TITE aiOItyiXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1909. Mn nun dt in n n r m fr the n i .1.. i 1 ir- new Ton at , ; - . III! IUIIIIII UUIII I la I I I a a. . I IIU IIIUI1L. IIUUUl.ll WALKS. IS EDICT Ordinance Providing for Ce ment Exclusively Favored by Street Committee. ONLY ONE VOTE OPPOSES Despite Rushllffht'a Objection Meas ure Is Expected to Become Law. East Seventh Street Or dered Improved. i Cement nlde-walks for the wriole city t!l, .n.0.J"re wonlen ones will be. the rule If the city Council next Wednesday passes an ordinance which Is recom nwe2 ?ly. lhe committee on streets, which held its first session under the new ret-lme yesterday afternoon. This makes a great bntxre. but it Is declared by the members of the Council to be one of the best steps ever taken to beautify the city, and It is said that it will In the end save to property-owners many thousands of dollars. Councilman Rushlight alone voted ajralnst its passage, but it is be lieved that he will be unable to block its TJIV101.,"16"!- Th0 Proposed ordinance was introduced two weeks bko bv H. A. Heppner. at that time a Counci'lman-at-large, but since retired. J'iL87lke',.m? that thla PPosed ordi nance Is a little too broad at present." said Mr. RushllRht. when the matter came up before the street committee yes IZ u a"erI,oc"1- "There are many peo ple ho have not sufficient means to pay for cement sidewalks. I believe, and I doubt the Justice of its passage in its present form at this time." mLth re?uest of an attorney, the crornttee recommended that an asphalt pavement be laid on East Sev .TriL!".?1' rom Thompson to Klickitat streets, despite the protest of a larjre mrniber of the residents, who have re! peatedly declared to the Council that lZY ,are unable to bear the burden of TT. "UCh a Pavetnt. Councilman VXVnl ,xPresJ the opiinon, after ''" ,n the ,slte 'or himself, that It would be an Injustice to permit the lay ;K maca-'la'" improvement, as the thoroughfare under consideration is but one block from Grand avenue, which Is sa;1hrfaCe1t fr ml,es- beyond East Seventh is a big district which Is also Im proved with various kinds of hard-surface pavement. Councilman Menefee, in rht- th dl8trlct lles- "Phold. the rights of the property-owners and Is on- tht'rl ?r " exPenslv Improvement !f"v "? waa ""able, however, to block- action. ..h" ,bee.n deoldea to best to lay asphalt instead of Belgian blocks on Morrison street from Front to Third streets, and proceedings to lay tie stone xh.7 b8COntJSUed- The 'ason given "s VXL V7tfflc. OVer stone block8 too noisy and the interested property-owners requested that asphalt be laid FmT'w .K.Ub"- reP-eenting the Eghth Ward, introduced a resolution to fi 'T01 Street from Ea8t Nineteenth to tast Twentieth streets. It is very .J1 ,he Counc will adopt thU. and that the nil will be made, as the street Is hard-surfaced with bituiithic andmao8t,TWeth l tha pIac ol,f 11131 Twentieth to Easi Forty-second streets, and it Is regarded over whthl "f 8hUla be on m.nt thfre 13 n Kood improve o.hetw, ma,k,nS tal break in the otherwise excellent thoroughfare. fl?U.?Im.an Annand Psided for the man bt, Si" aPPointment as ehalr ?y Mayr Simon, and the new com Siltteemen were all present. Weston Mill Changea Hands. WESTON. Or.. July 9. Special The porated with a capital stock of J10 000 to .r't .rrl flouring mm vseston. A large warehouse will be con ThHnV". ther lmProvement. made W ZiPri6e WUl ba noucted by r! jy- Barkham. a miller of 40 years V perienc. who arrived recently f Call-" BAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. 1908! aV-lncn..'"0 8'Ptemb 1? clencj. 17 lnhM -K.?!1, Inches: defl WSJATHBR CONDITIONS kSS TSiLt,' to ft. ram has fku.n t"t.rd VU?ac2lsht- , FOREJCASTS. Oreson Fair, except .hower. northwaM Wuhlnnton Pair cut. showan Hon: westerly ti ind Mowers wut por- IdaJio Probably fair. , PWARH ABEAT.S, Ulstrlt , UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS " ,-;-!?STV"ERS ARE HELD AT THIS nu A 202. 210. 220. 238. 191. H 111, IPS. 190, 200. 211. - 1 22 Si?- 2 w- . . B 184. 210. 211. 212 218 104. 200. 303. 212. G 1!. 191. 202, 201 n, H 190, 19T. 190. 20a," 2l"l" 212. 213 JWJJ 111. 209. 2M5, 210. 220 2" M or K ISO. 201. 202. 210. 220 S 22T at!' SET- t - too- 122- 20- Si "t3, S4, 89, 82, 194" 22- 321. 38. K 204. 20a, 225. O 20, 2i)8. 20a. 1" 207. 21.8. R 20. 212. 21, 219. 222. 220 22T 22R J 199. 107. 190, 203. ao, 2f8. TOO 76o. viol: 209-.212- 21a. afi.760' ' W 01," 209. X 220, 222,' 22S. Y 15- 2iS. 228. 228 229 AH 109. 203. 207. 200. t ISO. 180, 202. 212, 223. 214 ion AE 210, 218, 22ll 8- AF 173. 208. AO SOS. 2aam" 188, 17at 20s- 21- 21. 214. AJ 100. 224. 229, SIS. AK 108. 200, 2.0L 20B AI. 201. 208. AM 217. 218. 220, 328. 22B AN 120. 184, 200. If shove answers are not called for within lx days, same will be destroyed. wltPm MiUKTlJfO NOTICES. OREOON LODOE. NO. 101. - A F. AND A M. Special imn.nn.1. ays' cation this (Saturday! ncnln. t xn vv;.".!""'0 J"emple: M- de- i T . ' . -" "mm ran cordially t Invited. By crde w. M. A- Bsivllsn. aa a- r cor one Kouoir dollam. PORTLAND PCRTIANO, OR. ETKOFKAN PIAN MODERN RKSTACRANT ! HOTEL, OREGON J CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS J Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up Z EUROPEAN PLAN I WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. - 1 ) ) OS) t ) t In fho bart of (flRF SiM:.SL?c,al an.d " I fefefc.:1QWlin Dnvat bath, en suit onA cn'r,-l T . j The Perlcln. TnA.l dinner and after the - - u Meete all traino. Centrally Located Modern Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PhiL MeUchto & Sons, Props. IB( IXstsnce phono la Every Room. Rates $1.00 - J. F. DAVIE S. President St. Charles Hotel COMPANY (Inc.) FRONT AND MORRISON. PORTLAND. OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 60c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION. THE Park St, between Moniaoi and Alder. CALUMET HOTEL Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM AJ3t!n Rates to Pamillea ana jsnropean Onr Bns Meets All Trains Sample Soltee with Baths lor Commercial Travelers. MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE HOTEL SEWARD COR. TENTH AND ALDER Beautiful Hotel Moore CLATSOP BEACH SEASIDE, OR. Portland'B Nearest Beach Resort-Via A, & C. R. R. Open All Year WrTort Hof l&iC vA tfusumTet S ' Ijouf w u " salt baths and surf bathing. Sea foods a sre- eialty. Walks, drives and boating,. DAN J. MOORE? Propf IXERAL KOTICE8. MoaaSherJUi?r,8"T t?9 of her iavunter Airs. G. J. Sairer 2fti ri i Archer Place, on the Mount st? carne Agnes McAfee, ajred 5T years. beloved wife fully invited to attend the funeTal e?vee ?i?,lc? wi"be heM " Holman-s chape?" Third and Salmon sts., at 2:80 P. M Sun. tery lnterment Multnomah Ceme- ZWICKEL At the residence of his daugh-R- B. Bondurant, 334 East Thirty-fourth street. July 9. Conrad Zwlckel. aged 77 years. Funeral serv ices win be held Sunday. July 11 at 1 P. M.. at residence. Funeral private. Dnnnlns; McKntee Ollbanch. Tnneral Directors 7th and Pine. Phone kalnela lady Assistant, Office of County Coroner. - J11.0 .H,IrlS1AX .CO funeral dlreet. rs. g20 d St. Ijidy asslatant. Phone M. 60 7. J. P. FIXLEY A BON. Sd and Madlaea. lady attendant. Phone Main 8, A lWD, T. B DUNNING, undertaker. 41 aM Alder. lady aaalstant. - Phone ast fit. McENTKK-EKlCSON CO. TTndartakarsi lady aaalntant. 4 OB Alder. M SlU. Z,I H R BXKXK? co-. Funeral Direct, era, 878 Russell. Roth phones. Lady assists n. IERCH-rndertaker 420 East Alder. JPnonee ae WJ..S-la6at Lady assistant. FCE.JQrARTER8 MR TOI-R1STS and COMMTERC1 AX. TK-tVELhlU. rlpecrfal rates made to famillee sod sin gle gentlemen. The management will he plea! at all times to enow rooms and give prloee. A mod em Turkish Bath eetabltfthment In the hotel. H. C BOWERS, Maaacflr. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and WtLKhino-hnT. Sfa the business and shopping district. The Jong-distanr phones in every room. Rooms uM-tv-uato ucjiei in I n r !nnnwpcr y equipped sample-rooms. . ... . theater, hi- ,.. u t .' . . . ado . rr in mi 1 1. K, , ,, v. . HOTEL FERKKS CO. J- Rn-daon, Prea. 1 Q. SWETLAjm, Sec-x Improvements $10 - $2.00 C. O. DAVIS, Sec and Treau. A Strictly First . Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland Xmx Distance Phones In Kteri Room. Pree 'Bus Meets All Trains. Rates American, 2.00 per day and no. g8 European, $1.00 per day and up. Per month, single room and board, 15 to S65 aooordlns; to room. i or two, SI 5 to Board, wtthont room. $30 per month n a tr'i'' r r rv- f PRICES THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters for the traveling pnblic. European plan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER,. C. W, CORNELIUS, Manager. Proprietor. Wow open to the pobllo nnder the man age men t of N- K. CIARKE, late of the Portland Mdornellna Hotels. The eftlce will be In charge of Ai.i.vf a. WRIGHT, for many years STS. grtund Hotel HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly Furnlahed- Rates, $1.00 and Up European Plan. 'Bus Meets All Trains. M. E. FOLEY, FROPRIETOR. FXTN-RRAXi NOTICES. Kh,NN?DTC-July S-" tt residence of thiri ,Mr."" Bave Blakely, Fort?! iZjS and Holgate streets. Patrick Ken Ht y- S?a e9 years -months and 25 The remains win be shipped this morning by Zeller-Byrnes Company to Cedar Rapids, la., for burial. T AMTJSEMiafTS. aseba.ll RECREATION PARK, Corner Vanshn and Twenty-fourth St a. SEATTLE vs. PORTLAND Jl'LY 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. da?f1a!"obpg MW8e aay" 3:30 p-.M- 6n- Kn.'1Sissi2n7;B1'tt?ner 2Sc! Grandstand. BOc; Boxes. 25c extra Children: Bleachers. 10c; Grandstand. 23c. LADIBS' DAT, nUDAT. loys under 13, free to Bleachers Wednea- BUNGALOW THEATER VJrtL,U VV 12th and Morrlso XT.nnA . T I ..w 4 .on. TWO PKRFORMANCR3 TODAY. I Matinee 2:15 This Afternoon J L Tjut Timn Tonight 8:1S HE1VRV miiER'A ASSOCUTE PI4AYRRS In the InteroRtlntr Drama "TRB SERVANT IN THE HOUSE" Prices. Matinee and Evening f 1.50 to 60c SEATS NOW SEIXJNG At Bungalow Theater Four Nights Beginning Next Monday Charles Frohman Presents The Brilliant American Actress MARIE DORO In the Comedy Success TTE MORALS OP MARCUS" Prices 2-00, 1.80. Jl OO, BOc. LYRIC THEATER Summer Prices: TCvenlnrs. 15 and 25o; Matinoes. 15c. WEIK OF JULY . The Imperial Musical Comedy Company Presents THE MUmilFF OF M UU. VI; LUriUTI-l.TT Matinees Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Two shows each evonlncr at 8 and 9:16 o'clock. Special Holiday Matinee Monday. Lyric Theater THE FUN FES T BEGINS NEXT MONDAY Sam S. & Lee Shnbert (Inc.) Present "The Blue Mouse" By Clyde Fitch. The comedy that made President Taft sit up and take notice. SEATS NOW SELLING MAIN 6. A lOSS. Matinees SUC BUndaya and Holidays. 15-25-50C NIGHTS THEATER 1R.9S-1!-7!)P. Week of July B I.fly Lens; ElertrlBed Olrl Review; Julius Tonnenj Hymen Meyer; Whlttier-HarriH Players, "Almost"; The Ilonala; iMlgt Brothers; Pictures; Orchestra. PANTAGES THEATER Advaneed Vaudeville. Stars of AU Nations. Engagement Extraordinary of THE ORIGINAL. SVKN'OAU TRIO, Music. Mimicry and Mystery. The Pantagas famous orchestra, always a feature Three performances dally at popu lar prices. Matinees dally, 15c: two shows at night. 15o and 5c GRAND WEEK STARTING MO. MAT,JILY 0, ALBINFS EXP0SA Of Anna Eva Far and Others FWdar NlKht, Roth Shows, Is Conjnnetlon With Seven 111k Feature Acta. Uatial Rrfces. Curtain at 7 Sharp. STAR THEATER House of Original Productions. Last Chance to See the Exciting STEEPLE CHASE And the Other Features of a Great Show. Programme Entirely Changed Tomorrow. SPECIAI. EXGAGKMENT Of the World's Famous Aerlallsta Supreme The Bickett Family For two weeks commencing July the Fourth Te OAKS Donatelll's Famous Italian Band INNES' FAMOUS BAND Under Auspices of Multnomah Club, AT MULTNOMAH FIELD Evenings of July 1 3tH and 14th Admission 50c. Midsummer Carnival JULY 15 TO 24 INCLUSIVE. C. V. M. C ATHLETIC PARK, "Williams Avenue and Stanton Streets. SELECT ATTRACTIONS. 2 SHOWS NEW FEATURES NIGHTLY. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main 800. SECRETARY. Mala 688- HUMANE OFFICER. East 4779. HEW TODAY. Look This Up $3200 10 acres convenient to the city by rail and steamboat; 5-room house, wood fiber plaster; good barn and other buildings. All new. This land Is weir worth $200 an acre, and the Improvements have cost 12500. Fine suburban home overlooking: the river and easily in sight of Portland. J. M. French & Co. 413-413 Ablnnton. Bldjt, 10C Third St. DESCHUTES LAND HEADQUARTERS 209 WELLS. FARGO BUILDING A beautiful modern six-room house, lot 50x100. only 200 feet from the Ala? meda in Rose City Park. Street im provements paid for. J350 cash Is enough for first payment. See HART 31 AX A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. Building. Loans. Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 30- Worcester Block. Thirty Lots (5 acres) south of Hawthorne ave.. close In; 15 - room modern house. VERY SIGHTLY. Terms reasonable. K 227 Oregonian. TO LOAN $250. $300, ?500. 1800, J1000, 11500 $2000, on good real property, 7 per cent to 8 per cent, 1 to 3 years. CEO. P. LliXX, 4X7 Coxbett jaid. aa l - a 1 Public Auction r.t f V? " ordr of the County ?,,rt Multnomah County, Oregon, I r,!L'i."en f?7 caB.n to h,Kh8t bidder, at 7 pI? m uct,,0n- ln Iro"t of Courthouse Po,rQlan.d-,rfonl on Saturday, July 10. 1909. at 10 o'clock A. M., the follow ing described real estate, the property of the estate of Jacob Burkhart, de ceased, located on the Section Line Road about 4 or 5 miles east of the ?".nt Tabr Reservoir, consisting of 17.73 acres of land, being ln the south east corner of the Francis N. and Ade 11a M. .Elliot D. L. C, which claim Is ln part of sections 1. 2, 11 and 12. town ship l, south range 2, east of W. M the 17.73 acres being almost entirely in section 12. it has 660 feet on the Seotlon Line Road and Is 1156 feet deep Second growth timber ofi land. Further Information may be obtained from me or my attorney. Abstract of property to death of deceased furnished. Sale subject to approval of County Judge. GEO. W. BALDWIN, Administrator of the Etate of Jacob Burkhart, Deceased. B. S. P AG-UK, 615 Oregonian Bldg., Attorney for Ad ministrator. $5500 895 Hood Street corner of Lane, elegant quarter block, with rery good 7-room, 2-story house ; an elegant view of the river and East Portland; the best buy on the West Side today. $2500 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent; look at it today, then see us. Sea us for South Port land property. Grussi 6 Zadow 317 Board of Trade Building, Fourth and Oak. RANCH 987.40 acres, 9 miles from Oakland. 80 acres magnificent farming land, 800 acres fine fruit land, first-class for tokay grapes; 2,000,000 fir and cedar timber; several good streams that can be used for power. All fenced and the best ranch for the money ln Oregon: 20 per acre. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. See L. M. Hlckok, Holladay's Addition The one BEST place ln Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE resUunco property of the city. S EKING IS BEX,rEVIX . BETTER fro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction aad the Im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AYE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. Warehouse or Factory Site 100x100. corner E. 6th and Sherman sts., on main line Southern Paolflo; a houses: Income $30 a month. A good Investment at the price, $6500. Terms, 0. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 312-213 Commercial Club Bldg;. lain 8690, A 2053. Beautiful Ranch BH miles from Oakland, 860 acres, 80 acres best bottom land ln cultivation: 600.000 feet fir and cedar; 8 gooti springs: 6-room box house; good barn 40x60. First man to see this place gets It for 6000; 12250 cash, balance 7 per cent. American Trust Co. 20O-2O4 Chamber of Commerce. See L. SI. Hlckolc CAPITOL HILL On the Oregon Electric Rail-way, 5-oent car fare, ln Portland proper, inside the city limits, 18 minutes' ride from the business center, all full lots 50x100 feet each. Improved streets and sidewalks; city and mountain view unsurpassed! no stone or gravel, all ln grass plot. Prices 200 to 8400 per lot. Title per fect. Complete abstract of title to date furnished free to every purchaser. Take the Oregon Electrlo car at Pront and Jefferson streets for Capitol Hill and see for yourself. CLOHBSST A SMITH, 401-3 McKay II Id if. Phone Main 10O8. Dou Want This Farm ? S80 an acre for this well-Improved farm, only 12 miles from the city; good house and fair barn; 93 acres In all; 50 under good Etate of cultiva tion; all can be irrigated at nominal cost. This place Is worth as It Is 8125 an acre. J. M. French & Co. 412-413 Ablna-ton Bldg., 108 V4 Third St. Don't Miss This $7500 AUTO HOME of E acres, improved, good house, large barn; all kinds of bearing fruit; situate east limits of the city on Section Line road; on any kind of terms. J. L. WELLS CO, 686 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Hawthorne Park Modern residence, 9 rooms, with fine lawn, roses and shrubbery. Will in clude carpets, shades, stoves and light fixtures if desired. Terms. (V70 East Madison St, Near 14th. GEORGE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches.) 323 Worcester Bide Vhonea Vein au. a 4012, STOCK For Sale 100x100 COUCH ADDITION Deal with owner and save commission. Make an offer. 660 Lovejoy st. ROYAL AN NTS CHERRIES 3e lb. where you rather them yourself, at Lewelllnir's. op posits carbarn. Mllwaukle; take Oregon City car. REAL ESTATE DEALEJiS. Andrews. V. V, Co. If. 3349. SO Hamilton bias. Baker. Alfred A., tit Ablnrton blda-. Beck, William Q.. 813 Falling bids. BlrrelU A. H. Co., 802-3 McKay bids. Real estate, lnssrance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker Benedict. 502 McKay big. at. S49 Chapln A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8.. A Co, 303 Corbett bld. Fields. C. B. & CO.. Board of Trad bldg. Jennings & Co, Main 168. 209 Oregonian. Parri.h, TCatklns A Co.. 250 Alder st. Richardson. A B, 221 Com. Club bids;. Ihi.- Gt- P- 2M ark t. Main or A Sl Sharkey, j. p.. 4 Co.. 122 Sixth St. Thl5.0.rso,, R1 Estate Co.. Grand ave. ana Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). S"rer' 8- T.. 804 Corbett bldg. White. B. P.. Z2T Washington st. POB SALE REAL ESTATE. ifZf f Ln,e"L hon. built by day labor, T'S1 balnK o h best quality, fP atTBlaM wlndw. ne bedrooms. laCI?oH.fUperior. P'umbine, toilets and tdH h " aach floor' "replace, built-in sideboard gas and electricity, splendid h eater; high, light basemen?; an i- 25i!?aal,ly W?U buUt and e'i arranged home; close ln on paved street STRONG & CO.. Financial Agents. 806 Concord Bldg. OWNER, who Is going to build a country P?,.W"1 aeU tls Irvlngton borne; has A istrlo? ' rm- I" lOOxluO, on corner in district where all homes are on quarter blocks; nice lawn, plenty of shrubbery; modarn. n every detail: big porches, oleoplng porch, plenty of cKwts. 2 big nre P . i6".' J1" Interior flniah and lots of ftx u"1" F make a home comfortable. e-S Hancock. Phone East 6015 or C liklo LOT. with view of mountains, city and J- aclnff eat. no draw-bridge; on graded street, view cannot be obstructed and only two blocks to car; this will be worth $1000 in coupln of years, but can be bought now for o00. S100 down. bal. easy. CHAPIN HERLOW. 382 Chamber of Commerce. 1 HAVE decided to sell my attractive bungalow and quarter block situated in the most choice part of Mount Tabor 5 rooms with large halls, closets and Datn; beautiful lawn and unexcelled view, tor further particulars, address AB 228 Oregonian or Jhone B 2458, Sunday morn ing before 10 o'clock. ROSSMTERE DISTRICT. CHOICE LOTS. tmly $500. terms; lota 60x100. about block from car. amid flue grove of trees, fine soli, district growing fast; Bull Run water, gas coming. SEABHRO (THE BEVERLY) PHOXa MAIN 7082 OR A 3286. A HOME for $860 down, balance easy terms; It is a six-room bungalow with fire place, etc, on lot 00x140; new, and only three blocks from "A" cars; line view or Mount Hood; a bargain and a snap. CHAPIN & HKRLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. FINEST 40-acre farm, near Scappooso; all fenced: buildings and family orchard, run ning water; sale Includes about 20 tons of nay mowing machine, rake, feed-cutter cultivator, plows, harrows, etc.; muat sell at once; price 2300: good terms. C. Robin sky, Scappoose, Or. M7- TABOR lot. with One view of the city, jor S0O; has some fruit trees, street improved and good neighboring houses; regular 60x100 and three blocks from car. crux-or-town owner, wants money CHAPIN A HKRLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. T2 houe". East 19th and Salmon. 6000. J, t near Albe"a carline. on 17th 2J.?0,- -acre aid 5-room good house. UND & HIOLEY, 132 THIRD ST. AN ideal home 8 blocks from L carline on Minnesota st., IO mln. to city, new house" all plumbing, electricity and gas. swell t?' " denv trees and flowers; Tiil i 11 furn""re: also a bargain to be Trad P nce- Cail 721 lard of 2 LOTS In St. John, 500 cash; 4 lots ln H'tt. .tot, and -- vT -aii v;i ii.y rari, S3000. ?hai' mCfht LhXCl . a ielow 212 Oregonian bid i rVi- JJr- watts. OWNERS of real estate should protect themselves against loss on account of all fectlve titles by obtaining guaranteed cerl tincates of title. Title ATrus! c5m pany. Chamber of Commerce. must leave city; will ,ell 7-room. modern house, near Hawthorne ave? Tt sacrlfloe price; small cash payment, bal ance monthly; big bargain. See" this quick. Chlsm. 616 Couch bldg. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS froCm.0la!l 'IZ'n. wT11 Hirdman.r0m ' - PARTIES wtehlng to purchase large or small tracts of improved or unimproved fruit landjs in the Rogue River Valley, cai I on GraTP'o? Cn,IOr- 106 Nortl1 6La "NOTICE. PROPERTY-OWNERS" Do you want to sell your placet We have buyers; talk with us today NATIONAL REALTY A TRLST CO. 616, 826 Washington St. NEW. strictly modern home, beautiful loca tion, on carline; small cash payment, bal AE?il.ta,r t r. Jas. A. Clock. ainca!JTabort-842P,l0n0 : TC?hJlLJj'r..tLk tnl 7-room modern house the nrst time you see it; positively the buy 1 have seen: near Union ave bldg K1UlnKwrth. A 2S11. 403 Couch ROSE CITY PARK. Choice Alameda corner for sale bv owner An Ideal site for a homo or a flr'-ass Investment. Hartman A Thomn son. Chamber of Commerce. nomp FOR SALE s sightly lots. 51st st.. Mar sinU"2i.""tr?t? tract: 6U0 Per lo" 300 cash each lot. balance ?lo per month; will sell one or more as dt- slred. W 206. Oregonian. Ue A SNAP. Croall cottage, lot 75x100. near car: v going away must sell; take horses part to utiniagflr bldg. SNAP Suburban home, modem, six-room 5"' ?,lot": fruJt berrie, chlcken- Jfii CaU on wner. 2&S Grand ave.. South; SloOO, easy term a. 16 ACRES on Powell Valley road. 1 mile from city and car. 6350 per acre if sold before July 16. Thompson & Knders. end of Haw-thorne carline. Tabor 1678. HOUSES for sale ln ah parts of the city acreage olose in and farms ln Oregon and Washington. Phone A 4SS1. Kinney & Btam pher. 631-632 Lumber Exchange bldg. 40 ACRES highly Improved land. 6 miles east oity limits, will sell all or half. Main FOR SALE New, modern 6-room bouse on Alberta carline; a snap. Slgel A Co. 835 Morrison. WB build artistic homes, see us for plans and easy-payment methods. Builders Company. 420 Mohawk bldg., afternoons. INVESTORS Go to the Owners- Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 203 Ablngton bldg FOR SALE Strictly modern bungalow monthly paymeats. See Jas. A. Clock 252 Alder at. Phone Main 1274. TWO elegant houses on East 11th, near Grant, for $5230; rent for 642 per month. PAVE LEWIS. 817 Rothchlld Bldg FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest bungalow ln Irvington. Call and see it. B24 IS. 20th St. N. FOR SALE 2 new houses, E. 19th near Everett- Inquire of owner. 132 6th st- LIST YOUR property with Slgel & Co- 335 Morrison. Phones Main 2185, A 4699. IRVINGTON Choice lot; paved street. 17th between B razee and Knott. Owner. East 636s! FOR anything ln Portland real estate see Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. OWNER Modern 6-room house, block from car. Monta villa. Phone East 2367. FOR SALE Six-room house, call 7T1 ; A HOME AT A SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCE. Attractive, strictly modern, high-grade well-built, lO-room residence, designed for beauty, convenience and comfort; located on Tillamook street at end of East 3;th streut. very near carline. ln hudi-class residence district, with liull Run waler and Improved streets; house has full l.ase ment, furnace, oak floors, beamed ceilinc large fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases! seat, etc., clothes chute to basement, woodllft, lavatories on both floors, extra toilet ln basement. Built by architect for home for a client who could not take same for financial reasons. If taken im mediately may be had at the very low price of 0OOO; small eash pavmeut and balance monthly. Information from C L. "VovJ' Sdt-'1001 room 11 Madison bldg.. FOR SALE A beRutlful home at Oak Grove. Oregon City line, 30 minutes' ride. li acres of grouud, new 6-room house, pantry, storeroom. brick fireplace. 75 feet verandas. 200 choice rosea in full bloom. 7.". bearing grape vines, ;;00 bear ing strawberries, losanberries. blackberries and currants, tio bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross fenced, enough garden truck planted for good-sired family, every foot of ground cultivated; fine lawn around the house. Clotted with select shrubbery, etc.. etc.. Inquire on premises. Louis Brandt. Oak Grove, Or. ENGLISH WALNUTS 1 "Jg planted 70 per cent of walnuts in Oregon, sold 90 per cent of planting ever sold in Oregon, we feel our prop ertl should invite consideration; 10J cash. 615 per month for each five-acre tract. CHURCHILL-MATTHEW'S CO. (Inc.). Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark, sts. BEAUTIFI'L 1RVIXQTON HOME 7 rooms, new, modern, hardwood floors, nandsome woodwork, beam ceilings, built in china clos.,1, large niv-place. furnace: oil corner Un.xlOO; hard surface pave price Too,llttta Possession can be given; H. P. PALMER-JONES CO . I1K-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main iiSs, a 2Gi3. WHITE SALMON bargain; frt per acre fi'Hj cliolce. prutecle.l ploco of fruit land; spring water of your own for ir rigation; very linept soil; money spent improving this would make a wonderful prullt, ne1Khbors are aikln J9o to io0 per acre tor similar ground. This U a real bargain. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 3.. Chamber of Commerce. EAST TENTH AND HARRISON, wm, ?,-new n'"dor house of 4 rooms. 7r.-i,S-urnaV and fireplace; gas and clec clii.ll?' in blfemcnl- Iu" Plumbing; in cluding 10 cords wood and flue gas runce; Price , u ?4.-,50; half cash, balance to suit &ee this; It will pay you. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade Bid.. th and Oak. n . l?1- TABOR -HOME. tDv,. ,N- cmer of 5uch and East Ift.l ."J a nlce naw 6-room modern house with tireplace. full basement, full Plumbing and a lino corner, 100x100; price ; half CH3h- and for a nice sub urban home it can't be beat. .lWT"Gs;i .y . -.. .... 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ELMhD1SO!;' 8T- HOMB. 7'0 8 rooms, perfectly modern; lot buxlihi. In elegant lawn, high and sightly, in iino nelKhbor nood and only oiu block from Hawihcrne ave. car; go see the house at 72U East Madison. Price 7oo0 and very little cash needed. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. EIGHT-ROOM home near 2Sth and Bel mont sts. for 64700; complete and per fectly modern; fine porches, faces east owner leaving city and will not rent; 1 his Is Inside property" and has best car service la city; terms can be ar ranged. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 833 Chamber of Commerce. H. P. PAI.MER-JON-ES CO. FIRE AND GENERAL INSURANCE. AUE.NTS NEW ZEALAND INS. CoT 213 COMMERCIAL. CLUB LLDQ.. MAIN btiild, A 2653. CRhSTON-S BEAUTIFUL SUBURB. New 6-room bungalow, bath, toilet, full cement basement, lot f.Oxluo, 3 blocks to carline, for J1SOO; casn balance 415 per month; take Mt. Scott car to Creston. third station of Hawthorne ave- Q if Taylor. " By Owner. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? New 6-room bungalow: paneled dining room, electric lights, cement sidewalks, tinted walls. Dutch kitchen, lot 36x150 ail lor 1500. Call Sunday forenoon. 4"d Glenn ave.. bet. Orant and Sherman. 62050 FOR new. 6-room bungalow: mod ern, with flreplaco etc.; three blocks from A ears and has lot foxl40; only S30o needed at present by owner; fine view 2.. .unt Hool that cannot be obstructed. This is a snap. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. BAD health requires mt to live In dryer cli mate, so here goes my beautiful home oa west slope Mount Tabor; 9 rooms, eleotrla UBhi", water- etc': Price. J0O00; terms. red Broetje. 31 East 61st st- WE WILL FINANCE THE BUILDING Or your home If you buy the lot of us. STRONG &. CO.. Financial Agents. 605 Concord Bldg 9 LOTS $SO0. Last of the tract, tuo cash. bal. easy: o-c car; water In XV. H. GILMORE. 227 Lumber Exchange. TVE got a bungalow m sell to the first person seeing it; new and modern, built different from others; Its worth your while. 403 couch bldg. A 11.S41 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Lot 100x110. cor. Ford and Stevenson, view to St. John. 63OO0; terms. AC 2S Oregonian. ' BUNGALOWS, bungalows. bungalows everywhere; 6-room bungalows. 6-rom bungalows, bungalows on e;isv terms bungalows for cash. 403 Couch hid " THE prettiest 6-room house and east front lot. near Piedmont; llreplace. beamed ceilings, trees, flowers; only $2400 W XV. Payne. 1210 Williams ave. , BUNGALOW, sacrifice, new and modern. hi block, reduced from to J'loo- MalnVS0fc5 Station on XV. W. carline: 5-ROOM bungalow, 25 minutes" car ride 6e fare: little money required: balance like rent. National Realty & Trust Co 32t& Washington st.. room 0I6 ' A BARGAIN. Seven-room house, modern in every re spect; large lot. Apply to owner. 75s East Couch. PORTLAND 7 per cent real estate con tracts for Bale, amounts $1000 and up ward. Phone Sell wood 81Q . TWO elegant flats In Nob Hill for 6O3O0- DAVE LEWIS, 817 Rothchlld Bldg. HAVE two choice KUlltigsworth ave lots to trade for close-in acreage ,. DAVE LEWIS. 317 Rothchlld Bldg. STRICTLY modern 6 or 7-room desirable home, small payment cash, balance month ly. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 17!i"i NEWLY furnished 7-room house for sale cheap, phone Main 2tsrt. " 5oo CASH ?16 monthly 6-room modern house, 1S50; good location. Tahor C74. FOR SALE One lot in Sellwood. Inquire of owner. r00 Spokane ave.. Sell wood. - HOMESTEADS. CHOICE valley land that has been tiod up undur the Carey act for eight years was restored to entry by the Government July 1. ltlO'J. Homesteads or desert claims act quick. Information and maps 407 Lumbermen bldg.. 6th and sialic. IMPROVE the opportunity of home-steading 320 acres good wheat land; unciir new ruling residence not necessary. Embmiy & Bradley Co., 615 Lumbermen's bldg. Main or A 3105. . KEY ranch for stockraiser; best on earth; improved farms bordering on the Willam ette Valley. tl2..'.0 per acre. Room 16 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. 6200 Relinquishment to ISO acres on land close to John Day River; good outside taage. 412 Marquam. NINE homesteads near Portland, 15 miles from railroad, fee $1 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg.. Portland. Or. HOMESTEAD location ln Slletz. 3 000 000 to 4.000.000 feet. 412 Marquam. ' ACREAGE. CHEAP acreage. 20 acres seven miles east of Burnside bridge on Barr road. 150 m acre, jOwmu. 203. Oroxuaji, -If-