1909. 14 . THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY," JUNE 8. iEGIMEFAGES BIG TASKS UrJDQiiE Lane Administration Leaves Huge Uncompleted Projects for Successor. WORK TOTALS MILLIONS Bull Run Pipeline, Meter System, Tnrk Plans, Docks, Fireboat, Sptvci Two Bridges Up to ext Mayor's Cabinet. PROJECTS FOR MA YOR-ELECT. The new Mayor and bis adminis tration have the following projects, left by Mayor Lane and his lieuten ants, to work out: Construction, of second pipeline to Bull Hun River, for water supply, costing SA.OOO.OOO. Installation of meter system In Water Department Completion or extensive parks, boulevards and playgrounds system. Including expenditure of J.1OO.0O0. Construction of public docks, steel fireboat and Installation or reinforc ing mains for the waterfront, involv ing the expenditure of $275,000. Construction of bridge across the Willamette Klver at Madison street, costing JIW.OOO. Awarding of lighting contract. Final acceptance of reinforced con crete bridge across Sullivan's Gulch, on Kast Twenty-eighrth street. Completion of Eat Side police sta tion. Construction of several houses for Fire Department stations. Final acceptance of the big Brook lyn sewer. MAYOR-ELECT OF PORTLAND. t i :: ' ( ' I t f - t - V T " f I Vs- if -4. J f , I i ' v.'r I j :: I v r "A HOST. JOSKPH sIMO. 10 MACHINE"; SIMON There is work In plenty for the new Mayor and for all of the boards and officials of the administration, who will assume their duties July 1. Projects in volving the expenditure of millions of dollars, authorized by the electorate two years ago. are still to be executed, and these will fall to the lot of those who are to comprise the official family for the next term. Combined with the tremen dous volume of city business each year It if a certainty that public officers will be kept busy. Construction of the second pip. line to (Bull Kun River, augmenting the water supply of Portland, Is the most expensive project ahead of the incoming administra tion. This project is Just being put under way. the present authorities having em- Plifd..,R- Thonson' Engineer of Seattle, to assist Chief Engineer 13 D Clarke, of the local Water Department' This work Involves the expenditure of 3,000,000, and Is of the greatest Import ance to tho municipality. It was ordered by the people two years ago, but tho amendment authorizing it, like all of the other amendments, was tied up in the courts for a long time. All were linallv upheld by the State Supreme Court, and the unwinding of official red tape was commenced. All Is now In readiness to proceed. Meter System a Task. Installation of a meter system, by w-hich water Is measured to consumers Is also a part of the work that will fall tr. the lot of the Mayor-elect and his as sistants. This has to be done under direction of the Water Board. Manv thousands of meters will be needed, and the present Board has just ordered 5000 which will be. here soon, readv for In stallation. While the preeent administration has accomplished a great deal toward estab lishing a system of parks, boulevards and playgrounds, the work, it may well i-S1, JS ,1US1 8tarted- Th-6 remains JoOO.000 of funds, voted two years ago to be expended an the acquisition of prop erly for this system. A similar sum has been expended In the purchase of tracts throughout the city, but the plan contem plates such an elaborate chain of parks and connections by boulevards that It will rt1,Ulr?va,KJeat deaI of work com .plete the job. . There te also the fund for the purchase of public docks, the construction of a new steel flreboat and for a system of reinforcing mains for the waterfront dis trict. This Is an Important project, but he present City Council has not seen tft to proceed with it very fast, and the bonds have not yet been sold. The Is sue for this purpose Is J275.000. but It Is believed that more funds will be neces sary to carry the complete plans through The Lam administration recommended ne sale of the bond issue and Immediate execution of the scheme as ordered by the electors two years ago, but all of the real work Is yet to be done. The Madison-street bridge must be con etructed under the direcUon of the new i 'Executive Board, and the bridge com- mlttee or the Board will be chiefly re sponsible for the work. This will cost 460.000. the- fund being ready for use The Lane administration emploved en gineers and adopted a design for the structure, and the contract will be let probably, before July 1. it will then re main for the Incoming administration to execute the work and finish the bridge There seems no probability of the Lane administration awarding a contract for city lighting, as It has collided with tho company having a monopoly of current In Portland, and It Is highly probable that the Mayor-elect and his Executive Board v.111. be called upon to adjust this matter. Face Span Trouble. There is still trouble over the rein forced concrete bridge across Sullivan's Oulch. at East Twenty-eighth street, and It is believed this structure will not be taken over by the present administra tion. It was rejected by the executive (Board, it being alleged that It was faulty The company which built It has offered to repair it and make It right, but It Is probable this will not be done In time for the work to be accepted by the Lane regime. The East Twenty-elghth-etreet police nation, to be located at Union avenue and Hancock street, will be under way in the near future, but It will not be com pleted by July 1. and It will fan to the Incoming Executive Board to complete it Several Fire Department stations, in various sections of the ctty, have been authorized by the City Council, but no buildings are as yet under way. and it will be up to the new administration to take up this work and push it to com pletion. The big sewer In thA t?.-i-i -' --- - " " uiirict, over which there Is considerable concern Just now. will not. in all probability, be nnauy accepted under the Lane admlnl wawuii. il is viriuanv ,nr-, 1 ... ,1 J -i'uiijieiea, nut has not been accepted by City Engineer uayior. and it looks as If tr win "'"" Mayor-elect assumes the dutiss of office. This will add to the large list of projects to be complete"' the new administration be MAYOR-ELECT PROMISES TO "MAKE GOOD." W ill Aim to Give City a Business Administration He Thanks His Supporters. of the 'My sole and pnrtmot r.rt . - - ..v-i l aa mayor Portland will be to make good to give CltV a business m)mlni,tntinn .v. 111 brine the hpKt t ul improve ment and nrosnerltv with , v, sible burden upon the taxpayers." said mjui-ciKi josepn simon last nisht. "There will be no machine politics In mv administration t cv,Bn . ewe.., tia.vtj umy one purpose, and that will be to do my best for the Interests of the city. tjeyonn this general policy I have not s yet outlined mim, .... , i . , devote aU my time and all my energies to the service of the city. Personal busi ness matters will not be permitted to in- ' " ' c i.n my urxiciai OUtles. -I greatly appreciate the flattering vote that was given me In today's election. I have tried to cnnrtitot n i , j - ' uiiiueu cam paign I have said nothing unkind about - w"iii.. in laci i nave said nothing at all. I hih j candidacy and used no cards. , C J- " aereated. I should not have felt bad. except as the defeat affected m V Dfrsnna 1 nrlHo Vi. t i-a . , ' oi really want the office. I resisted accepting tho " ana only did so unon rpnpfltwl n i .. k . -.0.1-6, u, many or me best business and professional . men of Now that I have been elected to the office I do not purpose to give the many who have shown such confidence In me cause to feel that It has been misplaced " BURGLAR CAUGHT IN ACT Holds Family at Revolver's Point While He Escapes. ,V" he famlly of J- - Humphrey, 193 Twenty-second street North, was at tending the Rose Festival parade last night, a lone burglar entered the house secured Jewelry valued at $300 and was Just in the act of leaving upon their re turn. At the point of a revolver he commanded Mr. Humphrey and his family to retreat from the yard while he made his exit in safety. The robbery was reported at police headquarters at onoe and Officer Ed. Martine went to the house and attempted to follow the trail of the burglar, but to no avail. Not the slightest clew as to his identity or whereabouts was gained. Mr. Humphrey described the burglar as .being little more than a boy, of an effeminate appearance, dark-eyed and wearing a brown suit of clothes. MOTHER EDDY'S GREETING Present in Spirit at Meeting or Di rectors of Church. BOSTON, June 7. The board of di rectors of the Mother Church of Chris tian Science today elected William P. McKenzie president; Stephen A. Chase, of Fall River, treasurer, and John V Dittamoor, of New York, clerk, the latter succeeding William B. Johnson, resigned. The following letter waa received from Mrs. Baker Eddy: "Beloved Students: I thank you for your kind invitation to be present at the annual meeting of the Mother Church on June 7, 1909. I will attend the meeting but not in propria persona. Watch and pray that God directs your meetings and your lives, and your leader wMl then be sure that they, are blessed in their re sults. Lovingly yours, "MARY BAKER EDDY." NEW TRIAL FOR PRISONER Emma Ledoux, Under Sentence of leath, to Have Rehearing. SACRAMENTO, Cal., June 7. The Attorney-General filed a petition be fore the Supreme Court today for a re hearing of the case of Emma Ledoux who was convicted and sentenced to reJ.anfired or the murdr of Albert McVicar, at Stockton, who.e body was found In a trunk at the railway sta tion In that city. The Supreme Court reversed the de cision of the Jury, and ordered a new tnal because the Sheriff who sum moned one of the special venires of Juries admitted on the witness stand that he was slightly biased against the defendant. Seaside Residence Robbed. ASTORIA. Or.. June 7. (Special.) The residence of E. T. Stafford at Sea side was burglarized Sunday evening while the family was attending church Entrance was effected by the use of skeleton keys and the entire house was ransacked, about $36 in money and a revolver being stolen. AMENDMENTS TO PORTLAND CHARTER ADOPTED IN YESTERDAY'S ELECTION Payment of cost of water mains from water fund Holders of all franchises to file quarterly reports with Citv A,irii, Authorizing deposit of citv fund in v.i,. , wlln -ity Auditor. stock of $50,000. banks havinS Paid-up capital Placing burden of proof on all discharged Civil City Auditor to serve as clerk of street viewer. employes. Auditor to withhold warrant for damages reVultlnar to from opening or widening a street until prof ? is submitted I tht ?Z V are no prior liens against such property. submitted that there When streets or public places are vacated dedication, the petitioners shall n? g" provent1entsaCqUire Carth abV ithin ."e. of all street im- Requiring annual payment of nrlncinal anrt i.t., owners all street and sewer improvement bonds. PrPerty- PlitH. bwi'!e fr hlgh br,de at Broadway. -Electrical W orkers- ordinance for regulating eleciric wiring. city for and CHARTER AMENDMENTS DEFEATED IN YESTERDAY'S ELECTION Commission form of charter TJn rTme'nt. with monev in r,v i"" St "urcnase Don(,ed warrants of surpu Purcas'Alen? Rector Deputy Clerk for Municipal Judge at $100 per month 6 to'ptrcfnt f " t sPpecialassessments from Consolldatlng Water. Park and Health Boards with Executive Council to fix salary of City Engineer at not less than I24nn ounc to J X Sa!ary f CUy T"a"rer at not less thao ??ansfir of MaHa'ary ?' C,tV Attwne- not less than $ ' Prohibit, nb.ndS ?P hlKh bridse at Sherman street, of sTreiis USS f any Pattel "tlcle or process in improvement tramcVfo? ten yeearsrK Asaoc,ation "elusive privilege of retail liquor $ 000 000 T.8"5, fr "Sulation and control of liquor traffic Vehicle t., . SUe f.r mu"i'Pal HKht and power plant, vehicles not "ZJ?.0 a""uaI r from $2Pto $!0 on all people under r.fp,.,V lurainance referred u.su to MUCH PATRONAGE MAYOR HiDS Number of Important Offices to Be Filled by City's New Executive. WILL NAME POLICE CHIEF Kxecutive Board, Board of Health, Council Committees, City Engineer and Private Secretary All in His Control. The new Mayor will control sufficient patronage to attract the attention of those who covet public positions. Some places which are at the disposal of the Mayor are such as will cause a scramble, while others are less desirable, but none of them has ever been known to go un filled for the lack of applicants. The real, ever-sought-for Jobs are City Health Officer. Chief of Police, City Engineer, Market Inspector, Milk Inspector. Assist ant Health Officer and City Physician, superintendent of the garbaee crematory and the Inspectorship In the health of fice. These pay good salaries. Among the more important matters for the Mayor-elect to care for is the ap pointment of an Executive Board of ten members, and another task of equal weight Is the designation of the City Council committees. The Executive Board really has charge of the various city de- Eanmhn J' .J"SOfar as the executive IS ,V f the muncipallty is concerned. and the various committees have great responsibility. The board consists of Com mittees on police, fire, bridges, street sewers, street-cleaning, light. City Hal and current expens. Of these perhaps stree? hHPOrtant are the Poll street, bridges and lights There will be a great change In the Julvni Tand.t the flrst session after July 1, Presidant A. G. Rushlight will of course, be succeeded by another Municipal Judge-elect BenneTt Is Coun n I""1" frm the Eighth Ward, an Th"s c I" wUU eitVahant JUly ' The Coun! .i. elect his - successor. Frank Motter has been mentioned for this Place. Of course, there will be other applicants, for the term is for two years Councilman Wills, who has beTn yearS'wnrdro" "bTr f or four rl-elertTon P S he dld not seek re-election. Councilman Heppner, who was elected to fill the unexpired Urm ?.C?UC!1,man Kellaher. will also t llnquish his position of his own voli- tern aSThe d'd n0t W'Sh to Berve " term. The new members, elected ves- erlaiyk V,11 aSSUme thir dtie Jfy Th. ..io ?ther mun''pal officials. The salary of a Councilman Is $25 a month. v.Th?, "fatteat" Pie on the counter is the Board of Health, the appolnUve members of which will probably re sign in a body when the Mavor-elect ?flce- ,Thls w111 Klve him nt only the three places on the Board, but he will control, through the Board, the patronage. Including Health Officer, as-?i- T Health Officer. City Physician, fit TlnSpector' Milk Inspector, two m twui iiuoi, inspect- ors. These are all elected by the Board, fxjy,, as me privilege of nominating in each instance, if he de sires. Til i mnof ,rm: . , , . . , r.vmiueut pnysician mentioned for Health Officer is Dr. C. H. .....Cr, wno iormerly held the posi tion under Mayor Lane. There will be numerous applicants, of course, for this and all the other places. The position of Chief of Police is one of the most talked-of places at the disposal of the Mayor-elect. It is the one Job of them all which commands constant attention and has much to do with the success or failure of an administration. It pays $22& a month salary. Among those mentioned for this place are Colonel Charles E. Mc Donell, ex-Chief Dan McLachlan, ex Chief Charles H. Hunt, ex-City Detec tive L. G. Carpenter. Deputy United States Marshal F. J. Kerrigan and ex Chief John Minto, who Just finished a term as postmaster of Portland. The Mayor-elect has the appointment of a secretary, who Is paid a salary of $75 a month. This place Is an Im portant one, as the secretary has to meet the public and assist the Mayor In his official business. The City Engineer's place is always a coveted place, too. While it pays but $200 a month and Is extremely dif ficult to fill, there are always many who wish to serve in that capacity. No one has as yet been mentioned pub llcly for this office. Special Rates to the East Plan Now ROUND TRIP RATES To Chicago $72.50; St. Louis $67.50; Omaha, Kansas City, St. Joseph, $60.00. DATES OF SALE June 2 and 3; July 2 and 3; August 11 arrd 12. TO DENVER AND BACK $55.00, May 17, July 1 and August 11. PRIVILEGES Variable routes and stop-overs. Rates apply via St. Paul, or Billings direct, or Billings and Denver without extra cost. The Burlington's scenic Mis sissipi River line, its direct lines to the East from Billings and Denver - are conspicuous features of the journey; no tour of the East is complete that does not include the Burling ton. TRAIN SERVICE Northern Pacific - Burlington through service via St. Paul or Billings. Great Northern Burlington through trains to the East and South via St. Paul or Billings commencing May 23d. CONSULT US Write or call for rates, reserva tions, folders, and let me help you plan the most desirable trip at the least cost. We are located on the Coast to help you. A. C. 8EEIDON, Gen'l Asnt, C. B. Q. Ry., 100 Third Street, Portland, Or. Kris Make Your Opportunities Don't be like some peo ple a 1 w a y s blaming luck. The man -with a bank account makes his opportunities. Start by a deposit with this bank. We will help you. 4 INTEREST PAID on time and savings ac counts. For accommo dation -we keep open from 8 A. M. to 5 :30 P. M. Saturdays, 8 P. M. HAND SAPOUO Za especially valuable during the Summer season, -when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. OBASS STAINS, MUD STAIN'S AND CALLOUS SPOTS r!ald E Md i particularly Teei when used in the bath after Indent exarciae. JU1 Jin&tiuaji Dxpg2l What Ails You Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head- . fcTt"dn.S?' "J" r bad teste morning. heart-burn, belchutf of a8, acid risings in throat aftlr . eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms ? If you have any considerable number of the bore symptoms you are suffering from bilious nee. torpid Iryer with indigestion, or dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery is made up of the most valuable medicinal principles - known to medical science for the permanent cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthened full W 3 ed,al Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, underoath A -I,nred,en? Pted on its bottle-wrapper and attested M h.K. t'Jj $ ?ee ' te,e W,U show that stains no alcohol, or harm SLUWZJr P'. 'Pie-refined forest nl.nt. ' W,i j -V f7-sl w. m nauve American medical ' . mayemary raeaicai Association, frops., Buffalo, N Y. i MA "D Montana 69 miles north of Great Falls, on the Great Northern Road. r5,5'"'"ine- "Tf I" "it" Perpetual water rights. No aovernment JhisuLcL mve,tor- F"t-class business opportunities in new town of Valier. on S40 on acre, with proportionate tture in perfect irrigation system. 3 per acre down, balance in 15 years. mtnSe'rT XT'PS f0-?",' vield to acre according; to Govern ment Reports : Wheat. Barley, Oats. Corn. Rye. Montana exceeds Minnesota. IIU lowa. Missouri and Nebraska from 5 to 10. oiinnesota. iiu- Readyfor the plow no sasebrush no stumps. 1 for full prtfcnfara. maa ad booklu, t Rkb Write Today CONRAD MONTANA LAND COMPANY ma jviAiiN i CONRAD, MONTANA V PORTLAND , PORTUND, 0.1 ETJKOPKAV PLAN MODF.RS RKSI41RANT COST ONE sECLXJOir DOUABs. HEADQVARTERS IOK TOVR1STS and t'OMMF.RriAI, TRAVELERS. Special rates nana to families and sin. le Krntlemen. The munuprmrr. t will be 'fafd at aU time to abow rooms apd irlve prior, A oMd--rn Turklnh bath ea tabUfthment Is the hold. xl c. BOTnssa, Maaasrer. ! HOTEL OREGON ! t CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS I J Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up : European Plan. 2 j WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. I HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Ws.-hinn. o- ffJP f ? 01 the buslness alld shopping district.. The t?--tMK5. t i aern ana P-to-aate hotel in the Northwest. FttJL?caI and long-distance phones in every room. Rooms . . i . v.ij xwiii. iiuuma with private bath, en snitn nnrl cino-lo T..r modernly equipped sample-rooms. I Bn meeta all tralne HOTEL PERKTNS CO. Bates $1 and tip. Imperial Hotel Seventh end Washington PsuL Metsche n.efc "ins. Tissji J. F. DAVIE S. President Rates J1-00-J1 J!2.C3l 0. O. DAVIS. Sec. and Treaa. St. Charles Hotel COMPANY (Inc.) Front and Morrison, Portland, Or. ETJROPEAN PLAN RO0MS 50c TO f MO FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION Park St., betweeat Morrison aud Alder. THE CALUMET HOTEL A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containingl70 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Kxxis; Distance Vhones in Every Rcom. free 'Bus Meets AU Trains. Rates American, 2.o per day and no. Iatea Kuropean. $1.00 per day and op. J" month, tingle room and board, S45 to $110 accordln "MO. t or two, $15" to Board, without room f30 per month -not- --?f tt txLi r. BUSS.?"9 i , J a s a t . CrrH Q J0B V. ST!. . .1 NORTONIA HOTEL ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON ST. Beautiful Grill Room American Kates to Families and Kuropeao Onr Bus Meets All Trains Sample Suites wttb Baths for Traveling Men. MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES PJ THE CORNELIUS "The House, of Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters for the traveling public. European plan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, . C. "W. CORNELIUS, Manager. Proprietor. BEAUTIFUL HOTEL MOORE CLATSOP BEACH Seaside, Oregon Portland's Nearest Beach Resort Via A. & C. R. R. Open All Year. Directly overlooking the Pacific Ocean. A delightful Summer and Winter resort. Hot salt baths and surf bathing. Sea foods a spe cialty. Walks, drives and boating. DAN J. MOORE, Prop m USE A 5W ? PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove Because it's clean. Because it's economical Because it saves time. Because it gives best cooking results. Because its flame, can be regulated instantly. Because it will not over heat your kitchen. Because it is better than the coal or wood stove. Because it's the only oil stove made with a useful Cabinet 'Top like the modern -steel ron era aC 71 . 14 m 1 or write our nearest agency, iviaae in three sizes. Sold with or without Cabinet Top. ill D The - cannot be equaled for its bright and steady light, simple construction and absolute safety. Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. An ornament to any room, whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Writ to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. 9 STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated)