r- BANKERS OF STATE BY SCORE TO CULL Will Pass Through Portland on Way to Tri-State Convention. TO ASSEMBLE AT SEATTLE Financiers of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to Meet Next Tues day Several Eastern Capital ists to Speak at Session. One hundred or more bankers of Ore gon will pass through Portland next Tuesday and Wednesday en route to Se attle to attend the "Washington, Oregon and Idaho Trl-State Bankers' Conven tion, which will convene Thursday. There are 140 members of the Oregon Bankers' Association, according to Montis B. Owinn. of the American National Bank, of Pendleton, president of the as sociation. Mr. Gwinn is at the Portland Hotel, and will leave for Seattle Tues day. President Gwinn said yesterday: There are about 100 bankors In Oregon, Of whom 140 belong to the state association. The association has gained 40 members in the last year. I believe there will be an attendance of ahrut 500 bankers at the tri-rtate conven tion and we look for the accomplishment of much Rood for the future of the three states We expect quite a number of the biggest hankers of the East at the convention. Money Is moving westward, everyone knows that, and if we can get the Eastern men out here to see what we have to offer and In what they have been putting their money. they will always be satisfied and will be willing to send more capital to the Northwest. No part of the country now presents such good opportunities for safe Investments as the Northwest and If we can get the investors here to see for themselves, a great deal will be accomplished for our future welfare. Kastern Oregon Thrives. Mr. Gwinn has large sheep Interests In Malheur County and has spent the last niontn In that part of Oregon. He said: Kastern Oregon Is generally prosperous. We are now waiting anxiously for the Gov ernment's derision on the Malheur Irriga tion project and ex-pect Mr. Balllnger there in two or three weeks to look over the sit uation himself. If the Government does not take up the project, private capital will. The money is ready and waiting. Irrigation honrts have proved -very profitable invest menls in the last few years and are. sought aRerly. The Malheur project provide, for lulling water from the Malheur River and reclaiming about 120.000 acres of land, a small part of which Is In Idaho. If the Jlovernment reject, the proposition. the Owyhee River project, backed by private CBpjla.1'. wl" tak up' rao,t or 'be land in cluded in the Malheur project and Irrigate In all about 150.O0O acres. The Govern ment plan will require an expenditure of about $2,500,000 or $3,000,000. and the Owyhee plan about $5,000,000. There Is not the slightest doubt about the future of that country. Men from the Yak ima country are flocking in there and buy- SnUf!no d n,? man reently brought JIOOOOO from North Yakima and began buying up available tracts quietly. Portland peoplo should own that country. It Is trtb "tary ,hl" clty and trad, belongs to h? poople h8r hould become more e!'nro".go'.aW'ka l th futu OI East Thls will prove the best wool year In the history of the state. 1 believe. We had a good winter and the wool was unusually heavy. on. r:T?B.KUnr"n." Pund to pound and one-half above the average. Most of the 2n? i".Llrea,y been d--P.ed of at from .o to H cents a pound. With good pTices "rVp?o:prrroOu,.U':tl0n- th9 h"Pw.r. are To Precede Bankers. Mr. Gwinn Is going to Seattle ahead of the other bankers of the state to ac cept the invitation of President W. L. Adam., of the Washington association, tendered to the presidents of the Oregon and Idaho associations, to Join him at Arednesrtay and et acquainted. The Trl-State Convention will take the place of the regular meeting of the Ore gon association. On Friday each of the three associations will hold a separate session In Seattle. The Oregon bankers will meet In the ballroom of the New Washington Hotel, where reports will be received from the president, secretary treasurer and standing committees. ON fleers for the ensuing; year and delegates L?.,i k AmCrlcan Bnkrs- Association will be chosen. According to the preliminary pro p;mKm"J iel. addresses of welcome will be delivered to the joint association by Governor M. B. Hay. of Washington; Mayor John F. Miller, of Seattle, and by M. A Arnold, president of the First Na tional Bank. Seattle. Responses will be made by w. I.. Adams, of Hoqulam; F. K Johnson, of Wallace. Idaho, and Mon tis B. Ijyvinn. of Pendleton, presidents of the Washington. Idaho and Oregon asso ciations, respectively. Among the Eastern bankers of promi nence who will deliver addresses are J F Allen of New Tork City; George E. All It."' f. NeW York' educational director of the American Institute of Banking George p. Caldwell, bond officer of the American Trust & Savings Bank Chl vu C,,loncl F- E. Frnworth New k'A 8ecT",1ry of ,-he American Bank ers Association, and Robert J. LoWrv president Lowry National Bank. Atlanta." big seSTplaied PREPARATIONS FOR NORTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION MADE. Chairman to Meet to Arrange De tails for AVeek's Assembly Here June 25. Various committees In charge of prep aration, for the Northern Baptist Conven tion, to he held in the White Temple from June 25 to July 2. will meet tonight :;pofXer"cov7n Plan. There are committees on enroll ment, entertainment, attendance, trans portation and registration. irans The 1M Northern Baptist Convention was won for Portland at the Bapt jf Con vention in Omaha last Summer, when Dr Hrougher stormed the house in convincing style , vi, h the result that the delegates VLlth the exception of two or three staid easterner., voted for Portland a the next convention citv. Rev C A WooVT ,,,;erp-a:-iifVt"",",de"t ' ; the Pacific coast, was aLso influential In Una year' r,Iand " tl" vou. to? To Baptists the chief significance of the meeting In Portland 1. i the settling or . " .?r."c ,m'on betww" the Northern Ban, tet Convention and the three BapM societie. which were formerly known as the American Baptist Home Mission So ciety, the American Baptist Missionary VnlOn Still the AmMMn Tlnn.Ut tMln. tion Society. For the past year these so cieties have only co-operated with the con vention; now they will become the or ganic agencies of the convention. The folio wl n a reoom mend a Hrtn mo. adopted at the Oklahoma convention last year : That, at the earliest possible date, there should be an organic union between the gen eral denominational societies and the North ern Baptist Convention to the end that the denomination through Its convention may be able to determine a suitable related policy for all it. general activities, may establish a single co-ordinate budget for the same, and may provide adequate funds tequired by this budget; and to the further end that It may be possible to put the various agencies out of debt and thereafter keep them out of debt. The committee appointed to consider the rorm or this organic union is composed of five of the most distinguished Baptist law yers In the country. The action taken upon this report at the coming convention- wui oe or nistorlc Importance In the life of the denomination. In addition to the question of legal rela tions of the societies to the convention, there will be considered reports of spe cial commissions on the following sub jects: Social service, denominational newspapers, city missions, relation of state convention to the Northern Baptist Con vention, relief of aged ministers and min isters' widows, apportionment of the budget, consolidation of missionary period icals, and joint missionary secretaryships for all forms of missionary work. A hymn, entitled "The Song of the "West," set to music by a well-known composer of Brooklyn, has been dedicated to the Baptists of the Pacific Coast, and will probably be sung In the convention. I '? 4 mm Montle Gwlan, President of Ohio State Bankers' Association, Who Was In Portland Yesterday. Connecting with a )v.f.loi nn.rAn-tAn train at Chicago, a Baptist train from oueiuii win De rormea xor tne accommo dation of the New England people. SHRIIMER GUESTS DEPART Al Kader Temple's Ceremonial Ses sion Impressed Them. Visiting Shrlners, who came here to see how Al Kader Temple manages Its cere monial sessions, left on yesterday's trains for their homes. According to the an nual report of Imperial Potentate Edwin I. Alderman "Al Kader Temple, the moat Western home of Shrlnedom, Is one of our temples in which we all may take a Just pride." It goes without saying that the visitors were more than pleased with the warm reception accorded them, as well as with the management of all that makes a ceremonial session a delightful event to every Shriner. Potentate L. G. Clarke, of Al Kader Temple, and all of his officers and Arab patrol, under command of Captain William Davis, were the recipients of many congratulations from every one of the many visitors who wit nessed the session last Saturday evening. Among the noted Shrlners visiting were Ellis Lewis Garretson, Potentate of Aflfl Temple, Tacoma, accompanied by N. B Bayer; M. Phillips. Past Potentate of Aloha Temple. Honolulu. H. I. ; J F Potentate I,. G. Clarke, of Al Kader Temple. Wills. Chief Rabfcan of El Katlf Temple. Spokane, Wash.; George Winans, Past Potentate of El Korah Temple, Boise. Idaho, and W. F. Wagoner. Thetis Ont of Ice. SEATTLE, June 20.Arrived: German steamer Sals, from Nanaimo; steamer Portland, from Cordova. Sailed: Steamer Lelanaw, for Cor dova; German steamer Sais, for Ta coma. The steamer Victoria, bringing $500. 000 In gold dust from Nome, is ex pected to make port tomorrow morn ing. The Victoria will be the first vessel from Nome this season. Private advices received from Nome state that the revenue cutter Thetis, which has been held In the ice at the entrance to Norton Sound, has broken through and has reached Nome in safety. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, June 20. Maximum temper ature, ert degrees; minimum. 33 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., SI. 2 feet; change In last 24 hours. 0.3 feet rise. Total rain fall t5 P. M. to 5 P. M.). none. Total rain fall since September 1. 1008. 33.72 Inches normal rainfall since S-ptember 1 190S 4:1.4.1 Inches: deficiency. "J.71 Inches' Total sunshine, Ji.ne 19. 18 minutes; possible sun shine. 16 hour. 4S minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level at 5 P. M-. 80.11 Inches Observation, taken at 5 P. M.. Pacific time, June 20: ' WEATHER CONDITIONS. Although the barometer continue, rela tively high over the North Pacific States and the low pressure area has moved east to the Dakotas. the weather continues un settled and cloudy without anv rain of con sequence having fallen during, the last 24 hours on the Pacific Slope. It Is warmer in southern and eastern Ore gon and In eastern Washington and Idaho The Indications are tor generally fair weather la thu district Monday. except A PfJ piiii T i ITS i THE MORNING imituTPntlpniil TSiMtlhiiiilliiMli Kifchon Coolness No hot and blistering au to sap vitality and make cooking intolerable when work is done on the safe, economical and comfort able New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. Usui?: . vour kitchen is not a room to flv from, but a nlace necessary household work aoesn t neat ine mtcften. MEW Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is built with a CABINET TOP just like the modern steel ranee. .Combines conveniences found in for summer. Three At your dealer s, or The " CT faults of other D .Mh.tltiIMWM.HTOHiIlgl.rf.1iI.UM.;iUi.ili(:i.t)tUh along the Washington coast, where the con ditions are favorable for showers. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. K 13 Wind ' E w3 It!! STATIONS. 3 I 5 State of J ? o Weather. o : 3 3 : 5 ! : : T4I0.00I 88 O.OOl Bismarck Eolse Eureka Helena North Head. . . . Pccatello Portland 8 N 6iSW 6iNW 20 NW 4 W 81 NW lOSW 8NW 4 SB 10INW 4ISE 6iW lOiSW 4 SW Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Rain Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy 7o:o.on O.OOl 0.18 O.OOl 0.00! o.co Red Bluff o.oo O.OOl Koseburg Spokane Tn fom a T. o.oo! 0.00 O.OOl Tatoosh Island'. Cloudy walla Walla. . . tjiear FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; westerly wir ds. Oregon Fair; westerly winds. Washington Fair, except shower. near the coast; westerly winds. DEED. OGDEN At 588 Second street. Ruby A. hkcti years, oeiovea aaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ogden. Funeral notice later. TAGGART June 20. at St. Theresa's Sani tarium, John Taggart, aged 27 years. Remain, at the family residence, 129 Fifteenth street North. Announcement of funeral later. EUJJSTAN In this city. June 19. Samuel R. Dunstan, aged 57 years. Announce ment of funeral later. PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY . AGRICULTURAL 1M I'LL. ML NTS. BEALL & CO.. 3ua E. Yamhill. MITCHELL. LEW IS & STAVER. E Mor A 2d ART GLASS AND MIRRORS. PQVET BROS. GLASS CO.. 6th & Flanders. . -fFTO -ND BIClfCLE SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. SS tith sU BABBITTS, SOLDER, ETC. PACIFIC MKTAL WKS., 7a N. 2d. . BAGS, BURLAP AND TWINE. W. C. NOON BAG CO.. 2S-34 1st St. BAKERIES. ROTAL BAKERY CO.. 11th and Everett. BELTING AND II.L SUPPLIES. NOTT-DAV1S CO., 40 t St. BICYCLE AND BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 86 6th t. BOOKSELLERS. THE) J. K. GILL. CO.. 135 3d. BOOTS AND SHOES RUBBER GOODS. GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., .30 Front. KRAUSSE BROS. 73 l,t St. PRINCE SHOE CO., 86 6th St. BOX MANUFACTURERS. MULTNOMAH LUMBER & BOX. CO.. Phone Ex. 80. BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY. D. C. BURNS CO.. 2oa-ai0 Third St. Cash buyers of country produce. EVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front. BUTTER, EGGS. CUEESE, ICE CREAM. T. S. TCWNSEND CREAMERY CO.. 18 Front. CHEESE. PORTLAND CHEESE CO.. 191 Sd. COFFEE, TEA .AND SPICES. BOTD T CO.. DO 1st St. CLOSSET Jt DEVERS, 1-7 N. Front. CONCRETE MACHINERY. BEALL & CO., 30 E. Yamhill. CONFECTIONERY JOBBERS. ALDON CANDY CO.. 12th and Gilsan. MODERN COXPECTRY CO.. 13th & Hoyt. CORDAGE. BINDER TWINE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. 14th & Northrap CORNICES AND SKYLIGHTS. J. C. BAYER, Front and Mar net. DAIRY AND CREAMERS SUPPLIES. MONROE & CR1SSELU 145 Front su DOORS, SASH, PAINTS AND OILS. KELLY. THORSEN & CO.. 52-54 Union ave. RASMUSSEN & CO., 184-166 2d. DRUGGISTS. BUMAL'ER-FRA.NK DRUG CO. CLARKE. WOODWARD DRUG CO.. 9th & H. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO.. Front & Ash. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. ELECTRIC AND GAS FIXTURES. BARRETT' 3. 4i8-412 Morrison. ELECTRIC MACHINERY SUPPLIES PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENG. CO.. 213 2nd." WESTERN ELECTRIC WKS.. 61 6th. FEED. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. LENSCH BROS., il Front St. FIREPLACES AND TILES. ""BARRETT'S." 4US-412 Morrison. FISH AND OYSTERS. PORTLAND FISH CO.. 34 Front st FRUIT AND PRODUCE. W. B. GLAFKE Co. It Front. K'EWEN & KOSKEY. 120 Front. FRUITS, EGGS, POULTRY AND MEATS. DRYER. BOLLAM & CO.. 128 Front. FURNACES AND REGISTERS. M."KRE-M EAGHER CO.. 42 1st. J. C. BAYER FURNACE CO., Front & Mat. FURNISHING GOODS. METER & FRANK COMPANY". FURNITURE. HEY WOOD BROS. & WAKEFIELD. 148 X Tenth. , GAS ENGINES AND LAUNCHES. REIERSON MACHINERY CO.. 182 Morrison. GRADING AND ROCK MACHINERY. BEALL & CO.. 3j9 E. Yamhill. GRAIN. FLOUR. FF.1D, CEREALS. AT.BER3 BROS. CO.. Frent st Mai a. . OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, tail;. iiwi.i'wi ii'yV'H."'''''! where all the is done in restful coolness 1 he no other oil stove. The perfect stove sizes. With or without Cabinet Top. write our nearest agency. - er T A IMFD a true 1 1 PUFEOTMM tCSLjK j j. j. center m draft lamn free from fhe lamps. A perfect artificial light. Handsome and safe. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL. COMPANY (Incorporated) DIED. BRAWNSTEIN In this city. June 20. Alorisla Brawnstein. aged 28 years. 4 months and 13 days; University park. Remain, at Hemstock Bros, undertaking parlor, corner Flsk and Balson, Univer sity Park. . FUNERAL NOTICES. CAMPBELL At residence. 189 Lincoln street. June 19, Mrs. Mary Campbell aged 52 .years, beloved wife of Captain T. P. Campbell, mother of Mrs. A. A. Kayser. Mrs. J. s. Simmons, Mark Thomas, John Forken, Mrs. J. F. Clarke of New Tork, James, Charles and Grace Campbell, and daughter of T. P. O'Connor and sister of T. J.. M. H. and J. J. O'Connor and Mrs. P. O'Halloran. Funeral will take place from residence Tuesday, June 22, at 8:45 A M. ; thence to St. Lawrence church at A. M. where requiem mass will be offered. In terment. Mount Calvary Cemetery. HAWKINS Funeral services of Mary Eliza beth Hawkins, beloved wife of J. E Haw kins, will be held from A. B. Henatock's funeral parlor, corner Thirteenth and East Umatilla avenue, on June 2 1&09 10 A. M. Friends invited. Interment! Multnomah Cemetery. EATON The funeral service, of the late Oscar Eaton will be held at the Congre gational Church at Oswego on Tuesday Juno 22. at 2 o'clock P. M. Interment Oswego Cemetery. Dunning. McEntee a CUbaun f-,. Directors. 7th and Pine, Vod? MiSSff Udy Awbtoat. Office of tonty Coronel: or. ItO 3d st. Lady .assistant. Phone M. suj. . P . FINLEY & SON. 3d and M.dUon. Lady attendant, phone Main 8. A 15D. SV DUNNING, undertaker 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone ast S. HcENTEE-EBICSON CO. Undertaken! lady assistant. 0U Aider. M ll7 ZELLER-BYRNE9 CO., Funeral Direet org. 872 RusseU. Both phones. Lady assistant. . , T GROCERIES. ALLEN LEWIS, 44-54 Front L nS 4 CO., 5th Ind Everett. WAD HAMS & CO., 4th and Oak WADHAMS & KERR BROS.. Hoyt and 4th. Tm A-?JAi?D.JVA-II- MASTERS. . ADAMANT CO.. 433 Worcester bldg. HARNESS AND S ADDLE ByI Front. K BJD1 CO.. l04-lo . HIDES, FURS. WOOL. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front st. H A 7T?FS r??Tf!Ar.MA VIACTURERS. HAZEHVOoD CREAM CO., 3d & Hoyt. R'"?' STEEL. WAGON MATERIAL. Robertson Hardware & steel Co.. 68 5th st. POPTt K?,nA PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 148 3d. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front street. I II fT...... . . . . . PORT. UNION STOCKY DS. 17th A Vaughn. LUMBER. bfdgS "PAC- LMBR' co" 3a Wells-Fargo PORTLD-'1S?EKlE;REK8oIA36?'lst. ZlMMERMAN-WELLsSkoWNV H snd Ash. FRANK L. SMITKCoT226-228 Alder. t r. t, . v??EIAL WINDOWS. J. c. BAYER. Front and Market. MILLINERY CASE A REIST C(Jl. 5th and Oak. MONUMENTS. BLAESING GRANITE CO.. 267 3d. W W MINAR. 335 E. MorrTson. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 268 1st. ORGANS, CHURCH ANT) PARLOR EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Wash. & Park sts. PAI'EK AND SHELF BOXES PORTLAND PAPER BOX CO.. 208 Oak. PAPER AND STATIONERY. J. W. P. M'FALL, 106 Front. PHONOGRAPHS. SHERMAN. CLAY A CO.. Bch A- Morrison. PIANOS. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Wash sc ParV REED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. 6th A Bura.idS' SHERMAN. CLAY A CO., 6th & SlI'UZ. i--...JfICK1-E8' VINEGAR, ETC. ' KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Alder. rLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES M. L. KLINE. e4-t-6 Front. ROAD & STREET-MAKING MACHINERY BEALL & CO.. i-hju K. iamhlll. SAW MANUFACTURERS SIMONDS MFG. CO.. 85 1st su SCHOOL PURNITURE, SUPPLIES N. W. SCHOOL FURNITURE CO.. 244 Sd. . SHIRTS AND OVERALLS. H. WOLF & SONS, 73-75 First s STOV ES AND RANGES. LOW EN BERG & .GOING CO.. . lath & Irving. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORItH EILKKri PIANO HOUSE il"h. & Para St.. WAGON AND TRUCK WORKS. Hoy" fAC1F1C WAGON WOKKaTSh and WINES AND LIQUORS. BLUMAUER & HOCH. 108 4th st. HENRY FLECKENSTEIN & CO., 204 2d st. utidv ivn PORTLAND WIRE I. WKS., 2d fc Everett. FINANCIAL BONDS AND STOCKS. OVERBECK & COOKE CO., 21B B. of Trade. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS A. H. BIKkEUL Co., 2oa-3 McKay bldg W. J. CLEMENS. Commercial Club bids PETTI S-GROSSMAYER CO.. Board of Trade bldg. STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN. POWNING-HOPKIN3 CO., 201-4 Couch bid. TIMBER LANDS. EMBODY A BRADLEY CO.. 708 C of Com. ?BDFJ.IC? KRIBS 328 Cham? of Cent JAMES D. LACET &. c6, 829-C. of Com. JUNE 21, 190D. AMUBEHEKTS. BUNGALOW THEATER 12th and Morrison Phones. Main 117 and A 4224 Tonight. Every Night This Week. Matinee. Wednesday and Saturdav. Henry W. Savnge Present, the Operatic 3en- sa.ion oi tne world. "ine Merry Widow" Prices Mat and Night. $2.00 to 50c MAW S. A I0CO. MatTneea sbx. miiasri suia UoUdajt. f 15-25-500 V MIGHTS THEATER Week of June 11 Margaret Moffat. "Awake at the Switch"; Kedpath Nappsneefj Sis ters 3 Athlefatft; Armstrong: & Clark; Ionely Haskell; Lends & Tilly; The Three Bo hemians i Orchestra; Pictures. LYRIC THEATER WEEK OF JUNE 20. Summer Prices Evenings 25c and 15c; Matinees 15c. The Imperial Musical Comedy Company Presents VACATION." Two Performances Each Evening at 8 and 9:15 o'clock: Matinees Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Merry Music Clever Comedians Lota of Girls. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stan of All Nations. WISE AND SirLTON'S Musical Comedy, In the Land of tbe Bung ahoo." Nine people in the cast. Special added Oriental novelty. Ting Lee and Athon Company, in their Chinese act. "The Idol's Eye." Mats, daily, 15c; two shows at night. 15c and 25c. THE GRAND-VaudeTillede Lax Week Starting Monday Matinee. Jane 21, ' DCMrTRESCtJ VERMETTE Leo Cooper it Co. Kelly & Remo -Yersinia Grant Don & Thompson The Darir.K Dart. Fred Bauer Gmndaeeope TROUPE. Matinee prices 15o any seat. Evening prices 15c and 25c: box seats, 50c. Matinee. 2:30; ning. "S :30, 9:15, STAR THEATER Fashion's Favorite Picture Theater. THE WORLD'S GREATEST PICTURES FOR THE FIRST TIME SEEN HERE. MATINEES AND EVENING. A MASSIVE SHOW FOR ALL. TEN CENTS ADMISSION. aSel3a.ll RECREATION PARK. Cor. Taushn and Twenty-fourth sts. VANCOUVER PORTLAND JUNE 21. 23. S3, 24, S5. 26. 27. Barnes begin week days 8:30 P. M. ; Sun day. 2:30 P. M. ..Adm.lS3lon Bleachera, 25c; Grandstand. 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children.- Bleach ers. 10c; Grandstand. 25c. LADIES' DAY. FRIDAY. Boys under 12 free to Bleacaexs Wednes day. SPECIAL. Music Festival Week. Special Arrangement of Numbers of the Great Masters Friday, Composers' Night. DONATELLI'S ITALIAN BAND A car a minute at Sd and Yamhill. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 211 First st. Furniture sale, 10 A. M. by the Ford -Auction Co. At. 'Jilson'8 Auction Room, corner 2d and Yamhill, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. Auc- tloneer. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special eommunl- Oja cation this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the M. M. degree. Visitors are cordially In vited. W. M. DB LIN. Sec. WILLAMETTE LODGE, NO. 2, A. -F. A A. M. Special communi cation this (Monday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Work in M. M. de gree. Visiting brethren welcome. . . o. w r-crLa. isecy. CAMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27, O. E- S. A regular communication this (Monday) evening, in Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill . . ... .i . ijj urucr w. al. worlc All members of the order invited. Social even-lnK- ANNIE E. COOTB, Secy. WILLAMETTE COUNCIL ROT AL ARCANUM meets at K. P. Hall, Alder and 11th streets the first and third Monday of each month at 8 p. M. Visitors cor- retary. First Na"nal Bank. -uno- "- WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT OFFICERS fj?d?uyd". t Portland circles are requested eeA,at Women of Woodcraft Hall to nlght (Monday) at 8 o'clock, sharp. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Coal Kemmerer coal, the best Wyo .. mmg coal: gives more heat and less ash. Churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall sts. Phones Main 931. A 8931. FlOriSt?" Flower a"wy fre.h from Z " ' ;;r own conservatorlea Martin Forbes Co, 841 Washington at. Both p n ones. Electric Fixtures l0? prices are right. All work guaranteed. Western Electric Works. 61 Sixth street. Coal B'chmond and Wallsend Australian. V Independent Coal A Ice Company. opposite City Library T?oth phones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main 800. SECRETARY. Main BBS. HI MAN IS OFFICER. East 77. NEW TODAY. easidetiomes Finest locations on the Board Walk just north of Moore Hotel. A large dwelling- equipped with city conveni ences, for J5000. A smaller one adjoining- for S300U. -These prices ncludo Bartmaii & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. 2 1-2 and 5 Acre Tracts tracts for $400 per acre but what's the use you can't. They are cleared and cultivated, and there is no better fruit land in Oregon. The Ladd tract of about 450 acres recently was sold for about 12,000.000. The Ladd tract fronts on the Barr road, so does ours, and it is but of a mile outside the city limits. MOO per acre. One-third cash. MURPHY 4k CASWELL, 230 Stark St. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre stock ranch, 10 per acre all fenced, all tillable, substantial improve ments, in DouKlas County; or will ex change for Portland property or close in acreagr". paying difference. JACKSON A DEERIVG. Phone Main 345. 24 Stark St. GIORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 323 Worcester Bldg. Phone. Main 8S71. A 4013. i NEW TODAY. Adjoining Poor Farm Property and City Park. Over 12 acres overlooking city v lies fine. Ripe for sub dividing. Price per acre $2000 E. J. DALY 222-3-4 Failing Bldg. rm IRRIGATED FILE TODAY n a 40 or lM-aere tract. LAND OFFICE . 209 Wells-l argo Bid. A FARM HOME 73 acres in hig-h state of cultivation, on- rocked county road, in Clackamas County; good house, barn, stone mllk house, etc.; all in crop and grass; 8 cows, 3 registered. 3-year-old registered Jersey bull; 3 horses, harness, wagon, buggy, hack, all necessary tools, etc. About 20 miles from Portland, with school, telephone, milk route, in fact, just the place to make money and live comfortably. Must be sold on account of illness. Easy terms. WHALLEY 615 McKAY BLDG. MT. TABOR PROPERTY Lots and acreage adjoining new park purchase, 20 acres 900 5 acres 1500. lake Hawthorne-ave. car to reservoir. WILSON KKELER & CO. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V, A Co. M. 338. 30 Hamilton bids. Baker, Alfred A., tit Abtngton bids;. Beck. 'William G., 31 Failing bids. Birrell. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, lnsarance. mortgages, loans, ete Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay big. M- B9 Chaptn & Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S.. A Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C H., A Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings A Co.. Mala 168. 208 Oregonlan. Farrl.h, Watklns & Co.. 250 Alder st. Richardson. A. B., 221 Com. Club bldg. Echalk, Geo. D.. 24 Stark st. Main or A 862 Sharkey, J. p.. ft Co.. 122. Sixth .t. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st.- (Holladay Addition). Jjrddel. TV. O.. SOS Lumber Exchange bldg. Walker. S. T.. 804 Corbett bldg. White, B. F.. 22T. Washington st. Wright. S. H real estate. 404 Lumbermen's. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' FINES HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. New, modern and complete, 6 large rooms, 2 halls, linen closet, fine bath and lavatory, paneled dining-room. Dutch kitchen, china closet, tinted walls, double floors and walls, full cement basement, ce ment floor, furnace, laundry travs; corner lot, east and south front, shades and fix tures. This place is worth J3500. Owner needs some money and will sacrifice; J3150. terms. 81000 cash, balance to suit. Be sure to see this snap. Open Sunday. , , HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 1021 Hawthorne Ave.. Cor. E. 34th 6L ' Tabor CIO. S0,ACE5 near tne United R. R.. In see 31. T. 2 N.. 1 W.; nice little creek on place, some timber; we will take $2500 all cash for the whole place If taken at once, or $2750 on time; no trlflers need apply. c. F. Pfluger A Co.. rooms 4-5-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. IRVINGTON QUARTERS. We have the most desirable quarters In Irvington at attractive prices. We will be glad to show them to you. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. RIVER SITEJ 1 acres, only one hour trip from Portland; beautiful woods dogwood fir, maple boating and fiehing. This is really a natural park and an Ideal spot for bummer home. Address Owner. D 170 Ore gonlan. ' IRVINGTON. New home, 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace sleeping porch; 8th st, between Tilla mook and Thompson; owner will give terms. 332 Ross st- Phone C 1056. A WHOLE BLOCK, being the S. W. comer of Division and E. 26th sts.. and conslst- ing of 6 lots; only S800O if taken at once all cash. C. F. Ptluger & Co., rooms 4-6-6 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. SNAP On Peninsula, block of 63 fine lots near new terminal grounds, at sacrifice price; owner needs money. R. p. Bryan, 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963 A EAST Irving Addition. Hancock, and E 28lh sts; lots, from 4900 upwards. See us for particulars. PARRISH, WATKINS A CO 250 Alder St. 7-ROOM cottage on quarter block variety of fruits and flowers, chicken-house and run. sightly location, good car service. Call 218. 2d .t Phone Tabor 1 7 fTvlce- WILL build stores and flats and guarantee 12 per cent net Income. Main 8529 Butter-worth-Stephenson Co. Inc. 85 Lafavette bldg., 6th and Washington. arayette IN wS"- Add""". -room modern house with 50 ft. square (corner) ; walkinK dis tance West Side; $3650; $1000 cash terms CULVER. 623 Chamber of commerce ' $4000 50. by 100 feet on East 10th and Har- ?n. ?" ' termi'- Parrish. Watklns A Co., Z50 Alder st. REAL ESTATE offices in Board of Trade . fully equipped: block books, city map, fine furniture. 8 174, Oregonian. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Ablngton bldg. BY OWNER, cash or terms, full lot near 24th St.. on East Madison. AB 173 Ore gonian. $2000 House and fractional lot, 526 Mar ket st. See us for terms. Parrish "Wat klns Co., 250 Alder st. ' W at RUN THIS DOWN Lot 50x100, fully lm. proved, east of Irvington. $550; easy terms Tabor 431. B 2080. terms. FOR SALE by owner. the handsomest 524DSE.IO0thn..rViB,tO,, CaU Rnl - A SNAP if taken by July 1. a modern 7- --.. njin o. zo.j Alder si. SIX -fine lots near Peninsula ave at a bar gain. 101 Board of Tr-5. at a NEW modern 9-room house. In Holladavs Addition. R. B. Rice. Phone East WX T-ROOM modern home one block from TH h w thorne ave.. $4250. Call 41Q Failing bldg. Z LOTS cheap, out towards Woodstock. In quire of owner, 629 Everett st. ",R, anything In Portland real estate see Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade blST rCSL SAW-- Half block in Myrtle Park. Price, $1250. 612 Couch bldg. ATE LAND 9 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A HOME AT A SACRIFICB IF SOLD AT ONCB. mi f h!Jfi, iY- trlcU- modern, high-grade, weu-oullt lO-room residence, designed tor "-i'. convenience and comtort: located ""T'llamook street at end of East Stith IhVe.,ry near In high-class. EtJi 5 Aunricl- 'th Bu;i Run water and l,?5Tf ,.,,3: hous uas Iu" basement. JZl MJl"?or- eed ceilings, large fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, seat, f. '. c'othe chute to basement, woodllft. lavatories on both floors, extra toilet in basement. Bnilt by architect for home for a client who could not take same for finan cial reasons. If taken Immediately may be na the rery low price of $o000; small csa payment and balance monthly. In i?1?0 from c" L- Horn, architect, room II Madison bldg.. 260". Sd st. SPECIAL BARGAINS. ELEGANT BUILDING SITES. 160x134 feet, covered with fir trees, making a beautiful place to build suburb an home. Woodstock. 81500, terms. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Almost new, 100x100; this is a bargain, rooms large and light, nice porch; built l"..?)? n3, clMet- fruit trees. FIrland ave.. SJt,50; terms. 5-room cottage. Sellwood. 11500. lt To'i'tlf'itoO18001 We'br" Heigh, C. B. LUCAS. 408 Corbett Bldg. ENGLISH WALNTJTS Having planted TO per cent of walnuts In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plantings ever sold in Oregon, we feel our prop f should Invite consideration; 81uo tract Ber montl1 tot each five-acre CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.). Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. .oo.SUNNTSIrB BUNGALOW. S2800 1,100 down, balance like rent; fire place, beamed ceilings, bullt-ln bulTet. Dutch kitchen, stationary wash trays, large porch, in sewer district, street assessment bond ed: look at this before purchasing; will give liberal discount for cash. 1208 E. Taylor at. bet 40th and 41st st. Take Mt. Tabor io"o sldo car to 39111 "' phono Eait H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. REAL ESTATE AND 11RE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG., MAIN bt.U. A 2053. THE HEART OF IRVINGTON. B RAZEE STREET ADDITION. LOTS 50x100 INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS. 10 PER CENT CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY". SEE SCHOON MAKER, 708-9 CORBETT BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7855, A 5722. SEASIDE COTTAGE, fjlce 5-room cottage, nicely furnished, lull lot 50xlO0, at Grimes Grove, splendid view of ocean, some nice in rear of l"1' he best location at Seaside. Or.; price 16o0; this Is sure a bargain; get key frora us; photograph ot cottage at our ot fice. GRUSSI A" ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WE.UY- SELL OR TRADE REAL ES TATE FOR OUR CLIENTS. Have a few choice propositions to offer at this time: It will pay you to Investigate. MARGULIS A SCHUBACH, 627 Board of Trade. Main 3o58. A 834L PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOWS. ' 6-room bungalow, swell neighborhood, fine view, $4500. 8-room bungalow. 4 bedrooms, billiard room, barn or garage. 8 lots, beautiful trees. $10,000; will take part trade. Owner, 823 Board of Trade. QUICK sale necessary to close estate; Sun nyeide residence seven rooms, large grounds, shade trees, fruit and roses: An nabel cottage five rooms, two lots; Port land Heights view site, unimproved. See Administratrix, 1108 East Yamhill, or call Room. 3, Commercial Club. EAST 28TH ST. AND SANDY ROAD. Two blocks for S2O.O0O. Now that the 28th-st. concrete bridge is to be opened to traffic, rhis is one of the beat- buys on the market. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. IRVINGTON. Bungalow, houses, lots and quarters In Portland's most beautiful and exclusive residence district. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO 212-21S Commercial Club bldg. WILL SACRIFICE. This attractive 4-room bungalow, shades, awnings, cement walks, fine large lot chick en pen and extra shed: everything new ani in One shape. Take Hawthorne car to 87th walk south to 1120 East Grant; terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Quarter block at 10th and Spring streets, graded, all improvement In. for Immediate sale at $4750. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. VERNON. Modern 5-room bungalow, by owner, a decided bargain If sold Immediately: walks, elegantly tinted, best electric flx iSrS8?80 csh. balance easy terms. E. lth. N. ; first house south of Alberta. WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY SITE Quarter block on Southern Pacific main line, corner East 6th and Sherman. Thla " an exceptional buy at the price $750O H. P. PALMER-JONES CO 212-213 Commercial Club bldg'. FULL 2-story 7-room new modern house, with sleeping porch, concrete basement and laundry trays; lot 50x112; 1 block from Hawthorne car. end of line. Thomp son A Enders. " PARTIES wishing to purchase large or small tracts of improved or unimproved fruit lands in the Rogue River Valley, call on Gr'p'o Cnger' 109 Kortb 6" BAD health require, me to live In dryer cll . mate, so here goes my beautiful home on tTSht."10pe.Mouni Tabor: 9 rooms, erectrlo li water, etc.; price. $5000; terms. Fred Broetje. 31 East 61st st. ""- IRVINGTON. ro0lhen6arJStanl0n' insle ,ot 00x100, for 51300, if sold at once. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO 212-213 Commercial Club bldg'. APARTMENT HOUSE SrTES Best remaining sites on West Bide be tween 7th and 13th sts. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO 212-213 Commercial Club bldg' COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cottage bath, etc.; nice garden; walking distance" terms reasonable. C. H. Thompson. 2-55 Chapman st. HOMES and lots) for sale; build to anyone's design; estimates" given. Call 3830, residence C 1271, room 600 Oregonian bldg w H Herdman. ' "' NEW, strictly modern home, by owner bear ing fruit trees; must sell at once; will give terms. Rodney ave. Inquire 1049 Cleve land ave.; no agents. T TD? or ""J'- a lot n Waverlelgh Heights for good horse or anything you have. Call 888 Union ave. or phone Wood lawn 535. J $28O0. $100 cash, $25 monthly. Includes inter- . . "u"ie. rurnace. gss electricity. 51st. south Hawthorne Dr , Darling. HOUSES for sale In all parts of tbe city acreage close In and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone A 4S8I. Kinney t Stam pher 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Lots 12 and 11 In block T Laurelwood Park; price $575: all or half cash: party going East. C. E. White. 301 First street, $5x50 ON 13th sew near Hall, fine location to build two flats; price only $1S00 W L. Morgan. i03 Ablngton bldg. $5000 HOME in Piedmont, $4000; 100x00 on Alnsworth, $900. W. W. Payne. 1210 Williams ave. 8V4 ACRES on Base Line road, Just east of Montavilla, muse be sold at once Call 410 Failing bldg. . 1 JW $1850 5-ROOM cottage. 100 ft. from car: $5O0 cash, balance $18 monthly, including Interest. 138 Central ave.. Mount Tabor. TWO new houses, on cor., 50x100, E 6th St., Income $65 per month, $7000 See attorney. 410 Failing bldg. RARE BARGAIN Acre, close in. good -room house, fine well; 2 carlines; cheap Address AL 1&. Oregonian. MODERN cottage of 5 rooms, full lot 50x loo. $1800; easy terms. Call 410 Falling bldg TWO SOxlOO lots on East 24th St.. between Siskiyou and Klickitat, at a bargain C J. Mccracken. 304 McKay bldg FOR 8 ALE 4-room cottage. 60x100 lot grand view: $1400; terms. Phcne Wood lawn 1423. BUYERS! Save time, money and worry Pc-e us; wo will suit vou. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., 245 hi Stark St.'