" COAST 10 COAST P IN IB OF WORDS Conference of Charities and Corrections Hears of "Yellow Peril." NEW YORKER SLAPS WEST AV. A. Gates, of California, Makes Spirited Tteply, and Tells of Whit Women Held In Eastern Chinatowns. BTJTFAX.O, N. T.. Juno 10. The East ana the West clashed on the question of the reality of the "yellow peril" at to day's session of the Immigrant section of the annual Conference of Charities and Corrections. XV. A. Gates, secretary of the Board of Charities of San Francisco, declared that the yellow peril was more or a menace today than at any time In the past. 19 41130 Bravely doubted." declared Mr. Gates. "If Japan Is faithfully keep ing the "pentleman's agreement: entered Into with the United States regarding the restrict on of the Immigration of the coolie class. A similar agreement entered S wll? Great Brita'n In regard to British Columbia has been violated de liberately. Japan recognizes no coolie r88- Besl3es this. 800 Japanese and 6000 Chinese Illegally entered over the border of Mexico and Canada in the last year and a half." The slave trade In Oriental women. Mr. Gates said, was worse today than ever. Sulzberger Enters Fray. Y.r",, Sulzberger, president of the yn ted Hebrew Charities, of New York took issue with Mr. Gates. "The condi tion of the slave trade in Oriental wo men on the Coast is an indictment of your own white women," declared Mr Sulzberger. "They should have wiped it out long ago." "Tou have Just as rotten a Chinese hell in your Mott and Pell streets In New York, as In San Francisco." retorted Mr Gates, with some show of heat. "Not only brown girl slaves are held In bondage there, but police reports within a week snow that half a dozen white girls have been found in New York." "The Oriental comes here, not for a home but for gold. He has sent to the Orient over JSOO.000.000 in the last 30 years. He brings with him centuries of super stition and prejudice. His moral stand ards are low; usually he has no family. According to the census of 1900. one out of ShiSMO f thla country and one out or 24 of the Japanese are females. Of these women but few are virtuous. Most are prostitutes and some are slaves, bought and sold as chattels. J!Th "'lt anl yellow races have now the vPal"- and the contest for supremacy has commenced. What the results will be. wa cannot tell. We are certain however, that our duty lies hi cTvlif.7,,nfr tho9 Jdeata of this Christian S on ?n.KWh!Ch are the '"""elation Orl.,f, th", RePubIlc- To do this, the Oriental immigrant must be denied ad- - ,j ' w -- iiitrsw snores. Last Three Times. The last three opportunities to see the ".r. block company this season and the c-ZVJZ ,h age- 'The Girt of the matin.. ZU1 ba tonlht. tomorrow a . Kht at the Bungalow. It ha. played to crowded houses all this. Its fifth ?vnlnan'1,'",a; wonderful performance sVat2i S 8harI: m"" 2- No one stated while the curtain Is up. Murtrul comedy at the lyric. The Imperial musical comedv company w"kaa,r 1" ,h L"'0' "h"?Pt "5 . A Matrimonial Mtx-Up." with U musical hit,. Lots or pretty girls. Slant h?" lat 10 Ereat' &verconY Ti D.rlht costumes and good dancl'ig .how Mr',1 mU!" U- ,h hot weather now. Matinee tomorrow. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS. Marvelous litll at Oruheum. ins the Orpheum show this wesk for the music. VUK the Grand. i.r' .e,"val celebrations are not com plete without a visit to the Grand where a reat collection of vaudeville .i.r, . assembled for ,h week There are "ngrs t"So'n.CObXd'an, and th" """inerS ir J? , being a recognized artist Mii JLn lLMCK'n.,ay- the iT.tlnguisW AnSr" can soprano. Is the headllner. Banner Show a Pantagea. .r" .rv.antse. Theatr s certainly deliv ering the goods this week. Bonner the educated horse, or the home with' the .rUemt"lnba "tlh " "" S.O Thari ta "? . f, Bt evary Performance. r f.ot a du" moment on the pro- lrtalnlnV n tha bI" ' - "La Tosoa" at the Star. T.h.U '. ,no,ner of the film d-art picture, written by Vlctorien Sardou. The lead?" In5raAC,"r" taken by Messrs. VsBargy "lrtL Francauie. and M. Moslner. of L Odeon. Farts. The picture la a Chncand- WIU h9 -oKPniI.deai'.ahmb'y,th, ruhllc. four other excellent pictures are shown beule. the Illustrated vocalist and saxophone and flute soioLst. and COMING ATTRACTIONS. Burns-Johnson light Plot urea. "kerne.1 ThIV'" a'" "ne wwi b. .hi e h'rd and Yah street.. pVr ures -ft,0"' ura!-Jhon fight fak.n It ,k. a.r" tho nal picture. wM io J. and are -aUl to he the finest every taken of "manly Female Quartet Coming Orpheum. W,tt'a "Singing Colleens" 1, . feminine quartet, which will appear at th5 noTel'ymth.r '!'"k- " tuneful no.elty that Is termed "Songs of the om "ThN.7,.?Vorid;;' Som ot "'r -ong. nli ,Jhe .V"lie I Love," "The Glow J orm." "Castle, in the Air" and "When I Marry You." All posses, pretty voices Toilcy-. Cominc to Grand. Premier cyclists, the Tokleva. come to the Grand next week. The fam.u. Russian troupe of singers and dancers, the Makeeno company, will also appear Mi-n Franks, entertainer., w?th a followtar Kt and West, -return after an absence of two years. The coming bill resemble, a ill lootlon of feature acts. v l-utnin Theater- "ext Week. The following standard vaudeville at traction, will be seen at the Pantagea Theater next week. The Four Bard.. Ameri ca, greatest gymnasts; Professor Robert", troupe of trained rats. cat. and dog.: Ton-r Twin., the remarkable human duplicate. Adams and Mack, Ella Garrison ani iom- Amusements WnsA the Pres. Asents Bay. th. 7? . . lnKen special pains to give the thcater-Bolng public as great a show as l.i" Posalb o have. There are juggler.. her.era.-es. singing and dancing. vlofinist? monologulsts and a. sulenrtiH ,'' TI -w . ft . a ... Ill (J ur an exHibition of the latest achievements in the phonograph field The Late Instruments for the Reproduction of Sound Are Truly Remarkable a High-Class Theater at Home. "Whether you wish to invest $10 or $500, at Eilers Piano House you have the opportunity of testing and hearing each of the various makes side by side not possible elsewhere All the records for every make are here all the time. Deal at Headquarters. pianorcliritilitx "The Always Washington Street, pany. and Marie Hedlloka, Leo White and moving pictures. "The Isle of Zau." Next week at the Lyrle. beginning; Sun day matinee, the Imperial Musical Comedy Company will be seen In "The Isle of Za2a," one of the cleverest musical hit. of the day Lot. of song hits and some pretty work by Bunfl.? Uy br" chorus. Regular matinees Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. DAILT METEOROLOG IC.VL REPORT. PORTLAND, June 10. Maximum tem perature. 90.i degrees; mlnlmumT 571. ft l.,reof' V Rt 8.A- M- 20,5 feet; change fall ,' 01 foot- TotaI rain fall 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. nil; total since I J.v.. ,e ; deflcle'cy. 9.11 Inches. Total ?S iUne 9-.15 hour" 42 minutes; pos sible 15 hours 42 minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level), at 5 P. M.. 29.SO inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observation, taken at 5 P. M.. Pacific K "0 Wind I "I I I STATIONS. 3 E 2. a State of o 5" Weather So3: o 3 : S ! " . Baker city P-Ismarck Boise Eureka. ....... Helena Kamloops. North Head... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg ...... Sacramento. . . . Salt Lake San Francisco. Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla... Blaine Siskiyou I 71! 0 .00: BIN .00! 8 SW ,O0 10W .001 4W .02 4)NW .001 I'N'E .00,20 NW .14 8:fiE On "6-NW .00! 4'N OO1 8!NW O0'l2S 001 12'NW . 00:20 W .281 GjS Ool 4!N .oolia'x .W14XB .001 4 W .00 4 W Pt cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Rain Clear 700 TSO, 64 ;o. 5 0. 8S 0. r.sio. 6'o. 90!0 9-.'i0. 8a!o. 86;o. 6ri 0. 5S;o 74 0 SO, 0. nsio. s-.-o RO 0. 80 0. Clear Pt cloudy Clear Clear Clear 'Clear Clear Clear j Cloudy Clear Clear 'Cloudy ICIear !Pt cloudy -Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours there ha. been a decided fall In the barometer over Ore gon and Washington and good rains have fallen In the neighborhood of Spokane and also In Southeastern Idaho. The tempera ture hag risen In Oregon. Western Washing ton and Southwestern Idaho and fallen In Southeastern Idaho. The Indications are for fair weather In this district Friday, with warmer weather east of the Cascade Mountains. . THE RIVER. The river at Portland will alowly fall during the next few day. and reatrh a stage of 10.5 feet by Sunday morning. FORECASTS. Portland and vlclnlty Fair, northerly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair, warmer east portion; northerly wind. Idaho Fair, warmer. AT THE HOTELS. The Portland Mr. and Mm. W. A. Allen, Miss Ruth Sylvester. Miss Harriet G Sim onds. Mrs. C. B. Smith. Mis. Ann W. Haley. A. E. Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Ivlng, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green, Mlsa I. L. Prescott. J. A. Carson. Hoqulam: Mat Furst. New Ycrk A. Headinger. Spokane; J. A. Carson and wife. Hoqulam; M. P. Browlev. Charles A. ' looke. Thomas J. Mitchell, Sir and Mrs. John Stemmie. Miss Laura Lunerman. Miss Bertha Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Liedeman. Mr.. A. Rohe. Mrs. B. FlBcher, W H. Fischer. Mrs. Adam Weber, Miss r.ra?.'"JM Weber Miss Una A. Weber. Mis. Matilda B. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. C G Al bert on; Mr. and Mrs. I. a. Nadeau. John M-';9.raw' Seattle; E. Opwenhelmer. Chicago; -VY 1111am H. HaJgh. Boston: o. W. Noble and wife. Chicago; James Staples, New "tork; Mrs. Keeper, San Francisco; George W Gray and wife. Chicago; Lona J. Mitch ell. New York; IV. M. Phelps. San Francisco; T. W Heetler. San Francisco; S. Rosenblum New York; William W. Stewart, Miss Marie V;. Knvan. Edwin Hawkrldge and wife. Miss Sarah B. Tlnah. Mrs. C. G. Gill. F L. DuBray. Lansing. Mich.; George A. Wern i? w S' Ev M- Seeley. Tacoma: B. F. Green and wife. San Francisco; George Dehaven and wife. Chicago; P. Cue;, Seat tle; D. George Douch. New York; Mr. and Mr. A. F. Knudsen, Seattle; A. McLelland. St. Paul; Sam Boukopsky. New Y'ork; Mr. and Mr. J. E. Chllberg. Seattle; J. T. Breen. New York; George A. Troutt, De troit; F. F. Gavett. Vancouver; Phil O. Stout. Seaview; s. H. Friendly, Eugene: E. A. Evans San Francisco; H. O. Harrison and wife. Los Angeles; E. O. Hall. Atlanta: T J- rJ?5; -Atlanta; E. R. Hoag. San Fran r.1,c?.: B: Taylor. San Francisco; Charles R. McCormlck, C. B. Short. San Francisco: wiHV-?i0e- fhi&g2:- Harman Deuber and ?.ife- SV"1 H- DeB- Justan and wife. Cleveland; F. E. Holiday. New York- Mr and Mrs. William Farrol. Mlsa Farrol. Seat U :ir-. 1d Mrs- A- W. Clampan. Mrs. S.r:r- ."" Mr,s. H- E- Howe. Boston; C. -, Joanna M Isham. Miss Helen G. Gll F. Whlttler. Mlsa Frances Church Miss Bonei- TChSj'" Bra3'ey I'ham? William B. Jones. J w. Lang. New York; H. Ham burger L. Aronsen. San Francisco: M. Kuelstslunger New York; G. E. Goldner and T JS" DJ-nlheei W- G Whitmore and wife, alle5-. -Neb.; Mrs. Charle. Law. Jr McKenna: Lucille K. Vaughan. McKinna F. G. Stllea. Racine. H. A. Jurgervltz. Ran Francisco; George Rae. William Rae, Nathe Rae. New York; R c. Brook. Hood River; Miss Augusta A. Werner, Miss Annie Wer ner, Mrs. Edward R. Rice. Master Edward F. Rice. Mr.. A. iv Jones, Hoqulam. Jean Johnson, Seattle: Corning Saunders. Seat tle: T. F. Qulnlan. San Francisco- J c Goodwin, Boston. F. D. Bacon, San Fran cisco. Hotel Oregon W. D. Wade. Seattle- C. C McCormack, and wife. Seattle; Mrs. D J Fry, Salem; S. B. Rathform. Utlca. N Y H. Hamberger. San Francisco; L. Aronson' San Francisco; H. J. Sandall. Minneapolis L S. a. Kuhn, Kent: T. J. Ennis Walla S-?!la: -.K- Gary- Seattle: J. E. Smlthson. hlte Salmon: William M. Rafter. White Salmon; Grace Brown, Seaside: Mrs. J M Stlcher. Chehalls; J. D. Hull, Seattkj- j' w' Brown. Elgin; Dan Carlton, Seattle; Mrs! Ray Gilberts. Salem: Mrs. R. H. Wilcox and daughter. Pendleton; J. L. Hoechller and wife. Tacoma; W. S. Sledden and wife. Seattle: George Goddard. Salt Lake; C H Fromcee Salt Lake; Miss Cleo Johnson. Cor yallls; Mrs. R. N. Moore. Corvallls: Emlle T.an iVanci"co; Mrm- McDowell, San Francisco.; Mrs. F. M. Brown. W. T. Tiff- THE MORXINGr OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, continues all this wlr ! 1 Busy Corner" at Park (8th) Street. may. San Francisco; Charle. McKenzle and wife, Colfax; J. B. Dwyer, Seattle; G. W. Ford and wife. M. Llnzy. C. F. Malm. J. G. Browne; Walla Walla; W. R. Conner. J. C. Costello, D. Flchman, George G. Kel logg and wife. New York; J. T. Caldwell and wife and child. Chicago; O. Heron and wife. Miss M. Bruce, J. A. Gowanlock and son. Toronto, Can.; E. L. McCoy, C. E. Trlmm. Beaver. Pa. ; James Glllis. E. sills, San Francisco; w. H. Eccles, Anna Eccles. N. L. Morris and wife. N. W. Lind. Hood River; C. L. Durocher, St. Paul; William L. David. William Howe and wife, J. R. Craven and wife. J lndley. O. ; E. La Due. Olympla; H. H. Taylor, San Francisco; W. H. Vincent. Seattle; J. H. Slggutt. J. McElroy, Eugene; A. F. Knudson and wife, Honolulu; L. B Larson. South Bend; J. H. Drlssler, South Bend; Rex Graham and wife. Mildred Gra ham, Grand Junction, Colo.: J O Piper Denver, Colo.; G. B. Mllloy and wife, Scap poose; C. E. Mayland. Seattle; R. B. Pate and wife. Dayton. Wash.; J. T. Albert. Port land; R H. Carson, E. B. Olsen, C. E. Bailey, F. Crouch, San Francisco. Tlie Imperial L. Bornam, Morn; j. Holm ?-h-,T;le' cityJ Soo'b- J. Patterson. H. Chrlstlanson, S. Spencer, Eugene: B Phil ips and wife. Cottage Grove; D. Piatt, Gold endale; S. Washburn, Lebanon; D. Carlo-m!J;A- lt-S?.e"' cit& L" Ba.rnum and wife. V, T' Y'ils.on- Sll'era: A. Johnson. W. Haoerly and wife. Wlnlock, Wash.; Mrs. B. TMV?er,MrsJ P- Williams. Dallas; E. Rum-S-h- ?Jf,rand5.: G- Lewellen, city; C. Knight. The Dalles; E. Murphy. Pendleton; Dr. T. Harls. Eugene; M. Armstrong. Spokane; A. Cacgen. fcalem: P. Wilson. Salem; L. Mc mm'i.V" Walla; D. Colgan, Pendleton; FnJl.r ?Ur!5s: S- Fltch and family. Enterprise; D. Snyder and wife, city B i,ilerin(le.pencaence: Mr- H- Richard. Bum mervllle; A. Sampson. Washington. D C Kl-SPTaWins' Seatt'e: O. Mlekey. North ?e.nd J- Tornson. La Grande; J. Smith. CUy Harris, Dayton; J. Flower, Fall. 8. Charles M. Ruff, Junction City; C C Bozarth. Woodland; .Mrs. H. Larson and dtlS,'- Pol,nt: C- H- Walker and flf,Bhier' Aliian5': J- F. May and wife. In fad? ZHV- J' TV Graam and wife. Marsh land. Mrs Henderson, Woodland; Mrs. M. i-,Park- Centralla; Miss Evelvn Tompkins. Princeton. Minn.; Edward Sullivan. West - .a: CasPer Junker, Sandy; Hazel Shannon, city; W. M. Tate. D. Reid. Wasco; J. Niman. Jacksonville; Mrs. K. M Hern fea?: M,r,8' J' i1- Priest. Chinook'; J. w! Barnett. wife and children, Logan- T D Nash and wife. lone; Mrs. W. o. Sullivan and son Arlington; Mrs. Helen Euberg, Cltav?CT.,- THuheBi 3 A- Gedde.. Bakfr City, Jack Travis. Sacramento; H. Soulkes and family. Sherwood; William J. Groat Francis Groat. Battleground; Ella Mellen Vancouver; Harry aPtterson and wife. New Derg. Mrs p. Norwood. The Dalles; H H Llndsey. Salem; Mr. and Mrs E. M. Llnd Mnnn'emU J-, Katzeberg. Salem; W B. wife y,an,? Wif.e B"Keno: J- C. Dennle. w.S. 2. daughter, T. C. Bell. Lebanon: Warren Freeman. Clatskanle; John M Wlll-n'w.M'i.f- w" R1 St. John; S- WIttV,M- c- Dobbs, Kalama; Mrs. T C. Watts. Reuben: George E. Day. Dr. C E Kuster, Los Angeles; V B. Embree. DaV: IS' A iB' nt, Nova Scotia; J. A. Harrlng T .?;,SaIS-m: J- B- Hembree, Lafayette; G c vlnc'IhtEl1 W- LuSk" SUverton; s! Nortonla Hotel George W Marshall city ; Miss M. A. Marshall? MU. V L Mai mA 'FClt: .Hlnma"- Chicago". Mr. and H w?iBevln?.l0,n- 0hl:aKO; Mr. and Mrs. eachey. Chicago; Bernice Sllbelberg. Chicago; w. G. Walbren, Chicago- G " a" Welnfelld. Chicago; Mrs F J Ames 5T Wis''- "B-Mr V fcJk. Aalr MleV.hfrldnJ'Sr.Tg'ooank, ancouver. Wash.; Mabel McKlnley New WrD h" t?d MrLM CalverrNew'Torki i ,D-HljPklnson, Walla Walla: Mr. J w Imel. St Voseph. Mo.; Miss Ida Refuel lL Mi1warukTeaBh Wi's- -P" "' t !,ck:eep. 'S- HaMharsnrr'jtaepanrltZKHTa,E ga.epeidsUis .ChJcar: v'- 'R Vood. grand wlts"'?-- MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. S. RITE Twentieth semi-anu&I reunion programme for todajr: 9 A. M.. 16th degree; 10:30 A. M., 2 Lot decree; 2 P." M., 29th degree; S P. M.. 30th degree; 8 P. M.. 31st degree. MTRTLE CHAPTER NO, 13, O- B. S. Regular meeting thia (Friday) evening in Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. By order W. M- J ELN NI E H. GALLOWAY. Sec M. B. A. DANCE The ladies of the fancy drill team of the Modern Brother hood Lodge will give a shirtwaist dance Saturday evening, June 12, at the W. O. W. Hall, 128 11th at. A ladies' orchestra will furnish first-class union music. Ladies floor committee. Admission 25c. All are cordially invited. FQ-EBAL NOTICES. STEIN Funeral service, of the late Gott lieb Stein, aged 79 years, beloved husband of Mathilda Stein, and father of Richard, Ernest. Carl, Hartman. Marie, Mlna and Mathilda Stein, all of this city, will be held at Dunning, McEntee & Gllbaueh's Chapel, 7th and Pine tB., Friday. June 11. at lO A. M. Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. HOFER In thu city, June 8, William Fred erick Hofer, axed 10 months, 17 days be loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Charle. Hofer Funeral services will be held at Holman'0 chapel at 11 A. M today (Friday). Frtende of family Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. FTJOG The funeral service, of the late John Fuoftr will be under aueplces of Portland Aerie No. 4, Fraternal Order of Eag-les which will be held at Holman's Chanel at 1:30 P. M. Sunday. June 13. Friend. In vited. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. Director!.. 7th and Pine. Fhon? ALUsT Lady AasUtant. Offtoe of County Coroner! EDWARD HOLM AV CO.. Funeral direct, ggo 8d St. Lady aaaUumt. Phone M. 6U7. . P. FINLEr A SOX. sd and HsdlHa Lady attendant. Phone Main 9. A P. 8. DCNNINO. Cnoertaker 414 Bm Alder. LaoVy assistant, phone aat M. McENTEE-KBICSON CO. ITndertakeni lady aasUtant. 409 Alder. M 1S. 7t-T T.rnni-vwa . . . . ors. 72 BaseeU. Bota phone. Lady anrlntnnt 2 AMTJSEJCEirra. THEATRE Positively last week of season for Baker "iSS'J. Company. Greatest of all p'avs: "THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST." SninRB -5c- 35c- 30c- Mat, Sat. 15c, 2oc. e-venlng curtain 8 o'clock. Mat. at 2. LYRIC Theater, 7th and Alder WEEK OF JUXE 6. The Imperial Musical Comedy Company In A Matrimonial Mix -Up Matinee. Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday. Sat urday. Two performances each evening 8:15 and 9:15. Clever comedians; merry music; pretty girls. MAW s. A 1020. Mntlneee Ex. bull days and Holiday. 15-25-5QC NIGHTS THEATER IB-W-SQ-IBC Week Jane 7. Jo.. Hart's Futurity Winner; James Thornton; Snllivan-Paequeiena; Mack Williams: Vera Berliner; Clark & Berg man; rank LeDent; Orchestra; Pictures. THE GRAN D-VauJevillede Lux WEEK STARTING JI K 7, 10C0. MABEL, McKINLEY Matinee prices 15c. Evening: prices 15c and 25c. Bor seats 50c Franci&ca Redding Co. Ward Bros. Cooke & Kothert Brenon & Downing Ied Bauer O ran dascope PANTAGES THEATER AJL? Val1?.U"'- stBr" All Nation. BONNER, THE IVOXDEBITL HOKaL. wilf 1?"t wonderful trained horae in the world. Bonner calculates, reasons and ac witJ.y.Wri.t6s wrJs and figures on a board ni.. pl,?,oew of chalk held In his teeth. S, 1 driven without reins along the street. SEE HIM Matinees dally, 13c; two show, at night. 15c and 25c. STAR THEATER FASHIONABLE MOTIOX PICTURES. The One Sensation, Sardou's " L.A TOSCA," Played by the Greatest Actors of the Krench Stage, And a Wonderful New Show. lQt TO ANY SEAT 0 BASEBALL Recreation Park, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth St a. SACRAMENTO PORTLAND JUNE 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Games begin week days 3:30 P. M. : Sunday, 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand. 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children! Bleachers. 10c; Grandstand. 25c. Ladles' Day Friday. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednesday. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ash. Churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall sts. Phones Main 031, A 3931. Florist Cut Flowers always fre.h from ur own conservatories Martin A Porbe. Co.. 317 Washington .t. Both phone.. Electric Fixtures n110rn,euII price, are right. All work guaranteed. Western Electric Works. 61 Sixth street. Conl Richmond and Wallsend Australian. Independent Coal A Ice Company, opposite city Library. Both ph on ea CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE In Effect November 1. 18U8. Daily or bun day. One time ..,( Fame ad two consecutive times ..... " 23a Same nd three consecutive times 80o bame ad Mx or neven conHerutive timet 56c Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement Is not rue consecutive times the one-time rate apnllett. The above rates apnly to advertisements onder "New Today" and all other cta.inca tionfi excepting the following. Hit uat ions Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent, Rooms, Frlvate Families. I looms and Board, Private Families HousekeeplnK Rooms. Private Families. 7 lie rate on the above classification Is 7 cents a line eaoii insertion. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main 300. SECRETARY. Main 598. HUMANE OFUCtR. East 4779. NEW TODAY. I FOR SALE BY I OWNER Fine lots On good carline, 25 minutes out. $150 AND UP 5 down and $2.50 a month. Or will build home and sell on terms same as rent. 6ixsas;oTuAsooifrrREE rent FO No forfeiture If payments are. de ferred on account of sickness or loss of employment. Come In and let us take you out In our auto It's a pleasure to show our property I INVESTMENT C0. 41S Corbett Bids, Btl and HorrUonl FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre stock ranch. $10 per acre all fenced, all tillable, substantial Improve ments, In Douglas County; or will ex change for Portland property or close in acreage, paying difference. JACKSOX fc DEERIXO, Phone Main 345. 24a Stark St. " WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS CHOICES VIEW, Lots and Quarters This side of gulch and no climb. Can't be beat for price or view. GEO. J. SCH1EFER, 317 Cham, of Com. MY HOME MUST BE SOLD Misfortune make, necessary the Imme diate .ale of our beautiful home, 8 w corner Hawthorne and Glenn avenues- Is 82x101 feet, with two new, modern cottages -will return income of 10 per cent on an in vestment of 8600; about two-thirds cash, balance one year. Apply on premise. TELX1E NASH, Guardian. Fruit and Wheat Land In KLICKITAT COUNTY. WASH. Short distance from Portland. S. T. WALKER, 04 Corbett Bids., Portland, Oregon. JUXE 11, 19CK. AEW TODAY. THIS TELLS Where to Live in The choicest location on the Pacific Coast is GEARHART PARK with its magnificent new hotel, golf links, planked streets, sewerage, elec tric lights, mountain water piped to every lot, makes GEARHART PARK A SUMMER RESORT WITH CHARACTER Lots 50x100 $125 Up Chapin 6 Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTORS For quick and sure returns Buy Close in Keep on Car Line WINDSOR HEIGHTS Is centrally located. Directly on carline. Fronts on main thorough fare. Beautiful view. 9 minutes from cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. Lots 50x100. As low as $350. $35 down, 6 per cent int. Brubaker & Benedict 502 McKay bldg., 3d & Stark IRRIGATED FILE TODAY on a 0 or 180-acre tract. LAND OFFICE 209 WelU-Farro Bids. Some Splendid Investments on the West Side S44.000 Will buy a well Improved Quarter block on Hoyt Bt. $26.500 A well improved quarter block on Market 8t. S45.000 A ten-room house on Roose velt Kt. ?2?A 12-room modern house, lot 60x1 i0, on Corbett st. 8800 2 5-room flats on Park st. fpOO A 9-room modern house on Corbett st. Favorable terms can be had on any or this property. OTTO 6 HARKSON REALTY CO. 133V4 Flr.t St. ?T WHAT ARB YOU LOOKING FOR tf tf TOR I HLIT OR WHEAT USD t? Come ana see us, we have both 5000 acres fruit land In 40-acra tracts Yamhill Co., near town and R R. Price from $20 up. 19.000 acres wheat land, all cleared plowed and fenced In. 160-acre tracts with excellent build ings. 2 miles from town and R. R Price from J15 to 325 per acre. Terms 1-3 cash, balance 5 yearly installments, 6 per cent interest. Be fore you buy come and see us. it will pay you. OREGON I AM) fc COLONIZATION CO. 614, 615, &1 Rothchlld Bids, I'or t laml, Oregon. 2 1-2 and 5 Acre Tracts Jfy2u c.a;1Jbeat our 2 and 5-acre tracts for $400 per acre but what's the usfny?u., can't- iJrher are cleared and cultivated, and there is no better fruit land in Oregon. The Ladd tract of B5?oui ifi?3 recently was sold for about $2,000,000. The Ladd tract fronts on the Barr road, so does ours, and it is bu,i ot a mlle outside the city limits. $400 per acre. One-third cash. Ml Hl'HV A CASWELL, i'ao Stark St. $2300 100x100. unobstructed view, choice block, close in. overlooks Ladd tract and city, 2 carlines within 2 blocks. S. E. cor. E. 23d and Division. Terms. See A . H. BIRRELL CO. 203 McKay Bldg Third and Stark. UEOKGb BLAIR. FVBLIC ACCOUNTANT. A1I Branches.) 82S Worcester Bide Phones. Main 8371. A 401S FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUL 6-room modern house, restrict ed district, price $4200, terms: a bargain Address owner. B 148. Oreronlan. DtVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation: buy direct of owners ana ear commissions. 205 Ablng-ton bide SNAP 6-room house, near Bunrryslde, less than cost. Mardlns; & Reynolds, 313 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP. $90O Corner 68x100. small house in Vernon. 1150 Kast lath, st- N. i FOR SALfS In Piedmont, a line, modern home. AD 147. Oregonlan. FOR anything in Portland real estate see .w., xMjuru oi Lraae niag. BY owner, cash or terms, full lot near 24th St.. on E. Madison. K 124. Oregonlan. NEW modern ft-room house. In Hollaflays AddlUon. R. B. Rice. Phone East 2432. I0U M M STATE LAND REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V.. A Co. M. S349. 30 Hamilton bldg. Baker. Alfred A., lit Ablngton bldr Beck. William G., 312 Fall.ng bids-. Blrretl. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bid. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay big. M. S4S Chapin & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S.. & Cc. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C- K.. & Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co.. Main 188. 203 Oregonlan. Parrlsh, Watklns A Co.. 250 Alder et. Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bldg. Bchalk. Geo. D.. 264 Stark t. Main or A 362 Sharkey. J. p.. & Co.. 122 Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are. and Multnomah st. Holladay Addition). Waddel. W O.. 809 Lumber Exchange bldg. Walker, S. T.. 804 Corbett bldg. White. B. F- 227 H Washington St. FOR SALE; REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Modern and complete, 8 large rooms, front and back hall, large bath and lava tory, medicine chest -with mirror paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, built-in linen and china closets, double noors. large at tic, full cement basement, cement floor, furnace, laundry trays, corner lot. east and south front, shades and fixtures. This Is a beauty and below market price, call and see It. $32O0; $1J00 cash, balance easy terms. EAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. 1021 Hawthorne Ave., Cor. E. 34th. Tabor 616. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Flrland acres, lfc acres, all cleared and set In fruit, as level as a floor; tlUOO will take it this week. BUNGALOW. 5-room bungalow, modern and up-to-date, lot 100x100, corner, cement walks; a bargain at $2600. COTTAGE. 5-room cottage, close to carline, 50x100 lot, street improved; nice lawn and rare bargain at $1500. C. B. LUCAS. 408 Corbett Bldg. INVEST IN BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT is the bonton residence dis trict of Portland. Here are two bargains within a block or two of fine car service. loxlOO feet, east front, 7-room modern residence; $50OO. 100x100. corner, 8-room cottage; $4800. Limited time only. Send for my Illus trated bulletin. S- T. WALKER. 604 Corbett Bldg. $7000. 7-rooni house and barn, with whole block of 12 lots, all fenced and nicely cul tivated fine orchard and small fruits. On the Mount Scott carline, near Woodmere station. Easy terms. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO.. 317 Worcester bldg. SUBDIVISION PROPOSITION. SO acres on Oregon Electric line, 10 miles out, desirably located, over 20 In cultivation, running water, cheapest buy on the market. Vanduyn &. Walton 515 Chamber Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $2"5oarter biock' wlth nne view, near car, R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063: A 1227. INCOME PROPERTY. Modern flats, 7 suites, walking distance; earning 12 per cent net; bargain at $15, 000; half cash. Hickman & Hlndle. 218 Lumbermen's bldg., cor. 5 th and Stark Phone Main 3709. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fractional lot on the carline. with fine view, $2100. R. F. ERYAN. 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main ,1063; A 1227. FINE APARTMENT SITE. $6500 for corner 50x68 on 6th St.. easy walk to P. O., well located and big in come producer if improved. VANDUYN & WALTON. 515 Chamber Commerce. GRF,-JfST """P ln a home yet offered; $1100 for a 7-room house, on Grays Cross ing; good terms; one block from carline; full lot; house well worth $1800; must sell; this Is your chance. Phone A 1857. WE HAVE several modern bungalows and houses on both sides for sale at reasonable P.r.icSs .nd on easy terms. Hickman & Hlndle, 218 Lumbermen's bldg., cor. 6th and Stark. Phone Main 3790. BEAUTIFUL HOME. NORTH MT. TABOR. Well built house; view unsurpassed; finest shrubbery and flowers; five lots one block south Montavllla carline; East 63d st. Must be sold to settle estate. Particulars see H. M. Glen, .Portland Lino typlng Co.. 227 H Stark st. EAST MADISON-ST. INVESTMENT 60x100 feet, south front, terrace, one block from Hawthorne ave. ; 9-room modern house, $5500. Send for my illus trated booklet. IT'S THE BEST WAY S. T. WALKER. 604 Corbett Bldg. CORNER ON BUSINESS. 1(WlO0, store building 40x60. price $4500: stock purchased separate; Inspec tion invited, call M. 3830, residence C 1271. Room 800 Oregonlan bldg w H Herdman. BAD health requires me to live ln dryer cli mate, so here goes my beautiful home on west slope Mount Tabor; 9 rooms, electric tsris,D "'".'? r' etc'; prine- $"000; terms. Fred Broetje. 31 East 61st St. BY OWNER Union avenue, corner Portland boulevard, 100x150, 6-room house barn bearing fruit trees; beautiful mountain views. Woodlawn or Vancouver cars to premises. NICE corner, 40x65. Broadway, west of East 10th; no building restrictions; walk ing distance to West Side; S2O50 CULVER. 623 Chamber of Commerce. A WEST SIDE VIEW LOT. Head of Lovejoy St., 'midst beautiful homes; east front; LIVE PANORAMIC VIEWS: 50x100; $3500. Owner. AE 152 Oregonlan. ' NEW. modern 5-room bungalow, concrete basement, orchard and berries, $15O0 A W. Lofstedt. 2034 E. Salmon; Montavllla car. BARGAIN Modern 8-room house, close In would pay good Interest as an invest ment; terms. 622 Delay St.. near Morris, one block to "L" car. IF you are looking for a home or an Invest ment, we can suit you ln any section of the city; either have It or will And it. The Shaw-Fear Company, 245 Stark st. TRADE 100x100 corner. Rose City Park also $250 equity in two Swlnton lots for teams, wagon, harness and woodsaw Phone Woodlawn 439, 2381. ".. $6000 West Side lot. with two modern cot tages; nice yard and flowers; easy walk ing distance to business center. D 123 o. gonian. . DON'T SELECT PROPERTY From newspaper ads. Send for my illus trated bulletin. IT'S THE BEST WAY S. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett Bldg HOUSES for sale ln all parts of the cltr acreage close in and farms ln Oregon and Washington. Phone A 4881. Kinney & stam pher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. 8 CHOICE lots. $1200 each; 2 $1000; cor., 70x 100. $1700; everything; many fine homen. Call M. 3830. Room 500 Oregonlan bldg W H. Herdman. A OPPORTUNITY A lot. 1H blocks from Alberta carline. can be bought for 350 cash and $10 per month. Chapin & Herlow .332 Chamber of Commerce. ow' MAKE ME CASH OFFER For my $635 equity ln nne J900 corner lot on Hawthorne carline. Main 6938. IF YOU want a modern bungalow of 5 rooms, den, bath, fireplace; a fine home lot 50 or 100x100. Call Tabor 311 F ? M' Moore, owner. $2600 EACH. $100 cash. $25 monthly; two beautiful new homes; everything modern -5 let. near Hawthorne. Owner, Dr. Darling! GOING TO BUILD T Let us submit our money-saving proposition. Murray & Wood S2 W1.li,.i. tiu... .?'...? ' p ruuua .( OJH j. Pt W V T ao Iflntn. - ," " o-ioom nome. cement walks, fine. lawn. $2800; easv terms. 142 li 2d st, room 28. MODERN 10-room house, lot 100x100 one block from Hawthorne ave.; fruit- $1000 will secure. Owner. Phone B 2321. ' N l'O Oregonlan. ANNUAL INCOME $3480 Choice pronertv close ln on 11th t; $26,000. Phone A Backus. Private Ex. 71. A 4447 FOR SALE by owner. the handsomest bungalow ln Irvlneton. Call and mmm it 524 E. 20th St. N. lt FULL LOT, restricted district, cement walkf, and curbs, and street work ln and paid; $550. P 135. Oregonlan. a STORE building with 7 rooms upstairs- rents $30 per month; fine location. Price $3500; half cash. Corless, 801 East 14th north. 6&2P1- cotf,a'e y owner: cash or terms. '- nguaiawn. A snap. 17 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HALF BLOCK. inn -.C.rJ,er.lot"- 4 insid" lots, all 50x 100. east front, close to car, 500 feet of Run w,lme?i "defalk and curb: Bull water- 'hse " In and paid for: no i? &Tave,1 or bruh; building restrlc iL. ivr. "Ik""'" from Burnside bridge; ctlh 7.15 minutes: price 3SM, 00 fiin? J0 Peimnth. Don't wait, this id a ,!... . th'm act'y represent K. eai biB "naP: take Rose Citv Park car get off at B2d st.. you are then only half way out to end of line SANDY ROAD REALTY CO.. 62d St. and Sandv Road. Phone c 2177. MUST HAVE MONEY T.J"ro nejr and beautiful home. 109 i-ast -,th st.; has gas. electricity, buf tii' Pfneled walls, beamed celling, large mP'i.011 lauiry tubs, full d- basement, new shades, fuel ln base- . S f ti1",.''6"',8"- tnu I at $3S50 2 "nf: lts real value is 34500; this Is 5er -?eSLm?nt U w111 rent for 35 ?n7emP k: Ao.n t ?ely- We have some Soocf if,.-baTKain" ,n r,-,r"a"l homes and Snd s?-1.1. Sarm" and acreaga. Come ana see us before vou buy. F. J. STEINMETZ & CO.. 193 Morrison St. t ,.r0 TOU WANT A HOME' xi ..rLae a -rom artistic bungalow on block, corner Stanley and Marlon ave.. tjo blocks east ot Ivanhoe Station on toilets" h.tK modern ln all respects; two sni h sc?arate- two fireplaces, east pane?. fS PC!r'ihes' beam cel'hiB and high SS?. y. dining-room; now being built wlek ?,-.and ready for Inspection tins pert- Plastering; bring your ex- frees- vfm Sne b.arn' shad"' and " trees, SoJMO buys It on terms. Call and see owner on lace. p. Galls. TAMgJt-L ORCHARDS COMPANY. TV. R1-1TS AND WALNUTS. r-,y... ,a J-he choicest land ln Yamhill lnr l,ylr , ""UiU,and nuts and ofr" . j -and l-ai;re tracts, all planted and cared for for 4 years; easy-payment plan. Call or write for our booklet. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 816-316-317 Ablngton Bldg. HOME BUYERS. SEE THIS. The cutest and coziest 6-room modern nome on Portland Heights; no flies, no mosquitoes, no unpleasant or uncongenial neighbors; strictly modern, wit toilet, battt, polished floors, large basement, sleep-irlf,iorch- etc- in fact a perfect home: S400O. one-half cash, balance $40 per month. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 200-20 4 Chamber of Commerce. See N. T. McClennon. ARE YOU THINKING pr moving out of that flat or apartment ana getting out where it is cool and nice, where you can have lots ot roses and flowers? If so, see that nice modern home in bunnyside where we are offering with 10 nice lawn, lots of roses, best carline ln the city; a snap at $35O0. on your own lermi. See us about this. THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO.. 621 Corbett Bldg. H. p. PALMER-JONES CO:. REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ MAIN &699. A. 265$. THE HEART OF IRVINGTON. BRAZES STREET ADDITION. LOTS 50x100 INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS. 10 PER CENT CASH. BALANCB MONTHLY. SEE SCHOON MAKER. 708-9 CORBETT BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7855. A 572S. RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. Princeton, between Portsmouth and Hodge, 66x110 feet, 5-room modern resi dence, 11 bearing fruit trees; $1200, half cae-h. Sandy road, between 27th and 28th. 100x 10O rt.. 9-room dwelling, halt block from carline; a good home; $500o. H. T. ABSTEIX. 821 Board of Trade bldg. BUY WHERE VALUES INCREASE. East St. John offers best Inducements for homeseekers, builders and Investors; nearest district to big Industries; values will quadruple ln few years. THE SPANTON CO., Leading Subdivision Agents. 270 Stark St. Phones A and Main 5828. MY new residence, 400 East 30th. near Har rison; five rooms, bath, stationary tubs, china closet, large, high basement, elec tric lights, fruit trees, magnilicent view of Mount Hood, full lot; S3300 It sold Immediately; will sell adjoining lot; Haw thorne car. Telephone Sellwood 12H3. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Block 9, M. Patton's Addition, bounded by Maryland. Montana. Blandena and Going: stands 2 to 4 feet high: streets graded, sewers, water, cement walk; will sell any portion; terms. C. H Dexter, 2o2 Washington. Private Exchange 1. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A good, modern five or six-room house and a fair-sized lot, facing south or east, one or two blocks from carline. not over one mlle from Burnside bridge; will pay $1000 cash, balance in monthly payments. In answering, give location, full description and lowest price. Ad dress "Buyer," E 141. Oregonlan. I AM a newcomer and want to make invest ments up to $25.0i)0; those having some thing good to offer and giving complete description will receive prompt attention. F 139. Oregonlan. WE are in touch with buyers looking for homes; yours might suit if for sale: let us list It for you. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. 245 Stark St. WANTED Today, bouse. 6 or 7-room. on Union or Williams ave. ; part cash, easy terms. Phone Main 3066. WANTED Small modern house, furnished; no children; good references. Lock Box 4026. CHOICE homes and building lots our great est need; we can eell them. Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. LIST your property with us; we will give It our best attention. Purso & Co.. 818 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Real estate from owner to sel'. S. H. Wright. 40 Lumbermen's bids.. 5th and Stark. FOUR or five-room cottage. Alberta or Sun nyside; bargain only. D 141, Oregonlan. WANTED Lot close to Alberta st for cash. 1063 E. 24th St. N. FOB SALE TDTBEB LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle 23 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. BY OWNER 800 acres of timber and coal land on tidewater on Coquille River. Coos County. Address Box 179. Myrtle Point. 160 ACRES CHOICE TIMBER. 10,000.000 to 20,000.000 feet for $2 50 per acre. We locate you on good claim. Call or write. 721 Board of Trade. LARGE tract ln Douglas County: nono but bona fldo purchasers need apply. Address D 144, Oregonlan. WB t-re headquarters for timber ana lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Excnange bldg TIMBER lands. $2.50 per acre; I locate, you purchase; also homesteady and tlm ber locations. 219 Worcester bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 7.500,000 feet yellow fir. 5 miles from village, good road small house and barn; price $2000. 617 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVE this opportunity of homesteadlng 320 acres good wheat land under new ruling Inquire Embody & Bradley Co. 615 Lum bermen's bldg. Phone Main or A 3165. WILL locate you on good homestead, close ln; creek and some bottom land. Inquire 830 Fremont St. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS. FOR SALE Relinquishment of 320-scre claim In the famous Christmas Lake Valley- all under fence with other substantial Improve ments; land all level with abundance of water at a depth of 25-30 feet: may con sider a trade ln some good suburban prop erty. Address Box 46, R. F. D. No 2. Portland, Or. WASTED TIMBER LANDS. EILETZ claims: we pay cash for claims t' . xMeison wnittlar. 511 Board of Trade. TI.? ,.-lan1', wantl- C. J. MoCrackaa. 304 Ucaay bids.