FOR REST' FOR RENT. I , - itorel l T f SPECIAL NOTICES. J PERSONAL. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OR RENT. .,i Marlc-i, 5-room cottage, bath, etc., close In. 13. T.-Sl?Sm n,n'lciii house, newly tinted. Rest Mde. walking distance. $32. etc Y''; i'verelt' "ear 9ih. rooms, lawn, ..j""'11? modern. 6-room house, gas range and shades. sek.ct district, lib. k-JS. n'"derI -ro..m house In nice neigh borhood, on carllne. $0 TUB Dl'NX-LAWKEXCE CO.. 848 Alder FOR RENT Good modern 7-room house also Only 2ir locatlon on Mallory" ave. UEVHN- A FIRKBAUHH. 610-5U-S12 Swetland Kids;. RENTAM our specialty; we hnva constant demand for houses and apartments, fur nished and unfurnished. If vou want quick results, list with us. The Shaw hear Co., 24514 Stark t. MODERN' -room. bath, freshlv tinted; walk lriK distance, on carllne. 7 East 12th bi., near Ankeny. Apply Rodgers, Hart. Gib son, 144 id at. AN elegant 5-room corner flat, modern In every particular, corner Mill and West Park. Inquire U82 Washington at. Phone Main 647::. -KOOM modern furnished house. 241 22d st. North, cor. Marshall; rent $43 to re sponsible tenar.t. Wakefield. Fries & Co., -"JU Stark St. FOR IlEN'T 4-room cottage, with bath, hot and cold water. 703 Kearney st. Inquire l'"X & Co., 2O0 2,1 Bt. Km RENT 7-room house 611 2d at. cor. Sheridan. Five-room house $10 month. In quire 246 Sheridan. FOR RENT A modern dwelling. 407 Ross st. Inquire 403 Rosa t. or 1st st. George W illiams. FOR RENT Good 5-room cottage, cor. flth and College. Apply Wakefield. Fries & Co., 229 Stark st. IIOIJSKJ. partly furnished, lawn and fruit trees. 3u East 32d. near Hawthorne. Call iday. MODERN 5-room cottage, near carllne, nice yard, full basement; edulis; $18. Phone Woodlawn 426. 790 Williams ave. 0 MONTHS- rent free to lot buyer Id Greg ory Heights. Gregory Investment Co., 413 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT Upper floor, 123 1st at., bet. Washington and Alder. Inquire at 123 1st at. UODEllN 6-room bungalow, between 2 car lines. 944 Cleveland ave. J urn H tlrti Houses. 413 E. 8TH ST.. a cottage of 5 rooms, mod ern and convenient, $-'!. 254 K. 23d St.. a strictly modern home, elegantly furnished, cedar closets, fur nace, Baa, wash trays; everything neat and In first-class condition; beautiful lawn, roses and fruit; situated on a cor ner; Improved streets; 1 block of car. $35 THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., ' 248 Alder St MODERN flat of 8 rooms for rent 45: finely furnished, furniture for sale for I Olio; half cash, balance monthly 6 per cent: 4 bedrooms are rented for $50 per month; you can have your own rent free: location Is 11th and Clay its; 10 minutes' ?a i. wn t0w'n' ,In'lulr" 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and oak. 7-ROOM house, completely furnished gas range, coal range, gas. water heater, every modern convenience; will lease for term. Apply mornings or .evenings, tlx" E Everett. Phone E. 2035; price $40 COiiT 6-room cottage; fine Knahe piano, until Aug. 15, only $.15. 4r, Shaver. 1. or U car transfer Russell-Shaver, get off at Mon tana ave. 189 1.ITH Entire first floor. 4 rooms, com pletely furnished, modern, piano, gas range, refrigerator, lawn, very desirable: adults only. Main 449S. S ROOMS, furnished house, for rent for July and August; pleasant location, good neigh borhood; rent $30 per month. B 2o3 ore gonian. WELZ, FURNISHED flat for Summer or ml"' We" 6ld8; cholc location. Main PORTLAND HEIGHTS. furnished 8-room residence. July and August. T 203. Orego nlan. 6-KOOM cottage, furnlshod. modern, ba.e r'nt and yard, nice location. 5:3 w. Main. Ainin Ciisit, FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, piano. East hide, walking distance, during July and August. Phone B 2 4 DO. FOR RENT 8-room, well furnished, first floor Mat, Including piano, for Summer months. 206 Wetdler. FURNISHED house of 8 rooms In Holladay Add, for July and Aug. Phone Main 1601. 694 MARKET ST. DRIVE. 8-room. noun tain view, gas range, piano; adults. FURNISHED 6-room house, close In Weit Side, for 1 month; very reasonable." Phone Main 1239. WELL-FURNISHED 6-room cottage large lot. shade trees. Phone Woodlawn 17-4 Call between 11 and 8 P. M. FURNISHED B room fiat for rent: no chil dren. 263 7th St. "r-FURNISHED house, garden, fruit. 87T Oberlin st.. Portsmouth; St. John car. COMPLETELY furnished . 8-room house for rent; close In. Phone East 7WS. MODERN furnished house. 1 block from car llne. bunday and evenings. Woodlawn 1759. MODERN ti-room house, close In on fn. mr Side; $25. Call 410 Falllngbldg. '"'"''hrd 6-room cottage for rent. Phone Woodlawn 327. Homes for Rent. nrnUurg for Sal. A?A.R!?AiN Siust at onre furniture of a modern S-room flat, flat for rent a rooms more than pay the rent. 249 u .-lav St.. $2.5; seeing Is believing. 1NrVfImATK,.a b?rR,Un' T-room house, rent $.10; furniture $300; centrally located house modern. B67 ttth at. ' FURNITURE of IS housekeeping rooms, with la walking distance; cheap rent. Main 6342. summer Resorts. A COMFORTABLY furnished 2-room cot-mfv- Kr'L'' n"t:c'- meal, and Service. JPj L L nas;ed by party of four or five tTeekSr mon- For term, anfl reserva BSeh.mwu? rth BBaCh lnn- FOR RENT Unusually attractive T-room OCean TY1 J?'10'-' complete Phaatr''1" b"h and tollet SEASIDE 7 furnished room.. cottage fronting Ooean. opposite Necanlcum Inn PhonaBr2320y ' Morrlman -ndy Stand! FOR BALK or rent, T-room house, with bath, fireplace, hot and cold water, furnis'i-d at rnorheaA Zfi 443 2181 - FOR RENT Furnished B-room cottage one block from Locksley Hall. Seaside. BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach the seaside capital of the Northwest. Columbia - VJ,"tJ cuaru ui iraae bidg. GEARH ART Furnished cottage for season East 16S1. or Window, 8 First National Hunk. LARGE furnished tent, also one small tent with furnished room. Long Beach, Wash few blocks from depot. B 2054. " FOR SALE At Seaside, 8-room house, fine location, room SO. Russel bldg. MODERN house at Seaside; all latest Im provements. Apply 171 Third t. WELIv furnished cottage at Tioga. Long Beach. Phone A 1731. SMALL rottare for rent at Long Beach. Phone East 2441. FOR RENT Furnished cottage. Ooean Park. Phone afternoons. Main 4517. Stores. FIVE new store, to rent; also 26 room, un staJre: concrete building;, call Main l.i03 or 401 Rothchlld bldg. Owner. W. Reldt. TWO good corner .tores. Y. M. C. A bulg ing, for rent for one or two months. In quire . M. C. A, office. CORNER store in new building at 13th and Washington, to lease for 2 4 or year.. W. L. Morgan. 303 At-lngton bldg. 8TORE 23x94 on prominent street We-t Fide; new building. $23 324 Worcester bldg. SMALL store, cheap rent. Call In the after noon. 431 Washington .t. KB1AR Union Depot, full lot. loma Improve ments, would lease. A3 1SS, Oregonian. FOR RENT Suburban ertore, Eugene, good opening for grocery store; long lease. Call on or write M. Hansen, 650 Will L, Eu gene, Or. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick .tore building, 100x165, S. E. cor. Front and Pine sta. Apply C. A. Dolph. Mohawk bids. 45 NORTH 5TH, near Couch, splendid Job bing location; long lease, reasonable rent. STORK room for rent, apace 20x100. Inquire 41 Union ave. Office.. TaARGB. new,' modern office rooms. In the Moy block. S. W. corner 2d and Yamhill: prices. Including Janitor service, steam heat, electric lights and elevator service, from $13 to 20 ter month. Inquire at 2ti8H Morrison St., or phone Main 2SI65. OFFICES. $13.60 and ud. Desk room: furnished offices. Suite for dentist and physician. All night elevator service. Best Location. 303 Swetland Bldg. GROUND FLOOR deskroom. including both phones. $17.50. Sengstake & Lyman. 60 Fifth st. TWO outside rooms, 2nd floor. Lumber Ex change bldg. Inquire room 214. DESK SPACE in new modern up-to-date oftlce. B 212, Oregonian. NICELY rurnlBhed desk room for rent, cheap. 203 Weils-Fargo bldg. FOR RETNT A few office. In Couch bldg. Apply Room 501. FURNISHED desk-room for rent, 401 Board of Trade bldg. OFFICES or commercial sample room.. Phoenix bldg., S. W. cor. 5th and Oak. DESK room for rent, 718 Swetland. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO LEASE. One floor, with show window, for several special departments. In a well-known ladles' store; bst location In the city. Ad dress G 199, Oregonian. JVANT to bllv Bood hotel property and business that I. making monev; brick building preferred, up to $30,000 con sidered; give full particulars or no at tention. Address QQ 111. Oregonian. ICE CRS.AM and confectionery parlor, with living room., doing good business; vi . Place for man and wife to make $150 monthly not; S5S0 required. Call room 623 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Two grocer) stores, one In city and one In suburban town; the latter ? 'I1,,' decided bargain that It will eell Jf D. hristlanson. 207 Washington .t. Phone Main 1201. 1 ??NrConnected wlth on of. the best hotels In city, clearing $400 monthly over and above all expenses; long lease. 1 have another where owner want, part ner to look after cash and stock; will pay you ir.O monthly. For particular, call room 623 Lumber Exchange. Rf LIAB.LB al sta man who can furnish bast of references wants steady partner to enow land. etc. Energetic man can clear $200 5JsV4 Stark t mney re1uirel- Particulars SMALL cash business; owner Is alone and wants sober man as partner to deliver goods; will pay 25 weekly; very little on'y eq-rllred' For Particular, call room 523 Lumber Exchange. tiolean ",tock on'1 mas-: lnr. about . BOOd towJi'J. bl" Payroll, permanent resources; new bldg.. long lease; time on Baorxt-18?.0Fal,.eac8,. Srf Se,UnB- W"er' FOR RENT The Valley Hotel. Vfoodbum. or., nicely situated; s sleeping-room 4' partly furnished; $20-pe? month; 1 month in advance. T. p. Soules. Woodburn, Or. FOR SALE Confectionery and ice cream potcard parlor, complete outfit for mak ing home-made candy. Address B 219 Oregonian. ' once. Call Scott Hotel bar. SA,LB SO-room hotel with bar and billiard room, cleared $8000 last year write for particulars. Address Box 114 North Yakima. Wash. h.,?U . ?? 8et ,nto R S01 Permanent business? If so see us. We have several good enterprises; $150 to $3500 required. H. W. GARLAND A CO.. 191 4th HAVE an exceptional opportunity for eon-5--on )" ,bu'1.ness "" who will Invest $ia00 In legitimate enterprise. AC 10S Oregonian. INVESTMENT I want a partner In real estate and business opportunities; have some new Ideas, which bring result. Tur ner Realty. 302 Commercial block SALOON Corner brick. 6-ywar lease, all bar Sail 721 aB-Liri,oTSTeradeTner WpltaI- CoI.''"!'i5B' rel"Lbl Partner wanted: duties easily learned. Call 248H Stark t. OLD established business worth $100 000 non'er Kf f'V- -oon ninthly sales" $20. 000 cash takes I?. T 197. Oregonian HALF Interest In a real estate office, will exchango or .ell at a enap, have other business. AN 19S. Oregonian ENERGETIC business, man with some capital to manage sale, department of pickling and packing plant. J 183. Oregonian T.JiASB:,'-;Laborlns; fan's hotel; all fur nished; doing good business. Call Dav ton Hardware Co.. 1st and Taylor. F(i?,.r.?ErfmaU Tash, fcery and lunch and" " COr' 14th FOR SALE Millinery and racket strT" STa E?oa blM,n'-"a In a rustling town In Washington. Addres. B 218, Oregonirn" FOR SALE Saloon, good long lese; rent reasonable: In center of city; good term. If taken at once. Inquire 149 4th .t. TJluKrPr ""J"1' "very an tee& .table 201? Eugene, a Addr" HAVE $1000 to Invest In some legitimate D'gror, Kood "-Noty DOCTOR'S office and practice for .ale. cr 21a0rengan"lan800'1 "" SALOON for .ale cheap If taken at once. in8?h"lra'natuNpahtuhr.FaCl.a' Br"'n' C' VACUUM carpet oleaner (Meyer. t,.tti wik .at a bargaln- Aadres8 bS: 5S0 18-room lodging-house nettlnr 40 month. c. H. Plggott. ownerl Mul ,2p.OR1?04 b'nes. card.; 100 (Oe. Ro.. City Prlntery. 198 d it., naar Ta?& BoTngEasend27rsttaarkd'st!rade 4 F stR Pr'.cIeE$Tro'gcaarshCandy at th CONFECTIONERY, new .took and flxture's. fine location. 2C2, Stark st. nxtures, FOR SALE Good corner saloon. Portland Brewing Co.. 2Qth and Upshur sts orllan1 POOLROOM. 4 tables, cheap rent, good" trade, easy terms. 272, Stark st. rooa RESTAURANT, on Washington st on lease, fine location. $7oO. 272 Starit at. GROCERY STORE, rent $17. good traaa. clean stock; will Invoice 272 Stark at. BARBER SHOP, 8 chairs, good location' $.150. 272 Stark t. K cation. ROOMING-HOUSES, all kinds and come and see us. 272 Stark at. "'a. CORNER ealoon, partner wanted: little eaoh required. Call 248H Stark st. Gownbe,r':83oSSetnn.t.r00m,nfC-hOUM- ln"ul BUGGY, harness and robe, runabout almost new. cheap. 272 Stark St. COFFEE, tea. fruits, etc.. partner wanted with $300. Call 248H Stark at. wantJ DRWSIORB at Cornelius Or., $1000 half cash. Come and Investigate. ' STOCK and fixture, of first -class clear store 11". U. Nnrll, 9 .f "s,r LEASE and .mall stock on rood corner on Union ave.. $200. 273 Stark t- CCiNFECTIONERY, cigar and Ice cream par lor, a bargain; investigate. 227 l.t mtZ SALOON Remodeled. everything new. license Included. Must leave on account ot sickness; doing a business from $35 ud every day; part cash. Cheap If taken at TIIEMORXIXG II iT"k TTTf 11T in NO MATTER WHERE I0D LIVE In Albina, Montavilla, St. John, Sunnyside, Sellwood, Portland Heights, "Woodlawn, Irvington, 'way up .town or anywhere, you need not oome to the business office of Th Oregonian to insert an ad vertisement. Jnst take the phone either one and read the ad to the clerk. Bill will be Bent you the next day. Convenient, isnt it T MAIN 7070 THE OREGONIAN IS THE GREAT "WANT" MEDIUM OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST And no matter what you want, this newspaper can satisfy you If you want help in your store or kitchen, If you want to borrow money, If yoa want to buy,, or sell a hous or lot, If you want to rent a room, a house, a flat or a farm A few lines in The Oregonian want oolumn will usually satisfy the want. Try It tomorrow. PHONE MAIN 7070 HOME A 6095 :' Situation Wanted" advertisements not accepted over the telephone. BUSINESS CHANCES. DON'T FORGET To Me this 80-room house, all well fur nished. In fine business location; It 1. a first-class men', rooming-house, neat and clean, with cheap rent and lease 6 years; total receipts about $730; total expense, about $2.-,0; price onlv $5300. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326 H Washington St.. Rooms 201-2O2. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES. - If you want to buy or sell see us. The bulk of the business goes through our office; oldest-established, legitimate busi ness chance firm in city. We have some fine buys In 25 to 46-room, nice, clean and good. H. W. GARLAND si CO.. 191 4th St. ROOMING-HOUSE 5TH ST Furniture of io rooms; near 5th and Harrison; all rented up for $S3 per month, besides owner uses some rooms; rent Is $.13; a enap; furniture nearly nerf; price $700, $300 cash, balance vou can pay after you make it; come quick. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. -4th and Oak. INVESTIGATE THIS. $1300 for this stock of groceries, located on Williams ave.. close in; this Is an ex cellent opportunity for some one with small capital to get Into a good paying business; rent only $17 per month J. M. FRENCH & CO.. 412-413 Ablnstun Bldg., 106a Sd St. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN. Fine stock and fixtures; large estab lished trade In best location; will sell at invoice, about $5000; absolutely one of the finest and best grocery stores In the city; seeing is believing: let us show you. , GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES 75 rooms, corner brick, strictly modern: 2 1 rooms, new building, new furniture, running water in all rooms; 4 4 rooms! housekeeping, no work to keep up; money maker; 10 rooms, housekeeping, net In come $6i.o0 per month; cheap. Call or write. 721 Board of Trade. I WANT a good sober Industrious man a. partner In my real estate offloe to show customers property and help In the of nce; previous experience not necessary energetic man can make $160 to $250 month. For particulars see my agent room 623 Lumber Exchange aeI". ESTATE man wants partner; excel tnc? tor vouri8 man to get In real estate business; no experience necessary and very little money required. Particu lars National Realty & Trust Co.. 826 V4 Washington at., room 316 WANTED To get Into a good paying mer cantile or manufacturing business propo sition Can put in from $4O00 to $6000. Give full partlcnlar. in first reply. If sat isfactory will arrange for a meeting. T 200. ?.hALE blacksmith shop at Ilwaco. Wash., good stock wagon fixtures In nrst clas. condition, also building 25x0. Only i.wwPY' ?f Pacl: Coast doing $-'o00 to $JO0o business. Price $1000 Ad dresa AB 194. Oregonian. INVESTIGATE THIS, i tore in good town near Port land, doing a business of over $3000 a month; will sell at Invoice; best of reason, for selling. Address AE 210, Oregonian FOR SALE Railroad clubrooms, consisting of confectionery, pool and cardrooms. Must sell account of sickness; good location. 308 members. 308 Washington st.. Vancouver Wash. GENERAL store In country town near Port- - . 1 -. oiu estaou.nea business. $15,000; full, clean stock; easy term. L 48, Oregonian. TRANSFER and sales stable, first-class horses, wagons and harness, doing A-l business; first-class location; will sell all or any part of stock. E l'J6. Oregonian $400 BUYS 7 rooms of fln furniture: house V,;;. iMui.iui.iB. oatn; rent only $27.50: corner on Yamhill st. 122 6th t. room 610. real estate man wants part ner to show property; experience unneces f flv ' 1"0 per month to start. Call room 807 Gerllngcr bldg.. 842 H Alder St. WE can locate you In paying business. Be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney & Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone A 4SS1. EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady wishes to bear from gentleman with means to finance paying restaurant or rooming hotel. F 101 Oregonian. ' PARTNER wanted to check goods, oollect etc.; owner guarantee. $25 week salary' SitS, "hare proflto; $260 cash required. Call 4o etark sit. BARBERS, A snap; will place you Into bmnnassi that will clear you $200 per month: $1500 re quired. Main 2109. MOTION-PICTURE theater, fully equipped. Main street, good town, for sale, or will exchange for real estate or equity In same. Addres. B 111, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cash grocery, good location, new stock, good reason for selling- in vestigate. 14th and Glisan. Phone Main i 99S. FOR SALE Cash grocery in good Valley town of 2000. doing good business, will In voice about $1200. A snap. Box 172 FOR SALE One of the leading produce commission businesses of the city- will sell 1-3 Interest. 2-3 interest, or the en tire business. Call 429 Lumbermen, bldg. GOOD man as partner in real estate busi ness; must be neat, honest and willing o2nor: ma amount money required. 3264 Washington, room 403 SMALL grocery, bakery and confectionery, doing good business; five living-room. : Main 6095eSlred: ""ent 15' Pnone Kn"' CIGAR and conf ectlonery stand: also pool room and barber shop djlng good business Mir.,8"! barber shop in town. Phone Main 94 9, Unnton. Or. 12-ACRE chicken ranch; house. chicken house' lots and all kind, of fruits; near city; price $,50 if taken at once. Chlam, 615 Couch bldg. SALOON Fine down-town coiner, in busi ness district: good fixtures, price very rea sonable; investigate. Call 54 ttth st. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS iV1 lePhrie and other bond, bought and .old. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 125 Ablngton. WANTED Some business or equity in Port land, for clear, corner house. In Chicano $2000; value clear. J -195. Oregonian 8 BIFJR,.'Bg!' eto': fcus'nes. clearing $230 a 248 Stirksf11 W"e: Pr'Ce 1500 CaU WNTEJ Rooming-house. 15 to 80 rooms. Must he good location and reasonable. Own er, only. X) 190, Oregonln. n OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, YOUR ADS A 609S. FINANCLVL. fonay to Lcao. ttstttttts MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. If you want to borrow privately with out delay, HERE IS THE PLACE For a loan on your piano and furniture (without removal), storage receipts, life Insurance policies. Jewelry and diamonds and. all valuable collaterals. AT LOWEST RATES IN CITY, On easy weekly or monthly installments. All business strictly confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., Room 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 Third St. Phone Main 2084. FURNITURE SALARY LOAJS'S I0 TO $100 LOANS. MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON YOUR PIANO, FURNITURE. ETC WITHOUT REMOVAL. CALL AND SEE US ' FOR A CONFIDENTIAL LOAN ON YOUR SALARY. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. REBATE GIVEN IF PAID BEFORE DUE HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL S P. M STATE SECURITY CO.. 30 FAILING BLDG. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth er, upon their own names without secur ity; cheapest rates, easirist payments; of fice. In bo principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, ai7 Lumber Exchange Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved property. If for building purposes. Interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment option.. Co lumbia Life & Trust Company, $14 Lum ber Exchange bldg. CHATTEL LOAN3. Installment loan, on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance pol ce?t nalarle. and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO., 418 Ablngton Bldg. MORTGAGES, contract, for deed, or other real estate securities. bought on clt property or land, anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble. 816-S17 Lum barmen's Bldg., Bth and Stark sts. 07 Improved city property or for building purposes; 3 to 8 years' time; Uboral re payment privileges; money advanced a. building progresses. The Equitable. 2d and btark sta MONEY .old on Installment plan; confiden tial; no .eourity but your .alary: best -system for railroad, streetcar employes, mechanics and others F. A. NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg., 288 V, Washington St. TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 6 and T per cent on real estate security EDW. P. MALL CO.. 8U9-B10 Ablneton Bldg. WE loan money on diamond, and Jewelrv ?lmee"i'ablVntrTe1Bt for or -hoM Walhlnglon st?" t'eiQVae- JaWeUr- 29 EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 821 Ablngton bid. Money on lnstallmeat plan. w $500,000 ON improved city or farm prop erty, building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specially. J. H lie Klnzle Co.. 614-15-16 Gerlinger bldg. MONEY to loan In large or small amounts on good real estate security. F. M Craw ford & Co., suite 420 Swetland bldg. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent; no bro tock8bldegage,, Loewenso 106 Sher- 22'?S? T9 LOAN, large loans' a specialty I ADVANCE money on monthly salaries without security. Safe and str ctly iSnfl dentiaL Phones Main 6722. A 2676 jneV HIGHD&T price paid for Oregon Trust. Tin Guarantee accounts and Home TeleDhon. Bonds. Cohn Broa.. lo first st Le,ei"laM 1FMT?U S3 LOT wlU bulIa l '"it. "TO Mohawk bldg.. afternoons. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money: loans. I ... u . - . . ... Jsn L ivasn. st. Money to loan, first and second morn.... purchased. E. L. D.v.reaux. Fenloa'biS, I HAVE $6000 that I want to loan In lare or ''"a" amounts on good security av 193. Oregonian. AN T9 small sums of money from two to $800. on real estate. J. L. Well. A rv? 636 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages contracts, w. H Ni.nn .jo cTC.1 . -.. m,qt jocR DIUg. WA,N or the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan t r. A. 1 i 1 1. .. . . j onaitet. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CTTt LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. LOW rates: we loan money on diamond. and Jewelry. Marx ar Bloch. 74 3d QUICK loan, on all securities s w vi.. 45 Washington bldg. Phone Mkln "6100? State fund, loaned, 6 per cent. W. E Thnm as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 CC LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater al security. C. W. Pallett. 804 Fenton gldgT MONEY to loan on real estate. H mii. Room 204 Gerlinger bldg. Miley. MORTGAGE LOANS; REASONABLE KAWq" LEWIS &. CO.. 251 WASHINGTON ST. MONEY to loan on Improved city property Wm. MacMaater, SOlf Worcester blk. MONEY to loan, any amount. C R u Co., 430 Worcester bldg. ' B- MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Frary & Seltx. 132 5th st. fc I WILL loan on Improved city property at 8 per cent- 410 Falling bldg. "porly at MONEY loaned on .alarles. chattel, or other aecurftleg. Room n Washington bldg Loans Wan tea. WANTED To borrow $10,000 on approved real estate security In Hood River Valley AC 20raOr:egWn,l,ary-8 P6r Dt ,nt"e- FOR SALE $2000 first mortgage- runs 3 years. 7 per cent; unimproved fractional lot. warehouse district. West Side; no dis count. F 194. Oregonian. $7625 MORTGAGE for sale, on highly im proved acreage, near Portland; run. 4 817 Bard f Trad WE can lace first mortgage and building KS b,d:;lumbla Tru c- BoSrli 'of .TTJT.T 1909. IN THE District Court of the United States for the Northern District of California In the matter of The Calkins Newspaper Syndicate, bankrupt; No. t116. Notice of Trustee's Sale Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, trustee of tne estate of the above named bankrur.1, will sell at private sale certain Property belonging to the estate aforesaid, to-wit: One hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and fifteen shares of the capital stock of the Calkins Publishing House. Full particulars can be secured at the office of the Trustee. No. MO Kohl build ing, San Francisco. California, on all week days up to and including the 21st uav of July. lUfXl. between the hours of 9:30 A. M. and 4:30 P. M.. and at other times upon application to the Trustee. The terms and conditions of said sale are as follows, to-wit: All bids to be sealed and filed with the said Trustee on or before the 21st day of July. 1909. Cash i-ciuueu ciiecit amounting to nj per cent of bid to accompany bid and be deposited with the Trustee, balance payable upon confirmation of sale. One single bid u:?on one hundred and fifty thousand and one hundred share ? of the capital stock at Calkin. Publishing House. One single bid upon three thousai.d three hundred and fifteen (3313) shares of the capital stock of Calkins Publishing House. Bids "will be referred to the court for confirmation on the 22d day of July, 19, at the hour of lo o'clock A. M.. at the office of the Referee In Bankruptcy, room -13, in the United States Postortice and Courthouse building, corner ISeventh and jnibsion streets, san Francisco. California. AnV Otllfr and flirlli, (nrnrTnotUn Tri ... be obtained upon Inquiry to the Trustee and reference is also made to the papers ui in eaiti matter. GEO. T. KLINK. Trustee. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE AND STRAW can rrancisco, L'al., July 1. l'joa. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here, and at the olflces of Quartermasters, until 11 a. M., July 81. 1U09. and then opened, for furnishing forage and straw for Fort Ilosecrans and Presidio of Mon terey, Cal., during the period beginning .:iwuer -i, iwa, ana ending June :io, i:lo. Also at the same time, n t this rfrl"e onlv. for forage and straw for s:ime period for Forts Baker. Barry, Mason. Miley, Pre sidio of San Francisco, San Francisco, and U. S. Army Gerferal Hospital. Presidio of cwiii Francisco, tal. Also at the same time, at this office, for oats and hay In San Francisco for shipment to Honolulu. H. T. : and In Honolulu, to hn onened there at 9 A. M., July 31, 1909. for said oats ana nay. preference given to arti cle, of American production, conditions of quality and price (including in the price or. roreign productions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles of American production prouueeo. on tne racinc coast to the ex tent of consumption required bv the nub lie service there. Information furnished on application to quartermasters at Fort Rosecrans and Presidio of Monterey, and uepot vuartermaster, Hr.nolulu. or to un derslgned. Robt. R. Steven. Chief Quar termaster. SEALED BIDS will be received at the nft-lce of the School Clerk, City Hall, up to 12 o ciock noon on W ednesday. July 14, 1909. , for the heating and ventilating of the Stephen. School building and the Couch School building. Plans of the buildings u HpetnicaiiitjiB or tne requirements can be seen at the architect's office, am Fni Third street, and at the office of the 6chool Clerk. A ceriified check for 10 per cent or the amount of bid must ac company each nroDosal. The Kchnnl Board reserves the right to reject any M-ii uius. a. j. jonei, arcnitect- MlscellaneoiM. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed executrix of the estate of W. H. Stemme, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Muiuiuiuun county. ah persons having ciaims against said estate, are hereby no tified to present the same to me at the office of Graham & Cleeton, 205 Marquam building, Portland, Oregon, duly verified ao provided by law, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and the first publication July 2. 1909. Emma P, Stemme, Executrix of the estate of W. H. Stemme. deceased. Graham & Cleeton, attorneys for administratrix. BY ORDER of the Postoff Ice Department the Coles Valley Postortice has been des ignated as a domestic money order office, authorized to pay as well a. issue money order.. George B. Yale. Postmaster. Architects, contractors, engineers, get Paclflo Builder & Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade LOST AITO FOUND. LOST or stolen Small gold purse, containing keys', watch and pin, valued as keepsake by owner; liberal reward if returned to the Needlecraft Shop, 1474 Cth St. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day 228 Front. Main 474, A 1874. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsaer. LOST la Montavilla car Wednesday after noon, a pair of lady's oloth shoes. Finder please leave at 303 Washington st. and re ceive reward. LOST Pearl pendant brooch, with diamond In center; letters "E. H. W." engraved on back. Reward if returned to Oregonian. LOST Black handbag In City Park; con tents valuable to owner; reward. 454 Taylor at. FOUND A leather pocketbonk. Owner can have same by proving property and pay ing for thi. ad. Phone B 2551. LOST Necklace with green settings; be tween Rlvervlaw Cemetery and Nortonla Hotel. Return to Nortonla Hotel office. TERSOSAL. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children. No charge for consultation. Room 10. Grand Theater bldg., Washington and Park sts. Main 392S. A 5607. SWEDISH trained nurse. Uelslngrore grada ate, cure. rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing; steam, sweat and tub baths: both sexes. 7 East 11th st.. one door from East Aakeay car. Phone East 260. Home B ls03. DR. MARY LEWIS. Late of the Chicago Woman's Hospital, treats women and children exclusively; hospital accommodations; no charge for examination. Main 4047, A 2411. 506 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. ITALIAN, bright and honest, business man, wishes to meet refined and affectionate, honest lady with $23.''0. where in srxirt time can make over $150,000. Object matri mony. B 215, Oregonian. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 month keep, your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. SPECIAL prices on No. 1 4-ft. fir cordwood; vicinity of Jefferson-st. Depot; prompt de livery. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO., Phone East 424; C 1773. LADIES, take notice. Mme. Hudson gives the only scientific facial massage In the city. Manicuring. 25 cents. 2Q Washing ton St.. Room 207. DR. WALKER, specialist, quickly cures disease, of men, blood and skin diseases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kidney, blad der and piles. 181 1st et.. Portland. GENTLEMAN past 50 with comfortable prop erty would like to meet honest lady about 40 with about same property.- Marry if suited. Address K 203. Oregonian. ELECTRO-TIIERM AL blanket treatment for chronic and nervous ailments, given in your own home; Dr, Brunswick, naturopath 350'i Alder. Phone A 2974. Main 18S3 ' LOST vitality restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy, 2S9 Morrison St., bet. 4th and 5th. TRY the Peerless for halrdresslng etc strictly Eastern methods; ladles exclusive ly. Columbia bldg. USE Bassett's the Original Native Herb, for rheumatism, constipation; 50 tahio... ' " "rujjgists. MRS. SOPHIA B. Sh.IP, mental and 5Dlrltni .dentist. 312 Alisky blug. M. 2835. Daily a A. M. to 8 P. M. Wed. meeting at 8 WOMEN Whatever your ailment. call on Dr. Ketchum. prompt relief; confidential 170V4 3d St. Main 8770. 'uenuai. ROSH PETT. formerly of Minneapolis, please communicate with frlenda from home B 207, Oregonian. Mme. Courtwright. .kin and .caln tr... ments. facial deformation corrected r.TT tic surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. 6042" PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely slnil people; circular 10c. 229 i.t ' alnCi. BALM OF FIGS for all female disease mZZ GUM, st. Main 021C. Agent. waSTSt, MARION CORELLI TEACHES PALMISTRY. 145 11TH ST. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair remnj" Mn. M. P. Hill, 42 Fliedner bldgf M HVt LEOLA CHAMBERS, manicuring and .cm treatments. Room 15. 324 Wb. alp HEALING. Wanted 30O people to call at the center of right thinking, receive a free booklet and an explanation of the work conducted by Mr. and Mrs.' Edw. OIney, parlors, suite 21. Buell apartments 14th and Salmon; hours. 10 to 5. A 0183. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skla specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox aits removed; halrdres.lng. manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods in the West at cut prices. Parlors, Grand Leader. 6th and Alder. LADIES Ask your druggist for Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. LEOLA CHAMBERS, manicuring and scalp treatments. Room 15. 323 u. Wash. .t. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. E. H. COLLI S & CO.. ACCOUNT AN TS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and systematizing. M orceeter Block. Phone Main 6567. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 333 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Assayers and Analysts. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem Isls and aasavers. 204 Uj Washington St. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 6-2 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 59S0. PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. ISO Morrison et. Attorneys at Law. H- KA RIDDELL, atty-at-law. 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4764, A 3331. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bldg. . CLARENCE H. GILBERT. 205-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471, A 4544. Builders and Contractors. F. C. Sandstrom Contractor, brick and cement work, city and country work prompt ly aMende3 to- 10a Haight ave. Phone Woodlawn 352. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE CO. Bilks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 6th. Curpet Cleaning' (Sanitary). J. Hunter & CO.. mattresses and feathers ren ovated. carpets refitted, etc. M. 214. A 4415. Carpet Cleaning. IONE Carpet Cleaning. Works First-class work guaranteed. Phone East oOO. B 2238. CoininJseion Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. hip broker., com mlsslon merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Collection.. We collect everywhere: general law. Inter state Adjustment Co.. Bol Gerlinger bldg. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial ," woven. Northwest Rug Works. 153 Union ave. East 3580. B 12SO Chiropody. R.' ',- FLETCHER. the people', favor ite chiropodist and foot specialist; treats all Ills of the foot without danger of In fection, see hira and take no chancea. 305 Alisky bldg. Main 8762. WM ESTELLE at:d Flossie Deveny, the only sclentiflo chiropodists in the city. Parlors 802 Gerlinger blog.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D Hill room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and .calp. Mrs. Dunton, TUford bldg., R. 204, loth and Mor. MISS ETHEL WARD, chiropodist and manl cura parlors. 104 West Park st. A 40O6. Coal and Wood. YAMATO WOOD & COAL CO. All kinds of best fir wood. Phones E. 818, B 1867. B. 6th and Main sts. Dancing. DANCING lessons, 25c for beginners; every morning, af ternoon and evening. Prof. Wal " llison's school, 386i.i Wash., cor. 10th st" DANCING lessons, 25c for beginners; every morning, afternoon nnH u- Wilson's school, 386 1 Wash., cor. loth srj Dog; and Horse HospitaL DRi ?.Rh0,VN"i D; y- s" n c- M- Office; 11$ -.. " TV J Oil, J .vno. Educational. A YOUNG lady wishes to Join party of stu dents or family going to Germany this Summer. E 204. Oregonian. LAUB'S Preparatory School of Pharmacy. 148 2d St., Portland, Or. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Feed tit ores. ZIGLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. K. 482. Harness and Saddlery. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 3S1 Ankeny st. Phone Main 24o2. Leather and Findings. CHA.S. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather v.. cm? uwnimun. taps, nnrs. findings. J. A. ST ROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- lahll.b.H 1UQ lei. -c . Machinery. ICE machines. Complete installations Arm strong Macninery Co., Spokane, Wash. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th. ' Main 63. A 2153. Johnnie on the spot. Musical. SPECIAL on Saturdays, regular 23c sheet music, 10 and 15o; Kohlers Studies 15c new stock of violins 1-3 oft regular prices' H. Anderson Mutlc Co.. 190 3d st EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher. pupil -w uvin.. --a iw. at m .i, Alain 31MO. St. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Third and Washington 'sta Phone, office. Main 349. res., K. 102S. Pr ints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints oils glafes, sash aad doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. F. E. BEACH & CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 135 1st St. Phone Main 1334. Patent and Pension Attorneys. R. O. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- jmuiificiiiciii i-aes. llekum. J. J. HIRSHEIMKR. pension and patent at- Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO i.t . ,v ,-.,-, ..uuer block. WARREN Construction Co., street paving sidewalks and crossings. 317 Beck bldg! Pipe. PLAii?,W,0J?P ?ECO.. office 301 Beck n. ... " ana lorlc. Public Stenographer. D. S. DUFUR, 403 Ablngton bid Pk... Main 5037, A. 6336: residence, B 1584. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods P T . v-w.. i. - ' i av. jsotn pnones 1407. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt. R Lutke, Mgr. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch st. Main 2703. Storage and Transfer. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General traneferrlng and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 209 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. OREGOV TRANSFER CO. Storage. Free Trackage. Heavy Hauling. Phones. Main 68 Hit fctorage and Transfer, v .Vi PICK Transfer and Storage Co., offlca ana commodious four-story brick warehouse separate Iran room, and fireproof vaults for pTinleS- T W- cor' and Pine .ts! fh?V?T and,,furhiture moved and packed for shipping. Main 506, A 1998. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. 40F'r2li"!r,e CKd Pla moving specialty. 0-4- 2d st Phone A 19S4. Main 1618. Signs. ThfLT?11. &. KLJISER, SIGNS, west rTS081 'fa-makers in the North- , mX...'.sL"- Fbone Privata " " A XlOO. Stoves. B S?ont.nn,CteI and "'P"1'1- Mala UIO." ' Safes. TatEfMS,SLER, SAFB co- 108 2d at. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safea Turkish Baths. TURKISH baths, 300 Oregonian bldg; ladle. days, men nights. Main 1938. A 1938. Typewriters. 'wrt.?11 th xchanee for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; lnvestlrate- ?har'Keke-.I1riC- ,Ths TWwrtSftS: cnange, tj Washington st. SPnIiI.AIj rl?e":aI1 T-akes rented, sold, re paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 14o Veterinary Schools. SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College. Cata iog mailed free. Dr. Kea.T1818 lfkf .J Wall Paper. ER,'E?,T M,LLER CO., 172 1st. Wall a per llncrustra. T-nnm , , j . . 41 P . , ... ...nmmng, etc BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 11,800.000. GSMA-N; AMERICAN BANK RVvsir?" AND WASHINGTON STS. BUSIVFT0 t,-JIENKKAL BANKING aL p - ,t r t, DRAFTS AVAIL- THP t-VF-r.c PRINCIPAL CITIES OF PFR CEt U.vtS AND EUROPE; 4 INC? i'ccn.'vl?Rt:ST PAID OX SAV VAULTS ; SAFETY DEPOSIT GRAND CENTRA!, STATION. Southern Paclllc. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Cottage Grove l'assengirr."..'.".". Shasta Limited.... California Expreja San Francisco Express. '. '. '. " West Side Corvallls Passenfrer Sheridan Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger. "..' forest Grove Passenger. Forest Grove Passenger. . . Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger. .. " Roseburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited... V est Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 000 p. rru 7 :45 p. m. 1:30 a, m. 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:80 a. m. 9:30 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 9:50 a. rru 9:30 p. m. 5:35 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:50 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Northern Paclflo. Leaving Portland ,1 j-urtiana and Seattle Express.. .1 815 a. m P?,yifn' v;nver Specia?";;;.'.1)!":" t Si Puget Sound Limited 8:001 Express, for North Coast Polntsl and Chicago 11215 a. m. Arriving Portland Us.lB . m. Expresa from Chicago and North! ' (.oast points 7-00 - pS.J , 1 Limited ) 8:35 p.m. Portland-V ancouver Special 10:3O p! m. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. Leaving Portland -Atlantic Express . Chicago-Portland Special"""" Soo-Spokane-Portland . "" Eastern Express Arriving Portland "" Soo-Spokane-Portland ..... Oregon Express Chicago-Portland Special Pacific Express 8:10 10:00 7:00 6:00 9:00 7:20 8:00 6:00 a. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. p. hru Astoria A Columbia, River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express... Astoria Passenger ............... Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger """'."" Seaside Special. Saturday'only ' Arriving Portland Portland Express Seaside and Portland Passenger.". Rainier and Portland Passenger Rainier and Portland Passenger' Seaside Special, Sunday only.. I' 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 1:15 p. m, 9:20 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 112:15 p. m. iu:oo p. m. 9:13 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:15 p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C.P- R- Shrt Line via Spokane. Via Seattle Arr-lvlno- Tnp.lan ...... 7:00 p. m. 12:16 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 7 :00 a. m. C P. R. Short Line. vl Snnl,... Via Seattle JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern Pacific co.uifi luru&nu Dallas Passenger .... Dallas Passenger . . . . Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger .... 7:40 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 10:13 a. m. 6:50 p. m. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PASSEN STATION. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 8:43 a. m. For Chicago, St. 1'u.ul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. L.'uis, liilllnKS, Spokane. Cheney, Lamont, Waehlucna, Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosevelt' Grand'ifciies, Lyie, White Salmon, SlevensonJ Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia Kiver Local ......4:13p.m. North Hank Limited .....5:4on. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lamont,. Was-htucna. Ka.iilotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate stations. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited. ........... .8:80 a. m. Frora Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansaa City. SC Loulrt. Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont, W-ashtucna, Kahlotua, I'asco, Roose velt, Granddalles, Lyle, White Salmon, Stev enson, Vancouver and Intermediate stations. Columbia River Local. ............ .12 noon Inland Empire Expreses ..........'..8:60p.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roose velt, Grandilalles, Lyle, Goldendale, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and inter mediate stations. Time Card Oregon Electrio Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. sta tions :. 8:o0, 11:00 A. M. ; 2:00. 8:43 6:20, 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin ana Salem 9:15 A. M. Local for Wllsonvllle and Int. Stations 6:00 P. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove aad Int Stations 7:J0, 8:55. 10:25 A. M., 1:80. 4:10. 5:30 P. M. Arriving Portland from Salem and Int. Stations 8.40. 1(:03 A. M. ; 1:15, 8:40 8 O0 8:20, 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salem and Tualatin 4:45 P. M. Local from Wllson vllle and Int. Stations 6:55 A M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. Stations 8:30. 10:00 A M.; 12:16 2 60 6:00. 7:20 P. M. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room, First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MOP.RISON STREETS. Oregon City i:00, 6:30 A. M. and every 80 minutes to and including, 9 P. M. then 10 00 ll:0o P. M. ; lat car midnight. ' Gresham and Intermediate points 6-55 7:45, 8:45. 9:45, 1:43 A. M., 12 45 2'45." 3:4.-1. 4:43. 5:45. 6:43 7:45. 11:13 p" f Fairview and Troutrlaie 6:55. 7 45 -4B 9:45. 10:45 A. M., 12:45, 2:45. 3:45, 4:45 5 46 Cazadero and Intermediate points 6-55 8:45. 10:45 A. M., li:45. 2:45. 4: 456 ! P. M. For Vancouver Ticket Office and Waiting Rnnm e . and Washington :r.ets. A. M. -6:15. 6:50. 7:25. 8:00, 8:38 9 10 :50, 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. ' iu" P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1 :50. 2:3A. 8:10 SBft 4:SO. 6:lo. 6:5", 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8 15" S 1(:33. -11:45. 0 J0 "a. On Third Monday in every month th last ir leaves at 7:05 P. M. Dallv except Sundav. m.. . . Monday. P