Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 09, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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$3000 for a 6-acre fruit orchard near
carllne; 2(K apple trees. ISO pear tree.
I.ngllsh walnut tree. 175 grape vlnea. 10
cherry Irtei, all In fine condition; fin
placo for a home; terms.
S4000 for 15 H acres near new carltne;
05 Italian prune trees, 276 Petite prune
trees. 150 apple trees. 15 pear trees. S
cherry troes, In first-class state of cultiva
tion ; terms.
$5000 for ISO acres; 80 acres fenced. B0
acres thoroughly cleared; 400.000 feet saw
timber and some piling; 2 wells, 6 acres
in apples, pears, plums, cherries and
prunes; small house, fine soil.
$000 for SO acres: some swale and red
land; jv acres In cultivation. 10 acres In
light timber; near new carllne; terms.
$3000 for 40 acres, all level sandy loam;
5 acres fenced and under cultivation; 3
ronm house. 4 mile to school and near
2X0 Stark St., Portland.
?13 Main St.
If you are on the market for some choice
fruit land that is convenient to Portland,
we have several huntired acres for sale at
prices ranging from $30 per acre up. It is
In the Klrwood fruit belt, on the line of
the survey of Mt. Hood Electric Railroad,
eome 30 miles southeasterly from the city,
in Clackamas O.unty. This region Is con
ceded by those that know, practical or
chardtsls, to bo the equal of Hood River
or any other of the older fruit sections, es-l-iaHy
for raiding Iirt-grade apples. It
has the oll. which is a shot loam with
clay subaoll. free from rock or gravel,
watered by numerous creeks and Just the
proper altitude, some 1200 feet elevation, a
Any essential feature in apple-raising; all
go to make this an ideal fruit belt that Is
now for the ilrat time demanding the at
tention of practical horticulturists, two of
whom have Jut bought and will each put
out large commercial apple orchards.
For full information, etc., call, and If
you wish to see, our auto will land you on
the property Inside of two hours.
M5 Chamber Commerce.
40 ACRES, 14 miles from Portland. 18 acres
cleared, about 4 acres In orchard, balance
of cleared land seeded to oats vetches.
5 first-class dairy cows, 3 heifers, cream
separator. Rood heavy t-eam. wagon and
harness, plows, harrow", cultivator, mower
and rake, 100 chickens. 4 pigs, large
frame barn 40x60. good b-room house,
well painted; 4 mile to It. R. station,
telephone in house, cream route at $75
per month will be turned over with the
place; no gravel lu the soil, all level and
well fenced: price $4000; $1500 cash,
balance to suit.
382 Chamber of Commerce.
YOi'R CHANCE You are looking the Coast
over for the best investment; your personal
affairs will not permit you to stay; buy
one of our orchard tracts, 5, 10 or 20
acres. In the Willamette Vallev and double
your money, w. K. Newell, president Ore
gon State Horticultural Society, has been
retained by us to care for the orchards
until you are ready to occupy.
253 Alder Street. Portland.
Phone Main 1274. .
FOR SALE. $4.-00; $2500 cash, balance time
or trade. 200 acres fine land; running
water; 40 acres In cultivation: good B
room house with basement; barn holds 2a
head of stock, 10 milch cows, 3 young
cattle, 2 good horses, 1 apple house. 2O0
fine bearing apple trees, cream separator,
1 heavy and 1 light wagon, good har
ness, all other necessary machinery, with
crop; 3 miles from railroad station and
boat landing; carfare, $1 from Portland.
201 Gerllnger bldg.
10 ACRES. acres in high state of cultiva
tion. 3 acres of potatoes, balance in hay,
all kinds of berries and small fruit, good
i-room house, new; good well, 1 cow. 1
horse, new wagon and harness; all kinds
or small tools. 1 doi. chickens; this Is a
snap; located 10 miles from Portland,
close to caxllrw; 4 mile from steam line;
on best county road in the state; price
$J750; $2000 cash.
333 Chamber of Commerce.
7 ACRES, all in high state of cultivation,
good family orchard, 3 acres raspberries
und strawberries in fine condition, 4
doien chickens, good fences, good 5-room
house, newly painted, and all outbuild
ings, 'i mile from store, school and P. O.,
12 miles from Portland; price $1850; easy
84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg.
Willamette Valley farms of all sizes
and prices; call and investigate, w. Law
rence, ;;is Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d
and Stark sts.
' S40 acres. 2 sets of old buildings, one
new barn, 3 acres orchard, about 70
acres meadow, lota of hay; on main
county road and there is 73 cattle. 8iK
goats. 85 sheep, 5 horses and ten stands
of bees. The best bargain In the state.
If you wsnt to make money easv. look
this up; price $12.3o per acre, on rood
terms. Room 3ol. 28B Wash. st.
1. ACRES, 10 acres in cultivation. 6 acres
of beaverdam, 6-room house that cost
$1100, new barn that tost $300, 5 cows,
1 horse, wagon, harness and all farm
tools. 200 chickens, incubator, cream sep
arator. V mile from R. R. station; tele
phone; price $3500; $1500.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
10 ACRES prune land, town of Ellsworth,
12 miles from Portland, on North Bank
Railroad, entirely set out to prunes, ex
cepting a few apples, plums, cherries and
walnuts, bearing this year; mortgage of
SluOO; will sell cheap account reverses In
business; unable to make payments; flue
opportunity. AC 212, Oregonian.
18 miles from city, near Oregon Elec
tric Line. 52 acres In cultivation, 2 creeks
on place, 5 acres orchard, 5 had cattle,
3 horses, 16 pigs. 7 hives bees, house,
barn, all Implements go with the place:
price for short time $80 per acre. See
Wallace & Flynn, 228 stark at.
7 ACRES $1200.
All cleared and in cultivation: good
5-room house, barn and outbuildings- 2
acres loganberries, small orchard, plenty
of other berries. H mile from Oregon
fcilectric. on fine country road: terms
84 Fourth St, Board of Trade Bldg.
240 ACRES $2500.
Located within 40 miles of Portland
about 6 acres cleared. 10 acres slashed!
16 acres timber, balance pasture land.
4-room house, barn and outbuildings. Vi
mile to school: easy terms.
84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Blda-.
GO with us out to the Sandy River country
and buy a farm of any size from 10 acres
up: tho greatest fruit lands in Oregon -prices
range from $U0 to $100 per acre:
our automobile will land you on our nron
erty in less than two hours.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
OR SALE or trade for Southern Oregon
land. 30 acres Joining Vancouver citv lim
its; half in cultivation, running water for
irrigation; best fruit and garden land in
Clark county, near 5-cent carllne and 2
miles from river; water right from
springs. AM 18S. Oregonian.
1 acres well improved, near Vancouver
Wash.; snap at $3000; also an Al dairy
ranch, same location, of 90 acres, oava
$500 0 yearly. $200 per acre. And a choice
Tlgardvllle 35-acre farm, crop worth $'000
...r ,"""L'n on irrigation In the
J illamette Valley and beautifully Illustrated
booklet, "The Call of the Soil" (copyright)
sent to any addree. free. Address Caaby
Canal Company, Canby, Or. ujr
FOR SALE by owner, 11 acres; B acres
onion land. 6 acres farm land, 1 acre
not cleared; small house and well; three
blocks from station, on Salem electric
carltne, 9 miles from Portland. Phone
T oodlawn 1761.
w have some of the best located farms
in tne Willamette Valley from $25 to $75
per acre; Improved. Call and see our
list. Wallace A Flynn. 22S Stark st
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE 4-year-old bay filly, weight
12O0; bargain. 294 Montgomery st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
NEW top delivery wagon and harness, good
bay mare, cheap. 14 Union ave. E. 772.
FINE pony for sale cheap. Phone East
FOR SALE 4 young teams, 2950 to 3300 lbs.
240 Russelll st. E. 152.
GOOD riding pony for sale. C 1446. East
1446. 420 Tillamook-
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
tR SALE Pair 0-year-old horses, weigh
200 lbs., good workers; pair driving
mares, city broken, very handsome team;
pair horses, weigh 2000 lbs., excellent
workers; l black mare, una driver; 1 com
bination chestixit mare, has all the saddle
gaits and thoroughly city broken. At Port
land Livery & Sale Stables. 26 North 15th
St.. R. L. Evans, proprietor.
FOR HIRE The Portland Livery & Sale
Stables at 26 North 15th St., has first
class livery and saddle horses at low rates,
also make special rates on business teams
of all kinds and can furnlBh you horses
for your wagons or any other vehicle for
less money than you can own one and
pay bills on same. K. L. Evans, Prop.
FOR SALE or renv 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year: we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day. week or
month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw
thorne Stablos, 420 Hawthorne ave.
BLACK Mam, weighs 2600 lbs., sound and
good workers; team bays, horse and
mare, weight 2800 lbs.; pair bay mares,
weight 2350 lbs.; bay mare, weight, 115U;
sorrel mare, weight 1065. Stable Union
ave., cor. Ash.
HIGH-CLASS road and race horses from
Johnson estate, California; young, large
and handsome. Hansen, Montavilla- Hotel.
PAIR bay horses, weight 2400 lbs., sound,
true pullers, new heavy breeching har
ness, all complete; price $210. 14 Union
VICTOR WEL.KER. the prize-winner, hand
some Jet black gelding, 5 years, 16 hands,
11 50 pounds, trot 2:20 gait. Montavilla
Hotel, Montavilla,
FOR SALE Livery and feed stable, doing
good business; satisfactory reason for
selling. Address Sam Meadows. Heppner,
ONE 700-lb pony, gentle to ride or drive.
Hawthorne Stables. 6th and East Haw
thorne. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City
Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M 330O,
$45 TAKES 11 BO work horse, broke to all
harness: bargain. 204 Montgomery at.
WANTEX) Two teams to do ditch work.
Apply 808 Davis St.
HUBERT & HALL. 3S0 Front, buy. sell, rent
horees. vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
Second-hand automobile wanted; will
pay cash for bargain; state lowest price,
make, year and when can be seen In first
letter. AJ 220. Oregonian.
It you wish your car sold. I can sell It
for you: free garasre. J. Randall, 813
Oregonian bldg. Main 1440
FOR SALE 1 Stoddard-Dayton runabout
automobile; very best of condition; can
be seen at 1S1 East Water-st.
ELECTRIC automobile, first-class condition,
for $1000 cash, or terms. Inquire Seng
stake & Lyman, 90 Fifth at.
22-H.-P. TOURING car. cost $1700 will take
$n0 if taken at once; no trade. Funk's,
321) Everett st.
ROOMY 5-passenger auto, exchange for city
property; good as new. 403 Couch bldg.
FI.Nfc, upright piano for sale or trade at C.
O. Pick's warehouse, 2d and Pine sts.
AN 134, Oregonian.
OREGON wolf hotfhds; speedy and courage
ous; grown dogs with Held experience on
coyotes: price l0O a couple. Inquire C.
R. Campion Kennels. 45th and Division
sts. Take Ml Scott car. Phone Tabor
Here's your chance, 35 standard makes
sewing machines, all in good order, from
$10 up; they must go quickly. White Sew
In Machine Store. 420 Washington st.
FOR SALE or will exchange for city lots a
very neat 20-ft. gasoline launch, in fine
condition; Racine hull, with 4 H. P. Cush
rii71 engine: will sell very reasonable. AP
156. Oregonian.
ONE 3K h. p. McEwen automatic center
crank, compound, tandem. 14x23x18. with
sab-base, Al condition; also 60-inch Pel
ton water wheel, complete. ,J. E. Martin
Co., ith and Belmont.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $2 to ISO. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. S3
per month. Pacific Stationery 4t ptsj. Co..
203 2d Mt.
DOOR fixtures. 5 scales, 6 showcases,
cheese cutter, flat form scale, refrigera
tor, coffee mill: bankrupt, must be sold
this week. Patton, 707 6th St.. Vancouver.
HOUND pups four months old from the best
trained bear, cat and covote dogs in the
state. Address H. W. Scott, Forest Grove.
frllms for rent, complete equipment for
theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st.
Logging and hoisting engines.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. Or and oak
wood at lowest market prices. Hoover.
813 Water at. Phone Main 7451. A 0445.
100 HEAD well-bred sheep. H. O. Stark
weather, near Risley station, Oregon City
Electric line. P. O. Mllwaukie. Or.
FOR SALE Dandy 27-foot chair boat; new
2-eylinder engine and new boathouse.
Phone Sellwood 84.
SINGLE stereopticon, also a double one
with curtain and rheostat for sale cheap,
or trade. Main 6038.
RIDPATH'9 History of World, single har
ness; exchange typewriter, desk, furni
ture. 228 Ablngton bldg.
SAFES Sire and burglar proof, all sizes-second-hand
safes and vault doors cheap.
Davis Safe & Lock Co., 66 3d St.
BOX, planer and cord wood In any quantl
ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B 1695.
FOXHOUND pups cheap. George Fussell. Sea
side. Or. 207 Oregonian bldg.
SOLICITOR wanted, commission basis;
must have references. Annly 211 4th
St.. between 3 and 4 P. M. , la
FINE business opening, small capital re
quired, call 320 Washington st., room
WANTED Young man to work at college in
exchange for Instructions in telegraphy
Oregon College. 83 6th st-
WANTED Young man. education unneces
sary; duties easy; short hours; small cap
ltal required. Call 242 5th and Main
AN all-around mechanic; must have ref-
AGENTS We have an opening for a rood
live man. New and Al proposition, Ad
dress B 198. Oregonian.
WANTED Carpenters, two. for a few days,
who can hang plain shafting. 31 North
Front st.
WANTED Young man who is a sausagemaker
to work part of time Inside and part out.
elde on wagon. Call 323 3d.
WE secure position tor our members.
Special membership. T. M. C A.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California wine
Depot. P. Lorati. 164 2d. Main 5500.
WANTED A private detective, one that
will work reasonable. X 225. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS pantsmaker wanted. NlcolL
the Tailor. 108 84,
HIH."Co,"S?. KlMm,n' bl&" wages, perma
nent. 215 Commercial Block.
W?7'fiP rphoto coupon agents, new offer.
Call Davis-Hayes litudlo. 342 Wash.
G0.0Ii.Jap.?n,e'", boy for sreneral housework
at 669 Multnomah st.
PLATER and polisher on brass. Call 222,
Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Experienced elevator operator:
young man preferred. R ini
' ' , v, 1 1 mil.
LICENSED dentist. 35 for good onerator
The Rex Dental Co.? Ablngton bldg
WANTED Cabinet men and frame makers
Oregon Planing Mills. 19th and Vaugh'
GOOD finisher on heels and edges; steady lob
Goodyear Shoe Co.. 144-146 4th, near Alder!
LA2LND0RrJgoian. ,U
W.w'TEP7"B.aber at onc: ateady Job.
J4 S 1st St.
WANTED Two boys with wheels, over 18
ysara old. Apply at lStt 6th at, "" i'
, I I 1 KITITATTnv nrlvwn u a v I I
RAT .ti U . k- t
If you want to get results! "You Must
Deliver the Goods.'
We Have the Good.
We need a few more good salesmen to
assist us in selling our five and ten-acre
orchard tracts. We do not want "Hot Air
Peddlers," but honest, energetic workers,
who know how to demonstrate in a. plain,
convincing manner. If you have not sold
real estate, but are a salesman, or anxious
to learn the business, we will teach you.
Good pay to experienced men; liberal pay
to beginners.
Applications will be received by letter
Give age. experience, where employed for
las two years and full particulars in first
Department "B,"
Board of Trade Bldg..
4th and Oak Sts.,
Portland, Or.
Security Life will make some choice
contracts for Portland and State of Ore
gon. Absolutely best line of non-partlc!-patlng
old line guaranteed policies, with
total and permanent disabllly feature; a
large brokerage to live ones. Call be
fore 10:30 A. M. or write No. 718 Cham
ber of Commerce Bldg.
The Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns.
45 minutes' streetcar ride from Portland,
want weavers and spinners; light work,
good pay: prefer experienced help, but
bright new beginners can learn quickly
and earn good pay at once. Apply at the
SALESMEN To establish headquarters at
ior me nanuimg or rarms and acre
age in that locality; 200 to 500 per
month; also one for Vancouver, New
bcrg, Woodburn. North Yamhill, Hills
boro. Forest Grove and Gresham. Ask for
Mr. Helmbach.
84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg.
- If there are any men in Portland who
think they are capable of making good
with a mighty live, fair real estate con
cern, -t'one of the big ones," we want to
talk with them. We've got an interesting
proposition in the sales department. See
Mr. Stiles, Columbia Trust Company, Board
of Trade bldg.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
! M women 10 jearn Darner trade in
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; toole free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges 35
North 4th St., Portland, Or.
By the Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns;
men and women to work as weavers and
spinners; you can earn good wages from
the start; work llsht and steady. Apply
at onoa to superintendent at the mill. St.
Johns, Or.
B4.NCH mechanics with a few hundred dol
lars to .co-operate with high-class wood
working plant; steady positions at good
wages and 100 per cent earning for cap
ital used. Phone A 2512. G 210 Ore
gonian. Ri-AL. ESTATE salesman capable of earn
ing $500 to $1000 a month should call
at 319 Lumbermen's bldg., 6th and Stark,
and let us tell you of an elegant oppor
tunity to make money. It will Interest
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy wireless
telegraphy and engineering, R. R. and sta
tion work; practical instruction: largest pri
vate station In the world. Send stamp for
circulars. Wireless Institute, San Francisco.
BARBERS State Board of Barber Ex
aminers win be In session July 12, 13 and
14 at 167 u First sl, this city, when
all those holding permits must appear
for examination. T. M. LEABO. Secretary.
MEN for railway mail clerks, postoffice
Jlerks. carriers. Internal revenue, etc.;
good salary and promotion with each po
sition; we prepare you; examinations soon.
Write Pacific States School. McKay bldg.
WANTED Rep-resenta'tive to sell high-grade
Office RnfnltaB t ; t. 1 1 ' -
------ , , 1 - - - hi no nil y or corn
mission. Small investment required Tele
phone Equipment Co., 150 Nassau st. New
WANTED 6 lumber graders, $2.25 to $2.50:
4 planer feeders, $2.25.
Main Office 12 North Second St.
TWO energetic salesmen, with book or spe
cialty experience preferably, at once; at
tractive proposition; commissions ad
vanced. Call after 9 A. M. 33l4)Fliedner
EXPERIENCED washer for small steam
laundry, also to take charge of boiler and
engine; steady position, good pav. Send
answer to H. W. Rydstrom, box 422.
South Bend, Wash.
F1RST-CLASS stock salesman for high-class
... .a., oiuin. soou coiiiraci ana as
sistance given to make sales, will stand
rigid bank Investigation. E 218. Ore
gonian. WANTED Experienced all around clothing
and furnishing goods salesman; must un
derstand window dressing; town of 3500.
Call on S. M. Cooper, 75 6th st.
WANTED Young men with office experi-
' "uu can. uivesi some money with a
good position that will pay $100 per
month. Address box A 228. Oregonian. '
SHOE salesman, experienced, live man; per
manent position for steady worker. Address
stating age, salary expected and references.
H 209, Oregonian.
SALESMEN for Long Beach, an attractive
proposition for live salesmen; large com
mission. 819 Lumbermen's bldg.. 5th and
STABLE MAN A thoroughly experienced,
industrious, steady man; married, with no
children; no smoking or drinking allowed.
Apply H 211. Oregonian.
WANTED men and womn to learn watch
making, engraving and optics, few months
only to learn, positions guaranteed. S. F
Watchmaking School, 325 Kearney, s. F.
SALESMEN wanted to seli our high-grade
nursery stock; outfit furnished; liberal
commission- cash weekly. Salem Nursery
Company, Salem, Or.
SALESMEN, on all lines; bookkeepers,
stenographers, for city and country. Com
mercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial
FIRST-CLASS Job polisher and plater at
once. Oregon Braes Works. 69 North 2d
WANTED First-class furniture polisher
and finisher; none others need aoolv
J. G. Mack Co.
A-l STRUCTURAL -draftsman. familiar
with building work: stnte experience fully,
also salary. Room 630. Lumbermen's bldg.
EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card
wrtter, steady position. Apply 171 Third
5 GOOD-APPEARING men to show prop,
erty; our men make now from $25 up per
week. 318 Ablngton bldg.
AT ONCE, a good Japanese cook; man and
wife preferred. 697 Flanders st.
WANTED Boy for work in library. Apply
Public Library. 7th and Stark.
BRIGHT boy for office work. Kerr Glass
Mfg. Co.. 4th and Hoyt
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer
for flour mill. Y 226, Oregonian.
WANTED A butcher. Call 651 2d st.
BARBER wanted for Saturday. 250 1st st.
WANTED A lady helper In kitchen. 82
North Sixth st.
WANTED Girl for cook or general house
work. 248 X. 17th.
GIRL 16 or 18 years, for housework: no
children. 821 6th St.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Palace Restau
rant. 129 4th St.
wIRL for general housework; good cook
small family adults. 651 Hoyt st.
WANTED Girls to stitch and finish men's
neckwear. 29H4 Stark.
WANTED A girl for second or dining
room work at 168 12th and Morrison sts.
WOMAN for cooking. Great Northern Hotel.
Take S. car North 21st and Reed sts.
GIRL wanted to work In a bakery In
quire 174 Grand ave.
WANTED First-class laundress, one day
each week; references. 601 East Salmon.
EXPERIENCED lunch waitress 11 SO to 2.
Woman's Exchange. 186 6th St.
. Apply to
Second and Columbia.
The Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns.
4o minutes streetcar ride from Portland,
want weavers and spinners; light work.
0, rtr experienced help, but
bright new beginners can learn quickly
""ill ear" 800d pay at once- Apply at Uja
By the Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns;
men and women to work as weavers and
spinners; you can earn good wages from
the start: work light and steady. Vpply
at once to superintendent at the mill. St.
Johns. Or.
HEAD WAITRESS, $40; 2 waitresses out
E. Ci V:. l5' fare Pald: cook, country
hotel, $46; S family cooks. $40; 2 cham
bermaids. $20 (out of city.)
843 Washington St.
1 rent dining-room (nearly W7
nlshed) In rooming-house; sleeping room
included. Board one for rent; snan Ap
ply d64 North Z-ith. 16th-street car to 26tn
south half block.
W ANTED A girl for general housework
and cooking in private family. 505 Twen
tieth st., corner Myrtle, Portland Heights
car. Telephone A 5562.
WANTED A girl for cooking and some
housework In small family where second
girl Is kept; must understand cooking
wages $30. Phone Main 1309.
WANTED Young lady for vaudeville
sketch, one with experience. Call between
1 and 9 P. M. at Buell apartments, 14th
- and Salmon sts. Apartment 42.
HOUSEKEEPER for grass widower. 2 small
boys; wages $15 month; steady place.
Call immediately, 1075 East 13th North.
Alberta car.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to do gen
eral housework In family of three; refer
ences required..- Apply 501 Chamber of
Commerce bldg.
WANTED Young lady cashier in restaur
ant. Call between 7:30 P. M. and 9 P. M .
Friday. Pekln Restaurant. 323 is Stark St..
YOUNG or middle-aged woman to keep
house for small family: must have good
references; small wages. Call 3S4 3d st
arter 6:30 P. M. v
LAIY, experienced, to take charge of
mangle in small steam laundry. Send
answer to H. M. Rydstrom. box 423 South
Bond. Wash.
WANTED A lady bookkeeper. Apply be
tween 12 and 1 today. Aibiner Creamery
Co., 300 Russell st.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
small family, references. Call mornings.
205 N. 21st st. Main 3441.
WANTED Woman to do collecting. Apply
The Trustee Company, Women's Dept.. 2d
and Stark sts.
GIRL wanted for general housework, must
be able to cook; good wages; 4 In family.
794 Gllsan. cor. 24th.
COMPETENT girl, general housekeeping:
family three adults; good wages. 581
East Taylor.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; good cook. 794 Irving st., cor.
24th. Phone Home A 11S2 or Main S235.
843 Vs Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
226 M Washington St.. Room 301.
Main 8836. or A 8266.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington,
WANTED Middle aged woman for general
housework and partial care of two chil
dren. R 228, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Give full particulars,
salary wanted and phone number. S 20S.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2.
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
LADT solicitor. Good chance for right party.
Work dignified and attractive. Address
AH 200. Oregonian.
SPECIAL large list of good places today.
Ladies' Dept. 205 Morrison.
EXPERIENCED nurse girl wanted to care
for infant. 110O Franklyn St., Willamette
Heights. A 3584.
EXPERIENCED second girl, suburban
home, $26. St. Louis, 245 Vi Washington.
Main 2039.
ALL-AROUND beauty parlor assistant; good
in Irairdressing, manicuring. 409 Morri
son. WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework at country home near city.
Apply 434 Salmon st.
WDI would like lady partner In restau
rant and delicatessen; small capital. C
228, Oregonian.
GIRL wrapper and cashier; experienced.
166 Third St.
WANTED Maid for general housework.
768 Marshall st.
WANTED Second girl In small family.
Apply 769. Northrup st. Phone Main 2105.
GIRL for general housework; t In family.
Apply 705 Overton st.
QUIET home for Invalids In trained nurse's
suburban home. Phone Woodlawn 683.
WANTED Lady presser at The Wardrobe,
701 Washington st. Call Main 6533.
WANTED Woman to make and deliver home
made bread to 735 Hoyt St.
WANTED Young girl to learn dining-room
work. 735 Hoyt st.
"WANTED Competent girl for second work.
. Apply mornings. 779 Marshall st.
A FIRST-CLASS seamstress wanted. 362
Park st.
GIRL for general housework: good wages.
Phone C 2085. Call 683 Broadway.
ELDERLY LADY wants girl for general
housework. 647 7th st.
COMPETENT girl, general housework, fam
lly of two; good wages. 812 Johnson st.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid.
Apply the Waldorf. 147, 13th. Main 2118.
WANTED Girl. Dairy Lunch, 123 1st st.
AUGUST 1 Man and wife without children
to work on country place near Portland;
man to care for lawn, fruit, garden,
chickens, etc.. woman for general house
work. Both must bo experienced in this
kind of work; good home and wages with
board for right coupie. Address E. B. H..
303 Couch bldg., or call. Saturdays only.
MAN or woman to clean gloves at home:
must be expert. Lennon's, 809 Morrison
SOLICITOR wanted; pleasant work; field
open; SO per cent commission. S 199,
FISK Teachers' Agency helps good teachers
to better positions. 614 Swetland bldg.
FRENCH AND GEatMAN in classes. $1 pes
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
WANTED At once, musical comedy people.
Apply Stage Manager, Lyric Theater.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
MANAGER Open for engagement. who
has established and Is managing lucra
tive branch office in Portland of Eastern
firm; highest references; up-to-date lit
erary, commercial and advertising Qual
ifications. C 226. Oregonian.
Let me use it for you as well as myself.
Am experienced bookkeeper, typewriter
operator; desire position; best of refer
ences. F 206. Oregonian.
WANTED Situation In general merchan
dise store; Eastern man, thoroughly ex
perienced; country preferred; references.
N. S. Berg, Portland, Or.
EXPERIENCED specialty salesman. at
present employed, is open for position;
good references and bond if required
Postoffice box 233, city.
EXPERIENCED fire Insurance Inspector and
office man. 15 years in business, wishes
position; best references, both local and
Eastern. AM 225. Oregonian.
9, 1909.
YOUNG man desires position in wholesale
pronuce nouse wltn chance for advance
ment; knowledge of bookkeeping. A 227,
GARDENER. English, age 80. 16 years'
experience greenhouse, flower garden,
lawns, wlshea position; references. W
208. Oregonian.
I WANT a contract to fall and buck tim-
oer oy tne thousand; any locality. AL
204. Oregonian.
WANTED Hltuatlon by young man of 25
years, with fmnlly; temperate and steady;
a-nythinic. All 22U, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED elevator operator wishes
position; city refnrences: lives at home;
no bad habits. a 205. Onegontan.
Wa;s;tei:) At once, work by experienced
teamster: can slvn good references. Ad
dress It 226, Oreiconlan.
MAN of BO wants position as elevator man
or some light work. Address U F. 1.
R. 2, box 1U1. Mllwaukie. Or.
POSITION as superintendent or foreman on
iew uuiiuing; tnurougbly competent: can
give reference. A 220, Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND butcher and sausage maker
city or country. AJ 223. Oregonian.
JaPoJlo5' Employment Co. Help supplied.
268 Everett t fhon.. fetnin . - n
TAKA'S Japanese House-Cleaning Co.. clean-
"s. vuuniiig Dy nour. sellwood 1122.
WINDOW cleaning, new and empty dwell
ings a specialty. Main 0573. Thomas Green
JAPANESE first-class cook wants position
in hotel. $60 up. Y 227. Oregonian.
2 LIVE salesmen want road proposition:
expensea. N 229. Oregonian.
COLORED CHAUFFEUR wants position as
driver. W 207. Oregonian.
GOOD HOTEL or camp cook wants work.
J ohn L. Case, 390 Evenett st.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Position by lady clerk or cash
ier, several years' experience. H. S 822
Whitman St., Walla Walla. Wash.
YOUNG lady wants position as bookkeeper
and typewriter; some experience. H 213
POSITION, permanent by 20th: years- ex
perlence; ISaat Side. AF 210. Oregonian.
EASTERN modiste will take engagements
at home or out at half price, during July
and August. Phone East 4670.
FIRST.CLASS dressmaking; skirts a spe
cialty; prices reasonable. 330 5th st. Main
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles. 326H Wash. St., room 216.
GRA,PJJATB nur9 wants care of invalid or
children at Coast. Phone East 2360.
NURSING by practical middle-aged lady; ma
ternlty or Invalid. Phone Main 4302.
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower. Call on or address 259 to Rus
sel st.. Portland.
YOUNG WOMAN, boy 2. housekeeper. St.
Louis. 245 Vi Wash. Main 2039.
A COFFIELD water motor can do your
washing if you have no help; a good girl
win stay if you give her a Coffield wash
ing machine. We send them on trial and
show you how to operate. Edwards Com-
. pany. 191 1st st.
NEAT, capable woman, with boy 13 de
sires cooking or housekeeping. St. Louii
Agency, 245V4 Wash. Main 3039.
YOUNG woman attending business college
wants to work for board and room. Phone
Main 564.
STRONG German woman wants washing,
ironing and housecleaning by the day 25c
per hour Call bet. 9 and 11 A, M. Phone
YOUNG lady wishes position as housemaid
in family; no children; East Side pre
ferred. Woodlawn 310.
A YOUNO girl wants position as second
S ii i?lBt wlth Benal housework.
Call at 608 Vaughn st.
GIRL wishes housework, washing by the
daj M. Sabe. 573 Quimby st.
REFINED young woman wants work in
doctor s office. AK 203, Oregonian.
WANTED immediately, lady and gentlemen
agents; our articles sell at sight; big
money and steady employment. - Call in
person. 695 Union ave. North, Portland.
WANTED 10 house-to-house canvassers, $10
per week and commission. Call 423 Haw
thorne ave.
AGENTS wanted to sei; our complete line of
nursery stock; cash weekly; outfit free.
Capital Citr Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
WANTED A position as reception lady in
studio or doctor's office. E 215, Oregonian.
AGENTS wanted to sell photo coupons.
Blcknell. 320V4 Washington st.
ONE or two rooms, with board, by two
young gentlemen In private family, no
other boarders; good location. West Side;
must be first class in every respect, as we
will pay for good accommodations. D 211,
WANTED Boarding place with private
family, near school, for attractive girl,
10 years; state price. Box 709.
AT ONCE Reliable party, modern 7-room
house, West Side or Portland Heights. AK
207. Oregonian.
WANTED A good home for elderly Invalid
lady; state location, terms and give refer
ences, o 209, Oregonian.
LADY wishes room, close In; will work in
part payment of rent. Room 61, Mar
quam Kooming-house.
MAN wants small room; permanent; 15
minutes' walk from Plaza. Y 228. Ore
gonian. 8 TO 5 furnished housekeeping rooms, flat,
apartment or cottage; rent reasonable;
give particulars. AM 218. Oregonian
WANTED, on West Side, small 2-room fur
nished cottage, with kitchen and bath
room. by the year. AH 225. Oregonian.
GOOD family to take boy of 9 years to
board and care for. Apply 361 Taylor st.
FIRST-CLASS bungalow, modern and good
location. Studio De Luxe. Raleigh bldg.
REFINED LADY desires room and board
in suburbs or country. R 227, Oregonian.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phono Main 9272.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co.. or you'll gat less. Phones A
2445. Main 895L
WANTED Omaha bonds and stock, state
amount and lowest cash price In letter
Address AH 226, Oregonian.
6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
HIGHEST price paid tor metals and rub
ber. J. Lewe, 186 Columbia st. M. 6198.
Clotting wanted; highest prices paid. Phona
"Square Deal." M. 1851. Prompt attention.
THE ELINOR. 172 Grand ave. N.. large
light, newly furnished throughout, close
in, reasonable, bath, phone. E SS55.
NEW furnished rooms, walking distance
near 2 carllnes. 435 14th, cor. College st!
THE- RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia, rooms
bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. '
THE REX. 648 V4 Washington st. Modern
rooms. $10 to $12 per month, with baths.
THE 'BRAE-SIDE. 42a Alder Modern cen
tral. $3. $4, $5 per week: transient. '
ONE furnished bedroom, walking distance.
$1-50 per week, 431 6th. '
Furnished Rooms.
Furnished Rooms.
THE MERTARPER, 12W 13th St.. corner
Washington. Just completed, elegantly
furnished, several rooms with wall beds
steam heated, hot and cold water in all
rooms, private baths if desired; splen
did restaurant in building; call and in
spect and you will find the maximum of
convenience and equipment at very rea
sonable prices; rates by the day. week
or month.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts
o . inanagement; - THOROUGHLY
Kfc.f-.o ATED: rooms with PRIVATE
?XHS.i. slnrl8 r en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
month; tourist trade solicited.
.Seventh. Ankeny and Bumslde.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout- 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
Public parlor: phones and baths free.
214 Columbia St.
Summer rates; running water In all
rooms; transients 60c to $1 day; one call
means another.
Washington and 13th: beautiful rooms,
single or en suite, or adjoining; free phone
In each room, elegant parlor and lobby:
weekly rates $3 up. Main 7195.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 5647.
812 OAK ST., COR. 6TH.
Just opened;, new and elegantly fur
nlshed; an conveniences; rates reasonable.
H?TE?"LENOX' co"er 3d and Main sts..
furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Oo
poslte the Plaza.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
21?iJH"2,,bl.ock J"1 Pooffice. nice large,
light, well-furnished rooms, $2.00 and $3:
one for $1.75. . '
HOTEL OLYMPUS. 15th and Alder Flrst
clasa rooms by day, week or month.
H?rT,ni;nMON?C? ModlSrn conveniences;
transient solicited. 265 stark, cor. Park.
Furnished Room In ITlvate family.
FOR RENT In private family, on 21st and
landers, unfurnished sleeping room, bath
light, steam heat, both phjues; reference.'
Phone A 3857.
TWO fine rooms In private residence In swell
district; $2.50 per week: walking distance.
Phone B 1673, evenings.
FOUR nicely furnished rooms In private
family, modern, large yard, elegant view.
Phone Main 4411. between. 6 and 7 P. M.
LOWER floor, partly furnished. $18 per
month. 208 Union ave. North, near Hol
laday ave.
NEATLY furnished rooms In private resi
dence 62 North 21st St.. 1 block north
from Washington, with bath and pnone
LARGE, nloely furnished room, modern
bathroom, connecting; suitable for two
walking distance, aott King. Main lloo!
LARGE, neatly furnished alcove room
modern bathroom connecting: suitable for
two. 631 Montgomery st. Main 5674.
LARGE room, well furnished; no other
roomers, walking distance. Main 9002.
NEATLY furnished room; modern 334
Harrison. M. 2205.
FOR RENT furnished room, $9 per mo.
302i Park St.; gentleman only.
NICELY furnished front room, bath gas.
phone. 450 Yamhill.
3 NICE single rooms, $2 and $2.50 per
week. 204 11th st. v
NICE, newly-tinted rooms; in new house
reasonable. 428 Vi Mill st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
THREE large unfurnished rooms; third
floor of nice home; ideal place for musical
or art studio. $4 each. 656 Gllsan.
ONE to three furnished or unfurnished
rooms. Apply 150 24th et. Main S27.
Boom With Board.
Modern In every respect; steam hoat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
710 Washington st., near King, brand new,
elegantly furnished; every room has a
private bath, telephone; tho maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum
of expense. If you want th best in the
city for tho money, call and Inspect:
dining-room in connection.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 21st year, room
with board, use of sewlr.g room and li
brary. 610 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
Heath. superintendent. Woman's Ex
change, 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Brether
ton, supt.
The Leading Tourist and
Residential Hotel, of the City.
23d and Washington. American or
European Plan.
SUITE large, nicely furnished front rooms:
one double and one single room; use of
piano, free baths, free phones, meals if
preferred. 376 Yamhill st.
THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison St.. familv
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional; best table board; prices mod
Two desirable rooms; first-class table
board our specialty. Miss Le Prohon.
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrl
son; finest board and beat rooms In Port
land; rates lowest; a comfortable home.
THE LINDELL. 269 Market; nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonable: fine walking distance.
ROOMS 269 14th. near Jefferson; perma
nent or transient. Phone Main 38U3.
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con
venlences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
NICELY furnished rooms with board at
The Ozark 225 11th st.
Rooms With Board to Private Family.
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board; sleep In
tent if desired: ideal place for Summer
?'."'try to make you feel at home; $5 and
$o.C0 per week. 442 Jefferson.
VERY desirable furnished room, with "or
without board: in private family; first
. home cooking; walking distance.
3S9 Main st. .
LARGE room. nicely furnished. with
board, man and wife, or 2 or 3 gents-
modern: piano: 5 minutes walk, phone
Main 8207. 230Vi 10th st.
40i MADISOM ST., cor. 10th Room and
board; large, airy rooms; good home cook
ing; fine Summer home.
LOVELY room with board, suitable for 2:
home cooking. 321 West Park.
PLEASANT front corner room for two;
good board, home comforts. 549 Johnson.
NEW mahogany, oak furniture, linens, sliver,
china, complete for sale, splendid front
corner three-room apartment for rent.
Hanover Apartments. King street. Main
THE MORTON, northeast cor. King and
W'ashington Beautiful 4-room unfur
nished apartment for rent cheap. Phone
Main 1082.
THE HANOVER, 165 King, near Washing
ton. Front, 3-room unfurnished apart
ment: every, modern convenience; reason
able rent; adults only.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts..
unfurnished apartment, with bath; every
convenience: desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2506.
THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts.. one 4
buu one o-rouni uniurnished apartment
all modern conveniences, reasonable rent;
THQ CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders sts.; four
room unfurnished modern apartment In
quire of Janitor. "
BUELL APARTMENTS, 14th and Salmon
sts., rumlshed 3 and 4-room apartments
-new; elevator, private phone.
JEFFERSONIAN. modern 2 and 3-room fur
alshed apartments. $20 np. loth-Jefferson.
624 Marshall Street.
The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart
ments in the city; 3-room suites. PRI
ATt BATHS and reception-halls; both
phones FREE in each apartment; electric
elevator; nice large verandas both front
and back; largo lawn and beautiful shade
trees. Take W car to Marshall, go 2
blocks east.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, com-presscd-jilr
cleaning. Janitor service, from
$-0 up month; some unfurnished; corns
look and be surprised.
THE BERYL 093 Lovejoy St.. near 21st.
Just opened: the largeat rooms, the largest
rt'a a,nd the best equipped apartments
in the city; don't take anyone's word for
it. come and see for yourself.
T1lfLt MARLBOROUGH 3-room apartment,
lst and Flanders. Nob Hill district.
eery convenience. Main 7516.
NEW 5-room, steam-heated flat, modern
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. kor
gan. 503 Ablngton bldg.
1V?F'f -ro,m flat, new and up-to-date,
fireplace furnace, gas stove and water
heater, laundry trays, basement and attic;
good location, convenient to car 914
Phone1 Bh2230." ln,ulr8 808 Baat YamhllL
'do High School, Inquire 175 lath St..
corner Yamhill. a
6-ROOM flat; has porch, fireplace, furnace, la
fact every convenience; rent very reason
able. Call 441 11th et.
Ft?t RTEoTwinie:n, furnished S-room
SIX rooms, steam heat, hot water; walking
distance. 305 11th st. Main 181L. a 2720.
U's-liRNAIfHEE. "at or -et reasonable.
io4 Alder st.
A 6-ROOM lower flat, splendid location,
strictly modern. 4S5H Jefferson st.
8"ROfiM upPer nat. an light rooms, lawn.
walking distance. 663 Everett
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts 1
Newly furnished for housekeeping In
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up; singlo housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up; best in city for money; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or
lOth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges. hot
water, free liath. free phone, both floors:
nice suites from $12 up.
ONEONTA. 187 17th. near Yamhill; take
car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites, by week $5 50.
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water.
baths and phones free. Main 4697. A 4739.
WfvLH"FJ,RNI?HEDo loukeeplng rooms;
West Side river; 2 rooms $6; 3 for SI
r,?.nt P"""1 f0"??9 15: cottage. B room's!
$20. Apply 864 North 26th; Iftth-street car
on Washington to 26th ; south half block.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms- $12
per month. 588 Fettygrove st. Mail 3423.
487 TAYLOR, near 14th, desirable front 3
abim "lte; modern conveniences; reason-
BEAUTIFULLY located two and three-room
unfurnished bay-window suites. 80514 Jef
ferson and Fitth.
$125 WEEK UP Clean furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, yard. 20?
THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor Park.
home apartments, all conveniences.
THE ELMS Two ar.d three-room furnished
apartments. 191 14th st. Phone Main 6307.
A SUITE of nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. The Raymond. 170 11th st.
Housekeeping Rooms tn private Family.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite with
free telephone and bath; close in to cen
t?.Ii,Jof c'Ly' to married couple without
children, for $16 per month. 321 7th st.
Phone Main 1799.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for
$12 or win rent them unfurnished for
$10; must be -reliable tenant. AJ ''"S.
Oregonian. 9
TWO front rooms, furnished for two or four
gentlemen, with or without board. 3,0
First st. Alain 7431. Call forenoons or
TWO or three large, modern, newly fur
nished housekeeping rooms, large lawn.
403 2d st.
2 FRONT suites of housekeeping rooms, new
ly furnished, with fuel and light; $18-$20 per
month. 421 7th at.
LARGE front room, well furnished, light
housekeeping; laundry privilege; reasonable.
605 Everett et.
888 JEFFERSON 8 or 4 nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; bath, phone, gas; no
children; references.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
close in, near Steel bridge, gas, bath. In
quire 215 McMillan st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms- gas.
and wood range. 149 lath, near Morti
se n.
421 6TH. suite of 2 front rooms for light
housekeeping; well furnished; good loca
tion. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping:
no children. 474 Alder. Phone Main 1273.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. 492
Clay st.
$16 3 furnished housekeeping rooms In cot
tage; gas range; bath. 610 1st st.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms at 392 Jeff-arson st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 195 14th.
corner Taylor.
TWO clean furnished front rooms, suitable
for two. Phone M. 7621. 66 14th st.
ROOMS for rent, modern and reasonable.
555 5th st.
WELL furnished housekeeping suites, wa'er
in roooms. 328 Front su, near Market.
6-ROOM housekeeping suite, nicely fur
nished. $40 per month. 294 11th St.
NICE cool suite, gas range, laundry. Phona
Main 0173. 146 North 16th.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping, also sln
gle rooms. 294 14th.
FRONT alcove, bay window housekeeping
suite. $16 month. 255 11th, neat Main.
ROOMS for rent, modern and reasonable.
555 5th st.
VERY nicely furnished room with folding
bed, all conveniences, $12. 227 7th st.
LIGHT housework or nursing. 863 East 9th
St.. North.
FOR RENT Modern 10-room house, un
furnished; Park and Montgomery In
quire 3 70 Park.
3 LIGHT' furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern, downstairs; $20 month. 6U4
Front st.
DE.SIRABLE modern 8-room house In fine
condition; carpets If wanted. 35 E 9th
st. North, cor. E. Couch.
15 8-room house for rent, 243 Hamilton
avenue. Apply to Simon Stelner, Hamilton
and W est sts.
MODERN cottage. 6 rooms, bath and fur
nace, on carline, piedmont neighborhood
$21.50. Phone Woodlawn 409.
XoR"ROC!M bungalow, partly furnished.
$20; adults only. 1422, Morse at., Wood
lawn B MONTHS' rent free to lot buyer in Gres
Corbettet'gbhldg. Gregry i"""" Co.. 41S
S-ROOM house for rent. $15. suitable fo
two families. 444 East 39 th.
MODERN 0-room house, near steel bridge.
Inquire 3(6 Crosby st. E. 6316.
GOOD house, 7 rooms. Broadway and Wheel
er: large lot, fruit. Phone Woodlawn 1859.
FOR RENT 6-room house.
60O 2d, corner
$2S 754 East Taylor, cor. 23, B rooms, mod.
ern. Ward, Allsky bldg. Main 7326.
6"R.,'?OM .,I""ler" house.1 Nob HI1L Inquire
721 Johnson st.. mornings. q
oYk nouse of. 6 rooms and bath. 69 East
19 th. near inquire 13a th sv