Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 22, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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Portland CorsetHeadqarters-"Nemo" Mme. Irene, "Estelle" and Gossard "Lace Fr6nt" CorsetsEvpert Fittc a c.
Great June Stock-Re
Women's Tm Hosiery
50c-?5c Values 3.6c a Pair
In the Hosiery Section, a great June sale of
lO.OOO pairs of women's tan and copper
colored hosiery in all the very best shades
-gauze and medi
silk embroidered
Extra fine imported Iisles-
um weights some with
boots all new high-class hosiery of guar
anteed style and quality all sizes Buy, all
you want of them at this excep
tionally low price, the pair
Mail orders will receive our prompt and
careful attention See Fifth-street window
- Great values in Children's Tan Hosiery
$2.00 Embroideries at 69c Yard
$3.00 Allovers at $ 1 . 1 9 a Yard
50(H) yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroidery, Edges, Insertions, Galloons
Flouncing:, 1A to 38 inches. wide; beautiful embroideries, in English eyelet and Japa
nese effects, for lingerie gowns, women's and children's wear; values up to Q
$2.00 the yard; placed on special sale at the remarkable price of, yard OiC
2000 yards of handsome allover Embroideries for yokes and waists ; swisses,d-f -I r
nainsook and crossbar dimity; white and colors; regular $3 values, yard.. r i
$22.50 Tailored Suits at $1 1.85
$30.00 Tailored Suits at $ 14.85
$35.00 Tailored Suits at $ 1 7.45
$45.00 Tailored Suits at $ 22.45
Great June sale of women's and misses
Tailored Suits; 1 000 garments for your
selection This season's most attract
ive styles and materials- in medium and
long coats semi and tight-fitting ef
fectsStrictly tailored as well as fancy
trimmed suits Panama cloths, serges,
prunella cloths and fancy worsteds
Skirts plain gored with panel front and
trimmed to match the coat Black, navy
blue, green, rose, tan, brown, wistaria,
also invisible plaids, stripes and checks;
suits to please every individual fancy
Four immense lots Very low prices
$22.50 Values at $1 1.85
$30.00 Values at $ 1 4.85
$35.00 Values at $ 1 7.45
$45.00 Values at $22.45
3 -Piece Silk Suits
$98 Vals., $38,50
Greatest sale of season in women's hitch-class fashinnahl 9rn....
magnificent 3-piece silk suits at a price never before known on apparel
of equal style and quality Very latest creations in pongee snks.Tajah
silks. Shantung silks and motora silks An advantageous purchase
from New York's largest and leading manufacturer enables us to offer
values up to $98.00 for the extremely low price of $38.50 The
coats are trimmed in braid and buttons to match the dress, the dresses
having gold lace or net yokes, with net or silk sleeves trimmed in
fancy braid and buttons The color assortment includes tans, rose,
green, gray, blue, brown and black All are three-piece suits of ex
clusive style Beautifully made and finished throughout Materials
of exceptional quality and strictly high-grade in every particular.
Sale Ramie Underwear
Our annual June sale of the celebrated Ramie Linen Fiber Underwear, all this week:
blurts, drawers and union suits, in all styles and all weights. "Ramie," the real
health underwear. Once you use it you will have no other; light, medium, heavyweight.
Reg. $1.75 value at $1.35 Reg. $3.25 value at $2.44 Reg. $6.00 value at $4.50
Reg. $2.00 value at $1.5Q Reg. $3.50 value at $2.73 Reg. $6.50 value at $4.87
Reg. $2.50 value at $1.88 Reg. $4.00 value at $3.QO Reg. $7.00 value at $5.25
Reg. $3.00 value at $2.25 Reg. $5.00 value at $3.75 Reg. $6.50 value at $4.87
4000 Pairs of Swiss Curtains
At Exceptionally Low Prices
Great June sale of 400Q pairs of new
ruffled Swiss Curtains Four immense
fines made of good quality swiss; plain,
dotted, figured and striped well made
and finished plain 4-inch ruffle Cur
tains for your home and beach cottage
at a saving every shrewd and economi
cal buyer will appreciate Thirflnor
$1-25 vol., pair ,79c SlSjyalal-l .I K
$2.25 val., pair $1.65 $4.25 vol., pair $2.89
2000 pairs of ruffled net Curtains, white or ecru,
with Renaissance and cotton lace inserting and
edges; some with corner motifs; values ur to
a. unn uuv an vou want of fl1
them at this very low price, pair yl 73
1000 pairs of white and ecru Nottingham Lace
Curtains. 25 rattems in Kploof fmm n i
new novelty designs, with plain and point d 'esprit
centers; 50 inches wide, 3 yards long; q- C
best regular $2.25 and $2.50 values.. pl.D3
Porch wi?h a rnh Sh8def' ln natural color' thre sizes all complete
1 C f? ThJaniP"lleJs' ready for on sale at these low prices
CL.j Japanese Porch Shades, 6 feet wide and 8 feet long, each.
Shades SS 53 SS5'i'a::::
$4.50 Wool Blankets $3.37 Pair
Sale 500 Comforters at $ 1.65 Ea
Wa."boSei.S!ttf -2S? P?' 1M wMt" Blanket., ith pink ud 0 o m
bla. border, b.,t weight value ever offered ,t the price; $4.50 v.Iue,, p, $3.37
?Trif''b3:,MerS 'SliT?4 C'0r,m' fi,"d "tk 1-ainated eottor.;
Sale of Go-Carts--All Styles
At Specially Reduced Prices
Great STJecial reductions all this n-oi, t j j
,, , - r. " xi-ccu ana
Collapsible Go-Carts, best models, all grades, at a
big saving. Let us show you. On the Third Floor
Reed Go-Carts, with reclining back and rubber-tired
wheels; handsome models, at the following prices:
Regular $ 5.00 Reed Go-Carts, special, ea.. $3.35
Regular $ 6.00 Reed Go-Carts, speclalTeaY $3.9Q
Regular $ 6.75 Reed Go-Carts, special, ea., $i725
Regular $13.50 Reed Go-Carts, special, ea., $7785
The "Fulton" Folding Go-Cart, with hood; the best
folding cart on the market ; regular (1 A J C
$12.00 value on sale at, special, each SlU.DO-
Two-motion steel collapsible Go-Cart, d Cr.
with hood; best $9 value; on sale at... PO.iDU
All Refrigerators Reduced
Entire stocky at special low prices this season Vbest models in all sizes and grades-
j guaaauiccu, vu. baie at mese special low prices take vantage
$10.00 White Monntain rtxh1 -fO
$13.00 White Mountain, special, $10.49
$16.00 White Mountain, special, $10.95
$17.50 White Mountain, special, $13.95
$21.00 White Mountain, special, $16.80
$27.50 White Mountain, special, $21.95
$32.00 White Mountain, special, $25.95
$35.00 White Mountain, special, $27.95
$45.00 White Mountain, special, $35.95
$70.00 White Mountain, special, $55.95
$100 White Mountain, special.. .$77.00
All on sale in the Big Basement Store.
Many Bargains in Big Notion Department
' Perfect "Hooks and Eyes; 2 dozen O
on card; assorted sizes; special, card C
"Trynne," the new Neckwear Supporter,
3 on a card; assorted heights buy C
all you want of them at, a card....
10c Garment Fasteners, .6 on a card. .5
10c white Basting Cotton, 500-yard A
spools, silk finish, on special sale at
strong and practical; special, each
Large cubes of black Jet Pins, regu- J
lar 10c values, on sale at, special, ea. OC
Colonial Safety Pins, one dozen on C
a card; regular 10c values, per card OC
Kid. Curlers, one dozen in a bunch 1
5 inches long, 20c values, bunch.. A OC
"Tight-On" Hat Elastic, black and white,
ready to adjust on hat, 15c values. .100s
65c Velvet Grip Hose Supporters. .50
lmwiairauun ox "iNaiaa" JJres Shields.
Ladies' Buckskin Pumps
$ 6.00 Values at $4.85 Pair
greunealfwomen's high-class Summer Foot
wear J. &, T. Cousins' fine buckskhT oxfords and
pumps New stylish footwear in brown, gray. London
smoke, champagne and black: also bronze kidties
nana-weit soles. Cuban heels This sea
son's handsomest novelties, just what
fashionable women want; all tS Jk Q tT
sizes Best $6 values, pair p ".OJ
$5.00 Oxfords $3.45 Pr.
Special offering of bronze kid ankle strap and two
hole ties; also black, gray and brown suede ankle
strap ties; two and three-eyelet styles; welt soles,
Cuban heels; ail new, up-to-date foot- A E?
wear; regular $4.50 and $5.00 values, pr. 0D
ale Silk Petticoats
Vals. to $30 for $8.85
Great June sale of high-grade Silk Petticoats, plain colors, plaids and Dresdens
20 in ?,ndersklrt? ade of superior quality silL and in the very W styllHnd
?S mmed with silk embroidery, lace, double flounce of pleatie
eTo wbiZ Pl VftV TOT f lf feDd one-inch 8titched dust ruffif'
etc., white, pmk light blue, tan, champagne, navy, brown, green and black- hh
$2 Val Laces Selling at 50c
$ 1 Venise Bands at 1 9c Yard
Great June sale of 2000 dozen round-mesh and French Val. Lace Insertion and Edging
to 1 inches wide; pretty designs for trimming Summer apparel: regular EffV
values up to $2.00 the yard, on sale at this low price, yard-takf adSge 50c
1000 yards of white, cream and ecru Venise Bands and Appliques, 1 to 3 inches 1 g
wide, suitable for trimming Summer Dresses, etc; values up to $1.00, at, yard liC
Great Values in Linen Dept.
25 pieces of extra lieavy Scotch Table Damask all new, handsome pat- d 1 OC?
terns, 72 inches wide; exceptional value buy all you want of it at, yard P l.O
Clean-up of Linen Tablecloths and Napkins to match; all new, high-grade 1 A. NXtf
sets, values up to $25, on sale at one-fourth off regular selling prices. 4 Jlt
I6ni S6Clal Sa,le nea,Tab,!i'ths-best Srades and patterns, at these low prices:
8-10 Cloths, regular $8.00 values, $6.0010-12 Cloths, regular $12 values, i9.00
35c Cotton Suitings at 19c Yard
35c White Poplins at 2 1 c a Yard
Great June clearance sale of Cotton Suitings in all the new, pretty styles; an 1 ft
immense variety for your selection; regular 35c values on sale at, per yard ii7C
200 pieces of new, fine white Poplin for waists, suits and children's apparel; O t
27 inches wide; unusual value; buy all you want of it at this low rice, yard 1C
Great special values in Lawns and Ginghams all grades, at low prices. Let us show you. -
$6 Silk Uudervests $3.50 Each
$ 3 Combination Garments $1.98
Special June sale of women's fine Italian Silk Undervests, hand-embroid- CQ Eft
ered and lace-trimmed; beautiful styles; regular $5 and $6 values at....,,
Special lot of women's two-piece Combination Garments; corset cover and drawers
combined: cambric, nainsook and cmsshar matsrioio mj 1
' i -.. . . x i hi iiren xii locoj em
broidery, beading and ribbon; the best regular $3 values on sale at.....
1 He was furnished with th riiriiitinn r-m . . . : 1 '- ' i
$1.50 Long Silk Gloves ?5c Pair
Continuation of the great special sale of women's long Silk Gloves in black white
and colors. All the best makes, with double finger tips; the best regular '7C
$1.50 values; full 16-button lengths. Special at this very low price, pair... )C
20,000 yards of plain taffeta and fancy Ribbons, 4 and 5 inches wide; all the 1 T
best colorings and combinations; the best regular 25c and 30c values, yard.. 1 C
Sale 'Naiad' Dress Shields
From 20c to 50c a Pair
Great special sale and demonstration of the new Naiad Dress Shields the kind that
can be washed and ironed. "Naiad" shields have special features and advantaees
11XJ -"" iLL vx Cl" w juu- iam aisie. iront of e evfttnr
OrrUinl luties Will Begin July 1
and- Mayor-cleot Is Prepared to
stop lmu New Office.
Joseph Simon went to the City Hall
t 10 oVlock yesterday morning and
took the oath of office as Mayor of
Portland, although his term will not
commence until midnight one week
from tomorrow. So quietly did the
ex-United States Senator and widely-known
lawyer-politician go about
this highly Important matter that
acan ely any one ln the . big building
or elsewhere knew of his being there.
He waa sworn by city Auditor Barbur
While Mayor Lane was presiding at
a meeting of the Water Board, on the
third floor of the City Hall building,
Mr. Simon entered the office of Audi
tor Barbur. on the second floor, and
announced that he wished to take the
M.U pt office urn Uajor . of Portland.
He was furnished with the reimitinn
blank, which he quickly filled ln; was
sworn Dy Mr. Barbur and left the Hall
as quietly as he entered.
The oath of office taken by Mr. Simon
Is as follows: "
I. Joseph Simon, do solemnly swear that
I will support the Constitution of the United
States and the State of Oregon, and that
I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully
perform the duties of the office of MajVjr
of the City of Portland during my continu
ance therein, so help me God.
Mr. Simon, by taking the oath of of
fice, has qualified for the position of
Mayor, to which he was elected at the
general municipal election. June 7. He
is now ready to take charge of affairs
as chief executive of the city when
July 1 arrives. The taking of the oath
is rather an Informal matter, but Is
nevertheless an essential, of course,
with every public official. It has been
generally supposed that Mr. Simon
would wait until next week to perform
this ceremony, but he evidently wlBhed
to be. through with this feature of his
inauguration, as he Is very busy with
other affairs connected with the ad
ministration so soon to begin.
Mr. Simon called upon Mayor Lane
a week ago to pay his respects. Dr
Lane Is closing up his officials affairs,
and Is trying to finish up business so
that as little as possible will be left
for the new administration. While It
has been said by some rhat the doctor
will "go out of office ln a blaxe of
glory.1 he denies this, saying he will
"sro out very peacefully and quietly."
Four Fishing-Boats and Crews Ar
rested" by Depnty Warden Mack.
ASTORIA, Or., June 21. (SpeclaL)
On Sunday afternoon. Deputy pish
Warden Mack captured four fishing
boats on charges of Illegal fishing and
confiscated about a ton of salmon which
he found ln them.
Two of the boats were Ashing for
the Sanborn-Cuttlng Company, one for
the Columbia River Packers' Associa
tion and one for S. Schmidt & Co.. and
they are alleged to have made drifts
about 8:30 Sunday morning . at the
mouth of the river. They were cap
tured later ln the day at' the jetty
sands, and there must have been so. fair
run of fish in that section of theVlver,
as one boat had 87 salmon in It.
The. confiscated fish were sold to a
local cold storage plant, and the men
were released on bonds to appear for
trial on complaints that are to be filed
War Vessels at Newport.
NEW YORK, June '2L The flotilla from
Hampton Roads steamed up the bay yes
terday, passing through East River Into
Long Island Sound, then sped on to New
port without stopping. The warships are
to take part in the Summer maneuvers of
the Atlantic battleship fleet.
r vne anouiaer coasts of Veal. t.Od 12
rme jsreasts 01 veal gVw lO
Right fresh choice Veal Cutlets V.iaValT 15"
Veal Stew, per pound ' " " " " gV - q
Knuckles of Veal .".".".".".."." ." 6
Shoulder Boasts of Mutton, per pound '. '. '. '.I ...... . ,&f
Legs of Mutton, per pound ; . . .-. 12V2 15
Mutton Chops, per pound .' laVi 15
Best Bound Steak, per pound .'. 10
Hamburg Steak, fresh every hour, per pound .10
Best Sirloin Steak, per pound 12V
Best Tenderloin Steak, per pound 12V
Shoulder Steak, per pound Y.V.Y.V.Y.'.V
Prime Bib Boast Beef, per pound . " " ". Yio " V2'1
Bump Boast Beef, per pound .WW.".'.".".... St lO
Shoulder Boast Beef, per pound 77
Beef for Soup, per pound . . ."
Beef for Boiling, per pound ". .".". .". 5
Smith's Absolutely Pure Pork Sausage, per pound. . . . . . . . 12V,
Frankfurt Sausage, per pound " iy
Visit the Handsomest Market in the City Smith s New Market in the Sargent Hotel Building, East Side
Bologna Sausage, Liver Sausage and Head Cheese, pound 102 Hams, per pound 1 Q ,
Ham Sausage, per pound 15 Chinook Salmon, per pound " " i"i $
Smith's Absolutely Pure, Not Adulterated, Lard, pound ..15 Sturgeon, 2 pounds
Smith 'r TlrliKlA Reof TYrinTiin o-s ror Twvnnrl ' tr.ui x o . Lcj"r-
- r xiivuuub, O DOimuS r- ,
- -20 Butter Good Butter, 55 Fancy Creamery Butter. ." . .' ." " "fuiX
Oregon Eggs, fresh from the ranch, per dozen 25
Breakfast Bacon, per pound . .
236 Alder Street.
Twenty-flrt and Johnson Streets.
1S8 Glbbs Street.
Eleventh and Montgomery Streets.
Third and Jefferson Streets.
253 Taylor Street ttTnlontown).
Twelfth and Bond Streets.
512 Williams Avenue.
363 East Morrison Street
Thirty-third and Helmont Streets,
brand Ave. and Hawthorne Ave.
352 East Hnrnslde Street.
Jersey Street. St. John.
664 Alberta Street.
T91 Mississippi Avenne.
SEASIDE Bridge Street.