THE 3IORNTNG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1DO0. IT LOO TD TRADE WAR to 95 cents and blue stem at 10 cents higher. Local receipts In cars were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows;. Wheat.JBarley. Flour. Oats. Hay. June 12-13 1 1 13 4 9 Total last week.. 15 61 11 50 uSugar Trust on Coast May Have Competition. PLAN SAID TO BE ON FOOT Independent Refineries Considering the Erection of Plants in Cali fornia High Prices tne Cause of the Row, Reports are current in the Eastern trade that certain independent sugar-refining In tw rests are considering- the matter of com petlng for business on the Pacific Coast, jfwhere the "Western Sugar Refining Company and the California-Hawaiian Sugar Refining Company, which are supposed to work In harmony, have everything their own way. These talked-of plans evidently have not yet taken definite shape, though it is point ed out by some of the officials of the inde pendent concerns that unless the current fclga prices quoted for sugar in 6 an Fran- - Cisco fcy interests now in control of the Situation there axe lowered to conform with those prevailing in the Bast, It will not be : long before plans looking to the erection of fclante at San , Francisco will be decided upon. The head of a large Eastern refining com pany is quoted on the subject as follows: "As the situation stands now, refined sugar la California, where there is no com- -petition Is bringing something like 5.50c, without the refiners having to pay any duty , n sugar coming from the Hawaiian Islands. Thta compares with 4 S5c, the price ruling In this market, where there is much rivalry for business. In other words, the comblna tlon on the Coast has everything its own way, and for that reason tt Is disposed to obtain the highest price possible for its su gar. This has Invited considerable criticism among many persons in the trade, and I flon't mind telling you that certain parties who are promlently identified with Inde pendent refineries in the East are discussing . the advisability of extending their opera tlons to the Coast. This depends, of course. on the refusal of those in control of the situation on the Coast to readjust the prices and to place the market on a more equit able basis." M- While the matter is yet In the talk stage, it Is certain that if any such plan la carried out. It will lead to an aggressive trade war in this section of the country. aiOYXaiEXT OF CAXXFO It VIA FRUIT. Shipments of Oeriduous Varieties in the Past Week. California fruit shipments in the past week are reported by the California Fruit Dis tributors as follows: Cherries, 44 cars. The weather during the past week has been pleasant, no bad weather interfering to injure the fruit. Temperature has been rather higher than during th preceding week and as a natural conse quence, fruit Is coming in more rapidly. tSanta Clara still has a considerable num her of cars to go forward and it Is ex pected that the movement will approximate between 30 and 40 carloads. Apricots, 20 cars. Early varieties of aprl cots, such as Pringle and Newcastle, are now finished and Royals are going forward I considerable quantities. The movement wll - be somewhat heavier next week and will probably run from 30 to 35 carloads. Plums and Prunes, 11 cars. Clymans are ow moving freely. The crop Is liKht, how ver, and there will not be as many car loads as In an averaire season. Other varle ties, such aa Burbank, Climax, Tragedy and Hed June. 'will begin moving out in a small way about the beginning of next week. Peaches, 15 cars. Aloiander peaches are arolng forward in liberal quantities. This variety is not as extensively grown as In . past seasons and the output will not bo . . nearly as large as it has been heretofore. Other varieties will begin moving in a small way about the first of next week. Pears. A few early pears of the Comet and LawBon varieties have been forwarded. There will be no considerable movement for another week. Bartlett pears and grapes t continue in very promising cotiditlon and there Is no reason to change In any way the comment heretofore made on these two Varieties. WASHINGTON HOP CONTRACT AT 13 Highest Price Actually Paid for New Crop on Coast. A 10,000-pound hop contract was made in Western Washington yesterday at 13 cents. This is the highest prlos that has actually been paid for the 1909 crop on the Pacific Coast to date, though higher offers are said to have been made In Ore gon In th-a past week. In this state, how ever, growers will not sell at any price. Isaac Pinoua & Sons, of Tacoma, received the following cable yesterday from London: Weather favorable. Vermin have in creased. Market firmer and shade higher. Demand is purely speculative." SMALL DEMAND FOR KOGS. But Candled Stock Is Selling at 24 to 25 Cents. The egg market Is in a somewhat uncer tain condition. Receipts are light but the demand is sluggish. Candled eggs, however, sell at 25 cents In single cases and at 24 cents In Iota. There are, a good many un candled eggs offering and eggs culled out from storage packings, and these are being offered as low as 23 cents. The poultry, butter and cheese markets were steady and unchanged. Bank Clearings, Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: Clearings. Portland .....$ 1 , til S, 404 Seattle 2,131,870 Tacoma -.......,. 1,034,37T Spokane 1,428,044 Balances. $106,13 200,588 121,065 l.i 1,671 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Floor, Feed, Etc WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem milling. $1.301.35;,club, U-201.22tt; Valley, $1.17. FLOUR Patents, $6.25 per barrel; straights. $5.80; exports, $4.70; Valley, $5.50; graham, $5-00; whole wheat, quarters, $ CORN Whole, $35 per ton; cracked. $31 per ton. HAiiLtt; i "eea, ?343t per ton. OATS No 1 white, $4142 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Bran. Ktt.&O Der ton: mid dlings, $33; shorts, $29a3; chop, $24 0 30; rolled barley. S3Q 87 hay ximotny, Willamette vaiiey, sit.? per ton; eastern oregen, VMX&'ZZ. Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apples. $1 2.50 per box; strawberries, $1&2 per crate; cherries, $l.tL l.Sto per box ; gooseberries, 5c per pound; loganberries, $l.oO(0J2.OO per crate : reacnes. xi.zo&k l.oo dox : apricots, si.ouftf) 1.50 box: plums, $1.2a(&l.n0 per box raspberries, $1 per crate; blackberries, 75c $1 per crate; cantaloupes. Soft 6 per crate. POTATOES Jobbing price. $22.25 per nunarea; new -tjaiiiornia, 3y4c per id sweet potatoes. 4!-4c per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.50 per sack: carrots. SI. 7a. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. $2.25 W3.25 per box, lemons, $34.2of grape fruit, $3.ou 4 per box; banai-as, 54w 5 Vac per pounti ; pineapples, i i.ou per crate. ONIONS Bermuda, $1.2&51.50 per crate: red, $ 1.25 1.00 per sacs. VEGETABLEfl Artichokes, C060c dox. asparagus, .JsiySOc per dozen; beans, 6 6i 12 c : cabbage, 2c per pound: cauii tlower. S3 per crate; corn. 80 50c per dozen cucumbers, 50c(Jx $1.25 per dozen; lettuce, hothouse, Si.ou per pox: lettuce, head. per dozen: onions, 124(y)15c per .dozen parsley, 35a per dozen; peas, 66c per pound ; radishes, iic per dozen ; rhubarb, 8 Q 3 per pound ; spinach, 6c per pound; squash, 75c (J? $1.25 per box; tomatoes,, $2 2.50 per crate. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER--Clty creamery, extras. 26V4c; fancy outside creamery, 2526&o per lb.; store, 18c. (Butter fat prices aver age 1 Vs cents per pound under regular but ter prices. ) EGOS Oregon ranch, 24 25c per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 14l4c; Springs, 18 2lc; roosters, S9c; ducks, young, 17 lic ; geese, 10 1 lc; turkeys, lS20c; squabs, $2 "3 2.25 per dozen. CHEESE Full cream -twins. 15 10 per pound; young Americas, 16 17c; California, 164fl7c PORK Fancy, lOc per pound. VEAL Extras. c per pound; ordi nary, 7c; heavy, 6c. t STEEL CLIMBING UP Heavy Buying for Home London Account. and softer; 60 days, 2 per cent; 90 days, 2 per cent; eix months, 4 per cent. Prime mercan tile paper, 3 Mill per cent. . Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.5&5rM.6 tor 60 day btllsand at $4.6775 for demand. Commer cial bills, $4. $5. Bar silver, 52ic. Mexican dollars, 44c. Governmeat bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. - SELLS AT RECORD PRICE Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, June 14. Today's Treas ury balances show: Available cash balance $118,524,213 Gold coin and bullion . 50.324,309 Gold certificates , 25,705,720 Advance Has Xo Effect on Other Shares In the List Hill Se curities Very Heavy. Bonds Are Irregular. NEW YORK, June 14. There was a fur ther shrinkage In the volume of the stock market today, following the tendency of last week. EffOTts of the organized specu- 1 latlve element to effect prof it-taking sales to take advantage of any outside demand forced a decline after the opening. I he entire unresponsiveness of the general market to the impressive advance In United States Steel proved a striking feature of the day's transactions. The accumulation of United States Steel was almost persistent nd aggressive, both for home and. Lonaon tounts. The highest price touched be fore today was 69 on June 3. As the one- half per cent quarterly dividend came off the stock last week, today's prices of exceeds the previous record by that much aaaiuonaL Amalgamated Copper passed from under the depression which has held it for several days and moved upward, in spite of another decline in London ana umavora-nie opin ions on the .trade position reported from Paris. Union Pacific made some show of strength but Southern Pacific was heavy, helping to the confusion of speculative sentiment. Much of the gratuitous information in the s'Wpe of tips distributed before trading be gan, went wrong today ana this was an other factor In keeping sentiment unset tled. The Hill stocks were persistently heavy. The new lmpetua to the United States Steel movement also was contrary to the heralded promise and the rise in Wabash to ttl 4 was accompanied by cir cumstantial reports of a coming absorption by the Lackawanna with a guarantee of a dividend on Wabash preferred as a compen sation. This report was without confirma tion. There was a softening of rates for time loans. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $5,870,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Allis-Chelmers tpf. 7,8K 54 auo 8,700 2.4O0 2,100 6,100 2X 7,ltM 4,2M l.tMJO Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO, June 14. Butter Steady. Creameries, 22&26c; dairies, 20!4J4c- Eggs Steady; at mark, casts included, ICc; firsts, 20c; prime firsts. 21e. Cheee--Strong. Daisies, 14'14,c; twins, 13 14c; young Americas. 1414c; long horns, 14i149nC NEW YORK, June 14. Butter Steady. Creameries, specials, 2i(27c; extras. 26 264c; thirds to firsts, 22'525ic; Western fac tory firsts. 20 21c. Cheese Steady. Fggs Steady. Western extras. 22c. CHEESE MARKET FIRMER STRONG DEMAND OX THE SEAT TLE EXCHANGE, CASH WHEAT BREAKS Fall of Three to Seven Cents in the Southwest. CHICAGO OPTIONS WEAK Strawberries Decline to One lollar Per Crate Three Cars of Eastern Eggs In. 4314 85 5T 76 42H 2t 6114 (16 131 H 8,70 50 WKKK I.V GRATX STATISTICS. iO'lw WfeklT irin Statistics of the Mer chiints KxchansQ Follow. American visible supply Kushels. Decrease. Juno 14. 100! 15.4K5.IK10 i.ll.OOO Juno l.. lints ....JS.tiiM.lM'O "2.(53,000 Juno 17 1!MT 4S,U12,(K0 l.lOli.UUO June Ifc lit'vrt .;, lti4,'M0 June 3i, nu'.v ,it;.7.,'i::,:nMi juna ir. mm .....iK,47.MHt June 111. 1 !M:. ........ .:'4l,LV.4.'MH li.7U7.0OO Juno lij. 10H2 I-::, 170,000 ".5U1.000 Jiiutt 17. 1001....... .. .. i:to.iHio Jun 13. l'.i-OO 41.175,000 a.12.000 June It), ltwu . .27. SI43.0OO ' 32ti.000 "Increase. Quantities on Faage For TT. k. ... Continent Totals . -iVoUd' countries. Week ending June 12 Hushels . 27.01O.imo .l'i.Ttin.ono .40.S00.O0O shipments. Week ending; Week ending June 5 June l;. 'OH Kuyhels Bushels 22. 500. 14.040.000 OU.OlH, 13. 124.OOt fluur ineluded- princlpal 37.200.000 ejspctTtfngr Week etulinK June 12 From Bunhels V. Can.. 3..".7.0uO Argentina .. 2.t'.:6,iioo Australia .. 344,0xt iWia I.M2.000 lian. porta.. 2.;2.0in KusHia 8.K.sS.0'H Week Week endlnK endinti June 5 Juno 13. 'OA Hu.ho3 Bushels Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. DRIED FRUIT Apples. 9c per lb.: peaches, 748 8c; prunes, Italians, 5.Gc; prunes, French, 4foc; currants, unwashed, cases, Oc; currants, washed, cases. 10c; ties, -tvhtto fancy, 60-lb. boxes, IHc; dates, 7Vi7c. SALMON Columbia River, 1-lb, tails, $2 per dozen; 2-lb. tails. $2.95; 1-pound flats, 2.10i; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis, 90c; red, 1-pound talis, $1.4.r; sockeyes, 1 pound tails, $2. COFFEE Mocha, 24(828c; Java, odrinary, 17? 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; good, HJciJlHe; ordinary, 12-i di 10c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 12y'13c per pound by Back; Brazil nuts, 16c; filberts, 15c; peanuts. 7c; almonds, 13(&14c; chestnuts, Italian, 11c: peanuts, raw. 54ic; plnentits, 10 12c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuts, 90c per dozen. SUGAR Granulated. ij OD; extra C, $5.:o; (golden C, $5.45; fruit and berry sugar, $6.05; Honolulu plantation, fine grain, $6.00; plain bajy, $5.85; beet granulated, cubes (barrel), $0.45; powdered (barrol) $6.30. Terms: on remittances within 15 days, deduct 4o per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct c pec pound. Mapte sugar, 15 18c per pound. BALT Granulated. 13 per ton, $1.90 p'er bale; half ground, 100s. $7.50 per ton; 50s, $8 per ton. BEANS Small white, Tc: large white, 6s; Lima, 5c; bayou, 6c; red kidney, 4c; pink, 4c. Amal Copper Am Agricultural Am Beet Sugar . . Am Can pf Am Car & Foun. Am - Cotton Oil Am Hd & Lt pf. Am Ice Securi Am Linseed Oil. . Am Ijocomotlve Am Smeit & Ref 4.4UO do preferred 3oO Am Sugar Ref. . 300 Am Tel & Tel.... Am Tobacco pf.. A m Woolen ..... 3UO AnflmniA Mln Co S.500 Atchison 20,8u0 II6J4 115 do preferred ... ...... At: Coast Line Bait & Ohio . 800 118 do preferred ... ..... Bethlehem Steel Brook Rap TTan. 6,000 81 Canadian Pacific.. 200 1831 Central Leather... 2U0 30W Uo preferred ... 100 104V4 Central of X J fheo a Ohio 2.000 764 rhlratrn Alton ..... &' Chicago Gt West. 6,700 44 T4 8 Chicago & N W... 600 184 184 . 184 C. M St Paul... lO.aoo C, C, C 4 St L... 3o0 Colo Fuel & Iron 17.000 Colo & Southern.. 3.70O 300 60O 500 7.SOO 300 2. BOO 3"0 700 6,800 1,600 Bid. 63 63 43T 42 84 66V4 74 y. 42 & 19 60 95 Va 11014 131 142 K'2, 25 'b 60 Vi 116 ..... iiw va 13214 11814 11!4 17". MY 30 30 10414 103 ..... 2tfo Low, S2 .43 42 8414 . 74 42 si 15 W lli 131 142 H n2- 50 4 2.12,S.0iH l.!24.O00 1, 60S, O00 :.i2. ouo 2,1H0.000 3,05,000 3,224. 1H0 72.000 42V,(H0 l,44S,OO0 Provisions. BACON Fancy, 24c per pound; standard, 10.c; choice, 18Mc; English, lGfg'lSc. DRY SAIr CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 13 c; smoked, 14 c ; short clear barks, heavy dry salted, 13 c; smoked, 14 c; Orepron exports dry salted, 14 c; smoked, 15-c. HAMS 10 to IS lbs. 164c; 14 to f16 lbs., t!';ic; 18 to 20 lbs, lUc; hams, skinned, 15 He; picnics. 11c; cottage roil, 12c; shoul ders, 11c; boiled hams, 22 23c; boiled pic nics. 10 c. LARD Kettls rendered: 10s, 154c; 5s, lo'sc; Standard pure: 10s, l4c; 5s, 14 c; Choice : 10s, 13c ; 5s, 13 c Compound: 10s, He; us, 9c. SMOKED BEEF. Beef tongues. each, 60c; dried beef sets, 19c; dried beef out sides, 17c; dried beef Ins ties, 21c; dried beef knuckles. l!Oc PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Piers' feet. $13; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, $1; pigs' tongues, 5 id. 50. BARRELED MEATS Mess beef. $12 ner barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel; mens pork, $20 per barrel; bis- Ket, per barrel. Totals .... 10,4S1.000 012,000 8,233.000 APKICOTS AKE 'OW GOOD SELLERS. Keceipts Are Larjre and at Lower Prices Ittittiness Is Avtlv-a. Apricots have about taksn the place of Bt raw berries as the oenter of interest In the fruit market. Receipts of cots yester day were larga and the demand was brisk. Prices ranged from 11 to $1.50 per crate. A straight car is due today and another later in the week. Strawberry prices had a wide range on Front street. selling at from $1 to $3 per crate, according to quality. Good berries old on the public market up to $1.60. Other fruits were In fair demand and tady in price. Three cars of green bananas and two cars of oranges wene received. A car of new potatoes also came In and prices declined to 34 cents per pound. There Is sttll a little demand for old po tatoes in the South. Two cars w?nt out yesterday. The local Inquiry for old potatoes U dull. LITTLE INTEREST IX SPOT GRAIN (opeculat' o as to Opening Price for Crop Wheat. There wu not much interest manifested 3a the grain market yesterday. The few whe&t sales lately made have been at un changed prices. Values are expected to hold as they are until well up to the time 4-khat the new crop is due. Traders are be ginning to express their opinions as to the probable opening of the coming mark-at. v One of the largest buyers tn the city be Aleves that new club will open at irom 90 Hops. Wool, Hides. Etc. HOPS 1909 contracts. 13 14c ner lb.: ItHMi crop, (y :10c; 1U07 crop, 5y54C; 1906 crop, 2u c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 1722o per pound ; Valley, tine, li3c; coarse, 21 Vc muhaik cnoice, 2 4&20o per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16rxl7a IK- dry kip. No. 1, 15a 16c pound ; dry calf- sKin, isiyc pouna; salted nicies, 9&9c: salted calfskin, 13 3 14c pound; green, lo less. FURS No. 1 skins: Angora goat. $1 t'j $1.25; badger, 25 (g 50c; bear, $6S 20; beaver. u.ii(Li o.w; cat, wua, 'ijictfi i.i.ou; cougar, perfect head and claws. $3 (a 10; nsher, dark. $7.5011; pale, 4 907; fox, cross. $3 to $5; fox. Rray. 60 &" SOc; fox. red, $35: fox. silver, $35 to $100 lynx. $S 15; marten, dark, $S 12; mink, 3.50g 5 50; mukrat. ISii 25c: otter. 2.u0a? 4: raccoon. 6075c; sea otter, $100250 as to size and colon skunks, 55 80c: civet, cat, 10 15c; wolf, $23; coyote, 75c & $125; wolverine uarK, a a; woiverine, pale. yl .&u. CAS CAR A BARK Per pound. 6 cents. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORI, June 14. Evaporated apples, nrn. fancy. fcVic; choice;. (7'g8c prime, 8,&i"P,ic; common to fair, 5-gic. Prune-, steady. Prices range from 24 to 1 1 -H: c for Cal if ornia and from 6 to 9c for Oregonev. Apricots, quiet and Ann. Choice, lO)S104c extra choice, X0-210ic; fancy, HS13c - Peaohee. dull. Choice. S-S-tic; extra choice, 6i4ff-6!c, and fancy, 77 Sc. Raisins, quiet. Loose Muscatel, si-3f4o choice to fancy seeded, 4i1f 614c: eeedlesa London layers. $L15-S1.20. Wool at St. Louis. PT. 1X1IS. June 14. Wool Weak. TerrI tory and Western mediums. 231f2Se; fine me diums. 2226a; fine, lR4?22c Elgin Butter Market. ELiii. in., June 14. Butter Firm at 26&c SaJes -for xhe-weeltv &S6.600 pounds. 2.000 4,2oO 150 1,2 M) 600 700 200 "ilsoo 700 4K 14314 300 0324 41 K 140 S.0O0 74 4,700 43 do 1st preferred. no -ia preierrea. Consolidated Gas Corn Producua , , . Del & liudtion.... 1 & R Grande ... do preferred ... Distillers' Securi.. Erie do 1st preferred . do 2d preferred. General Electric. Gt JCorthern pf . , . Gt Northern Ore.. Illinois Central . . Interborough Met. 16,2J0 do preferred ... 12,400 Inter Harvester. . . Inter-Marine pf . . Int Paper ....... Int Pump Iowa Central K C -Southern .,. do preferred . . . Louis & Nashville Minn & St L M. St P & S S M Missouri Pacific. Mo. Kan & Texas do preferred . . . National Biacult . . . National Lead . 900 Mex Nat Rv 1st of x Central z.wtu ia1 T, Ont & West. 13.100 55 Norfolk & West. 600 90, North American.. U,80 87ij Northern Paciac. . ll.fluQ 153 acific Mail Pennsylvania . 2,500 138 People's iiasi ..... 300 llo C C & tot L Pressed Steel Car 600 44-s ullman Pal Car. Ry Steel Spring. . 700 45 Reading 31,700 156 Kepubllc Steel i:.M .i-Mj rto preferred ... 1,400 Hr7 Va. Rock Inland Co.. 1,800 33 do pref frred . . . 3.300 7074 St L & S P 2 pf. 200 45 Mt . L faouth western 500 2-ft 4 do preferred ... 3tM 68-Vi Slops-Sheffield .... ' Kify. Southern Pacific .. 29,000 132 do preferred ... 39.0OO 134 Vi Southern Railway. 4,100 Sl. do preferred . . . 4no 69 v Tenn Copper . 4rK 41 Vi Texas & facinc. 2,4tK Tol, St L & West. 4O0 fil Union Pacific .... B4,Si0 195 do preferred . . 80O -ftS 155 154 lf54 76T 76Vi 75iA 45 44 44 68 66 57 So 8O14 81 803 MM 81 144-Vi 143s 143 25 247,4 24 191 190 190 Mi 51 6'V4 6" 89 89 88 tI 39 39 39 37 36H 3i 54 63 53 2 a 63 163 H 15t 100 149 149 148 17V W 17 47 4 46 24 25 24 25 a 16 1 1 42 41 41 o 46 46 $ 73 Ity-i 143 66 130 74 42 SEATTLE, Wash., June 14. (SpeclaL) The local cheese market was firmer today on the Dairy Produce Exchange. One dealer onered oOO drums of Oregon cheese ana all the offerings were snapped up Instantly, and other dealers offered to buy more. Til lamook was quoted .wholesale today at IT to 18 cents. Higher prices are looked for Here, owing to the recent dry weather. Three carloads of Eastern eggs arrived today, but prices on those, or fresh, were unchanged. Some wholesalers today advanced the price of lemons 75 cents, following an advance in California. The top price of lemons now is $4.50. Berries sold as low as $1 a crate today under heavy receipts. For the first time this year's berries retailed three boxes for 25 cents. Tomatoes were lower at $1.75 Apricots were quoted at $1.26 to $1.35. uooset ernes were nrm at o to 7 cents. Eight carloads of potatoes arrived today. QUOTATIONS AT8AN FRANCISCO, prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Alarkets. 6AN FRANCISCO, June 14. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: Mil 1st u its Bran, $28.50 30: middlings, $33 (33. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $2.25'2.35. Salinas Burbanks, nominal; sweets, nom inal. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, C5 75c; garlic, 4i-i-rc; green peas, $l'ii.2; string beans, 261.4c; tomatoes, 75c&$1 ; egg plant, TiglOc; asparagus, $1(& 2. Butter Fancy creamery, 26c; creamery seconds, 25 e; fancy dairy, 25c Poultry Roosters, old, $4 (q 5 ; young, $8 iQ 10 ; broilers, small, ? 2. GO fa1 3 ; broilers, large, $3.504.50; fryers, 15.50 6.60; hens, $5ftil0; ducks, old, $5&5.50; young, $68. Eggs Store, 20c; fancy ranch, 26c Cheese New, 1314c; Young Amer ica. 1516c. Wool South Plains and San Joaquin, 12 17c; Mountain, 6pl2c; Nevada, 13 20c Hay Wheat, $19(fr 25; wheat and oats, $1G&20; alfalfa, $810; stock, $8'0; bar ley, $ llg) 14; straw, per bale, SOfa' SOc. Fruits Apples, choice. $1.60; common, 45c; bananas, 75c$3.O0; limes, $45; lemons, choice, $3; commons, $1; oranges, $1.503; pineapples, $24. Receipts Flour, ttts2 quarter sacks; wheat, 120 cental; barley, 7375 centals; beans", 620 sacks; potatoes, 313 sacks; bran, 290 sacks; middlings, 165 sacks; hay, 1472 tons; wool, 258 bait: hides, 1375. Decline of Xearly Two Cents in tne July Te livery- Harvest Xews the Chief Factor tn the Mar ket Cables Bearish. CHICAGO, June 14. Harvest news vas the chief factor In the Wheat market today, al though bearish crop news from foreign, countries- also exerted a weakening influence. With the exoeptloa of a bulge early," the market was weak all day. Jnly declined nearly 2 cents from the high point, the low point being reached at $1.15, against $1.17, the best mark touched early in the day. The markets for eash wheat In the Southwest were demoralized, prices at Kansas ! City being down S-to 7 centa. A heavy tone prevailed at the close, althoug-h prices were about o above the kw mark. July closed at $L161.1. An Increasingly heavy tone for cash corn here and In the West and Southwest had a depressing effect on the futures market. July sold between 72 and 73 c and closed at 72 c. Liquidation In July was the feature of trad ing in oats, the market closing weak, un changed to o lower. Provisions closed strong, with prices 6 to loo higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER SECOKD AMD STARK STREETS WHEAT. Open. lileh. Low. July...... 1.17 tl-lTK L1B74 Sept...... 1.10H. l.lOVi i.oa-H Deo....... 1.08-J. 1.08S 1.075s CORN. July 73-V4 .73-Vi .HV, Sept.. 71 .71 .70". Iec. ...... .69 It ,b OA.TS. July 62 .6S .51 Sept 444), .44 ' .44 Ilea.. 44 .46 .44ft MESS PORK. July 20.65 20.57 V 20. 2 Sept...... 20.80 20.90 20.67 V. LARD. July 11.80 11.8214 11.75 tiept...... 11.82M 11.824 11.82 A July S-ept. SHORT RIBS. 11.05 11.02H 11.05 CloBe. J1.1644 1.09 1.08 .72 .70 .59), .62 .44 ." 20.65 20.87M 11.80 11.87 H 11.07 Vi 11-07 V. THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dost, mad and street noises. ' It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against crocks,, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. .' ' It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITXJLITHI0 INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 817 Beck Building, Portland, Or. DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. 11.05 11.10 11.92 Cash quotations wens as follows: Flour- Steady. Kye No. 2. 88c. Barley Fe-ed or mixing, 8181Vtc; fair Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, No. 1 Northwestern, 11.71 Timothy seed $3.90. Clover S 10.60. Pork Mess, per barrel, $20,150 20.62 H. Lard Per 100 pounds, $11.80. Khort ribs Sides (loose), $1111.12. Sides Short, clear boxed , $11.25 11.37. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were I equal to i2,00O bushels. Primary receipts were 387,000 bushels, compared with 483, 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the united -states a-ecreasea z.uaa.y uu bus tie is for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased 64,000 bushels. istimatea reoepits ior tomorrow : Wheat, 4 cars; corn, 272 cars; oats, 207 cars; hogs, ii,uvv ueuu. ESTABLISHED 1883. BROKERS SHOCKS-BONDS --GRAIN Boofcbt and Bold for caafc and marala. - Private wires Rooms 201 to 204, Couch Building' T",h" 5.5 Klour, barrels...... Wheat, bushels..... Corn, bushels....... Oats, bushels Kye, bushels Receipts. ... 17.500 . .. 6,000 ...241,300 . . .227,700 2,000 Barley, bushels......... 61,500 Shipments. 16,600 90,600 125.800 204.500 " 88,400 Salmon Rim Is Improving. ASTORIA. Or.. June 14. The run of sal mon Is beginning; to show Improvement and the proportion of laxge fish Is lncrealntr. With the end of the flood In the upper river now In Slrnt. tne seiners and outside trap pers will be able to get to work much earlier than -was anticipated a week ago. Up to the present time the seaeon has been of a negative character, but there is still ample time to make good if from now on a. sufficient number of fish enter the river. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Grain and Produce at New Vork. NEW YORK, June 14. Flour Receipts 0155: exports llf29; dull and quiet; un changed. Wheat Receipts 1200; exports 19, SM: spot firm; No. 2 red, 91.61 nominal eleva tor and fl.60 nominal f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 1.8S f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.35 nominal f.o.b. afloat. The July delivery sustained a sharp break early .today, but closed c net lower. Other months eased off In sympathy, clos ing c net lower, although somewhat up from the bottom for the day. July closed Prices Current Totally on Cattle, Sheep and 1.24; SeptAnber closed, L1, and Ie 800 8-3 13H4 64 o IBS izi" 116 "ii" 3214 lo 32 70 "4 44 J 83 Mi 133. Sl-W 69 41 34 61 193 08 83 TJ S Ileal ty IT S Rubber . IT 6 Steel preferred TTtah Councr Ta-Caro Chemical 10.400 Wabash 14.10O do preferred ... 63,700 Western Md 8H Westinghouse Eiec 1.1O0 Western Union .... 500 Wheel sc L. Erie.. .-. Wisconsin Central. 200 Total sales for the day, 76o,900 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK, June 14. Closing quotations: . .187,800 e .. 11,800 12614 20O ftf. 5t4 23 61 Vl S7i 75 8i 1S3 52 54 224 67 1914 74 68 58 -'. 143 68, 14l 75 42 73 105 4 86 62 182yi 64 90 8ti 163 2i"4 13714 115 93 44 190 44 165 32 Kti'i, 32 70 V. 44Vi 25 8 82 130 132 30 8 41 34 60 192" 9754 83 40 S 2Z 61 1 10 58 Hogs. The livestock; market was a quiet affair yesterday and prices held at last week's range. Packers are well stocked with cat tle and sh-aep, and, at the moment, are showing but little Interest In these lines. Hoes continue strong and In light supply. Receipts over Sunday were 224 cattle and 606 sheep. Ical prices quoted at the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Steers, top, S4.75: fair to goocL $4.254.50; common, $4 (ft-1 4.25 ; cows, top, $4; fair to good, $3.&0ti3.7r; common to me dium. $2.50 (S3; calves, top, $5, 5.50; heavy. $3.5034; bulls and Btags, $2.75&3.25; com mon, 22.ou. " r HOGS Best, $8S8.15: fair to good, $7.09 7.75; stockers, $ 6 & o.oO ; China fats, $0.75 G i. SHEEP Tod wethers. 4: fair to trood. $3.60 ftt 3.75; ewes, -.c less on all grades; yearjmgs, oest. ji.ii.; zair to gooa f.i.ioM 4; bpnng iambs. ioa o.-io. cember closed. $1.14 "ft. H ops FX rm . Hides Dull. "Wool Steady. - Ttslble 6npply of Grain. NEW YORK. June 14- The visible sunnlv of grain In the United States, Saturday, June 12, as compiled by the hew York Produce Exchange, was as follows: Bushels. Decrease. Corn .2,8t2,000 9.0O0 Oats 6,031,000 568.040 Rye 178,000 41,000 Barley 805. 000 139, 000 ine visiDie supply in canaaa last Satur day was: Wheat, 3,37.000; decrease. 23,000. Increase. TJ S ref 2s reg.101 do coupon . . . .101 TJ S 3s reg...101 do coupon ..102 TJ s new 4s reg.HS do coupon. . . .121 T & Q 4s 06H N T C a 3s. 93 North Pac 3s... 74 do 4s 302 Union Pacific 4s. 102 Wis Central 4a. . Japanese 4s 68 Stocks at London, LONDON, June 14. Consols for money, 84 3-16; do account, 84. Anaconda 10 N Y Central ....1354 Atchison llTINor & West.... 02 do pfd 107 I do pfd 80 Bait' & Ohio.. 122 Ont & Western. 56 Canadian Pac. .188 ! Pennsylvania ... 70 Ches &. Ohio... 78 Sfe Rand Mines .... 10 Chi Gt West... 4 Reading 79 Eastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO, June 14. Cattle Receipts, es timated at 20.0O0. Market, steady, 10c higher; beeves, $ 5.0' 7..tO; Texas steers, 4.656.25: Wesuern steers. 4.75 (ft ti.HO : stockers and feeders, $3.00& 5.60; cows and neiiers. sn.autjrti su; calves, so.wo s.oo. Hogs Receipts, estimated at 32. 0O0. Market IQft lic higher; light, $7.00(i 7 60; mixed, $7.207 9o; heavy, $7.358.00; rouKn. Y.d&i' i.w. rooq to cnoice hoavv. $7.608.00; pigs, 6.107.0O; bulk of sales. Sheep Receipts, estimated at 12,000. Market, strong; native. 3.756.10; West ern. S3.704ia.15: yearlmKS. .OX(te7 15: lambs, native, $5.258.20; Western, $5.75 KANSAS CITY, June 14. Cattle Re- celnts. 9000. Market, steady to stronar: na tive steers. S 5. OO 61; 7.00: native cows and heifers, 2.50rd 6.50; stockers and feeders, t36O'&'5.50: bulls. SS.O'Jfff' 5.O0 : calves. s:t 7S &7.25; Western steers, -$4 7&f'6-75; Western cows, o.z.t. Hogs Receipts, 9000. Market, 10c to SOc nigner; duik or sales, f .Aua 7.7u; heavy. 1 -tu Q 1 . o ; pacKers ana outcners, -S7.-40 ' 7.70; pigs. $0.OO& 7.00. SheepReceipts: 8000. Market steadv: muttons, $4.75(a 5.75 ; lambs, $6.50iii 8.75; rtt-iijie weineiu, .ouia. o.ou ; range ewes, : 3.i(j0.2u. ' - OMAHA, June 14. Reecipts, 4300. Mar ket, steady to strong; Western steers, -73.50 & 6.OO: Texas steers, $3.00 5.40; lookers ana leeaers, .iwia 0.00; calves, fS. 25(7.00; uuiiH huu siage, iJuu "j' o.ou. Hogs Receipts. 2s)0. Market lOc to 15e nigner; neavies, t .007. To; mixed, $7.45 i.oo; ngni, i.o" (.on; pigs, afi O. yearlings. $5.70 6.75; wethers. $.25 6.25; ewes, fj.uu 4f o.uui ittiiius, I .wiff O.W. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. June 14. Wheat, firm: barley, weak. Wpot quotations: wheat Shipping. 2.lOa 2.25 per cental; milling, $2.102.20 per cental. Barley Feed, ?1.401.45 per cental. Oats Red. S2.KM&2.20 per cental: white. I $2.15fif2.20 per cental. i.aii coara oaies wariey. jjeeember. xi.rbu per cental; July, $1.40 per cental bid. C1.42 per cental asked. European Grain Market. LONDON. June 14. Cargoes, firm. Sellers firm, buyers quiet. Walla Walls on passage at 45s. English country markets, oulet. but steady. French country markets, 50 centimes cheaper. LIVERPOOL, June 14. Wheat July. 9s SLfl: September. 8s 63&.d: December. 8a 4W,.d Weather, fine. Wheat at Seattle. SEATTIjE. June 14. No mllllnr Quotations. ExDort wheat: Bluestem. SI. 24: club. SI. 14: red, $1.09. Receipts: Wheat. 6 care; oats, 4 cars. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, June 14. Wheat Milling: Blue- stem, $1.30-1.35; club, S1.X4. Export: Blue stem, $1.24; club, $1.14; red, $1.09. flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. June ' 14. Flax closed $10H- New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK June 14. Closing C, M & S P 159i Do Beers ...... J o D & R O C2 do pfd . . .w. 91 Erie 37 do 1st pfd. 55 do 2d pfd ... 45 Grand Trunk . . 2 111 central 15liM L & N 146i Southern Ry. . . ao rjfd .... j Southern Pao. . Union Pacific. . do pfd . . . . , U S Steel ..... do pfd ..... Wabash ...... do pfd ..... Spanish 4s M, Kan & Tex., 44, Amal Copper. . 3H . 71 .14 .199 .180 . 71 .138 . 23 . 59 . 47 . 88 tions: Alice . . . . 200 Brunswick Con. 5 Com Tunnel . . 28 Com Tun Bonds 18 Con Cal & Va. . 65 Horn Stiver. ... 65 Iron fillver ...120 quota- Leadvilie .Con 4TS Little C$ilef .... 8 Mexican 511 On tario ........ 3X0 Ophtr 10 hianaard 175 ieilow Jacket.. 40 Money, Exchange, Etc LONDON, June 14. Bar silver, dull at 24 l-16d per ounce. Money, 11 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills is 1 per cent; for three months' bills, 1 per cent, ' SAN FRANCISCO, June 14 Silver bars, 52 Uc. Mexican dollars, 44c. Drafts Sight, nar; telegraph, 24c. Sterling on London. 60 day-sC $4.86; sight, 4.87. NEW YORK, Juno 14? Money on call easy st 1(2 per cent: ruling rate and closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent; time loans. BOSTON, June 14. Closing quotations: Adventure ..... S Mon Coal & Coke 25 Allouez . . . . 42 Nevada 23 Ariz Com ..... 42 Old Dominion.. 55 Atlantic ....... UP4 uHceoia 13s Butte Coal ... 26 Parrot ;j5 Cal & Ariz . . . lOSi IKhannon ... 16 Tamarack ...... 14 Trinity 12- United Coooer.. Irt U S Mining.... 4 Centennial 33 Copper Range. . 83 Daly West .... 8 Franklin 17 Granby 105 Green Cananea. 10 14 Isle Royale 27 Victoria .... Mass Mining.,!. 9 Winona ..... Michigan .. . 10 j Wolverine Mohawk ...... 67' (North Butte U S Oil Utah ;ss 43 - 5 .150 . 48 New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 14. Cotton futures closed steady. June, July and Auugst, 10.83c; eeptember, io.prc; CKitooer and November, 10.86c; December and May. 18.80c; January, 18.80c: March. 10.87c. Spot closed quiet, 15 points higher. Middling uplands, 11.35c; middling gulf, 10.60c; no sales. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. June 14. Snot tin wm ' shade higher In the English market at 134 7s 6d, but futures were unchanged at 135 12s 6d. The local market was dull, with spot quoted at 29.35 -S29.65Q. 0 - vopper was lower in London with snot at 59 10s and futures at 60 7s 6d. The local market was dull and unchanged; lake, 13.62 Vz & 13.75c; electrolytic, 13.37 13.30c; casting, 13.2513.37c Lead lower at 13 3s 9d In London and dull locally at 4 35 4, 45c. Hpeiter uncnangea in London and dull locally at C.35 g 5.40c Iron was a shade hiirher In London . with Cleveland warrants at 48s 10d. The local market was unchanged. Coffee and Sugar. . NEW YORK, June 14. Coffee futures closed quiet, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales 11.000 bags. Including: July at 6-45 6.50c; September, 5-95; December, ana. January, 5.80c; March, 6. 80 5.85c Spot quiet; No. 1 Rio, 7fcf8c; No. 4 San tos. 9c; mild quiet; Cordova, 9&12. bugar Raw, Z Irna ; fair refining. 8.42a: Centrifugal 96 test, 3.92c; molasses sugar. .iic; rerinea. steaoy; crushed, o.esc: now dered, 5.05c; granulated, 4.95c. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. M. Healy et al. to H. W. Thatcher, lot 20. Mock 84-. Waverleigh Hts... Zavla Investment Co. to A. E. Roy, lot 5. block 2. Wibsrg Heights I. L&wengart to 8. M. Conn, lots 3, 4. and fractional lots C. 8, block 280, Couch Add. Catharln. Maddux to Mary C. Pack ard. B. of lot 7, block T. Para dlea Springs Tract; also tract sit uated east ot and adjoining samo Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Ern est, lots 7, 6, block 6, Berkeley - Security Abstract & Trust Co- to Ella M. Crawford, lots 10, 11, block So. Klmhurst J. EL Scott and wife to Victor Land Co., lot 23. block 2. Multnomah Park; also S. 65 feet of lots IS, 14, block. 25, Fulton Park D. A. Boyer and wife to Jesse Hob son, lot 2. block 2. Borne Add..... R. w. Wilbur et al. to Jesse Hobson, property in Market-St. Add JL. w. uoaa&ra et au to uoiue Stan ford, lot 3, block 239, East Port land W. T. Harlow to F. A. Lance et al., S. S3 1-3 feet of lot 3. block S. South Sunnyside T. C. Bell to Edith Ray, W. Vt of lot 3. block "B," Smith's Add Otto Michaelson and wife to C. O. Donavan, part of lot 15, block 1, Alblna Homestead Municipal Ry. & Imp. Co. to W. T. Orcutt, lots 8, 4. 6, block 8. Ter race Park Christine Hoff to P. A- Marquam, Jr.. lot 1L. block 18. Willamette Add... Q. L. Webb and wife to L. R. Pack wood, lot a. block 3. Webb's Add.. Dennis Madlgan to C. C. Burton, lot 1 and S. 10 feet of lot 17, block 4H, Irvlngton Irvington Investment Co. to same, same property . John Ingham to E. O. Klrkman, lot - n'ex . 8.000 Moore Inv. Co. to Otto Brauer et al.. lots 11, 12. block 8T. Vernon 1,150 B. M. Lombard and wife to Jean 8. Mackenzie, property near Broadway and Hancock streets Rose City Park Association to H. J. Blaesing. lots 5 to 12. block 122, Rose City Park Moore Investment Co. to Adolf Bchulz, lot 13, block 87, Vernon.... Moore Investment Co. to T. M. Kel logg, lot 1 and E. V of lot 2, block o& vernon 3. Q. Shadinger and wife to Her man Peper. S. 60 feet of lots 1, 2. block 4, Subd. of Rlvervlew Add. . . C C. Vaughn et al. to J. F. Logan, trustee, Subd. of lots 1 to 4. block 19, Whit wood Court C. B. Cardinell and wife to A. L. Fields. N. of Subd. of Tract 6. . . E. W. Morrison to L. R. Fields, S. 14 of lot 11, block 3, Barrett Add. A. K. Reynolds et al. to J. D. Mackie, W. V, ot N. W. of N. W. 14 of Sec. 28. T. 1 8.. R. 1 E. . . Central Trust & Inv. Co. to W. B. Chase et al., S. 21.8 feet of lot 2 and lot 8. block 10, Central Add. . . J. K. Thompson, guardian, to M. Kutner, undivided two-fifth, of lots 7, 8. block 28, Caruthers Ad, to Caruthers W. H. Davles to E. J. Elliott, undi vided half of lot 14, block 52, Sun snyside Charles Carlson to Annl Zednlk, lots 86. 87. block 9, Stanley Add. No. 2 Victor Land Co. to August Wesen berg, lots 1. 2, block 3. Corona Park Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to Louis Berland. lots 1. 2, block 48. West Portland Park F. E. Schwan and wife to Reuben Kudelman. lot 1. block 69. Vernon O. w. P. Townsite 0. to Julia W. Brakamp. lot 7, Tlock 18, City View Park J. H. Reeves and wife to J. H. Dev lin et al., lot 7, Subd. of lot 1, Paradise Springs Farm Moore Investment Co., to W. B. Donahue, lot 16, block 85, Vernon.. Isaac Vtggers and wife to P. G. Herner, lot 10. block 6, Park View Tlnie L. Hyams and husband to E. J. Ellison. S. 50 feet of lots 9, 10, block IS, John Irvlngs First Add. C. E. Hall and wife to A. A. Hesse mer, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, block. 1, Webber's Add t .. J. J. Kadderly and wifa to G. L. Reea. lot 7, block 9. Cole's Add Albert Rodlun and wife to E. W. Reder. N. V4 of lot 1 and N. H of W. 16 2-3 feet of lot 2, block 3. Elsmere Park Land Co. to J. V. Nordgren, lots 15, 16, 17, 18, block 101, Uni versity Park A. F. Kelly to Margaret A. Barnes, lots 11. 12, block 117, University Park University Land Co. to Margarst A. Barnes, lots 9, 10, block 117, Uni versity Park Etta Jones to J. W. Lehman, lot 4. block 14. yity View Park Victor Land 'Co. to Augusta Bansch. lot 23. block 2. Multnomah Park. Scott-McClure Land Co. to Augusta Bansch. lot 24, block 2, and lots 22. 23, block 8. Multnomah Park... EI. A. Sessions and wife to Christian Weddeler et al.. 10 acres of Sec 3. T. 1 S.. R. 8 E 2,000 7. A. Sessions and wife to Herman Rettltr. 25 acres in Sec 3. T. 1 S.. R. 3 E W. B. Barksdale and wife to Marx Remlinger. W. H of lot 9, block 4, Albiha Add Mrs. N. H. Snltter to J. T. Peterson, lots 38, 34. 35, 86, block 8, Point View Emma Neep to J. T. Peterson, same as above . ... ...... ............... X a. Neep to J. T. Peteison, same as above Elizabeth Boar dm an and husband to Edith Walker, lot 3, block 5, Nut Grove 400 I A. Rolling to W. T. Oroutt, lots 8, 4. 6. bloek 8. Terrace Park 650 I Title -Guarantee Trust Co. to F. A. Jacobs, lot 24. block 4, Berkeley.. B. M. Lombard and wife to D. B. Hart, lots 1. 2, block 16. Railway Add. , 183 1.100 200 1,285 1 8.000 4,125 7.000 2.850 10 800 1,360 10 136 1 1,650 700 1.600 800 800 625 10 10 140 10 250 10 100 150 90 1,400 250 10 550 675 1,960 8 10 475 775 400 450 580 150 600 8,000 9.600 1 1.000 1.200 1,200 1 100 10 H. H. Pomeroy to Walter Rosenfeld, lot 4, block 8. Manning's Add Totl 53,776 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT TRUST CO. Room 6, Board of Trade bids. Abstracts a specialty. Have your abstract, mads by the Title A Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerc. TBATELEKS GUIDE. S( ALASKA AND BACK INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS Only $6 Day for 11 Day BUMMER EXCURSIONS via "Inside Pas sage" from Seattle to Land of Midnight Sun. Totem Poles. Ice Floes. Glaciers, Mirage. Fjords, Mountains. Islands and Forests. ONLY TWELVE EXCURSIONS RESERVE-BERTHS NOW Pacific Coast Steamship Co. E. F. DeGuhufei, F. & F. Agt. 249 Waahlnrton Street Portland j$amburg-Jimerican Ivondon ParisHamb-nrsr. Bluecher June lrtj P.Grant(new) June 80 Amertka. . . .June 19 Ttaiserln July 8 G WaJdersee, June 24 Pennsylvania. .July 7 Clever d (new) June 2t; P. Lincoln (new) July 14 "Kits Carlton & la carte Kestaurant. via Gibraltar, Naples SLnd Genosv. S. 8. HAMBTTRO, July U Auff. 14. MOLTKE, July 22. Sept. . " BATAVIA, JSept. 23. Naples and Genoa only. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. Hambnnr-Amcrican IJne, 160 Powell St.. ISan FranclMo, and liocal Atent. Portland. ITALY HONOLULU end back $11Q, First Class Beats Them All for sailing-, enrf boatin g. surf -board ridiner. seabathrn&r. swtmmingr and aquatic sports; nshinsr. base ball, tennis, golf, automobiling:. Most at tractive spot on entire round the world tour. Five and one-half days from San Francisco by S.S. Alameda wireless), sailing June 5. 26. July 17th. Aug. 7, etc. BOOK NOW and secure the best berths. Line to Tahiti. New Zealand and Australia S. S. Mariposa sailing July 1, Aug. 6, etc. Tahiti & back f 125. Wellinsrton & bacle 260. O. S. S. Co., 673 Market St., San Francisco S CANDISANVIAN-AMERlCAN line 10.000 Ton Twin-Screw Passensrer Steamer Direct to Norway, Sweden and Denmark CF.Tletgen..June l7IUnited States. July 22 HelliS Oiav..June 24lHellisr Olav. . . .Aug. 5 Oscar II July 3iOscar II Aug-. 19 All Steamers K-quipped With, Wireless. First Cabin, $75 upward; second cabin, $57.50 A. E. JOHNSON & CO.. 100 Washington ave.. So. Minneapolis, Minn., or to local agts NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, Ban Francisco and Los Angeles direct. The steamships Roa noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at 3 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314. - H. YOUNG, Agent. SAN RA CISCO te PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Only direct steamer and daylight sailing. From Alnswortn Xock. Portland. 9 A. M. 8.8. Kom City, June 19, July 3. S.S. Stale of California, June 26. From Lombard tit., San Francisco. 11 A. M. &.. IStute of California, June 19. S.S. Kom City, June 26, July 10. J. W. Kansom, Dock Arrent. Main 2t8 Ainsworth rock. M. J. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 Sd St.. Phone Main 402. A 1402. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer : PORTLAXO-A8TOIUA. Hound trip daily except Monday, for As toria and way landings; leaving; Portland at 7 A. M., arriving Astoria 1 P. M. Return ing, leave Astoria 3 P. M-. arrive Portland 9:45 P. M. Sunday excursion. Astoria and re turn. Leave Por tlan d 8 A. M. ; return 9 , P. M. ; fare Jl.OO round trip. Portland, Washlngton-St. dock. Phone Main 6619. Cal lender dock. Astoria. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves port- . land every Wedxie-Ml-wj, g p. M-, from Alns wortn dook, for Mortb Bend. Mar sun eld as 4 Coos Bay points. Freight received till 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second-class, $7. including trta and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Alas wort Aeeit, .PaeBe Mala 20