Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1909, Page 17, Image 17

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OK KENT. f . i 1 -
- - i I u vnA3.(3, r nircrvivci . at fc -
HouJ-rk repine Booms h 1-rfvat Family.
MCELY furnished housekeeping rooms, with
gas ranges and fre phone and bath; closo
to centra.! part of city; verv cheap to
married people only (no children). 31
7th at. Phono Main 170t.
CHEAP Two well-furnished housekeepiniy
basement rooms, pantry, hath, hot. cold
Tatr, ink. in kitchen, free phone. 11
VOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping
rooms in private family. Phone Kast 107.
43 E. Asa st.
TWO or 3 large, well-furniKhed htmspkeep
in rooms, en suite: also single rooms.
IV X. liiki St.
ONE lcrjre room completely furnished for
housekeeping-, including gas, bath. wood.
phone, etc. ill Sherman st., cor. 1st, $12.
TWO NEAT front rooms. 25(Ui Hussell St.,
cor. Vancouver. Room 7: reasonable.
ft CI.F-AV homelike rooms; gas rare, sink,
separate entrance, yard. Mala 541."i.
TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for rent at 84I
Kast Stark.
T ROOMS, elegant home, i block, lots of
roses, very sightly, corner of 10th and
Franklin sts., Brooklyn car.
." rooms, corner of East 29th and York,
East Ankeny car.
B40 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT Good modern 7-room house, also
iis of barn; line location on Mallory ave.
Only f20.
B10-511-M2 Swetland ItJdg.
W have daily Inquiries for houses; If you
navs on for rent, let us list it for you;
terms very rennnable.
NRWLY renovated P-room house with beau
tiful frround. 00x100. corner Grand ave.
and Oregon street, to repponslble tenants
only; at low runt. Particulars oall on
J. Kranner. 90 Fifth st.
11 ROOMS, strictly modern; nicely arranped
for rooming or boartiinK-house; rent $t.;
will lease from 1 to ". years. M. E.,
room 4 11 Corbett bldg.
FEE our list of furnished and unfurnished
houses, flats and apartments to rent,
Hickman & Hindle. 2lx l.umbermens bldg.,
cor. 6th and ritark. Phone Main 3T&9.
MODERN1 house, walking distance, fl rooms,
can make 7. furnace. X fireplaces, elec
tricity and gap. Kxrt 12th, near Ptark.
Rent flip. Apply iioL the Dekum KIdg.
MOPKHN 8-room house for rent in the best
residence district on the. East Side ; two
.blocks from finest car service in the city.
Phone mornings. East or II 193.
7-ROOM house, near Holladay School; gas,
electric, fireplace, larpo porch, etc; key
E. 7th. North. Phone Main l!!7.
FITRNISHBD or unfurnished seven-room
house. South Portland. Inquire studio A.
O. Churchley. 14.Va 3d St.. S.
HOtTpR for rent, 6 rooms, modern, porch,
bnwment, yard. CGI Savicr. Phone Main
7 STS.
ft MONTHS' rent free to lot buyer in Greg
ory Heights. Gregory Investment Co., 41S
Corbett bldg.
MODERN house, also flat, l!0-li2 McMil
len M.f near Steel brldse. Inquire 183
McMUlen st,
NEWLY tinted modern 7-room corner house.
21.. MoMiUrn st., near Steel bridge.
6-ROOM upper flat; electric lights, bath, 203
Stout St.; $1R. Call I' HO Stout et.
10-ROOM modern hoie. Nob Hill district.
Inquire 747 Glisan st.
FOR RENT Nice 6-room residence, J20;
walking distance. 20C Whltaker st.
MODERN 6-room cottage. 343 Sherman ?t..
- nice yard, rent $2u.
Furnished Houses.
9-room furnished house on ICth et..
West Side, furniture practically new and
everything modern. $K5.
7-room bungalow, 2 blocks from car,
on E. Morrison st.. Sunny side ; everything
new and nice, fireplace. lawn and rosea;
very pleasant place, $0
243 Alder St.
FOR RENT ,-room bungalow, 4 rooms
completely furnished, bath. gas, elec
tricity, nice porch and yard. Call 1117 E.
Orant st.. today between 1 and 4 o'clock;
take Hawthorne ave. car to 37th, walk
A MODERN S-room house, nicely furnished,
lawn looxloo. roses; 3-niinute car serv're
or 15 minutes walk to :td and Morrison
sts.; rent from June 13 to September lo.
Phone Ewt iUV..
A BEAUTIFULLY furnished flat of ft rooms;
everything modern ; exqulrtte furniPhlngs
Oliver, china ajid linen; readv by June 15;
line district. T K-o. Oregonian.
HANDSOME new furniture and elegant 6
roi.m flat, central. West Side, bargain, or
54S3 rent urnlf;lie(1: adult family. Main
4-ROOM bungalow. gas. bath, electricity,
phone. pi no. nicely furnished. complete;
for the Summer. :t.1 ni.mth; two car lines
2::a Ka-st 3iHh. rhune Talx.r T.'il.
FURNITURE completely furnished 5-room
flat. West Side, tine location and sur
roundings, 10 minutese walk post of rice.
For price and location. L 19, Onegonian.
O-IIOOM residence, newly furnished ; lawn,
gardt'ii, roses, 2 blocks from Washington,
Kings Heights. Mam 4014.
Kl.KiiANTLY furnlshod 4-room cottage
with sleeping tent for tho Summer; nice
lawn with roses. 1 9 3 E as t Main.
TO responsible party, furnished house. 7
rooms, 3 months, situated on North d st
N 146. OreRonian.
"WE'LL furnished fl-roorn cottage, lawn, fruit,
June 17; rent ?27.."V0. phone included; ref
erencesk "Woodlawn 871.
NEWLY furnished cottage. 5 rooms and
bath; also 3 -room front flat, bath and
Stas. 514 E. 21st St.. W.-R. car.
EAST Portland Heights New flve-nx.m fur
nished flat, reasonable. Phone S.-ilwood 20.
NICELY furnished 7-room bungalow, new
and clean. 1 14-0.
K1CEL.Y furnished 7 room, walking distance;
gas, piano cheap, 430 12th st.
MODERN house, nicely furnlshod, July and
Augur., ISO EX lfith. B liliS.
llonsm for Kent. Furniture for Sale.
FURNITURE of 20 rooms, arranged In 3
fiats; will sell all or separately. Rooms all
rented. 200 Columbia.
FURNITURE of ft-room hmise or sale;
owner leaving city. Mrs. Nettle Koch, 77
' "West Park st.
FOR SALE Furniture of S-room apartment
The Madtscm Park, apartment S3.
MUST SBLL fine furniture of five rooms
at a sacrifice. 12S 13th, near "Washington.
6TRTCTLT modern 8-room flat for sale or
rent. Inquire at 547 Yamhill.
Summer Reports.
FOR RENT Well furnished cottage at
Sea view. for the season ; sitting-room
dining-room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and
large at:ie; good water, 3 blocks from
Jtiom Inquire 161 14th st. or p. o. box
BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach, the
seaside capital of the Northwest. Columbia
rust Company. Ronrd.of Trade bldg.
OLEN-MAR cottatre. in Hermosa Park. Sea
side; modern, well furnished and close to
ocean. Phone Main TtU,
FOR RENT 4-room furnished cottage. Ge ar
il art beach. Phone R 22S0. Apply 80S Ktfert
Salmon st.
FOR SALE Full lot and good five-room cot
tage at ieas!iie. by owner. 110 N 4th
Phone Main 5450. '
FOR SALE At Seaside. Or. ocean lot. In
quire N. r. Hi'.ebranl. 215 Swetland bldg.
Phones Main and A I'M S.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage. Seaside near
the Dannioore. Inquire Market st.
FOR RENT ft-room furnished cottage Sea
aide. Or., reasonable. Phone Tabor 1039.
FOR RENT Clary's cottage at Seaside, Or.
Phono Main 024 ik
r. Sft,eTFurnlshed cottage- with Hreplaco
TloKa. Long iteach. H. lickson, 122 3d!
FOR RENT at Soaslue. furnisVei cottages
overlooking ocean. 1'hona lliun 2S20.
6 TO HE 2.Tx94 on prominent street. Wet Side
new buiitiing; $25. 3:-l Worcester bldg.
41N01TU ,6TH'. near uch, splendid lohT
biug location; Ion lease, reasonable rent.
CORNER store. 20x70. In new building, ISth
and Washington; also small store suitable
for barber shop, etc-; the best stores on
"Washington street; reasonable rent and
long lease. W L. Morgan, 503 Abington
FOR RENT Four storerooms In new three
story, brick, on Orand avenue, one block
south of Morrison st. Rates reasonable.
Further particulars at Hartman &
FOR RENT Ground floor In Commercial
Club bldg., formerly occupied by Board
of Trade. Apply Mr. Peel, office J. Com
Tnercial tilub.
NO 147 FRONT, In the. commission-house
230 Alder SU
FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick
store building, 100x105, S. E. cor Front
and Pine sts. Apply C. A Dolph, Mohawk
STORE ROOM, rear of drugstore, corner ldth
and Washington, men t and living-rooms,
cheap rent; key at drugstore.
430 WASHINGTON ST.. bet. 11th and 12th.
2"xr.O, modern show windows. E. J. Daly,
2aa Failing bldg.
OFFICES, $13.50 and up.
Desk room ; furnished offices.
Suite for dentist and physician.
AH night elevator service.
Best Location. 30a Swetland Bldg.
DESK room in well furnished office; use of
both phones; no real estate. 619 Board of
OFFICES, Buchanan block. 2S6 Washing
ton; all modern appointments, best serv
ices, low rents.
FOR RENT A fw o31ces In Couch bldg.
Apply Room 501.
OFFICE- or deskroom with use of both phones
at 33 1 Chamber Commerce.
NICELY furnished desk room for rent. 205
Wo Us-Far go bldg.
DESK room, ground floor, prominent cor
ner, very reasonable. AN 133. Oregonian.
OFFICES or commercial sample rooms.
Phoenix bldg., S. W. cor. 6th and Oak.
DESK ROOM for rent. 409 Couch bldg.
Vi interest in old established real estate
office; too much business for ono man,
will give good proposition to right party.
Call today, 721 Board of Trade.
I M L ST have help in my paying timber
business; will sacrifice Interest to man
seeking a future and willing to learn; ex
perience not necessary, just common sense
and grit. Apply ftOS Abington. bldg.
MOVING-PICTURE Theater, a going con
cern, to let or sell, one of best-streets
Portland, good lease, 1 to 6 years; honest
ly good proposition; fullest Investigation.
J 127, Oregonian.
When you fail to find what you want in
this line, don't fall to find us; some good
propositions that little money will handle.
21 Board of Trade.
WANTED To buy a business In Portland
or vicinity which Is on a paying basis;
price must be moderate; prefer to deal
with owner; particulars In first letter.
AC 14 2, Oregonian.
PARTY with $2300 to take half inLereet and
manage a good-paying business; guarantee
money back out of first stock of goods
quick seller. Kelley -& Binder. 402 Cor
bett bldg.
40-ROOM hotel, doing a good business; long
lease, cheap rent; will sell one-half in
terest on account of having to go East.
Address T. D. Condon. St. John, Or.
CASH STORK This is a fine place for a
man and wife, has nice living rooms and
is making $125 per month. Call room 815,
Lumber Exchange bldg.
250 ACRES miles from good town; fine
roads; well improved; one of the best farms
in Yamhill County; good proposition to sell
in small tracts. M 14S. Oregonian.
HALF INTEREST for $250 for an estab
lished business; rent $8 per month; in
vestigate and be convinced. F 136, Ore
gonian. RESTAURANT for sale, best location and
trade; a read good chance for man and
wife to get into paying business; price
reasonable. C 147, Oregonian.
A dandy restaurant of hierh-class trade,
big receipts, for $400; anything you want
in this line, see us. 72l Board of Trade.
$700 WILL buy a fine paying restaurant,
doing $.0 business per dav ; owner going
East reason for selling" For particulars
see M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg.
CONFECTIONERY and ice cream stand;
clears $115 per mo.; rib competition; close
to school. Price. $450. If you mean busi
ness phone Tabor 6o5.
We have them. Good ones at all prloos.
Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bids 2d
and Stark sts. .
PARTNER wanted to check goods, keep
plain accounts; pay active man $30 week
$350 roqulred. Call 248 Va Stark st
GROCERY for sale at Invoice; will take
piu-t in trade; cood location; reasonable
rent. Phone Woodlawn 2333.
FOR SALE Feed, paint and hardware store
at University Park. Or. Good reason for
soiling. Call Woodlawn 19.
RELIABLE partner wanted, used to farm
products; will guarantee good salary,
also share protlts. Call 2 48 Stark st
DRUG STORE, in Portland, doing good busi
ness; desirable location. F 138. Oresro
nian. MOLXBRN rooming-house of 14 rooms wel'
furnished; will sell at a sacrifice. Call 27
Second m. North.
IF you are satisfied with $35 per week on an
Investment of $400, call 102 Grand ave
no agents.
UNE business for $150; honestlv clears $0
a day; suitable for man or woman. Call
11)1 4th st.
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 12ft Abington.
$200 Partner wanted ; must be eatisfled
with $4 day at start; experience unneces
sary. Call 248 y Stark st.
850 CASH buys restaurant, good location
lease; rent $50.- Investigate this. AL
144. Oregonian.
CIGARS and confectionery, large store, rent
$2 a, 3-years lease, 8 furnished rooms.
profits $5 a day. 272 Stark st.
FOR SALE on easy terms, Stenners candy
factory; cheap rent. Inquire at Sam 1.
FOR SALE A first-class grocery, cheap
with 10 per cent cash sales. C 141 Ore
gonian. CONFECTIONERY, cigars and Ice cream par
lor; a rare chance. See owner, AJ 141 Ore
gonian or Main 2315. '
FOR PALL Cigar store, best location in city
of l3.iso population, doing good busmen
G 140 Ore-onian.
CASH GROCERY, West Side, with living
rooms. Call 417 Board of Trade.
BOOK STORE Downtown, money maker
invoice. 273 Stark st.
WILL eell best paying restaurant in city at
any price. V 135, Oregonian,
FOR SALE -Woody ard. steam saw, wagon
harness and teams. M 137, Oreeonian
ROOMING-HOUSES All kinds, large and
small. 272 Stark st.
GOOD bargains in rooming-houses. Inquire
of owner. SS9 6th st.
STAND Downtown,
272 stark st.
lease, good
CONFECTIONERY, clears and Ice cream
parlor. See on ner. 227 First st.
GROCERY Kent $25. corner, good trad
Invoice. 72 Stark st.
MACHINE shop cheap. a monev-maker
Call 417 Board of Trade.
A GOOD corner saloon for sale cheap Port
land Brewing; Co.. 20th and Upshur'
BAKERY for sale cheap or rent; only one In
country town. AL 151, Oregonian.
KOii PALE Confectionery and clear store.
:'id K. Morrison: low rent; price right.
WOR 1000 business cards; 100. SOe. Rom
. CitV Pl-intorv lOOli . M
- .u m . tj , j,i i syior
PARTNER wantod for paying shop; little
money required. Call 24S Stark u
I I "" .naLM. , 1 PERSONAL.
POR SALE Complete clothing store fix
tures and 5-year lease of store room and
basement, 50x142; heart of city, on Riv
erside ave.. Spokane, Wash. Must do
business before June 12.
Spokane, Wash.
WANTED Experienced husiness man, sales
man preferred, capable of taking entire
charge of a large territorv tributary to
Portland, Or., and Seattle, Wash., to take
whole or part interest in branch of mfg.
business; ytock on hand In branch about
S7DOO to $K00O; would entertain business
proposition from right man. or would sell
outright and give exclusive agency for
our goods. Address, Factory Box. AL. 153.
A good manufacturing business, without
competition; clearing $:jO0 per month. We
will give you trial before buvhig. The
price Is $:!000; you can pay $1000 cah
and pay balance out of the business after
you make it; seeing is believing; let us
show you.
317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak.
Furniture of 10 rooms; near 5th and
Harrison; all rented up for SS3 per month,
besides owner uses some rooms; rent is
? j!5 ; a snap; furniture nearly new; price
$700; $000 cash, balance - you can pay
after you make it. Come quick.
317 Board of Trade bid.. 4th and Oak.
FAMILY liquor store, long lease, every
thing modern and up . to date; large
stock; will sell at Invoice or lump; there
is not a better location on Washington
st. than this, doing $75 per day; if you
are a saloon man and want a good place
call and see this. Young & Co., 612 Ger
linger bldg.
OWING to growth of other business we will
sell our agency and stock ot "Winona
. Mills" hosiery and underwear; no better
paying business to be had on the Coast;
requires about 52000; pays about $5000 per
year; business established about 8 years,
all 614 Buchanan bldg.
,, The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
I.sned lSiiu) furnishes free information on
opportunities in mercantile or manufac
turing lines, city or county
416 Abing-.on Bldg.
Fine stock and fixtures; large estab
lished trade in best of location; will sell
at invoice, about $2600, or will sell one
naif interest; will give you time on part
of it.
SI7 Board of Trade bids-, 4th and Oak.
t00 CASH
Will buy best business property In Van
couver, Wash., lot 50x100, with modern
building on same, paying good rent; in
creasing In value; a bargain; present
owner obliged to sell. Address p. o. Box
43t), Vancouver, Wash.
IF YOU HAVE $1000 and are willing to
work a few hours a day two or three times
a week and draw $l.rK) per month come and
see me. If you haven't the money don't
take up my time. I'm busy. 209 Com
monwealth bldg.
FOR RENT Dining-room and kitchen, well
equipped, cloi-e in, 60 regular boarders, good
outside patronage for lunches and dinners;
table board for rent. Answer E 117 Ore
gonian. FOR SALE Heal estate business and office
Slxtures, complete, including block books
brought up to date; latest citv map .etc
Best located building In the city. Address
AE 145, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Two grocery stores, one In
city and one in suburban town; the latter
is such a decided bargain that It will sell
Itself. A. D. Chrltlanson. 207 Washington
st. phone Main 1261.
SALOON Remodeled, everything new.
license inciuded. Must leave on account
of sickness; doing a business from $35 up
every day; part cash. Cheap If taken at
once. Call Scott Hotel bar.
COFFEE and tea business; partner wanted;
extra good chance; experience not neces
sary and little monev requined; owner
prefers partner to hired help. Call 248
-Stark st.
LAUNDRY Controlling Interest in a good
paying plant in Oregon, doing $235 and
over a week: would take $3'i00 cash to
handle. For particulars address H. 82,
WANTED Information regarding - good busi
ness for sale; not particular about charac
ter, size or location; prefer to deal with
owner. Give price and full description. Ad
dress L. D., Box SS4 J. Rochester, N. Y.
MOTION-PICTURE theater, fully equipped.
Main street, good town, for sate, or will
exchange for real estate or equity in
same. Address B 111. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Laundry in town of 600O- no
competition: doing a paying business; two
thirds cash, balance easy. Write for
particulars. Y 122, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, sawmill, on good road
near Oregon City; cut 500O to 10.000 feet
per day. Sturges Bros.. Oregon City. Or.
Route 3.
WE can locate you In paying business. Be
fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney
& Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange
bldg. Phone A 4SS1. 5
IF sold this week $050 cash takes 9 com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; houe
always full; clears $5 per month; act
quick. X 144. Oregonian.
GENERAL store in country town near Port
l'ir.P11 P'; old established business.
Ho, 000: - full, clean stock; easy terms
L 48, Oregonian.
HOTEL paying $175, net per month. In
,UI'"L" town, on railroad, always full
and overflowing; $5000, half cash.-
xnird St.
A GOOD opportunity for A-l mlllrlght man
with some money in well established busi
ness; state all In first letter. S 145 Ore
gonian. '
WANTED A-l cabinet-makers, sash and
door men, with some monev, in large
plant, a good opportunity to right parties
state all In first letter. S 149. Oregonian!
WANTED Man with some money, capable
taking charge of showcase dept. In large
"d, Fro,inK factory; state all first letter.
W 149, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Cigar, fruit and candy store
also poolroom In connection a bargain if
;,o5?,n once. Come and see It today.
First St.
FOR SALE Good-paying general merchandise
business In small valley town; postofflce In
connection: $4000 will handle It. Call or
write, Shelburn Store. Shelburn Or
FOR. SALTS -Grocery and meat market at In
voice; good location, cheap rent. Must get
nlan0a a-ccount o my health. AJ 142, Orego-
IF you have some business ability and can
loan employer $600 to $1000 for short
timo. on good security, you can have
good salaried position. EI 130, Oregonian
FOR SALE Good paying wagon and car-
fiagaT,V'!flneas; ln one of th bet towns In
the Willamette Valley. Address J E
Haeletlue. Portland, Or.
$45 FOR HALF interest In good-paying bust
new, on road, for honest, industrious man
investigate. O 143. Oregonian.
XVEST $B00 In a laundry, pay $125 weekl-v
or particulars and interview. AK lis'
RESTAURANT for sale by owner, doing good
PhonTc 2'"s ltSe" in S ,no"tils'
WILL INVEST up to $1500 for working inter
.est in some paying business. AM l'7 Ore.
gonian. '
A millinery store, established three years
doing an exclusive business: a Bran fo
the right party. AD 143, Oregonian
$375 CASH will buy a good restaurant with
tted.h 'ad' '? Bold this vee- "o agents.
B 149, Oregonian.
ROOMING-HOUSE 21 rooms, very central lo
cation, first-elase. in every respect 2T,0O
H. Hatfield, 105U 4th st. "
CASH grocery and lunch counter, good
location: must sell quick; $550. Phone
owner. Main 7J3S.
WANTED Toung man to buv half interest
In barber simp and iearn trade. TJ-.e Crown
329 First St.
FEED. hay. etc.. partner wanted; $1500 re-
nulrMl- '.n . i. , .... ,
" - ' " " " 1 St.
RESTAURANT A snap, for eale. low prtce
270H Stark st. " '
FOR SALE Second-hana soda fountain,
cheap. Inquire Perkins Hotel Pharmacy.
- Wanted, young, active man as partner
ln an established wholesale and retail
oil and gasoline business; has been estab
lished 17 years; has grown so large that
"' can't handle alone; it pays over
$3O0 per month now: trial given for 10
days before buying: $100O cash required.
Call at room 317 Board of Trade bldg.,
4th and Oak.
li rooms, very best, central location,
good furniture and carpets; vou will clear
$.- a month here besides your own rooms;
ca.l and see it; make offer.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO..
-''-3 Washington St.. rooms 201-202
TEN acres fruit land on 5-cent carline; cozy
little house. barn. outhouses; fruit will
bring near $2000 this year; will sell or trade
what have you? I ask $12,000. but most
anything will take It now; you better In
vestigate: next year you can lav It out In
lots and get $,-;O0O per acre; would like land
near The Dalles. B 133, Oregonian.
That you can buy In the city for $1000;
very choice location: furniture fine; rent
only $45; full of good class roomers; pays
all family expenses and then some; a
good investment.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.,
32e',i Washington St.. Rooms 201-202.
$6000 CASH buys an established growing
business; stock turned every 60 days at
big profit: actual invoice price for stock
only; no bonus for good-will; netted over
$-000 last year; full investigation solicit
ed. N 152. Oregonian.
" 9 rooms, excellent furniture, clean, neat
Il?l.fuU ot Kod roomers, within 2 blocks
of West Side High School; cheap rent and
lease: cut to $700 for quick sale.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO,
326 Washington St., Rooms 201-202.
A general business that's doing $350 per
day and $100 of that cash; books open
for Investigation and all the lime you
wish to investigate the business. -W.
Lawrence & Co., 313 Lumber Exchange
bldg.. d and Stark sts.
REAL ESTATE man wants partner; no ex
perience necessary, and very little money
required; can make profits $150 to $200
per month. Call this morning. National
Realty & Trust Co., 326 Wash, st,, room
MOVIN-G-PICTUBE Theater, a going con
cern to let or ell. one of best streets
Portland: good lease, 1 to 5 years; honest
ly good proposition; fullest investigation.
M ill accept real estate for sale. J ' 127
WOOD and coal, partner wanted; must be
good man. Call 24S14 Stark st.
LOST A gold watch charm in the form of
a football; the lettering consists of Pacific
Coast champion on the front side, and O.
A. c. '07. with the engraved Initial "R.
F. Cooper, left halfback." Finder please
leave the same at Oregonian for reward.
lost Near Scott's Mills. Or., team, color
light bay and dark -bay, weight about 750
pounds- each. Finder write Earl Worrell
134 Sixth st.. Portland, Or.
LOST Open-face nickel-plated watch, small
chain, between East Stark and Sandy Road.
Return to Wright's Grocery, 375 East Mor
rison; reward.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 22S Front.
Main 474. A 1S74. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST On Base Line road, antique hand
made gold ring, diamond setting; liberal
reward. 509 Oregonian bldg. Phone Tabor
LOST One diamond and sapphire ring !n
Olds. Wortman & King's store. Finder
suitably rewarded. M 14G. Oregonian.
LOST Locket, oval shape: please phone be
tween 6 and 8 P. M. to Main 0G47. Re
ward. J-JST An automobile lamp; return to 698
Upshur st. and receive reward.
Proposal, Invited.
U. S. A. Quartermaster's office. 322 Arcade
Annex. Seattle, Wash.. May 27, 1909 Sealed
proposals, in triplicate. Indorsed on cover
Proposals for Quartermaster Steamer Pu
get Sound." and addressed ''Quartermaster
lJ. S. A.. Seattle, Wash.," will be received
at this office until 11 o'clock, A. M., Mon
day. June 14, 1909. and then opened for
constructing one ttooden steamer, oil burn
er, dimensions about 130 feet length 24 feet
beam. 8 feet draft, triple expansion en
gine, single screw. A guaranty of 25 per
cent of the amount of bid must accompany
proposal. The right ie reserved to accept
or reject any or all bids or parts thereof.
Particulars will be furnished on application
to Major W. S. Wood. Q. M.
TO CONTRACTORS Proposals will be re
ceived to construct the Cedar Creek Dam.
Twin Falls County. Idaho. Quantities: 30.
O00 cubic yards broken rock and 280 000
cubic yards earth. Equipment required- 1
steam shovel. 1 mile of ae-lnch track 2
16-tun locomotives and dump cars. Plans' at
Buhi office, Idaho. Inspection of dam elte
any time to 20th of June. 19o9. West End
Twin Falls Irrigation Co.. Buhl. Idaho.
Charles J. Perkins, General Manager.
Masters' Notice.
BRITISH BARK Gulf Stream, David M
Nieoll master Neither the master nor un
dersigned consignee of above-named vessel
will be responsible for any debts that may
be contracted by the crew. W. R. Grace &
Having severed all connection 'with the
"Western Sales Co.." and J. A. Berthaumm
of Portland. Or.. I will not be responsible
lor any claims arising against said con
cern. GEO. V. OREMUS. JR.
June 5, 1909.
NOTICE le hereby given that the firm of
F.lMr & Hays has been dissolved. Blair &
Architects contractors, engtneers. get Paelfla
Builder A Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade-
Mooey to Loan.
EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 821 Abington bids.
Money on installment plan.
$500,000 ON Improved city or farm prop
erty, building or small loans at lowest
rates; large loans a specialty. J. H Mc
Kinzle Co., 514-15-10 Gerlinger bldg
TO LOAN Large and small amounts on
good real estate security at low rate ot
interest. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. room a
Mqlkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
WB BUY foreign money, gold dust. Title
Guarantee. Oregon Trust bank accounts.
Lewis & Co.. 251 Washington st.
MORTGAGE loano, a to 8 per cent; no bro
kerage charges. Loewenson Bros., 105 Sher
lock bldg.
I ADVANCE money on monthly salaries
without security. Safe and strictly donti
dentiaL Phones Main 6722. A 2676. Jones
$200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a Bpeclaity
building loans, lowest rates, w. U Beck"
312 Failing bldg.
LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per
sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10
Washlng:on bldg. Main 302.
MONEY to loan on timber land or farm
property; long or short time; easy terms.
Room 5, 221 y Morrison st.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater
al security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bid.
QUICK loans on ail securities S. W KUur
45 Washington Didg. Phone Main 8100.
MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent.
Frary & Seltz, 132 5th st.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on real estate, mortEacei
bought. Room 204 Gerlinger oldg.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg.
MORTGAGE loans; abstracts examined- i-o
" - -H.H.J,. aiiiay bldg.
LOW rates: we loan money on diamond,
and jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d at.
Harding & Reynolds Co.. 31S Ch, of Com.
Money to loan, first and second mortgages
purchased. EL L. Devereaux. Fentoa bldg.
MONEY to loan on Improved city orooerti
Wm. MacMaster. 302. Worcester bit
State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. Thom
as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. C,
Uoasr to Loan.
Tf you need ready cash and want to bor
row privately without delay '
for a loan on your jeweiry. diamonds,
pianos, furniture (without removal), stor
age receipts, life insurance policies, etc
First and second mortgages, contracts.
This company is organized with Eastern
capital for the puri-ose of loaning money
at reasonable rates to those whom banks
will not accommodate.- You can arrange
to repay, weekly or monthly," easy pay
ments at lowest rates in city. All busi
- ness strictly confidential.
.Call or phone Main 20S4.
Room 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d et.
$ $$$$$
M-0-N--E-Y. FOR TOU. M-O-N-E-Y
HOURS 8 A- M. TO t P. M.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own names without secur
ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments: of
fices ln Od principal cities; save yourself
money by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN. 817 Lumber alxchange Bids.
Installment loans on pianos, furniture,
warehouse receipts, hor3es, insurance pol
ices, salaries and all kinds ot securities.
41d Abington Bldg.
MONEY sold on Installment plan; confiden
tial; no security but your salary; best
system for railroad, streetcar emnloye.
mechanics and others.
Bnchanan Bldg.. 2SSj4 Washington St.
MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds Or' other
real estate securities, bought on city
property or lands anywhere iu Oregon or
Washington. H. E. Noble. 31G-317 Lum
bermen's Bidg.. Oth and Stark sis.
ON Improved city property or for building
purposes; 3 to 8 years' time; liberal re
payment privileges; money advanced as
building progresses. The Equitable. 2d
and stark sts.
Plenty of. money to loan at 6 and T
per cent on real estate secur.ty.
. 3O0-31O Abington Bldfr.
$10,000 at 6 per cent.
104 Second st.. Lumber Exchange bldg.
WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry
at reasonable Interest for long or short
time. A. M. Delovage. Jewelers, 2tiU
Washington su
Loans Wanted.
GOOD first mortgage 7 per oent loans se
cured for our clients without charge;
sums of $500 and upward desired. We
have now for sale mortgages as follows:
JSO00 on 6000 bungalow, with 3 lots;
$1800 on new modern 7-roora dwelling;
$1300 on new modern 6-room dwelling;
$1200 on new modern 6-room bungalow
sold recently for $2600. Hartman &
Thompson, bankers, Chamber of Com
merce. $lfJ0O WANTED
On 27th street near Wasco, full-size lot,
eix-room house, now building, $1500 wanted
for 2 or 3 yeans-, 7 per cent; property worth
over $3500. C. W. Davis, 605 Commercial
block. -
WANTED $16,000 on well-improved Income
bearing property; property will pav more
than 10 per cent on $35,000. AN 152, Ore
gonian. WANTED Loan, $1500, 2 years 6 per cent
Interest; Improved Irvlngton property. AM
128, Oregonian.
WANTED Loan of $800 on 2.000,000 feet
timber, 5 miles from S. P. R. R., one or
two yeans" time. G 157. Oregonian
WE can place first mortgage and building
loans. Columbia Trust Co., Board of
Trade bldg.
WANTED From private party, loan on new
5-room cottage and full lot; sewered street.
X 137, Oregonian.
WANTED $300 for one year. A-l security.
P 136, Oregonian.
specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small-
ox pits removed; halrdressing, manicur
ig and dermatology taught; largest stock
of hair goods in the West at cut prices.
Parlors. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder.
SWEDISH traired nurse, Helslngrore gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing:
steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7
Eatjt 11th st one door from East Aokear
car. Phone East 260. Home B lixjj.
WANTED Acquaintance of good. Christian
girl, city or country, not over 6 feet 2
Inches tall, dark complexion, age 20 to 30,
by Christian gentleman ; good position and
some means. Object, matrimony. X 143,
INDIES Ask your druggists for Chlchesters
Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no
other Chlchesters Diamond Brand PlUl
are sold by druggists everywhere.
Late of the Chicago Woman's Hospital,
treats women and children exclusively;
hospital accommodations; uo charge lor
examination. Main 4047. A 2411. 506
Commonwealth bldg., fUh and Ankeny.
Diseases of women and children. No
charge for consultation. Room 10, Grand
Theater bldg., Washington and Park sts.
Main S92, A 5007.
BUSINESS man wants lady partner with
few hundred; widow lady preferred; con
fidential; no triflers need apply; object
matrimony. S 151. Oregonian.
LADIES, take notice. Mme. Hudson gives
the only scientific facial massage In the
city. Manicuring. 25 cents. 28d Washing
ton St., Room 207.
DR. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of women;
all Irregularities corrected, drugless sys
tem, no exposure. Call or write 316
Alisky bldg.
DR. WALKER. specialist, quickly cures
diseases . of men, blood and skin diseases,
sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kidney, blad-
DESIRABLE company found for lonely peo
ple, either sex; 500 to select from; photos
on file; circular 10c. Portland Introducing
Bureau. 316 Alisky bldg.
DTt. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills, sure remedy for delaved pe
riods; $2 per box or 3 boxes for s'r, T J
Pierce. 310 Alisky bldg.. , 205 Morrison.
BEAUTIFUL hats, low prices, artlstlo trim
ming; hats, flowers, feathers cleaned col
ored, made new. 227 is Washington, room
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. $1.50 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Uni4ue Tailoring Co.. 309 stark.
LOST powers restored toy Ot. Txrens" Nerve
Tonic Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Phar-
macy. 289 Morrison t. bet. 4th and 5ta.
USE Bassett's, the Original Native Herbs
for rheumatism, constipation; 50 tablets
Xor 25c, in black boxes, at all druggists.
MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual
scientist. 312 Alisky bldg. M. 2S35. Daily 9
A. M. to 8 P. M. Wed. meeting at 8
Mme. Courtwright, skin and scalp treat
ments, facial deformation corrected plas
tic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M $042
WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr
Ketchum; prompt relief, confidential 17o
3d st. Main S770. " 751
BEXOID A marvelous cure for weakness
in men; money returned if it fails: nrira
$1. T. J. Pierce, 318 Alisky bldg.
ALL disease of men treated confidentially
Dr. W. H. Vose. 326 Washington st.
HIGHEST price paid for eomblngs and cut
hair. Portland Bazaar. 409 hk MorrlsonT
CONFINEMENT cases taken and cared tor
regular physician. 430 Wash. st. A 497tl'
LADY'S barber shop; 1S3 Columbia st. in
Depot bldg..
LEO LA CHAMBERS, manicuring and sraln
.HQtnu,ntn Room 15 K?qii -R.-a.,v, caip
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely ains-i.
people: circular 10c 229 hi 1st at,
DR. HALLAM. reotal specialist; constipation
nstura. plies; no knife. 430H Wash. A 4976
WOMEN Consult Dr. Cooks for all ailments
and sursery. 430, Washington t
BALM OF FIG 9 for all female diseases, saa
GlisSH at. U.I. qqijc . .
-- Ac.ui. wuiieo.
M.LESi.wI?nlI,em' superfluous hair removed.
Mra M. P. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. M S47S.
AceonUon Plaiting.
MISS O. GOULD. 335 Morrison, cor 7th Ac
cordion and knife pleating and pinking.
Commercial. County and Mualcipal.
AXU,V.r's' Investigatlng and Systematizing.
324 Wurcesier Block. Phone Mam 657.
Assayers and Analysts.
Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chexn
- lata and aeeayera. 204 Washington, st.
622 Worcester bidg.. 8d and Oak. 11. 5080.
PAUL BAUMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 2oI Alder st.
and or.-ieatlE work. 186 Morrison st.
Attorneys at Law.
H. H. RIDDELL, atty-at-law. 735 Chamber
of Commerce. Main 4704, A 3531.
6. T. JEFFREYS. 208 Fenton bldg, 15 years'
practice in Oregon, 8 years Alaska.
EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law
offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bldg.
CLARENCE H. GILBERT, 205-207 Chamber
of Commerce. Main 7471 A 4544.
builders and Contractors.
CEMQNT stde-walks and basements, brick
work of all kinds, fireplaces, chimneys.
ftf- .Let us figure with you. Hickman &
Hlndle, 218 Lumbermen's bldg.. cor. 6th
and Stark. Phone Main 3799.
F. C. SANDSTROM Contractor. Brick and
cement work, city and country work prompt
ly attended to. 10o8 Halght ave. Phone
Woodlawn 352.
Bilks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 6th.
Carpet Weaving;.
RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial
rag rues woven. Northwest Rug Works
153 Union ave. East 35S0. B 128o.
Carpet Cleaning.
IONE Carpet Cleaning Works First-class
work guaranteed. Phone East 300, B 2238.
, Carpet Cleaning (Sanitary).
J. Hunter & Co.. mattresses and feathers ren
ovated, carpets refitted, etc. M. 214. A 4415.
We collect everywhere; general law. Inter
fctate Adjustment Co., 601 Gerlinger bldg.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, eom
misslon merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland.
DR. O. O. FLETCHER, the people's fav
orite chiropodist and foot specialist;
treats all ills of the foot without danger
of Infection. See him and take no chances.
305 Alisky bldg. Main 8762.
WM. ESTELLB and Flossie Deveay, the only
scientific chiropodists lu the city. Parlors
d02 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and
Alder. Phone Mam 1301.
CHIROPODIST, manicurist, scalp Specialist,
supeilluous hair removed for ladles and
gentlemen, by young lady. 8 Raliegh bldg.
CHIROPODIST, manicurist, scalp specialist,
superfluous hair removed for ladies and
suciiieq oy young laay. 8 Raleigh bldg.
MISS ETHEL WARD. chiropodist ' and
manicurist. 164 Park at. after June S.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473.
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs.
Dunton. Tllford bldg., R. 04, 10th and Mor.
ALICE HAMOT, corn and bunion specialist.
Milner bldg.. suite 15. 350 s Morrison.
(formerly Merrill Hall. 7th and Oak;
every evening (excepting Sunday J. 8 to
DANCING lessons. 25c for beginners; every
morning, afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal
Wlllson s school, ;i8"iVi Wash. cor. 10th St.
IE and Horsei Hospital.
Dr. Brown, D. V. S-, D. C. M. Office 113
I. Oth. Main 40SO. A 40S6.
LAUE'S Preparatory School of Pharmacy. 148
2d St.. Portland, Or.
Electric Motors.
Motors for rent or sale. 21 2d St.
I-'eed Stores.
ZIGLBR & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce
ment. shlnglea. 204 Grand ave. E 482.
Hair Weavers.
SWITCHES, puffs and front pieces woven;
combings done over. 2Ss Broadway at.
Hnrness and Saddlery.
R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 331 Ankenr
st. Phone Main 2402. .
Leather and Findings.
CHAS. L. MA8TICK 4 CO.. 74 Front, leather
of every description, taps, infra, findings.
tablished 1858. 1&9 Front St.
ICE- machines. Complete installations. Arm
strong. Machinery Co., Spokane. Wash.
HASTY MESSENGER CO.. 128 5th. Main
53, A 2153. Johnnie on the spot.
SPECIAL on Saturdays, regular 25c sheet
music, 10 and 15c; Kohler's Studies. 15c;
new stock of violins 1-3 off regular prices.
H. Anderson Music Co.. 190 8d St. -
EM1L THIELHORN. violin teacher. dudII
of Sevclk. A 4100. Pine 334. Main 3045.
M. C. Smith, teacher of piano, 452 Salmon
st. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty.
Osteopathic Physicians.
415-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sts.
Phone, office. Main 349. res. E. 1023.
Faints, Oils and Glass.
R.ASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
F. E. BEACH & CO.. Pioneer Paint Co
135 1st st. Phone Main 1334. "
Painting; and Fsperhanclos.
II. P. CHRISTEN SEN CO., wall paper, palnt
lng, tinting, decorating. 7th and Alder.
Pattern Making.
MACHINERY patterns and models, pattern
making in all branches; estimates given
when desired. J. M. Tate, 303 Water st
Phone Main 4891, Home A 1681.
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign nat-mu-
infringement rn u- u. t-i "
J. J. HIRSHE1MER. pension and patent at
torney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg.
Portland. - Office 402-3-4 Worcester block.
WARREN Construction Co., street paving
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Tr'
Pubiio bienogTapher.
D. S. DUFUR. 405 Abington bldg. Phones
Main &U37, A 6336; residence, B 1684.
OLYMPIC Roofing Co.,, 820 Cham, of Com
damp-proofing and repairing. M. 3010, A
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all office goods p x
C. Co.. 231 Stark it Both phones 1407."
THE MOSLER SATE CO., 108 2d St. Safes
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
Showcase, Bank and Store Pixtures.
THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand
Rapids Showcase co., 6th and Hoyt, R
Lutke, Mgr. .
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., new and
old showcases, cabinets, store and offlc
fixtures. 2S9 Couch St. Main. 2703.
reV" K-V ?sn-nikera In the North f-vre" sis. Phone Private
change 53. Home A 1165. .
W. ARB ,ne hange for the largest type
is r.ter concern on this Coast; investigate:
il makes, all pricee. The Typewriter Ex
change. 287!, Washington t
SPECIAL prices; ail makes rented, sold. r
paired. p. p. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 140T.
ST614 ront""'"1 aDd rpalrd- Main 111.
Storage and Transfer.
C- P; PICK Transfer and Storage Co.. office,
nd commodious four-story brick warehouse
VJi ? room nd fireproof vaults for
valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta.
i., an'1 turniture moved and packed tor
shipping. Main 6911, A 1996.
General transferring and storage; safes,
pianos and f urn iturw moved and paoked to
shipment. 2i, Oak St.. bet. Front and 1st!
Telephone Main 547 or A 2247.
Storage. Free Trackage.
Heavy Hauling.
Phones. Main 09. A 1169.
.40- viur? il1 plano movilK a specialty.
40-42 2d st. Phone- A 19S4. Main 1618.
Turkish Baths.
TURKISH baths. 800 Oregonian bldg.: ladle
days-, men nights. Main 19.1S. A 1938.
Portland, Oregon.
Southern Pacific.
Leaving Portland
Roseburg Passenger
Cottajre Grove Passenger... "
California Express
San Francisco Express.......
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger
torest Grove Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger....
Arriving Portland
Oregon Express .....
Cottage Grove Passenger.. ..
Roseburg Passenger
Portland Express
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger........"
Forest Grove Passenger
1 orest Grove Passenger.....
I- orest Grove Passenger....
I 8:15 a. m.
4 :15 p. m.
, 7:45 p. m.
1:30 a. m.
7:20 a. m.
4:10 p. m.
; 8:50 a. m.
I 1.00 p. m.
5:40 p. m.
7:15 a. m.
11 :30 a. m.
5:30 p. m.
jll:15 p. m.
6:20 p. m.
10:30 a. m
I 8:00 a. m.
11:50 a. m.
I 4:50 p. m.
Oregon Railroad Navigation Co.
Leaving Portland
Atlantic Express
Chicago-Portland Special!" '
Soo-Spokane-Portland .... .
Eastern Express.........
Arriving Portland
Soo-Spokane-Portland ....
Oregon Express
Chicago-Portland Special" . '. '. " '
Pacific Express
s, m.
a. m.
p. m.
p. iii-
a. m.
a. m.
p. m.
p. m.
Northern Pacific.
Leaving Portland I
Tacoma and Seattle Express 8:15 A. M.
Portland-Vancouver Special 110:00 A. M.
Puget Sound Limited 8 00 P M.
North Coast Limited via Sound 12:15A.M.
iNOrth Coast Limited via North
Bank 8 45 A . M
Arriving Portland
North Coast Limited via Sound 7:00 A.M.
North Coast and Chlcagq Lim
ited via North Bank...' 8:50 P M
Tacoma and Seattle Express 4:0P M.
Puget Sound Limited 8 35 P M
Vancouver-Portland Special 10:30 P. m"
Astoria & Columbia- River.
Leving. Portland
Astoria and Seaside Express...
Rainier Local
Astoria Passenger.............
Rainier ' Local
Arriving Portland
Rainier and Portland
P. In.
p. ro,
p. xn-
Seaside and Portland Passenger. . (12 :15
p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
Local . .
Seasia is
Canadian I'acllic Railway Co.
Leaving Portland
C..F" R' Sno" Lino via Spokane 7:00 p. m.
Ma Seattle 112:15 a. m.
Arriving Portland
C P. R. Short Line via Spokane! 9:00 a. m.
Via Seattle 7 :00 a. m.
Southern Pacific.
Leaving Portland
Dallas Passenger......
Dallas Passenger......
Arriving Portland
Dallas Passenger
Dallas Passenger
7:40 a. m,
4:15 p. in.
10:15 a. m.
5:50 p. m.
Spokane. Portland ft Seattls Railway Co,
Leaving Portland
Inland Empire Express ........ .8:45 A. M.
For Cuicago. st- Paul. Omaha. Kansas
City, St.- Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney,
Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco,
Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, White Salmon,
Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate
Cliffs Local ...4:15 p. M.
North Bank Limited 5:40 P. M
For Chicago. SU Paul. Omaha. Kansas
City, St, Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney,
La-mont. Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco,
Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, White Salmon.
Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate sta
tions. Columbia River 415 P. M.
Arriving Portland
North Bank Limited.... 7:80A.M.
From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas
City. St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Cheney,
Lamont, Washtucna, itahlotus, Pasco.
Roosevelt. Granddalles. Lyle, White Salmon.
Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate sta
tions. Cliffs Local..... ......12 noon
Inland Empire Express. ........ .8:50 P. M.
From Chicago, bt Paul. Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane. Cheney,
Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco.
Roosevelt. Granddalles, Lyle. Goldendale,
White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and
intermediate stations.
Time Card Oregon Electric- Railway Cs.
Leaving Portland for Salem and Tut, Sta
tions 6:25, 8:0O, 11:00 A. M.; 2:00, 8:45,
6:20, b:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and
Salem 9:lo A. M. Local for Wiisonvilla
and Int. Stations 5:00 P. M.
' Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and
Int. Stations 7:00, 8:55, 10:25 A. M-, 1:30.
4:10. 5:30 P. M.
Arriving Portland from Salem and Int,
Stations S:40. 10:55 A. M. ; 1:15. 3:44); 8:00.
8:20. 10:40 P. M Limited from Salem and
Tualatin 4:45 P. M. Local from Wllson
ville and Int. Stations 6:55 A. M.
Arriving Portland from Forest Grovs and
Int Stations 8:30, 10:00 A, M. ; 12:15, 2:30.
5:00. 7:20 P. M.
Portland Railway, Light it Power Company,
Cars Leave,
Ticket Office and Waiting Room.
First and. Alder Streets.
Oregon City i:00, 6:30 A. M. arid every
30 minutes to and including 9 P. M., then
10:0O, 11:00 P. M. ; last car midnight.
Gresham and intermediate points 6-55
7:43. 8:43." 9:45, 10:45 A. M., 12:45. 3:45
3:45, 4:45, 5:45. 6:43. 7:45 11:15 P. M.
Falrvlew and Troutdale 6.55. 7:45. 8-45.
9:43. 10:45 A. M., 12:45, 2:43. 8:45. 4:45.
5:45. 0;45 P. M.
carzadero and intermediate points 6 55
8:45. 10:43 A. M-. 12:43, 2:43, 4:45. 6:45
P. M.
For Vancouver
Ticket Office and Waiting Room, Second
and Washington streets.
A. M. "0:15. 6:50. 7:2
9:f0. 10:30. ll:lu. 11:50
8:00. 8:35. 8:10,
P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30, 8:10. 8-50-4:30.
5:10. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. o
10:35. 11:43.
On Third Monday ln every month the last
car leaves at 7:05 P. M.
Daily except Sunday. Dally
Monday. .
l"ET1 1 Q4.Q I