Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 09, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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Visit Our Immense New Toy Department, 4th Floor, Annex Accessible From Present Store Only Portland Agents Butterick Patterns
Today lEe Meier ? Frank Store's Expansion-Alteration Sale
Today The Meier ? Frank Store's 101 4th Friday Surprise Sale
1 000 Pairs of Lace Curtains
$5.00 Values $2.95 a Pair
In the Third Floor Curtain Store for today, importers' short lots of fine Lace Curtains
at a low price. All made on good French nets; both white and ecru; plain centers with
French or German Cluny edges and insertings; Marie Antoinettes with Renaissance
edges, foreign Irish points in beige or white, lacet Arabian edges, etc., etc. flJO QCS
Immense variety. Best $5.00 values, on sale at this special low price, pair PiJ
Women's $ 1 2.50
Coats $4.85 Each
$20 Tourist Coats
' m 'I
i i
On Sale at $ 1 1 .85 Ea.
Two great special coat bargains for today's
big 1014th Friday Surprise Sale By far
the best values in coats we have ever of-
fered Come early if you want to share in
these unusual values Look to your needs
Lot 1 Women's semi-fitting Coats in stripes, checks,
plaids, also tan coverts, in short, tight-fitting effects;
all good, desirable coats; just the styles you want for
coast wear. Values in the lot ur to $12.50 fljl QC
each; your choice of the assortment at, ea. P"0-
Liot 2 200 women's Tourist Coats in black and white
checks, fancy trimmed gray striped coats, tan coverts,
etc.; all splendid styles; large assortment for your
selection. Values in the lot up to $20.00; fl1 1
your choice at this special low price, ea. P 0J
Great expansion sale of women's Coats, Costumes and
Wraps, in all styles and grades and for all occasions.
The greatest garment values the city has ever known.
25c Silk Mulls 1 2 Vac a Yard
25c Mercerized Ginghams 12V2C
Men's $ 1 .25 Underwear 69c
$3.50 Sweater Coats $2.59
For today, in the Men's Furnishing Goods Section, 5000 pieces of men's Summer Un
derwear shirts, drawers and union suits in new silk, mercerized, ribbed, bal- CQ
briggan, etc.; best styles, weights and makes; all sizes; $1.25 values, on sale at 0-C
For today, 1000 women's and men's Coat Sweaters in plain white, oxford flJO CO
grays and fancy trimmed effects; all fine quality sweaters $3.50 vals., ea. P5OI
3000 Pairs Women's Oxfordsll Sale of 1000 New Parasols
In the Wash Goods Section, for today, 5000 yards of new and pretty silk
Mulls plain styles and dots; best 25c values, on sale at this low price, yd. 2C
For today, 5000 yards of beautiful new mercerized Ginghams in the sea-
son's very best styles; 25c values buy all you want of it at this price, yard 2C
Great expansion sale bargains in Table Linens, Bed Linens, Domestics, Flannels, Wash
Uoods, etc (jreat special values an opportunity you should not miss take advantage
Regular $3 Values $ 1 .98 Pr . $K75 to $3-50 Val"es 98c Ea.
Boys' - Misses'
Fine Shoes
Low Priced
Shoe Dept., 3d Fir.
For today, in the Third Floor Shoe
Store, 1000 pairj of boys' and youths'
Shoes, in tans, kangaroo calf and sat
in calf; lace or Blucher styles, in all
sizes; just the shoes for vacation
wear on sale at these low prices :
Sizes 9 to 13. best $1.75 Cf-t OQ
values, on sale for. pair.P 0J
Sizes 1 to 5V2, best $2.25 d1 ?Q
values, on sale at. pair.P
2000 pairs misses' patent colt Blucher
Oxfords, with heavy or light soles and
good round toes; best styles for misses
and children; special values. Prices:
Sizes HVa to 2, best $2.50 Qo
values, on sale for. pair P 00
Sizes 8V2 to 11, best $2.25 tf 1 0
values, on sale for, pair P 00
Sizes 6 to 8. best $2.00 J1 A O
values, on sale for, paiiH
Great expansion sale bargains in all
lines of women's, men's and chil
dren 's footwea r shoe values we
guarantee the best in the city. All
footwear needs can be supplied here
at a big saving. Let us show you.
Corset Covers 79c
For today in the third-floor shoe store,
3000 pairs of Women's standard $3 Ox
fords at the phenomenally low price of
$ 1 .98 a pair Patent colts, tan, Russia
calf and velour calf, also brown kid Ox
fords and Gibson ties, heavy or light soles,
Cuban and medium high heels All new,
up-to-date Summer footwear selling regu
larly at $3.00 a pair Your choice for
today only at this exceed
ingly low price, per pair
Mail orders will receive our most prompt
and careful attention Send an order tod ay
Children's $5.00 Wash Dresses $2.22 Each
For today, 500 children's "Wash Dresses, made of gingham, poplin, French rep, cham
brayand lawn materials; blues, pinks, tans, fancy stripes and checks. Made in Bus
ter Brown, Russian, sailor and jumper styles; some have Dutch necks and short sleeves,
full pleated skirts and trimmed in fancy braids, insertion and buttons; in fcO OO
ages from 6 to 14 years; regular $5.00 values, on sale at this low price, ea. P,11
Great Sale of Fine
Dress Trimmings
$10.50 Values $5.95
$3.50 Values 98c Yd.
75c Values 29c Yard
Sweeping reductions on our entire stock of
Dress Trimmings for today's 1014th Friday
Surprise Sale. Wonderful values in the best
styles and grades. Magnificent Embroidered
Net Bands, up to 9 inches wide ; beautiful
styles; values up to $10.50 a yard, CC QC
on sale at this special price, yard PJ'J
Lot 2 Embroidered Net Bands in all the lead
ing shades; also plain colors; widths up to 3
inches; endless assortment for your se-QQ
lection; values up to $3.50, for, yard f OC
Embroidered Net Bands in plain and fancy
colorings, fanoy Persian Bands, etc.; widths
up to 3 inches; all new, handsome QQ
styles; values to $3.75 yard, on sale for fOC
Fancy Persian Edges and Bands, in all OQ
the best styles; values to 75c yard, for'C
Cheney's Foulards
$1.25 Values 79c Yard
For today, in the Silk Store, 2000 yards of
Cheney Bros.' famous Foulard Silks at an ex
ceptionally low price. Best designs and color
ings for costumes, dresses, waists, etc; 7Qf
regular $1.25 quality, on sale at, yard
1 000 Rep. Suits
At -$4.85 Each
The Big Second Floor Garment Store offers for
today's big 1014th Friday Surprise Sale another
great lot of 1000 women's tailormade English
Rep, suits at a price the lowest ever known on
apparel of equal style and quality Made with
long coats, semi-fitted French back, single
breasted, notch collar and small reveres, either
pearl or cloth-covered buttons Skirts are made
full flare, panel front, button-trimmed The col-
or assortment includes white, tan, natural, apri
cot, rose, reseda, light blue and
pink All sizes Values up to $9 at
See Large Display in Our Fifth-Street Window
Night Gowns $1.89
For today,
laces a
day, 2000 fine cambric and nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed in fine "Val. 7fln
nd embroideries, tucks and insertion; values from $1.25 to $2.00, each
Today, a special lot of cambric and nainsook Gowns, made in high-neck, long-6leeve,
styles, 6r low-neck and short-sleeve styles; trim'd in lace, embroidery, tucks, C 1 QQ
beading, medallions, ribbon, etc. ; values from $2.75 up to $3.50, at, each P .O
Reg. $30 Oriental Rugs $ 1 5.85
The Oriental Rug Department, on the
500 Silk Petticoats
$8.50 Values at $4.85
For today, 500 superior quality Taffeta Silk Petticoats, made with 12 and 16-in. flounce,
inmmea witn lour rows or -incn taiiorea Danas, double tlounce with pin tucks, pleat
ing, shirring or rows of stitched bands; black and all the leading colors; QC
values to $8.50 each, on sale at this low price, ea. take advantae-e of sale VT'.OO
Great expansion sale bargains in women's Tailored Suits, "Wash Dress, Silk Suits,
three-piece Suits, Skirts, etc. Don't fail to see them. On sale on the Second Floor.
100 Men's Fine Suits
1000 Pairs of Blankets
$5.50 Vals. $3.58 Pr.
Third Floor, offers for today's 1014th
Friday Surprise Sale a great special
purchase of 100 rugs made by our ex-
pert on a recent trip to Eastern mar
kets. Shirvana and Cabistans; aver
age size, 3 feet 6 inches by 5 feet 6
inches. Beautiful antique designs and
colorings; values in the lot up to $30
each ; your choice at
this special low price
Just received, a shipment of $20,000
worth of Oriental Bugs, in various
styles and sizes, and we have marked
the selling prices at the closest mar
gin of profit ever known on merchan
dise of this class. Let us show you,
Children's $4 French Dresses at $ 1 .98 Ea.
For today, a great special offering of children's French hand-made Dresses, ages 6
months to 3 yrs.; made of fine quality French nainsook, with hand-embroidered fronts:
oainiy vai. lace on necu and sleeves; the best regular $2.50 to $4.00 val- QO
lies, on sale at this exceptionally low price, each take advantage of sale P JL.0
Great expansion sale of Pictures, Hammocks, Trunks and Bags, Baby Carriages and
Go-Carts, in the Toy Department, Fourth Floor, Annex. Don't fail to take advantage.
Great expansion sale bargains in Millinery ; don't miss this opportunity; Second Floor.
Great expansion sale bargains in Toilet Goods and Stationery take advantage of sale.
$35, $38, $40 Values
At $24.35 Each
For today in the Men's Clothing Store a sale
For today a sensational offering of 1 OOP
new Parasols at a price far below the
manufacturing cost A great purchase
from a leading maker enables us to offer
values ranging from $ 1 .75 up to $3.50
each at the ridiculously low price of 98c
each Included are pongees, silks, white
linens Very best patterns, colorings and
combinations, also plain colors Values
ranging all the way from $1.75 up to
$3.50 each Your choice for to-
day only at this low price, each
Our entire stock of Parasols in new and
exclusive fashions on sale at reduced prices
$1 Embroideries 25c
In the Lace Section, for today, 25,000 yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroid
ery, Edges and Flounces, and Bands, 1V to 18 inches wide; eyelet and Jap-OC
anese designs; very pretty styles and effects; values up to $1.00 a yard, for
Great expansion sale bargains in laces, embroideries and dress trimmings. See them.
Great Sale of
Silk Gloves
$2 Vals. 98c
For today, a gTeat Friday Surprise
Sale of 5000 yards women's high
grade 16-button length Silk Gloves,
all the best grades, made by the lead
ing manufacturers; in black, white,
brown, tans and other desirable shades
regular $2.00 values, on sale QO
at this special low prioe, pair f OC
For today, 10,000 yards of all-ilk
and satin Ribbons in a wide range of
the best colorings; fall 60 insT wide;
high-grade ribbons for all purposes J
values ranging from 40c to 60o OC
yard; your choice at, the yd.
Stock Collars
50c Vals. 25c
Today, 2000 hand-embroidered Stock
Collars, a very large variety of pretty
patterns; wonderful assortment; 35o
to 50o values, on sale at, ea...25
10c Kerchiefs 5c
For today, in the
Blanket D e part
ment, 4th floor, a
great offering of
1000 pairs of the
new S 1 e e pmore
Blankets; a beau
tiful white blan
ket, made by new
process; olosely
woven of the fin
est grade wool
handsomely made
and finished, blue
and pink borders,
full sizes ; best
$5.50 values, on
sale at this low
Embroidered Linens
$ 1 .25-$ 1 .50 Vals. 63c
In the Art Department, Third Floor, a great
Friday Surprise Sale of Embroidered Union
Linen Scarfs and Centers, 18x54 and 30x30
inches; a very large assortment of pat- CO
terns; values up to $1.50 each, for"
500 Dressing Sacques
$1.75 Values 88c Ea.
For today, 500 Dressing Sacqnes and Short Ki
monos of lawn and dotted swiss, trimmed with
one-inch satin bands, embroidery, insertion
lace and beading; Dutch neck, shawl or large
round collar; dainty patterns in great OQ
varietv: values un to $1.75. at. earn OOC
r - --j- - - , - 7 7
extraordinary of the finest ready-to-wear ap-
parel America produces Ready-to-wear suits
equal in every way to the best custom-made
clothing The materials, styles, fit and tailor-
ins all that one could wish for Included are
fancy worsteds, fancy cassimeres, fancy ve
lours, fancy serges in all the newest effects
and colorings, olive greens, blues, grays,
modes, London smoke Every garment hand-
tailored throughout and fitted with the highest-
grade linings and findings All sizes and a
splendid assortment of patterns for your selec
tionSuits selling regularly at $35, $38 and
$40.00 to be cleaned up to- A O C
day only at the low price of PrT? J J
Great expansion sale of men's popular-priced
clothing Suits, overcoats, raincoats, trousers,
etc. Young men's clothing on Second Floor
10,000 Thin-Blown Table Tumblers 4c Ea
10,000 Jelly Tumblers at 30c Per Dozen
500 Pullman Cherry Seeders at 64c Each
Great surprise sale bargains in Basement Store for today take advantage of the sale.
10,000 thin-blown Table Tumblers buy all you want of them today, special, each..4
10,000 common Table or Jelly Tumblers at a saving on sale at, special, dozen. .30
1000 cakes of Paraffin Wax, 1-lb. cake buy all you want of it at, special, cake..9
500 Pullman Cherry Seeders, great values, on sale at this very low price, each. .64
Special values in Screen Doors, Gas Hot Plates, etc. On sale in the Basement Store.
Great expansion bargains in Silverware and Cut Glass. See them in the Basement.
For today, 1000 dozen women's and
children's initialed Handkerchiefs, all
linen and laundered; the best VLg
regular 10c values, special, each
50c Hosiery 20c Chiffon Veiling 42c Yd
For today's 1014th Friday Surprise Sale, an extraordinary offering of women's
Summer-weight Hosiery in plain and fancy colors; lisles and cottons in plain styles
and colorings, lace boots, allover laces, embroidered boots and fancies, in On
grand array; regular 35c to 50o values, on sale at this special low price, pair'"
For today, 2500 yards of Silk Chiffon Veiling, 27 inches wide, with wide satin A 9-.
borders; black, brown and navy; best 75c values, at this special low price, yard"
Great Sale 300 Boys Suits
Great Values, $ 3. 1 0 a Suit
For today's big 1014th Friday Surprise Sale an excep
tional offering of knickerbocker suits for boys 7 to 1 6
years of age All new, desirable garments made with
double-breasted coats, plain or with belts, and full cut
knickerbocker trousers Fancy cheviots, fancy cassi
meres, fancy tweeds Dark and medium shades of gray,
brown, tans and mode Neat stripes and overplaids
Every garment is handsomely tailored and finished
throughout Splendid suits for school or dress wear
The greatest values in boys apparel you CP O 1 f
have ever shared in On sale at each pO IV
Grert Expansion Sale of boys suits, men's and young
men's suits and ready-to-wear apparel of all kinds
Greatest clothing values of the year Second Floor
21b Square Creamery Butter 59c
For today, in the Basement Grocery Store, our great weekly offering of good Cream
ery butter at a price far below the market value; full 2-pound squares. No C(J
phone orders, no delivery except with other goods. Buy all you want, square 0C
All lines of Groceries and Provisions sold here at the lowest prices. Let us show you.
Great clearance sale of our entire stock of Refrigerators, in the Big Basement Store.