16 Tire MOHMyg QKEGoyiAy, tctissdat, jttxe 8, 1909. ACREAGE- f FOB SAUL f FOR RAT.F. f n-rr .wgnu - . - t I 40 ACRES. about half linHor -n1tlT-ann gncxi house, barn and orchard; flrst-alass graded school on the place; general mer chandise store near bv. Only a short distance to the O. W. p. railway; a few nil lea beyond Gretham. The Mt Hood railway is already graded through the tract, and will have a station on the land, lias R. F. IX and telephone service. Just rlRht for subdividing. Price, $12,000. Easy terms. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., 317 Worcester bids. THB prettiest 14 cleared acres in Oregon; this is on the Salem Electric, near Oar den Home, and can be subdivided and sold in sinjcle acres. $70.) to M)0 an acre; noes for $423 if taken-at once. AE i95, Oregon. an. 8 ACRES, li miles from Oregon Electric car, about H cleared, fine water, some buildings, one of the best places for chickens around Portland; fine soil, no rock; price cut to $1250. Young A, Co.. Ma Gerlinser bldg. El.KGANT buy of 11 acrfs. located near c;arden Home, only 7 miles out : n in crop, balance In biff timber- new 4-room house Included. for fif J5U an acre; 5 r-locks from the electric car. two blocks from steam road. AS 590. Orej-onian. CHEAP ACREAGE. .1 acres, level, sightly, 1 Oc carline. hourly service. 42 minutes out. i mile to electric station. $12."o. discount for cash; owner. 502 McKay bldg.. Sd and Stark. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 10 acres, close in, suitable for subdivid ing, $R."0 per acre. Easv terms. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., S17 Worcester bldg. 61X acres in the city limits of Vancouver. Wash., all In fruit and vegetables; also nica ."V-room house, two barns and chicken houses. Owner lea vine- city ; make an orf er. A E 59tf, Oresonian. ACREAGE. -0 acres, close to city, on O. W. P. rartlne; running water, no gravel; a good buy. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES ON SALEM CARMNE. At your own terms; must sell ; land cleared and leveled, well worth $1500; our price 1000. 20.V Wells-Fargo bldg. TWO acres. 25 minutes from Morrison Bridge. High and sightly, near carline. Just the place for a suburban home. Purse. 818 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRES near Beaverton, highly Improved, very cheap at $S0O0. UND & HIOLET, 132 Third St. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOTS WANTED. If you own a desirable residence lot we will build you a 5 or B-room house and you pay us back in Installments. (An 1800 house costs $25 a month. A $1500 house costs $20 a month). Laldlaw In vestment Co., ttth floor. Commercial blk Phone Main 6120. A 6655. I WANT to build Immediately and will buy a reasonable priced lot or lots on Port land Heights. Greenway or Smith's Addi tion. Can pay about half cash. AC 121, Oregon Ian. WANTED REAL, ESTATE. We are In touch with buyers looking for homes; yours might suit if for sale; let us list it for you. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. 245 H Stark St. WANTED Small modern house, furnished; no children; good references. Lock Box 42rt. CHOICE homes and building lots our great est need; we can sell them. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. WANTED House and lot, must be a bar gain. Address 102 Second st., room 102. FOR 8AUC TD1BKU LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OR IDG ON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Chicago, New Orleans. Seattl. 9 Chamber of Commerce Portland. 160 ACRES FINE TIMBER. Will cruise 10.00o.0oo to 20.ooo.000 feet; you can buy for $2.50 per acre; we locate you on something good. See or write us at once to get a good claim. 721 Board of Trade. BY OWNER 900 acres of timber and coal land on tidewater on Coquille River, Coos C ounty. Address Box 17t. Myrtle Point. Or. WK ere headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg TIMBER lands. $2.50 per acre; I locate you purchase; also homesteady and tim ber locations. 19 Worcester bldg. WE have a- few claims open for location Inquire at once, 20S Lumbermen's bldg. For SALE: A snap in Coos County timber $L'g.000. B 147. Oregonian. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. HOMESTEADS. FOR SALE Relinquishment In Ft. Rock country; $175, all level, no sand, good well, small house, some cleared. For par ticulars write Perry Gibson, Ft. Rock. Oregon. HOMESTFXAD relinquishment. 7,600.000 feet yellow flr. 5 miles from village, good road, mall h ouse and barn ; p rice $2000. Bl 7 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVE this opportunity of homesteadlng TJO acres good wheat land under new ruling. Inquire Embody & Bradley Co. 015 Lum bermen's bldg. Phone Main or A 3165. HAVE a few homesteads, will locate you for $73. Apply at once, AH 147, Orego nian. ft HOMESTEADS, joining, near Portland; Iccaiing fee $1 per acre. Room 14, Mul key bldg.. 2d and Morrison. Nl'T and fruit land homesteads, near Port land; fee $!. 520 Shetland bldg. FOH SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. TAKES pair of good workers, weight 2:00 pounds, age 9 and 10 years, with nearly new set of breechen harness. Rose City Sale Stables. 11th and Jefferson. BAY horse, weight 1000 pounds, age 8 years, works lngle and double, fat and sound; must sell today; price $45. 264 11th street. PAIR bay geldings, -well matched, age 6 and 7 years, weight 2S50 pounds, found and will be sold on trial. Call for Mr White. 4 20 Jefferson st. ONE sound fnrm team, weight llOO. for $200; alio two young delivery horses cheap. A. B K it kley, Luther station, on Gresham car line. PAIR of grays, age 8 and years, weight :Mt0 pounds, sound and can be seen work ing any day; price $210. Rose City Sale Stables. 11th and Jefferson sts. M ANTED A horse or team for feed; a good P4tture and very best of care; will pay some for uae. G 105, Oregonian. t- . , SNAP $150 buys team, horse and mare, weight 2400 pounds, good breeching har ness, all complete. 2 N. 15th st. FOR SALE Kay mare. rears old. weight 1. lbs., oily broke. Inquire 30S East Morrison. $SS BUYS sorrel horse, weight 1400 pounds, stood puller. Red ront Stables, lath, off Washington. LARGE bay horse, S years old. weighs Jt25. no mate: price $1:15. Rose City Sale Stables, llth and Jefferson. TWO fine single driving or riding horses. Inquire Clifton and ltith sts., Portland Heights, or phone Main 9363. SHETLAND pony and buggy for children for less than value of ra. Phone C 2046 or B 144. Oreieonlan. M ALL horse, good to work single and double; thin In flesh ; price $25. 24 llth street. HORSE and S ponies, 2 spring wagons, harness. Two blocks south of B. 17th st. and Holgate. BUYS pair mares, weight 1O50-10O0 pounds, ride or drive. Main 1125. NICE" pony. 5 years old. gentle for children; will be sold cheap. Phone Main 3300. FOR SALE Ten young draft horses I4a0 to 1 70 240 Russell st. E. 152. XICE bay mare, little sore In front, ride or drives; price $r5. 26 N. 15th st. HUBERT A HALL, 380 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business riga HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 2D4 Montgomery. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City S tables, llth and Jefferson. M 3300. SMALL team, wagon and hirnesa for sale. egher Wood. Ox, 9La and Gboaa. Hones. Vehicles and Harness. PAIR mares, weight 2300 lbs., drive or ride, good heavy harness, all complete; pair well matched, chunky built; horse weighs 240O lbs., perfectly sound; pair nice, small mares, weight 1000 pounds each, ride or drive ; good harness, fine ranch team ; pair good blacks, horse and irare. weight LV.50 pounds, will be guaranteed every way; one good cheap team, horse and mare, $135; all sorts of wagons, buggies, harness, single or double; saddles of all kinds. Red Front Stables. 15th, off Washington. WE have just received a car of horses and mares, among these are 15 head of horses weighing from 130O to ltfOO pounds, ages from 6 to 10 years; some well mated young teams, suitable for any kind of heavy work; these horses will all be given a thorough trial, and guaranteed to be just as represented. ROSE CITY SALE STABLES, llth and Jefferson. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at about the same price as you would pay for an old one? We are located outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the price; driving wgons, buggies, delivery wagons and farm wagons. R. M. WADE St CO., 322 Hawthorne Ave. FOR SALE Team and Bain wagon, 1 eteel axle, about iew; horses 3 and 4 years1 old, bay and sorrel, 110) and 1200, at N. Cedar and Lincoln are., East Side, one block east and 2 north of Flrland station, on O. W. P., at O. H. Joy's. A. J. Gibson. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes. day. week or month. Phones Rast 72, B 1369. Haw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne avc FOR SALE Matched Bpan black Percheron mares. 3 and 4 years old; kind and gentle to work; the 4-year-old is suckling a fine DiacK rercneron colt worth $100; price of the mares and colt $500. P. L. Ken nedy. Wood burn. Or. BLACK horse, weight 1200 pounds, age 10 years, price $45. Rose City Sale Stables, llth and Jefferson. FINE upright piano for sale or trade, at C. O. Peck's warehouse, 2d and Pine sts. AN 134, Oregonian. A utomobllee. AN AUTOMOBILE SNAP. Forty horse-power, 4 -passenger Thomas at a real bargain for cash; newly painted and In first-class condition; extra tires. J. A. Randall, 315 Oregonian bldg. Miscellaneous. $S5 WINDSOR combination folding bed, desk, bookcaee, wardrobe and full-length dressing mirror, all in one piece, for $37.50; common folding beds. $5; good iron beds. $2; ward robe box couch, $7; sanitary davenport with mattress, $8.50; hardwood dressers, $T.50 and up to $26; Jewel gas range, $10; good No. 8 cook stove. $7.50; house laundry stove with water coll attachment, $.50; hardwood extension table. $4.50; six solid oak dining chairs, $5.40; library table, $3.75; porch chairs and rockere, $1.60 and up to $4.50; genuine weathered oak china closet. 16 ; Flemish oak sideboard. $10 ; old-fashioned black walnut sideboard, $7.50. We have a large stock of all kinds of new and fine second-hand household furnishings of best claes. if you want to furnish up your house with good material, call and get our prices first. Tents and campers' outfits complete at way down prices. Western Sal vage Co.. 27-635 Washington st-, corner of 20th st. Main 1108, A 3793. McGrath, & Glrvan, proprietors. SPECIAL SALE SEWING MACHINES. 35 standard makes, drop-head machines, all in godd order, that we are going to close out regardless of price; also 1O0 box-top machines at your own price; do not miss this opportunity to get a good machine cheap, as we have got to sell to make room or a carload. This week only. Machines rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Store. H. D. Jones, proprietor, 420 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS at your own price; we are the exchange for the largest typewriter company on the Coast, and our machines must be sold; we can supply you at whole sale prices; if you want to see a large as sortment call on the Typewriter Exchange, Inc.. 702 Rothchlld bldg., 287 Wash. St.. Portland, Or. GENERAL MACHINERY BULLETIN. PULLEY'S. BELTING, CABLE. ANYTHING In the iron or kindred lines. M. BARDE & SONS. Eighth. Glisan and Hoyt Sts. The House of a Million Bargains. FOR SALE 20-ft. gasoline launch In first class condition; Racine hull, with Cush man engine ; everything complete ; also boathouse for same, new and modern, with neat room nicely finished; will sell together or separate; would consider a cily lot In exchange, AN 154, Orego nian. A KINGSBURY, largest size, good tone $1.2; another, walnut, $135; a fine Pease, splendid condition, $186; a Howard, $148 and a R. M. Bent upright, oak case good tone, $16; cash, or little payments. Ellers Piano House. Washington and Eighth tPark) streets. NOTICE, PICTURE THEATERS. 14 independent reels each week; pic tures that will get you the dollars at prioes to suit your purse. Write or call WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE. 115 12th St.. Portland. W. 2d South, Salt Lake. A KINGSBURY, largest size, good tone. li2; another, walnut, $135; a fine Pease, splendid condition, $186: a Howard, $148; and a R. M. Bent upright, oak case, good tone. $76; cash, or little payments. Eilers Piano iHouse, Washington and Eighth, t Park) streets. 25 FIRST-CLASS dairy cows, giving 5 and 6 gallons per day; some be fresh soon; also beef cows. Woodstock car to Kenilworth station, south 2 blocks. Phone Sellwood GOLDEN silver and Chinese pheasants, fancy pigeons, parrots, fancy and singing birds. Imported Japanese spaniels ferrets, black Angora cat. Portland Bird Co., 91 Union ave. Phone East 6391. FIR cordwood in 500-cord lots, at Southern Pacific Jefferson-st., or Oregon Electric depots. Oregon Iron & Steel Co- 339 Sherlock bldg. 00 YOU want supplies or rent fllmT We are Independent, do not belong to the bldg., Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & ptg. Co, SAFES 20 second-hand safes that have been taken in exchange; low prices, cash or easy terms. DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 66 3d St. FRI SALE A first-class ice cream plant, doing an excellent business. For par ticulars address 209. S. W Temple- st.. Salt Lake City, Utah. EVANS potato planter, Osburne mower, al monew' !ess tnan haif price. Address Penlu Garden Home. Main 955ft. FOR SALE Office safe, fire and water VFotL cost S50; will sell for $30. AM 32V. Oregonian. FOR SALE One wood-turning lathe, also ?haf,n,?'J P"Uey" and belting. Inquire 4.Q Flanders st.. bet. 10th and llth sts. FOR SALE New typewriter and ife, low prices and on easy terms. Call at 426 Com mercial Club bldg. 30-FOOT cabin launch, brand new and in tine shape; a bargain; write quick If you are interested. N 149, Oregonian MU"CH 22 feot- 10 H- p- fd condition, at ralf cost : will demonstrate. Address 7S4 B 7th st. Phone Sellwood 661. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5445. STEVENS' MOVING PICTURE EX CHANGE Film service that wins. Stere optlcon slides, supplies. 165 4th St. FINE real estate office furniture for sale a snap. C. S. Arnold & Co., 3514 Morri son st. NEW fire-proof safe; new single buggy, har ness hand -made, rubber-trimmed ; large roll-top desk and chair. 884 Pacific st. WE have 70 sacks to sell. Evcnston Coal Co.. 601 Worcester bldg. Main 6772. NEW Singer machine for sale, cheap. 403 10th st., fiat C- ONE 6-horsepower upright boiler and engine. Inquire 430 Flanders. CAROLINE TESTOUTS and La France roses for sale. 300 Jefferson. Phone A 5345 MUST SELL fine furniture of five rooms at a sacrifice. 12S 13th. near -Washington. BOX. p'aner and cord wood In any quanti ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B 1695. FOR SALE empty lard tierces, also flour acks. Mrs. Bennett, 32fl 17th. FINE soda fountain, glassholdcrs, spoons, etc S3 North Third. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Kin est h ouseboat on the Pa ciflc Coast, containing 14 rooms, bath room, lavatories, hot and cold water In each room. Thoroughly seaworthy. Also one launch 38 ft. long; one launch-house; one launch 25 ft. long and launch-house; one floating swimming tank. For sale to gether or separately. Apply F. S. Morris, room 6, Chamber of Commerce. KELP WANTED MAT.F, WANTED Partner for real estate business; . no experience necessary and very little money required; can make $150 to $200 profits per month. Call this morning. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 Wash ington st., room 516. WANTED Two good salesmen to sell gilt edge bonds carrying bonus of stock with each bond ; unless you have ability to earn at least $100 per week do not apply; experienced real estate salesmen pre ferred. Geo. Curtis. 709 Couch bldg. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Corporation just organized desires the services of well-appearing man with some capital to take active interest; enormous profits; references required. AD 43, Ore gonian. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for reliable man to become connected with well-known firm, doing fine business; business shown; special proposition to good man; invest ment required. Inquire at 1G19 Board of Trade. FOR SALE 5-acre tracts, very low terms, high state cultivation, on Oregon Elec tric, private parties now taking hold de veloping; a few more wanted. Address D 131, Oregonian. I MUST have help in my paying timber business; will sacrifice interest to man seeking a future and willing to learn- ex perience not necessary, just common sense and grit. Apply 508 Abington bldg. c. r. Hansen, jr.. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1526- Help free to employer. AMBITIOUS man. good habits, for travel ing wagon show; take tickets, handle cash; experience not required; references and $40O required; security; good salary. Apply 508 Abington bldg. y WANTED Reliable young man of neat ap pearance and good education to join in clean money-making proposition; small capital required. Call 527 Lumber Ex change. YOUNG man for pantry work. Apply Sunt. Commercial Club, cor. 5th and Oak. be tween 10 and U A. M. SHOE workers of all kinds wanted. Cut ters operators, fitters and soleroom men. Buckingham & Hecht, 26th and Valencia sts., San Francisco. WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the leading nurseries of the Northwest. Large stock; choice territory; commission paid weekly. If you are a hustler and can call, write us Alhnv xriirac.iA. WANTED Internal revenue officers and railway mail clerks; examinations soon; fine opportunity to join the service; see Vo-aJ onLce for Preparation. Gastonguay. W.NT.BD Flr3t-cIass buttermaker. Steady position. Jtol take 500 or 00 of stock to be redeemed after alx month. Ad drew AH 13. OreEonlaa. ?Ertn "Perienced gardener, steady and reliable; answer with references and address and phone number. R 140 Ore sonian. TBE Young man of neat appearance who can sing and dance to go In vaude- A. M Ca" at 644 6lU 'U- 8 d 10 "VV'n'I?DrFlrst"class nation attendant to operate electric water power plant; ate sal- OregonTan reerenoe- Address AL 154. WANTED A Brat-class experienced stove BaJesman for retail department; no other need applj McGowan Bros.- Hardware Co Spokane. Wash. STENOGRAPHER. bookkeeper. permanent position, with good salary and advancement ST Tnmp ent man- Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club. IF.J nave some business ability and an P'oye"- to $1000 for short iolft J?, !ff"rity have " ya.c.m. lax. oregonian. WAI?DR?"Way maI1 clerks, postofflcs clerks, carriers: examinations In Portland Jjept. 33j-B, Rochester, N. Y. MAN and wife wanted for work on ranch man must be hustler and willing to do all Rinds of work; couple without children preferred. X 121, Oregonian. DISHWASHER wanted, no Sunday work Stark7 W Stein's Restaurant. 26ti W,IS.DTYoUn5' man. for ""k around college, in exchange for tuition In teiec-ra-phy. Oregon College, 83 5th st. FIRST-CLASS meat cutter to take full charge of market; married man preferred references. S 152. Oregonian iraerr6a ATTENTION Here's an opening, does not require experience; references and small capital. CaU 326 Washington Z "i."!'!; ,Bom? ""y to help develop fruit and truck farm on Oregon Electric near Portland. Address D q3g Orfgonlag: HELPER on coats, also flrst-class vest. ?haerante5 at once- P'y Titfor Shop. 4th and Stark. WANTED Porter and house man: must be E5iRI!KrCED advrti!ng solicitors, three pub ications: contracts cashed dally Bene dlctlne Press. Goodnough bldg. GENERAL, merchandise salesman, experienced WAlfTSP Youn to do clerical work -"t'.j- oiauuara oil Co. WANTED 2 liv solicitors. $3 to 5 per rup st. Harvard Cleaning Co". 747 Nor?h- Btate manager to represent mfg. corporation - l r'T,thC?U'aft- AddreB M. Meagher. loOS Gough St., San Francisco. P?RMfiANE?JT, IosltloI young man, 13 to 18. In real estate office. Address In own ...... ...fs, . j-o, oregonian. h G M,AX .for flre liwurance office, out side work; give experience, age and refer ence. G 158. Oregonian. WANTED A young man as assistant book V.ee?f.r ai?d "tenographer, wholesale house M 14i. Oregonian. state age and salary. WANTED First-clase Insurance man. Ad Buffalo I55ern.aUonal Automobile League. WANTED A good street demonstrator for an A-l article; something new; $10 a day and up. 322 Worcester bldg.. 10 to 12. WANTED Thrifty, experienced boys to sell refreshments at auto road races, June 12. Call at 60 4th st. uuo - WANTED 2 neat-appearing men. 322 Wor cester bldg., 9 to 12. WANTED A few more men for souvenirs. Call 3 Benson bldg.. 5th and Morrison. WANTED An all-round baker. S 150 Ore gonian. E;;'PE,RIETCED a-lng hanger wanted. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 27 N. 1st. WE secure position for our members. Special membership. Y. M. C. A. DENTIST Chicago Dentists want a labora tory man at once. PHOTO coupon agents, new offer. Call Davis Haves Studio. 3421, Washington st. MAN to excavate basement. 25c cubic foot. 110 ith st. Plumadore. BAKER'S helper wanted, light work. Wrius WANTED A flrst-class meat-cutter at Jones Meat Market. 151 4th St. FIRST-CI.ASS shoemaker wanted at once i SI Mississippi ave. WANTED Young married, man. to work on farm. D 132, Oregonian. TOUNG men to learn trade; also weavers Northwest Rug Works. 153 Union. FIRST - CLASS salesman: compensation large. 215 Commercial bldg. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wins Depot. P. LoratL 164 2d. Main 5500. WANTED Photograph coupon agents: best offer on Coast. Cutbarth, Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced business man. salesman preforred. capable of taking en tire charge of a large territory tributary to Portland; Or., and Seattle. Wash., to take -whole or part interest in branch of mfg. business; stock on hand in branch about $7000 to $SO00: would entertain business proposition from right man, or would sell outright and. give exclusive agency for our goods. Address. Factory Box AL 153, Oregonian. SALESMAN FOR BEACH RESORT. If there are any men in Portland who think they are capable of making good with a mighty live, fair real estate con cern, "one of the big ones." we want to talk with them. We've got an Interesting proposition in the sales department. See Mr Stiles. Columbia Trust Company, Board of Trade bldg. VE WANT live real estate salesmen for new subdivision; most liberal contract is sued in the city; salesmen are making from .-)00 to $1000 a month. If you are not familiar with the work, come and w wlli teach you. American Trust Com pany. 2OO-204 Chamber of Commerce. Sea P. E. Cleland. Call bet. 9 and 11 A M WANTED One of the largest trust com panies on the Coast want a few high class, reputable salesmen. If vou are a wide-awake, live-wire man accustomed to making good, you will have one of the best chances you ever had with one of the fairest and most substantial houses In the West- AK 139. Oregonian. WANTED One of the largest trust com panies on the Coast wants a few high class, reputable salesmen. If you are a wide-awake, live-wire man, accustomed to making good, you will have one of the best chances you ever had with one of the fairest and most substantial houses In the VVest. AK 139, Oregonian. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. So North 4th St.. Portland. Or. UPHOLSTERER wanted. Apply Carmen Manl ufacturlng Co.. 18th and Upshur sts. HELP WASTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Marker; must be experienced; also mangle girl. u. S. Laundry Co.. Grand ave and East Salmon St. TO TRADE Paying restaurant for anything of value; $3V0; no money required. V 150 Oregonian. ' FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. $1 par month to beginners. 452 Morrison. BLANKET-WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by "iwtu. u i i.m. raain tfs3. FISK TEACHERS- AGENCY need, more good teachers for Sept. 614 Bwetland bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. NON-FONO PITMANIC SHORTHAND, the standard Pitmanic system as experts write it; no brain-racking vowel sounds; easy to learn; taught by Augustus M. Wing, court reporter. 607 Commercial block. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2i92. Help' supplied free to employers. A THOROUGHLY' competent lady cashier; enclose references as to capability and character and mention accustomed salary. AB 139. Oregonian. GOOD wages to competent woman to cook and do general housework, small family, Rosemont, Portland Heights. Main 5o A COMPETENT girl, general housework, small family adults; wages $30. Call or phone evenings. 443 Holladay ave. East RESOURCEFUL, self-reliant woman, over 25, to travel part of the time; good propo sition to the right person. E 120. Ore gonian. FIST-CLASS body machine ircner. wages 1.75 a day to the right party. Vancouver bteam Laundry, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth schild bldg., 4th end Washington. A GIRL for cooking and general house work, small family of adults, good wages. Call mornings. 770 Overton, near 23d st. GIRL for general housework, small family, no children. Main 3124 or A 8124. 64 N. 20th st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. COMPETENT girl for cooking and house work, small family; good wages. 495 East Davis st. GIRLS, 16 to 18 years of age. to work In factory. Apply at once. Amea-Harrls-Ne-vllle Co., fith and Davis sts. 'WANTED An experienced girl, must be good cook, good wages paid. 779 Glisan st. Phone Main 5458. YOUNG GIRL for light housework, small family, pleasant borne for willing, cheer ful girt B 146", Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for confec tionery and cigar stand. 373 4a E. Burn Bide st. WANTED Girls to make overalls and over shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED Girl for second work. Apply mornings, corner Ford and Madison streets Take Portland Heights car. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY 8264s Washington St.. Room 307. Main 8836. or A 3268. WANTED Good cook and neat housekeeper, family of 2 adults. 615 21st su. corner Laurel. Phone Main 8588. GIRL or woman to go iwlth small family to mountains, the last of June; must be good bread maker. Tabor 588. GIRLS wanted. St. Helens. Or., Steam Laundry; good wages and steady employ ment. WAN.TED A lec"hd K'rt at the Norton Hotel, cor. of Morrison and 12th sts. WANTED A dining-room girl, at 163 12th and Morrison sts. GIRL for general housework in small fam ily. 321 East Sixteenth North. EXPERIENCED girl, general housework; no washing; references. 633 Kearney st. WANTED An experienced cook for small family. 474 Market, cor. 14th st. JACKET and skirt alteration hands. Grand Leader. WANTED A good cook. Apply Mrs. Thomp son. 21st and Carter stts.. Portland Heights. EXPERIENCED -seamstress wanted. Paciflo Tent & Awning Co., 27 N. 1st st. WAITRESS wanted. 83 6th. Criterion restaurant. GIRLS to sew m shop. 173 44 llth st., near Yamhill. LADY solicitor to sell goods on credit. 86 Washington, room 30i. COMPETENT girl for general housework; family 3: wages $35. Tel. B 1246. WANTED Experenecd girl for confectionery store. 181 3d. GIRL for general housework and take care of children; no washing. 237 Fargo st. GIRL to assist with general housework. $5 per week. -360 13th st. GIRL FOR general housework; good wages small family. 586 Tillamook st. CHAMBERMAID, willing to assist 6 PM. dlnner. 25 llth st. COMPETENT Swedish girl for general housework. Woodlawn 10t3. WOMAN for washday once a -week. Call Im mediately. 10S0 Alblna ave. Take L car. ' WANTED A girl for general housework. Ad dress Mrs. J. A- Epping. Hood River, Or. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. 269 North 22d st- Phone Main 3665. WANTED Practical nurse. 804 Haight ave, near Failing st. WAITRESSES wanted. 129 4th St. Palace . Restaurant. GIRL to do housework; small family. 78044 Kearney st. WAITRESSES WANTED at the Hobart Curtis. 265 14th st. : must be flrst-class. COOK $35 a month, no washing. 233 North 24th. corner Marshall. WANTED A kindergarten teacher. Apply mornings before July 1, 209 Caruthers st. WANTED Chambermaid. 204 Madison St. DO YOU WANT WORK T Apply to UNION LAUNDRY CO., Second and Columbia. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework. 447 loth st. SITUATION WANTED HALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks TIMEKEEPER and bookkeeper. American. 23 years old, with four years' experience in factory and construction work. Will go any where In u. S. Best of references; at present employed. Salary expected $75 per month. For interview address P 131. Ore gonian. COMPETENT business man would like employment at once; 20 years' experience general merchandise: bonds if required; will take any honorable position. Wood lawn 969. or O 140. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 17. wants position in office: has had four terms in High School. AN 151, Oregonian. CLERICAL position of any kind; banking preferred; can furnish good references. Ad dress Francis Baker. Roeeburg, Or. POSITION wanted by a young man as book keeper; business college graduate: moderate salary to start. AL 152. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted Male stenographer wishes work in city; references. Address T 146. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. POSITION wanted by young married man w-ith general business education; age 25; new typewriter; references; gie me a chance at anything. E 131', Oregonian MIDDLE-AGED, sober German gardener, can take care of horses and be generally useful. Can give reference, country or city. B 139, Oregonian. YOUNG man attending school afternoons wants work of any kind from 5 A. M. to 12 M. for board and room and $10 per month. G 158. Oregonian. YOUNG man. German, can read and write English, wants steady work in city. J. Grabitz, 335 Everett. Main 3192. YOUNG Japanese, experienced cook, wants position in private family. F 137, Ore gonian. SITUATION wanted by competent young man pianist. Nlckelodian preferred. C 136. Oregonian. TWO carpenters want work, day or con tract. Phone C 1724. East 4639. HOUSE or window cleaning by day, hour or job; references. Main 390S. ALL kinds of cement work, plaster and. brick work. 647 44 1st st. Main 9312. SITUATION WASTED-FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED telephone man desires po sition as trouble man or manager; out of town; married and reliable. V 156. Ore gonian. COMPETENT lady bookkeeper wants extra work; accounts opened and exporting. R 127, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as second girl In doctor's office. K 142, Oregonian. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest -prices. Mrs. Angeles. 3204 Wash. St.. room 216. Norse. EXPERIENCED nurse has private room, best care, modern, reasonable, healthy, high lo cality. Phone Tabor 951. RELIABLE woman, practical nurse. St. Louis. 24544 Wash. Main 2039, A 4775. MRS. J. W. BUTLER. colored. graduate nurse. Phone Main 2651. 388 Everett et. Domestic. WANTED A position by a German girl as second, girl in a residence. Q 149, Ore gonian. TWO Finnish girls wish position to do house work and cooking; wages $36. Call 383 N. 21st st. GIRL wants general housework and cooking. 81 East 28th et. North. Miscellaneous. A COFFIELD water motor can do your washing If you have no help; a good girl will stay If you give her a Coffield wash ing machine. We send them on trial and show you how to operate. Edwards Com pany, 191 1st st. WOMAN wants work, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday; references; no half days. Woodlawn 1611. LACE curtain beautifully laundered: fine sun drying, grass bleaching facilities. Tabor 1530. LADY with 5 years' experience would like to take charge of rooming-house. 228 Grant st. Main 5041. YOUNG lady wants laundry, shirt waists a specialty; taken in the morning and de livered by night. Phone 1199 Main. CAPABLE woman housekeeper, widower's family, or cooking small crew. fit. Louis 245 44 Wash. Main 2039, A 4775. FAMILY cook. $35: cook small hotel. St. Louis, 24544 Wash. Main 2039. WANTED By a woman from East, day work. Main 4598. TWO young women want day work, 25c hour; references. Tel. Main 9179. WANTED Washing and house cleaning. Phone Main 6427, Room B. LACE CURTAINS washed, grass bleached and stretched. 40c per pair. C 2116. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED The new Singer darner. A thoroughly practical attachment for any lock-stitch sewing machine; darns hosiery, underwear, etc.; easily operated, saves time; does smooth, durable work; big commissions, tremendous seller; need ed in every home. Splendid proposition for energetic canvassers. Particulars at Singer Sewing Machine Stores, 402 Wash ington St. LET US show you how to make $8 to $10 per day selling our specialties. Write us. ' People's International Co-ope rativa Associ ation. Brawley, Cal. WE HAVE article that Is needed In every home now. It sells on sight. Write today. Household Supply Co.. p. O. box 494. Needles, Cal. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursery stock; cash weekly; outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salera. Or. PICTURE-BOOK or portrait agents; new of fer a winner. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. WANTED TO BENT. FREE RENTING. We will secure a renter for your house FREE OF CHARGE Furnished, houses in great demand. HICKMAN & HINDLE. 218 Lumbermens Bldg.. Cor. 5th and Stark. Main 3799. WE WILL secure a renter for your house free of charge. Hickman & Hlndle, 218 Lumbermen bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. Phone Main 3799. WANTED Three or four well-furnlshed rooms, with privileges of laundry, by young couple with baby. State full parti culars. V 148, Oregonian. WANTED To rent room In private family id place to keep an. automobile. R 144, Oregonian. OUR rental section Is equipped for results. If your property is vacant, try us. Struble 405 Lumbermen's bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ' WANTED Men' cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 8d St. North. Phone Main 8272. WANTED A canoe; must be in--good condi tion, one with sell and leeboards preferred; . reasonable price. N 141, Oregonian. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll, get lee. Phone A 2445. Main 8851. LAWN MOWERS aharpened, satisfaction guaranteed. 170 N. 16th. Main 1134. SECOND-HAND hydraullo barber chairs. 72 6th st. WANTED All kinds of store and office fixtures, showcases, etc Phone Main 8458. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 106T. . f . THE MANITOU. 21 13th. large furnished rooms, hot and cold water; breakfasts. Furnished Rooms. THE WEAVER. TIO Washington St.. near ivlng; brand new. elegantly furnisned; every room has private bath; the maxi mum or convenience and excellence the minimum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, call and Inspect. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Bumside. , "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable: rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS THB BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 7D outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc. : rooms $10 month up; suites with running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HS?EL. ANTLERS S. W. cor. 10th and Washington stp. New, modern cor. brick very nicely furnished, rooms single en suite hot and cold water in rooms: private baths' Rates $1 per day and up. Mrs. Granstrom" manager. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, elec tric lights, hot and cold water, elegant bathroom, both phones free; Just the place for persons wanting a flrst-class home for moderate expense. Phone A 52S0. M 5435 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 488 WASH ST Nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold running- water. 50 cts. up: speclsl rates by the week. Commercial Hotel. 488 Wash ington st. HOTEL LENOX, corner 3d and Main sts. furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Od poslte the Plaza. NICELY furnisned rooms; free phone lights and gas, etc.;- transients. Mrs. Melbourne, formerly of the Altha and Ortonla. Call at 2 North 14th. HOTEL. IRVING. 312 OAK ST., COR. 6TH. Just opened: new and elegantly fur nlsned; ail conveniences; rates reasonable. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. flrst-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 5647. HOTEL ROMAINE Newly furnished rooms with all modern conveniences. 14744 2d st.. bet- Alder and Morrison. THE COZY Nicely furnished rooms single or double; transient or by month; one block south of Hotel Portland. 195 7th st. RYAN HOUSE-, 26944 6th; elegant furnished rooms en suite or single, opposite City Hall Inquire upstairs: ring bell. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free 327-4 btark. corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms: bath, phone; COc to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3, $4. $5 per week; transient. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 865 Stark, cor. Park. THB DREW Newly furnished room. 162 2d., corner Morrison. THE REX, 54844 Washington st. Modern rooms, $10 to $12 per month, with baths. -Furnished Room in Private Family. NICELY furnished room in private family; bath, telephone; walking distance; rent $12. Phone A 2546. 128 16th st. North. ONE newly furnished front parlor, suitable for 1 or 2, with or without board, private family, walking distance. 471 Main st. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern conven ience. 548 Flanders, near 16th st. Main 8706. CLEAN, neatly furnished front room clos ets, electric lights, bath, $3. 31 N 17th St.. near Washington. PLEASANT, well-furnlshed room by day, w-eek or month; modern conveniences. Phone A 4O06. 429 Market et. LARGE front room, all conveniences, nice view, walking distance, reasonable. 186 Halsey. East 1165. BEAUTIFUL furnished front room with al cove and porch for two; conveniences; fine home. 212 llth st. NICELY furnished lower floor of private residence for man and wife; close In; rent $35. P 137, Oregonian. LARGE furnished room, suitable for one or two; five minutes' walk-from P. O.; bath, phone. 226 12th st. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, $13 per month : gentleman preferred. Main C215. or call 289 llth. ACCOMMODATION for lodgers, families or single persons; close In. pleasant, re spectable section. 882 llth st. BEAUTIFUL parlor bedroom In modern home; hot water. Telephone, etc.: reason able. 404 Clay st. Phone Main 9425. LARGE, airy, furnished rooms, reasonable; 13th and Morrison sts. Main 40B9. NEW, nicely furnished rooms, for gentle man, only. 265 13th st. THREE furnished modern housekeeping rooms. 145 44 llth st. . NEWLY furnished. 7 minutes Postoffice, cheap to permanent renter. 367 10th. NEWLY furnif-hed light, airy rooms, walking distance. 29044 12th st. CONNECTING rooms, modern conveniences, large porch. 269 14th. Main 3893. 66 N. 14TH ST., nice large room, suitable for 2 ; gentlemen preferred. LARGE room, strictly private family; no other romers; walking distance. Main 9002. Unfurnished Room. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, also 1 front room, furnished. 228 13th. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne avea. THE GLENDORA, 19th and Couch Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $10 per month and up; public parlor, piano, pool and billiard tables free to guests transients solicited; excellent table board, $20 per month; single meals, 25 cents. PORTLAND Women's Union, 21st year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary, 510 Flanders St., Miss Frances N. Heath, superintendent. Woman's Ex change, 133 10th St. Mrs. M. K. Brether ton, supt. LARGE front room, suita-t le for two people, with board, $6 per week; all conveniences; also table board, $4 week: good home cooking. Aster House. Seventh and Madi son. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison St.. family hotel, modern, new management; board optional; best table board; prices mod erate. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri son; finest board and best rooms In Port land; rates lowest; a ccrofortable home. THE LINDELL. 269 Market; nicely fur nished front rooms. flrst-cla3s board; mod ern. reasonable; fin walking distance. THE OZARK. 225 llth. Light, airy rooms w-lth board, hot and cold water. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. EtOOMS with board. 389 Taylor. Room With Board In Private Family. ROOM and board for 3 young men in nice private home; every modern con venience, and all home privileges. 27ti Park. HAVE nice large room with board, home cooking, all conveniences. 107 16th st. near Flanders. Phone Main 5513. VERY desirable rooms and board, cosy and homelike; Ideal place for the Summer; rates by the day or week. 442 Jeff erson. LARGE front room for 2: good home board, private: very reasonable; West Side. 751 Kearney. A 4379. ROOMS, with or without board. 94 East 12th, corner Washington. B 2031. BOARD and room for two; all home com forts. 653 Washington st. A 1912. Apartment. JEFFERSONIAN, modern 2 and 8-room fur nished apartments, $20 up. 16th-Jefferson. THB DAYTON. 660 Flanders. 4-room apart ment, bath. heat, hot water, etc.. $221 FOR RENT. Apartment. k NOW OPEN THE RE-UK AN. 3. . newst. most modern apartment house in Portland; every convenience. In cluding elect ri s elevator, beautiful con crete building. beautiful view and eur roundings, nu.st reasonable charges. fur nished or unfurnished; don't wonder: call at apartments and be shown; both phones in every suite. 62 Marshall st. Take W or loth-street car. Call for landlady or phone Main 3S51 or A 2057. HEI;i? APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick building, completely first-class, furnished m 2. 3 and 4-room family aprtments: Erivate bath, reception hall, steam heat ot water, elevator, froe phone, com- ?ressed-alr cleaning. Janitor service, from 25 up month; some unfurnished; com look and be surprised. THE LUXOR. Corner Thirteenth and Clay Sts. 3 and 4-room suites, with private baths, beautifully furnished; complete for Im mediate housekeeping; free phones: excel lent janitor service; an abundance of hot water all the time; easy walking distance: prices reasonable. Phone Main 8105. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts. unfurnishe.1 apartment, with bath; every convenience; desirable location: reason able rent. Main 2506. THE MORTON, cor. King and Washington A beautiful 4-room corner suite, facing Washington St.. with all modern con veniences; first floor; rent reasonable. $2C Steam heated apartment. 4 nice little rooms, all outside, partly furnished. Call Janitor. 4.14 llth. near College. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room apartment until Oct. 1; rent $35; references. Phone A 3161. IB U ELL APARTMENTS, 14th and Salmon sts. Furnished 3-room apartment, new, ele vator, private phone. THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment. 21st and Flanders. Nob Hill district. every convenience. Main 7516. THE CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders: modern 4-room unfurnished apartment. Apply Jan- NEW 5-room. steam-heated flat. modern conveniences: reasonable rent. W. L t-nr. gan. 503 Abington bldg. -r- MADISON" PARK apartments. 4-room apart ment; modern, electric elevator. Cor Park and Madison. COLUMBIAN and V'ctcrlan. 3 and 4-room modern apartments. llth and Columbia. Hats. FOUR fine, modern, fur-room flats. Just completed; large front porch, screen..d In back porches, stqrttonary wash tubs, built-in china closet, gas, electricity and furnace for each flat; within walking distance. 328-33044 Ross st- Main 2114. West Coast Investment Co. FOR RENT Strictly modern 5-room flat every convenlenoe; very pretty and artis tic; arrangement and finish nothing finer In Portland. Includes large front and rear porch and part of basement; rent only $25. See W. M. Conklln & Co., 407 Wells Fargo bldg. A 1747. Main 2859. FOR RENT 8-room. new, strictly modern fiats; nice light rooms, excellent location, walking distance. West Side, very reason able rent to permanent tenants. M. E. Lee, room 411, Corbett bldg. FLATS, 944 and 1144 Tenth near Bumside street, all modern improvements. 7 room and bathroom, near bue-iness center; $40 John Klosterman, Board Trade bldg Wake field, Fries & Company. NEW unfurnished flat, 5 rooms, bath, gas and electric fixtures, fireplace, furnace, with hot-water coil; no dark rooms. East 15th and Oak; reasonable rent. Rodgers-Hart-Glbson, 146 Second st. 8-ROOM. new, strictly modern flats. West Side; gas range, linoleum on kitchen floor, shades, gas, and electric fixtures. M. E. LEE, Room 411, Corbett Bldg. JUST finished, new and complete, on 7th and Jackson. 5-room fiats. PARR1SH-WATKINS A CO.. 250 Alder St. $30 For rent, modern 6 -room upper flat, 1Mb st, near Washington l no children. Phone East 4769. MODERN, up-to-date lower flat. ,6 rooms: adults. Call 3 2 8 44 Mill at., near 7th t. Phone Main 7839. MODERN. 6-room upper flat, near West Side High School. Inquire 175 16th st . corner Yamhill. MODERN 4-room flat, west Side, near 2:id and Washington sts.; reasonable. Call forenoon and evening. Main 8988. IF you want to rent new. up-to-date flats, go to Sixth and Wasco; best location In Holla day. See owner, W. Reidt. NEW five-room upper flat. East Burnside St., very cheap. Russell & Blytn. Com monwealth bldg. 5 ROOMS, modern, clean, central. 70 9th Wakefield Fries. VERY fine flat In choice Nob Hill location Phone Main 6618. FLAT FOR RENT Furniture for sale: five rooms, modern; rent $35. No. 31144 Fifth. THREE-room flat; all conveniences. Inqulra 225 Market. Phone Main 516. Housekeeping Room. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts Newly furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month UP; single housekeeping rooms $2.50 week up; best in city for money: short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. "ONEONTA" 187 17th, near Yamhill (take VV" car), furnished 2, 8 and 4-room house. Keeping suites by week or month, $5 and $20, respectively and up; hot and cold water, steam heat, baths and phones free; singl rooms, $7 a month. Main 4687. A 4739. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, west side river, 2 rooms $8 month; 3 for $15; front part cottage $16; cottage, 6 rooms. - $20. Apply 364 North 26th; 16th-st. car on Washington to 26th. south half block. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 63144 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnisned housekeeping rooms; gas ranges. hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. ONE nicely furnished 2-room housekeeping apartment: all modern conveniences; tele- phone, bath, etc. ; only $18. THB MER CEDES. 20th and Washington sts. $26 STEAM-HEATED apartment. 4 nice little rooms, all outside, fine little build ing, partly furnished. Call Janitor, 454 llth, naar College. THE NORDICA Newly furnished apart ments for housekeeping; strictly modern. flranA ... . V. 1 1. . I . . - . . - THE MILNBR. 35044 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. $1.50 WEEK up. targe, clean furnished housekeeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. 184 Sherman, South Portland. 532 WILLIAMS ave.; furnished, unfurnished housekeeping, rooms; also single room. Idaho, 389 6th St., housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. THE ELMS Two and three-room furnished apartments. 191 14th et. Phone Main 6307. THE SANGERT Washington Trinity, near 19th. Furnished apartments. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. ONE furnished housekeeping room. $8 per month. 215 North 16th st. Phone Main 4623. FIVE modern housekeeping rooms, with bath room and gas; good location; rent $12. 126 Gaines st. Main 6818. SAVE searching. 202 14th. furnished house keeping rooms for couple, $18; attic rooms $S; bath. gas. phone, central. 2 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, porch, etc.; walking distance. 555 44 Morrison st. NICELY furnished front suite; electric light, gas. free phone and bath; $16 per month. 609 Johnson et., between 14th and 15th. TWO unfurnished rooms, with gas and fur nace heat, for light housekeeping; private Oat. 13144 12th st. $ Front, unfurnished room 208 Union ave.. near Holladay; flrst-class location. ENTIRE FLOOR, 3 rooms, bath, nicely furnished.- light and pleasant. 226 Grant. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 215 10th, cor. Salmon. NEWLY furnished flats: private baths; 3 rooms, $:17.50; 5 rooms. $65. 29044 12th. 354 SALMON 2 lovely rooms, furnished fop housekeeping; no children. TWO ROOMS, complete for housekeeping bath, phone, electric and gas. 388 llth st.