TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1900. Saturday, Children's Day Fit the Children Out for the Fourth Buy What You Need for Yourself Store Closed All Day Monday Open on Saturday Evening Until 9:30 Ankle-Strap Slippers '.SSZ Any Standard Sewing Machines, $1 Weekly Plan Saf'yFins at 3c Card Nickel-plated Safety Pins, with guarded sprinsrs, 3 siz.os, res. 5c card, special. ..3 Pearl Buttons, 14 to 24-line sizes, 10c values, the card.7 Tape Measures, 60 inch, reversible, reg. lOe vals., spc'1...5 Reading Glasses, with nickel finish, German silver rim, regular 95o values, special at only.39 I n d e 1 lible Pencils, Mephisto the kind to take with you on your vacation reg. 8o vals., special.. 5r $1 Hose 27c Women's Hose, fast black in all-over lace, lace ankle or plain black lisle, with em broidered instep, regular val ues up to $1.00 the pair, OT on sale here at only JL I b Children's Hose, black ribbed cotton or lace stj-les, all sizes, worth up to 35c the pair, on special sale at Women's Vests, low neck, sleeveless, ribbed lisle, sizes. 4, 5 and 6; worth up to 50c QQn each, on special sale at. . . Zou Women's Bathing Suits, and all bathing accessories for beach wear. See the Princess "Waist bathing suits. Suits priced at 2.50 to $25.00. Shoes, caps, etc. j. XT XT Olds, W ortmru an be King Pa rasol Sale (Menn They are 98c 11c Men's 50c Imported Fancy Hose on Sale at 23c a Pair 23c 4000 PAIRS OF FANCY HOSIERY FOR MEN, a sale just in time for the Fourth. Lace effects, stripes, Jacquard effects, checks, plain colors and many shades and patterns, finest im ported Hosiery. No better 50-cent Hosiery ever made. Take your choice in this special sale at the low price MEN'S SUMMER AND OUTING GOODS Just two days more and the glorious Fourth will be with us, and if you don't supply your needs in wearables for that day NOW, you'll have to go without. We are well prepared to care for you. Neglige shirts, light-weight underwear, bathing suits, sweater coats, belts, neckwear, etc. MEN'S AND BOYS' COTTON TWO-PIECE BATHING SUITS, 75c to $1.50 at ONE-THIRD LESS $1,98 White with hemstitched bor der or tan soisette with colored border, $1.50 values, on QQn special sale-at, each JUu Women's Tan Parasols, with silk borders and embroidered dots, regularly $2.75 on special sale at. ... . Boys' Waists 29c Made of percale or madras, in light or medium colors, values up to 50c on special sale QQn at the very low price of. Zuu Boys' Waists, of black sateen, all sizes, extra quality, on Cftn sale at the low price of.. UUu ten s Talc. 12c Everybody knows Mennen's Talcum Powder. You see it advertised and you know its worth. We have it in the Violet or Borated kind. Sells at 25c the can everywhere, special for Saturday ..12 Toilet Soap, the fa mous La Pompadour brand, regular price 10c cake 7 Clothes Brushes, with good bristles, reg. $1 values.. 69J Note Books, god heavy paper, regular 15o vals., BpcL-.S 3 50 Zl1 Linen Waists One-Half The sale is for just one day and there's going to be brisk, busy selling while the lot lasts. The first hour will be when the best ones go, so we advise very early buying to have the best selection. Pure Linen Waists in tailored and hand-embroidered designs, extra smart models for this season's wear. A lot of about 350 Waists in all. Some of the fine hand-embroidered ones priced at $5.00 and up, and a few of the plain tailored models below $5.00 are slightly soiled. But even if they areas fresh as the T day they left the factory (which most of them are), every one 2 alf 1 tfTij? in the lot goes at Regular $3.50 fl "7 values for Regular $5.00JO Cft values for .. Regular $3.75 P1 QQ values for 00 Regular $5.50 d0 7C values for . . P" $3.25 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS Regular $4.50 fi0 OC values for . .P Regular $6.50 values for Regular $4.75 tf0 OO values for . . ?-0 Regular $8.50 ef OC values for . .PteJ y Jlj ft hamk This Is th Last Day Long or Shirt Skirts, made of flannel with muslin waist or band, fancy scalloped hem, for infants to children of 3 years, reg. $1.75 vals., special..$1.19 Short Muslin Skirts, made with waist, trimmed with lace or embroidery, sizes 6 months to 3 years, values up to 65c, Fiecially priced at 29 Regular values up to $1.25 each for 68 Baby Books free today to every customer who calls at our Infants' Wear Department. Everything In infants' wear reduced for this sale, and, besides all that, note the remarkable specials : Regular $5.50 outfit for.... $4.39 Regular $7.50 outfit for $6.39 Infants' Bishop Slips, made of fine French lawn and trimmed with em broidery, regular $1.25 value, special at only 9T Hand-Made Bibs, trimmed with lace or embroidery, regular values from $1.25 to $3.50, spc'l at... 1-3 LESS Baby Bassinets, on special sale for Baby Week at the specially low price of $6.48 Stork Absorbent Diapers, small size, regular 75c values, at only 68 Medium, 90c value, at 81? Large, $1.00 value, at 90 Pinning Blankets, of outing flannel, regular 35c values, at -..27i Long Skirts, of outing flannel, with bands or waists, regular price 40c each, special at 20r Babies' Complete Outfits, put up in neat boxes three good bargains for Baby Week, which we price thus: Regular $4.50 outfit for $3.49 241 --iiS' ' - 4 Y$ t Glean-Up Sale MEN'S AND WOMEN'S Sh oes The smart and extra quality low shoes listed for Saturday's sacrifice are in broken lots, and the price reductions are nothing short of terrific. No matter what you want in footwear, come and look through this assortment, you're sure to find your size at a big saving. MEN'S OXFORDS, including every short line and odd lot in the store and all sorts of leathers and lasts, About zUOO pairs in the aggregate. All qualities reduced like this: tans or blacks and all grades. $4.25 $2.65 The regular $5.00 fcO OC grades for, pair "PO.O The regxdar $3.00 JO 1 C grades for, pair -' WOMEN'S OXFORDS Every odd size and broken line in our stock to go at reduced prices that will bring you hurrying in for a pair. 1909 Shoes, Pumps, Blucher styles, buttons, etc.; staple tans, browns, gun metals and black kids; patent leathers and colored leathers, in shades to match the gowns. All good styles. The regular $6.00 grades for, pair. . . The regular $3.50 grades for, pair.., The regular $4.00 grades for, pair. . . . The regular $2.50 grades for, pair . . . , $2.95 $1.85 $4.15 ..$2.85 The regular $6.00 grades, the pair... The regular $3.50 grades, the pair. . . WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, also 300 pairs of black kid or patent leather Oxfords, values up to $5.00 the pair, your choice $1.00 The regular $5.00 grades, the pair The regular $3.00 grades, the pair The regular $4.00 grades, the pair.. The regular $2.00 grades, the pair. , CHILDREN'S ANKLE STRAP OXFORDS and Slippers, in sizes from 3 to 11, regular values up to $2.00 the pair, .special for Saturday only T9 $3.65 $2.25 ..$3.15 .$1.60 Sale Aluminum Kitchenw are Three3pec'ts for Girls and Children UHi.ijiJH.JjJX & J3UJMJNJb.J.a and Hats, our entire stock at special reductions today. Regular $1.00 to $15.00 values, specially priced for today's sale at . ONE-HALF Girls' Outing Suits, made in two-piece Etyle of gal atea cloth, in blue or tan, regular values up to $5.00, specially priced for this sale at $2,OS Children's Coats, in white or colors, made of 6erge or broadcloth, regular values from $1.85 to $12.50, special for today only., ONE-THIRD LESS Sale of Ribbons Numbers 1,- iy2, 2 and 3, large assort ment of colors, and regular values up to 25c for the piece (6 to 10 yards), choice for Saturday's selling at. . Fancy or Plain Ribbons, 3 to 5 inches wide, regular values up to 25c the yard, special for Saturday 10 NECKWEAR In plain linen Dutch collars, embroid ered linen collars, Jabots, "Windsor ties and stock ties, worth up to 35c, on special sale at 15 Women's Belts, in silk or leather. black, brown, navy or tan, worth up to 65c 9 Great Sale of Oriental Rugs Buy while this opportunity to secure such gems of the weavers' art is yours to take advantage of. Buy where Oriental Rugs are sold as staple merchandise and where prices are always small. At this store they are always low priced now prices are about half what you'd pay most places for equal values and qualities. $4 Auto Veils$2.98 Veils that -will do for wear in autoing or for wear when the breezes blow at the beach, iy2 or Hi yards wide and 22 yards long, black, navy, blue, brown, white and green, values OQ QQ to $4.00 on sale at .'..OZiUU Silk Nets-'Embroideries Silk Nets, for waists, etc., 45 inches wide; colors, black, brown, navy, green and gray, vals. "7Qn up to $1.75 the yard, special f Ju Embroideries, 18-inch flouncing in swiss, namsook or cambric, reg ular values up to $2.00 the yard, special for Sanitary and durable specially for gas stoves. See Washington-street window. l-qt. coffee pots, Fp'l. -81.85 E-qt. coffee pots, sp'l..$1.02 5- qt. coffee pots, ep'l . . $2.12 2-qt. lipped sauce pans.. Gov 4-qt. lipped sauce pans gl.OO 6- qt. lipped sauce pans $1.15 2- qt. covered sauce pans.85i 3- qt. cov'd sauce pans.Sl.OO 4- qt. cov'd sauce pans. SI. 27 6-qt. cov'd sauce pans. SI. 58 8-qt. tea kettles, sp'l..3.15 5- qt. tea kettles, sp'l..$3.40 9-qt. tea kettles, sp'l.S83.74 2- qt. rice boilers, sp'l. .91.70 3- qt. rice boilers. sp'l..$2.05 744-inch pot covers, sp'1..20 Cov'd Jelly Glasses, doz.,30 l-qt. pudding pans, sp'1...42 Special sale. 2-qt. pudding: pans, sp'1..65i 5- qt. pudding pans, sp'1..724 Pint cups, special, only..30c 6- hole muffin pans at... 65 9-ho.le muffin pans at. . .90 Decorated china fruit sets, consisting of one large berry bowl and 6 individual fruit saucers: 7 pieces, regular 95c vals. 73 7- piece set. worth fl, for 75 A.utomatlo Refrigerators san itary outside' and In. The 8 walls and Insulated doors give absolute refrigeration, with minimum use of Ice. Over 20 sizes to select from. Let us show you their many advan tages over other makes. Canning Time Mason Fruit Jars, Mason Fruit Jars, Mason Fruit Jars, Extra Caps for jars, dozen 25 Paraffine, one-pound cakes XOJ ECONOMY FRUIT JARS, easy to seal and easy to use. No rubber to bother with.. Pints, dozen, quarts, dozen, $1.15; half gallons, dozen, $1.50. Ex tra covers, on sale at, the dozen. .20 . T - Pints, dozen 55 MV-MS' & quarts, dozen 65 i"-Vi." V WV.Vi I I II V If 12 gallons, dozen .'.85 JV"-"i2-S 1 ' II I ! I V 1 c 'II -s 1 98c 51 White Trimmed Hats "V $6.98 WE SHOW THREE OF THE MODELS IN ILLUSTRATION ABOVE Sketched from the Hats the moment they were unpacked Here just in time for this sale and to announce in this advertisement. Bought at a verylow price, fresh, new, extremely stylish hats that will appeal irre sistibly to any woman who wants to go to the seashore or the exposition wearing the latest and smartest millinery fad. White chip and braid shapes, trimmed with white wings, breasts, chiffon drapes, etc. In oth er stores or at regular times they would sell for about twice Q 0 the price quoted here. Come early; your choice on Saturday $ O Flags and Bunting for the 4th Everything needed for patriotic decorations is to be had at this store. Fling Old Glory to the breeze loop up your porch with bunting in the National colors use garlands, streamers, lanterns, or what you will, to show your colore for the Nation's birthday, and here is the best place to buy it. Lanterns for your lawn fete, too. Silk Gloves 73c Pr. Come in black or white, 16 or 12-button length and in nearly all sizes. "Worth up to $i.50 the pair, TQp special Saturday at. ub Women's Colored Silk Gloves, in 2-clasp styles, new or staple shades, Kayser's make, selling here every day at pr. 75 Women's Lisle Gloves, 2 clasp style, all sizes, black or white, extra good qual ity, not special for CCp Friday, but all days.Uou BANKERS HELD FOR COURT Michigan Financiers Face Charges After Institution Fails. SUPERIOR. Wis.. July 2. A special to the Telegram from Ironwood, Mich., says: President H. F. Jahn, Cashier E. T. Lar Mn and Assistant Cashier George H. Meadow, of the First National Bank of this city, have all been bound over to the Federal grand Jury, -which meets at Mtr ituette September 2. Tho charges against lin'i axe the outgrowth of th failure of the bank, which was closed last week by the Federal authorities. Larsen is in Jail at Bessemer in default of $50,000 bail, while Jahn furnished $115,000 and Meadow $10,000 bail bonds. The bank had about $900,000 In deposits, and the receiver has now In his hands about $100,000 in assets. It is not known what amount can be realized on other assets. Dr. Matilda Evans, of Columbia, S. C, Is the first negro woman to practice mdlcine in South Carolina. When 1ft she entered the school for negro children at Aiken. S. C. Krom there she went to Oberlln College and later to the Woman's Medical College in Philadelphia, whare ah graduated. TAFT CHANGES MIND AGAIN President's Wife So Much Better He Will Visit West in Fall. "WASHINGTON, July 2. President Taft is delighted with the progress Mrs. Taft is making toward recovery. For the first time in sbc weeks, the mistress of the "White House lunched with the Presi dent yesterday and appeared to be quite strong. Her physicians have promised the President that she will have com pletely regain her health within th next two months. The President will take Mrs. Taft to Beverly, Mass., a. few days hence, and is hopeful that the cool er atmosphere will promote her recovery. In view of Mrs. Taft's better health, it waa announced at the White House that the President will make his Pacific Coast trip during: the Fall. " Xew Lincoln Penny Piece. "WASHINGTON. July 2. The new one cent piece bearing the head of President Lincoln will be issued from the mint at Philadelphia beginning: August 1 next. Chile supports fifteen industrial schools, giving Instruction to about SL30O pubU. BRIBERS FINED BY COURT Three Men Implicated in Ohio Pav ing: Scandal Punished. COLUMBUS, O., July 2. Judge Kln kead, of the Common Pleas Court, fined Nelson Cannon, former asent of the Trin idad Paving Company, of Cleveland, $500 on a plea of guilty of bribing members of the Board of Public Service In a street-paving scandal. Asa Thurback, former City Engineer, fined $200 on a plea of guilty of ac cepting a bribe, and Henry Lang, former local manager of tho Trinidad Company, was fined $500 on the same plea. ' The four Indictment against M. F. Bramley, president of the Trinidad Pav ing Company, for offering a Bribe, were nolled because he had assisted In the prosecution or other men. Munlsing. Mich. For refusing to atvist in fighting a forest fire, Amll Honka. waa sen tenced to SO day in the Detroit House of Correction. Honka refused to Join the flre flghtlng brigade organised by Deputy War den W. O. Frost when the fires were threat ening to destroy the settlement of Coal Wood. ABDUL MUST STAND TRIAL Kx-Sultan of Turkey to Face Charges Before High Court. PARIS. July 2. A Constanttnpole dis patch states that a court-martial inquir- lrtg into tlTe revolt of April 13 has de cided to commit the ex-Sultan, Abdul Hamld, for trial before the high court of Justice. Wlseoneln State Mint la ts considering ths formation of an aeronautic corp.