THE 3IORXING- OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNF 11, 190S. The White Sale Lasts Only Two Days More--Take Advantage of the Great White Sale Bargains at A Y ECONOMY SA TH OUR Ox J. -J sewing machines set pace for the I.I-XHUHJ U. wnoie -world in sewing machine quality and reliability. They are the gauge by which all other machines are judged and usually found wanting. We have the exclusive Portland agency for STANDARD sewing machines. Olds9 Worinnan $z:King j J iff stO Corsets are tno Dest made for full figures. Abdomen is reduced in the twinkling "of an eye, and a perfectly designed, comfortable corset. Molds all superfluous flesh intq pleasing lines. Agents Royal Worcester, Bon Ton and Adjusto corsets. All are great values. Kid Gloves 95c the Pair Two-clasp style, kid or cape gloves in broken lines of regular $1.50, $1.75 and $2 grades. Good assortment of colors. Your choice for Friday's selling, lot of QCp 300 pairs at, the pair ..duu WHITE SILK GLOVES In two-clasp 12 and 16-button lengths. Kaiser's or Fowne's make, for the white sale, every pair of White Gloves we own reduced in price. Women's Neck wear II Valenciennes Laces Sample lines of Jabots, Rab&ts, Dutch Collars, Venice Li&ce Collars. Croat Stocks, etc Some are slight ly mussed from display. Regular values up to 35c at 19 Regular values up to 75c, choice for Frldny 39d WOMEN'S BELTS In silk, elastic, leather and novelties, all fitted with neat buckles, values up to 75c, at 29f For trimming" wash dresses, etc., S to Inches wide. Good assortment of patterns. Values to 25c the yard, at ..14 NARROW PERSIAN BANDS for trimiuingr cloth dresses, some are short lengths. Included are colored applique trimming's in solid colors or Persian effects. Regular values up to 45c the yard, your choice for Friday's selling lO The Silverware Silver Tea Sets, in handsome designs; 4 or 5 pieces, specially reduced for the White Sale. Four-Piece CC Q Tea Set, reg. $7.50, special " 4-pieee, $15.50 val., special. .$12. 20 4- piece, $22.00 val., special. .$517.50 5- piece, $36.50 val., special. .$529.00 Bread Trays, $1.50 value, at 98 Bread Trays, $2.25 value, at.. $1.35 Bread Trays, $3.75 value, at..J52.75 Water Sets, $9.50 values, at..i7.50 Water Sets, $10.25 values, at. $8.23 Haviland China Dinner Sets, of 60 pieces, regular $38.50 val- -COR Cfl ues, on sale for OU.JU 100 pieces, $57.50 values. . .$45.75 117 pieces, $78.00 value $62.00 Haviland China Dinner Sets, of 60 pieces; regular $44.50 value ;COE flfl on sale for, per set AJ.UU 100 pieces, $65.00 value. .. .$37.00 117 pieces, $89.50 value $63.75 Rogers' 3est Silverware, set of 6 teaspoons, special at.... Dessert Spoons, 6 for $1.58 Tablespoons, set of 6 for $1.80 Lace Curt'ns In Brussels or Renaissance "effects, splendid patterns and qualities; 50 inches wide; 3 or 3 yards long. Note the exceptionally low prices. Curtains regularly worth ft OC $1.75; special per pair .pl.fcJ $2.00 Curtains, per pair... $1.43 Cm-tains, regularly worth ffl "Tfl $2.25 the pair; special. . $450 Curtains, the pair.. $2.95 Curtains, regularly worth CO QC $5.00 the pair; special -PJUJ $7.50 Curtains; the pair.. $4.93 The Cut Glass 90c Muslin Curtains Very neat and dainty muslin Cur tains, with pretty ruffled border, pure white; an extra good tfl QC grade. Reg. $2.50; special 1.3 d $2.75 Muslin Curtains $2.10 $3.25 Muslin Curtains $2.30 We have the exclusive Portland agency for Libbey's, the riohest of all makes of cut glass. In choosing a re membrance of the Rose Show, a birthday gift, a wedding present or a well-selected gift of any sort, can you think of anything better than a piece of sparkling, scintillating cut glass! 5-inch Nappies, $1.75 values. .$1.40 8-inch Bowls, $5.00 values... .$4.00 Sugar and Creamers, reg ular $4.00 values, for Sugars and Creamers, reg- CO fin alar $10 values, on sale for. . .0.UU Water Bottles, $4 values for. .$3.20 Water Bottles, $8 values for. -S6.40 Cologne Bottles, $8 values for.$6.40 Cologne Bottles, regular $11.50 ffQ Oft values, on sale for UXU Vases, worth $3.50, each $2. SO Vases, worth $5.50, each $4.40 Vases, worth $7.50, each $6.00 Vases, worth $15.00, each. . .$12.00 Rose Bowls, $9 values, each.. $7.20 Fern Pots, $10 values, each. .$8.00 .$3.20 25 c Ribbons WctheYard Fancy or plain Ribbons in a large assort ment of styles, colorings; 1 to 5 inches wide, and regularly worth up to 25c Iftp the yard; choice of an immense lot at. Ub Novelty Ribbons, In 5 to 10-yard pieces; one-quarter to three-quarter-inohes wide; regular values to 35a the piece; your 1 n. choice of these while they last at... IUb Women's linen Handkerchiefs With one eighth or one-quarter-inch hem; very sheer or Cambric linen; fine assortment to select from; regular 20c value; your choice at.... Children's School Handkerchiefs, in plain white camone or wnite, witn colored borders; reg ularly worth 5e each; special, per dozen...., All Handkerchiefs are marked at very extraordi nary low prices for the White Sale. Look at them. AutomoDUe veua ana veilings; all the new .colorings and styles; priced at $1.75 to... $7.50 : W; 10c white 35c Hats $3.50 Extremely smart trimmed and dress Hats; large or small shapes and in very popular colors. Models in a class by themselves for style; originality and desirability: regu lar values up to $10.00; CI Eft your choice again Friday. .43.dJ Dres Hats In a better grade than the above, trimmed with fruit, rib bons, flowers, etc.; quaint, jaunty shapes of preferred straws and braids; every one of the most de iirable colors. Regular val- tfC nil ues up to $15; your choice, 4v.UU r Embroideries Now 17c Yd. Nainsook, Swiss and Cambria ma terials in edares, bands, corset cov er embroideries and 12-lnch flouno tngs. A fine assortment of patterns to select from. Regular values up to 46c the yard, choloe 174 18-Inch Flouncln(r.and Corset Cover Kmbroldeiies. Values up to $1 the yard, at 37 35c White Hose, Pr. 19c Women's White Hose, plain lisle or with embroidered boot, worth 85c pair, at 194 WHITE hose in embroidered de plgn. all-over lace or boot lac worth to 65c the pair, at 39 PLAIN LISLE HOSE In tan or fast black, regular values to 50c, at 294 FHILDRE N'l HOSE, fast black, medium weight, slses 6 to H. 20c values 114 Included in this lot Ta offer chil dren's Lace Hose In nearly all slses, but broken lots and odd lines. Values to 4uc, at 114 WOMEN'S VESTS AWI PANTS, ecru shade, ribbed Balbrigrg-an, values up to Sc. choice 394 WOMK.V'S BATHUVQ SUITS, in black or navy .blue, trimmed with wash braid. Values to $2.50 'or . 1.85 WOMEN'S BUMMER. W EIGHT VESTS, low nock, no sleeves, lace trimmed or silk tape with crochet edge, regular values up to 35c, at 19J Keffular values to 60a at 294 Stupendous Sale Silk Dresse S WORTH TO $55 S14M Jap Parasols Fourth Less Jap Parasols, in hand embroid ered desipns, fitted with metal or bamboo frames; come in white, light blue, pink, heliotrope, etc Very neat desiens. Regular price $5 to $25.00. ONE-FOUKTH LESS 'VEN with the wonderful record we have established for greater than elsewhere bargains, this sale is one that eclipses any value we have yet offered. Nearly eight hundred of the richest garments we have ever seen that could possibly be sold for less than double the price these are marked at. Our Miss Bernard made a wonderful purchase when she secured these silk dresses in New York at an average of one-third their regular wholesale price, and the entire purchase is offered in one tremendous sale. They 're made of messaline, taffeta, foulard and rajah silk. Most of them are in messaline--the most popular silken weave for this season 's wear. Every. possible shade is included in the assortment. They are trimmed simply and in good taste with tucks and pleats or elaborately garnished with Persian braids, lace, nets, braids, drop trimmings, and in many styles. There are Princess or Empire models. A splendid chance to save on fresh new goods. These values completely eclipse any you've' had an opportunity to share in this year. See display in Fifth-street windows. Values up to $55.00, Friday selling at Rose festival Cushions 42c Rose Festival Souvenir Cushion Tops; tinted in the official carni val shadespink and green and stamped in an attractive and ap propriate rose design. Plain back to match; a splendid souvenir of the Rose Show; special values for Friday in the art depart ment; great bargain, at.. 42c 25c Mottoes at 15c Each All the good, clever sayings of the day ; several subjects to select from fine for the den, bedroom, cosy corner, etc. Kegular 25c 1 hp value; your choice Friday. ' Jb TOILET REQUISITES FOR THE SUMMER OUTING. Toilet Cream in collapsible tube. Toilet Waters in convenient sized bottles for the traveling case. Toilet and Talcum Powders, in all best foreign and domestic makes. Hair Brushes, convenient for travelers. Prepare for your Sum mer vacation or exposition trip, by a trip to our Toilet Goods Dept. Girard's Talcum Powder, Cupid brand; large can, worth Op 15e; special Friday at 0 b Ever Sweet, neutralizes all odors from perspiration; sell regu- OKp larly at 35c; special, box..." r i Bath Towels Special at 19c A rousing, splendid special for Fri day in the linen aisle; 500 dozen bath towels with hemmed ends; full bleached and ready for IQp use; special Friday, each..... 13b Table Cloths of Richardson's Irish damask, in handsome patterns with borders all round ; size 2x3 CO Q C yards; for selling, each. . Bed Spreads; large size, fringed with out borders, worth ffl flQ $1.85 each; special at. . . .t Full Size Crochet Bed Spreads; Marseilles patterns, nicely, hem med; worth $1.75 ea.; spe- 1 OC cial nnce Friday, each....' - $3.95 White Petticoats $2.98 7S. 7. ;.ttoS5i. x u w 8 All muslin underwear is underpriced for the White Sale, so no matter what are your wants in this line, you'll save by making your purchases here. Thou sands of garments and all of a quality that you can't buy at prices nearly as low as these at regular times. PETTICOATS, embroidery trimmed, f with 16-inch flounce and beading to match above flounce. RetmlarPO AO UZ..UU 13. SHE1 SHOES $5 Val $2.39 V -kV. TV price $3.95, special at, each WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS, chemise style, with round neck, or Hubbard style with V neck. Lace or 01 DC embroidery trimmed. Special 0 I lUU WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS, chemise style, round neck, with fancy elbow sleeves of CI TQ embroider, made of nainsook or dimity, special. . O 1 1 1 U Women's 35c Tea Aprons 27 c You know how many good apron bargains we've had here, and how fast the aprons sell. We've provided liberally for a busy day's selling. Come early. They're made of white lawn, with dainty hemstitched ruffle, or QTf emb. ruffle. Wide strings and pockets, 35c value Z.I U GIRLS' DRESSES, made of gingham, per- A stirring shoe special for the Rose Carnival. Women's oxfords in patent leather, brown kid, tan Russian calf, gunmet&l, and glaze kid. But ton or lace, pumps, 2-hole sailors, bluchers and colonials. Canvas oxfords in London Bmoke, gray, brown, white, pink or blue. Leather or covered heels, a lot of over 4000 pairs, QO QQ values to $5.00, at this very low price. $ZitJu WOMEN'S OXFORDS, very high-grade foot wear, embracing all the wanted leathers and styles, Pumps, 2-hole ties, blucher lace, regu lar lace, suede leathers in brown, tan, gray, white, pink, blue and black. Tan Russia calf, brown kid and black kid. Plain or tip toes, and all the wanted styles for street or dress wear, regular values up to $b.oo tne on Mf pair, for this special the price is pair. FREE FRIDA Y, A BOTTLE OF WHITE CANVAS CLEANER WITH EVERY FAIR OF WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS SOLD cale or chambray, sizes from 2 to 14 Q 1 f Q viora ror irals n-n tn SI Vfv KrtPCia.1 O I U tJ GIRLS' GINGHAM APRONS, in Mother TT.-.WkoWI -rv-c- ctrlo S17PS ' n 1(1 n7k 1 years, regular 40c values, special at. 65c values, special sale price, each 48 $1.00 values, special sale price, each. . .69 Bear in mind that we have the best assorted and largest stock of infant's wear to be found in the. Pacific Northwest. 1 i