THE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1909. AUTO PLUNGES IN B; FOUR DEAD Chauffeur Loses Control of Car Trying to Make Turn on Road Along Bank. VICTIMS ARE ALL WOMEN Pleasure Ride of California Party Knds in Trasedy Just Outside Knights Landing Chauf feur Is Saved. KNIGHTS LANDING, Cal., June 7. Kour women were drowned tonight In the Sacramento River when a large auto mobile In which they were riding top pled into the stream after the driver had lost control of the machine. The chauf feur was rescued. The dead: Mm. W. F. Mixon. wife of the editor of the Woodland Mail. Mrs. J. H. Dungran, wife of the Post master at Woodland. Miss Meryl Dungan, a daughter of Mrs. Pungan. Miss Julia Dungan, Mrs. Dungan's sister-in-law. Joseph Armstrong, the driver, also of "Woodland, was thrown into the water, but was rescued by a boat. Party on Pleasure Trip. The party started from Woodland to Xiipht on a pleasure ride and arrived hers at 9:30 o'clock. While attempting to turn his car on the levee road, which runs on the bank of the river, Arm tronff lost control of his steerinff ap paratus, and the machine was over turned and rolled into the water. All five passengors were flunff with the auto mobile into the river. The women were dragged down by the weight of their clothing and Armstrong seized a boat nearby and crawled aboard. Armstrong spread the alarm as soon as he reached shore. Accident Near Town. The point where the accident occurred Is right in the town. The levee road crosses a bridge Just beyond town. Arm strong did not wish to cross this and turned his car about to return the way he had come. To make the turn with a large machine required close figuring, and . it was just as he had swung his wheel to head sharply around that he lost control and the car overturned. The distance from the levee top to the water is nearly 15 feet down a sloping bank. The machine, with its screaming passengers, toppled off this into the water. The depth of the river at this point is nearly 20 feet and the car dis appeared from sight. It Is possible that some of the dead are pinned down by the machine. Miss Dun pan's body was found some distance be low the bridge, where it had been carried by the strong current. OFFICER IS DISARMED LAWYERS AM) POLICEMAN IN TANGLE IN TEXAS TOWN. loiirt Vpholds Attorneys and as lte isult Guardian of Peace Re signs From Force. PAN ANTONIO. Texas.. June 7. S. W. Kpimett. a prominent attorney and brother-in-law of B. F. Yoakum, pres ident of the Rortt Island-Frisco lines, S. I j. Ktissell, lawyer, and C. S. Cree son. Assistant United States District Attorney, were held to have been Justi fied when arraigned in Police Court to day in connection with the disarming of F.ugpneWalirmund, a policeman, at a railroad "depot last night. According to the statement made in court. Mr. tlennett and a party of friends had gone to the depot with Miss Bessie Yoakum, who was leaving to Join her father in New York. Mr. Bennett was ordered to move his auto mobile. His inability to do so resulted In an altercation with the policeman. In the melee, it is said, the officer's club vm brought into play. He finally was dis armed. Wahrmund resigned today. CUTS THROAT, PHONES F. K. FOSTER REPENTS AFTER ATTEMPTING1 LIFE. Despondent Guest of Sargent Hotel Wields Razor on Self Then Summons Help. After sfashrnjr his throat with a razor yesterday afternoon. Frederick K. Fos ter lost his nerve and, unable to finish the attempt on his life, he crawled to the telephone In his room at the Sarsent ho tel and svreamed into the transmitter for help. The hotel clerk found Foster lyins on the bed with the blood streaming from the celf-lnflicted frash. At a late hour last night Foster was still alive, though his condition is critical. He was taken to tho Good Samaritan Hospital, where IT. P. J. Wiley Is attending him. Very little is known of Foster at the Hotel. He resistered at the Sargent June 1 from rhiladetphia. saying he- had hoen In Portland some time and was employed as a fire marshal. Inquiry, among city officers failed, however, to confirm this statement. He was of quiet demeanor and had few friends. He has made no statement as to the cause of his act. but hotel employes state he has seemed despondent Pince his arrival there. STIL.L PROBE PITTSBURG June Grand Jury Takes fp Work Left by Former Body. riTTSRI-RG. Pa.. June 7. The June Bland Jury has convened and It is ex pected that further developments in the municipal grart scandal will result. A Treat volume of evidence gathered by tha May grand jury, when more than 100 Counciimen wer examined, will be used, ,It is said. t QUEEN OF A, Y. P. FLOAT IN I AND THREE OTHER SEATTLE YOUNG WOMEN WHO WILL ATTEND HER. i ( Silas Grace Geary, SOUND PARTY HERE Seattle Girls to Grace A.-Y.-P. , Float in Thursday Parade. MISS MILLER TO BE QUEEN Prominent Washington Young Women Are Greatly Pleased. With Opening Pageant of Port-, land's Rose Festival.- . Seattle's tribute to the third annua! I Rose. Festival of Portland will consist of formal and social presentation of several of the leading society Duds of the Puget Sound metropolis. Miss Leah Miller, the charming young daughter of John F. Miller, Seattle's chief executive, who is to act as queen of the elaborate Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc float which will appear in Thursday night's parade, arrived in Port land last night, with her three court at tendants. Miss Nora Taylor, daughter of one of Seattaais prominent capitalists; Miss Grace Geary, sister of "Ted" Geary, the well-known young; yachtsman and builder of the. famous Spirit, and Miss Anna Lamping, daughter of Adjutant General George F. Lamping, in command of the Washington National. Guard. The young ladies are under the- chap eronage of Mrs. John F. Miller, wife of Seattle's Mayor, and mother of Miss Leah Miller, the Sound City's- representative queen in Thursday night's brilliant pa geant of fanciful royalty. The party Is being entertained at the Hotel Perkins and arrived last night in time to witness the first of the Festival events, its progress from the Vnion Depot to the hotel bein checked by the spouting of the Are wagon heading the bands and the marching divisions of the 'Home-Coming day" parade. Although travel-tired and in need of rest, all the young ladies manifested animated interest in the uproarious fes tivities that wero going on Just outside the portals of their hotel and expressed their pleaaure and delight at finding themselves in Portland and in the midst of the initial celebration. From the windows, of the hostelry they viewed w-ith interest the passing of the torch bearers and uniformed drill .companies. "We are all expecting a royal good time." said Mies Milter, "and we are doing to retire early, so that we can be up witn the lark and explore all the beauties of the Rose City, of which we ha heard so much. You see we will be here until Friday afternoon, and we expect to see everything before we go home. "We Seattls folks are all Interested in the Rose Festival, and we hope to have Portland people as much Interested in our big exposition. We are counting on hav ing thousands of Portland visitors with us on Portland Day. which will Be July 10, and we shall endeavor to extend them all as cordial and pleasing a welcome as we are meeting with here. Wre all know we are going to enjoy ourselves splendidly ever' minute of our time In Portland." So saying, the charming little queen of tne Seattle tioat. with her pretty attend ants, responded to the summons of their smiling, solicitous chaperone, and said goodnight. Queen Leah's party, upon its arrival in Portland, was taken under the wing of W. F. Thomas, who has been in Port land for several days, engaged in making arrangements, on behalf of the exploita tion department of the A-T-P Fair, for a rousing celebration of Portland Day, July 20, at the exposition. DEFT THIEF STEALS PURSE Pickpocket Victim at Postoffice - Loses $ 1 5 0 Saved for Mother. Two more daring cases of pickpocketing were added to Portland annnls yesterday, both of which were as expert profession ally as any ever reported here. J. C. Nay lor, an electrician, in the employ M the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company, who livs at 306 Grant street, was robbed of a purse containing $150 while making his way through a crowd in the postoffice. The money stolen rep resented tho savings of himself and elster, Miss Addle Naylor, which he had just drawn out of th& Security Savings & Miss Leah Miller, Queen. Miss Nora Taylor. I I ' A - f - v 'I ,v - f I "x. y - y' t Silas Grace Geary. MIsa Anna Lamping. ..... ........... i THURSDAY NIGHT PARADE Trust Company, preparatory to mailing it to their aged mother in Utah. U. M. Barrett, 615 Roselawn avenue, was the second victim. He was robbed at '3 o'clock in the afternoon of a watch, while standing in the plaza surrounding the Courthouse. Captain of Detectives Baty gave out a statement yesterday warning the public to keep on the lookout, as it is his belief that Portland is suffering at the hands of crooks attracted by the A-T-P Exposition at Seattle. Several persons were arrested yesterday on suspicion. W. B. Ford, arrested by Detective Pries, was later Identified by J. C. Christensen, manager of the Five and Ten-Cent store on Washington street, .as being the man who attempted to short change his cashier last Friday. Some time between, closing time Satur day night and Monday morning $25 was stolen from the cash drawer of the Old Hut saloon, at Fourth and Aider streets. The police have no clews.. POWDER TRUST SQUEALS COMPLAINS OF ' DISCRIMINA TION IN DYNAMITE BIDDING. 1 ' Canal Commission Needs OYer-$l,- 000,000 Worth' and Leans ''To ward Trojan Brand. WASHINGTON. June 7. Alleging that discriminations were being made by the Isthmian Canal Commission In favor -of the manufacturers of Trojan Dowdnr. the E. I. DuPont de Nemours Powder Com pany filed a formal protest today when bids were opened for supplying explo sives for the coming fiscal year for work on the Isthmian canal. Specifications allow alternative -; bids for supplying Trojan powder In the place of dynamite, provided a guarantee of the effectiveness of Trojan powder is made. The DuPont company asserted Trojan was a trade name and could be supplied only by the proprietors of the brand. More than 10,000,000 pounds of dynamite is wanted. The IS. I. DuPont de Nemours Company submitted a bid of 41.O5l.S50 and the Keystone Powto Manufacturing Com pany, of Umporia, Pa., $1,071,232. Tho Trojan Powder Company, of Allentown, Pa., Oakland, Cal., and Pueblo. Colo., submitted a bid for Trojan as a portion of. the amount desired $315,372. W". R. Grace & Co., of San Francisco, sub mitted a bid of $204,600 on a part of the quantity of dynamite. The Texas Dyna mite Company, of Beaumont, Tex., sub mitted an informal bid. AT THE HOTELS. , ' Ifiotel Portland Mr. and Mrs. B. J. David, Wyoming; . E. Coffin and wife. Boise; W. S. Fraser and wife, ;Chicao; Eugeue Brown and wife. King Hill; K. O. Mill. Ban Fran cisco; Mr. and Mrs. Iv. P. Hall. Duluth; Dr. F. J. Bailey and wife, city; Q. Winters, Spokane; Q. K. McGrumpo, U. S. Army; W. 1 Baker, New York; K. C Lars and. wife, Chehalis; K- Bernard, New York; J. Hyde and wife, Brooklyn; C A. Morria, A. Mes Gin&er, New York; C. E. . Bash and wfTe, Huntington; M. Hulburt, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. H. Butler, Huntsville; H, Hols, Xew York; W. Rea, Jr., Montana; C. B. Prahman and wife, Chicago; C. E. Anen, Honolulu; Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Polletz, New York; K. Metzger and wife, San Francisco; R. O. Krse, New York; Henry Kresby, 6an Francisco ; Mrs. J. B. Wells, Boston ; H. Wellsoh. New York; G. C. Koedlng, Fresno; J. T. Whitehead, New York; A. S. White, C. H. Gray, Seattle; w. B. Brown, St. Louis; F. V. DingHLan. San Francisco; E. Kuisch, Pittsburg; J. F. McNaught, Hermiston ; G. T. Myers and wife, M. A. Gottstein, Seattle; M. M. Quimby. Mt. Vernon; Y. P. Dufoir, Woonsoeket; C. E- Locke. San Francisco; J. W. Strauss, New York; A- B. Kelty, Kan sas City; H. Goldman, New York; W. E. Peters and wife, San Francisco; T. W. Drane and wife. New York; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Orabb, Chicaso; Mrs. M. R. Williams. Tom Williams, New York; Mr. ami Mrs. C. Breeden. Los Angeles; W. H. Thomas San Francisco; T. M- Linnard, Pasadena; C. Cummins, Sah, Francisco; Mr. and Mrs Campbell. G. H. George, H- Henry, Castle "Rock; J. W. Flannigan, Chicago; H S. Williamson, San Francisco; L. A. Falch, New York; C. .Howe, Buffalo: c. B. Mc cormick, G. E. Tapper, San, Francisco M. A. Baer, E. A. KeUh, New York; E. T. Hendee and wife. Chicago; J. Hohn and wife, Mls B. Bohm, San Francisco ; J. S. cnneiaer. jsew x orK ; Kear-Aamiral H IJlchii. Captain G. Ishil, Commander H. Yashloka, Fleet Engineer Matsu Zawa, Staff Paymaster Neda, Staff Surgeon Suzuki, Lieutenant Hashlmote, Lieutenant Uno, Lieutenant Yaxnazaki. Lieutenant Kurodai Lieutenant Su Nuijama, Midshipman Sato, Midshipman Sawamoti. Flag Lieutenant Struavonera. Japanese fleet officers; C- B. Hurley, city; H. White. Los Anpelej; Mrs. E. Cuthbertson. Seattle ; R. F. S tingle, Chi cago; Q. W. Offield, Klamath Falls; E. A. Lawbaujfh, Meriden; R. R. Hinton and wife. Miss Hinton, R. B. Hinton, Miss Wakerllg, SUaulko; G. Dfhaven end wife, Chicago; . E. Burley. Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Van Cleave, . St. Louis; R. S. Holmes, U. 6. Navy. Hotel Oregon J. D. Beach, Spokane; L. T. Skidmore, Seattle; Dorsey B. Smith, city; F. J. Dalenty and wife. Ashton, Idaho; J. J. Johnson and wife. Bedford. Ind. Mrs , T. W. Hobson, San Jose; C p. Newlin and wife. La Grande; W. Poldera and wife, St. Louu: n. X. Craves. W. S. Graves. Sump ter; E. G. Round. Rossland, B. C. ; C. E. Rlnehart. Jr.. St. Louis; G. W. Fox and wife, Lexington. Ky. : H. L. rrickinson and wife, Beilingham; Mrs. Andrew T. Stahl, Dufur; Sam Jones, Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Vancouver; A. O. Weife. E. Eden, (Seattle; Luford C. Lull. Jr.. Los Angeles: C. r. Gabrielson and wife. Scappoose; Geo. r. Pollttz and wife. New York City; M. J. Schmidt, San Krancisco; Will A. Curless, R. F. Shury, Seattle; E. D.. Ressler. Mon mouth: W. E. Lytle. Portland; c. Ruga and wife, Greely, Colo.: H J. Havbltl. New York: D. S. Sanborn, W. C. Kerr, Seattle; Abe Haafl.'Joi. Mines, Chicago; T H. Dean and daughter. Baker City; J. W. Wilson. Bloominyton: Al Manning aud wife, St. Paul; John-E. Hess and wife. Master Hess, Waiter E. Hess, George Hee, Mooretown, Pa.; w. Dolan, North Bend. Ind.; J- E. Wlnstanley, city; A. N. Cornwell and wife, St. Paul; Alex Thomuson. Tiieoma: AT. V. Pence, Olympia: l. M. True. San Fran- 1 Cisco; Max Wecksler. New York; L. C Smith and wire, Seattle; C. W. McXaman, Oakland; James Thornton, Oakland; Mrs. J. H. Clark. Oakland; A. M. Lovelace, Mrs. T. II. Dean and daughter. E. T. Holton, R. C. Hamlin. Fihgal Hinds end wife. San Fran cisco; G. E. Johnson. Geo. W. Rowan, Seattle: R. C. Hamlin. Guv "K. Irwin. Los Angeles; A. J. Russell and wife. F. S. Palmer. F. Sweeney. W. C. Mathewson, San Francisco; Dr. J. S. Parson, Ashland; Sam H. Colin. San Francisco; . F. H. Irvine and wife. M'. A. Barr, New York; W. Rosenblatt, San FranciscQ. The Perkins X. Patterson. Hllishnrn: r- and Mrs. W. J. Harris and family, Pittsburg; 1 J. C. Jensen and family. Ogdcn; G. P. Rlch- aras, i-ittsourg: Mrs. John F. Miller, Miss Miller, A-Y-P Exposition; Miss Geary, Miss Taylor, Miss Lamping. Orvis, Gladden, Seat tle; J. R. Haskins. llwaco: A. A. Townley. Congdon; C. H. Wright and wife. H. O. and A. Krabbenhoft. John Schmidt. H. Schroeder and wife, William Bartholomew and wife. Henry Erwln. Sabin; L. D. Williams, Seat tle; W. w. Oglesby and wife. Forest Grove; Joseph Woods and wife. Hoquiam ; R. W. Ramer. Seattle; Mrs. L. Lawrence. Chehalis; J. D. Shull and wife, J. J. Clark. South Bend; Mrs. R. p. Burns, Rainier; Miss C. F. Brey, Salem; John L. Farell, J. A. Farell, San Francisco: C. A. Bell and wife. Hood River: R. li. Pate and wife. Davton; Anna Webster. Jefferson; Harry Elman, city: F. J. Wilson, Corvallis; Mrs. M.- J. O'Connell, Seattle; J. M. Pipe, Albanv; V. P. Fiske. Dallas; L. Wade. A. Willoughby, Congdon; F. H. Goldthwait, Springfield; Joe Trage man. Mrs. Ernst, Baker City; L. S. C. Mc Mahon, Duluth; L. E. Strandley and wife. La Grande; W. B. Johnston and wife, Rose burg; Mrs. M. P. Harmon. George H. Daget, Mrs. : E. C. Harmon. Chicago: P. Mahoppy and wife, Condon; Paul Frendman. Butkir; rit and family, Sheridan; F. Miller and wife. Junction City: R. M. Harding, Silver ton; George Raymond. Butte; H. C. Kunie. Tillamook: Mrs. w. R. Marvin, F. J. Payne. Bay Center; William E. Gregory, Astoria; J. H. Scott and wife, J. G. Smart and wife. " ays. twattle; E. F. Brown, WalvlUe; Mr. and Mrs. Wiiter. Lebanon; H. a. viurK, Astoria: H. L. Lively. Seattle; , P- Levy, Frank Vaughn and wife, As tosia: J. E. Backus, Spokane; Emerv Her ron. South Rend- W IT Tnun'. n. G. Payers, Hartford City; H. L. Berkey. Chi cago; Herman X-alisch, New York; H. A. fj , ' A Aioany; George Bell," Trin idad; R. L. Woodhouse. Mrs. W. Warnken. Berkeley; P. Bernard, w. J. Botsford, New lork: F. L. Sperry, San Francisco; J. Hide and wife, Brooklyn; J. D. Beach. Spokane; Mrs J. W. Condon, N. Whealdon. The Dalles: G. L Wiling. Seattle; J. c. Henry, La Grande; Flora Walker, Pendleton; H. L. Anderson. Ontario; C. H. Buckley, Seat tle; G. W. Offleler, Klamath Falls; J. N. Arnold, E. P. Mahoppy and wife. Toledo; W. H. Haatts and wife. Bend; Dr. H. C. Dunsmore, Independence; Dr. Charles R. Bale and wife. St. Paul; Mrs. Jobson. M. A. J. Bolts. D. E. York, Walla Walla; George N. Butcher. Harrisboro. The Imperial a H. Fisher and wife. Eu gene; Mrs. A. Balrd, M. R. Ryan, Drain; W. V. Farnls. Olympla; Mrs. C. E. Martin. Oakland; M. L. Sander and wife. Seattle; H. K. Revell WalkersvIIle; T. R. Bingham, Spokane; J. B. Patten, E. Calderwood. Mrs. Mary Calderwood, Pendleton; C. S. Crutcher and wire. St. Mark. Texas; Mary Morgan, Eugene; Dr. Kershaw, Grand Rapids; Mrs. H. M. Kershaw, Willlamlna; Ralph Adams, Dallas; W. Preston and wife, Eugene; Mrs. Edna Dunn, Condon: Oscar Sehafer. Mon mouth; L. P. Davidson and family, lone; H. C Mahon and wife, Eugene; E. C. Smith and wife. Vale; Miss Mayine Thomp son. Vale; R. E. Williams, Dallas; Pearl Williams, Corvallis; Alice Cannon, Cor vallis; A. G. Magee and wife. Salem; F. H. Caldwell. Newberg The St. t'harles W. B. Foote. Marshneld; C. J. Doyle. Wecidesburn; E. L. Prince, Marsh neld; B. Hunsaker, North Bend; J. Lverts shes, Spokane; J. Erpler and wife, Sherwood; Gue Amdt, Latourell; W. P. Kaiser, Kelso; A. Hayes, Mayger; H. Landenslager, city; A. T, Buxton. Forest Grove ;,F. G. Sanders Al bany; George Fleming, city; F. S. .Smith, Eugene; s. A. Foss, Bidwell; E. P. Caldwell, city; W. P. Wlllaby, Athena; Walter Lut sehlnger, W. J. FInke, Brookfleld; W. w. Rich. Wasflougal; Fred H. Moore, Seaside; Henry Crabtree. Troutdale: O. L. Jones. H. Reeve. Mist; W. J. Schulenberg and wife, Lents; A. J. Blanc, Cathlamet; c. C. Organ, Celilo; z. W. Babcock, McMlnnvllle; R L. Taylor. Corvallis; C. L. Phillips. The Dalles; M. E. Thomas. Merl Irwin, city; F. B. Tefft, Beaverton; B. . L. Hemmingway and wife. North Bend; Af Glertaon; North Cove: H.' "B. Martin. San Francisco: J. M. Gatej and -tmugmer, array? R. D. JJverett, Wasco; V. R. wooaiana, uenver; t w. Giesler and wife. Payette; William Miller, Reedville; Thomas aniei, Oregon Ulty; v. Runuy. Marcoia; w. Wright. Norton; I. H. Sherwood, George; Zed Rosendorf, Independence; J. B. Mann, The uaiips; a. bneuey, celilo; Nora Bartle, Echo Larjtin, Guy c. Larklns, Marquam; A. N Hugill, Gervals; Charles E. Harwood. Glen- ader: J. p. Walker, Mountain Dale; George niiruivicK, nauvies; L. 5onrwer and wife, S. C. Franks, T. N. Hulett, Clara Flaherty, duuumuu, a. jsa. uwens, tj. w lime, Kav mond; L. Warner and wife, Buxton; J. Winsherome, Dryad; Sam Hoglett, Wllla mina; M. B. Haines and wife, lone: R. E. Everett and wife. The Dallas; W. F. Wright, Wlllamlna: A. O. Welle. city; George otajton; ji.. f. uaiaweil, city; Men ton Howard and -wife, Corvallis; Mrs. Hal stead, Condon; Rube Montgomery, Eugene; R. A. Scott. North Yakima; C Clark, Cen tralla; B. Watkins. Heppner: L. I. Glbbs. Eugene; J. Killough, c. M. Taylor. Walla waiia.; 5. tr. ctrucKler. walla Walla; J. C. lu'i. iuub; rj. wagner, tjanDy; ju. f. ielso, Yoncalla. The Cornelius F. S. Chesbro. New Or leans; H. B. Fredericks, San Francisco; W. J- liiWart, Miss Constant French. San Fran Cisco; Mrs. A. Barr. Mrs. S. Tl'.lard. Jack raj-r, ine Danes; x. Wilson and wife. s attle; -F. J. ftteen, Los Angeles; Gertrude uonners. Mason City; Mary E. Palmer, oame LretK A. ne v. Mr nnn Mrs M A partridge. Nampa: Mark Hayter. The Dalles G. N. Gammon. Hood River; J. J. Finn. Chi cago; E. W. Rhoades and wife. Seattle;' c. raiiin ' If yon are a sufferer from any eye trou ble, consult Thompson 1 before placing your case elsewhere. . Non-residents are invited to call when in the city. . g nyesignt i f- - -' ' " - k i t y os.!, ', I ' ; : ' ! ft ; I '. C -A j J -- j - iL- . ...a., a..,, i,.... j. .....a 9 Tears -in Portland, 2 Tears til the Leading Eje Clinics of Europe. SOME SYMPTOMS OF SERIOUS EYE TROUBLES Dimness of vision. Seeing spots, specks, etc., dance before the p yes. The atmosphere seems smoky and fogrgy.- Seeing better some days than others. Seeing better sideways than straight ahead. Seeing better in thA evening or early morning than at midday. Seeing objects double or multiplied. Seeing a halo or circle about a light. Pain in or about the eyes. Constant or periodic headaches. Over 20,000 satisfied spectacle-wearers is Thompson's record. One charge covers entire cost of examination,' glasses, frames. High-class work at the lowest possible prices. THOMPSON Second Floor CORBETT BUILDING, Fifth and Morrison Sts. The Rose Festival is in full swing, and the many visitors to our beautiful city are welcome, at The Lion. Make this your home, and take advan tage of our low prices on Summer Underwear. LION CLOTHIERS 166-170 Third St. C. Schwartz, Collins; Felix Conn. New York; George Steelhammer, Silverton; Hermann M.eiiech, New York: Harry A Littlelield. Newbirg; Mrs. T. Sinclair. Minneapolis; G. E. Tupper, San Francisco ; R. B. Livingston, Detroit; E. Byelt, G. Fitzgerald, Tacoma; f ranK t. tireen and wife. Aberdeen: Mrs. B. Martin, Vancouver; Volney Dixon and wife. Medford: Winlev Carroll, cltv: Mrs. W. Lord, Mrs. F. L. Houghton, E. A. Lake. iQ8 uaues: j. t. Ktouenton. Dutur: U. irei- ful and wife, Topeka; Jack Olein. Yamhill; D. J.. Coooer and wife. The Dalles: K. Brownell. M. M. Kelvey, Chicago; J. Roesch, i-a- uranae; n. ,. xewis. j. v. tutieuge, . Moro; T. H. Burns, Baltimore; D. C. Ab rones and wife, Seattle.; Mr. and Mrs. E. T. David, Wyoming; J. B. Messick and wife, Berkeley; W. EUery, Boston; C J. Trera hard. Astoria; C. C. Cathey, Albany. The Norton! a Mrs. W. T Crain and son. R. Flintjer, Kansas City; C. E. Allen. San Francisco; R. D. Eroe, New York; A. Et Keefhoveh, White Salmon; W. Green and wife, Lebanon; C. E. Bash and wife. Hunt ington; Joy Emery, Battle Ground; D. W. int. wire and son. Walla Walla; W. Mc Rind and wife, H. P. Pickett and wife, W. B. Gladstone. Vera Borliner, Chicago; T. J. 'Cooper, Winchester; A. J. John, Wallula; T. E. Evarts. Hoquiam; M. C. Hlckok. Sumpter; G. C. Calom and wife. Louisville; C. Gauld and wife, city; Mrs. N. L. Good, Seattle: A. J. Jackson, wife and eon, city; M. N. Mayer, Aberdeen; Ruth E. Adkin. Seattle; Alice L, Lindstrom, San Francisco; C. L. Donovan and wife. Tis Aneelen: T J. Larsen, Duluth; J. Anderson and wife, Ta coma; E. L. Landers and son, Seattle; G. L. Voltaire, Chicago. The Calumet F. H. Forrester and wife. Medford; M. Gartenbere. cltv: E. B. Lons: and wife. Hood River; E. E. Barnard. Seat- tie; u. M. wuson, San Francisco; D. O. Ken na and wife, Seattle; W. E. Ball and wife, Kelso ; George Cooper, Corval 1 is ; R. N. Stearns Mrs. S. D. Stearns, R. B. Steam, Rainier; F. W. Ward, Oklahoma City; C. A. Youngberg, Washington; Dr. H. Johnson and soa. Clark; Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Frankfort: O. L, Brollne, Klngsburg; K. Pott, J. J. McClure. Harry Hermsen R W. Alhriicht and wife. New York; Mrs. A. C. Anderson, topo-kane; roreasor .Mere see and wife, Forest Grove; W. B. Lytle. Shanlko; John McCor nlck. Hood River; W. A. Hutton and wife, Seattle ; J. F. Hopkins, Sioux City ; J. Per sona, St. Paul; Mra. H. L. Mayne, San Fran cisco; W. J. Hughey. Spokane; R. D. God frey, Echo; W. V.. Mong, Marshneld; C. W. Boynton and wife. North Bend; Mrs. Gorge Mathews, Grae Valley; J. F. Muiiins. Little Rock; C. F. Corpron and wife, McMinnville; C. E. Hamlin. Cleveland ; C. F. Black and wife, F. H. Black. . McMinnville; J. H. Peth erick, Jr., Seattle; E. D. Levy, Astoria; E. fi st. John, Rudley; M. R. Fisher, San Fran cisco ; H. F. Curtis, Salem ; Herbert Brenon and wife. New York; B. Ward, W. Ward, Coftimbus; Raymond Clure, New York; F. L. Dent, St. Louis; W. J. Sullivan and wife. New York; H. P. ReaSpokane; D. Williams. Mrs. Williams. New York; Eddie Mack and son. New York; R. B. Rose and wife, Chi cago; H. Bergman and wife, Springfield: Mtsl B. Beatty, Baker City; R. H. Betram, Kan sas City; Celia Rosewood, A. M. May, New lork; v. C. Trefrey and family, Houston; F. J. . Johnson and wife. Astoria. X TRY THIS FOR : : YOUR couqh : Mix two ounces ot Glycerine with a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com pound pure and a half pint of straight whiEky. Shake well, and take in doses of a teaspoonful every four hours. This mixture possesses the healing;, health ful properties of the Pines, and will break a cold In 24 hours and cure any cough that Is curable. In having this formula put up, be sure that your druggist uses the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, prepared and guaranteed only by the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O.. and supplied through the Skidmore Drug Co.. and all other first-class drugstores. lesiorei Thompson's ability has been recog nized by the highest au thorities in Europe. The foremost phy picians of Lon don, Paris, Vienna and Berlin declare his system of sight-testing; a trreat aid to science. The Internationally Indorsed Sight Expert. MEN'S, BOYS: WOMEN'S MISSES CHILDREN'S VALU E AT K NIGHT'S Are Always the HIGHEST PRICES. Always the LOWEST Washington, iLAMATH FALLS FRIDAY AND SATDRDAY, JUKE 1 1 AM) 1209 TO CELEBRATE RAILROAD DAY IN THAT CITY, MONDAY, JUNE 1409 THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. , Has just completed its railroad to Klamath Falls, and the arrival of the first regular train on Monday, June 14, -will be made the occasion of a GRAND JOLLIFICATION To which everybody is invited. Tickets on sale June 11 and 12, good for return any time within 15 ' days, with stopover privileges. Make your reservations at once at City Ticket Office, Third and Washington streets, Portland, or with any local S. P. agent. - WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Ireatest Nerve Ho. 2. f Jilt' ,y$& v - - y wm I have BlTen personal Inspection to tho working of M. I. S. T. on the human STStem. and mast say that It entirely meets with my professional sanction. D. H. LOOM1S. Lste Demonstrator of Anatomy-; Philadelphia Medical College. Wt Guarantsa H. I. S. T. Ko. 2 will Curt or Wa Will Refund Your Money RHEUMATISM, no matter how lone standing. Any case of Inflammation of the Bladder or Enlarged Prostate Gland, no matter if the patients have been for years forced to use a catheter. BLOOD POISON IN ANY STAGE. ANY CASE OF DIABETES. In addition to the above M. I. B. T. No. I Das eared many eases of Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxia. Spinal Trouble and apparently incurable diseases of the nerves and has remov ed from the system cancer and cancerous orowths. M. I. S. T. has been on the market for over SO years, and has cured thousands of sufferers.. It la prescribed by leading physicians all over the country. It is pleasant to take and abso- Fsew5 wvm STSa lutely safe. It never increases or diminishes the action of the tj3 ir fc heart. If you are suffering from any chronic disease you are nrged tEs t1 to write to ns. no matter how many doctors or kinds off medicines B a fciiM Cm yon have tried without relief. WE GUARANTEE TO CURE VOO or refnnd your money. That you may judge of the value of this Great Remedy for yourself, we will send you one week's treatment by mail FRKI, only asking that when cured yourself you will recommend It to others. Write conhdentlally to our medloal de partment, giving symptoms. H per box. or six boxes for 5. fiddrsss El. I. S. T. Go., Toledo, 0. Tor sale by S. G. Skidmore Drug Co., 151 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. Near Second TO FOR ROUND TRIP FROM PORTLAND m r T' no. 2.