Bargains that are ofterkd bt ihb greshajl real estate co. No. 1 o acres level land, unimproved. 4 ....,.- iuulh ui iiresnam, at to per acre. No. 2 40 acres. 7 miles from Gresham. JO acres cleared, good buildings, tine soil, go-id location; price $5000. No. 3 40 acres, near station on O. W. I-. good house and barti; about 15 acres cleared. Rood soil, lays one; price $4000. No. 4 10 acres, near Anderson station. . ' cultivation, rair buildings; price $4500. No. 5 40 acres, near Hogan Station; new nouso and barn. 8 acres cleared; price $4000. No. 6 40 acres, unimproved, about 1 ml'e from Sycamore Station; price $4000. No. 7 20 acres, near Gresham; 12 acres In cultivation, good new buildings, run ning water; price $45uo. N'. 8 160 acres, ti'j acres In crop-, good buildings, running water. Jays fine for dividing in 40-acre tracts. This Is a bargain at 162.50 per acre. We have from 1 to 10-acre tracts near Gresham. UKESHAM REAL ESTATE CO. GilE-SHAM, OR. FROM 100 to 10.000 acres. 130 per acre at the edge of the Willamette Valley, near a good town and Ry., yamhlll County, absolutely unexcelled for fine fruits, Eng lish walnuts. clover and alfalfa: not steep; a great deal under cultivation; nothing wrong with it. simply some large tracts that were picked up when prices were exceedingly low; choice fruit land near transportation Bells from $250 to $300 per acre In some sections in Oregon and from 500 to JiOOO per acre in Cali fornia. Y&mhlil County, so near Port land, with so much rich fruit land, is rapidly catching up with other fruit dis tricts and beyond any doubt will surpass - them all. You can get land there now at l-10th the price asked in some other lo calities. Geo. E. Waggoner. 823 Board of Trade. LINN COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. r.OB acres, situated 3 miles west of Haleey. 1 miles from river; all clear ex cept 6 acres; good stream of running water on corner of place; 2 windmills; fenced and cross fenced; county road runs through the farm; about 185 acres grain and clover, balance out to pasture, and all well drained; good, new 8-room house and barn 38x43; also dairy barn, stock shed and other outbuildings; good orchard, etc Price, Jl'O.000; JiOOO down and bal ance In lO years at 5 per cent Interest; 1-3 of crop goes with the place; would take some Portland property. For fur ther information, call or write to owner, W. F. Reiner. 708 South Sd St., Portland, $15.00 WHEAT LAND. The Canadian Pacific Railway offers Choice Winter wheat land in the fertile Bow Rlwr Valley, in Alberta, for $15 an aSre.' Payments extending over a period of 10 years. NO BRUSH OR STUMPS, small fruits and vegetables of all kinds are a great success. Good water, health nil climate, good markets, transportation the best, good schools, churches. low taxes. POSITIVELY THE BEST WHEAT iViP.e.'i??--.1, GIAIN LAND ON THE I O. NT INK NT. fall on us In our new quarters, or write us for information con cerning these lands. IDE-MCCARTHY LAND COMPANY. 4-B-427 New Lumbermen's Building. Agents Canadian Pacillc Railway Lands. 16 ACRES 10 acres in cultivation, 6 acres slashed and seeded, S3 fruit trees, 4 years old and In good condition, 4 acres of beaverdam soil, house that cost $1100. barn cost $4i0. good well, close to school and R. R., a cows, i horse, wagon, har ness, 200 chickens, separator, plow, all tools, ii miles from Portland, on good county road; price $3300. $1000 cash, bal ance easy terms. CHAP1N A HERLOW, 8-12 Chamber of Commerce. v , LEBANON APPLE ORCHARD. 40 acres within corporate limits of City of Lebanon. Or.; 37 acres in full bearing. Baldwin and Spltzenberg apples. 13 acres in oats and clover; good house, barn, packing-house, etc.; will pay a big Income this year. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. 40 ACRES 28 acres in cultivation. 13 acres In pasture, all level, beaverdam and swale sou all fenced and cross-fenced; some fruit trees, good well, good barn, close to R. r. and on good county road, cream route, phone and R. p. D., is miles from Portland; price $3000, $2300 cash, balance 6 per cent. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY FARM 1(15 acres, 2-10 acres clear 30 acres beaverdam. 24 miles to Port land. 1 miles to dally boat, U miles to electric railroad; a snap at $75 per acre. 48 acres, 350 clear. Oregon Electric R. OUKh P'"l'e- dairying and grain. $40,000; terms; excellent for colonising C. W. L1VESAY. Woodburn. Or. 10 ACRES rt acres In cultivation, house that cost $700. good barn, all fenced. 10 miles from Portland, on county road, good well, x horse, wagon and cow. close to school; prlie $2500; good terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 8314 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES In fruit. A-cent carfare, grand mountain view; house. barn, outhouses, garden, good school near bv, plenty water fruit will bring $20m this year; sell very cheUD or trade for Eastern land. Owner room 513, at 32H Washington st. 40 ACRES on west slope of hills west of city; about 7 acres In cultivation, balance timber; only 0 miles from Courthouse will be sold on very eas-. terms; tine fruit land. WH ALLEY, 615 McKay Bldg;. BARGAIN Id acres In young trees In Wll lnmette Valley; no irrigation, plentv mois ture In soil; good water, springs; good va rieties apples, pears, cherries and prunes: sold cheap by owner. D 133. Oregonlan FIND OCT About the Rogue River Valley, a great fruit country. Benson Investment Co . 204 Wells Fargo bldg. SLND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem, Or ACREAGE. srnVRBAN HOME. A beautifully situated 3-ucre tract, par tially improved, right at the edge of the city; nice green meadow with pure run ning spring brook; speckled trout and wuter cresses; soil Is good; 9-room country house, good restful view, native shade trees about house; on quickest, cleanest and most refreshing car run out of Port land; fine place to live and enjoy country life and yet do business in the city. Here is your chance; keep your own cow and chickens and ducks, raise your own vette tabies and listen to the chimes of the city Sabbath hells. HENKLE HARRISON, fill Gerllngor Bldg Vi. E have gome especially desirable suburban acreage in tracts of from 1 to 5 acres close In, with 10-cent carfare; water piped under pressure to each acre; land cleared ready for Improvement; macadamised road to the city: good school close by surrounding property under high state of cultivation. Call and see us and let us show you the best acreage adjacent to the city at very attractive price and on easy terms. Green-Whltcomb Co.. 245 Waeh Ington t. Phones Main 8033. A 4928. 10 AND 20-acre tracts. 1 mile from Hllls aere" Pr'ce ranging from $30 to $150 per SO acres. 4 miles from Glencoe. 2 miles from station on United R. R., R i- -rj and telephone; S-room house, barn " or chard. appks. prunes, pears, cherries and all small fruit; 20 acres in timber; price -T,60..prr.nire: "" balance 2 years. BARTLETT REALTY COMPANY 611 Commercial Bldg. lO ACRES. J1S00; on city limits of good town near Portland: house. furniture, tools, cow. 40 chickens Included, good family orchard: adjoining land selling sPnr lln"'111" 1110 Ka" Llnco!a 10 ACRES. $100 DOWN Splendid bottom land, all In cultiva tion: in Willamette Valley, on a good railroad, close to Portland: onlv $1000 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY F 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 4-ACRE place, close to river ajid Oregon City carline; Improved: $i!5O0; half cash 3 acres adjoining the above; also 1 acre or will divide in lots. Owner. 614 Mc Kay bldg. ACREAGE. 20 acres, close to city, on O W P csrllne: running water, no gravel; a good buy. Vanduyn A Walton. 513 Chamber of Commerce. 60 At RES of fine fruit land. 30 miles from St. Louis. Mo. will sell for $25 per acre or exchange for anything of value on toast. V lit.-.. Oregonlan. CHEAP ACREAGE 20 acres, east of Rose Ity Park, on Harr road. $250 per acre: excellent soil. Owner, p 157. Oregonlan. WE sell acreage In all kinds of sixes to suit, on the Oregon Electric carline: easy terms. Queen Inr. Co.. 410 Failing bldg. CHOICE fruit and walnut land, large or mall tracts; oviner. no agents. Room 609 onunerclal Block. 2d and Washington. WB have some attractive buvs 4n Portland Tradg1bld.0'Umb' Tr"" C" Borti OREGON, WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACBY & CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. TW O good claims to locate, cut about 4,000 -O0O feet apiece, six-miles from town, aij from railroad. $350 each. Address Box 143. Grants Pass. Or. 157-ACRE claim, at Stephenson. Wash.; will cut 3.000.000 feet. $1800. For particulars call on Burney & Burney, room 15. 270 Washington st. BY OWNER 900 acres of timber and coal land on tidewater on Coqullle River, Coos County. Address Box 179. Myrtle Point, Or. LARGE and small tracts of timber lands for sale; homesteads and timber claims locat ed and guaranteed. Verdin & Conger, 109 North Sixth St.. Grants Pass, Or. 160 ACRES. S, 700,000 feet fir, on good stream, $1600: .10 acnes cleared and un der cultivation and small orchard. C J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. TIMBER lands. $2.50 per acre; I locate you purchase; also homesteady and tim ber locations. 219 Worcester bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED FARMS. WE want to buy Improved and unimproved farm land In Yamhill County, from 100 acres up. any quantity: from owners only. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR SALE? Send full description. OREGON LAND A COLONIZATION CO.. 614-516 Rothchild Bldg. 'FOB Horses. Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy a second-hand ' vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at about the same price as you would pay for an old one? We are located outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the price; driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagons and farm wagons. R. M. WADE CO., 322 Hawthorne Ave. A FEW cheap horses left, suitable for ranch or camping; a good team, mare and horses, trltle sore in front feet, and one of the best ponies in citv for a kid-; 2 old wagons and a few sets of single and double harness; all must be sold at once. Kenllworth Transfer Co.. 809 E. 28th st. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to renc by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes. day week or month. Phones East 72, B 1369. Haw thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE-One stylish driving mare, 6 years old, perfectly sound and without blemishes; one span well-matched draft horses weighing 2900. 6 and 7 years old. Phone East 4804. FOR SALE cheap or trade for real estate, one new transfer wagon and team; 6 de livery horses: 1 driving team. Barn East 3d and stark. HORSE. harness and French phaeton. Phone Main 2232. Mrs. Barker. 651 Love Joy st. FOR SALE Bay saddle mare, young, sound, safe for lady to ride or drive Lawler's Stables. 15th and Couch sts BAY driving mare, 4 years old, city broke gentle, weight 1200 lbs., $200. Phone Jer sey 441. St. John Water Co. HUBERT & HALL, 3S0 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business riga WANTED A sound horse about 1200 lbs. jppiy uk v-auin ijakery, 114 Russell st. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose city Stables, 11th and Jefferson. M 3300. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of mil kinds for sale. 2114 Montgomery. WANTED To buy a gentle pony for paper route. Phone Sellwood 489. Automobile. ELECTRIC automobile In first-class con dition; cost $1800 last season: will sell for $1000. Sengstake & Lyman. 90 Fifth street. FULLY equipped 7-passenger touring car; Just overhauled and painted. M 166. Ore gonlan. 7-PASSENGER automobile, used less than 30 days. E 168. Oregonlan. HIGH runabout auto, a crackerjack; sale or trade, $600 Main 904U. STEINWAY upright, ebony case, new piano: a rare bargain in a high-grade instrument; cost $025, will sell for $450 if taken at once. Address W 168, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JERSEY cow. choice of two. one 24, one 8! gallons dally, testing 504 per cent Tabor 1609. FOR SALE OR RENT. Logging and hoisting engines. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 74 1st St. ONE oak directors- tabl. 3x6 feet, good quality. $lo. National Cash Register Co.. 0 3d st. FOR TRADE 35 head of goats. W. Wrenn. Beaverton. Or. Route No. 4. STUMPAGE for sale; 500 cords fir, Tlgard rmme r.x. i, nouse 32. Adklns. FOR SALE Greek coin 2365 years old. 289 Burnslde St. A. FRANZOS. LAUNCH for sale, 20-foot, complete; also launch house. Call A 1963. Main 2209. Miscellaneous. UNITED Wireless preferred, transferable BtocT. 50 shares. $13 per share; lo shares. $17. .'W per share; 5 shares, $17.50 per share 15 shares. $22.50 per share; 3 share3. $22.30 per share. Owners guaran tee transfer. Money talks, p. O. Box 540. FOR SALE 8 cottages on 14 block at stark, 12th and Burnslde sts.; must be moved at once to make room for brick building. Apply A. C. Ewart, 623 Beck bldg. BARGAIN HUNTERS. Here's your chance. 35 standard makes sewing machines, all in good order, from $10 up; they must go quickly. White Sew ing Machine store, 420 Washington st. iOR SALE Truscott canoe as good as new, including sail, leeboard. air tanks, etc., $30. Address Wm. Heusner, 1164 Thur man st. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We are Independent, do not belong to the iVS" Paclnc. 1,m Co- 83 Rotnchlld bids., Portland. Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery ft ptg Co. 203 2d it MOTION PICTURE THEATER and others, we rent you or sell complete motion-picture outfits, films, etc.. save 50 per cent. Newman. 526 Washington. SAFKS 20 second-hand safes that have been taken In exchange; low prices, cash or easy terms. DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 6$ 3d St. 1 NATIONAL cash register 1 ice box for sale. 362 Knott. Call evenings, after 5 o'clock, or Sunday morning. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft- Or and oak wood pi lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5445. HOUSEBOAT, fumlshd. for $225: clean comfortable and convenient. AK 16", Ore gonlan. STEVENS' moving picture exchange Film service that wins. Stereopticon slides, sud- RARE opportunity for you: a 5-acre potato crop: it's yours for $125 cash. AJ 174, Oregonlan. HOUSEBOATS FOR SALE. Two houseboats for sckle. Telephone F. A. Spencer, Exchange 19. DRY block wood cuttings. $2.60 per load, rea sonable distance. Nlcolai Neppach Co.. A 1495. Main IQoo. D chainless bicycle for gentleman. Phone East 3034. CHEAP 15 pair Homer pigeons. Sislev. -3 Broad street. Montavilla Main 5536. FRESH Durham milch cow; best cow In town. Kail 1276 Kelly st. BOX. planer and cord wood In any quanti ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B 1695. Hi LP WANXKD MALE. LATHERS wanted Immediately. Call ntorn U?5 or evening. 4S7 East Morrison at. Phone East 6135. SALESMAN FOR BEACH RESORT. If there are any men in Portland who think they are capable of making good with a mighty live, fair real estate con cern, "one of the big ones," we want to talk with them. We've .got an Interesting proposition In the sales department. See Mr. Stiles, Columbia Trust Company, Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Reliable, ambitious young man to take charge of a delivery wagon and team and take orders for and deliver gro ceries, meat, etc., also clerk in store at times: must talk German, also English; steady position and good pay to right man; take Oregon Electric car at Jef ferson and Front sts.. go to Orenco and see Orenco Mercantile Co. FOR SALE at inventory price, freight added, . stock of manufactured goods (branch of factory) carrying agency of lines in Ore gon and Idaho: business established; will fell as a whole or reserve half interest our selves with rght man; must be a salesman or able to handle salesmen. See president of corporation here, room 226 Portland Ho tel, by appointment. WANTED Saddle makers, also harness makers and one or two harness cutters for factory. Apply Box 410. Calgary, Alta, Canada, stating experience and salary re quired; also state how soon you would ac cept uosltion. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor: tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of .Colleges, 85 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. SALESMEN wanted who are capable of earning from $500 to $1000 a month; no money required. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. 2O0-2O4 Chamber of Crmmerce. See either P. E. Cleland or L. M. Hickok. WANTED Bill clerk and office assistant: must be quick and accurate and not afraid to work; answer in own handwrit ing, giving age. experience, references, telephone and salary expected. AJ 168. Oregonlan. , for railway mail clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers. Internal revenue, etc. ; good salary and promotion with each po sition; we prepare you; examinations soon. Write Pacific States School. McKay bldg. A STRONG Western life Insurance company having a most attractive Insurance policy contract desires services of general agent or district manager. Address, with full information and references. AL 164. Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED dairyman with sons or daughters able to milk; must know how to handle a large dairy ranch and take entire responsibility; good wages and per cent of 1 profit to right man. Call room 407 Lumber men's bldg. Phone Main 8787. c. r. Hansen, jr.. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1520. Help free to employer. WANTED Reliable young man of neat ap pearance and good education, one who can invest small capital and devote his entire energy to a clean and well-paying busi ness. 527 Lumber Exchange. HALP Interest for sale in good paying real estate business; only little money required; nl!itbe neat. honest and willing to learn. 122 Fifth st., room 610. WANTED Partner in real estate business; am alone and must get a man at once; no experience necessary and very little cash, required. Particulars National Realty & Trust Co.. 3264 Washington st.. room 518. SALESMEN WANTED to sell our high-grade nursery stock: outfit furnished: liberal com mission: cash weekly. Salem Nursery Com pany, Salem, Or. SASH, door and box cutters, resaw and rip men desiring steady employment In good factory out of city at fair wages. A.d dness AE 166. Oregonian. - BY investing $60 you can earn $25 to $35 weekly. Particulars Newman Motion Plc iSr? Exchange. 526 Washington, near 37th. SALESMEN 'having had experience selling real estate, life Insurance, bonds or stocks can learn of an exceptionally good propo sition by calling at 709 Couch bldg REPRESENTATIVES wanted throughout the state to sell flrst-class 8 per cent securities backed by real estate. Geo. Curtis 709 Couch bldg., Portland, Or YOUNG man to take active Interest In sell ing large tract; have exclusive contracts; large profits assured; good proposition to J-ight party. 227 Lumber Exchange. WANTED 2. yard tallymen In city. $2 50 others. v ' PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 N. 2d St BEST location In city for home bakery and delicatessen; I can show you It will be a money maker. Investigate. Phones Main 2136. A 3058. , STRANGER, If you are honest, sober, in dustrious, have fine opening, In and out door work, small capital invested and big uva Aoington blag. WANTED Traveling salesman. advertising novelty line, not a canvasser, but a sales man. Apply 508 Abington bldg.; creditable records and $50 absolute requisites. W ANTED Experienced candy salesman for city and country; give references salary ex pected, etc.; none but experienced man need apply. c 160. Oregonlan. WANTED A good all-round sober man In the meat business. Address Box 361. Eu gene. Or. ; WANTED A-l cook (white); good wages steady work; married man preferred. The -uivtic ..uiigi? iwamurani, Eugene, or. LOCAL manager, this state, to represent mfg. corporation; exclusive contract W F. A. Co.. 1005 Gough t., San Francisco. FINE chance for a young man with a lit tle capital to get Into a good paying business for himself. 1019 Board of Trade. WIRE mattress weaver wanted. Washington Mattress Co., Westfrn and Pike streets Seattle. w WANTED Young man to learn Turkish !aTtn, b"si"es3; sady position; re&erences. AJ 166, Oregonlan. W ANTED Woven wire mattress weaver cabinet makers and machine men. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WANTED 1 men to learn automobile drlv Main 44o5; A 4455. WANTED Order clerk, familiar with city Address In own hanwwrltlng. J igu Ore gonlan. ' WE secure position for our member. Special membership. Y. M. C. A. MAN to operate Royal Invincible sander Oregon Planing Mills 1 lr .. . t i . .... w ' PHOTO coupon agents, new offer. Call Davis . remmo, OI.C-. VVasQlngtOn fit. WANTED Men to get suits made on credit 2S0 Washington at. Room 309. WANTED A bookkeeper at H. B. Lltt. 351 Washington: references remiti-oH COUPON agents, photo and portrait, new offer, good one. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. CLERK and stenographer, railroad position out of city; $65. Phone East 2493. WANTED Experienced pantry help Main 8554, A 3S3S. P" WANTED Experienced bill clerk for whole sale grocery house. AJl 169, Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS salesman, big wages perma nent. 215 Commercial Block. BARBER wanted 268 Burnslde. Call early. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Cook for private family; per manent position at good wages for the right one. Call 11 to 1 o'clock. Mrs Chapin. 623 Wasco. WANTED Girls to work on power machine on overalls: paid while learing. 75 1st st. WANTED Second girl who can sew well 4 74 Market, cor. 14th st, WANTED A girl for housework: no chil dren. Woodlawn 1093. WANTED Tailoress at 12914 5th st . un stalrs. J. Harris. ' p EXPERIENCED ladv dressmaker and tailor capable to cat and fit. 415 Alder. WANTED Waist and sklrtmakers at once 405 Fliedner bldg. STENOGRAPHER with some experience. pet Apply 1 Klrst St. WAITRESS wanted: Palace Restaurant. 129 4th St.. bet, wash, and Alder. WOD experienced cook family of 2: wages $30. 165 North 25th st. wages GIRL, to aew mattress ticks. Call Carmen Mfg- Co., 18th and Upshur. WANTED 2 waitresses for Walla Walla. VVash. and Boise. Idaho: wages $30 and 3o; girl or middle-aged woman to do housework on ranch. Northern Cali fornia, wages $30, see party here, fare paid. Large list of others. , PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies Dept. 205 V Morrison St. WANTED A party of 10 to 12 girls to gather cascara bark, work will last about 6 weeks, camping outfit furnished, good . pay: we also have orders for coo s, waitresses, chambermaids, house girls, etc.. at good wages. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Xlept. 205 4 Morrison. DO YOD WANT WORST Apply to UNION LAUNDRY CO., Second and Columbia. WOULD like a young lady as companion to a young lady, one who would appreciate a good home and be treated as one of the tamily; no work, Just for company. S 169. Oregonlan. WANTED Young man, 25 to 30 years, to handle collections; must be reliable,' good hustler, single; $2.25 per day to start: bond required. Call today between 1 and 2. 400 Oregonian bldg. ...HANSEN'8 LADIES' AGENCY. 848 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help' supplied free to employers. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of two. Apply after 2 P. M. 832. Raleigh st.. cor. 25th. Phone Main 3o05. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and down stairs work: willing to go to beach for Summer; permanent position. "Apply 609 Everett bet. 19th and 20th. WANTED Lady cashier, not over 25 years of age for knife rack: wages $1.50 per day. 273 Couch st. Apply between 11 and WANTED Girl for general office work, must be thorough bookkeeper and stenog rapher; state wages and give reference. X 166, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for bakery and confectionery store. Royal Baking Co.. 504 Main st., Vancouver. Wash. Phone Main 352. WANTED Competent housework girl In a physician's family of three. Phone C 1369, Wood. 1743. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 426 Washington St.. Room 307. Main 883S. or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Girl for cook and general house work, small family, $30 per month. Ap ply 891 East Yamhill st. Phone B 2)365. GIRLS to do pleasant work at home; big money; lncloene stamp for particulars. Bischoff, 1 Manhattan ave.. New York. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, family of 8; soon going to modern home at beach; good wages. 393 14th st. WOMAN, single, age 27 or over, for general office work and collections. Call 317 Lum ber Exchange bldg. YOUNG girl to assist with housework: 2 in family. 408 North 32d st., Willamette Heights. GOOD girl for general housework, small fa,m.J'', 8- wages to right party. Call 228 Union ave.. North. Phone East 21. WANTED Young lady for vaudeville act. Apply between 12 and 2. fourth floor Mul- y out., ana Morrison. LAsTIES, I teach 'dermatology, halrdresslng manicuring. Mrs. M. H. Holmes. Specialist. 601 Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash. COOK and second girl to go to beach pri vate -family. Apply mornings and even lngs at 229 Grand ave. south. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 !4 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages. 269 22d st. North. LADY wishes Jady partner with small cap ital to take half Interest In restaurant and delicatessen. AC 162, Oregonlan. WANTED Girls to make overalls and over shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor st. EXPERIENCED girl for shirt-press. 2 for body ironers and 1 marker. Call at once State Laundry Co. WANT trained machinery salesman to travel. Falrbank, Morse & Co.. 1st and Stark sts. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work; two In family. 350 Salmon, near Seventh. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with house work and children. 1209 Hawthorne ave Tabor 1483. WANTED Housekeepers in widowers' fam ilies. St. Louis, 245 V, Wash. Main 2039. GIRL for general housework: small fam lly; good wages. Apply 475 10th st. - GOOD cook, small family; references. Apply mornings and evenings at 769 Northrup. st. WANTED Chambermaid for light work, who is also experienced waitress; dinner only The Colonial, 165 10th st. WANTED Experienced pantry help. Tel. Main 8554. A 3338. " GIRL or woman wanted for general work In boarding-house. 347 Everett- st. WANTED A dining-room girt at 163 12th and Morrison sts. WANTED Immediately, flrst-class waitress, lunch and dinner hour. 300 Jefferson. WANTED Immediately, good girl for sec ond work. Blakely Hall. 300 Jefferson. WANTED An experienced girl to do sec ond work. Apply lb St. Clair st. HELP WANTED BAtE OR FEMAL1. WANTED Man and wife. Summer residence near Portland; man must understand and care for fruit, flowers. lawn. garden, chickens, hojrse. cow; woman for general housework; must be good plain cook""and have had experience In private family -good wages. Address E. B. H.. 303 Couch blag- or call Saturdays only. WANTED 70 Loganberry pickers. One berries, long Job. Call at Andrew Kan & Co., 246 Washington St., near 2d. Satur day, 1 to 5 P. M. FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. $1 per month to beginners. 452 Morrison. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs mora good teachers for Sept. 614 Swetland bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position as stockkeeper or ship ping clerk by young married man of 28. Experience, stockkeeper two years for largest locomotive crane and hoisting machy Co. in Ohio; snipping clerk two years; route and rate clerk for Erie R. R. Co.; understands marking, packing, rout ing and handling of foreign shipments: can manage men; now employed; refer ence furnished. E 165. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 30. wishes position In whole sale house at clerical or other work with opportunity to advance: has had high school education and some experience. AH 171, Oregonian. BUSINESS MEN Have several years' expe rience in banking and general office work, literary graduate; desire position. AN 106 Oregonian. WANTED Situation In general merchan dise store, Eastern man. thoroughly ex perienced, country preferred; references. N. S. Berg. Portland. Or. WANTED By young man 18 years old place as assistant bookkeeper or office clerk: place for advancement preferred can give references. AF 169. Oregonian. COMPETENT young man with little ex perience in bookkeeping and office work deslpes good, steady position: best of ref erences. AG 165. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, Just out of college, wishes situation as clerk or assistant bookkeeper; bright at figures. AH 165. Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes clerical position, some knowledge of bookkeeping. AN 173. Ore gonian. YOUNG man desires position as stenogra- ?1?r, eneral, office man; experienced. AN 168. Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes clerical or stenographic position of any kind; lumber preferred. E I06. Oregonian. WANTED Situation by an experienced sec retary, cashier and bookkeeper; 15 years' experience with large company: thorough accountant, experienced correspondent, ex pert typist: references: married, age 37. AF 164, Oregonian. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. I am a business man, nrst-class book keeper and typewriter: want position; will do any office work: small wages at start. Address AK 169, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. A-l COMMISSARY MAN. at present in charge of large company store with two branches and 11 boarding camps in the San Joaquin Valley.- California, and same time postmaster and express agent, is forced to change his position on account of climate. Address AD 168. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as porter or Janitor In hotel or first-class apartment-house, col ored married man, aged 35; furnish good references; at present place 9 years. For correspondence, address W. E., P. O. box 81. Redding. CaL A FIRST-CLASS all-round machinist, tool and diemaker; has held positionas foreman and superintendent in East: wishes to lo cate in Western or Southern Oregon. Ad dress Box 135, Hood River, Or. WANTED Position as section or extra gang foreman, have 4 years' experience; have A-l services letter. A 169. Orego- ' nian. A YOUNG German. 81 years of age, wants a porter Job in saloon or hotel: also take a dishwasher Job. Write M. Martin. 467 E Ash. LIQUOR salesman wants position with good wholesale house, traveling or city, w 165, Oregonlan. MECHANICAL and electrical engineer with beBt of references Is desirous of making a change. C 169, Oregonian. WANTED By man and wife, practical all around hotel help position at resort for the season. AG 167, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants a Job to do early morning or late afternoon work. AB 166. Oregonian. AM at your service for any length trip un til July 10, assisting surveyors or tlmbei cruisers. .S 160. Oregonian. WANTED Position with wholesale gro cery house; competent man. W 166, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants work between 9 AM. arm 5 P. M., except Sunday. . AL 168. Oregonian. ' EXPERIENCED hardware man and tinner desires position' In country town; either line; references N 162, Oregonlan. HOUSE or window cleaning, day, hour or job; city reference. Main 3903. DOCTOR and rkyslcian woud like to do relief work. D 165, Oregonian. HOUSE cleaning Phone Main 5569. by Augustus Thompson. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED By a competent young woman, a clerical position, operates typewriter, stenography If desired; references. V 167, Oregonian. CLERICAL position by young woman, ex perienced, rapid penman; good references; understands typewriting. R 166. Orego- . nlan. EXPERIENCED young woman stenographer law or Insurance preferred. F 161, Ore - gonian. Dressmaker. WANTED Children's clothing to make at ' my home, 115 Humboldt St. Phone Wood lawn 22. LADY desires position; five years' experi ence In exclusive cloak and suit house; sal ary $12 week. F 159, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices Mrs. Angeles, 326H Wash. St., room 216. LADIES' and children's plain sewing. Ad dress 510 Flint St.. near Russell st. Housekeepers. WANTED Middle-aged woman with daugh ter 8 years, work In small family; no washing; or -housekeeper for widower. G 168, Oregonlan. WOMAN, references, housekeeper, rooming house; middle-aged woman. graduate nurse. St. Louis Agency. 245 14 Washing ton st. Main 2039. REFINED young widow wishes position as jjousekeeper for widower; references S 170, Oregonlan. NEAT, respectable widow, with girl 12, de sires situation housekeeper widower's fam lly. St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039. Domestics. SECOND girl, with city references, desires position In private family of adults: wages $30. F 165. Oregonlan. YOUNG WOMAN desires a home with re fined people to assist with housework: small wages. C 166, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. LACE curtains beautifully laundered- fine sun drying; grass bleaching facilities. Tabor 1530. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 cents per pair. C 1638. East 5106. s LADY wants day work. Phone B 2277 or East 853. Room 7. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor 1597. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Real estate salesman to sell gilt edge inside Astoria property. Apply James Finlayson, Astoria, Or. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursery stock; cash weekly; outfit free Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or WANTED TO KENT. WANTED To rent for July and Aug., cot tage of 2 or 3 roomi or housekeeping rooms at Long Beach; sea view preferred. Phone E. 6897 or B 62. AF 165, Ore gonlan. WANTED By young lady employed during day, room and board in private family on East Side, within walking distance; must be reasonable; state terms. AK 170, Ore gonian. FURNISHED apartments, fiat or cottage of 5 rooms, on West Side. permanent if suited, or for the Summer; references furnished; adults. Address A 168. Ore gonlan. NICELY furnished house for Julv and Aug will furnish linen, silver, bedding- best references given; no children. Portland Heights preferred. Phone A 4528. WANTED to rent 6 or 8-room house; must - be modern; prefer one with barn and plenty of ground; references -exchanged. Address A. R. Shleve. Imperial Hotel, city. WANTED One or two furnished rooms with or without board, West Side, walk ing distance and privilege of keeping dog In yard. Address AG 160. Oregonian. ON OR near Jefferson carline; two sleep ing rooms, or one with porch and use of bath. J. W. Latimer. Union Depot. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms and place tor auto; west Side. AN 155. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCEIXAXEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings -highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. SELL your second-band furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 8951. WANTED A 40 to 60 H. P. automatic en gine. J. Simon & Bro.. 244 Front st. WANTED All kinds ot store and office fixtures, showcases, etc Phone Main 8458. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East lu67 FOB KENT. Furnished Booms. NICELY furnished, airy rooms, from $1 to $5 per week; free phone, bath, etct 2N 14th st. HOTEL ROMAINE Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water, modern conveniences 2d st., bet. Alder and Morrison. THE BRAE-SIDE. 428 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3. $4, $5 per week; transient. " HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences transient solicited. $65 Stark, cor. FarkT - Corner 10th and Washington Sts d?;,, . manasement; THOROUGHLY '2.58, "k": rooms with PRIVATE fA "s; single or en suite: SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month: tourist trade solicited. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st.. near iving; brand new. elegantly fumlsned: every room has private bath; the maxi mum ot convenience and excellence the rmnimum of expense. If you want the Inspect. the mone'' c and TS.BA.RTON',13lh aad Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric llahts. etc.. rooms $10 month up; suites with ViD 22.50 toP $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. THE NEW SCOTT ..,?-eXf,IitJ?'fAnk"ny and Burnslde "IN THE HEART OF THE CITV Everything brand new. homelike and PARLOROOMSWlTlTpRSV'ATg'BAjHS KRWT .V . . - V. . .1 T". . t-i- ii -VI. i. . steam neat, elec tric lights, hot and cold water, elegant bathroom, both phones free; Just the place J0rtr?0nS wsn"nt first-clas3 home for moderate expense. Phone A 5280. M 6435. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. 4S8 WASH. ST Nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold fS-nAJat?.r' 60 ""l UD"' special ratcs b, the week. Commercial Hotel. 488 Wash- HOTEL LENOX, corner 3d and Main eta furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. On. posite the Plaza. v HOTEL IRVING. 812 OAK ST., COR. 6TH. ??ned; new aId elegantly fur-nlshed-; ail conveniences; rates reasonable. . HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 564T. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free 32744 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes MONTGOMERY HOTEL, cor. East 8th and Morrison; furnished rooms; walking 'distance reasonable. ' THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms: oath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. THE REX. 54814 Washington at. Modern rooms. $10 to $12 per month, with baths. Furnished Kooms In JTrlvats Family. NICELY furnished room In private family, located near Good Samaritan Hospital and suitab.o for one or two gentlemen; rea reasonabie. Phone A 1588. NEWLY furnished front alcove room, one or two gentlemen: also single room foi ( gentleman. 128 14th, near Washington. JUST what you want; a dandy room In modern apartment, very reasonable. Flat D. second floor, 469 Jefferson. Main 7594. THREE large, cool, new, modem rooms for "".' il?,e, location: no children. Phone East 3034. FURNISHED room for gentleman, easy walking distance; no other rooms; break fast If- desired. 161 E. 15th. 215 12TH ST.. near Whits Temple, modern, sunny rooms, sleeping porch; reasonable; private family, gentlemen only. A 6692. DESIRABLE room for gentleman; running? water; other conveniences; $8 month. 347 FURNISHED, second-story, front room, with alcove. 474 Aider st. Phone Main 1273. CONNECTING rooms, modern conveniences. large porch. 269 14th. Main 3893. TWO unfurnished rooms, cheap to reliable' Party. 353 12th at.. Main 8643. A NICE room In private family; no other roomers. 427 3d. 258 13TH Nicely furnished rooms: house new; every convenience; gentlemen only. Unfurnished Rooms TSlaBe', unfurnished rooms for rent. 131 Twelfth st. Rooms With Board. . . HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water In every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor Grand and Hawthorne avea. THE GLENDORA. 19th and Couch Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite $10 per month and up; public parlor, piano, pool and bl lard tables free to guests transients solicited: excellent table boardj $20 per month; single meals, 25 cents. PORTLAND Women's Union. 21st year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary, 510 Flanders St., Miss Frances N Heath. superintendent- Woman's Ex change. 133 10th st. Mrs. M. IS. Brether ton, supt. THE MORRISON, 833 Morrison st., family hotel, modern, new management; board optional; best table board; prices mod- THE COLONIAL, corner loth and Morri son; finest board and best rooms In Port land; rates lowest; a comfortable home. T?v?DELU 269 Market; nicely fur nished front rooms, flrst-class board: mod. em, reasonable; fine walking distance FOR RENT Room with board 44S 3d the Hollywood. FURNISHED rooms and board at the Ster ling. 535 Couch st. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Booms With Board la Private Family. COMFORTABLE. homelike rooms, with board, for clubs of two or three; Ideal place for Summer; will try to make you feel at home. 442 Jefferson st. ROOM and board, strictly home cooking; room 4W Nortnr23dWO Eentlemen- Fhono A 3526. FRONT room, suitable for two. with board ?asy walking distance. Phone East 6418 429 East Davis st. NEWLY furnished front room for two gen tlemen, walking distance. 194 17th North. Phone Main 4294. - LARGE, pleasant front corner room, with first-class board. In private family; gentle men preferred. 93 N. 17th st. Main 4220 ONE large front room on lower floor, sult- able for 2; modern. 105 E. 11th. $20 Coos front room and board for two home cooking. 691 Everett. ' FURNISHED rooms with board 24 N 10th st. Phone S324. SPECIAL rate for 2 young men In private family ; home cooking. 321 West Park. ROOM and board. 305 East 6t-h North, walk ing distance. , Apartments. "THE HARTFORD." , -W- corner 21st and Flanders: newly furnished suites of three rooms; hot and cold water in every suite;' with private bath; ready for Immediate housekeeping Apply to Janitor. "THE WASHINGTON" 21st and Northrup $.snedmr,ud ft"? orVofrlson6"- tbe -r'ond THE MORTON, northeast cor. of King and Wash. sts. A swell 3-room suite, large kitchen, very large clothes closet, and enable modern convenience; rent rea- THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts. unfurn shed apartment, with bath: every convenience; desirable location; reason able rent. Main 2506. THE MORTON. N. E. corner King and Wash ngton sts.. beautiful 3-roonf fur nished apartment. - lur COLUMBIAN 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and mhr;ifrthr:, .modern; private phonesT nth and Columbia. Main 1911, A 2720. TH.F, MARUBOROUGH 5-room apartment, lst and Flanders, Nob Hill district. every convenience. Main 7516. NEW 5-room, steam-heated flat, modern conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor gan, 503 Abington bldg. BUELL APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon sts. ; furnished 3-room apartment, new elevator, private phone. COLUMBIAN and Vtctcrian. 8 and 4-room modern apartments uth and Columbia. THE SANGERT. Washington and Trinity near 19th, furnished apartments. JEFFERSONIAN. modern2 and 3-room fur nished apartments, $20 up. 16th-Jefferson. XT 1 vv niiL' rT,rr . . . . . The newest. most modern apartment T,'n Poland; every convenience? In creti (,n?,0,ri Ilevator. beautiful con HibU1Idln' . beautitul view and sur roundlnss, most reasonable charges. fur nished or unfurnished; don't wonder: call at apartments and be shown: both phones "'- 624 Marshall st. Take W or loth-street car. call for landlady or phone Main 3S51 or A 2657. H51-bwwtPA.RTMETS' 14th "nd Columbia. orks,from Morrison St.. new brick building, completely flrst-class. furnished v.and ","room raml'y apartments; . prHata bath, reception hall, steam heat hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air cleaning, janitor service, from up month; some unfurnished: come look and be surprised. THE WESTMINSTER, On the corner of Madison and 6th st has changed hands. A modem apartment house with 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished and unfurnished, rent reasonable and single rooms In the bachelors' apart ments: free phones, electric elevator and Janitor service free. Phone Main 5582. HAVE you seen the BERYL APARTMENTS at b95 Lovejoy St.. near 21st? Will be open July I; rooms all large and alrv; each apartment contains three large clos ets, ventilated; free phone and elevator: a lew of the choice ones left; come early and secure one. THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders. 4-room apart ment. bath, heat, hot water, etc., $2.0. Fist. FC,.R hNT.T2 ",'ffant. 5-room, unfurnished flats, handsomely decorated, every modern convenience, large front and rear porch no extra charge for heat In Winter; very close in on East Side and rent only $". . hS "P0sle to duplicate on W est Side lor $00 per month. 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. A 1747. Main 2859. MODERN. 6-room upper flat nr w.. Side High School. Inqulri T 175 16th corner Yamhill. ln IPt j'2?Jlant Int new- up-to-date Hats, go to Sixth and W asco; best location in Holla day. See owner. W. Reidt. FFlRE:T 3- s or -room new, strictly modern flats West Side: walking distance M. E. Lee. Room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT 4-room flat, gas, bath light and clean. 301 Clackamas at!, near wmiams 6-ROOM modern flat. 369 Pacific street, near Corn25SVA,:de?n.t2- P" Wat"" DESIRABLE flat. 5 rooms and bath rea-J- 301 Holladay ave.. near Steel 743 OVERTON Desirable lower flat; furnace fireplace, porches. Main 4220. MO,PE.R1j5-pom, ats. 830-2 Sherman st -West Side; $22.50. Main 867. M CorE EN 8th.r0m flat- 481 Burn'de at.. PLEASANT small flat, walking distance; adults only. Inquire 233 Hall at. FCi?,RENT 5-om flat, 360 Park, coiner Mill st. SIX rooms, steam heat, hot water; walking distance. 30;; 11th st. Main 1911, A 2720. T?-EE;",ro,on? "af; all conveniences. Inquire; 225 Market. Phone Main 616. Housekeeping; Kooms THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts Newly furnished for housekeeping, in cluding gas ranges, electric lights hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; singlo housekeeping rooms $2.50 wesk up; best In city for money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. ".SE.?NTA" 187 17th. near Yamhill (take "W" car), furnished 2. 8 and 4-roora housekeeping suites by week or month. $5 and $20, respectively and up: hot and cold water, steam heat, baths and phones free 4739 TOOms' 7 a mhth. Main 4697. A THE ROWLAND APARTMENTS. 681 14 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors: nice suites from $12 up. 1 ONE nicely 'furnished 2-room housekeeping apartment: all modern conveniences; tele K,5S; batn' etc.; only $18.' THE MER CEDES. 20th and Washington sts. SAVE SEARCHING 202 14th. nicely fur nished housekeeping suite for couple, gas also sleeping room. $8; central, quiet. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th Fur nished housekeeping suits, walking dis tance. THE ELMS Two and three-room furnished apartments. 191 14th st. Phone Main 6307. THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites: 10 up. 492 Clay. 532 WILLIAMS ave.; furnished, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; also single rooms. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms! west side river, 2 rooms $S; 3 for $16; front part cottage. $15; cottage. 5 rooms. $20. Apply 364 North 26th; 16th-st. car on Washington to 26th. south half block. TWO well furnished rooms, electrlo light, gas, free phone and bath. $13 per month. 609 Johnson st., between 14th and- 15th. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for -housekeeping; $12 per month; 1 block from car. 584 East 8th st. t NICE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, rent reasonable.- 626 Irving; call after noons. S COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms. West Side. Phone Main 311. HOUSEKEEPING room. furnished com plete. 149 13th st., near Morrison. 354 SALMON Two lovely rooms, furnished or partly, for housekeeping. THREE well furnished rooms complete for housekeeping. 135 14th st. FOR RENT Nice 6-room residence, $20: walking distance. 206 Whltaker at. TWO desirable rooms with den and kitchen: large lawn. 67 20th. THREE good lower front rooms. 406 12th st. Houses. SEE our list of furnished and unfurnished houses, flats and apartments to rent. Hickman & Hir.dle. 218 Lumbermen) bldg.. cor, oth and Stark. Phone Main 3799. FOR RENT 7-room house, gas stove, range, carpets, fine lawn, roses and fruit trees, 2o month. Inquire Chas. Layerquist, Knight's Shoe Store, or Phone Tabor 1073. MODERN 8-room house for rent In the best residence district on the East Side; two blocks from finest car service in the city. Phone mornings. East 2662 or B 1933. WE have daily Inquiries for houses: if you have one for rent, let us list It for you; terms very reasonable. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., 245 Stark St. MODERN, five-room flat, completely fur nished; all conveniences. Call 67H Glian . st'hours 10 to 12 or 3 to 5. Phone Main MODERN. 6-room. bath, freshlv tinted, cor. East 12th and Ankeny. Apply Rodgers, Hart-Gibson, 146 Second st. 6-ROOM modern house. 207 Union ave near Pacific St.; rent $25. Parrish. Watkins & Co.. 2oO Alder st. A MODERN 6-room house; has furnace, fireplace, stationary tubs, etc. Call at 848 Clackamas St.. Holladay Park. East C216. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage, 10 minutes' walk to Steel bridge, $20. Call 433 E. 7th, corner Tillamook. FOR RENT Strictly modern new 7-room house, southwest corner 24th and , East Couch. Apply 29 East 24th st. North. 8-ROOM. modern house: fireplace. good neighborhood; references. Apply 303 North 23d St. Phone A 356S. FOR RENT Large 9-room house. 70S Ever ett. Information phone Main 9098. 233 Stark. MONTHS' rent free to iot buyer In Greg ory Heights. Gregory Investment Co.. 418 Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM house, also flat. 190-192 McMillan St. Inquire 188 McMillan. VERY pleasant house. 6 large rooms, walk ing distance. 412 2d. near Harrison. MODERN 9-room house. 211 23d St.. North. Key at 207. Main 8023. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. 447 Main St. Inquire 394 Salmon st. 7-ROOM house, near Holladay School, key at 43 North th St., or 440 E. 7th North.