OLD HOPS CLIMBING Eleven Cents Paid for - Last Year's Crop. NO CONTRACTS TO BE HAD Conditions In England Cnchanged. "ew York Market Steadily Ad vancing Kirst Cur of Can taloupes Received. Eleven cents was paid for 1908 hops yes terday. This Is the highest price yet re alized on the crop. There were 100 bales In the lot. which was bought by Julius Flncus from another dealer. These same hops are said to have changed hands not very long ago at TH cents, 'which shows how prices are climbing. Several otters of 15 cents for 1909 hops made yesterday, but there were no sellers at the price. Klaber, Wolf Netter received the fol 1 lowing eable from their London office: I "Crop prospects about the same. Weather I favorable for crop. Market steady at un changed prices. Vermin prevalent, but no ; damage done to crop." Hop market and crop conditions In New York State are reported by the Watervllle Times, of June 18. as follows: The time limit on the much-talked-about options at 20o expired on Tuesday and we ;are told by W. L. Terhune, representing the ' buyers, that several of them materialized 'Into contracts. Outside of these contracts, we do not learn of any advance sales. During the week the only two lots of 190S hops left In growers" hands have been sold. One of 89 bales, grown by Hewett and Terry, and the other by It. M. Osher. The price of same Is held for the present. AIbo the lot of Frank Cody, of Vernon Center, constst of f3 bales, has been disposed of at IB cents. The New York Bulletin today estimates the coming crop' In this state at 46,000 bales. Dealers and others here believe that this Is too high by nearly 10.000 bales. It has been stated that tho yield last year was 85.000 bales, and those who are In a position to Judge pretty accurately Insist that there will be less rather than more on account of the decrease In acreage. There Is no little anxiety now about the growing crop which, owing to cold, back ward weather. Is not miking the progress It should and It Is getting to be a critical time when unfavornt.le weather will have Its effect on crop prospects. Warm, sunny days are very much needed, but Instead, It is very wet and cold. KASTERN KtiO CAMP IS DIVIDED. - nulls and Hears tiamwlne; aAout the Future of Prices. The uncertain outlook f ' r the Eastern egg market Is described by the Chicago Packer, of lntest date, as follows: There Is still an unsatisfactory movement of eggs In a retail way and dealers say that the trouble Is due to prices being too high for the average quality of 'stock coming on tho market. Trading here Is really feature less. Instead of falling oft, receipts keep Increasing. To be sure, there has been no great surplus of stock, but It certainly serves to call attention to the fact that more eggs are going into storage than many dealers had figured would be put away during June. The storage egg deal has now progressed far enough to divide the camp Into two ele ments the bulls and the bears. Borne of them who hold few or no eggs are positive there will be a crash "before the deal ends because of the extreme prices and. on the other hand, some speculators who are car rying quite a lot of eggs, have It all fig ured out nicely and expect the profits to compare favorably with last year's deal. It Is simply a case of paying your money and taking your choice between the two opinions. WHEAT MARKET 19 BLOW AFFAIR. Little Disposition Shown to Do Business in New Crop. No new-crop wheat contracts are reported from the country, as farmers are not dis posed to sell at this time and buyers are making no. effort to do business with them. A little trading now and then is accom plished between dealers, bluestem being of fered around 11.02 and $1.03 and club at IK cents. The spot wheat market Is almost 1 lifeless. Barley for late delivery Is quoted at $25 25.50 and new-crop oats at 28. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Rxchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay June 19-S0 2 .. J2 t "o 21 2 1 i a "5 June 22 1 1 8 2 1 Total last week. 14 2 43 6 21 IXMWL BCTTKR CLEANS CP WELL. Weakness on the Bound, However, Prevents an Advance Here. The dally make of butter cleans up well and with production throughout the val ley decreasing, there Is a very firm market locally. Reports of weakness on the Sound however, the lesult of tho late decline In the Bast, hold prioea in check here, still, soma of the creamery men expect prices to be advanced In the coming week. Tho cheese market Is firm and the light stocks and strong demand would seem to Justify higher prices In the near future. There waa an oversupply of poultry yes terday and hens and Spring chickens were quoted lower. There Is practically no de mand now for ducks or geese. The egg trade, as usual at this time of fear, waa slow. Prices were unchanged. CAR OF CANTALOUPES RECEIVED and Pour Cars Are Now on the Way to Portland. The first full car of cantaloupes came In yesterday. They were from the Imperial f Valley and sold at JS.75 for ponies and S4.25 for standards. Four cara of cantaloupes are on the way to Portland. Apricots are tlrm at 11. 25 1.50 per cratra. A car was put on sale, which will probably be the last car of apricots of the season from California, as the hot spell that state Is now enjoying has cooked the fruit on the trees. Strawberries weiw scarce and tlrm at tl-Sftaa per crate. - Cherries continued weak. Among the vegetable offerings waa a ship ment of green corn from Winters. Cal quoted at 12 per box. tiauk Clearings. t'learlugs of the Northwestern oitles vea rduy were as follows: " terd Clearings. Balances. SS0.391 $ 67. 60S 1..SS.845 270.362 .... 2I).0 ss.0,,9 .... 77.581 Portland SeAttle . T.icoma . lHik:tne , PORTLAND MARKETS. C.rnln. Hour, Feed. Etc f,A?LTrN,W ,r"'"t. 3 per ton. I . in..0.' while. $41 per ttm. .HllillLKF K.an to ... . . bar?ev' W2' ' Vea-rtables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apples. $12 50 rr box; new California. $1.75 Mr bo, ..J! berries. 1.6S2 per crate" thrri ! Rc per pound: gooseberries. iS'c IT, round: peaches. 4vcfli per ho, l.Ol.So per box; cantafoupi," . per crate; ourranta. , ioc per pound; plums! i t, MTr-',' k Prl"- Bluestem milling. vi nt-u J -lsl-S: Valley. 1.17. r LOl K Patents. il 2. per bsrrel stralghts. $5.30; exports! $4 70; Valley J?0.' person M P" ton; cracked. $36 41.2591.35 per box: prunes. $1.25 per box. POTATOES Jobbing price. SI 1.50 per hundred; new California, 23c per lb. SACK VEGETABLES Turnipa, 1.23 1.50 per sack; carrots, SI. 501 75 ' TROPICAL. FRUITS Oranges. navels. l.&3s.2o per box; lemons, 34.25; grape fruit, 3.504 per box; bananas, 55c per wund; pineapples. 2&3.50 per dozen OWONS-Red. II 1.25 per sack. LEGTABL?2."TAsparasus- 75 90c P ?. bean. 68c; cabbage. 2c per pound: cauliflower. S3 per crate: com. 2S40o per dozen; cucumbers. 2S73c per dozen; let tuce, hothouse, II per box; lettuce, head. JBe per dozen; onions. 124 15c per dozen; SnMnH?" Per dozen; peas. 36c per pound, peppers. 15c per poujid; radishes. 15c per dozen: rhubarb, 834c per pound; spinach. 5c per pound; squash, T5cS1.25; tomatoes, 1.25'1.75 per crate. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 2Sc; fancy outside creamery, 25 261Ac per lb.; store. ISc. (Butter fat prices average lc per pound under regular butter prices.) EGOS Oregon ranch, candled, 23 "AM 21c per dozen. y POULTRY Hens. 1212c: Springs, 15 16e; roosters, S 9c: ducks, young, 14 15c; geese, young, 11012c; turkeys. 18c; squabs, $2 2.25 per dozen. CHEESE Full cream twins. 16c per pound; young Americas. 17c PORK Fancy, 10c per pound. VEAL Extras. 8H69C per pound; ordi nary, 7c; heavy, 6c Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc DRIED FRUIT Apples, 9c per lb.; peaches, 78c; prunes. Italians. 5K6Kc; prunes. French. 4 6c; currants, unwashed, cases, 9c; currants, washed, cases, 10c; figs, white fancy. 50-lb. boxes, 64c; dates. SALMON Columbia River, 1-lb., talis, $2 per dozen; 2-lb. talis, S2.05! 1-pound flats. 3.10H; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. 90c; red, 1-pound tails. 1.45; eockeyes, 1 pound tails, J a. COFFEE Mocha, 4 28c; Java, ordi nary. 1720c; Costa Klca, fancy, 1820c; good, lo18c; ordinary, 1216c per lb. NUTS Walnuts, 12lSc per pound by sack; Brazil nuts. 16c; filberts. 15c; pea nuts. 7c; almonds, 1314c; chestnuts, Ital ian. 11c; peanuts, raw. 5c; plnenuts, 10O 12c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuts, 0c per dozen. SUGAR Granulated. SS; extra C, 15.60 ; golden C, 15.40; fruit and berry sugar, Is; Honolulu plantation, fine grain, 16; cubes (barrel), JS.40; powdered (barrel), 13.25. Terms, on remittances within 15 days de duct Ho per pound; if later than 15 days and within SO days, deduct tic per pound. Maple Bugar, 15 618c per pound. SALT Granulated. 13 per ton. $1.80 per bale; half ground, 100s. 7.50 per ton; 50a. S per ton. BEANS Small white, Sc; large white. 611c; Lima. 6 'Ac; bayou, 614 c; red kidney. 4fcc; pink, 4ic Provisions.' BACON Fancy. 26c per pound; stan-iJ"V'ilce- 19c; English. 1819c; DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears dry salt, 14c; smoked. 15c; short clear blacks, heavy dry salted. 15c; short clear backs, heavy dry salted. 14c; Bmoked. 15c Oregon exports dry salted, 15c; smoked. 16c. HAMS 8 to 10 lbs.. 17c: 14 to 18 lbs.. 17c; 18 to- 20 lbs., 17c; hams, skinned, 17c ?ic,nlcs 12c: co'te roll, 13c; bolted hams. 231s(B2414c; boiled picnics. 20c. LARD Kettle rendered, 10s. 1614c; 5s "He; standard pure: 10s. 15UC; 5s 15,c- ??1Coei, 10 6- "? Compound,' 10b, c; 5s, 9c. SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each. 60c; dried beef sets, 19c; dried beef out sldes. 17c; dried beef Insldes. 21c; dried beef knuckles, 20c. PICKLED GOODS Barrels.: pig- Ieet 13; regular tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe. $12; pigs' tongues. $19.50. BARRELED MEATS Mess beef. $12- per barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family. $14 per barrel; mess pork, $20 per barrel; bris ket $22 per barrel. Hops), Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1909 contracta. 15c per pound; 1B08 crop. 11c; 1807 crop. 6c; 1906 crop, Sc crop, 2 2 c WOOL Eastern Oregon. 10 23c per pound; Valley, fine. 28o; coarse. 2114c MOHAIR Choice. 24 23c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 17c lb ry kip. No. 1. 15 10c pound; dry calf skin. 1S19C pound: salted hides, 991ic salted calfskin, 1315c pound; green, lc less. FURS No. 1 skins: Angora goat. $1 to $1.25: badger, 2o50c; bear. $620; beaver $6.508.50; cat, wild. 7BC01.5O; cougar' perfect head and claws, $310; fisher, dark! $7.50011; pale, $4.07: fox. cross, $3 to $5; fox, gray, 60 80c; fox, red. $3 5; fox. sliver. $38 to $10O; lynx. $S15; marten dark. $8012; mink, $3.50 5.60; muskrat 1525c; otter, $2.504; raccoon, 6075c sea otter, $10025O. as to size and color skunks. 55cg'80c; civet, cat. 1015c; wolf' f;f: coyote 75c$1.23: wolverine, dark! wolverine, pale. $22.50. CASCARA BARK Fer pound, S cents. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. There ts a good steady demand for live stock In the local market and even the ordinary quality of the offerings of the present time ana being moved. Prices hold steady throughout the list, the greatest strength being In the hog lino. Receipts for the day were 453 cattle, 84S sheep, 17S hogs and SO horses. Late sales at the yards Included 28 steers average 103S lbs., $4.20; 27 cows, average 1027 lbs..' $3.50; 1 bull, average 1610 lbs $2.75; 41 steers, average 1129 lbs., $4.85: 9 Jli2o.'er?96 w't I3k26; bul18- verage Ia 2- 1 b?j. '50; 14b lambs, average 5 lbs.. S4..5, 128 sheep, average 96 lbs.. $3 60- 17 cows, average Sol lbs., J3.65; 1 stag average 8S5 lbs.. a.65; 20 calves, average's 51 ibf 4; 2 steers, average lof.0 lbs.. $4.26; 4 steers' "fF9 V"3!:;. 8 average 700 lbs.. 3.t5; 60 cows, average 828 lbs S3.65. ' Local prices quoted at the yaros yesterdav were as follows: ' CATTLE Steers, top. $4.504.60: fair to f??l'-.t-r''tf4-40: common. S4SM.15; cows, top. $3.75tr85; fair to good. $.1.20(83.50; common to medium, $2.60-g3; calves, top. $50050 heavyv. $5.5064; bulls and stags. $2.75ii3 25! common, $24i2.50. HOGS Best. 8S.15: fair to good, $7 60 7 70; stockers, $80.50: China fats, $6 73 T. 0 oE??r"To fair to good, $3.50j3.5; ewes, 14c less on all grades: yearlings, best. $4.15; fair to good $3.75 4: bpring lambs. $4.75 5.25. Eastern Livestock Markets. SOUTH OMAHA. June 23 Cattle Re ceipts, 800; market steady to strong. YVestern steers. $3.S05.80; Texas steers, w 6i rar-pe cows -and heifers. $2.756 26: cannon $J3 50; calves. $37; stockers and feeders, $3 3.25. Hogs Receipts, 13.300: market. 15e low-f,r- .Heavy $7.43 7.C5: mixed. $7.B57.45; light, ..2.ffi 7.30; piK3. $5. 75 6.76. t-heep Receipts. 47K: market slow and Yearlings. o.50i 5.00: wethers. $5.23 aO-JS; ewes. $5 6; lambs. $78. ,.H.IiiA-G.0,,J.Vn? 23 Cattle Receipts es- timntpfl at- I", linn- mo.ir... . 1 -r. sr. i: 7 -V. "' ""H1- . reeves. V, n.f1 ?r"?. : stockers and feeders. calve;J,5$330r75,7O.and he"er8- 2'40 ".liS; Hogs Receipts. 2S.000: market 1015e T .m" v Light $7.05!ff 7.70; mixed, $7$S 1A .h'aXy rough. $7.S07.4fT; l,t.hol.CB heavy t.4r.r 7.05; pigs. $6 8.H5; bulk of sales, $7.45f 7.75. Sheep Receipts estimated at 15,000- mar-!??- V& NaVve ' 6.50; Western, ft A?. 2 : .earline. $ei?7: native lambs Western. 3.508.S0; Spring lambs, $3.B0i;f 8.25. oVIiUS KANSAS CITT. June 23. Cattle Re ceipts. X10: merket strong and active. Native steers. $3 237; native cows and heifers. $2.7336.75; stockers and feeders $3.30ff5.50; bulls. $8B; caWes. $47;' i"ieJ?o?teers- 4-757; Western cow eJ.O0..3. Hogs Receipts, 12.000; market, 10c lower. "J1!"- J.50 8: packers and butchers. $7 30 Hi 7 . 5: light. $7.30417.60; pigs. $5.75 6 75 cheep Receipts. 7000; market steady Muttons. $4.50 35 50: lambs, $6.50 8 50: range wethers. $4.505.b0; range ewes! $3.755.25. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. June 23 No change was reported In the tin market at London where spot was at flSS and futures at 124 lOs. but locally tin was easv and lower with spot quoted at 25.90 2fl.20c " Copper was higher In London by about s 6d. spot being quoted at 58 12s 6d and futures at 5! 10s. The local market was i?"nno ""changed, with lake quoted at 1 .l.o r 13.2H: electrolytic at 12.8714 13c casting at 12.62 1 12.87 lc. ' .,Xe a.J wf" "--changed at 13 In London and remained quiet at 4.354.45c In tho local market. Spelter was unchanged, at 21 17s 6d In London. The local market was quiet and unchanged, at 5 403 5.4ic. Iron was unchanged. Jfl1' MORNING DULL BUT ADVANCES Stock List Throughout Shows Firmness. UNION PACIFIC MOVEMENT Rumors of an Intention to Retire the Preferred Shares Are Re sponsible for the Rise Cop- per Stocks Are Slow. NEW YORK. June 23. The intense dull ness of todays stock market served to ob scure the importance of tho price move ments which were . remarkable In several cases. The general firmness was Influenced by sympathy with the strength in special stocks, but most distinctly by the technical factors In the position. The conclusion of the London stock mar ket settlement with no casualties as a re sult of heavy declines since the preceding settlement removed a cause of apprehension and brought in some buying of stocks here from that source. The movement that attracted most notice was that In Union Pacific preferred, which moved to a record price and one out of line with Its Investment returns, compared with the current money market. Rumors of an intention to retire the stock were given as the reason for Its rise. It Ls supposed that the purpose In retiring the stock would be to avoid the embarrassment of claims from the preferred stockholders' share In the distribution of investment holdings by the company of other shares. Such a dis tribution was under official discussion at one time when the company was under scrutiny for alleged violation of the Inter state commerce law In holding those shares. The day's rumors had to do with a sup posed offer of one share of Union Pacific common stock for two shares of the pre ferred, or an exchange of a convertible bond for the preferred stock with rights of con version Into common stock, presumably at a price above the current market quotations. There was nothing like official confirmation or countenance for these rumors, but they were extremely effective. The pronounced dullness which bad de veloped In Amalgamated Copper was re sponsible for the backwardness of the stocks of the copper companies. A good deal of discussion was heard of the movement to secure the enactment of a corporation earning tax law and Washing ton reports that statements of earnings by the corporations were to furnish the basis for the tax were claimed as a promise of softening of the terms, which were feared at first, of the powers of inquisition into corporations, which would go with tho pro posed law. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, $3,359,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. oaiev. llgn. Low. Bid vutuijitua ps aw Amal Copper . 10.300 Am Agricultural.. 2.4O0 Am Beet Sugar .. 1,800 Am Can pf ...... ooo 61 51 tog 42 42 81 65 14 731a 4014 39 1 68 00 M 106 124 141 U. BO 42 li 43 8114 6514 13. 4014 S9 17 69 on it 79 . 42 42 81 60I4 78 40 8914 16 68 8 Am Car & Foun. Am Cotton Oil . . Am Hd A Lt pf. Am Ice Securl... Am Linseed Oil Am Locomotive . . Am Smelt & Ref . . do preferred . . . Am Sugar Ref.. Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco pf.. Am Woolen Anaconda Mln Co. Atchison ......... do preferred ... Atl CoaEt Line... Bait & Ohio 6O0 1,000 100 1.O0O 1.O0O 11,600 500 lin 109 1.300 124 122 100 10014 300 33 1,000 48i 45.500 115 400 105 600 129 400 117 10014 1O014 48 115 105 128 117 94 28 78 JOs 104 290 76 68 3 182 152 75 42 66 81 80 lo9 22 187 48 88 39 n 43 114 104 128 11814 Bethlehem Seel ""466 isii Brook Rap Tran. 2,100 78 Canadian Pacific. 400 181 Central Leather. . l.loo .11 1? 28 T7 181 30 Central of X J"- iu4 Kjaio 8,000 Chicago & Alton.. 100 TT 68 76 68 Chicago Gt "Weal I 4,400 3 2 n' i"oraTui:: 4'40( 1S2" 151 Colo Fuel Sc. Iron. . Colo & Southern.. do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. Consolidated Gaa. . Corn Product . .'. Del A Hiih. 6,400 400 800 43 60 81 41 66 81 1.100 13914 i3' ' 300 22 22 D & R Grande "II 7,400 aw !& 188 47 V 88 88 35 62 43 4 88 39 36 62 43 w preierrea . 400 Distiller Securl.. 7oO -r'o 13,200 do lsb- preferred, l.luo .ii preierrea. General P.lf-.-t.. 30O Gt Northern pf.!I Gt Northern fVn 160 6.50O 14B 2U0 75 IOO 148 1,800 16 1.900 46 161 147 149 Illinois Central . . Interborough tilet. do preferred . . . Inter Harvester . . Inter-Marine pf .. Int Paper ....... Int Pump Iowa Central .... K C Southern ... do preferred . . . Louis & Nashville Minn & St L. .. M, St P & S S M. 7ft 5 V. 14S 16 45 '22 15 39 2 74 44 7 140 147 16 46 84 2.3 15 39 29 4.1 72 141 85 138 V, 72; 4! 72 loo 84 50 132 52 89 83 151 29 136 113 91 42 190 43 150 S0 103 31 68 42 26 6S 81 129 131 37 69 3! 34 4814 67 191 103 38 66 123 4S 63 21 66 18 83 72 800 30O 400 200 l.lOO 23 16 40 29 .72 300 140 55 13S 72 39s 165 " 84 131" 51 89 83 150 29 136 113 91 42 42' ' 149 30 104 30 - 68 2 128 130 30 69 84 48 67 189 102 80 38 65 122 49 63 20 64 18 . S3 72 2.000 ' 73 Mo. Kan & Texaa 1,600 do Tirefert-e.1 40 National Biscuit".". " "sbo ibh" National Lead ... 1.00O 84 Mex Nat Ry 1st pf . . " Z c.entr8-1 17.200 132 i- nt J"73- l.X 66 Norfolk . - S(W Alt l Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P. C C & St L... Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Pal Car. 5,300 15114 20O 29 8.200 136 600 113 100 91 600 42 Ky Steel Spring.. 500 42" Reading T9.S00 150 Republic Steel ... goo 30 T. ... - . - ' - "J 101 A.ana JO. . 11,800 c. t VIelBmi 1.300 St L & S F 2 pf. 200 bt L Southwestern 700 31 60 43 27 68 .vi 1.. Sloes-Sheffield oO Southern Paclflo .. 2T.100 27.1O0 129 Southern Railway!l32il0O 1,4IK 131 32 69 39 34 48 iiciBrrea ... 1,200 Tenn Copper . 510 Texas & Pacific. 1 -oo Tol. St L & West. 300 do preferred . . . 500 Lnion Pacific 69 800 191 tt a riffSrred 7'100 13H t.7 U S Rubber 200 .U S Steel 79,300 do preferred ... 4.100 Ltah Copper .... 1.400 a-Caro Chemical. 1.700 V abash , 2 600 do preferred ... 27,700 Western Md 1.70O Westinghouse Eleo looo Western Union . . . 500 Wheel & L Erie 81 38 633-: 4.100 123 53 . 66 19 4 72 v isoonstn Central Total aalea for the day. 636,Vwo sharew 10 66 BONDS. U. 3. ref. 2s reg.101 do coupon. .. . 101 TJ. S. 8s reg 10i do coupon. ... 101 V. S. 4s reg 11014 do coupon .... 120 Den. & Rio G. ts 7 N.T.C. gen., 8s 92 Nor. Pac 3s.... 74 do 4s 102 Union Pac. 4a.. 103 Wis. Cent Am c, Jap. 4a :;; Zj Stocks in London. ox?'' JUne M Oo"ola for money, 4 3-16; do for account, 84. Anaconda 9New Tork VTent.lHR it-mson list, Norf w... fill nfd l rt- . do nfd Bait. & Ohio. ..119 Canadian Pac... 183V. Ches. & Ohio... 78 Chi. Gt. West.. 1 C-, M. & St. P.. 135 . no One & West., Pennsylvania . Ranrd Mines.. Reading South. Rv. . . . 53 . 69 liOl - 76 - 31 . 69 .130 .195 .105 . 67 .125 . 21 54, x.eEveers Den. & Rio G. do pfd Erie T 15 do pfd. ...... South, pac Union Pac do pfd U. S. Steel 48 40 86 do 1st pfd 5 Do. 1A r,t m-t Grand Trunk.'.." 2.-.!wabash do pfd m. centrai..CA4, 4a pM - OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1909. Loula. tk Nash 144 (Spanish 4s 21 M.. K. & Texas. 41 jAmaL Copper... 81 i Money xchang;e, Ptc. NEW TORK. Juno 2. Prime mercantile paper, 3 $ 4c. Sterling exchange, strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8645 4.865X) for 0-day bills, and at $4.8815 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.85 4.85 Bar silver, 52 c Mexican dollars'. 44c. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds nrm. Money on call .easy, 1! per cent; rul ing rate, 1 per cent; closing bid. IV per cent, offered at 1 per cent. Time loans very soft and dull; 60 davs at 2t32 ner stTrJ-,3 day3' 23 per cent; aix months. 314 03 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. June 2$. Sterling. 66 days. $4.86; sight. $4.88. R Silver bars, 52c Mexican dollars, 47c Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 3c. ..iN'DON" June ls- Bar "liver. Quiet, 38 d per ounce. Money. 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills ls 1 ll-lrgl per centrthree months' bills, 1 11-16 1 per cent. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. June 23. Today's state Slt1?', of -th? Treasury balances In the gen eral fund shows: Gold coin and bullion ..$ 4ot'lll Gold certificates 21 47 140 Available cash balances ." ll9,'lS9,'570 Mining; Stocks. NEW TORK, June 23 Closing Quota- A-Uce iss Bruns. con. pfd. 06 Com. T. Stock. 27 do bonds. .... 18 Con. Cal. & Va.. 73 Horn Silver. .... 83 Iron Silver ....150 Lead. Con. Ha Little Chief. 08 Mevicnn r Ontario "V." !ao Ophir 150 Standard 173 Yellow Jacket... 44 BOSTON, June as. Closing quotations Adventure . 7vt Mont c A r oo Allouea ....... 41 Amalgamated... 80 Ariz. Com 89 Atlantic 9 Butte Coalition. 25 CaL & Aria 105 Cat. & Hecla...650 Centennial . 31 Copper Range. .. SI Daly West 8 Franklin 16 Greene Cananea 10 Isle Royale 28 Mass Mining... 8 Michigan 10 Mohawk ....... 64 Nevada " 23 Old TlrtTTl 1 1, 1 rt ftoa. Osceola . .....14,- Parrot 30 Qulncy ...... g8 Khiinnnn i a Tamarack 65 trinity jo United Copper.. 10 U. B. Mining 48 TT. a. 011 00 .? Utah, ex-div. 42 v ictoria . 4 Winona 5 Wolverine ......148 North Butte 68 Dairy Produce Id the East. CHICAGO, Juno 23. Butter Steadv Creameries. 2226c; dairies. 2023c7 ?g'Rec?ipta- 14'560 dn; easy at first?; 20" .mcIuded 18o flrst' "He; primi .P1"" Strong. Daisies. 141414c- -sSIdyTRcanJgUea! 2a-B 2ltKcS;,cornea'?5(3l9rtera flr8t' " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS r,r'- p Johnson and wife to Ore f? ,Reaiy ,& Invstment Co.. lots w..? ,v.bl?Fk lot 12 clock 23, West Portland Park $ i xJX' ..Mo5eland ana wlfe to city 'of Portland, lot 13. Belmont Park 6 80 James Sargent to Emma Richard: t; 31' block 2- Greenoe H . -20 S! k,89?1 to Mamie Crump, lot V V- ? Greeao Heights 20 'a'. vV heeler and wife to Security fo,nr.g" L T CO" Part bl"ck 106. Couch Add., and part of block City 1 r w."?",' S.- F- c- Wes'tp'haj'. lots 2, 4. block 38. Irvlngton Park SOO Ja.m,e'4ar,Boent to Mrs- T- K. Boone. P 4" iiJ8' b,lock 12- G"enoo Hts. 40 i.- oF1t',Js,et al- to O. A. Joensu. tJ! bJk 10' Sumnlt Add I 300 Irene H Johnson to Harvey Sargent. 1S 17i block 39. Peninsula Add. No. 3. aoo James Hardy and wife to M. F Bas ila"' 'ot 5. 6, T. 8. block 1. Mult nomah Park m F"loY '4 Kk?B v A' Prtlo'w"it'aL. b vo-8' bl2ck 2' Trmoilt Place Add. 173 K- W. Schmeer and wife to J c . " T.a and wlts to Jesse Brown Park 2" blck 3- Multnomah Protestant Kpl's'c'op'aa' 'chu'rcn'," 'lots' 2 2 w 'r-6, I", bl(ck Bherlock's Add. - 10 W- C. Alvord and wife to Mary j. MhU?' '2' T' bIook 93' Irvlngton 10 Merchants Saving & Trust Co to Margaret J Merrick, lot 3. block 116. Irvlngton loon Hibernla Savings Bank to W ' 'p" Brady, lots . 2, 3, block 8. Sara toga Add., undivided half of lots . 5. 6. block 1. Subd. of w. of block "'L." In M. Patton Tract in H. Frulht and wife to Theophll Kasper. lots 44. 45. block 45. block 7. Lee Bow Park Add . 400 The Lee Bowdler Co. to Theophll Kasper, lots 44, 46. block 7. Lee Bow Park Add 400 John Stanich and wife to G. ' 'a" Joensu. lots 6, 6. 7. block 9. Sum mit Add 1750 diaries Rooney and wife to" James Rooney. lots 16 to 26. block 6 Willamette Add ' B,0 Oregon Realty A Trust Co. to Edith M. Fisher, part of lot 2. Tract "B " Smith's Add ! Nellie L. Price and husband to T G Farrell, 130x100 feet, beginning 2060.16 feet E. and 130 feet N of S. W. cor. of Seldon Murray D. L. C 1 F. R. Kerr and wife to Grace C Dempsey, lot 3 and E. of lot 4 block 17, John Irvlng's First Add.. 10 W. S. Slbson, trustee, et al. to Peter Kerr, lots 7, 8. block 114. Pala tine Hill No. 3 ....7. 10 B. H. Bowman and wife to LaRov Barnard et al.. lots 3 to 10. block 13, Boise Add 2 200 A. J. Lee and wife to R. A. Kirk' lot 12. block 41. Vernon 3 000 Ella M. Stryker and husband to F. A. Coffin, lot 20 and E. 48 feet of lot 6. block 11, Miller's Add to Sellwood 3 65n California Conference Association "of Seventh-Day Adventists to David Ehlenberger. lot 7, block 36, Sulli van's Add BOO Security savings & Trust Co. to W B. Falrfowl, lots 17, 18, 81, 32 block 11, Gregory Heights 10 H. S. Harcourt to Hazel Dell Har court. lot 5. block 5. Kenllworth Add on. J. D. Hart and wife to C. A Buck ley, lot 3, block 12, Katharine 435 Frank Janisch and wife to George Melcher, . E. of lots 9, 10, block 9. North Irvlngton . , 2 100 Alice M. Carver and husband to Perry Rosensteln et al., part of lot 3, block 1. McMlllen's Add 250 James Sargent to Emma J. Harlow lot 9. block 4. Greenoe Heights. o L. C. McCoy and wife to Frank Farmer, ot 1, block 9, North Al bina goo C. T. Sale to W. Lansing, lots 8, 11 i2. 13. block 1, and lot 4, block l" Rosary jo-j Isabella G. Mackie to Hattle Vail et al.. 315x260 feet, beginning 122.15 rods E. of S. W. cor. of D D Prettyman D. I C. in Sec. 5 T 1 S.. R. 2 E., thence N. 345 feet to beginning of land conveyed 10 Hattle Vail and husband to Isabella G. Mackie. 260x315 feet, beginning on w. line of the road conveved by said grantors to city of Portland 2018 feet E. of S. "W. cor. of David Prettyman D. L. C 10 B. M. Lombard and wife to H." a" - - iuin o, diock 00, Hall way Add Isabella G. Mackie to W. T. w'll- llamson et al., same as above 11000 F. B. Rutherford and wife to H. M Landes, lots 16. 17, 18, block 2. LaDene Park 10 Same to same, lots 3. 8. block al - Laurelwood No. 2..' 10 Frances W. P angle and husband "to vince Circle, lots 3. 4, block 20 South St. John 1 Ladd Estate Co. to Elsie Dunbar, lot - 2. block 23. Ladd's Add: 2 000 Isaac Meyer to Alexander Daue. lot 1. block 14, Paradise Springs Tract 1 W. B. King and wife to Peter Kerr. lot 3, block 1. Wehlam's Add.... 1 John Dalton to C. O. Conley et al lot a block 14, Tibbetts' Add 1.100 W. I Jones to M. R. Van Horn, lot 12. block 6; lot 13, block 7. West Portland; lot 10, block 8, Harlem Add 700 N. G. Blalock to Bartlett Cole lots 26, 2fT. block 4. Tabasco Add 10 R. O. Quesnelle and wife to Yamhill Land Co.. lot 13. block 96. Rose City Park . ; eo0 Gold Medal Shingle Co. to Hessie M Trent, part of lot 5. Sewell's Add. to Mount Tabor 4 qoo Moore Inv. Co. to Arthur Otfton et a!., lot 13. block 33. Vernon B00 Elizabeth Klotz and husband to K A. Antlch et al., W. 26 feet of lot 1. block 71. Couch Add 10 A. H. Metcalf and wife to W. 6 Munsell, lot ft. block 7. Merlow 800 Nordby-Craven Investment Co. to Llllie C. Carmlcke, lot 10. block 5 Strube's Add 2.600 Total $50,831 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO Room 6. Board of Trade bldg. Abstractsa specialty. Have your abstracts made by ths TIU A Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. DECLINE IS STEADY Prices Continue to Work Downward in Wheat Trade. TONE IS WEAK ALL DAY Prospect of an Abundant Harvest Causes Selling at Chicago Ca bles Also Lower Harvesting Begins In Europe. CHICAGO, June 23. The wheat market was weak all day and prices continued downward, the regularity of which 1 be coming monotonous to the bulls. The prin cipal factor was the likelihood of an abund ant harvest In the United States and Can ada. Cables were also disappointing to the bulls. Prices at Liverpool were of d to d and reports claimed that harvesting had be gun in Europe. The range for ths July de livery was between $1.13 and $1.14. Ths market closed weak, with July at $1.13, Pronounced weakness developed in the corn market and. prices at the close showed losses of c to $1.181.18. com pared with the final quotations of ths previous session. The market closed weak. Bright prospects for the new crop formed the basis of the selling pressure in oats, which resulted In a heavy tone. The market closed weak, at declines of c to c. Provisions were weak all day. At the close prices were a shade to 30c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. July.. $1.14 $1.14 $1.13 $1.13 Sept...... 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.07 1-07 1.07 1.06 1.06 . CORN. J"'? 71 .71 .70 .70 fPt 8 .68 .68 .68 tec 68 .58 .57 .57 OATS. Ju'y R0 .50 .50 .60 Sept 42 .43 .43 .43 Dao 3 .48 .43 .48 MESS PORK. July 20.00 20.00 19.75 19.87 Sept 20.15 20.25 19.95 20.02 LARD. July 11-60 11.85 11.67 11.66 Sept 11.65 11.75 11.60 11.72 SHORT RIBS. July 10.82 10.95 10.82 10.90 Sept. ..... 10.77- 10.87 10.77 10.87 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Barlejr Feed or mixing, 73 74c; fair to choice malting, 74 & 76c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1.58; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.68. Timothy seed $2,80 4)3.90. Clover $10.25. Bork Mess, per barrel. $19.80019.82. Lard Per 100 pounds. $1.65. Short ribs Sides .loose). $10.90 10.95. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $U.50&11.75 Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were 8QuaI 82-0u0 bushels. Primary receipts flx.232-0.09 b"hel. compared with 312,- 0 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreefs. decreased 564.100 bushels, estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 2 it.ro'jo Tead 225 Ca": 96 C": ho Flour barrel. Sl!RS 'ft Seat. bushel 8.40o S22 400 Corn, bushes 403,800 288 200 St.' h.f'i?!1" 273.900 204.906 Rye. bushels 2,000 J 000 Barley, bushels 105.000 54.600 Changes In Available Supplier. NEW vrmir t.,, o , . ". . , , ojjeciaj caDie and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreets show the following changes in I?.?- avafIablB Brain "upply, as compared with previous accounts: WeaK Uned States, east of theBUShe'B' rttRokl8 :?:2.84S.ono Canada, decrease 993 OOO Total United States and Canada, de- crease g odo Al,at iOT ??d m Europe, decrease! .' L700!oO0 Total American and European sup- vv,v"v ply, .decrease B nnn Corn. United States and Canada. ln:'0,1'u00 Oats. United" 'states" "and Canada." in- 225-000 crease .jj. 814,000 Grain and Produce at New 'York. TORK- J""8 23 Flour Receipts. 22.170; exports. 4236. Dull and lower to Wheat Receipts. 83.200. Spot, easy No L l-47, nominal, elevator: No. 2 red. old, $1.47. nominal; new $1.18 and $1.35, nominal, f. o. b. afloat: No 2 Winter, $1.31. nominal; f o b. afoat Again, owinc to hp,H.h ..al , . . " aim iiquiaa- o2E: ? . was,weak ana nearly lc lower .Si sinB c under the previous ses- ai?iTiJ'rl3r c,?sed' l-22; September. $1.1414; December. $1.18 ' Hops Steady. Hides, wool and petroleum Steady. Grain at Ban Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2$. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotations $"oT8hlpPl""- 2-10-: -ng. Barley Feed. $1.40 1.42; brewing, nominal. s 1 natR.T1- "701: White. $2.06 2.20; black, nominal. w Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.30 1.40 Corn Large yellow. $1.87. European Grain Markets. LONDON. Jun.9 23. Cargoes Arm. Walla Walla, on passage, 6d higher, at 45s. For :staM.shtedC0Dd'UOn,, nmmal- D Pric co'ySmaX"srqulrket". P"nch 1 LrVER.P9L' June 2 Wheat July 9s weatle?"' ' emberTg,' 4d? Wheat at Seattle. V"A'1d1i'l hlat3"utem1I$L4 ''club' cornVl car. M' Rece""" Wheat, i car! Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Juno 23. Wheat lLtfiiin.. Bluestem. $1.30 & 1.35 ; clubT $1 04 M.f; bluestem. $1.24; club. $1.147 red $1 09. P Dried Frnlt at New York. iff'W.YORK,oJune 23. Evaporated apples. q1et; llnZy- 8K'c: choice. 48c PrSe' 7: common to fair 86c fast market 'or- prunes 'is Arm "on x",, BS?rt iolry and a demandrom rhnMdle ,e!"- The " Bituation is u ?o ?fS 7orhr-,tatl.nS ' fom 2 tor1Ortgonrfru7at!'f0rnla and frm 8 to 80 Apricots, Arm; choice. 10310e- extra, choice. 10loc; fancy, 11 13 Peaches, quiet; choice. 56c' extra choice. 88o; fancy. 78c No Important transactions are reported 84c; choice to fancy seeded, 46c: seedless. 33e; Lonaon ,ayer'. Coffee and Sugar. YORK. June 28. Coffee future, closed barely steady, at a net decline of 5 20 points Sales were reported of 18.500 a, including June at 6.158.20c; July 2'g2e5c:fcAS5u',t- -805.8Sc; Stember', HS! ?' Marcb' 6 75c; April. 5.83c; May, 5.80c Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio. 77c- No 4 Santos. 98c Mild, dull; Cordova. 8 Sugar Raw. Arm; fair refining. 4v centrifugal 96 test. 3.92c r molasses sugar: 3.17c. Refined, steady; crushed. 5 63c: powdered, 5.05c; granulated. 4.95c. Jfew York Cotton Market. , NEW TORK, June 2$. Cotton Snot closed quiet. 15 point, higher; middling uS! lands. 11.75c; middling Gulf. 12c. Na sales. t Cotton futures closed steady; June 1 U7e OrtoheV' ,.CiaAueu,t- 11S6c; S'Ptemblr and ?i t!1 '"."r"1"- 11 28c; December: lLlc; January, 11.28c; March. 11.80c; May LUMBERMENS National Bank CORKER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $500,000 OFFICERS. W. M. IjADD, President. EDW. COOKINGHAM. V.-Presldent. W. H. DUNCKLET, Cashier. R. S. HOWARD. JR., Ass-t Cashier 1- W. LADD, Asst. Cashier WALTER M. COOK, Ass't Cashier Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit We Issue Letters of Credit. Foreifin Drafts, and Travelers' Cfcects THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noisea. It insures against slipperiness and f alUng hortea. It insures against cracks, disintegration !nd colv renaira. It assures a sanitary and durable street. "paira. It assures conscientious workmanshio and rRt w.- i It assures perfect satisfaction. P materlal- , BITUUTHIO INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND STJEEST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. CHERRY MARKET BREAKS MUCH FRTTIT RECEIVED AT SE. ATTLE IX POOR CONDITION. Strawlerries Firmer Owini? to Wghter Receipts Sale of New- ' Crop Bluestem at $1.05. SEATTLE, Jane 23. (Special.) The cherry market broke today. Shipments are coming- through In poor condition and the best stock offered 1 H n. 1 . c, . , , ot cenis. Etrawnerrles were slightly firmer, owing- to ..s, roteipu. xne cola, cloudy weather of the last few lian -h.i ,. j, i . ... . uuwa me re ceipts. The low price today was 1.25 and the best Clarks sold as high as $2.30. Two carloads ot new milling bluestem wheat were sold here on the exchange today at $ 1.05. A dull month is expected in hay and oats during July, as the Government orders are now all out of the way and no large business ls in sight for some time. Poultry ls In heavy supply and a half-cent lower all around. QUOTATIONS AT BAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay" CU.J Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, June 23. The follow ing prices -were quoted in the produce mar ket today? . Mlllstufts Bran, $23.60930; middlings, 93385. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. 11. 6001 75 V yfetables Hothouse cucumbers. 26 60c: garlic, 4Sjoc; green peas, tl1.50; string beans, 2fcf-4c; tomatoes, 25cfe$: egg-plant. 67c; asparagus, 12; red onions, 050c Butter Fancy creamery. 2&c; creamery seconds, 25c; fancy dairy, 24c. Poultry Roosters, old, $46; young, 8 10; broilers. small, 2.508; broilers, large. 3.6O4.50; fryers. 5.5O(.B0; hens. 4i;8: ducks, old. J55.50; young. $Sgg. Eggs Store. 25c; fancy ranch, 28c. Cheese New, 12H13i4c; young Amer ica, 14H'&151c Wool South Plains and San Joaquin 1318c; Mountain. 612c; Nevada, 1320o. Hay Wheat, 141S.50; wheat and oats. $14 17; alfalfa. $10 14; stock.. $7 10; barley, SllccrU; straw, per bale, 60 80c Fruits Apples. choice. $1.60; common. 35c; bananaa, 75ciS3.K): limes. $58- HARTMAN & THOMPSON BACKERS - CHAMBER OP COMMERCE issue travellers7 checks, payable everywhere. For eign exchange bought and sold at attractive rates at all times. VnXmittd Panonal ZUbOUg o wt R.V FREE EXCURSION vSUNDAY U SUBURBAN HOMES r I .1111 TDAT mj LU g JV g f KSIBaniBHBcsHBBSassssBBSaBaBnHeEM DIRECTORS. EDWARD COOKINGHAM, HENRY L. CORBETT, WILLIAM M. LADD, CHARLES E. LADD, J. WESLEY LADD. S. B. LINTHICUM, FREDERICK B. PRATT, THEODORE B. WILCOX. iip-:.. ,i: ..range. ass j-LafK bales; hides, 216. 8 tona; wol. 1$ Wool at St. Louis. One mediums, 2124c; fine. Iti2c Flaxseed at Minneapolis. ti MINNEAPOLIS, June 23. Flax closed TRAVELERS GtJIDBL S66 A-ASKA -Br -tw tW AND BACK INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS Only $ a Day for 11 Days SUMMER EXCURSIONS via "Inside Pas sage from Seattle to Land of Midnight 8an Totem Poles. Ice Floes. Glaciers, Mirages! Fjords, Mountains. Islands and Forests. ONLY TWELVE EXCURSIONS r RESERVE BERTHS NOW Pacific Coast Steamship Co. E. F. DeGbandpkb. P. Sc P. Agt. 249 Washington Street Portland HONOLULU and back $1 IP. First Class Beau Them All for Bailing, surf-boating.surf-board , . riumg.seaoatning. swimming and aquatic sports; fishing base ball, tennis, golf, automobiling. Most at tractive spot on entire round the world tonr. f lv? and one-half days from San Francisco by b.S. Alameda (wireless), sailing June 5 26. July 17th. Aug. 7. etc BOOK NOW and secure the best berths. Line to Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia S. S. Mariposa sailing July 1, Aug. 6. etc Tahiti & back $125. Wellington & back $260. O. S. S. Co.. 673 Market St.. S.n Francisco jrarnburg-Jtrnerican. London Paris Hamburg. J?, Waldersee. June 24Pennsylvania. .July 7 fe 1 wnewHun 2iP Llncoln(new)July 14 P.Qrant(new)Jnne 30!Clnr-nati(new) July 17 nf Jul Si'Amerika July ti Rlts Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. T A T via Oibraltar, A B Naples and Genoa. S. 8. HAMBURG, July 1. Aug. 14 " MOLTKE. July 22, Sept. B " BATAVIA. tSept. 23. Naples and Genoa only. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. Hamburg-American Line, 160 Powell St., San Iran cluco. and Local Agents. Portland. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct. The steamships Roa noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at 3 P.' M. Ticket office 132 Third, near AJder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314. H. YOUNG, Agent. SAN Only FHANC18CO tt rOKTLAKD S. 8. CO. uireci steamer ana daylight sailing. A ins worth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M State of California. June 20. Rose City, July 3, 17, etc. Lombard St., San Francisco. 11 A. 14- Rose City, June 26, July 10. State of California July 3. From 8.8. 8.8. yrora B.S. B.S. LBinn, uock Agent. Main 28& Ainsworth Dock ROCHE, City Ticket Aeent, 142 3d St. Phone Main 02. A M027 M. J. COOS BAY LINE The iteamn BBEAKWAIEB leaves por Und every VV eonfwiujr. 8 p. At., from Ains worth dock, for Mortlt Head, Marstuteid and Coos Bay points. Freight received till 4 P. U. on day of sailing. Passenger fareV first: class. 10; second-class. 7. Including barta and meals. Inquire city ticket office. ThlrJ and Washington atrssta, or Alnsworta doek. run Mala as,