Best June Sales Here Best June Sales Here H ere Is a Millinery Sale You Cannot Afford to Miss: 200 New Summer Hats in Milans, Tuscans and chips, in mushroom, Gainsboro, and all the latest shapes. These hats were received yesterday and not one in the collection is worth less than $8.00. Trimmed in white wings, silk drapes, some in flowers in styles entirely foreign to former fashion. These hats are on display in our window and are offered for Friday and Saturday SPECIAL $4.95 You Have Never Bought Hats Like These Shapes at 69c iooo of the choicest Untrimmed Hats that we have ever offered at any price special since we have been selling milli nery. Not a hat in the lot that is not worth $1.50 to $3.50 each s q these are offered Friday at. O VC Child ren's Hats at 59c 500 Children's Hats, trimmed in a dozen pretty styles in a' . dozen pretty shapes, broad-brimmed sailors, Mexican and Milan shapes. Every one new, fresh Spring styles. Values up to $3.00 each ; special for Friday C Q and Saturday . . ,J sC ivaic v mucij 111 uiis w asn uooas oaie An opportunity to secure the choicest Wash Fabrics, of this season's styles, at a price that has never been even thought possible. Just imagine what the selling will be today when we offer 5000 yards of white Jacquard Waist ings und Suitings Regular 50c and 35c Values FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 14c sleJS'at1!0!8'. . 1 9c 5000yds. Colored Wash Goods 42 inches long, 25 ins. wide, made of 3-ply extra heavy cotton. This towel has no equal in the city. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed 33c Vests, special O Q. at ZJC Low neck, no sleeves, plain yoke or lace-trimmed. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed 50c Vests, special A Q at TOC Ladies' Ribbed Lisle 75c Union Suits : Q at OJC Ladies' Ribbed Lisle $1.25 Union Suits HQ at VOC Arnold's Batistes, Printed Batistes, Plain and Figured Voiles, in medium colors. An exceptional - assortment. Regular values 25c and 35c. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 10c YARD $1.50 Long Silk Gloves 78c Extra grade, full 16-button-length Silk Gloves, double tipped fingers, in black, white, brown, tan and all the popular shades. Worth $1.50 per pair. Friday's great selling event 78 Kayser's short silk, 2 and 3 -clasp, double tipped fingers, 50c, 75c, $1 . Newest Neckwear Reduced Friday and Saturday we have reduced every piece of Ladies' Neckwear from our 25c Linen Collars to Real Irish Yokes and Sets at $25.00. There is no exaggeration when we say that this sale offers an opportunity to secure the daintiest, newest and latest styles of the most popular, up-to-date neck wear at verv SDecial nricM. TVi. S3 kT i3C "?d lineiVfffects; Jabots, Yokes, Stocks, Croats, Lace and Embroidered Sets ? ' verytumg is being worn today bv Iadie3 f shion. A morning call would be sure to pick up the cream of these offerings. morning cau Values to 35c, special 19. Values to 75c, special 49 Values to $1.75, special. ........ 98. SALE OF NEW FACTORY SAMPLE RUGS 49c 500 Manufacturers Carpet Rug Samples, bound ready for use. Come in large variety of patterns, in Axminster, Velvet Wiltons and Tapestry' Brus sels. Can be used in many ways. 27x54 - inch Axminster s. Regular $3.50 4 1 Of values I Jy 27 x 54 - i n c h Regular $2.50 values 26x54 Tapestry Brussels. Regular $2.00 values. Velvets. ..$ 1 . 1 9 79c 75c Linoleum, special at 500 yards of the new est printed linoleums in light and dark grounds, in a large range of new designs. This quality of linoleum has always sold at 75c yard, Friday 49c JUNE WHITE SALE Undermuslins At Real Reductions JUNE WHITE SALE Undermuslins At Real Bargains The early enchantment of Summer is here; from every bush, from every sprig of blossoming flower, from river, bank and field, the magic of Summer is weaving'its spell. Portland will burst forth in all the glory of her beauty next week in gala dress of roses. No longer can you afford to dress in the sombre, dark cloths of early Spring, yet the transition to the light Linen and Rep Tailored Suits is made easy by our Friday and Saturday . Rose Carnival Sale of Rep and Linen Suits $6.50 $7.50 $10.50 $3.29 40 -in. Tailor-made Suits of the best quality Union Linen, in white, pink, light blue, reseda and tan, made with 40-in. single breasted coat, trimmed collar and cuffs. The skirt is made in newest flare style. This Suit is a great bargain at the special price of $6.50. 40-in. Tailor- made Suit of best quality Linon, in while, light blue, tan, pink and lavender.. Coat is 40 inches long with pointed skirt, strapped and stitched, single-breasted. Skirt is made in the new flare shape, plate down front, trimmed with pearl buttons. Special $7.50. 45-in. Tailor-made Suit of Imported Rep, in white, smoke, raspberry, pink, light blue and he liotrope. The coat is made 45 inches long, single breasted, with pearl but tons and semi -fitted back. The skirt is made after the newest flare model. Special at $1050. Taken' from our regular stock f highest class tai- lor-made Waists 140 White Waists of finest quality pure linen. Made with 34-rn. plaited fronts, laund'd collar and cuffs. Ultra -fashionable and most desirable Waist of today. Selling regularly at $5 Special $3.29. June Bargains That Command Your Attention Several hundred pairs of Lace Curtains, in a wide variety of selected patterns, both white and ecru, in Cluny, Renais sance, Battenberg, Marie Antoinette, Cable Net and Scotch Lace effects all greatly reduced for this sale r Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $1.25 Lace Curtains - 95 $1.50 Lace Curtains $1.09 $2.00 Lace Curtains. . . .$1.49 $2.50 Lace Curtains $1.89 $3.00 Lace Curtains $2.33 $4.00 Lace Curtains. $5.00 Lace Curtains. , $6.00 Lace Curtains. $7.50 Lace Curtains. $8.50 Lace Curtains. . Regular $10.00 Lace Curtains. Regular $15.00 Lace Curtains. ..$3.15 . .$3.89 ..$4.79 . .$5.89 . .$6.79 . .$7.95 $11.39. I vim itefcs;i 500 room sized rugs, including all standard makes, the best quality Wilton, Axminster, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels. You can find just the rug you want for any room at a great saving in this sale. Beau, tiful Oriental patterns and convent ional designs in rich colorings. Wilton Rugs, 9x12,,. . . $53.75 Wilton Rugs, 9x12... . . $47.50 Wilton Rugs, . $39.75 $35.00 Axminster Rugs .... $24.85 $35.00 Body Brus sels $25.85 $25.00 Tapestry Brussels .. $16.45 $16.50 Tapestry BVls,9xl2,$10.95 We Have Won Our Muslin Underwear Supremacy by The Approval of the Buying Public mm if 'iirMwrwMm Every article in our Muslin Underwear stock, is hon estly reduced. We are giving real bargains and the public is getting wiser every day. All we ask is a comparison of quality and prices and you'll have to buy from us. We could give uou a base of bar sains o O S"ra.HSjw3eg"- -"-' we would rather have you inspect them. The Biggest Underwear Bargains of the year. BUY NOW.