80 ACRES, 17 MILES FROM PORTLAND IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY, FOR $2SO0 Located within 1 mile of two good towns, on electric carline, 150 yards from the station, and on a good county road, ail In pasture and baa 600 or TOO cords of standing wood; land la slightly rolling and is well watered by a fine spring; has a new house; place could be made into an excellent fruit farm as the soli Is the finest for fruit. Land adjoining this place l uelllng for $125 per acre In small tracts, this Is certainly a bargain and will bear Investigating. RALPH ACKLEY, 605 Corbett Bids., Portland, Or. I TWO WHEAT AND HOG FARMS. Low foothills, cast uf Alt. Hood. No. 1 14o acres. rih noil iimi plow land tall level), balance grass pas- uiLcn runs tnrougn place taiways full!, perpetual water shares go with place; good o-roum house, barn, orchard. 1 and m miles to school, on main county road. 3o miles to present terminus of R. It. (R. R to be constructed to within la miles); price No. 2 100 acres level, rich sol!, 20 acres timbered, balance nearly all plow land; 6 room house, barn, orchard; has ditch (plenty water), with ditch right; 1 mile to s-hool; on same road near No. 1. Price $J2iH. For bargains- in farms, east or west side. See H. T. ABcSTElN. 821 Board of Trade Bldg. WHY BUY STUMP LAND At $200 and $:u0 per acre? I have GO acres bottom land, $140 per acre, cleared eight years ago; lo-room house, large barn, new up-to-date young orchard. The last crop yielded $225 per acre; has grown five tons hay per acre; saved $8000 cash Independent of Improvements; 6 miles from city; terms. 27 acres choice land S miles out city; no stumps, all In grass, TOO feet of water front; no better for gardening; $4000; terms. Six new bungalows, strictly modern In every respect, $1650 to $3000; good terms; t block to car. 3-room house, large barn, chicken house and yard, corner lot, 50xliK, $oU0. MANN & MANN. 314 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder, l'hone Main 4793. A 7S-ACRE FARM AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. This beautiful place Is located on s. main county road, only li miles from the t-'lty of Portland; has a new house, barn and chicken-house: the house Is small, but comfortable: there are five acres of oats and potatoes, a nice young orchard and a fine lot of timber, which Is worth enough to pay for clearing the land; the land is all tirst-class dairy, fruit or garden land and with a little Improvement would make an ideul country home; price $1500. RALPH ACKLEY. U5 Corbett Bldg. 42 ACRES 11 miles from Portland, V, mile from R. R. station, fine roads, daily mail, telephone, old house and barn, about 15 acres have been plowed, balance level, some Rood fir timber for cord wood; well fenced, good spring and running water; some black swale land, balance heavy loam; no gravel; this is an investment of more than ordinary merit: with a little work will double In value In one year; fine for small dairy; llazelwood cream mute pest place dally; adapted to truck gardening and fruit; price $3600; $2000 cash, balance long terms. CHAI'IN & HERLOW. Ssa Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE FRUIT AND ALFALFA LAND. ftOO acres. In Yamhill County, soon to have an electric line to Portland; 34 miles from good town and railway, at ertsa of valley; Joins a splendid loo-acre orchard; on 2 good county roads; large colonial house, good barn and other build ings; 400 acres In cultivation and pas ture; unexcelled for fine fruit, English walnuts, clover and alfalfa; $:; per acre; $7000 cash, balance good terms. There Is no such a bargain anywhere so near Portland. This laud Is reasonably worth $75 per acre. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 923 Board of Trade. HOOD RIVER land Is an Investment for salaried people; we will sell vou 10 to 20 acres of the Vanderbllt Orchard Land Company's tract; this Is the wry best of Hood Klver land, especially adapted for apple culture; each tract can be Irrigated; price from $luo per acre up; 1-3 cash: easy terms on balance. CHAPIN & HERLOW, '32 Chamber of Commerce. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. Three minutes' walk to two carllnes. stores and P. O. ; 10 acres, all In cultivation - acres young orchard, plenty small fruit, new ti-room home, furnace and running ivaier. large, new barn, windmill, poultry house, etc. PRICE $0. O. C. R. ELLIS : CO.. -H4 Was-hington st., rooms 201-202. 20 ACRES A BARGAIN. Near iteedvllle. corners on two county roa.ls; 2 acres In bearing orchard, balance In grain and paeture; houoe and large new $'''o r 1U want a anaP. see this; price ' O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.", 1-ls Washington St., rooms 201-202. DAIRY RANCH 227 acres on the Columbia River. 26 miles from Portland, all meadow and pasture land, all fenced, fair build ings, about 20 head of cows; it s as good as the best and a bargain at $60 per acre; lialf rash, balance to suit. Geo. W. Turner i 1 0-17 Kothchlld bldg. .turner, FOR SALE or trade for Southern Oregon land, .10 acres Joining Vancouver city lim its: half lu cultivation, running water for irrigation: best fruit and garden land In i lark county, near 5-cent carline and 2 miles from river; water right from springs. AM 1S. Oregonian. FREE TO ALL T1LLQRS OF THUJ SOIL. Government bulletin on irrigation in the Willamette Valley and beautifully illustrated booklet. "The Call of the Soil" (copyright) sent to any address free. Address Canbv HAB 15 stock and dairy farms in Oregon on railroad; milch cow a, outside range, part cash. Call or write L. R. Kaylor. 73$ Mar uuam bldg., Portland, Or. 07 ACRES. 4 t miles from county seat 4 room house, good barn. 25 acres under cultivation, balance oak timber, for $1S00. Room 301. 2M1 Washington st. FOR SALE Well Improved farm 144 acres. O acres under cultivation. 20 acres beaver dam. $14.300, Louis Bechtel. Salem. Or. 1!A.U",1NS, " Improved and unimproved '"'"'" County form lands. Barnard & Co Hal&lna. Wash. t-l-.ND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. ALL good ones, tee ua Columbia Trust Co Board of Trade bldg. VOU SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACKV & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 820 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. BY OWNER 900 acres of timber and coal land on tidewater on Coqullle River. Coos ounty. Address Box 170. Myrtle Point. LARGE and small tracts of timber lands for sale; homesteads and timber claims locat ed and guaranteed. Verdin & Conger lOB North Sixth St., Grants Pass, Or TIMBER lands. $2.50 per acre; I loeat. you purchase; also homesteady and tlm ber locations. 219 Worcester bldg. GOOD sawmill and 10.000.000 feet of timber ."i V 'rom Portland, for $12,500. Room ..tl. CmI W ashington st. tK are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Klnnev A .stampher, R.U-S2 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED ACRE AG E. W ANTED to buy, 6 or 10 acres on or near alfm carline; state price. A 193, Ore gonian. HOMESTEADS. IV PKO E this opportunity of homesteadlng .-o acres good wheat land under new ruling Inquire Embody A Bradley Co. 615 Luin bemiea's buig. Phone Main or A S163 MAP and booklet of Information of any two reservations to be opened In Julv, for $1. c K. Baker. 510 Riverside ave.. " Spokane. Wash. HOMESTEAD under Government Irrigation project In famous Payette VaJlev. Idaho ti.ar gfod town; snap. $1100. Address T 2o5 Oregonian. NINE homesteads near Portland, 15 miles from railroad, fee $1 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg.. Portland. Or. TWO fine 320-acre homesteads and several others In Gilliam. Morrow and Wheeler Counties. Locator's fees $200. These are the making of a fine home. D. S. Cameron Realty Company. ilO Washington St.. Van couver. Wash.. V. s. A. HOMESTEAD. Will relinquish 80 acres m miles west of Mosler. on Columbia River and O. It. & N R. R.. about 0 acres good fruit soil, balance In small timber; $7.0 if taktn al once. Address T 20i. Oregonian. KEY ranch for stockraiser; best on earth; Improved farms bordering on the Willam ette Valley, $12.50 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. SCRIP for sale; 80 acres soldiers- additional homestead right. 264 East 31st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year: we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes. day week or month. Phones East 72, B 1369. Haw thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. PAIR 6 and 7-year-old mares, 1000 lbs, sound and city broke; these mares have been sent here by Mr. E. W. Birge, from Hood River, Or., must be sold at once; your own price. 505 Alblna ave. SPAN of sorrel ponies, weight 1700, B years old; very gentle, well matched; new harness and buggy; will sell very cheap. 228 Jeffer son. Barn. FINE young standard-bred Hambletonlan driver; large chestnut gelding, city broke, shipped from Iowa; a gentleman's good one, at 2yl Glenn ave., Hawthorne car. TE1AM bay driving mares, stylish, speedy, perfectly matched; weight 2000 lbs. 188 Blandena at. FOR SALE Two teams heavy draft horses. 6 and 7 years old, sound and with out blemishes. Phone East 4804. A FEW good horses and mares at the Madison-Street Sale Stables, lSSft Madi son st., near bridge. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M 3300- ONE stylish driving mare, 6 years old, per fectly sound. Phone East 4804. HtfBERT & HALL. 3S0 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. FOR SALE Ten young heavy Valley draft horses. 24Q Russell st. East 152. FINE family horse and buggy for sale cheap. Anderson Bros.. 2d and Jefferson sts. HORSE for sale, 335 1st st.. work or driv ing, or ride. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. FINE black driving mare, city broke. Call 49 North 6th St. Automobiles. ELECTRIC automobile, first-class condition, for $1000 cash, or terms. Inquire Seng stake & Lyman, 90 Fifth st. Pmnos. KBARLY new seno Estey piano, mahogany case. $250. 440 E. 11th st. N. Broadway car. Phone C 2184. FINE upright piano for sale or trade, at C. ri'K's warehouse, 2d and Pine sts. AN 134, Oregonian 4f0 UPRIGHT PIANO for $135 cash, leav ing city. 2!) North oth at. Main 3753, A li25. A snap. Miscellaneous. OREGON wolf hounds; speedy and courage ous: grown dogs with field experience on coyotes; price $100 a couple. Inquire C. . CaIr,1n Kennels. 45th and Division sts. Take Mt. Scott car. Phone Tabor . BARGAIN HUNTERS. Here's your chance, 35 standard makes sewing machines, all In good order, from - f 0 u.p: must Quickly. White Sew- ing Machine Store. 420 Washington st. Ty,9 vr tnree men wanted for Eldorado ditch; Nome steamer leaves this week Wa,K,!s. halt casn' half stock; expenses paid from Seattle and return; $100 re quired. 015 Board of Trade FOR hALIC Thoroughbred setter pup, 8 months old. Just the right ace for this season. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Have no place to keep. Phone Main 703. between 12 and 1. DO YOU want supplies or pent fllmT Wo are independent, do cot belong to the - TPa,";m!. FiIm Co- s3 Rothchlld bldg., Portland, Or. TTPE WRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. (3 Per month. Pacific Stationery A ptg. Co, 203 2d st- SAt ES 20 second-hand safes that have been taken in exchange; low prices, cash or easy terms. DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 66 Sd St. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover. 813 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5445. STEVENS' moving picture exchange Film eervice that wins. Stereopticon slides, sup plies. 165 4th St. SEWING MACHINES for rent and repaired; all kinds. 335 1st St.. cor. Market. Phone Main 2102. PEDIGREED Scotch collie bitch, a beauty, cheap if taken at once; owner leaving city. Main 1106. or 212 Hall st. FOR SALE OR RENT. . ..Logging and hoisting engines. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 1st St. ELEGANT $250 Ceclllan piano player, per fetyt. great sacrifice. Tabor 1768, B 1G34. FOR SALE Refrigerator, 6x8 and 7 high. 34 ater St. BOX, planer and cord wood In any quanti ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B 1695. PiJDIGREED English setter pups. 447 E 12th North. FOR SALE Remington typewriter. No. 6, $35: good as new. Main 1454. HOMER and Homerunt pigeons cheap. Pal mer. 34th and Fremont. R D. lift. HELP WANTED MA1.K. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; com mission. Ralph C. Clyde. 603 Goodnough Bldg.. Main 555S. SALARY and commission, good salesman at once Apply o. O. Koeppel. Princess Ho tel, between 4 and 0 P. M. FUR NIT TOR salesman, experienced, married man. Commercial Abstract Co.. 408 Com mercial bldg. v-oiu lfS!iVXl?!L Plumbers wanted In Salt Lake city; $5.-0. eight hours. Master Plumbers' Association. WANTED A good all-round sober man In the meat business. Address Box 361 Eu gene. Or. WANTED Young men to study railroad tel egraphy; day and evening classes. Oregon College. Phoenix bldg., 6th and Oak. SUCCESSFUL sheep dip and tree spray G'Orenla0' m"W- Addra SALESMAN to sell the best selling article ion ? market ; good money for hustlers. 402 Washington st. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl. 164 2d. Main 5500. FItRh?TTaUor?S10aSiSmak" '" WANTED Good aristo printer, Cutberth photo studio, Dekum bldg. FOUR bricklayers wanted. Apply Flynn A W lison. Second and Alder eta. WANTED Tailor or bushelman at 109 2d St., room 2. PHOTO coupon agents, new offer. Call Davla Hayes Studio. 342tj Washington st. WANTED Men to get suits made on credit. -!6 w ashington st. Room 309. NONUNION sheet metal workers wanted" steady work. AB 192. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced Ironworkers. Port 'and Wire & Iron Works, 2d and Everett. COUPON agents, photo and portrait, new offer, good one. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. EXPERIENCED window-trimmer and card writer. steady position. Apply 171 3d at. WANTED Hoys with wheel. The Silverfleld to.. 4th and Morrison. TWO first-class carpenters wanted at Ock lev Green school building. HIGH-CLASS salesman, big wages, perma nent. 215 Commercial Block. j W -'TKQAll-rounJ cook. 65 Russell at. C 1 T 1-.,-.- . . . . . . ... 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year: i i- women to learn barber trade In . eight weeks: help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; toole free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. TRAVELING salesmen earn $2000 to $10,000 yearly. Write for free book. "How Sales men Succeed," and secure position as traveling salesman with reliable firm. Bradstreet System, Dept. 350, Rochester, REAL ESTATE man will take young man as partner to show land; no experience necessary and very little cash required; good chance for bright fellow. Particu lars National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 W ashington st.. room 516. IF you are a SALESMAN or a LIVE ONE. you will be interested to learn about our brand new premium offers and how you can make from $6 to $12 a day. BRAINS and PUSH the only requirements. Call momlnffit nttap Q fJjOQ'J-l cn i l , j CHICAGO manufacturers desire for Coast i,r "im wnn successrul record, selling stockmen and fruitgrowers, able to Invest with services. Address G 162. Ore gonian. C. R. HANSEN, JR., Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1529. Help free to employer. WANTED At once, 'energetic single young man to travel and learn good paying busi ness; references required. Call 10 A M to 2 P. M.. Room 1 The Mercedes. 20th . and Wash. MEN for railway mall clerks, postofflce clerks. carriers, internal revenue, etc good salary and promotion with each po e firep.re you; mlnations soon. Wrlto Pacific States SchooL McKay bldg WASTED-Representative to sell high-grade i.It " , iJ,uelal salary or com mission. Small Investment required Tele Yo?k6 "'P"1611' Co.. 150 Nassau st, New CONSTRUCTING foreman for large build ing; man and wife, cooks small camp. $50; man and wife, farm, $50 and found. - j.iiiymjmenL to rnorth Second. i D men anl women to learn watch making, engraving and optics, few months only to learn, positions guaranteed. S. F Watchmaking School. 325 Kearney, S. F. LEARN to operate motion pictures, opera tors earn $30 weekly; easy inside work; lessons reasonable. Particulars 526 H Washington. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade nursery stock; outfit furnished; liberal commission; cash weekly. Salem Nursery Company. Salem, Or. EXPERIENCED Insurance writer for the poncy in Northwest; only workers need apply. Call between 9 and 10 A. M. at 615 Beck bldg W ANTED A good marker and assorter. one who understands washing preferred- no boozer need pply. eberdeen Steam Laun dry. Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED Competent bench mechanic for WOOO-WOf If no- r. . . ... . . . . vh.. ViX iiiuij capaDie or in vesting $500 preferred. Call 202 Mar. quam bldg. WANTED An apprentice in our Jewelry w, v.iD vitii -ome experience pre- t-Te? Ap?iy S3 "K'ashinglon between 8 and IP A. M. Must give references. Tp wages to a stableman who can groom t r . . ""'-!. . super ana ao as he B,i0li:..E0o.0t,er 1eed aPPly- Kramer's New York Stables, 605 Alder, near 15th TWO good solicitors road work. only , eaisy proposition: ex penses advanced. 150 East 29th, corner Belmont. WINDOWDRESSER. cardwriter: mrrtl merclol C"'"1 " 408 Cm- WXTBD ynS man to assist at college 1 Colleger S3 6th " " leleera"hy' " WANTED Lathers to attend open meeting of Local No 54 at 2G4 Alder st. on Wednes day evening, June 30, at 8 P. M. BOOKKEEPER Want competent man for a w . J 11 Auano. commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club. BOY wanted. 16 years old. to deliver and Yori In store. Shaughnessy & Townsend, Archer Place. Tabor 644. AN experienced presser. apply at once son" Cleaning Works, 5th and Madl- EXPERIENCED dentist with state license. Good pay, high-class office. See R T Royal, Nortonla Hotel. WE secure position for our members. Special membership, Y. M. C. aT YOUNG man for poolroom; must have $250 for half Interest. B 205. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. "WANTED Olrl for general housework, no street"1' Kooa wages. Apply 739 Kearney GIRL wanted for cooking and general house work; seoond girl kept; four In family: wages $30. 794 Gllsan st. GIRL or woman for general housework Summer at beach, small family. 747 East Madison, Hawthorne or Morrison cars. EXPERIENCED saleslady to sell gloves, hosiery, umbrellas. Must ba permanent .Lennon's, 309 Morrison. WANTED A girl to assist In general house work; family of 2; German or Swedish preferred. 774 Kearney st. WOMAN capable of earning $15 a week; no clerical work but energy and honesty re quired. R 202, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced salesladies for suit and lace department. Nono others need apply. L. Shanahan, 144-146 2d st. WANTED Immediately, young woman to 24th st- chlld afternona- Call 231 North WANTED Girl to do housework. 780 Kearney st. ""i WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. $5 per week. 360 13th st. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman to assist with housework. 447 10th st. WANTED Girl to work In cigar and con fectionery store. Apply 183 Morrison st. GIRL wanted to assist with general house work. 121 N. 23d. cor. Gllsan. WANTED Operators and finishers on men's neckwear; experienced. 2914 Stark. WANTED Girls to work on power machine on overalls; paid while learlr.g. 75 let St. WANTED Girl for general housework: good wages: no washing. 248 North 20th st. WANTED Reliable ladv to caro for two children. B 200. Oregonian. WOMAN for general housework, family of three. 586 East Alder. FAMILY cooks. $35; second-girl. $30 St Louis. 245H Wash. Main 2039. COMPETENT girl wanted for cooking and housework. 350 Salmon at. WANTED Middle-aged woman. general housework. Good plain cook. 321 12th et WANTED Girl for cashier. Call Model Theater, 69 North 3d, at 12 M. WANTED Good girl for general housework. 2u6 12th st. COOK wanted ; family of three; five-room flat 658 Flanders, apartment 8. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook. 899 Savler et. WANTED Lady to take work at home- $5 Per day. SI 7th, cor. Oak. LADY PARTNER wanted, take charge of office; small capital. AH 204. Oregonian. WANTED Immediately, dressmaker by the day. 2S6 Clay. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 564 Hoyt st. . LADY barber wanted at once. AH 179, Ore gonian. WANTED Girl for general housework. ,..ii iaiiiii.i, goua wages. Overton St. YOUNG GIRL to assist in general house- ftuuu iivjims. t o n eiuier SI. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman to assist with housework. 447 10th st. GIRL to do housework. 168 N. 23d st. rvn i iz. . i rtjcEsvjrtx. . Jf, there are any men In Portland who ,1r they are capable of making good with a mighty live, fair real estate con cern, "one of the--big ones." we want to taik with them. We've got an interesting proposition in the sales department. See Mr stiles, Columbia Trust Company, Board of Trade bldg. DO TOU WANT WORKT Apply to UNION LAUNDRY CO.. Second and Columbia. COOKS. hotel and boardlng-nouse. $40; waitress (out of city), $35; 3 chamber maids, $26 and $35; waitress, coast. 2o; city. $S. $9 and $10 week; family laun dress. $40; girl for confectionery, $7.50 up; housekeeper, $20; cafeteria cook, $10 week. Hansen's Ladles' Agency, Sii, Wash, su WOMAN or girl for general housework, wages $30 to $35, first-class place and good treatment for capable woman. See J; Bowman at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, or call at residence. 090 Tilla mook. in Irvlngton. WANTED Girl for general housework, only three In family. $40; girl for ice cream stand, 7 week; chambermaids, waitresses; others. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Dept. 205 Morrison. WANTED Competent girl or cook to ac company family for month at beach, leave Iriday morning; steady place, no wash ing, good wages. Apply 229 Cornell road, head of Lovejoy Bt. Phone Main 2S65. ..,iH-?i?'SBN'8 LADIES' AGENCY. 4SH Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Help supplied free to employers. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework family of 2; good wages. Call afternoons. 832 Raleigh St.. corner 35th. Main 3505. WAN.TED A girl to do general housework and cook in a family of two; no washing or ironing. Apply or write to F. J. Behr. Fort Stevens, Or. WANTED Experienced girl for bakery and ?nfe.c.tlnnery "ore. Royal Baking Co., 5 . ..al? st" Vancouver. Wash. Phone Main 352. WANTED Competent stenographer, able to ,u general onice work: must have had experience. Apply Eastern Mfrs. Co.. Phoenix bldg., 5th and Oak. WANTED Young lady stenographer; must ......... ...a.iu uweepinB ana maKe nerseic generally useful around store. 72 Sixth after 9AM WANTED Experienced girl for general tlOllflftWnrlr , . . 1 1 . 1 .. . . . ply 340 Totr st. """" p" .. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY 23 i, Washington St., Room 307. Main 8836. or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED hair dresser and manl- Luiusi., une wno understands halrwork. 411 Flledner bldg. A GIRL 16 years or over to take care of baby daytimes. Call at 869 Upshur be tween 7 and 10 A. M., or phone A 4628. GOOD cook, small family, good wages- ref erences wanted. 295 West Park. cor. Co lumbia. LADIES. I teach dermatology, halrdresslng. o.iT . . A"" rxoimes, specialist, 601 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. WANTED Experienced girl for general ..-..ct., mui cooaing; small famiry wages $25. Call up M. P. Bates, East 239 2390 WANTED Girls to make overalls and over shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st- YOLNO girl to assist In light housework and care of children; good home for right party. Main 8172. WANTED Young girl to assist with light housework In small family going to beach. Call 93 East 35th. Phone B 1682, MIDDLE-AGED woman to work In small family, light work, good home, fair wages. Phone A 1539. 214 Columbia st. WANTED Girl to do some second work and take care of child 3 years old: ref erences. 393 West Park st. WANTED-lrl for general housework, small V , -" C-,.. " ' a uuiiien fiagie. tfa and Yamhill sts. WANTED Young girl for housework and assist with cooking; no children. 321 uth st- WANTED Bright, neat young lady - to learn, good chance; small wages to start. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework. 383 North S2d, Willamette Heights. GOOD cook, small family, good wages- ref erences wanted. 295 West Park, cor. Co lumbia. EXPERT sewer to make and repair para sols and umbrellas. Must be permanent. Lennon's, 309 Morrison et- WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for cooking and general housework: good wages. 794 Irving st. Phone A 11S2. WANTED Girl to clerk in delicatessen and home bakery, experience not necessary. Call 693 East Morrison. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for general housework and cooking for small family. 816 Lovejoy st. GOOD plain girl, experienced In cooking, Swedish or German preferred. 321 West Park st. GIRL for cooking, general housework, will ing to go to Seaside; wages $35. Apply afternoons. 628 Everett st. GIRL for cooking and general housework. One who is willing to go to beach. 648 Lovejoy st. WANTED German or Scandinavian house maid; good cook; two In family. Good wages to one competent. 740 Kearney st WANTEDA bright young lady to assist in office of Jewelry store. Must give best of references. Address T 210. Oregonian HELP WANTED MALE pit FEMALE. COMPETENT hotel and restaurant help can secure good situations in Seattle Apply. In person to secretary of Associated Hotels and Restaurants.. 1023 Third avenue. Seat tle. ' SIMPLEX operator wanted at Tillamook Herald. Tillamook, Or. State experience, speed and wages wasted In first letter. Position permanent- Male or female. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs more good teachers for Sept. - 614 Swetland bldg. FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes, $1 per month to beginners. 452 Morrison. srruATiox WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. AN accountantand correspondent of several y?ars' experience wants a position where lt7, -aIld inte8rlty wlU be appreciated. AM 312. Oregonian. A POSITION soliciting, collecting, clerking, teaming; In fact, any place where there is a future; reference and bond. T 211. Oregonian. BUSINESS men, first-class service In bank ing and general clerical work. Literary graduate. Open for position. T 206, Orego nian. Miscellaneous. BAKER on bread, cakes. etc, wishes steady position in city or country; can furnish best references as to ability; capable of managing bakery; positively do not use liquors nor tobacco. Address J. W. Dudder. Milwaukle, Or. PORTER, runner or Janitor (colored) good character, appearance and reliable man desires position, hotel or first-class apartment-house preferred; good references. Address Walter. P. O. Box 81, Redding, EXPERIENCED clothing and furnishing salesman; want position In city or coun try ; wages no objection: can give best, of references. R 200. Oregonian. POSITION as manager general merchandise oivic. i mm li y or mining town. AM 195. Oregonian. f . FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants posi tion in hotel, boarding-house; city or country. T 199. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position to do house work In family, speaks English good. Ad dress 444 Washington at. GOOD and honest Japanese wishes position general housework In small family AH 206. Oregonian. SITUATION as pattern maker or shop fore man: can do drafting; might buy Interest If satisfactory. AM 199, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position, porter, saloon or any other place. AB 211. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel man wishes position as steward or clerk. AM 202. Oregonian. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPING or cashier work. 'Experi enced. Thoroughly competent. Good pen man. Employed; will change for better -position. AB 195. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires position, $8 a week. AM 203, Ore gonian. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone Clerical Office. A 6446. ACCURATE law stenographer. Low salary, will substitute. T 207, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles, S26H Wash. St., room 216. GRADUATE nurse wishes care of invalid or mental case at Seaside resort, or would travel. Main 1062. A 2064 or address T 20S. Oregonian. TRAINED nurse would like few confinement cases, best of references from families and city doctors, phone East 4442. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse; extensive experience; references. Phone A 2618. EXPERIENCED nurse, private room, mod ern, reasonable. Invalid lady. Tabor 951. Housekeepers. A NEAT, clean respectable woman wishes housekeeping In English gentleman's nome. Best of references. T 204. Orego nian. Domestics. EXPERIENCED cook and second girl wish place together In private family. Phone Woodlawn 310 after 3 o'clock. RELIABLE woman wants general house work; good cook. AH 205, Oregonian. Mlecelianoous. A LADY, with several years' experience, wishes to take charge of a rooming-house; can give . A-l reference. AE 207. Ore gonian. ANY kind day work wanted for Thursday, Friday and Saturday; whole days preferred; excellent laundress. Phone Main 891L room 9. MRS. ELIZABETH BACKER would like to take care of children at her home; cool. At Brentwood, Or., Tremont station, Mt. Scott cor. EXPERIENCED colored cook. day. week, go seaside; caters parties. Mrs. Parker. 1101 Main. YOUNG LADY attending business college wants plaoe to work for room and board. AB 208. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, cham bermaids, nurses, second girls, laundresses. St. Louis. 246 H Wash. Main 2039. A 4775. REFINED, educated young ladv Is desirous of position as governess or companion. AE 191, Oregonian. YOUNG lady gives piano lessons, 600 per lesson; references. Main 8183. WOMAN wants work, housecleaning. etc: ref erence. East 4813. Room D. WOMAN wants work washing and house clearlng by the day. 604 S4& st. WANTED AGENTS AGENT wanted to sell stock for large oil company operating In Malheur County. Oregon, oilfields; liberal commission; live men of character make big money; ref erences required. O 189, Oregonian. WANTED Immediately, lady and gentle men agents; our articles sell at eight; big money and Bteady employment. Call In person, 595 Union avenue North. AGENTS We have an opening for a good live man. New and Al proposition. Ad dress B 198, Oregonian. AGENTS to sell stock In Willamette Valley orchard project. Address G- 182 Ore gonian. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvasser. $10 per week and commission. 42$ Hawthorne ave. LAITY solicitor. Good chance for Tight party ?5rl$al.nmed , and attractive. Address AH 200. Oregonian. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursery stock: cash weekly; outfit free. Capital Cltr Nursery Co.. Ealem. Or. HIGH-CLASS solicitor; splendid opportunity for man of ability. New. Address AB 206 Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent, a well set duck lake, on Willamette slough. Willing to pay good , price. Write A. H. Bain, 311 McKay bldg.. or phone Main 703. FURNISHED room and board by two stead ily employed men. not over 6 minutes walk from 3d and Washington sts.: will pay $45. B 197. Oregonian. WANTED to rent, surveyor's transit for month of July ; good reference. Call E. E. Crocker. A 5028, before 4 P. M. Wednes day. A REFINED young lady desires room and board In private family. West Side; ref erences. B 210, Oregonian. FOR July and August, well furnished house, Portland Heights preferred. B 196. Ore gonian. ELDERLY lady wants home with congenial people: willing to pay for same. B 213 Oregonian. ROOM where no other roomers; close in. quiet, refined man; good habits; state price. AH 201, Oregonian. A FURNISHED or nearly furnished first Main r4nlng",louse- Cal1 Tabor 833, or YOUNG man. good habits, wants private place to board and room; young widow's home preferred. AK 184. Oregonian WANTED MJSCELLANEOP8. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 3d St. North. Phone Main 9272. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford 2446? MaffWlI 'et Fhn" A WANTED Medium-sized lathe. J. Simon & Bro.. 244 Front st. HIGHEST price paid for metals and rub ber. J. LeVe IKS ColllmKIa at V El no WANTED All kinds ol store and office fixtures, showcases, etc Phone Main 8468. GOOD second-hand Burroughs adding ma chine. Address with price, P. O. Box 64L SPOT cash paid for office furniture, stort) fixtures, etc. Phone Main 8453. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067 FOR RJCNT. XurnL!ied Rooms. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner 10th and Washington Sts 3 . management; THOROUGHLY Ti,D; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS: single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new. homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS . HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M 6647. HOTEL IRVING. 812 OAK ST., COR. 6TH. Just opened; new and elegantly fur nished; ail conveniences; rates reasonable. HOTEL LENOX, corner 3d and Main sts.. furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park, modern, central, rooms furnished or un furnished. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 ft Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NICELY furnished, airy rooms, from $1 to $5 per week; free phone, bath, etc 2 N. 14th. THE- RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms -bath, phone; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. THE REX, 548 Washington St. Modern rooms. $10 to $1S per month, with baths. THE BRAE-SIDE. 428 Alder Modern, c-n-tral. $3, $4. $5 per week; traneieat. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences: transient solicited. $ Stark, cor. Park. Furnished Rooms. T"?: MERTARPER. 12 13th It. comer Washington. Just completed. elegantly furnished, several rooms with wall beds, steam heated, hot and cold water in all rooms, private baths If desired; splen- resta"rant In building; call and in ct. fA you wlu nnli tho maximum of Jn lence and equipment - at very rea- ornmonthPrlCM: r"e' by tho aay- Tnh11- 710 "-Mnston St.. near eVeVv' ho"""' . Ie"tly furnished: IJm h Private bath: the mail c,onv"ehce and excellence the K eh i?. . expense. If you want the best Si ' c'ty tor ,ne rnoney. call and inspect. Dining-room will open July l p TaS.RTON'.13'n and A-'der. new man a,f?T:, t: n31Kly renovated throughout: 70 e?e 'dtj;riItealn neat' "ectric lights, etc. rooms $lo month up; suites with ""h?,1"" water. $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. Furnished Room In private Fminily. VERY large and handsomely furnished front parlor with fireplace, etc.: centrally lo cated, to permanent people only. Main LARGE, neatly furnished alcove room; modern bathroom connecting; suitable for two. 531 Montgomery st- Main 6674. LARGE rooms, modern, fine location, large Ja-Wn',batn and Phone free. 67 20th. near Washington. FRO,JPi,TOOJn Tvlth !:'. "Kht and airy, suitable for two: gentlemen preferred: also single room, reasonable. 305 12th st. LOVELY room with porch In private home, very reasonable: walking distance: W car passes door; gentlemen only. 656 Gllsan st. LARGE pleasant front corner room with first-class hoard; all conveniences. 655 Washington. 6 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 194 Lownsdale. Main 2143. FURNISHED front room. bath. gas. no children; rent reasonable. 394 5th st.. apt. 14. THREE rooms $13. one room for $6. Bath, laundry and phone. 808 13th st. FURNISHED room, rent reasonable: lady ah ciw i eu. it l .cast avth st. VERY pleasant room. all conveniences, walkine- distance, sai imi, 88 N. 17TH Rooms, modern, -very central reasonable. 165 N 17TH Nicely furnished front room, modern, phone, use of parlors. 665 IRVING Choice homelike rooms, mod ern. reasonable, close In. Main 6389. NEWLY furnished parlor bedroom; 7 mln. to Postofflce; very reasonable. 367 10th st. 222 . ST Newly furnished room with bath adjoining. LAUGH outside room, very neat. 81 75 week bath, phone. 288 Clay. FOR RENT Furnished room, D,r month, gentleman only. 302 Park st. PLEASANT front room, all convenienc walking distance. 564 Gllsan St. TJ nf urn iflhed Rooms. NICE modern unfurnished sleeping rooms, single and en suite, in the Multnomah building, southwest corner 2d and Yamhill Inquire at 268 hi Morrison st. Phone Main 29to. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT Modern In every respect: steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water la. every room, elevator and bellboy service. w-Ith excellent meals a specialty. Cor Grand and Hawthorne avei. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St., near King, brand new elegantly furnished; every room has a pri vate bath, telephone; the maximum of con venience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best In the city for the money, call and Inspect; dining room will open July 1. PORTLAND Women's Union. 21st year room with board, use of sewing room and li brary. 510 Flanders st.. Miss Frances N Heath. superintendent. Woman's Ex change, 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Brether ton, supt. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison st.. family hotel, modern, new management; board optional; best table board; prices mod- THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri son; finest board and best rooms in Port land; rates lowest; a comfortable home. THE L1NDELL, 269 Market; nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board- n.od ern. reasonable: fine walking distance. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Rooms With Board in Private Family. GOOD home in strictly private family for several gentlemen good character; at tractive lawn, vegetable, fruit garden -tent or house room; references exchanged. Main 5415. ROOM and board, preferably for two per sons; private residence, home cooking, walking distance. 20 blocks from 1st and Morrison sts. 703 1st st. Phone Main 4516 WANTED Two young men to room and board in private family, walking distance. $-lO per month. Phone East 1915 LARGE pleasant front corner room, with first-class board. In private family; gentle men preferred. 93 N. 17th st. Main 4220. DESIRABLE front corner room with board BT M l'TiZ0 IamUy' Mdern. S3 N. 17th VERY desirable front room, with or without board: easy walking distance. Inquire 389 Main st- NEWLY furnished room with board, every 4294 194Neri-th.Wa'lklllB Stance. Main THREE nicely furnished rooms with or without board. 6 blocks from Postofflce. 3112 Salmon st- COY room, private family, suitable for two ladles; pleasant home, modern and convenient; 2 meals. AD 200. Oregonian. BOARD and room, bath, phone, use of Sla"?!. 24 -Ser month; walking distance. 328 Clay. Phone Main 6963. Apartments. $26 for 4-room apartment, within walking distance on West Side; this apartment is partly furnished, has hardwood floors, and is thoroughly modern In every particular. Apply to G. H. Dammeler. Board of Trade bldg. THE GUILD Desirable apartments of three or four rooms, modern conveniences, in cluding heat; prices reasonable; Guild be tween Thurman and Vaughn sts. phone Main 3705. Take 16th or 23d-at. car. THREE furnished rooms, sleeping porch private bath and sink, large closet, phone heat and water; $25. Call East 1710 or 551 East YamhllL FOR RENT One of the best furnished 4 room apartments In the city; piano cut glass, sewing machine, silver and linen Kings Heights district. Phone A 1108- HANOVBH Apartments. 165 King St.. near Washington: unfurnished S-room apart ment; all modern conveniences; fine loca tion, reasonable rent. THE MILNER, 850V4 Morrison, cor Park modern apartments, furnished or un furnished. THREE rooms and bath. steamheated apartment ready July 1. Phone Main 147L or call 286 Wash, st., room 207. HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison, un tl1? ?? apartment of 2 rooms and bath. Phone Main 514S. BUELL APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon sts.. furnished 3 and 4-room apartments: new; elevator; private phone. ftitiW Tri n Vi. u-a , .. j . . - . -j u i u nurture com- if jTr. m.odern outside three-room mi i i- main 4492. TWO and three unfurnished rooms with private bath, Wellington Court, loth and Everett. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders Modern 4-room unfurnished and furnished apart ments. THE MARLBOROUGH 6-room apartment. Blst and Flanders. Nob Hill district. every convenience. Main 7516. NEW 3-room. steam-heated flat. modern conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor gan. 503 Ablngton bldg. JEFFERSONIAN. modem 2 and S-room fur nlahed apartments. $2Q up. 16th-Jefterson- COLUMBIAN and V.ctcrlan. s and 4-room modern apartments. Uth and Columbia. H?I:5?.tPA?ESTS' 14tn "d Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick building, completely first-class, furnished 3 an?? 4-room family apartments: private bath, reception hall, steam heat. r??e' aiTr' e-evator. free phone, compressed-air cleaning. Janitor service, from A5 up month; some unfurnished: come look and be surprised. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts. unfurnished apartment, with bath; every convenience: desirable location; reason able rent. Main 2506. Fiavta, ,VR moaern 4-room flats. Just com pleted; large front porch. screened-ln back porches, stationary wash tubs, built in china closet, gas, electricity and fur nace for each flat; within walking dis tance East side. West Coast Investment Co. Phone Main 2114. DESIRABLE modern flat. 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, choice location on 8unnv side carline; rent $18. B. C Minor, loss .tielmont. .R. RpNT 6-room flat, modern, up to date. bet. 23d and 24th. on Johnson st . aC'it lst,. JuIy: "dulls only. Phona mornings. Main 8S98. 56I,TYL-OR' er- 18th; very desirable 6 room corner flat, newly furnished, gas and to6" My; " dBS: 45- Inulre after .5 . 4 . 8 Coleman Flats. Nob Hill dis trict. 6 rooms and all modern conven lences. Apply 66 19th at. N. IP,T want to rent new. up-to-date flats, go to btxth and Wasco: best location In Holla day. See owner. W. Reldt. 6-room flat. Nob Hill district, beautl Maln 6572 210 13th it. Phon. M9PERN' 6-room upper fiat, near West Side High SchooL Inquire 175 16th It!! corner Yamhill. n 3STT;7"ROOm mdern flat for rent. 40 S Mill, near 14th. NEW 7 and 9-room flats for rent. 10 miu utea walk from p. Q. Call 434 Mill st. MODERN flat, 1P2H-194H McMillan. In qulre at 188 McMillan st. MODERN 6-room flat. 463 Burnslde st, cor. BIX rooms, steam heat, hot water; walking distance. 305 11th st. Main 1911. A272 S"VJ?Nl?HED flat ror "ht: no children. TH REE-room flat; all conveniences. Inaulrs 225 Market. Phone Main 616. 6-ROOM upper flat, all light rooms, lawn walking distance. 563 Everett, FOR RENT 3. 5 and 6-room fiats, close In. West Side. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg! NICELY furnished modern n-room flat, close in.. . 'i '1 ir.vprait -. ...... . . ... 11 ,l,u i VI 1 11. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts Newly furnished for housekeeping In cluding gas ranges, electric lights hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; singlo housekeeping rooms $250 week up; best In city for money; short dfc tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st- cars north, get off at Marshall st. '.S,E.?NTA:'1S7 17th' near YamMU (tak. W" car), furnished 2. 3 and 4-room housekeeping suites by week or month $5 and $20. respectively and up: hot and cold water, steam heat, baths and phones free; single rooms. $7 a month. Main 4697 A TH,? HOWL AND APARTMENTS. 631 ...p....... iniceiy rurnisnea housekeeping rooms; gas ranges. hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors: nice suites from $12 up. ONE nicely furnished 2-rooro housekeeping; apartment: all modern conveniences- tele phone, bath, etc.; only $16. THE MER CEDES. 20th and Washington stt MJR- 1 25 WEEK UP Clean furnished house- cl.i..B im., io.uua.ry, oatn, yard. 208 V btanton. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, electric ngnt, water. St. James Hotel. 345 First PLEASANT furnished front housekeeping V? ,,es- beautiful grounds, bath and phone Main 2266. 387 First st. ' BEAUTIFULLY located two and three-room 7 .....v. . ...iun suites. OD4i Jef ferson and Fifth. "WAYNE WOOD," lf9 N. IRth. nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms; everything convenient. J "is THIS SANGERT, Washington and Trinity near 19th, furnished apartment. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms at 2924 Larrabee St., cor. Halsey. THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor Park, home apartments, all conveniences. 16 3 furnished housekeeping rooms In cot tage; gas range, bath. 610 1st. Housekeeping Booms In Private Family. THREE large, airy rooms, furnished for housekeeping, water In kitchen, good lo cation; Including water and telephone. East 5110. CAMBRIDGE BLDG., Sd and Morrison Furnished housekeeping-rooms. AodIv room 36. ONE or two unfurnished rooms, with water in them, cheap to reliable party. 853 12th st- Phone Main 8643. 224 NORTH 16TH 2 well furnished housi keeping rooms, gas range, $15, light, water and phone free. 2 FRONT rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping; close In. 214 13th St.. cor. Salmon. THREE nicely furnished rooms, modern, suitable for housekeeping. Flat T. 494 Morrison. THREE clean, light furnished housekeeping rooms (ground floor), modern, reasonable 602 Front- HOUSEKEEPING. private family. 8 scrup ulously clean connecting rooms, separata entrance, sink, gas range. Main 6415. LARGE, clean, pleasant housekeeping room; all conveniences; reasonable. 614 EvuetL corner loth. J3 555 Kearney, two very pleasant con necting rooms, partly or entirely furnished. Main 3176. TWO large rooms, front and back parlor, furnished complete for housekeeping 431 Salmon st. TWO or three nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, ground floor. 6S0 Second st. FURNISHED suite housekeeping rooms, $12 per month. 588 Pettygrove st. Main 3423. 813 14th corner Clay, clean, light, well-furnished housekeeping suite. NICELY furnished front room. alcove kitchen. 667 Everett st. TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms. running water; no children. 372 6th. NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping; no children. 408 Main st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished complete, reasonable. 149 13th St., near Morrison. $12. LARGE front room, well furnished, gas. laundry privilege. 505 Everett st FOR RENT 7-room modern house, close In on West Side; rent $27 per month. In quire 510 Clay St.. near loth. $18 5-room cottage. modern conveniences; walking distance from steel bridge 353 Vancouver ave. Inquire 248 Broadway. NEW 5-room cottage, corner Francis ave and E. 26th St.; rent $18. Call 410 Failing bldg. i MODERN 7-room house. 781 York st. near 24th; rent $25. Call 410 Falling bldg. NEW house of 5 rooms and bath, 9 East 19th, near Everett- Inquire 132 6th st. MODERN 5-room cottage, $15 per month; close In. 95 Morris st. Woodlawn 362. $2800754 E. Taylor and 23d. 9 rooms. modern. See Word. Allsky bldg. M 7326. NEW house of 6 rooms and bath, 69 East 19th. near Everett. Inquire 132 6th st. MODERN 7-room house; fixtures, shades; $3u 207 San Rafael st. Inquire 172 First st. FOR RENT 6-room house with bath 223 Monroe st. ; $15. Inquire 172 First st-' MODERN 9-room house, bath, gas furnace. 447 Main st. Inquire 394 Salmon. $20 771 East Davis. S-room modern house. Main 31 j 6. MODERN 6-room bungalow, between 2 car lines. 944 Cleveland ave.