THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16. ISO,. ; ' X i TEN GENT BEANS Predicted by Jobbers Within Two Weeks. MARKET NOW AT 8 CENTS Serious Shortage Exists on the Pa cific Coast Strong Demand All Over tho Country Condi tion of the Hop Crop. There ts no pause in the advancing move ment of the bean market. Record prices hav been made and broken and as long as thera are any beans left and the de mand continues the price seems certain to climb. Local Jobbers yesterday quoted small whites at 8 cents and some of them predict a lO-cent market by the nrst of the month. Supplies In this part of tha country are small and In California very few white bans are left. Tha latest weekly report of Adolf Kosh land. of Ban Francisco, says: "Tha bean market continues very strong. Further advances have taken place m tha price of small white and large white beans, owing to the scarcity of these two varieties. All other varieties remain very Arm at previous quotations. There is some demand for shipment, and it Is likely that there will be a better demand for pink beans ow lng to the reduction In freight rates to cer tain sections, as well as to the fact that this variety is now the lowest priced bean. In California. Llmas continue firm. Black .eyes are quiet but steady. The stock of beans In the state on June 1 Is estimated by the Merchants Exchange to amount to about 350,000 sacks. More than half of this consists of llmas and blackeyea, and the greater part of the balance of pink beana." Advices from a Mew York Importer of beans contain the following statement: "The past two weeks have seen heavy and continued demand for imported beans from all over the country; in view of the fact that most buyers are urgent for quick ship ment but one conclusion Is to be arrived sP that they have no stocks. Irlces are rising and will continue to do so. From Europe cables received state: 'Stocks ex hausting; unable to make any offers, which ts both sudden and extraordinary. Buyers must therefore look to steady and further advances In prices." DEMAND VOK FRCIT OXLI FAIR. Large Shipment of Hawaiian Pineapples Itecelved Old potatoes Dull. The demand for fruit yesterday was fairly good and supplies were rather large. A big shipment of Hawaiian pineapples was put on sale at f3f3.50 per dozen. Another car of Florida pines, said to be the last of the season, Is due today. A straight car of California apricots of fine quality arrived late In the afternoon and will be put on sale this morning. Another car will arrive late In the week. Strawberries were sold on tne public mar ket st $1.1501.50 and shipping stock moved on the street at $1.2G82. Green corn is plentiful and quoted at 25 cents a dozen. The usual assortment of itep.mer vegetables arrived. Old potatoes are sluxglsh, with $2 quoted as the top of the market and sales made from that price down to $1.25. The Earl Fruit Company, in a circular to Its representatives, estimates the California apple crop as follows: "Gravenstelns, about ftO per cent of a crop; Belief leura, probably about 25 per cent less than last season; Kewtowns and red apples, .about an average crop. Quality of apples promises to be gOud." CllEKSB IS GOrNO FN TO STORAGE. Prl res Are I J k ely t o Ad van re In a Few ' Iays. Cheese dealers believe th bottom of tha market has been reached for this season and expect prices to advance. In a few days. Already about 2000 cases have been put Into storage. There Is a strong demand, especially from Seattle Handlers are not pressing sales, but most of the next ship ment due from the Coast has been sold. Production has passed the maximum and is now beginning to decline. The total output for the year Is estimated at less than last year a Butter, eggs and poultry were steady yesterday at unchanged prices. GOOD IXQUIRY FOR SPOT HOPS. No New Bustards . Reported In Oregon Contracts. Reports received from parts of Washing ton and Yamhill Counties yesterday were that hop yards are showing slight im provement. Some of the larger growers have Increased the estimates of their yards' yields. From other sections the re ports were . far from encouraging. No fresh business was reported in contracts. There was a good demand for spot hops and full prices were offered. The "Waterville Times says of the crop In New York State; We have had some helpful rains and bright sunshine, but the nlphts are stil! too cool to further the best growth of the hop vines. They are. however, doing well and many growers have been over their yards for the second tying. One grower re ports that he has been offered IS cents on contract and ltl cents Is quite commonly offered hereabout, with but few if any tit kern, however. (reen liuj s Cop don Wool. Charles H. Green, representing Koshland ft Co.. of Boston, was In Condon last week, according to the Condon Globe, and bought several clips of wool, among them those of It. N. Donnelly, C. L. Prlndle and George Myers. The prices ranged from 30 cents up. The Kerr-Gifford warehouse Is baling the wool preparatory to shipping. Mr. Green left bids wit h the Condon National Bank on several clips of wool which are only partly delivered. Grain Markets Are Pull. There were no new developments in the grain market. Trade was dull and prices were quoted unchanged. Ivoca.1 receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat-Barley.Flour. Oats. Hay. June 12-13 1 1 13 4 0 June 34 1 7 4 Total last week. .15 .. 61 11 60 Advance In Sueur Expected. Prospects are good ror an advance in sugar prices on the ' next week. Not only Is the Eastern market Arm. as la to be expected at the opening- of the fruit sea son, but the plantation strike In Hawaii has shut oft a large part of the supply of raw sugar from the Coast refineries. Small Dfmand for CaMam. Because of tho very free offering of new rastara bark and the limited demand, local buyers have reduced their bid price to 3 cents a pcund. New York trade papers re port that market very dull. Hans, Clearings. CSsartnr of tl.e Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. 1.K.1..H04!T l.KTS.02! 30S.2.13 1. ::. ltu 41.14S 1.3.;5,81tJ 115.3S2 Portland cattle Tacoma Spokane FORTLAXW MARKETS. Grate. Floor. Feed. Eta, .,,HI?A,Track..prlc,: B'uestem mllUns. $1 .inn 1 :i5; club. H.S0jl.Wv; Valley $1 FLOL-R Patents. a.Lt per barrel; straights! 43.30; exports. $4.70: Valley. $5.50; graham. .trv; wnoie wneai, quarters, o.bu. CORN Whole, $35 per ton; cracked. $31 per ton. BARLEY Feed, $34S5 per ton. OATS No 1 white, $116 42 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Bran. 26 50 per ton; mid dlings, $33 ; shorts. $29S2; chop, $24 0 30; rolled barley. $300 37 HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley. $17 20 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $20 23. Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apple". $12.50 per box; strawberries, $1.15 2 per crate; cherries, $ 1.00 1.25 per box ; gooseberries, 5c per pound; loganberries, $1.75 per crate; peaches, 75cigl box; apricots. Oc $1.23 per box ; plums, $1 1.25 per box ; raspberries. $1 per crate; cantaloupes, $5 per crate. POTATOES -Jobbing price. $1.252 per hundred; new California, 33 4c per lb.; Sweet potatoes. 4Vc per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.50 per sack ; carrots, $1.75. TROPICAL, FRUITS Oranges, navels. $2.24 63.25 per box, lemons, $34.25; grape fruit, $3.50(4 4 per box; banai-aa, 5&5c per pound: pineapples, $3 3.50 per dozen. ONIONS Bermuda, $1.2531.50 per crate; red, $1.251.50 per sack. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 50&60c dox.; asparagus, 76 (U 90c per dozen ; beans, 612V2c;abbage, 2c per pound; cauli flower. $3 per crate; corn, 25c per dozen; cucumbers. 50c$r $1.25 per dozen; lettuce, hothouse. $1.50 per box; lettuce, bead. 25c per dozen onions, 12 4 (g) 15c per dozen; parsley, 3.c per dozen; peas, 5Cc per pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, 8&3c per pound; spinach. Be per pound; squash, 75c$1.25 per box; tomatoes,, $2 2.50 per crate. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 26MtC; fancy outside creamery, 2o'y26c per lb.; store, 18c. (Butter fat prices aver age 1 cents per pound under regular but ter prices.) EGGti Oregon ranch, 425o per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 1414Vc; Springs, 18c; roosters, 89c; ducks, young, 17 18c; geese, 10 11c; turkeys, 16 20c; squabs. $22.25 per dozen. CHEESE Full cream twins, 16c per pound; young Americas, 17c. PORK Fancy, 10c per pound. VEAL Extras, 88c per pound; ordi nary, 7c; heavy, 6c Groceries, Dried Fruits. Etc. DRiED FRUIT Apples, 9c per lb.; peaches. 74 8c; prunes, Italians. 5.V4c; prunes. French. 4&6c; currants, unwashed, cades. 94e; currants, washed, cases. 10c; figs, white fancy, 50-lb. boxes, CA; dates, SALMON Columbia River. 1-lb. tails. $2 per dozen; 2-lb. tails, $2.95; 1-pound flats, $ 2.10V: Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, Iuc; red, 1-pound talis, $1.45; sockeyes, 1 pound tails, $2. COFFEE Mocha, 2428c; Java, odrtnary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; good, 160 18c; ordinary, 125i18c per pound. , NUTS Walnuts, 1213c per pound by sack; Brazil nuts, 16c; filberts, 15c; peanuts, 7c; almonds, 13 14c; chestnuts, Italian, 11c; peanuts, raw, 6c; plnenuts, 10 12c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuts, UOc per dozen. SUGAR Granulated. $6.05; extra C, $5.E5; golden C, 5.45; fruit and berry sugar. $6.05; Honolulu plantation, fine grain. $6.00; plain bag, $5.85: beet granulated, cubes (barrel), $6.45; powdered (barrel) $6.30. Terms: on remittances within 15 days, deduct He per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct c per pound Maple sugar, 15 & 18c per pound. SALT Granulated, 13 per ton, $1.90 per bale; half ground, 100s, $7.50 per ton; 50s, $8 per ton. BEANS Small white. 8c; large white, 64c; Lima, 5c; bayou, 6'c; red kidney, 4Vc: pink, 4c. Provisions. BACON Fancy. 24c per pound; standard, 19Hc; choice, 18V4c; English. 1618c BUT SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 13 c: smoked, 14 c: short clear backs, heavy dry salted. 13c; smoked. 14ic; Oregon exports dry salted, 14c; smoked, 15 c. HAMS 10 to 18 lbs. 16c; 14 to 16 lbs.. 16c; is to 20 lbs. 1614c; hams, skinned, 15c; picnics. 11c; cottage roll, 12c; shoul ders. 11c; boiled hams. 2223c; boiled pic nics. llc. LARD Kettle rendered: 10s, 16c; 5a, 15 c; Standard pure: 10s, lic; 5s, 147o; Choice: 10s, 13c; 5s. 131c. Compound: 10s, oic: 5s, 9c. SMOKED BEEF. Beet tongues. each. 60c; dried beef sets. 19c; dried beef out sides. 17c; dried beef Insldes. 21c; dried beef knuckles. 20c. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet. $13; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; pigs' tongues, $13.50. BARRELED MEATS Mess beef. $12 per barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel; mess pork, $20 per barrel; bis ket, $22 per barrel. Hops, Wool. BIdea. Etc HOPS 1908 contracts, 1814c per lb.: liklS crop, l(rl0c; 1907 crop, S⪼ 1906 crop, 2(6-2c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 1722c per pound; Valley, tine, 23c; coarse, 21 c. MOHAIR Choice, 2423o per pound I.'IDUS Dry hides. No. 1, 16j$17c lb; dry kip. No. 1, 151016c pound; dry calf skin, 18519c pound; salted hides, 99Vic; salted calfskin, 1314c pound; green, lo less. FURS No. 1 skins: Angora goat, $1 to $1.25; badger, 2550c; bear. $620; beaver, $6.508.6O; cat, wild. 75cS'$1.50; cougar, perfect head and claws. $310; Usher, dark. $7.50 011; pale, $4.90(0 7; fox, cross. $3 to $5; fox. gray. 00f0c; fox. red. 35; fox. silver. $35 to $100- lynx. $8 15; marten, dark, $S12; mink. 3.60f 5 50; mu-krat, 15fjy25c; otter. S2.504; raccoon, 6075c; sea otter, $100230 SB to size and color skunks, 5580c; civet, cat, 1015c; wolf, $2313; coyote. 75c$1.25: wolverine, dark, $35; wolverine, pale, $22.50. CASCAKA BARK Per pound, 5 cents. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Receipts of sheep yesterday were the largest for a considerable time, but had no effect on the market. which continued rteady. Cattle also moved at last prices. Offerings of hogs were light, as usual, and the tone of prices was firm. Receipts for the day were 157 cattle, 74 calves, 1290 sheep and 90 hogs. Local prices Quoted at the yards yesterday Were as follows: CATTLE Steers, top. $4.75; fair to good, $4.2594.50: common. $434.25; cows, top, $4; fair to good, $3.503.75: common to me dium. $2.r0fr3: calves, top, $5. 5.50; heavy, $3.504; bulls and stags, $2.7o3.25; com mon, $2 2.50. HOGS Best. S8.15: fair to good, $7.50 4T7.73; stockera, $66.30; China fats, $6.75 oT. SHEEP Top wethers, $4; fair to good. $3.oO$i 3.75; ewes, ec less on all grades; yearlings, best, $4.15: fair to good $3.70(d . spring ituitus. . OKJJ o.u. Kastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO, June 15. Cattle Receipts estl msted. 200: market, steady. Beeves, $5.30 7.25; Texas steers, $4.65u.25: Western steers, $4. T50.30; tockers and feeders, $3.60r5.50; x-ws and heitere, $2.5U?i'6.30; calvea, $0(0 8. Hogs Receipts. estimated. 5000: market, strong. Light, 7.104j7.80; mixed. $7.3oJj7.95; heavy, $T.4HiS.05: rough $7.4tKg'7.CO; good to choice heavy, $7.BOtI!..o5; pigs, $J.157.0&; bulk of rales, $7.55tt".9o. Shee-p Receipts, intimated, MOO; market, steady. Native, $3.73u; Western, $:l.754T6; yearlings. $t!i?7.15; lambs, native, $568.10; Western, . $9.7533.10. KANSAS CITY, June 15. Cattle Receipts, 60t; market, eteady. Native awn, $5'&7; native cows and heifers. $2.5l1?.50; Ftockers anil feeders. $.ji 5. oil; calves. $3.75i-7; estern sieenj, $4.75ij'S.75; Western cows, $3. 2o fto.25. Hogs Receipts. 14,000; market. 5 to 10 cents higher. Bulk of ,ae.-. $7.357.75 heavy, $5.ti."3r.S0: packers and butehcrs. $7.40 7..s: lls'ht, $7.23S7.U: pigs. $tHj7. Sheep Kecelito, 1O.UO0: market steadv. Muttons, 4.7Svt.75; lambs, $ti.5o&-$ 50" range wethers. $4.Bot3.6u; range ewes. $3.755.25. OMAHA. June 15. Cattle Receipts, 3600; market, steady; Western steers, $3.50i6; mockers and feeders. $35.45; bulls and stacs. $3fi.".50. Hogs Receipts. 6700: market, steadv to 10 cents higher. Heavy. $7.6o67.65: mixed $7.50 Ji.o5l light. $7.40a7.55; pigs, $5.25'a5 25: bulk of sales. $7.50457.65. Sheep Receipts. ltioo; market. steady. Ttearllngs, $5.!i!66.76; lambs, $78 8 Dried Fruit at Xew Tork. NEW TORK. June 15 Evaporated apples firm. Choice. !HSc; prima, 6Vffifiic common to fair, B(a6c. Coast advices Indicate a firm market for future shipments of prunes, but no change is reported in the general range of prices In the local spot market. California fruits 2Uc to ll'gc; Oregons. 6c to 9c. Peaches firmer on the Coast but no changa locally. Choice. Batfc nrtm choice, StjSc; fancy. 78ct extra Raisins quiet, unchanged. Loose musca tel. 3,S4Hc; choice to fancy seeded tV 4i6i4c; seedless, 365c and London layers, $1.15 1.20. Dairy I "rod nee la tho East. CHICAGO. June 15. Butter. steadv Creamerle. 23 ijj 2ti c ; dairies. 20HC24C ,?gKI' Steady; at mark, cases included 18Sc; firsts. 2c; prime firsts. 21ljc w'a',8-StronK: d8'8""1. lO'14'ac; twins. 14ftl4"c: young Americas, 14i14Vc long horns. 1414c. 1 ' NEW YORK. June 15. Butter, steady Factory firsts. 2Jc ' Cheese, steady; eggs. Irregular. LARGE CLIPS TAKEN Third Wool Sale of the Season at Shaniko. OVER MILLION POUNDS SOLD Highest Price Is 23 Cents, Paid by Ellery to tho PrineYlIle Land & Livestock Co., for 100,000 Pounds. SHANIKO, Or., June 15. At this morn-Ing- sales about 600.000 pounds of wool changed hand - - - -.. P, . I Villi AO 11 zs cents, which was slightly lower than at previous sales here this season. Fol lowing Is the list of this morning's sales: Charles Green nnMuntw t , 1 .. . Co.. Boston and' San Francisco, bought Alex o.uw pounds at 2114 cents; F. A. Powell, 23.000 pounds at 21 cents; B R. Laughlln, 28,000 pounds, at 20 cents; Ed Flu patrlck, 40.000 pounds, at 22 cents; C. A. Johnson, ll,O00 'pounds, at 18 cents William Ellerv. Jones & Donald. Boston, bought of Farquhar McRae 60.000 nounri o r ioiz ..t tosh Land & Livestock Company, 60,000 pounds, 1 ufu cents; K.. Houser, 13,000 pounds, at ..uts vcmcTj mnevuie una & Livestock Com Pany. 100.000 nounrt tt f1 3L Alex Livingston bought of Kenneth F. Ms- --tw.vw pounas; at cents. J. P. Dufour. rAnrflwntlnv rf.H. Tr Company, Woonsocket, R, I., bought of i,UIIlaH x-nzgeraia is, 000 pounds, at 1H cents: M. Fltze-eraM. 19nnn -. , t , cents; B. Iremonger, 10.000 pounds, at 19 J. R. Hooner. runniwntlna TZr, . Thayer & Stevenson, Boston, bought of Mo- ob oon pounas, at 21 cents. Afternoon Sales. Twenty-five clips were offered this after noon and sales were made at prices ranging from 1 r, X. to ..... v. n ....... , . ,4 ,, a, luiai of about 700.000 pounds. Following Is a list "i mis aitemoon s sales: P. Dufour bought of the Black Butte Land & Livestock Company 83,000 pounds, at 214 cents; W. G. Asher, 14,000 pounds, at 2014 ctnts; L, Fargher. 15,000 pounds, at 20 cents: F. W. Dunlin fnft ni,na 011. cents: William Adams, in non nnn. 19V4 cents; S. B. Davis. 60,000 pounds, at 1 ' cenus; a. canning, ouuo pounds, at 17H cents; R. p. Orfley. 12,000 pounds, at 18 cnts; n. K.ej-3, oooo pounds, at 16 cents; M. J. FinlaVSOn. U OOO nonnrta at 1(11 ut. William Ellery bought of L. s. Hamlltoa 66,000 pounds, at 21 cents; H. C. Rooper. 29.000 pounds, at 21 cents; J. Kasser, 00.000 pounds, at 22V4 cents. C. H. Green bought of H. Patjens 50,000 DOUnds. At '"' !-i PAFt. W T? UbmII AHA riOUTlS. ! t 91 &. -A...B. A T T-J ' - o am pounds, at 20 cents; R. Rosenbaum) 19,000 lAiuim ui i cents. Alex Livingston bought of John Karten a-,uw pounas. at z'r-1 cents; s. w. xancy, 34-OOft HAIHldB at flOSl. AAntn H. C. Hoover bought of Reeder & Fisher 55,000 pounds, at 21 cents. S. Frankenstein bought of Mrs. C. Friend au.wuu pounds, at 20 cents; T. H. 4 B. Mc Greer. 11 (VIA nnnnrla at "ViLi AMt E. J. Burke bought of A. P. Jones 14,000 DOnndl. At 1R54 fantm- TT 1? T. K AAA pounds, at 17 cents; C H. Dealey, leiooo tuuua, di. i . -j cents. The next sale at Shaniko Is scheduled for June 29, wlrlch will be the last for the present season. RECORD PRICES IV BOSTON MARKET But Slackening; of Demand for Nearly all Grades la Noticed. BOSTON. June 15. A slackening In th demand for nearly all grades Is noticed In the local wool market. Values, however. continue firm and In many cases record prices nave been paid. The Western clip has been cleaned up and dealers are quite confident of . their position. Consumers are beginning to negotiate for ttie purchase of staple wooTs and several large transactions are reported. The leading domestlo scoured quotations range as follows : Texas Fine, 12 months, 7072c; flnef' si: to eight months, 6365c; fine Fall 5860c. California Northern, 6567c; middle county, 63&U5c; Fall free, 5052c. Oregon Eastern staple, 7273c; Eastern Clothing, 67868c; Valley No. 1, 5758c. Territory Fine staple, 7478c; fine medium staple. 6SfS"i2c; fine clothing. 6870c; fine me dium clothing. 6466c; half-blood. 67SB9e three-eighths-blood, 467c; quarter-blood, 66 bee. Pulled Extras, 7074c; fine (A) 6366c; (A) supers, oocgti2c. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. June 15. Wool, quiet. Terri tory ana western mediums, 2328c; fine meaiums, 22g2.ic; nne, 1522c. SUGAR DROPS 8 POINTS BEARS VIGOKOVTSIjY HAMMER THE STOCK MARKET. Sharp Fall in Prices Is the Result. Rumored Hitch in. Steel Negotiations. NEW TORK, June 16. An effective ele ment of the professional operators of stocks gathered courage today to attack prices of wiiw wub vigor ana succeeded in precl tating a sharp fall In urices. No thr,n ft... ing development was discernible to account for the apparent urgency with which stocks were pressed for sale. The weakness was attributed generally to technical causes. Tha rush into prominence of a miscellaneous lot of obscure specialties is considered a- bad sign. The outcome of these testing operations was to encourage the bear operations in which short selling was extensive and offer ing down of prices followed boldly and with effect in uncovering stop-loss orders. As usual, when prices turned definitely downward there was a withdrawal of buy ing crders previously placed at limits slightly below the market price with the determination to take advantage of a. nn- sitle reaction In what was supposed to be a strong market. No small sentimental effect was produced on today's market bythe violent decline In American sugar. The steady dividend jec ord of that stock of late years has thrown it Into the class of quiet trading stocks to which speculators have paid little atten tion. The market for It has become nar row and it took comparatively light sales today to break the price 8 points. The reiterated reports of a hitch In the arrangements for dealing In United States Steel on the Paris Bourse have aroused some distrust. In spite of the assurances oft repeated by banking Interests concerned that the project was proceeding successfully. Some of tho sellers of stocks professed apprehension that the publication of the report of Governor Hughes' commission on exchanges would have an unfavorable effect on the market. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value. 8.S22.OO0. United States bonds Ten unchanged on call. CLOSING 8TOSK QUOTATIONS. 1 Sales. High. Low. Bid. Allls Chalmers pf 90O 64 53 53 Amal Copper 24,700 86 84 84 Am Agricultural . . 60O 43 43 ' 42 Am Beet Sugar.. 15.50 42 .40 41 Am Can pf 3,Sy 84 SS S3? Am Car st Foun. 1.3i0 57 56 56 Am Cottnn Oil.. 6,100 74 72 73 Am W a Lt pf 41t4 Am Ice Securl 6.5O0 40 39 391! Am Linseed Oil.. 4.5"X 19 17a? 573? Am Locomotive... 1 . 7i " 6 69 69 Am Smelt , Ret.. 13.700 99 94 9414 do preferred ... 1.100 110 109 109? Am Sugar Ref... 8.7O0 130 123 125 Am Tel & Tel 6,100 142 141 141 THE LDMBBRMENS NATIONAL N LIDMEERMENS BUILDING NORTHWEST CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS Am Tobacco pf . Am Woolen 500 101 101H 100 800 36 35 35 S.600 60 49 50 39.900 115 114 1W 40O 106 106 106 800 132H 131 13H4 9,600 1189s 117 117 94 600 30 H 29 29 14 9,000 80 "9 79 800 183 182 182 700 29 29 29 900 104 103 10S 100 292 192 192 7.6O0 76"4 75 75 500 69 69 69 4,800 3 8 3 600 183 182 182 15,400 156 153 154 300 75 75 75 4,900 45 44 43 1,000 68 57 67 600 81 81 81 800 80 80 80 4.900 143 141 141 12.4'XI 24 22 23 1,200 191 1S9 190 14,9XI 52 60 50 700 89 88 88 1.800 39 38 38 .O00 36 35 35 l. 1,100 63 63 53 42 1,700 1B2 161 161 8.30O 150 148 149 45,600 77 75 76 1.100 148 148 148 12.51K) 17 16 17 29,200 49 46 48 200 85 80 85 1,000 24 24 24 1,400 16 15 15 700 41 40 40 400 30 29 28 4,300 46 46 46 - 700 72 72 72 142 55 7O0 139 138 138 8,800 . 76 74 74 67,300 43 42 42 73 do preferred . Atl Coast Line. do preferred . Bethlehem Steel . Brook Rap Tran Canadian Paolflo. Central Leather . do preferred Central of N J. Ches & Ohio Chicago sr Alton. Chicago Gt West. 4,800 Chicago & N W.. C, M it St Paul.. C. C. C & St L. Colo Fuel & Iron 4,900 Colo Ac Southern.. do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred, Cossolldated Gas.. Corn Products . . Del & Hudson D & R Grande ... do preferred . . . Distillers' Securl.. do Gt Norfhern nf. Gt Northern Ore.. 45.600 Illinois central do preferred , Inter Harvester Inter-Marine pf Int Pump ........ Iowa Central .... K C Southern ... do preferred Louis & Nashville Minn & St L ... M, St P & S S M. Missouri Pacific. Mo, Kan & Texas do preferred National Biscuit 105 National Lead 2.800 86 84 84 Mex Nat Ry 1st pf 200 51 51 51 131 63 89 N Y Central 1,600 132 131 N T. Ont & West 9.800 64 63 89 Norfolk Al West. 1.500 90 0,0 1 " JSorth American. 2.900 5 85 Northern Pacific. 24,100 163 150 151 Pacific Mall 29 Pennsylvania 10.400 137 136 People's Gas 700 115 1151 P, C C Jfc St L Pressed Steel Car 1.000 44 43 Pullman Pal Car. 400 190 190 Ry Steel Spring.. 300 46 44 136 114 91 43 189 44 Reading 117.500 159 154 154 i.ciui)iic ateei ... i.iw ;-i2li BO 31 ao preferred 1 TOO lftiift: Kta 106 31 69 44 26 68 82 xwca jeiaoa jo. . 14. 100 32 do preferred 7.5O0 70 St L & S F 2 pf. 300 44 St L Southwestern 3,800 27 do preferred 8,600 69 Sloss-Sheffleld 31 69 44 26 68 Southern Pacific .. 43.60O S2 130 130 do preferred Southern Railway. do preferred . . . Tenn Copper . Texas & Pacific. Tol, St L & West. do preferred Union Pacific ... do preferred ... 3.300 133 182 131 O.OUV Al. S1 31 800 9 41 3 61 68 40 35 51 5(0 11,500 200 108,400 194 191 191 II S Realty 500 i.wir Ms yf jt! 82 39 68 82 39 7 82 89 67 124 52 54 23 69 19 85 L, s Rubber 300 U S Steel 172,300 ao preferred Utah Conner 8,300 125 124 1.200 52 52 Va-Carq Chemical. 6,900 65 24 61 19 86 64 23 Vi 59 19 85 it.uau ......... jo.isou do preferred ... 43 700 Western Md 800 Westinghouse Elec 1,700 Western Union . . . 1.000 74 74 74 Wheel & L Erie 10 vv laconsln Central 53 Total sales for the day. 1,025.400 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK, June 15. Closing quotations U. S. ref. 2s reg.l01N T C G 3s.. 92 do coupon 101iNorth Pacific 3s 74 U. S. 3s reg 101!North Pacific 4s. 10? do coupon 102 lUnion Pacific 4s 103 U S new 4s reg.ll4 Wlscon Cent 4s. iXJ do coupon. .. .121 Japanese 4s..... 87 D & R G 4s 97l Stocks at Tjondon. LONDON", June 15. Consols for money, 84 3-16; do for account, 84. Anaconda 10!N. Y. Central. . .135 Atchison 117 Norfolk St West. 92 do pref 107 do pref 90 Bait & Ohio 121!Ont & West. nnV v .... j j j .rciiuajivttnit Ches & Ohio. 78 Rand Mines 'A . 10 . SO - 32 uri west... 4 :rteaatng - -M - at s. p.... 159 De Beers 15 D & R G , 52 do pref 91 Erie 87 do 1st pf 55 do 2d pf 45 Grand Trunk... 21 111 Central 153 L & N 146 MO TC & T.... 44 Southern Ry. South Pacific." 1.183 71 union pacific 199 ao pref 101 U. S. Steel 70 do nref . loci' Wabash 25 do pref 62 opmusn s. ..... 9 Amal Copper... 88 Money Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, June 15. Prime mercantile paper closed at 2t$4 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at S4.8595i4.8a for 60-day bills at at 4.780 for demand Commercial bills. !4. 85 04.85. Bar silver, 63 c. k Mexican dollars. 44c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. Money on call easy, 12 per cent; rul ing rate, 1T4 per cent; closing bid and of fered at 1 per cent. Tim loans softer and fairly active; 60 days, 22 per cent: 0 days, 22 per cent; six months, 3 per cent. LONDON, June 15. Bar silver, dulL 24d per ounce. Money. 11 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 1 per cent; three-months' bills, 1 per cent. , SAN FRANCISCO. June 16. Sterling 60 days, $4.8S; sight. $4.88. Silver bars. S2c. Mexican dollars. 47c. Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, Jc. Daily Treasnry Statement. WASHINGTON, June 15. Today's state ment of the Treasury balance in tne gen eral fund shows: Gold coin and bullion. ........ g 50,742,323 Gold certificates 23 784 700 Available cash balances........ ll7jg6ijoo5 , Sew York Cotton Market, NEW YORK. June 15. Cotton Spot .1ac nnl.t H nAlnl. K 1 . t , , . . . . r "bnci , uuuutinr up lands. 11.40c; do Gulf, 1L65C Sales, 100 Cottsn futures firm; July, 10.91c; August and Se-otember. 10.94c; October and Novem ber, 10.89c; December,. 10 94c: January and March. 10.89c; May. 10.816. ... ssssssasssssss; HAS MOVED TO THE NEW CROP MONTH Much Wheat Will Be Available for July- Delivery. CHICAGO MARKET WEAK Bearish Advices Regarding the Crop of Europe Sharp Decline on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. CHICAGO. Jane 15 The wheat market was weak all day, owing to renewed selling of July, based on bearish harvest news. The market was poorly supported and tha bulk of offerings were taken by shorts. That the July delivery will be a "new crop" month and that tho amount of wheat avail able for delivery on that month's con tracts will be large Is conceded by radical bulls. Adlvces from Texas stated that high prices were' still being paid for new grain. A decline of nearly 4 cents in July at Win nipeg and bearish advices regarding the wheat crop of Europe also were factors that prompted free selling hers. The range on July was between $1.16 and $1.16. The market closed weak. July at $1.16 01.16. rn was weak and closed at a decline of c to o with July at 72e. Liquidation of July holdings was again a feature in oats and a hes.Vy tone pre vailed. Declines of c to lc in cash grain and the weakness of other grains was ins principal bearish Influences. July closed at 61 c Provisions were firm at the start, but closed o to 1517c lower than yes terday. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. f Onen. TTlwh T i JuIv $116 $1.18 ' $1.15 $1.15." 5Pt 109 1.09 1.08 1.09 Dec 1-07 1.08 1.07 1.07 CORN. July Sept Dec .72 .72 .70 .70 .59 .59 OATS. .71 .72 . .69 59 .59 July. . Sept.. Dec. . .61 .61 .61 .61 -44 .44 .43 .43 44 .44 .44 .44 MESS PORK. Ju!y 20.50 20.60 20.25 20.37 Sept...... 20.60 20.80 20.60 20.67 LARD. J"1? 11-85 11.85 11.72 11.72 Sept 11.92 11.92 11.80 11.80 SHORT RIBS. J"y 11.10 11.10 11.00 11.05 Sept 11.09 11.10 11.00 11.10 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Rye xo. 2, 88c Barley Feed or mixing. 8080c; fair to choice malting, 8182e. Flax seed Xo. 1 Southwestern. $1.58: Xo. 1 Northwestern, $1.68. . Timothy seed $3.90. Clovei- $10.60. Pork Mess, per barrel, $20.87 ffi S0.40. Lard Per 100 pounds. $11.72. Short ribs Sides (loose), $11 11.10 Sides Short, clear boxed), $11.25 11 60. Grain statistics: w".v. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 39.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 23,300 bushels, compared with 353.009 bushels the corresponding day a year airo Bradstreets. decreased 1.037.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 7 60.roo0.rn' 158 Ca; 0at"- 90 cara: Receipts. Shipments. ... 7,600 26,400 ... 6.000 63,800 ...812,600 658.600 ...278.600 416,400 . .. 7.000 6.300 69,000 89.000 Flour, barrels ....... Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels Oats, bushels Rye, bushels........ Barley, bushels , Grain and Produce at New York. 22N9?fWl,?K- Jun" Flour Receipts, 22.970 barrels; exports. 430 barrela Dull and about steady. "ail Wheat Receipts Exports. 12,000 bushels- i 1-81 nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.38. nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter. 1.35. nominal fh Bearish crop reports from mrv- . Te" ParVr moralized the wheat market today, forcing prices off 1 cent. One or two brief rallies occurred, but the ten dency was downward and final prices showed c to c net loss. prices Hops Firm. Hides Steady. Wool Steady. Petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. June 15. Wheat Un- cnanged. " a Spot quotations 1 $JYoh2'o'.ShlPPinK l-071-": milling. ,n Barley Feed. $1.40 1.46; brewing, nom- Oats Red, $2.102-.20: white, $2.16SJ.20; black, nominal. " Call board sales Wheat Xo trading. ( Barley December, $1.89bSl 40a. Corn Larg yellow, $1.87. European Grain Markets. LONDON. June 15. Cargoes Sellers firm, buyers quiet and show lass disposition to operate. Walla Walla on ... English country markets quiet but steadv- French Mnntrv mirlr.t. . .. ' T.TVFPPnflT. Tifn. IK l-t . . - w uuv . v , . ii r. i, j Uiy 8S 11 d; September. Ss 6d; December. 8s Wheat at Seattle. RttiTTI.r! .Tun. 15 XT. m Export wheat, blue stem, 91.24; club. $1,144 THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS ; J. C. AINSWORTH. President. R. W. SCHMEER. Cashier R. LEA BARNES. Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALLFOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insure against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repair. It assures a sanitary and durable street. .. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. EITTJLITHI0 INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, OrT red, $1.09. Receipts: Wheat, 8 cars. Tbtal car receipts for June 14: Wheat 6 cars; oats, 4 cars; corn. 1 car; hay, 44 cars. - Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Wash.. June . 15. Wheat Mill ing: Bluestem, $1.8001.35; club, $1.14. Ex port: Bluestem. $1.24; club, $1.14; red, $1.09. Flaxssed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, June 16. Flax closed $1.17. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, June 16. Moderate ad vances were reported in the London tin market today with spot quoted at 184 12s 6d and futures at 136. The local market was dull and a Bhade higher at 29.87 76c. London lead was lower at 13 Is 8d. Lo cally the market remained dull at 4.86 & 4.46c. . London copper was unchanged with spot quoted at 59 10s and futures at 60 7s 6d. Bonds Investments CALL OR WRITS T. S. McGRATH tnmber Elxcnanse, PORTLAND, OREGON. COOS BAY LINE Tbs steamer BREAKWATER leare Port land OTerjr Wedneaxlay. s jp. from Alas wortb dock, for aoria Head. ataraaUeld ana Cvos Bay points. Freight received till 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, arst class. $10; second-class. $7. Including berta and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington strseis. or Insworta a oca. rnens alals 26s, J BI;?"e'" .'.n London was lower at Locally Iron was unchanged. TRAVELERS GUIDK. CLARK'S CRUISES OF THE "CLEVELAND" (Hamburg -American Line) 18,000 tons, brand new. i superbly fitted. OUNDtheWORL From New Tork October 19. 1909; from San Francisco. Feb. 6. 1910, nearly foS months, costing- only lasft Kn t-o Y lng all expenses afloat and ashore ' SPECIAX, FKA'n RES Maderlal Ernt India. Ceylon, Burma, Java, Borneo. Phllip-p-ines, Japan. An unusual chancer to unnsually attractive places. 12th Annual Orient Cruise. !. 8 lot by Korth German Lloyd S. e. Grosser Kur fuerst," 73 days including 24 days Eumtand Palestine. $400 up. 851 "a J RANK C. CLARK, TIMES BLIH.. Jf. Y. CANADIAN PACIFIC Less Than Four Days at Sea WEEKLY SAILING BETWEEN MONTREAL QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL Two days on the beautiful Bt. Lawrence River and the .shortest ocean routs to Eu rope. Nothing better on the Atlantic than one Empresses. Wireless on all steamers. First-elass $80; second $50. one class cabin 46. Ask any ticket agent, or writs for sailings. rates and booklet. T. It- Johnson. P. A.. 148 Sd St.. Portland. Or JEBSEN LIKE. S.S."Elia" Sailing June 24 SPECIAL, LOW RATES CALIFORNIA, MEXICO, CEXTR4L AMKH1CA. JEBSE.V & OSTRANDER, General Agtsts, Seattle, Wait. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angele direct. The steamships Roa noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at 3 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near AJder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314. H. YOUNG,. Agent. . SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Only direct steamer and daylight sailing. From Ainsworth Dock, Portland. A. M. S.S. Rose City, June 19, July S. S.S. State of California. June 26. From Lombard St.. San Francisco. 11 A. M. K a Kim. t.r f ! I r , ,n. 1 u t S.S. Rose City, June 2, July 10. J. W. Ransom, Eock Agent. Main 2t)S Ainsworth Dock. M. J. ROCHE. City Ticket Agent. 142 3d St,