THE 3IOENIXG OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE o 1909. BowekMplnr Roonu to Private Family. I Stores. I ' J " MWJ to Lean. BALM OF FIGS for all female Aim-, aae ' ICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, with M" nvngea na ire pnone ana bath; close to central part of city; very cheap to married people only (no children). 321 7th st. Phone Main 1799. 8 OR completely furnished hounekeenlnr rooms in des.rable location; piano, gas raniie, electric lights, bath, laundry. Call before I 10 A. M. or after 5 P. M. 1ST E. 14th st. JsaCFJLT furnished front suite; electric light, fa. free phone and bath; 51t per month. fr09 Johnson t., between 14th and 15th. PLEASANT front room, 2 large window, modern conveniences. 360 East 0th North, cor. Broadway. phone East 45117: TWO or 8 large, well -furnished housekeep ing; rooms, en suite; also single rooms. 64 N. 2Sd st. MCBLT furnished housekeeping smites, $10 up. 492 Clay st. Houses. 7 ROOMS, elegant home, block, lots of ropes, very sightly, corner of 10th and Franklin sts.. Brooklyn car. . rooms, corner of East 2Mh and York, East Ankeny car. J. J. RICHARDSON, 540 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT -Good modern 7 -morn house, also ue of bam; fine location on Mallory" ave. Only 20. DEVLIN & FIREBAUOH, 510-511-512 Swetland Bidg. 11-ROOM, new, strictly modern, all out side rooms; all rooms enter from the hall; Just the place for rooming or bnard-1ng-houte; will lease from 1 to 5 years. M. E. Lee, room 411, Corbett bldg. NEWLY renovated 9-room house with beau tiful ground, 90x100. corner Grand ave. and Oregon stroet, to responsible tenants only; at low rent. Particulars call on J. Kraemer. 90 Fifth st. 6EH3 our list of furnished and unfurnished houses, fiats and apartments to rent. Hickman ft Hir.dle, 218 Lumbermens bldg., cor. 6th and Stark. Phone Main 3799. MODERN house, walking distance, 6 rooms, can make 7, furnace, 2 fireplaces, elec tricity and gas. Ea::t 12th. near Stark. Rent $30. Apply Sol the Dekum Bldg. MODERN 8 -room house for rent In the best residence district on the East Side; two blocks from finest car service in the city. Phone mornings. East 2662 or B 1933. BUY now at GREGORY HEIGHTS while you may; there's big money in it. See Ad, on page 14. HOUSE for rent, 6 rooms, modern, porch, basement, yard. 061 Savler. Phone Main 7K7S. 0 MONTHS' rent free to lot buyer In Greg ory Heights. Gregory Investment Co., 418 Corbett bldg. NICE 8-room house, walking distance, East Side, $'J5 per month. ' UNP lilOLEY. 132 Third St. MODERN house, also flat, 100-192V4 McMil len at., near Steel bridge. Inquire 183 McMlllen st. NEWLY ttnted modern 7 -room corner house. 215 Moil 1 lien st, near Steel bridge. 10-ROOM modem house. Nob Hill district. Inquire 747 Oilcan st. FOR "RENT Nice S-room residence, $20; walking distance. 206 Whltaker st. FOR , RENT 2-room house, Waverly Heights. 16. Main 5013. Furnished Houses. A MODERN 8-room house, nicely furnished, lawn 100x100, roses; 5-minute car service or 15 minutes walk to 3d and Morrison sts.; rent from June 15 to September 15. Phone East 005. FOR BALK or rent, 7-room house, with bath, fireplace, hot and cold water, -furnished, at Gearhart Park. Inquire 443 21st st. North. Phone A BM0. -ROOM house, nicely furnished, piano, gas Wove, water heater, lovely yard, fruit, flowers, reasonable to responsible party. 2H5 Morris. East ailiS. ' -ROOM residence, newly furnished; lawn, garden, roses, 2 blocks from Washington, Kings Heights. Main 4M4. FOR RENT, a newly furnished 5-room cot tage. 411 Everett. Main 6570. EAST Portland Heights New five-room fur nished flat, reasonable. Phone Sellwood 2S9. 5 ROOMS and hath, furnished, for Sum mer; sell on easy payments. 354 7th st. MODERN house, nicely furnished, July and August. 186 East 13th. H 17US. JMCEL.Y furnished T rooms, walking dis tance; gas, piano cheap. 4 SO 12th st. Houses for Rent. Furniture for S:.le. WILL sacrifice my comfortably furnished -room house, close In, East Sld-a, splen did neighborhood ; rent $20. P 139, Ore gonlan. HANDSOME new furniture of eleirant 6- room flat, central. West Side, bargain, or win rent xurmsnea to aauit family. Main 64H3. FURNITURE of 20 rooms, arranged in 8 flats; will sell all or separately. Rooms all rented. 209 H Columbia, FURNITURE of 9-room house - for sale- owner leaving city. Mrs. Nettle Koch, 7T v osi 'arK st. FINE grads of furniture of 5 rooms at a Hcnnce. is j.stn. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT Well furnished cottage at Seavlew. for the season: ilttlmr.mnm dining-room, S bedrooms, kitchen and large attic; good water, 2 blocks from station. Inquire 161 14th st. or P. O. box 10. COUNTRY CLUB INN Hood River, in nnn for the sesson; delightful sport, comfort- Mine nnia. Rooa taujo; engage rooms now. ii 1 i iuwman, xioou rtiver. BETTER investigate Columbia Beach, the seaside capital of the Northwest. Columbia iruai. iaiiipny, rtoara 01 iraae bldg. FOR SALE Full lot and good five-room cot- mge st asiae. ny owner. 110 N 4th Thons Main 5460. VOTt RAT .IT - A ".. ... , quire N. F. Hlhiehrand. 215 Swetland ' bldg" I'hnnu Main un.l A 1 O Housekeeping rooms at beach, EAR HART PARK. Harding ft Reynolds Co., 313 Oh. Com. FOR RENT 5-room furnished cottage. Sea- retLsuname. fnon Tabor 1659. -ROOM cottage. Seaside, city water, large vi.Kuvu fc.i 1.11. lilUUB A FOR RENT Clary's cottage at Seaside, Or. x iion mam o.-tii. For Sale Furnished rott witk Tioga, Long Beach, H. Dickson, 122 3d -BOOM rooming-house, all rented, good furniture, rent $30; $300. Main 2S50. NEWPORT S or 4 furnished rooms for IOT Near Union Depot ; some improve mnts; would lease. Address 2,13 1, Hall STORK 2ox94 on prominent street. Wst Side new building; $25. S24 Worcester bldg. 48 NORTH 5TK. near Couch, splendid job blng location : long lease, reasonable rent. BUSINESS CH AN C ES . RESTAURANT for sale by owner, doing good business: will pay for itself In 2 months. Phone 0 2268. WILL INVEST up to $1500 tor working inter est In some paying business. AM 127, Ore- MUST leave Saturday, sacrifice A-l real esiute business, cheap: will take vacant lot. AD 148. Oregonian. A millinery store, established three rears doing an exclusive business; a sr. an tar the right party. AD 143. Oregonian. $S76 CA8H m-ill buy a good reartaurant wTth steady trade, if sold this week; no agents B 149, Oregonian. FOR SALE Second-hand soda fountain cheap. Inquire Perkins Hotai Pharmacy, BAKERY for sale cheap or rent; onlv one in country town. AL 151, Oregonian" SALOON for $500. daily receipts, $15 to S30 Pon t overlook this. AH 140, Oregonian. BUSY restaurant for sale at a bargain Tn qulr at 62 S 6th St. S " 1 FOR BALE Confectlonerv and cigar store E. Morrison; low rent; price right. FOR SALE Woodyard. steam saw. wagonsi harowM and teams. M 13T. Oregonian. FOR 1000 business cards; 100. 50c Ross City Frlntery. ii2fc Jd St.. near Taylor" ' FOB RENT. 1 BUSINESS CHANCES." f BUSINESS CHANCES. J7TNANCIAJU. 1 PERSONAL. 1 RITfiIV. CORNER store, 20x70. in new building. 13th and Washington; also small store suitable for barber shop, etc.; the best stores on Washington street; reasonable rent and long lease. W. L. Morgan, 503 Abington bldg. FOR RENT Four storerooms In new three story brick, on Grand avenue, one block south of Morrison st. Rates reasonable. Further particulars at Hartman ft Thompson. FOR RENT Ground floor in Commercial Club bldg., formerly occupied by Board of Trade. Apply Mr. Peel, office J. Com merclal Club. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building, 100x165, S. E. cor. Front and Pine sts. Apply C. A. Dolph, Mohawk bldg. STORE ROOM, rear of drugstore, corner 10th and Washington, basement and living-rooms, cheap rent; key at drugstore. 430 WASHINGTON ST., bet. 11th and 12th, 2"x50, modern show windows. E. J. Daly, -22 Falling bldg. Offices. OFFICES, $13.50 and up. Desk room; furnished offices. , Suite for dentist and physician. All night elevator service. Be Location. 303 Swetland Bldg. OFFICES, Buchanan block. 286H Washing ton; all modern appointments, best serv ice, low rents. FOR RENT Very desirable outside office room, reception room in connection. Call 101O Board of Trade bldg. DESK ROOM to rent. 718 Swetland build- FOR RENT A few offices m Couch bids;. Apply Room 503, OFFICE- or depkroom with use of both phones at 337 Chamber Commerce. NICELY furnished desk room for rent. 205 W'3lls-Fargo bldg. & VERY central, fully furnished office rooms. Information phone A 2540. FOR RENT Desk room at 621 Corbett bldg., both phones; no real estate agents. DESK room, ground floor, prominent cor ner, very reasonable. AN 163, Oregonian. OFFICES or commercial sample rooms. Phoenix bldg.. S. W. cor. 5th and Oak. DESKROOM for rent. 40,9 Couch bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. STORE BUILDING FOR SALE OR LEASE. 22x40, just comr.loted ; on main thor oughfare and directly on carline; will pay from the start and excellent future; price, including lot. $1400. $500 down, balance G per cent; long time; or will lease on fa vorable terms to right party. Brubaker ft Benedict, SOU McKay Bldg. Third nd Stark. ROOMING-HOUSE BTH ST. Furniture of 10 rooms; near 5th and Harrison; all rented up for $83 per month, besides owner uses some rooms; rent is $35 ; a snap; furniture nearly new ; price $700; $500 cash, balance you can pay after you make it. Come quick. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. GOOD CLEAN STOCK. General mdse., inventories about $4500v sawmill town, big pay roll ; good reason for selling; would take timber or Port land property as part payment. Address the owner. Box 1G7 Falld City, Polk County, Oregon. !4 ROOMS, fine brick, 2 blocks of "Washing ton, good lease, rent reasonable; clears above ail expenses mere than $100 per month ; $170n and easy terms. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. MOVING-PICTURE Theater, a going con cern, to let or sell, one of best streets Portland, good lease, 1 to 5 years; honest ly good proposition; fullest investigation. J 127, Oregonian. WANTED To buy a business In Portland or vicinity which Is on a paying basis; price must be moderate; prefer to deal with owner; particulars In first letter. AC 142, Oregonian. 10 ROOMS, -ery best residence district, ele- " iiituia, vicaia nivji u Limn alter reserving living-rooms; $700 and easy terms. a snap. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. 40-ROOM hotel, doing a good business; long lease, cheap rent ; will sell one-half in- fct-it-si. va uccouni or naving to go East. Address T. D. Condon, St. John, Or. 4 ROOMS, one floor, fine location, part housekeeping, long lease, rent $96; rtrice $1000. Pacitic Realty Co., 320 Swetland oiag.. cor. otn ana Washington. 260 ACRES 8tt miles from good town; fine rouuss wen improves ; one or the best farms in Yamhill County; good proposition to sell in amau tract, it 144. Oregonian. HALF INTEREST for $250 for an Mst a h. lished business ; rent $ 8 per month ; In vestigate and be convinced. F 18 S, Ore gonian. RESTAURANT for sale, best location and trade; a read good chance for man and wife to get into paying business; price ICE cream, confectionery and citrai ctnra fine stand, good clean stock ; on account i oil k. n ess, ror a lew days only, S1350. 420 Lumber Exchange. ON H of the best photograph studios in Portland; also one in Vancouver; we have o. wisn to sea one; good opportunity. ocw xi iuH omuio, iao vs Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSE, 22 rooms, 4 blocks from mis oince; worth 72000: $750 today; 11113. ynuci, iuo oHeuana Diag. ; prick lease ; cheapest ever sold. GROCERY. $50 cash per day. no credit w unlivery, mu sen at once; big bar- nain. Aniormauon can be had at 26 Yamhill. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and Ice cream parlor; good location. See owner. 227 First st. GROCERY for sale at invoice; will tak part m traae ; gooa location ; reasonable DRUG STORE, In Portland, doing good bus! ness; desirable location. F 138, Orego nian. GROCERY STORE FOR KOTHlvn 3 -years' lease ?5 month; worth money HOTEL at White Salmon, paying $175 net LIND & HIGLEY, 132 Third Street. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL RTnnrs Telephone and other bonds bought and -wi. x- iKLCimr x ii v. o xO AOingtOn. CIGARS and confectionery, large store rent $25. 3 -years' lease, 8 furnished rooms. proms a cay. 273 stark st. FOR SALE on easy terms. 8tenners candy idwvFij, vucoy cvut. luquiro at earn x. FOR SALE A flrst-class rrooery, cheap, with 90 per cent cash sales. C 141 Ore gonian. WANTED Good partner; must be a good v-v"" " " V1 . i 3 Kou ior iov per nionin. 4U3 Couch bldg. $200 Partner wanted; must be satisfied wini uay at start; experienoe unnecea sary. Call 248 Stark st. CASH- grocery and lunch counter, good location : must sell quick; $550. Phone u v. iier, -Mill n i jaa. FOR SALE Cigar store, best location In city r ill iJ'puiH.iion, aoing good business FOR SALE Confectionery store, $400; good huslnp.sf no mionla T3 un - . ur...kU. ow. ji ugontan FEED, hay. etc.; partner wanted; money . - - cu- atarx st. RESTAURANT A snap, for sale, low price, 2.01 fatark st. BOOK STORE Downtown, money maker, WILL sell best paying restaurant in city any price. V 155, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES All kinds, large and GOOD bargains in rooming-houses. Inoulre of owner. 3S9 6th st. " CIGAR STAND Downtown, lease. good 9-ROOM boarding-house, close In, cheap Apply to owner, D 134, Oregonian. GROCERY Rent $25. corner, good, tracks, invoice. z z Hiarit st. A GOOD corner saloon for sale cheap Port land Brewing Co., 20th and Upshur. RESTAURANT St n nnniA- ton proprietor going East. AF 147. Oregonlanl FOR SALE Complete clothing store fix- tures and 5-year lease of store room and basement, 50x142 ; heart of city, on Riv erside ave., Spokane, Wash. Must do ouimesB oerore June 13. ROSEXHAUPT & WEAVER, Spokane, Wash. ROOMING-HOUSES. Decided Bargains They Stand Close Investigation. S-Toom house $ 150 9- room house, well furnished, a money-maker -. . . 650 10- room house, good location 800 32-room house, steam heated, a snap 2o00 44-room house, steam heated, fine lo cation, a bargain....1 6000 Many other houses at all prices. Also a few grocery stores and restau rants. Partner wanted in a well established real estate office. C. S. ARNOLD & CO.. Hotel Brokers, 351 ft Morrison St. HERE IS A GENUINE BARGAIN PARTLY FURNISHED. 43 rooms, all arranged in 2 and 3 -room housekeeping apartments and all well fur nished but 6 rooms ; no better location in the city; 3 years lease at only $135 per month; hot and 'cold running water - in most rooms; good for $150- net profit every month; best bargain In the city for $2S50. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. WANTED Experienced business man, sales man preterrea, capable of taking entire charge of a large territory tributary to Portland, Or., and Seattle, Wash., to take whole or part interest in branui of mfg. business; stock on hand in branch about $7KH to $S000; would entertain business proposition from right man, or would sell outright and give exclusive agency for our goods. Address, Factory Box, AL 153, Oregonian. FOR SALE Two-story, good hotel of 49 rooms, including two store bulldlnirs, which'are rented out; size of lot 132x159 feet. This hotel Is doing a fine business, has no competition, and is situated in one of the best towns In the Willamette Val ley. For anyone wanting a good hotel and meaning business, write tor Informa tion to Box 514, Albany, Or. A GOOD BUY. 12 rooms, nicely arranged and furnished for housekeeping in two-room apartments; full basement, furnace heat, gas and elec tricity; rent only $;i5 per month ; Income $G& per month. A good buy at $500. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN. Fine stock and fixtures ; large estab lished trade in best of location; will sell at Invoice, about $2600, or will sell one half interest; will give you time on part of it. GRUSST & ZADOW, -817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. OWING to growth of other business we will sen our agency and stock of "Winona Milts" hosiery and underwear; no better paying business to be had on the Coast; requires about $2000; pays about $5000 per year; business established about 8 years. Call 614 Buchanan bldg. AT HALF PRICE. Fine 14-room rooming-house; furniture al most new; good location; nets $90 per month; only $1100. J. M. FRENCH & CO., 412-413 Abington Bldg. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency estab lished 1815) furnishes free information on opportunities In mercantile or manufac turing lines, citv or rmiTiiv , THE AMES MERCANTILE" AGENCY, io ADington -flag. $450O CASH Will buy best business property In Van couver, Wash., lot 50x100, with modern building on same, paying good rent; In creasing In value ; a bargain ; present twner obliged to sell. Address P. O. Box 436, Vancouver, Wash. PARTNER in a busy cash coffee and tea store; win cut price in half to a live, honest man; I have orders to take and counter to tend and cannot do both; come before Saturday and bring $250. Phone Woodlawn 1364. NICE little business for $150, clearing $7. GO a day; living-room, all furnished complete with new furniture, cost $176; cleaning and pressing business suitable for -either man or woman; a great snap, only $150. Call 191 4th st. WORK FOR YOURSELF. Interest in old established real es tate office; too much for one man to handle; wHJ, give good proposition to right party. Call today, 721 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Real estate business and offloe fixtures complete, including block books brought up to date; latest city map .etc. Best located building In the city. Address AE 145, Oregonian. FOR SALE Two grocery stores, one In city and one In suburban town; the latter Is such a decided bargain that it will sell Itself. A. D- Christianson, 207 "Washington st. Phone Main 12tll. SALOON Remodeled, everything new, license included. Must leave on account of sickness; doing a business from $35 up every day; part cash. Cheap if taken at once. Call Scott Hotel bar. LAUNDRY Controlling interest in a eood- paylng plant in Oregon, doing $235 and over a wees; would take 5:1000 cash to handle. For particulars address H 82, Oregonian. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. If you are looking for a money-making proposition in this line wo have them, large and small, in most desirable parts of city. See or write 721 Board of Trade. MOTION-PICTURE theater, fully equipped. Main street, good town, for sate, or will exchange for real estate or equity In came. Address B 111, Oregonian. RELIABLE real estate man wants steady partner to show land, etc.; energetic man t-an clear ?200 month; mbnev required secured. Particulars 24S Stark st. FURNITURE. A BARGAIN. $350. 8-room house, all rented, and new; Invoice $600; central. i TURNER, a02 Commercial Block. FOR SALE or trade, sawmill, on good road near Oregon City; cut SOOO to 10.000 feet per day. Sturges Bros., Oregon City. Or. Route 8. WE can locate you m paying business. Be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney & Btampher.- 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone A 4S81. WANTED Party to open barroom In con nection with new Seward Hotel, cor. 10th and Alder sts.; when completed will b swellest hotel In city. Seward, 455 Alder GENERAL store In country town near Port land on S. P.; old established business, 15.000; full, clean stook; easy terms. L 48. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cigar, fruit and candy store; also poolroom in connection; a bargain if taken at .once. Come and see it today 28714 First St. FOR SALE Good-paying general merchandise .business In small valley town; postofflce in ' connection; $4000 will handle it. Call or write, Shelburn Store. Shelburn, Or. RESTAURANTS. We can and will how good proposi tions; for valuable information in this line see us or write 721 Board of Trad IF you have some business ability and can loan employer $600 to $1000 for short tlm. on- good security, you can have good salaried position. E 130, Oregonian. CASH STORE This is a fine place for a man and wife; has nice living rooms and is mak ing $125 per month. Call room 315 -Lumber Exchange bldg. ' ROOMING-HOUSES. We have them. Good ones at all prices Oall room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE Good paying wagon and car riage business: In one of th best towns In the Willamette Valley. Address J E Hasletine. Portland, Or, - - WILL make good proposition to lady In res taurant and delicatessen if answer this week. A 154, Oregonian. $4o FOR HALF interest In good-paying busi ness, on road, for honest, industrious man Investigate. O 1-43, Oregonian. RELIABLE partner wanted used to farm products: "will guarantee good salary, also share profits. Call 2484 Stark st. COUNTRY STORE for $600: living-rooms; energetic man can clear $150 month; rare chanoe. Call 248 Stark st. $100 FOR half Interest In a real estate and employment office. 1S4 4th st.. oor. Taylor MODERN APARTMENT-HOUSE. 02 rooms, corner brick building, newly and elegantly furnished with golden oak furniture, Axmlnster and Brussels carpets, steam heat; clearing $200 per month net long lease at only $200 per month. See this and you will look no further as it $450$e best buy in the city at the price; DEVLIN &. FIREBAUGH, 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. PRICE CUT IN HALF. 16-room boarding-house in very best close in location; nicely furnished, having cost S3000; this place has paid a profit of over loo a month for 4 years past.' SEE IT T,.T, OXCE. if vou want a good thing for little money. Price $U50. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 32H Washington St., rooms 201-2O2. REAL ESTATE man wants partner; no ex perience necessary, and very little money required; can make profits, $150 to $200 per month. Call this morning. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Wash. St., room 516. IF you want to buy. sell or exchange any kind of business proposition or real estate see us; oldest established business chance firm in city. H. W. GARLAND & CO.. ftl 4th St. LOST AXT FOTJNT. LOST Saturday on the Alberta car, a dark blue skirt; tinder please call at 1118 9th, corn-ar of Roselawn, or with manager of Opera House Laundry, and receive re ward. LOST Diploma from North. Pacific Dental College, between Dec urn bldg. and Swet land bldg., June 7. Please return to North Pacific Dental College. Roy Nlles Leezer. LOST Open-face nickel-plated watch, small chain, between East Stark and Sandy Road. ivciuxu 10 wrignt s Lirocery, a o isast Mor rison; reward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno- v nicu, rmurneu same uay. Front. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST On Base Line road, antique hand- mauc goio ring, aiamond setting; liberal reward. 509 Oregonian bldg. Phone Tabor 1002. LOST Gold watch, open faced, Howard movement; a. y. F. engraved on back; lib eral reward. 220 Beck bldg. LOST Lady" s gold watch and fob ; finder win receive adequate reward delivering to cashier Eilers Piano House. LOST A topaz brooch, hear West Park Park. Reward. LOST A purse with two cheeks, made out to W. H. Myers. S-S8 East 6th st. Re ward. LOST Last Tuesday, poarl rosary beads; i,iiu AJica.w up ecu wuuu J.A O. xve- ward. STRAYED Pony, bay mare, gray on flanks; reward. George W. Collins, 21st and Car ter. Main .1430, A 5449. LOST Whito bull terrier; reward, return to Moore & Co., 140 5th St. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL. Sealed proposals will be received at tha office of W HID DEN & LEWIS, architects. 701 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or., until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, July 1, Uo9, for furnishing, fabricating and delivering at building site all the structural iron and steel for the east w lng of a new Court house to be erected for the County of Mult nomah, State of Oregon. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the architects. No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the Countv Court of viuitnn. man County, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate orooosaL to h f nrt t tn am e and liquidated damages in case the bidder "cki"uuj or rexuses to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faith ful performance of said work in the event the contract Is awarded to him The right to reject any and ajl bids is F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. TJ. S. A. Quartermaster's office, 322 Arcade Annex, Seattle. Wash. Mav 27 lftoft k l h proposals, in triplicate. Indorsed on cover x '"wusain tor quartermaster Steamer. Pu get Sound." U. S. A., Seattle. Wish." will be received at this office until 11 o"ckck, A. M., Mon day, June 14, 1809, and then opened for constructing one wooden steamer, oil burn er, dimension, about 130 feet length, 2 feet beam, 8 feet draft, triple expansion en gine, single screw. A guaranty of 25 per cent of the amount of bid must accompany proposal. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereof. Particulars will be furnished on application vo jwajw w. o. wooa, y. id. TO CONTRACTORS Proposals will be re- m kuuuiuvi tins Ltjoar ureejc uam, Twin rt.Fi... r.k. , H 000 cubic yards broken rock and 2S0.O00 cubic yards earth. Equipment required: 1 steam shovel. 1 mile of 3J-lnch track, 2 io-Lon locomotives and dump cars. Pla at Buhl office, Idaho. Inspection of dam site any time to 20th of June, 1909. West End ...... i i iBkilu UlinL, IQiLUO Charles J. Perkins, General Manager. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHCOiTmEETIN Notice Is hereby given the legal voters ooiiooi xistrict iso. .i, Muitnoinaa Coun for said district will be held at the School Clcrko office. City Hall, Portland, Oregon. The meeting- Is called for th tmnuA ticn of such bus.ness as shall properly come Dated this 7th day of June, 1909 H. WITTENBERG, Chairman Board or Directors Attest: R. H. THOMAS, District Clerk. VflfriPCT OF AWT- AT. oPtlAn, -rrtr :r Y oxiwvx, jic-i-njiH Notice is hereby given the legal voters "w Amini , uuuiwioman tJounty. Oregon, that the annual school -election for sain oistrict win oe r.cld at the various pouing lyacts provided by the board of uueciurs irom 2 sr. xi. until ti P. M. Mon nay, June si, laoo, lor the purpose of electing one director to serve tor five years. H. WITTENBERG. Chairman Board of Directors. Attest; R. H. THOMAS, District Clerk. wflTlpm Having severed all connection with the " ' w.. uu ,i. a. -oertnaumm, or t-oriiaxia, or., l will not be responslbl for any laims arising against said con cern. GEO. V. OREMUS. JR. June B, 1909. Architects, contractors, engineers, get PaclOa Builder ft Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade. 1TNANCIAL Money to Loan. WE BUY foreign money, gold dust. Tltls Guarantee. Oregon Trust bank; accounts. Lewis & Co., 251 Washington st. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty building loans, lowest rates, w. U. Berk 31 Falling bldg. ' MONEY to loan at reasonable rates, in sums from $o00 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co 248 Alder St. ' LOANS on real estate and all kinds of 'per sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bfdg. Main 3o2. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater al security. C- W. Pallett. 804 Fenton bldg. QUICK loans on ail securities 8. W Klu 46 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY to loan, any amount, 8 to 8 per cent. Frary ft Seits. 132 5th st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. $110 0 TO loan on real estate security; pri vate money. R 143, Oregonian. MONEY to loan on real estate, mortsrasrea bought. Room 204 Gerlinger bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE loans; abstracts examined; pro- MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND T PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON, 2S3 STARK ST. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx ft Bloch. 74 3d st. Money to loan, first and second mortgages purchased. E. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city pronertr Wm. Mac Master. S02, Worcester blk- Stats funds loaned, 4 per cent. W. JB. Thom as, stats agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C C. . - I OliXAM Main QOlK . 71 I JWWrrS. $$$$$$$ MONEY FOR EVERTBODT. If you need ready cash and want to bor row privately without delay HERE IS THE PLACE, for a loan on your jewelry, diamonds, pianos, furniture (without removal), slor age receipts, life insurance policies, etc WE BUY First and second mortgages, contracts. This company is organized with Eastern capital for the purpose of loaning money at reasonalfte rates to those whom banks win not accommodate. You can arrange to repay, weekly or monthly, easy pay ments at lowest rates in city. All busi ness strictly confidential.' Call or ohone Main 2084. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., Room 12 Hamilton Bide.. lid st- $ $ 4 S M-O-N-E-Y. FOR YOU. M-O-N-E-Y YOU CAN BORROW MONEY FROM US ON YOUR PIANO, FURNITURE, ETC., WITHOUT REMOVAL. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. CONFIDENTIALLY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. REBATE GIVEN IF PAID BEFORE DUE. SEE OTHERS, THEN SEE US AND BE CONVINCED. STATE SECURITY CO., 308 FAILING BLDG. HOURS 8 A. II. TO 0 P. M. WEDS. & SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth- y a mruit V W II UttlUCB W HIIUUL Secur ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments; of fices in 6o principal cities ; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN,. 317 'Lumber Exchange Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. . Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance pol ices, salaries and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG.- CO., 414 Abington Bldg MONET sold on Installment plan; connden- uo iecuruy out your salary; dmmi system for railroad, streetcar employes, mechanics and others. F. A. NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg., 2SfiiA Washington St. MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other reai estate securities, bought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. U. E. Noble. 310-317 Lum bermen's Bldg., 5fti and Stark sts. ON Improved city property or for building u.vs, u o jcaiB mile, nuurai re payment privileges; money advanced as building progresses- The Equitable, 2d and Stark sts. TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. F. MALL CO., Soi-310 .Abington Bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry en. icnauiiauio interest ior long or short time. A. M. lelovage, jewelers, 26U W&shlngton st. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 321 Abingtom bldg. Money on Installment plan. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm prop- c ti uuiiuiujs or biuhii loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. H. Mc Kinile Co., 514-13-16 Gerlinger bldg. MORTGAGE loane, 6 to 8 per cent; no bro- Kerage cuarges. ioewenson Bros., 105 Sher lock bldg. FOR SALE Well-secured real estate mort gage uuu, 2 years at 7 per cent. B 164, Oregonian. I ADVANCE money on monthly salaries witnout security, sate ana strictly fcnfl dentlal. Phones Main 6722, A 267S. Jones. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. Harding & Reynolds Co., 313 Ch, of Com. Xjoaxks Wanted. WANTED $3000 three years, 8 per cent-; ucki rem tsitito purity. i . iledin, 430 Worcester bldg. $it00 to loan on residence, security. WANTED 16,000 on well-Improved income oearing property; property will pay m4ra than 10 per cent on 435.000. AN 152, Ore gonian, WANTED Loan, $1&00, 2 years 6 per cent interest ; Improved Irvington property. AM 128, Oregonian. WANTED Loan of $600 on 2,000,000 feet timber, 5 miles from S. P. R, R., one or two yeans time. G 157, Oregonian. WE can plaoe first mortgage and building loans. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. WANTED From private party, loan on new 6-room cottajte and lull lot; severed street. X 137, Oregonlar. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; halrdresslng, manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair coods in the West at cut prices. Parlors, Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. SWEDISH trained nurse. Helslngrora) gradu ate, cures - rheumatism. stomach troubles and nervous disorders by band rubblnsr : steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 Eaat 11th st. one door from East Ankeny "WANTED Acquaintance of good. Christian girl, city or country, not over 6 feet 2 inches tall, dark complexion. . are 20 to SO. by Christian gentleman ; good position and some means. uojeci, matrimony. js. 143, LADIES Ask your druggists for Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other Cbichesters Diamond Brand Pilla are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. MARY LEWIS. Late of the Chicago Woman's Hospital, treats women and children exclusively : hospital accommodations; no charge for examination. Main 4047. A 2411. 506 jommon wealth biag., tn and Ankeny. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children. No charge for consultation. Room 10. Grand x neater biag., Washington and Park sta aiain ay;;, a owt. LADIES, take notice. Mme. Hudson gives the only scientific facial massage In the city. Manicuring, 25 cents. 2&d Washing- DR. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of women; ail irregularities corrected, drugless sys- iwiii, iiu tipuaure. au or write 316 Aiisity oiag. rt.uivr.i-., pwm.iist. quzcKJy cures oLseases or men,, niooa ana skin diseases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kidney, biad- uwr ana pues. 101 ist ... r ortiana. irjoixuiuijCi comjiany iouna ror lonely peo ple, either sex ; 600 to select from ; photos on file; circular loc. Portland Introducing PlIMBIl fllfi A 1 SV .Unr UR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cotton ttooi .1-1 us, sure remeay ror delayed pe- Plerce, 31o Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. $1.50 mosia keeps your clothes cleaned, prassed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique -- Tailoring Co., 300 Stark. "WANTED Acquaintance of irood Christian girl, not over 6 feet 4 Inches tail, by juuuj uuuiui , uujcui iiMnnmuny. Ad- ureas a lis, urcguman. RESPECTABLE lady wishes acquaintance wm k'ii""" ui wver wun means matrimony if suited. AD 145, Oregonian LOST powers restored toy Dr. lxrens' Nerve ionic j. aDieis. .oc Dox. t-ysseu s Phar macy, 28W Morrison St.. bet. 4th and oio USE Bassett's, the Original Native Herbs rhanmatllm AnnsMhi(nn r i a. v -, for 2&c In black boxes, at all druggists. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual scientist, 312 Allsky bldg. M. 2S35. Daily V a. mov. i-v o i . , bu, mcc L 4.11(5 at O. Mme. Court wright. skin and scalp treat- uicu lb, luuicu uciuiuiauuu cvrreotea, plaa tlo surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 042. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr Katchum; prompt relief, confidential 17o Sd st. Main S770. BEXOID A marvelous cure for weakness In men; money returned If It fails; price ALL disease of men treated conndenti&liv TV- TIT XX VntA ROrtli. Tiro - HIGHEST pries paid for combings and cut our. rinBuu ivbu aaorrisoa LADY'S barber shop, 1S3 Columbia st. in Depot bldg. ' CONFINEMENT cases taken and cared for regular physician. 430H Wash. st. a 4976.' LADY'S barber shop; 183 Colombia st in Depot bldg. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely sina-la people: circular 10c 229 1st st f" DR. HALLAM. rectal specialist; constipation fistula, piles; no knife. 430 Wash. A 4976 WOMEN Consult Dr. Cooks for all ailments and surgery- 430 "Washington st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill4; Fliedner bldg. M $471. LEO LA CHAMBERS, manicuring and scalp treatments. Room 15. 3231 Wash. st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AccorUion Plaiting;. MISS Oi GOULD, 833 Morrison, cor 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Accountants. E. H. COLL1S & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. S24 WorcesLer Block. phone Main 65d7. Assayers and Analysts. Wells St Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and aesayers. 204 Washington st. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 622 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. SU60. PAUL BAUMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and orv-testing work. 1S6 Morrison Ml. Attorneys at Law. r. H. RIDDELL. atty-at-law. 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4764, A 3531. S. T. JEFFREYS, 208 Fenton bldg., 15 years' vntciice in uregon, a years Alaska. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law omces to wou-bia Board of Trade bldg. CLARENCE H. GILBERT, 205-21)7 Chamber 01 commerce. Main 7471 A 4544. Builders and Contractors. '. C. SANDSTROM Contractor. Brick and cement work, city and country work prompt ly attended to. IOUS lialght ave. Phone Woodlawn 352. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE CO. Bilks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 6th. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial rag rugs woven. Northwest Rug Works. 153 Union ave. East SC80. B 12&0. Carpet Cleaning;. IONE Carpet Cleaning Works First-class worK guarantee, pnone East 3ti0, B 223d. Carpet Cleaning (banltary). J. Hunter ft Co.. mattresses and feathers ren- ovaiea, carpets renttec. etc. M. 214, A 4415. Collections. We collect everywhere; general law. Inter state Adjustment Co., &ui Gerlinger bidg. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO., ship brokers, com- "'"'wu inerenanis. sneriocic Dldg.. f ortiana. Chiropody. tR. O. O. FLETCHER, the ieorjle's fav orite chiropodist and foot specialist; treats all ills of the foot without danger of infection. See him and take no chances. 805 Allsky bldg. Main S762. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveay, the only B-.uuiii; umi mjw;6ta in 1 no city, ranora 302 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST, manicurist, scalp specialist. oupciiiuuua nair removea ior males ana gentlemen by young lady. 8 Raleigh bldg. MISS ETHEL WARD, chiropodist and manicurist, i'ark st. after June S. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room iiedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. uiiiun, Aurora oiag., 1. xu-i, iutn ana alor. ALICE HAMOT, corn and bunion specialist. DanciDK. DREAMLAND DANCING ACADEM Y, trormerly Merrill Hall. Tth and Oak: every evening (excepting Sunday). 8 to DANCING leesons, 25c for beginners; every mwiumg, a.ii.ernoon ajia evening. -ror. wai. TV'illson's school, 386 Wash. cor. 10th st. Don and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown, D. V. 6., D. C. M. Office 113 .ik a. 1 11 -iuffl, A. UStJ. ducationai. LA 15 E' S Preparatory School of Pharmacy, 148 Klectric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d St. Feed Stores. ZIGLER ft MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ment, shingles. 2t4 Grand ave. B 482. Hair Weavers. SWITCHES, puffs and front pteces woven combings done over. 88 Broadway st Harness and Saddlery. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO., 331 Ankeny Oh X UUUQ LLCVIU AlU, Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MAS TICK, ft CO.. 74 Front, leather 01 every cesenption, tape, mrra. nndlngs. J. A. BTROWBRIDG E LEATHER CO. UDiisaea laos. isw Tont St. Machinery. ICE machines. Complete installations. Arm strong juacninery (jo., opoKane, wash. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th. Main Oo, a iuo. joiinnie on tne spot. Musical. SPECIAL on Saturdays, regular 2dc sheet music. 10 and 15c; Kohler's Studies, 15c; new stock of violins 1-3 off regular prices. a. Auaci auiA iu uaic vu. , iyu j1 St. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher. pupil wi oevew. j. xw. uu HO. Alain dU4a. M. C. Smith, teacher of piano, 452 Salmon st. jj.a.111 ioiu. beginners a specialty. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH RUP: 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 549. res. E. 102. Paints, Oils and Glass. .KASMUSSiN ft CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. F. E. BEACH ft CO., Pioneer Paint Co 135 1st st. Phone Main 1334. Painting and Paperb angina. H. P. CHRISTENSEN CO., lng, tinting, decoratfng. wail paper, paint ith and Alder. Pattern Making. MACHINERY patterns and models, pattern making In all branches; estimates given when desired. J. M. Tate, 303 Water it Phone Main 4891, Home A 1891. Patent and Pension Attorneys. K. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHEIMER, pension and patent at torney, rooms 20-21 LaoJe bldg. Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO at Portland. Office 4u2-3-4 Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co., street paving sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Kit, Public Stenographer. D. S. DUFUR, 405 Abington bldg. Phones Main 6037, A 5336; residence, B -1084. Rooting. OLYMPIC Roofing Co.,, 820 Cham, of Com damp-proofing and repairing. M. 3010, A Rnbbev Stamp a ALSO trade checks and all office goods P n C Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 10S 2d St. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixturea THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Raplde Showcase co., 6th and Hoyt, R Lutke, Mgr. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., new and old showcases, cabinets, store and offlcw fixtures. 2S9 Couch st. Main 2703. Signa FOSTER ft KLEISER, SIGNS. The largest sign-makers In the North west, Bth and Everett ets. Phone Prrra exchange 55. Home A 1155. YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter from ths manufacturers for S monthly; oak stand and ribbons free: machine kept in nsrfect condition - . SS Ankeny su Phones" Main (J, A 24d. WH ARB the exchange for the largest type writer concern on thla Coast; Investigate: ail makes, all price. Th Typewriter ExZ change, I'ST Washington st. SPECIAL prices; ail makes rented, old. re paired. P. p. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Mala ,1407. BtOTC. 6Ti?Y? connected and repaired. Mala IUOl 61 Front. Storage and Transfer. C- - PICK Transfer and Storage Co., offies vuuimwious iour-story Drick warehouse separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables N. w. cor. 2d and Pine sta r-ianos and furniture moved and packed for flapping. Main 59d, A 1096. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 209 Oak St., bet. Front and lst Telephone Main 547 or A 2247 OREGON TRANSFER CO. Storage. Free Trackage. Heavy Hauling. Phones, Main 60. A 1169- VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. .F?irB'turo and piano moving a specialty. 40-42 2d st. Phone A 1084, Main 1618. Turkish Baths. TURKISH baths. 300 Oregonian bldg.; ladle BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK AK1 WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING ?S?IiE,??i 4 ISSUES DRAFTS AVaIl-A5BT-N ALlj PKI"CIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAY lSlh ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Port lan d, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. I.Pnvinp Pnrt Ion A Roseburg Passenger 8:15 a. ra, I 4 :15 p. m. 7:45 p. m, 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:15 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 11:15 p. m 6:20 p. ra. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a m. 11:50 a. m, 4:50 p. m. ottage Grove Passenger... 'alifornin l!vr. Ean Francisco Exoresi West Sifl Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger. ........ Forest Grove Pasaencer Forest Grove Passenger.... Forest Grove Passenger. . . Arrlvltlir Pnrtlanrl Oregon Express.' v v.i.ivjfco urnve r'assenger. . Roseburg Passenger Portland Express w est &iae Corvallls Passenger . Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger." Ablest urove passenger . Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland-- Atlantic Esnrp.w 8:10 1 10:00 1 7:00 1 6:00 1 Chicago-Portland Special. feoo-bpokane-Portland ... Eastern Express Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland . Oregon Express .......... Chicago-Portland Special. :00 7:20 8:00 6:00 a. m. a. m. p. m. p. m. pacihe Express Northern Pacific. Tacoma and Seattle Express... Portland-Vancouver Special B:io A. JVL 10:00 A. M. couna juimiiea , North Coast Limited via Sound 3 :00 P. M. 12:15 A. M. juii.n asi juimitea via North Bank Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via Sound North Coast and Chicago Lim ited via North Bank Tacoma and Seattle Express.... 8:45 A. M. 7 KM) j . M. 8:50 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 8:35 P. M. 10:30 P. M. Vancouver-Portland Special" Astoria ft Columbia River. Leving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express. Rainier .Local Astoria Passenger. ........... Rainier Local Arriving Portland Rainier and Portland 8:00 sl ra. 1:15 p. m, 6:00 p. m. 9:20 p. m. 9:15 a m. Seaside and Portland Passenger. . )12:15 p. m Rainier and Portland Local.... 6:10 p.m. aaa-a nnu. roruana .express. . iu :uu p. m, C an ad Ian Paclflo Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle . A t-t-IxtIti cr T J nr(lonl 7:00 p. m. 12:15 a. m. C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 9:00 a. m. Seattle 7 :00 a m. JEFFEK8ON-STREKT STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger T:40 a m. Dallas Passenger. 4:15 p. m. Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger 10:15 am. Dallas Passenger 5:60 p. m ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PASSEN GER STATION. Spokane. Portland ft Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 8:45 A. M. For Chicago, tou Paul, Omaha, Kaasaa City, St. Luuia, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalltss. Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate stations. CliiXs Local 4:15 P. M. North Bank Limited 5:40 P. M. For Chicago, St. PauU Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louis, Billings, SpOKane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna. Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle, White Salmon, .Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. Columbia River Local. ...... ... , .4:15 P. M, Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 7:80 A.M. From Chicago, tit. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, XLabiotus. Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. Cliffs Local 12 noon Inland Empire Express 8:60 P. M. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalies, Lyle, Goldendale, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate stations. Time Card Oregon Kleetrio Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. Sta tions 6:3, 8:00, 11:00 A. M.; 2:00, 8:45. 6:20, 8:4U P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 9:15 A. M. Local for Wiisonvills and Int. stations 5:00 P. M. Leaving Portland for Forest- Grove and Int. Stations; 7:00. 8:55, 10:25 A. M. 1:80. 4:10. 6:30 P. M. Arriving Portland from Salem and Int. Stations 8:40. 10:55 A. M. ; 1:15, 3:40; 6:00, 8;20. 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salem and Tualatin 4:45 P. M. Local from Wiiaon ville and Inu Stations 6:55 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grovs and Int Stations 8:30, 10:00 A. M. ; 12:15, 3:50. 6i0u, 7:20 ,P. U. Portland Railway, Light ft Power Company, Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room. First and Alder Streeta CARS LEAVE Oregon City :u0, 6:30 A. M. and every 80 minutes to and including 9 P. M-, then 10:00. 11:00 P. M. ; last car midnight. Gresham and inttermediats points 6 '55 7:45, 8:45. 9:45. 10:45 A. M., 12:45. 2:45 8:45. 4:45. 5:45, 6:45. 7:45. 11:15 P. M. Fairview and Troutdale 6-55, 7:4o, 8:45. 9:45. 30:45 A- M., 12:45, 2:45, 8:45, 4:45. 5:45.' 6:45 P. M. Carzadero and intermediate points 6.55. 8:45. 10:45 A- M . 12:45. 2:45. 4:45, 6:43 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket Office and Waiting Room, Second and Washington streets A. M. 6:15. 6:50. 7:25, 8:00, 8:35. 9:10. 9:E0. 10:30. 11:10. 11:50 P. M. 12:T.O. i:io. 1:50. 2 :30, 8:10. 8-60. 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30, 7:05. 7:40, 8:15. 9:25. 10:35. 11:45. On Third Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Dally axoout Monday.