THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUTTRSDAY, JTTNF 10, 190D. 1 BnVBVHiHHnHHMiBBMMHMMnBBHBMMMkMMMnikH EAkiAtaM We Are Sole Portland Agents for the Standard Sewing Machine Have Their Advantages Explained Agents for Royal Worcest er and the Celebrated Bon Ton and Adjusto Corsets Parade Programmes Given Away Free in the Shoe Department, 6th-St., A nnex 2 Bathing Suits In black or navy blue mobair, neatly trimmed with, wash braid, fast color bathing suits that give splendid service and will not shrink. A regular $7.50 value Thursday for the low price of. $5.98 New Veilings The best shades, the sizes most in demand and the most popu lar prices. Large shipments recently received make our stock the most complete in Portland. Have the latest for the Carnival week. You will need them now and on your vacation. Sale price, Q"7 en each, $1.75 to Of lOU Talc urn. waer Girard 's Talcum Pow der, Cupid brand; large can, worth 15c, at) On sp'L, Thursday.... " Ever Sweet, neutralizes all odors from perspira tion; sells regularly at 35c the box; ORp special sale, box fcJw Wax Paper, a good size roll of 24 sheets, on An sp'l. sale Thursd'y Paper Napkins, regular price 35c hun- OP dred; special at. Writing Paper, by the box, 24 sheets and 25 envelopes; spa- 1 flp eial at, box U Oldss Woriman&King Smart Tailored Suits at $13.98 New light striped effects, new shadow stripes and plaids, very late and smart checked designs, distinctly new colored stripes in the dark tones are a few of the late things among this lot. Most of them are made of a splendid grade of all-wool fancy pan- annas, though other fabrics are also used. They are on just the lines wanted for mid-season wear this Summer; have fitted backs and three-quarter length coats, skirts plain. A lot containing all sizes and every suit a fresh, choice model, just received from New York. Because they were bought late in the sea- son, don't think they are too late for your use. Vols, to $48.50 at $13.98 Pearl Buttons One dozen on card, fine white pearl buttons, in all sizes, for waists, underwear; special En price, the card.... Muhyon's Witch Hazel Soap, heals and beauti fies any complexion ; manufacturer's price 15c ; spec '1 price lAf Thursday, cake. Safety Pins, one dozen on card; best American pin; on special sale Cm at, the card w Writing Paper, Hurd's linen fabric fin- OP ish, 35c -value, . Jl Envelopes to match on sale at 10c Emb. 98c Yd 45-inch flouncings for skirts and dresses, plain white or with colored band edge. Regularly worth to $3.00 the 01 QQ yard, on sale at, yard. -0 1 1 wU Embroidery Flouncing, swiss or nainsook, various patterns, worth up to $2.00 the yard, on sale at, yard. 38c Parasols 98c Plain white with neat natural wood sticks, good strong frames, just what you want for decorating with flowers for rose carnival parades. Anywhere but here (or here regularly). they sell for $l.ou, extra special at this low price ..98c MM Silverware and China $5.94 Silver Tea Sets, in handsome de signs; four or five pieces, special ly reduced for the White Sale. Four-Piece Tea Set, reg. $.o0, special at only, 4-pc, $15.50 value, sp'l.. $12.20 4- pc, $22.00 value, sp'l.. $17.50 5- pc, $30.50 value, sp'l. .29.00 Bread Trays, $1.50 value, at..9S Bread Trays, $2.25 value.. $1.35 Bread Trays, $3.75 value.. $2. 75 Water Sets, $9.50 values. .$7.50 Water Sets. $10.25 vals..$8.25 Haviland China Dinner Sets, of 60 pieces, reg. $38.50 I Of Cft value, on sale for. . . VT.OU 100 pieces, $57.50. value.. $45.75 117 pieces, $78.00 value. .$62.00 Haviland China Dinner Sets, of 60 pieces; regular $44.50 (fOC value, on sale for, set....K' 100 pieces, $65.00 value.. $37.00 117 pieces, $39.50 value.. $63. 75 Rogers' Best Silverware, set QOn of six teaspoons, special at...l Dessert Spoons, 6 for $1.58 Tablespoons, set of 6 for..$l.SO $1.75 Lace Curtains $1.25 Pair The June white sale most surely brings good curtain bargains, and as proof of the savings you will find, here is a sample. A splendid lot of lace curtains in Brussels or Renaissance effects, 50 inches wide, 3 and 3i yards long, at ex tremely low prices for Thursday. $1.75 values at, the pair. . . .$1.25 $2.00 values at, the pair $1.45 $2.25 values at, the pair. . . .$1.70 $4.50 values at, the pair. . . .$2.95 $5.00 values at, the pair. . . .$3.35 $7.50 values at, the pair $4.95 RUFFLED MUSLIN CURTAINS Very sightly and serviceable for use in Summer cot tages," in kitchens, bedrooms, etc. A regular C1 QC $2.50 grade at the very low price of, the pair . O 1 1 u J $2.75 values, pair $2.10 $3.75 values, pair $2.50 Standard Sewing Machines are the world's cri- terion for quality. We are decidedly fortunate in securing the Portland agency for this fa- mous sewing machine, Vibrator or Rotary style. The most modern and most dependable machine on the mar ket. Expert demonstration, fourth floor. NewLinen Waists A late shipment of tailored waists, in pure linen makes; our stock the largest and best selected in the Northwest. Plain tailored, tucked models, or embroidered styles. They are extremely smart for Summer wear, and prices are surprisingly low. $1.25 Belts 48c Elastic belts, leather belts, or novelty belts in large assort ment and fitted with neat buckles. Values up to $1.25 on sale at. each . . . V Table Cloths Yards $3.95 S3.95 White Hose 39 c Boot lace, all over lace or plain white lisle in embroidered de signs. "Worth to 65c the pair, sale price, pair. 39C Table cloths 'of Richardson's Irish damask in handsome pat terns with borders all round, size 2x3 yards, for Thurs day's selling, each. Bed Spreads, large size, fringed with cut borders, worth 4 n $1.85 each, special at . . . O I i4d Full Size Crochet Bed Marseilles patterns, hemmed, worth $1.75 ea, special price Bath Towels, full bleached and hemmed readv for Spreads, nicely S1.25 Pa rasols $1.98 Pongee or tan- colored parasols, with wash cover, fancy or em broidered centers. Val-QI QQ ues up to $2.75 each atip I lUO use, 500 dozen on sale Thursday, ea. French Persian soft finish, worth 35c yard, special. . ..19C Lawns, 20c "Wear Well" Sheets, the best sheet bargain in Portland, made without seams in center, full bleached, nicely hemmed and finished. An immense number on sale for R Q n Thursday. Special r0b Sale Libbey Cut Glass We have the exclusive Portland agency for this richest of all makes of cut glass. In choosing a re membrance of the Rose Show, a birthday gift, a wedding present or a well-selected gift of any sort, can yon think of anything better than a piece of sparkling, scintil lating cut glass t 5-inch Nappies, $1.75 val 8-inch Bowls, $5 values... Sugars and Creamers, reg ular $4.00 value, for.... Sugars and Creamers, reg ular $5.50 value, for Sugars and Creamers, reg ular $10 value, on sale for Water Bottles, $4 values. Water Bottles, $8 values. S1.40 .$4.00 .$3.20 .$4.40 $8.00 .$3.20 -$6.40 BUNTING for Rose Carnival week. We have many thousands of yards in the official colors rose, pink ana tear green aosoiuteiy rain proof. Cologne Bottles, $8 value.. $6.40 Cologne Bottles, regular C ft Oft $11.50 values, on sale at. . .u.U Vases, worth $3.50, each..$2.SO Vases, worth $5.50, each.'.$4.40 Vases, worth $7.50,. each. .$6.00 Vases, worth $15.00, ea..$12.00 Rose Bowls, $9 vals., ea..$7.20 Fern Pots, $10 vals., each. 8.00 If you want the refrigerator that does the best work with the least ice, one with perfect air circula tion, try the Automatic we sell it. . ' i - - - . , i i ...... aJ i i ' i : : WILL INVADE CHINA American and British Banks Supported by Taft. TWO RIVAL SYNDICATES Morgan. Harrlman, Rockefeller and Other Bankers to Contest With Knropeans for Loan to Chinese Railroad. NEW YORK, June 9. To Investigate what opportunities are open to Ameri can finance In developing China, sev eral prominent financial houses and banking Institutions of this country will send an agent to the Orient. Announce ment was made here today of the for mation of a group of such houses for the purpose Indicated, among them be ing J. P. Morgan & Co. and Kubn, Loeb & Co. LONDON, June 9. The British banking houses which are participating in the tri Vartite loan for the financing of the Hankow-Szeohuen Railway In China, in ronnecfloTi with which the contract for a loan of $27,500,000 was signed on June 6 by the representatives of the British, French and German groups, are greatly interested In the Intelligence which reached them today that a powerful American syndicate with the strongest possible support from the Government purposes to participate in this enterprise. The American firms composing the syndicate are Kuhn. L.oeb & Co., J. P. Morgan & Co., the National City Bank of New York and the First National Bank. They base their claims for status In this enterprise on assurances "which the Chinese government gave the American Minister in Pekln in 190 is said in writing that American and British capital wouid be invited to raise the money themselves, end that British and American capitalists would have preference over all other nationalities. The American claim to participation in . this business, has been officially conveyed to the British, French and Chinese gov ernments. The Government's step 1n glv lug Its support to American financiers is regarded as a significant development In President Taft's policy to make the Vnlted States an influential factor in Oriental affairs. ment officials confirmed tonight the As sociated Press dispatch from London, stating that a strong American syndicate, composed of the prominent New York firms mentioned, would participate in the loan of $27,500,000, signed by representa tives of the British, French and German nations for financing the Hankow-Sze-chuen Railway in China. What propor tion of the loan the American syndicate is to get is not known to the department. The Government, it was explained, had had no part In the negotiations, but at the same time had been fully advised of their salient features. China's promise made in 1904 to Amer ican Minister Conger that, when she bor rowed money for the construction of. the railway, American financiers would be preferred in making the loan, has been kept fully in mind by the Washington Government and recently, when it ap peared that the negotiations for securing the money were nearing a conclusion, Mr. Hockhlll formally called the atten tion of AVai Wu Pu to the promise mane to his predecessor. The disposition of the State Department has been to en courage in every proper way the Invest ment of American capital in the Far F.ast in enterprises of reputed credit. In this connection much regret is felt here dver the evident failure of the proposed interest taken by Great Britain in the conference. CHINESE CASE IS ON CHIXA irELI TO HER PROMISE Government Allied Americans to Get Share la Syndicate. WASHINGTON, June . State Depart- SHRINERS' SESSION ENDS Turns Dofn Coast Candidate- Next at New Orleans. -Meet Government Opens Smuggling Trial at Chicago. TWO DEFENDANTS MISSING LOUISVILKE, Ky., June 9. This was the last day of business for the 35th an nual session of the Nobles of the Mystic- Shrine. New Orleans was chosen for the 1910 convention. The date of meeting was set back from June to April 12. Po tentate E. J. Oolby, of Indianapolis,, was selected as imperial outer guard. The position of imperial potentate -went to (George 1. Street, of Richmond, Va. otner officers elected were as follows: Im perial deputy potentate, Frederick K. Hines, lxs Angreles; imperial chief rabban, J. FYank Preat, of Fargt, N. D.; imperial assistant rabban, J. Cun ningham, of Baltimore; imperial high priest and prophet. "William W. Irwin, of Wheeling. TV- Va. ; Imperial oriental scribe, Jacon T. Harron, of Columbua, S. C; Imperial treasurer, William S. Brown, of Pittsburg (re-elected) ; Im perial recorder, Benjamin TV. Rowell, of Boston (re-elected); imperial first cere monial master, Frederick R. Smith, of Rochester, N. T.; imperial second cere monial master, J. P. Stevens, of Port land, Me.; imperial marshal, Henry W. Neidringhaus, of St. Louis; imperial cap tain of the pruard, Charles E. Overshine, of Minneapolis. Automobile and motorcycle races were the sporting attraction provided for the visitors today. Following the races a prize patrol drill took place. A band concert by BOO musicians fal lowed the drills, while a reception was tendered the Nobles after the concert. The Shrlners spent the day at Douglas Park. Railroad Men Implicated in Plot Turn State's Evidence and Aid Government in Getting Ce lestials Into Court. CHICAGO, June 9. Defendants In one of the greatest conspiracies to smuggle Chinese into this country with which the Government ever has dealt were placed on trial here today before United States District Judge Landls. Eight men were Indicted as the result of the activity of Government agents. Those actually brought before the bar today were Bob Leung, a well-to-do Chinese merchant of El Paso, and Jose Parra and Carlos Svedra, Mexicans. Robert W. Stevenson, said to be the son of a Cripple Creek, Colo., Judge, W H. Clark and John Heltzell, all brake- men, recently admitted their part in the alleged conspiracy and agreed to give testimony for the Government. They as sisted in bringing the Chinese from El Paso to Chicago. Sam Wah, also indicted, a wealthy Chi cago Chinese, disappeared some time ago and hia bonds were declared a forfeit to the Government. Chin Ten Quel, an other Chi cago an said to have been one of the chief conspirators, did not appear today and his bonds likewise were for feited. John M. Tanner, a dining-car cook, who assUted In trans-porting the aliens, will be a witness for the prosecution. As sistant United States District Attorney Edward S. Shirrer, in outlining the Gov ernment's case, declared that the al leged conspiracy had embraced many men besides those indicted and that they had brought hundreds of Chinese across the border. For each. Celestial thus smuggled in, the conspirators received $500, he said. Boston Man Wins Match. PARIS. June 9. "Honey" Mellody, of Boston, knocked out "Curley" Watson in the fourth round. iTig operation on Elmer Monte, 14 yeara old of Chicago. Ten others will submit to the knife to help the cure. Denver. Colo. The organization of the Negro Towns-it & Lnd Company, with a capital stock of $100,000, marks the begin ning of a movement to acquire a tract of land where the negroes of Colorado may fol low agricultural pursuits. Los Angeles. Cal. Investigation, among; tnose naving intimate knowledge or the mem bers of the Aolokan sect of Caucasia. Rus sia, settled. In Southern California, proves the statement tnat tney were aissatisned with their life in the Lntted States was false. Halifax, N. 6. Twenty men were hurled Into a burning building while fighting a fire that broke out Wednesday in the nlant of the Nova Scotia Furnishing Company. rne rooi or one or tne ouiiaings on wnlcn the men were standing collapsed. One man was killed and seven injured. Washington- W. W. Rockhill, American Minister to China, who has been promoted to the post at St. Petersburg, will oome to the United States before assuming his duties for consultation with the State Department on Important questions affecting the - Far East. Pasadena, Cal. A big black ape escaped from a local private zoo Tuesday' and for an hour walked up and down aristocratic Grand avenue, scaring everybody away, then went to the residence of Bishop Joseph H. Johnson and helped himself to a dish of prunes. Then he went home. Tueumcari. X. M. Murder, the result of wilful neglect, is the chsrge brought against Rev. Jesse Fenton. pastor or tue Holines Church at San Juan, N. M. It Is charged that Rev. Mr. Fenton refused to summon medical attendance for his wife when ehe was taken 111 and allowed her to die. Chicago. A train-wrecking mystery of two months ago was solved Tuesday by tne con fession of Willie Osborne, 1ft yearw old, liv ing near Griffith, Ind. He admitted that he had attempted to derail the train out of re vertge for the burning of a stack of hay be longing to nui rattier, v imam usDorne. iRome. The people of Rome showed much interest vv edneecay in tne departure or number of cycllste carrying spec la messages from the Mayor of this city to the munici palities of Milan end f&ris, containing con gratulations on the 60th- anniversary of the succ6a?iut conclusion of tne war or lisbv. Jollet. 111. A" Jail delivery by which more than 100 men were to have escaped from the state prLson was prevented by the coolness of a handful of guards Tuesday, when 160 con victs were held under threatening rifles after one of their number had broken from the s ton e-Q oarry 1 ine a nd m ade h ia esca pa. Richmond, Ind. In the General Lutheran Svnod Wednesday the board of education was instructed to take Immediate steps to ward the establishment of & Lutheran theo logical school at some point on the Pacific Coast, Los Angeles Is believed to be the city where the new institution win bs lo cated. Chicago. Alderman John Burn declares that the members of the House of Delegates of St, Louie are cheaters of charity and un fair sportsmen and therefore -the Chicago Council should not play baseball witn tnem. He wanted an invitation from the St. Louis body to play two games of ball this Summer to go unnoticed. t New York. Charles Miller, who has worked CONDENSED NEWS BY WIRE Padang, Sumatra The town of KIrlnchi, 1S5 miles to the southeast of Padang, was destroyad by an earthquake on the night of June 4. Two hundred people were killed and many others injured. Berlin. Geraldine Farrar, replying to an Inquiry concerning the report recently pub llehed that she was engaged, to be married to Antonio Scotti, the singer, writes from Bad Elster as follows: "You may officially deny all reports of my engagement of marriage.' Chicago. Twenty boys of the St. Charles State School for Boys voluntarily have sup plied th nwofa piinry to perform a graft- The Red, White And otner constituents or your blood are powerfully enriched and vitalized by Hood's Sarsaparllla. It increases the red corpuscles and makes strong the white corpuscles, and thus protects and restores the health. It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, general debility and builds up the whole system. Get it today in the usual liquid form or in chocolated tablet form called SarsaUba, for $30 a month for 84 yeans as a waiter be hind the lunch counter in the Old Astor House. resigned hts job Tuesday and announced his intention of taking a trip to Europe. , At the hotel It was said that Miller had accumu lated a fortune of $.00,000 working as a waiter. Colorado Springs, Colo. The local police department, with the assistance of repre sentatives or a detective aiyenoy, succeeded In Identifying E. Cholllnghead, alias James Gordon, and Peter J. Butterbaugh. alias Iawrence Goldrn, two of the four men held in Omaha on the charge of robbing the Union Racine overian-i limited recently, as the Portland, San Francisco, 0 LS. Seattle. 9 SPECIALISTS IN GLOVES, PARASOLS, HOSIERY Special Parasol Sale TODAY, THURSDAY two men arrested for robbing a hotel in Man- iwu in Juiy, lout . Indianapolis. In a motorcar rhoM hv Samuel Dowden, an attorney, pursued by an other car containing Chief of Police Metzger, Ca ptaln of Detectives Asch and A lbert Wi 1 son. Chief of Police of Oakland Cal.. Dow den was shot through the knee Tuesday night. Dowden'e car was stopped and the police car ried the Injured man to a physician Jethou Reaches Astoria. ASTORIA. Or., June 9. (Speclal.) Tha Norwegian steamer Jethou arrived In to day from Quaymas, Mexico, and immedi ately cleared for Grays Harbor, -where she la under charter to load lumjber. LATEST STYLES IN PAEASOLS $1.50 Parasol values, on sale. . . .Oa $2.25 Parasol values, on sale. .$1.35 $3.00 Parasol values, on sale. .$1.T5 $4.50 Parasols Greatly Reduced Plain white linen Parasols 50 Kayser, Niagara and Fowne's Silk Gloves at 50S 75S $1.00 "Onyx" brand- pure thread Silk Hose, $1.50 values on sale at...98t Parasols Made to Order and Repaired. CHAS. BERG, Manager. S09 Morrison Street, Opp. Postoffice If"' Mf3 to? 7W 4. '1 i 1 , The Compartment Observation Car ON THE ORIENTAL LIMITED the electric-lighted train via THE GREAT NORTH ERN is a special feature. Youll like our dining car service also. Meals served a la carte (pay for what you order). No . change of cars Tacoma, Seattle or Spokane to Chicago. Connecting trains via Seattle or via SPO KANE, PORTLAND & SEATTLE RAILWAY (The North Bank Road). Eastern Excursion Rates July 2-3, Aug. 11-12 For tickets, rates and sleeping-car reservations call on or address H. DICKSON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 122 Third Street, Portland, Or. Telephones Main 680, A 2286.