THEATER 12th and Morrison ' Phone Main 117. A 4324. TONIGHT, TOMORROW, SATURDAY MATINEE SATURDAY. The widely discussed play, "T HK SERVANT rv TITR HHIXF " Prices, evening and matinee, $1.30 to 50c SEAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW i 4 Nights Beginning Next Monday Charles Frohman Presents the charm Ins American actress MARIE DOBO. In the Delightful Comedy, "THE MORALS OF MARCUS. " Prices $2, $L50. L BOo. LYRIC THEATER Bummer Prices: Evenings, 15 and 28o- . Matinee.. 15c. .. , WEEK OF JULY 4. The Imperial Musical Comedy Company Presents THE MIFFIFFIFF OF M I LLVTJLLCBCXLC Matinees Sunday. Tuesdav. Thursday and J'V,' Two .how. each evening a? 8 and 9.15 o'clock. Special Holiday Matinei Monday. Lyric Theater For One Week Beginning NEXT MONDAY Sam S. & Lee Shubert (Inc.) Present The Season's Theatrical Sensation "The Blue Mouse 99 By Clyde Fitch. Sale of seats will open THURSDAY Prices 50c to $1.50. MAIN B. A IM. Matinees Ex. Sundays and Holldar. 15-25-50J NIGHTS TMFATKR "WJilLIK.? Week of July S -Lily I -ens; 'Fleet rifled Girl Vhlrtler-IIarri Player. Almost"; The lonali Lulgl Brothers i Plot urns; Orchestra. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations. Engagement Extraordinary of THE ORIGINAL STENGALI TRIO. Music, Mimicry and Mystery. The Pantages famous orchestra, always a feature Three performances dally at popu lar prices. Mstlnees dally. 15c; two shows at Sight, lso and 25c. fl T A 1J WEEK STAKTINO ALBINI'S EXPOSA Of Ann. K-va Fay and Others F riday Mht, Both Shown. In Conjunction M Ith feB Bis; Festurs Acta, t sua I Prices. Curtain at 7 Sharp. STAR THEATER House of Original Production. Americans to the Front. "EAST LYSINE," By the VJtagraph Co, a Big Feature, and 5 OTHER BIO THINGS 5 Great Music and Ballads. SrECIAX ENGAGEMENT Of the World's Famous Aerlallsts Supreme The Bickett Family For two weeks commencing July the Fourth The OAKS Donatellt's Famous Italian Band INNES' FAMOUS BAND Under Auspices of Multnomah Club. AT MULTNOMAH FIELD Evenings of July 13th and 14th Admission 60c Baseball RECREATION PARK, Corner VaoKhn and TTventy-fourth Sts. SEATTLE PORTLAND jily e, t, s, , io, it. i?H p V"" day" 8:B0 p- M ; 6un Adrn'slon B'cher. 25c: Grandstand. ?2 50"8,' 25c extra. Children: Bleachers. 10c; Grandstand, 25c. LADIES' DAY. FRIDAY. Boys under 12 free to Bleachers Wednes- Midsummer Carnival JirLV 15 TO 24 INCLUSIVE. C. Y. M. C. ATHLETIC PARK, "Williams Avenue and Stanton Streets. SELECT ATTRACTIONS. 20 SHOWS. NEW FEATURES NIGHTLY. FUNERAL NOTICES. KRETZER At the family residence. 805 Eooy street. Montavllla. July g f-rek-??,"5a. Kretxer. ased 69 years. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors, successor! to F. 8. Dunning. East Alder and East 8 at a'pM ,0day twnaay), July WOODWARD -In this city. July . Francis Woodward, aged 71 jv,ar. t month. 29 days. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Direc tors, successors to F. 8. Dunning, East Alder and ; East Sixth streets. Friday. July v'ltei Friends respectfully la- SA,MAi" I" thl" cUy- J'y T. Julia Sea man, aged So ywara. beloved wife of Amos Seaman. Montavllla. Funeral will ak. plaoe from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors, successors to F S Dunning, East Alder and East Sixth streets. Saturday. July 10. 1PM Friend, respectfully Invited. Cremation ' MOINNIS Funeral aervlces of the lata lry .McQlnnl" wlI be held at the aPR Jo-Ph-a Home. ThlrUe?h and K. Stark streets, today (Thursday), at " Friends naspectfully invited t attend. Interment Munt Calvary "cem- M?NhA,HArN,A,t ,the tmay -llence. St. John. Or, July e. Venu. M. Monahant ' U month. d iS day." T-S?..5,?ral e,rvl! will be held at the J,nlted Evangelical church at 1:30 p. m! today. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery reT,?D"1 CarU wlU laav St- John and return from cemetery. Friend. Invited. LOWRIE The funeral service of Edward fnvitSd M". today. (Thursday). Friends tSJy! Interment River view Ceme- . ' h aad Pine. 1'bone Mala sa! Udlr Aaslstant. Off to. ef Coonty cSoneS rf IxWJAdD.lHlAN .CO l et. rs. xo id st. Lady jmsl.taat. phone M. 6) 7. . P. FIN LEY BON. Xd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Msln . A iMa sv ncF!a . 414i Alder. Laty aaslstant. roost tLmmt a. McENTKF.-ERICSON CO. Undortakarai lady asalstant. 40 Aider, la eiJaT ZETXER-BYRNES CO.. Funeral nireet. ars. 78 Russell. Moth phones. Lsasslston;- . LERCII Undertaker. ;o East A 1,1.. S'hone. Eaa t81. B 188S. LadllaUtaai At Baker's auction house. 152 Park St., furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker 4 Son, auctioneers. v. AJ. 21 First st.. furniture sale. 10 A. M., by the Fort Auction Co. Ford, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COM M AN DER Y, NO. 1. K. T. Stated conclave this evening at 8 P. M. Visiting Sir Knights courteously invited. a. aAtttLji, .Recorder. t,TNOMAH LODGE. NO. 887. AND POhTLAXD LODGE. NO. 209. OF THE FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD, assisted by the officers and members of St. Johns Lodge. No 648. will hold a Joint installation of officers tonight (Thursday) at K. of P. Hall. cor. 11th and Alder sts. Rev. J. A. Batchelder. of Oakland. Cal., supreme chaplain of the order, officiating, assisted l'i -. is. xveea. aistrlct manager, of San Jpaquln Valley, and E. A Bevan. organizer, also a large class initiation and an ex emplification of the work under the new ritual. Installation public DIED. ROBINSON In this city. July 7, at the fam ily residence. 1107 East Taylor at., Sarah J. Robinson, aged 58 yeans, 1 month. 25 days, beloved wife of J. M. Robinson. Announce ment of funeral later. TRAVIS In this city, July 7. J oaks. Travis, aged 68 years. Remains at the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors, suc cessors to F. S. Dunning, East Alder and East Sixth streets. Funeral announce ment later. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main 800. SECRETARY. Ms In BBS. HIMAVK OFFICER. East 4779. NEW TODAY. About two acres, making the prettiest building site on the river, in an exclusive resi dence section; 215 feet of frontage. STOCK RANCH 9A7.4fl nr't-Ac o mil.. . "'o-'"vciu innuiiiK mnu. I? kY 5raPes: 2.000,000 fir and cedar ecverai gooa streams that can be used for power. All fenced and the i?n money in Oregon; . 1" ' .11 1 c AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, -K-204 Chamber of Commerce. See L. M. Hlckok. arg'am va ua "41V, -A.t lO-lXAAU ICQ ride; best platting proposition in the !ft "rV T A 1 1 5 m niuai ue suia at once, xerms. SMITH 6 EVERETT Tailing Building. Union Avenue N. W. Corner Couch 100x100, with 3 houses, with S75 per month Income now. and the very best future of anything: in the city today. i V; . JJvuun. one diock north or Lnlon avenue and E. Burnside. For price and terms see GRUSSI & ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. ayocean I have seen Bayocean. Will be pleased to tell you about it. A. M. GRAY, Tabor 1487. RiverFront Acreage -- ; "vunpur station fine View nice trees pra e-,,i. 200 feet from Riverside Drive. This is the best buy between Portland and ?3500S" Prlce' lf un week. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO, oOS Gerllnser BIdv A henntle,! i . meda in Rose City Park. Street im- - - - .ob jmj-uicnu see HARTMAN THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. Hawthorne Park Modern residence. 9 rooms, with fine DuiuDoery. win in clude carpets, shades, stoves and light fixture if rlAs t- s 11 L -- loiiuq, 570 East Madlaon St, Near 14th. Lease ' For long: term 50x100, head of Oak St. An A WALLACE A FlYllS, 228 Starfc St, Tabor Heights Height- tnnti c Xaoor Main 6972. " st. rnon, Lease 100x200 On Ollsan en Tr -1 . age, rent very reasonable, for long WALLACE A FLYNN, 228 Stark St. TO LOAN 12sn sann isnn snn - ..... $2000. on good real property.' 7 ter cent to 8 per cent, 1 to 8 years. teJkU. 1". LJtiAT, dlTCorbett Bids. 1 1 AB Great Bargain OWNER GOING AWAY, WANTS TO SELL, New stone houR. will he finioVieri In about ten days. Hot-water heated, best tnaxe or rurnace, hardwood floors, dou ble llvlng:-rooms, double walls, bunga low style, two bedrooms upstairs, big: closets, den can be used for bedroom if so wanted, two toilets, beautiful din-Ing-room paneled and beam ceiling-, built-in buffet, sleeping: porch, front porch has cement floor, full hlg-h cement basement and tubs. Fine bath. Will tint all walls to suit; also wood work finished in color wanted. House wired for both phones; also piped and wired. Will have g:ood electric fixtures or will allow reasonable amount of pur chase price to buyer to put them in. Auto garage will be stone-finished front, or will allow reasonable amount if buyer don't want it and not build same. This house is in a class of its own in the city, as there is nothing like it here and is well worth several hundred more than asked, as it was started for a home. Can give 100x100 feet if wanted. House with 50x100 lot, price, finished complete, 34950. Terms cash, balance 3 years. Owner of the above also has 14 lots (all 60-ft. fronts) that he will sell be low the market value, if taken at once. Every lot close to the car and street improvements paid; cash, bal. terms. Also one lot on Sellwood line for 1450. These are all grood buys and will make money to the one that g-ets them. See them. HICKMAN A HINDLE, 218 Lumberman's Bids?.. Corner Fifth and Stark Sts. f Going to Buy a Home On Rodney avenue we have a modern 7-room house, 50x100 lot, 95SOO. 60x100 on Tillamook street, a corner with 6-room house, cheap at 84000. 100x100. 4 modern houses paying good rental, S8SOO. 33 1-3x100 with 8-room modern ' house. Corner E. Yamhill. S6000. HUMASON & JEFFERY A 3814 S2 Stark St. M 1189 EXTRA SPECIAL TVl acres at Milwaukie. all finely im proved, A in fine orchard and fine berries: good houses, barn, etc. Splen did factory site, warehouses, etc., S. P. R. R. running along one side of it; all for only $8500 Just because the owner Is hard up against it- See us quick if you want this as it is too good to last. Only $3500 cash required. DUBOIS & CROCKETT Washington BldR., Room 3. Beautiful Ranch 5 miles from Oakland, 360 acres 30 KrS.-best bottom land in cultivation; 600,000 feet fir and cedar; 3 good springs; 6-room box house; good barn 40x50. First man to see this place gets it for $6000; $2250 cash, balance 7 per cent. American Trust Co. 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. See L. M. Hlckok. ' CAPITOL HILL On the Oregon Electric Railway, 5-cent car fare, in Portland proper, inside the city limits. 13 minutes' ride from the business center, all full lots 50x100 feet each, improved streets and sidewalks -city and mountain view unsurpassed.' no stone or gravel, all in grass plot. Prices $200 to $400 per lot. Title per fect. Complete abstract of title to date furnished free to every purchaser. Take the Oregon Electric car at Front and Jefferson streets for Capitol Hill and see for yourself. 'CLOHESSY A SMITH, 401-a McKay Bids. Phone Main loOS. OFFICES FOR RENT Two ground-floor offices and two front upstair offices, Commercial Club bldg. Heat, light and janitor service. RENT VERY REASONABLE. Apply to Mr. Peel, Commercial Club Office, 7th Floor. DESCHUTES LAND HEADQUARTERS 209 WELLS. FARGO BUILDING $4200 - -- - ictii tsu, iu acres slashed; house 24x32. bam 48x52: iu be sold within 20 days; $2000 will h- 5IGEL A CO, 5tft fc. . X, . i Phones M 21 S3 "' " Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. Bntldlns Loan. Installment Loana. Wm. MacMaster 30S Worcester Block. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to sulci . elal rates and favorable terms on larara loans on business properties. Ponds Loaned for Private Inrr.ton A.H. BIRRELL CO. uiuk. aa tx stars. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branchea) 823 Worcester Bldg. Phones Main 887L A 4018. MINERAL spring for lease, close to Port- Mia r exiton Diag. FOR SALE KVAI, ESTATE. IJMrrURuProperty wlth S'Sel & Co.. 335 TJP-TO-DATE 8-room, plastered house; Swell location, $750. 226 V. Morrison. FO-niaJ?vitnl5B ln Ptand real estate see Columbia TriT.I rn T3..- . . . . VI 1 1 u, oiag. AtARQAIN Cosy 3 -room house. $1500; i-uuae & i lau. orS110??. trP0m hoU- block -"vni. r-none tiaxx 2367. w , SWVtA inimimn, X4UOf A,b1dgW" F' ,V" C" M' 354 - Hamilton,frd A . Hi Ablngton- bids Beck William Q.. 313 Failmg bldg B fV.Ai " Co- 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, liuirancs, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict, 002 McKay big? m. 549 l!alnT HerItw,' 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S.. & Co., 503 Corbett bld- Flelds. c. BJ.. tt Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Main 168. 206 Oregonlaa. Parrlsh, Watkin. A Co.. 250 Alder st. Richardson. A B.. 221 Com. Clnb bid. lalk' D- 294 Stark - Main or A 892 Sharkey, J. p., & Co.. 122 Vi Sixth St. Thi5 .reon Real Estate Co.. Grand ava. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. White, B. F.. 227V, Washington at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DESIRABLE HOMES TO BE HAD OX SMALL PAYMENTS DOWN. $3500 8-room house. bath. . fireplace, basement, large porches, fruits, flowers, shrubs, ham, poultry houses and runs. 1 block car. 100x200. corner. $3SOO 8-room house, on corner lot. 2 blocks Hawthorne-ave. car, nice residence district; house strictly modern and new; In gas district. $2650 6-room modern bungalow, attlo and basement, halls, china closet, lava tory, wash trays. 2 blocks Sunnyside car. close in. .?2'400 A modern 7-room bungalow with 100x100 corner, attic and basement, fire place, etc.. 2 blocks Woodntook car. $2000 6-room house, 100x110 feet of ground, all fenced. In bearing fruit, ber ries, asparagus bed, improved street, at Portsmouth. If seeking a home, don't fall to Investi gate our offerings. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder Street. GOING FOR A SONG. 40 acres, all fine soil, and 18 acrea under cultivation. 10 acres oats, 2, acres pota toes, good garden, balance In pasture. 15 acre, fir timber, enough to make 500 cords wood. 7 acres slashed, part burned off clean. In pasture, 3 acres of fine ewale land, all drained with ditch, a line spring of water near house, also good well at rear porch of house; place all fenced and cross fenced, part wire, part rails; lies on 2 &)od roads and 1 miles from Tualatin (on balem Electric) ; epan good horses, new light wagon, new harness, good cow, some chick ens, plow, harrow, cultivator and all small tools go with place; fine . 6-room house, painted outside and inside, ceiled and pa pered; large barn, chicken-house, also large woodehed. all in good shape; price $4000. and some terms. PINB TREE LAND CO., 610 Buchanan Bldg. 8 ACRES $5B00. On new carllne. adjoining Irvlngton; lota In thl location selling for $000 to $1000; you can double your money In 1 year- an excellent investment. Equity Investment Co.. COS Gerlinger bldg. CHOICE INVESTMENT Price $21,000; income $2790; email apartment-house, splendid West SidG lo cation, entirely modern: 4 rooms in each one Just the right size to be in demand always; built less than two years ago terms. ' O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., S2tt Washington St., Rooms 201-20" LOT SNAP. 1 or 2 lots, noxioo, 30th and East Irving. $i60 each: easy terms; 2 blocks to E A ST M- v- car- Equity Investment Co., 508 Gerltnger bldg. W5i?Y' SELI" OR TRADE REAL ES TATE FOR OUR CLIENTS. Have a few choice propositions to offer at this time; It will pay you to Investigate. MARGUL1S & SCHUBACH. 627 Board of Trade. Main 3S58. A 3341. ALAMEDA W have several most deslrabk; lots In - this -district which can be purchased at muoh lower prices than are now being asked for adjoining property; easy terms H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg Phones: Main 8699. A 2653. ' THE CREAM OF IRVINGTON BRAZEE-STBEET ADDITION 13-A LJ'nPrOV.ments ln; PrPer restrictions. Co Pf-e"-a1? ternf,ee -"-"y Investment t-o., 608T Gerlinger bldg. Main 32ol. 42?rrl LOTS on East Burnside with good 6-room house, barn, hothouse, chlcken- tH? and, yas. flowers, shrubbery; all SI? kS. .f frult and Kood garden. Will double in a year. LOUCKS & RABB. 90 Fifth St. WALN UT PARK at7?; t.rmV0a 6Xl0- fr fCW dayS ,H-oF; -Ai-MER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. 22?L?2T,C?Bh: f15 per mont1-: 6-room bun-K-?. ' totlet' lnk- 'avatory. electric lights, basement, streets graded. cement IS3- b 10 car thts 'a a bargahi F T2hKU"eS- Ea" 19th and Salmon. $6000. IF 126 0OSe-nfar AIb?rta carllne. on 17th Flrl. ,nMd 6-room good house. Fmand!,1$ain8d00.,'10: mae bun.alow in LIND & HIOLET, 133 THIRD ST. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. rm - Oregonli8: PARTIES wiBhlng to purchase large or small fIaSU ,of. '""Proved or unimproved f?ui iSnS.m-crthe, R.eU Rlver Valley, call on BAD health requires me to live in dryer ell mate, so here goes my beautiful home in 7lZl.BlPe ,Mount Tabor; 9 room,, electrlo hi- water, etc.: price, goooo- terma Fred Broetje. 31 East 81st stj N?i- ''rlotly modern home, beautiful loca tion, on carllne; small cash payment, bal- K2eA?den,thi.'- Sl. WDT; a A Clock. Alder st. Phone Main 1274 Resi dence. Tabor 842. Resl- raw4n7ll'41raCa H.Chlkn'dI'VhVa. KEYm,odern 5-,I"oorn cottage, with best of Slason st.. $3150. Swetlad bldgtrroom SNAP Suburban home, modern, six-room house, two lots, fruit treesl berrie? chicken-yard. Call on owner. 288 GraSd ave.. South; $1600;. easy terms Grana S LOTS in College Place; will sacrifice at ori ginal price; $120 cash will handle CHAPIX & HERLOW, " 322 Chamber of Commerce. BO BY 100 lot, N. EL corner First and Hall, good location, suitable for apartmen t-hoSa : price $15,000: term Inquire ofoTOeM Buchanan bldg. ' HOUSES for sale In all parts of the cltv acreage close in and farms in Oreeon and Washington. Phone A 4881. Kinney I stim pher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. TH Pre"ete-room house and east front lot. near Piedmont; fireplace, beamed ceilings, trees, flowers; only S24O0 w W. Payne. 1210 William, ave 'NfR.v.H?worr"' avo- a 6-room bunga low that skins them all; when you see it ?hfi" 2fak lt:i.eaBy terma- Don't luisi this, 403 Couch bldg. , MUST SELL. 'tI- tars; 60 ar fare; owner leaving. Gllmore. 227 Lumber Exchange. 10TlSo' h?LLWOi5D' J rooma- n,c ome, $1450. half cash. Room 8, 2214 Mor rison. IRVINGTON PARK 3 lots. $100 less than rogular price; easy terms. Owner, 403 iouch bldg. F.Rw 8AL,E New, modern 6-room house on MorrisSnCar naP" Slgel Co'-' FOR SALE Lot ln Tinker's Addition to Long Beach. Wash.. 6 blocks of p o Inquire owner, 213 Second st WB build artistic homes, see us for plans and easy-payment methods. Builders Company. 420 Mohawk bldg., afternoons. KO,R 8ALH! . y owner. the handsomest aUl";l0?Lj.n Irvlnston. Call and see It! FOR SALE 2' new honees. B. lftth near fivarett. Inquire of ownaV. 032 eth. WEST RTrF? RARfivQ "50 Lot 7. hlock M, Greenway Port land H&ights, part cash. $10 per month. . $1250 Fractional lot. Glbbs St.. near Cor bett. part cash, bal a per cent' nne for house or flats. J1S00 Good 6-room cottage on Second t-. $500 cash. $20 per month. JJOOO 7-room house, on Second St.. $500 ..,. cash. $20 per month. $.20 New 6-room house. Hood St.. near Meade; easv terms. $2500 Fine lot. 50x100, on Kelly st.. near Gibbs. part cash. $3000 4 cottages, over quarter block, on Macadam St., paying 14 per cent, half cash. $3650 Good s-room house, on Sherman. ,OQI bet. 5th and 6th. easy terms. d50 Good S-room house, on First at., ,,. near Meade, part cash. 4000 Nice 6-room house, on corner twiviS5LaI"! Arthur st. ; good terms. $5000 100x100. on corner drover and . Kelly sts; will divide. $5000 luOxlOO, N. E. cor. Kelly and Whlt ..... ?er- to build on; terms. oo00 tine 6-room house, modern, 13th. near mill; $2500 cash. bal. 6 per cent. $!00f3 100x100 with store and two dwell ings, on Hood and Grover sts.; part cash. $11,000100x108 and a good houses, rent ed for $79 per month; on Second St.; $5000 cash. See us for South Portland property. ,, GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. A HOME AT A SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCE. Attractive .rHMi. . , . " muuciii, uign-graae. wen-built. lO-room residence, designed for "Vm convenlence and comfort; located wU .. ...ciwuk .-u oi at ena or East 80th street, very near carllne. In high-class -------- -. . niu, .duii rtun water and improved streets; house has full base- . x ..a.- uaiv uuyra, oeamea ceuinga large fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, rtiitC'' c101061' chute to basement. v, ; J' a va ootn noors, extra toilet in basement. Built by architect for .w .... a. client wno couia not take same for financial reason.. If taken im mediately may be had at the very low r... - v. email casn payment and Balance monthly. Information from C L. Horn, architect, loom 11 Madison bldg.. 2504 3d st. FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak ' - v i :iv uiie, du minutes ride. 1 acres of ground, new 6-room house. Dantrv Rtnmmnm i.i. a i . feet verandas. 2O0 choice roses in full ... ucmiug grape vines, ;ioo hear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants. 0 bearing fruit trees of every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross lenced enough garden truck planted for good-sized family, every foot of ground cultivated; fine lawn around the house, dotted with select shrubbery, etc.. etc.. inquire on premises. Louis Brandt. Oak ENGT.TRTT wiT.wrprfl ,K.avlnK Planted 70 per cent of walnut, in Oregon, sold 0 per cent of plantings ever sold In Oregon, we feel our prop V!s .Bhuid Invite consideration; $100 cash. $15 per month for each five-aore CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.). Lumber exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. BEAUTIFUL 1RVINGTON HOME 7 rooms, new, modern, hardwood floors. T Pme woodwork' beam ceilings, built in china closet, large flneplace. furnace: on corner 100x100; hard surface pave- mnt;.'mmed-a''e possession can be given; price $8o0 0. " H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 313-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main S699, A 2653 EAST OOUCH-STRBET SNAP. .rSxuI:, aU Improvement. In and paid; f, cheaper than any lot in this loca tion; lf you know a bargain you will take this. Ixiulty Investment Co., 608 Ger linger bldg. 8-ROOM HOUSE SNAP. New 8-room house, cement basement, rurnace full plumbing, electric light, line iwii!" L?hed' street improved and cement aLk,',-,,owner must so11: hence the price. $.S4.0; terms easy; lot is a corner, on the coiner of E. .'loth and Emerson. , UHUSSI & ZADOW. 31 1 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. PIEDMONT A beautiful home; 7 room., new, mod Sl' h Pemely-We11 bullt and handsomely Zr eVJ0t 73,xl0; r trees in terms bIoi;kB from carllne; price $600; H. P. PALMER-JONES CO Z12-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699. A 2653. ?KA:RT op" IRVINGTON. -BRAZEE STREET ADDITION LOTS 50x100 .iNL,UDINO IMPROVEMENTS 10 PER CENT CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. SEE SCHOON MAKER. 708-9 CORBETT BLDG. P--iONE MAIN 7855. A 6722 HANCOCK-STREET ADDITION ' Lots, $,on, io per cent down $10 -ner Srnbg.B1ainIn32o!:ment H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. ?rRR.A-N1J. KNKRAL INSURANCE AGIuNTS NEW ZEALAND INS CO 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG MAIN 8688. A 2603. J?AST MAIN-ST. HOME. 1 . EaSt. Main.' bet- 22d '"ll 23d, Is a fine two-story 6-room house, full base- i 00 fSll-Iot SOxlOOnnoYawn and"pl.Ct"y of flowers and hmkhi.rv u.. i. TlZ' f then see us. " V luuay' -r, CSRUSSI & ZADOW. " 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4tli and Oak. IRVINGTON " ye.JiaV'8, """ter blocks on Knott st. priced Inside lota, at very attractive H. P. PALMER-JONES CO 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.. Phones: Main 8699. A 2653. LOTS! LOTS!! LOTS'!! -3.?a,8..lots from 50 "I cattered all ever the city; some terms as low as S10 ?heWS an,4 t2-50 ,1er mnthM Can today, the first in a newly opened addition. THE RUPERT INVESTMENT CO 303 Lumber Exchange Bldg. GOOD IRVINGTON lot cheap. 50x100. on lflth. near Knott, price $14:; street Im provements partially paid for ; this is a very desirable lot. S. de la Mer. 337 A. ao'-er Commerce- Phones Main 65 FOR SALE on Portland Heights. 6-room house on a lot 110x120; lot nearly level worth $1000 more than Is asked for the whole place. Price $1750. Easy terma. F. M. CRAWFORD A CO., 420 Swetland Bldg. HAVE contract on acre. Piedmont district: will cut Into 8 full lots; have paid $800 take $650; easy contract; price, $2900- lots adjoining worth $. to $700; need money ust sell quick. W 196, Oregonlan "NOTICE. PROPERTY-OWNERS " Do you want to sell your place? We have buyers; talk with u. todav NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO Room 516, 326 vi Washington St. TWO EXCEPTIONAL BUYS. Fine Council crest building site much below value; owner leaving. S.lx tT!' gooA land nalf rn'le city limits. $425 per acre, p 214. Oregonlan PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x100, near Alta Vista, surrounded by good homes; price so very cheap, only $1500. S. de la Mer 337 Chamber of Commerce. Phones Main' 625, FINEST AND BEST 40-acre fruit farm, close to Portland- will pay 25 per cent on purchase price: 8 'miles our- Room 603 Corbett bldg. MODERN cottage. 6 rooms, bath, fumaoe. electric and gas, on fine corner ln Pied mont neighborhood, on carllne lifinn Woodlawn 409. ' S-ROOM bungalow, 25 minutes' car ride 60 fare; little money required; balance like rent.. National Realty & Trust Co 326 Washington at. room 616. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Ablngton bldg. $4200 HOME Lot 73x100. with bearing fruit trees; all Improvements; for X3500 reasonable terms. Owner. J 219 Oregonlan! FOR SALE Strictly modern bungalow monthly payments. See Jas. A. Clock qko Alder st. Phone Main 1274. ' FINE HOME. 161 E. 28th .u; good location largo grounds. 8-room modern house terms. Owner. 134 E. 29th .t. East 2044." STRICTLY modern 8 or 7-room desirable home, small payment cash, balance month ly. Owner. Phone Woodlawn lr&a. THIS la a svt 81.91 acres, all under fence, hog tight. B0 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture, seeded, running water through place, good orchard, 2-story house 28x32, frame barn 30x40. chicken-house and other outbuildings. 2 horses, 1 2-year-old colt, 11 head of cattle. 5 hogs, a lot of chickens, gasoline engine and wood saw, blacksmith outfit, binder, mower, rake, potato planter, cultivator, plow, harrow, farm wagon, truck wagon, hack, top buggy, pulverizer, cream separator, milk cans and all the small tools used on a farm; all the crop of oats, wheat, hay and potatoes, also a lot of clover seed, al falfa, timothy, rape, rye grass, orchard grass, peas, rod top, lawn grass and flax seed, household furniture, piano, sewing machine, steel range, everything complete will go with the place; 4, mile, from rt. R station; telephone ln house, on R. F. D. and good county road; price $7500; terms. CHITTENDEN & OTTO. 268 Stark St., Room 17. 20-ACRB1 FRUIT FARM ONLY 16 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 32 acres in orchard; the fruit this season will net $1000; 8 acres good pasture and timber; land lies nearly level, but slopes enough for good drainage; nice creek runs tnrough the place: now 8-room plastered noiiee. good new barn, equipped with hay lork and track, good fruit-dryer, fully equipped; all fences llrst-class; place Is lo cated right ln a little town, which will have an electric line within a year; there Is a spray pump, 2 plows. 2 harrows. 1 buggy and single harnefo and all small tools; all goes for $400, with terms. RALPH ACKI.ET, 6u6 Corbett Bltla. I MOSIER. OREUON. -?"or ala cheap lf taken In 60 " days; . acrws of the very best fruit land ln Mosler, Or.; 1 mile from town; fine road, good school and churches; best growing place on the Columbia; house and barn and outbuildings; water from spring piped In house; telephone; there m 1R0 bear ing apple trees. 300 bearing prune trees. 100 peach plums In bearing. 152 young bplts. from 1 to 3 years, 200 yvellow New ?JyeaIs: ,Kood tram runs through west lde of place; crop, tools, gasolene spraying outfit; about 100 chickens; all for $b000; worth U0.00O; easy terms Come and see or address to O. P. Hunter. F(iR S.AhE- 4'",c,: 2.100 cash, balance time or trade. 20O acres fine land; running water; 40 acres in cultivation; good .i room house with basement; barn hold 22 f.d f "tocK. 1 milch cows. 3 young cattle. 2 good horses, 1 apple house. 200 fine bearing apple trees, cream separator. 1 heavy and l light wagon, good har ness, all other necessary machlnerv with crop; 5 mile, from railroad station and Smi a n.dln8: car'are. $1 from Portland. 201 Gerlinger bldg. FARM LANDS. We can sell you good farm or fruit lands In heart of the Willamette Valley ror per acre, or wo can sell you land nea',f""land on the Electric line for $0: to $115 per acre in high state of culti vation ; with one of these places are h head of cattle and 18 head of horses and rnV Implements thrown ln. Hco Wallace & Flynn. 228 Stark st. FARMS. Willamette Valley farms of all sire, and prices; call and Investigate, w Law rence, 315 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. s ' GREAT SNAP. SHEEP GOAT RANCH. 40 acres. 2 sets of old buildings one new barn, 3 acres orchard. about 70 acres meadow, lots of hay; on main county road and there Is 75 cattle. 30 goats, 85 sheep. 6 horses and ton stands of bees. The best bargain in the state, if you want to make money easy, look this up; price $12.50 per acre, on good terms. Roam 301. 288 Wash. st. -ACRES, all ln high state of cultivation, good family orchard. 3 acres raspberries, and strawberries in fine condition. 4 dozen chickens, good fences, good 5-room house newly painted and all outbuildings; , mile from store, school, and P O 12 miles from Portland; price $1850; easy terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 Fourth St.. Hoard of Trade Bldg. tl BUS acjvjs with good new house and well; $3000 buys 17 acres with good house, barn and outbuildings, fino or chard; each place about a mile and a half from either carline at Beaverton; 8- mineiTilve.from,.PorUanI- J' F- Compton. 100 Ablngton bldg. F?R -i-81 or trade for Southern Oregon land 30 acres Joining Vancouver city lim its; half In cultivation, running water for r7?a best fruit and Karun land in Clark County, near 5-cent carllne and 2 miles from river; water right from springs. AM 19S. Oregonlan. ACR,ES. 1 mile from Salem, all in cul tivation and planted to loganberries; 4-housa- Ki barn and chicken-house; $2000; ?e?msn ma'" COU"ty r0ad: prlco COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 2i-Afi,RB? one mile from best college town L iheI,Staie; be9,t of BOil' mostly cleared: on . P. K. R., a few rods from depot; 30 miles from Portland; $S5 per aire, easy terms CHAPIN & HERLOW. 322 Chamber of Commerce. HOME-SEEKERS' GUIDE' 12 acres well improved, near Vancouwr. TV ash. ; snap at J3000; also an Al dairy ???nh' same location, of 90 acres, pays Tl2mrly.'c200 I,er acre' And a choice , VSX1 r?. f arm- crP worth $2000. LIND & HIGLEY, 132 THIRD ST. 222 ACRES, aboue 130 acnes ln cultivation balance splendid pasture land; no tim ber for commercial purposes, plenty for use of farm; all necessary buildings- the best part of Clackamas County; sod per acre. J. F. Compton. 100 Ablngton bldg FREE TO ALL TILLERS OF THE) SOIL. 55,-1 tt" l AddrSiffiS Canal Company, Canby, Or. m! b3i owner- 11 acres; 8 acres onion land. 5 acres farm land. 1 acre not cleared; small house and well; three blocks from station, on Salem electric carllne. 9 miles from Portland. Fhone Woodlawn 1761. none a3andCoVa;ryra?,Ch'on!he 2"lnmbla River a' - houseand bk;he S" with the place at $.10 per acre J v Compton, 100 Ablngton bldg. ' "e138,8" .I" c"ltlya'IO". on Main prlc?.$ao.i.-$56o 'cash! oaV,V?? 'Sit' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY? " 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. H-onV?,l' H,0CBnd-dalry..far.' n Oregon. . . """- t-woar, ouiKinc ranee part cash. Ca l or write L. R. Kaylor. 733 Ma quam bidg.. Portland. Or."m -rllnee. 8 $750 down? a7. the Ume wan e. oSlaKnS? J. P. Compton. 100 Ablngton bldg Dalance- BCowm!Nro,,T-,I71pvfd . and ""improved Ka lama. Wash. " DarnaM o.. FOR fu" '"formation how to secure farm. BluUBerr;"2h28CS1SbIsat.Wr,t' " R 10riACRBS.or whent land the Upper Deschutes River at $25 per acre: 8 sets of farm buildings. O 207, Oregonlan. 6END for our list of Willamette Valley J?,rms before buying: lands shown free. OlmStlkAri l.anA Q.l . - ALL good -ones, eee ua Columbia Trust Co Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS. CHOICE valley land that has been tied up under the Carey act for eight year, was ?e5t,r to entry by the Government July 1, 1909. Homesteads or desert claims act quick. Information and maps 407 Lumbermens bldg.. 6th and Stark. rMPROVE e opportunity of home-Heading 820 acres good wheat land: under new ruling residence not necessary. Embody & Bradley Co.. 615 Lumbermen's bldg. Main or A 8165. KEY ranch for .tockralser; best on earth: Improved farms bordering on the Willam ette Valley. $12.50 per acre. Room m4 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. $200 Relinquishment to 160 acres on land A-?oh nay R'ver; good outside rang 412 Marquam. NINE homesteads near Portland, 15 miles from railroad, fee $1 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED UMBER LANDS. WILL Invest $50,000 ln timber. WlU con sider the purchase of single claims Give full particulars first letter. R 219 Ore- TIMBBR lands wanted, c J. McCracken 304 McKay, bid. wracaan. SO ACRES on electric line; part beaverdam a snap. j ( 10 acres at Beaverton; house and fruit trees. 40 acres fruit land 20 mile, from city; good town and R. R. 200 acres 1 mile from good town on S. P.; fine subdivision project; on county road: well watered. Houee and 3 lots at University Park; a baraaln. " MDVNF.LL. SHARP & MAGTNNI3, Jli and 32S Lumbermen's Bldg., 6th and Stark. $6 AN ACRE $6. ,JTor sale' 1BI a'"res of good, rich soil; 100 acres level. SO acrea rolling and SO acres hilly; 2 living streams; 1.OOO.000 leet standing yellow fir. in few vards of 'osglng stream; 3 acres cleared. 20 acrea fonced; small house, barn and. chlcken- i."u, near wasnousral. TVh Phnn. Alam 652 ... w . L. F. S-LARK & CO., 411 couch Bldg., Portland. Or. 1V ACRES, at Oak Grove, close to river and Oregon City canines; good 3-room nouso, barn, henhouse. woodshed. 6O0 yards chicken wire, 400-egg Incubator. br,00'1''". capacity 150: ir,. chicken, and $40o will handle it; balance $1400 at 7 per cent; long time on monthly payments. ... P'aco cheap at $2O0O and anyone will say so. Will not be sold for this r,r'.ce.and torms after ten days. Owner, 14 McKay. 3d and Stark sts. ACREAGE Have reduced price, must sell Nine-acre tract near O. W. P. carline two mKes this sldo of Gresham; land lie. nice for gardening, free stone and gravel; no btttr soil ln the stale. Price. 2o0 per acre; terma easy. CAUSUY LAND tic INVESTMENT CO Rooms 305-6 Lumbermen's bldg. Main 1348 WEt have a number of small tracts of choice Kandy River fruit Lands, with water right 27 miles fri.m Portland, on Mt. Hood E.ectrlu survey; shot loam soil, specially adapted for friilt and gardening; tracts from 7 acres up; $5 p-r acr. eaay terms. CHAPIN HERLOW, 322 Chamber of Commerce. JIPROVED Hood River farm. 10 acres. 4 miles from Hood River; mostly In New towns and Ppltionbergs; right on Mt. Hood , - abundance of water; you should see It to appreciate a good bargain; $mjOO. $5000 caen, balance term. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 322 Chamber of Commerce. SANDY RIVER FRUIT LANDS. 40 acres of nnt fru;t tU in Oregon; 1. ov-re. clear; on Ml. Hood Electric survey, on main county road. H. F. U. ; price $2S00, easy terms can be arranced. CHAPIN Ac HERLOW. 822 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES ln fruit. S-cent carfare; house, barn, outhouse... garden, good school near oy; plenty of water; fruit will bring $2000 this year; sell very cheap or trade for Southern Oregon land. Owner, room 313 at J2t Washington st. A SUMMER LODGE. 6 acres, beautifully wooded, on fine stream, near Clackamas River, elegant camping spot: some good land: 10 minutes to car. 1 Kg hours by auto. See it Sun day. Address AK 206. Oregonlan. 11 4-10 ACRES. $1.10 DOWN. i mile from R R. station, in Yamhill county all level, cleared and ready for the plow; $1425. F COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 84 Fourth St, Board of Trade Bldg. 23 ACRES, within IVi miles of O. W. P. J.y.. 9 miles from Portland, on countv road; a snap at $100 per acre; owner is sick and wants quick sale. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. DIVISION ST. Beautiful home, lots, all in fruits and berries; 8-room house, full basement: nice barn, large lawn, roses, flowers, shrubbery, surrounded by ever green hedges; terms. Tabor 1609, B 2400. $1000 BUYS Si,a'7os' cleared- on Salem line, worth JltiOO; some cash, balance to suit. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. 62 ACRES. 5 Mi miles P. o.. on West Side: cultivated; $300 acre; will sell, your choice of 10 acres at $400 acne. Room 503 Cor bett bldg. 40 ACRES of good red hill fruit land with some, improvements; 5 miles west of Jorest Grove; price for a few days $500 Lang-Hill Land Co.. 414 Ablngton bldg. B TO 65 acres, fine fruit and onion land, cleared and lu potatoes, near city on R R and electric line; terms to suit; at bar galn, Chism, 015 Couch bldg 10 ACRES cleaned and level, within city limits; price $750 an acre; Iota adjoin ing selling at $400 each. 217 Ablngton Wfl-aV8 ,onle "ttractlve buy. ln Portland Tabids TrU" C- Bard ,?.mB. rru." and wa'nut land, large or ?-m ,ct,owner- no aKents. Room 609 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington BARGAINS IN ACREAGE. Btlger. room 8. 221 tj MorrUon st. 2 A?R?S close to carllne, $600 per acre. 412 Marquam. - FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. M.. "lies .from " , . uyuiiia niver, railroad through slare. 80 acres river bottom, balance roiling and bench land. 50 acres under cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced: 5-room house, barn and other outbuildings; phone ln house; orchard and small fruit; 1 mile to school; team of horses. 20 head of cattle, 25 goats 2 hogs, bunch of chickens, wagon disc mower, rake. plow, harrow, cultivator' cream separator, gasoline launch scow rowboat. all small tools, all furniture except organ, for $6250. Will take Vi In Portland property. 1, cash. CHITTENDEN & OTTO 208 Stark St., Room. 17 TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 82l Chamber of Commerce. Portland. TIMBER LAND, Columbia County, Oregon quarter section. Sec. 6. T. 4 N R 5 w -' crmse B M. 7,2.X).noo; 11,000 'lineal feet cedar poles; on Hock Creek. Nehalem Val ,;i -k- Jilam O'Connea. Springfield. IU. N. 3d. LARGE and small tracts of timber lands for sale; homesteads and timber claims locat ed and guaranteed. Verdln & Conger 109 North Sixth Bt., Grants Pats, Or. $2.50 PER ACRE for 160 acres timber land cruising io.0oo.000 and up. we locate you on something good. Call or write Raines, Greenwood & Co.. 721 Board of Trade. TIMBER lands. $2.50 per acre; I locate jou purchase; also homestead and timber locations. 219 Worcester bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney i btamphcr. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. SQUATTER'S relinquishment in timber for sale. Inquire at Room 21 Russell bldg. '0"0hn00 ,EK.T of """: location fee. $200. 412 Marquam bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments. . 327 WORCESTER FLOCK. WASTED REAL CSIAIK. WANTED Not less than 2 lots with mod ern -room house; sightly location and trees, for not more than 70oo cash; has to be a bargain. F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St LADIES take notice. Mme. Hudson gives the only scientific facial manage In the -Manicuring, 20 cents. 280 Washington St.. Room 207. WE pay cash for equity. What property have you to offer? aell your contract to us; we have buyers. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 v Washington st. WANTED To buy 5-room cottage price $2000; $230 down. $15 per month. Phones Main 21S3, A 4509. ri.ou CHOICE homes and building lot. our great est need; we can sell them. Columbia rust Co , Board of Trade Dldg WANTED Piece of Income property to $2500, $1000 cash; owners only. B 233 Ore gonlan. HAVE buyer for good Portland Heights lot must be a barcaln. Pacific Realty Co.. 320 Swetland bldK. Main 5072. WANT 6 or 7-room residenci ln Irvlngton or holiday: must be modern; will pay Snot fBsh nn nironto A a Ooa r , ' - - -. uicgimian. 6 ACRES within 10 miles, near carllne, with running water: not over $200 an acre Room 26, Hoyt Hotel. WANT a good. 7 or 8-room. modern home must be a bargain: state location, term, first letter. H 206. Oregonlan, erma NEAT house, 6 rooms, on West Side, not over $8000. Xi 212. Oregoalatu