THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1909. - .13 4' '4 rOEBAt, KOTICBS. OTTER SON In this city, Juni 21. Fred Ottcrsnn, aged 65 years. Funeral Frldav. June 25. at 2 P. M.. from residence 989 Msllory ave. Interment Hirer View Cem etery. Friends invited. BTJTjOETR At Raymond. Wasti., June 22. Catherine M. Bulger, aged 74 years. The funeral service will be held at Plnleya Parlor, at 8 P. M. today (Thursday). Frlenrti Invited. Interment The Dalles. Or., Friday. Dnnnlni Mr En tee Gllbanch. Funeral JUnctor. 1th ud I'in. fbone Main 43s. Iady Assistant. Qgloe of County Corpse.. KDWARD HOI.MAN CO.. Funeral direct. . ye. u 8u et. Lady AeeUtant. l'huue M. tOX 9. P. FTJTLEY BOH. d and Madlaoek M'T attendant. Phone Main 8, A lSUs. F. 8. DTJJJNTXO. CBdertaker 414 Aluer. Lao assistant, phone fcsst &L MtENTEE-KRirsoy CO. mdertakerai lady assistant. 49 Alder. M CI XX. ZKI.I.FR-BYRVFS CO., Fnneral ntrect ers. 72 Russell. Both phones. I-ady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY rRJSSIJJEXT, Main 800. SECRETARY, Main 598. HUMANE OFFICER. East 4779. NEW TODAY. HOMES Pay us your rent for a certain short Derlod. and then we will erive you the deed. Your landlord never promised you that, but we do. And we have saved hundreds of thou sands of dollars to our clients. Coma in and see us. Fine lots only $150 and up; 5 down and 82.50 a month. No for feiture If payments delayed account BicKness or loss or employment. Bring this ad with you. Come in any time and we will take you in our automobile and show property. SJ ill Vuull 11-111 x V.W. 41S Corbett Bldg., 6th and Morrison. STATE IRRIGATED LAND FILE TODAY a m 40 nr 180-aors tract. LAN D OF FICE too WeUa-Farejo Bids. Apartment Site CORNER, 50x100 i nil 'i. t- . - j.-in bu, near jvionrgomery ; z car- t: ii . . - - nnea; an improveuienis in ana paia; nvAOAv,. tt i x a i t-. and terms very attractive. A most desirable buy. See A. H. Birrell Co. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. WHY, PAPA, WHY? Why pay $5000 for a home site BOx 100 on the West Side, close to the rail road trains and factories and surround ed by flats and boarding-houses, when you can get five acres inside the city limits, lust a few minutes' ride in your automobile, with a magnificent view, for the same money? Ask us to tell you why this property is a bargain. HAH STHOtilPSON Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME Owner leaving the city must sell. Eight rooms, thoroughly modern; cor ner lot, 60x100; magnificent view; corner 16th and Elizabeth streets. Chapin 6 Herlow S32 Chamber of Commerce. A Real Bargain in a Farm eu acres or nrat-class farm land. BO acres In cultivation, mostlv ir ,'rnn- s acres in timber; fair buildings; 2 fam ily orchards; good well, spring;; some iarm implements; z - miles from an electric line. This farm is in the best of condition, and can be had for 7S per acre. It would cost $100 per acre w Clear mm lanu in tnis localltv. MOBEIlOrSK-kERTCHKM CO., lloard at Trade Bids;. 2 1-2 and 5 Acre Tracts If you can beat our 2H and B-acre tracts for t-100 ner acre hut what'. th use you can't. They are cleared and cultivated, and there is no better fruit land In Oregon. The Iadd tract of about 450 acres recently was sold for about K'.OOO.OOO. The Ladd tract fronts oh the iiarr road, so does ours, and it is nut - ot a. miie outside the city limits. H00 per acre. One-third cash. Ml'KIMlY . OASWBLI, -'30 Stark St. Here Is a Bargain Kles;ant new 7-room house (Queen Anne style); lot 50x100, in Woodstock; 1S00. Terms. Margulis & Schubach -T Botra of Trade. One-Story Brick Warehouse 60x200. S. W. cor. 13th and Lovejoy sts. Lease and low rent. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 2SO Stark St. HAWTHORNE PARK A beautiful modern home, 9 rooms with fine, lawn, roses and shrubbery, one block from car; win Include, If de sired, shades, rugs, range, light fix tures, etc., all as good as new. Terms. 670 East Madison su. near 14th st. SEW. TODAY. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY exclusive downtown residence district. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE MANY NEW HOMES NOW BUILDING PRICE S1800 AND UP Terms, if wanted; 10 per cent cash, 1 per cent month, 6 per cent interest. COMPLETE ABSTRACT WARRANTY DEED For full particulars call on F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg, STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Also AGENTS ON GROUND Acreage See that 10 acres on Base Line road; must be sold quick. Only 1 miles from Montavilla car. 9400 PER, ACHE. EASY TERMS. 4-10 acres on Portland Heights, all cleared, not far from car. , $5200 1-3 CASH. 20 acres near Bertha, on So. Pac B B,, only 2 miles from Court house; all cultivated; house, barn, fenced. S750 PER. ACRE. 88 acres on Base Line road, 8 miles out. Will double when Mount Hood Road is completed. $304 PER ACHE. Humason & Jeffery M 1189 226 Stark St. A 3814 FOR EXCHANGE $120,000 Having made heavy Invest ments In Oregon, which require that all my time be spent here, I will give a splendid trade to any one who will take f 60,000 worth of rirst-clasa suburban lots at wholesale price, close- to Ban Francisco, which can easily be sold on time payments for double that amount by any one having the time to look alter them, and also 60,000 worth, or more, of good San Francisco in , come property, $120,000 In all and take in, exchange good Ore gon property, improved or un improved. Portland preferred. Property mentioned will stand thorough investigation, and prices asked are low. Any prop erty offered in exchange must be equally good. Address R 188, Oregonian. 200 ACRES FINE FOR PLATTING. Just outside city limits, West Side. Smooth rocked road all the way. Easy 30 minutes with an auto. Of fered for a limited time at $400 Per Acre JESSE HOBSON 503 Corbett Bldg. UNION AVENUE if APni Only 3 blocks north of UKIIll Hancock St. CORNER. JJyJUU 63xl00; 2 fine stores. Income now J75 per mo. Building modern, nearly new; all Im provements In. The two new bridges In near future will cause this property to advance to 115,000. , A. H. BIRRELL CO. 203 McKay Bids-. Third and Stark. FOR SALE A beautiful home with every modern convenience, center high-class proper ties. No. 387 East Twelfth, North; easy walking distance, a block from car. Price and terms right. Must be sold at once. See It, then see us. JACKSOK A DEERIXG, 34 Stark St. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. Building Loass. Installment Lssas, Wm. Mac Master 302 Worcester Block. MORTGAGE LOANS l"t rale and terms ta suit; ep. clal ntes and favarable terms on Isrg, Inttna on business properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO- 202 cKa) BlUis- Sd dfc Stark. GFOBGC BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bldg. Phones Main 8371, A 4018. MODERN 9-room house, corner lot. 100x100, Rest Side: special price for few days only F. M. Batchelor, 215 Couch bide Are You Going to Build? If so. It will pay yon t e our complete line of plans. W specialise the up-to-date APARTMENT-HOUSE, RESIOKNCK Kl.AT AND ARTISTIC HOMES. Let ua build you CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, BAI.AKCK LIKE KEN'l. Plans and Specifications Free. Call an 4 Talk It Over. SPENCER McCAIN CO. Architect sod RnlMers. It JiKW LUMBERMEN' BUM. COK FIFTH ANIJ STARK. Phone Main 6000. NEW TODAY. 50x100 Lots $450 to $650 $50 Down. $10 Per Month 6 PEE CEN"-, INTEREST Directly on cai.aie. Close in; Beautiful - view. Overlooks Hawthorne avenue. Building ' restrictions. - ' j Street improvements. - j IT'S THE BEST BUY ON THE EAST SIDE Brubaker 6 Benedict 502 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Phone Main 549. Dairy Ranch 240 acres, in Skamania County. Wash.; 32 miles from Cape Horn and new North Bank R. R. ; 32 miles from Portland; close to creamery and condensed-milk factory; 45 acres un der cultivation, 65 acres slashed and seeded, 3 acres in potatoes, 8 acres in oats, 1 acre in garden, 32 acres in meadow; good 10-room house, water piped into house; large barn, 64x90; patent hayfork, chicken-houses, hog pens, etc; fine creek runs through the place ; county road runs through ; small family orchard; includes 25 milk cows, 7 young cattle, 2 good horses, 3 wagons, 1 hack, cream sep arator; all -farm implements, mower and rake, cream cans, furniture oi house, etc. We will take in as part payment. o to so acres near jfortiana, also house and lot in Portland. Price of dairy ranch is $100 per acre, includ ing everyuung. Bolds, Wallace Co. 317 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak. 895 Hood Street corner of Lane: elee-ant nfiarPT Wnlr with very good 7-room, 2-story house ; an eiegant view or tne river and East Portland; the best buy on the "West Side todav. $2500 cash, hal time at 6 per eent; look at it today, men see us. &eA us tor Smith Pnrf- land property. Grussi 5 Zadow 317 Board of Trade Building; Fourth and Oak. Subdivision Proposition 160 acres, located 2 miles west of St. John, near the line of the United Rail way; 20 acres cleared, 20 acres light brush, and balance good heavy-timber; estimated 12.000 rnrHn trr-H rlV. soil no rock or gravel; on good public , nujuiLiiig gooa pu d iic scnooi; a never-failiner stream of u'tr q nH -. being offered at $150 per acre. We will consider $7000 to $10,000. market value, of city residence proper ty on this trade. An opportunity to get Into' the move ment down the river. A B 1S1, Oregfbnlan. Willamette Heights S2350 each, two very desirable lots 60x100. unobstructed view harbor, mountains and city; near Cornell road, just west of 29th su Choicest buy on the market. See A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bids;., Third and Stark. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, 7. A Co. M. 30 Hamilton bldg. Baker. Alfred A., Zll A b In y ton bids;. Beck. William 312 Failing bldg. Birrell, A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, lnsarance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay big. M. 549 Chapin A Herlow, 352 Chamber Comment. Cook. B. S.. A Co.. 308 Corbett bldg. Fields. C IS., Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings A Co., Main 163. 206 Oregon lan. Parrlsh, Watklna A Co.; 250 Alder st. Richardson, A. 221 Com. Club bldg. 9 chalk. Geo. D., 264 Stark st. Main or A 802 Sharkey, J. p.. A Co.. 122 Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). Waddel, W. O.JT 309 Lumber Exchange bldg. Walker, 3. T 60 Corbett bldg. White, B- F., 227 -svasblngton at. Wrlgtit, S. H . real estate. 404 Lumbermen's. FOB SAXE REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON". Lot 15, block 65, gone at 51400. Only one more lot In the beautiful residence sec tion left at that figure. This will be ad vanced to $1500 if not taken this week. No more lot anywhere In this section to be had at this price. J. W. .DANIELS. 602 Oregonlan bWg.. M. Res. 5652. SUXNTSIDE BARGAIN. 5 -room house, 66 feet from Belmont st. and car. In the heart of the business cen ter Of Sunnyside; will almost pay Itself out; atreoi. improved ana paid; - 12600; very easy terma Phone Tabor 431. B 2O80. IRVIXGTON. Fines corner 100x100. on ThomDson atreet, all hnprovenwnu in, $3500. This la otx less man any otner quarter can be oougnt ior oi una grand residence sec tion ; Improvements) bonded. J. W. Dan iels, 502 Oregonlan bldg., M. 8390, Res. 5652. WEST SIITE. only 7 minute-walk from Post office; a beautiful 7-room house and nice lot on Clay at., near 12th st; house is all modern; the lot alone worth more than price asked for whole property, $3500, all casn. u- . rnuger ac kso.. rooms 4-0-6, jm. umeji uiu., auu Morrison sta COZY 6-room cottage, furnished. barn. chieken-houae. chickens, 2 lots 40x100 each. fruit trees, garden, on carltne; $1800, half casn. balance to suit. N 189, Oregonlan. HOMES and lota for sale: build to unvnn1 design; estimate given. Call 3S30, residence v Ian, room ooo oregonlan bldg. W. H CHOICE 50x100 lot In ?ob Hill district; be tween 2 earlines; $4000; easily worth aauuo. Main 6085 or 30S Rot&child bldg. X5R SALE or lease. S acre, with river- ironu nca uacaaam at., toot of Kelly it 7 pwuer. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. PACIFIC Ffc-ACE. Is two blocks west of Albina Avenue and City Park Smith's). Faclno Place baa Portland boulevard on south and Dekum avenue on north end. . Pacific Placa Is within walking distance of the newest high school and grammar school. Bull Rua water is piped to each lot. To advertise the addition the owners will sell 12 lots only for $490 each. These lots are 87 feet deep, but have a frontage of full 50 feet; they will . be sold en easy terms and there will be no more at that price. G. H. VAN HOUTBN. 510 Beck Bldg. In Office A. M.. on Tract Afternoons. Agent on Ground at All Timea. $200 CASH. $20 MONTHLY, "WILL BUT THIS. $2200 New, cosy, modern ihome, four rooms, in addition to closets, hall and hath; combination gas and electric fixtures, side walks in, full basement, concrete founda tion, pretty lawn, rose bushes, fruit trees, etc.; twa blocks -from Hawthorne ave.; dou ble car service; delightful neighborhood, where values will idvasoe rapidly; a dandy place for small family. Tell us what you want. We have it. CHURCKlLLrMATTHEWS CO.. Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark Sts. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS Near "U'oodburn, 25 miles to Portland. Railroad station on the farm. All or partly in cultivation. Finest of soil, no stone or gravel, One mil to college, .school and creamery; Finest of running water ail year; Fine saw timber on each tract; No better or cheaper land in Oregon. Price, $0 to $90 per acre, Small payment cash, balance long time. See owner, J. P. Reimers, TOO Corbett bldg., cor. &th and Morrison. HAWTHORNE-AVE. BUNGALOW AT A SACRIFICE. New bungalow, near Hawthorne ave., 6 rooms, tinted walls, elegant fixtures, c xnent basement, good furnace, laundry tuba, etc. Thi sells lor only $;ttHX it taken at once and it cost nearly this much to ' build the house which practically throws In the lot as a gift; very easy terms on mis; pnone early. W. M. CONKLIN & CO., INC, 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. Main 2S59 A 1747. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. -room house, piped for furnace, fire place, walls tinted, gas and electric lights, full basenent, pass pantry, woodlift, nice hall, bath, large closets in bedrooms. small corner lot, fine lawn and roses; handy to High School and walking dis tance to business; easy terms and only small payment down. HENKLE &. HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. $2400 Practically new, 4 rooms, bath and toilet, cement basement and sidewalk, full lot, one block to car; terms. $3250- Modern, 2-story house, eix rooms, bath and toilet, cement basement and walk, gas and electric fixtures; window hades hung; ready to move right In; terms. A. B. RICHARDSON, 221 Commercial Club Bldg. MERLOW. Bungalow of 5 rooms, two blocks from Rose City Park car; this is a very pretty home, now being completed: built-in side board, book cases, etc. ; finished floors; $320u; easy payments. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO-212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.. Phones, Main 8009; A 2053. CLOSB IN. Near Steel bridge, in nice location, over looking the river; strictly modem home, with nice porch and high lot; 7 rooms, ce ment basement, furnace, etc. ; price $7000, $2500 cash, balance 1 to 10 years at 6 per cent. Kauffmann & Moore, 825 Lumber Exchange. BEAUTIFUL corner lots in Peninsula Ad dition No. 2, near Swift & Co.'s new town site; lots only two blocks away selling for $375 per lot. i Owner must sell at sac rifice. Don't be afraid, you can double your money in ti months; price only $1200. HUMASON & JEFPERY, M. 1189 226 Stark St. A 8814 WE BUT, SELL OR TRADE REAL ES TATE FOR OUR CLIJBNTS. Have a few choice propositions to offer at this timet It will pay you to investigate. MAROULIS & SCHUBACH, 627 Board of Trade. Mala 3558. a 3341. RIVER SITB 1 acres, only one hour trip from Portland; beautiful woods dogwood, fir, maple boating and flehing. This is really a natural park and an ideal spot for Bummer home. Address Owner, D 170, Ore gon ian. $2250. Good, 6-room cottage, on Rodney ave. near Sellwood st. ; full lot. A snap at the v uuoi i ma. r or & lew aays omy. LEWIS SALOMAN & CO.. - 233 Stark St., near 2d. GRAND VTT5W AORRH :One 2 -acre tract for $1000; finest in "w wuuiy, warning distance, oc fare. JESSE HOBSON, ' 503 Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON. New home, 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace. mook and Thompson; owner will give uaoj. ii'"B auui Liuii, xiancocK ana . 28l h sts; lots from $900 upwards. See us PARR1SH. W ATKINS & CO., -sou Aiaer st. BARGAIN $2000, about $300 down, new " uuiu uunattivw, luuuern, otn and Harrison, near Hawthorne ave. ; high sightly situation. Owner, Sowexby, phone NEW 6-room house on Minnesota ave,, full -. iuia im proved; barn for 6 horses and 1 cow Price $2500; liberal terms. Mullan S Veale, Washington Bldg., Room 11 TtTT. AT. P5ST A TW c;c-nro tt--tj- We can offer you a big return for your money Invested with us; investigate BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO ' Inc uamyetie oiug., oin and wash. 1 ACRE, modern house, 5 rooms, bath, base ment, garden; $2500 house, acre: $2000 for few days only. Firland Station S6 North Cedar st. FOR SALE Lots 12 and 13 in block 1 Laurelwood Park; price $575; all or bal cash; party going East. C. E. White. 301 First street. PRETTY 6-room modern house and 75x100 in choicest part of, Irvlngton, at decided bargain if taken soon. You cannot beat it Inquire at 725 Weidler st.. on premlsea IRVINGTO?? corner, 100x100, 19th and Stanton, $2750; east facing lot near Stan ton $1050. Write or phone A. Backus. The Hill Hotel. ... U HOUSES for sale in- all parts of the city acreage close In and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone A 4SS1. Kinney & Stam- pher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. $500 Choice lot, close In, two earlines; $200 down, balance In installments ; a snap. J. F- Compton, 100 Abington bldg. BUYERS! Save time, money and worry, See us; we will suit you. THE-SHAW-FEAR CO 245H Stark St. FOR SALE Strictly modern bungalow, monthly payments. See Jas.. A. Clock.-252 Alder st. Phone Main 12-74. $5000 HOME In Piedmont, $4000; 100x100, on Alnsworth, $900. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave. REAL ESTATE offices in Board of Trade, fully equipped: block books, city map. fine furniture. S 174, Oregonlan. $2800 6-room house. East 20th at., monthly payments. B. T. Randall, owner. Wood burn, Or. INVESTORS Go to the Owners Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Abington bldg. 100x100 Piedmont;, terms, at a bargain; owner must have a little cash at once. Box 235 St. John, Op. - BY OWNER, cash or terms, full lot, near 24th st.. on East Madison. AB 178, Ore gonlan. . - - AN Ideal lot near Hawthorne ave., on well Improved street; price only $475; easy terms. M. E. Lea. 411 Corbett bldg.. NICE bun galow In Firland, on Mt Scott line, $1S00; easy payments. UND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. RUN THIS DOWN Lot 50x100, fully im proved, east of Irvington, $550; easy terma. Tabor 431, B 2080, FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. Call and see It. 524 E.-20th at. N. EXCHANGE Automobile, 4 passenger, for lots here or Seaside. Box 235 St. John, Or. -J . $600 Housa and large corner lot. Arbor Lodge, Owner, AH 132. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL homesite, lot. Morris it, near Williams ave., $1250- J 181, Oregonlan. BARGAIN Lota on Mt, Tabor marline. 437 Larrabee. NEW modern 9-room house. In Holiadaya Addition. R. B. Rica Phone East. 2432. FOB SALE Ttjrxj, ESTATE. A BOMB AT A SACRIFICE! IF BOLD AT ONCa Attractive, strictly modern, high-grade, well-built 10-room residence, designed . for beauty, convenience and comfort ; located on Tillamook street at end of Bast 36th street, very near carUne, in hlgh-clasa residence distric;. with Bull Run water and improved, streets; house has full basement, furnace, oak floors, beamed ceilings, large fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, seat, etc.. clothes chute to basement, woodlift, lavatories on both floors, extra toliet In basement. Built by architect for home for a client who could not take same for finan cial reasons. If takea immediately may be had at the very low price of $6O00; small cash payment and balance monthly. In formation from C. L. Horn, architect, room 11 Madison bldg., 250 3d st. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Acre and half. Firland. cleared, fenced, aet to fruit trees; $1000; terms. - ONE STJNNYSIDE HOME. 6-room modern home, full cement base xnent, nicely finished woodwork, built for home; $3250, half ' cash. 154x168, Woodstock. $1500; terma Lot, Wiberg Heights.- $600, cement walks. Cozy 5-room cottage. $15O0, terms. 6-room bungalow, lOO feet ground, $2650 C. B. -LUCAS, 406 Corbett bldg. ENGLISH WALNUTS Having planted TO per eent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever sold in Oregon, we feel our prop erties should Invite consideration; $100 cash. $15 per month fur - each fiv-aere tract. CH URCHILL-M ATTH EWS CO. ( Inc. ) , Lumber F.xr.hange Bldg.. d and Stark sts. LARGS 6-ROOM HOUSE. New and strictly modern, large recep tion hall, built-in china closet, paneled dinlnc-room. tinted walls, full basement. laundry trays, piped for furnace, shades and fixtures; street Improvements In and paid; $3000; $500 cash, balance easy pay ments. This is a bargain, as the owner needs money. See ua for bungalows. We can make terms to suit you. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. 1021 Hawthorne ave., cor. E. 84th. Phone Tabor 516. SOMETHING REAL SWELL. Elegant, new, strictly modern and up-to-date house of 8 rooms; hot water heating plant, fine fireplace. built-in closets and bookcases, beamed ceilings, paneled ceilings; includes over $700 worth of carpets; lot Is 75x100; corner; on East Main st-. In very desirable neigh borhood price is $10,000. part cash if you want. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. CIRCUMSTANCES COMPEL ME $8100 To sell my suburban home at a great sacrifice, eons 1st In g of ten acres of excellent land, with almost new 'hoiua and other buildings; close to depot and only 45 minutes to the city; overlooking the river and la fine neighborhood. J. M. FRENCH A CO., 413-418 Abington bldg., 106 Third st. FOR SALE AT SEASIDE. A new 5-room cottage, furnished; elec tric lights, city water. Phone C 5789 after 6 P. M.. or PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, 6. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta LADD TRACT. Strictly modern house of 8 rooms and hall, with all modern conveniences; house built for a home and everything is of the best; very nice location; price $a50O, terms. Another strictly modern home of 6 rooms and hail in same tract, close to Hawthorne; very well-arranged house ; price $6500, terms. KAUFFMANN A MOORE, 825 Lumber Exchange. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. 218 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ.. MAIN 8609, A 2653. THE HEART OF IRVINGTON. BRAZES STREET ADDITION. LOTS 50x100 INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS. 10 PER CENT CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. SEE SCHOON MAKER, 708-9 CORBETT BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7855. A 5722. 13TH AND MILL STREETS Nice, modern, 6-room house, with fine furnace and fire place; gas, full basement, nice lawn and roses, cement Walk, stone steps ana a dandy Home; price is $6500. $J50O cash, balance long time at 6 per tcu l vu nuuuiu me ima. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. PENINSULA. 2 acres right on carline. about SO minutes' ride from city: all in cultivation: nln hpnr. Ing orchard of about 60 trees; strictly mod ern house of 6 rooms and outbuild. ns-.: price only $7000, $5000 cah; ground alone worth the price. Kauffmann A Moors, 323 Lumber Exchange. A TWO-STORY frame store building, about 26x78 feet, and an old residence on cor. Grand avenue and East Stark st. will be given to party who will remove them Im mediately. Call on W. L. Morgan, 603 Abington Bldg., or Morgan-Atchley Fur niture Store, Grand avenue and E. Stark. CHEAP LOT. 50x100 Ellsworth and' 47th, sightly streets gradod; price $450; only $45 down, balance $10 per month; 6 per cent interest. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 603 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. Tel. M. 549. QUICK sale nece&sary to close estate; Sun nyeide residence aeven rooms, large grounds, shade trees, fruit and roses; An nabel cottage five rooms, two lots ; Port land Heights view aite, unimproved. See Administratrix, 1106 East Yamhill, or call Room 3, Commercial Club. $ 425 A BARGAIN. Corner lot 50x100, Clinton and 48th sts, easy terms; $45 down, balance $10 per month; 6 per cent interest; graded streets, BRUBAKER A BENEDICT, -608 McKay Bidg., 3d and Stark Sta. Tel. M. 549. PLANS FREE. We build nifty homes; let ns figure with you- WHY NOT ? BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO., Ino 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Low down, very sightly, close to ear, 70 xl50, make four fine bungalow site or one superb home site; $4500 - - . JESSE HOBSON. 503 Corbett Bldg. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. $425 50x100 on Clay at, near 14th, fine location for apartments or flats. r nothing as cheap In" the vicinity, w. O. Waddel, 309 Lumber Exchange. PARTIES wishing to purchase large or small "tracts of improved or unimproved fruit lande in the Rogue River Valley, call on or write Verdin A Conger. 100 North 6th at.. Grants Pass, Or. ' SEE this new, modern 6-room house, 2 lots, exceptlonay well located, near river and boulevard, for less than value; terras at 6 per cent. St. J. car to 1250 Atlantic at. Owner at 1095 Maryland ave BAD health requires me to live in dryer cli mate, ao here goes my beautiful home on west slope Mount Tabor; 9 rooms, electric lights, water, etc.: price. $5000; terma Fred Broetje, 81 East 61st st. A BIG BARGAIN. -Willamette Heights home, 8 rooms, modem, fine lawn, roses, shade trees beautiful view, $5500. See Jas. A. Clock. 232 Alder at. Phone Main 1274. A CLOSE-IN. BARGAIN. SOxlOO, East Main at., near 17th; south front,, cement sidewalk, .Improved street, sower, gaa, " price much below actual value. Bee owner, 809 Lumber Exchange. FORCED SALE. I will take $300 net for my $545 equity In a fine comer lot in restricted district on Hawthorne ; other lota selling- for $900. Phone Tabor 1301. BARGAIN IN SMALL HOME. 4-room cottage, lot 50x100. lawn and shrubbery; close in; price $1290. $300 cash, balance like rent. Own your home. Room 301, 286 Washington st. CHANCE in Irvington for builder; lot near Tennis Club at lower price than any other in this district. See Jas. C. Logan, 22 Washington at,, room 40 4. HOLLADAY PARK ADD. 6-room modem house, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, china closet, etc ; $3500. Call 848 Clackamas at. FINE colonial residence with 5 acres of land, close In, well suited for aanitorlum or platting., AH 18, Oregonlan. 8 LOTS cheap, out towards Woodstock. In quire of owner, 62$ Everett at. FOR FAJJE REAL ESTATE. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Owner leaving the city, must sell: S rooms, thoroughly modern, corner lot Ox 300; magnificent view. Corner 16th, and Elizabeth sta CHAPIN A HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. A SACRIFICE. MUST BE SOLD QUICK. " 6-room MOD E.R N ID SAL HOMB, STRICTLY- MODERN in every way; fine bath and toilet, full cement basement, fire place, lot 100x150, located only 2 blocks from one of the best carlinea in town; very fine young bearing fruit trees, including cherries, pears, apricota, apples, plums, prunes, walnuts, mulberries, strawberries, logan and reepberrtes. aooseberrles and cur rants, elegant garden, all kinds of vegeta bles, (rood chicken-house and run: this Is a. delightful .place and will be sold for $1000 less actuaay worth; price SouOO. TERMS. SEE US AT ONCE. D1ETZ-MUELLBR CO. 815-16-17 Abington Bldg. MUST SELL. ANY TERMS. I MUST SACRIFICE my new, modern 7 ROOM HOUSE for less than, cost: dou ble floors; well finished; piastered throughout, bath, toilet, basement, everything strictly modern; lot high and sightly, 4 BLOCKS FROM ONE Art A.NU 6 FHOM ANOTHER. on iy ao min. ride, $ 1800, your own terms. S See COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth at.. Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE A beautiful home at Oak Grove, Oregon City line, 80 minutes ride. j. Ji4 acres or grouna. new 6-room house. pantry, storeroom, brick fireplace. 75 feet verandas, 2O0 choice roses in full bloom, 75 bearing grape vines, 800 bear ing strawberries, loganberries, blackberries and currants, 60 bearing fruit trees of every aescription, new barn and outhouse, large chicken corral, fanned and rross. fenced, enough garden truck planted for Bouu-Aizea i a ran y, every loot of ground vuuivtttoui liiwn arouna tne no use. aottea witn select shrubbery, etc.. etc.. Inquire on premlsea, Louie Brandt, Oak uruve, ur. LOTS TO ACTUAL. HOUSEv BUILDERS. ONLY $500, in the ROSSMERE section of Rose City Park district: terma. aomeLhlB down, balance only $10 per month; these 60x100 lots are only from to 1 block ; irum car ana art adjacent to leaders beau tiful Haael Fern farm, soon to be opened up aa highest class residence nronertv: will only sell 3 lota at this price and to actual prospective nome-DUiiaers. 6EABERG (Elton Court. Phone private exchange 48 or A 2770. WEST SIDE $400. New, modern home. 8 ROOMS, flrenlac. FURNACE, full cement basement, cor ner lot; street Improvements paid ; 4 Attll.-STEa WITHIN 2 BLOCKS; only $4250, $40O CASH. See COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, B 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. UPSHUR STREET. HOME OR INVESTMENT. jn eat o-room oungaiow, rents $20 per month, or 7 per cent net on price; lot $1x150 or 4650 sq. feet.; worth f 4000; v uiiBiiur aw uaa xt. rt. spur. ) Only $3250. $1250 cash, balance 6 per cent. BURNEY & BURNEY. Room 15. A 4722. 270 Washington St. MODERN house of 6 nice rooma in nice 1 neighborhood in Albina; all street improve- 1 merits in: close to cars and within waJkinir distance of West Side; lot 50 by 125, with I barn for hor?e and buggy ; price $3200. terms. Kauffmann & Moore, 325 Lumber .cjccnange. MOUNT TABOR SITE 100x125, on west slope and near carline: streets improved. This la one of the finest view sites to be had; will sell on easy HENKLE & HARRISON. 611 Gerlinger Bldg. 6-ROOM modem bungalow on corner, fine itoiuciRD uininci., price fou, Casa, hal. easy payments. 4 -room modern bungalow, well located; prit ioou, tj casn, oau iiko rent. BARTLETT REALTY COMPANY, 611 Commercial Bldg. BUYERS only, a new 5-room California bungalow, the best in city and the best oargain, corner ovxiuu, east iront, 1 DiocK to Aioerta car, loss East 20th st. North; must sell, $1000 cash, balance easy, w ibt, Oregonlan. DON'T walk, but run, or you'll let a good thing Blip; $2100. good as new 7-room mod rn house, corner, 60x100, on E. 11th St., . near Killingsworth; now sleep and lose. 408 L SNAP if sold within 48 hours, modern 5- room oungaiow witn natn. pantry, closets, china closet, large concrete basement, etc.; terms given. See owner, 265 Lincoln at.. BARGAIN $1000 buys a beautiful lot 60x100 m wamut rarK, near Williams ave. and Killingsworth ave.; $600 cash required; an : exceptionally gooa nuy ; investigate. E. J. GEISER, 221 Morrison St. FULL 2-story. 7-room. new. modem Kn with sleeping porch, concrete basement and laundry trays; lot 50x112; 1 block from car. Thompson & Enders, -end of u&wiaorua canine. NEARLY new 7-room modem house, olose to jiu-minute car servioe, 10 minutes out; $3000, yi casn. 1 1 xiotncnua oiag. juain 3olO. MUST sell new, modern 4-room cottaza. large lot, $1450; very easy terma. Call- 242 Din ana Mam. 9 LOTS on Pealnsula, near Swlft'e town site: will -sell at sacrifice if takea. at once; $2150, terms. 40J uoucn bldg. FOR anything In Portland real estate sea loiumoia irust l;o.. .Board of Trade bldg. TO EXCHANGE. G'ROCBRY store, sales $100 per day; in rapidly growing district; low rent; will sell at Invoice or trade for f arm. - Thompson A Jiriiaers, en a, 01 nawinome carline. FOR SALE or exchange, fine gasoline launch 1 and boathouse, new, to trade for real ea- I tate; bmaiiey engine, zia. p. 201 Gerlin ger bldg. WHAT have you to trade for atock in paying manufacturine- concern In a e-nnri live R. R. town 7 Address owner, 126 Cen tral ave., or room B0 Lafayette bldg EQUITY in 8 -room - house, 100x100 comer, roses, garden, very easy terma; take lot. uimuuuu num. nmiueraou, 22 f ADing- LAUNCH 12-H. P., in paying business, to- . gether with 5-room, modern house, in AJbina; will exchange for farm property. inquire dio lumoer ixenange blag. 640 ACRES wheat land ; 800 acre timber ana pasture lana; acreage and city prop erty, uwner, ADingtoa Oiag. FOR SALE or trade, fine bar fixtures, value $1500, for $350; will take a lot In trade. - AB 176, Oregonlan, FOR TRADE lOOO corda standing timber. Vancouver. Owner 242 Fifth at Port land. 5 ACRES and balance cash for building 2 cottages, about $1000 each. Myers, 133H 1st st. FOR SALE or trade, a city business; owner leaving town. What have you to offer? H 180. Oregonlan. SELL or trade team harness, 24, wagon for lot In Portland. 427 Magnolia at. Phone Woodlawn 439. TAKE cottage or bungalow in part for 8 room home, 100x100. beautiful place, fine garden. Henderson. 227 Abington. GOOD lots, worth $12O0. and some cash or equity In desirable home, 6 or 7 rooma T 181, Oregonian. WEST SIDE cottage, corner, for acres, lota or auto. 227 Abington. Henderson. LAUNCH equipped complete, for acreage or city property. Tabor 431. B 2OS0. HOOD RIVER orchard, for sale or trade for Al automobile, value $4000. Woodlawn 406. FOR SALE $300 first mortgage on land; gilt edge. 80S Board of Trade bldg. TO EXCHANOlx FOR SALE or trade for Portland residence, 160 acres land. Tillamook County. 2i milea to cheese factory; 15 acres meadow, J0 cleared, lOO fenced; barn, plenty water; $40 per acre. C. L. BUR LIN, 611 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. $12,000 Mortgage on Missouri land 3 years to run, S per cent. $2,000 Omaha Telephone bonds. Equity in two lots in Belle Crest. 5-cent carfare, for anything you have. SO acres fine fruit land. BO miles from St. Louis, Mo., $M per acre, or trade. See "Hanslraair," Room 513, at 82 Washington St. GOOD farm of 72 acres. 35 In cultivation, bal- iia umoer ana , gooa ouuu- ifigs, good croD now crowing, implements and vehicles and good horses and cows? fine roads, close to Oregon City, all for $4500; would accept Portland residence up u owu ana time on paiance; tnis is a nna place, ready to move right on to. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. LEAVING city, will exchange my 50x100 est aiat. caose in. near Morrison, between 6th and 6th. adapted for flats, food income now; win exchange for good arm or acreage; cash price $22,500. Coma iu. e property. nat nave you7 ALEXANDER LAND CO., Phone A 8182. 4 North 6th St. 6-ROOM fine new bungalow, perfectly mod- ru. in Deat real a nee section of Los Aitge- luiiiir-neu witn new niw oak iuruiture: snap at Sd&OO: no in.-um rrnr. u-A.iid exchange for Portland rejliin nr anhnirv. ban acreage of equal or less value; we are position to recommend this- it in &n op portunity for some one going South. Call 40 ACRES, 2 miles from Blodaett. Or: 10 acres in cultivation, ni-charii vrA barn, email house, telephone in house, fine soil; will sell or exchange for Port- property. noom o Hoyt Hotel. Phone Main 1827. 48 ACRES of rood fruit land near Lvl. partly In cultivation, with 5-iwtm hona and outbuildings, to exchange for uuse ma lot in Portland : orice $3000 Kauff- rnaan A Moore, 3li6 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland prop- i vy, uoruwura aioca. invoice do ing the leading business of a llv-s town of 10.000 DODulsitinn. tiail 49a t,. bldg. IF you have any property or buMneaa of morn, eitner in .Portland or outside, that yuu aesire to exenanee for Mmethmr a. we Invite you to call or write 618 Chamber Commerce. 80 - ACRES U miles south Reedville: will exchange for a-ood vacant int -t hnn. .nri lot; will assume mortgage if value requires. 8182 Lan(' KrQ,i -10 N- otn- none A YOU can trade any kmd of property at uwni au-ht ox -j. raae. ACREAGE. 1 ACRES, at Oak Grove, close to river ana Oregon City carline; barn, henhouse, woodshed, 3-room house, 500 yards of chicken wire, 400-egg incubator, 2 brood ers, 100 chickens, and $300 cash will handle it, balance $1300 long time at T per cent. Tbia place is cheap at $2v00, and anyone will say so at sight. Will not be sold for this price after July 1. Owner, 514 McKay bldg,, 3d and Stark. A FINE little 20-acre suburban home, only j.u iiiuc3 irom tne center of Portland; fine spring creek. 3 acres of young or chard, house and basn; chicken-house and yards; all In crop; deep, rich soil, no gravel or stone; nothing better. Will sell cheap and give terma . LANG-HILL LAND CO., 414 Abington Bldg. . NEAR FOREST GROVE. 80 acres. 25 In cultivation, good orchard, 6-room house, barn, spring, creek through the place and of sufficient elevation to irrigate all the tillable land. All the crops. 6 good cowa, wagon, implements, chick ecu and household goods, all goes. HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. SOME SNAPS IN ACREAGE. 8 6-aero tracts, good fruit land, only $700; terms, $125 down and $20 per month' no Interest charged on time payments. SYBELBON A HOAGL1N. 530 Mississippi Ave. Phone Woodlawn 2290, . NEAR TIGARD. 5 acres, all clear and in fine state of cultivation, some fruit trees, all fenced, small house, new barn; only $1050, In cluding crop. HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. 10 ACRES In fruit, 5-cent carfare; grand mountain view; house, barn, outhouses, garden; good school near by; plenty of water; fruit will bring $2000 this year; sell very cheap, or trade for Eastern land. Owner, room 613, at 326 Washington at. 25 ACRES one mile from carline, near Lenta; una u loam, no rocK or gravel; about 1000 to 1200 eords of wood on land, which would easily pay for clearing; land well suited to fruit; price $2K per acre. Kauff mann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. 10 ACRES. $125 down, on R. R. close to thriving valley town; all cleared and in high state of cultivation; price $1250. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., F. Board of Trade Bldg., $4 4th St. 10 ACRES Near Garden Home on Salem Electric; 7 miles from Portland; half in cultivation, balance in fine timber; new 6-room house. Main 605S- or 303 Roth child bldg. PRIMROSE ACRES. 20 mlnutea on fine carline, $550 per acre. Your own terms. Plat and full particular at 410 Falling bldg. BARGAINS IN ACREAGE. Large and small tracts, on and near earlines, from $100 up. Call room 8, 221& Morrison, 12 ACRES Milwaukito, all in cultivation : lots of fruit and berries; buildings; will divide; a bargain at $11,000. Phone owner East 6335. CHOICE fruit and walnut land, large or sinau iracis; owner, no agents. Koom 60S Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. 9 ACRES, all In cultivation. Section Line, ctueo 111; gwu nouse ana ourn; xjvouo. LIND & HIGLEY. 132 Third St. AN ideal acre only 17 minutes from center or city; oc car rare ; price S880; easy terma O. A. Hatton, 411 Corbett bldg. $1600 BUYS 614 acres, good house, fine well. convenient to Portland via two earlines; terma. J. K. Compton, lOO Abington bldg. WE have some attractive buys in Portland credge. coiumoia xruat co.. Board 01 Trade bldg. 1 OR 2 acres close to car; any reasonable terms, r-urse, ais tnamoer or Commerce. . WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOTS WANTED. If you own a desirable residence lot, we will build you a 6, 6 or 7-room house and you pay ua back in installments (a $2E00 house costs $30 a month; an $1800 hou coats $25 a month; a $1500 house costs- $20 a month) : plana are latest and most stylish. Laldlaw Investment Co., 6th floor Commercial block. Main 6120, A 6656. WE are In touch with buyers looking for homes; yours might suit if for sale; let us list It for your. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. 245 H Stark St. WANTED block at once in Sunnysida or Hawthorne district. Ross English Inv. Co., 822 Mohawk bldg. phone Main 1902. WANTED One acre, more or less, on Wil lamette River; state price and location. TJ 174, Oregonlan. HAVE customer for 6 or 7-room house. East Side, walking distance; not over $3000. Terms, D 1S5, Oregonian. CHOICE homes and bulldinr otn our great est need; we cao sell them. Columbia Trust Co , Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 7,500,000 feet yellow fir, 5 milea from village, good road, mail house and barn; price $2000. 511 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVE this opportunity of homesteadlng 320 acres good wheat land under new ruling. Inquire Embody & Bradley Co., 615 Lum bermen's bldg. Phone Main or A 3165. NINE homesteads near Portland, 15 mtlet from railroad, fee $1 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg.. Portland, Or. SCRIP for sale; 80 acrea soldiers' additional homestead right. 264 East 31st. WANTED TTMBER LANDS. 8ILETZ claims; w pay cash for claims from owners. Nelson A Whittlar, 517 Board of Trade. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. ' 804 McKay bldg. McCrsvcken,