3 $1.50 Oriental Cream Face Lotion, Friday Sp'l, 89c 50c Tar of Satin Skin Cream, Friday Special, . 33c 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, Friday, 32c Pond's Extract Face Cream, Friday Special, ..21c Frostilla Face Cream, Friday Special, . .... 1 7c $1.00 Bromo Seltzer, Owl Cut Rate, . . . 59c 25c Violet Ammonia, Owl Cut Rate, . . . 1 7c 25c Witch Hazel, Owl Cut Rate, . . . . 18c 50c Wyeth's Sodium Phosphate, Owl Cut Rate, 33c 25c Solace Foot Powder; Owl Cut Rate; . . 1 6c J3 July Delineator Now in July Patterns Now in MERCHANDISE OF MERIT ONLY a: 15,000 Pairs Full Length Extra Quality Double Tipped 16 -Button Length Silk Gloves at 78c EH $20.00 TAILORED SUITS FRIDAY AT $12.95 EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF WAISTS $3.98 THE MORNING OREGONIAX. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1909. en The phenomenal success in our suit department during the past month leads buyers to expect great things, whenever we offer anything special in this section. For Friday's" sale we offer a very large assortment of Ladies' Tail ored Linen Suits. These we obtained from an East ern house from which we secure most of our exclusive garments. Highest class Tailor-Made Suits of extra quality pure linen in natural, tan, white, light blue and pink, made with 38-inch semi-fitted coat, single-breasted, pearl buttons and contrasting combination trim mings on collar and cuffs. The skirts are after the newest flare models. . Ther is an element of distinction in these suits. No skimping of workmanship. Every suit of refined modishness, for which our suits are so well known. Friday $12.95 POPULAR LINEN CRASH SUITS FRIDAY Special $15 To those who make critical inspection of these linen crash suits will find them decidedly superior to what any other stores are accustomed to show at this figure. We have sold many linen suits before but never such values as We offer in this sale at $15.00 each. These linen suits are made of imported material in nat ural colors. They are strictly tailormade, single breasted coats, in 45-inch new Summer length. Buttoned with large black jet nail heads. The shirts are very full and made in the new flare models. These suits would be considered excel lent value in any store at $22.50 each. FRIDAY VERY SPECIAL AT $15.00 FRIDAY GREAT SALE OF LADIES' HOSE 27c PAIR Another sample line of Ladies' fine Hosiery. In fine cot ton gauze and mercerized gauze cotton, ingrain lisle. These hose are just the proper weight for Summer wean com bine with this a very fine quality, add the reduced price and you produce a sale that no woman can overlook. The colors are black, white, smoke, plum, tan, helio, greens, wistaria, bronze, rose, in fact all desirable colors in fancy stripes, verticals, embroidered boots and lace embroidered. VALUESTO 85c PAIR FRIDAY 27c Waists Selling at $ 1 0.00 Friday $3.98 133 Waists of best quality' Messaline, Lingerie and Linen in an endless assortment of styles and novelty designs ; some are hand-embroidered, others trimmed with Irish crochet and fancy lace. All have fancy lace yokes, novelty long sleeves tucked and trimmed, selling regular to $10. These Waists are all new this season, but owing to nu merous sales we have left broken lines. In every style waist you will find a com plete assortment of sizes, but in most cases only one or two of a size. "We have collected these into one big assortment and re-priced them to close them out in one day's sale, and we urge you to come in the morning when the assort ment is complete and the best styles are not sold out. This is the biggest waist spe cial we have offered this season. SJT Specials in New Suit Cases $2.25 Straw Suit Cases at $1.79 Leather corners, shirt fold. $4.00 Straw Suit Cases at $2.89 Leather corners, ring handles. $6.00 Straw Suit Cases at $3.90 Straps all around, shirt fold, heavy leather bound. 1 CHILDREN'S HAT SPECIAL 59c You never bought children's trimmed sailor hats for little boys and girls for less than double the price that we are asking for these- Friday Bargains. IVe place it very mildly when we say there are many hats in these lots, Milan, Java, Sumatra and chip sailors that sell from $2 to $4 apiece. There are over 1000 sample hats in this assort ment. You will find table after table covered with these pretty children's hats all marked for Friday at one price, 59c This is the second sale of these hats this season. Two weeks ago we had one lot which we thought sufficient for our trade. They were sold out in two days time. We wired to New York and, encouraged with our previous sale, purchased the entire sample lot from one of the biggest hat manufacturers. These new hats are on sale Friday, They are the best ever offered in our millinery department. - 2000 Men's Shirts Reg. $1.50 Value In all new colors, collars and cuffs attached. Finest finish and very best styles and workmanship. Great est bargain this year. Friday 98c ' NEW SUMMER HATS SPEC $3.95 For Friday we place on our bargain tables a new line of Summer Hats in many different shapes of natural straw. The hats are all trim med in white with white wings, feathers and quills in both satin finish and. rough Java, Sumatra braids. The Values of these hats easily run from $6 to $8. Friday $3.95 1000 UNTRIMMED HATS AT 50c Another lot of new untrimmed Hats, in black and burnt, the very latest Summer styles in Mushroom and Broad Brim shapes in rough and smooth Straws, regular values from $ 1 .00 to $2.50 each FRIDAY ONLY 50c $ 1 .75 Hammocks $ 1 . 25 & mocks: iiist ho i -mm-oV -fV tl $4.00 Hammocks $3.15 Handsome Oriental Ham mock, made of a double-faoed fabric ; complete with deep valance, concealed spreader. $2.00 Hammocks $1.49 Woven Hammock of three ply yarn ;' full -width valance, upholstered pillow and spreader complete. $3.00 Hammocks $2.49 Woven Hammock of small jacquard pattern; throwback pillow, tufted, with deep val ance; spreader complete. REAL MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE The success of our June White Sale this year has been more gratify ing to us than ever before. With one-tenth the advertising done by other stores we have commanded the attention of shoppers and received their patronage. Women have bought and compared values, and our Muslin Underwear Department has won a fresh victory. We are keep ing faith with the public, as we always do, with new, fresh, real bar gains for Friday. B. $3.50 White Petticoats $2.19 Ladies' fine lawn and cambric Petti coats, deep flare flounce of lace and insertion or fine blind embroidery and cluster tucks. $2.75 White Petticoats $1.69 Ladies' white Petticoats, made of cambrio tops, with deep . embroidery ruffle and separate- dust ruffle and lace and insertion ruffle. $2.75 Combination Suits $1.73 Ladies' combination Drawers and Cor set Covers, made of crossbar dimity, wide fine embroidery, beading and rib bon trimmings. $1.75 Corset Covers at $1.10 Nainsook Corset Covers, daintily trimmed with fine laces, insertions, headings, ribbon and fine French em broideries. Open front or back. $2.25 Nainsook Gowns $1.69 Kxtra fine quality nainsook, daintiest trimmings of embroidery, banding, lace insertions and medallions; yoke, slipover styles, V, circular and square shape neck. $1 .25 Nainsook Drawers 85c Ladies' Crossbar Nainsook Drawers, Isabelle and regulation style, lace edg ing and cluster tucks; also embroid ery trimming. $1.00 Cambric Drawers 49c Ladies' cambric Drawers, deep blind embroidery ruffle, cluster tucks, open or closed. $2.00 Nainsook Gowns $1.45 Ladies' fine nainsook Gowns, Empire and slip-over styles, high, V and low neck, embroidery, lace insertion, bead ing, ribbon trimmed. $1.25 Corset Covers at 85c Ladies' fine nainsook Corset Covers, circular neck, embroidery, lace inser tion beading and ribbon trimmed. 65c Cambric Drawers at 39c Ladies ' Cambric Drawers, wide ruffle, with one or two lace insertions or lace edging. $1.75 Ladies' Gowns at $1.10 Ladies' fine cambric and nainsook Gowns, all newest laces, embroideries, insertion and ribbon trimmings; slip over, circular, square and V-shape neck. 85c Corset Covers at 59c Ladies' nainsook Corset Covers, em broidery or lace trimmings, beading, ribbon. Does This Appeal to You) LINENS HALF High-grade Tablecloths, Japanese Hand-drawn, Irish Hand-embroidered Scarfs and Squares. The only defect in these goods is the mussed and soiled condi tion, due only from counter display Japanese Drawn Squares Irish Embroidered Scarfs 30x30, $1.00, special 50 18x54, regular $2.00, special. .. .$1.00 30x30, $2.50, special $1.25 18x54, regular $2.50, special $1.25 30x30, $3.75, special $1.90 - 18x54, regular $3.00,. specal $1.75 36x36, $3.00; special Sj51.50 Also many other specials in these 20x30, $2.00, special.. $1.00 Squares and Scarfs on Friday. a: $7 Patent Leather Bags $3.98 10- inch bags, fitted with purse, ring handles. $8 Patent Leather Bags $4.98 11- inch Bags, leather lined, fitted with coin purse. Large Seal Leather Bags $ 1 .98 Double handle, leather lined and fitted. $3.50 Automobile Scarfs $1.98 You will surely need an automo bile scarf for the races Saturday. For Friday we offer 500 chiffon and liberty silk automobile scarfs in two to three yard lengths and i4 yards in width. These scarfs come in black and white and a dozen delicate shades. Prices range up to $3.50, FRIDAY $1.98 50c Fluffy Hair Rolls'.'. 21 75c Fluffy Hair Rolls .39 $1.00 Fluffy Hair Rolls ..59 .Summer Underwear Sale 25c Ladies' Cotton 1 Q Ribbed Vests I ?C Low neck, no sleeves. 29c Cotton Ribbed O O Ladies' Vests ,Z?C Low neck, short sleeves. 43c Lisle aa Vests -'W Low neck, no sleeves, plain or trimmed. 63c Mercerized Vests, C O extra fine lisle. J JC Low neck, no sleeves. 45c Ladies' O Q Pants ..DDO Made with bands, tight tops and knee or umbrella styles. 75c Carved Barrett es 29c Large Carved . and Sawed Barrettes, big assortment. . 35c Back Combs 16c Heavy top, shell or amber. $3.00 Hair Switches $1 .48 Long Wavy Switches made of real hair FULL LENGTH CURTAIN SAMPLES Values to $5.00 Pair, Friday 69c Each Here is a sale that never fails to at tract the attention of such shrewd buyers as hotel, boarding-house and rooming-house keepers. The an nouncement of our Annual sale of manufacturers samples always draws to our drapery department a throng of eager buyers. For Friday we offer 500 pairs of manufacturers' samples worth up to $5.00 a pair. These go on sale without reserve at, each . . ... . . . . . 69c $2.00 Bungalow Art Craft Rugs Friday $ 1 .39 Val. to 25c, Imitation Cluny and Torchon, 5c We will close out the balance of our stock of White and Ecru Imitation Cluny : and Imitation Torchon Laces and Insertions, widths from 154 to 5 inches wide. We have collected' these into one large lot and marked them all at one price. Regular values to 25 c, at 5 c yard. THREE BELT SPECIALS At 53c, Regular $1.00 Value White, brown, green, gray, red and black Belts, gilt and green metal buckles, plain and fancy elastic. 3 WMwmm mi mmSm At 29c, Regular 50c Value White Wash Belts, embroidered and plain tailor made, pearl and gilt buckles. At 59c, Regular $1.00 Value White embroidered Wash Belts, "Kayser's" and other designs, pearl buckles, plain tailorred, stitched jj ana DiaeK ana wnite enecis.