THE aiOBSIXG OREGOXIAN, TTJESDAT, JTTXE S 1909. . . :.A AMUSEMENTS. ' AUCTION 8AIE8 TODAY. VE w TODAY I I I . I -tW I EW TODAY. - I FOB 8 ALE HEAT. KSTATE. I Ynrtls. cat w .. I THEATRE 4224 Positively last weak of reason for Baker J'1!. Company. Greatest of all plays: "THE GIRL. OF THE fiOLDEN- "EST." S""1?-250' 35e 60c- Mat, Sat. 15c, 25c. Evening curtain 8 o'clock. Mat. at 2. R A If P D THEATER Av- Third and Yamhill. Phones. Main 3 and A 5360. Special Price Matinee 2:15 Today Tonlrht and Tomorrow Night the Merry Musical Comedy THE BURGOMASTER Evenings. 1 to 25c; Matinee. T5o to 25c. LYRIC Theater, 7th and Alder WEEK OF JTTNTC 6. The Imperial M uMral Comedy Company in A Matrimonial Mix -Up Matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. Sat urday. Two performances each evening 8:15 and 9:15. Clever comedians; merry music; pretty girls. MAIN o, A 1030. Matinee x. Sunday u4 Holidays. 15-25-500 NIGHTS THEATER 15-95-S0-75C Week Jnne 7. Jos. Hart's Futurity Winner; Jame Thornton; Sulllvan-Pasqueiena; Mack Vera Berliner; Clark A Kern- man ; Frank LeDent ; Orch estra ; lectures. THE GRAN D-Vauderillede Lax. WEEK ST ART! AG JUNE 7, 1000. MABEL McKlNLEY Matinee prices 15c Evening; prices 15c and 25'. Box seats 50c. Franc-sea Redding; Otc Co. Ward Brow. Cooke Rothert Brenon & Downing 1-red Bauer Gran dasoope PANTACES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Star of All Nations. BONNER, THE WOM)ERlTL HORJSE. The most wonderful trained horse in the world. Bonner calculates, reasons and ac tually writes words and figures on a board with a piece of chalk held In his teeth. Bonner will he driven without reins along: the street. SEE HIM. Matinees dally. 15c; two shows at night. 15c and 25c. STAR THEATER' (Supplied by Morton Film Exchange.) filx special motion pictures for Rose Car nival week In-- a real theater. Illustrated Vocalist Miss Marie Wondra, The Bohemian Girl. Flute and Saxaphone Soloist. Continuous performance from 12 noon to 11 P. M. 10C TO AXY SEAT 10O ROSE FESTIVAL DANCE TUESDAY NIGHT EXPOSITION RINK HALL 19th and Washington. PUBLIC INVITED WEINBERGER'S FULL OR CHESTRA Accommodations for one thou sand couples. Largest, smooth est floor in city. Help welcome Portland's visitors. Ladies free, Gentlemen 50c BASEBALL Recreation Park, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth St. SACRAMENTO vs. PORTLAND JLXB 8, , 10, It, 12, 13. Games begin week days 3:30 P. M. ; ounaay, z:du f. -U. Admission Bleachers. 25c: Grand' stand, 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children! .Bleachers, 10c; urandstand. 25c Ladles' Dnr Friday. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednesday. A Feature of the Rose Show ON ROLLER SKATES. OAKS RINK. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9. DON'T MISS THIS, Ft'OG June 7, at St. Vincent's Hospital, John Fuoft, aged 65 years, member of Port land Aerie No. 4. Fraternal Order of Kagies. Romaim at Holman'a chapel. An nouncement of funeral later. FCXERAIL. NOTICES. IK GROAT At residence. 522 Clay street. June i . Cornelius De Groat, aged 64 ears. helo -ed husband of Mrs. Annie te Groat, Funeral will take olace from residence ednesday, June P. at 8:30 A. M.. thence to the Cathedral. Fifteenth jnd Davis streets, at 0 A. M. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Friends respect fully invited. CH ARD In this city. June 7. James W. ("hard, aged 40 years, 6 months, 22 days. .neiovfn misrana or Mrs. j. w. cn&ra of Portsmouth. Funeral will take place ruin me panora oi in n, Mae r u neral Directors. East Alder and East irxtb streets, today (Tuesday), June S, at 8 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited LAPERTKAITX In this city, June 6. at me resiivnue or nis aaugnter, Mrs. 1. D. r'eters. Kearney at.. John M. ihr. teaux. aged 77 years. 23 days. The funeral services wiu re neia at Fin lev's chapel at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday). Friends in vited, please omit flowers. Interment -uarsnaii. Mien. GIBSON In this city. June 6. at the resi dence of hts daughter, Mrs. Eugene r roeasner, ttw cast zzrnn St.. James tilh son. a fed 63 years. The funeral services win ne nem at r-nniey s cnapei at lO A. xi.. weanesaay, june v. f rienas invited Interment Rlverview Cemetery. NELSON The funeral services of William r . nelson, oeiovea nusoana or Martha r Nelson, and brother of George B. and Guy G. Nelson, will be held at Holman'i t nspei a; 'A f. M. today (Tuesdav . Friends Invited. Interment Rivervlew v. emetery. SOUTH June 7. at 781 Union are., Rhoda fnuui, agea is years, Funam tm-m 7n-r. Byrnes narlor today at P. M. Interment ftusB ity v. omeiery. Rl TT-F7R Funeral of the late Mrs. Alberta K. Butler will be held from the residence of her father. R. p. Smith, 502 Market " vuiicoua). til i :j(J f. M. ECKRSON Funeral services of Ia,te Rufus i. ir.cxeraon win be held at holman'i t haDet. Thursday morning. June 10. at 30 - ojvtos ,. rmatonura orlvate. BT-TIiER1"Pun,Tr?.1 f th late Mr- Alberta o xV V .11 lT..,cia Bt ner "trier's home, &9J Market ex.. Wednesday, at 1 :30 P. M. Dunning McKntee Gllbaosn. rnnerml ntrector. ;th and Pine, phon? Main 43al Lady Awlstant. Office of County Corottcf! ISRiD ,U?L?AN .co Tnl direct. ra. S20 3d t. Lady a Utaot. Pbone M. M)7. . - P. FIXLEY A SOX. Sd and Madison. .Lady attendant. Phone Main 9. A l&Wtt. 8V DCNNINO. rjnaertaker 414 Eoai Alder. Laly a Utant. Phone aC 5. . McKNTEK-ERICSOy CO. ' Cndertaaeni lady aaalstant. 40 Alder. M isa. RByR Vr"? . Funeral Direet ara, 22 iiuasell. JtWtn phones. La4y aseUtanU sx . IV 'V.A.'ak. K a ffffA MASQUERADE At - Baker's Auction House, 152 Park St. Furniture, rugs, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son. auctioneers. MFETlXfi XOTItKS. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER NO. 54. O. E. S. Regular communication this (Tuesday) eveninjr. Masonic Temple, 6 o'clock sharp. Degrees. urcier w. M. ELIZABETH SIMCNITTER". Sec TWENTIETH SEMI-ANNUAL, reunion. Canditftites assemble at Cathedral Thursday morning next at 8:30 for registration. Reception for grand commander Saturday. 2 to 4 P. M.. By order, PRESIDING OFFICER. ALL PERSONS THAT ARE AFFILIATED for have been) with the United Ancient Or der of Druids, are invited to be present at the next meeting of Oregon Grove, No. on June 9. 7:30 P. M.. sharp, at Arion Hall. 228H Yamhill st. ("HAS. M. JACKSON. N. A. GEO- A. JOHNSTON. Sec. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17. I. O. O. F. The members are requested to meet at their hall Tuesday evening-. June &. at 7 :S0 o'clock, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, James W. Chard, which will take place at Dunning'a chapel at 8 o'clock P. M. The burial services will be held at same place on Wednesday morning at iv o ciock ana request an tnat can do so to meet at their hall at 9:30 o'clock for that purpose. w. w. tbkki;, secretary. rVAXHOH LODGE. NO. 1. KNIGHTS OB PYTHIAS Regular meeting in their castle hall, Hth and Alder sta.. tonight. Visitors invited. E. M. LANCE. K. R. S. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main 800. SECRETARY. Mala 59S. HUMANE OFFICER. East 4779. NEW TODAY. COUNTRY HOME SITES. 75 Minuses Ride Down the A. & c. Ry. Four Trains Each Way Daily. GOOD FRUIT LAND. Pine For AFPUES CHERRIES. SMALL FRUITS BERRIES, FANCY VEGETABLES. Tract. $100 per acre, up; Easy Terms. Delightful Resort Features; Boating Flshln. Call or Write HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. ChMniher of Commerce. SHEPARD & HARDY, 1018 Board of Trade. Over 17 Net on Your Money Nob Hill apartment-house, beauti ful in design; thoroughly modern in equipment. In the best apartment house district in the city and in easy walking distance. $10,000 Handles It R. F. BRYAN 505 Chamber of Commerce. No Phone Information LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY exclusive, close-in downtown residence Where all Improvements are made and paid for, including asphalt streets. Go and see the many homes now building. Prices $1800 and up. Ten per cent cash. One per cent monthly, 6 per cent In terest. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Agents on ground also. TT WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIXG FOR t? H FOB Fill. IT OR WHEAT LAND tt Come and see us, we have both. 5000 acres fruit land in 40-acre tracts, Yamhill Co., near town and R. R. Price from t?0 up. 19,000 acres wheat land, all cleared, plowed and fenced in. 160-acre tracts with excellent build ings. 2 miles from town and R. R. Price from $15 to $25 per acre. Terms 1-3 cash, balance 5 yearly Installments. 6 per cent interest. Be fore you buy come and see us. It will pay you. OREGON LAND COLONIZATION CO. 514, SIR. r.16 Rothrhlld Bids-, Portland, Oregon. lOOxlOO WEST SIDE Finest 9-room residence in the city; also room for an apartment or flat building on a block: $10,000 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent. PORTLAND SUCCESSREALTY CO., Inc. SIS Board of Trade Bids. FOR SALE A beautiful home with every modern convenience, center high-class proper ties. No. 387 East Twelfth, North; easy walking distance, a block from car. Price and terms right. Must be sold at once. See it, then see us. JACKSON' A DEERINQ. 24 Stark St. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rates. Building; Loan.. Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 302 Worcester Block. GEOKGb BLACK. fTBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (AH Branches.) 823 Worcester Bldg Phonm. Main 8371. a 401. PIANO STUDIO For rent; very desirable. Main 564. TO SAY That, other beaches are as good as earhart Places this resort on a plane that others are STRIVING TO EQUAL Gearhart Park Is ESTABLISHED. Where all improvements are in and PAID FOR. Lots 50x100 $125 Up Folder Free. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTORS For quick and sure returns Buy Close in Keep on Car Line WINDSOR HEIGHTS Is centrally located. Directly on carline. .: Ironts on main thorough fare. Beautiful view. 9 minutes from cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. Lots 50x100. As low as $350. $35 down, 6 per cent int. Brubaker. & Benedict 502 McKay bldg., 3d & Stark Very Little oney Is necessary to buy a beautiful lot in GREGORY HEIGHTS at present prices, and !t will make you a big lot of money if you hold on to it a little while. Gregory Heights will have more nouses occupied by owners in a year than all other additions within a mile and a half. Ask about our FREE RENT FOR SIX MONTHS offer. We have beautiful lots for only $150; $5 down and $2.50 a month. Homes built on terms same as rent. No forfeiture if payments are de terred on account of sickness or loss of employment. Come in and let us take you out in our auto. It's a pleasure to show our property. WW. snasnrj&a W I I INVESTMENT C0& I 418 Corbett Bids, 5th and Morrison I Rose Carnival Week Bargains $60.000 100x100 on "Washington St., 3-story building pays 6 per cent on in vestment. $45,000 100x100 on 10th sts., a fine speculation. and Hoyt $25.000 100x100 on 21st and Gllsan St., a carline intersection, prospective business property. $8500 80x109 on Hoyt St., near 22d; cheapest buy in Nob Hill; cash. $6500 7-room house, 60x100 lot on Overton, near 21st St.; only needs $3500 cash. $10006 fine sightly lots on the Pe ninsula, near Swift's townslte, where lots are selling for $1500 per lot. Humason & Jef fery A 3814. 226 Stark St. Main 1189. IRRIGATED LAND FILE TODAY on a 40 or lAO-acre tract. LAND OFFICE t09 Wells-Farco Bldg. Andrew's Acreage uown the river on West Side, 2 miles west of St. John, 1 miles southeast of Lnited Railway. Good soil, no rock or gravel. Excellent fruit and vege table land; 5 and 10-acre tracts; each tract fronting on good road. Now sell ing at $150 to $250 per acre; 10 per cent cash, balance to suit purchaser. Inquire of the PIONEER FIRM in ACREAGE SUBDIVISION WORK In this city. The Shaw-Fear Co. 45H Stark Street. Park STATE ' I I 1 - . . . .----. .......... r.o r.. i t- f K rai.f l.nxra MORTGAGE LOANS I ovreat rate and terms to ante spe cial rate and favorable term on lara;a loans on bnaineaa properties. Fiinda Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL. CO. 202 UcKsj Bldic- Sd 4k Stark. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. E V.. Co. M. 3318. 30 Hamilton bldg. Baker. Alfred A., 212 Ablngrton bids;. Beck, William Q., 312 Falling bids. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bids. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker tk Benedict. 602 McKay big. M. 549 Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. -. a., dt -.. OU3 lorDett bids. Field C. St.. & Co., Board of Trade bids. Jennings & Co.. Main las. ' 209 Oresonlaa. Parrlsh, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bids- Schalk. Geo. D.. 2A4 Stark mt Main n. a ftQ Sharkey, J. P., & Co.. 12214 Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand are. and Multnomah st tHolladay Addition). Waddel. W. O.. 30Q T...mV,p TCr.Yinv. Walker. 3. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. "u,l. jo. j., zzfto wasninicton at FOB SALE REAL, ESTATE. NORTH PORTLAND HOME. Fine, new. modern, 6-room home, on North 21st st; all modern conveniences. 3150O, cash; hare Is your chance to get on the right side of the river. ONLY $300. ' BTJRNEY & BURNET. Room 15. 270 Washington St. A 4T22. $7000. T-room house and barn, with whole block of 12 lota, all fenced and nicely cul tivated fine orchard and small fruits. On the Mount Scott carline, near Woodmer. station. Easy terms. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO. 317 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Block 8. M. Patton's Addition, bounded by Maryland, Montana, Blandena and Going stands 2 to 4 feet high; streets graded, aewers, water, cement walk; will sel any portion; terms. C. H. Dexter, 252 Washing ton. Private Exchange 1. $3500 Eight-room house, barn, etc., and 128 w ictl ui gruuna; plenty or oerries and fruit; southweet corner Woodstock avenue . and Mtlwaukle road, close to Woodstock carline; terms. PAJSKIfiH, WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder St. 12-ROOM bouse, lot 60x100, 12th and Mont gomery ets. ; price $12,000; desirable neigh borhood; can be used as boarding-house; the ground alone is worth the money aa an apaj-unent-nouse site. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. CITY LOTS. 820 acMi,- tract Klamath Falls Sec. 17 and 18. Tp. S8 6., R. 9 E., to be sold in small tracts or surveyed in city lots, on or before June 14. For termaL North wen -Limoor -o., ozu lyumoer fc-x change bids. LEBANON APPtvm ORf H ARD 40 acres arllnlnincr tnnm i-vf Lebanon; 27 acres in full bearing. 13 acres . v,m niiu ciover; nousw, iruit no use ana uuT-DULKiings; price jra.wo. H. P. PALMER-JO.VB3 CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. MUST leave for East, am compelled to sell my nne 7-room modern residence; every convenience; located on sightly ground; am very busy, but will tak.e you out and snow you ir you mean business, joo cash. u mure, no .ess. -ua coucn blag. FIXE APARTMENT SITE. rouu ior corner 50x68 on 5th st., easy w am, x-. v., weu locaiea ana Dig in come producer if Improved. VANDUYN & WALTON, 615 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New 5-room house. KOici nr int. t? mere; strictly modern; fireplace, beamed celling, built-in sideboard; price, $2950; sou- ..upiy outs uoncora blag, FRUIT LANDS AND FARMS. we Have eome very desirable large and Biim.ii iracis in ana around Lyle Wash H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR bALB By owner, Holladay Park, lot 50x100 on Wasco St., near 24th, south frontage; cement walk; Improvements jjaiu , xme ouiiamg sue. Aaaresg F 117, SELL WOOD LOTS. 8 full lots and a fraction. In the city limits, for $300; must be sold within 3 day a. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. LOTS. Best location. East Irvlngton, 50x100, $155 uutvu. very easy lerras, running O years. All about them. Room BOO Oregonian bldg. Main aoju. nesiaenco j i.j.. vv. t. ueraman. S575 CASH Taxes the best view lot In Waverlelgli vswuer, ouj ikxcissy dug. $3600 Full lot. BOxlOO feet, and five-room cottage, 691 Corbett st. ; easy terms. See us tor particulars. P ARRIS H, WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder St. NEW, modern, 5-room cottage, lot 60x100. half block from car and stores, two blocks from school, at sacrifice; easy terms. 1063 xu. 24th JS. Take Alberta car. A BEAUTIFUL building site at the head of a canyon In Council Crest Park. Fine view or city ana vaney. furse, sis Cham ber of Commerce. NEW, modern 5-room bungalow, concrete Dasemeni, orcnara ana berries. SlSOO. W. Lof stedt. 2034 E. Salmon ; MontavlUs car. ONE block from Kllllngsworth ave I have a few choice lots on improved streets for $650 each; water and all improvements paid. Call on- owner at 410. Failing bldg. 6(5 2-3x100 BEST location in Irvlngton. be side splendid new homes; will sell right to party who will build good home. W. L. Morgan, 503 Abington bldg. FRACTIONAL correr, 40x65, Broadway, west of East 10th; no building restrictions; walking distance to West Side; $2050. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce $8O00 12-room house, 14th st., near Hall; most beautiful view in the city; house in first-class condition. Smith. 105 Sherlock bldg. MAKE ME CASH OFFER For my $535 equity in fine $900 corner lot on Hawthorne carline. Main 6938. GOOD lot. 50x100, near Villa ave. car. In Montavtlla. $375; a bargain. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. $2600 EACH. $100 caah, $25 monthly; two beautiful new homes; everything modern; Slot, near Hawthorne. Owner, Dr. Darling. 120x100, E. 34TH and Grant, very sightly and desirable, $2500. Owner, S 154, Ore gonian. 6-ROOM house, new, modern, good location WTest Side, $42.T0. small payment, balance like rent. Hatfield, 165 4th. BEAUTIFUL 6-room modern house, restrict ed dUtrict, price $4200 terms; a bargain. Address owner, B 148, Oregonian. $3000 $500 cash, balance easy terms ; room house, full lot. Irvlngton. LIND & HIGLEY. 132 Third St. GREAT sacrifice; must sell at once 3H lots one block south of Hawthorne ave. Inquire 253 - Wash. St.. room 17. FOR SALE or lease by owner- Quarter block in North Portland ; frame buildings on property. AM 126, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, bungalow in Irving ton. 524 E. 20th at. N. the handsomest Call and see It. NEW, modern 5-room cottage, well built, fine view ; $250 down, terms on balance. Phone owner. Seliwood 816. FULL LOT, restricted district, cement walks, and curbs, and street work in and paid; $550. P 135, Oregonian. SNAP 1 acre, 6-room bungalow, small stable, wood and chicken-house, close In. $1500;" terms. C 146, Oregonian. FOR anything In Portland real estate see Columbia Trust Co.. Board of Trade bldg. 8-ROOM house, near Steel bridge, $4."0O LIND A HIGLEY. 132 Third St. $30 WILL buy lot 12, block 36. Ocean Side, Long Beach. C 14S. Oregonian. BY owner, cash or terms, full lot near 24th st., on E. Madison. K 124. Oregonian. NEW -modern 9-room house. In Holladay Addition. R. B. Rice. Phone East 2432. MUST HAVE MONEY. 7-room new and beautiful home, 109 East 27th st. ; has gas, electricity, buf fet, paneled walls, beamed celling large reception frail, laundry tubs, full ce ment basement, new shades, fuel in base ment, fruit trees, etc; this goes at $SSoO on terms; Its real value Is $4500; this Is a fine Investment; it will rent for $35 per month; don't delay. We have some splendid bargains In Portland homes and good buys in farms and acreage. Come and see us before you buy. F. J. STEINMETZ & CO.. 103 Morrison St. YAMHILL ORCHARDS COMPANY. FRUITS AND WALNUTS. We have the choicest land In Yamhill County for fruits and nuts and are offer ing it In 5 and 10-acre tracts, all plaated and cared for for . 4 years; easy-payment plan. Call or write for our booklet. DIQTZ-MUELLER CO., 315-310-317 Ablngton Bldg. THE MAN WHO WANTS A HOME., Best fruit land, all size tracts, in the beautiful Willamette Valley, $40 per acre and up; 100.000 acres of best grain land In Eastern Oregon, all ready for the plow, and some in crops; $15 por acre and up; 6 to 30-acre tracts close to Portland. DEAN LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO., 622 Chamber of Commerce. - Portland, Or. NEW modem 4-room buns-alow: cement basement fireplace; full lot; fine location; price 12350: easy terms. Kew, modern 6-room bouse; full base ment; bath, electric light and gal fix tures; fireplace; 10 minute ride. W blk. from carline; fine location; price $32au; easy terms. Inquire W. A. TAYLOR, 415 Com. Club Bldg. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY, 113 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ MA1N 869, A 265$. VILLA HEIGHTS WHERE 13 ITT Call up Main 6713 or Home 5363 and our uio wiu call and show you this property. These are river-front lots and command one of the finest views of the river and city of any property on the East Side; walking distance, building restrict ion. MORE HOUSE-KERTCHEM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade bldg. THE HEART OF IRV1NGTON. BRAZEE STREET ADDITION. LOTS 50x100. INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS. 10 PER CENT CASH, BALANCB MONTHLY. SEE SCHOON MAKER, 70S-9 CORBETT BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7855, A 5722. NEAR KILLLING97ORTH AVE. New 6-room house, strictly modern and In the best of condition. This property is fiituawa in one or tne nest residence dis tricts of the city. Lot 60x100. A real oargain at jijwo. MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO.. 322-324 Board of Trade bldg. MOUNT TABOR. 6-room house on lOOxlOO, with barn and winamiu, city water, fruit trees, roses. lawn, cement sidewalks around house. basement, electric lights and gas; three diocks rrom Mt. Tabor car. for $3150. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. FRACTIONAL LOT WEST 35x50 on Glbbs st., 65 feet east of Cor bett; street improved, cement sidewalk, sewer in; price $1250. some cash, balance o per cent; nne for flats or nice home. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 3-17 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. SWISS CHAi.wr. We have a pretty little borne Just com pleted, 4 blocks from the carline; it has 6 rooms, fireplace, built-in bookcases, etc : me price is $34W. on easy terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. SELLWOOD. 100x100. situated on Mauldfng avenue, 100 iruin. tne canine. lneee lots are among ino wwt in ino Deuwooa district, -trice. MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade bldg. IRVING-TON. Quarters and single lots In this select district of tfeautiful homes at attractive prices. -H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. NON-RESIDENT. ownlnar some dealra.rt1e lots in Irvlngton Park, needs money. Call In and see us if you want to get lots ad Li t-n3 ctuia xor xnem. THE A. C ROHRRTHinT m Phone Main 1274. 252 Alder St.. Portland. ROSE CITY PARK. Quarter bloek. all Improvements pald. uruuika irum car; price i-J.CrU H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. IRVIN GTON I VPS Choice of three BOxlOO lots oa 18th. near j. iiuuiiyuR m.., ior f iduu eacn; gooa Duild lng elevation and shade trees. Main 5124, C L. Bamberger. 508 Chamber of Com merce. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITES. We have several choice lots and quarters on tne vv est. tuae. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., ' 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. BAD health requires me to live in dryer cli mate, so here goes my beautiful home on west slope Mount Tabor; 9 rooms, electrlo ii grits, water, etc.; price, $5000; terms. j?rea sroetje, bi cast 6ist st. IRVINGTON. We still have a few quarters and single lots In Portland's most exclusive residence district. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. CITY PROPERTY. $1200 cash. 100x300. 4-room new hous-v barn, chicken-house, all kinds bearing fruit. at Fairview. "Write or phone Northwest -nmoer co., ouo Lumber Exchange bldg. IRVINGTON. We make a specialty of single lots, quar ters ana nouses in irvlngton. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. IRVINGTON LOTS. I am property poor, hence am forced to eacriflce my Irvlngton lots for prices paid aoout on year ago; write ior particulars no agents, uwner. r iso, uregonian. $1400 Cozy 5-room cottage, 50-ft. lot; owner leaving, easy terms. $300 Cheapest desirable lot In city, west of Mt. Tabor; terms. Owner 380 East wasn. st. Jt-Jaat mo, b 1437. WAREHOUSE SITE. York st., near 23d; 50x100; trackage H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. BIG INVESTMENT New 5-room cottage on full lot, sewered street, tioou, terms, nutterwortn & Steph enson o. Main oo.w. ta iarayette bldg. uuii ta.uu n usiuiigiuu. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Modern bungalow. In new part of Irving, ton; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace xaces ease; o rooms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Bungalow, 5 rooms. Rossmere: 50x100 lot ; Deamea ceumg. siaeooara, fireplace gas, electricity; price. $3050; terms; no agents, .appiy out uoncora biag. $6000 West Side lot, with two modern cot tages. nice yard and flowers; easy walk lng distance to business center. D 123, HOUSES for sale in all parts of the citv acreage close in and farms in Oregon and wasxungton. rnone a. 4&ai. ivinney & St am- pner. ohi-oha uimoer ixenange bldg. IRVINGTON Vacant corner 100x100 and pieces 75xlOO, 18th and Brazee, hard pave ments. J3est residence location la city, 2 FINE. 6-room houses on E. 11th? wnlir. ing distance, for $5300; lot 60x100; easily worth $650O. Owner leaving city. AE oLi, uregonian, CHOICE Overton st. lot, 50x100. near 2 2d fcr $4000 If taken at once. AE 694, Ore gonian. INVESTORS Go to the Owners Realty As sociation ; buy direct of owners and sava commissions. 205 Ablngton bldg. $7500 CASH takes a 20 per cent Investment In best residence portion of city. LIND &. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. FTNE corner lot In Irvlngton Park one block from cars. Address It. F. D No 1, Box 57D.. Mtlwaukle. Or. FF ACTIONAL lot. Union ave., near Alblna; less than $1003. all or half cash. CULVER. 623 Chamber of Commerce. STORE building with 7 rooms upstairs; rents $30 per month; fine location. Price $-1600' half cash. Corless, 604 East 14th north. A HOME AT A SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCE. Attractive, strictly modern, high-grade, well-built 10-room residence, designed for beauty, convenience and comfort : locate-d on Tillamook street at end of East 36th treet. very near c airline. In high-class residence district, with Bull Run water and improved streets; house has full basement, furnace, oak floors, beamed ceilings, large fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, seat, etc., clothes chute to basement, wood lift, lavatories on both floors, extra toilet in basement. Built by architect for home for a client who could not take same for finan cial reasons. If taken Immediately may be had at the very low price of $-5000; small cash payment and balance monthly. In formation from C. L. Horn, architect, room 11 Madison bldg., 250 3d st. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Beautiful 50x100 lot, next to Thompson street corner, located In high-class re stricted residence district, no shacks, fine homes all around, cement sidewalks and curbing. Bull Run water are in now and all paid for. $575 CASH, or will make very easy terms at same price Also "have two 50x100 corners at $773 each In same neighborhood. Including im provements; easy terms if you wish; these lots are only two blocks to carline and 20 minutes to Burnslde bridge; car every ten minutes. Address P. O. Box .15. Station C, Portland. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS Near Woodburn, 25 miles to Portland Railroad station on the farm. All or partly In cultivation. Finest of soil, no Ktone or gravel. One mile to college, school and creamery; Finest of running water all year; Fine saw timber on each tract; No better or cheaper land in Oregon. Price, $60 to $90 per acre. Small payment cash, balance long time. See owner, J. P. Reimers. 709 Corbett bldg., cor. 5th and Morrison. ENGLISH WALNUTS Havlnsr rjlanted -TO nr rAnr nf wnlnnta In Oregon, sold 90 per cent of plant. nga ever sold tn Oregon, we feel our prop erties should Invite consideration; $100 cash, $15 per month for each five-acre xract. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.), Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. HOME. HOME. HOME) Don't you want a fine, up-to-the-minute, 6-room house with hot and cold water? Lot 50x100. in beautiful FMrlnn. Vark Now listen, BUY this and pay us $18 per month until paid for; then your rent re ceipts will have a. riven vaIha. rni-Tf rf by the HOME YOU OWN. A small pay ment down will make you Independent for Aii-o. uiu c wait, but ACT. ACT. ACT. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. See Mr. McClennon. A REAL BARGAIN IN A FARM. Sixty acres of first-claas farm land. 60 acres In cultivation, mostly in crop, 5 acres in timber, fair buildings. 2 family wuiiitras- gooa wen. sprinK. some larm im plements: 2V miles from an electric line. Thio farm Is In the best of condition and can be had for $75 per acre; it would cost $ioo per acre to clear land In this vocaiity. MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade bldg. WEST SIDE SNAP. 100x100, on the corner of Hood, and jane ets., gooa 7-room house, full base ment, gas, nicely onisbed inside, fine lawn. roses, fruit and a beautiful, unobstructed view of the river, mountains and East Portland; price $5500, $2000 cash, balance 3 or 5 years 6 per cent; lot alone worth ino money. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. PORTLAND HEIOHTS. Half block of level ground with unob structed view; will make three beautiful building sites; will sell all or part; no uonci vaiue m tne city ior tne money. R. F. BRYAN. 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963; A 1227. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOWS 6-room bungalow, 2 blocks from car- line, swell neighborhood, good view, $4500. 8-room bungalow; billiard room, bam or garage, 8 lots, fine trees, a regular park, grounds nicely kept, $10,000. Would consider part trade. See owner. 923 uoara or Traae. EAST MORRIRON-ST KOWTi! Fine 8-room house, full lot, gas, full ce ment basement, fine plumbing; sewer in; a very good buy at $4200; $1000 cash, $25 Vcl uiuii in. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. HOLLADAY PARK. $3500 Modern bungalow 6 rooms, cement basement, fireplace and furnace; rents for a montn; ww casn, balance easy terms. j. reai snap, uicunan & 1 in die, 218 Lum be rm en's bldg., cor. 6th and Stark. Phone attain mtft. BY OWNER Union avenue, corner Portland oouievara, louxioo, 6-room house. barn bearing fruit trees; beautiful mountain views. Woodlawn or Vancouver cars to premiees. CLOCK'S ADDITION. HOMES $1500 UP. Houses built to order; pay for them same as rent. See owner. .Tns. a cirtnir 252 Aider st. Phone Main 1274, or Tabor CORNER OV TtT'SfMTnHH Lot 100x100, store building 40x60 price wuu; eiwn purcaasea separate ; inspec tion Invited. Call M. 3830. residence ( 1271. Room 600 Oregonian bldg. W. H, neiuQiua, SUBDIVISION PROPOSITION. 80 acres on Oreeon Electric line. 1 miles out, desirably located, over 20 In cultivation, running water, cheapest buy on the market. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 unamoer commerce. 3 ACRES In high state of cultivation, large Bearing orcnara. moaern n-room house, private water system and tank, good barn and outbuildings, lying at the intersection of two important streets, $70 00. The wueen investment co., 4lo Falling bldg. PORTLANn HF.Tf.HTS Quarter block, with fine view, near car. R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 19G3; A 1227. INCOME PROPERTY. Modern flats, 7 suites, walking distance earning 12 per cent net; bar (tain at 115 000; half cash. Hickman & Hindle. 218 i.umuermea s ning., cor. Ota and Stark. rnon juain a t w. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fractional lot on the carline. with fine lew, .1VU. R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963; A 1227. $6x50 WITH house rentlne for 114. tmf a on 13th St., near Hall, for $2000. This Is about 7 per cent on the investment; a fine location to build two flats in the future part cash will handle. W. L. Morgan' 603 Ablngton bldg. WE HAVE several modern bungalows and houses on both sides for sale at reasonable prices and on easy terms. Hickman & Hindle, 218 Lumbermen's bldg cor. 6th and Stark. Phone Main 3799. MODERN 10-room house, lot 100x100, one block from Hawthorne ave. ; fruit- $1000 will secure. Owner, Phone B 232L N 120, Oregonian. WANTED TIM B KB EILETZ claims; we pay cash for claims from owners. Nelson & Whlttier. 517 Board of Trade. WILL trade acre. Mount Tabor, for good fir claim. AE 136, Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted. SU4 McKay bldg. C J. McCrackta. FOh ALE FARM S. BEAUTIFUL booklet of Rogue River Valley free. Benson Investment Co.. 204 Welis Fargo bldg. FOR SALE Well improved farm 144 acres 75 acres under cultivation, 20 acres beaver dam, $14,500. Louis Hoc h tel. Salem, Or. FOR SALE by owner, 20 acres of fruit or berry land, 1 mile from Estacada, Or. Price $50 per acre. W. F. Cary. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free. Olm stead Land Co., Salem, Or. BARGAINS Improved, and unimproved Cowlitz County farm lands. Barnard & Oo. Kalama, Wash. SPECIAL offer Will sell 3 30-acre farm and stock, on easy payments. Call and see us. 733 Marquam b Id g. . Port land , Or. FOR SALE Willamette Valley farms, well Improved, $25 to $50 per acre. 162 Second st., near Morrison. SO ACRES; 2 clear, lots of wood and piling, good soil; $1600; terms. Thos. H. Black stone, Rldgefleld, Wash. ALL good ones, see us. ColimbIa Trust Co., Board of Trade bide. BARGAINS THAT ARE OFFERED BY THE uni-ctiAM rtr. A.L. ESTATE CO. fo. 1 40 acres level land, unimproved. 4 miles south of Gresham, at $60 per acre. ia " 40 acres, 7 miles from Gresham, cr1es cleared, good buildings, fine soil, good location; price $5000. No. 3 40 acres, near station on O. W. r.. good house and barn; about 15 acres Cleared, good soil, lays fine; price $4XH). ft 40 acre' near Anderson station, ;.uac?Anln cultivation, fair buildings; price $4500. No. 5 40 acres, near Hogan Station; price $4OO0 barn 8 acrcs cleared; .i0'-6 40 acra unimproved, about 1 mile from Sycamore Station; price $4000. rso. 7 20 acrcs. near Gresham; 12 acres m cultivation, good new buildings, run ning water; price $45i0. TTl1.60 cres. W acres in crop', good buildings, running water, lays flno for dividing in 40-acre tracts. This Is a bargain at $6250 per acre. We have from 1 to 10-acre tracts near Qresham. GRESHAM REAL ESTATE CO GRESHAM. OR. 6 ACRES. $1250- lO miles from Portland; 8 acres in culti vation, li acres in raspberries, plenty of garden truck, all fenced with wire fence; good 6-room house, barn, chicken-house; on main county road; easv terms. 10 ACRES, $2600. 10 acres cleared, 14 miles from Portland; eorae small fruits and berries, balance of cleared land in potatoes; new 5-room house, team of horses and light wagon and a cow go. with the place. 10 ACRES. $1350. 12 miles, from Portland, 1 mile from R. R. station; 4 acres in high state of culti vation,; good house and outbuildings; EASY TERMS. 11 1-5 ACRES, $2250. 13 miles from Portland, all in cultiva tion; 4o0 fruit trees in full bearing and fine condition; good house and small barn; all fenced with good wire fence; 4 mile to high and graded schools; cows chickens, household goods and all Implements; EASY TERMS. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth st. Board of Trade Bldg. A GENUINE TILLAMOOK SNAP. $20 per acre. 200 acres of good land. 60 acres level and under cultivation, nearly all of this place Is under fence, plenty of running water the year around for stock This place will cut loo tons of hay, 20 acres suitable for firewood, fine bearing orchard of apples, prunes, pears, plums, peaches and cherries; lots of small fruit bushes and berries; fine new 2-story lO-room. house. 2 large barns, 40x48 and 40x50 feet, outbuildings, all stock, all implements and tools go with the place; mile to cheese factory, 1 miles to school and postoffice; water piped to house; hunting and fishing unsurpassed ; this place Is a genuine snap at the price asked. Age of owner compels this sale. Reasonable terms direct from owner. Address Rollle Wat son, Tillamook, Or. ARE YOU GETTING OLD? HAVE YOU A HOME? If when you reach 50 you have a house and lot worth $4000, and your Income stops, what are you going to do? If you invest $4000 on easy terms tn one of our 10-acre tracts, you will have a home In one of the most pleasant spots In the Willamette Valley, besides suffi cient income to keep you aa long aa you live. Which do yon choose? Come and tell us about it. A. C BOHRNSTEDT CO.. 252 Alder St., Portland. Phone Main 1274. GREAT SNAP DAIRY FARM. 404 acres in Lincoln County; best dairy country in the state; 4 miles from rail road on fine road ; about 150 acres level land, balance rolling, lots of outrange; has house, 2 barns, good young orchard, fenced and cross-fenced; water by 2 run ning streams. Come in and let us tell you about it. Am going down thero Wedneseday morning. Come and go along. Priee $6000; some terms. Room 301, 286 Washington st. ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVET. 160 acres, 148 in cultivation. 11 meadow, family orchard, 7-roomed plastered hoase, good outbuildings, granary, barn, etc., 4 horses. 7 cows, 3S hogs, chickens, wagons and full equipment of implements and tools; $90 per acre, easy terms. ROSE CITY REALTY A INV. CO., 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg. A BARGAIN. 240 acres, near R. R.; 125 cultivation; good improvements; crop, stock and too! go for less than market value of land alone; owner in poor health, must leave; it will pay you to Investigate this. WESTERN LAND CO., 417 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres on Oregon Electric line, 10 miles from Portland, all cultivated; 1000 Burbank phenomenal berry bushes bearing. 350 young choice apple trees, 6-room house, barn, chicken-house, brick root -house, well and running water Irrigating plant. Price, $3500. See owner, H. Young, 132 3d st. Phone Main 1314. A 1314. FOR SALE A 160-acre dairy ranch in Til lamook county, Oregon; 10 acres meadow. 85 acres open pasture, will carry 10 cows now; one mile to cheese factory. mile to school, 1 miles from Nestucca Bay and Ocean Beach; $1500 cash. Inquire of W. A. Maklnster, Tillamook, Or. 16 ACRES, 6 acres beaver dam. 2 acres beaverdam cleared, balance in cedar and other timber, rail and river transportation, price $1125; $600 cash, balance terms. Butterworth, 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. M. 8529. VANCOUVER FARM. 1 mile from Vancouver; 6 acres; fine house, 2 barns, over 200 fine fruit trees, etc., etc., etc. ; only $4500, easy terms; from owner direct. E 134, Oregonian. FOR SALE 100O acres Coos County, agri cultural and grazing hill land, especially adapted to orchard; per acre, $15. C R. Wade, Bandon. Or. 400-ACRE farm; 80 acres cleared. 320 acres oak wood; will cut 7500 cords; fine or chard land when cleared. Perry dale. Or : $9000. C 135, Oregonian. THE LARGEST apple crop this year will come from the Rogue River Valley orchards Benson Investment Co., 204 Wells-Fargo bldg. TO EXCHANGE. TO TRADE for 5-paseenger automobile, must be up-to-date car. Hood River orchard, 20 acres, 6 acres in 14-y ear-old Yellow New town and Baldwin, 3-room Summer house. Last year" s crop 3 000 boxes, val ue $55'0. also 1 10-room house at 14th and College sts., value $8000. L 135, Oregonian. EXCHANGE. Choice residence lots, fine shade, level, restricted district. 60-ft. streets, 10 mln. car service; for apartments, fiats or farm. Owner, S 153, Oregonian. TWO lots 40x100 each, fine location, close to school and car; will exchange for con fectionary or cigar 'stand, about $1000. Young & Co., 612 Gerlinger bldg. WE have a choice lot of real estate and business propositions for exchange; what have you? H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St. TO EXCHANGE: Staple stock merchandise and house and lot in good country town for city property, will pay cash differ ence. Box 45, Kelso, Wash. WANT to trade 261 -acre farm, close to Forest Grove, for Portland or suburban property. Percy Allen, 611 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To trade a good lot In Kenil worth Addition for 1909 Reo single cal ender mobile. J. H. Imhoff. 68 and 70 Grand ave.. North. Phone East 8iM. I HAVE $100o cash and 5 acres close to Portland, to trade for modern residence, with nice view. R. Hofer, 274 Oak st. ACREAGE on Oregon City carline to trade for Irvlngton property. T. A Rutherford, 605-6 Commercial block. 160-ACRE wheat farm for sale cheap or ex change for city or suburban property. Owner, Main 693S. TEAM for lots; house for Mount Pitt stock; lots for horses or cows; flats for lots or land. 873 E. Couch st. Phone B 1114. 20,000 shares excellent stock, residence or other property, Portland, vicinity. AB 128, Oregonian. A NICE little home near car. What have you to trade? Phone A 2844. EQUITY in good lot In exchange for run about. C 145, Oregonian. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. ACREAGE. WE have some attractive buys in Portland acreage. Columbia Trust Co- Board of Trade bldg. PLATTING fruit and berry land; $75, woart $200 acre. C 128, Oregonian. f