Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 08, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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"CHA!i(;- 1. KOU BALK. I HEW WAMED-MAIi I s r . T
FOR EXCHANGE Very choice, well Im
proved 7 acres In Mllwaukie; conven
ient to the OreKon City electric; will take
a residence In part payment.
4 choice lots. 45 by 128 feet each. In
IJncoln. Neb.; char of encumbrance; to
trade In on Portland property.
Chehalls. Wash.. 8 acres of rich garden
and fruit land rlnht In the city; ten min
utes' walk from the business center; want
Portland property. Realty Brokerage Co.,
Mis Board of Trade bids.
WE have a client who la desirous of trad
ing valuable income property for a good
hardware slock, either city or country;
must be first-class busip-?ss. Call or ad
dress 4:tn lumbermen oldg.; stock from
iio to iJO.uuo.
78 ACRES fruit land, near Gaston, and
"..".(Ki.lxxi feet of timber In Duuclas
County. Or., to exchange for Portland
property or Eastern Oregon wheat land.
tr. A. K. Higya. S22 Corbett bldg.
STORK building. 2 residences and 7 lots,
oil rented. Rood Income, equity $7Sli0, ex
change inr stoi k general milsc. or grorer
ler. owner. Address or call 22S Alington
bids. phone Main 7761.
41-ROOM roomlnr-houae. one of the best In
the. city, line furniture. Ions; lease, " low
rent, always full; clears over $200 rx-r
month; will exchange for farm or city
properly. Chittenden & Otto. 268 Stark
si., room 17.
14 ACRES, well cleared. In crops, fine soil,
riKht on electric line a few miles out.
only f::oii per acre; would exchange for
modern residence In Portland. Call 613
Chamber Commerce.
ROOM y, 5 passenger auto, Rood as n-?w,
worth $jih.hi. will lake $ l5ou in clly real
cM:te en even trade; no etiuiLltis. wunt
ine real thtnn and prices nlic Owner,
4"J Couch bldR.
HOUSES, lots, farms and businesses of
vurious kinds, for exchange. If you are
interested In exchanging what you have
for something else, call or write 613
Chamber Commerce.
FINE 60 acres of fruit land, ;;o acres culti
vated, 6 acres choice W inter apples; sold
1200 boxes last year; trade for Portland
property; $uul; snap. Louis liechtel.
,-alem. Or.
WILL exchange timber lands near trans
portation for city or suburban realty,
untuning mortgage or dirte-renccs. P. o.
Hox 74u.
WILL TRADE modern 7-room house, value
$;i."u0, lor 40 to 50-acro tarm; can pay
MOH cash difference. See Wallace &
Flynn, 228 Stark st.
WILL, take lot In Irvington as part pay
ment on choice of a modem houses,
lioihrook. Couch bldg.
CLO.E-IN corner, one of the best, or lOOx
luo cheap, will take farm or residence In
part. Owner, s 197, Oregonian.
840 ACRES wheat land; 800 acres timber
and pasture land; acreage and city prop
erly. Owner. 228, Ablngton blilg.
Will trade for equity in lots or a g-ood
runabout car. Phone M. 7357.
HAT have you to offer In the shape of land
for a $1700 first mortgage? o SOS, Ore
gonlan. 100 FEET on Belmont St.. for close-in acre
age. Phono Main 5972.
YOU can trade any krna of property at
room 1019 Board of Trade.
Morses. Vehicles aad Harness.
FOR SALE ralr 9-year-old horses, 'weigh
2ti00 lbs., good workers; pair driving
mares, city broken, very handsome team;
pair horses, weigh 2000 lbs., excellent
workers; 1 black mare, tine driver; 1 com
bination chestnut mare, has all the saddle
gaits and thoroughly city broken. At Port
land Livery & Sale Stables, 26 North loth
St.. R. L. Evans, proprietor.
FOR HIRE The Portland Livery & Sale
Stables at 26 North loth at., haa flrst
rlajs livery and saddle horses at low rates,
bo make special rates on business teams
of all kinds and can furnish you horses
for your wagons or any other vehicle for
less money than you can own one and
pay bills on same. R. L. Evans. Prop.
TEAM, horse and mare, weight! 2800 -lbs ,
and sewed trace harness; big horse,
weight 14M1 lbs., price !0; bay mare,
weight ll.V) lbs., price $85; black team,
weight lloo lbs., each, and harness, price
$13. . Call Stables, Union ave. and East
Ash st.
FOR SALE or rem S teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes. day week or
month. Phones Cast 72, B 1369. Haw
thorne Stablos. 420 Hawthorne ave.
HIGH-CLASS road and race horses from
Johnson estate, Callforula; young, large
and handsome. Hansen. Montavilla Hotel
Montavllla. '
VICTOR WELKER. the prize-winner, hand
some Jet black gelding. 5 years, 16 hands,
1150 pounds, trot 2:20 gait. Montavllla
Hotel. Montavllla.
I OR SALE Livery and feed stable, doing
good business; satisfactory reason for
selling. Address Sam Meadows. Heppner.
1U5 FOR horse and buggy: also side-spring
hack and team cheap; will exchange for
cows. 800 East 2Stu St. W-W car to
Gladstone ave.
SOUND work horse, lloo lbs., for sale
cheap, stable, loth and Clackamas, Sell-
OXE 700-lb pony, gentle to ride or drive.
Hawthorne Stables. 6th and East Haw
thorne. WORK team, wagon and harness; must
sell at once, leaving city. 830 East 2llth
at. w oodstock car to Kenllworth curve.
Ruys good wlde-tlre wagon and woodrack
204 Montgomery et.
PAIR mares, weight 2400 lbs.; new, heavy
harness, all complete; price S250. 14
Union ave.
HANDSOME sorrel mare, weighs 10.r.0 lbs :
sound, very stylish roadster. 14 Union ave!
BLACK team, weighs 26S0 lbs., new heavy
harness, all complete. 250. 14 Union ave.
,I?.Rtf:9 V!"- mare or ale. Rose City
Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M 8300.
HUBERT A HALL, 3S0 Front, buy. sell-rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business' rigs.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
K1107l PnV tOT a'8 cheaI' Phone East
Ktl.'.SALE Horse 7 years old, 1300 pounds.
125. 1122 East 23d at. North. -
"tiKs1,E 4 yunK teams, 2850 to S300 lbs.
240 Russelll st. E. 1&2.
GOOD cheap farm horse. 1200 lbs at
Peterson's Stable. Grand ave. and E. Aah.
GOOD riding pony for sale. C 1446. East
1446. 420 Tillamook.
Second-hand automobile wanted; will
pay cash for bargain; state lowest price,
make, year and when can be seen in first
letter. AJ 22U. Oregonlan.
If you wish your car sold. I can sell It
for you: free garage. J. Randall. 315
Oregonlan bldg. Main 1440
7-PASSENOER 60-H. P. Haynes. In Al
condition. '0T car; cost new $4200; will
jell at a real bargain for $D50; will re
fund your expense monev for any disap
pointments, p 211. Oregonlan.
ELECTRIC automobile, first-class condition,
for $1000 cash, or terms. Inquire Seng
stake A Lyman, 00 Fifth at.
FINE upright piano for sale or trade, at C.
..Pk' workhouse, 2d and Pine sts. AN
134, Oregonlan
Films for rent, complete equipment for
theaters; teach you to operate. 144 4th st.
Logging and hoisting engines.
ONE candy case and cigar case. $10 each
IT'.i'i Madison st.
BEAUTIFUL oak folding bed, new. cheap.
3.s4 College.
C-ROOM house for sale, to be moved from
premises. 829 College st.
HOtTSFJBOAT and canoe. $300. R. H. Mix.
Oregon Yacht Club. Call, mornings.
OREGON wolf hounds; speedy and courage
ous; grown dogs with field experience on
coyotes: price $100 a couple. Inquire C.
R. Campion Kennels. 45th, and Division
125 Take Mt- Scott ear. Phone Tabor
Here's your chance, 35 standard makes
sewing machines, all In eood order, from
$10 up; they must go quickly. White Sew
ln Machine Store, 420 Washington st.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $80. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, ti
per month, pacific Stationery at Pta. Co.,
203 2d it
DOOR fixtures, 5 scales, 6 showcases,
cheese cutter, flat form scale, refrigera
tor, coffee mill; bankrupt, must be sold
'his week. Patton. 707 Sth St., Vancouver.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood at lowest market prices. Hoover,
813 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5445.
ino HEAD well-bred sheep. H. G. Stark
weather, near Rlsley station. Oregon City
Electric line. P. O. Mllwaukie, Or.
RIDPATH'S History of World, single har
ness; exchange typewriter, desk, furni
ture. 228 Ablngton bldg.
SAFES Fire and burglar proof, all sizes;
second-hand safes and vault doors cheap.
Davis Safe & Lock Co., 66 3d St.
BOX. p'ancr and cord wood In any quantl
ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315,- B 1605.
FOXHOI XI) pups cheap. George Fu swell. Sea
side. Or. 2o7 Oregonlan bldg.
If there are any men In Portland who
think they are capable of making good
with a mighty live, fair real estate con
cern, 'one of the big ones," we want to
talk with (hem. We've got an Interesting
proposition In the sales department. See
Air. Stiles. Columbia Trust Company, Board
of Trade bldg.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from JIB to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; tool free; write for
catalogue. Mohier System of Colleges 35
North 4th si., Portland, Or.
WANTED Camp blacksmith, S3. 25; 2
flunkies, ;;); COoks. city, $10 to $20 week.
e want a large number of men for
mills and logging camps. Just starting
up; good wages
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
REAL ESTATE man will take young man
as partner to show land; no experience
necessary and very little cash required;
pood chance for bright fellow. Farticu
I?.1" J'ational Realty & Trust Co.. 326
Washington St.. room 516.
V SALE Half Interest In real estate
business with large list and fine location;
good rustler can make big moneyv ex
perience not necessary if you are willing
to learn; am alone and tired of hired
help. 225 Fifth st-
REAL ESTATE salesman capable of earn
lng $500 to $ltoo a month should call
at oil Lumbermen's bldg.. nth and Stark,
and let us tell you of an elegant oppor
tunity to make money. it will interest
MEN WANTED to learn telegraphy, wireless
telegraphy and engineering. R. R. and sta
tion work; practical instruction; largest pri
vate station in the world. Send stamp for
circulars. Wireless Institute, San Francisco
BARBERS State Board of Barber Ex
aminers will be in session July 12. 13 and
.1 First st.. this city, when
all those holding permits must appear
for examination. T. M. LEABO, Secretary.
MEN for railway mall clerks. postofTlce
Jlerks. carriers, internal revenue, etc :
food salary and promotion with each po
sition;, we prepare you; examinations soon.
Write Pacific States School. McKay bldg.
A ,?INPLJ? man to work on fruit ranch at
riooa rtiver; must know how to handle
horses, strong and willing to work long
Uln short hours as occasion requires. F
200, Oregonlan.
WofnTEI: Representative to sell high-grade
- -v.-ta.iwca. umerai salary or com
mission. Smnll nv.(.,,nn. . 1 ,
- ...,v.uiii.iiL icuuneu, 1 rie -
York 1-lulpment Co- 130 Nassau st. New
SHOE salesman, experienced, live man; per
manent position for steady worker. Address
!!s ?e- B?lary expected and references.
H 200, Oregonlan.
WANTED Man who can take care of office
at Portland end by real estate man who
has more than he can attend to. Call to
day at 503 Lumber Exchange.
HIGH-CLASS canvassers, experienced men
preferred, but will employ others; salary
expenses and commissions paid. Call 4o7
Rothchild bids.
WANTED Stock salesman for producing
mine; will stand all kinds of investiga
tions; salary or commission. AK 205.
SALESMEN for Long Beach, an attractive
proposition for live salesmen; large com
mission. 310 Lumbermen's bldg.. 5th and
iFLF MAN thoroughly experienced,
industrious, steady man; married, with no
children; no smoking or drinking allowed.
Apply H 211. Oregonlan.
WANTED men and women to learn watch
making, engraving and optics, few months
only to learn, positions guaranteed. S F
Watchmaking School, 325 Kearney s F
ENERGETIC men to sell groceries at whole
sale prices to consumer, lowest prices best
terms. Parker Wholesale Grocery Oo 2"
Larrabee st.. Portland. Or. '
SALESMEN" wanted to sell our high-grade
nursery stock; outfit furnished; liberal
commission; cash weekly. Salem. Nursery
Company. Salem. Or.
FIRST-CLASS Job polisher and plater at
street Brass Works, 69 North 2d
A"i-.,KT,R5vrURAL; draftsman. familiar
with building work: state experience fullv
also salary. Room 630. Lumbermen's bldg!
WANTED Young man who can do short
hand and use typewriter; one living at
home preferred. Address P. O. box 397
EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card
writer. Bteady position. Apply 171 Third
6 GOOD-APPEARING men to show prop,
erty ; our men make now from $25 up per
week. 318 Ablngton bldg. v
ANTED Young man to work at college In
exchange for instructions In telegraphy.
Oregon College. 83 6th st. v '
WANTED Good, steady plumber to go to
country town; one who understands tin
ning preferred. Call S4 Front st
TWO well-appearing young men, not afraid
Sq, wfk'., Pe"?ont position; good pay.
331 Fleidner bids- "w
W"T.Ei77Tounfr man' education unneces
sary; duties easy; short hours; small cap
Ital required. Call 242 Sth and Main.
MoN ',fNTEI lor work at Improving land
on Tillamook Coast. Call 12 to 2 P M
310 Lumbermena Bldg.. 5th and Stark' sts.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor city
contracts cashed daily. St. Joseph's Blatt!
Goodnough bldg. w
AGENTS We have an opening for a good
live man. New and Al proposition. Ad
dress B 198. Oregonlan.
HIGH-CLASS solicitor: splendid opportunity
for man of ability. New. Address AB 206
Oregonlan. '
SI?IRTMKER wanted Jacobs Shirt Co.,
201 Stark.
WE secure position tor our members.
Special membership. T. M. C. A.
A FIRST-CLASS tinner at 669 Tenino ave.
Take Sellwood car.
'VVA,?f.TED Bench hands. Oregon Planing
Mills, 10th and Vaughn. s
WANTED Two solicitors on salary or
commission. Apply 747 Northrup street
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Lorati. 164 2d. Main 5300.
FIRST-CJ;ASS Pantsmaker wanted. NIcolL
the Tailor. 108 3dk
HIGH-CLASS salesman, big wages, nerma
nent. 215 Commercial Block.
B'RB?R . TamledL. must first-class.
Board of Trade , bldg. 4th and Oak.
WANTED Photo coupon agents, new offer,
.all Davis-Hayes fstudlo, 342 Vs Wash.
LIT'"SijED i-.aentliStA. ?35 for Bood operator?
The Kex Dental Co., Ablngton bldg.
WANTED Cook. Simpson's Restaurant,
corner Seventh and pine.
WANTED Two boys with wheels, over 18
years old. Apply at 128 6th at.
WANTED Energetic solicitors for city work
best terms lor hustlers. 229 Larrabee st, '
t i - ..-.. 1 wivTrn AWrva I
ir you want to get results "You Must
Deliver the Goods."
We Have the Goodo.
We need a few more good salesmen to
assist us in selling our live and ten-acre
orchard tracts. We do not want "Hot Air
feddlers, but honest, energetic workers,
w-ho know how to demonstrate in a plain,
convincing manner. If vnu have not aold
real estate, but are a salesman, or anxious
to learn the business, we will teach you.
Good pay to experienced men; liberal pay
to beginners.
Applications will be received by letter
Give age. experience," where employed for
last two years and full particulars in first
Department "B,"
Board of Trade Bldg..
4th and Oak Sts..
Portland. Or.
Security Life will make some choice
contracts for Portland and State of Ore
gon. Absolutely best line of non-participating
old line guaranteed policies, with
total and permanent disabilly feature; a
large brokerage to live ones. Call be
fore 10:30 A. M. or write No. 718 Cham
ber of Commerce Bldg.
SALESMEN To establish headquarters at
Salem for the handling of farms and acre
age in that locality; $200 to $500 per
month; also one for Vancouver. New
berR. Woodburn, North Yamhill, Hills
boro. Forest Grove and Gresham. Ask for
Mr. Heimhach.
84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg.
SALESMEN, on all lines; bookkeepers, steno
graphers, for city and country. t'onimer
clal Abstract Co.. 4QS Commercial Club.
BENCH mechanics with' a few hundred dol
lars to co-operate with high-class wood
working plant; steady positions at good
wages and 100 per cent earning for cap
ital used. Phone A 2012. G 210. Ore
gonlan. WANTED A girl for general housework
and cooking in private family. 505 Twen
tieth st., corner Myrtle. Portland Heights
car. Telephone A 5562.
GOOD girl for general housework; must be
good cook; modern 7-room house; good
wages; family of 3; no children. 800
Northrup at., corner 24th.
WANTED A girl for cooking and some
housework in small family where second
girl is kept; must understand cooking;
wages $30. Phone Main 13O0.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
small family, references. Call mornings.
205 N. 21st st. Main 3441.
WANTED Woman to do collecting. Apply
The Trustee Company, Women's Dept.. 2d
and Stark sts.
COMPETENT girl, general housekeeping;
family three adults; good wages. 5S1
East Taylor.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for work In small
family; good home and fair wages. Call
214 Columbia st. or phone A 1539.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; good cook. 784 Irving at., cor.
24th. Phone Home A 1182 or Main 8235.
WANTED A girl or woman to take care of
i.ouoe ior eiaeny laay; good wages. Call
1 4 Kearney st.
COMPETENT woman for general house
work in family 3 adults; good wages.
Call 441 West ave.. or phone Tabor 1479.
84314 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
826 Washington at.. Room 801.
Main 8S36. or A 3260.
WANTED Refined, capable womnn for re-
l'w"- iri 1,0., wa itotn
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over-
01.11 111 appiy oianaara factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
DTT solicitor. Good chance for right party.
A ii o"; . attractive. Address
AH 200. Oregonlan.
WANTED At once, experienced cook and
1 .. . . . Vk-y vo XAicreua Bt., alter
IO A. M.
EXPERIENCED nurse girl wanted to care
for infant. IKK) Franklyn St.. Willamette
Heights. A 3584.
ALL-AROUND beauty parlor assistant; good
in halrdresslng, manicuring. 409 Vs Morri
son. WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework at country home near city.
Apply 434 Salmon st.
FIRST-CLASS constructing foreman for
large building. Pioneer Employment, 16
North Second St.
WOMAN with good disposition and little
money; rare chance. Call 226 ,i Morri
son. AD'Y would like lady partner In restau
rant and delicatessen; small capital. C
228, Oregonlan.
"WANTED Woman for general housework
In the country; nice place. Call 409 Wash
ington t.
WANTED One first-class chambermaid, one
waitress Immediately. The Hobart-Curtls.
14th and Jefferson.
FAMILY cooks. $35; second girl. $30. St.
Louis. 2454 Washington. Main 2030.
STENOGRAPHER wanted; salary f0
monthly. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg.
WASTED Maid for general housework
7l8 Marshall st.
WANTED A cook to go to Seaside. Or
N 227. Oregonlan.
WANTED Second gin In small family.
Apply 769 Northrup st- phone Main 2105.
GIRL for general housework; 2 in family
Apply 706 Overton st.
QUIET home for invalids In trafned nurse's
suburban home. Phone Woodlawn 683.
WAT,F-P"Lad5' Preser at the Wardrobe,
751 Washington St.; experienced preferred.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to do cooking In
private boarding-house. 821 West Park st.
WANTED Woman to make and deliver home
made bread to 735 Hoyt st-
WANTE-D Young girl to learn dlnlne-room
work. 735 Hoyt st. 8
ELDERLY LADY wants girl for general
housework. 647 7th st-
WANTED Lady Janitor at $35 a month,
-all at room X. 205 Morrison et.
COMPETENT girl, general housework, fam
ily of two; good wages. 812 Johnson st.
WANTED A lady helper in kitchen. 82
North Sixth st.
WANTED Girl to assist In dining-room and
do chamber work. 73 Russell st.
WANTED Girl for cook or general house
work. 248 N. 17th.
GIR.!Jl or 18 yea. or housework: no
children. S21 6th st.
WANTED First-class lroner at 403 Jeffer
son. Main 7874.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Long
Beach. Call at 580 2d. corner Grant.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Palace Restau
rant, 129 4th St.
WANTED Experienced chamber maid Call
between 9 and 2 o'clock. Nortonia Hotel.
3IRL for general housework; good cook
small family adults. 651 Hoyt st.
WANTED Girls to stitch and finish men's
neckwear. 201V4 Stark.
WANTED Experienced girl. Apply Rebe's
Confectionery, 310 Wash. st.
WANTED A girl for second or dining
room work at 168 12th and Morrison sts.
"'S5?--1,,01" coking. Great Northern Hotel
Take S. -car North 21st and Reed sts.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework. 648 Lovejoy ft. 8 "
WANTED First-class laundress, one day
each week; references. 601 East Salmon.
EXPERIENCED lunch waitress 1130 to 2
Woman's Exchange, 186 6th st.
WANTED An experienced girl to do sec
ond work. Apply 215 St. Clair st.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. 2Ad 12m St.
TJ5P 9ook nd helper for country ho
tel. $70: cook for small camp,. $35 to $40;
S".?.k .fo Private family. $40; hotel cooks.
4 to $60; waitresses at Coast. $'25:
waitresses, city. $8 to $10 week; kitchen
helpers. $25.
Large list of other places.
Indies' Dept.. 205 V4 Morrison St.
Apply to
Second and Columbia.
ALGLST 1 Man and wife without children
to work on country .place near Portland:
man to care for lawn, fruit, garden,
chickens, etc.. woman for general house
Wi 1 -Botn must be experienced in this
kind of work; good home and wages with
board aor right coupie. Address E B H.
3Q3 Couch bldg.. or call. Saturdays only
WANTED Amateurs, ladles and gentlemen,
assist in musical comedy production for
local organization: splendid training. Ap
ply after 10 A. M. to 90 7th st
MAN or woman to clean gloves at home
must be expert. Lennon's, 300 Morrison
SOLICITOR wanted; pleasant work: field
open; ;so per cent commission. a 191)
FISK Teachers' Agency helps good teachers
to better positions. 514 Swetland bldg.
FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes. $1 m
month to beginners. 462 Morrlsom.
WANTED At once, musical comedy people
APP'y Stage Manager. Lyric Theater.
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Malnil893.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
MANAGER Open for engagement, who
has established and Is managing lucra
tive branch office in Portland of Eastern
nrm; highest references; up-to-date lit
erary, commercial and advertising qual
lHcatlons. C 226. Oregonlan.
POSITION as clerk In general store; experi
ence In handling men's and boys' cloth
ing; can adapt myself to any kind of
work; best of references. Address AL 208
EXP.ERIEffCEr flre Insurance inspector and
1.1 C- " 111 ousiness. wishes
position; best references, both local and
Eastern. AM 225. Oregonlan.
EXPERT typewriter operator will do copy
ing at home; satisfactory service at rea
eonable rates. C 227. Oregonian.
ly iiipcieui as a general good all-around
man. both city and suburban work, also
especially well posted In electric power
and substation; thoroughly able to esti
mate and superintend work on site; my
experience covers 15 years in New York
City and suburban towns, of all classes and
character. I want a position where such
experience will be required, be it with
architect, contractor, corporation or aa
representative for supply Arm. I am mar
ried, of temperate habits, aged 37; refer
ences are the best. Address E. M. H
22 Lenox ave.. New York City.
MAKE UP MAN Excellent make up and
add compositor wants position. Would pre
fer smaller dally; am also reporter; would
work nights. Am efficient and can take
charge. No booze; am married and steady.
Am now working on third year in same
office. Address D 195. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife, capable of taking entire
Li'c,.tta nuiei or camp; would like po
sition. W. Doane, 24th and Killlngsworth,
I WANT a contract to fall and buck tim
ber by the thousand; any locality. AL
204, Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by a first-class hand
on woodworking machines or wagon work.
Apply peter Good, Columbia Hotet.
HONEST Japanese wants situation to do
housework, chamber work or porter. L 226,
WANTED Situation by young man of 25
Ve.l-M with ran.ll,.- . . . . i
....... 1 , .ciiiiini me aiiu aieuuy:
anything. AH 229. Oregonlan.
MARRIED. man with good light team wants
work delivering or hauling: well acquaint
ed with city. 170 North 18th st. A 2703.
YOUNG man with little experience In house
work wants position in family; wages $5
per week to begin. B 231. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wants posi
tion with hotel, $00 up. B 232. Oregonlan.
ALL-AROUND butcher and sausage maker
city or country. AJ 223, Oregonian.
Japanese Employment Co. Help supplied.
-cvereii st. rnone Alain 4009. a 4073.
2 LIVE salesmen want road proposition;
expenses. N 229, Oregonian.
GOOD HOTEL or camp cook wants work.
John L, Case, 390 Ever-ett st.
JAPANESE, good references. work most
any kind. AD 218. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Position by experienced book
keeper and stenographer, city references.
AN 208, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, beginner, desires position as
stenographer: accept small salary, best
references. AK 2t!. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by lady clerk or cash
ier, several years' experience. H. S-, 322
Whitman St., Walla Walla, Wash.
YOUNG lady wants position as bookkeeper
and typewriter; some experience. H 213,
EASTERN modiste will take engagements
11. Hume or wui at nair price, during July
and August. Phone East 4670.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; skirts a spe
cialty; prices reasonable. 330 5th st. Main
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day. Phone Tabor 483.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices
Mrs. Anrjeles. S20H Wash. St.. room 216!
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower. Call on or address 259 Rus
sel St., Portland.
GRATTUATE nurse wants care of Invalid or
children at Coast. Phone East 2300.
NURSING by practical middle-aged lady.
I hone Main 3388 or Main 4302.
EXPERIENCED nurse take charge Invalid,
child, or companion to lady. Main 3038.
TWO girls want to assist in housework. 637
Guild ave.. Portland. Or.
GOOD Japanese woman wants housework.
Address 270 Bumside St., city.
GOOD girl wants second work or cooking;
good wages. E 210. Oregonlan. ,
JAPANESE girl wants position, housework
or help cooking. M. K., 93 M N. 3d st.
EXPERIENCED woman wants cleaning,
washing and Ironing. Phone between 7
and 8 P. M. Sellwood 1109.
A YOUNG girl wants position as second
girl or to assist with general housework.
Call at 658 Vaughn st.
CAPABLE woman housekeeper, boy 10,
luaiuuciiiuiiiia, uuvm, email crew, nUTSO,
St. Louis. 245 Wash. Main 2039.
TWO graduate nurses will take two or more
convalescing patients to their mountain
home. AN 206. Oregonian.
REFINED young woman wants work In
doctor's office. AK 208, Oregonlan.
WANTED Place as nurse girl In private
family. Call at 432 Surman st.
WOMAN wants work Friday and Saturday
no half days; references. Woodlawn 1611.
YOUNG woman wants laundry at home
Phone Main 119H. ome.
AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of
mti, canii neeaiy; outnt free
Capital Cltr Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell photo coupons.
BickneU, 826 Washington at,
I I XUK Itr.JN 1 I l-no tB-vv
WANTED immediately, lady and gentlemen
agents; our articles sell at sight: big
money and steady employment. Call in
person. 595 Union ave. North. Portland.
SOLICITORS, ladles and gentlemen, to take
orders for fast-selling specialty. Call
Auditorium Hotel. 20S H 3d St., room 14.
YOUNG man with some experience solicit
ing can work his way East. Call before
1 noon today. 309 Market st.
WANTED 10 house-to-house canvassers. $10
per week and commission. Call 423 Haw
thorne ave.
I WANT 6 or 7-room house, Hawthorne ave.
district preferred. Those having something
good to offer will receive prompt attention.
M 220. Oregonian.
AT ONCE Reliable party, modern 7-room
house. West Side or Portland Heights. AK
207, Oregonian.
WANTED A good home for elderly invalid
lady; state location, terms and give refer
ences, o 209, Oregonlan.
TW O or three furnished rooms for house
keeping, with private bath; West Side;
state price. AJ 224, Oregonlan.
A YOUNG MAN wishes board and room
near East 65th and Belmont. AJ 225
WANTED TO RENT Furnished cottage 4
to 6 rooms, modern, centrally located.
Main 4051 A 40C2. Call today.
TW O young women desire to spend Summer
on farm; will furnish tent, but take meals
at house. AM 229. Oregonlan.
ONE furnished or unfurnished room fop
housekeeping; West feide. O 206 Ore
gonian. 8 no 5 furnished housekeeping rooms, fiat,
apartment or cottage: rent reasonable;
give particulars. AM 218, Oregonlan
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 9272.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A
2445. Main 8B5L
WANTED A couple of good young cows;
W'iil trade & irentlemnn'a 1 tv, n .4 ..1
1001 Grand ave.. North. Woodlawn lotil
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED To buy second-hand office desk,
chairs, etc. Call 407 Rothchild bldg.
HIGHEST price paid for metals and rub
ber. J. Leve. 186 Columbia st M. 6198.
WANTBD A child to care for; a good home.
4 East 9th St.
Clothing wanted: highest prices paid. Phone
Square Deal." M. 1851. Prompt attention.
Furnished Rooms.
THE MERTARPER. 136 13th St., corner
Washington, Just completed, elegantly
furnished, several rooms with wall beds,
steam heated, hot and cold water in all
rooms, private baths If desired; splen
did restaurant In building; call and in
spect and you will find the maximum of
convenience and equipment at very rea
sonable prices; rates by the day. week
or month.
HOTET, ANTT.n-.prn
Corner 10th and Washington sts.
."I rooms with private
iJHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL
LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or
inonth: tourist trade solicited.
..TS-ev?nth' Ankeny and Bumside.
Everything brand new. homelike and
m,TJ,tSbJ&rat:e reasonable. Free bus.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout: 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
5. .' , rooms sio month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and btLths free.
i , inBton ,and l;th: beautiful rooms,
single or en suite, or adjoining; free phone
in each room, elegant parlor and lobby:
weekly rates $3 up. Main 7195.
Washington and 17th, nrst-class furnished
rooma. single or en suite; all modern con.
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M 5647.
PACIFIC HOTEL. 214 Columbia St.
bummer rates; running water in all
rooms; transients 50c to 1 day; one call
means another.
812 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur.
nlshed; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
ELY, furnished rooms suitable for two.
S3 : id 4 per week; nice yard and sur
roundings. Aster House. 7th and Madi
son sts.
HOTEL LENOX, corner 3d and Main sts.
furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences Od
posite the Plaza. "
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 A
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes
210 7TH 2 blocks from Postofflce. nice large
one 'for'! -5UInlShei rooma- --5 and $3;
THE ELINOR. 172 Grand ave. N.. large
light, newly furnished throughout, close
in. reasonable, bath, phone. E 3S55.
THELRA,?,"EOLPH- 3a and Columbia, rooms:
bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
THE REX 548 Washington St. Modern
rnnm m tin t- no nA i. a. . . .
. - -w, A. lUUHlll, Wlia DssVlllss.
THE, BRAE-SIDE. 428 Alder Modern, cen-
to, n, ,. per week; transient.
HOTEL OLYMPUS. 15th and Alder First
clase rooms by day. week or month.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern convenleaces;
transient solicited. 866 Stark, cor. Park.
Kurnlshed Room In 1-Tivate Faintly.
FOR RENT In private family, on 21st and
Flanders, unfurnished sleeping room, bath
light, steam heat, both phjnes; reference.'
Phone A 3857.
TWO fine rooms in private residence In swell
district; $2.50 per week; walking distance.
Phone B 1673, evenings.
FOUR nicely furnished rooms in private
family, modern, large yard, elegant view
Phone Main 4411, between 6 and 7 P. M.
LOWER floor, partly furnished. $18 per
month. 208 Union ave. North, near Hol
laday ave.
446 TAYLOR, near 12th. very desirable single
front room for gentleman; modern, reason
able. NEATLY furnished rooms in private resi
dence. 02 North 21st St., 1 block north
from Washington, with bath and phone.
LARGE, nicely furnished room. modern,
bathroom, connecting: suitable for two;
walking distance. 50V4 King. Main 1109.
PHONE Main 3S06 Front room in private
home, down town, reasonable rent, one
or two.
PLEASANT, airy, well-furnished room, very
reasonable, walking distance, modern con
veniences. 475 Clay st., cor. 14th st.
LARGE, neatly furnished alcove room;
modern bathroom connecting; suitable for
two. 531 Montgomery st. Main 5674.
GOOD room, nicely furnished, walking dis
tance; fine outlook; beautiful surround
ings; free bath and phone. Call 241 13th.
VERY large and handsomely furnished front
parlor, with fireplace; centrally located;
to permanent people only. Main 5217.
LARGE room, well furnished: no other
roomers, walking distance. Main 9002.
NEATLY furnished room; modern. 334
Harrison. M. 2205.
NICE, newly-tinted rooms: In new house;
reasonable. 428 Mill st.
35 NORTH 17TH Room, modern, central.
Unfurnished Rooms.
THREE large unfurnished rooms; third
floor of nice home; ideal place for musical
. or art studio. $4 each. 666 Glisan.
Rooma With Board.
Two desirable rooms; first-class table
board our specialty. Miss Le Prolion.
THE ' COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri
son; finest board and best rooms in Port
land: rates lowest; a comfortable home.
THE LINDKIX. 269 Market; nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board- mod
ern, reasonable; fin walking distance.
I ' . I -
Rooms With Board.
Modern in every respect; steam heat,
electrlo lighta. hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. tor
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
Women's christian Home, within easv
walking distance. This home is for self
supporting young women and Is of a
homelike character; It offers room and
board for $3 per week. Apply 20 East
aent P J- F' Starka- "uperinten-
POR7LLA.:V'D Women's Union. 21st year, room
W-? i1Am.?'1 ot "ewlr.g room and 11
brary 010 Flanders at.. Miss Frances N.
Heath. superintendent. Woman's Ex
change. 133 10th st- Mrs. M.E. Brether
ton, supt.
The leading Tourist and
Residential Hotel of the City.
23d and Washington. American "or
European Plan.
SUITE large, nicely furnished front rooms;
one double and one single room- use of
piano, free baths, free phones, meals if
preferred. 376 Yamhill st-
THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison St.. family
notel. modern, now management; board
optional: best table board; prices mod
erate. ROOMS 269 14th. near Jefferson; perma
nent or transient. Phone Main 38U3.
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con
venlences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
W ELL f urn shed large front room, modern,
use of piano, all home comforts; rva
C llt Schuyler St.. cor. 31st-
tT1V.L:S brooms and board; sleep In
!?in .,?e8lretJ: ideal t-laca r Summer:
U rn y to you feel at home; $5 and
$5.50 per week. 442 Jefferson.
V wRtTo,esLrabIS f?rnlshel room, with or
elks, Lard: in, Prlvat family; llrsi
Iss Ma1nmsl c?oklne: walking distance.
ROOM and board, private family; must be
J ' with good habits: -7 blocks
East 1915 teel brldKe: 2 month. Phone
LirR-GE..frntroom- '1,n board, suitable
129 t4thfentIenten. with phone and bath.
4LaMdAISON fT" cor- lth-Room and
imf- r5 B ry rooms: 81 home cook
ing, fine Summer home.
2Pi?a7atlt room and hoard; an Ideal home
4iO Main st.
LOVELY room with board, suitable for 2
home cooking. 321 West Park.
PLEASANT front corner room for two;
good board, home comforts. 549 Johnson.
LARGE corner room with first-class board:
all conveniences. 655 Washington.
L,'t:flG,E' "nt room ana board for two. two
blocks from Washington st. 695 Everett.
Apart menu.
624 Marshall Street.
The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart
J??"n, ln tne c'ty; 3-room suites. PRI
TB gTHS and reception-halls; both
Phones FREE in each apartment: electric
elevator; nice large verandas both front
and back; large lawn and beautiful shade
trees. Take W car to Marshall, go 2
blocks east.
HEI1J.? APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick
building, completely nrst-class. furnished
Jl - -am? 4-room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
5ri ,elevator, free phone, com
pressed-air cleaning. Janitor service, from
- . up .mtth; Borne unfurnished; come
look and be surprised.
THE BERYL 695 Lovejoy 8t.. near 21st.
just opened; the largest rooms, the largest
closets and the best equipped apartments
in the citv: don't take anyone's word for
it. come and see for yourself.
THE HANOVER. 165 King, near Washing
ton, t ront 3-room unfurnished apart
ment; every modern convenience; reason
able rent; adults only.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and JefTerson sts..
unrurnishea apartment, with bath: even
convenience; desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2508.
1HE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts.. one 4
and one 5-room unfurnished apartment
all modern conveniences, reasonable rent:
references. "
THE- C1IETOPA. 18th and Flanders sts.; four
room unfurnished modern apartment In
quire of Janitor.
BUELL APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon
nek - furnished 3 a"d 4-room apartments!
new; elevator, private phone. .
.n MP.A" .F,u.rnlshed and unfurnished,
all cool, outside suites, private phones
free. 11th and Columbia. M. 1911, A 2720.
THE t RBO-ROVGno-Toom. apartment.
21st and Flanders. Nob Hill district!
every convenience. Main 7516.
NEW 5-room, ateam-neated flat. modern
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor
gan, 503 Ablngton bldg n- 1. aior-
JEFFERSONIAN. modern 2 and S-room fur
nished apartments. $20 up. 16th-Jefterson.
LARGE 5-room flat, new and up-to-date
fireplace furnace, gas stove and water
; laundry trays, basement and attic;
good location, convenient to car 941,
Phone15Bh2230" Inqulre-S0 1381 Yamhill.
MODERN, s-room upper flat, near West
Side High School. Inquire 175 feth mt
corner Yamhill. 0 u Bl"
6-ROOM modern flat, very desirable Pet-
?ve near 21st- Reasonable. Main
K(ri, K-E:i.Todern unfurnished 6-room
fngs. M0a1nH8T9:8.adUUS n'y- Phne mrn"
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st
lnquire 132 6th sl. Main 67
SIif" ,room. steam heat, hot water; walking
dlstace. 305 11th st. Main 1911. A 272u!
6-ROOM upper flat, all light rooms, lawn,
walking distance. 563 Everett.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts-
Newly furnished for housekeeping. In
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hor
water, baths, laundry, recertlon-room all
f1oe.e:.if.Uin 1hed aPart,menta $15 per month
up; slngla housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up; best In city for money; short du,
!2m?e.rrora tnin Depot. Take "S" or
16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st.
Washington. . cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms: gas ranges. hot
water, free hath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
iv?iTA Jh7 17UV near Yamhill; take
W car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4-
lmn??SplU sui'- Ay. week $5.50.
r . " -" "u. inn ana cold water
baths and phones free. Main 4697. A 473o!
BEAUTIFULLY located two and three-room
unfurnished bay-window suites. 3os J ?
ferson and Fifth. -wra '
6-ROOM flat, has porch, fireplace, furnace.
ln aet every convenience: rent very rea
sonable. Call 441 lltu st
FV;Ml7T3 ,arEeJ Say window, new paper and
NSS.1? wishes . roommate. housekeeping
privileges; Catholic preferred. O 205. Ore-
$1.25 WEEK UP Clean furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, batn, yard. 20? V4
$150 WEEK UP. large, clean furnis!-ed
housekeeping rooms; parlor. laundry,
bath. 184 faherman. South Portland
632 WILLIAMS AVE. FumTshed housekeep
1523 r00mm ala aln8'8 rooms. Phone C
4 ROOMS complete for housekeeping sult
able for 4 persona $25. Phone Main 904.
THE MILKER, 350 Morrison, cor Park,
home apartments, all conveniences
THE ELMS Two and three-room furnished
apartments. 191 14th St. Phone Main (1307.
U-o!'-URN.I,HED lat for rent reasonable.
2Si 14 Alder st.
A SUITE of nicely furnished housekeeping
rooma The Raymond. 170 11th st.
Housekeeping Booms In Private Family.
THREE furnished housekeeping; rooms; $13
per month. 688 Petty grove su Main 3423.
Housekeeping Rooms rta i-nvate Family.
Nit ELY furnished housekeeping suite, with
free telephone and bath: close ln to cen
ter of city, to married couple without
children, for $16 per month. 321 7th at.
Phone Main 1799.
I HAVE one-half modern double cottage,
furnished for housekeeping; aultable ret
two or four persons. Main 4923. 271 Mar
ket st.
HRMsHED complete, three lovely rooms,
clean, light, new. modern, yard, porch,
phone, cheap, walking distance. 645 WU
iiams ave.; U car.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms fot
J12 or will rent them unfurnished foi
$i0: must be reliable tenant. AJ 228,
ONE room for light housekeeping; suitable
;'i'r 2"" or two 'adles employed during
loth phone' Ka"- eleric lights. 16i
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, firs,
floor, sink. bath. gas. phone, separate en
ince', P-rih and "ard. close In, reason
able. Hi n. lsth st.
Ti?i,Hr nrce, ,RrP- modern, newly fjr
43 2M shousekeeP'ng rooms, large lawn.
LA,"Fl,par,.01bay window, very nicely fur
n.sned, with kitchenette, electric light,
phone and gas. 168 loth st.
2 FRONT suites of housekeeping rooms 1
mon't,'Sh4e21i SV" "8hti
$20 pel
TWO or four connecting furnished house
keeping rooms; gas. hath, electricity, ln
qulie 'Jol East Morrison St.
LARGE front room, well furnished. Ilghl
hwkw.ln(r; laundry privilege; reasonable
otio Everett st.
3SS JEFFERSON 3 or 4 nicely furnished
kecpinK rooms; bath, phone, gas; no
children: references.
4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; mod.
crn conveniences; rent $10. phone Main
11 3
487 TAYLOR, near 14th Desirable front 2
room suite; modern conveniences: reason
able. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms- gas.
and wood range. 149 13th. near Morri-
Cil.i"It9OM bungalow, partly furnished.
$20; adults only. 1422 Morse St., Wood-
421 6TH, suite of 2 front rooms for light
housekeeping; well furnished; good loca
tion. FOR RENT or sale. 7-room. modern flat,
nicely furnished: close to city Hall- reaa
onable rent 269 Columbia.
TWO small, nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; water in kitchen: rent $17; walk
ing distance. 235 12th st.
LARGE front room, nlcelv furnished, suit
able for gentlemen, close in. 632 Flan
i.ers. LARGE furnished alcove room. 2 closets
gas ranges, bath, phone, nice location:
adults only. 163 North 16th st.
SAVE searching; two nicely furnished
rooms, bath, gas, quiet, central. 202 14th.
4iS TAYLOR Nice, sunny room, suitable for
housekeeping or Bleeping room.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms
rent reasonable. 210 13th st.
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping;
no children. 474 Alder. Phone Main 1273.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. 492
Clay st-
555 KEARNEY Two pleasant connecting
rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 3176.
$16 3 furnished housekeeping rooms ln cot
tage; gas range; bath. 610 1st st-
nicely furnished housekeeping
at 392 Jeff-arson st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 195 14th.
corner Taylor.
ROOMS for rent, modern and reasonable.
5 .ID Dth Bt.
SUITE of 2 rooms, pantry and sink; all
conveniences. $25 12th st.
WELL furnished housekeeping suites water
in roooms. 328 Front St., near Market.
TWO front rooms for housekeeping, run
nlng water; no children. 872 6th st.
NICE cool suite, gas range, laundry. Phone
Main 6173. 146 North 16th.
633 B. MARKET, near 12th. 6-room cottage:
modern plumbing; $13.
6- room cottage, E. 9th. near Everett at -nice
yard; $22.
7- room houee. Tight on carllne. Hi Glisan;
strictly modern, gas, etc.; $25.
6-room house, modern, gas and bath; one
block from car, nice district; $16.
6-room flat, walking distance; $.12.
4-room flat, 12 blocks from center of town.
West Side; $17.50.
248 Alder St.
6-ROOM house for rent, $10; 405 E. 12th,
near Harrison.
6-room house, 784 Thurman, near 24th,
233 Stark St.. Near 2d.
FOR RENT Good modern V-room house also
use of barn; fine location on Mailory ave.
Only $20.
610-611-512 Swetland Bldg.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house with
furnace and gas; desirable location at 833
Kelly street. Soutn Portland. Owner at
S35 Kelly or phone Main 39. D. W. Hoel
blng. 311 Stark st
MODERN 6'-room. bath, freshly tinted: walk
ing distance, on carllne, 7 Etast 12th st..
near Ankeny. Apply Rodgers, Hart, Gib
son. 146 2d st.
$20 6-room modern home. East 21st St.,
shade, flowers, fruit, buildings suitable
for barn or garage. Room 603 Corbett
MODERN 3-room cottage, near carllne. nice
yard, full basement; adults, $18. Phone
Woodlawn 42ti. 780 Williams ave.
BATH, gas. 8 rooms, near East Side High
School, furnished or unfurnished. Phone
East 541. 1
$15 6-room house for rent. 243 Hamilton
avenue. Apply to Simon Steiner, Hamilton
and West sts.
FOR RENT Cottage. 5."3 Glisan. bet. 16th
and 17th sts. North. Key at Max Smith's,
8S N. 16th st. No phone.
8 MONTHS'-rent free to lot buyer In Greg
ory Heights. Gregory Investment Co.. 41S
Corbett bldg.
$18 5-room cottage, modern conveniences;
walking distance from Steel bridge. 353
Vancouver ave. Inquire 24S Broadway.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage; gas. bath and
electric lights. 440 East Harrison st. In
quire 415 East Sth st. South.
TENT for rent in timber, Portland Heights,
with wood and water; $5 month. 314 Wells
Fargo bldg.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, gas bath and
electric lights. Inquire 415 East Sth St.,
8-ROOM house for rent, $15. suitable for
two families. 444 East 39th.
GOOD house. 7 rooms, Broadway and Wheel
er: large lot. fruit. Phone Woodlawn 1859.
FOR RENT -6-room modern house, at 486
East Everett. Inquire at 73 E. 10th North.
FOR RENT 6-room house. 600 2d, corner
FOR RENT Five-room cottage. Apply 588
Third st.
-ROOM houso, S.iO Sandv road, near E
2Sth; inquire 233 Starl st.
6-ROOM modern house. Nob Hill. Inquire
721 Johnson St.. mornings.
NEW house of 6 rooms and bath. 69 East
loth, near Everett, inquire 132 6th St.
5-ROOM house for rent. 489 Alder st rent
$20 FIVE-ROOM cottages. 444-446 11th stT
Modern. Key at 449 11th.
Furnished Houses.
$15 MONTH. 5 rooms. modern. Stewarts
Station. Mt. Scott line. Tabor 660.
COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house,
fine view, piano. 2 months. $50. c 1751.
MODERN furnished house. 1 block from
carllne. evenings. Woodlawn 1739.
NEWLY furnished cottage. Ave rooms, bath
and gas. 510 East 21st st. W-R car.
FURNISHED cottage. 5 rooms, rent reason
able. 5i3 Gantenbein ave.
NEW furnished house. Portland Heights
fine view. B 234. Oregonian.