THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, . JUNE BUY HOPS Dealers Have Orders but There Are No Sellers. OFFER 13 AND 14 CENTS Cables Report Vermin Increasing in England and liohemia In Spite of the Improved Weather. New York Conditions. Almost every . hop dealer in the state is believed to have orders Tor 11K9 hop con tract?, but there- is an entire absence of Belter. Offers of 13 and 14 cents have been made In several sections, but without causing growers to take the least Interest. With the market having already advanced 5 cents, the farmers have naturally set their ideas at a high figure for the coming crop, many of them confidently believing the market will reach 18 or 20 cents before harvest. The following London cablegram was re ceived by Klaber. Wolf A Natter yester day: "England Vermin have Increased, but there ta favorable change in weather. Mar- ket is dull, with downward tendency. "Bohemia Vermin have Increased, but weather Is very favorable. No change in market to report New York crop conditions are reptorted hy the Watervllle Times as follows: Although the weather has not warmed up much and the nights are still too cool to be seasonable, yet the hops are making a fairly good growth. In tha new yards there is promise of an average crop, but the old yards are not looking very promising and the most that can be expected Is a small sized crop for this year, other conditions being favorable. Offers to contract for this year's crop' at 15 cents are being made dally by dealers, but so far few of our growers have accepted any of these offers. The Coblesklll, N. Y-. Index says: It Is said that there will be about 15 per cent decrease, compared with last year, in the hop acreage in Otsego County. The hop roots have wintered well, but the cold. Inclement weather has retarded work in the Gelds. STRAWBERRIES SELT, AT $1 PER CRATK Lowest Price of the Season, Because) of Oversupply. Strawberries touched the lowest price of the season yesterday. In the afternoon good fruit waa offered freely on Front street at $1 per crate. As was to be ex pected, the warm weather brought on the bulk of the crop almost all at once, and with the oversupply, prices had to tumble. The range of prices on the street was from $1 to $1.75, the top' belog the Hood River quotation. At the East Side market, prices started out at $1.40r 1.60. but, like the Front-street market, the first prices were not maintained long. A heavy supply Is looked for again today. Raspberries have made their appearance and are selling at $1.25 per crata. Logan berries are slow sale at 75 cents. Apri cots, peaches and plums are also cheaper. No cantaloupes were received. There is a good demand for bananas. There are no in dependent bananas on the market and have been none since the first car was re ceived. Another car of Florida plneap'ples will be received the latter part of the week;, Thla win make six Btralght cars of pineapples brought into Portland so far this season. This is the first year that pineapples have ever been brought here in carlots. A car of Mississippi tomatoes, the first of the season, was distributed on the street. They were In fine condition, green and turn ing, and were quoted at $2 per crate. Green corn drags, but other vegetables sell readily. Weekly Grain Statistics. The weekly grain statistics of tho Mer chants' Exchange follow American visible supply- Bushels. Decrease. CANNOT June 7. 10O0 17,527,000 June 8, Umks. 2l.277.00o June IO, 107 4!.l 14.0OA June 1 1, lOOtV . . , 20.784,000 June 12, lttu.t IS. 100,000 June 0, 1 004 20, rtoa. (X K June 8. lOua 22.J71,0H June 0, llV02. 2.Y 00 1,000 June lo, looi 3.V2lt2,o0 June 1 1, 1000 44.407.000 2.2o0.O00 1.S41.000 012.000 1,02-7,000 1..KVT.W0 1)72,000 1.S57.OO0 2,?13.(MM) 1,642,000 21tri.0OO Quantities on passage Week Week Week ending June 6. "08 Bushels 23. 120. OOO 15.1 20. 0O0 ending June 5 liujtheln , .27.000.000 . . 13.120.000 , .40.720.000 ending May 2i Bushels 27. 20, 000 14.3i:6, 000- For V. K ... Continent Totals World's countries. 41.600.000 SS, 240,000 shipments, nrinclual e&Dortlna- flour Included W eek Week Week ending JUTIH f From Bufhels TJ. Can. . .2.128.006 Argentlna . . 1.S2 1.000 Australia . . . SO.ttoo India 1,608.000 Dan. ports.. . 302.000 Russia 2.000.OOO ending ending May 20 June 0, 'OS Bushels Bushels 3.1K3.0OO 3. 306, OOO 2.01 6.O0O 2.610.000 200,000 245,000 1.44O.0OO 304,000 424,000 3.4O&.0OO 1,448.000 Totals .-8,902.006 10.55l.O0O 8.102.000 Tone of Grain Market is Firm. There Is very little business passing in either spot grain or futures, but the feeling is very firm in all lines. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay June 5-6 10 15 1 14 June 7 1 .. s 1 9 Total last week.. 17 4 68 10 80 Country Produce Is Steady. . The butter market holds steady, with no indication of any Immediate change in prices. The Eastern butter market has ad vanced again. Cheese Is moving freely at former quotations. There is a goo4 demand for poultry and, as receipts are not excessive, prices are well maintained. Eggs are slow. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday w ere as follows: Clearings. Portland $1,176.43:! eattl 1,874.153 Tacorna !i5,t8J Spukaue 1.2S7.715 Balances. 133.155 249, 6S5 IIS. 008 76.344 PORTLAND M-VKKFTS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Kte. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem mllllns. l.aosil 33; club. 11.20 1.22 H ; Valley. $1.17. FLOU R Patents. $0.25 per barrel; atralcbta. &V3o; exports. $4.70; Valley. $5.50; a rah am. $5.00; whole wheat, quarters, $5.60. CORN Whole, J St. per ton; cracked. 131 per ton. 1URLEV Feed, $34 35 per ton. . OATS No. 1 White. $40.50641 per ton. MILLSTl'FFS Bran. l! per ton: mid dlings, $3; shorts. Clem; chop, $24630: rolled barley. $3037 HAT Timothy. Willamette Valley. $15 19 per ton; Eastern Oregon. $19'y'22: clover. $ll"ifl!; alfalfa. $13ij14; chat, $143 14.60: vetch. $14 u 14. SO. Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FHL'ITS Apples, $1J50 per box. Strawberries, $141 1.76 per crate, cherrtee, $1 ft' 1.35 per box: gooseberries 60 per pound; loganberries, 75c per crate; peaches, $1.50 per box; apricots, $1 $0 per box; plums, 31.25 per box; rasp, berries, $1.35 per crate. POTATOES Jobbing price. $213225 per Sweet potatoes. 4Wc ner pound. SACK VEGETABLES Tumi pa. $1.60 per sack: carrot, si. 10; norse radish, 12c per pound. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, tl 2 4TS.25 per box, lemons. $1.75 4; grape fruit. 3.M5 4 per box; banal'sa, Kb per p-vund:; plnearples. $3. r0 per crate. OXIOXV-Bermuda. 3 1-25 4 HO per crata; red. f 1 -3 'a I SO per sack. vlWETiBI.ES; Artichokes. 50 4?cOc do. 6lr9c, cabbage, 2o per pound; cauli flower, $8 per crate; corn, 30o0c per dozen; cucumbers. fiOe$1.25 per dozen; lettuce, hothouse, $1.50 per box; lettuce, head. 2.rc per dozen; onions, 12 H S loc per doxen; parsley, 35c per dozen; peas, 6Sc per pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, 3 3 H c per pound ; spinach, 6c per pound ; squash. 75c $1.25 per box; tomatoes,, $2 U.iiO per crate. Dairy and Country Xrodue. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 26c; fancy outside creamery, 2526c per lb. ; store. 18c (Butter fat prices aver ago 1 H cents per pound under regular but ter prices.) EOGS Oregon, ranch, 23 24o per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 1414c; Springs, 18 20c; roosters, 8&5c; ducks. 14 'g1 15c; geese. 10 & 11c; turkeys, 18 2i)c; squabs, $2 2.25 per dozen. CHEESE Full cream twins, 154 16o per pound; young Americas, 16 17c; California. 16&l?c. ' PORK Kancy, 10c per pound. VEA L Extras. SfSo per pound ; ordi nary, 7c; heavy, 6c. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. DRIED FRUIT Apples." 9e per lb.; peaches. 748c, prunes, Italians, 54 640; prunes, French, 46c; currants, unwashed, cases, Hc; currants, washed, cases, 10c; figs, -white fancy, 50-lb. boxes, c ; dates, 77c. SALMON Columbia River. 1-lb. tails, $2 per dozen; 2-lb. tails. $2.95; 1-pound flats. $2.10 ; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, 90c; red. 1-pound talis. $1.4; sockeyes, 1 pound talis, $2. COFFEE Mocha, 24 28c; Java, odrlnary, 17ff20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; good, 16&lSc; ordinary, 12iloc per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 12t$33c per pound by sack; Brazil nuts, 16c; filberts, 15c; jeanuts, 7c; almonds, 13 14c; chestnuts, Italian. 11c; peanuts, raw, 5c; pinenuta. 10 & 12c; hlokory nuts, 10c; cocoanuts, 00c per dozen. SUGAR Granulated. $6.05; extra C. $5-55; golden C, $3.45; fruit and berry sugar, $6 05; Honolulu plantation, fine grain, $6.00; plain bag, $0.85; beet granulated, cubes (.barrel), $3.45; powdered (barrel) $6.30. Terms: on remittances within 15 days, deduct per pound; if later than 15 days and within SO days, deduct He per pound. Maple sugar, 15 & ISc per pound. SALT Granulated, 13 per ton, $1.90 pr bale; half ground, 100s, $7.50 per ton; 50s, $S per ton. BEANS Small white. 7c; large white, S c ; Lima, 5 V c ; bayou. 6c; Mexican red, 7c. Provisions. BACON Fancy, 24c per pound; standard. 19o; choice. ISc; English. 16 18c. DRY SALT CURED Ketrular short Hpnrs. dry salt, 13c; smoked, 1494c; short cWar backs, heavy dry salted. 13c; smoked. 14c; Oregon exports dry salted. 143ic: smoked. 15 c. HAMS 10 to 18 lbs. 16Vlc: 14 to 1 1Tmi. 16c; 18 to 20 lbs, 164c; hams, skinned. 15c; picnics, 11c; cottage roll, 12c; shoul ders, 11c; boiled hams, 22 23c; boiled pic nics. 10c. LARD Kettle rendered : 10s. 1 5 e : 5s 15c; Standard pure: 10s, 14c; 5s, 14c; (jnoice: 10s, lac; 5s, 13 He Compound: 10s, Hc; 5s. 9c. SMOKED BEEF. Beef tongues, each, 60c; dried beef sets. 19c; dried beef out sides, 17c; dried beef lnsldes, 21c; dried beef knuckles. 20c. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet, $13; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; pigs' tongues. $19.50. BARRELED MEATS Aless beef. $12 per barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel; mess pork, $20 per barrel; bis ket, $22 per barrel. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1909 .contracts. 13r3)14f nnr 1908 crop, 9 10c; 1907 crop, 45c; 1906 crop, 1 Vi (ff 2c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 17 22 c per pound; Valley, fine, 26c; medium, 23c: coarse, 21 &22c. MOHAIR Choice. 242Eio per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 16 17o lb.; dry kip. No. 1, 153l6c pound; dry calf skin, 18 19c pound; salted hldea. c; salted calfskin, 13 14c pound; green, lo less. FURS No. 1 skins: Angora goat, $1 to $1.25; badger, 2550c; bear, $6&20; beaver, $6.50S8.5O; cat, wild, 75c $1.60; cougar, perfect head and claws, $3 10; fisher, dark, $7.50 11; pale. $4.90 7; fox, cross. $1 to $5; fox. gray. eoSOc; fox, red, $35: fox. silver, $35 to $100- lynx. $8 15; marten, dark. $S12; mink. $3.505.GO; muekrat, 13825c; otter, $2.50(3)4; raccoon, 60 75c; sea otter. $100 230 as to size and color skunks, 55 80c; civet, cat, 10tS15c; wolf, $2 3 ; coyote, 75c $1.25 ; wolverine, dark. $3 C; wolverine, pale $2 2.60. CASCARA BARK Per pound, 6 cents. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Sheep and cattle were weakened by large receipts yesterday and Indications are for a further reduction in prices. Hogs show their previous strength. Receipts were 163 cattle. 786 sheep and 176 hogs. Late sales at the yards Included 118 sheep, average lis lbs., $4.25; 18 bulls, average 1356 lbs.. $2.75; 186 sheep, average 89 lbs., $3.75; 205 sheep, average 111 lbs.. $3.75; 286 lambs, a vera go 64 lbs., $4.90; 38 lambs, average 72 lbs., $4.75; 95 sheen. average 103 lbs., $3.60; 9s sheep, averat-- 101 lbs., $3.60; 1 stag, 1500 lbs., $3.60; 25 steers, average 1026 lbs., $4.60; 1 bull, ave. apre 12S0 lbs., $3; 29 cows, average 938 lbs. $3.50. Local prices quoted at the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Steers, top, $5; fair to good, $4.50 4.7 5 ; common to good" $4 S 4.50 cows, top, $4-4.25; fair to good, $3.754; common to medium, $2.50 1& 3.50 ; calves, tn, $Ii5.50;- heavy. $3.5o4; bulls1 and stags $3''73.5i: common. $2ffr2.73. HOGS Best. $88.15; fair to good, $7.50 (57.75; stackers, 66.50; China fats, $6.75 (o-T. SHEEP Ton wethers. S404.25: fair -to good. $3.5074; ewes, Uc Ipss on all grades; iinga, ut-ii, ji.zo ; iair to good, $4 ; Spring lambs, $4.76 6. Eastern Livestock Markets. SOT'TH OMAHA Nh. Jim. ft Tnttl Receipts 8000. market steady to strong; Texas steers. $3.O06.OO; range cows and heifers. $2.8afi'fi.35: canners, $2.0o4.75; stockers and feeders. $3.0iny,.5o; calve. $3.26!&-7.25; bulla and stags. $3.005.50. Hogs Receipts. 12,000, market strong to 5o higher; heavy. $7.407.55; light, $7.2orT.35; pigs. $5.006.50; bulk of sales, $7.257.55. fcneep Kecelnts 3500 head, marknt ctMdv: yearlings. S5.75ii"-6.75: wethr .ftn .ftn- ewes, $4.405.4U; lambs, $7.258-25. CHICAGO. June 8. Cattle Rert1nt- ti- mated at 2r00. market steady; beeves $5.30; Texaa ateers. $4.60fi-6.30; Western steers, $4.75 ?6 40; Ptockers and feeders. $8.60 5. 50: cows and heifers, $2.4036.25: calves. S.V75S7.76. Hoes Receipts estimated At 14.000 mnrbP steady; light, $7.00i?? 1 ,&0; mixed, $7'.207.70; neavy, $,.L?gT.80; rough. $7.2-W7.45 good to choice iheavy, $7.457.80; pigs, $6.807.O0; bulk of sajes $7.35fi7.70. bheeo Receints Mtlmntrl at in nm mar ket steady; native, $4.006.20; yearling $6.25 iV V '"mo. native, $a.ousrs.a; Western, $6.25(9.30. , K AN S AS CITT. June 8. Cattle Receipts, S000, market strong; native cows and hei fers, $2.756.60; stookers and feeders, $3.75 6.50 ; bul Is. f 3.00f 5. 00 : cal'3, $3. 75 7.00 Western steers. S5 OOtffft TO- $3.255.25. ' Hogs Receipts. 16,000, market strong to oc higher; buik of aies. $7.107.15: packers "u uuiwirra, i --V-y ( ou; pigs. $3.70.T5. Sheep Receipts. 7OC0, market 10c higher; lanihe. $6.50ff8.75: wethers and yearllnge. 4.75'5o.25; Texas and Arizona muttons, $4.40 6. 10. Dried Fruit In w York. XEW YORK. June 8. Evanorated RnnTM. firm fancy, S9c: choice. 78c; price, 6(g7c; common to fair. 6&Oc. Prunes quiet, 2 11 14c for California and fl'fto for Oregon 50-60s. Apricots quiet, choice 10c; extra choice. 10H4T10c; fancy. 11JT13C. Peaches dull, choice 56c extra choice 8c; fancy. 78Ho. Raisins firm, .loose Muscatel S4io seeded. 4c: seedless. S5Hc; Lon don layers, $1.151.20. Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO, June 8. Butter Firm. Cream eries. 23S27c; dairleisa 20 24 c Eggs Steady at mark, cases Included 13c Firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 2114c Cheese Steady. Daisies. 12014c; twins, 1212tsc; young Americas, 1S 13Vc; long horns. lS13o. NEW YORK. June s. Butter, cheese and eggs, steady and unchanged. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. June 8. Coffee fiilnr.. closed steady, net unchanged to 10 points ulBu"i. iv.wv uags. including June, 8.S5e; July, 6.50c; September, 6.05c; De cember, o S5c; April. 5.95c. Spot, quiet. No T Rio, TT41S8C; Santos, No. 4. 9c Mildl quiet. Cordova, 9gl2Hc Sugar Raw, Ira F-air retains, 3.42c centrifugal, 96 test. 3.92c; molaasea sugar' X-ITc Refined, steady. Sr Terk Cetton Market. STEW TOR&. June t. Carton f urn-res closed steady-. July, 10.75c; August. 10.67c; oepiemiw, iD.vxc; October and Xorember. ls.71c IXnsmser, 10.72c; Jstitistt. Fab-ra- arr ana aaaxr.n, ls.filc - LEADS TO SELLING Crop Report Affects Prices in Stock Market. DISAPPOINTS WALL STREET Before Its Publication the Trend ol Values Is Strongly Upward Movement in Southern Pacific. NEW YORK. June 8. The stock market occupied itself today largely with the fac tors applying to individual stocks, pending the appearance of the Government crop re port, after which there was a transforma tion of the previous tone. With an aggres sive upward movement in such, market lead ers as the Harrlman Paclncs and Reading, and a good advance in United States Steel, the general upward trend was to be ex pected. Reading was the early advance leader. with a persistence of reports of coming Increase In the rate of the dividend and of the retirement of the second preferred stock by exchange for common and first preferred stock, each In half portions. United States bteel was again the subject of reports or accumulation by the Paris flotation syndi cate. The buoyant rise of five points In South ern Pacific was due to the reported action of the directors looking to the retirement of the preferred stock. The privilege of ex change of the preferred stock Into common stock rather than accept the 115 In cash, at which the company is entitled to call the stock, would mean, of course, the substitu tion of a 6 per cent charge on the present volume of preferred stock in place of the 7 per cent now paid in dividends on that stock. Th e benefit to the finances of the company seems rather obscure. The right to call the preferred stock for retirement ex pires next year, so that it would have per manent preferential rights to 7 per cent dividends if not retired before that time. The alternative offer to preferred stock holders of 4 ,per cent, with $20 cash in addition would effect an annual saving to the company. If acepted by all the pre ferred stockholders, of about $1,200,000. The publication of the Government crop report came upon the prosperous course of the speculation induced by the special movement. Keen disappointment with the showing of the condition of Winter wheat and the acreage estimate for Spring wheat Induced general selling of stocks and brought prices back to about where they left off last night. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $7,850,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing baies. Alllis Chalmers pf 400 High. 62 H 87 44 88 s:i4 67 T1H 42 39 Low. Bid. 62H 86 43 38 83 67 70 42 8914 6U4 62 86 8314 C7 70 is 42 .3854 ' J4 61 "4 96 Amal Copper .... 27,100 Am Agricultural .. 800 Am Beet Sugar ., 700 Am Can pf 1,400 Am Car & Foun. 2.4O0 Am Cotton Oil... 7,306. Am Hd & Lt pf. 1.00O Am Ice Seeurl... 8,000 Am Linseed Oil Am .Locomotive. . S.900 Am Smelt & Ref.. 18,600 do preferred ... 800 Am . Suftar Ref 62 874 113 5 11214 112H 132 140 140 102 102 Am Tel & Tel... Am Tobacco pf.. Am Woolen 6,300 141 OOO 102 . 36 Vs 50 114 105 1341a Anaconda Min Co. 8,300 51 0 Atchison 20,306 1164 114 do preferred ... 700 106 10576 Atl Coast Line ... 1,000 135, 134 uj. Bait & Ohio 1,800 119T4 118 do preferred ... ..... Bethlehem Steel.. 800 31 SO Brook Rap Tran. 0,600 81 81 Canadian Pacific .. OOO 1834 183 Central Leather.. 9,200 31 30 do Dref erred ffloo l osu. 1 oa 11834 W4 31 81 183 30 100 295 78 Central of N J Ches & Ohio 11,400 78 ' 77 Chicago & Alton.. 600 71 70 Chicago Gt West. 1.400 5 4 Chicago & N WM 1.20O 18414. 183 C, M & St Paul.. 16,800 156 164 14 C. C. C & St L ..... Colo Fiel & Iron 6,700 44 43 70 o 183 155 40 434 63 81 Colo & Southern. 200 63 u 63 do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred . Consolidated Gas. . Corn ' Products .a 600 81 1,100 801,4 800 i4$ia 500 25 BOO 193 8,900 51 Ti 300 89 81 80 143 (SO 143 24 24 Bel & Hudson 192 192'-. 92 6114 89 D & R Grande . . . do preferred . . . D! stiller' Securl . . Dl 89 89 86 53 44 1-W 149 T4 149 16 45 . 84 24 15 i.zuu 40 o 37 63 44 Erie -. 18,500 37 do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. General Electric. Gt Northern pf... Gt Northern Ore.. Illinois Central . . 3,800 544 l.lOO 44 1,000 160 159 149 74 9,900 1.10 4.60O 2,200 90O 150 16 45 Interborouffh Met 164 46 85 '24 '4 16 32" 47 do preferred 15 KOrt Inter Harvester .. 800 Inter-Marine pf .. 1.200 Int Paper 7,400 lot Pump Iowa Central ... 400 K C Southern .. 3,000 do preferred . . . 800 84 24 16 40 81 46 72 143 86 13!) 14 7B - 42 106 87 31 46 r3 71 Louis & Nashville 3.900 144 J44 OK Ol A. o'JO Ol" M. St P 4 B g M. 709 140 Missouri Pacific. . 2.60O 7ft Ot 139 76 43 Mo. Kan & Texas.. 14,000 44 do preferred ... 200 73 national Biscuit .. . 300 106 National Lead ... 2,400 88 87 .'i i-i-i at 1 -y ibt pr. N T Central N T. Out & West. Norfolk & West. oi: 132 52 91 7,700 I3314 9,600 5314 500 91 131-54 52 n 94 83 149 29 North American., Northern Paclflc. Paciflc Mall . 1.9UO 84 . 1.600 151 . 2.00O 29 . 1.300 137 1,900 116 83 150 Penneylvanla ..... People's Gas .... P. C C & St L. . . Pressed Steel Car. . 136 137 iiii 11a 100 92 30O 44 SCO 46 .142,500 158 . 6.O00 334 92 91 44 46 156 32 106 33 70 45 "67 83 130 132 31 70 41 34 62 69 189 97 83 Ry steel Spring Reading Republic Steel... do preferred . so 156 106 33 70 26 z.ouo 107 Rock island Co.. 29.600 34 71 45 "68 84 135 187 do preferred 2 900 St L & S F 2T nf 20O St L Southwestern ao prererred ... 2,200 Sloss-Sheffleld .... 800 68 83 faouthern Paciflo w182,700 do Dreferred i"Wl " Southern Railway. S.30O J do 32 32 do preferred 400 70 4t 70 41 Tenn Copper .... 300 Texae & Pacific. S.3O0 Tol, St L & West 300 35 52 as 61 do Dreferred sort 69 6 Linion Pacific 101,200 192 do preferred . . 70.1 otu 190 97 3?4 X TJ S Realty 500 83 t u fcteei 90.7O0 do preferred ... 10.700 X'tah Copper .... 1,700 va-Caro Chemical. 300 681-i 1251 52 53 22 6S 20 . S- 10 v4 124 51 51 21 63 11) " 85 76 10 52 51 Wabash 2. loo do preferred ... 1'.700 Western Md . in finn 53 19 Westinghouse Elec 90O so 76 11 western Lnion ... 1,100 Wheel & L Erie.. 100 Wisconsin Central. 3.400 61 on 69 . Total sales for the day, 1,048,400 shares BONDS. NEW TORK, June 8. Closing quotations: J o rei JB reg.ltliu, N Y C G SW.R . . 3 do coupon - - - lOl . North Pacific 3s. 74 North Pacific 4s. 102 Union Pacific 4s. 102 Wiscon Cent 4s. 95 Japanese 4s . 88 TJ S Ss reg 101 do coupon ...102 TJ S new 4s reg. 118 do coupon ...121 D ft R G 4s 97 Stocks at London. LONDON, June 7. Consols for money, tym -js ; u n iur account, 4,s. Anaconda ...... 10 Atchison 117 Nor A West. . do pref Ont & West.., Pennsylvania . Rand Mines . . Reading So Railway . , do pref So Pacific Union Paciflo do pref ... U S Steel ... do pref . . , Wabash . do pref ... Spanish 4s . . Amal Copper .. 93 .. 90 do pref 108 Bait & Ohio 122 Can Paclfio . 187 Chi Grt West 4 .. 84 .. 10 .. 80 V , (V .iL L' . . . i ..33 De Beers 13 ...72 T & R G do pref Erie do 1st pref. . do 2d pref. . Grand Trunk . L Sc N Mo. K. T N T Central. . . 52 . 91 . 3S . 55 . 45 . 23 . 47 . 43 .136 ..134 . .197 ..100 .. 69 -.128 .. 22 .. 65 .. 88 88 Money, Exchange, Etc NKW TUHK, June 8. Money on oalL itv wnt; roues rate. l per cent cjosuix dm, -i-a per cent; orxerea ax 2 per cert i. Time loans, firm and quiet; 60 days. 2u 2 per cent; 90 daya, 22 per cent six. moauu, (gs- per cent- Prime mercantile paper. 3 & 4 per cent. atoning exonange. steady, with actual business In bankers" bills at $4.8570$4.8580 for 60-day bills and at $4.8770 for demand; commercial bills. $4.8537504.8575. Silver- bar, 62c; Mexican dollars, 44c. Bonds Government, steady ; railroad, Ir regular. " . SAN FRANCISCO. June 8. Silver bars t2 c. Mexican dollars, 47c Drafts. Sight, par; drafts, telegraph. 2 c Sterling on London. 60 days, $4.85 ; sterling on Lon don, sight, $4.87. LONDON, June 8. Bar silver, dull, 24 d per ounce. Money, 12 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 1 per cent; the rate of dis count in the open market for three months bills Is 1 per cent- - Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, June 8. Today's state ment of the treasury balance in the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold re serve shows: Available cash balance ........ $120,064,155 Gold coin and bullion .......... 49.544,704 vroiu certincatea 27,373,810 Eastern Mining1 Stocks. BOSTON, June 8- Closing quotations: Adventure 8 Mohawk 67 Allouez 42 86 9 Mont c & C. ... 25 Nevada 22" Amalgamated Aria com Old Dominion... 56 Oaceola 138 Atlantic Butto Coal 26 Parrot 35 Quincy .......... 93 Shannon 16 Tamarack 74 Trinity 13 United Copper. . 10 U S Mining .... 60 Utah 43 Victoria 4 Winona ........ 5 Wolverine ......149 North Butte .... 6Q Cal St Ariz 108 Cal & Hecla eTO Centennial 34 Copper Range.. 824 uaiy west .... 7 V. Franklin 10 4 106 Greene Cananea 10 Isle Roy ale .... 28 Mas, Mining. ... 9 Michigan 10 NEW TORK. June 8. Closing quotations: Alice 200 Brunswick Con. 6 Con Tun fitock;. 27 (Little Chief B Mexican ........ 75 Ontario .........300 Ophlr ' 120 Standard 175 Yellow Jacket .. 35 do bonds. . IS C C & Va 60 Horn Silver ... 65 Leadvllle. Con 45 SHARP DROP IN BERRIES SUPPIT BETOND REQUIRE- MENTS OF SEATTLE TRADE. California Fruits Are Also Lower. Cheaper Prices Clean "Up Poultry. 6EATTLB, Wajsh., June 8. (Special.) The strawberry market went aJl to pieces today, and first-class stock eold as low as $2. The break In the market was due to the tact that pro cere will keep their stores ciosea an day tomorrow, on account of the grocers' day at the exposition. Retailers refused to stock up today, and "Western avenue dealers had great difficulty In clean ing up. On top of this came the heaviest receipts of the season. Apricots dropped to $2. Peaches sold at $1.50, and plums at $1.76. New potatoes have declined to 34c Poultry Is well cleaned up. The lower prices have helped the movement matefl- aily. Egg- were steady. The recent warm weather is causing a heavier shrinkage. Cheese Ls weak. Old potatoes are not as strone. Stocks In warehouses are not standing up. To day prices dropped beck to $45. QUOTATIONS AT BAH FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City aiaricets. SAN" FRANCISCO. June 8. The lVi 11 ow ing- prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: Mlllstuffs Bran. 123.50(3 30. middllnva. t333S5. potatoes or (con Burbanks. is. SKdft s. ra? Salinas Burbanks, nominal; sweets, nom inal. Vegetables Hothouse encumbers. 7Rn rfi $1.50; garlic. 4 fa -5c; green peas, $1.252-25; siring oeans, a ctc; tomatoes, si. 25 1.50; egg-plant, 10 12 c; asparagus, $1 2. x- ut lci r tiucy creamery, zryc ; creamery seconds, 25c ; fancy dairy, 24 c. Poultry Roosters, old, $45; voung, $8 10; broilers. small, $2.50&3; broilers, large, $3.604.50; fryers, $5.50 6.50 ; hens. ofyiw; uucKs, oia,; young, $68. bbi oLono, rfoc; zancy rancn, 254c. Cheese New. Tnim lea, 15a19c. WOOl toOUth Plains and San .Trntrtnln. 1217c; Mountain, 612c; Nevada, 1320c way wneat. 114 12 : wheat ana nnto $1620; alfalfa, $810; stock, $8S; bar ley, $11 14; straw, per bale, 50 80c. Frults Apples, choice, $1.50; common 40c; bananas. 75c$3.00; limes. $45; lemons, choice, $3; commons, $1; oranges. $1.503; pineapples, $24. jvtjceipiu r iour, zat sacks; . wheat. 540 centals; barley, 14,670 centals; oats, 540 cen tals; corn, 450 centals; potatoes, 3860 sacks; bran, 820 sacks; middlings, 400 sacks; hay. ov ions; wooi, zuy Daies ; niaes, 1305. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. June 8. Tin in T.nrion wn lower today, spot at 132 10s, futures ia3 jus ea. J.ocany tne market was dull and a shade lower; spot 2929.25c. Copper was lower in London, soot cl or (ne at 61 and futures at 61 17 6d, but the iocai mar Ket remainea firm, with in ir. quoted at l3.ea ) 13. 75c, electrolytic 13.37 M Lead was unchanged at 13 3s 9d In T,nn- don. The local market was steady at 4.35 4.45c Spelter- In London was unchanced nt 2s 6d. and remained nrm tnaiiir k ox B.4Cte ' Tha English iron market was a .h.. lower, wltlj Cleveland warrants at 48s 74d. a no local maraet was unchanged, No. 1 louuurjr nonnera loifis.tlo, Ko. 2 Northern $15.7B16.15. No. 1 Southern and No. 1 ouuuieni soit, jiofff i.zsy. flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. Juno K $178. NEW PASTOR IS INSTALLED Rev. John F. Lyons Has "Brrh. terlan Church at ewberg. NEWBEkG. Or.. Juno 8 (Special.) A special meeting of the Willamette pres bytery waa held at the Presbyterian iiurcu iaai mgnt, wnen Rev. John F. uyons, lormeny or Brownsville, was in- ifxawi. J.U. sermon waa preached by Rev. H. T. Nave, D. r field representaUve of Albany College. The uuxia na a new cnurcti building of modern design, recently dedicated and the new pastor, who has been here for a snort time, as receiving the hearty co operation of the membership. He is young man and he enters on the work or tne pastorate with bright prospects WATER STRUCK IN TUNNEL Threatens Damage bat Water Famine. Relieves rA.uu.MA, June 8. A great flow of pure cold water was struck todav hr the builders of the Union Pacific tunnel near lacoma. jot some time the stream was "beyond control and threatened seri ous damage, but this afternoon lt was controlled ana turned Into the cltv wa. ter . mains, thus relieving a temporary vv atci imiimc. Jump Breaks Woman's Arm. WOODLAND, Wash., June 8. (Special. Mrs. Irene Robinson, an" old settler of this section, aged about 60, broke both bones of the right arm near the wrist yesterday by Jumping from the buersrv in which she and her Bon-ln-law, Ab Bo- zorth, were riding. She was brought Into town and attended by Dr. Alice Chapman. TTryns Visit Vassar College. POCGHKEBPSIB, N. Y.. June SWAd miral and Baroness XJryu. of Janan. at. tended the class day exercises today at vassar uouege, where the Baroness a graduate. 1 THREE-PUT LOSS Deterioration in Condition of Winter Wheat Crop. SPRING CROP IS BETTER Publication of Government Report Is Cause of Active Buying and Higher Prices in the Chicago Market. WASHINGTON, June 8. Spring wheat condition averaged 95.2 per cent; Winter wheat. 80.T; acreage sown to Spring wheat. IS. 390.000. This, summarized, was the re port of the Department ot Agriculture on crop conditions. The Spring wheat condition ls compared with 90 per cent a year ago and a ten-year average of 92.6. Winter wheat a re rage ls against 88.5 a month ago, 88 a year ago, and & ten-year average of 80.5. The Spring wheat acreage) la 0,9 per cent more than shown last year. The condition of rye a month ago was 88 1; a year ago 91.2. and an average of 89.4 for ten years. The condition of oats ls compared with 92. 9 per cent a year ago and a ten-year average of 83.4. The area sown to oata was about 82,422,000 acres, or .02 oer cant more than sown last year. ine condition of barlev is compared with 89.7 a year ago and a ten-vnar nvrt cr nf 90.6. The area sown is about 6.881. OOO acres, or 8.5 per cent more than last vear. The 1 X)9 acreajre. the June 1 condition and the average on June 1 for 10 years for Spring wheat In Washington are 905,000 and 93 and 94. The June 1 condition and ten-vear K7nr for Winter wheat on the Pacific Coast fol lows: .Tun 1 A Oregon g7 92 Washington 90 93 California 75 80 For barley: the acreajre sown, the rm ra tion of the crop on June 1 last, and the average on June 1 for the past 10 years re spectively, in California are 1,082,000 and 81 and 85, and in Washington 182,000 and 93 and 96. The condition of meadows: Hay on June 87.6 against 84.5 on May 1 Jast and fia A on June 1 a year ago. ne condition of pastures on June 1 was 85.6, against 81 on Mav 1 last; 97 t nn June 1 last year, and 91.1 the 10 years av- ci a. ACTIVK BUTETN'O IN' CHICAGO MARKET. Jjoaa in Condition of Winter wheat More Than Expected. CHICAGO, Juno 8. Tha official statistics complied by tho Government experts relating to the acreage sown to wheat in tho United stated ana condition of the crop on June 1 were made publlo 16 minutes before tho end of the session of tho local exchange. Tho condition of Winter wheat was 80.7, or nearly S points below that of one month ago. while tho condition of Spring wheat waa estimated at 85.2, - a trifle above tho condition tho cor responding time last year. The area sown to Spring wheat was estimated at . 18.391,000 acres, tho largest acreage on record. The loss of nearly 8 points In tho Winter crop was more than had been expected and was the causa of active buying. There were also liberal purchases, on tho theory that the abandoned acreage, which was sot accounted for in the report, would reduce the yield of Winter wheat. Prices, which had slumped earlier, rallied sharply. The market was decidedly strong at the start, owing to the strength of foreign mar- Kets and to damage reports from Kansas but weakened toward tho end of tho first hour on profit-taking. Tho range for theo day on July wheat waa between $1.18 and $1.20)4. The close was strong, with July at S1.19&1.18a4. 1 no corn market opened strong and prices soon elumped sharply on proht-taking. The market closed easy. Ha higher to o lower, compared with Saturday's final fig ures. Presentiment of a bearish Government crop report had a weakening effect on oats. The selling pressure was especially heavy 1b Sep tember. Tho market closed easy, )c higher to c lower. j Provisions were firm early In tho day, but wr uwttiiro easier on selling. At tne close the prices were unchanged to 12816c higher. me icauiag xutures ranged as lollows WHEAT. Open. High. Low. - Close. 1.20K f 1.184s U-l 1 11 1.11 1.09 Vs 1.10H 1.09 1.09H 1.07 1.08 CORN. .73H .73)4 .72 .7J4 .69 .70 .89 .69! .59) .69)4 .ilti .68 OATS. .63 - .62 .63)4 .44)4 .44)4 .43 .44)4 .44 .44 .44 .44 MESS PORK. 19.90 20.00 19.86 19.S6 19.97 20.15 19.97 20.00 LARD. 11.40 ' 11.62 11.40 11-47 11.47 11.62 11.47 11.67 July. ... bept. ... Dec July. . gent. . Deo. ., July. . . Sept. . . . JJec. ...... July... Sept. . . Sept. SHORT RIBS. July 10.65 10.75 10. 5 10.72 acill 1U.IU 1V.BW 1U.1U J.U.t Cash quotations were as follows: . Flour--Strong. Rye No. 2, 88c. Barley Feed or mixing, 7879c; fair to choice malting. 794?81c Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, 41.59; No. Timothy seed $3.90. Clover' 810.50. t Pork Mss, per barrel, 810.96(310.97. Lard Per 10O pounds, 811.45 us 11.47 Short ribs Sides (loose), S10.70(S'10.80 Sides Short, dear (boxed), 811.12 Q Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 61.000 bushels. Primary reoelpts decreased 426,000 bushels, compared with 831,000 bushels tho corresDOndlne dav a vmf ago. The visible supply of wheat in tho United States, 220.000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased 472.000 bushels. Estimated re ceipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 4 cars; corn, 601 cars; oats, 261 cars; hogs. 23.0OO head. Receipts, shipments. Flour, barrels ...... Wheat, bushels . . . . Corn, bushels....... Oats, buslvsls. ...... . Rye, bushels. ... ... Barley, b ushels. . . . . 81,900 38.900 S2.000 .. 3.600 . .725,000 ..03.900 . . 8.000 ..112,500 925.000 675. 800 9. OOO 64,500 Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRAJSCISCO, June S. Wheat Un- ohanged. Barley Weak. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, I.102.1E; mllllns, $2.10 2.20. Barley Feed, $LS1.V4: brewing, nominal. Oats Red. 2.102.20; white. $2.1502.20; black:, nominal. Call board sales Wheat No trading:. Barley Deoember, 31.884 1.88.. Cum- irs yellow. 1. 701.75. European Grain Markets. LONDON, June 8. Cargoes, firm ; Walla Walla on passage. 6d higher kt 45s; car goes for shipment at 41s 6d. English country markets are reported steady; French country markets. Quiet. LIVERPOOL. June 8. Wheat July s ld; September, 8s 7Hd; December 3s 4 d. Weather floe. Wneat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash.. June 8. Wheat Mill ing, bluestem. 1.S01.35; club, 8114; ex port, bluestem, 81.24; club, 31.14; red. 81.09. Wneat at Seattle. SEATTLE, June 8. Wheat No milling quotations; export, bluestem. 31.24; club. $1.14; red, $1.09; reoelpts, 2 cars. Grain and Frodoce at New York. NEW TORK. June 8. FTour Receipts 1' . . THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AINSW0ETH. President. E. W. S0HMEEE, Cashier. E. LEA BARNES, Vice-President. A. M. "WEIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALLFOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER SECOND AMD STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insure? against siipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND STJEEST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. 29,369 barrels; exportB 1620 barrels; quiet but steady. wheat Receipts 48.800 bushels; spot steady; No. 2 red, $1.51 elevator and $1.61 nominal f. o. b. afloat; No 1 Northern Du luth, $1.38 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard $1-37 f. o. b. afloat. Anticipating a somewhat bearish Government report today, -traders unloaded wheat freely enough to break prices over a cent & bushel. Depression was increased by weak cables and reports o showers in the Argentine. After the report, prices at first advanced, then eased off and closed c to c net lower. July closed $1.20 ; September $1.17, December $1.15. Hops Firm. Hldea Firm. "Wool Steady. - Petroleum Steady. Visible Supply ef Grain. NEW TORK, June 8. The visible supply of grain In the United States on June 5, as compiled by the New York Produce Ex change, was as follows : Bushels. Increase. Corn 2,833,000 42,000 Oats 7,499,000 86,000 Rye 219,000 16.000 Barley 944,000 356.000 Decrease. Bradstreet's statement of the available supply of grain will not be Issued until Wednesday. MILLS OUT OF MARKET WOOL PRICES HAVE GONE TOO HIGH FOR SOME. Boston Dealers, However, Do Not Iook for Any Reduction in Values. BOSTON, June 8. Wool values In the local market have advanced so steadily that some ef the manufacturers have with drawn from the local market. Yet 90 per cent of the new clip is reported as sold, and dealers do not look for any softening In prices. .Montana wools are selling at 26c, and manufacturers are paying 35c for Ohio three-eighths and 94c for one-quarter blood. Both worsted and woolen mills In New England are speeding up, and are now busier than at any time since the depres sion of two years ago. Combing and scoured wools of all grades sell readily, and the market for foreign wool is also active. Scoured values Texas fine, six months, 70 72c: fine, six to eight months. 63j6Sc; fine Fall, 580c California. northern, 6SS67c; middle counties. 263c; Fall free, 60 52c. Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple. T2T3c; eastern clothing, 678c; valley No. L 57 68c. Territory, fine staple, ,7477c; fine me dium staple. 6972e; One clothing. GS70c; fine medium clothing. S466c: half blood. 6708c; three-eighths blood, 4S7c; quar ter blood, 66G8c. ' Pulled extra, 707c; fine A, 83 96c; A supers, oovpozc. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. June 8. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums, 24 Q 29c; nne mediums. 2227c; Cue, 1623c Baptists Meet at Xewberg. NEWBERG, Or., June g (Special.) ine west wiuamette .Baptist Association opened Its eighth annual meeting; In New- ueig iusi ii l tit ma .Baptist ;nurcri. The- opening sermon -was preached by F. rar&er, tne state missionary. Be Eions will be held today and tomorrow. OREGON TRAVELEES GUtDK. CLARK'S CRUISES OF THE "CLEVELAND (Hamburg-American Line) is.vvo tona. brand new. superbly fltted. ,0UNDtbbW0R From New York October 19. looo- r San Francisco, Feb. 5, 1910 neartv En.COStm AND UpffncSdl --.--et niiwai im unore TfE?AT' raATTJBES-Maderta, Egypt. "y'on. Burma, Java. Borneo 53 pinee. Japan. An unusual chanoe to -1-1. uuusuauy attractive planes. 12th Ann.... I . , . Nor.b"G,mUdVS"T ros.-.'in PalSStni" MOO mma,n Brpt and ITiANK C CTLAJEtK. TTMES BUki, jr. T. CANADIAN PACIFIC Less Than Four nn. t c. WEEKLY SAILING BETWEEN MONTREAL WULBtt AND LIVERPOOL River and. th chojteat ocean rout to So- warn. Nothing better , on tb Atlantis than en? Empresses. Wire lees on all teamera. Flrst-eiaaa $80 . econd 960. on olaas cabin $45. Ak any ticket aant, or wrlta for tall In rate a and booklet. r. R Johnson. P. A.. l 8d at.. Portland. Or NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct. The steamships Roa oke and Elder sail every Tuesday at 3 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314. H. YOUNG, Agent. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. 8. CO. Only dfcrect steamer and daylight sailing. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland, 8 AM. 8. 8. State of California, June 12, 26. S. 8. Hose City, June 19, July 8, etc From Lombard St., San Francisco. 11 A M S. 8. Rose City, June 12, 28. -8. S. State of California, June 19. J. W. Ransom, Dock: Agent. Main 268 Alnsworth Dock. M. J. ROCHE, city JCicket Agent. 142 Sd St. Phone Maftr 02. A 1402. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer PORTLANO-ASTORIA. Round trip dally except Monday, for As toria and way landings: leaving Portland at T A. M., arriving Astoria 1 P. It Return if1; Astoria S P. M . arrive Portland- :45 P. M. Sunday excursion, Astoria and return. Leave Portland 8 A. M.; return 9 P. M. ; fare J1.00 round trip. Portland. Washlngton-8t- dook. Phone Main gem. Cal lender dock. Astoria- COOS BAY LINE To steamer BREAKWATER leaves port, land every Yv edneMluy , 8 p. M., from Alas worth dock, for Kortn Bend. Marahneld aaS Coos Bay points. Freight received till 4 p. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, arst class. i0; second-class. 7. including b.rta and mull Inqulr. city tlck.t ottlc. Third and Washington street, or Alnsajarta. nook Pb.n. Mala SAS. wna aosa. S.S."ElIa" Sailing Jane 24 SPECIAL, LOW RATES CALIFORNIA MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA. lD wvuimnu amis.