BERRYMARKETWEAK With Abundant Supply, Prices Are Lower. MORE ARE DUE TODAY Cantaloupes and Other California Fruit Selling at Cheaper Prices. First Outdoor Tomatoes From VacavUle. The strawberry trade Is the feature of the fruit market and this -week will see "the movement at Its height. Receipts yes terday were the largest of the season and today they win be still larger. Tho warm weather Is bringing on the crop with a rush. with such liberal offerings the market yesterday was naturally weak. On Front street most of the sales were at $2 to ! SI. SO per crate. Hood Rivers were held at .70, while some Sprlnirbrook berries moved at 11.78. The range at the East Side market was 2S.B0 for good stock. i swft berries, of course, selling for less. Cantaloupes are now coming In standard crates, which sold at $7.SofflS. Apricots ' ae In heavy supply and weaker at SI. BO flU-TH. Peaches were quoted at ?1.502 ia (j turns at it.oo per box. Ths first outdoor Vacavllle tomatoes of tl season were received and brought SS.B5 per box. Corn was mope abundant smd lower at BO cents a dozen. Good peas and beans were steady. FARMERS WILL NOT SELL HOPS. om-teen. Cents Reported to Have Been . Offered in Dallas Section. Several Portland and Salem hop dealers had their men In the country yesterday try ing to contract new hops, but so far as could be learned, they met with no auocess. Offers of IS oents were made and It was reported a Dallas grower received an offer of 14 cents for his coming crop and rejected It. Several Salem opmen who spent last week Inspecting hopyarde figure that there is not over half a crop in Bight In this state. They estimate the percentage of condition In the several sections, as compared with last year, as follows: . Section. Per oent. Independence ......... ....... ...... .....flo j'KiiH ... ; Hroks ;io i;ervtu - .......I"Iaa St. Faul . . . . .40 .urora . "Wooilnurn MI . 4o ........ "go MrMlnnvlllc so WrtsMnKt'm . ...................... . ..".'.60 KtiKen Hop shipments from Oregon last month were only 2NJS bales. The total shipments r-T tho Hi-swn to date were P3.3-2 bales, shrf ments by rail and water from Oregon (lor the nine months of this and last season compare an follow: 1907-8 1908-9 September 2,917 2 Mo October .... . 19.HST 19!l7 November 21.97H 1 PM December IM.S4S IO.C.2 January ... 17.1172 2 072 February ............ S.5oS Tt.9fi5 Mar"li 18,410 6.1G3 ,vr" 7.2U .--'7 - T.113 2.S3S Totals is3vt22 83.S22 Country Produce Steady. Egg reoelpts have fallen away materially and present stocks are no larger than re quired by the Iqpal trade. This has given tt market a firmer undertone. Poultry prices were well maintained on the light offerings usual for the opening of Che week. Cheese la fairly steady. There la some demand from the North, and this, with lb looai inquiry. Is about equal to current receipts. There were no new developments fn ttie butter market. Canned Corn Market Firmer. The canned corn market has an upward tendency, brokers handling the output of the Middle Western sections are enabled to offer but small quantities In view of the light prospective pack. Farmers are de voting their energies to raising field corn tnls year and tho crop of sweet corn win te small. Carry-over stocks from the last xok are also tight. Local Grain Market Quiet. N business of any kind was reported in he local grain market. local receipts In cars were reported by -the Merobants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. June S- 10 .. 15 , 14 Total last week... 17 4 63 10 so Bonk Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday wera as follows: c ., . Clearings. Balances. Seattle 1.937.7VJ 1S1 3S7 2aorm 1.16r,.f..-, K5-78 Kpokane 1.414.377 64,106 rOKTLAXI) MARKKT9. Vegetables and Fruit. FRKSH FRUITS Apples, lliffl.BO per box. Strawberries. Sl.7f.if2.73 per crate: cherries. 1 .111.33 per box; gooseberries 00 per pound; loganberries. 73c per SrVTs,1'-"011''8, 10J- per box; apricots. JlMlal.,1 per box; cantaloupes, S7 Bout o per crate; plums, SI. 00 per box. 1'OTatoks-Jobbing price, saw 2.85 per hundred: new California. 4 Ho per lb.; sweet potatoes. 4lc per pound ' SACK VKliliTAHLKS Turnips, Jl.f.0 per seen; carrots, $1.75; horseradish, 12tc per pound. P-OPICAI' BRUITS OranKes. navels. S2 2!i TS.2o per box. lemons. $1.75a4; grape fruit. Sa.f.0,54 per box; bananas, 5,f.v.c ner p.Min.1;: pineapples, y.'t.r.o p,.r crate. OlONh Bermuda. $ 1.25; 1.50 per crate red. $1.25tTl.oO per sack. VKGKTABLES Artichokes. 50 ff 60o doz asparaKua. tj .1 7c per pound"; beans.' OaUc; clbbage. 2c per rocn;l; cauli flower. $3 per crate; corn, Sue per dozen cucumbers. VjfK3 per dozen; lettuce' Hothouse. SI. JO per box; lettuce, head ",-c per dozen: onions. 1241 per dozen parsley, ;;.-,(- per dozen; peas, CifSe ner J.oiiml. radishes, lie por doien: rhubarb. o,.j,jwa per pound; spinach, 00 per pound squash. 7f,-i'S1.23 per box; tomatoes.. S2df - oil per crate. v " raln. Flour. Feed, Etc .1 .Yw TTr;ck-.pce": Blue-tern mllltns. 51 .'O'o 1...,.; club, S1.20 y 1.22U ; Valley, $1 17 .-F.LOCR r':". Sd-2S per barrel: atraights" :';- xiwis. S4.T0; Valley. jj.r.O: grahaml SO.t.0; whoie wheat, quarters. S.".SO. ptrlon ''hole. 53i per ton; cracked. SSI RAT LET Feed. $35 per ton. OATS No. 1 wliite, f-lo.r.o41 per ton MUXSTl-FFS-r.. 26.3o !e? tonf'mld-r'V1;'-v. 3,: h"r',- A1933: chP. S24fflJ0; rolled bcrley. J;;t5(tT37 HAY Timothy. Willamette Vallev. iijihi , per.."on.:. Knstern Orfiton, SISW-': clover, til, 15; alfalfa. S13&14; cheat. 14 14.60; vetch. tl44fl4.50. Groceries, Dried Krolts. Ktr. DRIED. FRUIT Apples. Sllic per lb peaches, 7';;Sc; prunes, Italians. 6i 6 iic prunes, French, currants, unwashed! oases. 04 c: currants, washed. caBcs. 10c rt. white fancy, ao-lh. boxes, Cic; dates, SALMON Columbia River. 1-lh talis 52 per dosen; 2-lb. tails. S293; 1 -pound Usts. SS.lO's: Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. fOc; red. 1-pound tails. $1.4-.; sookoyes. 1 Pouml tails ?2. t-OFFEK Mocha. 247T;Sc; Java, odrlnary. li'dittlc; Costa Rita, fancy. lsy.xc; good. 1618c: oidlnarv. li -l ire per pound NUTS Walnuts. i2ul3e per pound by sack: Drssll nuts. 10c; tllberts. lSc; peanu-s. .w ........... nv. caesrnuts, Italian. Jlc; peanuts, raw, 5-c; plnenuu, 105 12a; hickory nuts. 10c: coooanuts, UOc per dozen. ... lviivh ur&nuiaicn. v.uo; extra t:, so. 00; golden C, S3 45; fruit and berry sugar, f 05; Honolulu plantation. fine grain, $6.00; plain bag. So. S3: beet granulated, ' cubes tbarrel), S 45; powdered (barrel) SO 30. Terms: on remittances within 15 days, deduct He per pound; if later than 15 days and within SO days, deduct ftc per pound. Maple sugar, IS 18c per pound. SALT Granulated. 13 per ton. $1-90 Per bale; half ground, 100a, $7.50 .per ton; Bos, $S per ton. BEANS Small white. To: large white. 0'4c; Lima. 6V4.0-. bayou. 6c; Mexican red, Tc Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras, 2614c; fancy outside 'creamery. 252do per lb.; store, 18c. (Butter fat prices aver age 1 x cents per pound under regular but ter prices.) EGGS -Oregon ranch, 24(3-25c per dozen. POULTRY Hens. 14gil4c; Springs, IS 0c; roosters. SSc; ducks. 14ffll5c; geese lOllc; turkeys, 1820c; squabs, $262 25 por dozen. CHEESE Full cream twins. lBtSlBo per pound; young Americas, 16i417c; California. 18 17c PORK Fancy. I0e per pound. VEAL Extras. 88Vic per pound; ordi nary, 7c; heavy, 6c. Provisions. BACON" Fancy, 24o per pound; standard, 10Hc: choice, 18c; English, 1618c. DRY SALT CURED KeKular short clears, dry salt, 13 c; smoked. 14 c; short clear backs, heavy dry salted, 13 c; smoked. 143ie; Oregon exports dry salted, 14c; smoked, 15:iic. HAMS 10 to 18 lbs. 164o; 14 to 16 lbs.. 16c: 18 to 20 lbs. 18c; hams, skinned, 154o; picnics. 11c; cottage roll, 12c; shoul ders, 31c; boiled hams. 223c; boiled pic nics. 13c LARD Kettle rendered: 10s, 1591c; Bs, lBTso: Standard pure: 10s. 14c; 5s, 14c; Choice: 10s. 13c; 5s. 13 He. Compound: 10s. V4e; 6s, 9ic. SMOKED BEEF. Beef tongues, each. 60c; dried beef sets. lUc: dried beef out sldes. 17c: dried beef lnsides, 21c; dried beef knuckles, 20e. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: pigs' teet. S13; regular tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; pigs' tongues. $19.50. BARRELED MEATS Mess beef. $12 per barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel: mess pork, $20 per barrel; bis ket. $22 per barrel. Hods. Wool. Hides. Etc. HOPS 1009 ! contracts. 1314c per lb.: 1908 crop, U(fti0c; 1007 crop, 45cr 1006 crop, 1 Va & 2c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 1722o per pound; Valley, fine, 26c; medium, 23c; coarse, 21 22c MOHAIR choice. 242Se per pound HIDES Dry hides, No. 1, 18l7o lb; dry kip, No. 1, 1516c pound; dry calf. skin. 18g19c pound; salted hides, 99i,c- salted calfskin, 13 14c pound; green la less. FURS No. 1 skins: Angora goat, SI to $1.25; badger, 2550c; bear, 620; beaver $0.508.5O; cat, wild, 75c $1.50; cougar, perfect head and claws, $3(tfl0; nsher, dark. 7.5011; pale. $4.90(g)7; fox. cross, S3 to $5; fox, gray. 080c; fox, red. $35; fox. sliver. $35 to $100- lynx. SSSHS; marten, dark. $812; mink. $3.50 5 50; muskrat. 15(ei25c; otter, S2.304; raccoon, 6075c; sea otter, $100250 as to size and color-i skunks, 55 80c: civet, cat, 10 15c; wolf, S-'t'S; coyote, 73c$1.25; wolverine, dark, $35; wolverine, pale $2 2 50. CASCARA BARK Per pound. 6 cents. FORTLAND LIV ESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Livestock receipts over Sunday were lighter than usual and the market was slow all around. Hogs continued very firm, but sheep and cattle dragged. Prices l.w.u wuae 01 last week. Receipts were 194 cattle. 874 sheep n .1 on 1 Late sales at the yards Included 23 cows. averaging 904 pounds, $3.85; 20 COWS. T VlTHl'lf O.QP; , . . CI 1 . . averaging 107S pounds, $4.75; 13 cows, averaging 807 pounds, $3.00; 29 steers, averaging 1093 pounds, $4.12V. jjocai prices quoted at ttie yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Steers, top. $5; fair to good, $4.604.7i; common to good, $44 60 cows, top, $44.25; fair to good, $3.754; common to medium, $2.50 3. B0; calves, top, $53o.50: heavy. $:i.50ft4; bulls and stags' $3r3.60; common. $22.73 HOGS Best. $8-8.15; fair to good, $7.60 7.75; stockers. J6ffi6.50: China ffo tn 7 SHEEP Top wethers, $44.25; fair to good. $3,500-4; ewes, yc less on all grades; Eastern Livestock Markets. mated, 19.000; .market, strong to 10c higher Beeves, $3.207.30; Texas steers, $4.05 6.85; Western steers. $4.75 6 40; stockers and feeders, $3.00t(5B5; cows and heif ers, $2.50ri( 0.30; calves. $5.757.75 Hogs Receipts, estimated. 49.000; mar ket, 5c lower. Light. $7 7.50: mixed. $7.20 .......j, v,. -J -y ,.,u, UUg'li I -OVy 7.4o; good to choice heavy. $7.457.75; pigs. fu iw i, duik 01 sales. $ (q) 7.75. Sheep Receipts, estimated. 14,000; mar jet, steady. Native, $4ff6.50; Western, $4.25 6.60; yearlings. $6.257.40; lambs, native, $GS.S5; Western. $U.258.50. KANSAS CITY, June 7. CattUs Re ceipts, 1LO0O- market, strong. Native steers. $5.25ci 1 ; native cows and heifers. $2.756.0."; stockers and feeders, $3.80 5.50; Western steers, $4.756.75; Western cows. $3.25rfl.5.25. Hogs Receipts, 10,000; market, steadv to 5o lower. Bulk of sales. $7.10 7.30; he'avv. $7.40'U' 7.53; packers and butchers. 517.20 7. 50; light. $6.80 7.30; pigs, $5.75c!75 Sheep Receipts, 10.O0U; market, steadv. Muttons. $5(fj.0.5O; lambs, $6.508.75 weth $0 00ind yearli"BS- S4"57.23; ewes, $5.30 SOUTH OMAHA, June 7. Cattle Re ceipts, 70O: market, steadv to 10c higher. Western steers. $3 5; Texas steers, S3 6.0C; range cows and heifers, $2.855.35; canners, S24; calves, $37; bulls and stags. $3t! 5.30. Hogs Receipts, 6000; market, weak to Be lower. Heavy, S7.357.55; mixed. $7.25 7.40; pigs. $56.50; bulk of sales, $7.20 7.43. iShecp Reoelpts. 6100: market. Kteadv. Yearlings. $3.756.75; wethers. $5.556.50; ewes. $3.40 6.40: lambs. $7.25 8.23. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. J-une 7. The London tin market was unchanged to a shade higher, spot being relatively steady at 133 2a 6d while futures were unchanged at 184 7s 6d. Locally the market was dull and unchanged with spot 29.12 V4 ?i37.00iic. Copper was 2s 6d higher in the London market with spot quoted at 61 7s 6d and futures at 62 Bs. The local market con tinued firm and was a shade higher. Lake, 13.32U. 13.67c: electrolytic, 13.37 13.60c; casting, 13.25 13.3 7 iic. Lead was unchanged at 13 3s 9d In the London market. Locally It was unchanged at 4.35 4.45c. Spelter was unchanged at 22 2a 6d in London, while the local market was firm and higher at 6.35B.4oc. Iron was lower at 48s 9d for Cleveland warrants In the English market. Locally iron was steady with No. 1 foundry North ern $16 16.60; No. 2. $15.76 16.2B ; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Soutliern soft at $16 16.25. . Dried Prnlt at New Vork. NEW YORK, June 7. Evaporated apples firm. Fancy. S V4. Sr 9 Vi o ; choice, 74Sc; prime, 6is7c; common to fair, 6 6c Prunes tlrm. ranging from 2t;c .to llc for California and 6c to Sc for Oregon 60-60s to 20-SOs. Apricots firm, owing to strong views of sellers for future delivery; choice, 10loc; extra choice, 10410 4ic; fancy. Ilt30. Peaches dull. Extra choice, 6i46; fancy, 7SiaC Raisins quiet on spot, but quotations are well maintained. Loose muscatel. 34i,,c; choice to fancy seeded. Mj, 6Vic; seed loss, l,ac and London layers. $1.15 Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO. June 7. Butter Steady: creameries. 22 H 26c; dairies, 2S2DVc Eggs Steady; at mark, cases Included. 19c; rirsts. ly':c; prime firsts. 2lti Cheese Steady; daisies, 129i13o twins, 1212:c; young Americas, 1314 13c: long horns, 1313c. NEW YORK, June 7. Butter Steady creamery specials. 2727Ho; do thirds to extras, 210e; Western Imitation cream ery firsts, 21 22c. Cheese Firm; new state full creams, spe cials. 1314c PB Eggs Steady; Western extra nrsts 2" a 22 Sc. ' w Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. June 7. Coffee futures closed net unchanged to ten points lower. Sales 11.175 bags, including June at 6 85c July, 6.5046. 55c; September. 6.05ig6 10c! Spot quiet. No. 7 Rio. 7 8c; No. 4 San toe. 9c. Mild dull. Cordova. 9?t12c. Sugar Raw firm. Fair refining. 3.42c; centrifugal 96 test. 3.92c; molasses sugar S.17c Refined steady. the morning PRICES. GIVE. WAY Bear Raid Carrie's Down Stock Values. BULLS NOT AGGRESSIVE Demand for Currency in the Interior for Crop Moving Begins to Be Apparent Bonds' Are Irregular. NEW YORK, June 7. JThe speculative ap petite for stocks had lost some of its xest today, to Judge by the movement of prloes and a sharp! break at the close. There was animated buying outside, such as Is looked for especially on Monday morning dnrlng the progress of a speculative campaign, and prices, as usual, were opened as high as possible, with benevolent Intent toward those having stocks to sell rather than to wards the early buyers. Reading was se lected as the principal medium for the sup porting operations of the bull party. Rumors of coming dividend Increases played a prom inent part In the show of strength of spe cial stocks. This was In marked contrast with the severe break In the price of St. Louis Southwestern preferred, which got lta dividend Increase last week, leaving nothing more to be looked for as material for specu lative excitement. demand to? 6outhw8st reports that ?d fo' currency was beginning to etlr, Th-Ptrayn, or moving the coming crops h1rdenlne oS discount rates abroad sn.5 ,? nK " Pra a Pceptible d"g tn speculative movements there. An advance fit ,hB. PriC, f .copper metal fa"ei t bene ateu tlfer ,lndu5lrIal. The bears oper ated timidly. In fear of the demonstrated r" ol the buU leadership, and It was not until the end of the day -hat they attacked the market with any bildness. Price, gave .Bonds were Irregular. Total sales unwanted78 oncall.UnU!d CLOSING- STOCK QUOTATIONS. , Closing Allls-Chalmers pf to 1' Am Agricultural.. 2o 43 f? J Am Beet Sugar .. l,oo 5 U S s?s pV. iss sis Am Linseed Oil.- 600 17 17 17 IS sSS?TtS:;-- c?:! !. i do-prefer7ed '.I-. I'o lIsS lT?ti 1 Am Sugar Kef.... HI' 1U' Y, rr-7 I 7..t . . ai 132 J Am Tobacco i Ifi Am Wooien I 1.3 37 g 3.A. 37 Anaconda Mln Co a an.. i',4J I At?h1" , 61,'So5 lloil 114 lli uo preferred ... 2,100 lo 1064 1055. Alt Coast Llne. 2,300 1Z34 131 Bait & Ohio 10,100 118TA 1152 RrLehe 6tssL-- ,sf J Canaaian-Paciho.: H cearoTj:::.. 100 B Ches & Ohio..... 6 200 "79" "trU Taii Chicago & Alton.. '?0u 71 70 Chcago Gt West. 1.200 4 4 42 c. m-& tPau,:; xiaoo St iSEti Jgg --J- "t L. .. 1,600 70 75i4 75 Colo & Southern.. 400 64 U4M 63 S do lot preferred. 200 82 gl tit Consolidated 'Gaa. 1,500 103 143" 1T3 rT. S -udfa--- 1.100 194 193?4 1922 D & R Orande ... 18.900 6234 ci. 1 do preferred ... 1,500 SO. 89 8fti DisUllers- Securl. . 1 200 42 IS 35t do 1st preferred. 3,800 5014 04 & Sii. do 2d preferred. 2,100 44X4 431? ZS Northern pf.. 13,200 1501i 140 149i2 Gt Northern Ore.. 2.800 76 75 75 Illinois Central .. 7,900 151 K 14i 150 Interborough Met. 3O0 17 16 164 Pferred ... 4.000 46 4514 45W Inter 'Harvester.. 400 86 S4 84 Inter-Marine pf 2,000 25 H 24 24 5 Int Pump 1,700 40 4oi? 40i Iowa Central 200 32 31 31 il K15: Soijthern - 2.600 47 48TS 4674 do preferred ... 400 73 "3i2 "iil Louis & Nashville 8,400 145 142 Ms 4 Minn & St L 2.K) 58 68 "? " M. St P & S S M. 200 140 140 13914 Missouri Pacific... 4.600 76". 75U, , Mo.. Kan & Texa. 2,700 43 42? do preferred ... 200 73 U 7314 73?; National Biscuit .. 1O0 106 106 lOo-I National Lead ... j gg Mex Nat Ry 1st pf 5,2 S Central 1,700 lSl" isi lS32 N Y. Ont & West. 16,200 04 C3 53 Norfolk & West. 10.100 S2iJ OfHi ) North American .. 3.900 84 va? Northern Paclflc. 2.800 151 141i. 14914 Pacific Mall . 40O 29 29 4 Pennsylvania 9.600 138 137 1.37 .G".- -00 116 116 115 1. O C & St L. . . 1O0 92'4 92t4 93 greased pteel Car 1.000 44 44 43! Pullman Pal Car ice Ry Steel Spring.. 100 '-icii "46 46 5?atllnK 202.40O 159 166 l'.oii Republic Steel .... 9.600 34 33 do preferred ... 4.6O0 108 105 ITiflt? Rock Island Co.. BS.loo 3434 s3?7 ,J do preferred ... 6.10O 72' 71 VVii t L & S F 2 pf. 2.300 46 45 45S St L Southwestern 2.0O0 274 2614 'HZ do preferred ... 5,300 70 qttI Floss-Sheffleid .... 2.o 84"? 84 i Southern Paclfio .. 43,800 131 & 129 l?o do preferred ... 7.SOO 133 13- ltiut Bouthern Railway. 18,400 3- 3l2 do preferred ... 2. 300 71 V, 70H4 7004 Tenn Copper 200 41 V 41l2 iii5 Texas & Pacific.. 6.60O sou ,35 Tol. St L West.. 1O0 62 52 do preferred ... 700 69 69 69 Lnlon Paclflc ... 6T.400 IPi 1S9 lKqiv do preferred ... 1.000 97 97 fww TJ s Realty 500 pa siu. SSi TJ P Rubber 1 000 42 41 !Ss? US Steel 105.000 68 67 6714 T-.flcL rreferred ... fl.5no 126 124 125 rtah Copper 1,100 52 52 52 Va-Caro Chemical. 4.3O0 52 61 Boa W abash 4.900 22 ojst do preferred ... ai.000 f,r,a: K:i K4BJ Western Md 24,400 21 ' 19 Vo T estlnghoupe Elec 3.800 61 p 85 Western T'nlon ... 2 .300 77 7414 Tfl Wheel L Erie.. 500 11 11 Wisconsin Central. 100 58 5S 67 Total sales for the day. 1.136.700 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK, June 7.-Closlng quotations: TJ S. ref. 2s.reg.l01M T C G 3s.. 93 do coupon loifc xortta Pacific 3s. 74 TJ. S. 3s reg 101 I North Pacific 4s.lo-i do coupon. .. .102 Isouth Pacific 4s 9234 TJ S new 4s reg.nsjr-nlon Pacific 4s."l03 do coupon. ,...121 Wiscon Cent 4s. 93 l- . R G 4s. ... . . S7f 'Japanese 4s 8S14 Stocks at London. LONDON. June 7. Consols for money. i4-i; ao tor account. K414 Anaconda . . . 10 In y c g. . Atchison do pref Rait & Ohio. . Can Pacific. . . Ches & Ohio. . Chi Grt West. C. M. & S -P ..136 .. 93 . . 90 . . 55 - VO 10 . . 80 .. 33 . . 72 . .134 . -19S . .100 - 2 . .129 . . 55 . . 55 . . 98 .. 90 .137 Norflk & West . .108 do pref. . . . .121 Ont & West.. . 18S iPennsylvanla . SOlRand Mines... 5 iReoritticr . .160 Southern nr.'.'. De Beers D & R G do pref. Erie do 1st pf . . . do 2d Tf . . . 10 j do pref 32 .South Pacific. 91;Union Paclflc. 39 I do pref 56-ftJ s Steel 46 do pref Wabash do pref Spanish 4s.... Amal Copper. . Grand Trunk... "334 Ill Central 133 1 4 K ai L & X Mo K & T 144 Money. Exchanie, Etc LONDON. June 7. Bar silver. oulet. 24 d per ounce. Money, 11 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for ehort bills is 11 per cent; for three months' bills. 11 per cent. SAN FRAN-CISCO, June 7. Silver bars 63c. Mexican dollars. 47c. Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 3c Sterling on London, 60 days. 4 Sfitt sight, 4.87. NEW TORK, June"7-Meney on call easy 16 2 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent: closing bid and offered at 1 per cent Time loans very firm and inactive. Sixty days 2a per cent; 90 days. 2 per cent- six months. 23 per cent. Prime mercan tile paper. 34 per cent. Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi osegoxiax, Tuesday, ness in .bankers bills at 44.8595 4.8605 for 60-day bills and at 44.8770 for demand. Bar silver, 53c. . Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds irregular. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. June 7. Todays state ment of the Treasury balances shows: Gold coin and bullion s 49.116 318 Gold certificates 28,001,780 Available cash balance.... 121,210,497 Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON. June 7. Closing quotations: Adventure sUIVnnt c jt- r ok Allouez 40 Nevada .'."". Amalgamated .. 86;01d Dominion... 55 Ariz Com 42 Osceola .....136 ,vii,Li:wc ....... M Butte Coal 26 Cal & Ariz 105 Cal & Hecla C70 Centennial v. 33 Copper Range.. 81 Daly West 7 Franklin 16 Granby 105 Greene Cananea 10 Parrot . . .' : -1 Quincy 91 Shannon 162 Tamarack 72 Trinity 13 ' united Copper. . 11 U. S. Mining ?0 U. S. Oil 33 Utah 43 Victoria ........ 5 . Isle Royale 27SVlnona 6 Mass Mining.... 9iilp.olvrln 1 11 Michigan 10 Korth Butte 5d Mohawk C7 I NEW TORK, June Alice . . , 200 Brunswick Con. 6 Com Tun stock. 23 do bonds IS C C & Va 60 Horn Silver 63 Leadville Con. . . 45 7. dosing quotations: Little Chief S Mexican 75 Ontario 350 Ophlr 115 Standard 175 Yellow Jacket... 38 TAKE UP THE SURPLUS SEATTLE BUTTER DEALERS PRETEST MARKET FALLDfG. Reported Agreement by Salmon Packers to Tarn Rail of Pack Over to Demlng Interests. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 7. (Special.) The homegrown strawberry season opened today with heavy receipts from all local points. As a result, prices were lower. A car of Hood RWers reached hece, but the best price they could command was $3.75. Locals sold as low as S3.50. A carload of Mississippi tomatoes reached here this afternoon and was placed on the market at $2.25 per crate. Large crates of cantaloupes were offered today for the first time. The first native cherries also ap peared this morning. Butter was steady. The dealers who ad vocated a cut In prices have disposed of their surplus to those who want the mar ket held up for a few days. It was reported today that an agreement had been reached among the Puget Sound salmon packers whereby one-half of the total pack will be turned over to the Demlng Interests at Bellln'gham and the other half will not be sold at less than Jl 45 for tails, $1.65 for flats and $1.05 for halves. Brokers are taking orders on that basis. Tillamook cheese dropped to 17 18 cents today. Eggs were steady. Poultry was in oversupply and weak. QUOTATIONS AT 8AX FRANCISCO. Frices Paid tor Produce in the Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, June 7. The follow ing prices were quoted In the nroduce mar ket today: Millstufts Bran. $28.5030; middlings, 3335. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $3.252.C0; Salinas Burbanks, nominal; sweets, nom inal. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, 75c $1.50; garlic, 4(a'5c; green peas, $1. 25 2.25 ; string beans, B9)5c; tomatoes, S1.502 egg-plant, 1012c; asparagus, $12. Butter Fancy creamery, 2t!c; creamery seconds, 25c; fancy dairy. 24 c. Poultry Roosters, old, $4u-6'. young 9 3 12; broilers. small. 2.50Sf3; bt'ollere. large, $3.504.60: fryers. 67; hens; 5 10: ducks, old, 55.50; young. $c8. EggB Store, 23c; fancy ranch. 26c. Cheese New. 1314c: Young Amer ica. 15 16c. fouth Plains and San Joaquin. 12(3.17c; Mountain, 612o: Nevada, 13020c .,iS?S7"Wvl.eV- "22; wheat and oats. 1020; alfalfa, $810; stock. $8ig9; bar ley. $11 14; straw, per bale, SO 80c. Fruits Apples. choice. $1.50; common. 40c; bananas. 75c$3.0O; limes, $4!gl0; lemons, choice, $3; commons, fl; oranges. 1.503; pineapples. $2r54. $1.60ig;2.25: pineapples, $24. Receipts Flour, 2951 quarter sacks- bar ley, 11,395 centals; oats, 100 centals; beans 2S5 sacks; corn, 60 centals; potatoes, 840 sacks; bran, 70 sacks; middlings, 15 sacks hay, 947 tons; wool, 544 bales; hides. 750. Grain and Produce at New York. KEW TORK. June 7. Flour Receipts. 1L837 barrels; exports, 7899 barrels; market firm and held higher. Wheat Receipts, 46.900 bushels. Spot market steady. No 2 red, $1.60 nominal elevator and $1.60 nominal f. o. b. afloat No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.39 nominal f! o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.38 nom inal f. o. b. afloat. There was a strong advance In wheat today with July up to a new high record, due to a bullish cash situation, covering of shorts and crop news from Kansas. Last prices were lc net higher. July closed $1.27; September $L17; December, $L15. Hops and petroleum Steady. Hides Quiet. Wool Firm. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, June 7. Wheat, firm barley, steady. ' pot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $2.102.15: milling. $2-102f20. Barley Feed, ?1.501.52; brewinjr nominal. Oats Red, J2.102-2O; white, $2.15"20 black. nominal. ' Call-board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.37. Corn Large, yellow. $1.70 1.75. European Grain Markets. LONDON. June 7. Cargoes, firm. Walla Walla, on passage, at 44s 6d; for shipment. 40s. English country markets, quiet- French country markets, 50 centimes cheaper. LIVERPOOL. June 7. Wheat, July Bs d; September, 8s 7d; December, Ss 4d Weather, fine. ' Visible Statement not Issued. NEW TORK. June 7. The Produce Ex change statement of the visible supply of grain was not Issued today, owing to the holiday In Chicago. The visible supply of wheat in Canada last Saturday was 3. 969.000 bushels, a de crease of 1,131,000 bushels. Wheat at Seattle. SEATTLE, June 7. No milling quota tions. Export wheat, bluestem, $1.24- club $1.14; red, $1.09. No receipts. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, June 7. Wheat, milling, blue stem, $1.30 1.35; club, $1.14. Export blue stem. $1.24; club. $1.14; red, $l.o. ' Flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, June 7. Flax, $1.77. New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK, June 7. Cotton Spot closed quiet, five points higher. Middling uplands 11.45c; do Gulf, 11.70c. No sales. Futures closed steady. June, 10.86c; July 10.90c; August. 10.84c; September, 10.79c; October. 10.77c; November, 10.78c: Decem ber, 10.79c ; January and March, 10.75c. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, June 7. Wool, unchanged territory and Western mediums, 4(&"9c fine mediums, 2227c; fine, ie23c ' Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN, 111., June 7. Butter, firm. wile, sales, 876.600 pounds. " Sick Woman Is Suicide! UNION, Or., June 7. (Speclal. arrs Alfred Minnick, a respected resident of this city, killed herself today toy drink ing wood alcohol. Mrs. Minnick has been an invalid for a number of years and despondency is supposed to be the caus of the suicide. She leaves a husband and two grown sons, Frank and John Minnick, aged respectively 24 and 27 NTr. inquest will be held. " june 8, 1909. SNAKE IS FALLING Columbia's Main Tributary Subsides Rapidly. FLOOD IS NOT PROBABLE Danger of High Water Rapidly Be ing Reduced, to Minimum and Stage of 21 Feet at Port land Is Due Friday. ' Prospects for high water were re duced to the minimum yesterdav when reports showed a rapid fall 'in the Snake and Kootenai rivers, and rise is much less in the Upper Columbia and Pend dOreille rivers. At Uma tilla the rise yesterday was only .3 foot and at Portland the highest stage was 19.7 feet at S o'clock P. M. Water slopped -over the Couch-street dock to a depth of only four inches. Forecast Official E. A. Beals predicts that the river will come to a standstill Friday at a stage of 21 feet above zero. ETEA.MER INTKLI.IGENCK. Due to Arrive. Name. From. Date. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ... In port Breakwater, .. .Coos Bay In port ArK- Tlllamoolc In port Arabia.. . Hongkong Juno 8 btate of Cal. . . .Pan Francisco June 8 Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro June 8 Eureka Eureka June 10 Klverslde San Francisco June 10 Alliance. ...... Coos Bay June 10 Rose City San Francisco June 14 Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Date. fiue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . .. June 8 Argo Tillamook.. . .June 9 Breakwater. .. Coos Bay . jjune 9 Geo W. Elder. .San Pedro. June lo Blverslde San Francisco June 12 Eureka Eureka . June 12 State of Cal. .. .San Francisco June 12 Arabia .Hongkong. . . .June 14 Alliance. ..... . l.oos uay June Rose City San Francisco June 19 Entered Monday. Eureka. Am. steamship CNoren), with general cargo, from Eureka and Coos Bay. Cleared Monday. Eureka, Am. steamship (Noren. with general cargo, for Eureka and Coos Bay. The conclusion of the weather man is drawn from the conditions now prevail ing at all points in the Northwest. The main tributary of the Columbia is fall ing and the other rivers are rising so slowly that there is absolutely no dan ger of hlh water in Portland. The Dalles is still five feet away from a flood stage and the locks at the Cascades will not go out of com mission until long after the flood stage is reached at The Dalles. The river must reach a stage of 39 feet at the Cascades before the locks will close. This means a 45-foot stage at The Dallea From all Indications the locks will not be closed to navigation this year. Secure Lumber Cargo for Arabia. Balfour, Guthrie & Co. wil supply a lumber cargo for the steamship Arabia, which will sail from Portland about the middle of Jane for the Orient. The Arabia is on her last voyage in the service of the Portland & Asi atic Steamship Company, and as the flour trade had been practically dis rupted, there was nothing left for the big vessel except timber. The Arabia will be turned over to the Hamburg American line on arrival at Hongkong. Bailey Gatzert to Cascade Iiocks. The steamer Bailey Gatzert will not leave Portland this morning until 9 o'clock. Superintendent McDonald has decided to place the vessel on a daily round-trip schedule to the locks only until the waters have subsided. The Dalles City will make a round-trip a day between The Dalles and the Cas cades. Through business will be handled in the same manner as usual. Leaving Portland at 9 o'clock will af ford an opportunity to Festival visi tors to make the trip to the Cascades and return in one day. Marine Jfotes. The steamship Sue H. Elmore will sail for Tillamook this evening. The steamship Eureka sailed for Eu reka and Coos Bay last evening. The Tillamook steamer Argo ar rived up last evening with passengers and cargo. The steamship Riverside with freight from Europe and New York, via Te huantepec, arrived up last evening. With pasengers and freight from San Francisco, the steamship State of Cali fornia is due at daylight this morn ing. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND. June 7. Arrived Steamship Argo. from Tillamook; steamship Riverside, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamship Eureka, for Eureka and Coos Bay. Astoria, Or., June 7. Conditions at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M. ; bar. smooth; wind, northwest, 12 miles; weather, clear. Arrived during the night and left up' at 3 A. M. Steamer Argo. from Tillamook; Ar rived at o:i0 and left up at 8 A-. 2d. Steamer Riverside, from San Francisco. San Francisco, June 7. Sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer Rose City, for Portland. San Francisco. June 7. Arrived Steamer Santa Monica, from Santa Monica, Grave Harbor; steamer Hornet, from Grays Harbor; steamer Rose City, from Portland; schooner A. J. West, from Grays Harbor; steamer San Juan, from Ancon. Sailed Steamer Curacao, for Guaymas; steamer Pennsylvania, for An con; steamer Enterprise, for Hilo. Suez. June 7. Arrived Keemun. from Seattle and Tacoma, via Yokohama, etc, for Liverpool. Shanghai, June 6. Arrived Clan McFar lane, from Portland, Or. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. High. Low. 3:1S A. M 8.5 feet10:20 A. M...-0.6 feet 5:00 P. M 7.4 feet10:4.- P. M 3.5 feet REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. E. Werlein, Treasurer, to PI. X. of Riverview Add. to Alblna $ Same to same, lot 9. block 6, same addition . Same to same, lot 4, block IS, cor rected map of Tibbetts Add. Same to Victor Land Co., E 20 feet of W. SO feet of Subd. "H." lot 1, block 4, Portland Homestead . . Same to same, W. 20 feet of Subd. "G," lot 1, block 4, Portland Home stead Same to same, lot . block 4." Dolan's Add Same to same, lot 0, block 4, iolan's Add. Mary Linda. Surman to Park Invest ment Co . lot 6, block 211. city. Union Guarantee Association to c. S. Laine et al., lot 10 and of lot 9" block 2, Arleta Park N'o. 3... James Wilson et al. to O. F Fish lot 4, block 4, Auburn Park ' Carrie A. Walker and husband to Eric LIndell, lots 11, 12, block 18 Highland Mary Beakey, executrix, to "h " "b Adams, lot 3, block 103, East Port land H- Hirschberg to A. T." Lambert." "lots 10. 11, block 4, Fields Add... Louis Schumacher and wife to Guy p -Bell, lot 5. block 1, East Tabor Villa . 29 28 121 2 S 66 10 1 10 4,000 10 10 LUMBERMENS National CORNER SECOND THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and failing; horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs, ' It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. y BITTJLITHI0 INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED 1893. BROKERS STOCKS--BONDS GRAIN Bought and aold for cash and on margin, v Private wires Rooms 201 to 204, Couch Building TeIe'ho m 7 J. G. . Alnswortli and wife to T. M. Word, block 72, Peninsula Add. N'o. 5 T. M. Word and wife to School Dis , trict No. 1, block 72, . Peninsula. Add. No. 5 Stefano Allegranl and wife to School District No. 1, tract bounded on north by south line of Denta Add., on east by 10th St., on south by north line of the Glscome tract and extension thereof J. J. Kennedy et al. to Savannah Rosalie Golden, lots 4, 5, block 2, Pinehurst Charlotte M. Harvey. to W. R. John son, E. lO acres of N. "W hi of X. W. hi. of Sec. 9, T. 1 S.. R. 3 E. John Edwards to G. A. Geis, agent, lot 6. block 4, Walnut Park Add.. J. S. Gleason and wife to D. J. Quinn et al., lot 8, block 3, Abends Add.. Clark Starry and wife to Mary Mor gan, 10 acres In Sec. 14, T. 1 3., R. 2 E., and other property W- O. Gust to Mary Morgan, same as above Mary Morgan et al. to T. L. Kelly et al., same as above Annie 1. Graham et al. to Tj. F. Schuele, lot 1, block 124, West Irv lngton Mary J. Wentworth et al. to J. Dan t nells et al., W. 75 feet of lots 10, 11. block 55, Sellwood Portland Realtor & Trust Co. to Her man Meyer, lots 5, 6, block 2, Lau relwood Ida M. Kortner to W. P. Simon, lota 11. 12. block 4. Brainard H. M. Fancher et aL to P. L. Craw ford, lots 11, 12, block B. Waver leigh Heights TL C. Morris et al. to Nellie Rich ards, lot 3, block CO, Vernon H. G. Davies et aL to Ernest Sigsby, lots 5, 0. block 4, Mount Tabor Place Add G. W. Stapleton and wife to Mary A. Brown, E 40 feet of lots 3, 4, t block 315. Marshall's Add Elizabeth A. McKenzle to II at tie I. Kelly, lots 15, HJ, block 30, Al blna Homestead . ............... M. J. Lewison and wife to Arnold Myers,- lot 1. block rt. City View Park W. W. Davis & Sons STo. to C. W. Davis, lot 11,- block 16 Teerrace Park C. S. Comstock and wife to . D. D. Ogle et al.. lots . 10, block 2, Erwin & Watson's Add E. W. Reder to Carrie Dunn, part of lot l. block 4. and part of lot 7. block 3, Woodlawn P. Erickson to Peter Jacob son, lot 3, block 2. Oakhurst J. W. Erickson et al. to L. M. An drews, lot 1, block 2 Mistletoe Add., a subdivision of lot 5, Fruit vale Zuella Hickman and husband to Al ameda Land Co., lots2, block 35, Alameda Park R. W. Schmeer and wife to J. A. Ramsdell, lot 10, block 5. Schmeers Add Portland Realty & Trust Co. to j. H. Heckej et aU lots 20, 27, block 3, Evelyn Huldah C. Ramsey and husband to Annie E. Allen, lot 5, block 13, Paradise Springs Tract Claude L. Lacos et al. to Eugene f. KIrkwood et al., lot 17, block 75, Sellwood J. E. Werlein, Treasurer, to H. X. Scott, trustee, a tract of land near Piedmont tTharlotte H. Thompson to Jesse Men denhall. lot 21, block 6, Stanley No. 2 Portland Trust Co. of Oregon t"o T. F. Banser, lots 12, 13. block 2, Irvlndale Julius L. Meier et al. to the " A Meier Estate, lots in city, Alblna. Carter's Add. to Portland, and 2SO acres in division line between land claims of Richards and George J. Watt E. Ausplund et al. to Jennie G. Shef field, W. of lots 1, 8, block 270, city Margaret M. Coffey and wife" to" -f)l M. Holbrook, lot 9, block 43, Ver non E. W. Kimble to Addle s' " Kimble, property in City View Park, Sell wood, Paradise Springs Add. and Tremont Jul'us L. Meier and wife to Meier" & Frank Co., lots 5, 6, 7, S, block 120, Couch Add Sijrmund Frank and wife to samel lota 1, 2, block 4, Eastland. Western Orejron Trust Co. to Sarah J. Baker. lot 2. block 12, Creston. . E. G. Alfredson to Jane A. Lewis lots 1 1, 12, block 12,- Evelyn. . . A. A. Englebart and wife to Barbara Krupke, W. 2S feet of lots 7, S, block 33. Caruthers Add to Ca- ruthers Add H. Everett and wife" " to' W." c Thurlow. lots 33. 34, block 44, Peninsula Add. No. 4.'.. Amanda M. Perkins to W. f B Dodson, lot 8. block "L," Kern's Add. F. G. Miller and wife to George Rilea, lot 8, block 5, Mount Tabor v ilia Annex Theodore Kaseberg to B F Avers lot 25. block 11, Arleta Park No. 2 Portland Realty & Trust Co. to H Gibler. N. 85 feet of lot 5. block lO, Woodmere 60 4.750 3.500 850 S.000 1.500 2,600 5 1 5 I 1.573 ; i 8,000 i i 800 400 I 2W 4.000 1 673 400 500 SO0 2.200 123 950 400 335 2.5O0 1.600 10 100 1.S30 1 7.750 10 1 1 381 1,000 2,800 1 500 310 Total LAWTERR1 ABSTRACT Sk TRUST CO. Room 6. Board of Trade blds Abstracts a specialty. ITave your abstracts made by the Title 4k Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. Yaklmaites Invade Oregon. BAKER CITY, Or., June 7. (Special.) North Yakima fruitgrowers have invaded .o-bio v aiiey region ot Baker I Jounty, and purchased a tractof Beveral j 19 ank AND STARK STREETS thousand acres of foothill land, which they are now Irrigating and will plant to fruit. It is said that the Tellow Newtown -apple is especially adapted to Eagle Vallev, and this apple always commands the highest price on the world's market. TRAVELERS GOTDB. ALASKA AND feACK INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS ' Only $6 a Day for 11 Day SUMMER EXCURSIONS via "Inside Pas saire" from Seattle to Land of Midnight Sun. Totn Poles. Ice Floes. Glaciers. Mirages. Fjords, Mountains. Islands and Forests. ONLY TWELVE EXCURSIONS RESERVE BERTHS NOW Pacific Coast Steamship Co. E. F. PiGrahdfre. P. Ss F. Aot. 249 Washington Street . Portland Beats Them All for sailioor. surf boating. surf-board . nuinx.&eaoaining, swimming and aquatic sports; fishing-, base ball, tennis, golf, automobiling. Most at tractive spot on entire round tho world tour. Five and one-half days from San Francisco by S.S. Alameda (wireless), sailing June 5. 26. July 17th. Aug. 7. etc BOOK NOW and secure the best berths. Line to Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia S. S. Mariposa sailing July 1, Aug. 6, etc. Tahiti & back S125. Wellington & back $260. O. S. S. Co.. 673 Market St., San Francisco Hamburg-American. London Paris Hamburg. Bluecher June lGP.Grant(new)June 30 America. Tune ll"Kai6erln July 3 G'fWaldersee June 24 Pennsylvania. .July T Clevel-d(new) June 2iPX,incoln(new)July 14 Ritz Carlton a la varte Restaurant. IT A f "V" via Gibraltar, A M. - A 4 JL Staples and Genoa. S. S. MOLTKB June 10, July 22. " HAMBURG July 1, Aug. 11. " EATAVIA 'Sept. 23. Naples and Genoa only. Tourist Dept. for Trips everywhere. Kambursr-American Line, 1K0 Powell St., San Francisco, and Local Agents, Portland. CANSirAVlA?J AMERICAN IME 10,000 Ton Twin -Screw Paaaooeer Steamera LHrect to Norway. Sweden and Denmark United States. June 10Oscar II July 3 C. F. Tleten..June 17 United States. .July 22 Helllg Olav. . .June 24(c. F. Tletgen. . July 23 All Steamers Equipped with Wireless. First cabin, $75 upward; second cabin. &7 50 A. B. JOHXSOX & CO., 10O Washington ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn., or to Iocal Agents. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct. The steamships Roa ooke and Elder sail every Tuesday at i P. M. Ticket offiee 132 Third, near Aider. Phones M. 1314 and A 1314. H. YOUNG, Agent. SAJf FBAXC1SCO A PORTLAND S. S. CO. Only direct steamer and dayliKht saillnE. From Ainaworth Uook. Portland, 9 AM. . S. State of California, Juno 12, 26. S. S. Kote City, .June 19, July 3, etc. From Lombard St., tan Kj-an.-lsco. 11 A. M S. 8. Komi City, June 12, 28. S. S. State of California, June 19. J. W. Ransom. Uock Agent. Main 20S Ainsworth Dock. M. f. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 3d St. Phone Main 4ii2. A 1402. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer POBTLAJfO-ASTOKIA. Round trip daily except Monday, for As toria and way landings: leaving Portland at 7 A. M., arriving Astoria 1 P. M. Return ing, leave Astoria 3 P. M.. arrive Portland :4o P. M. Sunday excursion. Astoria and return. Leave Portland 8 A. M-; return 8 P. M. : fare J1.00 round trip. Portland. Washlngton-St. dock, phone Main Sola. Cal lender dock. Astoria. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves port land every Wednesday. 8 P. iL, irom ilus wortb. dock, for Korts Uend. ALarshneid and Coos Bey points. Frelgnt received tlU 4 P T- ott ot BaJ'lDS- Passenger fare, flrst- class. 10; second-class. $7. Including b.rta and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Alssvens aaom. Fsen Ualn ass, 000 ! lunfuni in ni ! UUIIULULU j. I and back $110. First Class