TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JTJL.T 9, 909. 13 r DU STREET IS FAVORED AS SITE Port of Portland Adopts Plan of 0. R. & N. for New Steel Railroad Bridge. CITIZENS' PROTEST LOSES Clnr Tlint Objects to Change Must TepenI on Appeal to War De partment Width of Draw Span I9 Discussed. That the new steel bridge to be built across the Willamette River by the O. TL & N. Co. will. In all probability, be located at Gllsan and Oregon streets was made known yesterday at the meeting: of the Port of Portland when the Commission approved the site se lected by the railroad company.' This action put an enf to the efforts of the Bteel Bridge Push Club and property owners In that vicinity to have the new bridge built on the site of the present Bteel bridge, as far as the Port of Port land Is concerned. It will now be neceaary for these bodies to make protest to the War De partment, as -was contemplated In the event the Commission's decision was unfavorable. In the past few months there have been numerous meetings of the push cluhs and property-owners at which It was shown that great damage would be done to the harbor and prop erty at that point If the bridge site were changed. The action of the Commission yester day was taken at the request of At torney A. C. Spencer and Chief Engineer Itoschke. representing the railroad, who also asked that the Commission give the minimum dimensions of the draws In the bridge In order to enable the company to prepare preliminary plans and thus save as much time as possible in the co Mructlon. After discussing the matter at length the members of the commission agreed that in the event the new bridge Is to be of the lift type the draw open ing must be not less than 205 feet in width. If the swing type Is adopted-the two draw openings must be at least 175 feet In width each. There was no formal discussion as to which type ought to be used, but the Impression prevailed that the lift tvne Is the more practicable. Before passing the resolution relative to the new site. communications were read from a num ber or river pilots in which they ex pressed their approval of the proposed change. The approval of the bridge site and the designation of the dimensions of the draws were included in a draft of the franchise covering the proposed structure presented yesterday by the railroad com pany's representatives. No action was taken on the franchise, however, the matter being deferred until after the commission's attorney has examined the same. MUST FROVIDE FOR PUBLIC Franchise Calls for Modern Bridge With Upper Deck. Under the conditions of the proposed franchise pending before the Port of Portland and authorizing the construction of the new railroad bridge, the Harriman Interests agree to construct a modern bridge of steel and iron on concrete piers. It is to be of sufficient width to accom modate two sets of railroad tracks of standard gauge. The railroad company also agrees to construct an upper deck with convenient approaches for the use of wagons and other vehicles, streetcars and pedestrians. The location of the west end of the proposed bridge is to be 660 feet south and that of the east end of the bridge TfiO feet south of the present Steel bridge. The approaches for the upper deck are to begin near the northwest corner of Third and GILsan streets, on the West Side, and land at or near a point where Oregon street and Adams street converge ton the East Side. The railroad company Is given the right to contract with the City of Portland or the County of Multnomah for furnishing the upper deck as a highway, but the charges to be collected from either the city or the county under such a contract shall not exceed a return of 6 per cent on the additional cost of constructing the upper deck. If such a contract Is not entered into, then the railroad company Is authorized to collect tolls from street cars, vehicles and pedestrians to an amount equal to per cent of the cost of constructing the additional deck, includ ing the expenses Incident to the opera-' tlon and maintenance of the upper deck, and an additional allowance of 5 per cent upon the additional cost involved by the construction of the upper deck on account of depreciation. Should the railroad com pany fall to enter into a contract with either the city or the county for the use of the upper structure, then the maximum charges to be collected by the railroad company shall be fixed by the Multno mah CAmty Court, but at no time shall the toll be placed so low that the rail road company will not receive at least 6 per cent returns on the additional ex penses necessarily Incurred by the con struction of the upper deck. The proposed franchise also contains a common user clause, under which all other railroads desiring to use the bridge and approaches shall be entitled to equal rights and privileges with the O. R. & N. upon the payment of a reasonable com pensation for such privileges. In event the railroad desiring to use the bridge cannot agree with the O. R. & Nf. as to the charge to be paid, the members of the Oregon Railroad Commission are to officiate as arbitrators and fix the charge The right is reserved to the Port of Portland to pass on and approve all plans for the proposed bridge and the type of draw to be Installed. If a pivot draw ' Is authorised, It Is stipulated that each opening must afford 175 feet clear chan nel way. If one draw opening Is required by a lift or elevated span. It ehall be at least 206 feet In width in the clear. The bridge Is to be built under general supervision of the Secretary of War. The railroad company Is required to file Its acceptance of the terms of the franchise within 80 days after it has been approved by the Port of Portland. The railroad company agrees to begin work on the structure within one year after the fran chise has been granted and to have the bridge completed within two years. Upon the completion of the new structure the present Steel bridge is to be removed by the O. R. & N. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, July 8. Maximum tempera ture. 88 degrees; minimum. 54 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M-. 17.1 feet. Change In last 24 hours, 0.2 foot. Total rainfall, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M . 0.0 Inch. Total rain- la. 1 since September 1. 84. 99 Inches. Nor . sum oiutemttet A laches. Deficiency, BIS Inches. Total sunshine. July 7. 6 hours 24 minutes. Possible sunshine. July 7. 16 hours 88 minutes. Borometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. SO. 03 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 6 P. M Pacific time. July 8: K 3 Wind c . STATIONS. B ES 2. 2 "."' of 5" m 5" Weather. J sa : ? 3 S : 5 : : Baker City.... 1'lBinsrrk. . , . Boise. ......... Kureka Helena , , , Kamloopa North Head... Pocatello Portland Kd Hlurf Rosvhurg Stti-nuncnW, , . . Salt Uka t'an Francisco. 74 T. I so o.on so o.oo Cloudy Clear Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear 14W 6 SW BSO.00! 74;0.00 82 H. OO Kt'O.OO 84,0.00 laiNW 4INE sine 14iNW Pt. Cloudy Cloudy 4 W 4:8 6SH IO NW 12ISW 14 N ASlO.Olt Cloudy nil. 0.00 Clear Clear Clear Clear 73,0.00! 82l0.no 8k.0 oSjO.OO 7:0.0O Bf 0.00 Pt. Cluody Pt. Cloudy Cloudv Cloudy lOKHIld 'ionm 'utoosh Inland. Valla Walla... 4INE 8(8 4lw 32NW SB 4iNW 10IN 54 T. 840. 00 Clear Clear eso.oo 64 .. Clear Clear Siskiyou. ....... 70 O.OOi fllVO.OO1 80:0.00 Itallnpell Tonopah Clear Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours the barometer has fallen over the North Pacific states ana cloudiness has Increased In nearly all parts of the district. A thunder shower with a light fall of rain occurred during the afternoon at Baker City and a trace of rain has fallen et Tatoosh Island. The temper ature has risen In Eastern Washington. Northern Idaho. Montana and British Co lumbia and remained nearly stationary In Oregon, Southern Idaho, California, Neva da and Utah. The Indications are for fair weather Fri day, except in extreme Eastern Oregon, ex treme Eastern Washington, Idaho and along the Washington Coast, where showers are expected. It will be cooler In Idaho and Southeastern Washington. FORECASTS. Portland and Vicinity Probably fair; westerly winds. Oregon Fair, except showers extreme eastern portion; westerly winds. Washington Fair, except showers ex treme eastern portion and along the Coast; cooler southeast portion; westerly winds. Idaho Showers and thunder storms; cooler. EDWARD A- BBAL8, District Forecaster. AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER 12th and Morrison Phone Main 117. A 4224. Tonight 8:15 Tomorrow Night Matinee 2:15 Tomorrow Aft. Henry Miller's Associate Players In the Interesting Drama 'THE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE" Prices, evening and matinee. $1.80 to BOc. SEAT SAI.K OPENS TODAY At Bungalow Theater Four Nights Beginning Next Monday Charles Frohman Presents The Brilliant American Actress MARIE IX) KO In the Comedy Success "THE MORALS OF MARCUS" Prices $2.00. $1.50. (1.00. 50c LYRIC THEATER Summer Prices: Evenings, 15 and 3Bo: Matinees. 15c. WEEK OF J I" I.Y 4. The Imperial Musical Comedy Company Presents THE MIFFIFFTFF OF MULLVTILHTBtrLLIT Matinees Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Two shows each evening at 8 and 9: IS o'clock. Special Holiday Matinee Monday. Lyric Theater THE FUNFEST BEGINS NEXT MONDAY : Sam.S. & lee Shubert (Inc.) Present "The Blue Mouse" By Clyde Fitch. The comedy that made President Taft sit up and take notice. SEATS NOW SELLING MATX a. A 10XO. MattMel Bandars and Holidays. 15-25-Mo NIGHTS Week of July 6 IJly Lena - Electrified Girl Review; Julius Tiinnen ; Hymen Meyer; Whittier-Harris Players, "Almost": The DonaJs; Lutgl Brothers; Pictures ; Orchestra. PANT ACES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations. Engagement Extraordinary of THE ORIGINAL. SVENGALI TRIO, Music. Mimtcrr and Mystery. The Pantages famous orchestra, always a feature Three performances dally at popu lar prices. Matinees daily. 15o: two shows at night. 150 and 25c. 13 A TVT B WEEK STARTING VJIVrtlll MON. MAT., JULY 5. ALBINI'S EXP0SA Of Anna Eva Fay and Others Friday Night, Both Shows. In Conjunction With Seven Bis; Featan A-ts. Usual Prices. Curtain at 7 Sharp, STAR THEATER House of Original Production. Americana to the Front, " EAST LYNNE," By the Vltagraph Co., a Big Feature, and 5 OTHER BIG THINGS 5 Great Music and Ballads. SPECIAL ivflAnmrnvT Of the World's Famous Aerlaltsta Supreme The Bickett Familv I"tr trwo -weeks commencing July th Fourth ' tne OAKS DonatelU's Famous Italian Sand INNES' FAMOUS BAND Under Auspices of Multnomah Club AT MULTNOMAH FIELD Evenings of July 1 3th and 1 4th Admission 60c a.seba.11 RECREATION PARK. Corner Viucha and Twcnty-fonjrtit Sts. SEATTLE vs. PORTLAND JVLY 6, 7, 8. , 10, 1L -Games begin week days 8:30 P. M.; Sun day. 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grandstand, EOc; Boxes. 25c extra. Children: Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand. 25c. LADIES' DAT, FRIDAY. Boys under 12 tree to Bleachers Wednes day. Midsummer Carnival JULY 15 TO 34 INCLUSIVE. C. Y. M. C. ATHLETIC PARK, Williams Avenue and Stanton Streets. SELECT ATTRACTIONS. SO SHOWS. SEW VUATVEES NIGHTLY. . a V. AUCTION SALES lODAf. At Wilson's salesrooms, oomer 3d and Yamhill at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. MOUNT TABOR LODGE NO. 42, A. F. AND A. M. A stated eom- qVj munication mis (Friday) evening Kb o o uock. w u I it in ixio t . i decree, visitors welcome. D. R. YOUNG, Secretary. Ms MYRTLE CHAPTER. No. IS. O E. 8. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening In Masonic Tem ple at 8 o'clock. By order "W. M JENNIB H. GALLOWAY, Secretary. DIED. M-'AFEE July S, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Sager. 291 Ball ave.. Archer Place on Mount Scott carline, Agnes McAfee, aged 67 years 4 months 1 day. Beloved wife of Roger McAfee. Announcement of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. WOODWARD In this city. July 6. Frances Woodward, aged 71 years 5 months 2: days. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the Bast Side Funeral Directors, successors to F. S- Dunning, East Alder and East Sixth eta, today (Friday), July 9. at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. MILLER In this dry July 8. at the family residence, 146 Nebraska St., Frederick S. Miller, aged 64 years. The funeral serv ices will be held at the above residence at 2 p. M. Saturday. Interment Riverview Cemetery. LI P II A X The funeral of S. Llpman will take place from the family residence. Wayne and Pt. Clair streets. Friday. July 0, at 1:30 P. M. Please omit flowers. ELMER The funeral services of the late Adney D. Elmer will be held at Finleys chapel at 2 P. M. today (Friday). Friends invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. Pwnnlns. McXntes at GUbSDSh. Faneisl Directors. 7tu ud Fins. Pnone MsOa 43. Laiy Assistant. Office of County Coroaer. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral alrevt- ra, 220 Sd St. Lady ssalstaat. Phone aL 007. J. P. FIX LEY SON, 3d and Msdlsoav Lady attendant, phone Main 9. A lost). F. 8. DUNNING. Undertaker. 41 Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 0- McENTEE-ERICSON CO. Undsrtakarst lady assistant. 40B Alder. M Sltt. ZELLKR-BYRS-ES ' CO.. Funeral Direct ors, 272 Russell. Both phones. Lady assistant. LURCH Undertaker. 420 East Alder. Phones East 781, B 1888. Lady assistant. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS f fiol Kemmertr coa.1, the beat Wyo VVa mlng coal; gives more lieat and uh. Churchley Bros., 13 tn and Marshall ats. Phone Main 931. A 8931. Fl Afifif Cut Flowr always trash from j. juiiotour own conservatorlea Martin A Forbes Co.. ZA1 Wash ins ton . Both phone. Electric Fixtures "hom,.tt, g prices are rlffhtL All work guaranteed. Western Electric Works, 61 Sixth street. Independent Coal A Ice Com Dan y. opposite City Library. "Both phones. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 19V. Dsiix or BundSay. n Per Use. be time 10 Same ad rwo consecutive times ........2te Same ad three consecutive times. ...... .SO ha me ad six or seven consecutive times fine Six words count as one line on cash ad vert Lsementfi. and no ad counted (or less than two lines. When an advertisement la not run consecutive times the one-tizxie rate applies. The above rates apply to advertisements nnder "New Today- and all other classifies tions excepting; the following Situations Wanted. Male. (Situations Wanted, remsla Por Rent, Rooms, Private Families, Rooms and Iioaod, Private Fa ml lie. Housekeeping Rooms. Prlvato Families. The rate on the above classification la 1 cents a line each insertion. Space In the "'ew Today0 columns la flfrured by measure only 14 lines to the Inch. TO OUT-OF'-TOWX PATRONS The Ore ronlan will receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of Issues ta sent. Acknowledgement of such remittance will bo forwarded promptly. On chartre nf Tionb nHvirttrmnta rha charge will e based on the actual number of Jlnes appearing in the paper, rea-ardleae vx toe uumnfr oi woras in eacn una. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main 800. SECRETARY. Main 698. HUMANE OraCIR. East 477. NEW TODAY. 18 Net Apartment-house, yields 18 per cent net on money Invested, and 14 per cent net on total cost. Best huv in th pltv This apartment-house is exceptionally wen Dunr anu is moroufrmy modern in equipment, to see is to ouy. R. F. Bryan KOS Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063. a 1227, $2500 Will Buy 53 Acres 2 Miles Forest Grove 15 acres In cultivation; good orchard of bearing trees and grapes; house, barn, poultry-houses for a thousand fowls, creek through place. An Ideal location for a home and college-town advantages. Small cash payment and caay terms on oaiance. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO, 248 Alder St. DESCHUTES LAND HEADQUARTERS 209 WELLS-FA RGO BUILDING 3 A beautiful modern six-room house, lot 50x100, only 200 feet from the Ala meda in rtose City Park. Street lm provements paid for. $350 cash Is enougn tor xirst payment, see BARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce, Hawthorne Park modern residence, 9 rooms, with fin 1 a urn rnoas a ,4 . -.. v. titih i a wovo Ca,aU 0 11 L UULFC1 . W I LI 111- elude carpets, shades, stoves and light 570 East Madison St., Near 14th. TO LOAN $250, $300. 500, 800, $1000, 11500, ', on gooa real property, 7 per .cuk .v o per cent, x to 4 years. GEO. P. LENT, 417 Corbett Bldg. DAIRY cows for sale; I will sail at public i in y piace, bcappooae, ur., on Saturday, July io. 109, thirty-nv. (35) head or trade Holstein and grade Jersey cows, all in milk but three, some with waives Dy tnelr side. D. E. Freeman, ocaiipDiue, ur. GEORGE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches) 823 Worcester Bids, pbonea Maia 837.1. A aOlS, NEW TODAY. Sunset BeacFi ON THE NEHALEM TWO HOCUS FROM PORTLAND NOTICE Only 14 lots left fronting- on the Ocean and 6 lots on the Bay. If not sold by July 10, price -will be advanced $50 each. Price of all other lots will be raised $25 on August 10. OIL OIL OIL Machinery is now being sent to drill for oil on property adjacent to ours. If successful It will Increase value of our property at once, as we have same Indications, therefore our owners have decided to raise prices as stated above. Steam shovels now working on rall rsarl grade opposite Sunset Beach. Reserve your lots now. Easy terms. Goddard & Wiedrick HO Second St. Goddard A Wiedrick, ' 110 Second SL, Portland. Please send ma map, etc, about Sunset Beach. Address. Public Auction Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. fursuant to an order of the County Court of Multnomah County, Oregon, I will sell for cash to highest bidder, at public auction, in front of Courthouse at Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, July iv, xvuv, at io o clock A. al, the follow ing described real estate, the property of the estate of Jacob Burkhart, de ceased, located on the Section Line itoad about 4 or 6 miles east of the Mount Tabor Reservoir, consisting of 17.73 acres of land, being In the south east corner of the Francis N. and Ade 11a M. Elliot D. L. C, which claim is in part of sections 1, 2, 11 and 12, town ship 1, south range 2, east of W. M. ; the 17.73 acres being almost entirely In section 12. It has 660 feet on the bectlon Line Road and Is 1156 feetdeen. Second growth timber Ofx land. Further information may De ODiainea irom me or my attorney. Abstract of property to death of deceased furnished. Sale subject to approval of County Judge. liiiU. W. tSA LiL w irs , Administrator of the Etate of Jacob Burkhart, Deceased. B. 8. PAGTTE. 615 Oregonian Bldg.. Attorney for Ad ministrator. oselawo ON UNION AVE. OPP. WALNUT PARK Lots $425 A beautiful level tract Just platted. and up. A minute and a half car serv ice. The most practical place to build. No stone or stumps. Water now in. Street to be graded, cement walks to be laid. Phone after 6 P. M., Woodlawn 2066 or call at 400 Prescott St. Goddard 6 Wiedrick HO SECOND ST. STOCK RANCH 937.40 acres, S miles from Oakland, 80 acres magnificent farming land. 300 acres fine fruit land, first-class for tokay grapes; 2.000,000 fir and cedar timber; several good streams that can be used for power. All fenced and the nest rancn tor me money in Oregon $20 per acre. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 20O-2O4 Chamber of Commerce. See L. M. Hlckok. Beautiful Ranch 5V& miles from Oakland, 360 acres, 30 acres best bottom land In cultivation: 500,000 feet fir and cedar; 3 good springs; 6-room box house; good barn, 40x50. First man to see this place gets it ior zotiuu; 2zou casn, Daiance per cent. American Trust Co 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. See L. M. FLickok. CAPITOL HILL On the Oregon Electric Railway, 5-cent car fare. In Portland proper, inside the city limits, 13 minutes ride from the business center, all full lots 50x100 feet each. Improved streets and sidewalks city and mountain view unsurpassed no stone or gravel, all In arrass nlot Prices $200 to $400 per lot. Title per fect. Complete abstract of title to date furnished free to every purchaser. Take the Oregon Electric car at Front and Jefferson streets for Capitol Hill and see tor yourself. CLOHESSY A SMITH, 401-2 McKay Bids;. Phone Main 1008. Must Be Sold Quick HOLLADAY PARK 6000. Elegant NEW home on Wasco st,. 4 blocks from car, t large rooms, z aens, bath, 4 bed rooms, finished attic, full cement base ment with furnace, laundry tubs and toilet, gas and electricity, sewer, street improvements ail in, bay windows, paneled dining-room, fireplace, mantel, large sleeping porch, beautiful location. S2500 CASH, BALANCE TERMS. Hickman & Hindle 21S Lambemwni Bids;-, Corner Kiftb and Stark Sts. Phone Main 3700. OFFICES FOR RENT Two ground-floor offices and two front upstair offices, Commercial Club bldg. Heat, light and janitor service. RENT VERY REASONABLE. Apply to Mr. Peel Commercial Club Office, 7th Floor. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR anything in Portland real estate ses Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. OWNER Modern 6-room house, block - from car. Montavllla. Pbxtns East 2367. 'laCtTS2",J!E-,,2,,,. " - REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. v.. Co. M. 3349. so Hamlltoa bldg. Baker, Alfred A., S12 Ablngton bids. Beck, William G., 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell, A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay big. M. 64 Chapln A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. B., & Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. B., A Co., Board of Trade bids. Jennings at Co., Main 168. 208 Oregoalaa. Farrlsh, Watklns & Co.. 2S0 Alder st- Rlchardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bid. Scnalk. Geo. D.. 204 Stark st. Main or A 882 Sharkey, J. P.. & Co.. 122 H Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Houaaay Addition). Walker, S. T., 04 Corbett bldg. wniie, ri. f-.. 42 Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IRVINX3TON $1100 ONE-THIRD CASH; full lot. Paving, eras, sewer, water All now In; 4 BLOCKS TO CAR. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth 6l. S Board of Trade Bldg. IRVIXQTON Vv e have S quarter blocks on Knott st. and several inside lots, at very attractive 'prices. H. P. PALMER-JOXES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. WK have orders to sell 10 lota for $2S00, worm mey are only z diocks from the park and $4000 lots; we also have the finest small house and lawn for $1420 in the city, terms: you will have to hurry to get these. "Western Land Co.. 423 Board Trade. WALNUT PARK 7-room house on 50x100, for a few days at $4800; terms. H. P. PALMER -JONES CO.. 112-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699, A 26o3. TWO houses. East 19th and Salmon, $6000. j. wo nouses, near AlDerta carline, on 17th St., $2600. 4-aore and 6-room good house, near Flrland. $2100;'modern bungalow in Flrland. $1800. LIND & HIGLET, 132 THIRD ST. AN ideal home 3 blocks from L carline on Minnesota St., IO mln. to city, new house, all plumbing, electricity and gas. swell lawn, garden, fruit trees and flowers; will sell furniture; also a bargain to be picked up at once. Call 721 Board of Trade. OWNER must leave city: will sell 7-room, monern nouso, near Hawthorne ave., at sacrifice price; small cash payment, bal ance monthly; big bargain. See this quick. Chism. 615 Couch bldg. BUNGALOWS here. bungalows there. bungalows everywhere; 6-room bunga lows, 6-room bungaiows, bungalows on easy terms, bungalows for cash. 403 Couch bldg. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Choice home sites and homes to choose from, all prices, Irvlngton; estimates given. Owner, M 3S3(. room 500, Oregonian bldg W. H. Herdman. PARTIES wishing to purchase large or small tracts or improved or unimproved fruit lands In the Rogue River Valley, call on or WTlte Verdin & Conger. 100 North 6th St.. Grants Pass, Or. BAD health requires me to live In dryer cli mate, so nere goes my beautirul home on west slope Mount Tabor; 0 rooms, electrlo lights, water, etc.: price, tstlOO; terms. Fred Broetje, 81 East 61st at. HAVE contract on acre. Piedmont district: will cut Into 8 full lots; have paid $800; take $S50: easy contract: price. $2t0; lots adjoining worth. $600 to $700; need money; must sell quick. W 196. Oregonian. IRVINGTON 160x100, corner; $3100; high and sightly: fine for future home Rite in very best residence district. East Side: $1050 cnaii, uu.iaiice o per cent. see jas. (J. JjO- gan, i-zoifc wash. st.. room 404. "NOTICE. PEO?ERTT.OWXERS." Do you want to sell your place? We nave ouyers; taiK wltn.us todav. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO. Room 616, 326 Washington St. NEW. strictly modern home, beautiful ir, tlon. on carline; small cash payment, bal ance monthly. See owner. Jas. A. Clock, 252 Alder st. Phone Main 1274. Resi dence, xaoor niz. FOR SALE 8 sightly lots, 61st sr.. lear Madison; restricted tract; $600 per lot; $300 cash each lot, balance $10 per months will sell one or more as de sired. W 206. Oreconlnn A SNAP. Small cottage, lot 75x10(1. nT- ,..,-- jolng away, must sell: take horses part iiaruicui. uwner, 4vs oernnger bldg. MODERN 5-room house, built for hnm, count 111 health, at cost. Ji.150: scti i-h Owner. 477 Florence St., Highland. Phono wooaiawn H4i HOUSES for sale in an parts of the city; acreage close in and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone A 4SSI. Kinney & Staul- pner. ojl-03- J-Aimoer lxchange bldg. THE prettiest 6-room house and east front lot, near piedmont; fireplace, beamed ceilings, trees. llowers; only $2400 W, W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave. UOW 4 .. ,hi.T . I i , Bficui, a am inn uwiiui , f . )' n i casn handles It; give phono and address. F FOR a snap in new, modern. 6-room cot tage, close In, 10-minute car service, price $2150, easy terms, see owner, 725 Board of uraao oiag. rVE got a bungalow I'll sell to the first parson Beelng it; new and modern, built different from others; it's worth- your wiiiie. tun voucn uiug. A. 2541. MODERN cottage. 6 rooms, bath, furnace, electric and gas, on fine corner in Pied mont neighborhood, on carline, $4000. wooaiawn uu. BUNGALOW, new and modern: all conven iences; on good carline; can be bought for aown, oaiance to suit, (jueen Invest ment Co.. 410 Falling bldg. $2100 100x100. Irvlngton. on 10th. above graae, nice snaae trees; sioo cash. bal. per cent: it's choice. Jas. C. Logan. 326 BUNGALOW, sacrifice, new and moAsrn, H block, reduced from $2500 to $2100; at Ivanhoe Station on W. W. carline. Main 3Uat. 5-ROOM bungalow. 25 minutes' car rlde. 6c fare; little money required; balance like rent. rsatlonal Realty & Trust Co.. HERE is a snap in a shoe shine stand; 3 chairs. Soli stock, good business, good lo cation; $225 takes it. Call 725 Board of 'l'raae. pnone .u. 6160. PORTLAND 7 per cent real estate con tracts for sale, amounts stOOl1 and up- waru. xiiuiie seiiwuuu oil). $000 CORNER LOT $655. Must have money; terms. Tabor 180L LOT for sale near Union ave.; fine neighbor hood. $425; terms. Young & Co.. 612 Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE New, modern o-room house, on I Alberta carline; a snap. . Slgel St. Co., 835 Morrison. FOR SALE Lot in Tinker's Addition to Long Beach, Wash.. 6 blocks of P. O. Inquire owner, 213 Second st. WE build artistic homes, see us for plans and easy-payment methods. Builders Company, 420 Mohawk bldg., afternoons. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Ablngton bldg. $4200 HOME Lot 75x100, with bearing fruit trees; all Improvements: for $3500; reasonable terms. Owner. J 219 Oregonian. FOR SALE Strictly modern bungalow, monthly payments. See Jas. A. Clock, 252 Alder st. Phone Main 1274. FINE HOME, 151 E. 28th St.: good location, large grounds. 8-room modern house: terms. Owner. 134 E. 29th st. East 2044. STRICTLY modern 6 or 7-room desirable home, small payment cash, balance month ly. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 1790. TWO rooms, pantry, closet, leveled lot, 3 blocks car; water; $500 cash. AB .229, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, the 'handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. Call and see It. 624 E. 20th St. N. SNAP. Halsey i st. 12 lots. $6000; terms. $1000 cash. Purse. 818 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 2 new houses. E. loth near Everett. Inquire of owner. 132 6th st. 1 WST TOUR property with SLgel & Co.. 838 saaresoa. -f noses wnla aao, A 4C8SV FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. A HOME AT A SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCE. Attractive, strictly modern, high-grade, iwell-bullt, lO-room residence, designed for beauty, convenience and comfort: located on Tillamook street at 'end of East 36th street, very near carline. in high-class residence district. - with Bull Run water and improved streets: house has full base ment, furnace, oak floors, beamed ceilings, large fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, seat, etc., clothes chute to basement, woodlift, lavatories on both floors, extra toilet in basement. Built by architect for home for a client who could not taka same for financial reasons. If taken im mediately may be had at the very low price of ftiOOO; small cash payment and Daiance monthly. Information from C L. Horn, architect, room 11 Madison bldg., 250 8d st. FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak Grove. Oregon City line. 30 minutes ride. 1M acres of ground, new 6-room house, pantry, storeroom. brick fireplace, 75 feet verandas. 200 choice roses in full bloom. 77, bearing grape vines. 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants, 60 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross fenced, enough garden truck planted for good-sized family, every foot of ground cultivated: fine lawn around the house, dotted with select shrubbery, etc., etc.. Inquire on premises. Louis Brandt, Oak Grove. Or. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted TO per cent of walnut in Oregon, sold 00 per cent of plantings ever sold in Oregon, we feel our prop erties should invite consideration; $100 cash, $15 per month for each nve-aara tract. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.). Lumbar Excuans Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WEST SIDE; $4O0. 1 Modem 6-ROOM HOME; furnace. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT, stationery tubs, lot 30x100; street improvements paid; ONE CARLINE AT DOOR and 3 others within 3 blocks: price $4250; $400 CASH, 40 PER MONTH. See COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. S Board of Trade Bldg., t4 Fourth Street. ELEGANT 6-room bungalow, fireplace. piate glass aoor, electricity and eas. modern in every way, in fine residence district. East Side. Price $2700, $400 cash, balance easy payments. Swell 4-room bungalow, to see it means to buy. Price $180O, $300 cash, balance mommy. BARTLETT REALTY rOMPAXY, 611 Commercial Bdg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME - 7 rooms, new. modern, hardwood floors. handsome woodwork, beam ceilings, built in china closet, large nneplace, furnace; on corner 100x100; hard surface pave ment; immediate possession can be given price $850 0. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. . Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. PIEDMONT A beautiful home: 7 rooms, new, mod ern, extremely well built and handsomely finished; lot 73x100; large fir trees In yara; z oiocks zrom canine; price $6a00 terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. H. V. PALMER-JONES CO., FIRE AXD GENERAL INSURANCE. AGENTS NEW ZEALAND INS. CO. 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG.. MAIN S6&9, A 2053. ROSSMBRB DISTRICT. CHOICE TJVTS. Only $500. terms; lots BOxHxl, about block from car. amid fine grove of trees, fine soil, district growing fast; Bull Run water, gas wuuiik. SEABERG (THE BEVERLY. PHONE MAIN 7082 OR A 3256. CRESTON'S BEAUTIFUL SUBURB. New 5-room bungalow, bath, toilet, full cement basement, lot 50x100, 8 blocks to carline. for $lSOO: cash $20O. balance $15 per montn: taxe m. scott car to creston third station of Hawthorne ave. G. H. .layior. - SET of Portland block books, posted to date, ior saie cneap. ti -zia, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 13 ACRES, nicely cleared and In pultlva tlon. good house and outbuildings, well and pump, right close to Salem electric, only $2400. Would exchange for Portland residence and if necessary nav cash dif ference. Call at once, 513 Chamber of t-ommerce. IF YOU HAVE A small farm or unimproved acreage near Portland that you wish to trade for a modern house In Portland valued at $5000 call at 60S Chamber of Commerce. Main 5124. WILL SELL or trade my farm of 224 acres near Dallas with house, barn, orchard, hop Jteld, hophouse, 80 acres In cultiva tion, for house or cottage near carline. What have youT See Wallace & Flynn, 228 Stark st. WANTED AT ONCE. A house In Portland, valued at $2350, to exchange for Improved avreage near Port land valued at $5000; difference must he paid in cash. BOS Chamber of Commerce. Main 5124. FINE 60 acres of fruit land. 30 acres culti vated. 6 acres choice Winter apples: sold 1200 boxes last year; trade for Portland property; $6O0O snap. Louis BechteL, Salem. Or. FOR SALE or will exchange for city lots, a very neat 20-ft. gasoline launch. In fine condition; Racine hull, with 4 H. P. Cush man engine: will sell very reasonable. AF 156, Oregonian. 10 ACRES near Kalama. Wash.. In culti vation, house, barn, henhouse, fenced, all good soli, no rock or gravel; will trade for lot in city that I can build on. Young & Co., 512 Gerlinger bldg. WILL sell or trade my barber shop and baths In one of the best towns in Ore gon clearing $150 per month, for farm partly Improved to value $1500. See my agents, Wallace & Flynn, 228 Stark st. TO EXCHANGE A well-established busi ness, invoicing about $7KK). for farm or city property. Will bear close investiga tion. 518 Board of Trade. WILL exchange timber lands near trans portation for city or suburban realty, assuming mortgage or dlft'erenoes. P. O Box 740. 40x120 LOT on Millard ave. also lot In Baker City to trade. What have you? Main 6038. CLOSE-IN corner, one of the best, or lOOx 10O cheap, will take farm or residence In part. Owner, S 1U7, Oregonian. 640 ACRES wheat land; 800 acres timber and pasture land; acreage and city prop erty. Owner, 228, Ablngton bldg. MODERN 8-room house, well located, for close-in acreage or vacant city lots. AH 22S. Oregonian. YOU can trade any kmd of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO., Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. TIMBER LAND, Columbia County, Oregon, quarter section. Sec. 6, T. 4 N, R 5 W -cruise B. M. 7,200,000; 11.000 'lineal feet cedar poles; on Rock Creek. Nehalem Val ley. William O'Connell, Springfield. Ill 1180 N. 3d. LARGE) and small tracts of timber lands for sale; homesteads and timber claims locat ed and guaranteed. Verdin & Conger, 109 North Sixth St.. Grants Pass. Or. $2.50 PER ACRE for 160 acres timber land cruising 10.000.000 and up, we locate you on something good. Call or write Raines, Greenwood & Co.. 721 Board of Trade. FIRST-CLASS hlngle mill, well equipped. S radically new, cuts 130.000 10-hour run; ne location; price $7500; terms. Ore gon Adjustment Co., 54 "4 6th. TIMBER lands, $2.50 per acre: I locate, you purchase; also homestead and timber locations. 219 Worcester bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg SQUATTER'S relinquishment in timber for oale. Inquire at Room 21 Russell bldg. 2,000,000 FEET of timber; location fees ' $200. 412 Marquam bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishment. S27 WORCESTER BLOCK, AfKEAGl 60 ACRES on electric line; part beaverdam; a snap. I 10 acres at Beavei-ton; house and fruit trees. 40 acres fruit land 20 miles from ctty; good town and R. R. 200 acrea 1 mile from good town on S. P.; fine subdivision project; on county road; well watered. House and 2 lots at University Park; a bargain. M'DOXELL. SHARP &. MAGIXNI3, 827 and 328 Lumbermen's Bldg., 6th and ibtark. PRIMROSE ACRES. Beautiful tracts of li and 24 acres, with running water; within 5 miles of the center of Portland; this property can be reached in 20 minutes from the hsart of the city; tract is Just opening; board walks are being laid and Primrose ave. is being graded; this is the last chance to buy a country home at low figures oa your own terms. QUEEN INVESTMENT CO., 410 Failing Bldg. H4 ACRES, at Oak Grove, close to river ana Oregon tuy carllnes; good 5-room house, barn, henhouse. woodshed. 6i0 yards chicken wire, 400-egg incubator. 2 brooders, capacity 150; 150- chickens and $400 will handle it; balance $1400 at 7 per cent; long time on monthly payments. This place is cheap at $2o00 and anyone will say so. Will not be sold for this rrice and terms after ten days. Owner, 014 McKay, 3d and Stark sts. ACREAGE Have reduced price, must sell. i.iiic-nrio tract near kj. . r. canine, two miles this side of Gresham; land lies nice for gardening, free from stone and gravel; no better soil in the state. Price, $250 per acre; terms eas v. CAUSEY LAND & INVESTMENT CO.. Rooms 305-6 Lumbermen's bldg. Main 1S48 WE have a number of small tracts of choice fcandy Klver fruit lands, with water right, 27 miles from Portland, on Mt. Hood Electric survey; shot loam soil, especially adapted for fruit and gardening; tracts from 7 acres up; $75 per acre, easy terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 822 Chamber of Commerce. SANDY RIVER FRUIT LANDS. 40 acres of finest fruit eoll In Oregon; IS acres clear; on Mt. Hood Electrlo survey, on main county road. R. F. D. ; price $2800, easy terms can be arranged. CHAPIN & HEHL01T, 822 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES In fruit, 5-cent carfare; house, barn, outhouses, garden, good school near by: plenty of water; fruit will bring $2000 this year; sell very cheap or trade for Southern Oregon land. Owner, room 513, at 320 Washington st. 11 4-10 ACRES. $150 DOWN. mile from R. R. station. In Tamhin County all level, cleared and ready for the plow; $1425. F COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. DIVISION ST. Beautiful home, 9 lots, all in fruits and berries; 8-room house, full basement: nice barn, large lawn, roses, flowers, shrubbery, surrounded by ever green hedges; terms. Tabor 1609, B 2406. $1000 BUYS 5 acres, cleared, on Salem line, worth $1500; some cash, balance to suit. 203 Wells-Fargo bldg. 40 ACRES of good red hill fruit land, with some improvements; 5 miles west of Forest Grove; price for a few days $500. Lang-Hill Land Co.. 414 Ablngton bldg. 5 TO 65 acres, fine fruit and onion land, cleared end In potatoes, near city on R. R. and electric line; terms to suit; at bar gain. Chlsm. 615 Couch bldg. WE have some attractive buys in Portland acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board, of Trade bldg. 1 ACRE; $50 cash. $15 month; close to car; 30 minutes' ride; fine building site. Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce. 22 ACRES 8 MILES OUT. Improved, fine stream. 10c fare. $7600, half cash. Room 8, 221 Va Morrison. CHOICE fruit and walnut land, large or small tracts; owner, no agents. Room 600 Commercial Block, 2d and Washington. ' CHEAP acreage, 20 acres seven miles east of Burnside bridge on Barr road, $20 per acre. Owner, F 208. Oregonian. 6 ACRES unimproved, on electric line, close in; part cash. G 212, Oregonian. 2 ACRES close to carline, $500 per acre. 412 Marquam. WANTED SEAL ESTATE. WANTED To lease lot or U block (cor ner) in central location. West Side, for long term; I mean business. Give par ticulars in first letter. AH 227, Ore gonian. , WE pay cash for equity. What property have you to offer? Sell your contract to us; we have buyers. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 t Washington St. I WANT 6 or 7-room houw. Hawthorns ave. district preferred. Those having some thing good to offer will receive prompt attention. M 220, Oregonian. HOMEBUILDERS Party wants 6-room bungalow built; not over 3 blocks to car; $500 down, $25 a month payments. Y 229, Onegonlan. I WANT 5 to 6-room modern bungalow north of Beach St.; state price, location and phone number first letter. Address S 209. Oregonian. WANT a good. 7 or 8-room. modern home; must be a bargain; state location, terms, first letter. H 206. Oregonian. I WANT to invest $6000 to $10,000 in a good piece of Inside vacant property. What have you ? W 209, Oregonian. WANTED A 4 or 5-room bungalow to cost about $2000; $100 down and $25 a month. R 226, Oregonian. CHOICE homes and building lots our great est need; we cad sell them. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade Dldg. WANTED Piece of Income property to $2500. $10o0 cash; owners only. B 233, Ore gonian. BOMX8TEAD8. CHOICE valley land that bas been tied up under the 'Carey act for eight years was restored to entry by the Government July 1, 1909. Homesteads or desert claims; act quick. Information and maps 407 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. IMPROVE the opportunity of homesteadlng 320 acres good wheat land; under new ruling residence not necessary. Embody & Bradley Co., 015 Lumbermen's bldg. Main or A 3165. KEY ranch for stockralsor; best on earth; Improved farms bordering on the Willam ette Valley. $12.50 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. $200 Relinquishment to 160 acres on land close to John Day River; good outside rang.3. 412 Marquam. NINE homesteads near Portland, 15 miles from railroad, fee $1 per acre. Room 14 -Mulkey bldg.. Portland, Or. HOMESTEAD location In Slletz. 8,000,000 to 4.000.000 feet. 412 Marquam. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL invest $50,000 In timber. Will con sider the purchase of single e'.aims. Give full particulars first letter. R 219, Ore gonian, TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE FARMS.' HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 39 acres. 4 miles from Hood River, 23 acres in trees, 60 trees 10 years old, 700 trees, mostly Newtowns and Spitzen burgs. 6 yvsars old; 600 Newtowns, Winter Bananas and leading varieties, set this Spring; 5 acres ready to set this Fall; o-room house, barn and other buildings; running water, abundance for irrigating; price $500 per acre, on easv terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, all In cultivation, on mala eounty road. 13 miles from Portland; price $2600: $300 cash, balance to suit. H COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. BARGAINS Improved and unimproved Cowlitz County farm lands. Barnard & Co., Kalama. Wash. FOR full information how to secure farms In British Columbia write or call on R. E Butler. 228 Stark st. 10O0 ACRES of wheat land on the Upper Deschutes River at $25 per acre; 8 sets of farm buildings. O 207, Oregonian. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. 4SO-ACRE farm for smaller farm in West ern Oregon. 718 Swetland bldg.. Portland. ALL good ones, eee na Columbia Trust Co Board. of Trade bids.