THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY- 11, 1909. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKEGOXIAS TELEPHONES. Fac. States. . . .Main 7070 ...Main 70T0 . . .Main 7070 . . .Main 70TO . ..Main 7070 , . . Main 7070 . . .Main 7070 Home. A B093 A ! A 0005 A 6095 A eons A OO05 A 6095 tVuntlnic-Room .... City Circulation Htmcinr Editor... Sunday Editor t'ompoilnn-roam ... "lt Editor Bupt. Buildings AMISFM RNTS. pl'SOALOW THEATER (Twelfth and Mor rison) Marie Doro In the comedy, "The Morals of Marcus." Tonight at 8:15. aVTRIC THEATER tSeventh and Alder) Messrs. Shunsrt present the comedy, "The Blue Mouse." Tonight at 8:15. ORPHETJM THEATER (Morrison, between Sixth and Seventh Advanced vaude ville. Matinee at 2:15. Tonight at 8:15. . GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Seventh and Park) Vaudeville de luxe. 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. VANTAGES THEATER (Fourth and Stark) -Continuous vaudeville, 2:80. 7:30 and 8:30 P M. GTAR THEATER Movlng-plctur show every afternoon and evening, a to 10:30 o'clock. RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fifth and Vaughn) Baseball. Tacoma vs. Portland. This afternoon at 8:30. PAKS (O. W. P. carllne.) Concert by Danatelll'a Italian band. This afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 8:15. OREGONIAN AT RESORTS For quickest ajervlce anbscrtbe for The Oresrontan at Summer rraorts through the following airnm ana avoia waning in line 4 at the poatof fice. City r a t e a Subscription by mall Invariably in advance. Ocean Parle C. H. II1U t Breaker Hotel Breaker f Lose Beach Strauhal A Co. 2 Seavlew Strauhal Co. t) llvraco Hallway Co.. New Agent columella Hearu .iim aunaer (esrhsrt Severin Hirkios Seanlde F. Dresser A Co. Newport Georice Sylvester Shlpherd Sprlnsra . Mineral Hotel Collin Spring; Collin Hotel Mayor Talks on East Sidb. At the opening of the new East Side passenger station on East First and East Morrison streets, Monday night, at the conclusion of the programme of addresses Mayor Simon was Introduced by Chairman (Bolee. and he received quite an ovation. That he felt pleased at the cordial way lie was received by the people of the East Side could be seen. He said that when he became a candidate for Mayor he, had been told that most of the votes of the city were on the East Side, and on looking up the matter had found that there were 4600 more votes on the East than on the West Ade, but that lie was gratified that at the election Jie had received a majority on the East Bide as well as on the West Side of the city, for he Intended to be Mayor of the whole city. Joseph Buchtel in Jiis talk said lie had been In Portland for 67 years. Mayor Simon said that he had been here nearly as long as Mr. Buchtel. having been here for 60 years. Oroceks Mat Not Close. The move ment among 30 of the grocerymen of Eunnyside and Mount Tabor to close at noon every Thursday, until September 1, ptarted last Thursday, may not be tarried out. A considerable number of the grocery stores closed according to a written agreement signed by the pro prietors, but there were some who did not comply. The business men say that they cannot remain closed unless all Join In the mvement. The object was to provide a half holiday for the clerks nd proprietors during July and August, nd notices) were served on all custom er that the stores would be closed very Thursday afternoon. The arransc tnent seemed satisfactory to the custom ers. Belmont Street . Opened. The em bankment on Belmont street between East Ninth and East Tenth streets has been completed and raved, and yester day the fctreet was thrown open to the jiublic. With exception of the dilapi dated roadway between East Nine teenth and East Twentieth streets, Bel mont Is now opened between East Water and East Thirty-ninth streets, and for the most part Improved with hard-surface pavement. Between East Thirty ninth street and Francis avenue, at Mount Tabor, hard-pavement will be laid, and work Is now In progress on this part of the street. The filling at East Twentieth street is going forward very slowly but an effort is being made to expedite the work. Wiu, Form District. At the meeting r-i me rvenuworin improvement dub I Monday night. It was voted to form a I snreet improvement district of Kenll worth. and J. O. McQuaid. E. F. Molden , hauer and T. H. Compton were appointed to prepare a petition and secure the Hlgnatures. On motion the club favored five concerts a week instead of three as proposed. J. T. Tomlinson, a musician, brought the matter up. He said that the city had made a verbal contract for five concerts a week. A resolution was adopted urging Mayor Simon to ap point Ben Riesland a member of the Park Board. Mr. Riesland Is a member of the Woodstock Puph Club and presi dent of the Seventh. Ward Improvement League. Death of Mrs. Elisabeth M. Heston Mrs. Elizabeth M. Heston died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Price, 841 Cook avenue, Monday at the age of SO years. She was the mother of Mrs. H. Price, of this city, ind Miss Rachael Li. Heston, of Vancouver, Wash., and had three daughters at Mount Pleasant, la. Mrs. Heston had lived in Portland three years. l'ie funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.-- Price. 341 Cook avenue, after which the body will he taken to Mount Pleasant, la., for Interment. Consumers' Leaoite Rallt.-An East Slde rally of the Consumers League Is being arranged to be held Sunday eve ning In the Third Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Kelly, secretary of the National Consumers' League, will deliver the ad dress. This rally Is in the Interest of the objects of the Consumers' League The meeting will be held at 6:45 o'clock and all Interested will be welcome. Geis Released From Jail. George S. Gels, a dealer In real estate, who ho. been detained in the County Jail since jiu: a. was released, yesterday for lack of evidence to warrant his being held. GcJs was arrested at Corvallis. July 2, on a charge of wrong business practices' Circle to Hold Social. Winslow cir cle. No. 7. Ladiea of the G. A. R., will hold a social at the home of Mrs. Laura Morgan. 1S34 East Stark street, tomor row night. The dwelling Is at the end of the Mount Tabor carline. ; Band Concert Tonight! Inseb' Famous New York Band. At Multnomah Field. Eminent Soloists: Excellent Program, tomoht S:30; Admission 60c. Clatsop Bkach Visitors. You can save money by buying your groceries at Dres ser Mercantile' Company. Seaside and Oearhart Park. Goods sold at Portland prices. Remember you save the freight. Ailbina Lots Brinq $13,000. J. W. Toll man has sold to Fred Brown lot 26 and part of lots 25 and 24. In block 25, Alblna v .,13'00- The Property is located on A llllams avenue and Eugene street. 7 Band Concert Tonight! Innes' Famous New York Band. , At Multnomah Field. Eminent Soloists: Excellent Program Tonight 3:30: Admission 60c. Perxi.n8 Grill announces music daily during lunch, dinner and after theater by the famous Markee Orchestra. I Young j Man Demonstrate your ability and thrift by saving some part of your earnings and your ultimate success is As sured. Deposit a dollar as often as convenient with i Itie Oldest Trust Company in Oregon And enjoy the knowledge of being secure against de pendence. i We pay from 2 to 4 per I I cent on deposits. t i Call for our statement and book of g "ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS BENJ. I. COHEN President H. 1 PITTOCK Vice-President DR. A. 8. NICHOLS.. 3d Vtee-Prrat B. LEE PAGET Secretary W. J. GILL Assistant Secretary C. W. DEORAFF Caehler 'Hibernian Picnic Sundat. Arrange ments have been completed for the pic nic to be, given Sunday, July 18, at Bon neville, under the auspices of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. The steamer Spen cer will leave the dock at the foo't, of Washington street. morning at 9 o'clock, for the Columbia River resort. During the day there will be a series of races and cotests and a tug-of-war be tween teams from the Hibernians and the German Alliance. A feature of the outing will be the address to be delivered by James O'Donnell, of Dublin, member of Parliament, who will speak on condi tions in Ireland at the present time. It is expected that between 600 and 700 Irishmen will go to Bonneville. Larger Site Secured. The cotton tabernacle where Evangelist Martin Is conducting his meetings has been moved to a larger site, between East Tenth and East Eleventh . streets, on East Morri son. A reception tent has been erected and put in charge of a trained nurse from the Portland Sanitarium. The nurse will take charge of children while their mothers are attending services. Attend ance of all the meetings is large. Last night Elder Martin spoke on the sub ject, "Did God Foretell the Rise of the Papacy?" One of the features of these meetings is the large choir in charge of . JO. - Johnson. Third Sentence Given. Harry Clark. twice sent up for larceny, was given his third sentence In the Municipal Court yesterday morning, when Judge Bennett sent him to Kelly Butte for one year for stealing a watch and $18 in money from John Arthur, a former acquaint ance. The theft took place last Friday nlght Clark was without funds and asked Arthur to loan him 20 cents with which to get a bed for the night. Arthur tnen volunteered to take him to his own bed and share it with him. During the night Clark left and the watch and money were missing. Skull Fractured in Fall. John Clay, aged 29 years, of 2S34 Third street North, while employed on the new Port land Railway, Light & Power Company Dunaing. at Seventh and Alder streets yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, fell from the building, striking on his head and shouldersx. He sustained a fractured skull and immediately became uncon scious. An ambulance from the Central Stables carried the Injured man to Good Samaritan Hospital, where he Is under the care of physicians, who announce the-belief that he will recover. Adjourns tor the Summer. The Sell wood Board of Trade held Its last meet ing Monday night for the Summer. Com mittees on sewer and water were con tinued, as both committees have work to do. The sewer committee was In structed to keep close watch on the con struction of the JIOO.OOO sewer system now under way in Sellwood. J. W. Campbell Is chairman of the committee. Walter Adams is chairman of the water committee. Should It be necessary special meeting may be called by Presl- aent lJonaugn at any time. Foreign Secretart Appointed. Word has been received in Portland that Rev. Ernest- F. Hall has been appointed Pa cific Coast secretary for the Foreign Mis Bionary Society. He will make his head quarters In Oakland, Cal. Rev. Mr. Hall waa in Portland last March during the meetings in the Interest of Co re a and he nas been a missionary in Corea. Rev. A. J. 'Montgomery and others speak of him as a fit man for the place, although me rorxiana Presbytery Indorsed Rev. iti. m. fenarp, D. D.. and desired his ap pointment. will . iot close Church. At the meeting of the session of the Third -resoytorian Church Monday night It was decided to maintain all the regular aunng tns Summer months, services being held moraine and vnh Rev. A. J. Montgomery, the pastor, will be absent during August, and Rev. Robert McLean, Jr., eon of Rev. Robert McLean, of Grants Pass, will be In charge during his absence. Rev. Mr Montgomery expects to go to Mount "vuu ur iouni Adams for his vacation 1 he D. Alexander Abstract Office. Having recently purchased the TV aw ander abstract plant and having an ex- """" years in this kind of bust ness we are now devoting our time and attention exclusively to abstracting titles i., Ionian county and are prepared .v. mi i. uiujiuj an uraers in our line J M. & E. H. Smith. abstracters and searchers of records, 412-413 Corbett bide 4. nuns .'1 111 11 Oil. Chicago Woman Seeks Brother. Miss Ellen M. Brady is in the city on- her way from Chicago to Seattle, and is seeking a brother. Francis Josenh r,- from whom the family have not heard tor nve jears. wnen last heard from - wao near f-ortiana. and as she ha - . ,..,,,..,,, mm. sne aesires to locate him. She Is registered at the i :i nuia. Forced Sale. 387 East Twelfth street North; modern, eight rooms- haiitffi lawn and shade; can be had for $6000 can n soia next rew days; quick action ii-i.-crjr-, sureiy a snap. - Jackson Deering, 246 Stark street. v ill Be Buried at Gresham. John r. inison, wno aiea in this city yester day, will be buried at Graham tnriav The funeral will ba conducted from the .vieinoQisi (Jiiurcn at that place at 3 P. zn. na was 8. years of age. tUVENING HORSE SHOW AND FAIR uneniai oiag., 7:30 o'clock. The Marcus jjaiy norses; very fancy drivers. Ladle lnvuea. Experienced elevator, man. Fenton big. Early in the season, when men usually buy clothes for Summer, our line of fine suits, selected by us and made by the best makers in the land, were the main attraction of the town, in clothes. And we certainly did sell a lot of them; no better clothes were ever offered, and no fairer prices were ever quoted on them. Now we're clearing them up; the entire lines of fancy Spring and Summer weights, many of them right tor wearing late into the Fall, many suitable for this weather. You have a chance at high-class clothes at the price of ordinary kind.- $50.00 40.00 35.00 32.50 30.00 25.00 22.50 20.00 Interfering Drivers Arrested. Drivers who Interfere with the transfer car of the O. W. P. division of the Port land Railway, Light & Power Company between First street and the Salem In- terurban depot, have come under the ban of Detective Llllis of the streetcar com pany, who has arrested four in the past week. Fred Noyes. .a driver for the Green Transfer Company, was arrested yesterday morning by the officer. He will be tried before Judge Bennett In Municipal Court this morning. Suspected Pickpocket Caught. Frank Anderson, an alleged noted pick pocket, was arrested late yesterday afternoon, at Union Station, ' while jos tling among the crowd in the waiting- room. He had been under the shadow of Detective Craddock for some time and was placed under arrest by the officer and lodged In the City Jail on a vagrancy ciiarge. Logger Crushed to Death. 'Falling among running machinery in a sawmill operated by the Bonneville Lumber Com pany at Bonneville, Or., John Carleson, 40 years old, was crushed to death yes- ieraay aicernoon at 2 o clock. A report of the death waa made to Coroner Nor- oen. carleson was married and left a .widow and two small children. "Lefferts" cure gold seamless rings, all sizes; engraving free; price, Jo to 12. 272 Washington street. WAREHOUSE TO BE BUILT Campbell-Sanforrl-Henley Company Buys Property Here. AntlclnAtlns- a Hi-tiirt frnl. .. .1 . forestall a shortage of cars' this Fall, ne- 6uu4uuu are in progress ror the con version of Martin's rtm-lr In tv lnn-D. harbor, into an adequate grain ware- nouse. tne Campbell-Sanford-Henley Company, owners of an extensive line. of elevators and granaries throughout the xmana ji,mpire, nave purchased an in terest In the Martin structure and will supervise tts reconstruction. As the Campbell-Sanford-Henley Com pany will ultimately occupy the entire structure, a new dock will h ed. The only available strln at n rnncrl which will meet the requirements of the new wharf lies on the west side of the river. The site upon which the new building will undoubtedly be erected Is nuns, me np irom wnicn the Terryboat Lionel R. Webster is now operating. Work on the nrnnospd Birin-tn m wm . fcegln before next year. It Is expected by the new arrangement the grain company can handle the bulk jv.o Biupmenis irom tnis point. The oresemt facilltlpn win .. i . ..... . , , niTillllllg vessels to moor with ease and load with out interruption me grain that formerly was sent to San Francisco or kept in cars, which occasioned car famines fre quently. K. E. Calvin Regaining Health. V. . FV Calvin, vlrp.nrpdnt eral manager of the Southern Pacific lines, is rcporu improving at San Fran cisco, in a telegram received at the gen eral Officers Of the Harrimnn lln.c Portland yesterday. Mr. Calvin, yester day, was out In the fresh air for the first time and it Is now believed is on Great Oriental CURIO SALE Tourists are cordially invited to attend our special sale of the tuiest line of Japanese and Chinese Curios, Novelties, Silk Em broideries Kimonos, Mandarin Coats, Screens, old Satstima Bronzes, Cloisonne Ware,, new Brass Vases, fine Porcelain Tea bets, Carved Furniture, etc. iT.60008 MARKED WITH PLAIN FIGURES, JUST HALF OF REGULAR PRICES. Don't miss this opportunity to take home something good that is a great bargain with vbu be'fore leaving the city. " REMEMBER" THE PLACE, 246 WASHINGTON STREET NEAR OLD CHINATOWN. PAGODA BAZAAR ANDREW KAN & CO. ,i " in ii urn ii. . , Men's Suits Suits Special Suits Special Suits Special Suits Special Suits Special Suits Special Suits Special Suits Special the rapid road to recovery. Mr. Calvin was operated on for appendicitis July 4. his Illness having dated from June 21. iHe did not rally well from the shock of the operation and -for a time It was feared he would not recover. GIVES NEW PIANO Bush & Lane Piano Company Will Give a Piano Away Saturday. Are you luckyT Some one It may be you will get a beautiful piano ab solutely free. When you pass our Btore In the Selllng-Hlrsch building, come In and register do It today It costs you nothing-. Every Oregonlan reader should avail himself of this generous offer. A high-grade piano absolutely free no future charge whatever. Come In and register. Bring your friends. The piano will be awarded the lucky one Saturday. Remember the place, 386 Washington street, between West Park and Tenth. PURE FOUNTAIN -DRINKS For ice cream, sodas, etc., only pure crushed fruit Is used, at Pearce's, Royal Bakery, Wash.-St., store. ' 1 WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for ladles. 306 Wash., near Fifth. MY NEW I-OCATIOST. Dr. Edwin C. Holmes, specialist ap pendicitis, rheumatism, stomach, nerve troubles. 404 Buchanan bldg. M 8002. South Bend Residence Burns. 1 SOUTH BEND. Wash., July 18. (Spe cial.) The residence of Z. B. Brown burned to the ground yesterday evening, the fire originating from a defective flue. Meat Clogs the System Hot -weather often, brings many ills. Try cooling, strength ening food. Open "6 A. M. to 8 P. M. Prices moderate. Vegetarian Cafe lOS Sixth St Near Washington. Youn $30.00 27.50 25.00 22.50 20.00 18.50 18.00 15.00 30.00 24.40 1S.75 16.90 1 S.OO The loss is $1200, with $800 Insurance. The household goods were nearly all saved, but In a badly damaged condition. THIS IS THE BEST TIME tTe YEAR FOn. A JTBW P1ATD OR BRIDGE, As tbere la little or no danger of ion gums or other troubles walla Spring lasts. Our platea give the mouth a nat ural exprec-.tsn. and will prove a laat-Idb;- comfort. DR. W. A. WISE President and Hiuk S3 Tm Bvtabllabea tn Portias. We will give you a good 22k cold or porcelain crown toi.........B a.oa Molar crowna ................... 0.00 22k bridge teeth S.OO Gold or enamel fillings........... J9 Silver fillings JS0 Inlay fillings or all klnda uo Good rubber plates B.00 The red rubber platea....... 7.SO Painless extraction. .BO Painless extractions free whan plates or bridge work Is ordered. Work guaranteed for IS year. THE WISEDENTAL CO. (Iu.t Tke Falling; Bide 3d and Wash. sta. Office hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. H. Sundaya, 9 ta i. . Phone A and Main 202S. DESKS OFFICE FURNITURE FILING CABINETS CHAIRS Glass & Prudtiomme Co. PRINTERS BINDERS STATIONERS 65-67 SEVENTH STREET Write for catalogue and prices on sewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile, water, well and culvert pipe, pipe for septic tanks, etc. OREGON A WASHINGTON SEWER PIPE CO, 41 N. Kroat St. FredPrehn,D.D.S. SlZ.OO Fall Set at Teeth, $6.00. Crowns and Bridge work. 13.00. - Room 405. Dcknm. Open Evening Xill 1. Men's Colleg College Suits Sp'l College Suits Sp?l College Suits Sp'l College Suits Sp'l College Suits Sp'l College Suits Sp'l College Suits Sp'l College Suits Sp'l The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO. CANADA PORTLAND BRANCH SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened in the name of two people payable to either of them or the sur-. vivor. Interest allowed on the undisturbed monthly balance. FOREIGN EXCHANGE bought and sold. DRAFTS ISSUED payable in all principal cities of the world. . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED F. C. MALPAS, Manager Portland Branch For QUALITY and PROMPT SERVICE CALL UP THE CITY LAUNDRY CO. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU PHONES, Main 429 and A ST73 DR. E. M. DALLAS OPTICIAN Uses the NEW WIESBADEN METHOD of eye-testtngr. which he obtained while In Europe. No extra charge for this ABSOLUTELY CORRECT science, which relieves all eye strain and head aches. W give you the .finest work manship In the city at very reasonable prices. Established 1896. Dallas Optical Parlors 2IS-219 KallInK Hldg., Corner Third and Washington, Second Kloor. Take Elevator. Belmont School b oys "Belmont, California Twenty-fire miiei south of Sin Frandaco. ii trrinz. and we. think with reasonable success, to oo for the moral, physical and intellectual welfare of its boys what eery tbouebtful parent mqst wishes to have done. Its location beyond tne dirersions and temptations of town or city, the fineness of Its climate, the beanty of its buildings and grounds, the range and attractiveness of the surrounding country are most help ful aids. Ask our patrons, our graduates and our boys about us. Write for a catalogue and specific Information. W. T. Reld. A. M. (Harrard) Head Muter W.T. Reid. Jr.. A. M. I Harrard I Ana t. Bead MastCf Mr. II. A. Hinraan, a teacher In Bel mont school, will be at the Park Hotel Ashland, July 10, between 10 and 12 and 2 and 4. and at the Portland Hotel Portland, from July 13 to 16 between 10 and 12 and 2 and 4, and at other hours by appointment, to meet parents or others interested In the educational work of the school. MT. TAMALPAI8 MILITARY ACADEMY. Sao Rafael. Cat. Fully accredited U. s! Army Officer. Only Western School with Cavalry and Mounted Artillery. Open-atr Gym. and Swimming Pool. Opens August 18 Arthur Craby, A. M.. I. l.. Headmaster 1S.7S 1 6.85 1S.OO 13.35 13.50 1 1.25 PORTLAND PRINTING MOUSED A .com A tvarwa uiaiu vvA IPirSinietrs f EYERYTHIR8 But Women of Woodcraft Building SS8 Taylor Straot. comer Tenth THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St. C&V Boren Ave. SEATTLE AaMelvtely ' &3 SIS? Lrfil" Flre-rroof , ru. ' UaltedWlralas Station The Highest Grade Erery MocUra CoaTealanot Centrally located and commandinsr a view of thf Olympics. Cascade Mountains. Mt. Rainier antj' Fiurat Sound. Auto-'Busj meeta trains and boa.' on direct carline to the A.-Y.-p Exposes J. S. McTERXAN. Manar..W' 7 i SK YOVB DEALER' "EUREKA" OR "J Cotton Cov There Is Nrs GOODYEA i-3-5-7 y J CCHW OSOLIC7 7