PROSPECT IS FAIR Oregon Hop Crop Estimated at 65,000 Bales. QUALITY WILL BE GOOD Kcports lrom Kngland Show Crop in rvor Shape, but German Crop . Is Unknown Qauntity and May Change Market, According to Julius Pincus. the recent rains have added 5000 bales to the hop crop, beside improving; the quality. Mr. Ptnous says that while the crop will not be o a-neat as last year. the. quality will be lmproTed. While there are no changes In prices and no deal orflolally reported there are a num ber of rumors'eurrent about dealers' selling contracts to on another. The dealers will rot exhibit cables, for they are now In the n.arsst 'or actual hops and anything tend In to bull the Oregon prloe. such as bad continental hop reports. Is being withheld. "With tSie condition of the English crop generally styled as baa. the German mar ket Is the one doubtful feature. Bullish catolea have been received, but New York advices are that the crops are In good shape and but slightly Infected. A Sacramento grower yesterday estimated the Oregon crop at 6 5, 000 bales: California. eS.OOOHJ70.Ono bales, and Washington. 15.000 90.000 bales. Liverpool advices ana that Paclflo Coast hops are selling at IS cents a pound, which would be equivalent to cents on the Coast. Tho fcea-ry stocks of old hops held In Eng land are tending to keep the market down. The following representative reports are taken in part, from the Kentish Observer: Sheldwlch. Fawrsham It la only that It Is atlll June and not July that prevents the coming crop from being In a very critical state. Teyn-ham The late rains have started the tint growing freely, but it Is still infested with vermin and the ground Is too wet for .the washers to work. No mould to be seen at present. Worcester Heavy rains hav caused the Plant to grow fast and In forward grounds the vine Is over the tops of the poles and strings, but vermin Increases seriously and the wet state of the ground prevents wash Ins:. Values are firm, holders being less dis posed to sell, owing to the severe blight Maidstone During the last few dava the vine has Improved In appearance, but It Is very uneven at places and backward gen erally. Aah-Next-Sandwlch The vine continues to make good progress In splto of low tempera ture or lice. All growers now have the lice under control and there Is little or no like lihood of any "black" hops In this district. balding The vine Is growing well, but Is none too healthy, tho low temperature be ing unsuitable to the plant. North Hereford We have still a severe at- f5 of aphis blight and are having very cold nights. Northlam Washing continues, the vine being full of vermin fresh supplies keep coming. The cold temperature and absence plant" "0t " " fvorabks sre-wth of BETTER GRADE CATTLE ARRTYE. Market Improve, on New Shipments Lambs la . Good Demand. Several ahtppera personally brought In 11 cara of cattle yesterday. Other excellent ship ments were heavy horse, goat and sheep Mock that arrived on the market In better condi tion than anything of the kind has yet ar rived at the yards. Good quality lambs were In etrong demand yemerday and almost outshone the hog de mand, which was not quite so strong with the full market. Fancy hogs were atlll rare There were over 1000 head of cattle reported at the yards., the actual figures for all arrivals being: Cattle. 1090; sheep, 497; goats 245 hogs, SO, and horevs, 58. Among the late representative sales were the following: 50 cows averaging 1003 pounds, at JS.23; 24 cows, averaging 938 pounds, at 2 7.V 2T steers, averaging 1185 pounds, at 4.50; 173 lambs, averaging 70 pound, at 5.25; 70 sheep averaging 96 pound at U: 107 sheep, averaa 1ng 69 pounds, at H 60; 262 lambs, averaging 68 pounds, at 5.10; 1 cow weighing 775 pounds, at $2; 1 calf weighing 249 pounds at 5: 1 weighing 850 pounds, at 4.BO; 8 ateera averaging 1141 pound, at S4.B0; 1 bull weighing 1450 pounds, at $2.25; s cows, aver aging 1183 pounds, at $3.50; 8 steers averaging 1841 pounds, at $3.50; 4 steers avenging 10S1 pounds, at 4.25; 8 cowa averaging 1100 pounds, at $3: 2 steers averaging 1005 pounds at 84.25; 2 cows averaging 1162 pounds, at 83.50; B steers averaging 1240 pounds, at 84.60 6 steers averaging 1055 pounds, at $4; 10 steers averaging 1CSO pounds, at 84.25; 3 cows averaging 912 pounds, at 83.50. Local prices quoted yesterday were as fol lows: CATTLE Steers, top. 84.50; fair to good 8404-25; common, J.7S4; cows, top, $3 B0: fair to good. S3 25; common to medium, l.80(ff.75: calves, top, 35.SO; heavy, $8.e04; bulls and stags. 82.750S.J5; com mon. S.ts.60. HOGS Best. M.25OS.B0; fair to good. 87.7898; stockers. 1638.60; China fats. 8.7607. SHEEP-TOP w.thsra. 84; fair to rood. 83.50 C3.T5: ewes. u,c less n all grad,: yearlings best. 4: fair to good. 83.508.75; Spring lambs. 18 05.25. " WATERMKXOX MARKET SLUMPS. Tomatoes also to Be Had at Bargain Prloe a. Other Fruits Fair. With the market absolutely glutted with watermelons, the price dropped to 1 VI cents yesterday afternoon and was very weak. Indications are that the price -will break to a greater degree today. Over 6 cars of watermelons, are on- sidings and practically unsold, and unless some of the surplus can be worked off In the country . or to Puget Sound, local dealers look like being nipped.' At the price ruling. It Is said, the dealers are selling at bare cost. Another bargain sale is being conducted In tomatoes. Front street still has a quan tity of hothouse tomatoes, and California Is rushing up the open air variety. Prices on hothouse were weak yesterday at 608 cents, while Callforntas went from 80075 cents. Small berry receipts were light, logans being away under the demand. Wild black berries fell on a receptive market at 8 cents and heavy arrivals of apricots kept firm at existing prices. Oregon peaches sold at 60 cents, mainly owing to poor pack ing. The last of the gooseberries brought 6 cents, an advance of one oent. Raspberries were heavily In demand and the price jumped to 81-50 This Is a purely inflated price and with heavy arrivals today will return to the normal. Strawberries 2 Heavy arrlvala of bananaa are promised, but the banana market is kept firm by agreement. New potatoes wobbled a little and closed 1 lighter, final sales being around 2 cents. FARMERS HOLD WHEAT FOR RISK. Ninety Cents Falla to Tempt Them with Better Rate la Proepect. Stray lota of wheat are beginning to move Into th warehouses, according to a promi nent local exporter, but the .farmers are merely storing the grain, and are not pre pared to consider any selling proposition on ths basis of prices now current. Dealers Intimate they are prepared to pay 90 cents in the country for blue-stem, and 85 cents for ejus. Thla would be equivalent at tidewater to 21.04 for bluestem and 98 cents for club. Small quantities are being picked up at these prices, but they are purely for local use. In ttve main the farmer holds for 81 in the country, and' while the dealers ad mit this price may be reached later In the season, they contend the market will open in tho course of the next two weeks at a basis of 85 90 cents In the country. A large grower In town yesterday made a different contention, holding ...that the farmers were somewhat unwise In maintain ing the present high price. He named 95 cents as the country price at which he was prepared to place his wheat for sale. On some actual deals yesterday club was quoted at 81.16. Corn prices have dropped slightly. Corn may be obtained around $36. although no sales are being reported. 'The Merchants Exchange reporta the fol lowing hay and cereal receipts: .. Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay July 10-11 l 2 13 3 July 12 3 .. 5 ' 6 July 13 8 3 1 Last Week 10 8 23 6 1-4 HAY FAMINE FKIJ IXCAI,1.Y. Quantity Coming in Not Sufficient to Supply Demand. "There is practically a hay famine in Portland," said a leading exporter yester day. The same gentleman Intimated that. In his private capacity as a consumer., he would be willing to pay almost any price for good grade timothy, while being com pelled to pay practically top prices for the poorer grades. About a car dally Is being reported by the Merchants' Exchange, and this Is at once taken up. No dealers have any stocks, all holding themselves olear till the begin ning of next week, when Valley and East ern Oregon will commence to move. With the number of farmers anxious at first to sell, a rapid break Is predicted at the commencement of the season. The price now cvrrent Is the highest ever known. Poultry and Eggs High. Poultry still retains Its somewhat high price, and with the demand being in excess of sujply. appears likely to continue. The chances are the present week will close with pr)cea unchanged. Eggs still continue at the top of the market, a feature of the day being a heavy shipment to Seattle that was almost exact ly balanced by contra receipts from Elliot Bay. Dressed meats are favored by cool weather No carryover Is reported, and dealers ex press themselves as satisfied with present prices. With heavy stock arrivals, how ever. It Is not unlikely prices may be ehad ed a trifle today or tomorrow. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, reed. Etc WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem nom inal club, $1.15; Valley, $1.15. CORN Whole. 835 per ton; cracked. 36 per ton. FLOUR Patents. $0.25 per barrel: straights. 85.30; exports. 84.70; Valley. 85.50; graham. 85.60; whole wheat, quar ters. 85.80. BARLEt-New California, 83232.50 per ton. 8f,T,S;No- n' whl,e. 8-042 per ton. ?!!?. SJ ,: ahoTta- 829 32; chop. 824 ffl 30; rolled barley, 3485. " ' HAy Timothy, Willamette Valley. $20 ft $?6Pe,;aifai;faa".te,Ir40re80n GRAIN BAGS 5?c each. Vegetables and Fruits. .,?H FRUITS Apples, new California. 2&.2o per box; pears, per box; Grav- enstelns. $2.25 per box; strawberries, $2 per crate; cherries. S7c per pound; goose berries. 6c per pound; peaches. 75S,1c foe,rr,2X:.a,PCOtB- 1-l-50 P box; canta-U.f- '?25 per crte; currants. 80 per fri.: ? US, -S58 1.60 per box; nec tarines. $1.60: loganberries. $1.25 per crate raspberries. $ per crate; black caps. 8- per crate: watermelons. l4o per pound grapes, $11.50; blackberries. $2; wild blackberries, 6 10c per pound; artichokes. ?.Sr.3: celerT- $1-B per dozen. POTATOES Jobhlng price, lj1.76 per hundred: new. 22Vic per poundT SALK VEGETABLES Turnips. $101.15 per sack; carrots. $1.6001.76 ' ' il?fViAL FMITS-OrangM, navels. fll 1;I51lUenclas' a 3-80; lemon A nc-7; choice. $500; grape rrW? 3 per box; bananaa. 55Vc per lb : pineapples. $2ff4 per dozen. ONIONS New. $1.25 I.50 per sack. VEGETABLES Beans. 6c; cabbage. 1H lo per pound; cauliflower. $i per dozen wk?; "40c Per a: cucumbers. 5060c;" White Salmon cucumbers. $1 per dozen- e plant. 12V415c per pound; lettuce.' hoi house. 75C&S1.00 per box; lettuce, head, nirsPJ d"?en: onln. 12V4015C per dozen; pars.ey. 3r.c per dozen; peas. 57o per pound; peppers, 810c per pound; rad ishes. 15c per dozen; spinach. 5c per pound- l2owtoes- 7585o: hothou" Dairy and Country produce. BUTTER City creamery, " extras, 2So V,ldm"i'. 2627i4c per lb.; store, 18c. (Butter fat prices average ltto peB.,?2!under reu, "er prices.) EGGS Oregon rahch. candled, 28c per POULTRY Hens. 14 15c; Springs. 19c rooster, 8 ST 9o; ducks, young, 12013c; geese; oung. 910c; turkeys, lSc; squabs, $202.25 per dozen. ' . J r.H.FliSE u!.1 "earn twins, 1616Wo per P AVJOU,nK Americas. 1617 " P ' Vi- i t V 18,11,0 Per Pound. nrA-IE.XraS- 8il0 P pound; ordl- ' - 1 J , 1 c. Hops. Wool. Hides. Etc HOPS 1909 contracts. 16c per oound 1908 crop. 11012c; i907 crop. 7cT l90B crop; WOOL TTnjtrri f . . pound; Valley. 23 25c '. " "We Per S.,fVChLc,!,' 2 23c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. 1 17c . pound drv kip. 15016c pound: dry calfskin. 180 190 pound; salted hides. 9H10c; salted calf skin. 14 015c pound; green, lo less. .,PJR?" No- 1 "kins: Angora goat. $1 to 6123: badger. 25050c; bear. 86 '0- beaver $6.6008.50; cat. wild. 75C01?5O; clvlVr KVnS,t,Vead 310; fisher; of $7.50011; pale. $4.9007: fox. cross. $3 to $5; fox, gray. 6080c; fox, red. $305- fox silver. $35 to $100; lynx. $8015? marteS ??812; m,nk- S3.505.50r muskrat" 15 0 25c; otter. 82.5004; raccoon, TO 076c sea otter. 8 100 230. a. to size and 5,"r IA1"- S58(c: clvet. cat, 10"?; woif' $208: coyote. 76c$1.23; wolveVlne, dark! $3o: wolverine, pale. $20 2 50 CASCARA BARK Per pound. 4 HO Be. Groceries. Dried Fruits. Etc. DRIED FRUIT Apples. 9ilo per lb peaches, 7 08c; prunes, Italians. BVffleic1 prunes. French. 4 08c; currants, unwashed, cases. OHc; currants, washed, "cases 10c- 7"7Whc" i,LDcy- Bu-lb- bo" SALMON Columbia River, 1-lb tails x Per dozen; 2-lb. talis, $2.95; 1-nounrt V.tV $2.10H; Alaska pink. 1-pound ta?li 9( red, 1-pound tails. $1.45; sockeyea. tl pound tails, $2. Jceye. 1- COFFEB Mocha, 2428c; Java. ordi nary. 17 0 20c; Costa Rica, fancy 18 0200 good. 16018c; ordinary. 12 16c nei lh" NUTS Walnuts. 1213c per pound bv sack; Brazil nuts, lao; filberts, "is"" pea nuts. 7c; almonds. 13014c; chestnuts. Iuu ,a,n "e: Peanuts, raw. 6c; oinenuts, 100 12c; hickory nuts. lOc- ,-no...- Sr. , , pi ?J 1 o T pranulated. $5.75; extra C, $6.85; , u.c urn, 90.10; extra c. . w,. ..itu werry BUKar. S5 Sf onolulu plantation. One grain. $6 26: cubes! (barrel). $6.40; powdered (barrel) tVio- $5.86; auct He per pound; if later than 16 days and within 30 days, deduct Ho per pound. Maple sugar, 16 01So per pound. vuuuu. SALT Granulated. $13 per ton. $1.90 per bale; half ground. 100s. $7.60 per ton; ioa, aAf7Sl?n w,hlte' 7Hc: lar wnte. t plnk.Vc.: bayOU 814C: "d kld"'- Provisions. tfACON Fancy, 23c per pound; standard. 21c; choice, 20c; English, 18019c. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt 14c; smoked, ioc: short clear blacks, heavy dry salted. 15c; short clear backs, heavy dry salted. 14c; smoked. 15c: Oregon exports dry salted. 15c; smoked. HAMS 8 to 10 lbs.. 17c: 14 to 18 lba 17c: 18 to 20 lbs.. 17c:' hams, skinned. 17o picnics. 12c; cottage roll, 13c; boiled hams! JtSttfe-iic: boiled picnics. 20c ,-ilARrr-,Setti rendered. 10a Uc; 5s, "Ho; standard pure: 10s. 15Ho; bm. line- SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues. each. 60c: dried beef sets. 19c: dried beef out sides, 17c: dried beef lnsldes, 21c: dried beef knuckles. 20c. " aTlea TIIE MORXIXG STOCKS ARE QUIET Speculative Movement Halted by Future Uncertainties. WHEAT BEARS HAVE PANIC Steel Trade Satisfactory, but Cop pers Weaken Perceptibly on Xew York and London Exchanges.. NEW YORK. July 14 Operators were confirmed In their Inclination to refrain from dealing today by the Inconsequent and Indecisive movement of the market for several days past. Influences halting the speculative movement were found In the news from the crop regions. Basic confi dence in the profitable outcome of the Harvests remained strong and underlies the determination with which stocks are held by present owners. Such Incidents as todays panic among the bears In wheat are sufficient, however to deter speculators from committing them "elVei undu'y with a period to face during Zul. ,Clp 8Care are not an impossibility, ine fright of the wheat bears had as a basis the reDorts of rain In the Winter wheat region which might prejudice the early de livery of the crop being harvested and crowd the short. In July. In which option the flurry centered. in the corn market, however, the good crop news served to force the price lower, bt Louis and San Francisco stocks were getting a belated benefit also from the plac-4?- ' bonds with a French syndicate. Wabash preferred was conspicuously strong again, but all the news concerning the stock consisted in mvsterlonn Mit(nn. able developments which remained vaguely The steel trade advices were highly fa vorable and an attempt was made to use the sudden departure of J. p. Morgan from England for New York as a presage of fa vorable developments at the coming quar terly meeting of the United States Steel directors, to ' be held on the last Tuesday of the month. Copper news was Ii'd. n t ; -.- 1 of the metal being reduced again at the ,7. Tork metal exchange, and an early fall In London being followed bv a recovery without, however, rallying the copper lndus- 11 mis in me London stock market. Atchison held firm, although the direc tors took no action on the rilvirtorf speculative rumors had stated they might. The banks are making payments to the Kub treaRury on account of the recall of Gov ernment deposits which mature tomorrow, the burden of these payments, which amount ?u,wiu,vw ror tomorrow, evidently fall ing almost wholly on the New York banks. The feature of the monev market active demand for over the year maturities, six months loans being done at 334 per Bonds were IrreiruljiT- Tnt.i -iQ ' value. $ ! United States bonds' wero unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Alii. -.. 1 . "'"-- "inn. Jow. Allls Chalmers pf 40O no!, o'i 50- A Mill rnnnw- Onw.u, t.., -..7S Am Agricultural 4V Am Beet Sugar... 2.2.-0 43" 'H' 42 Am Car & Foun. 1.100 f.8 57 2 67 ill vini Louon ii l.oo 74 73 73 L, Am Hd & Lt pf. 50O 41 41 4,2; Am Linseed OH." 17 i' 171. ?S Am Locomotive... :iuo 5y .5.11,. BB " Am Smelt & Kef. 6,9ipi) 114 Z 9M3 Am Sugar Kef.:" Koo liP 27 Am Tel & Tel 1.6..0 1404 13u 330 Am T,vba?co Pf---- W0 10OH 10l4 Anaconda Min"co; ""266 ' kWi 'iis'is' 40 Atchison 20,)O 110 115 11.5 do preferred 400 104 104 l!4ti Atl Coast Line... 2W 129 129 l-'sui ?h'i 2'000 11(Vs 118 lls do preferred 941? Bethlehem Steel .. 200 297 "29" "u J Brook Rap Tran. 2.W1O 777, 77 77 Canadian Pacific. 1.000 184 184 184U Central Leather... 2..VI0 ai 314 31 V, CraTof"!? j" 2U U' 104'- ik? Ches & Ohio 2,600 "77-, "77H "77 Chicago & Alton Ail? Chicago Ot Weet. 1,100 1 U "l'lV 1 a? Chicago N W.. ino. ir.-," jsa"4 1S2i S: c. tsTu!:: ..6:T 15314 Colo Fuel & Iron.. l,Tm '44" "4.314 4374 do 1st preferred r R1 ' ' do 2d preferred ,,, Consolidated Gas.. 200 13!) ' 139" i torn Products .. 2.000 22T4 22 Rel&TJIudson SlH 12 1U2V4 l2il D & R Grande... 2.0OO 47Vi 4K 4 do preferred ... 0o 85S 85 S S3 nistillers- Securl... 400 3S 37 37 Er' 0 3H 35 3 tio 1st preferred. 200 52 52 52U do 2d preferred General Electric... 400 14 io4" 163 ?-l Northern pf . . . 1,500 14!l, 14S 14S Tf. Northern Ore.. 1.4-K. 78v 75 78 Illinois Central .. 7.2i0 15ii 155H ise Interborough Met... 1.4W 15a i? do preferred ... 2.30O 47 4a1 Inter Harvester .. 400 8 (aZ sSti Inter-Marine pf .. 3110 21 21 Sis? Jnt Paper M Tv Kr- A K C Southern . " "44 44.V do preferred ... 400 71 71 7T1 & sl"" 3 4& m. st p & s s m! .";;;; ,?? Missouri Pacific... 3(h) '72" 'ii'il ?Tk Mo. Kan & Texas 700 , 4lVs 4l4 40 S do preferred -o National Biscuit 1- Natlonal Lead ... 700 " 86 " 'sU ? Mex Nat Ry 1st pt . . .... . .. N Y Central 6.700 132-4 13lii t'iiff N Y, Ont & West. Aoo "2 82 Norfolk & West.. 4.7.0 5.T2 91 ti 5! North American .. 4.1O0 82 Si' PacfocrMana!!C". 42,K W. JWH Pennsylvania 9,000 13SU i37 138 People's Gas 400 lisi uiC, i,2? P. C C & St L... 100 92ii B eoii Pressed Steel Car. 900 437 431? Ry Steel Spring 43,4 42 Reading 39.2oo 159 js0.v .IS,, Republic Steel ... 700 .32 81 u s?J do preferred ... 600 104 U 104 2 1 nlv Rock Island Co.. 6,3K) 33 H 82 3 M do preferred ... 3.10O 71? , ?l Vll? St L & B F 3 pf. 6.500 53 . iV kl St Iv Southwestern 3 00' 26 26i 2 do preferred V2? Sloss-gheftield gS Southern Pacific .. 18.400 133H 132 13rTi do preferred ... eoo 132 18-'iJ 13i Southern Railway. 80O 30 3o4 30 do preferred ... 20O 68 8i2 Sai Tenn Copper .... 200 32 To'. St L & West. 400 50 SS'iJ do preferred ... 20O fiflt 68t2 SgT? TJnion Pacific .... 29.300 194 1?, iot t Cfeferred ... 1.900 103T, 1033 103S K f Realty 1.100 H sou 80 U S Steel . 65.2iK t!3 68 &il t tah Copper 600 47 40; 47 Va-Caro Chemical. 8.500 53 Slit 61V TV abash 1.2i o 21 S 21 21 do preferred ... 24. 6(10 58' 66 7 Western Md 13.70O 7(4 6 iv Weotinghouse Elec eoo 84ii 84 s-Ja Western Union ... 100 7114 7114 S'jV Wheel & L Erie.. 700 ft '52 TVUoonsin Central. 100 57 67 5 Total sales for the day. 393.600 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK, July 14. Closing quotations TJ. S. ref. 2s reg.l00N. Y. C. gen 3s 92' do coupon 101 North. Pacific 8s 745 TJ.S. 3s reg...l01 do 4s do coupon 101!TJnlon Pac 4s,.104 U. S. new 4s reg.H7HlWI. Cent. 4a... 95 do coupon 119?i Jap. 4a ... kill T. A R. G. 4s.. 97) " Stocks at London. LONDON. July 14. Consols for 84: for account. 84. money, 42 . .135 .. 93 .. 90 .. 53 70 !4 .. 10 79 '- 81 . . 71 . .136 ..198 . . 107 .. 71 ..128 -.21 .. 59 .. 97 AmaL Conner R1 M.. K. A T Anaconda ..... 9 Atchison 119 do pfd 107 Bait. & Ohio... 121 Canad. Pacific. 188 N. Y. Cent. .. Nor. A West.. do pfd Ont. gr Wet iPennsvlvanin. ijnes. it Ohio 9 Rand Mines .. Chi. Gt. West C., M. & St. P. 157 Vi South. Ry. lReadlng re Beers 14l do nfrt D. & R. a do pfd Erie do 1st pfd. . do 2d pfd . . Grand Trunk. 48 South. Pacific' 8 37 U Union Pacific do nfd . . 52 . 43 - 23 U- S. Steel. do pfd ... Wabash .... do pfd . . . Spanish 4s. . Illinois Cent Louis. & Nash!ll45 .180 Money, Excbana-e, Etc. NEW YORK. July 14. Prime mercantile paper, closed at 34 per cent. rcan"' . Starling exchange, flraa, wkNfc actual busl- OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, ness in bankers' bills at $4.8580 4.8590 for 60-day bills and at $4.8725 for demand. Commercial bills, 4.85 S 4.85ii.- Rar silver, 50 c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. Money on call. easy. 12 per cent; rul ing rate and closing bid. 1 per cent: of fered at 2 per cent. Time loans strong for over the vear ma-'ritlM- Sixty days. 2 per cent; 90 days. - per cent; six months. 3 VI 3hi per cent. ,1,?f,ION' Ju'y 14 Bar sliver, steady at -o 7-16d per ounce. Money. 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 1 1 .-,-16 per cent; do for three months' frills, 1 5-l0l per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. July 14. Sterling on London. 60 days. $4.80; do sight. $4.87 Vi. Silver bars 51c. Mexican dollars. 45c. Drafts, sight. 3c; telegraph, 6c. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: Portland ... Seattle Tacoma . . . Spokane ' . . Clearines. nnlanpA, $1,531,820 $18.-.!.s.i 2.343.055 327.930 91i,8!IO l::-J.7lS 1.190.079 ll;i,!Kl3 SEATTLE PRICES HIGHER EGGS AXTJ CANTALOUPES BOTH STIFFEN IX MARKET. Watermelons Drop, Soft Fruits Drop, and Oregon Potatoes Crowd IxK-al Goods Out. SEATTLE. July 14. (Special.) Eggs were quoted a cent higher here today, owing to limited receipts, and a brisk demand par ticularly for the best local ranch stock. Consumers still use fresh locals In preference to Eastern. In spite of the recent price ad vances. Today s highest quotation was 33 centB. The best cantaloupes sold here today as nigh as $3.25. Dealers report difficully in getting shipments through from the south. Reports received from Eastern Washington ay.are to the efrect that the cantaloupe cr"p,tnere w, be normal this season. ,fru,lB ,moved slowly today at prices generally below those quoted yesterday. excessive receipts of watermelons prices have declined to 2 cents on the street. Tents ' ' the fanclet selling at 3 Heavy shipments of local potatoes are weakening the market very perceptibly. Oregon growers are crowding potatoes to this market. ,hfBj Was "old a p'nt higher all around here today, with $1.05 bid on milling blue stem and $1.01 on club, red and fife win ,Tin. " blpehed "our question will probably not he madf In this state until In'vlV ZSe. brUKht by Federal officials lv.: . Hka ,S se,Ued- This announcement i-ooH ' yesterday by State Dairy and tood Commissioner L. navies. Mr. Davies ml W of making a ruling in this state, but has about changed his mind. lCOTA'.riON8 AT SAN FRANCISCO. Trices Paid for Produce In the Bay Cits Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. July 14. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: , rtrT.O B rS " ' S28-5030: middlings. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers. 50lfl60c; garlic, -i'rooc: green peas. 7rc$; string beans. 3f,e; tomatoes. 3.Vr$1.5T; eKBplant. 5H'6c; asparagus, ice1.2i; onions. 2540c. ier"Fancy creamery. 28c; creamery, seconds. 2!c: fancy dalrv, 25".c Poultry Roosters, old! $4.5o"r5: young. $7 B10; broilers small.. $2.75rg,3.-)(: broilers. la. Ke.- 4,fl4i,): fyers, $.srg7; hens. $4.00 10; dunks, old. $5fIB; young. $0frf8 Esgs Store. 29c; fancy ranch. 30c. l'S0-,Tfr0Utl,. .Plains and San Joaquin. 12l.c; Mountain. 6(S)12c; Nevada. 1320c. i"rayTW.heat' 12-' 18: wheat and oats ?eye,nVaalfa' 1014: sto. $7ai0; ba ley $10&'14; straw, per bale, fl075r o kS 'Apple?' choice. $1.75: common. 30c; bananas, 75cg$3.O0: limes, $5.50S6: ei!5u"A. Ch0'Ce' 8; commons. $2; oranges! Mops Contracts. 15c; 190g Js. Receipts Flour. 353S quarter sacks; wheat 1-5 centals; barley. 4030 centals; oats, liwo centals- potatoes. 5480 sacks; hav, 641 tons f,"' .S cental: middlings. 225 sacks; bran, hid "ooo1 beans- 60 sacks; wool. 26 bales; Eastern Livestock Markets. nnn8 8 ,CITT' July Cattle Receipts 14.000. Market, steady to 10c higher. Native Vf"j- J;?7-16: native cows and .heifers. SioOSJoO; stockers and feeders, $4.00fi cows. wSSeSS."""' 4-8-: Hogs Receipts, 3000. Market. 5c to 10c in'fi r?rulk ' sales' T.80fr8.O0; heavy, a rm 1 25 ! Pa.okers and butchers. $7.85 8.(K): light $1 704JI7.BO; pigs. $6.25 7.50. Sheep Receipts. 1000. Market strong Muttons $4.00 ft 5.00; lambs. $0.758 5?: &4.50We t3-533 s: range ewes. $3.23 CHICAGO July 14. Cattle Estimated re--Pif.'. 100- Market. steady. Beeves. 4 70 H.,sa Estimated receipts. 20,000 Market 7.4;8.1u; heavy. S7.55&S.2U; rough 7 ."3 fe ..70; good to choice heavy $7 7iffl 'HJ Pigs. $6.457 25: bulk of sales $770 to 8.00 Sheep Estimated receipts. 16.000. Market 4 faV,ur- H11H' V.0: Western. $"00 W $u.008.10; Western. $3.00 S. 75 ? native. OMAHA, July 14. Cattle Rec-lrt i 7on 6?O.i0c h'.Bhe-r- Western e"rsD. VoO h.1?;rar,5!VBS!l,S-: ts3tocrer5s00andCOYeSedaer,ai etc.f25-75C!5VeS- ": nsffa: TZ5aZ??S2tSk.42'P- "K' Be higher. x.. L "c7"eceipis. h.imio. Market. lOc to 15c ,5hr- Yearlings. $5.006.00; wethers. 4 "? (S 5.00; ewes. $3 50 toO; lambs. $7 5 OlS 8 75 Eastern Mlnln. stn..w. BOSTON, July 14. Closing quotations: Adventure 0VIM. C -and r- Alloues . . . . . Amalgamated . 40 JXevada " . 79H Old Dominion 25 .. 23Vi .. 50Vs Ariz. Coml. . :. . 3S Osceola ..... Parrot . . Atljinf le c lz 129 20 88 .... 14 .... Bit Lutte Coalition. 2314 Cal. & Arls.-. . . . 1001, Cal. & Hecla. . .630 Centennial . . ... 30 Copper Range.. 79i Daly West i Franklin 35 Granby . . .- 99 Greene Cananea. H Isle Royals 23 Mass. Mining... 7 Vi Michigan 10 Mohawk 57 Quincy Shannon Tamarack ITrlnltv iL'nited Copper.". 'TJ. s. Mlnm. . 11 9 . 48V4 31 4 0. 4 514 .147 , 49' ITT. 55. nil Utah IVictoria Winona . . . Wolverine North Butte Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK, July 14. Evaporated apple, quiet; fancy, 8i94c; choice. 8i4c: prime MiVsc; common to fair, 56V4c Prunes unchanged; California. 2i(ailiAet Oregon. 639c. ' ' '"'cl Apricots quiet, there being an absence of export demand, which offset the prospective shortage In the crop for the time being! Spot prices unchanged; choice, looiouc extra choice. 10 Vi 10 c; fancy. lii3c Peaches are neglected, but prices are maintained in the absence of selling pres sure. Choice. 5V46c; extra choice, a u o 6c; fancy. 78c. " Raisins quiet; loose .muscatels SHfMHc- 5t0 f,anCi' sedea- 8c: seedless: 3145Hc; London layers. $1.15L20. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. July 14.; The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: Trust fund Gold coin. $850,676,869: silver dollars, $486,631,000: sliver dollars of 1800 $4,205,000: silver certificates outstanding' $484,631,000. ' General fund Standard silver dollars In general fund. $5,386,104; current -liabilities $93,409,304: working balance in Treasury offices. $20,183,197; In banks to credit of Treasurer of United States. $60,534 163- sub sidiary silver coin. $20,597,845; minor' coin. $2,518,923. - Total balance In general fund, $114,743,341 Cotton at New York. , NEW YORK. July 14. Cotton futures closed very steady: July. 12.65c: August 12.56c; September, 12.57c; October. 12 62c November. 12.61c; December and January. 12.05c; March. 12.6c; May, 12.67c Spot closed IO points lower. Middling tin lands. 13.05c; middling Gulf. 13.30c. Sales. 1000 bales. . JULY 15, 1909. WHEAT UP 7 CENTS July Quoted at $1.27, Making! New High Record. LITTLE TRADING IS DONE Adverse Weather Reports Send Prices Bounding Upward hnd Bullish Sentiment Is Xoted In Pit. CHICAGO. July 14. Wheat, for July de livery, advanced today to $1.27, a new high record for the sea sort, and a gain of 7c over the previous close. The sensational advance kept the wheat pit in a flurry of excitement throughout the session, although the actual amount of trading in July was not large. Shorts were' exoeedlngly urgent In their demand for July wheat, but offerings at no time were liberal. The demand was based on weather con ditions In this country- Rains wero re ported In Kansas and Nebraska, which will cause additional delay In harvesting, and the official forecast predicted showers and thun derstorms generally over a large section of the wheat-growing states for tonight and tomorrow. This will ' further retard the movement of the new crop. At the same time many reports were re ceived from Illinois. Kentucky and Ten nessee claiming that wheat In shocks was sprouting as a result of the wet weather. The market opened strong with prices lower to lV4c higher. July being at 1.20T4 to $l.:ii.4. Within the first half hour the price had been forced up to $1.25 Vt by leaps of Vc to lc between sales. At this point some of the leading longs seemed to have wheat for sale and as a result the price receded about 1 cent. Sen timent In th pit was extremely bullish all day and in the final half hour the price shot upward and failed to atop until it had touched $1.27. The market closed excited and strong, with prices almost at the top. July being at $1.261 4 1.24. An advance of more than lc in tho price of the July delivery was the feature of trading in corn. At the close prices were 4c higher to V4c lower, compared with the previous close. Tho 7c-Jump In July wheat detracted from activity In the oats market, trading being dull nearly all day. Prices closed Vic lower to ViffjMic higher than the final figures yes terday. Provisions were strong all dav. At the close prices, were 7V4flOc to 17V.(gi20c hlglior than yesterday. The leading futures' ranged as follows: WHEAT. ul l.2Q $1.27 $1.20 $1.6 Jl"""1 111 112-4 1.11-J ll; J;ec I.0914 1.0!). l.OS't, 1.0 Ma' 1-13 1.12 V. 1.11H 1.12 CORN. Ju'y-"- 726 .73- .71V. 71 ' 57 -14 .57 '4 .67 U .5714 OATS. July Sept Dec May -49'4 -4S4 .48 43 .43i- .42 -43Vi 43H .43 .42 .43 ' ! .45- .45 2 MESS PORK. JU,V 50.75 20.82H 10.75 20.S2V4 Sept. . .. ....v 20. SO 20.95 LARD. Ju,y 11-75 H.77'4 11.75 11 77V4 SeP' 11-75 11.80 11.75 ilso SHORT RIBS. " H.47..i 11.45 11.4714 P-V" H,35 H-5 11.35 11.45 t ash quotations were as follows Flour H)(W 20c higher.- Barley Feed or mixing. 6567c- fair to choice malting. 6771c. i"e'"c' ralr to 1 F-'a?,. seed 1 Southwestern. $1.44- No 1 -Northwestern. $1.64 -". --o. Timothy seed $3.80. Clover $10.85. fork Mess, per barrel. $20.80 0 S U Lard Per 100 pounds. 111. 75 " llSTl" ribs Sldes loose). $11.47Vj llSS7V?.Sh0rt" C!ear (boit'- $11-75 i Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat arid flour ,.r. equal to 143.U0O bushels. Primary receints were 183.000 bushels, compared "Tth 6? 00" bushels the corresponding dav a "ar "iZ Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat ' it.oioS.208 Ca"; 0at' " rs;heSoW.: Flour. barrels.' R9?ftSn Shipm,?n'"; W heat rii,i,i. - : Corn, bushels. 143,000 Oats, bushels 144 firtn 36.100 272.400 435, 100 1.000 S.00O Rye. bushels Barlej-, bushel's. .".". .".". '. 67 .000 Grain and Produce at New York 8-tnoT T,ORK- JU'y U '""'"'-Receipt,. 83110 barrels; exports. 6189 barrels. Market unsettled with a fair Inquiry. Minnesota pit-KV'-c-.i-25'S810: M,nn',' bakers. $5,350. V ij-, B,'r patents- SO: Winter straights Winter extras. $4.755.40: Winter MSI"1"' 4-659fl'30: Kana straights. $5.35 Wheat Receipts. 24O0 bushels. Spot strong. No. 2 red. old. $1.43 nominal elevator and f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 red. new. $1 2asi and Auugst f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.41 nominal f. o. b. afloat- Vo hard Winter. $1.39 f. o. b. nominal afloat" Pronounced strength In July and new high records all around were the features In wheat today, reflecting rains in the Southwest and fears of a delayed movement. Cables were stronger. w!:h receipts light and cash whea higher. July here closed at 3V4c net advance and other months T4 to lic higher. July closed at $1.31. September at $ and D cember at $1.17. Hops, wool and petroleum Steady. Hides Firm. European Grain Markets. LONrrON. July 14 Csrgoes In strong de mand Walla Walla, on passage, nominal; do for shipments 42s 6d to 42s 9S English country markets, steady French country markets, quiet, but steady. TrVERPOOV. July 14 Close Wheat 8Ur September. s 9Sd; December 8s 5:4d. Weather, cloudy. Grain at Ran Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. July 14. Barley De cember. 1-4T,. Spot quotations unchanged. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. ' Metal Markets. NEW YORK. July 14 The London tin market was higher with spot quoted at 181 12s $d and futures at 183. The local market was quiet but a shade higher at 28.87V, 29.12V4. Copper was higher at 58 Is Sd for spot In tho London market, but lower at 58 15s for futures. The local market was weak and unsettled with lake unchanged at 13.25 0 18.87 V4 and other grades a shade lower. Electrolytic 12.62V4 013.87V4C. and casting at 12 50O 12.76c. " Lead was unchanged In both markets. Spelter was unchanged at 22 in London but the local market was firmer at 5.35 Iron was unchanged at home and abroad. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. July 14. Coffee futures closed barely steady, net unchanged to 10 points lower. Sales. 80.750 bags. Including July at 7.05c; September. 5.76c; October 5.45c; December. 5.405.45c; March. 5.40c: May. 5.455.50c. Spot quiet; No T Rio" 5S5Tc: No. 4 Santos. 9c. Mild oulet Cordova. 9V412Vic. iniet, s"5" ?awi Bteady; fair refining. 3 4"c centnfugal. 96 test, 3.92c; molasses sulrar' 3.17c. Reflned. steady. sutar. Flax at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. July 14. Flax, $1.J4 Wooi at St Louis. ST. LOUIS, July 14 Wool, steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 229 OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS 'and PROFITS $500,000 OFFICERS. W. M. LADD. President. EDW. COOKING HAM, V.-Presldent W. H. DUNCKLET. Cashier. R. S. HOWARD, JR.. Ass't Cashier. L. W. LADD. Ass't. Cashier. WALTER M. COOK, Ass t. Cashier. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit We Issue Letters of Credit, Foreign Drafts, and Travelers Checks LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITUUTHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. lt insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. lt assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BECK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. 2Sc: light line. 202rVtc: heavy fine, 13j Oic: tub washed, 24l,iSuc. Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO. July 14. Butter Steady. Creameries. 22l4jt2o: dairies. 2ff23Vjc. Eggs steady at mark, cases Included, lSc; firsts, 20c; prime firsts. 21c. Cheese Strong. Daisies. lliiOIRr; twins, 14ii)14Vc: young America, 1 4 Si 9 1 5c ; long horns, 14Viloc. NEW YORK. . July 14. Butter Firm; Cheese and eggs Steady, unchanged. HIRAM IMUS DIES, AGED 86 AVas Civil War Veteran and Re markably AVoII Preserved. KALAMA. Wash., July 14. (Spe cial.) Hiram Imus, agred 86 years and 8 months, died at the home of his son. L. I- Imus, at Kalama," yesterday morning at 3 o'clock. Mr. Imus was born in Genesee County, New Tork. He moved to Iowa and was the first Sheriff of Ringgold County. From Iowa Mr. Imus moved to Kansas, and then to Kalama In 1890, where he had since resided. Mr. Imus served for three years and three months in the Third Iowa Cav alry In the Civil War. He had always taken an active part in Republican politics. He was exceptionally, stronjr and hearty for a man of his years, and up to a week ago would not hesitate to wrestle with one 50 years his Junior. His wife died a number of years afro. His surviving children are: A. H. Imus, W. II. Imus. Herbert Imus, I.. K. Imus D. D. Imus and O. C. Imus, all of whom reside at Kalama. Wallowa Fruit Inspector Xamed. WALLOWA. Or., July 14. (Special.) Ford C. Potter has been appointed fruit Inspector for- this county by the County Court. Mr. Potter has had wide experience In fruit and berry cul ture and Is thoroughly conversant with the various fruit pests. His services will be of great value to the fruit raisers of this valley. - Brick Annex for Hotel. CHEHALIS, Wash., July 14. Opecial ) W. F. West, of the St. Helens Hotel, has toegun construction of a 20-room an nex of brick, to be built to the rear of the present annex. The improvement will cost approximately .$20,000. Broken Knee Spoils Outing-. WALLOWA. Or.. .Tnlv n c i-ix Mrs. Belle Chlarson, of Baker City, -a.iiio iu ivuuuwa last Friday to meet her son, who recently sold his ranch HARTMAN & THOMPSON BANKERS CHAMBER OP COMMENCE invite attention of new residents to their efficient and conservative methods of a gen eral, up-to-date banking business. DhKm-tted PtnrttmoX IAdbtlitf 17 ' ' DIRECTORS. EDWARD. COOKINGHAM. HENRY L. CORBETT. WILLIAM M. LADD. CHARLES K. LADD. J. WESLEY LADD. S. B. LINTHICUM. FREDERICK B. PRATT. THEODORE B. WILCOX. at Howard Meadows. It was to be an outing for her. and she was to take the trip overland to Baker City, camp ing by the way and enjoying the holi day. But her pleasure was cut. short by a fall from the wagon at their camp on the river here. In attempting to climb from the vehi cle by stepping on the tongue, which had become slippery from the rains during the night, her knee was broken, and. after having the fracture reduced she was forced to return home on the train. Kxtension or Line Begun. VANCOUVER, Wash., July 14. (Spe cial.) Three preliminary surveys have been made for the extension of the Vancouver electric line to Orchards, a distance of six miles. The surveyors are now running the levels and set ting in the permanent grade stakes. Construction work on the grade will begin in a short time and, it is expect ed, the line wil be completed and in operation In 90 days. Ostrandcr Postofflce Robbed. CASTLE ROCK, Wash.. July 14 (Special.) The postoffice at Ostrander an important little milling town about six miles south of this city, was bur glarized last night and about $150 in money and checks was taken. No trace of the perpetrator has been discovered TRAVELERS GUIDE. HONOLULU and b.cktl 10, First Class Beat Them All for sailing, . name:. seabathing swimming and aquatic sports: fishing, base ball, tennis, golf, automobiling. Most at Vf' spot on entire round the world tour iV2 days from San Francisco by S.S. Alameda (wireless), sailing June S 2c. july 17th. Aug. 7. etc. BOOK NOW and secure the best berths. fr0" f Tahiti. New Zealand and Australia ?: ?lanposa sailing July l. Aug. 6 etc O. S. S. Co.. 673 Market St.. San Francisco Hamburg-American. All Modern Safety Devices (Wireless. Etc) London Paris Hamburg;. P Llncoln(new)Julyl4!P.Grant(new)..Au- 4 Cinc nati tnew)Julyl7,.Kalerln. . . ' ? Amerlka July24!Pennylvanla Au 11 cl:'anXnrwJuly31' P--Lincoln?n'WAu ll TUtz Carlton a la Carte Restaurant ITAI V via Cilbraltur, X X tuples and un. S. S. MOLTKE, Auk. 14, Sept. .10 " HAMBURG, July 22. Sept. n ' Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. Ham bur--American Line, 16 I'owrll St Ban KrancUco, nd Local Agents. I-ortland! NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct. The steamships Roa noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at 3 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near Aider. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314 H. YOUNG, Agent. SAJ IRAN CISCO FOBTU.NO 8. 8 CO SnlL di"ct "earner and aa'lUnr" rom Alnsworth Uock. Portland, a A u 8.8. Rm City July 17. si. 8.8 8tate of California July 14 From Lombard St., San Francisco. 11 i. u 8.S. Mate of California July 17 8.8. Kose City July 24, Aug. 7. ' J. W. Ransom. Uoclc A rent. Main 288 Alnsworth Bock V,"5' c,t Ticket Aeent, 142 3d St. Phono Main 402. A 146: " COOS BAY LINE worth dock, for N.rU. . MaSEisfaa Coo. Bay points, frelani r.c.lvod till 4 p M. on day ot sallln,. Ptnunr i.n i clasa, ,10; .scond-cW t t?'ulTZZ J52 Inqulr. city ticket oScif TWrJ L. Mala" 'si "r " '"worwi