st. Vancouver Office, 712 Main at. BEAVER TON ACREAGE. 7H acrfi only 1 block from station; 13 trains each way dally; all pianted to as paragus, horseradish and other profitable vegetanlea and fruit: l man ana norse cure for It; thoroughly tiled; a money' maker: house and barn. t0 acres, 5." acres cropped, balance pas ture; 12 miles from Portland; not far from Beaverton; no better soil anywhere, on Tualatin River; plenty water; house and bam; t0 per acre; 1-000 cash, long time at 6 Pr cent. J M. FRENCH A CO.. 412-413 Abmgton BIdg. 1U3 Third St. SANDY RIVER FRUIT LANDS. BEST OX EARTH. SHOT LOAM SOIL. i x li mi ted de pth. Free from early and late fmat; prices ran 5 from $2. to $lv pr acre; ak fro- f-s.-jr c. i. Lewis, or the uregon Agncui tural College, what he thinks about the Pandv River district as a fruit section, then call oa us for full particulars about lands for sale. CH APIS' & HERLOW, S3 2 Cnamber of Commerce. LOOK THIS UP FOR A SNAP. St Ai-rca dairy and stock ranch. 75 tn crop. 150 level bottom land, rest roiling 3 large barns, new house 5 robins, 30 cat tle, 4 horses. 150 goats, 50 sheep, b nogs, it atron, bug, rake and other tools, house hold furniture, all goes for 127 per acre. half cash: sawmill ana P. O- on the place. large water flume on place can Irrigate over 100 acres if required. Come quick if you want this. Room 301, 2S6 V ashing- ton st. FOR SALE, 4 acres, mile of good boat landing. on t oiumbta River. mile irom r. r. station, V mile to public school, 10 acres cleared, balance light brush, son rich, good orchard mixed fruits, all fenced, good i-room house, large bam. new fruit dryer and other outbuildings Never-failing spring running to all buildings. Price only i.tu per acre. THE SHAW FEAR COMPANY, 245 M Stark St. OREGON for profitable homw; get In on the ground floor; we are In a position to fur nish Oregon farms, improved, high state of cultivation, any size tracts to suit, 1 to w acres; choice grain, fruit or dairy land at lowest marktU price, easv terms: do your own colonizing. Write for prices sna re:iDif mrormation. DEAN LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. RENTAL PAYS 6 PER CENT ON MONEY. 20 acrrs. 3 Vfc miles city limits. 18 acres cultivation, 5 acres bearing grapes, 3 acres apples, creek through place and pump station, greennouses. ll-room house, bath, hot water, heat, new barn 32x02. on good gravel road, 9 miles to Portland. Price I ,'""; terms. THE JOHN W. JOHNSTONE CO.. 301 Buchanan Bldg.. 2GH Wash. HOOD RIVER FRUIT LANDS IN SMALL TRACTS. In the Vaniierbilt Orchard Lands Company tract. we are exclusive sluing agents. Price t25 per acre, on easy term. Send for circular. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. MR. MAN. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN If you do. come In and see t:s, we have some of the best on the Coast; we have some dandys in dairy and stock ranches, all eaitiDDod from $15 to $40 tor acre. Send for our list of good things before buying. Lincoln Investment Co.. room .101, sa Washington st. WHAT Walla Walla Wants Is rou. Presl dent Roosevelt said : "Walla Wal la made the pleasantet impression on my mind of anv city I visited in the northwest. Tin surrounding valley Is an agricultural para dise. It Is making good. Send for bo-k-Ift S. Ak questions. Commercial Club, walla vtaiia, was.i. IDAHO CAREY ACT LANDS. Now- open for entry In the choicest ag ricultural section of the Northwest. Snake River alley, southern Idaho. Stnte Government supervision. For fre Information write C. B. HL'RTT. Boise. Idaho. BIG BARGAIN PRUNE RANCH. 12 acres prune trees, 15 years old. 8 miles from the city of Vancouver, Wash., 1 mile from electric car; will harvest crop prunes this year $ 1500. Price of place. Including crop. $4000. Room 301, 286 H Washington st. FREE TO ALL TILLEtRS OF THE SOIL. ; o vera men t bulletin on Irrigation In the Willamette Valley and beautifully Illustrated booklet, "The Call of the Soil" (copyright) sent to any address free. Address Can by Canal Company. Canby. Or. SO ACRES, 25 cultivated, some good timber, fir and cedar, living stream water, all un der fence; house, large barn, orchard, 3 ml lea Ridgefle'd boat landing and railroad; $54M, terms; will take small place to value -f Si 500 in trade. Fred Broetje. Mt. Tabor. HOW to find a farm at right prices, call at room 10-'. St. Charles Hotel, and get our homeseeker's guide; it contains 330 best buys of small and large farms and prices in the valley. It's free. Call at once. FINE 26-acre farm; good buildings, running water, g'd orchard, small fruit; IS miles from HilIboro; $105 per acre. 412 Mar- quam bMg. 10-ACRE farm. Willamette Valley, county road; railroad: phone, two miles town. By owner. AG 253. Oregonian. FOR full Information how to secure farms in Rrtiifh Columbia write or call on R. E. Butler, 228 Stark st. BARGAINS Improved and unimproved Cow Its County farm lands. Barnard A Co.. Kalama. Wash. GEO. W. TURNER. Farm, dairy, stock and fruit lands. 416-17 Rolhchlld Bldg. ILL good ones; see us. Columbia Trust Co.. Ioard of Trade bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY A CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. lrt ACRES TIMBER LAND CrnTng lo.fyv.Ci" to 2noo.o feet saw timber. Fr INFORMATION inclose ftamp and $1. 721 R.rd of Trade. WE are headquarters for timber and lura ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 5. 1-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER First-class claim of 6.000.000. on Nt halem River, for sale cheap. D 229. Oreson'.an. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD rfMnqulshmmta S2T WORCESTER BLOCK. HOMESTEADS. IK u wish a homestead In a rich valley , ' ao t0 a new townslte on a proposed lin- of railroad that Is being rushed and it- from 3 to 12 miles to a growing town r.-". a party of 2t leaves tonight, call a n.i cet t he particulars. Spencer A Co., 12 second st. HOMESTEAD relinquishment tt sa: SO iiivn. in Linn C -tinty. on Santlam River; n ;.fn;j. AM 23. OregonUn. HOMESTEAD rM:nqul-ment; will buy ' I.T.r-.t rnient ; mile of ocean. Failing bi.ig. WE can locate jon 'n lv s-rs 3 rrt'es from railroad, river, tow a; fee $110, 620 Shet land bi. WAMSD REAL ESTATE. I WANT to invest from $1000 to $10,000 in one or more pieces of real estate; state exact location and lowest casn price; will buy for cash only and must be bar gains. Box 34, Vancouver, v asn. FARMERS. ATTENTION. I have two clients waiting who desire to get farms suitable for fruit and dairy ing near market. Cail and see me at once. H. A. Chapman, 4J5 uernnger oiug. LIST your property with us; we sell for you in snort time ror casn. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. Inc., till Board of Trade Bldg. WE pay cash for equity. What property have you to offer? Sell your contract to us; we have buyers. National Realty A Trust Co.. 326 Washington st. 5 OR o-room house, not to exceed $2730; $.-.00 down and monthly payment. W 250, Oregonian. I WANT the best lot In Irvlngton that $1500 will buy. Including street Improvements. A 253, Oregonian. WANTED S-room house. South Portland, atout $40-vi; quick action. Jackson A Deering. 24o Stark st. CHOICE homes and bulldlnar lots our great est need ; w-e can sell them. Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. WANTED 1 or 2 lots; J.V0 down and monthly payments. AN 239, Oregonian. WANT to Invest from SS0O to $Vno, city or suburban property. V 233. Oregonian. WANT vacant lot, Sunnyside district; must be bargain. 204 Marquam. Main 2S20. A PIECE of land suitable for subdividing. A 251, Oregonian. WANTED Farms, timber lands, buyers waiting. H. S. Wagner, 309 Swetland bldg. WANT bargains, city property. D 2A3 Ore- K "HI041. FAR.M9 WANTED. WANTED to rent farm, prefer potato land with some grain and pasture land, located south of Portland: enough for two men. M. Howard. 2J4 11th St. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one from an 01a esiaousnrti wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at almost the same cost? We are located oLtside the high rent district, own our building and can make the price. Exclu sive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Company line vehicles, delivery wagons, top bugales, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. Wade & Co.. 322 Hawthorne ave, be tween E. 1st and 2d sts. TEAM Weight 2000 lbs.; are sound and good workers; eet neavy Dreecmng nax ness; price $170. Pair nice errel mares, we i gh t 1 (o0 I bst each ; good harness, $ 1 SO. Big brown horee. weighs 1300 lbs. ; price $!M. 3 S farm wagon, all complete ; price $15. Top delivery, nearly new. Call stable. Union ave., cor. Ash. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day, week, or month. Phones East i:i ti waw thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE or trade, fine young registered stallion, beat bred stallion in Oregon: also fast trotting registered mare; prize winners wherever eliown; these are classy individuals; I have no use for them. 6o5 Commercial block. BEAUTIFUL Jet black gelding, 0 years, 16 hands, I1.0 pounds, trots 2:40; safe for lady; also z:iu trotters, 5 years, 10 nanus, irora jonnsiua 3 eaioic, Lawtui ui. Apply Hansen, Rose City Park. THE best and cheapest lot of medium and heavy horses ever br-ugnt to I'ortiana. All sound and will work any place. These horses must sell. Montavllla Feed A Sales Stables. Phone Tabor 246. A STANDARD-BRED gelding. 6 years old. weighs better than 1 100, city broke, can show a thirty gait; sired by Lovelace. Mark in 2:20. Inquire at 505 Albina ave. TEAM Horse and mare, weight 1100 lbs.; sound; tide or drive, single or double; new st harness, collars, all complete; price $185. 14 Union ave., cor. Aah. REASONABLE Fine young standard -bred sorrel Hambietonian geiaing; snipped irom Iowa; city broke. 291 Glenn ave. Haw thorne car. ONE 44 H. P. Olds stationary gasoline en gine, nearly new. price i5U. fnone . 4104. Call 330 14th St. ONE 6-year-old driving mare, perfectly sound; owner leaving city, win sen at sac rifice. Phone E. 4S4. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M. 3300. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all AT Union Stockyards, young horses from $20 to $40. come quick. 1V -INCH hand-made grocery wagon. Inquire DiacKsmitn snop. 21st anu j-ivision wia. ONE heavy goose-neck furniture wagon. nearly new. none t. 4u. TEAM, for $100. At Front and Salmon Pa- Hl'BERT A HALL, 8S0 Front, buy, sell, rent berets, vehicles; low rates on business riga. 6EVEHAL nice Shetland ponies for sale. W. T. Blnkley, oodburn. or. PRETTY black saddle or driving mare, gen tle, city broke, o- 35a 1st st. Automobile. ELECTRIC auto, cost $1SO0; flrat-class con dition; will sell ror xiouu casn or terms, or trade for real estate. Inquire Seng stoke A Lyman. 90 Fifth st. 24-H. P. touring car, fully equipped, like new. $35U. F 2o, oregonian. FINE upright piano for sale or trade at C O- Picks warehouse. 2Q ana .Tin sts. AN 134, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL mahogany piano for sale. Must sell. Will take payments. 7o N. 9th st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALFI In perfect condition, 1 Bab- cock :tan nope; practically new. ror less than half its original price; can be seen at Portland Riding Academy, 22d and Johnson. AN up-to-date, nearly new leaver piano. standard make, including ltiu rolls music. Sacrifice. Leaving town. Address D 250, Oregonian. LARGE launch. CO ft. long. 13-foot beam; 25-horse engine; 33 tons capacity; tine fish or freight boat. Supple Yard. Port land. SNAP New l-foot launch. 4-H. P. engine. air plant; 125 tomorrow; cost double. Fhone Sell wood 84. Willamette Motor Boat Club, foot Ellsworth st. HOUSEBOAT. 3 rooms, In fle repair, all rurnivhed good, range, bed, sanitary couch, chairs; everything good. Come and see this place. Young A Co., 612 Gerllnger bldg. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $10, fully guaranteed ; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month, pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co., 203 2d st. BURROUGHS adding machine, style No. 4, used very little. Price $175. C D. Hayes A Co., Vancouver. .Wash. POINTER pup (male. S months old, Just right to break ror - ail nuntirg; price Phone Tabor 170. LAUNCH. 31 feet, 15-h. p.. Government equipped complete with boathouse. cheap, exchange for property. AL 210. Oregonian. PIANOLA Almost new, at a reasonable price if sold soon. Address L i0, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest marker prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Pbone Main 7451. A 5445- PRACTICALLY new Curtis 3-H. P. mono- cycle cheap. Call or write J. L. C. 211 Grant St. SAFES Fire and burg!ar proof, all stz; second-hand safes and vault doors cheap. Davis Safe & lock Co.. bo 3d st. CRE :DIT certificate for $i7 on Eilers Piano ause for sale. Phone Main 5070. liou COLLIE puppies (50 pedigreed). Catalogue for stamp. C. l. airn. Amity, tjr. FIRST-CLASS milch cow for sale. Tabor ATIONAL cah recister, total and detail adder; cost $203. for $10O. 33 North 3d. FOUR fresh rows. Jersey, Durham, heavy, lien, mil k era 5 E, 30th, Siu&aysias, FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. MOTOR BOAT. 25 feet, 4-cylfnder. 16-H. P., 18 miles per hour; electric lighted through out, magneto and storage battery new and complete equipment with boathouse. Price $100. H 25S. Oregonian. BARGAIN HUNTERS. Here's your chance. 35 standard makes sewing machines, all In good order, from iu up; tney must go quicgiy. w nite Dew ing Macnine store, wasmngton sc. STEVENS" MOVINfl PICTURE1 EXCHANGE Films for rent, complete equipment for theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4tn st. HANDSOME blue great Dane puppy, male. j.La ith. st. HELP WANTED MALE. CAMP cook. 8 men, $C0; 6 bridge carpen ters. comcanv work. $3: free fare; grad foreman, $3.50; cooks, waiters, kitchen help, farm and dairy help, sawmill and yard hands, woodsmen, city laborers, R. R. laborers and teamsters an over, mciua lng California, free fare. C R. HANSEN A CO.. Employment Agents. 2 North second St.. Portland. Portland. San Frarcisco. Spokane. SALESMAN FOR BEACH RESORT. If there are any men In Portland who think they are capable of making gooa wltn a mighty live, fair real estate con cern, "one of the big ones." wc want to talk with them. We've got an interesting proprsltion in the sales department. See Mr. stiles. Columbia xrust company, Board of Trade bldg. 10 000 POSITIONS for graduates last year men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tool free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35 iv ortn 4 tn st. , ortiana. kjt. TEAMSTERS and wheelerholders on rail road work; teamsters $2.25 a day, wheeler holders $2.75 a day, board $5.25 a week good stock and good board. Hayden Bros., Little Rock. Wash, 12 miles south of Olympia. YOUNG man wanted; a bright, active young man, willing to learn the rumlture busi ness ; sma il salary to begin, promotion ac cording to ability shown. Apply to Mr. Foster, at I. Gevurts ft Sons. 173-175 First st., after 9:30 A. M. WANTED Good cabinet maker with a few hundred dollars can have permanent place with manufacturing concern that will pay top wages and SO per cent In yearly dividends on investment, ajv ws, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE man will take young man as partner to show land; no experience necessary and very little casn required; good chance for bright fallow. Particu lars National Realty & Trust co., azo Washington St., room bib. WANTED Good cabinet maker with a ftew hundred dollars can have permanent place with manufacturing concern that will pay top wages and 50 per cent in yearly dividends on Investment. AK 238, Oregonian. MEN for railway mall clerks, postofflca clerks, carriers, internal revenue, etc : good salary and promotion with each po sition: we prepare you; examinations soon. Write pacific States School, McKay bldg. MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless telegraphy and engineering, -rt. ti. ana ata tlon work; practical Instruction largest pri vate station in the world. Serd stamp for circulars. Wireless Institute, s&n Francisco. EXPERIENCED! al edition solicitors, Influential magazine, oar men earn $15 to $75 daily, some good territory yet open, fine barking. Benedictine Press, Good- nougn blag. WANTED-KOO men to attend mv clearance sale; $22.50 suits on sale for $10; $35 suits on sale lor $10. come eariy TRULY WARREN, the Sample Suit Man Room 315, Oregonian Bldg. WE want good, live agents to sell stock and bonds, one of the best commercial stocks on the market: very liberal com mission. Call at 314 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington, between 2 and 4 P. M. WANTED Railway mail clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers, examinations in Port land November 17 ; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 20b U., Rocnes ter. N. Y. MAN to take full charge paying business; big profits; small Investment required. ror complete aetaiis can room a, -u m Pine st. WANTED 2 or 8 men. steady work, good wages, and learn the creamery business. Take some stock. Married men preferred. H 259. Oregonian. WOULD like to meet a young man that would loin me In a good paying business tailor or a good solicitor preferred. E 2oy, Oregonian. WANTED Men to learn watchmaking, en- graving and optics; few months to learn; positions secured. S. F. Watchmaking school, jvearney si., aan .Francisco. FIRST-CLASS steel range man to take charge of shop; also a pattern filer and litter and a good stove mounter, facinc Stove & Range Airg. co., bu jonn, ur. WANTED Solicitors for collection agency salary and commission; state age, experi ence and references. Address AH 254, Oregonian. WANTED Neat young man as partner to work In real estate office and show prop erty; $250 required. E 201, oregonian. SOLICITORS Good live solicitors, capable of making good money; either sex, ror hign class business. Call 70S Swetland bldg. YOUNG man to do light work at college for tuition in telegraphy. Oregon College, bS 5th st. AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money eeuiug uuraei y biwcr. wuuii ij oc, cash weekly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. PARTNER wanted In old, well-established real estate office. Small Investment. R 231, Oregonian. WANTED Technical mechanical draughts man; give experience and sample lettering. AC 252, Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN Good capable house-wiring, also helper. Apply new apartment-ho use. St. Clair st.. near Washington. CABINETMAKERS Four wanted at once. Pacific Coast Showcase A Fixture Co.. 413 Fenton bldg., 84 Gth St. MAN wanted to learn automobile driving and . it Ann1 1M 7th at. Phnn Mriln 4455. A 4455. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers for city and country. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club. SHIPPING clerk, experienced In the station ery line; give reterence; salary wanted. E 250. Oregonian. HOUSEWORK Japanese man for general; must be a good cook. 691 Hanoock st. Home phone C 1306. FINE opening for young man; experience unnecessary; small capital required. Call 326 Washington, Room 417. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, exper ienced ; best references, tu f. Litt, 3oi Washington st. FIRST-CLASS job polisher and plater at once. Oregon Brass Works, 69 North 2d street. 2 energetic salesmen, city and country work, with book or specialty experience preferred. Call after 9 A. M. 331 FUedner bldg. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership, Y. M. C. A. FIRST-CLASS pantsmaker wanted, the Tailor, 108 3d. Nlcoll, HARDWARE BUSINESS Bright boy to learn. 345 Washington. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl. 104 2d. Main 5500. AN experienced salesman for general mer chandise store. H 256, Oregonian. BOYS WANTED Apply to manager West ern Union Telegraph Co.. 76 3d sf TINNER AH around mat, 722 Division st., corner E. 21st. SODA dispenser, experienced. Call after noon. S wet land's, 209 Morrison. HIGH-CLASS salesman, big wages, perma nent. 215 Commercial Block. OFFICE boy wanted. Address In own hand writing. A 257, Oregonian. WANTED Photo coupon agents, new offer. Call Davis-Hayes fitudlo, 342 H Wash. WILL register for soldier at land opening; terms reasonable. P. O. Box 179. city. PEESSER on ladles' and gentlemen's clothes. 224 2d st. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 250 First st. BOYS to work In iron ahop. 404 Davis st. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN. EXPERIENCED And men willing to learn salesmanship to assist us in selling our new plat tings. ROSE BURG HOME ORCHARD TRACTS. Liberal Inducements, excellent pay to tbe riant men. Please call between 10 A. M. and 12:30 P. M. at W, C. HARDING LAND CO., INC.. Department B. Board of Trade Bldg. WE want a competent district sales man ager capable of earning $2400 a year with headouarters in a city In Washington; permanent position to the right man; our line sells Itseir as we nave no competition. Party applying must have $500 cash to handle the line, see manager ai - ja..r- quam bldg. R. B. I. Mfg. co. A YOUNG man to work for room and board a good home for the right party. 525 Clay st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK Teachers' Agency helps good teachers to better positions. oi oweuauu dios. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert, $5 a montn. zt9 i4tn. juain asaj, FRENCH AND GERMAN US classes, $1 pes month to beginners. 462 Morrison. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, to work In bag factory- Apniy at once. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. 6th and Davis Sts. WANTED AT ONCE. Country hotel cook, $40 p-ar month. Ranch cook, $30 per month. Small camp cook, $25 per month. Hotel waitress, $30 per month. Two women in hotel. $30 Der month. Restaurant waitresses, $8 to $10 per Cashier, five housekeepers. Ten house girls at good wages. Kitchen helper. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Dept. 205 Morrison St. WANTED Experienced demonstrator, one who is not afraid to talk; good opportunity to make big money. Call between 9 and 11 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M., 204 Wells-Fargo bldg. SALESLADY The Meier A Frank store -requires a young woman in the picture department; one who is competent to take orders for framing. Apply to superin tendent. WANTED Young lady for clerical work, one who can operate a typewriter; short hand not necessary; $7 a week to begin. Call today at 3 P. M. 400 Oregonian bldg. LADY with private home to care for a nervous woman who Is at times a little Irrational but harmless; good pay. aq dress E 258, Oregonian. MANICURING, hairdnesslng. dermatology. Mrs. Holmes, specialist, xeacn aiso. oui Swetland bldg.. bin ana w asn. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S48H Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED ladles to ask for Mrs. Gray's Sanitary Belts. Every lady snouia nave one. 613 Marquam bldg. wr secure positions for stenographers: spe clal classes, any system. uau w orcester block. SOLICITORS WANTED Two wide-awake ladles ; good opportunity to make gooa money. 705 swetiana oiag. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St.. Room. 307. Main or A 3290. HOUSEWORK Young gfrl to assist with housework and children. Sleep at noma. Phone Tabor 479. CANDY PACKER, experienced, 1 and 2- pound boxes for retail trade, can alter noon. Swetland's, 269 Morrison. Wiunsn Refined, eanabte woman for re sponsible position, viavj co., w otn- child bldg., 4th and Washington. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework, ramiiy oi two; gooa wage. 781 Lovejoy, Phones Main 3700. A 4636. GIRL to do housework, small family; plain cooking; pleasant home. l 4 nast latn, near Belmont. RODVIRONRRS and sleeve rs. experienced, Apply Star Laundry co., union avenue ana East Ankeny. DEMONSTRATION COUNTER Girl to serve coffee. Manning A co., tea ana coffee. 3"i2 Morrison. SALESWOMEN First class, Worrell's, sam ple CloaKS ana buhb. lot oiu bu, ji udi Alder, opposite Oregonian, HOUSEKEEPER Neat, elderly colored woman; good home; light work, tr sat, ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS skirt and waist makers. Tees- dale, 506 Marquam. GIRL for general housework: plain cook; small family; good wages. tool iioyx. WANTED Second girl In small family. Ap ply 769 Northrup st. Main -loo. GIRL for second work. Apply mornings. ttno Sn Imnn Jit WANTED Nice waitress; good wages. Coun cil Crest Tavern. MAN and wife to work on small suburban farm near city. M 25 1, Oregonian. COOK Competent, wanted for small family; references. Apply 4ua ciay st. CLERK wanted. Jones' book store. 295 Alder street COOK wanted, an experienced cook for small family. 474 Market, cor. i4tn st W ANTED A good dressmaker. Write Mrs. Geo. Ash ton, Salmon, Idaho. TWO waitresses. Great Northern Hotel, 010 N. 21st st. Main 7658. S car north. HOUSEWORK Maid for general housework. SW5 N. 32d st. Telephone Main wzo. GIRL or woman to assist with housework; good wages. Call no iiuitnoman. GIRL wanted at Coffman's. 350 Washington street. 6lRL3 WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave and iast Taylor. HOUSEKEEPER, Immediately, widower, coun try. St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039. HOUSEWORK Girl for general. Main 1937 or A 5348. GIRL wanted to assist with housework. Ap- FOR SALE Almost everything Im aginable can be found on these pages. If anybody in or near Portland wants to dispose of anything, they immedi ately enlist the aid of an Oregonian "want" ad and accomplish a quick sale. HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework in private family. Apply 229 cnerry st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks EXPERIENCED stenographer, timekeeper, statistician on railroad construction, tun nel, dam, siphon, cut and cover work, as well a newsDaer concerns, wants position with railroad, contracting or engineering concern In Oregon, Idaho or wasmngion, country preferred; transportation mmt be furnUhed. Tom Connor, Wyeth, Or. Al CLOTHING salesman, now employed, wishes to make change, out of town pre ferred; steady; must be permanent. AB i0. Oregoniaan. WANTED Situation as bookkeeper or office man; thoroughly experienced; best of references; no objection to' out-of-towu position. AF 255. Oregonian. MIDDLE. AGED German-American, fine Eastern references, good on books and ac counts, not afraid of manual work, wants clerical position. O 243, Oregonian. YOUNG man with business and office ex perience would like position with whole sale house, or any other reliable firm; ref erence the best. AB 252, Oregonian. TEMPORARY position bookkeeping, time keeper, checker or general office work. Best of references. Residence Piedmont, phone. C 103. ENPERIENCED bookkeeper wants a posi tion. Can furnish the best of references. Call phone Woodlawn 1905. SITUATION wanted as .bank or office man; experienced and with best references. AF 2j4, Oregonian. TEMPORARY position for one or two months by experienced bookkeeper and stenographer. D 254. Oregonian. BRIGHT, young man wishes position as as sistant bookkeeper. Not afraid of hard work. G 235, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and. stenographer, satisfac tion guaranteed. G 252, Oregonian. M isoe llaneous. MARRIED man wants position taking charge of dairy farm; thoroughly under stands stock; first-class milker; or will take position on small place not over 30 cows and board myself. AC 250. Ore gonian. YOUNG man wishes to fill out balance of 2 days a week at clerical, collecting or other work. Can furnish references. E. I. Pierce, 1 1st st. Phone Main 4. WANTED Employment. by professional male nurse and masseur from East ; 7 years' experience; well recommended. Ad dress AD 240. Oregonian. GROCERY clerk with plenty of business ex perience wishes situation; rapid penman and a good solicitor; can furnlsft- first-class city references. G 236, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS pastry cook, also bread baker, 34 years experience in hotel, wishes position; must be first -class. L. Galaaheff, 334 Yamhill. WANTED Evening employment or Sunday. What hare you to offer? Can give satis, factory Portland references. O 240. Ore gonian. JAPANESE boy wants position to do house work In family or hotel. Speaks good Eng lish. R 234, Oregonian. BAKER Young man, 8 yearf.' experience; steady, sober; cr as helper. 252 Colum bia st. BARTENDER, experienced, sober; speaks Ger man; desires position, city or country. X 252, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED CARPENTER AND builder, plumbing and heating; day or contract. A 1027. 584 Third st BAKER on bread and cake desires position as second In or out of town. M 256, Ore gonian. BAKER, all-around, wants permanent situa tion, city or country. C 254. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants Job for 2 hours day. S 238, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH or tool sharpener In or out rf,ir t Oil (t-c o"nn i O Ti BAKER wants position. Second hand on breaa. cake. JJ4 Main st. SOBER, young married man wants position on railroad. R 233. Oregonian. AN all around painter wants steady posi tion. Call labor 4 . POSITION wanted by expsrlenced chauffeur. Phone Main 51H6. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, wants position; references. Main iia. ei n. itn st. JAPANESE family cook wants position at Summer resort. Mam wdbi. 11 i. lotn, Japanese Employment Co. Help supplied. Heo Everett st. rnone main oow, a wo. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE Bookkeepers and Stenographers. INEXPERIENCED girl would like general office work, nave taugnt scnooi. o ioo, Oregonian. BY stenographer who understands law forms and legal work; moderate aaiaxy. raouo A 5446. WANTED By young lady, experienced sten- ograpner aau iwokrccpol. wksw nian. EXPERIENCED stenographer: salary $3 per week first month. Phones East 7540, B 2307. POSITION for office work; young lady can operate typewriter. x zta, oregonian. Dressmaker. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs., 32ui vv asn. St., room zio. PRACTICAL nurse, city references. Call at 132 East 47th st. M IDDLE-AGED practical nurse, extensive experience, nest reierences. a oj.o. Housekeepers. YOUNG widow 22 years of age wants posi tion as housekeeper ror widower or bachelor; has two little girts. AH 255, Oregonian. RESPECTABLE, middle-aged woman wants position as nousekeeper lor elderly coupie, references, no washing. AH 252, Ore gonian. Domestics. A COFFIELD water motor can do your washing if you nave no neip; a gooa pin will stay if you give her a coffield wash ing machine. We send them on trial and show you how to operate. Edwards Com pany, 191 1st st. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT colored woman wishes day work or chamber work, tnone juain oiu. Address 106 th St. TWO women want work by the day. Mrs. Wall, 789 Mississippi ave. AN experienced teacher Is giving instruction in the common orancnes. mono ao.. a 10. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position- East 1160. GIRL would like to go to beach and look after children, c t. uregoman. GERMAN woman wants work by hour or day. B ltV6. room n. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered, -uc pair. a a.uur jo DAY work, laundry, cleaning, for Friday and Saturday. Mrs. jviain WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Successful nursery salesmen; choice territory, big commission; gooa repu tation behind our goods makes sales easy. Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem. Oregon. MAKE $10 A DAY Agents wanted every where to Sell nanweii man uu.. niuo for branch office in your territory. Cres cent Mfg. Co., 712 L St., Sacramento, CaL AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursery stock; casn weemj , iree. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. NEW ARTICLE, easy seller, splendid op portunity ror tne rignt party. ..a nam ber of Commerce. Ask for H- A. Joerns. WANTED TO RENT. ROOMING-HOUSE. furnished, 30 to 40 rooms. .io. oregonian. 'ANTED By two refined girls, single rooms with board; West Side; references. X 254. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED A modern six or seven-room bouse, within walking distance of Post office, west of 3d st.. south district. AJ 2ol. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wants room and board In pri vate family on the est bide. M 255, Oregonian. THREE rooms for business mau and wife, housekeeping. AJ -o'Z, oregonian. FIRST-CLASS room and board, close in. West Side, to married couple. G 2.9. Oregonian WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing snd shoes: we also buy household furnishinKS highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair ueai," o'z 3d st. isortn. rnone juain vt SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 8951. EAST SIDE A17CTION JOBBERS. Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest price. 94 Grand ave. tiast iu&l, a ZU44. WANTED Second-hand pooltable; ta's must be right and price right. Phono East 41 as, city. Clothing wanted; highest prices paid. Phone "Square Deal, M. laoi. rronipt attention. HIGHEST price paid for metals and rub ber. J. Leve, 1S6 Columbia st. M. 51i8. TO BUY second-hand scales, showcase, re frigerator, bread case. 511 Vs Jefferson st. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Rhone bast iuti. WANTED Furniture; highest price paid second-hand furniture, clothing. Mam usu FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE MERTARPER, 126 13th St., corner Washington, just completed, elegantly furnished, several rooms with wail beds, steam heated, hot and cold water In all rooms, private baths if desired; splen did restaurant in building; call and In spect and you will find the maximum of convenience and equipment at very rea sonable prices ; rates by the day, week or montn. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or montn; tourist traae solicited, THE DREXEL. 246H Yamhill, bet. 2d and aa; most modern, up-to-date turnisnea rooms in Portland; beautiful view, fresh air, new building; rooms single and en suite; also unfurnished rooms; reasonable. 3 blocks from P. O. T. E. Hammersly, frjop. Main st&. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc ; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant pubiio parlor; phones ana baths free. FURNISHED rooms, lust opened, new furni turo; modern conveniences, near 2 car- lines, fin view, walking distance, reason able rent; call and see. 435 14th at., cor. college. THE KING. 309 Jefferson St. Nicely fur nished rooms, modern conveniences, close to business center; 50c to $1.00 per day 2 persons, or $2.50 and up per week. Take oth st car from Depot. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington and 13th; beautiful rooms. single or en suite, or adjoining; free phone in eacn room, eiegant parior ana xoooy weekly rates $3 up. Main 7195. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; an modern con venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite the piaza. PACIFIC HOTEL. 214 Columbia st; Summer rates; run ning water In all rooms; transients 50c to 91 day; one can means another. HOTEL IRVING. 812 OAK ST., COR. 6TH Just opened; new and eletrtuitiy fur nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two, $3 and $4 -per week; nice yard and sur roundings. Aster House, 7th and Madison. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and oaths iree. 327 H btarK, corner utn. jurs. aiaua j. isstes. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; Datn, phone; ouc to i oay, s to week. THREE newly furnished rooms; free bath and phone. 190 McMillan st. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3, $4, $5 per week; transient. HOTEL OLYMPUS, 15th and AlderFirst- class rooms by day, week or month. SEVERAL rooms and place for auto. Main 2tU7. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished double outside room, suit able, for 2 eentlemen. in comfortable home' like place; desirable neighborhood; within 1 block of either 23d or W carllne; will give breakfast; reasonable terms. Main 2071. 241 N. 22a st., cor. aiarsnaii. NEWLY furnished room with free bath and phone. 49 N. 14th st., two blocks north of Washington. LARGE front alcove room, choice location. house modern, suitable lor gentleman. 3SS Salmon, bet. West Park and Tenth. TWO very pleasant rooms with alcove, kitchen, piano, sewing machine, $0 week. 411 4th et. TWO nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold water. 611 Mill at., between 14th and loth st. ELEGANT room, new house, walking distance; permanent or transient; reasonable. Main 2219. 19 N. 21ST ST. Private home, pleasant rooms; gentlemen. Call between 10 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. $2.25 PER WEEK, newly furnished room, walking distance. 294 11th, cor. Columbia. LIGHT rooms, bath, both phones free, very central, gentlemen. 405 Stark st. PLEASANT front room, every convenience; walking distance. 301 10th st. NEWLY furnished front room, close in; free bath and phone. 473 Alder st. 265 13TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; rent learn. S45 Washington. NICELY furnished front bedroom; good lo cation. 26G 12th st. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern in every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want ths best In the city for the money, call and inspect; dining-room In connection. HOTEL SARGENT. 1 very large light and airy living-room, with alcove bedroom, partially furnished, or will furnish to buR parties; private tele phone, hot and cold water, electric lights, steam heat. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary. 510 Flanders st.. Miss Frances N. Heath, superintendent. Woman's Ex change, 133 loth at. Mrs. M. E. Brether ton, supt. THE COLONIAL, 165 and 1C7 10th st. cor. ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason, able rates for transient guests. W car to and from depot passes the door. THE LINDELL, 269 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod ern, reasonable; fine walking distance. LARGE suite of front rooms, suitable for 4; close in; home cooking. 225 W- Park st. ROOM and board at the Sterling. 535 Couch at. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison; American plAOi rooms $10; hot and cold water. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board la Private Family. NICELY furnished room with board for re fined business or professional man, private family, modern conveniences, beautiful lo cation, walking distance. Phone Main 5738. BOARD and rooms suitable for man and wife or two people. Rates reasonable. 443 Jefferson. Main 6425. NICE rooms with board; home cooking; mod ern conveniences; terms reasonable. 314 Mill. LARGE, clean, cool room, suitable for two. 2tS 12th st. ROOM and board reasonable; walking dis tance. 624 E. Morrison. FURNISHED room, with board; home cook ing; close in. 328 6th. A 3622. Apartment. THE RE-U-KAN. 624 Marshall Street. The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart ments lit the city; 3-room suites, PKI VATE BATHS and reception halls; bot phones FREE in each apartment; electrie elevator; nice larse verandas both front and back; large lawn and beautiful shade trees: low Summer rates. Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison st.. new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2. 3 and 4 -room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressod-air cleaning, janitor service, from $25 up month ; some unfurnished; come look and be surprised. MADISON Park apartments. Park and Mad ison. Unfurnished apartments, hot and cold water, electric elevator and Janitor service, o minutes' walk from Portland nuici. i iiuiic Jiaiu vau. THE BERYL 605 Lovejoy St.. near 21st, just opened; the largest rooms, the largest closets and the best equipped apartments In the city; don't take anyone's word for it, come and see for yourself. STEPHENSON COURT. Northwest cor. 16th and Mill sts., 2. S, 4 and 5 -room unfurnished apartments; hot water, bath, gas; reasonable. Main 5110. THE MORTON, northwest cor. King and Washington Beautiful 3-room unfur nished apartment for rent cheap. Phone Main 1082. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts., unfurnished apartment, with bath; every convenience; desirable location; reason able rent. Main 2506 THE SOUTHAMPTON, cor. of 10th and Hall, a 4-room, unfurnished, and a 4 roora furnished ; rent very reasonable. Call at 107 6th st., room &, or Main 665. THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts., one 4 and one 5-room unfurnished apartment, all modern conveniences, reasonable rent; references. THE MARLBOROUGH 5 and 6 -room apart ments; 21st and Flanders, Nob Hill dis trict; every convenience. Miln 7518. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished, all cool, outside suites; private phones free. 11th and Columbia. M. 191L A 2720. NEW 6-room, steam-heated flat, modern conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor gan, 503 Ablngton bldg. , JEFFERSONIAN, modern 2 and 8-room fur nished apartments. $20 up. ex son. SPLENDID new furniture for sale, outslda corner apartment for rent. Main 4492. THE CHETOPA Modem 4-room unfur nished apartments. 18th and Flanders sts. Flats. WEST SIDE. CS4H 7th St.. 4-room modem flat, $14, 6S6 7th, 4-room modern lower flat, $16. 590 7th st.. 4-room cottage, $12. No children. Call Kelly, the Morrison, from $ to 9 mornings. 6 ROOMS, hot water, steam heat, hand some building, east front, walking dis tance. 305 11th. Main 1911, A 2720. SUNNY 7 -room corner flat for rent; furni ture for sale; rent of 4 rooms pays house rent. 434 Alder. Main 1140. MODERN, 6-room upper flat, near West !do High School. Inquire 17 16th st-. corner YamhllL MODERN 5-room flat, large lawn, nice neighborhood. 175 East 15th, near Yam hill. NEW 9 and 7rooqg flats, 10 minutes' walk from postofflce. Call 434 Mill st. MODERN 5-room lower flat; nice location; close in. Inquire 529 Everett st. NEW 2 -room ; pantry, laundry, reasonable to adults; 7 min. P. O. Inquire 367 lOth. NEW 5-room flat, very modern, has porch, fireplace, etc.; rent $30. Call 441 11th at. MODERN, lower 5-room flat. 23d and East Salmon sts. Phone Main 17 or A 1813. NEW, modern, lower S-room fiat. Inqulra 814 Eugene st. Rent reasonable. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt at. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278. MODERN 5-room flat ; gas stove, water heater. 8 E, 12th, North. East BOSS. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts Newly furnished for housekeeping;, in cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms $3-50 weak up ; best in city for money ; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "B" or 16th-et. cars north, get off at Marshall at. ONEONTA, 187 17th. near Yamhill; take W car at depot ; furnished 2. S and 4 room housekeeping suites, by week $5.50, by month $20 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 4697, A 4739. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 631 H Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. NEWLY furnished for housekeeping, includ ing gas raugi vieutuu nguL, nu. w&n-i , baths, private front porch. 9 North 10th st.. bet. Stark and Burnside. THE NORDIC A Newly furnished apart ments for housekeeping; strictly modern; on Grand ave., 1 block south of Morrison; walk ing distance. THREE unfurnished or partly furnished; all outside; side entrance, upper floor, gas, electricity, sink. 663 Everett, cor. 17th. BEAUTIFUL place, newly furnished rooms with privilege of cooking; Datn ana pnone. 64 Marshall st. Main 3851. BEAUTIFULLY located two and three-room unfurnished bay-window suites, tfvoa jei ferson and Filth. 532 WILLIAMS AVE. Furnished house keeping rooms, also single rooms. rnoo C 1523. $1.25 WEEK UP Clean furnished house keeping rooms; launary, oatu, yaruu a Stanton. MONTGOMERY Apartments, cor. East Rth and Morrison; iurnisnea Housekeeping rwms, asonable. IVE-room cottage and 4-room flat, fur nished, 520, $15. Main 7761. THE SANGERT, Washington and Trinity, NICE, newly furnished-two-room housekeep ing suite. The Barton, 13th and Aider. A SUITE of nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. The Raymond, lit) litn st. THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, ail conveniences. THE ELMS Two and three-room furnished apartments. 101 14th st. Phone Main 0444. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, $2 per week and up; running water; botn pnones. N. 15th St., cor. Marshall. LARGE newly furnished room; use of kitchen, bath, phone, osts imams ave. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas, .bath (ground floor); $ia montn. wts rront. ONE hou1 keeping room; water and gas. 840 2d st., cor. Market. NEWLY furnished housekeeping suites. close in; $3.u to $t? week. 411 rourtn. 5PI.ENDTD bay window front rooms, large. airy, good location. &.I4 Morrison. WELL furnished front alcove room and kitchen. 33o 14th St., corner Alder. $10, TWO unfurnished light, airy rooms. 107 X. im rt. Fnnne Main ii.w. TWO largo parlors and kitchen, suitable for 2 or 4 people. 29U 10th. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. lower jioor. ou x&miuu v 1