FOR SALE FARMS. . , . .. I ZZ . ' rimrrc v r i r ...... . . BOO acres. In Yamhill County, soon to nave an electric line to Portland: 3. rones from Rood town and railway, at H i vallev: Joins a splendid 100-acre orchard; on 2 good countv roads- large lolonlal house. good barn and other building-; 400 acres In cultivation and pas ture; unexcelled for flno fruit. English rlover and alfalfa; $:; per acre; t.'Jifi cash, balance good terms. There is no such a bargain anywhere so near 1 ortland. This land Is reasonably worth $u per acre. GEO. E. WAGGONER. 923 Board of Trade. ANOTHER SNAP. acrcs- n"ar Yamhill; 45 acres In crop; o acres more cleared and goated off .,7,r-BVO1 years n F- ! and tele- !S' --room house; barn and other buildings; place Is all good soil and all w-,-1 1 fenced; living water on It. some farm machinery and 10 head of gouts go In at $30 per acre; also this year's crop. If taken at oncn; $35.0 cash will handle it, PINK TREK LAND CO.. Phone M. 8890. 610 Buchanan Bldg. APPLE ORCHARD. ?".re' within corporate limits of r ;?baton'r- on the Southern Pa it,TH? lroadl ,27 acre8 ln full-bearing B.ildwln and Spltzenberg apples; 13 acres r-uT-f .a"d clo"r; Rood house, barn, packing-house and other buildings: will teVnsa income this year; $20,000; H. P. PA-MER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Cluh Hldg Phones Main 8009, A 2653. IN THB FRUIT !:ELT i-L. amhl" Cou,1'y I have 1 acres of land, l-o In cultivation. 13 aci of bearing prunes, i acres choice "Winter apples. Just set this Spring; a good family orchard in Bearing, a good new 7-room house, a fair 5-room hou.e. fair barne and all necessary outbuildings: plenty of fine spring water plled to both houses; interest ln fruit dryer price only $7.1 er acre, - cash. Geo. W Turner. 416-17 Rothchlld bids. GARDENER. THIS IS FOR VOL1. $.1700 for 7 acres in the town of Beavertou. only 4d0 feet from R. H. station; all ln high state of cultivation, with Income of $i.v0 per annum; 5-rooin l.oue and real unod barn. J. M. FRENCH & CO.. 412-413 Ablngton Bhig.. 100Mi 3d St. DAIRY RANCH 227 acres on the Columbia River, 25 miles from Portland, all meadow and pasture land, all fenced, fair build ings, about 20 head of cows; it's as good as the best and a bargain at $00 per acre; half cash, balance to BUlt. Geo. W. Turner 410-17 Kothchild bldg. FOR 6AI.B or trade or Southern Oregon land. 30 acres Joining Vancouver cltv lim its; half in cultivation, running water for Irrigation; best fruit and garden land In Clark County, near 5-cent carline and 2 miles from river; water right Iron springs. AM 198. Oregoninn. FREE TO ALL TILLERS OP THB SOIL. Government bulletin on Irrigation ln the lllainette Valley and beautifully Illustrated booklet. "The Call of the Boil" (copyright) sent to any address free. Address Canby t anal Company, Canby, Or. FOR SALE 10 acres of good land: one-half good timber, cedar and tir; 12 miles from regon city; good farming locality: price. $Mil; also 20 h. p. firebox boiler and 14 & J."1,"'; new: Prlc. & Address ! F. Moehnlto. Oregon City, Or. W ,BI;,L ,l"1''mved 33ti-aere farm near Dallas. 1 o.k County, on county road, railroad stop ping on place, nne oll. plenty water, or will rent to responsible parties. C 212 Ore goiilan. HAVE 15 stock and dairy farms ln Oregon, on railroad; miich cons, outside range part cash. Call or write L. R. Kaylor. 733 Mar quum bhig.. Portland. Or. BARGAINS Improved and unimproved Cowlitz county farm lands. Barnard & Co. Kulaiua. Wash. S AND 10-acre tracts, well adapted to fruits, close to 1'ortland, on Oregon Electric very easy terms. AC 195, Oregonlan. KVU J".1 '"formation how to secure farms in HrKli-h Columbia write or call on R E Hutler. 228 Stark st. BEND for our list of "Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olnistead Land Co.. Salem. Or. ALL good ones, fee un Columbia Trust Co Uoard of Trade bldg. TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. BT.SNBR' 70 cre Rood bottom land 8.3nn.O00 feet tow timber; good location for eawmlll; two milesi from Cazadero carline 43"0reSS W" D'Vl' 469 B" ran- East BY OWNER 900 acres of timber and eoal land on tidewater on Coqutlle River. Coos " County. Address Box 170, Myrtle Point, LARGE and small tracts of timber lands for sale; homesteads and timber claims) locat ed and guaranteed. Verdin & Conger. 100 Ivorth Sixth st.. Grants Pass. Or. TIMBER lands. $2.80 per acre; I locate you purchase: also homesteady and tim ber locations. 210 Worcester bldg. WIS are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & t-tampher. 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments. 32T WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. GOOD size tract of first-class timber. In re plying give full Information, price and terms. H 161. Oregonlan. WANTED Several small tracts of timber, give exact description and price In first letter H 102, Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. ACREAGE. i your chance to buy a small tract of choice Hood River apple land at a reasonable prioe; easy terms. A 10-acre tract will give you a hand some Income; 20 acnes will make you rich. This Is no dream. The past has proven -what this land will produce. Don't wait: Investigate, and buy before It la too late. - CHAPIN HERLOW, Selling Agents. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES miles from Portland. 7 acres in cultivation, strawberries and young fruit: good 6-room house, large barn. 300 yards from R. R. station, on main county a L.,COWl 1 hors. wagon and harness, BO chickens: ample farm Implements- a good little farm and a nice country home close ln; everything ready for market gar tonult: P 265: 1B00 cash, balanos SS2 Chamber of Commerce, CHAl'I.V HERLOW. 1?4 ACR1SS at Oak Grove, close to river and Oregon city carline; nice place to build a home; SB0 grape vinee, making a nice vine yard; Woo will handle it; balance ?2000 long tlrre at T per cent. Owner, 61 McKay olde.. Sd and Stark. 17 10 ACRES ln fruit. 5-cent carfare; house barn, outhouses, garden, good school near by; plenty of water; fruit will bring $2000 L ,year:"e" v""y chap or trade for Fouthern Oregon land. Owner, room 813. at 326 W ashlngton st. 11 4-10 ACRES. 1IM DOWN. H mile from R. R. station, ln Yamhill plo"w'y$14s leV61' oleared and rcadjr tor the K COLUMBIA. TRUST COMPANY M Fourth Bt. Board of Trade 'Bldg. DIVISION ST. Beautiful home. 8 lots, all in fruits and berries, 8-room house, full basement nice barn, large lawn, roses, flowers, shrubbery, surrounded by ever green hedges, terms. Tabor 1609, B 240a. C.uES sale. $2.10 per acre; Johnson Creek runs through, 6 mllea out on Caza dero carline Gates Crossing. Call or ad dress C. E. Clark. BARGAIN 18 acres. Improved, buildings and fruit. 6c limit. Oregon Electrlo; must sell immediately. 429 Columbia. A 65S2. S ACRES. Just outside of city limits, close to carline, $300 per acre, easy terms. 4ia Marquam. WE "have some nttraottve buys in Portland acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board at Trade bldg. 1 IF you want a good orchard, dairy ranch or farm. S0 and up per acre, well Improved, see me. Jas. A. Clack. 252 Alder ot ONE to 20 acres of finest onion land In Ore gon at bargain; seven miles west from City Hall. Chism. 615 Couch bldg. CHOICE fruit and walnut land, large or small tracts; owner, no agents. Room 609 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. 21 ACRES adjoining Newberg. part beaver dam. Address 12 East 10th M., city. , 160 ACRES, IS miles from Portland. Owner. h XV landecA fhos East .&&, 7 ACRES 11 miles from Portland, about S acres of this land Is A-l beaverdam. the balance is black swale; this property Is 'slit at the R. R. station; good new 4-room house and barn. 100 yards from Ktation. also a small grocery store; the placo Is well fenced and Just the thing for market gardening; the soil can not be beaten: nothing better for gardening: 1 horse, 1 cow. 1 wagon, a bunch of chickens and a thousand other useful things goes with the place; price $1800 cash; this property is worth more and will sell for S.'0; all of $700 below the market value. Clmpln & Herlow. 332 Chamber of Com merce. $12"o Finest soil in Oregon: 2 miles from sta tion: 4 acres cleared and ln crops, balance easily cleared; 12i If sold next 10 days. Room 2ti Hoyt Hotel. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE or rem 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year: we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day. week or month. l'hones 1- ast 72, I 1360. Haw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. PAIR 6 and 7-year-old mares, 1000 lbs, sound and city broke; these mares have been sent here by Mr. E. V. Blrge. from Hood River. Or., must be sold at once: your own price. 05 Alblna ave. SPAN of sorrel ponies, weight 1700, 6 years old; very gentle, well matched; new harness and bugey; win eeu very cheap. 228 Jeffer son. Iiarn. I-OR SALE Heavy team. 1700 pounds, true pullers. 6 and 7 years old, also small team. WEgon, harness or will trade. Courtols, 1422 l'n ion ave. N., Woodlawn. 430. TEN head standard-bred horses from the Jim Johnston estate. California; fast pacers and trotters, some high-cost family drivers. Readmond's barn, Jilontavilla. FOR SALE Fine black msre, well bred, fat. city broke, buggy and harness. K 218 Ore gonian. FOR SALE Two teams heavy draft horses. 0 .and 7 years old, sound and with out blemishes. Phone East 4S04. . A FEW good horses and mares at the Madison-Street Rale Stables, 186 hi Madi son st.. near bridge. FOR SALE Spring wagon: will trade for buggy or driving cart. SS N. 3d or Main 45 26. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Stables, 11th and Jefferson. M 330O. ONE stylish driving mare, 6 years old, per fectly sound. Phone East 4S04. 1200-POUND horse for sale or trade. City broke. 3U9 Stark St. WANTED One or more ponies, muit be cheap: weigh 700 or more. 309 Stark st. HUBERT . HALL, SS0 Front, buy, sell, rent . , .....-, ... , !, on uuuness rigs; FOR SALE Ten young heavy Valley draft horses. 240 Russell st, liast 152. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness ot all kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery. FINE black driving mare, city broke. Call 40 North cth st. Automobiles. ELECTRIC automobile, first-class condition, for $1000 cash, or terms. Inquire Seng stake & Lyman, 90 Fifth st. Xtunos. FINE upright piano for sale or trade, at C. r I'Pi'k'a warehouse, 2d and Pine sts. AN 134. Oregonlan NEARLY new $000 Estey piano, mahoirany case, $r(. 440 E. 11th. st. X. Broadway car. Phone C 2184. STEIN WAY upright new piano for sale at a bargain. 28 East 16th st. Miscellaneous. OREGON wolf hounds: speedy and courage ous: grown dogs with field experience on coyotes: price $100 a coupler Inquire C. R. Campion Kennels. 4.1th and Division sts Tale Mt Scott car. Phone Tabor BARGAIN HUNTERS. Here's your chance. 35 standard makes sewing machines, all ln good order, from $10 up; they must go quickly. White Sew lng Machine Store, 420 Washington st. DO IOC want supplies or rent flimT Wo are Independent, do not belong to the lr,at- PaVlno 1lm Co- 80S Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $80, fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific stationery St pta Co.. 203 2d st. " 28x6 FAMILY-launch: fan-tall. 8-H. P en gine, air pump whistle and tank magneto, cushions, good running ordor. Phone A 33 1 i . SAFES 20 second-hand safes that have been taken ln exchange; low prices, cash or easy terms. DAVIS SAt-a A LOCK CO.. 68 3d St. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water St. Phone Main 74.11. A 5445. STEVENS moving picture exchange Film service that wins. Stereoptlcon slides sup plies. 165 M 4th st. fOR SALE Fine large cow, a bargain. Call at 4Bth and East HarrlBon sts. Phone Tabor 1746. Mrs. Helen M. Failing. 24-FOOT cozy cabin, family launch, with new 10-H. P. engine; reasonable. AJ 219. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR RENT. Logging and hoisting engines. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 1st St. 2, H. P. induction motor, almost new. In quire at 386 Washington st. PRIVATE party has perfect 2-k. diamond at a bargain. A 210. Oregonlan. BOX. planer and cord wood ln any quanti ty. Standard Wood Co. East 23L5. B 1895. LARGE Ice box at a bargain. Call or ad dress 290 3d st. PEDIGRJEErk Great Dane puppies, $25 and HOMER and Homerunt pigeons cheap. Pal mer, 34th and Fremont. R D. lis. HELP WANTED MAIH BOY about 16 to work around store; $5 per week to start, Oregon Art Tile Co., 413 Alder st. WANTED 3 good men that want to make money. Inquire of Rose, at 81S Ablngton bldg. MEN wanted to learn automobile driving and repairing. Apply 62 N. 7th st. Phone Main 4455. A 4465. WE secure position tor oar members. Special membership. Y. M. C A- BOY wanted. 16 years old, to deliver and work In store. Shaughnessy & Townscnd Archer Place. Tabor 644. " WANTED A girl for general housework. Call mornings, 1047 Thurman st. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California wine Depot. P. Lorati. 164 2d. Main 5500. BARBER wanted, money guaranteed 221 Madison. PRESSER wanted at once on pants. "5314 Washington St., room 17. Harry Zldell. FIRST-CLASS pantsmaker wanted. Nicoll the Tailor. 108 34. WANTED Men to get suits made on credit. 2S6 Washington st. Room 309. EXPERIENCED window-trimmer and card wrlter. steady position. Apply 171 3d st. WANTED Experienced Ironworkers. Port land Wire & Iron Worki; 2d and Everett, WANTED Chinese second cook for large hotel, wages $75. Inquire 12 N, 2d st. WANTED Driver for delivery wagon Ap ply Oregon Cooperage Co.. 167 Market st. WANTED At once, soda dispenser at 410 Washington st. CAKE BAKER helper wanted: wages, $15 per week. 508 Wash, st., Vancouver, Wash. EXPERIENCED shoe man wanted. 24T Morrison st. BOY WANTED A live boy. willing to work. Portland Paper Box Co.. 208 Oak st. WANTED First-class barber. steady or for Saturday guarantee. 112 4th st. ' COUPON agents, photo and portrait, new offer, good one. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced awning hanger. Pa cific Tent Jt Awmng Co.. 27 N. 1st. HIGH-CLASS salesman big wages, perma nent. 215 Commercial Block. VXIOH barber tor Saturday. 160 SO. sV I ... I WA.YIEB F-KIf .K 1 c.-..- . . EXPERIENCED construction timekeeper, $75 and found; call early. S. s. craneman, $9; steam shovel watch man, $60 and board; brldgq carpenters, $3; carpenters, city, $3.50. Ratchet setter, mill hands, pile driver hands. $3.50. Cooks, waiters, dishwashers, porters. Farm help, city laborers, stablehand. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. Second St, San Francisco. Portland. Spokane. SALESMAN FOR BEJLCH RESORT. If there are any men ln Portland who think they are capable of making good with a mighty live, fair real estate con cern, "one of the big ones." we want to talk with them. We've got an Interesting proposition In the sales department. See Mr. Stllej, Columbia Trust Company. Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Real estate salesman capable of earning $500 to $K!00 a month. Live propo sition and liberal contract. Chance for a few good men. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. See P. FX Cleland or L. M. Hlckok be tween 9 and 11 A. M. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade ln eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $13 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; toole free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges &5 North 4th St.. Portland, Or. REAL ESTATE man will take -young man as partner to show land; no experience necessary and very little cash required; good chance for bright fellow. Particu lars National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 Washington St.. room 016. AN experienced night clerk for first-class hotel; must have good experience and good references as to ability and char acter: answer fully, stating age, salary expected with room and board, and past experience. AC 202, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman, 10 per cent commission paid; we pay all commissions spot cash when deal Is closed. Ask for Mr. Ross. 9:30 to 12. 2 to 4 P. M. Chapin & Herlow, 832 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Reliable real estate man of ex perience and ability to take entire charge of residence and Inside vacant property de partment of established company doing a general real estate business. F 190, Orego nlan. WANTED Bookkeeper; also stenographer bookkeeper; competent men; clerk, famil iar with making statements and abstract ing; wlndowdresser.-cardwriter; shoe and furniture salesmen. Commercial abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club. MEN for railway mall clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers. Internal revenue, etc.; good salary and promotion with each po sition: we prepare you; examinations soon. Write Pacfflc States School. McKay bldg. WANTED City salesmen capable of selling a high-class article to high-class trade; must be experienced, a good dresser and a fluent talker; one acquainted in city preferred. Address AM 215. Oregonlan. ALASKA Two or three men can get places on Eldorado Ditch: steamer leaves for Kome Saturday; wages half cash, half stock; expenses paid from Seattle and re turn; $100 required. 617 Board of Trade. WANTED Representative to sell high-grade office specialties. Liberal salary or com mission. Small Investment required. Tele phone Equipment Co., 100 Nassau St., New York. WANTED Machinists, electrical. J8.12 to S4.32 per diem; pipefitters, $2.88 to $4.16 per diem. Apply to Board of Labor Employment, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal. WANTED Man and wife on farm, $30; hundreds of other Jobs. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Main Office. . 12 North Second St. FINE opening for bright young man ln real estate oftice; experience unnecessary; small capital required. Call 326 Vi Wash ington St., room 417. WANTED A good marker and assorter, one who understands washing preferred; no boozer need apply. Aberdeen Steam Laun dry, Aberdeen, Wash. SUMMER school for shorthand, any sys tem; bookkeeping and common school branches. Eclectic Business University, 629 Worcester blk. WANTED Young man. experienced collec tor, who would ride wheel; must be edu cated and of unexceptional personal ap pearance. B 211, Oregonlan. WANTED men and women to learn watch making, engraving and optics, few months only to learn, positions guaranteed. S. F. Watchmaking School. 325 Kearney, S. F. WANTED Experienced. sober circulation man. mainly for country, work: permanent work at fair salary. Address F 103. Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN with some experience for of fice w-ork in wholesale house; state age and former employment. H 187, Ore gonlan. l LEARN to operate motion pictures, opera tors earn $.10 weekly; easy inside work; lessons reasonable. Particulars 526 Washington. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade nursery stock; outfit furnished; liberal commission; cash weekly. Salem Nursery Company, Salem. Or. MAN with ability can secure permanent po sition with excellent chances for pro motion. Inquire for Mr. Giles. 621 Besdc bldg. MARBLE POLISHERS Experienced ma chine polisher wanted. Mission Marble Works, 161-165 Union ave. North. UPHOLSTERER, leather worker and mat tress maker. Call 83 E. 16th. Phone B 19oi. A FEW more men with small means to help develop fruit farms; 6 to 10-acre tracts near Portland. AH 213, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man to assist at college in exchange for tuition ln telegraphy Ore gon College, 83 5th st. BOY wanted. 16 years old. to deliver and work ln store. Shaughnessy & Townsend Archer Place. Tabor 644. WANTED A good all-round sober man ln the meat business. Address Box 361. Eu gene. Or. WANTED Young men to study railroad tel egraphy; day and evening classes. Oregon College, Phoenix bldg., 6th and Oak. EXPERIENCED dentist with state license. Good pay, high-class office. See R T Royal, Nortonla Hotel. SALESMAN to sell the best selling article n.'!;; market; good money for hustlers. 402 Washington st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GOOD plain cook for general housework; two ln help. 712 Lovejoy near 22d. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 321 6th St. WANTED Waitress at Newport restaurant. 53 3d st. WANTED Girl to assist ln general house work. 433 Market. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 608 Everett st. WANTED Operators and finishers on men's neckwear; experienced. 291 Stark. WANTED Girls to work on power, machine on overalls; paid while tearing. 75 let st. WANTED Competent waitress for counter work. Criterion Restaurant. 82 6th st. IRONERS wanted at Hand Laundry. 369 H. Washington St. FAMILY cooks. $35; second girl, $30 St. Louis, S45i Wash. Main 2039. GIRLS wanted on power sewing machines. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st st. WANTED Girl for light housework. Call 410 Montgomery st. Phone Main 1593. A SECOND GIRL ln small family. 769 Northrup St.. from 9 until 3. GIRL wanted to assist with general house work. 121 N. 23d, cor. Gllsan. GIRL wanted: no cooking, and small wash lug. 548 2d st. WANTED A waitress, chop, house, 141 Russell st. GIRL to do general housework. $5 ner week. 360 13th. WOMAN for general housework, family of three. 685 East Alder. GIRL wanted to assist ln housework. AddIv 747 Gllsan st. ' WANTED Lady to take work at home: $5 per day. 81 7th, cor. Oak. WANTED Hairdresser at 329 Morrison st. iVPAJSTBD jk, second girl MX 23 North. 9t t THE MORNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, DO YOU WANT WORST Apply to UNION LAUNDRY CO.. Second and Columbia. NTEDTf1r1 for lce cream stand. $7 Joki2 B.irls toT Private family, $35 and ?Y waitresses, $25 and $30; chamber maids, $2o. Large number of other places. T .PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles- Dept. -,5 i Morrison. WANTED Four first-class chambermaids for new teward Hotel; applv to house keeper at hotel, loth and Alder sts.. 10 qulr d 811(1 Saturda': references re- A STENOGRAPHER for a permanent posl cl? ? m,1"?. and responsibility; large finan cial Institution. State age, experience and salary expected. K 219. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class pressors of ladles' garments; none but first-class need apply: high wages city Steam Dye Works, East 3d and Ash sts. FIRST-CLASS stenographer; rapid, accu rate and Industrious; hours S to 5; state experience and salary expected. AM 219. Oregonlan. W'ANTED Experienced girl for general housework family of 2; good wages Call afternoons, 832 Raleigh St., corner 25th. Main 3u05. WANTED Competent cook in private fam- ,i.. Vn. " ,ere secoI)d girl is kept. Ap ply 702 Main nt cor L-in. v,v. .. . . , ., - o . ' a iiuiia Aiaia WANTED A girl to do general housework and cook in a family of two; no washing -'r.,.rcnlnt- APP'y or write to F. J. Behr. Fort Stevens, Or. WANTED Experienced girl for general S!5vsi.0riknfa.lld.cooklnK: sooA waes. Ap piy o-to 10th st. -s WANTED Girl under 15. to take care two children; good home, use of piano, $10 per month. 335 Clay st. GIRL to assist with housework and care Tabor C33dren: n l BO to the beach- WANIED Competent cook; references re quired. Call between 8 and 9 A. M 12 and 1 P. M. 633 Morrison st. GIRL to do general housework; good wages for services rendered. Call mornings. 1103 Thurman st. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework." Call mornings, good wages. 340 Hassalo. "WA1NT1ED A girl for general housework In physician's family of 3; can go home nights. Phone Woodlawn 1743, C 1339 WANTED Young girl to assist in house work and care of young child;, no wash ing. M. 2910, A 1924. PUBLIC stenographer can hare desk room in exchange for services. Inquire 829 Chamber of Commerce bldg WANTED Experienced second girl, wages $30; three ln family. 113 North 20th corner Gllsan. WANTED Competent girl; must be good cook; good wages. Call mornings or evenings. 779 Gllsan st. Main 6458. CHAMBERMAID for rooming-house, one who understands renting rooms. 245 t Washington St., room 2. Main 2039. WANTED Girl to do some second work and take care of child 3 years old- ref erences. 393 West Park St. EXPERT sewer to make and repair para sols and umbrellas. Must be permanent Lennon's, 309 Morrison et. WANTED Young girl to wait on table dur ing luncheon. Women's Exchange. 186 oth st. WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for cooking and general housework: good ..,.. or. iv,J1K bi. -none A ii- WANTED An experienced chambermaid: wages $25. The Colonial, loth and Mor rison sts. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 14 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. . RS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. B26H Washington st.. Room 307. Main 8836. or A. 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 809 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED hair dresser and mani curist, one who understands halrwork. 411 FHedner bldg. LADILS, I teach dermatology, halrdresslng. manicuring. Mrs. M. H. Holmes, specialist. 601 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and cooking; small family; wages $25. Call up M. P. Bates, East 2300 WANTED Girls to make overalls and over ehlrts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED Immediately, a good cook. An- ,Mrs- H" w- Corbett, 189 6th St.. cor. of Taylor. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house- Tk",Fon,U 410 Montgomery st. Phone Main 1093. WANTED Immediately, a .good cook. Ad vlyJ? Mrs- H- w- Corbett, 189 5th st., cor. of Taylor. GIRL or woman for general housework Summer at beach, small family. 747 East Madison, Hawthorne or Morrison cars. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED -Man and wife (no children) on small farm near city; must have farm experience and understand fruit: give references and salary expected. B 209 Oregonlan. SIMPLEX operator wanted at Tillamook Herald. Tillamook. Or. State experience, speed and wages wanted ln first letter. Position permanent. Male or female. FTSK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs more good teachers for Sept. 514 Swetland-bldg. WANTED 20 amateurs for Friday night. National Theater. FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes, $1 per ...... , ufK.nn.tB, . orrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. y Book keepers and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, 5 years' experi ence. Including lumber, desires position. Can work Immediately. Excellent refer ences. A 214. Oregonlan. WANTED Situation ln general merchan dise store. Eastern man, thoroughly ex perienced, country preferred; references. N. S. Berg. Portland. Or. A POSITION soliciting, collecting, clerking, teaming; ln fact, any place where there Is a future; reference and bond. T 211, Oregonlan. BUSINESS men, first-class service ln bank ing and general clerical work. Literary graduate. Open for position. T 206, Orego nlan. YOUNl MAN wishes position as bookkeeper, one year's experience; good references. AD 214, Oregonlan. WANTED By young man. ofrlce -work, col lector, shipping clerk; with first-class ref erences. G 195. Oregonlan. ICING man with good general office experi ence, wants position with chance for pro motion. F 192. Oregonlan. POSITION as lerk or manager general merchandise, .country.. A 213. Oregonian. WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper Phone Richmond 1391. Miscellaneous. MAKE UP MAN Excellent make up and add compositor wants position. Would pre fer smaller dally; am also reporter; would work nights. Am efficient and can take charge. No booze; am married and steady Am now working on third year In same office. Address D 195, Oregonlan. PORTER, runner or janitor (colored) good character, appearance and reliable man desires position, hotel or first-class apartment-house preferred; good references. Address Walter, p. O. Box 81, Redding, FRUIT-GROWER, long years' experience, fa miliar with all branches of farm work wants position where first-class orchard work will be appreciated. A 212. Ore gonian. , YOU want a man. I want a Job; Btrong ln the back, weak In the head; let's hear from you. AG 219, Oregonlan. MOPS removed from roof and roof painting house painting, wall tinting, by Monroe & Co. Phone Main 7934. YOUNG married man. good references, work o most any kind. AH 210. Oregonlan, JULY 2, 1909. . " " " "- " FOB REM. I FOR BENT I UlKWIiwiMna. I . . I LAWN work promptly and neatly done. "on ii.-vrr SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. IOLNG LADY from East wants permanent position; 6 years' experienoe In oftice work; willing and reliable. AG 216. Oregonlan. ACCURATE law stenographer. Low salary, win substitute. T 2U7, Oregonlan. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be- )iiune Clerical otllce, A 5446. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mr Anseles. 328H Wash. St.. room 216. SE636ING Wanted by the day- Phoiw Jersey Nurse. TRAINED nurse would like few confinement cases best of references from families and city doctors, phone East 4442 Housekeepers. DRESS MAKING and plain sewing by the day. Phone Tabor 4.3; at home after 6 o clock. CAPABLE woman housekeeper, cook. St. Louis, 246 H Wash. Main 2039. REFINED woman housekeeper, widower's home. St. Louis. 245 i Wash. Main 2039. Domestics. A COFFIELD water motor can do your washing If you have no help; a good girl will stay If you give her a Coffield wash ing machine. We send them on trial and show you how to operate. Edwards Com pany, 191 1st st. A JAPANESE girl wants position at general housework. Speaks a little English. C 214 Oregonlan. ' JAPANESE girl wants position, cook or second work. Phone A 1880. GI1Ru w?nt to KO to "mail family. AH 214. Oregonlan. JAio.AN?SB lrI want work ln family. H 190. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS men's coat and vests, button hole makers and general helper, wants position; can give references of her work. AL lOo. Oregonlan. REFINED, educted young lady Is desirous Position as governess or companion. AE 191, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED colored cook. dav. week go seaside; caters parties. Mrs. Parker, 1101 Main. YOUNG 1ADY attending business college. w?.,n.s.Piaco to work for room and board. AB 208. Oregonlan. WANTED Position for reliable girl to go Ma.r?67.aVnw?ec.0L eneral assIatant- WArr W.ants work "ashing and house clcanlng by the day. 507 24 hi st. WANTED Position piano player and singer moving picture show. B 201. Oregonlan. WAN TEH AGENTS AGENT wanted to sell stock for large oil company operating in Malheur County. Oregon oilfields; liberal commission; Hy men of character make big money; ref erer.ces required. O 1M9. Oregonlan. AGENTS to sell the Maxim antiseptic tele phone mouthpiece. If you want a live sell FargS bldg5,8 buslness cal1 at 204 Wells- AGENTS We have an opening for a good live man. New and Al proposition Ad dress B 198, Oregonlan. fuslLlon- Ad AGENTS to sell stock ln Willamette Valley orchard project. Address G 182. Ore- HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvasser. $10 per week and commission. 423 Hawthorne LADY solicitor. Good chance for right cartv rHOOC-nla4 attractive. Aea AGENTS wanted to set: our complete line of nursery stock; cash weekly; outfit fee Capital Cltr Nursery Co.. sAlem. Or. HIGH-CLASS solicitor; splendid opportunity for man of ability. New. Address AB 206 oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. UNFURNISHED rooming house or hotel containing from 30 to 40 rooms; must be Wij. I'erfeet condition. Call or address 634 Worcester bldg. Main 2476. A 5373. YUi?. wishes board and room ln private family. $20 per month; best ref erences; walking distance. AC 200 Ore gonlan. ALCOVE room or suite, with board ln pri vate boarding-house, or family, for mar ried couple; references exchanged. A 208, WANTED to rent, furnished housekeeping apartment, two or three rooms, bath and kitchen In good neighborhood, state loca tion and terms. B 216. Oregonlan. WAN'TED To rent furnished cottage. West Side; must be modern; references AB 218 Oregonlan. ' SMALL partly furnished house with place to camp, southwest suburb. M. 1660. A 5448. or B 217. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent a modern live or six room house ln good neighborhood by small family. AH 212, Oregonlan. YOl.NG man. good habits, wants private glace to board and room; young widow's ome preferred. AK 184. Oregonlan. Clothing wanted; highest prices paid. Phone Square Deal," M. 1851. Prompt attention. WANTED MIS(KI.I,AXKOlIS. WANTED Men's cast-os clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 8951. WANT to hire small portable sawmill. Man to operate. W. W. Vaughn. Gen. Del. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. HIGHEST price paid tor metals and rub ber. J Leve, 186 Columbia st. M. 6198. SPOT cash paid for office furniture, Btore fixtures, etc. phone Main 8453. FOB KENT. llirnlshed Rooms. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement: newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Corner Washington and 13th. most beautiful rooms, single, en suite or ad joining, free phone ln each room, elegant parlor and lobby; weekly rates $3 up. Main 7105. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 5647. HOTEL IRVING. 812 OAK ST., COR. 6TH. Just opened; new and elegantly fur nlshed: all conveniences; rates reasonable. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for two persons, $3 and $4 per week., nice yard and surroundings. Aster House. 7th and Madison. HOTEL LENOX, corner 3d and Main sts furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable: new furniture, telephone and baths free 327 V. Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms bath, phone; 6O0 to $1 day. $2 to $4 weekT THE REX. 548 V Washington St. Modern rooms. $10 to $12 per month, wfth baths. THE BRAE-SIDE. 428 Alder Modern cen tral. $3. $4. $5 per week: transient. HOTEL OLYMPUS. 16th and AlderFlrst class raoms by day, week or month. HOTEL MONARCH Modern convenience, transient aollolted. J 66 Stark, cor. ParkT I uruinuvu jrWlIJ. I THE MERTARPER. 120 18th St.. corner Washington. Just completed, elegantly furnished, several rooms with wall beds, steam heated, hot and cold water ln alt rooms, private baths If desired; splen did restaurant In building; call and In spect and you will find the maximum of convenience and equipment at very rea sonable prices; rates by the day, week or month. i THE WEAVER, 710 Washington St.. near Ivlng; brand new. elegantly furnished: every room has private bath; the maxi mum of convenience and excellence the minimum of expense. If you want the best In the city for the money, call and lne.pect. Dining-room will open July 1. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington Sts tj15W-.rnm.,ina8ement: THOROUGHLY ?N8YATKD: rooms with PRIVATE J single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month: tourist trade solicited. HOTEL ROMAINE. newly furnished rooms, an modern conveniences. 147 1- -d at near Morrison. " rurnlshed Rooms In l-rlvate Family. LARGE, neatly furnished alcove room modern bathroom connecting; suitable for two. 531 Montgomery st. Main 5674. VERY large and handsomely furnished front Parlor, with fireplace: ccntrallv located to permanent people only. Main 5217 CLEAN new. nicely furnished bedrooms or housekeeping, all conveniences, walking distance. $a up. 240 Montgomery st. NICE room, suitable for two; also desirable 5pn,."J"oomon tnlrd floor; both phones and bath. 163 16th st. LO,YEL,J room with porch In private home very reasonable; walking distance: W car passes door; gentlemen only. 656 Gllsan St. FLp?evgDi?im:aarVotrroab18" 22bat,2TaIdJ??nrn-gN:eWly 'u"h with 8iiN'TH.' nlce '"-ree, clean room. bath, pood location. 452 6th. . V?R "LP61?-, 'umlshed room with folding bed and all, conveniences. $12. 227 7th. VER.ilI,?1CaiSa.nt room' R" conveniences, walking distance. 361 loth st. PIiEA3.AN"I.front room, all conveniences: walking distance. 664 Gllsan St. 3"354K3alUUrn'Shed 10Wr flat" lulre Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. ?e,,!? every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water In every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor Grand and Hawthorne avei . THE WEAVER Lt2 shi?Eton'"' near Kln. brand new. elegantly furnished; every room has a pri vate bath, telephone: the maximum of con venience and excellence, the minimum of expense. if you want the best ln the city for the money, call and Inspect; dlnlLg room will open July 1. HILL HOTEL. The Leading Tourist and Residential Hotel of the City 23d and Washington. American " or European Plan. PORTLAND Women's Union. 21st year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary, 510 Flanders st.. Miss Frances N Heath. superintendent. Woman's Ex change. 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Brether ton, supt. THE MORRISON, 633 Morrison st.. family hotel, modern, now management; board optional: best table board; prices mod erate. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri son; finest board and best rooms ln Fort rates lowest; a comfortable home. THE LIN DELL, 269 Market; nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod era, reasonable: fine walking distance. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con venlences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. itooms With Board In Private Family. LARGE pleasant front corner room with first-class board; all conveniences. 635 Washington. DESIRABLE front corner room with board for 2, private family. Modern. 93 N. 17th St. Main 4220. VERY desirable furnished rooms, private family, with or without board, walking distance. 3S9 Main St. " PLEASANT. airy. homelike room; rood board, two men. married couple. 548 Johneon. NEWLY furnished room with board, every thing modern, walking distance. Main 4204. 104 N. 17th. COZY room, private family, suitable for two ladles; pleasant home, modern and convenient: a meals. AD 200. Oregonlan. BOARD and room at 24 N. 10th it Phone Main 8324. NICELY furnished front room. 2 gentlemen, with board. 426 E. Market. East 2094. BOARD and room for young lady; reason able; central location. 208 11th st, LARGE front room and board for two. two blocks from Washington at. 695 Everett. FRONT room, with hnnl. ..,. 1 .. 1 , .1 ( 16th St. between Morrison' and Alder. LOVELY room with board, suitable for 2; home cooking. 321 West Park. Apevrtnjents. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air cleaning. Janitor service, from $25. up month; tame unfurnished; come - look and be surprised. THE GUILD Desirable apartments of three or four rooms, modern conveniences, in cluding heat; prices reasonable; Guild, be tween Thurman and Vaughn sts. Phone Main 8705. Take 10th or car. CINCINNATI" COURT. 10th and Harrison sts., four and five-room apartments, fur nished and unfurnished. Home phone A 3123, Janitor or J. O. EIrod, 520 Corbett bldg., or phones A 8624 or Main 6173. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.. unfurnished apartment, with bath; every convenience; desirable location; reason able rent. Main 2506. t THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts., one 4 and one 5-room unfurnished apartment, all modern conveniences, reasonable rent; references. FOR RENT One of the best furnished 4 room apartments In the city; piano." cut glass, sewing machine, silver and linen; Kings Heights district. Phone A 1108. THREE furnished rooms, sleeping porch, private bath and sink, large closet, phone, heat and water; $25. Call East 1710 or B51 East Yamhill. THE MORTON, N. E. corner King and Washington, 3 and 4-room corner apart ments with all modern conveniences; rent reasonable. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished, all cool, outside suites, private phones free. 11th and Columbia. M. 1911. A 2720. BUELL APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon ate.; furniehed 3 and 4-rxm apartments; new; elevator; private phone. NEW mahogany and oak funnlture com plete for sale; modern out.ide three-room apartment for rent. Main 4492. THE CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders Modern 4-room unfurnished and furnished apart ments. THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment, aist and Flanders, Nob Hill district, every convenience. Main 7516. NEW 5-room, steam-heated flat. modern conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor gan, 503 Ablngton bldg. JEFFERSONIAN. modern 2 and 3-room fur nlshed apartments, $20 up. 16th-Jefferson. Flats. SIX rooms, steam heat, hot water; walking distance. 305 11th st. Main 1911. A2720. 4-ROOMED. also 6-roomed flats, modern walking distance. Inquire 233 M Hall. TH REE-room flat; all conveniences. Inquire 225 Market. Phone Main 516. 6-ROOM upper flat, all light rooms, lawn, walking distance. 663 Everett. 5"OR RENT 3, 5 and 6-room flats, close In. West Side. M. E, Ieo 4U. Corbett bldg. , i FOUR fine, modern 4-room flats. mt pleted: large front porch. screened-ln back porches, stationary wash tubs, built in china closet, gas, electricity and fur r.aJ? '?T e.ach flat: within walking dls fiHEast ld.e" West Coast Investment to. Phone Main 2114. J, V ma.n who railed to see the 6-room a on JhnBn Bt.. bet. 23d and 24th. on Wednesday evening at 5:."10 o'clock please Phone Main SSKS? - FOR RENT 6-room date, het 23d and 24th. on Johnson St., vacated 1st of July; adults only. Phone mornings. Main 8SHS. ONE of the Coleman Flats. Nob Hill dis trict. 6 rooms and all modern conven iences. Apply 66 loth St. N IF you want to rent new. up-to-date flats, go to Sixth and Wasco: best location ln Holla oay. See owner. W. Reldt. M9,IERN- "-room upper flat, near West Side High School. Inquire 175 16th St.. corner Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. single and en suite; walking distance. The Newcastle. 3d and Harrison. $.10 MONTH New. modern 5-room flat; has fireplace, furnace, tiled bathroom, porch etc.; walking distance. Call 441 11th St. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 7334 Hoyt St. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6r. ONE nice new flat of four or five fine large cool rooms ln fine location. Phone Bast 3034. $30 7-ROOM modern flat for rent. 49S Mill, near 14th. MODERN 5-room flat. 463 Burnslde st.. cor. East 8th. NEW 7 and 9-room flats- for rent, 10 mln utes walk from P. O. Call 434 Mill st. NICELY furnished modern 5-room flat, close ln. o33 Everett st.. near 16th. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts Newly furnished for housekeeping In cluding gas ranges, electric lights hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; slnglo housekeeping rooms $2.50 week up: best ln city for monev; short dte tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or -o.u-ai, cars norm, get orr at Marshall st "ONEONTA" 187 17th. near Yamhill (take W car), furnished 2, S and 4-room housekeeping suites by week or month, $5 and $20. respectively and up; hot and cold water, steam heat, baths and phones free: single rooms. $7 a month. Main 4697 A THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 -A Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors: nice suites from $12 up. ' ONE nicely furnished 2 -room housekeeping apartment; all modern conveniences- tele phone, bath, etc.; only $16. THE MER CEDES. 20th and Washington sts. $1.25 WEEK UP Clean furnished hn.,... keeping rooms; laundry, batn, yard. 2034 BEAUTIFULLY located two and three-room unfurnished bay-window suites. 805U Jef ferson and Fifth. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well furnished all conveniences, running water, very rea sonable, two car lines. 388 North 24th st TIiB SANTA ROSA. 369 B. Morrison Newly furnished rooms; housekeeping slnsls and suites, $2 up. THE SANGERT, Washington and Trinity near 19th, furnished apartment. NICE, newly furnished, modern, two-room housekeeping suite. The Barton. 455 Alder. A St'TTE e . , 1 .. 1 ... . . - - . v. w, 3 uimneu nouseKeeping rooms. The Raymond. 170 11th st. THE MILKER, 350V. Morrison, cor Park, home apartments, all conveniences. THE ELMS Two and three-room furnished apartments. 191 14th st. Phone Main 6307. $'" 3 furnished housekeeping rooms In cot tage; gas range, bath. 610 1st. THE FRANKLIN. Washington and 13th" kitchen and furnished rooms, reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, with free telephone and bath: close ln to cen ter of city, to married couple without children, for $16 per month. 321 7th st. Phone Main 1799. THREE connecting housekeeping rooms, water in kitchen, hard-paved street, walk ing distance, $15. 66 North 21st. near Washington. FOR RENT Three nteely furnished house keeping rooms: lawn and roses, cherries galore; $10 month. 615 Spencer st., Mon tavllla. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern conveniences; rnt $16. Phone Main 7773. 2404 6TH ST. Suite of furnished house keeping rooms; also sleeping room; free phone. 1 TWO desirable unfurnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance, near car. AdpIv 392 hi 6th. CAMBRIDGE BLDG., 3d and Morrison Furnished housekeeping-rooms. Apply room 36. 224 NORTH 16TH 2 well furnished housL keeping rooms, gas range, $15, light, water and phone free. NICELY furnished front ' room. alcove kitchen. 667 Everett st. VERY DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms; no children; walking distance. 347 Market st. WELL furnished housekeeping suites. waer in roooms. 828 Front St., near Market. THREE front connecting rooms, furnished; modern brick. 661 Irving, cor. 17th at. TWO rooms $9: one room for $12. Bath, laundry and phone. 308 13th st. NICE housekeeping rooms, gas range, rea sonable rent. 467 7th St., near Jackson. NICE cool suite, gas range, laundry. Phone Alain 6173. 146 North 16th. 555 KEARNEY Pleasant suite, furnished, gas and phone, $12. Main 3176. FURNISHED suite housekeeping rooms. $12 per month. 5SS Pettygrove st. Main 3423. FURNISHED house-keeping rooms, private bath; no other roomers. 554 Taylor st. TWO or three nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, ground floor. 580 Second st. NEAT housekeeping apartment, center of business. 32 North 11th. DON'T search, strangers. 203 14th, suit for couple; clean, quiet, yard. bath. 468 TAYLOR ST., 1, 2 or 3-room suite for housekeeping; rent reasonable. PLEASANT, modern rooms, reasonable. 555 5th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites $10) up. 492 Clay. FOR RENT Cottage, 553 Gllsan. bet. 16th and 17th sts.. North. Key at Max Smith's. 8S X. ltith st. No phone. MODERN 5-room cottage for rent after July " 2; responsible party only. Inquire at 925 r E. Stark at. FOR RENT 7-room modem house, close ln on West Side: rent $27 per month. In quire 510 Clay St., near 15th. $18 5-room cottage, modern conveniences; walking distance from steel bridge. 353 Vancouver ave. Inquire 248 Broadway. VERY desirable 6-room house; 402 San Rafael st.; close in; $25. Phone C 1491; East 16S5. MODERN 5-room cottage, walking dlstaace $18 tj adulUt. 575 Marshall. MODERN 5-room cottage, $15 per month; close In. 95 Morris st. Woodlawn 362. NEW house of 6 rooms and bath, 69 East 10th. near Everett. Inquire 132 6th st. MODERN 7-rcom houee: fixtures, shades- $30 287 San Rafael st. Inquire 172 First st. FOR RENT 6-room house. 600 2d St.. cor. Sherman. NEW 6-room house, completely furnished. 268 E. 23d; Hawthorne car. 7-ROOM house, close In; newly papered and T painted. Phone B 14C.7 before 2 P. M. FOR RENT 6-room house with bath. 223 Monroe st. ; $15. Inquire 172 First st. 6-ROOM house, corner lot, East 6th. and", -r Mill st. East 2. 3 NEW strictly modern 7-room house. Wood 667. 724 E. 13th, A