Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 02, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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?f,Unt,A-Rr0? 'MVoto
:rtTPi1dB1?00m " ""mIiS 4070
Kurt R Main 7070
bufct. Building. Mam 707o
ni ins
mMn?H.,,OW. THEATER(Twelfth and
""2n r-eti Charles Frohman pre
y.!. ?. '"' In the mmcay. "Jack
straw. Tonight 8:15 o'clock.
0"P"E';1 THEATER (Morrl.on. between
v nil .".'? Pev'"h" Advanced vaude
lle. Matinee at 2:13. Tonight at 8:13.
W?,IHE:TER (Washington, between
Vi?nd -pi.rk Vaudeville de luxe, 7:30 nnd 9 P. M.
TA NT AGES THEATER ( Fourth and Stark)
flTaO P m" vaudevllla- ;30. T:30 and
LI vile K.AT-E;n-S"-"rth ""a Alder)
Iallna - 'n-k f 1W,pany " "At Gay Coney
island. Tonight at 8:18.
ST e?.rvT.H,r:ATER Movlng-.plcture .how
o'clock nd venlnK- 2 to 10:30
RtV.u,10 FARK-(Twenty-nfth and
lrtg hn- Bo'hall. Aberdeen vs. Port
land. This afternoon at 3:30.
OAKS-(o. w. P canine ) Concert by
a I,t"ilan b"nd ThU ""emoon
at a jo; tonight at 8:15.
For quickest service auhscrlhe
tor The OrrKanlan at Summer
reaorta throuKh the following
a Kent a and avoid waiting- In line
t the poatofflce. city r a t e a.
Sgbicripflona by mall Invariably
n advance.
Ocean Park c. II. Hill
Krenkrra Hotel lireakera
I.onit lleach strauhal Co.
fcenvlew Strauhal fc Co.
Ilnaco Itallway Co.. New. Agent
t.earhart Sevrrln Harkaon
Seaside f. Ureaaer A Co.
Newport Georare Sylvester
anion Springes Mineral Hotel
Colllna Springs Colllna Hotel
North Albina Celebration.-.!, h.
Nolta, chairman of the committee of ar
rangements, announces that nearly every-
VL ?,S .,S rady for the celebration and
dedication or the Peninsula Park Hon--.
July 5. The programme will open
Saturday night with a ball. Sunday Tore"
noon the Peninsula Band will give a con-
cfuh ll a KPaI"lC !nd the North AIbina
m Arbr,,LdK Volunteer Firemen
t.,1 V5 M,a" ?ame- In the afternoon
the band will give another concert and
fi.f aw ,f 1 be played between
the V abash and Stepnens teams M
day will be the great day. It will open
? JTarad KUlingsworth avenue
headed by the Peninsula Band, followed
h floats, Knights and LadleB of Security
school children and citizens. It Is ex
pected to have several bands. The pro
cession will start at Patton avenue and
move on KUlingsworth to Vancouver ave
nue and thence to the park. W. J Peu
dlcord will read the Ueclaration of Inde
pendence. W. T. Vaughn will deliver the
oranon Te park will be formally
named Peninsula Park and some one will
peak on the subject of parks. The two
baseball clubs that win Sunday will play
Monday afternoon, when races will be
-. ei , MJ, ,Folta ask all the Peninsula
school children to take part in the parade
and to report to him In advance by call
ing Woodlawn 64.
Mona Help at Postofpicb. The new
clerks and carriers for the local Postoftlce
recently authorized by the Postofflce De
partment were yesterday sworn In by
I ostmaster Young. James F. Alexander,
the stenographer, authorized under the
same order was also sworn In. Mr
'""o nmrge 01 tne cor
respondence of the various heads of de
partment. His name was one of the
three submitted for the place by the
Civil Serffce Commission. The site of
the building for the mailing division, at
rlfth and Glisan streets, Is being cleared
and work on the structure will be begun
In a few days. The premises are to be
ready for occupancy In 90 days.
Girl Again in Trouble. Burnt Skihbe.
the Redding, Cal., girl who got in bad
company In Portland after coming here
to work, is again In the tolls. She was
first arrested three months ago on a
charge of assisting In the theft of 190
from a visitor to Portland, with whom
she and another woman, now serving sen
tence, were riding In an automobile. She
was pardoned two weeks ago by Governor
Benson under the condition that she was
to go home. This she did not do and
Petective llalor.ey yesterday took her Into
custody at the Instance of the District
Attorney's office.
Old Offender in Toils. Arrested In
Portland three times and after serving
an aggregate of seven years In the Ore
gon State Penitentiary, it is very prob
able that Edward G. Goble, alias B. 33.
Jackson, will give this city a wide tyrth
when he Is again released from custody.
He w-as arrested for the third time yes
terday by Detective Howell on a charge
of forging the firm name of Fritz & Rus
sell, contractors, to a check. His pre
vious offenses were both burglary.
Goble was released from prison only three
months ago after serving five and one
half years.
Takes Option on Lot. At the meeting
of the general committee of the SpII
wood Commercial Club Wednesday night,
an offer was received of a lot 60x100, on
fmatilla avenue, between Thirteenth and
Fifteenth, streets, for $300. It was de
cided to take an option on the lot, and
subscribers to the stock of the club paid
In enough to allow of a payment to be
made on the option. It was decided to
get the lot, effect an organization and
erect the clubhouse as soon as It can be
done. Another meeting will be held next
Wednesday night to complete the or
ganization and lay out all plans.
Deeds Are Recorded. Maude Ken
worth has sold to the Third Presbyterian
Church the west half of lots 7 and 8,
block 2S0 Aiken's Addition for $-S50. W. E.
Splcer transferred lot 1, block 2, Frush's
Addition to Oudahy Packing Company
for S0O0. J. B. C. Lockwood transferred
the property on the northeast corner of
Vnion avenue and East Alder street to
Harriet B. Dunham fortse.OOO. These
sales were made some time ago, and the
deeds have Just been recorded.
Ptolem Bicycle Found. Hubert Beat
tie, of 204 Stark street, has recovered a
bicycle that was stolen from him yes
terday morning, but Is not satisfied. He
wants the boy arrested who stole It.
Detectives Craddock and Mallet were as
signed to the case yesterday morning and
located the wheel at the home of Ed
ward Peterson, 233 Sixteenth street North,
but were unable to locate the youth sus
pected of stealing the bicycle.
Bio Gain in Postal Receipts. During
June the postal receipts of the Portland
Postofflce amounted to Jrt4.908.95. . an In
crease of more than 110,000 over the same
period last year. The receipts then were
JS4.WO.46. The Increase amounts to $10,
K2.4S, or 18.78 per cent.
Clatsop Beach Visitors. Groceries at
Portland prices at Dresser Mercantile
Company. Seaside and Gearhart Park.
Remember we save you the freight.
Picnic. Columbia University grounds.
Monday, July 5. Refreshments, games
and amusements. An Ideal place. Come.
Races! Races! Racks!
Portland Country Club Track..
July 2. 3 and 6.
Wanted. Furnished home for Summer,
prefer Portland Heights: will pay J75.
airs. Frohman. Portland Hotel.
Races! Races! Races!
Portland Couxtrt Club Track.
July I, 8 and 6.
, Furnished houseboat for sale. M. 5441.
Missionary Meeting. The third nna.
terly meeting of the Columbia River
branch. Woman's Foreign Missionary So
ciety of. the "Methodist Episcopal Church,
will be held In the parlors of Graca
Church this evening beginning at 7:45
o'clock. The meeting is under the direc
tion of the young women of the society
who have prepared a choice programme,
which will Include short addresses by
IWshop Charles W. Smith, Dr. J. H
Cudlipp. Itev. J. H. Dickson, of the
Congregational Board of Missions who
has recently returned from a ten years'
service in Ceylon, and Mrs. A. J. Hanson,
a prominent missionary worker of Cali
fornia and formerly the recording sec
retary of the Columbia River branch.
Rev. J. H. Dickson, familiarly known to
his many early friends and schoolmates
as "Harry Dickson was born and raised
in Portland and is the son of the late
Dr. James H. Dickson who died In 1903
and was for many years a prominent
practitioner and well-known Methodist
layman. Special music of the programme
will Include vocal selections by Mrs. E.
K Miller.
Gokb East as Delegate. Fred W.
Graves, president . of the Graves Music
Company, left yesterday for the East,
going as a delegate to the National As
sociation of Talking Machine Jobbers,
which will be held at Atlantic City, X. J..
July 6 to July 8. Mr. Graves will al
go to Washington. D. C, to appear be
fore the Congressional Copyright Commis
sion with reference to proposed amend
ments to recently enacted copyright laws.
He will also visit New York on the im
portant business mission of completing
negotiations for a controlling Interest In
one. of the largest piano factories in the
United States.
Farmer Boys Robbed. After drinking
one glass of beer each, Charles Spahn,
Robert Carpenter and S. L. Carpenter,
of Yamhill County, farmer boys, awoke
yesterday morning with the usual "morn
ing after" feeling and minus $246 In the
aggregate. They related their story at
police headquarters soon after and an
Investigation by Detectives Hyde and
Reed developed that the three men drank
their beer in Erickson's Burnside-street
saloon and that the beer contained
"knockout drops."
Rev. B. Nelson Allen to Return.
Rev. E Nelson Allen, pastor of th
Hawthorne Park Presbyterian Church
who left Portland February 1, with his
family for a tour through the Orient and
the Holy Land, will arrive tonight at 8
o clock. Professor R. R. Steele yester
day received a postal card announcing
that he would come this evening and oc
cupy his pulpit Sunday morning and eve
ning. His evening subject will be "Medi
tations on Mount Calvary," and in the
evening he will speak on a patriotic sub
Given Double Reception. Rev. G. E.
McDonald, the new pastor of the First
United Brethren Church, East Morrison
and East Fifteenth streets, will be "wel
comed to his new field tonight at the
home of J. R. Mann, 711 East Yamhill
street. Also a farewell reception will be
tendered Rev. H. C. Shaffer, at the
same time and place, as he retires from
the pastorate of this church after a five
years' term there. All friends of the
church are Invited.
Among the events planned in celebration
of the Fourth, is that of the Waverly
Golf Club, at Its clubhouse and grounds,
Saturday evening. It Is proposed to make
this . event attractive, especially for the
children, and it Is expected that parents
will bring the little ones out in force.
There will be fireworks for their especial
entertainment and dinner and dancing
for all.
Will Supply Second Church. Rev. H.
S. Black, of Centralla, .Wash., who has
been attending the Baptist convention,
will remain In Portland over Sunday and
occupy the pulpit of the Second Baptist
Church, East sWenth and East Ankeny
streets, in the morning.
Ahavai Sholom Services. Services will
be held in Congregation Ahavai Sholom
Synagogue, corner Park and Clay streets,
tonight at 8 o'clock. Music by the choir.
Tomorrow morning services begin at 9:30
o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson officiating.
All are welcome.
Ladies' $1.50 and $2 rose hatpins free
at both stores of the Laue-Davls Drug
Co.. Friday and Saturday, July 2 and 3,
with every purchase of $1 (patents ex
cepted). "Lefferts" pure gold seamless wedding
rings, all sizes; engraving free; price, $0
to $12. 272 Washington street.
Races! Races! Races! "
Portland Country Club Track.
July 2, 3 and 6.
For a Sank Fourth of July go to the
Seaside House, Clatsop Beach, Holladay
Station. L. E. Martinez, proprietor.
$5000 WORTH, HE, SAYS.
Sues Associated Investment Company
on Guarantee Posted When
Playhouse Was Opened.
As a result of the closing of the HelHg
Theater by the authorities on the grounds
that the structure Is unsafe, legal means
are being resorted to by Calvin Heilig,
lessee to recover from the present owners
the sum of $5000 posted with him as a
guarantee on a lease of five years. This
money Is now held by the Associated In
vestment company, of which S. Morton
Cohn Is the moving factor, and which has
acquired the building from the Belasco
Mayer interests, which erected the place.
Suit was instituted in the State Circuit
Court, yesterday, by Mr. Heilig, through
his -attorneys, John F. Logan and John
II. Stevenson, to recover the sum. It is
Bhown in the complaint that the building
was leased for a period of five years, the
$5000 being posted to cover the last five
months of the period, which began April
1. 1906. In the event all the requirements
of the contract were covered and car
ried out the money was to be returned
with interest at the end of the five years
May 31 the building was closed at the
Instance ot the building Inspectors, who
found that the supports of the structure
were rotting. Since then lthas been im
possible to conduct the theater as a place
of public amusement and so Mr. Heilig
contends that the lease is broken through
no fault of his.
Although the $5000 was originally posted
with the Columbia Stock Company, which
opened and failed under the Belasco
regime, it was transferred to Mr. Conn's
company when the sale was made.
It develops that the original owners
who spent $90,000 in erecting the building
and then lost $10,000 on a stock company
venture, have really come out nicely on
their Investment for it wsb taken over
by the Associated Investment Company
for $115,000 which put the Belasco-Mayer
interests $15,000 to the good.
Christian Endeavor Union Sleets.
The City Christian Endeavor Union
held its annual session Tuesday evening
at Sellwood and the meeting was largely
attended. G. Evert Baker presided. A
picnic dinner wat first served, when re
ports of the work of the year were read.
These showed that there had been a gain
of 10 per cent in membership during the
year and a revival In Interest. The fol
lowing officers were elected: President,
G. Evert aker, re-elected for third
year: vice-president. C. A. Hadley; sec
retary. Miss Sabin; treasurer, E. C. Set
tlemeir; member advisory committee. P.
H. Faulkes; chairman social committee,
Jennie Hampson; programme and press.
Miss Mildred Frost; chairman lookout
committee, W. B. Paul; good citizenship
; 1
If you expect
to be independent
financially you
must make a start.
Begin today by
opening a bank account
The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon
We Pay From 2 to 4 Per
Cent on Deposits
can for our statement and book of A
Portland Trust Company
of Oregon
BEX.I. I. rOHEV President
H. L. I"ITT(MK Vice-President
IR. A. S. NICHOLS.. 2d Viee-I're't
H. LEE PAtiET Secretary
W. ,1. .II I. Assistant Secretary
f. W. UKtiRAFK Cashier
and temperance, J. H. Stephenson. Rev.
Charles E. Hurd was elected special dele
gate to attend the annual meeting of the
International Christian Endeavor Con
vention, which meets In St. Paul, Minn.,
July 7-12. He will leave tomorrow with
a party of 15 delegates from Oregon, and
about the same number from Washing
ton, for St. aul. These officers will be
Installed the evening of the last Tues
day in July, when plans for the coming
year will be adopted.
New Municipal Judge Presides for
First Time.
Frank S. Benntt, the newly elected
Municipal Judge, officiated for the first
time yesterday morning. He was initiated
into the work "Wednesday morning by
Judge Van Zante, who was unable to be
present yesterday owing to pressing busi
ness In Hood River. Nick Beutgen, the
new clerk of the Municipal Court, ex
Representative in the Oregon State Legis
lature, likewise had his first inning as
custodian of the funds and records of the
city Justice dispensary.
"I realize that in a police court the
interests of Justice demand an equitable
and a discriminating dispensation of Jus
tice, rather thnn stHft v,--,
technicalities, " said Judge Bennett, "And
jv it umL lu uk my policy as .Munic
ipal Judge."
The first case to be tried before the
new Justice was that of Ed Morrissey, a
card writer, arrested for not securing a
1lcen.RO In thU no Ti,nH T . .
- - - .kid - j uusc . isriiii;iL a
membership in the City Council stood him
n B,yjux blcau auu iie ruiea mat Aiornssey
should either pay a fine or take out a
Mrs. Annie Miller Quaffs Fatal
Dose, Thinking It Was Medicine.
Mrs. Annie Miller, aged 58 vears.
drank a small glass of carbolic acid at
an early hour yesterday morning, from
tne errects or which she died a few
hours later. Drs. W. H. Vose. S. A.
Lockwood and W. F. Pruden were called
to attend her, but their treatment was
fruitless. It is not known whether sui
cide or a mistake in medicine caused
The acid was taken about 3
o'clock in the morning at her home.
South Walnut and Nesmith streets. Her
husband and other members of the fam
ily did not become aware of her suf
fering until she was found about 6:30
o'clock lying on the kitchen floor
groaning in agony. No inquest will be
Charles Tlmm, Dairyman, and 1 1-
Year-Old Nephew the Victims.
Charles Tlmm, a dairyman. 40 venm
old, and his 11-year-old nephew, Clar
ence Haylctt. living near ' Willsbura:.
Special Sale of Neckwear.
Elegant New Hatpins.
Ladies' Haberdasher,
341 Washington St., cor. 7th.
Removal Sale
75c Dutch Collars 50c
$1.50 Lace Bands, Yd. 85c
$2.75 and $3 Lace Bands,
gold mixed, $1.48
50c Venise Bands, Yd. 30c
Cream or White.
$12 and $15 Bags $6.98
Extra Values.
$3.50 Parasols $2.55
$1.50 Toreador Kid
Gloves $1.25
(j iyMhHjJAlr ml
We are exclusive Portland Agents for Holeproof Hosiery, for men, women and children. Mail
orders promptly filled and delivered free of cost to all parts of U. S., British Columbia and Alaska
Store will be Closed Monday (Independence Day)
were killed yesterday morning shortly
... uy nortnDound South
ern Pacific freight train 222. Thev
were driving across the railroad track
in a nllkwne-nTi 1. i 1, : .. . v. . . ...
, : ----- -.. ...... .w i,B tutu Lney
would be able to pass ahead of the
train. Tlmm was kllleri instsmiv ti,.
boy died three iiours later.
W. iS. Brown, also a (ialrrm.n
the only eve witness to th. j..
aside from the trainmen. He was the
first person to reach the mangled body
of the dairyman,' which had been
thrown fully 100 feet from the scene of
the accident. The h It V" WQ e thcn-H, ..III
Coroner Norden will hnM on i .
over the dead bodies this afternoon at
4 o'clock.
All the delicacies of tbo . v-
Portland Restaurant; fine Drlvate rt.
ments for ladles. 305 Wash., near Kifrh
T)r. Edward C. "Holmes nn.i.iiDt
pendlcitis, rheumatism, stomach, nerve
iruuuies. iu4 Buchanan bldg. M 8002.
Chicago Policeman Henry Schnadle was
Killed Thursday by a burelar h. .. a.
tempting to arrest. Hia assailant, who es
caped, also Is thought to be wounded.
A 2281 Main 6201
Women of Woodcraft Building
888 Taylor Street, corner Tenth
Borneo at the Jpkmgs. Buoa ficsr. Hungary.
Ml lU..,..,,.,.,
m 4
Fourth of July Fireworks Sale
Only two more days, and we will close out our entire stock at great
sacrifice prices. See the following prices on a few of the goods:
4-ball Roman Candles.. lOt No. 3 Star Mines, each.. 5
6-ball Roman Candles.. 18 No. 4 Star Mines, each. . 10
8-ball Roman Candles.. 26 No. 5 Star Mines, each.. 15
10-ball Roman Candles.. 'SS No. 6 Star Mines, each.. 3
12-ball Roman Candles.. 60 No. 7 Star Mines, each. . 60
1-ounce Skyrockets 14 No. 9 Star Mines, each..$1.10
3-ounce Skyrockets 25 Large Chinese Star, ea 4
6-ounce Skyrockets 51 Small Chinese Star, each 2
1- pound Skyrockets. .-...$1.20 Chinese Geysers, per box 20t
2- pound Skyrockets S2.30 Snake Nests, per box 10
Electric Torches $1.20 Dynamite Crax, 3 packs. 10
Sparklers S and lO Devil on a Walk, 3 for. . 5
Fine exhibition of celebrated Pain's set pieces, fancy rockets, day and
night bombshells, firework balloons, batteries, fountains, wonderful
rainbow wheels; etc
Andrew Kari & Co,
246 Washington Street, Near Old Chinatown.
JULY 2, 1909.
io your trading today and Saturday
Our store will bo closed
Monday, July 5.
Please give us your orders today
and Saturday and we will give you
our best attention.
We deliver goods to Portland
Heights and Willamette every day.
Open an account with us.
We prepay charges on all ship
ments during the Summer months.
In this way we give you city prices
and you get FRESH GOODS.
Portland's Oldest Grocers.
148 Third St. Both Phones.
Write for catalogue and prices on
sewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile,
water, well and culvert pipe, pipe tor
septic tanks, etc.
riPE co.
41 Bi. Front St.
The pleasure you get in your Clothes
after you've had them a month or two
is the real test of value; they may look
very nice when you are trying them on
and for a few weeks; after that comes
the critical time. Our guarantee of
satisfaction reaches that far: it's your
satisfaction, not ours, that we guarantee.
See that this name
Clothes, it is your guarantee.
Look at some of these very smart suits
we're selling at $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00;
they're made exclusively for us by the
greatest of clothes makers; new colors
of all kinds, new models; the limit of
value at $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00.
'Actually Indispensable to
KILHAM SEffifis! 5th and Oak '
'Ol l
The strictest attention to each individual account is the prin
ciple governing the management of this bank in respect to
the service' which it renders for its patrons. Our complete
equipment, moreover, affords every convenience for the prompt
and accurate transaction of any financial business.
Four per cent interest paid on 12-month, 3 per cent on
six-month Certificates of Deposit.
PHONES, Main 429 and A 5T73
Cotton Covered Hose
There Is Nothing Better.
ttl-ea-65-67 Fourth St, Cor. Pine.
Have Bought Bankrupt Stock of
From Western Importing Co.
At Wholesale and Retail.
---' 310 FIRST STREET.
is on your
Modern Business Methods
' flic ic n Tiliraca -mvi
' licited acknowledgement of the
I valuable uses every office has for
the V riterpress.
For less than the cost of any oth
er known method this machine
produces through the ribbon
that have the exact appearance
of individual personal letters.
With either the Ribbon or Auto
matic Inking Roller (both in
stantly interchangeable) you can
Save 2-3 Printer's Charges
on office forms, card index sup- '
plies, postcards, pricelists, etc.
using either typewriter or job
type, rules, electros and etchings.
One user writes: "We are print
ing vall of our Factory- Forms
saves us about two-third of the
cost. Bv the riterpress meth
od, any office boy or girl without
previous experience will produce
perfect results in your office in
less time than a printer can show
a proof.
Writerpress letters in mnnv
styles and sizes of type, together
with complete information, mailed
on request.
Sole Accents for Oreeon.
A Canadian I,ady of high social posi
tion, an experienced traveler, invites
correspondence with parents who desire
to give their daughters one or two
years' study and travel in Europe under
proper chaperonage and home guardian
ship. Testimonials exchanged. Address
O. L. D., Box 2000, Vancouver Canada.
fua Rafnel, t'al. Fully accredited U. S.
Army Officer. Only Weatern School with
Cavalry and Mounted Artillery. Open-air
Oym. and Swimming Pool. $600 and $7fH.
hool year opens August is. Arthur
Crnby. A. !.. n. O.. Hradmnstfr.
13.00 Fall Oct
Teeth. $6 00.
Crown and Bridge,
work. (3.00.
Room 40s. bckiua.
Open Evenings XU1 X
of iTl"V