& COURT SUGGESTS Supreme Bench Advises Ore gon and Washington to Set tle Their Controversy. PRECEDENTS ARE CITED Plan Is Outlined in Opinion Deny , ing Rehearing on Issues Per taining to Mouth of Columbia River. Resolutions have been adopted by Con gress In the past authorizing the settle ment of three boundary controversies. Commissions actinR unco such authority. have settled disputes between illssissippf and Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana and Tennessee and Arkansas. The Wash ington authorities are considering the ad visability of such a commission, and may ask the Oregon representatives to Join those of Washington in urging the pas sage of the necessary resolution. The advisability of the States of Oregon and Washington, with the consent of Congress, through the aid of commission ers, adjusting so far as possible the pres ent appropriate boundaries between the two states and their respective Jurisdic tion is called to the attention ot the two commonwealths by the Supreme Court of the United States. The wisdom of such a course is suggest ed In the opinion of the court in denying the petition of the State of Washington for a rehearing in the Oregon-Washington boundary case affecting the Lower Co lumbia River, decided In favor of Ore gon's contention on November 16, 1908. The denial of the petition for a rehear ing was .handed down by the Supreme Court May 24. and was mentioned briefly in Washington dispatches. Copies of the decision in full have now been received in Portland. It follows: Text of Court's Opinion. There are practically two manors present ed: one. whether the boundary near the mouth of the Columbia River was and is the charnel north o Sand Island. We held that It n, and with that conclusion we are still satisfied, it Is unnecessary to re state the reasons therefor. We may, how ever, rerer to Missouri vs. Kentucky. 11 Wal. 3115. as much in point. That was a contro versy .between those two states as to the title of Wolf Island. The treaty between Prance. Spain and KnKland. In February. 17U3. stipulated that the middle ot the Mississippi should be the boundary between the British and French territories on the Continent of North America. This was recognised by the treaty of peace with Great Britain In 1783. and different treat ies since then. The boundaries of Missouri, when she was admitted into the Union as a state, in 1S20, were fixed on this basis. Kentucky had succeeded. In 1792, to the right and possession of Virginia, which, by virtue of the treaties referred to. extended to the middle of the bed of the Mississippi. The main channel of the Mississippi had been, up to at least 1K20, west of the Islands. There ws testimony that since then It had changed to the east side. Never theless, the court held that the Island re mained a part of Kentucky, savin (p. 401): "It follows, therefore, that If Wolf Island, In 1783, or In 1820. or at any Intermediate period between these dates, was east of this line, the Jurisdiction of Kentucky rightfully attached to It. If the river has subse quently turned Its course, and rfbw runs east of the island, the status of the parties to this controversy Is not altered by It, for the channel of the river abandoned re mains, as before, the boundary between the states and the island does not. in conse quence of this action of the water, change Its owner." So. whatever changes have come In the north channel, and although the volume of water and the depth of that channel have been constantly diminishing, yet. as all re sulted from processes of accretion, or, per haps, also of late years from the Jetties constructed by Congress at the mouth of the river, the boundary Is still that channel, the precise line of separation being the vary ing center of that channel. JcfTrls vs East Omaha. Land Co.. 134 U. S. 178; Nebraska Iowa- 3 U. S. 350; Iowa vs. Illinois. u- s- 1: Missouri vs. Nebraska, 196 y. 8. 28; Louisiana vs. Mississippi, 202 U. S. 1. Second Question at Issue. The other question arises In this way: The act admitting Oregon, after naming as the commencement of the boundary, "a point due we and opposite the middle of the north ship channel of the rnlnmhi. ti.,.- adds, "thence easterly, to and up the middle channel of said river, and. where It Is divid ed by islands, up the middle of the widest channel thereof to a point near Fort Walla Walla." With reference to this we said: The testimony falls to show anything call ing for consideration In respect to the last clause in the quotation from the boundary of Oregon. The channel Is not divided by Islands." Now, It Is alleged that there Is set forth In the bill of complaint and ad mitted In the answer that a controversy has arisen as to the boundary lines, and that both of said states claim and assume to exercise Jurisdiction over numerous islands and sands In said Columbia River, 16 of which are enumerated by name. While 16 Islands and sands are mentioned, yet in the brief filed by the plaintiff on the application for a rehearing It la stated that only two. Desdemona Sands and Snag Island, can be called Islands, the remainder being entirely submerged and only visible at low tide. These two. therefore, are all that can come wUhln the definition In the boun dary. That speaks of "the middle channel of said river.' and counsel contend that there Is no pretense of three channels, and. there Tore, the language should properly be con strued as the middle of the main channel of said river, and we are Inclined to think that that Is the true construction But It must be lemembered that the boundary In the first Instance passes around the north of Snag Island, in what was known as the north channel, and It does not strike any channel which deserves to be called the main channel until it has passed to the eastward of Snag Island. While the testi mony Is not satisfactory as to the point, at the time of the admission of the State of Oregon, at which this north channel, after passing Sand Island, touched any other channel, we are of the opinion that It must have been at a point east and north of pesdemana Sands. Of course. In consider ing this matter we assume that the con tention of the State of Washington Is cor rect, that Desdemona Sands could have then properly been termed an island ,.-.W1.tl reference to gna(r iand the ueB. tlon Is a difficult one. we agree with coun sel that the term "widest channel" does not mean the broadest expanse of water There must be In the first instance a channel .J !'.? ,flfT .C WB,ter dPeP enough to be used, and In fact used, by vessels in passing i?.a!!d down lhe r'Yer: but It does not mean the deepest channel, but simply the widest expanse of water which can reasonably be called a channel. Now. close to Snag Island there appear several channels, the n-lnclpal ones being Woody Island Channel and Cor nell Channel, both used at different times by vessels navigating the river. The Cor nell I Channel runs to the north of Snag Is "1 .'i1 .wd5' Channel to the south, while the boundary claimed by the State of J"'.?0.". n a channel far to the north of both Woody Island and Cordell channels. Sasg Island In Oregon. , JJlrt.hJ"r- u PPrs that In December, 1S7T, the sta,te of Oregon conveyed Snag iA,nd; ln nsideratlon of the sum ot 14.J..5. to J. w. and V. Cook. While of course this Is not conclusive, yet, taken ln connection with the fact that the State of Washington has never attempted to Inter fere with the Jurisdiction of the State of Oregon over Snag Island, and the , doubt that hangs about the position and depth and width of the various channels in the vicinity at the time of the admission of the State of Oregon, we hold that that Island La within Its territorial limits. It must be borne ln mind that an Inquiry of this kind is attsnded with much diffi culty. Here is a river of great width, three miles of so at certain places whose bed Is largely of sand, and whose channel, have been naturally affected bv the flow of the water, and also of late years by the Jet ties constructed by the Government In order to facilitate, navigation. Congress, evidently BOUNDARY BOARD recognising the difficulty which attended the location of the exact boundaries, pro vided that the states of Washington and Oregon should have concurrent Jurisdic tion in civil and criminal cases upon the Columbia River." Yet this provision does not determine the boundaries between the two states, and has proved insufficient to settle the disputes between them as to things done upon the Columbia River. Niel sen v. Oregon, 213 U. S. 815. We may bo pardoned If. In closing this opinion, we refer to the following: "Joint resolution to enable the States of Mississippi and Arkansas to agree upon a boundary line and to determine the Jurisdic tion of crimes committed on the Mississippi River and adjacent territory. "Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, ln Congress assembled. That the consent of the Congress of the United States la hereby given to the States of Mississippi and Arkansas to enter Into such agreement or compact as they may deem desirable or necessary, not In connict with the Constitu tion of the United States, or any law thereof, to fix the boundary line between said state, where the Mississippi River now or formerly formed the said boundary line, and to cede respectively each to the other such tracts or parcels of the territory of each states as may have become separated from the main body thereof by changes in the course or channel of the Mississippi River, and also to adiudge and settle the Jurisdiction to be exercised by said states, respectively, over ofTenses arising out of the violation of the laws of said states upon the waters of the Mississippi River "Approved January 23. 1909." Similar ones have passed Congress in ref erence to the boundaries between Mississippi and Louisiana, and Tennessee and Arkansas. We submit to the States of Washington and Oregon whether It will not be wise for them to pursue the same course, and. with the consent of Congress, through the aid of commissioners, adjust, as far as possible, the present appropriate boundaries between the two states and their respective Jurisdiction. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, July 4 Maximum temper nture, iS degrees; minimum. SI degrees. P lver reading at 8 A. M.. 18 feet. Change in last 24 hours. OS foot fall. Total rain fa 11 (S P. M. to 5 P. M.). none. Total rain fall since September 1, 1908. S3 82 inches; normal rainfall since September 1. 1908. 44.0i Inches; deficiency, 10 25 Inches. Total sunshine July 3. 12 hours 25 minutes; pos sible sunshine. 15 hours 42 minutes. Bar ometer treduced to sea level), at 0 P. M.. 29.94 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M.. Paclflo time, July 4: K H Wind g 3 . STATIONS. S k! ! I State of o ? 5" Weather. So3: P 2 - : : Baker City...., Bismarck Boise i . . . Helena. ........ Kamloops. . . . . , North Head. ... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Salt Lake San Francisco. . Spokane T Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Siskiyou Marshfield , Tonopah North Yakima. . 840.OOI 6!nw Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 840.O0 4ISE 4!SW 4NE 4 W 30 NW 12!SE SNW 4jSE lOiNW 4lSE 14W 4NW 4 N 8'W 4 E 8ISW 8SE 4E 94 T. 82 T. 92 10. 00 1 66l.00 . . lO.OO TSI0.O0 R2O.00 Clear Cloudy 0.00 T. Cloudy 0.00 o.oo 0 . 00 0.00! Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Rain T Ha'o.oo Cloudy Clear 86I0.O0 oo;o.oo: Pt. cloudy -Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure has fallen decldely during the pnst 24 hours over the entire Pacific Stop'e north of the Coast sections of central California and a marked depression ex tends from BritiSa Columbia southward along the east slope of the Cascades. Show ers are reported from southern Oregon, southern Idaho and eastern Montana and generally cloudy weather prevails in Wash ington and Oregon, west of the Cascades Though the temperature Is still above normal at most points ln Oregon, Washing ton and Idano. it has fallen generally over these states, considerably cooler weather being reported from southwestern Oregon and southeastern Idaho. The indications are for showers Monday In Oregon, eastern Washington and central Idaho. It will be cooler ln eastern Wash ington and central and southern Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably showers: southwesterly winds. Oregon Probably showers: westerly w inds. Washington Fair In west portion; prob ably showers in east portion; westerlv winds Idaho Probably showers in central and southern portions: cooler. W. D. FULLER. Local Forecaster. PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BEALL fc CO., 3J8 K. Yamhill MITCHELL. LEW IS & STAVER. E Mor 2d ART GLASS AND MIRRORS. POVEY BROS. GLASS CO.. Sth & Flanders. AUTO AND BICYCLE SUPPLIES. BALLUU A W RIGHT. 6tt oth at. . BABBITTS, BOLDER, ETC. PACIFIC METAL WKi, 73 N. 2d. BAGS, BURLAP AND TWINE. W. C. NOON BAG CO.. 2S-S4 1st St. . . BAKERIES. ROTAL BAKERY Co., 11th and Everett. BELTING AND MILL SUPPLIES. NOTT-DAVIS CO., 40 1st St. BICYCLE AND BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. SA oth St. BOOKSELLERS. THE J. K. GILL CO., 135 3d. BOOTS AND SHOES RUBBER GOODS. WOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO.. BO FroaU KBAUSSB BROS. 73 lot st. PRINCE SHOE CO., 86 6th St. BOX MANUFACTURERS. MULTNOMAH LUMBER BOX CO.. Phone Ex. 80. BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY. D. C. BURNS Cu., 2O8-210 Third St. Cash buyers of country produce. EVERD1NG A FARRELL. 140 Front. BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, ICE CREAM. T. S. TOWN SEND CREAMERY CO.. IS Front. CHEESE. PORTLAND CHEESE CO.. 191 8d. COFFEE. TEA AND SPICES. BOYD T CO.. t0 1st st. CLOSSET A DEVERS, 1-7 N. Front. CONCRETE MACHINERY. BEALL & CO., ; B. Yamhill. . , CONFECTIONERY JOBBERS. ALDON CANDY CO.. llith and UUsan. MODERN CONFECT-RY CO.. 13th A Hoyt. CORDAGE. BINDER TWINE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., 14lh & Northrup CORNICES AND 8KYUOHI8. J. C. BAYER. Front and Market. ')A'KV AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. MONROE A CR7SSELL. 145 Front St. vii-Tr,,0li5!, 8A8H- PAINTS AND OILS. RAfeMUSSEX & CO.. 184-196 2d. . DRUGGISTS. 5H,AER-FRANK DRUG CO. CLARKE. WOODWARD DRUG CO.. 9th H. T .. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO.. Front A Aih. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. ELECTRIC AND GAS FIXTURES. BARRETT'S. 408-412 Morrison. x"",a- ELECTRIC MACHINERY SUPPLIES PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENG. CO.. 218 2nd7 WESTERN ELECTRIC WKS.. 01 8U FEED. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. LENSCH BROS.. 41 Front st. FIREPLACES AND TILES. "BARRETTS." 40S-412 Morrison. FISH AND OYSTERS. PORTLAND FISH CO.. 34 Front st. FRUIT AND FROUCCK. W. B. GLAFKE CO., 108 Front. EWEN A KOSKET, 128 Front. A FRUITS. EGGS, POULTRY AND MEATS. DRYER. BOLLAM & CO.. 128 Front. l'KNA ES AND REGISTERS. MOORE-MKAGHKR CO.. 42 1st. J. C. BAYER FURNACE CO.. Front A Mat. c,r. . FURNISHING GOODS. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. FURNITURE. HEYWpOD BROS, jfc WAKEFIELD. 148 V. Tentn. ,AS ENGINES AND LAUNCHES REIERSON MACHINERY CO.. 1S2 Morrison. t t;. Z.1, . A 1 ROCK MACHINERY. BEALL & CO., 3o9 E. Yamhill. . R-1N. -1 LOUR. FEJS D. CEREALS, ALBERS BROS. CO.. Front & Mala. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE ln Effect November 1. 1BUS. Daily or Bundajr. rw Per Line. ne time ............... .lxa Same ad fwo consecutive timet ....... Isao Same ad three consecutive times soa Same ad six or seven consecutive times 6 tie Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less than two lines. Wben nil advertisement la not run consecutive times the one-tins rata applies. The above ram apply to advertisements under "New Today und all other classifica tions excepting the followLngi Situations Wanted. Male. Situation Wanted, fremal. For Kent, Rooms, Private Families hiiu uoara. fnvate ramlllee. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. 1 he rate on the above classification la 7 cents a line each Insertion. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS r.al Ktmraerer coaL tha beat Wvn. mine coal: gives mora heat and lea . vuurcniey jtJro-., lath and Mar ana 11 r-uonea juam Httl, A BU31. Florist Cut Flowers always fresh from our own conservatories. Martin A Forbes Co., 34T Washington st. Both EIwCtrIcFixtnres i ui riiat. ah wora guaranteed. Western Electric Works. 81 sixth street. fOftl Richmond and Wallsend Australian. Independent Coal A Ice Company. opposite city Library. 'Roth pbonsa OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main 304. SECRETARY. Main 698. HUMANE OFHCEB. East 4719. MEETING NOTICES. WILLAMETTE LODGE, NO. 2, A. F. & A. M. Stated communica tion this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o cioca. v isiung Dretnren wei come. w. S. WEEKS, Secy. WILLAMETTE COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM meets at K. P. Hall, Alder and 11th streets, the nrst and third Monday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor- niallv welcome. E. J. HufCord. sec retary. First National Bank. DIED. SAUNDERS In this city. July 4. Charles W. Saunders, aged 61 years. Announce ment of funeral later. JULIEN In this city. July 4. Julien A Julien, aged 43 years. Remains will be taken to Grenada, Cal., for Interment HESS At Carson Heights, the family resi dence. July 4. Joseph Hess, aged 49 years. WETZLER In Oregon City. Or., July 4. at the home of her son Henry, Anna Ger trude Wetzler, beloved wife of the late John Wetzler and mother of John, Henry, Charles, Fred, George. Edward, Albert and Herman Wetzler. all or Oregon. Mrs. Mary Benck of Chicago, and William Wetzler, of Santa Cruz. Cal. Native of Hesson Castle, Germany. Aged 78 years. 5 months, la days. Friends are respect fully invited to attend the funeral. FCN'KRAL NOTICES. BRETT Funeral services of the lae, Clara H. Brett, aged 45 years, will be held at the family residence, 751 Savler at. today (Monday) at 3 P. M. Friends are re spectfully Invited to attend. Interment at 'Lone Fir Cemetery. WETZLER Funeral services of the lata Anna Gertrude Wetzler will be held at the German Methodist Church, Mllwaukle Or., Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Dnnnln McEnteo Ollbangn. Funeral PiTCt.r', !tn nd Pine. Phone jjln 43S Lady Assistant. Office, of '.oimtj Coronet EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral direct. r. 20 ad st. Lady assistant. PhonV m! s a jT P FINLKT BON. Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9. A 15WV. r. 8. DUNNING. Tjnaortaker 41 East Alder. Laity assistant. Phone iast 5. McENTEE-ERICSON CO. Undertakers! lady assistant. 499 Alder. If aUS. ZPSR-BXK?rES co- Funeral nirect ora. ZTZ Russell. Both phones. Lady assistant. LERCH Undertaker. 420 East Alder. Phones East 781. B 1888. I.ady assistant. m1? v LBWl!. ont .t. J?.A,?P-EHRMAN & CO., Bth and Everett. W.ADKAMS & CO.. 4th and Oak JiTerett WADHAMS & KERR BROS.. Hoyt and 4th. . i .Tia, riisiEjts imh) ADAMANT CO.. 433 Worcester bid. I A . . . ...... . r, MABNESS AND SADDLERY. Froit C'LAKii SADDLERY CO.. 104-1O8 r-amv T,r"PES- FURS. WOOL. " s A7 BU t1C memw-. ' Hirtr .r31 manufacturers. HAZELWOuD CREAM CO.. 3d & Hoyt. IRAV f T . ... Robertson Hardware & Steel Co., 68 5th St. POKTI P.DAK PHOTO SUPPLIES. ' PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 149 3d. r. - LEATHER. CHAS. L. MASTICK. A CO.. 74 Front atreet. PORT ,HY$TOC& COMMISSION. PORT. UNION STOCKY'DS. 17th A Vaughn, N bwl11 PAC- LMaK' CO.. 306 Wei Is-Fargo Ponxr ?5A,CH3?EKY MERCHANTS IPmRMAWELL-OWN-: If ind" Ash, FRANK L. SMITH CO.. 226-228 Alder. J a PAVrJ1 WINDOWS. J. C. BAYER, Front and Market. MILLINERY CASE A REIST CO.. Oth and Oak. MONUMENTS. BLAESING GRANITE CO. 267 3d. MINAR. 336 E. Morrison. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 268 1st. nPilA ve urTny-iww . EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Wash. Aark .u. 1 0 11 ILjf BONES PORTLAND PAPER BOX Co" 2ua Oak. i -nr JPASB A2iD STATIONERY. 3- W. P. M FALL, 105 Front. PHONOGRAPHS. SHERMAN. CLAY A CO.. 6th & Morrison. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Wash A Psrlr at. ShIrmTt aSraJSt SHERMAN. CLAY A CO.. 6th A Morrison: ,-....FIrRI-ES, VINEGAR, ETC. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Alder. XT Ir1'UMB,SP AXD STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. b4-o6 Front. ''"APT STREET-MAKING MACHINERY. BEALL A CO.. KOU E. Yamhill. .,, SAW MANUFACTURERS. SIMONDS MFG. CO.. S5 1st st. SCHOOL FURNITURE, SUPPLIES N. W. SCHOOL FURNITURE CO.. 244 3d, SHIRTS AND OVERALLS. H. WOLF & SONS. 73-75 Fiest t T,rt-STOVES AND RANGES. LOWENBERU A GOING CO.. 13th A Irving. EDHPSftW1 AJiD BECORD8. EiLKRa PIANO house. Wash. A Para ate. xTT,YAGOf A1 TRUCK WORKS. Hoy" PACIFIC WAUuN WORKS. 4th and WINES AND LIQUORS. BLUMAUER & HOCH. 108 4 thst HENRY FLECK EN STEIN A CO.. 204 2d St. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE I. WKS.. 2d A Everett. FINANCIAL r. BONI)S AJ STOCKS. OVERBECK A COOKE CO.. 216 B. of Trade. WTUV 7... a ......... w t 1KKELL CO.. -2V2-3 McKay bldg. Si; CLEMENS. Commercial Club bide? bTfig- 'ER C- Bar Trade r.x --.-T1?0148' BONDS AND GRAIN. DOWMNG-HOPK1NS CO., 201-4 Couch bldg. . . TIMBER LANDS. 5MJ?2J BRADLEY CO.. 708 C. of Com. ff?lIC? & KRIBS. 328 Cham, of Coat JAMES JX LACEY A CO.. 829 C. of Com. HE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER 12th and Morrison Phones Main 117 and A 4224. TONIGHT TOMORROW WEDNESDAY -special. Price Matinee Wednesday. MRS. IISKE In the Comedy of the Slums. "SALVATION NELL." Prices. $2.00. 1.50. $1.00, 00c. LYRIC THEATER Bummer Prices: Evenings, 15 and 25c; Matinees. 15c. ... T WEEK OF JULY 4. xne Imperial Musical Comedv: Company m Presents THE MUTimiF OF Ml LLVULLUBULLU cltlne" -Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday and 5 "te .T,wo, show ea- evening at S and 8.15 o'clock. Special Holiday Matinee " Monday. Lyric Theater Seats Will Be Placed on Sale Thursday For Sam S. & Lee Shubert (Inc.) New York Lyric Theater Success, "The Blue Mouse" Direct from its gTeat run of four weeks at San Francisco. MAIN a. A 1010. Matinees sx. Sundays and Holidays. 15-25-500 NiGHTS THFATER IS-'WG-lSr, Week of Jnly 6 Lily Lena: Electrified Girl Review: Julius T:nnen; Hymen Meyer; Whittier-Harris Players, "Almost"; The Donals; Lulgl Brothers; Picture ; Orchestra. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Stars of All Nations. Engagement Extraordinary of THE ORIGINAL SVENGALI TRIO, Music, Mimicry and Mystery. Can You Solve the Puzzle Comedy Acrobatic Bounding Act, Entitled, "Ship Ahoy," the Laughing Hit of the THE GRAND Vaudeville de Lax e WEEK STARTING MONDAY. JULY 5. ALB IN I. Royal Court Entertainer Matinee every day at 2:30 15c any seat. Evening per formances at 7:30, 9:15. Prices. 15c. 25c. Box seats. 50c. Wyatt & Rice; Glllihnn Murray; Billy Windom; Bessie Alien; Mabel fsrew A Co.; M'Ue Rlalta A Co.; Fred Baser; Grnndascope. Tonight ! Pains' Fireworks SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Of the World's Famous Aeriallsts Supreme THE BICKETT lUMliv For two weeks Commencing July the Fourth At The OAKS Donatelli's Famous Italian Band BECREATIOX PARK, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. ABERDEEN VS. PORTLAND JUNE 8. 29, SO, JULY 1 2, S. 4, B. Games begin week days 3:30 P. M.: Sun day. 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grandstand, 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children: Bleachers. 10c; Grandstand. 25c. LADIES' DAY, FRIDAY. Boys under 12 free to Bleachers Wednes day. PORTLAND MON. S TUES. July 12-13 KOI It PERFORMANCES ONLY. First Visit to Portland of The Big THREE-RING Circus THE KARL HAGENBECK AND GREAT WALLACE Combined Shows NOT IN THE CIRCUS TRUST. A Circus That la a Circus. 1000 People. 60O Animals, 5 Cans. 20 Acres of Tenta. The only circus in the world having th.1 original Carl Hafrenbeck trained jvlld animals of the Chicago and St. Louis world's fairs. Biggest Menagerie on Earth Million-Dollar Street Parade General Admission rv,ii.. oc. Adults, 60c. Reserved Seats additional.' NEW TODAY. Income Business Buys 5bU UUU ouxiuu, first st., next to 400 per month after January 'l, 1910. A linn ouxlu,ii';lrst st-. "ear Sal 0a UUU mor,. 265 per month lease, otn ot the abova nrnnorriAB n w ftrreaettybridge"ted by th6 "CW Ma41s011- Sengstake & Lyman UO Fifth St. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 323 Worcester Blda Phones Main 837L A 4013.' IBa.se lb all JULY 5, 1909. NEW TODAY. CAPITOL HILL Inside property on the West-Side ln Portland proper, 5-cent carfare, 12 min utes' ride from the business center of the city, on the Oregon Electric Rail way; depot on the ground; improved streets and sidewalks. We are now-preparing- to supply with our own water system for immediate use all people desiring to build, although with in a short time city water will be ex tended to Capitol Hill, as we are now entitled to it from the fact that a large portion of Capitol. Hill is inside the city limits. Streets, sidewalks and water mains areaid for by ourselves, not bonded and charged up against the Ji?s' si,mply we have Paid for them, lhese Improvements are not promised in the future, the work is now being done. Go out and see for yourselves. .Every lot is 50x100 feet or larger, all cleared, high and sightly; fine soil, no Se or sravel, and the price from 200. to $400 each with easy terms. Where can you beat this ln the L'nited btates, considering its close proximity to the business center of a city the size of Portland? It is simply offering a premium to people to buy these lots at these prices, and If we did not have so many of them we would build a high board fence around Capitol Hill and go fishing for one year and come back and sell these beautiful lots for three times the price we are now asking. Capitol Hill Is the largest tract on the West Side, and the . Oregon Electric Railway runs through the center of Capitol Hill for more than one-half rnlle; 40 trains a day stopping at Cap itol Hill, and the finest wagon and automobile road from the city leading right into our streets. CLOHESSY & SMITH 401 McKay Bnildlnz. $61,500 20flx2flfl Whole block on 16th, 17th, iUUALUU pettygrove and Quiraby! Some Income. $51,500 110X200 Warehouse site with 110 ft. sivAcuu trackage on 15th St., 200 fL on Quimby. $125,000 50X100 erati'rinTVa: ington. Someone will grasp this op portunity to get a piece of business property in the very heart of the city. $60,000 200X200 irBt' E; 2d' Holladay and ' Pacific, only $15,000 a quar- lff; Surro.1i?iing Property held not less than 125,000 a quarter. Can you Make usro&r1"31" bi mney here? Sengstake & Lyman Fifth St. 7000 Modern S-room home, corner E. 6th and Weidler. This house is well built and a fine home only one block from Grand ave. Will be benefited by new Broadway bridge. House could not be fKTtrrnririfesi'rld!0- LOt Wrth $6000 100x100, Broadway and E. 12th- a beautiful site for a home. Sengstake & Lyman 90 Fifth St. E House, 8 rooms, with one acre of ground, close by the Anabel station on Mt. Scott road. Fruit, berries, gTapes, flowers and lawn. Outbuild ings, large woodshed, chicken-house and barns. Easy terms. Possession immediately. Call at house, first on the right of station, going south on Milwaukie road. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. v.. A Co. M. 3348. SO Hamilton Dldg. Baker, Alfred A., tit Ablnaton blda Beck. William G., 812 Falline blda. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bid. Real estate, lnsarance. mortgages, loans, eto Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay big. M. S4 Chapln A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S.. A Co., 303 Corbett bld. Fields. C. H., A Co., Board of Trad bld. Jennings A Co., Main 168. S00 Orsgonlaa. parrlsh, Watklns A Co., 250 Alder st. Richardson. 'A. B., 221 Com. Club bldg. Echalk, Geo. T.. 264 Stark St. Main or A 382 Sharkey. J. p.. & Co.. 122 v Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ay, and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Walker, S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. White. B. P.. 2274 Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property. S seres of A No. 1 Hood River land, all set to Newtowns and Spltzenbergs, rich, deep volcanic ash soil. Is ready to set to strawberries and located li miles from Hood River, good building site with fine view of Mt. Hood. Mt. Adams and surrounding country; Is next to main Ir rigating llurao with water . right. Talk with owner at 818 Board of Trade bldg HAVE contract on acre. Piedmont district - will cut Into 8 full lots; have paid $S0O take J650; easy contract; price $2100; lots adjoining worth t00 to 7XI; need money must sell quick. W 186 Oregonlan. EAST SIDE PROPERTY. If you are In the market for East Side property, see J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave and E. Ankeny PARTIES wishing to purchase large or small tracts of improved or unimproved fruit lsnde ln the Ro?ue River Valley, call on or write Verdin A Conger. 108 Korlh eth st. Grants Pass, Or. BAD health requires me to live ln dryer cli mate, so here goes my beautiful home on west slope Mount Tabor; 8 rooms, electric lights, water, etc.; price, $:xou: terma Fred Broetje, 31 East 61st st. FOR SALE by owner. 1 mile from Estacada 40 acres of fruit or berry land, two good spring branches, some small tlmbor; easily cleared: close to good graded school. Price $35 to too per acre. W. E. Cary. Estacada Or. 1250O Modern -room house. East 20th st 1 block to car. fruit trees, roses, etc" 1500 cash, balance like rent. Owner' Phone Sellwood 1317. COUNCIL CREST, 2 lots, best part of Crest, price $1800, terms; adjolnlns lot xf11.'"..-, 22SO: owner leaving Portland. Main 50 i 2. $2000 Nearly new 5-room modern cottars. East 20th st, 1 block to car; $500 cash balance like rent. Phone owner, Sellwood THE prettiest G-room house and east front lot. near Piedmont; fireplace, beamed ceilings, trees, flowers; only $'400 w W. Payne. 1210 Williams ave INVESTORS Go to the Owners- Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Ablngton bldg. $4300 HOME Lot 75x100, with bearing fruit treeB; all Improvements; for 13500 reasonable terms. Owner. J 21 Oregonlaa! r FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A FEW SMALL ONES THAT ARE EXTRA GOOD. Probably the best lot ln Belle Crest; east front, half block from car; an $8000 home Is being built on property adjoining; Im provements all ln and paid; price $700, terms. A cozy 4-room house in Woodlawn. 3 blocks from car; full corner lot; everything ln fine shape; 12 fruit trees, berries, roses, etc. ; will be sacrificed, as owner leaves town at once: $1200, very easy terms. 6-room house ln center of Irvlngton, be tween Tillamook and Thompson, west of 22tl st.: $3000. only $1000 down; thte Is far below the real value. Corner lot 50 by 100, east face, near Mount Tabor and Barr road, three blocks from streetcar; $400. very easy terms. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN. 80 Fifth St. FARMS, FRUIT LANDS. LOOK HERE! HO acres, with all farm Implements; stock, house, crop, etc., and house all furnished; an Ideal home, ready to move Into; 62 acres all river bottom land with farm Implements, cattle, horses, etc.; 1ST acres; good buildings, crop, best fruit land; lo acres near city, good houso, small pay ment will handle: 2700-acre stock ranch with or00 head of sheep, other stock and Improvements. All. of above properties have buildings and Immediate possession can be had. Nice 10-acre home In Hood .iver; a" hearing fruit trees; a snap con sidering what other property ln Immediate vicinity Is held at. Call or write 721 BOARD OF TRADE. RAINES GREENWOOD & CO. 6-ROOM modern bouse, lot 75x100, ad Joining Piedmont; lot In fruit trees and garden; this is & snap at $2700. easy terms. 8-room house on Stanton St.; lot 75x125; near Union ave. 100x100. corner on Maryland ave.; the best buy ln North Albina; part caah will handle. 2 lots on Humboldt St., near Denver ave.: 50x100, $550 each, part cash, balance terma 2 choice lota on Maryland ave., opposite Overlook; $S0o each, terma. RICHET-BYRXB COMPANY, 615-616 Swetland Bldg. BY owner, great bargain ln California bun galow; located ln the beautiful Hawthorne district; 5 large rooms, dtnlng-room ln front of house; lare fireplace; 2 book cases, buffet, mirror door, beamed ceilings, large complete bath, laundry tub; Dutch kitchen, wood lift, cement basement, back porch, screened ln; gas and electricity, with fine fixtures; cein.vnt walks; street graded Price only $S0O; about $1000 cash, balance to suit. Many other beauti ful homes at from $S0O to $6500. F. J. STEINMETZ & CO., The Homesellers, 193 Morrison St. BARGAIN' IN MT. TABOR. 80x160 on E. Taylor, near 60th st. West avenue district, 2 'blocks from Sunnyside car; the only property ln the neighborhood for sale; price $2100. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., ' 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8680, A 2653. PORTLAND HEIGHTS QUARTER BLOCIC 100x100. corner 19th and Spring sts.; graded; all improvements ln; on canine; fine view; the best buy on the Heights at the price, $4750. " H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 312-213 Commercial club Bldg. Phones Main 8609, A. 2653. PIEDMONT HOME. 7 rooms, new. modern; extremely well built and handsomely finished: lot 73x100; large fir trees in yard; 2 blocks from car line; price $6500. H-. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY SITE. 100x100. corner E. 6th and Sherman sts., on main line Southern Pacific; 2 houses; income $30 per month; a good Investment at the price, $6500; terms. H. p. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Cluh Bldg.' Phones Main 8099, A 2053. ALAMEDA. SOxlCO on E. 26th, bot. Mason and Skid more, near Alameda Drive; faces east; im provements ln: price $10cx. K, cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bids. Phones Main 8099. A 2653. WE BUY, PELL OR TRADE REAL ES TATE FOR OUR CLIENTS. Have a few choice propositions to offer at this time; It will pay you to Investigate. MARGULIS & SCHUBACH, 627 Board of Trade. Main 3558. A 3341. Lnlon-ave. snap! Lot 100x100. with good 6-room house: bearing fruit trees and nice lawn; $5000. Room 610 Swet land bldg. IF you want a home at your own price, al ready to move Into or built for you, I can furnish it; I have the lots; a small payment down and monthly payments will get you a home. See Jas. A. Clock. 202 Alder at. Telephone Main 1274. B'INK 6-room house, large porch, lot 60x100 lots of flowers and ornamental trees si real fine home, close to Anabel station only $2300 and easy terms. For particulars see John Horn. 3 blocks south of Anabel station, on Mllwaukle road PIEDMONT HOME. Modern 8-room house, 100x100 ground, full cement basement, stationary washtubs fur nace, fine sightly place; the price Is very reasonable. See owner. 408 Gerlinger bldg . or phone C 15S3. at residence. NEW strictly modern home, beautiful loca tion, on carline; Btnall cash payment, bal ance monthly. See owner. Jas. A Clock 252 Alder st. Phone Mala 1274. Resi dence. Tabor 842. WANTED To lease for 3 years, farm with farming implements and stock; must be good land, not more than 3 miles from railroad or boat landing. C Ore gonlan. SNAP Suburban home, modern, six-room house, two lots, fruit trees. berries, chicken-yard. Call on owner. 2S8 Grand ave.. Sotfth; $16oO: easy terms. HOUSES for sale ln all parts of the city acreage close ln and farms ln Oregon and Washington. Phone A 48SI. Kinney & Stam phe.r. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Lot Vlxioe. with two-story dwelling, one cottage and small barn on Third street, very reasonable. Phone East 3440. $25 DOWN. SIO per month, buys 50x100 lot. close to car and new Mt. Tabor Park: price $390. Thompson & Enders. end of Hawthorne carline. CRESTON REAL ESTATE. $1200 equity ln house and lot to ex change for groceries. Take Mt. Scott car to Creston. G. H. Taylor. FOR SALE Strictly modern bungalow monthly payments. See Jas. A. Clock 25' Alder st. Phone Main 1274. FINE HOME. 151 E. 2Sth SU ; good location, large grounds. 8-room modern house terms. Owner. 134 E. 29th st. East l'0l! STRICTLY modern 6 or 7-room desirable home, small payment cash, balance month ly. Owner. Fhone Woodlawn 1799. BEAUTIFUL modern 7-room house, corner lot, reasonable price. Terms. 1210 Mis souri ave.. North Albina. BEST bargain ln city by owner; my 6-room modern bungalow on W. R. carline 1157 Clinton St.. near 3Uth. FOR SALE New, modern 5-room house on Alberta carline; a snap. Sigei & Co. ' 335 Morrison. $1800 New 5-room cottage. Jure finished: two blocks Mt. Seott car; $500 cash. 616 Couch bldg.. 109 4th St. FOR SALE Lot ln Tinker's Addition to Long Beach. Wash.. 8 blocks of P O Inquire owner. 213 Second st. WE have 4 lots near Swift Packing Plant for sale, with terms. A. Butts, room 2 Lumbermen's bldg. WE build artistic homes, see us for plans and easy-payment methods. Builders Company. 420 Mohawk bldg., afternoons. 100x100 ON East 24th st.. North: these lots must be sold, get the description and make an offer. 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE by owner. the handsomest 024nIT0thn.tirVNnBtOn- CBl1 ,nd $100 CASH, $15 per month, 6-room modern house, hi block from Car. 29 Taylor st Laurelwood. " $2900 Fine new house 7 rooms, near Hair thorne ave. 616 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. FOR SALE 2 new houses! E 19th near Everett. Inquire of owner. 132 6th st. FOR anything In Portland real estate see Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. TH URM AN ST. home. $2500; Lrnd & Hlgley. 132 3d st. half cash. LIST YOUR property with Slge & Co. 335 Morrison. Phones Main 2185. A 4589. LOT near Williams avenue. Morris: fully improved. $1250. Room 9. 245 y, Morrison BARGAIN Lot with 4-room house. $600 terma. 824. Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOTS, 50x100. ONLY $500. TERMS. GROWING RESTRICTED ROSSMU8E section of Rose City Park district. Lots only 1, to 1 Vi blocks from car amid fine grove of small trees. FINE SOIL; NO GRAVEL. ONLY 17 MINUTES ACTUAL CAR NOW. FROM WASHINGTON TRANSFER BURNSIDE BRIDGE 15 MINUTES- RIDE BY NEW LINE. TEN-MINUTE CAR SERVICE NOW. OUT BEYOND THE CITY SMOKE. t ,.AR1'-R BUSINESS BY COMING CAR moueland" P1EOMOT k WEST- The platting of Lodd-s beautiful Hazel iern I,arm- adjacent to these lots as highest class residence property, and the snort car ride wilt make this section the coming (residence district of Portland fateps are being taken to hard-surface bandy road and to widen It to SO feet. Have many east and west front lots to select from, but will only sell 2 lots, and to actual house builders, at this price. SEABERO (THE BEVERLY). PHONE 7US2 OR A S206. A HOME AT A SACRIFICE! IF SOLD AT ONCE. win' ik f,i,v' trictIy modern, high-grade. well-Dullt 10-room residence, designed for auJ!y, convenience and comfort: located on Tillamook street at end of East 36th street, very near cajjllne. ln high-class residence district, with Bull Run water and Improved streets; house has full basement. iurna.ee. oak floors, beamed ceilings, large fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, seat, etc. clothes chute to baeement. woodllft. lavatories on both floore, extra toilet In basement. Built bv architect for home for a client who could not take same for finan cial reasons. If taken immediately may be had at the very low price of S0O00; small cash payment snd balance monthly. In formation from C. L. Horn, architect, room 11 Madison bldg.. 250 3d st OWNER, who Is going to build a country P vwl" "e" hls Irvlngton home; has eignt big rooms, lot looxloo. on corner in district where all homes are on quarter blocks; nice lawn, plenty of shrubbery; house modern In every detail; big porches, sleeping porch, plenty of closets. 2 big fire places, fine interior finish and lots of flx In s " that go to make a home comfortable; rrl,-e $H.5o0. ln which Is Included about $lo00 worth of carpets, linoleums, shades, new window, door and porch screens, also new hard-surface paving, paid for. Apply 825 Hancock. Phone East 5015 or C 1910. FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak Grove. Oregon City line, 30 minutes" ride, 14 acres of ground, new 6-room house, pantry, storeroom, brick fireplace. 75 feet verandas, 200 choice roses ln full bloom. 75 bearing grape vines. 300 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants. 60 bearing fruit trees ot every description, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fenced and cross fenced, enough garden truck planted for good-sized family, every foot of ground cultivated; fine lawn around the house, dotted with selecs shrubbery, etc., etc.. Inquire on premises, Louis Brandt, Oak Grove. Or. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted 70 per cent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever soid in Oregon, we feel our prop erties should invite consideration; $1011 cash, $15 per month for each nve-acra tract. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.). Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. BARGAINS. 1 acre all In cultivation, no gravel: n-ew 5-room house, small barn and chicken house; young fruit trees, on 5c car fare. Price only $::30.0 ; $1200 cash, balance $10 per month at 6 per cent. 4-acre tract, with a fine new house, cost ng $1800; close to car. on good wagon road into city. Price, $3800; $1000 cash, balanoa to suit. F. J. STEINMETZ A CO.. The Homesellers. 193 Morrison St. FOR SALE AT BANKRUPT PRICES. A beautiful homo of m acres in Falls City, overlooking the town; 10-room house, finished complete, good barns, wood sheds, fruit trees and shrubs. Improve $17 0 08 "0W; 0St 250; cash deal at Also 5 lots, good S-room house, barn and other out-bulldlngs: fruit and shrubs: nice hedge. Price $1500. Address, K HUBBARD. Falls City. Or. SOME HOME SNAPS. Fine modern 5-room cottage near Union So.foA ' '?0xKlO- W''h 2o-foot alley; only 100, good terms. Nice 5-room modern cottage on East G1I san: lot 50xllS; only $2M50, good terms. lne 6-room strictly modern bungalow brand now. East Glisan; $2750. easy terms', DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Washington Bldg.. room 3. THE HEART OF IRVINGTON. RAZEE STREET ADDITION. LOTS 50x100 INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS 10 PER CENT CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. SEE SCHOON.MAKER, . 708-9- CORBETT BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7855. A 5722 H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. FIRE AND GENERAL INSURANCE -VtN"rS XEW ZEALAND INS. CO." 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG.. MAIN 8099, A 2653. , IRVINGTON CORNER. 100x100 on corner 20tb and Knott ts.: paved streets, fine view of Mt. Hood, two blocks from new carline. for Immediate sale. This Is a snap. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 6699. A 2653. PENINSULA ACREAGE. Vie have a 10-acre tract, well located on the St. Johns carline for $22,000: less than one-half cash will handle it. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Cluh Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. $250 DOWN buys a modern 5-room bunga low with paneled dining-room, beam ceil ings, tinted walls, full attic and basement best of plumbing, gas and electricity; price $2250. Geo. A. R'sc?. ownf-r. 37th and E Sherman. Phone Tabor 1407. Take Haw-thorne-ave. or W. R. car. TWO houses. East 19th and Salmon. $6000. Two houses, near Alberta carline. on 17th St.. $2000. 4i-scre and 5-room good house, near Flrland. $2100; modern bungalow In Firland. $1S00. L1ND & HIGLEY, 132 THIRD ST. HOLLADAY One 6-room new home, cheap; one very select 6-room, every convenience, fixtures, electric connected: one lot, $SOO: two, $S50; one. $I2'jO. fine location: more bargains. M :;S30. Room 5u0, Oregonlan bldg. W. H. Herdman. CRESTON REAL ESTATE. 5 acres of beautiTul land overlooking the city. 3 blocks to 2 carlines. 1 block to Creston school, all ready to plat. $10,000. cash $3000. Take Mt. Scott car to Creston. G. H. Taylor. Ml'ST SACRIFICE my home ln Peninsula. cinse to cwiu s townslte. 4 lots with 6 room house, good barn, nice lawn, rose, fruit, fine garden. $900 cash, balance $15 per month; place must be seen to be ap preciated. See owner, 7 Br.ard of Trade HAVE month to sell is lots on Occident ave., between Capitol Hill and Alder springs, alongside Oregon Electric; prices $100 less than adjoining lots; easy terms. Call Main 8034. COZY three-room cottage near car; T fruit j uenrui; Komg away; win pell very I cheap; eay terms if desired: will take team or norses in trade, toeo owner 4S8 Ger linger bldg. $750 CASH If you have that much and want a 4-room cottaKe, call on us Monday and we can give you a buy SPENCER & CO.. 102 Second St. 5-ROOM cottage. 1040 E. Harrison, 4 Monks south Hawthorne ave., cor. 3.-ith st $1S EAST SIDE INVESTMENT CO.! 3(th and Hawthorne. MODERN cottage, 6 rooms, bath, furnace, electric and gas, on fine corner in Pied mont neighborhood, on carline $40O0 Woodlawn 409. $12O0 5-ROOM house, lot 60x100; 1 blocks from car; close ln. $50O rash, bal 3 years Call 404 E. 11th et. Phone E. 357S FOR SALE In Irvlngton Park, fine corner, one block from carline. AB. R F D Box 57 D, Milwaukie. WANTED TIMBER LAXDS. WILL Invest $50,000 ln timber. Will con sider the purchase of single claims. Oivo full particulars first letter. R 219 Ore gonlan. WANTED immediately. 100.000.000 yellow lir on or near Tillamook road: must bo bargain: owners only. E 200. Oregonlan TIMBER lands wanted. H04 McKav bldg. C. J. Mccracken. FARMS WANTED. WANTED 20 to 60 acres goor cordwood timber: must be level land; near railroad close to Portland. Particulars, price and terms in first letur. AF 2ol, Oregoniaa.