CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKECONIAX TELEPHONES. , Pac. States. Home. CeuntinsRoorn Main 7070 A 6095 fi. Circulation Main7O70 A 6096 2!. ,n?-.-dUor Main 7070 A U095 t ompc-jiing-room Main 7O70 A 695 n.... S'.r Main 7070 A 6095 Cupt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6005 AJtrSEMEJJTS. BUNGALOW THEATER ("Twelfth and Morrison streets) Charles Frohman pre sents the American actress, Ethel Barry more. In the comedy. "Lady Frederick." ORHEUM THEATER (Morrison, between felxtn and Reventh Advanced vaude ville. Matinee at 2:13. Tonight at 8:15. GRAND THEATER (Washington, between seventh and Park) Vaudeville de luxe. S:30. 7:30 and a P. M. PANTAOE8 THEATER (Fourth and Stark) 9npI"JJu" vaudeville. S:30. 7 iCO and X.TR1C THEATER (Seventh and Alder) lyrlc Stock Company In "At Gay Coney Island." Tonisht at 8:15. 6T,1R.. THEATER Moving-picture show very afternoon and evening, a to 10 30 o clock. REv.REATvIO' PARK (Twenty-fifth and Vaufhn.) Baseball. Aberdeen vs. Port land. This afternoon at 8:30. OAKS (O w. P. carllne.) Concert by bn" This afternoon at 2-30; tonight at 8:15. THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1909. OREGONIAN (it RESORTS i For quickest service subscribe for The Oregonian mt Summer resorts h r o u sr k the following; Bent and avoid watting; lu line at the poatofflee. City rates. Subscriptions by mall Invariably ia advance Ocean Park C. II. Mm Breakers Hotel Breakers Lon Beach Strauhal A Co. Seavlew Strauhal fc Co. Ilwaco Railway Co.. News Ascent Gearhart Severin Rarkaon Seaside k. Dresser Sc Co. Newport Georsre Sylvester Carson Springs Mineral Hotel Collins Sprints ..Collins Hotel 4 Work on East Stark Street. The contractor for the Improvement of East ; fitark street, between East Twentieth and iast Forty-first, has a steam shovel at work from East Twentieth street. Com ; plaints have been made of delav on this : Improvement from Sunnyside, Montavllla and Mount Tabor. East Stark street ifceing an extension of the Base line Toad, usually carries a heavy travel, but I la now torn up for the entire distance causing; great hardship to the public The .contractor has until November to com Iplete the Improvement and says he v will ' take the entire time for the work. If several blocks west from East Fortieth . street were completed so travel could reach Sunnyside it would remove cause (for complaint by providing; access to (Portland. CRtrau Driver Mat Bb Pardoned H I. Itkln. a fruit vender who was sen- tenced to 60 days Imprisonment by Justice .Olson ten days ago for cruelty to his iiorse. will In all probability be pardoned .after IB days have expired, by Governor . Benson. A letter was received from Gov ernor Benson yesterday at the District attorney's office and Frank TJ. Henneesy ! wrote a recommendation that the pardon De granted. Justice Olson severely ar raigned the man for his cruelty and gave film the full Imprisonment limit of the flaw. The sentence Is the longest on record for a similar offense. The basis jpon which pardon is being sought Is the (tfaet that IUcln'9 family, consisting of a ,wife and mother, both of whom are Inva lids, are in destitute circumstances. Pmssbttbrian Church Organized. The .Otose City Park Presbyterian Churoh was i organised Monday night, with 19 charter Jnembers, at the home of D. J. Russell. TTim charter membership roll w'U remain rpen until July 12. L. E carter, A. V. QScesley and Charles Worracott were elected elders, and O. I Ferris, D. J Russell and Mark E Carter were elected trustees. Rev. Henry Marcotte. Rev. lAndrew J. Montgomery and Rev. Tracey m. Griswold. committee from the Port land Presbytery, were present to effect the organisation of the new church A quarter block on East Forty-fifth and (Hancock streets has been secured, and a chapel will be built at once, which will le used until the main church Is erected. Prosecution to Go Forward H. S .Reynolds, an Alberta street grocer, who .was arrested recently on three charges of assault, two of which were complained of by his wife and the third by his step daughter, expects again to escape sen tence when his case is called this after Inoon before Justice Olson. Mrs. Reynolds !nd her husband have made up their dif ferences and she will probably not ap jwar against him. Assistant District At torney Hennessy eays not so. "I am Boing to see this old gag Is not pulled ft on me," he declared yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Reynolds will be summoned and the case pushed to the limit, he says. Oot.ON ni. Jenkins to Speak. Colonel W. F. Jenkins, Provincial Commander of the Salvation Army in the North Pacific Kates, will deliver an Illustrated lecture "From Bethlehem to Calvarv," at the Fortland Y. M. C. A. Auditorium. Fourth street, between Yamhill and Morrison, Monday. July 6. at S P. M. especial meet ings will be conducted by Colonel Jen kins, at corps No. 1, Third and Davis wUeeus, Saturday night and Sunday morn liiK. at 11 o'clock, and at corps No. 4, 249 Madison street, Sunday, at 3 P. M. and S P. M. Major and Mrs. Faulkner and other officers will be present and take part. New Pastor Arrives. Rev. Charles T. Roosa. who will have charge of the 3'resbyterlan work ln South Tillamook lias arrived with his bride, and will leave next week for that field. He comes from the Auburn Theological Seminary of New York, where he graduated this Spring. "With his wife he has been attending the Exposition nt Seattle. Rev. Mr. Koosa is the last of the men brought here by the Portland Presbytery to occupy new II. lds. Shoe Cu.rk Gets Year. Edward rVliuhz. a young salesman ln the employe of the RegHl shoe store. 4m Washing ton street, who was arrested Monday on a charge of dealing J1S5 from his em ployer, entered a plea of guilty before JudRe Vn Zante In Municipal Court yes terday morning on advice of his attorney, luis R. Heed, and was sentenced to one year on the rockpile. COLLECTOR TO HAVE TRIAL. Louis J. Hall, a fan Francisco collector who was Rr re ted Monday night by Constable Lou Wanner, will have a preliminary exami nation before Judge Van Zante in Muni cipal Court this morning on the charge of larceny by embezzlement preferred against him by t;. n. Tomaslni, who complains that Hall collected J150 belong ing to him, which he did not return. Boy Ewirss Prosecution. After .having Oscar Anderson, an IS-year-old Mount Scott youth, arrested on a charge of larceny of J10 by bailee, to which the lnd confessed. J. 1. I.edwldge, of East Forty-tlifst and Mall streets, a contrac tor, withdrew the charge and paid $2.50 costs In the case. "I haven't got the heart to prosecute him," he said. Will Ct.ose Sunday Aktkrnoon. The Alhlra branch library will be closed on Sunday afternoons during the Summer months. The central library will be open as usual from 2 until 6 o'clock for read ing only. Clatsop Bkach Visitors. You can save money by buying your groceries at Dres ser Mercantile Company, Seaside and cVarliart Park. Goods sold at Portland Trices. Remember you save the freight. tSSOO a bargain; lo-room house and three lots, four blocks from Russell and Wil liams ave. Owner, 525 Chamber of Com. MORE DELIVERY Wrvnnwa t 1... was yesterday received from the Post office Department, by Postmaster Young, to provide four additional general delivery windows In the Postofnce corridor. The work will not be undertaken until Sep tember as the new windows cannot be used until the mailing division is moved to the building recently leased for the purpose. This will give eight general delivery windows. The carriers window opposite the elevator will be used for superintendent of delivery. At the pres ent time each of the four general de livery windows receives on an average of 4800 calls per day. Seek Site for Clubhouse. Although the committee from the Sell wood Com mercial Club recommended the purchase of the lot owned by J. E. Rlnkie, near East Thirteenth street on Tacoma ave nue, for its clubhouse, Mr. Rinkie has decided he will not sell. Some other locations have been offered and will be discussed at a meeting of the general committee and promoters tonight in the bank building. Some believe that the clubhouse should be built near Umatilla avenue, ln view of the erection of the carbars at the Golf Links, but others think it ought to be built farther north. Woodcraft Delegates Named. At the recent district convention of the Women of Woodcraft, held in the headquarters building, on Tenth and Taylor streets, five delegates were chosen to represent the 11th district at the grand convention, which will be held fn the same place ln July. Many important questions came up for discussion. The delegates chosen were: Mrs. J. D. Hayes, from Astra Circle; Mrs. Menefee, from Oregon Circle; Miss Montgomery, from Silver Bell Circle, Salem; Mrs. M. Roberts, from Royal Circle, and Mrs. Schultze, from Arbutus Circle. Parish to Celebrate. The Fourth of July will be celebrated July 5, at the hall and grounds of Sacred Heart parish on the Mllwaukie road. There will be games and many amusement features, including a tug-of-war, races and other athletic sports. Refreshments will be served on the ground and a musical pro gramme will be provided. The celebra tion Is free to the public Bakery Alleged Unclean. e. Franz, manager of the United States bakery, at Seventh and Burnside streets, was ar rested yesterday morning on a warrant from the Municipal Court on complaint of Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, City Market In spector, charging him with operating an unclean establishment. The. trial will come up oefore Judge Van' Zante this morning. Inhuman Driver Fined. Robert Bray, a driver for the Van Horn Transfer Com pany, was fined $5 in Municipal Court yesterday morning for cruelty to animals. He was arrested at Main and First streets by Policeman Harms, while lash ing his mule team ln a fury. One of the animals was bleeding freely about the ears, according- to the officer. Hard-Surface for Prescott. A peti tion Is being circulated for the improve ment of Prescott street, from Union ave nue to East Thirty-first street, with hard surface pavement. Those ln charge, of the petition report that many signatures are being obtained, and that the prospects lor the pavement are encouraging. The National Wood-Pipe Company, the largest manufacturers of wooden pipes ln the United States, Just purchased for their Portland branch, six L. C. Smith Sc. Bros, typewriters with all standard makes of machines ln competition. This well-known business concern now uses L. C. Smith typewriters exclusively. Salvationist to Lecture. Colonel W. F. Jenkins, leader of the Salvation Army ln the Northern Pacific states will de liver an Illustrated lecture ln the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium, on Monday next at 8 P. M. Major J. Faulkner will be the soloist for the evening. Maxamas Will Meet. The Mazamas will meet at Mountain View, above Wil lamette Heights, on Saturday evening. July a. BrinfcT cups and Chinese lanterns. All Interested ln mountain climbing are welcome. Furnished Residence for Summer. Choice location or Portland Heights, on carllne; will pay $76. Mrs. Frohman, Portland Hotel. , For Rent. To reliable party for Sum mer, completely furnished house. 65S Irving street. Mrs. Helen Cardwell. If I Were looking for fresh choice fish, I would go to a Smith Market. Read Smith's adv., back page. For Tillamook. Steamer Argo receives freight and passengers, upper Oak-street dock. Sails tonight. ELKS SIGN UP FOR TRIP PORTLAND WILL SEND BIG PARTY SOUTH. Seventy-five Have Already Agreed to Go and Number Is Expected to Be Doubled. Seventy-five Portland Elks have already subscribed their names to the list of those who will represent the local order at the annual grand lodge reunion. It -s be lieved that within the next few dayB the list will at least have been doubled. The hour for departure on July g was fixed yesterday and the Portland special will leave the Union Depot at 11:45 P. M. The Southern Oregon contingent will be picked up en route, while the delegations from Eastern Oregon and Washington will go Independently on special cars that may be put through as a second section, of the Elks' special. The grand lodge reunion commences July 12 and concludes July 19. Los Ange les Is actively preparing for the recep tion of the antlered throngs from all over the countr yand every confidence is ex presssed by local Elks that the situation will be fully met in the big California city. Special rates are being made by the railway companies and assurances have been given that the train service will be adequate to all needs. Here Is a list of those who have subscribed for reserva tions on the Elks' special from Portland: John B. Coffel J. H. Devlin rr. H. F. McKay H. Westermtre William McMurray C. L. Phillip Gus C. Moser Wade M. Kennedy James Anderson James M. Boyd E. W. Qulmby H. F. Ovlatt George J. Blodgett Philo Hoi brook E. W. Moore Herman Grimm A. Frlbers Monroe Goldstein J. H. Plet M. J. Delahunt W. t. Harru F M. Anderson A. E. JenKnn Thomas J. Swivel M. J. Hlrkcv John Eeklund C. C. Brad-cy p.. E. Moody E C. Johnson 11. G. Kates T I. Kiehariis H. F. McClallen R. M. Eooles r. A. Malarkey "W. J. Rutherford H". r. Griffin Monte J. Wax P. H. D'Arcy Cheodore Rowland H. A. Burgess K. 1.. Lltherland M. .1. Driscoll E. H. Spranfter T D. Stephenson H. H. Holland Robert Skeen Allen T. Bates p. J. Shea George Febvet William Frits A. B. Manley Henry Rothchlld S. Filendly p. Peterson E. K. Mcl'laran E. A. McOeadv Clayton Fallas G. B. Mason J. J. Jennings H. E. Albert E. J. Wallace E. t". Patton J. A. Waddle John Jost M Solomon W. H. Brott O. 1-. Schieffelln J. V. Bennls A. H. Pracht p. M. Flood F. O. Wonder R. H. Henneman John E. Kelly John B. E. Fiske STREETCAR WRECKS WAGON David H. Myers Knocked Into Street and Injured. David H. Myers, an expressman living at 553 Karl street, Brooklyn, was consider ably bruised yesterday afternoon by a street car that ran Int ohis wagon at the Are You Saving Money which will work for you when you can no longer work for yourself ? Save Your Money Now even at a sacrifice if neces sary, than to want, or be dependent upon others in your old age. Begin today by opening a savings account with The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon ,We Pay From 2 to 4 Per Cent Call for our Statement and book of .IIXXJ8TKA.TIONS" Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS .BEXJ. I. COHEN President IT T. prrrneir -vra , j S - . wu.. . . . - . . r.iuni, DB. A. S. KICHOL9,. .2d Vlce-Fres. B. LIB PAGET... Secretary .W. J. GIXX.. . . Assistant Secretary C. W. DEGKAIT Cashier intersection of East Ninth and Ellsworth streets. Myers was driving on Ellsworth street from East Eighth street, and start ed his horse across the double tracks at Bast Ninth street. As he turned his horse on the track he heard a Broklyn car approaching rapidly and succeeded ln getting his horse off the track as the car came up. The car struck the back end of the wagon turning It over and throwing Myers out. He clung to the lines and stopped the horse. Mr. Myers was se verely bruised on the hip and about the head, but not seriously injured, his wagon was wrecked. He said he did not hear the motorman sound the bell. . SUIT OVER LOST NOTE RECEIVER OF DEFUNCT L,A GRANDE BANK SUES. Asa B. Thompson, ex-Receiver ol Land Office, on Trial in Fed eral Court. Judge C. B. Wolverton yesterday heard the case of Walter Neidner. re ceiver of the Farmers' & Traders' Na tional Bank, of La Grande, Or., against Asa. B. Thompson, ex-recelver of the United States LaUd office at La Grande, to compel him to pay a note of $6000 he Is alleged to have given the bank August 3, 1903. A significant circumstance in connec tion with the case is the fact that the note has been lost. According to the opening statement of Frederick Baus man, of Seattle, counsel for Neidner, the note was given by Thompson to ward off the suspicions of the bank ex aminer, who was sent to La Grande about that time to investigate the bank's affairs, for the Controller of the Treasury Department, and later abstracted from the paying teller by Thompson through false representa tions. Mr. Bausman declared that a con spiracy had long existed between J. W. Scriber, ex-cashier of the bank, and ThomDSOn anrl that tut c - ... .iptiiLei , OI La Grande, was an accomplice ln the , "J"' l" ucimua me (government of lands. Spencer, he declared, was merely a go-between in the fradulent under taking and both he and Thompson each gave his note for $6000 to the bank to carry their overdrafts and make it appear that these assets were part of the legitimate collaterals in order to deceive the bank examiner. Colonel J. H. Raley, of Pendleton, one or Thompson's attorneys, ridiculed the idea of conspiracy or fraud and de clared his client was not Indebted to the bank. Guy E. McCullough, teller of the bank, was the first witness for Receiver Neidner. He related the circumstances of the notes given by Thompson and Spencer and how Thompson's note be came lost. According to his testimony, it was only after considerable persua sion that he consented to' let Thomp son keep the note until the inspector of the bank had left. But he did not return It, notwithstanding the demands made by himself (McCullough) and Scriber. The only documentary evi dence to show that Thompson ever gave the note were the bank notes, showing the written record of the transaction by the bookkeeper. Scriber is now under indictment by the Federal grand Jury for bis part in the Alleirari wronlrlm, .i t , "r mo xa. ijrranae bank, which was closed October 10, unuer orders irom the Controller Of the TrMSIirV. T7Anai-vBW XT.IJ represented by Frederick Bausman and - oeatue, wniie Raley Richards & Raley, of Pendleton, ap pear for Thompson. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for ladies. 305 Wash., near Fifth. Dogger Breaks Leg. Steve Knrthrtin a i - ; "uuiv-wnuer em ployed by the Chapman Timber Com- K"J " camp at Scappoose, Or., was the victim of a painful accident vesterdav.. The rw-il o , , i t , out of his hand and swinging backward uiiuit, ins leg. ne was nurrled to the city on the first train and taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital in an ambu lance from the Central Stables. He will recover. Willamette Tent & Awning Co. 25 and 27 North Front, manufactures "Willamette" couch hammocks. Com fortable, durable and ornamental. . For sale by all dealers. MY SEW LOCATION. Tr. Fdwln C Hnlmpq cna.l,ll.t i pendicitis, rheumatism, stomach, nerve SO 0 1 - ouciisnao Diag. Main Ship's Figurehead for Oregon. SALEM, Or., June 29. (Special.) Con- w fiu You'll Like These ! When you see the suits we are selling at $20, $25 and $30 you'll understand just what we mean when we say "extra value for the money." They're clothes such as you don't expect for such prices; such as you don't find anywhere else either. America's best makers made them for us exclusively; carried out our ideas about it; put extra quality of fabrics and tailoring into them. They're satisfying clothes moderately priced $20, $25 and $30- gressman Hawley has telegraphed Gov ernor Benson that the figurehead of the battleship Oregon will be .delivered to the state authorities of Oregon upon request. THEATER FUND SWELLED Subscriptions for Playhouse Now Amount to $100,000. Up to yesterday afternoon the fund for the erection of a modern, first-class theater to house the Cort-Heilig at tractions haa reached a total of $100, 000. the last subscription being that of the Meier & Frank Company for $5000. It Is believed that the total amount of $126,000 will be subscribed by the end of the week. Large amounts of the stock have been subscribed for by the following well known firms and capitalists: E. C. Mears, as agent for the Heilig Theater Company; H. L. Corbett. J. C. Ains worth, W. B. Ayer, I. N. Fleischner, Gay Lombard, Meier & Frank Company Olds, Wortman & King. E. C. Shevlin, Frederick Kribs, Joseph Healy G K Wentworth and the Failing estate. It is planned to go ahead with the con struction of the theater as soon as the subscription books are closed. Falling Tree Costs Leg. Theodore Schacht, a logger, of Syca more, Or., on the Estacada line, was seriously injured yesterday while at work felling trees and as a result lost his right leg. A tree in falling crushed his limb between the ankle and the knee. Meat Clogs the System Hot weather often brings many ills. Try cooling, strength ening food. Open 6 A. M. to 8 P. M. Prices moderate. Vegetarian Cafe lOS Sixth St. Near Washington. He was brought to this city during the afternoon, was conveyed from the street car to the Good SamaoTtan Hospital ln Holman's ambulance. The surgeons found it necessary to amputate the in jured limb. Schacht is unmarried. His parents live at 114 North Fifteenth street. EDUCATIONAL. Western Summer Institute JULY 5 TO AUGUST 6, 190D. 1. Teachers' Review. (a) For County Examinations. (b) For City Examinations. 2. Teachers' Sewing Department. (a) Model Sewing. (b) Garment Making. 8. Teachers' Normal Art Department. (a) Course in Public School Drawing. (b) Course ln Design. For circular write II- A. GROUT, West Ave. and Hawthorne, Portland, Or. A Canadian Lady of high social posi tion, an experienced traveler, invites correspondence with parents who desire to give their daughters one or two years- study and travel in Europe under proper chaperonage and home guardian ship. Testimonials exchanged. Address O. L. D., Box 2000, Vancouver Canada. MT. TAMALPAIS MILITARY ACADEMY San Rafael, Cal. Fully accredited u a Army Officer. Only Western School with Cavalry and Mounted Artillery. Open-air Gym. and Swimming Pool. $800 and S7O0 School year opens Aneuit IS. Arthur Crosby. A. M.. n. II.. Headmnnter. SMOKE $2.00 La Tosca Corsets $1.70. $5.00 Sun Umbrellas $4.25. Fine Embroideries Reduced. F.P: YOUNG Seventh St., Cor. Washington. The Quality Shop. LADIES' HABERDASHER. Removal Sale Radical Redactions on Every thing ln the Shop. (Only contract goods excepted) $1.50 Toreador Kid Gloves $1.25 $1.50 Long Silk Gloves 89c Colors only. $3.50 12 -Button Long Kid Gloves $1.50 $3.50 Parasols $2.55 65c Hosiery 50c Silk lisle. Extra Clerks. Quick Service. Best of the Best" The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO. CANADA PORTLAND BRANCH SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened in the name of two people payable to either of them, or the sur vivor. Interest allowed on the undisturbed monthly balance. FOREIGN EXCHANGE bought and sold. DRAFTS ISSUED payable in all principal cities of the world. , A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED F. C. MALPAS, Manager Portland Branch A. SANTAELLA A CO, Makers, Tampa. The Hart Cigar Co. Distributors. PORTLAND PRINTING UjOUSEe A OOQ1 VT.- Print EYERYTHIRG But 1 A 2281 Main 6201 eirs Women of Woodcraft Building SE8 Taylor Street, corner Tenth THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St. CSl Borcn Ave. SEATTLE Absolutely Eire-Proof Enropcaa Fiaa ' UnitedWlreleU Statloa The Blfibeit Grade Erery MoJara ConTealaact Centrally located and commanding a Tiew of the Olympic". Cascade Mountains, Mt. Rainier and l?ua-t Sound. Auto-'Bns meets trainsand boata on direct carllne to the A..-Y.-P Exposition J. 6. McTERNAN, Manager. Great Fireworks Sale! Owing- to the restriction . of the city ordinance -which prohibits cer tain class of dealers from selling fireworks in their stores, we have prepared our large room with well selected stock to meet the great de mand, and everybody will enjoy the National Independence day with a display of fireworks. "We carry the largest stock in the city and selV re tail at wholesale prices. Come early and make your selection so as to avoid the great rush of the last day. We also carry a complete line of both public and private display goods, including the large exhibition set pieces, night shells, fancy rockets of great height, latest nov elties, best and loudest dynamite crackers, flags, and all kinds of carnival goods. Also special sale of Japanese and Chinese curios, mat ' ting, etc. ANDREW 24a Washington St. KAN & CO. Between 2d and 3d Sta. For QUALITY and PROMPT SERVICE CALL UP THE CITY LAUNDRY CO. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU PHONES, Main 429 and A. S7T3 1 ' ' "",7 jL-U Write for catalogue and prices on sewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile, water, well and culvert pipe, pipe for septic tanks, etc . OREGON A WASHINGTON SEWER PIPE CO, 41 N. Frost St. ASK YOtTB. DEALER FOR "EUREKA" OR "OBELISK" Cotton Covered Hose There Is Nothing Better. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. ttl-63-e5-e- Fourth St, Cor. Pine. Have Bought Bankrupt Stock of FIREWORKS From Western Importing Co. WIL.I. SELL BELOW COST At Wholesale and Retail. SEID BACK, 310 First Street FredPrehn4)J).S. 12.00 FuU Set ot Teeth, (6.00. Crowns and Brldxe work, (3.00. Room 405. Uckmn, Open Evenings Till 7. ICCHWAB PRINTING CO IwSOLICITS YOUR PATROUAr.F 247i STARK STREET