Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 07, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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    13 1 .
A'RC I . - . - ' ' ' - - ss
. . ..v..n,. i - oall I FOB BALE. I OTCT wivrvn m... f 1
' I I I JlJtrr WASTED MALE. I F!. IVAVTFn Mil v ar yfxtatv f
SMALL farm. 24 miles from Portland. 14 to Rood Town. 9 acres all cultivated,
4-room house and barn, chicken-houses. 1
acre in strawberries. 500 rhubarb plants,
small fruit, etc. X adjoins school; soil very
best; 1 i miles from Willamette River;
1 cow, 2. chickens, farming implements;
Price fl'OoO. terms.
Another. 13 miles from the city; 20
acrt-s, 10 In cultivation; balance willows,
easily cleared; 112 fruit trees; one-third
cherries, apples and pears; near trees tull
bearing.; lair house of 2 rooms; $330O
terms. ,
Bio Lumber Kxchanxe Bldg., 2d and Stark.
40 ACRES, about half under cultivation;
good house, barn and orchard; first-class
jrraded school on the place; general mer
chandise store near bv. Onlv a short
distance to the O. W. P. railway; a few
miles beyond Gresham. The Mt. Hood
railway is already graded through the
tract, and will have a station on the land.
Has R. K. r. ami telephone service. Just
rlKht for subdividing. Price, $12,040. Easy
317 Worcester bldg.
"VF3 HAVE 30 acres of fine Hood River
apple land, cleared, ready for planting,
that the owner is obliged to-eacrif ice. This
can be bought thi week for one-fourth
of actual value. THIS IS A GREAT BIG
Suite 420 Swetland Building.
See us at once for these rapidly ad
. vancing tracts. 1
821 Board of Trade Bldg.
2H AND 5-acre tracts, just outside city lim
it p. on Barr road, all under cultivation;
$400 per acre; terms.
" - 230 Stark St.
10 acres, close in, suitable for subdivid
ing, jsf.a per acre. Easy terms.
317 Worcester bldg.
20 acres, close to city, on O. W. P.
carllne; running water, no gravel; a good
buy. Vanduyn & Walton, 013 Chamber
of Commerce.
TWO acres. 25 minutes from Morrison
Bridge. High and sightly, near carllne.
Just the place for a suburban home.
Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR sale cheap by owner. 3 acres. In
quire 5 blocks south of Kerrigan Station;
take Estacada car.
WE have some attractive buys In Portland
acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board of
Trade bids.
PLATTING fruit and berry land; $75, worth
$200 acre. c 12S. Oregonian.
heavily timbered locality; claims near
good stream, county road, store, post off, re
and telephone ; timber not heavy but
young, green and growing; straight filings
can be made immediately; location fee
$3 M) each. A. W. Nelson & Co., Lafayette
Mug., cor. 6th and Washington
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattl.
Chamber of Commerce,
82Q ACRES finest quality timber, contains
23 million feet; good location, one mile
to driva ble stream ; will sll at bargain
If taken quick; cruise by 40s; buyers
only. Apply 208 Lumbermans bldg.
BY OWNER 000 acres of timber and coal
land on tidewater on Coquille River, Coos
County. Address Box 179, Myrtlo Point.
VB headquarters tor timber ana lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Xlnnev fc
Starnpher. 531-S2 Lumber Ex?nange bldg
TIMBER LANDS, $2.50 per acre; I locate,
you purchase; also some Government
claims. 210 Worcester bldg.
WE have a few cl.iims oren for location.
Inquire at once, 20S Lumbermen's bldg.
TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishment.
CAN locate you on 320 acres fine ground
near my homestead. Eastern Oregon, close
to new town, good water, deep, rich soil;
nenr forest ret r e and Ry right of wav;
tine community ; store. P. O.. sawmill.
Alvin S. Hawk, printer, SS 4 Third st.
COM E of the best land In Oregon le open to
homestead entry; will locate you for $150:
RUisiacuon guaranteed or you need not
pay. Y 140, Oregonian.
HO ME ST El A D rel Inqutehment, 7.500,000 feet
yellow Mr, 6 miles from village, good road
an tall hoi ise and barn ; price $2000. 61 7
Board of Trade bldg.
IMPROVE th'.s opportunity of homesteadlng
5 Ho acres pood wheat land under new ruling
Inquire Embody v Bradley Co. 615 Lum
bermen's bUIg. Phone Main or A 31M5
HAVE a f?w homesteads, will locate you
for $75. Apply at once. AH 147, Orego
nian. 8 HOMESTEADS. Joining, near Portland;
locating fee $1 per acre. Room 14, Mul
koy bldg.. 2d and Morrison.
404 acres in Lincoln Countv; best dairy
country in the state; 4 miles from rail
road on fine rond; about 150 acres level
land, balance roiling; lots of outrange; has
house, 2 barn., good young orchard, fenced
and cross-fenced: water by 2 running
streams. Cme in and let us tell you
about it. Am going down there Wednes
day morning. Come and go along. Price
5-'m0; come terms. Room S01, 2S6 Wash
ington st.
60 ACHES at White Salmon, with fine big
spring for Irrigation; best of fruit
sui protected from cold winds; gets all
the sun and has royal view of Columbia
Kiver and towns of White Salmon, Hood
River and Mnsier; two miles from North
Bank road. This is a snap at $4800, half
cash. A
832 Chamber of Commerce.
IrtO acre ttrj level). 2o acres cultivated,
20 saw timber, running water, orchard; all
fenced; 8-room house, large barn, etc.; les
than mile to school and P. O... 12 miles to
R, R. ; price $2100. Lincoln County.)
821 Hoard of Trade Bldg.
YOUR opportunity while the laggard waits.
FOR SALE 10 acres on Oregon Electric line,
10 miles from Portland, all cultivated; 1000
Burba nk phenomenal berry bushes bearing.
350 young choice apple trees, ft-room houe-e.
barn, chicken-house, brick root-houee. well
and running water Irrigating plant. Price,
See owner, H. Young, 132 3d ft
Phone Main 1314. A 1314.
FOR SALE A 160-acre dairy ranch In Til
lamook county. Oregon; lo acres meadow,
Sft acres open pasture, will carry 10 cows
now: one mile to cheese factory. mile
to school, l - miles from Nestucca Bav
and Ocean Beach; $1,100 cash. Inquire of
W. A. Makir.ster, Tillamook. Or.
S0O ACUKS dairy and fruit farm ; best In
t he cou n t ry , 4 miles from ra i 1 road tow n .
on fine level road; haa 2 ?-ts of buildings,
fenced and crcs-fcnced, good sixed stream
runs through the place; about $1500 worth
of .Mock and machinery goes with this.
?4Mo take it; some terms. Room 3ol
2 Mi Washington st.
$ 1 5 -0 A S N A P $ 1 SO 0.
Chicken ranch. cloe in; 4o chickens, 100
duck, horse, wagon and all buildings' and
lmpments nec -ary for such; terms. J.
Walker. 1S3 Third.
FOR SALE 1000 acres Coos Countv. agri
cultural and grazing h!ll land, especially
adapted to orchard; per acre, $15. C. R.
Wade, Baiidon, Or.
400-ACRE farm: 80 acres cleared, 320 acres
oak wood ; will cut 75O0 cords; tine or
chard land when cleared. Perrvdale. Or
$9000. C 135, Oregonian. " '
FOR SALE Well Improved farm 144 acres
7T. acres under cultivation, 20 acres beaver
dam. 914.500. Louis Bechtel. Salem. Or.
FOR SALE by owner. 20 acree of fruit or
berry land. 1 rot'e from Estacada, Or. Price
$50 per acre. W. F. Cary.
BB:nD for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying: lands hown free.
Olm stead Land Co., Sal am. Or.
BAH G A I N S I m proved and unimproved
Cowltta County farm lands. Barnard & c.
Ka'.ama. Wash.
SPECIAL offer Will eell I AO-acre farm arrt
t.-k, on ea?y Call and eee us. 733
Marque tn tl-.g.. Portland. Or.
FOR PAI-E Willamette Valley farms, well
Improved. $2 to $50 per acre. 102 Second
at., near Morrison.
0 ACRES; 2 elear, lots of wood and piling
good soil; flfioo: terms. Thoa H Black
stone. Ridgefield. Wash.
ALL rod onea. ee us. rutluznbia Trust Co.
Koard of Trad bldx.
' No. 1 40 acres level land, unimproved, 4
miles south of Gresham, at $to per acre.
No. 2 40 acres, 7 miles from Gresham,
10 acres cleared, good buildings, fine soil,
good location; price $5000.
No. 340 acres, near station on O. W.
P., good house and barn; about 15 acres
cleared, good soil, lays One; price $4000.
No. 4 40 acres, near Anderson station,
. 30 acres in cultivation, fair buildings;
price $4500.
Jo. 5 40 acres, near Hogan Station;
new houso and barn. 8 acres cleared ;
price $4ooo.
No. G 40 acres, unimproved, about 1
xnilo from Sycamore Station; price $4000.
No. 7 20 acres, near'TJresham; 12 acres
In cultivation, good new buildings, run
ning water : price $45iO.
No. is 160 acres, 50 acres In crop',
good buildings, running water, lays fine
for dividing in 40-acre tracts. Thle Is a
bargain at $02.50 per acre.
We have from 1 to 10-acre tracts near
320 acres. 1 mile from a good town and
railroad, Yamhill County, all level and
slightly rolling, on 2 good county roads,
good uarn and fair house, nice stream of
water; 200 acres cleared, 60 acres bottom
land, balance oak grubs, $35 per acre;
would be cheap al $ti0.
640 acres. 6 miles from same town on
level road, 200 acres fine meadow, large
stream running through the place; 200
acres heavy timber, cruises 10,000,000; bal
ance small fir; $17.50 per acre
200 acres, 5 miles from town, on good
road; 140 acres cleared, 20 acres In alfal
fa, CO acres grain, balance open pasture
and oak grubs; unexcelled for fruit, Eng
lish walnuts and alfalfa; new wire fence;
W23 Board of Trade.
$40 per acre, Yamhill County, 1003
acres, ait fenced. 20O plowed. 250 ready
for plow and 250 more slashed and
seeded, balance mostly oak timber; '20,000
feet tiling laid, plenty of running water,
many springs, excellent soil; new modern
14-room plastered dwelling, with hot and
cold water upstairs and down; 52x70 horse
barn, water piped. 4 largo stock barns
and other outbuildings, good locality, an
Ideal and up-to-date place.
$3500 for 44 acres, iiO cleared, well
watered, fenced, family orchard, good
soil, fair house, new barn, nicely located,
near Forest Grove, Washi-igton County.
Many other places at cheapest prices on
the market. Call and let us take you to
Bee them.
431 Lumber Exchange Bldg1..
Portland, Or.
If when you reach BO you have a house
and lot worth $4000. and your Income
slops, wWat are you going to do?
If you invest $4000 on easy terms in one
of our 10-acre tracts, you will have a
home in one of the most pleasant spots
in the Willamette Valley, besides suffi
cient Income to keep you as lone as you
live. .
Whlch do you choose? Come and tell us
about It.
252 Alder St., Portland.
Phone Main 1274.
4K5 acres, 10 miles from this city, 400
acres under cultivation, 6-room house, 2
large barns, stone dairy house, fine living
stream through dairy house, M mile from
country town with church, school, store,
etc., family orchard of assorted fruits in
full bearing, place fenced, living stream,
40 head of milch cows, 40 head voung
stock, IS head of horses, some hogs. 2
buggies. 3 lumber wagons, 5 plows, 2 har
rows, 1 seeder, 2 mowers, cultivator, cream
eeparator, all small tools, hay and grain,
chickens, turkeys, gsese and ducks, and
articles too numerous to mention. This is
absolutely one of the best dairy ranches
for the money on the Coast today. Price
only $27,000, cash, balance to suit.
Citizens Nat. Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, Wash.
9 acres 10-year-old apples best varieties
8 acres 2-year-old Yellow Newtowns.
5 acres ready for planting.
Pears, peaches, cherries, plums, berries,
etc., for family use.
6 acres meadow, running creek.
Good house. barn and outbuildings.
Close to school and store.
Rural delivery and telephone.
This is the best buy in the best fruit
district In the world.
Owner must raise money and will sac
rifice this, and on terms that any one can
W. M. CONKL1N & CO.. Inc.
407 Wells-Fargo Bldg.
60 acres. Washington County, Oregon:
34 acres cleared. 5 acres in hops, 4-room
house, barn, hophouse. running water 4U
acres brush and timber easily cleared -800,000
feet of timber, which we will buv
at $1 per M. and cut ourselves; includes
team, wagon, harness, 7 head cattle, is
goats, plenty tools; all well fenced; $5000;
terms. T '
200-204 Chamber of Commerce."
See Mr. McClennon.
FOR SALE Santa Rosa and Sonoma Coun
ty, Luther Burbank's home, invite home
seekers. No droughts, no floods, no irri
gation, no malaria. We are sui-dividlng
three tracts near this city into Tacre lots
or more., Also a large list of improved
and unimproved properties. Call or write
63S Market st., San Francisco
If you are Interested in the fertile bot
tom lands of this section. see us
-12-213 Commercial Club Bldg ,
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
WE have just received a car of horses and
mares among these are 15 head of horses
weighing from 1300 to 1G0O pounds, ages
trom u to 10 years; Borne well mated
young teams suitable for any kind of
heavy work; these horses will all be
given a thorough trial, and guaranteed to
be just a?j represented.
11th and Jefferson.
. One fine road home, stanhope and harnesa.
One nice pony, gentle for children.
Two sets' light single harness.
Two sets light double harness.
One light road buggy. Connolly make.
One business top buggy.
One heavy work harness.
, Phone East 3738.
WHY buy a aecond-hand vehiclo when we
can sell you a new vehicle at about the
same price as you would pay for an old
one? We are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagons
and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
S22 Hawthorne Av.
FOR SALE Team and Pain wagon. 1 eteei
axle, about new; horses 3 and 4 years old.
bay and sorrel, 1100 and 1200, -at N. Cedar
and Lincoln ave.. East Side, one block eaat
and 2 north of Firland station, on O. W. P.,
at O. H. Joy's. A. J. Gibson.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes. day week or
month. Phones tnst 72, B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave.
ST LISH, guaranteed sound, gentle mare,
suitable for lady; also- rubber tire runa
bout, harness, etc.; swell outfit. R 13S.
ONE sound farm team, weight 1100, for $200
a!o two young delivery horses cheap A b'
Kirkley, Duther station, on Gresham car
SHETLAND pony and buggy for children for
less than value of rig. Phone C 2i46 or
B 144. Oregonian.
FOR SALE A good horse, weight 1050;
take Montavtlla car. get oft Windmill Sta ,
2 blocks north. 13S3 East Irving st
HORSE and 3 ponies, 2 spring wagons
harness. Two blocks south of E. 17th st.
and Holgate.
WE want to hire team of strong work
horses for one year. Fotter-Chapin Realty
Co.. 514 Coibett Bldg.
FOR PALE Ten young draft horses 1450
to 170O. 240 Russell st. E. 152.
HUBERT HALL; 3S0 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
HORSES and mares for sale. Roe City
Stables, llth and Jefferson. M 330O.
BARGAIN $250 rubber-tired carriage; good
condition. $100. 475 10th st.
SMALL team, wagon and harness for sale.
kjkx Uh. ma ana 111
HorncH, Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE Matched span black Percheron
mares, 3 and 4 years old; kind and gentle
to work; the 4-year-old is suckling a fine
black Percheron colt worth S100; price
of the mares and colt $500. P. L. Ken
nedy, Wood burn. Or.
FINE upright piano for sale or trade, at
; C. O. Peck's warehouse, 2d and Pine ats.
AN 134. Oregonian.
Forty horse-power, 4-passenger Thomas
at a real bargain for cash; newly painted
and In first-class condition ; extra tires.
J. A. Randall, .315 Oregonian bldg
$S5 WINDSOR combination folding bed desk,
bookcase, wardrobe and full-length dressing
mirror, all in one piece, for $37. SO; common
folding beds, $5; good iron bed, $2; ward
robe box co ich, $7; sanitary davenport with
mattress, $S.5o; hardwood dressere. $7.50
and up to $25; Jewel gas range, $10; good
No. 8 cook stove. $7.50; house laundrv
stove with water coil attachment. $6.50;
hardwood extension table. $4.50; six solid
oak dining chairs, $5.40; library table, $3.75;
porch chairs and rockere, $1.50 and up to
$4.50; genuine weathered oak china closet,
$16; Flemish oak sideboard. $10; old-fashioned
black walnut sideboard, $7.50. We
have a large stock of all kinda of new and
fine second-hand household furnishings of
best claefl. if you want to furnish up your
house with good material, call and get our
prices first. Tenu? and campers" outfits
' complete at way down prices. Western Sal
vage Co., 627-635 Washington St.. corner of
20th st. Main 1108, A 3793. McGrath &
Girvan. proprietors.
35 standard makes, drop-head machines,
all in good order, that we are going to
close out regardless of price; also 1O0
. box-top machines at your own price; do
not miss this opportunity to get a good
machine cheap, as we have got to sell
to make room 'or a carload. This week
only. Machines rented and repaired
White Sewing Machine Store, H. D. Jones,
proprietor, 420 Washington st.
FOR SALE Finest houseboat on the Pa
cific Coast, containing 14 rooms, bath
room, lavatories, hot and cold water In
. each room. Thoroughly seaworthy. Also
one launch 36 ft. long; one launch-house;
one launch 25 ft. long and launch-house;
one floating swimming tank. For sale to
gether or separately. Apply F. S. Morris,
room 6, Chamber of Commerce.
TYPEWRITERS at your own price; we ire
the exchange for the largest typewriter
company on the Coast, and our machines
must be sold; we can supply you at whole
sale prices; if you want to see a large as
sortment call on the Typewriter Exchange,
Portland ?rthCh!ld bW'' 287 WaBh- BtT
ANYTHING In the iron or kindred lines.
Eighth, Glisan and Hoyt Sts.
The House of a Million Bargains.
l Independent reels each week; pic
tures that will get you the dollars at
pric?to suit your purse. Write or call
115 12th St., Portland. '
63 W. 2d South, Salt Lake.
XJNOSBTJRY. largest size, good tone,
, : aether, walnut. $135; a fine Pease,
splendid condition, $180; a Howard, $148;
and a R . M. Bent upright, oak case, good
tone. $0; cash, or little payments. Eilers
Piano House, Washington and Eighth
(Park) streets.
25 FIRST-CLASS dairy cows, giving 5 and 6
gallons per day; some be fresh soon; also
beef cows. Woodstock car to Kenilworth
station, south 2 blocks. Phone iiellwood
GOLDEN silver and Chinese pheasants,
wPJ P10118- parrots, fancy and singing
birds, imported Japanese spaniels ferrets,
black Angora cat. Portland Bird Co.. 91
Union ave. Phone East 6391.
PI?-CirdVd In BOO-cord lots, at Southern
Pacific Jcfferson-st., or Oregon Electric
5?Prf3- .;f Iron & Steel Co., 339
Sherlock bldg. '
DO YOU want supplies or rent filmT We
are independent, do not belong to the
TYPEWRITERS, an makes. 20 to $60. fully
guaranteed, easy payment.: rentals. 3
2CT I2Sntht Paciflc StjUKmery & p
SAFES 20 second-hand safes that have
been taken In exchange; low prices, cash
or easy terms.
DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 66 3d St.
?, SALE A first-class loe cream plant,
doing an excellent business. For par
ticulars address 209. S. W. Temola r
Salt Lake City. Utah. lempla st..
,9j,i,h- Ind'an motor cycles. 1909
Sio n Pt fraPle-'"'lth magnetos; run
?I! . In,1.u're St. Charles Hotel Irom
10 A. M. to 12 M.
ALE One wood-turnlns lathe, also
25,af4MnB Pulle"3 and belting. Inquire
4.i0 Flanders St.. bet. 10th and llth sts.
LAt"?CHr2 ",t'J10 p- od condition, at
rail cost; whl demonstrate. Address 734 B
th st. Phone Sellwood 601.
FnSAI;Er"Be!,t dry, 4 ft" flr and "a"
a,1 lowest market prices. Hoover.
31 J Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 0445.
service that wins. Stere
optlcon slides, supplies. 105 4th st.
NEW Are-proof safe; new single buggy har
nots hand-made, rubber-trimmed f large
roll-top desk and chair. 384 Pacific st. .
CHEAP for cash, good German philosophical
books, also a lot of fine music for piano
Address Alphons Quaedolieg, 204 Madison.
TA.D?M bicycle, nearly new. - ?23.AppIy
Monday. 72 6th st. -vpy
MUST SELL fine furniture of five rooms
at a sacrifice. 128 ISth. near Washington
KITCHEN stove. 4-hole: good baker In
good condition. 72 6th St. '
BOX. planer and cord wood in any ouantl
ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315, B 1695.
yi.SEBoda fountain, glassholdcra, spoons, etc
33 North Third.
BED - spring. In good- condition; will sell
cheap. 72 6th st.
F?rtHAW f?rr "f1"-?,' 724 Theran at.. Mans
field Add., Montaviila.
FOR SALE Fresh milk cow.-Phone Tabor 88.
HAVE fine opening for young man; services
and small capital required Call -o
Abington bldg. l-a" 503
WANTED First-claa, wire and iron work
lion KV0ork1'5e,," APP'y PortIanl Wire &
SUBSCRIPTION solicitor for Bonville's
Western Monthly; good money. Call 4"4
Marquam bldg.
LIVE advertising solicitors; big monev for
results. Call mornings.' IA ir"Ua
WANTED First-class insurance man. Ad
BiTtralo I5Jei5atlollal Automobile League.
WANTED By Frank Schmltt & Co East
8th and Yamhill, one first-class sash ma
chine hand.
BOY 15 or 16 years to deliver letters and
work in office. Address P. O. drawer 7?7
Portland. Or.
WAi?7E,7"A-I"'er .at the Hotel Ramapo.
14th and Washington.
WA?FD S.m1 to dlsIa of homestead
locations. 520 Swetland bldg.
WE secure position for our
Special membership, Y. M. c.
BENCH HANDS wanted, Oregon Planin
Mill. 19th and Vaughn. r ,nu"
PHOTO coupon agents, new offer. Call Davis
Hayes. Studio. 342 Washington st.
BAKER'S helper wanted, light work Write
to August Specht. Gresham, Or.
"WANTED A first-class meat-cutter at Jones'
Meat Market. J51 4th st.
FIRST -CLASS salesman: compensation
large. 215 Commercial bldg.
SODA DISPENSER wanted. The Bon
bonlere. 332 Washington st.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. LoraiL 164 2d Main 5500
WANTED Photograph coupon agents- best
offer on Coast. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
UPHOLSTERER wanted. Apply Carmen Man
ufacturlns Co.. lSlh and Upshur sta.
' i 1 i . i i. r- n rr.i vr u a i h .
ae7ar'cmenets.PerlenCed "aleapeople in all
Alteration hands for the cloak- work
rooms. Experienced packers In the shipping de-
iAn.dyounB Iad'e over 16 for the wrap
pingdepartment. v
WAT, ,Ilv8 reaI ate salesmen for
J,? ayd'ylslon; most liberal contract is
sued In the city; salesmen are malting
J,r,m, Z'9?, to 1000 a month. If yu are
J ,C1"" "Blth the "rork- come and
anv "onFJli, American Trust Com
pany, 2K-204 Chamber of Commerce. See
P. E. Clelanil Pall v, -. n . . . . .
- v uuu ax A. JU.
panLs0:0? .r- the "argest trust com
Pla rSS... kB Coast want a 'ew h'K
JS. "Putab e salesmen. If you are a
makw"aitoeIIVewlre raan ai"omed to
?Pf ,Lf d' you wi" have one ot the
the rJl??C,em you ver had wlth ona of
in ,ha -S? and. mo,t substantial houses
In the West. AK 133, Oregonian.
POSITIONS for graduates last year;
mhfanJ?-.0me5 ,to learn barber trade In
Ji,,.7L eks: nelp to "ocure positions;
rraduates corn from $15 to 125 weekly
oSPf,rt intriitor: tools free write fr
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges.
So North 4th Bt.. Portland, Or. ""'s
HA,hlYi5 SECRE? SERVICE wants con
stables or marshals to represent them In
f5 ,w rc"Peotive counties in every county
i",itetl States; write for propo
i2 iiA'ey,s Seret Service. 1920 Mont
rose st.. Cincinnati. Ohio.
WANTED Partner for real estate business
no experience necessary and very little
mfl?y reclu'red: can make $150 to $200
ti.i i,er,.mo.nth- Cal1 thls morning. Na
tional Realty & Trust Co.. 32014 Washing
ton st.. room 516.
Corporation just organized desires the
f.tV.8 .ot .wf '-appearing man with some
1 to.take active interest; enormous
profits, references required. AD 43, Ore-
, C. R. HaNSRN. JR.,
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1526.
Help free to employeraj--
Wanter. honest man with wagon; troupe,
sell tickets; good salary; 4t0 cash re
quired; experiance not required; security:
reference. Apply 508 Abington bldg
WANTED First-class - pastry cook and
short-order cook; must be experienced:
also Japanese dish washer; wages 143.
f. and 30, room and board. Phone
Hood River 51.
WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the
leading nurseries of the Northwest. Large
stock; choice territory; commission paid
weekly. If you are a hustler and can ball.
v.r,ite us. Albany Nurseries. Albany. Or.
WANTED Internal revels officers Ind
r.iilway mall clerks; examinations soon;
fine opportunity to Join the service; see
us at once for preparation. Gastonguay.
o27 Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED A gentleman who Is an ex
perienced chiropodist who can take charge
?ir a, offlce- For particulars call
Washington St.. near 17th.
ANTED First-class buttermaker. Steady
position. Must take 5l0 or 60O of stock
to be redeemed after six month. Ad
drees AH 143. Oregonian. "
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, permanent
position with good salary and advance
ment for competent man. Commercial Ab
stract Co.. 40S Commercial Club
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postofflce
clerks, carriers; examinations in Portland
soon; preparation free. Franklin Institute.
Dept. 333-B. Rochester. N. Y.
MAN and wife wanted for work on ranch
man must be hustler and willing to do all
kinds of work; couple without children
preferred. X 121. Oregonian.
SALESMEN Experienced; I have a staple
easy eeUing line; samples light; commis
Blon. Write me. F. W. Main, 78. Iowa
City, Iowa. s
WANTED An experienced room clerk for
nigiii ciera position; must have knowledge
of front office bookkeeping. Nortonia
WrANTED Man with some money, capable
taking charge of showcase dept In large
f.?1, fcrow,inK factory; state all first letter.
W 140. Oregonian.
A GOOD opportunity for A-l mlllrlght man
with some money In well established busi
ness; state all In first letter. S 145 Ore
gonian. '
WANTED A-l cabinet-makers, sash and
door men. with some money. In large
plant, a good opportunity to right parties
state all in first letter. S 143. Oregonian!
WANTED Young man for position as as
sistant bookkeeper In wholesale house;
give particulars as to experience, asa and
salary expected. L 142, Oregonian.
ATTENTION Here's an opening, does not
require experience; references and small
capital. Call 32014 Washington st.. room
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, three
publications; contracts cached dally. Bene
dictine Press. Goodnough bldg.
GENERAL merchandise salesman, exper
ienced young man. Commercial Ab
stract Co.. 408 Commercial Club.
State manager to represent mfg. corporation
exclusive contract. Address M. Meagher'
1605 Gough st., San Francisco.
WANTED Strong young man as helper to
baker. Apply pastry chef, Nortonia Ho
tel. T-
WANTED A good cashier; must be ex
perienced. Apply room 817 Board of
Trade bldg., between 2 and 3 P. M. today
WANTED A young man as assistant book
keeper and stenographer, wholesale house.
M 144, Oregonian. State age and salary.
LARGE boy. willing to work and make him
self useful. Lion Clothiers. 166-170
Third St.
WANTED -First-class barber at 112 4th nt.
BLANKET-WE A VERS wanted by Oregon
City Woolen Mills. Oregon City.
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 893.
- arood teachers for Sept. 614 Swetland bldg.
I ' '- ' ' . . - I 1 hl)K RKXT.
Vaudeville company going on the road,
would consider a few amateurs; give
phone number. T 141. Oregonian.
WANTED Lady or gentleman. partner in
eomethlng new; big money-getter; small
capital required. 241 Vj First St., Schade
bldg.. office C.
WANTED Marker: must be experienced; also
. mangle girl. U. S. Laundry CoT, Grand
ave and East Salmon at.
FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. l per
month to beginners. 462 Morrison.
W ants experienced salespeople In
Alteration hands for the cloak work
rooms. Experienced packer In the shipping department-
And young ladles over 16 for the wrap
ping department.
ALTERATION Oilman and fitter wanted to
take charge of workroom, fit women's
suits and coats; only first-class need ap
ply; good reference required. Address
-eo- J- Wolff, Aberdeen. Wash.
S43tt Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help' supplied free to employers.
WANTED A lady who Is an experienced
chiropodist, who can take charge of an
office. For particulars call 5264 Wash
ington, near 17ih.
WANTED Girl for general housework: must
be good cook; good wages; three in famllv;
no children; modern 7-room house. 800
Northrup St., corner 24th.
A THOROUGHLY competent ladv cashier;
enclose references as . to capability and
.character and mention accustomed salary.
AB 139, Oregonian.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework; good, wages. 161 14th St., cor.
GIRL or woman to go iwith small -family to
mountains, the last of June; must be good
bread maker. Tabor 58S.
YOUNG girl to aeElst with housework; 2 In
family. 408 North 32d St.. Willamette
PIRST-CLASS body machine ircner. wages
1.7o a day to the right party. Vancouver
bteam Laundry, Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth
cblld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
AT ONCE 50 sales people and 10 cash
?,,rlsV, APP'y Msr. Golden F.agle, 3d and
A GIRL for cooking and general houses
. work, small family of adults, good wages.
Call mornings. 770 Overton, near 23d st.
GIRL for general housework, small family,
no children. Main 3124 or A 3124. 64 N
20th st.
84314 Washington st. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house"
work, small family; good wages. 495 East
Davis st.
GIRLS, 16 to 18 yearn of age. to work In
factory. Apply at once. Amea-Harris-Na-vllle
Co- 5th and Davla sta.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
82614 Washington st.. Room 307.
Main 8So6, or A 3266.
WANTED Good cook and housekeeper for
small family; good wages. Apply at Silver
field Co,, 4th and Morrison, afternoon.
GIRLS -wanted. St. Helens, Or.. Steam
Laundry; good wages and steady employ
ment. '
WOMAN for housework, small famllv, plaln
cooking, no washing. 695 East Ash. cor.
15th st.
WANTED A second girl at the Norton
Hotel, cor. of Morrison and 12th sts.
WANTED A dining-room girl, at 163 12th
and Morrison sts.
WANTED Waitress; good wages. Apply
352 Alder St.. cor Park.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 186 East 16th. Phono East 2O07.
CHAMBERMAID, willing to assist 6PM
dinner. 225 llth st.
SECOND girl for family, wages $20 141
North 3 8th. cor. Hoyt.
WANTED A competent cook; good wages
Apply 721 Flanders st.
PRACTICAL nurse wanted, 804 Haight ave..
near Failing.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
710 Flanders st.
WANTED Sklrtmakers and finishers. Ache
son Cloak & Suit Co.
GIRL to assist general housework; small
family. 335 East 21st north. East .1702.
GIRL for general housework. Call this
afternoon, 867 Lovejoy st.
GIRL for general housework In small fam
ily. 321 East Sixteenth North.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
small family. Phone Main 1268.
EXPERIENCED girl, general housework; no
washing; references. 633 Kearney st.
WOMAN to work In kitchen, delicatessen
1E3 Third. Steady -work.
WANTED An experienced cook for small
family. 474 Market, cor. 14th st.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. 2fif North 22d st. Phone Main 8665.
WAITRESSES wanted. 120 4th at. Palace
GIRL to do housework; small family. 78014
Kearney st.
WANTED A kindergarten teacher. Apply
mornings before July 1. J09 Caruthers st.
EXPERIENCED dishwasher. 343 Morrison.
EXPERIENCED waitress. 343 Morrison st.
2 WAITRESSES wanted at Hobart Curtis.
Apply to
becond and Columbia.
RESOURCEFUL, self-reliant woman, over
-o. to travel part of the time; good propo
sition to the right person. E 120. Ore
Bookkeepers and Clerks
TIMEKEEPER and bookkeeper, American. 23
years old, with four years' experience in
factory and construction work. Will go any
where In U. S. Best of references; at
present employed. Salary expected $75 per
month. For interview address I 131, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT business man would like
employment at once; 20 years' experience
general merchandise; bonds if required;
will take any honorable position. Wood
lawn 909. or O 140. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeper, 10 years' ex
perience accounting, wishes to make
change; best references. AG 136, Ore
gonian. JOB &r.d piece work, by expert architectural
- and mechanical draftsman. Prices very
reasonable. AN 135. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted Male etenosranhor
wishes work In city; references. Address
T 146. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED, sober German gardener,
can take Cfire of horses and be generally
useful. Can give reference, country or
city. B 139. Oregonian.
STEADY, reliable man wants janitor's place;
iimmeui no cnnuren; recommended. 2
150, Oregonian.
COOK and wife for second work, or any
wuier position in private lamily; excellent
references. N 151. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by competent young
jiiuii pianist. isiciteioaian preferred. C
136, Oregonian.
FARM HAND, single rpan, experienced, wants
sober and reliable. K 151, Oregonian.
AN attorney of experience wants a position In
in . iiii. jr ioo. wregonian.
YOUNG Dane. 23 years old. wishes position as
Janitor. S 140, Oregonian.
ALL kinds of cement work, plaster and
brick work. 64714 1st st. Main 9312.
JAPANESE boy wants a Job at general
housework. AL 160. Oregonian.
RELIABLE young man wishes position with
.wiuiesaie nouse. h 14S, oregonian.
CARPETS cleaned, relald, made over, wall
tinting, inside painting. East 6312.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
COMPETENT lady bookkeeper wants extra
work; accounts opened and expertlng. R
127, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices
Mrs. Angeles. 3264 Wash. St., room 216.
GIRL wishes housework with a famllv that
is itoing to the beach; is a good cook. 035
Savier st., cor. of 16th. -
EXPERIENCED nur3e has private room, best
care, modern, reasonable, healthy high lo
cality. Phone Tabor 951.
MRS. J. W. BUTLER, colored. graduate
nurse. Phone Main 2651. 388 Everett et.
A LADY with 4-year-old child desires posi
tion as housekeeper with elderly pecple. M
143, Oregonian. .
JAPANESE woman desires position as cook
in family (.no baby. Phone A I860.
LACE curtains beautifully laundered; fine
sun drying, grass bleaching facilities.
Tabor 1530.
LADY with 6 years' experience would like
to take charge of rooming-house. 226
Grant st. Main 5041.
EXPERIENCED woman wants washing.
Ironing, cleaning; good worker. Main 6427,
room 11.
YOUNG lady wants laundry, shirt waists
a specialty; takenin the morning and de
livered by night. Phone 1199 Main.
TWO young women want dav work 25c
hour: references. Tel. Main 3179.
LACE CURTAINS washed, grass bleached
and stretched, 40c per pair, c 2116.
COMPETENT colored woman wants day
work; references. Main 3903.
FOR A MAN with some cash means we have
a substantial exclusive business proposition
worth while for one or all the Pacific Coast
States and now is the time to make same
up. Address The Oxy-Tonlc Company. 200
Illinois et., Chicago. 111.
AGENTS WANTED The new Singer darner.
A thoroughly practical attachment for
any lock-stitch sewing machine; darns
hosiery, underwear, etc. ; easily operated,
saves time; does smooth, durable work:
big commissions, tremendous seller; need
ed in evershome. Splendid proposition
for energetic canvassers. Particulars at
Singer Sewing Machine Stores. 402 Wash
ington st.
AGENTS wanted to sell our eompleto line of
nursery stock: cash weekly: outfit free.
Capital C!;y Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
PICTURE-BOOK or portrait agents; new of
fer a winner. Cutberth. Dkum bldg.
WE WILL secure a renter for your house
free of charge. Hickman & Hlndle. 218
Lumbermens bldg., cor. 5th and Stark. Phone
Main 3799.
WANTED Three or four well-furnished
rooms, with privileges of laundry. by
young couple with baby. State full parti
culars. V 148, Oregonian.
OUR rental section la equipped for results.
If your property la vacant, try us. Struble
405 Lumbermen's bldg.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d st. North, phone Main 9272.
WANTED A canoe; must be In good condi
tion, one with sail and leeboards preferred;
reasonable price. N 141, Oregonian.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co.. or you'll get lee. Phones A
2445. Main 8851.
LAWN MOWERS sharpened, satisfaction
guaranteed. 170 N. 16th. Main 1134.
SECOND-HAND hydraulic barber chairs. 72
6th st.
WANTED All kinds of store and office
fixtures, showcases, etc- Phone Main 8458.
SPOTcash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067
THE MANTTOU. 261 13th, large furnished
rooms., hot and cold water; breakfasts.
Furnished Rooms.
RYAN HOUSE). 269H 8th; elegant furnished
rooms en suite or single, opposite City Hall.
Inquire upstairs; ring bell.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 32714
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
ROOMS for rent; everything new and clean
- 25 13th St.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to $1 oay. $2 to $4 week.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral. $3. $4, $5 per week: transient.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
THE DREW Newly furnished rooms. 162
2d., comer Morrison.
THE REX. 548'4 Washington st Modern
rooms, $10 to $12 per month, with baths.
Furnished Rooms.
THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St.. near
King; brand new. elegantly furnished;
every room has private bath; the maxi
mum o convenience and excellence the
minimum ot expense. If you want the
best In the city for the money, call and
Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde.
Everything brand new. homelike and
comfortable: rates reasonable. Free bus
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement: newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms Slo month up;, suites with
running water, $22.50 to $311; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
HOTEL ANTLERS S. W. cor. 10th and
Washington sts. New, modern cor. brick,
very nicely furnished, rooms eingle en suite
hot and cold water in rooms: private baths
Rates $1 per day and up. Mrs. Granstroml
NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, elec
tric lights, hot and cold water, elegant
bathroom, both phones free; Just the place
for persons wanting a flrst-clas3 home for
moderate expense Phone A 5280. M 5435.
Nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold
running water. 61) eta up; special rates by
the week. Commercial Hotel, 4SS Wash
ington st.
NItCELY furnished .rooms: free phons.
lights and gas. etc.: transients; call after-
. , L ana. aieiDourne. formerly of ths
AUna ml Ortonia. Call at 2 North 14th.
HOTfcjL LENOX, corner 3d and Main sts..
furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Piaza.
812 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur
nlshed; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con.
venlencea; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M 5647.
THE COZY Nicely furnished rooms, single
or double; transient or by month; one
block south of Hotel Portland. 1S5 7th st
Furnished Rooms in Prlvato Family.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room,
with bath and electric light; suitable for
one or two gentlemen. Call 445 '.1th at.
south, or phone Main 5S5.
38t PARK Lartfe front parlor, modern, faces
- ...... viurc in; gentlemen pre
ferred; between Montgomery and Harrison
CLEAN modern room, large closet, bath
attached, telephone, service; young man
mplcyed. $10 per month. 64 Ella st.
LARGE, newly furnished room, every con
venience, suitable for two; walking dis
tance. E. 6740. 453 E. Everett st
NICELY furnished room in private family;
bath, telephone: walking distance; rent
12 Phone A 2546. 12S 16th st. North.
NEWLT furnished rooms, modern conven
iences. 648 Flanders, near 16th st. Main
4Sft MARKET ST., cor. 14th. now hou,
nicely furnished room, rwalkin? distance:
suitable for one or two gentlemen.
CLEAN, neat1" furnished front room clos
ets, eteni-sc lififcts. bath. $3. 31 K. 17th
st., near Washington.
PLEASANT, n ell-furnished rooms by day
week or month; modern conveniences. Phone
A 4o06. 41 Market et.
NEWLY furnished. 7 minutes Postofflce,
cheap to permanent renter. S67 10th.
NICE room, all conveniences, walking dis
tance. 34 Glisan st.
1$3 N. 1TTH Largre. nicely furnished front
room; modern, phone; suitable for two; $K
NEWLY furnished light, airy rooms, walking
distance. 2!K$ 12th st.
CONNECTING rooms, modern conveniences,
large porch. 169 14th. Main 3893.
LARGE room, strictly private family; no
other romers; walking distance. Main 9002.
NICELY furnished front room, modern, very
reasonable. ISO iTth st., corner Yamhill.
VniurnUhea Rooms.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
413 Taylor st. Call Monday after 6 P. M.
8 UNFURNISHED rooms, also 1 front room.
furnished. 228 13th.
Rooms With Board.
Modern In every respect; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator aiid bellhcy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor
Grand and Hawthorne avea.
THE GLENDORA, I9th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, $10
per month and up; public parlor, p'lano,
pool and billiard tables free to guests -transients
solicited; excellent table board!
50 per month; single meals, 25 cents.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 1:1st year, room
with board, use jf sewing room and li
brary, 51o Flanders st.. Miss Frances N
Heath, superintendent. Woman's Ex
change. 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Brether
ton, supt.
LARGE front room, suitable for two people,
with board; $6 per week; all convenience;
also table board, $4 week: good home cook
ing. Aster House, Seventh and Madison
THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison st., famllv
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional best table board; prices mod
erate. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri
son; finest board and best rooms In' Port
land ; rates lowest ; a cc mfortable home.
THE LINDELL, 269 Market; nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonable: fine walking distance.
THE OZARK. 225 llth. Light, airy rooms
with board, hot and cold water.
ROOM S. single and en suite, modern con
veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
ROOMS with board. 389 Taylor.
Booms With Board In Private Family.
BOARD and room for two gents or-man wid
wife; modern home; five minutes' walk.
Phone M 6207.
LARGE front room for 2; good home hoard,
private; very reasonable; West Side. 751
Kearney. A 4379.
CARNIVAL visitors will tflnd pleasant rooms
with breakfast. 67 North 14th St.. be
tween Iavis and lEverett
HAVE nice large room with board, home
cooking, all conveniences. 107 16:h st., near
Flanders. Phone Main 5513.
FRONT or side room, with board; horn
cookinj?. close In. 328 6th. A 3622.
$20 COOL front room and board for two;
R91 Everett ct.
ROOMS, with or without board. 94 East
l"th, corner Washington. B 2031.
BOARD and room for two; al! home com
forts. 653 Washington st. A 1912.
THE MORTON, cor. Kins and Washington
A beautiful 4-room corner suite, f acinic
Washington st.. with all modern con
veniences; first floor; rent reasonable.
$26 team heated apartment. 4 nice little
rooms, all outside, partly furnished. Call
janitor, 454 llth, near College.
BUELL APARTMENTS, 14th and Salmon
sis. Furnished 3-room apartment, new, ele
vator, private phone.
THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment.
21st and Flanders. Nob Hill district,
every convenience. Main 7516-
THE CHETOPA, 38th and Flanders; modern
4-room unfurnished apartment. Apply jan
itor. NEW 5-room, steam-heated flat. xnodyn
conveniences; reasonable rent. W. L. Mor
gan, 503 Abington bldg.
FURNISHED 4-room apartment; immediate
possession. The Sheffield, 7th and Jeffer
son. Main 250ti.
MADISON PARK apartments. 4-room apart
ment; modem, electric elevator. Cor. Park
and Madison.
COLUMBIAN and V'.ctcrian. 3 and 4 -room
modern apartments. Uth and Columbia.
JEFFERSOXTAN, modem 2 and 8-room fur
nished apartments. $20 up. 16th-Jefferson.
THE7 DATTON. 660 Flanders, 4-room apart
ment, bath, heat, hot water, etc.. $22i