TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, JITLY 9, 1900. . -a ,kl Hope Frances Gale RARLslgigR With us again for two weeks full of information azd. suggestions on what you need for this Fall and Winter to be properly corseted. M7ss Gale is thoroughly familiar with every feature of corset fitting and knows to a ninety the needs of every sort of figure and she has here to fit you from a stock compete with every wanted model over 150 m all. Avail yourself of Miss Gale's expeift services it costs you nothing extra. B jt3 II Women's Hose 19c "With embroidered instep or in plain black or white lace effects, also plain black lisle, worth A ft to 33c the pair, special at.. I Ou Embroideries, $1.48 Yd. 12 to 18 inches .wade, in batiste flouncing and -set cover em broidery. Also medallions and festoons, $3, ,vals, yd . S1.48 Child's Hose 23c Children's Stockings and Infants' Socks, in plain lisle or with plaid tops, special Friday for, p jn the box of six pairs, only.O I iJU New Suits for Fall Now Here Seldom indeed does one see such a superb assortment, so early iri the season, as there is to be found here now The advance guard of the thousands to come, and the best types showing what style tendencies will be for the Fall business. Enough so that we can fit every size or give any shade or weave wanted not a paltry few samples where you'll see what you like and fail to find your size. Buy one today 75c Neckwear 48c Women's linen collars and French embroidered collars, Dutch style, lawn and lace combinations. stiff Dutch collars, etc., sp Bathing Suits aty$4.98 For women, many styles and all sizes. Good quality mohair and nicely trimmed with wash P M QQ braid, reg. val. to $7.50. .VTioO o Chamois Gloves Women's Chamois Gloves, 1 -button style, natural color, washable good wearing and very aj .t q convenient for Summer. .0 1 1 I Z UR 4th FRIDAY WOMY SAL Silvered Steel Thim bles, all sizes, regu lar 15o values. .10 Rose Hat Pins, reg ular 10c values.. 7 Back; 00101)8, hand carved, in scroll de sipns; 50c vals.33 Darf Ink Pencils, $1.00 values ...79 Box Paper, good quality, regular 65c values, for. 4J Writ ins Tablets, ruled or unruled, 10c values, at, each.. 5 Pictures, three in set, 25c values. 15 Lunch Sets, paper tablecloth and nap kins, 15c vals. . ..9 Toilet Soap, Roger & Gallrt 's L e 1 1 uce and Almond Soap, Friday for 12 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine, large - sized bottle, special . .69 Kerchiefs Women's handkerchief or children's handkjfirchieis with quarter-inch. hem stitched edge. "Plain linen of good quality. Regular values up to 20c" each, nft. special for Friday. UC $1 Ribbons 48c Novelty ribbons in ,Dres dens, stripes. Persians or plain taffeta and fancy ef fects. Regular values up to $1.00 the yawd, on sale M nft Friday onfey at, yard. . H QU Val. Laces 98c Doz. Yards Valencwiinnes lace and inser tions from to 2 inches wide. Regular values up to $3.00 the dozen yards, Q0 for Friday's .selling... JOG f fan $40 Olds, Wortman Aluminum Ware These decidedly sanitary and durable cooking utensils on special sale this week. We're having a special demonstration to show their worth. Don't miss seeing it. We're pretty sure well make an aluminum convert of you. Note the spe cial prices: 1- qt. coffee pots, at.... 1.85 2- qt. coffee pots, at. . . .1.92 2-qt. sauce pans, at 65 4- qt. sauce pans, at.... $1.00 5- qt. sauce pans, at .$1.15 2- qt. covered sauce pans 85 3- qt. cov'd sauce pans. ..jil.OO 8-qt. tea kettles, at.... S3. 15 Wash Goods Ah1F Every wash remnant in our entire stock at Half, Price Friday. 'Twill be Remnant Day with a venge ance and thousands and thousands of yards in short lengths go at Half Price. They are all new all this season's patterns. There is an endless choice of col ors, patterns and weaves. Included are imported ginghams, madras, silk mulls, voiles, dimities, Swisses, plain or figured batiste and organdies. Rem nants of many lengths suitable for every purpose. Come before the assortment is picked over and have your choice at HALF PRICE mm mwm -.,.. 3 14 I LINGERIE tf- -g O yS DRESSES p 1J kQ This stupendous bargain is the quick result of a lucky purchase that took in all of the samples of one of the best makers of women's ultra smart lingerie gowns in America. Exquisitely dainty models made of sheer materials and trimmed in perfect taste. Fashionable dressmakers could not turn out a more stylish dress than you '11 find in this lot and you know they would charge you at least four times this price. Many mod els, and they are clever beyond description. One Model Illustrated Here Made of daintiest, sheerest lawn and mulls, with all over embroidery, Val. lace, Venise lace, ? 7 O yj rr tucksr, etc. Reg. values to $40, Friday 02 WOMEN'S SILK PETTICOATS, good full sixes, well made with deep ruffle, in all wanted colors, nicely finish f.d nrtrt n crtlo-nrJt DRESSES regular values like ThiS on sale Friday for &t.Z70 17. CJ $2 Dress Goods 69c Spring - Summer Dress Goods In many shades and weaves, suitable for " separate skirts, separate waists, suits, etc., regular values up to $2.00 the yard, 2400 yards for Fri- PQft day's sale, at, the yard. . U0u Colored Mohairs, splendid ma terial for bathing suits, for skirts or for Summer dresses, five qualities reduced for Fri day, the 50c quality sell-iQn rag tor Automatic Refrigerators Positive circulation of dry, cold air no mixing of odors. Your butter and vegetables may set in the same compartment with out tainting. Complete insula tion and good doors make it the most economical user of ice. Large provision chambers with plenty of room for milk, meats and fruits. ' $9.95 refrigerators at.. $7.95 $12.00 refrigerators at. $9.75 $14.40 refrigerators.. $11. 50 $25.20 refrigerators. .$19.95 $27.00 refrigerators. .$23.00 $32.00 refrigerators. .$27.50 $40.80 refrigerators. .$36.75 A rt Department For Friday's stirring special in the Art Department wq offer a special on new goods, A line of very popular goods, just reoeived. Scarfs and spreads embroidered iri light blue, green or Bulgarian col ors on cream colored scrim. Regular $1.75 val- n ues. Special V I I 3 Handbags Less Very stylish bags, in mo rocco leather, medium size, colors, black, tan, blue and red, exceptionally CM qq good $2.00 values at.O I iJ J Suit Cases $3.15 A special on Japanese suit cases bound and reinforced with cowhide, 24-inch size, worth $4.00 each, 0 Q 1 C special price, each..0dil0 CUT GLASS Every piece of cut glass in our store re dnee d for this week's selling. The largest assortment in the Pacific North west to select from, onjpale in our Crys tal Room. 6-inch Nappies, reg ular $3.00 values, at, special, ea...$2.19 Fancy shaped Nap pies, regular $2.75 vals., sp'l...jj52.05 Spoon Trays, regu lar $3.75 values, on special sale.$2.40 8-in. Shallow Bowls, regular values $5.60, special, ea...$3.60 8-inch Deep Bowls, regular values $5.60, special at...$3.60 Handled Sugar and Creamer, reg. value $3.50 pair, on spe cial sale at..SR2.1S fP J Reg. 75c grade, yd 63 Reg. $1.00 grade, yd 81 Reg. $1.25 grade, yd 98 Reg. $1.50 grade, yd., ..$1.19 Men's Underwear 89c Light, cool Underwear of the sort that fastidious men prefer. American silk .underwear, beautiful fin ish, in pink or ecru, fancy lace weaves, regular Q Q n $1.25 value at OUU Gingham Aprons Surely you'll all be interested in this Friday's apron special. Just the thing you want, whether you keep house or merely want it to protect your gown when you ve a bit of work to do about the house. We've V,M'V . enougn ror a busy day's sell- yf o JUL WOMEN'S WHITE LAWN TEA APRONS, neatly made and trimmed with dainty hem stitched ruffles or embroidery, extra special for Fri-. . . ORn day at, each Ol, CHILDREN'S SUMMER COATS, in pique or in woolen fabrics, regular values from $1.75 to $8.50 and apes 2 t.n R years, special l r Friday, at V2 FriCe .mT , " own ing with bib, pocket and strings, spl. Friday WOMEN'S APRONS, Mother Hubbard style, good and large, best quality gingham, M nn worth 65c each ...tuC CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES, white or colors, made of percales, ginghams, reps, chambray, dimity or mull. Ages 2 to 14 years, reg values $1.25, $12.50, special Combination Suits 12 Price S3 Corset Cover and Drawers or Corset Cover and Skirt made of splendid Qual ity material and daintily trimmed. Cor set Covers are of allover Tk - - embroidery. Regular f values up to 13.25. soe uev $7.50 Trimmed Hats $1.98 Come Friday or perhaps misS this bargain forever. A lot of hats that are un approached for quality and style worthiness in large or small shapes and in wide variety of colors and trimmings. Most of them are flower gar- o rn nished, very clever conceits for midsummer wear. Values to $7.50 for. 01 1 JO Women s Mr Oxfords, $4 Values $1.98 The leathers are tan Russia calf, brown kid, and all the popular black leathers They come with light or heavy soles, and in all the best new shapes. With this lot of leather shoes we include many pairs of canvas oxfords any pair in the house at this low price. White, brown, green and London smoke. Plenty rt a n n of styles to choose from and all sizes, regular values up to $4 the pair. . . . O 1 1 U 0 WOMEN'S VACATION BOOTS, the best thing made for mountain or Ar nn beach wear, all sizes and plenty of widths, the pair, Friday OJiUU APimro " " " .- tads' u TTli mil T ii Ji v A Messaline Silk 70c the Yard Several grades are reduced, too you may save on a better quality than that mentioned m the headline Comes in all the wanted shades and youknow there's nothing more popular in silks this season. The $1.25 grade goes 70 for 9S- the $1.00 quality for 81, and the 85c grade goes onlSle fo r 70C FANCY SILKS 1500 yards, for shirtwaist suits, separate waists etc "n specially priced for Friday only at, the yard ........ . . . . 47C Women's & Oxfords. $6 Values $3.49 Pumps and Oxfords of the very best sorts and styles.. Patent calf, bright kid buck and suede leathers. All the late novelties in colored leathr L rll 1 ties are included in this offer. Many in Russia SiiSSd P fn values up to $6.00 the pair, choice for Friday's seUing at, the Vair S3 49 2WS Slipp5rS fr ' -d chiidre. The 1 . Tourists Have Close Call on July Fourth Trip Up Eddy. SAN FRANCISCO. July 8 A thrilling tale of a narrow escape from death In a snow storm on the summit of Mount Kddy, In the northern part of California, has been brought to this city by Captain C. Holllway. who led a pleasure party up the mountain on July 4. ' The party lert Weed. 15 miles from the summit of the mountain, early In the inorniiiK. and arrived at the summit at 10 A. M. The members were equipped with light blankets and food for three meals, they expected to spend some time fteh ItiK In the lake which occupies the ex tinct crater of the mountain. At midnight It began to anow. and be fore dawn the wind was blowing a 60-mile-an-hour gale. Starting at daylight. It was with the utmost difficulty that the iwucu ins loot or tns mountain, and the women members were so ex hausted by cold and the walk that they had to be carried by the relief party that met them at Guerney's, 10 miles from the summit. Ford No. C Starts East. SEATTLE, Wash., July 8. The Ford racing car that won 'the Guggenheim cup and purse in the New Tork-to-Se-attle race, left for New York, via San Francisco at noon, starting from the World's Fair gate. The car will go over the wagon road. The route from San Francisco will be that of the Cen tral and Union Paelfle to Granger, then over the old automobile path through Wyoming, Kansas. Chicago and Buffalo. Jork. Standard Oil chemist, aj, d,. flaredJ hVI discovered a procea, whereby they can make buttw a a by-product of crude petroleum. FINE CROP AT KLAMATH Rain and Irrigation Make Yields Doubly Sure. Big KLAMATH FALLS, Or., July 8. (Spe cial.) The hearts of the farmers of the entire Klamath Basin have been made glad by the gentle rains which began Sunday night and have been general throughout the basin. Though not needed to Insure crops, they give assurance that the hoy and grain crops will be a record breaker. The. Winter was a very favorable one. more rainy than usual, the ground was In a receptive mood, Spring came early, and the consequence is that grain sown on the upland farms, above the canals, favored as now by Summer rains, will surely make an unusual yield. Below the reclamation canals a phe nomenal crop of alfalfa, timothy and other forage prod-ucts, with wheat, oats mm unney is assured, una methods of farming pursued carelessly in the old stock-raising days, have given way to im proved methods under the inspiration which has come through the Government reclamation project and the advent of the Iron horse. Thousands of acres of alluvial lands have been stripped during the last few months of their old habit of sage and greasewood and will even this season bear good crops, giving promise of what the future will be when 200.000 acres of fertile lands are reclaimed under the Klamath reclamation project and are placed under Intelligent cultivation. San Francisco. With teth chattering un til they could hardly answer the solemn ques tions of the officiating minister, W. N Lynch, of Frultvale. this mate, and Miss Vi&l let Pert, of Colorado Springs. Colo., were mar ried 'Wednenday while standing neck deep in the Icy waters of the Sacramento River. They explalned that they considered the middle o't the river the most appropriate place to take the plungs lato matrimony- ROAD TO EASTERN LEWIS Milwaukee Will Develop Hlg Bottom Coal Deposits. SEATTLE, Wash., July 8. The Chicago. Milwaukee & Fuget Sound Railway has sent a party of engineers Into the east ern portion of Lewis County, Wash., where the Milwaukee is about to build a 35-mile branch line Into the largest un developed timber and agricultural district in the state. This district is drained by the Cowlitz River and includes what is known as the Big Bottom country, which contains large coal deposits. Ten years ago when the Tacoma & Eastern Railway was built south from Tacoma, the North ern Pacific prevented the new road from entering the Big Bottom. The Milwaukee bought the Tacoma & Eastern and will use It as part of Its main line to Port- hind. The Milwaukee branch to the Big """x1" give rail connection to the towns of Mossy Rock, Vance, Nesika, Cosmos, Riley, Morton and May-field. It is expected the line now being laid out will be constructed before the Aber-deen-Ozette Lake branch, which will open the Olympic peninsula. GYPSIES FALL UNHARMED Woman and Two Children in Buggy Topple Over 200-Foot Hill. WESTON. Or., July 8. (Special.) At the farm of Chris Thoeny on Pine Creek above Weston, a gypsy woman and her two children, together with a horse and buggy, rolled down a steep slope for a distance of 200 feet and plunged through a rail fence, without injury to the buggy's occupants. The woman had called for a few thr0 -h. ow tened and upset the rig K,,"e trieh Packers Arrive in Alaska. ASTORIA. Or.. July 8.-Opecial.)A tel egram was received today by Secretin Lorntsen. of the Columbia RWeTZ rnens Protective Union, stating the steamer North King arrived at NufhaKak River. Alaska. May 6, and the shin ii. lin arrived there May 16 The two ! sels belong to the Portland AIasla Packers1 Association, of Portland AlasKa JAHN Fine Line Best German Wavy Hair Goods. 384 Yamhill St, 185 West Park. Pboaea Mala &174, A 3544. 4.