X f . : : FOB SALE RE AX ESTATE. 3SO Fine new home, built by lay labor, all material beln of the best quality; hard wood floor, oak front door and panel, platex-lass window. 4 flne bedrooms, large at tic, superior plumbins. toilets and lavato ries oo each floor; fireplace, built-in side board, fas and electricity; splendid heater; nlnh. llelu basement; an exceptionally well built ar.d well arranged home; close In on paved street. STRONG co.. Financial Agents. 6t Concord Bids'. APARTMEXT-HOUSB SITE. $10,000. One block from Washington St., SOxlOO. with good s-room house. Income $40 per month; this property Is In the center of the best apartment-house and residence district on the West Side; price .ltf.OOO; term. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 12-213 Commercial Club P'.dg. Phones, Main 869. A 2S3. J ACRES on Oregon Electric R. R-. be tween Portland and Hlllsboro. This Is high-class property, mostly In high state of cultivation; electric line runs through the property. This Is all platted in 5 arre tracts and ready for the market. Owner needs to realise Immediately on the property and cannot wait for the saie of the small tracta If you desire a good buy rail on Queen Investment Co.. 410 Falling building. - BEST BUT IN IRVTNOTON. Bresee-at. Addition, full lots, all Im provements, proper restrictions; 10 per cent down, balance monthly. Equity In vestment Co.. 508 Gerllnger bldg. IN THE APPLE BELT 5. 10 and 20-acre apple orchards, with ISO pa-acb. "fillers' per acre. We plant, cultivate, pay taxes 4 years, delivering you a producing prop erty netting larne profits on several times the smount Invested; 10 per cent down and .15 monthly will secure this; It means Independence. D. 1 McLeod, mgr., lio Failing bldg. FTIR QT-ICK TURN. gftxlOO. East Couch, near 22d; worth $210. will take 117J0 If sold this week. Equity Investment Co., 60S Gerllnger bldg. HIGHLAND BUNGALOW, .SOO. New. a-room bungalow. Just finished: owner needs monev and must sell, hence the price, 12IUO.' SOW cash, balance like rent: on E. Tth St.. between Alberta and "Wygant. GRUSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade. 4th and Oak. $400 cash. Balance $25 monthly. Buys new modern 5 -room Bungalow In Sunnyside. Swetland Bldg- Room 610. BEAUTIFUL bungalow of & rooms. Just completed. modern. fireplace. built-in sideboard and book cases. 2 blocks from carllne; price $.12.10: terms $500 down. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones. Main 8199. A 2853. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS The most sightly lot on the Heights. 60x 112. one block from car; faces east; price $3000. terms. H. P. PALMER-JOXES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bids. Phones Main A 200o. SANDY ROAD REALTY CO.. 52D ST AND SANDY ROAD. PHONE C 21T7. PEE US FOR SNAPS IN THE EOPE CITY PARK DISTRICT. WE'VE GOT KM AND CAN SAVE TOU MONEY. LETS TALK IT OVER. A PIPPIN. 100x100. Including all Improvements, which are in now: oniy $1150; eaet front: no rocks or gravel; $-Vo down. $20 per mo.: prettiest piece of around in Portland for this money: East S.de; 20. minutes, to town; building restrictions. R 247. Oreconlan. ONLY $l CASH. Beautiful east front corner. 50x100: ce ment walks and curb, city water all In and paid; two feet above grade; restricted d.s trlct East SUIe. 20 minutes fi-om Morrison bridge; price $50. R 24S. Oregonian. HOMES. $1000 cash, balance like rent. 6. T and 8 rooms. I have many home sites. Will build to anyone's plans; estimates given: easy terms If you want. Call up Main S.l0. room 500 Oregonian bldg. W. H. Herdman. IRV1NGTON HOME. rooms, bath and large sleeping porch; floxloo corner lot: one block from Broadway car: new and modern; flne lawn, roses and other flowers; faxes east; must be sold this week. Box J 254, Oregonian. Hi ACRES at Oak Grove, close to Oregon City carllne; house, barn, henhouse, wood shed, some cleared land and part timber. A bargain If taken soon; $600 required. Owner. SH McKay bldg. A SACRIFICE Must leave town in 10 days. 5-room bungalow neartng completion at low price. Will finish Interior to suit. Phone F. R. Boydle. Exchange 71. SPECIAL $2950. terms, five and six-room house corner lot. modem, street Improved, on carllne. Angeles Trust Co., 326 Wash ington St.. room 417. OWNER offers seven-room Sunnyylde res idence, two lots, bearing fruit trees, very reasonable terma Room 3, Com mercial Club. $1750 40x100: Intersection Porter and Water eta. 175 feet from 3d-st. carllne; flne for (lata. Phone Owner. East 3S9. ACRXAG1 SEE THIS SNAP Unimproved 10-acre tract on line of sur vey for electric car: small cash payment; will take some work on adjoining land; close enough in to market small fruit. Call on owner at 4 N. 6th St. WILLAMETTE RIVER ACREAGE. Have very attractive proposition on deep water, natural groves, springs, sand beaches, etc.: ideal for suburban home; verv accessible to electric line and Port land. AK 213. Oregonian. 11 4-10 ACRES. $150 DOWN. 4 mile from R. R. station. In Tamhlll County all level, cleared and ready for the plow: $1425. F COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. 6 TO 35 ACRES of flne fruit and beaver dam land at $20O per acre, near city, on electric line, near S, P. R. R.; this land will advance rapidly and bring big cash rent. Chlsm. 615 Couch bldg. we have some attractive buys tn Portland acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. U CRES at Oregon Citv; good soil, run ning water. $120. S 233. Oregonian. TWO PO-acre tracts, near Klamath Falls; $4.50 per acre 160 E. 34lh FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LAlbT CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattl. $29 Chamber of Commerce Portland. r rOH SALE 1M00.000 feet yellow fir at $1 I per thousand. This Is a snap. Clean, long ' bodied timber and not red fir. but yellow: I fine mill sue close to railroad and logging j stream. Owner, phone A 41U6. : 16" ACIIKS. cruise UVa.ap,taOo and tip: we lo cate you on good claims. Csll or write us. RAINES-GREENWOOD CO.. 721 Board of Trade. ' TIMBER lands. $2.50 per acre; I locate. ' you purchase, also homestead and timber locations. 219 Worcester bldg. I HAVE good acreage eubdlviecon that would like to imbnilt to rarty with money; few miles from Portland. G 247. Oregonian. 1 . ' WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney at g Slampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. '. JT you are tn the market for good cheap timber, see me before Investing. C. J. McOravken. 3t4 McKay bMg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments. .2T WO It C ESTER BLOCK. LAND SCRIP FOR SALE. 140 ACRES, soldier's additional recertified script for sale at best offer; guaranteed bv Government. Address E. W. Beldler, lirtl East Mst St., Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. WANTED FARMS. TO rent, small Improved farm, near Port land; may buy. J 255, Oregonian. FOR SAXE FARMS. CLARK COUNTY FARMS. 103 acres, all level, all fenced. 33 beaverdam. balance rich gravelly loam. acres cleared. 25 more easily cleared, a acres orchard. SlH apple, cherry. P'"1" and prune trees: 15 acres fine red . ana yellow fir saw timber; 2 miles tile ditch. 6 wells, one 7-room and one 3-rootn house, barn 50x103. 2 onion houses. -bunk houses. 1 surrey house, appie house. 1 cow. team of horses, pious, harrows, mowing machine, binder and onion farm ing tools; 50,000 feet lumber with place, electric carllne will be within 3 minutes walk of farm In !o days, when place will be worth double price asked; lj.4o. terms. 110 acres vegetable loam mixed with gravel, all level and all fenced Into a separate fields, all under cultivation. $.00 water plant, well and windmill, supply ing 100 barrels In 5 hours; 20 acres In pears, apples, prunes and cherries: 1--room house, barn 00x100; $3000 fruit dryer, granary, root house and p.s;gery. school on place; one-half the crop If taken before August 1; near electric carllne. Price $16,000; terms. 160 acres, all level, all fenced and cross fenced, mostly swale and beaverdam. iO ai res under cultivation. 2 acres orchard, 1, acres fir tlmlaer; very nice 7-room house. 2 barns, rustic granary, apple house and other buildings; one-half crop with place: one mile from station. Price $13,300. $5000 cash. 43 64 acres, all level, rich black soil, cm rod. of plank fence, 20 acres under cultivation. 12 acres saw timber, balance second growth fir; 400 gooseberry and 2U currant bushes. 20 apple. 20 prune and some plum trees, 6 nectarine trees. m quinces, house, barn and granary; li ml' to school and close to electric carllne. Price $3500; terma 310 acres, easily clenred. 100 acres bot tom land. Price $2v0; terms. We can sell some of the above 310 acres in 40 acre tracts, stump land, at $20 per acre. We have many other large and small farms close to Vancouver. Some of the above advertised are considered among the finest farms In Clark County and we will be pleased to show Intending pur chasers any of the farms we advertise or have for sale. MURPHY CASWELL. 230 Stark St.. Vancouver Office 712 Main St- $3500 14 ACRES. 7 miles from Courthouse, ., . . - ..,1,1,.,11in' fnmilV ail in nne male na a.u.... - orchard, good 2-story. 7-room house, tine location, verv best of soil, fine gravel road to Portland. "23 acres 16 miles from Portland, flne gravel road. 00 acres In cultivation. 40 acres slashed and nearly ready for plow: 9 acres prune orchard; some good saw timber; 1.5O0.0O0 feet, spring and creek; 2 houses, fair barn, water piped in both; K mile to school, church-and cream ery R F. D.. telephone in house. 3 horses. 12 Jersey cows, bull, two heifers, 22 hogs registered, 75 chickens, wagon, hack, mower, rake. disc, cream separator, all kinds of farm machinery, blacksmith shop and tools; very best of soil; price only $i per acre. Including all personal prorerty and crops; a snap. . 145 acres. U mile from Salem electric station. 125 acres in fine state of culti vation. 20 acres green timber. 15 a?res In hops, all level; family orchard. Hi story house, good barn, on main coun .y road fine location, all in crops; very best of black loam; this Is one of the best buys on the market; lies well for platting In 1 acre tracts. A good Investment, umr anteed as advertised. Price only $100 per acre: good terms. 400 acres. 24. miles from Corvallls; ISO acres in fine state of cultivation; 2.OH0.000 fet of good saw timber. 4OO0 cords of wood 4 hard wood l land all level; the very best of soil: there is enough timber on place to pay for It; price only $40 per acre: good terms. J. H. SHIELDS. 205 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. Second and Alder. Office, Mialn S130; residence. Woodlawn 2169. Portland. LET THE CROPS PAY FOR YOUR HOME IN SOUTHERN ALBERTA. NO CROP, NO PAY. We want Intelligent home-makers. If von cannot come at once, we will plow and plant and cultivate your crops for you, so that Tour larm win pnaajLiuaaiij ao for you to take your cash profits from the PRICES ARE NOW THE LOWEST, $15 PER ACRE AND UPWARD; ONLY 1-10 CASH. m-r NOW AND TAKE YOUR PROFIT. SOUTHERN ALBERTA harvested the large crops on the continent last year. Climate .good, splendid transportation, good roads, quick cash markets, good schools and h,irchr nd fine water: If you want to be independent and own a clear title to a good farm easily and quickly, write or call at once for literature and run particulars. inE-MCARTHY LAND COMPANY. Exclusive Agents Canadian Pacific Railway lianas. 425-6 Lumbermen's Building, Portland. Oregon. r-T.iWtr COUNTY FARMS. We have the finest collection of large and small farms In Clark county, wuicu win be nieased to take you out to see. These farms are near the electric carllne and not far from Vancouver. All the new railroads are heading for Portland through Vancouver, and any of these farms will prove a flne investment. MURPHY & CASWELL. 230 Stark St. Vancouver Office, 712 Main Su SANDY RIVER FRUIT LANDS. ' BEST ON EARTH. SHOT LOAM SOIL. l . ji i it-" .... Free from early and late frost; prices range :rom ev to eiw yi feasor C. I. Lewis, of the Oregon Agricul tural College, what he thinks about the banay riiver ueinii ... " -- -- call on us for full particulars about lands mi sale. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 320 ACrtr-3 1 miles iron c.,y., ern Pacific, 30 miles from Portland: half of this land Is bottom land and beaverdam onion land: over 200 acres In cultivation; 90 acres oi tnis u uu . y torn land under fine system of irrigation the place is all niceiy ier. 1 u i ratr Dunaings. oum auu want tne Desx piace m uirSu or farming; price $100 per acre, reasonable C. T. ROBENSON. Anderson Bldg.. Oregon City. Or. . . . .... - i-m-IT t iVtlH i '.. ,. fnr- an Meal home. call or write ue what you want and we ... . c, . .... ro n Mfc-acre win snow ou ov--ic ------ farm with orchard. 62 acres river bottom land 35 acres Dest irun imiu, ... ' . itt nt aw. have houses. iv-acre uur t v. - - - . . rr-m mn,m,nt and Dams, iwiscb, ". "V, ; M ; uli ,oto with some houses go nicely furnished. 12W acres lor sn invesuneui. v on - River country tor an investment. Greenwood & Co.. 721 Board of Trade. . . . . ... . . r TAm ISOW open i "i 1.7 - - . . the choicest agricultural section of the Northwest. The Snake River Valley. Southern Idaho. State Government supervision. For free Information on Irrigated Lands write ... C. B. Hurtt. Boise. Idaho. 1-0 ACRES dairy ranch and stock, with sawmill run by water power: Soo.000 tim be?M I place, all tor $3500. $10OO down. Other unimproved and Improved farms and dairy tarms: also 5 and 10-aere fruit and chicken ranches; choice lots. $40 and UP" WESTERN LAND CO.. 423 Board of Trade Bldg. STOCK FARM. WW acres, near the county line of Benton and Polk; about 30o acres can be cultivated: house, bam. about 7.rn.t'0 feet of mer chantable timber; on good driving stream; an ideal stock farm; this can be purchased this month for $11,500; forced to sell; worth $15 CM. Owner. T 24S. Oregonian. FREE TO ALL TILLERS OF THE) SOIL. Government bulletin on irrigation in the Willamette Valley ar.d beautifully Illustrated booklet. 'The Call of the Soil" (copyright) sent to any address free. Address Canby Canal Company. Canby. Or. APPLE! ORCHARD. 20 acres. IO planted to Newtowns and Sr-ttxenbercs. 3 years old: 5 miles from the Columbia River, in the Hood River district: $.Vs0 takes this if sold this week. Box F 225. Oregonian. $7500 for mv 160-aere farm. 4t$ miles from the Columbia River and North Bank R. R-: good h use and outbuildings; 2 fine springs: rnust have cash this week; H cash will buy this. Box D 224. Oregonian. SEND for our list of Willamette' Valley farms before buying: lands shown free Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. FOR full Information how to secure farms In British Columbia write or call on R- E. Butler. 228 Stark st. BARGAINS Improved and unimproved Cowlitx County farm lands. Barnard St Co.. Kalama. Wash. ALL good ones: see us. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trad bids. THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, MONDAY, JULY 19, 1909. FOR SALE FARMS. HOOD RIVER IN SMALL TRACTS. FRUIT LANDS In the Vanderbllt Orchard Lands Company tract. We are exclusive selling agents. Price $125 per acre, cn easy terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. FINE 60 acres of fruit land. 30 acres cultl- vatea. o acres cnuice unci cia, 1200 boxes last year; trade for Portland property: $to00; snap. Louis Becntel. Salem. Or. WILL trade for good real estate my ladles' furmsning. millinery, eic. iiuic, wc. . cation on Washington st. ; good lease, small expense; doing fine business; will give good terms. H 232. Oregonian. WE have a flne five-acre tract to exchange for city property, ana omer jruiinu , and out of city. Come and see our list If you want to trade. Young & Co.. OIL Gerllnger bldg. WILL exchange timber lands near trans portat'on for city or suburban realty, assuming mortgage or differences. P. O. Box 740. 160 ACRES in Lake County to trade for gro cery store or good business of some kind. Owner 13 Board of Trade. Splendid op portunity. BIDPATH'S History of World, and set driving harness, ror aesk or snotgun Henderson. 22S Abington bldg. WILL exchange lots and acreage for stock. W-hat have you? Ask for the trader at room 3 Washington bldg. WILL take odd pieces furniture first pay- meni wit iui, um. . " ... gonian. GOLDFIELD mining securities to trade for suburban lots or acreage. AU ui ihui payment. N 250. Oregonian. 20 ACRES near Reedville.to trade for gro cery or hardware store or lodglngbouse. 615 Board of Trade. . , WILL trade East Portland property for North Portland property, sua r.ast nne. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1010 Board of Trade. THIKTY shares U. Wireless stock, for lots or acreage. K .13, oregonian. WANTED REAL EST ATS. I WANT to buy a 5 or - 6 -room modern house, must be where gas Is connected; value from $1S00 to $2400; can pay $400 or $500 down and $40 or more per month. I want replies at once; give location and price. Address N 26L Oregonian. WANTED Choice lots In Rose City Park. Elmhurst. Wiberg Heights. .Menefee Addi tion and Possmere; we can make a quick turn If your price Is right: buyers waiting. Sandy Road Realty Co., 52d St. and Sandy Road. Phone C 2177. WANTED Uncleared .pr partly cleared farm land, about 350 acres. In Willamette Valley, within some 60 miles from Portlsnd; good for fruits and gardening; no agent but owner need apply. bl. I.. P. O. Box 170. LIST your property with us; we sell for vou In short time for cash. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. WE pay cash for equity. What property have you to offerT Sell your contract to us: we have buyers. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Vi Washington st. CHOICE homes and building lots our great est need; we can sell them. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. I WANT to buy fnom owner well-built 8-room home; give location and price In first let ter; no agents. AL 220. Oregonian. WANTED Good bargain for cash In Hood River orchard land; state particulars. F. F., Portland Hotel. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEADS FOR 200 FAMILIES. We make a specialty of HOMESTEADS, suitable for any man or woman to estab lish a home; good climate and best or soil: every acre tillable and adapted for fruit, apples, pears, plums, peaches and aM kinds of berries and all kinds of grain: land within 3 to 12 miles from growing town and on line of proposed railroad. WE CAN AND WILL SATISFY YOU. Call now. First party leaving Monday. SPENCER & CO.. 102 2d st. IMPROVE the opportunity of homesteadlng 320 acres good wheat land: under new ruling residence not necessary. Embody Bradley Co., 615 Lumbermen's bldg. Main or A 3165. 320 ACRES: A HOMESTEAD. jrr.r rcivommenr lands cet busy today. All bunch-grass land. For Information call 721 BOARD OF TRADE. FOR BALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one from an old established wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high rent district, own our ... hA t.rlM Fvrlu- PUllUIUg MUU Ian "lano ...d sive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Company fine vehicles, delivery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you' buy. It may save you money. rt. M. ivaas oc c . - - tonMw. ... twren B. 1st and 2d sts. s-or ssT.rc or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day, week, or month. Phones East 7a x ist. nw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. wtt.i. have a carload of horses In Tuesday both heavy and medium; best bargains ever offered in Portland, come eanj au mat voiir choice. Montavilla Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, cor. Hibbard and Base Line road. Phone Tabor 24t. A BLACK 7-year-old gelding. 1330. as good s woraer as vm ' " -" " - figure: a 5-year-old brown gelding, com bination horse. 1000 lbs., a good, stylish and trusty horse for anybody., 505 Alblna avenue. BEAUTIFUL jet black gelding. 3 years, 16 hands; 1150 pounds, trots 2:40; safe for lady: also 2:10 trotters, 5 years, 16 hands, from jonnston s esiaie. cuniu.n,n. Apply Hansen, swbo i-iij ... ... s bt A TiAHD-BRED gelding. 6 years old. weighs better than 1100, city broke, can show a tnirty gait; ancu oj wi-1"- Mark in 2:20. inquire at ouo aidhi A 2-YEARS lease on a sale and livery stable. 36 stalls; can be had very reason able on account ot sickness. Call at 495 Ross at., Albina. . . . ... 1- 1 1 Antt hnnM 1450 tO e 1700; single Duggy. f, , d three neavy inuu East l.i2. . . . , n.i.i. m. list,. In. m of WAIN 1CU immruimiiiij, -- horses or ponies, oneasy terms, security given. Apply ac ' . oiuoiau, FOR SALE One span mares. 4 and 5 years. weight 20 Ins., in narueoo. Pickett, urcnaraa, " enn.i n tf.am ot horses, harness an wagon: will sell oheap. Columbia Stables. 302 f ront si. $50 BUYS horse, good wagon and harness. . 2114 Montgomery st. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Stables. 11th ana jenersuii. j. o-w. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness" of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. HUBERT HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent hemes, vehicles; low rates ou gime ne-. A YOUNG team of horses, weight 1150 each. 265 16th st. AT Union Stockyards, one carload of young horses. vtvp -,i.hi niann for sale or trade at C. 6. Pick's warehouse, 2d and Pins sts. AN 134. Oregonian. $700 AUTOPIANO. practically new, 41 rolls OI music; gooa selections. . i sonable. 1S1 14th st. Main 5904. Aotomobtles. 16-HORSEPOWER FORD in good condition; cn he taken out for trial: cash or will trade for Home Tel. bonds. Cohn Brothers Furniture Co.. 180 First st. TTI.FICTRIC auto, cost $1800: first-class con dition- will sell for glOOO cash or terms, or trade for real estate. Inquire Seng- stake & Lyman. o rutn st. AUTOMOBILE for sale. Cadillac. Inquire J A. Jones. 811 Johnson. Main 2067. Miscellaneous, NATIONAL cash register, total and detail adder; cost $205. lor $100. 33 North So. i : 7- SITUATION WAIED-1ULE. BEI. KTIK MAI.H. I " " I Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. The entire western Importing Co.'w bankrupt fixtures, furniture a $500 fire proof Iron safe. $230; National cash reg ister, showcases, shelvings, letter press, etc. Inquire at Andrew Kan fc Co.. 246 Washington St. BARGAIN HUNTERS. Here's your chance, 33 standard makes sewing machines, all In good order, from $10 up; they must go quickly. White Sew-In,- Machine Store, 420 Washington st FOR SALE In perfect condition. 1 Bab- cock stannope: practically new, iui 1 than half its original price: can be seen at Portland Riding Academy, 22d and Johnson. N TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, so per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co., 203 2d St. FOR SALE 1909 Indian motorcycle, 3- horsepower, nearly new, m nrst-ciass con dition; must sell; reasonable for cash. Address AF 233. Oregonian. LAUNCH. 31 feet. 15-h. p.. Government equipped complete with Doatnouse, cneap or exchanger for property. AL 216, Orego nian. PUPPIES Thoroughbred English field cock er spaniels, 5 weeks oin. see mem at inu Electric Studio. 143 6th St. FOR SALE Best dry -ft. flr and oak wood at lowest marker prices. noovei. $13 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 544n. SAFES Fire and burglar proof, all sizes; second-hand safes and vault aoors cneap. Davis Safe Lock Co., 66 3d st. . STEVENS' MOVING PICTURE EXCHANGE Films for rent, complete equipment theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st. FURNITURE (miscellaneous! for sale at 471 E. Ash. Phone is l.ww. HELP WANTED MALE. REAL ESTATE man will take young man as partner to snow imtu. nu necessary and very little cash requlned; good chance for bright fellow. Particu lars National Realty & Trust Co.. 3264 Washington St., room 516. BARBER wanted to open a !-chalr barber shop at once In a spienaia raiironu Eastern Washington. $50 and $200 will handle it: a splendid opportunity to make big monejr. Apply Wilson's. 72 Sixth st. MEN for railway mall clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers, internal revenue, cm., good salary and promotion with each po sition; we prepare you: examinations soon. Write Pacific States School, McKay bldg. MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless teiegraony ana eiiBineci ins. tion work: practical instruction; largest pri vate station in the world. Send stamp for circulars. Wireless Institute, San Francisco, WANTED 500 men to attend my clearance sale; $22.50 suns on saie iui v.. suits on sale for $15. Come early TRULY WARREN, the Sample suit Man Room 315, Oregonian Bldg. WANTED Railway mail clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers, examinations land November 17; preparation free. Franklin lnstltuto. Dept. 258 D., Roches ter. N. Y. LEARN to operate motion-pictures If you desire to increase your rioo,.i ,.,...-., earn big salary, short hours, easy Inside work: lessons reasonable. Particulars S2S4 Washington. GOOD salesman with $400 can secure line of building materials ana noueenoiu umii. that will pay $3000 net per year in leading towns in Oregon and Washington. Address V 226. Oregonian. . AMBITIOUS man, with small capital, as as .i.tant tn bvnnotist in vaudeville: expert ence not necessary. Prof. Craig. Hotel Ramapo. W ANTED KeuaDie conienici mi o - . poratton; sieaay worn, gnuu invest $600 or more in stock, redeemed In one year. Af zan, cireKdiiia.11. t WANTED Two box factory cut-olf sawyers. ' PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO!. 12 North Second St. WANTED Young man, as partner, money- making business; experience uiiiicLnomiij, small capital required. 32654 Washington st.. room 411. FIRST-CLASS cabinetmaker or njschlne man ..,. - hnnmn dollars can aet perma nent position paying $125 per month. Ad dress V 227, oregonian. WAMtiU Men to iwim ..a . - -- graving anu opu, i..u.i.. - positions secured. S. F. Watchmaking 1 00 u-arnAv mt Sn n Francisco. r. , v-l- r, .aiwtlilna anllHlnni. out ,ArnniE,-"-oi p side, special edition work; city, contract work; dailv commissions; three publica tions. Benedictine Press. Goodnough bldg. WANTED Young men, railroad telegrapny; ...iv i.amaH rood wares: investigate. College of Telegraphy, phoenix bldg., 6th and oak. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade nursery stock: outfit furnished; liberal commission: cash weekly. Salem Nursery Company. Salem, or. WANTED Man with $150; salary $5 day; experience unnecessary; handle your own money. Room 21, today. 269 Washing ton. it vpcri FNTF.n trunkmaker wanted at "once. Spokane Trunk Grip Co.. Spokane, Wash. DooirvvvprB nnrl stenographer, exper ienced with best references. H. B. Litt, 351 Washington St. wantf.d Young men to act as news agents on R. R. trains. Cole News Co. 332 Johnson St. WANTED House painter who knows his DUSineais auu vm 1 Realty & Trust Co.. aoift wasn. c . . . . . . 1 n 1 1 .. nrn laam busi ness. Violet Pressing Parlor, 6th and Yamhill. MAN wanted to learn automobile driving and repairing. Apply 52 N. 7th St. Phone Main 44oia, A 4SOi. DAT.rRMTIV. all lines: bookkeepers, stenog raphers for city and country. Comercial Abstract CO., SOS coiuiuei umi cmn. FIRST-CLASS Job polisher and plater at once. Oregon Brass Works, 69 North 2d street. 2 energetic salesmen, city and country work, with book or specialty -experience preferred. Call after 9 A. M. 3.U r lieaner uiug. WANTED A reliable boy to drive a de livery WagOn anu UU KCiiciai a,wi w,. Apply Anurew ivaiia ax. WANTED First-class machine man that can run sticker and shaper, 8 hours day. Call 202 Maxquam bldg. WE secure positions for our members Special membersnip. x. aa. c. a. FIRST-CLASS pantsmaker wanted. Nlcoll, the Tailor, lus aa- REGISTERBD drug clerk. Call (194 Wash ington St., COr. llltn St. StJieieunca. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine r-nnt T T.nratl. 161 2d. Main 5500. HIGH-CLASS salesman, big wages, perma - au r-nmmet-clnl Block. WANTED Photo coupon agents, new offer. t-. i. j m c.t,,ln Wash. HELPER wanted around bakery. Apply Log Cabin rfaKery CD- l nuaan ot. ner in the right direction unavoidably brings results. Oregonian wants are a sample of the right kind of energy directed in the right direction. gy $3000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made in real estate business; no capnai icu.,, will teach you the business by mall; ap point you special representative of lead ing real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative; write for 63-page book free; It will be sure to interest you. The Cross Co.. 82 Reaper block. Chicago. SALESMAN FOR BEACH RESORT. t i -.... man In Portland Who ii mric am i, " j ..- - . think they are capable of making good with a mighty live, tair real cmi" v. cern. "one of the big ones," wc want to talk with them. We've got an interesting propcsltion in the sales department, fc-ee Mr. Stiles. Columbia Trust Company, Board of Trade bldg. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year: men and women to learn oaroer traae m eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert instructor; ' tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE salesmen, we have the llvest proposition In Portland, our Bus tlers can and do make from $500 to $1000 per month. A few first-class men wanted. American Trust Co., 202-204 Chamber of Commerce. See L. M. Hickok. mornings. HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS, 18 years of age and over, to wdrk in bag factory. Aj.piy ai onre. AMEri HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 5th and Iavl Sts. WANTED Young ladles between age of 20 . . i, tn hecome ana -o take irainins aium" . ---- nurses. First year $13. second year $20 and last six months $25 per month. For particulars apply Superintendent Lumber men's Hospital, Eatonvllle. Wash. WANTED TODAT. Cooks, cooks' helpers, waitresses, cham bermaids, house girls, housekeepers, etc etC PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Dept., 203 Morrison bt. - 2000 WOMEN wanted to see our sample ClOaKS, suits, SHiris aim ? a - and less. Worrells Sample Cloaks and Suits, 134 . 6th St.. cor. Alder, opposite Oregonian. APPRENTICES to learn millinery. Fall sea son; Small pay IO Start; aavmianaiaavaaa. Call before 10. Mrs. T. F. Ready, Grand Leader. THE Meier si Frank Store can use a num ber of competent sales clerks in various departments. Apply to superintendent be fore 10 A. M. ' HOUSEWORK Competent girl for genera! housework, mostly cooking, ramiiy maam. 714 Tillamook, end Irvington car. BRIGHT, cheerful woman of fair education for permanent position in a K6iii.i. business, nurse preferred. G 241. Oregonian. DEMONSTRATOR, familiar with sewing ma chine, for stocking amuBi. -. - gonian. PARTNER Lady would llko lady; res taurant ana aciicaies&eu, uv.,nu.. - 231, Oregonian. TOUNO lady to do light office work. Call toaay neiwccu a, anu dale St. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. MANICURING. hairdrcssing. dermatology. Mrs. Holmes, sneclallst. -teacn aiso. avi Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash. WANTED ladles to ask for Mrs. Gray's Sanitary Belts. r-very lauy snuiuu aiaa one. sl3 Marquam oiug. MRS. HOWE'S LADIE3- AGENCY. 32614 Washington St., Room 307. Main 8836. or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman fir re- , , - Vlavl. fn . ftOfl Rot h- chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Young girl about 18 to assist in OlllCe WQIa, -eaia en. .. bldg. WANTED Girl for general housekeeping and plain cooking; gooa nome wia Boou wages. 2S4 fark st. GIRL wanted, experienced In making change, at once. Portland Dairy Lunch, 13 1st st. GIRLS In laundry Mount Hood Shirt Fac tory. 233 Coucn st. WAITRESS, experienced. The "Weaver. 710 Washington, near wng. COOK First-class, experienced. The Weaver, 710 Washington si.. nvr COMPETENT girl for cooking and general nousewori. ooa d- GIRL for general housework in small fam Uy; Piedmont. ' Phone Woodlawn 2374. HOUSEWORK An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 565 Hoyt st. GIRL for general housework at Day Nursery, Zi FIRST-CLASS weaver. Address 514 Wash ington st., Olympia, Wash. GIRLS to make shirts. Mount Hood Shtrt factory, -ioo t-wuuu n- TWO waitresses. Great Northern Hotel, 510 NEAT girl for general housework and help with cooKing; no uuwicu. oaa. m GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, (jrana ave ana h.ul iniiui. Twrv vminir elrls for waitresses In restau rant; must be experienced. 269 Taylor st. EXPERIENCED waitress. palace Restau rant, tn su A WAITRESS. Apply at once, Union Depot Restaurant. WANTED Experienced arm waitress. 62 N. 6th St. GIRLS to make overalls. Mount Hood Shirt Factory, -.6J toucn st. GIRL to assist with general housework. 360 13 th. GIRL to assist in housework. 680 Lovejoy st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK Teachers' Agency helps good teachers to better positions. oi Dweuana ojug. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by exoert. 5 a montn. 2ty ltin. isw. FRENCH AND GERMAN la classes, $1 pe month to Offirinners. o Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks nAnTrTrrnnfV e. n t anrto-po nh V VOlin BUUiMvr.n.1 i.n o-iiv .v. vo.aw . v man having experience in general office work, desires position -u" owia.t, prlslng nrm in nouuiern fornia. G 240, Oregonian. Misce 1 ianeons. SITUATION WANTED CARPENTER AND builder, plumbing and heating; day or contract. A Oft x mra POSITION hoisting engineer; clamshell 1 1-- tVa -vaw a on. a TUT or oranpepeei ui"-rci.. a. VUVV( bf . on -i aa 1 1 t-h sit STRONG boy of 17 years, used to farm would liKe place on irun. rauua. . j ssoo, Oregonian. YOUNG married man wants position of any kind. AS uregonian. Taka's Japanese House Cleaning Co.. clean , ir Via-. r- KsllwAni. Ul'l lag, luunuif, uj - " A LIVE, hustling solicitor wants to hear of yoar proposition. a. -sw. oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants place as janitor, any place. uregonian. Japanese Employment Co. Help supplied. 268 Everett st. Phone Main 4850. A 4073. CARPENTER and finisher, married; refer ences, oo .ia. jr-nono a uit. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk and solicitor can give reference, a s4u, oregonian. JAPANESE cook --ants position In irlvata faro I it. fj xt-if vregpcmiv Mlscellaxte on. JAPANESE labor association; all kinds of help promptly furnished: outdoor laborers a specialty; also a con-tract taken for farm-work, wood-chopping, etc S49 Couch St., Portland. Both phones. Main 6521. A 4358. SITUATION wanted, experienced ladles' tailor for alteration room. Address 228 9th sc. Corvallls, Or. SITUATION WANTED FEMAXsV TRAINED NURSE, best care: Invalid helpless. feeble-mlnaea, speciaicj , ia"' home. Tabor 1346. CALL up Main 5T96 for good practical nurse. 131 N. lotn st. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse, extensive experience, uest iavmin-s," - PRACTICAL nurse, city references. Call at 132 East 4itn st. Dressmaker. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. . i nnd 1 Ttraen sir . rOflnl stills. Mrs. Aneoi'ja, aaWT " DRESSMAKING, both plain and fancy, rea- sonaoie. tu - Domestic. SWEDISH girl wants housekeeping work; -a : l TXr Oil II f Sa CT fill I ftl nrst or second gin. " Mlseellajieons. LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40 cent per pair. liast jiw, iwo. LACE cvrtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered, eve pair. VERY capable woman, family cook, 35. St. JjOUlS, ZSOV i avail. iam . WOMAN 'wants day's work; good laundress rererence. oui f lanaers at. mom w... EXPERIENCED laundress would like work. by day. Fhone Mam ouyi. UCE curtains washed and. stretched. 40c pair. none siain aoo. av EXPERIENCED colored woman wants work by the day. Main aoa. ELDERLY lady position as housekeeper for bachelor or wiciower. .-a. -a. vis...... WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Successful nursery eeiesmen; choice territory, oig coinnuaawu, sw ,. tation behind our goods makes sales easy. Address Oregon Nursery Company. Salem, Oregon. MAKE 110 A DAYAgents wanted, every where to sell riartwen man uua. ..i.i. for hranch office In your territory. Cres cent Mfg. Co., 712 L. St.-, Sacramento. aL AGENTS to sell Air Line stock: pays 12 per CenL IO mveeiiuia. v-i..w - -- trie Air Line R. R. Co.; Portland office, 529 New Lumbermen's oia. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of JZ.-l . 1.. QCh aaroAlrlv: outfit free. Capital Uliy isurswry aaa.. oani.,. WASTED TO BENT.. YOUNG lady employed during day wishes ... . . ii.k, hmiGalrami. room Wltn oreaaniaiaL ui n.ii. ..- lng' must be central and reasonable: rer erences exchanged. AC 248. Oregonian. WAXTED IISCEIJaANE0C8. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing am snoes; we a-- - - nignest prices pam. vaai, -Deal " 62 3d at- North. Phone Main 927i SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction io., ui d Phones A 2445. Main 8951. I WANT to buy a set of Oregon Reports; also Montagues Digest; win paaj -. Ben Rlesland, 410 Falling bldg. . n-nT7. .i-"arrtT TllTiratr.T5K Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest price. 94 lirana ave. aiaai awwx, ' Clothing wanted: highest prices paid. Phone Souare Deal." M. 1851. Prompt attention. HIGHEST price pain Dtir. .1. i.ai, " SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt i ... .l,r,n Xahnaie ITfLSt 1 0ti7. attention aiwtajaa 6 1 - BOARD and room tn private family; close in preierreu. ivi. aaa. WANTED Furniture: highest price Paid . i ...mi.,,a ainihlna Afafn 2080. Secoilia-ltaaiiia aunnm., o- FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. XrlHi MEiniiaairmi'i - - , -- Washington, Just completed, elegantly ..nmiDDa-D t OH Iflth Si . Miliar furnlsnea, several iwma "" 7: steam heated, hot and cold water In all rooms, private .baths If desired; splen did restaurant in uunume, a... spect and you will find the maximum of Convenience HUH eijiaiiiiiciaa - a 1 sonable prices; rates by the day, week or montn. HOTEL ANTLERS. corner lutn anavvaiaias",a. RENOVATED ; rooms with PRIVATb BATHS; Single or en uuina. iwain. LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist iraao Boutuwi. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside. J. ncj njaiflisi - Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS THE H A rt 1 JN ia aua ujt agement; newly -renovated IhrouehouC; 0 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc rooms $10 month up; suites with running v ate. , f" "" . w- - 1 s.nnac- r, i- kelhl fra. PUDIIC 1)9. , lJ""''vo sa-asva TTOTEL FRANKLIN. wo..nizirtn and 13th: beautiful rooms, single or en suite, or adjoining; free Phone in eacn ruum, eicstun, vi w . weekly rates $3 up. Mam io- T A CW HOT ITT. ning water in all rooms; transients 50c to 1 day; one call means anouiei. HOTEL IRVING. ai5 oak: st.. cor. 6TH. Tmt nrM-rpd new and eleeantiy fur' nlsbed; all conveniences; rates reasonable. -ti " c t -v 'i.rnlshcH rnnm miltnhlA for tWO. $3 and $4 per week; nice yard and sur roundings. Aster Mouse, iin ana mhuibub THE ESTE3 Good rocms, reasonable; new lumuure, leiev-iuuc xiw w,i,.s w-s im c-. ivnar at h Xf ra Maud J. Kstea. tpttwtsh F,n rooms, all modern conven iences, day. week or month; transient SO' lieited. lHl oin st. aiam uoyo. THE) RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, pnone; ouc to i. oay, . w THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen i - CA nar woablr - tranAlnt TWO double and one single room for rent rates reasonable. ita w esi rarit, HOTEL OLYMPUS, 15th and Alder First class rooms by day, weea or montn. Furnished Rooms tn Private Fimllj. LARGE front alcove room, choice location, house modern, suitable for gentleman. toaimon, Det. vv esi t-ari. a-uu acihu TWO nicely furnished front rooms, modern conveniences; two blocks from carline; reasonable rent. 585 E. Taylor. East 4054. 213 THIRTEENTH ST. Two nicely furnished rooms ; modern conveniences ; suitable two or more persons. NEWLY furnished, reasonable; residence district, batn. neai. pnone. - Main 7Mu. nT . .rr, . hmiw wAlkine distance JjijtjArs x iwiu, " . ' naariansni or trancient: reasonable. Main 2219. NICELY furnished -room for one or two . , . . nnmfnrl' T h rtr A Main gentlemen. U-r 3UZ or FRONT room for gentleman, breakfast if desired. n loin, w.nwu Aider. 21ST ST. Private home, pleasant rooms; i;eiiuri.ici.. and 2:30 v. - re-n. anaAm rVUMTl rkflftlV fl 1 TT. Ii h Pf! in.a in: free use of piano and phone. A 1968. Call forenoon. PLEASANT airy room, all conveniences. suitable for 2; reasonable. 475 ciay b. Rooms With isostrd. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con venienct:. jiui ! THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison; America 4?1ah5- looms sf lt; tjt-aai coir- -jvoieri. Booms With Board. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St., near King, brapd new. elegantly furnished ; overy room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum or convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want tbo bestt In the city for the money, call and Inspect; dining-room in connection. ' HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing room ana li brary. 510 Flanders Bt.. Miss Frances N. Heath, superintendent. Woman's Ex change, 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Brether ton, supt. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison at., family hotel, modern, now management, uu optional; best Uble board; prices mod erate. THE, LINDELL, 269 Market Nicely fur- em, reasonable; flne walking distance. THE COLONIAL, comer 10th and Morri son; finest boara ana Dest rooms in run land ; rates lowest; a comfortable bom. A. WRIGHT rooming-house, 475 Morrison at. ; nice rooms for men. witn or wiuioui iru.. Phone Main 4613. WELL furnished rooms with board; very oe rural. 167 litn st. ttooras With Board tn Private Family. NICE, large, newly furnished rooms with ooara; warning uiti.;w. ut.i. cu -carlines. 59o E. Oak. corner East 15th. ROOM and board, large, elegantly furnished room, suitanie ior two or tnreo men, reasonable. 653 Washington st. NICB rooms with board; home cooking; mod ern conveniences; terms i:caauuuio. Mill. LARGE, clean, cool room, suitable for two. 268 12th st. WANTED Child to board; best of care. AL is-'O, urcgonian. ROOM and board reasonable; walking dis tance. Ol .Cj. 4X-.V. I rnvu. NOB HILL, large front room, handsomely furnished, lawn, ciose in. aimn oioo. LARGE corner room witly first-class board. ttf5 wasnington. FRONT ROOM for 2 gentlemen, with 64 North 16th St.. cor. Davis. board. ApartmeSrt. THE RE-U-KAN. 624 Marshall Street. The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart ments in the city; 3-room suites. PRI VATE BATHS and reception halls; bottt phones FREE in each apartment; electric elevator; nice large verandas both front and back; large lawn and beautiful shade trees; low Summer rates. Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks irom Morrison ot.. bb building, completely first-class, furnished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air cleaning, janitor service, from If 25 up month; some unfurnished; come look and be surprised. THE BERYL 695 Lovejoy St.. near 21st, just opened; tne largest rooms, mo mrgos. closets and the best equipped apartments In the city; don't take anyone's word lor It, come and see for yourself. THE MORTON, northeast cor. King and Washington 5eauiuui 4-ruum umu' nished apartment for rent cheap. Phone Main 1082. THS HANOVER, 165 King, near Washing ton Unrurnisnea apariuieiii. .mco rooms; every modern convenience; flne location; adults only. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts.. unfurnishea apartment, wnn oam, j convenience; desirable location; reason able rent. Main 2500. TH E SOUTHAMPTON, cor. of 10th and Hall, a 4-room, unrurnisnea, aim . room furnished; rent very re.MHii Call at 107 6th st., room 5, or Main 66o. THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts.. one 4 and one 5-room unrurnisneu yB..umui, all modern conveniences, reasonable rent; references. THE MARLBOROUGH 5 and 6-room apart ments; 2131 ana r isjiaers. uu im. . trict; svery convenience. Main 7516. EXCEPTIONALLY furnished 3-room mod ern apartment, uuui pn-i., -.-. "- walk to postoffice Call 409i E. Burnside. MODERN 5-room apartment, fully furnished. inclUuing teiepnone, Ktts, Jbuiw '"- etc Phone A 1133. NEW 5-room, steam-heated flat, modern conveniences; rea.isoniiui u - . gan, 503 Abington bldg. JEFFERSONIAN, modern 2 and 3-room fur nished apartments. $20 up. 16th-Jefferson. Flats. MORRISON COURT East Morrison St., cor. of 16th, new modern 6-room upper flat; Co lonial balcony; desirable location on Mount Tabor and Sunnyside carlines. Phone Mrs. A. T. Webb, East 1619, B 1886. MODERN, 6-room upper fiav,. near West Side High School, Inquire 175 lflth St.. corner YamhilL i"2 BO PER MONTH, 3 very nice 6-room flats, modern conveniences. 69 North 23d St. FOR RENT 5 rooms, modern, lower flat, on Hall, near Park. Inquire at 349 Hall, Rent $30. NICB upper flat of 4 or 6 large cool rooms; open porch; new, modern. 768 East Bum side. East 3034. FOR RENT Completely furnished flat of 5 rooms until September 1; J30. Inquire Mrs. Frohman, Parlor C, Portland Hotel. 6 ROOMS, hot water, steam heat, handsome building, walking distance. 306 11th. Main 1911, A 2720. NEW 9 and 7-room flats, 10 minutes' walk from postofflce. Call. 434 Mill st. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt sU Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278. 3-ROOM modern flats, furnished and un furnished. 225 Market. Phone Main 616. MODERN 6-room flat; gas stove, water heater. 8 E. 12th, North. East 5088. MODERN 5-room lower flat; nice location; close in. Inquire 529 Everett st. NEW modem upper flat. 318 Russell, near Rodney; S20 per month. NEW, modern, lower 5-room flat. Inquire 314 Vi Eugene st. Rent reasonable. MODERN 4-room flat, separate entrance, nice porches and yard. 494 Columbia st. 6-ROOM upper flat, all light rooms, lawn, walking distance. 563 Everett Housekeeping Rooms. WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; west sid-a river; 2 rooms 6; 3 for $12; front part cottag J15; cottage. S rooms. ' $20. Apply 364 North 26th; 16th-st. car on Washington to 26th, south half block. . THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631H Washington, cor. '20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington sts.; 1 elegantly furnished 8-room apart ment; hot and cold running water, bath and phone; only $30. FOR SALE Furniture two rooms, house keeping; must be sold at once; rooms suit able for office. Room 10. Cambridge bldg. BEAUTIFUL place, newly furnished rooms with privilege of cooking; bath and phone. 6l4 Marshall st. Main 385L BE DUTIFULLY located two and three-room unfurnished bay-window suites. 305 Jef ferson and Fifth. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS, cor. East Eighth and Morrison Furnished house keeping suites, reasonable. 532 WILLIAMS AVE". Furnished house keeping rooms, also single rooms. Phone C 1523. $1.25 WEEK UP Clean furnished house keeping rooms; laundry, batn, yard. 203 Stanton. , THREE rooms. nicely furnished housekeeping 392 Jefferson, cor. 10th st. NICE, newly furnished two-room housekeep ing suite. The Barton, 13th and Alder. THE MILNRR. 350 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. TWO furnished liousekeeping rooms, gas, electcio light. 2,32. Wasn ins tonA room 15, 1 t. 'J.