Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 15, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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Changes to Be Made in Route
Between Columbia River
and Puget Sound.
Deep Itock Cut to Re Made Through
Carroll's 111 tiff, Xcar Kalarmi,
Permitting Straight Ilne Over
the lvowlands to Kelso.
According to maintenance-of-way offi
cials of the Northern Pacific, hundreds
of thousands of dollars will be spent in
the course of the next two years by Hill
an! Harrlman Interests, jointly between
Portland and the British Canadian
boundary. This money will be used in
straightening and double-tracking the
route of the Northern Pacific between
Portland and Tacoma. and for the con
struction of practically a new line from
Seattle north, to be used in conjunction
by the Northern Pacific and the Great
Northern. Harrlman money will not be
used on this latter section.
When the traffic agreement between
Harrlman and Hill interests for the use
of the Northern Pacific tracks between
this city and Tacoma is made public, it
Is said by the maintenance of way of
ficials, it will be found to contain a
clause whereby the expenses of improv
ing the present line will be borne jointly
by both users; and so liberal will be the
outlay for this work, that one of the
finest stretches of track in the Northwest
will connect Portland wifh the Puget
Sound country when this work is finished.
Ever since the threatened Harrlman
Invasion of the Hill territory north of
the Columbia River an invasion that
was first talked of many years ago by
the Union Pacific Hill engineers have
been busy surveying possible routes for
a new Una that would enable the Hill
road to maintain the supremacy it had
gained as "first comer." Later still,
Harrlman surveyors went through the
same territory for the Oregon & Wash
ington road: and maintenance-of-way
men now say that the prospective routes
of both engineers have been combined,
the good points being selected, and that
the new line will follow practically an
ideal route.
Abandoned Harrlman Route.
The proposed Oregon & Washington
route, as outlined before the plan for
joint usage of the Northern Pacific
tracks was broached, was to have fol
lowed the Columbia River west from
Vancouver, parallel to the Northern Pa
cific, to near the neighborhood of Mar
tin's Bluff, where It was to have turned
north In a tunnel of "over a mile long,
through solid rock. Piles for the false
work at the tunnel mouth had already
been placed In readiness when the Joint
trackage agreement was reached, and
may be seen now by the traveler to
The new double track road will avoid
this tunnel, however, and will follow the
present line to Kalama. Preparations
are now being made for the double track
on this section, and crews are busy en
larging the embankments and cuts to
carry the extra traffic. Immediately be
low Kalama. however, a departure will
be made from the present line, and a
deep rock cut made through Carroll's
Rluff, say the malntenance-of-way men.
This cut will do away with the present
long curve around Into the Cowlitz Val
ley, and will enable the road to be built
on an almost perfect tangent over the
lowlands to Kelso. This line at present
Is as crooked as the old O. R. & N. line
down the Columbia Valley before the
"kinks" were taken out of it.
Above Kelso the new line will be
straightened as much as possible, and
the present curve at Alnslie. that must
be negotiated at slow speed, will be
taken out entirely. In fact, the road to
Chehalls will be materially changed and
bettered, so that much better time can
be made over it. Right of way for this
work has all practically been secured,
much of the new line actually lving on
property formerly owned by the 'road.
Milwaukee Also to "Tse Line.
AY h 1 1 e this Imnrnvomont . . -1 . i .
y . , ' v (a going
on, Harrlman n" t-tih , i m ,
- - win ie run
oyer the present line, which will be double-tracked
only In such sections as are
to be incorporated in the main line now
... L ' "u l,,e improvement of which
will be paid for bv both -J.!IPra"y. known' U mav also be said
me .nicago. Milwaukee & Puget
Sound will also be Included in this traf
fic arrangement, and will so gain an
?Zn i P"rtland- "sins Harrlman
trackage from Stockdale. on the Colum
bia slough, into the city.
The imnrnvAmant. v - ...
..vui. ' ; : "Jim Seattle,
i n-in(enan-e-of-way officials are
by the H Hlr
- - - v..,w , i u u me new iin
t.---.- v. vvimUI!ln t-acinc in-
n"1".0" trafflc "frreements. The
win k,;.VI not use thls road, but
"Uile "ne 'nt th territory.
workf thev T2f F thi
be built it;-Vk." ""wa.a J?'"
borhood of rS,,' n L J .h-
to the Canad.V; Provea . of lafe.
Equipment of Canadian Line Not
Adequate to Demands.
Applications rr.- i . .
system thi ona-kn j, . J 11
aivurqine to K R
Tk" """"i m Portland.
1 nese 21 onni -
-,,. . -Hi'.uuiis came after t
available rnn nm . . .
bad h . '""I'VJ Pciai trail
VT-. . u y omer parties. Fur
' the reat flood of
r; 11 : 13 S-'ven in the state
1" , . , 11 tne PQUipment on the
, " on .me main line has
' "' . lwo weeks ahead. in
tL. i 1 1 person applied at St.
Paul today for either a tourist of stand
ard sleeper berth over the Canadian
Pacific main line to Seattle, he would
have to wait two weeks to get It.
The new Soo-Spokane-Portland line
Is also well patronized and Is bringing
hordes of tourists to Portland en route
to Seattle or taking them out each day
on the homeward trip.
Hot Weather Drives Portland Peo
ple to Coast Resorts.
The first real rush to the beaches
this season Is Just starting, according
to statements made at the general of-
flees of the Astoria & Columbia River
Railroad yesterday.-
With the change to warmer weather
scores of tourists are visiting the Ore
gon seaside resorts and a good season
is expected. The beach travel has been
rather late In opening this year be
cause of the rainy weather that fol
lowed the Fourth of July. The Fourth
Is generally looked upon as the date
of the commencement of the season's
rush to the seaside, hut hot weather is
now Just beginning to drive Portland
people to the ocean in numbers.
Nearly All Through Roads Xow
Represented In Portland.
The announcement that the Wabash
system Is to open an office for business
in Portland is proving of Interest to rail
road men, providing, as it does, another
addition to the long row of railroad
agencies. At the general offices of the
Harrlman lines the statement is made
that the decision to establish an office
here is due to the traffic arrangements
recently entered into between the Harrl
man lines and the Wabash, whereby a
car now runs from Portland through to
St. Louis, using the Wabash system in
With the establishment here of a
Wabash office, nearly all the big Eastern
railroads will be represented In Portland.
The Bammore & Ohio is one of the big
ones that has not yet invaded this field,
but the prediction is made that it soon
will. The Baltimore & Ohio now has an
office in Seattle.
W. D. Stubbs, who will have charge of
the Portland office of the Wabash, Is a
nephew of J. C. Stubbs, general traffic
director of the Harriman lines, who left
for his home in Chicago Monday, after
spending 10 days in the Northwest.
Speelal Train From Salem.
Salem Is to add its Quota to the hun
dreds of Portland residents who will visit
the Seattle exposition on Portland, day.
July 20. The Southern Pacific announces
that a special train will leave Salem for
Seattle at 9 A. M., next Sunday, running
through solid to the exposition city and
putting the excursionists there early in
the afternoon of that day. The members
of the party will return home at their
leisure. The train will carry about 300
passengers from the Capital City.
Arrested in Company of Girl Whom
He Is Charged With Placing
in White Slavery.
Alexander Edward McGee, the 23-year-old
son of P. F. McGee, manager of the
Salem Woolen Mills, of Salem, Or., was
arrested by Police Sergeant Keller Tuesday
night in this city charged with vagrancy
and is being held at the police station
pending the ft line- of a most serious charge
against him. He is accused of luring 1S-year-old
Catherine James, of Salem, Or.,
from her home and trying to force her
into a life of "white slavery." The girl
alleged to be his victim was also taken
into custody Tuesday night. Sergeant Kel
ler found her in a resort at Fourth and
taylor streets. The request to appre
hend both came from E. W. James, the
girl's father, who lives at Bush and Lib
erty streets in Salem.
Mrs. .Josie Gilbert, married sister of the
girl, appeared at the police station Tuesday
night and told that McGee had admitted
to her that he had planned to take the
younger girl into "white slavery" in
North Bend, Wash. The girl herself
would affirm or deny nothing. Her ar
rest seemed to render her speechless
Young McGee presented a pitiable sight
when brought to the police station. His
eyes were bloodshot and unsteady and
his articulation thick as though he had
been on a debauch for days. He threat
ened to kill the girl's father for bringing
a complaint and was locked up with
curses on his lips. He requested that he
be allowed to telephone his father at
Salem, but Captain Slover refused him
this privilege until he was sober enough
to talk rationally.
Famous Bunco Man Arrested at the
Union Depot.
Detectives Craddock and Mallett ar
rested Frank Anderson, known as the
"Swede Kid ' and the "Lonsome Swede,"
a bunco man of wide reputation, Tues
day night ,at the Union Depot. An
derson had not been seen In Portland
for many years.' He was arrested here
on August 26, 1S96. on the charge of
vagrancy and was given a few hours
to leave the city. In this way only he
escaped prison or the rockpile.
Anderson is regarded as an expert in
swindling countrymen with trick de
vices and with fake bets. Secreted in
the lining of his coat. Detective Crad
dock found two locks, one which would
open and one which would not- The
lock trick Is gray with age, It has been
used so long about county fairs and
circus grounds. The faker opens the
lock and bets the victim he can't.
After the bet the faker palms the lock
which will not open and cheats the vic
tim. Several 500 Confederate bills and
one 1100 Confederate bill, used among
bunco men as a "flash" roll, were
found on .Anderson, as well as were a
hypodermic syringe, opium, morphine
and all the paraphernalia of a drug
fiend. Anderson tried to throw away
the drugs on the way from the depot
to the police station, but Detective
Craddock detected him In the act. An
derson's picture is in the Portland gal
lory of rogues. He admitted that his
picture was in nearly all the large
cities of the United States.
How Impossibilities Become Probabil
ities, and the Way In Which
Many Succeeded.
There are many people who are at
the top rung of the ladder of success
today who owe their success to Ore
gonian want advertisements.
There are many excellent proposi
tions offered under the different clas
sifications, one at least which may be
the means of bettering your condition.
Begin today and become a regular Ore
gonian want-ad reader.
Ex-Convict Is Suspected.
SATJEM, Or., July 14. (Special.) W. B.
Atkinson, an ex-convict, was arrested at
Corvallis today on Information furnished
by Chief of Police Gibson, in the belief
that Atkinson is the man who stole an
overcoat from Dr. J. D. Shaw In this
city Stonday evening. The police had
already located the coat and an effort
will be made to connect the suspect with
the offense.
In buying a cough medicine, don't be
afraid to set Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There is no danger from it
and relief is sure to follow. Especially
recommended for coughs, colds anil
whooping cough.
Masters of Ocean-Going Craft
Secure New Charter.
Call Issued for Meeting of Masters
at San Francisco for July 2 2.
Action Taken Under Recent
Ruling National Harbor.
Masters of ocean-going vessels re
siding in Portland and commanding
vessels sailing from this port, have
been Invited to attend a meeting of
masters, called for July 22 at San
Francisco. The object of the meeting
is to complete the organization of San
Francisco Harbor, No. 84, of Masters,
under a charter granted by the Na-
Due to Arrive.
Name. From. Dcta.
Rose City Ran Francisco Tn port
Eureka Eureka In port
Alliance. ...... Coos Jiav Int. 1 1
"icon fcan Francisco July
Ilreakwater .Coos Bay July
ArBO Tillamook July
Ftate of Cal. .San Francisco July
Roanoke San Pedro. July
Selja Hongkong. . . .Oct.
Scheduled to Deport.
Name. For.
Eureka Vnrlra
July 15
Falcon San Francisco July 13
Alliance Ccos Hay July 37
Rose City San Francisco July 17
Argo Tillamook July 21
Breakwater Coos Bay July 21
State of Cal San Francisco Julv 24
Roanoke San Pedro July 27
Selja Hongkong. . .Oct. 10
Entered Wednesday.
Daisy Freeman, Am. steamship
(Johnson), with general cargo, from
San Francisco.
Cleared Wednesday. '
Bessie Dollar. Br. steamship (Gow).
.with general cargo, for North China.
tlonal Harbor of the American Associa
tion of Masters. Mates and Pilots. Only
ocean shipmasters in active command
and those not seeking a lesser position
on shipboard will be entitled to mem
bership in the new harbor.
At the National convention of Mas
ters. Mates and Pilots, held In Wash
ington, D. C, in January of this year,
the charter was amended so that char
ters could be granted ocean masters
for a separate harbor. The action of
the Pacific masters in availing them
selves of this amendment is the first
that has been brought to the atten
tion of the public
Originally the association admitted
only masters and pilots to member
ship. Later the bars were let down
and mates admitted. Then trouble be
gan. Masters would not attend the
meetings and debate on the floor with
suDordinate officers. This fact alone
would not be conducive to good disci
pline on board ship. The position. In
terest and responsibilities of the mas
ter are widely divergent from those of
subordinate officers.
Of the masters operating out of San
Francisco, it is understood that 30 have
signed the charter roll which will be
presented at the meeting of July 22.
Captains Thomas Wallace, John Rob
erts, Charles F. Hall and R. B. Seike
are on the organization committee.
Captain William Wescott appears in the
role of National organizer.
River Craft Purchased by Western
Pacific Railway Co.
Representatives of the Western Pacific
Railway Company yesterday secured an
option for the purchase of the steamer
Telephone by placing a cash forfeit with
owners oi me Doat. it is understood
that the deal will be closed today and the
balance of the contract price paid this
afternoon. The craft will be taken to
San Francisco and used as a transfer
boat by the railroad company.
The AVestern Pacific Railroad is a Gould
concern and is doing a large amount of
construction work along the Sacramento
xiver. ti. Holmes, San Francisco rep
resentative, passed through Portland two
weeks ago and opened negotiations for
the purchase of the Telephone. She will
be used to carry construction material
and for transfer work.
The Telephone was recently inspected
by Joseph Supple and was declared by
that well-known shipbuilder to be in first
class condition. Cagfain George Conway
superintendent of the river division of the
O. R. & N., also inspected the boat and
pronounced her in first-class condition.
The Telephone was built by Joseph
Pacquet at Portland In 1903. With the
exception of a few months' service In
1905 and again in 1907, she has been tied
up, there being no business for a boat
of her class. Her speed has always been
a question among steamboat men. Some
state that she Is a world beater. She has
never been put to a severe test.
Steam Schooner Is Out Over 100
Hours From San Francisco.
Fears are entertained at Portland for
the safety of the steamship Johan Poul
sen, which is now out 'more than 100
hours from San Francisco for Portland.
The Johan Poulsen sailed from San Fran
cisco Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock,
and up to a late hour last night had not
put in an appearance oft the mouth of
the Columbia River. The vessel ha3 a
small amount of general cargo and carries
a crew of about 14 people. She is a lum
ber packet and carries no passengers.
The Johan Poulsen Is ordinarily a nine-
danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother's Friend is the only. remedy which relieves women of the
great pain and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as
woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is
avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despond
ent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions
are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the
serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the
eold." savs manv who iVf
have used it V-00 bo"Le
a rug ptoret. noon
containing valuable information of in-
rMl1. tr all xrrm on will Ka fnts
Atlanta, Ca. i-
knot boat and her average time between
ports is about 60 hours. It is possible
that the machinery may have been dis
abled or she may have dropped a pro
peller. There has been no toad weather
off the Coast and no reports of collision
ha-e been received.
Captain Roberts Seized by Attack of
Heart Failure in Night.
SEATTLE July 14. Captain il V.. Rob
erts, master of the big Hill steamer Min
nesota, died on his ship last night, be
tween Kobe and Nagasaki, Japan, of
heart failure. He was stricken suddenly
in the night.
The body will he brought to Tacoma, his
home. Captain Roberts -was one of the
best-known masters on fhe Pacific Coast.
This was his first trip in command of the
Marine Notes.
The steamship Argo sailed last evening
for Tillamook.
The steamship Nome City is loading
lumber at Rainier for 9an Francisco.
With passengers and freight for Coos
Bay the steamship Breakwater sailed last
The steamship Eureka arrived up Jast
evening with general cargo from Eureka
and Coos Bay.
With lumber and general cargo for
North China, the British steamship Bes
sie Dollar sailed yesterday morning.
The United States steamship Armerla
will leave down this morning for Astoria.
The Armerla has on board supplies for
me iignt stations in Alaska.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, July 14 Arrived Steamship
Daisy Freeman, from Pan Francisco: steam
ship Eureka, from Knreka and Coos. Palled
Steamship Argo, for Tillamook; British
steamship Bessie Dollar, for North China.
Astoria. Or.. July 14. (Special. Con-
aitioii at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M-.
bar. smooth: winfl. northwest. 24 miles;
weather, clear. Arrived at 6;2."V A. M. and
left up at 0 A. M. Steamer Eureka, from
Eureka Palled at 8:15 A. M. Steamer
Roanoke, for San Francisco.
San Francisco. July 14. Sailed at 3 P.
J. Steamers Atlas and J. B. Stetson, for
San Francisco. July 14. Arrived Steamer
Carmel. from Wlllapa; steamer Santa Bar
bara, from Grays Harbor; steamer Bee, from
Everett: steamer Carlos, from Port Ludlow.
Sailed Steamer J. B. Stetson, for Portland:
steamer Atlas, for Portland; steamer Nor
wood, for Grays Harbor; steamer Wasp, for
Puget Sound.
Hongkong. July 34. Sailed Monteagle. for
Vancouver. Arrived previously Kumerlc, from
Seattle, via Yokohama, etc., for Liverpool;
Ntng Chow, from Tacoma. for Yokohama and
Liverpool; Titan, from Liverpool, via Singa
pore, for Seattle.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
. . High. Low.
12:15 P. M 6.7 feet5:50 A. M 0.9 foot
11:J2 P. M....H.8 feetiS:4H P. M 3,7 feet
Mary E. Holcomb to Bert Whiting,
lot 6. block 19. Seltwood $
Portland Trust Co. to Gust Seaqulst,
lots 17. 18. block 2tS, Tremont Place
J. J. Beauregard and wife to P.
Schuele. S. of lot 2, block 70,
Sunnyslde Third Add
H. Hamblet and wife to Andrew Pe
terson, two-sixteenths interest in
lots 10. 17, block 6. Fairport
H. Hamblet. trustee, to Andrew Pe
terson, same property
The Hawthorne Estate to Jeannle
Black, lot In block 21, Hawthorne's
First Add.
R- M. Burch and wife to Fannie Tel
lefson. lot 15, block 19, Tremont
Place Add
Marie Bruce to James Allison, lot
7, block IB, Tremont place
Eliza J. Dalton et al. to William
Hance et al., westerly 90 feet of
lots 14. 15. block "F," Portsmouth
Villa Extension
Herman Metzger and wife to Louis
C'orak. lots 15, 16. block 8, Reser
voir Park
Maurice Liebman and wife to Victor
Land Co.. lot 6, block 4. Howltt. ...
S. A. Hartman and wife to Victor
I-anil Co.. property In Willamette
E. C. Hochapfel and wife to Thomas
McCusker. lots 5, 6, 7, Sec. 13, T.
1 N., R. 1 W
Phebe A. Breyman et al. to Ellis Da
vidson, lot 13, block 15, Sunnyslde
John Matthlesen et al. to William
Matthiesen, lot 14, block 23, South
Same to Edw. Matthlesen, lot 9,
block 4. Stlbd. of Proehstel's Add..
Same to William Matthlesen, lot 10,
block 4. Subd. of Proebstel's Add..
Eastern Investment Co., Ltd., to Isa
bel May Frazer. N. 33 1-3 feet of
lot 4. block 2. Excelsior . . .'
Point View Real Estate Co. to H. B.
Copeman. lots 13, 14. block 1,
Point View
M J. Brennan et al. to J. W. Bren
nan, lot 3. block 21, Caruthers Add.
to Caruthers; lots 33 to 15, block
13. Foxchase Add.; lot 7, block 255,
Holladay Add
Jacob Holzworth to Florence Kll
thau. w. 28 feet of lot 1 and N. 10
feet of W. 28 feet of lot 2. block
14, Alblna Homestead
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Elea
nor M. Jacobs, lots 5, 6, block 22,
Same to V. Clark Glldden, lots 11,
12. 13. 14, block IS. Berkeley
Nellie L. Price and husband to Anna
M. Harpke. 100x41.6 feet, commenc
ing 2000 feet E. and 30 feet N. of
S. W. cor. of Seldon Murray D.
L. C
Same to same, same property
J. L Zlegler and wife' to Fannie L.
Ziegler. lots 2. 3, block 4. Laurel
wood No. 2
Fannie L. Ziegler to J. L. Ziegler.
lot 5, block 11, Firland
T. E. Hammersly . and wife to E. S.
Jackson et al., lot 17, Taylor's
Subd. of Sec. 2, T. 1 S., R. 2 E. . .
Same to V. H. Quitzow, 'Tract 9,
laylor's Subd. of Sec. 2. T. 1 S..
R. 2 E
Evelyn C. Keasey and husband to F.
S. Morris, lots 5. 6. block 81, Car
ter's Add. to Portland
C. E. S. Wood, trustee, et al. to Peter
Kerr, W. Vi of w. 14 of N. E. 4
of S. W. of Sec. 20. T. 1 S., R.
1 E
Elmer Williams and wife to J. B.
Seeley, lots 39. 41, 43. 43, block 38,
Irvlngton Park
Arleta Land Co. to Delia L. Hering,
lot 14. block 14, Ina Park
Mary A. Kellaher et al. to Ivan
LJubetlch et al.. lot 8. block 4, '
Auer's Add
William Hutchinson and wife to Ame
lia J. Larson, lot 9. block 2, Hutch
inson's Add
Same to J. B- McElroy et al.. lot
10, block 2, Hutchinson's Add
John Maul and wife to J. K. Lasser
et al., lot 5, block 10, Lincoln Park
Frank Sweeney and wife to J. W.
Miller, lots 2, 3. block 1, Madras
Add '
Mary Bauer and husband to A. P.
Keppel. lot 10, block 9. East Port
land Heights
A. W. Fling to L. S. Winters, lots
21, 22, 2-1. 24, block 10. West Port
land Center
C. O. King to H. North, lots 23, 24!
25. block 3. College Place
J. Lefler to T. S. . McPanlel. lots ,
9. block 1. Stratford Rvdney Add..
3, BOO
. 1
Every mother feels a great
dread of the pain and dan
ger attendant upon the
most critical period of her
life. Becoming a mother
should be a source of joy
to all hut tVif siifFprintr onrl
I Ttl IfHV
1 JLgy 11 ."-f H
This is the place and
the time to load up your
bag for that vacation.
Heavy values at light
prices, featherweights,
vestless suits that were
$20 and $25, now. .10
166-170 Third St.
A. L. Mayhee and wife to R. H
Durfee. 20x40 rods, beginning 40
rods S. of center of Sec. 14. T. 1
S., Ft. 3 E J 000-
Henrietta Adams to S. T. Adams, lots
1. 2. block 1. and lot 8. block .1.
Adams Add., and lot fi. block tt
Severance Add j
A. H. Case and wife to J. r. Browii
et al.. lot 5. block 7, Wlllumbla. . . . 1.S00
Elizabeth F. Bozorth and husband to
M. A. Zollinger. W. ij of lots t)
1". block 25. Rossmere i
C- G. Strube and wife to R. M. Wld-
ney. lot 3. block 4. Strube's Add 10
I- W. Pierce and wife to John Hoj-n.
lota In Lorrlnton 2 4O0
John Barrett and wife to Ixulsa M
Turner, lots ft, 10, block 2, Madras 6.10
M. H. Clark to J. F. Glllmore. lot
14. block 7. South St. John l
Edna I McCoy to J. M. Mealy et al
lot 20. block 24. Waverleigh His . . 1
M. L. Holbrook and wife to Ann
Knight, lot 1. block 1. Chester
Place j oo
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to ' XT
W. pankey, lot S. block 20. Berke
ley 100
J. O, Ogden and wife to K E
Pitcher et al... S. of lot 14,
block 24. Multnomah 2,"00
Douglas Cemetery Association to s' "
B. Edwards, lots 3 33. block 3.
Douglas Cemetery jo
B. F. Oreene and wife to J. E. Nash,
lot lo. block "A" Cherrydale 2.400
J. M. Dixon and wife to F W Torg-
len lot 3. block 3, Auer's Add 10
Frank Escobar to XV. Williams, lot
10. Escobar Cemetery 25
B. IT. Bowman and wife to Logan
Sparks et al.. lot 7. block 15. Sun
nyslde Add jjnrj
A. J. Edson and wife to X a. Jacob
son, half interest In lots 0. 10, 11
12. 33. 14. block 7. Mansfield 280
F. S. Morris to EValyn C. Keasey. a
tract bounded on east by. Willam
ette River, on west by Macadam
road 10
Tot1 30,774
Room a. Board of Trade bid.
Abstracts a specialty.
Rave your abstracts made by the Tltla
Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerct.
Portland Gets Touch of Real July
Olouds made an exit yesterday and in
place of showers and an overcast sky
real July weather put in an appearance.
The morning opened clear, and by noon
the thermometer was up to 75 degrees.
Durinfr the afternoon the thermometer
went up 10 desrrees. By 4 o'clock the tem
perature had reached 84 degrees. Fair
weather is promised for the next few
days. The hourly temperatures follow:
5:00 A. M W?12:00 M 74
6:00 A. M fiO 1:(I0 p. M 70
7:00 A. M 0 2:0O P. M S2
T V" i 3:l P. M 83
9:00 A. M 04 4:llf p. M S4
10:OO A. M US 5:O0 P. M !4
11:00 A. M 70
Attempted Mayhem Charged.
WALLOWA, Or., July 14. (Special.)
George May, of Smith Mountain was
bound over to the Circuit Court from
Justice Miller's court yesterday on a
charge of threat to commit mayhem.
The first charge brought against him
was a threat to kill a neighbor named
Larklns, but the evidence produced
failed to nrnvp anvthinc mm-A t v.
that he had threatened to pull the
neighbor's nose.
Thia great book tells you how to
cure yourself without drugs. It is
written In plain language and beau
tifully Illustrated with pictures of well
built, robust men and women. It ex
plains many secrets you should know,
and shows how men become strong
and vigorous after a few applications
of my Electro Vigor.
If you suffer from weakness, nerv
ousness, general debility, rheumatism,
scatlca, lumbago (weak back). It you
have a stomach or bowel disorder, a
kidney or liver weakness or any
trouble that you want cured, don't
fall to get this book. Remember. It
Is absolutely free and post paid.
Don't wait a minute. Cut out this
coupon right now and mall It to me.
I'll send you the book closely sealed
.without delay.
1314 Second Avenue
Please send me. prepaid, your
free luO-page Illustrated book.
Address. ..
EC do!
Sour Stomach
by completely and promptly digestinit all the
food you eat. stops Dyspepsia and Indigestion
and makes the stomach sweet. It is guaran
teed to relieve you. and if it falls, your monev
will at once be refunded by your dealer from
whom you purchased it. Everv tahlespoonful
of Kodol digests 2 54 pounds of food. Trv lu
mi n
jsrvn Mr. TPs ttv 7T"i r r
Cured to Stay Cured
If you are seeking the
service of
Skilled Reliable
Von Should First Come to fa.
1 e-nue v. Can Show Yon by
he- Way We Will Trent You
nnd the Manner In Which We
Are sstlafylng Our Patients)
That ir Treatment IS
IreaJ .nH H?.mi5 ? , ' 88 i"'1 8 our I-ants that so many men we
hdif??rent hv"iia """ ,lm? f.ured sound &nl wel1 "ad bee" treated
,LZ ,V iB. lolans nnd specialists before coming to us, without get
,a? h Van tfnL1rary benffit' lf an benefit at all. It does seem
e to b.t ,Tem'f,ht. hae CUr"1 them at flrst w he the trouble amount
Jmin fnr i ' i cour8e. experience In specialization that ac
counts lor the great work we u t-.. , i ,Ai .1 .v.nA .1 . . , . ;
upon "'"leu ana Dlow a Dig horn, they do not make good when called
.W,?,av 'Instigated and tested all known methods for rbe treatment
?hf i J?"t""t" which gives us the right to judge between
tne laise and the true between shallow pretensions and solid worth
between substance and shadow. Musty and ancient theories and methods
cannot stand out against our advanced modes of treatment; against pro
gressive medical science and Indisputable evidence of hundreds and
hundreds of cases cured. All that can be accomplished bv expert skill
vast experience and scientific office equipment is now being done for
those who apply to us for the help they need.
Treatment of
We will treat some of your dis
eases for as low a fee as $5. We
will make you an exceptionally
low fee on any disease you may
be suffering from.
You should take advantage of
this offer when it is made by the
St. Louis Medical Co., because if
you. are a resident of this locality
you .know we have been located
In Portland a long time and have
the reputation of being the most
successful and reliable specialists
treating diseases of men.
HOI RS A. M. TO S P. M. SUNDAY, 10 TO 12.
I have treated men's diseases only for
26 years, and one year of my practice repre
sents a greater volume of good experience
than several years brings the average physi
cian or specialist. In explanation of this
statement will say that I have been the
busiest specialist upon this Coast, curing sev
eral cases to other physicians one. I began
my practice with accurate knowledge con
cerning men's diseases, and my patients have
received thoroughly scientific treatment. I
have not only treated an unusual number of
cases, but have treated them rightly, thus ac
quiring an abundance of the very best kind
of experience experience of positive value
to those I treat and experience that enables
me to offer cures with certainty of effecting
My ability to cure these derangements
commonly termed "weakness" has done more
to extend my reputation as a specialist In
men's diseases than any other thing. I was
the first to discover that " weakness " is
merely a symptom resulting from a chronic
ally Inflamed prostate gland, and that to
remove this Inflammation la the only method
of permanently restoring lost vigor. To this
day my system of local treatment Is the only
scientific one In use. In years I have not
failed to effect a complete cure. There are
two reasons for 'this. First, the unequaled
effectiveness of my method; second, because
I attempt to cure no incurable cases. My
long experience enables me to recognize those
that have passed Into an incurable stage, and
I treat only such as I know I can cure.
Advice and Consultation Free
Come and have a private talk with me concerning your ailment.
Even lf you are not prepared to undergo treatment at this time, I can
always give helpful sij gestions to men who are diseased or weak. If
you cannot come to Portland, write for particulars of my system of
home treatment. Interesting literature and colored charts lf you will
trEatvotsness ANT) constipation
Are caused by poor circulation Our
home treatment combines electricity and
dilation and permanently cures Consti
pation, pile or any Intestinal. Rectal
on Nervous Disorders. There Is lust
enough electricity furnished to be very
beneficial. Our appliances mre sold under
a positive euarantee. Write for free
ANCE CO.. 40S C. V. HeUman Bldg..
Los Angeles, Cal.
Take Heed of
This Warning
and help yourself before It is too
late. When the system needs
more water or food, thirst and
hunger remind you of this fact.
Wht'n you have a headache, dizzi
ness, lack of memory, physical or
mental debility, it is an an
nouncement by nature that some
thing is wrong, and if vou are
not sure what it is. better con
sult a doctor whose experience
qualifies him for examination and
decision. This will cost you
nothing, and we will advise you
as one honest man should advise
another. If we can do you no
good, we promise to do you no
harm. In other words, if we be
lieve we can not cure you. we
will candidly tell you so. On the
other hand. If we decide that
your case is a curable one. we
will allow you to pay our fee as
best suits your convenience.
The Leading Speclallnt.
If I did not know that
I could thoroughly cure
ny ailment of men, I
could not afford to
agree thnt yon pay me
after I cure you. Neither
could I afford to under
take wl cure for the low
fee I charge.
I Also Cure
Yarleoae V e I n a. Sper
matorrhoea, Pllea. Spe
cific Blood Polaon, Con
tracted Dlaordera and
All Reflex Ailments.
Yon stever find absurd.
r misleading a t a t e
menla. I state nothlnc
but the SQUARE, HON.
LT. Sanderson's Compound
Savin and Cotton l;out PilLs
and best onlv reliHble rem
edy for FKM.ll.K
In s ,7. ", 4 " tisi mate cases
woe S--10 day5-. Prlce 2 rer h-v or
2- ?' mai!ed In plain wrapper. Ad
?vt?88, T-, J-, PIERCE. 316 Alisliy bldg
Moodard. Clarke & Co., 4th and Wafh.
"nun hert and rou, cure
cancer, nervousness, ca
tarrh, anthma. coughs, ia
fiilppe. lung, liver, throat,
kidney and stomach trou
bles; al?o all private dis
eases. ro operations. We,
cure when other fall
Consultation free. Young
Ming Chinese Medicine Co
241 Taylor St.. bet. 2d A 34